Georgia Mountain Laurel October 20

Page 27

ocial media has changed the way we live. We “share” everything from where we are to what we are eating. Instagram especially offers the ability to include our friends and followers in our everyday lives. It’s fast fun


platforms allow us to promote our towns, share really neat places we visit and just share the good things life offers. When Stefanie Cutshall purchased her building and the ones around it, she knew she wanted to add to the community in whatever way she could. Opening The Belle & Barn Company was a dream for her and it is such an incredible addition to Clayton. Located on South Church Street across from the Rabun County Courthouse in a quaint white building, Belle & Barn inspires the cowgirl in all of us.

to snap your picture to promote not just Clayton but all that makes it great. So she commissioned local artist, Diane Rush to paint a mural for all to enjoy! It is colorful, incredible and FUN! It’s postcard and Instagram perfect! In fact a few of us “Laurel ladies” gathered for a photo and yes, it is on Instagram!

Beside her store is a smaller cute building surrounded by beautiful and functional gardens where HollyBeth Organics can be found and is manufactured. Behind The Belle & Barn Company is another block building that Stefanie has plans for (just wait!!). She saw an opportunity to create a cool place

Special thanks to Stefanie Cutshall for this amazing gift to our city and (cowgirl) hats off to Diane Rush for her incredible work. We want to see your “Greetings from Clayton” photos, send them to us at or tag us (gmlaurel) on Facebook or Instagram.

October 2020 - GML


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