Unita marketing report

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the launch


the pr








Figure 1

A BRAND. A MOVEMENT A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting (Dior, 2007). Unita is a niche fragrance brand; one that empowers women through the unity of different continents. In the media today, women are represented as powerless, sexualised and inferior through the male gaze. The threat of castration connoted by the female image requires constant work if it is not to ‘burst through the world of illusion’ (Sassatelli, R. 2011). This brand aims to raise the voices of all women through the power of digital solutions, essential for the young city professional’s aged 21-35 (Figure 1+2). Unita is a brand that can for fill this. Our ideal girl is already successful but has a strong desire to help others and share this passion, through unity and empathy. With the global fragrance market rapidly increasing the European and American business have not enjoyed tremendous success over the last couple of years as these other regions are exploding (BBC Perfume Documentary, 2013) showing the market is now worth approximately $10 billion in 2014. ‘True artistry in perfumery is the marriage of notes that may juxtapose each other but become harmonious in a blend’ states Marian Bendeth. Our international female product creates fresh, natural fragrances incorporating each element of our continents with a distinctive not in every bottle to evoke unity. With our consumers social calendar at forefront of our brands ethos, Unita will release seasonally, creating a variety of scents using seasonal notes


and Limited Editions to imitate the pace and social aspects of our consumers busy, yet successful lifestyle. Unitas brand development of customer relations and loyalty are key to our brand identity; we bring trust, empathy, and empowerment in order to gain unity. We aim to achieve this through the growing digital platforms and social media such as Instagram, own website and Twitter which boasts, according to DMR, 48.7 million users (Smith, C. 2013) helping us expand our idea of female empowerment. Unita, as a consumer driven brand aims to delivers unity, empowerment and empathy through our unique international scents. Marian Bendeth also states “Fragrance speaks the loudest on a subliminal level”, (2012). This strategy works hand in hand with the gradual promotional scheme of our brand, subliminally creating Unita and subsequent fragrances into essential products. Through our initial exclusive launch parties (Figure 2) which will evolve to become a indispensable event to our consumer’s social calendar to the expansion of our brand and events; such as Unita charity events, predicted Summer 2015, ‘girl nights in’ and summer festivals the following year. I will be sharing the ideas of Kendall, T; Fashion brand merchandising (2009) applying the theory of ‘community’ within marketing. The messages established by our promotional campaigns seek to draw upon the idea of building a community and will demonstrate this by conveying our fragrance to be something you aspire to have and to share with others. This report will outline a proposed communication strategy to promote Unita into the world of digital platforms focusing on a social aspect.

Figure 2


Figure 3


Figure 4

Figure 6

Figure 5

Our predicted summer 2015 opening launch will be personal, memorable and rewarding; reflecting our brand essence. Unita wants to create an event with a long term impact. Rather than the ordinary short lived buzz, we will create an unforgettable event by using the technique of a gradual build to reinforce our consumer awareness and to compliment the brands personality; personal and intimate. By using the tactic of a soft launch, this goes hand in hand with a small niche brand that is almost anonymous. Our locations for the event need to convey this to enforce the brand aesthetics as well as a location that will appeal to a younger consumer; perhaps in a large city full of liveliness and creativeness to match their successful lifestyle. Inspired by a minimalistic approach, Unita chose to launch in the creative hub of London, Carnaby Street (Fig 3); known for unique boutiques and global brands and described as one of London’s most popular and distinctive destinations (Visit London, 2014), perfect for our customers to take a coffee or shopping break from a busy day at the office. Pop up stores are one of the latest ongoing trends to hit the marketing industry (Posner, H. 2011) and for Unita will increase consumer interest and desire as the project will only last a sort while before becoming exclusive to others, creating the de rigueur effect. The unique but contemporary style that Carnaby Street echoes will communicate to consumers the personalised touch of

Unita but shows that Unita appreciates the artistic and visual aesthetics of the culture of Carnaby street, tapping into the interest of the Generation Y consumer we appeal to. This smart/casual event is reflective of the lifestyle of our guests. Surrounded by boutiques stores such as; American Apparel, Drop dead and ELEVENPARIS, our niche brand perfectly fits in with this creative hub. Initially an empty art gallery, the small pop up store will bring a sense of personal and unique touch and tap upon our brands personality. The launch will be featured on 4 floors of the gallery, each floor reflecting the 3 key words of our brands personality; organic, personal, unity and finishing with the 4th floor; empowerment. Creating the sense of unity and empowerment through our launch party our guest list will be open to a male audience who favour our message towards females and want to voice their opinion. Our guest list will include bloggers, writers, artists and charities, a young creative hub of our consumer. Amongst the guests will be our brand ambassador; make up mogul and you tuber Michelle Phan with over 6 million YouTube subscribers she enables a connection with our target consumers. The guests will be greeted by Unitas team where they will be free to choose from organic foods, reinforcing the idea of the ‘organic floor’ and drinks provided by Background Bars, serving seasonal cocktails with a strong focus on our 5 different continents, using our


Figure 7

fragrance notes and natural ingredients

as a taste palette (Fig 5). Fragrance is processed by the most primitive part of the brain, where the immediate emotions are experienced. This writing by (Solomon & Rabolt, 2004.) describes Unitas 2nd floor, where guests will have nothing but images and scents to evoke their emotions. A large white room with images of our ideal girls from around the world will have alcoves within the walls, inspired by ‘The Art Of Scent’,(Fig 4) exhibition in New York and will be filled with our scent notes. This exhibition was used to isolate the consumer from distractions as a diffuser element will emit a puff of scent when someone is near. Hence, why these alcoves will implement Unita’s idea of personal touch; the guests will see an anonymous girl, without any idea of her background our scent from her continent will be released, triggering an emotion towards the consumer which will create a personal story for that image. The 3rd floor will use the key note launch tactic (TMW) in which Unita will use high influence speakers to not only gain media but to make the consumers feel united with the strong messages given. Our brand ambassador Michelle Phan will speak about our products benefits and innovation while we’ll invite Another magazines fashion editor Lauren Bradley; a writer specialising in fashion, fragrance, art and culture to deliver a motivational speech about women in today’s media society. A message board to write on will be placed around the gallery so guests can share their Unita experience and tell us what makes them feel empowered. The 4th floor is where the guests will create their story, working hands on with our bespoke perfumists from Millar Harris, they will create they’re ideal perfume conveying the sense of empowerment through scent, giving them an insight to the brand values. Employing the ideas of the ‘Law of Authority’ where consumers are more likely to take interest into a product if they are listening to an expert


(Cathy,2012), our perfume experts will guide our consumers by hearing their empowered stories and applying this to their bespoke perfume, using the TMW tactic of sampling, they are able to take home and share while gaining Unita’s trust. All guests before the event would have been encouraged to sign up to create an account with Unita at; Unitafragrance. com or on their Unita app (Fig 6) available on smart phones. Unita scent basket will be available on the app; inspired by Bond No.9 digital fragrance, who used QR codes within their method of advertising and only way of purchase. Guests can shop as they walk through the launch party and will be able to reserve a product to buy at the end of the night. Team members of Unita will be handing out scent strips and cards which also holds a QR code (Fig 8). This taps into the digital world and social lifestyle of our consumer’s as well as creating an individual way to interact with the brand, making the launch feel personal to the guests. When the guests scan in the code, they will be given more information about the brand, launch and fragrances and also a chance to enter a competition for our forthcoming charity event. This method is a cost effective way to strengthen the personal relationship with the consumer and extend the advertising reach (Grauschopf, 2013)

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

#empoweredbyunita Unita’s main aim for its brand is to create awareness of the way females are being represented in the media today; to do this a strong element of consumer awareness must be met. Unita will promote the sense of community to encourage the consumer to share and comment on current consumer’s experiences and personal stories in relation to the scent and charity, creating a unity. By using a social awareness PR strategy that is interactive and creative, Unita will not only appeal to the target market but also generate a strong sense of consumer awareness which can be shared. To manage the spread of information between the brand and consumer and to also provide greater media exposure to international audiences, Unita will hire PR agencies such as KCD worldwide. Specialising in PR and media productions within fashion, art and music brands, KCD will encourage Unitas creative style and sense of unity, while successfully appealing to target consumers. As Unita is a brand that supports the idea of community, Unita will use the commination strategy of word-of-mouth. Consumers often feel that word-of-mouth tends to be more reliable and trustworthy than recommendations they get through more formal marketing channels (Solomon & Rabolt, 2004). Our Instagram hashtag #empoweredbyunita and ‘share your story’ (also available the websites forum [Fig 11]), will be the promotional tool that Unita use to convey this communication method by encouraging consumers to share the empowered scent with friends to not only provide awareness but to create unity. However, all consumers need a motivation to inspire them to share their experiences and spread the word. Unita will use brand ambassador, Michelle Phan, make up mogul and you tuber as one of our biggest blogger partnership as she is someone who fits the image of our consumer and this will enable a connection with our target consumers as they will be able to relate to her.


the campaign


With over 6 million subscribers, using Celebrity endorsement such as Michelle will promote Unita’s 5 debt fragrances via her YouTube channel, reinforcing the method of word-of-mouth and also creating a sense of ‘the bandwagon’ appeal. She will share her personal story to not only her viewers but also the consumers of Unita and encourage them to comment on the video and to share with friends their thoughts of Unita and the fragrance. When they share their story Michelle will feature a viewer’s anecdote on her future video, while encouraging consumers to subscribe to Unitas website. This will promote Unita verbally, and create trust in the brand, as consumers can put their trust in friends and other Unita users. In addition, Unita will also use YouTube as a form of advertisement. The 30 second clip will be a snapshot of the brands personality; the viewer will hear ‘Unita girls’ describing their experiences while seeing them in action at previous launches and events and will be played at the beginning of videos containing our consumers interests. This employs a method of admiration, creating a strong desire for our consumer and YouTube viewers to get involved. Unita’s aspect of charity is a crucial part of the brands identity; the charity event, predicted summer 2015 will invite exclusive guests and also consumers to not only promote out product but to reward our loyal customers. Guests who have attended the launch, been featured by Michelle and have been successful in the #empoweredbyunita digital competition will be able to attend the event but also be encouraged to share and document their time with the ‘Unita girls’ and team by posting on our social and digital platforms to engage other consumers.

Figure 12



Figure 13

Marketers have embraced the internet as being an integral part of their brands promotion due the immense consumer acceptance of the internet (Kendall, T. 2009). As a brand with an international community, Unita has ensured to target all women across the globe by using digital platforms. By using social media as a key tool of promotion, it provides a personal touch to the consumers, especially consumers who could not be evolved in events such as the product launch. It also taps into the vast movement of technology, making it easier for out consumers to access around their busy lifestyles. As Unita is targeting females on a global scale, it is vital the brand adapts an accessible method of technology. In order to be interactive for international use, strong emphases of making the consumer feel as though the brand/ product events are at their door step Unita has created the digital app. This app is dedicated to their needs and likes, while tapping into the narcissistic nature of the consumer; a successful trend within todays marketing, as the digital age has led to a narcissistic consumer (Wearing, 2012). Unita will convey the method of ‘participation’, previously used in the launch of P.Diddy’s ‘Unforgivable’ fragrance. Consumers who have signed up to unitafragrance.com but cannot attend future events will be able to view the events from either the website live. The same service is available on Unita’s smart phone app, making Unita even more accessible and easy to use on the go. The QR codes given at all events unlocking information from the Unita app and website will be available for the distant consumers. The QR code will be able to be scanned from any smart phone, unlocking information about the brand, events and the scents of the fragrances. This allows a greater consumer reach and intrigue into the scents available. Additionally, the users of the app are made to feel they are having an exclusive insight into Unitas exclusive events. While being a community brand it is important that social media plays a crucial role in the promotion and advertisement for Unita.


To target our fashion conscious, socialite consumers Unita feels the most important social media platforms to use would be Instagram, Twitter and Facebook as these sites are modern and are used by our ideal girls. The twitter page will provide updates of the brand and news about future events, while Unita’s team will be able to answer any questions from consumers or be able to share their story with the hashtag #Unitafragrance. Unita’s Instagram will post images that inspire the brand scents, culture and story of our five main continents. Images will also convey Unitas essence, to communicate to consumers the brands identity. We will use Instragram (fig figure 14 15) to apply the method of the zeitgeist tactic, in which allows consumer to connect to Unita’s charity values. The hashtag #empoweredbyunita can use by consumers by simply captioning it under one of their Unita themed images which symbolizes female empowerment. Every month a winner for the best influential image gets the opportunity to attend our charity event, along with meeting the Unita team and brand ambassadors. Unitas website will contain online forums so potential and current customers of the brand can share their experiences with the product and stories. Links to our travel girl’s blogs will be available online for our consumers to read and share the experiences on Twitter or Facebook. The Facebook page will be dedicated to our charity values, showcasing our partnership with WGE (Fig 14) and what our consumers can do to help this cause. Videos will be posted demonstrating our perfumers creating Unita’s 5 different scents and how the notes we figure 15 have used have been inspired by elements of the continents. In addition to this Unita will use the marketing method of ‘tryvertising’ (Fig 16) meaning consumers are able to


try the perfume for free by requesting a sample through our Facebook page or website. This marketing method was used by Burberrys body perfume and was launched on their social media page. The page contained a ‘like-gate’, a countdown timer and an order form in which consumers had plenty of opportunities to test and request new products. This method proved successful generating huge interest in the product as well as promoting the word of mouth buzz, known to enhance sales and advertising effectiveness. Unita will employ this method to allow international consumers to engage with the product, subsequently generating word of mouth promotion. figure 15

figure 16

Through our events we hope to create lasting memories of the social movement we have created. Our primary goal lies in expanding globally to target more inferior women who can join our unity and share the word to others. By 2015, Unita will have established its own boutique fragrance lounge within each continent and put on annual charity events to increase consumer and also charity awareness. Overall Unita is a trustworthy an personal brand, bringing consumers a sense of unity and empowerment. Our plans for global growth will follow through after significant social growth in our 5 main countries. (See Appendix B)


references BBC perfume documentary, (2014). [TV programme] Cathy, (2012) Consumer Behaviour and how people are influenced. Available at: http://www.consumerpsychologist.com/intro_Consumer_Behavior.html. Last accessed: 29th May 2014. Dior, C. (2007). Dior by Dior. 1st ed. London: V & A Pub. Grauschopf, S (2013) Consumer Behaviour and how people are influenced. Available at: ontests. about.com/od/sweepstakes101. Last accessed 29th May 2014. KCD (2010). KCD Worldwide. Available at: http://www.kcdworldwide.com/. Last accessed: 1st May 2014. Kendall, G. (2009). Fashion brand merchandising. 1st ed. New York: Fairchild Books. Posner, H. (2011). Marketing fashion 1st ed. London: Laurence King Smith, C. (2013) Blogs making their impact felt. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4976276.stm. Last accessed 28th May 2014. Solomon, M & Rabolt, N (2004). Consumer Behaviour in fashion. New Jersey: Pearson Eductation, Inc Sassatelli. R. (2011). Interview with Laura Mulvey. Gender, Gaze and Technology in Film Culture Theory, Culture & Society, 28(5), pp. 123--143 TMW (2012). Key note launch tactic and sampling. Available at: http://www.tmw.co.uk/. Last accessed: 30th May 2014. Wearing, A. (2012). Consumer culture, the mobilisation of narcissistic self. Available at: http://www.academia.edu/2007230/consumer_culture_the_mobilisation_of_narcissistic_self_and_adolecent_deviant_lesiure_2012_leisure_studies. Last accessed 30th May 2014.


Beales, S (2014) PR Strategies. [Fashion Communication & Promotion, NTU] 3rd May 2014. Brown, D. (2012). Top 5 PR strategies. Available at: http://www.webanalyticsworld. net/2008/09/top-5-pr-strategies.html/. Last accessed: 24th May 2014. Craik, J. (2009). Fashion. 1st ed. Oxford: Berg. Easey, M. (2009). Fashion marketing. 1st ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Jackson, T. and Shaw, D. (2009). Mastering fashion marketing. 1st ed. Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan. Laura Mulvey (1980) Visual pleasure in Narrative Cinema. Available at: http:// imlportfolio.usc.edu/ctcs505/mulveyVisualPleasureNarrativeCinema.pdf/. Last accessed: 15th May 2014.ÂŹ Marian Bendeth (2012). The Art of Scent. Available at: http://www.marianbendeth.com/. Last accessed: 29th May 2014. Oelkers, D. (2004). Fashion marketing. 1st ed. Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Posner, H. (2011). Marketing fashion. 1st ed. London: Laurence King Swanson, K and Everett, J. (2000). Promotion in the merchandising environment. 1st ed. New York: Fairchild Publications The art of scent (2012). Available at:http://www.madmuseum.org/exhibition/the-art-ofscent Wolfe, M. and Wolfe, M. (n.d.). Fashion marketing & merchandising. 1st ed.


illustrations Figure 1. Authors image, 2014. Consumer pen portrait. [Image] Figure 2: Ashlee Homes, 2013. Street style Fall fashion. [Digital photograph] Figure 3. Dan Blackley, 2012. Carnaby street. [Digital photograph] http://www.earthotel.it/ carnaby-street-londra Figure 4. Jimmy stamp, 2013. New York exhibition ‘the Art of Scent’. [Digital photograph] http://www.smithsonianmag.com/ist/?next=/arts-culture/the-first-major-museum-show-to-focus-onsmell-1787124/ Figure 5. Authors image, 2014. Making of the fragrance. [Digital photograph] Figure 6. Sascha Segan, 2014. Iphone [Digital photpgraph] www.pcmag.com Figure 7. Brian O’Mahony, 2013. Coco Tang. [Digital photpgraph] http://www.impactnottingham. com/2013/06/nottinghams-best-venues-as-voted-by-you/ Figure 8. Giselle Abramovich, 2011. Qr code. [Image] www.qrstuff.com Figure 9. Authors image, 2014. Instagram hashtag competition. [Image] Figure 10. Amiee Williams, 2013. Michelle Phan. [Digital photograph] http://www.teenvogue.com/ beauty/makeup/2013-10/michelle-phan-makeup-tips/?slide=1&slide=1 Figure 11. Authors image, 2014. Website draft. [Image] Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure

12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Authors image, Authors image, Authors image, Authors image, Kayla Hutzler,


2014, 2014. 2014. 2014. 2011.

3/5 of Unita’s campaign. [Digital photograph] Instagram images. [Image] WGE partnership. [Image] Instagram screenshot. [Digital photograph] Burberry adds TV to Burberry Body marketing strategy. [Image]

appendix Consumer questionnaires (Appendix A)

Marketing history and global geographic (Appendix B)


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