NAME: _________________________________________ GRADE: ____________________ STUDENT REQUEST 1ST QUARTER Date
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NAME: _________________________________________ GRADE: ____________________ STUDENT REQUEST 3RD QUARTER Date
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Pioneer Ridge Middle School District Webpage:
Principal Mr. John McIntire Asst Principal Mr. Dave Webb Asst Principal Mr. Kevan O’Shea Main Office 856-3850
Wheatridge Middle School District Webpage:
Principal Mr. Carl Garrett Asst Principal Mr. Collin Stucky Asst Principal Mr. Kevan O’Shea Main Office 856-2900
Trail Ridge Middle School District Webpage: Principal Mr. John Martin Asst Principal Denise Rousselo Admin Intern Amy VanRheen Main Office 856-3550
Students arriving at school before the admission bell are to wait in designated areas. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:45 a.m. Students may not leave campus after arrival without being checked-out by office staff. When the 8:00 a.m. bell rings, students are to go to their lockers, get their books and proceed directly to their first hour class. Students should arrive to their first hour class by 8:05 a.m. and begin preparing for class. The tardy bell will ring at 8:10 a.m. No student is to leave school during the day while classes are in session unless the student has checked out through the office and has a legitimate excuse. All students not assigned to remain in the building are to clear the campus by 3:25 p.m. Picking Up Students - When parents pick up a student who is ill or going to the dentist, doctor, etc., they must come to the office and sign the Student Check-Out Register. Parents are encouraged to arrange appointments to limit absences from school.
PRMS, TRMS, and WMS operate a breakfast and hot lunch program where wholesome, balanced meals are served. Each student has an individual account. Students are verbally notified when their account balance is running low and daily email are sent to parents. A student may make payments toward their account on-line or before school in the lunch area on school days. In addition to meals, ala carte items are available and may be purchased with cash on a daily basis. Students with a negative balance no greater than the equivalent of two meals will be allowed to continue to purchase a reimbursable meal – no double entrees, extra milk or ALA Carte items may be purchased when a student’s account holds a negative balance.. When a student’s account reaches a negative balance greater than equivalent of two meals, food service will provide a meal consisting of a cold sandwich, a serving of fruit or vegetable and white milk. At breakfast, a meal consisting of cereal and milk will be provided. Parents are encouraged to utilize Skyward “Family Access” to monitor their student’s food service account. In the event that a student receives an alternate meal provided by food services for five consecutive days, the school counselor and/or Social Services will be notified to offer assistance to the family. Cafeteria Procedures 1. Students should enter the cafeteria in an orderly manner and move immediately to get in line to get their breakfast/lunch. 2. Assigned seating may be implemented by staff members for any and all middle school students. Students are not allowed to change seats in the cafeteria. 3. Students will be dismissed from lunch by table by cafeteria aides or staff. 4. Food and drink items are not permitted outside the cafeteria unless stored in a student’s lunch bag. 5. Payments will be accepted during breakfast and lunch periods. 6. No one but the student can use the account number and balance.
The school rents textbooks and other materials to the students at a fraction of the cost of student purchased books. Books rented for a portion of the term will have the rent reduced or a refund made according to the established rate. All students are responsible for the care and return of library materials. Losses and damage of library materials will require a reimbursement of the current replacement cost. Outstanding library fees may also affect a student’s “good standing” status. The fee schedule for the year is as follows: • Grades 5-8: $70.00 for Instructional Materials and student planner • Activity fee for FACS, Industrial Technology, & Art $5.00 (5th, 6th, and 7th grades) and $10.00 for 8th grade. o Fees are due at the time of enrollment. o The renter must pay for books and materials assigned to him/her that are lost or damaged. o Should lost books or materials be found after payment has been made, a refund will be made. o Books are not to be marked or damaged in any way by the student. o Damage to books or materials will be paid for by the renter.
A student locker assigned to a student is school property held by the student and administration. A student may occupy only the locker to which he/she is assigned. Periodic inspections will be made to see that lockers are kept neat and orderly. Do not put stickers on your locker. All personal items and books, etc., when not in use, should be kept in your own locker. Report any locker difficulty to the office. Do not tamper with another locker or give your combination to anyone else. Personal locks will not be permitted on any locker. Each student should keep his locker area clean by picking up papers, etc. from the floor and placing them in the trash containers. Lockers are to be kept locked at all times. Keep all locker combinations confidential. Do not tell another student your combination. If you have trouble opening your locker, ask a staff member for help. Those students found opening lockers of other students will be given a disciplinary referral. No large sums of money are to be brought to school. If money must be brought to school in amounts greater than lunch money or change, it should be checked at the office for safe keeping. If anything is stolen or missing, it needs to be reported to the office immediately. Remember, your locker may be inspected at any time. Students are expected to take care of school property and equipment. Students who maliciously damage or destroy property will be expected to pay for the damage or loss. Students should help to keep the school as clean, neat and useful as possible.
The school district believes students and parents should assume the obligation of bringing only the items to school required by their instructors so that they are adequately prepared to engage in and contribute to the continuity of the instructional program. Items brought by students such as but not limited to lighters, matches, scanners, laser pointers, or any inappropriate equipment will be confiscated by a staff member and given to the office staff. The following guidelines apply to skateboards, rollerblades, razors, scooters, etc. (non-modes of transportation): • To ensure student and family safety as well as protection of property: o Boards/blades should be walked once upon district property both to and from school o Riding of boards/blades should not occur on district property during events including, but not limited to practices, performances, services, parent/student orientations, or other large meetings/gatherings o Riding of boards/blades should not disrupt weekend or outside party use of building o Property damage, mistreatment, vandalizing or otherwise damaged will be addressed directly • Board/blade storage will not be provided by office or classroom staff o Boards should be stored securely within owner’s locker upon arrival at building • Individuals riding boards/blades during the aforementioned situations will be asked to leave the property or turn over the board/blade Students, parents, and guardians are advised that USD 231 assumes no responsibility in any circumstances whatsoever for the loss, destruction or theft of any Personal Property.
The office telephone is a business phone and should be used for that purpose. Students will be permitted to use the phone only in case of an emergency or when directed by school officials. Students will not be called out of class for a phone call.
In order to ensure the safety and security of students and wishes of parents, any person not enrolled at the middle schools must check in with office staff when on campus. Office staff will greet visitors through the intercom and camera monitoring system and ask the visitor to provide their name, a photo id, and information regarding his/her visit. At this time, all visitors will be asked to provide a government issued photo I.D. Office staff will determine if entry to the school will be granted. This includes family members/guardians bringing items to students. Anyone needing to be in areas of the building other than the office must sign in and secure a visitor badge. Students will not be permitted to leave class to talk to anyone other than parents/guardians without parental/guardian permission and approval of an administrator. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by an administrator one week in advance of the requested date. 5
Regular attendance, 8:10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. is imperative to ensure successful academic growth. Students should be present for every scheduled class unless they have a proper excuse as outlined below. Federal legislation related to the “No Child Left Behind” Act, holds states and school districts highly accountable for student attendance. The following procedures are aimed at ensuring USD 231 remains in full compliance with the attendance regulations stipulated by federal legislation and also with state attendance statutes. Regular student attendance is imperative to ensure successful and positive growth in school. Students are expected to attend school from the scheduled starting time (8:10 a.m.) until dismissal (3:15 p.m.) every day that school is in session. It is a parental responsibility under Kansas statues (72-1113) to ensure the regular attendance “of any child who has reached the age of seven (7) and is under the age of eighteen (18) years,” & (K.S.A 72-111) states, if a child under seven is enrolled, that child is subject to the compulsory attendance laws unless the child is exempted by statute. While USD 231 is committed to supporting these attendance statutes, the Board of Education realizes some absences from school cannot be avoided. The purpose of this policy is to provide educators and parents with information regarding excused and unexcused absences and to provide a procedure for response/action when a student’s attendance suffers as a result of excessive absences. Communicating Absences Parents or guardians should call the attendance line or school office between 7:30-9:00 a.m. to report absences. If phone contact is not made, students who are absent or tardy must present a note signed by parent or guardian, or doctor stating the date and reason for the absence upon return to school. If a student misses school due to illness, the student is not able to participate in after school activities. Grounds for Excused Absence Subject to USD 231 Board Policy, students who are enrolled in USD 231 schools shall regularly attend school and their classes, unless they have any of the following reasons for an excused absence: • Personal illness; illness or death in the family (mother, father, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, death of a friend); • Necessary appointments that cannot be made outside the school day and are verified; • Emergencies requiring a student’s service or presence at home and which are verified; • Obligatory religious observances of the student’s own faith; • Family vacations arranged in advance with the school administration; • Participation in a school-approved student activity, a Kansas State High School Activities Association sanctioned activity, or a District-approved function; or • Out of school suspension of 10 days or less. Verification of Reasons for Excused Absence School administrators or their designees are authorized to request from students or parents information needed to verify the validity of excused absence. School employees receiving such information are expected to protect its confidentiality. Parents who object to providing necessary evidence to an attendance clerk shall be permitted to provide such documentation to a counselor or administrator. Limitation on Excused Absences No more than seven excused absences per class period, per school year may be ordinarily granted for the reasons specified above. (For example, a student may be excused for his/her absence from communication arts a total of seven times in a school year, from calculus seven times, etc.) Students requesting additional excused absences above this limitation may submit a request for approval to their school administrator. A student who is dissatisfied with the administrator’s decision may appeal to the Superintendent. Notwithstanding the terms stated above, at any point when school administrators believe any number of excused absences (for any reason) may be adversely affecting a student’s academic and learning progress or when the well-being of the student is compromised due to excessive excused absences, school administrators may convene a meeting with parents or guardians and the student. This discussion will explore the causes of the excused absences and determine what interventions may be necessary to improve the student’s well-being, and/or academic and learning progression. Unexcused Absences Kansas law requires children to be continuously in attendance at a public or private school. Any absence for a school day or any significant part of a school day for reasons other than those listed above shall be considered an unexcused absence. Any absence for a school day or any significant part of a school day, even for the reasons listed above, shall be considered an unexcused absence unless the student’s parent has knowledge of the absence and school officials are notified of the 6
reason for the absence. A “significant part of a school day” is defined as two hours or more of the school day (elementary) and as one class period or its equivalent (secondary). Once a student has been inexcusably absent for a significant portion of a school day: three days in a row, five days in a semester, or seven days in a school year, the student becomes legally truant and subject to a formal truancy referral to the Johnson County truancy office. Reporting Excessive Absences In conjunction with Kansas law, school administrators are required to report to the District Attorney any student who is inexcusably absent for the significant part of three (3) consecutive days or the significant part of five (5) or more days in any semester. An absence will be classified unexcused if it does not fit one of the Board of Education’s stated reasons for excusable absences or if the building attendance procedure is not followed by the student and the parent/legal guardian. Parents having questions regarding attendance are advised to call at any time one of the appropriate attendance lines. PRMS – 913.856.3850 TRMS – 913.856.3550 WMS – 913.856.2900 Students who have excused absences will receive full credit for their course work and are allowed one day to make up work for every day they were absent.
Early dismissal will be granted for the same reasons permitted for excused absences. Appointments with a doctor or dentist are encouraged to be made at times other than during school hours. However, in the event of emergencies, the appointment should be made as early or as late in the school day as possible. Parents must come into the school office for students who have requested early dismissal. Students will not be released during school hours to any person, until the school officials are certain that the individual calling for the student is the parent/guardian. Students will be dismissed from the main office and not from the classroom.
A student is considered tardy to class when they enter the classroom after the bell has rung and they do not have a pass excusing the tardy. Missing the bus or oversleeping is not an excused tardy. Students may accumulate three (3) tardies per quarter, per class, without consequence. Upon receiving the 4th tardy administrative consequences will apply.
The student shall have the opportunity to make up work missed during an excused absence. To expedite this process please make arrangements through the office to pick up student work for the day(s) they have missed. If prior arrangements have not been made, the responsibility for making arrangements for make-up work rests with the student. The student must contact the teacher following the absence and make arrangements for making up missed work. Work made up from a suspension will receive credit. Parents and students are encouraged to utilize “Family Access” to contact teachers pertaining to make-up work.
Homework assigned in class will be due the beginning of next day’s class period unless otherwise designated by the teacher. If completing homework by a student becomes a common problem, the student stands to lose privileges (as determined by the team) until the work is complete and turned in. • 5th Grade Policy: Homework turned in one day late will receive no more than 90% credit. Homework that is turned in the second day and any day after day two will receive credit at the teacher’s discretion. • 6th Grade Policy: Homework turned in one day late will receive no more than 85% credit. Homework that is turned in the second day and any day after day two will receive credit at the teacher’s discretion.
• 7th Grade Policy: Homework turned in one day late will receive no more than 80% credit. Homework that is turned in the second day and any day after day two will receive credit at the teacher’s discretion. Please note this does not apply to high school level courses. • 8th Grade Policy: Homework turned in one day late will receive no more than 75% credit. Homework that is turned in the second day and any day after day two will receive credit at the teacher’s discretion. Please note this does not apply to high school level courses.
“A” HONOR ROLL awarded to students making All A’s. “B” HONOR ROLL awarded to students achieving a GPA between 3.00-3.99 with no grade lower than C. The following percentage guidelines will be used to determine final reward grades: 100 93-99 90-92
A+ A A-
87-89 83-86 80-82
B+ B B-
77-79 73-76 70-72
C+ C C-
67-69 63-66 60-62
D+ D D-
Each year at the end of the first semester, the counselor will prepare a list of students that are failing and will make the necessary communication with parents. (Failing would mean that if a determination was made at this time, student grades would not warrant passing into the next higher grade.) A final decision is made during the end of the final grading period. Items considered are grades, attendance, attitude, written items submitted by the parent for consideration, teacher recommendations, emotional needs, specific learning difficulties, student’s work, social items (student’s size and age, has student repeated before), test scores and counselor and psychologist recommendations. The final decision is made by the committee composed of building level school administration & counseling staff. The committee may call teachers in for final evaluation and recommendations on certain individual students. Three options are available: 1. Pass 2. Place in next higher grade 3. Retain in present grade (Students and parents may appeal the final recommendation by contacting the school administration for appropriate steps in the process.)
1. The student must be on time in order to assure a seat on the bus. Students who miss the bus due to tardiness must take the responsibility for their own transportation. 2. Teacher and bus driver share the responsibility and authority to assure safe travel. 3. Students are to return from activities by bus unless written permission is provided by the parent and approved by the administration or supervisor. 4. General school regulations are in effect on school trips. Students who violate these rules can be assigned discipline deemed appropriate by administration which can include removal from the activity buses thereafter.
1. All students, in “Good Standing” grades 5-8, are welcome to attend athletic or extra-curricular events. *Good Standing-when determining “Good Standing” a student’s attendance, behavior and grades will be reviewed. 2. Students attending athletic events must sit in their school’s respective student section. 3. Students are expected to behave in a school appropriate manner. 4. Supervision will be provided at every home game. 5. Cheerleaders will be in attendance for home athletic events. 6. Supervisor’s permission must be obtained for any student to leave the student section during the game. 7. Students must sit with either their parent/guardian or in the student section throughout the duration of a game/s. 8. Students are expected to pick up their litter/trash prior to leaving the game(s). 9. Student must arrange transportation home prior to the end of the game(s). 8
USD 231 STUDENT ACTIVITIES CODE OF CONDUCT Section I – Philosophy and Purpose
A. Philosophy of USD 231 Schools Relating to the Use of Mood-Altering Chemicals or Performance Enhancement Drugs (i.e., alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and *the misuse of prescription or non-prescription drugs, including performance enhancement drugs) *Special medical circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis and brought to the attention of the coach, director or sponsor. USD 231 recognizes the use of mood-altering chemicals as a significant health problem for many adolescents, resulting in negative effects on behavior, learning, and the total development of each individual. The misuse and abuse of mood-altering chemicals for some adolescents affects extra-curricular participation and development of related skills. The close contact of USD 231 activities sponsors’, coaches, and directors have with students provides them with a unique opportunity to observe, confront and assist young people. USD 231, therefore, supports education and awareness training in adolescent chemical use problems including the symptomatology of chemical dependency and special issues affecting interscholastic activities for administrators, advisors, athletic directors, coaches, sponsors, participants and their families. Also, one of the central purposes of the USD 231 Activities Program is to promote personal growth in responsibility, citizenship, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior. Creating minimal standards for in-season conduct for all participants helps to achieve these objectives.
B. Statement of Purpose 1. To provide consistency in USD 231 Board Policies: “To elevate standards of sportsmanship and to encourage the growth of good citizenship, not only for middle and senior high school students, but also the adults and all others who come into contact with school activities.” 2. To emphasize the schools’ concerns for the health of students in areas of safety while participating in activities and the long-term physical and emotional effects of chemical use on their health. 3. To promote equity and a sense of order and discipline among students. 4. To confirm and support existing state laws, which restrict the use of such mood-altering chemicals and performance enhancement drugs. 5. To establish standards of conduct for those students who are leaders and role models among their peers. 6. To assist students who desire to resist peer pressure, which directs them toward the use of mood-altering chemicals and performance enhancement drugs. 7. To aid students who should be referred for assistance or evaluation regarding their use of mood-altering chemicals and performance enhancement drugs.
Section II, Part A – Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco Rule
During any activity season (Fall, Winter, or Spring), regardless of the quantity, a student shall not: (1) use a beverage containing alcohol; (2) use tobacco; or (3) use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away any other controlled substance defined by law as a drug. Interpretations: 1. The rule applies to the entire activity season. Any activity that spans the course of the year will be subject to the season in which the violation occurs (Fall, Winter, or Spring). 2. It is a violation for a student to be in possession of a controlled substance even if specifically prescribed for the student’s own use by his/her doctor. Prescription medication may only be in the possession of and administered to the student by the sponsor or designated school employee or designated health professional. *Special medical circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis and brought to the attention of the coach, director or sponsor.
Section II, Part B – Governed Activities
All student activities that are governed under the jurisdiction of Kansas State High School Activities Association and those that represent USD 231 at any site or location are included in the policy. Activities and organizations not included in the above definition may operate under the Code of Conduct guidelines at the sponsor’s discretion.
Section II, Part C – Penalties for Violations
Penalties will accumulate during any activity season from August through July and will affect all activities in which the offending student is participating at the time. Penalties incurred near the end of a season may be enforced at the beginning of the next season of participation. Penalties may include but not be limited to: 9
1. First Violation Penalty: After confirmation of the first violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive inter-scholastic event dates or two (2) weeks of a competition season (beginning with the first competition date) in which the student is a participant, whichever includes the greater number of contests. Students are not allowed to suit up on the date(s) of their activity suspension. However, at coaches’ and administrative discretion, disciplined students may attend games but may not suit up. No exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program. 2. Second Violation Penalty: After confirmation of the second violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the remainder of the current activity season or remain ineligible for any governed activity for the next six (6) week period, whichever is greater, excluding buffer week, KSHSAA non-practice dates, holidays and spring break. 3. Third Violation/Serious Violation Penalty: As determined by the District Student Activities Director, a student may become ineligible for multiple seasons of activities not to exceed a period of one year from the date of the last violation. *Seriousness of the violation may warrant movement to higher levels of consequence. Determination will be made from a panel comprised of Activities Director, student’s building administrator, district administrator and immediate advisor, coach, director or sponsor of the activity.
Section III – Other Student Related Conduct
Upon an occasion where a student involved in school activities violates school policy in regards to attendance (school, games, or practices) or discipline, penalties will accumulate during any activity season from August through July. Penalties may include but not be limited to the following: A. In-School/Out-of-School Suspension (Includes all suspensions except 1-day, in-school suspensions. See Section C below.) • 1st Suspension One activity date missed • 2nd Suspension Two activity dates missed • 3rd Suspension Dropped from all student activities for remainder of year *Students are allowed to practice on the day of an ISS, not OSS. Students are not allowed to suit up, on their activity date(s) suspension. B. Detentions Detentions are to be handled individually by each coach, director, or sponsor. However, excessive detentions will lead to being suspended from the activity, dropped from the activity, or declared “Not in Good Standing” by coaches or school administration. C.
Unexcused Absences from School, Practices or Games and 1-Day ISS • 1st Offense Appropriate consequences from coach, director or sponsor • 2nd Offense One activity date missed. Parent contacted. • 3rd Offense Dropped from activity. Parent contacted. *Unexcused absences are not carried over from activity to activity.
Students should understand that the written Code of Conduct is composed of minimal standards of expectations and consequences. Coaches, sponsors, and administration reserve the right to apply more stringent guidelines and consequences and may deem a student “Not in Good Standing” at their own discretion.
All athletic requirements set forth by the Kansas State Activities Association will be adhered to. In addition, the following criteria determine student eligibility for. 1. Sports eligibility is determined by the following guidelines: • Cross Country/Football/Volleyball/Cheerleading/Wrestling/Girls Basketball – Students must pass five or more classes from the last grading period of the previous spring semester. • Boys Basketball/Track – Students must pass five or more classes from the last grading period of the previous fall semester. 2. Students must remain in good standing academically (no Fs) to remain eligible during the season. Eligibility reports will be run on a weekly basis. Coaches and Athletic Directors will communicate the details of this policy prior to the start of each season. 3. Band and chorus will be affected regarding state competition only. 4. Eligibility does not encompass band and chorus performance if the performance is required for a class grade. 5. The KSHSAA allows the principal to deem a student “not in good standing” which affects eligibility. 6. Extra-curricular activity participation that is reserved for limited numbers of students will be available to full-time students only. If students have not returned/paid for athletic equipment and/or uniforms they will not be eligible to participate in the next activity. 10
The following guidelines are to be used when determining if students are eligible to participate in or attend an extra-curricular activity whether for competition or performance. The intent of this policy is three-fold: • To encourage attendance; • To protect the student who is injured or ill from participating when it would not be medically wise; and • To deny participation when a student is un-excusably absent from school. Any student receiving an unexcused absence on the day of an activity is not eligible to participate or practice in any activities until they successfully attend classes the next scheduled day. Any student having an unexcused absence, staying home or going home on the day of an activity due to illness will not be allowed to participate or practice that day. An exception will be made if the student brings verification from a doctor that they are physically able to participate. Any excused absence on the day of an activity must have administrative approval prior to the absence. Students attending doctor, dental or other previously scheduled appointments are eligible to participate in activities on the same day with an appointment card from the doctor’s office. A student absent due to illness on Friday may participate in a week-end activity if the absence is excused.
School insurance is offered to students as a school service for a nominal fee. Students out for competitive athletics must have this type of insurance, or waive this requirement by filing a signed statement in the office. The form is located on the back side of the Student Code of Conduct. All students who have school insurance are covered while at school, on the way to and from school and in school sponsored activities. This insurance provides coverage for students in accidents not normally covered by family type accident insurance.
USD 231 is pleased to offer student accident insurance coverage at no cost to all K-12 students. This group insurance covers both athletic related injuries and student related injuries for the following: • • • •
attending regular school sessions, participating in or attending school-sponsored and supervised extracurricular activities, participating in school-sponsored and supervised KSHSAA interscholastic sports and activities, and traveling by way of biking or walking directly to and from school for regular school sessions; and while traveling in school provided transportation to or from any school sponsored and supervised activity. Excludes non-school provided motorized transportation of any kind.
Medical benefits under the student accident insurance policy helps cover out of pocket medical costs up to $10,000 per injury (typically 80 percent of usual and customary charges). Please refer to the medical benefits summary for coverage explanation.
Students are to conduct themselves in an orderly, respectful, and responsible manner.
A part of the Student Conduct and Procedure Code adopted by the Board of Education is listed here for the information of parents and students.
The principal is responsible for the conduct of the students and teachers in his school. They are responsible for seeing that the policies of the board of education and the administrative policies and directives of the superintendent are followed.
Teachers shall be responsible for the discipline of pupils enrolled in their classes, but shall have the freedom of consulting with the principal when it is believed to be necessary.
Tuesday and Wednesday, have been reserved for providing special academic assistance to students. Students will be asked to stay by a teacher or may stay at their own request. The academic assistance lasts from 3:20-3:50 p.m. Students may get a ride from parents or an academic bus will be provided on Tuesday and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. to drop off students within city limits.
Students are responsible for their behavior on the bus and its effect on the safe operation of the bus. Misbehavior could endanger the lives of all students being transported. Therefore, behavior infractions must be reported and disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the school. Parents are requested to explain the importance of proper behavior on the bus. They are also expected to support disciplinary actions that are necessary to help their child change his/her behavior. The primary responsibility of the driver is to safely transport the students to and from school. While transporting students, the driver also has the responsibility of maintaining discipline on the bus. Therefore, the driver will report behavior infractions to the proper authority on the forms provided. Students are not allowed to ride a bus for which they are not registered to ride. Students may only board and exit the bus at their assigned stops. Boarding or exiting at an unapproved stop is a violation of state guidelines. If your child needs to change their stop, please call First Student at 913-856-5650 to discuss the change. Students who board a bus on the elementary school grounds in the afternoon should enter the elementary school building when waiting upon their bus to arrive.
The following behaviors are examples of behaviors not permitted on the bus. The behaviors are grouped according to the seriousness of the offense. More serious and/or repeated inappropriate behaviors will result in increased consequences. A. Minor Infractions Minor infractions can include: being loud, blocking aisles, hitting, insubordination, profanity, spitting, standing, throwing objects, hanging out of windows. Consequence continuum for minor infractions 1. Warning: Often times a student will change their behavior with a simple warning. Re-assignment of assigned seats is also suggested. Previous warnings should be noted on subsequent referral forms. • • •
First Offense: Driver conferences with the student, identifies the infraction and writes the behavior referral with copies to the appropriate administrator. The administrator contacts the parent(s) and assigns appropriate discipline. Second Offense: A Driver conference with the student, identifies the infraction, and writes the behavior referral with copies to the appropriate administrator. The administrator contacts the parent(s), gives them a copy of the referral, and assigns appropriate discipline. The parents are informed that a bus suspension will occur with the next violation. Third Offense: Driver conferences with the student, identifies the infraction and writes the behavior referral with copies to the appropriate administrator. The appropriate administrator contacts the parent(s), reviews the child’s behavior record, and suspends the riding privileges from one to five days. All succeeding offenses in the minor category will be treated as a Major Infraction-first offense, second offense, and then third offense.
The administrator determines at which level the offense occurs, (first, second, third) based on validation of previous referral forms and prior disciplinary action. 12
*If the infraction is a violation of the law, the proper authorities will be notified. If the infraction results in property damage, restitution must be paid or a plan for restitution must be agreed upon before the riding privileges are reinstated. B. Major Infractions Major infractions can include: assault, fighting, insubordination, possession of weapons or item that can cause bodily harm, possession or use of alcohol, possession or use of tobacco, possession or use of drugs, vandalism. Consequence continuum for major infractions • First Offense: Driver conferences with the student, identifies the infraction, writes the behavior referral with copies to the appropriate administrator. The appropriate administrator contacts the parent(s), reviews the behavior incident, and suspends the student’s riding privileges for three to five days. The parent(s) and student must attend a conference with the appropriate administrator before the riding privileges are reinstated. • Second Offense: The same procedure will be followed as outlined in the first offense. However, the riding privileges will be suspended for five days. • Third Offense: The same procedure will be followed as outlined in the first offense. However, the riding privileges will be suspended for five days. An administrative hearing to consider long term suspension will be requested by the administrator. *First, Second, or Third Offense: Under the discretion of school administration school consequences may also be applied according to infraction applicable to school consequences.
With an emphasis on a safe school environment for all students, Gardner-Edgerton district officials report all crimes committed on school property to appropriate local enforcement agencies. Specific examples of reportable incidents include but shall not be limited to; possession of weapons, controlled substances (drugs/alcohol), destruction of property, theft, fighting, intimidation and other such matters involving criminal activity.
We believe all students can behave appropriately in their classrooms. Students that jeopardize the teaching and learning atmosphere will have consequences for their actions.
Basic Classroom Expectations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Be in your assigned location ready to work when the bell rings. Bring paper, pencils, books and completed assignments to class. Keep your hands, feet, books and objects to yourself. No swearing, teasing, bullying, rude gestures or put downs. Follow individual classroom rules and directions.
If a student does not follow the classroom rules, a classroom consequence will be assigned with that teacher. After receiving the consequence, parents will be notified. If parents cannot be reached arrangements will be made. If a child fails to serve his/her time on the appropriate days, then In-School Suspension or Thursday School may be assigned. Students who receive an excessive number of referrals will be required to have a meeting with an administrator and their parent(s) for the purpose of designing an improvement plan.
Unacceptable forms of behavior will not be tolerated on school property or at school events, and occurrence of such behavior may result in suspension from school. The following is a list of some behaviors deemed “unacceptable”, but is not an all-inclusive list of such behaviors: • Academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), • Assault, • Defiance, • Disrespect toward staff, • Failure to comply with a request, • Fighting, • Forgery, 13
• • • • • • • • • •
Gambling, Harassment, hazing, bullying, horseplay and/or vandalism, Lying, Possession of lighters, matches, fireworks or other combustible items, Possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, electronic smoking devices, drugs, narcotics, or drug paraphernalia, Possession of a weapon or objects that can cause bodily harm Profanity or vulgarity (written, verbal, or displayed), Stealing, Threats – verbal, written, and/or digital, Throwing objects.
Conference with student and/or parent. Office Detention: Assigned after school by the principal for infraction of school rules In-School Suspension: Assigned in lieu of an out-of-school suspension. Out-of-School Suspension: Continuous and willful refusal to accomplish school tasks, insubordination; disorderly, vicious, illegal or immoral conduct; and persistent violation of school regulations are causes for suspension or expulsion from school. 5. Thursday School: Assigned for truancy or as an alternative consequence.
A student who has been assigned Out-of-School Suspension cannot attend non-academic day activities during the duration of the suspension (e.g., sports events/school events). This policy is in effect when the principal assigns the suspension and it continues through the last day of the suspension. If, in the judgment of the administrator, one student was clearly the instigator or if one student was clearly acting in self-defense, the administrator has the authority to adjust the suspension in such a manner that the students involved may not receive suspension of equal length. Incidents which break the law may be reported to the SRO/Gardner Public Safety Department.
Suspension or expulsion may result from any of the following: 1. Insubordination – This is refusal to follow the instruction of a teacher, staff member, peace officer or to identify oneself upon request. 2. Use of Language – Obscene, vulgar, profane, or disrespectful words audible or observable to any school staff member or other students. 3. Incitement to Riot 4. Possession or Use of Tobacco Products – In any school building, on the campus, or on any school sponsored activity. Including electronic smoking devices. 5. Intoxication/Under the Influence – Students who give the appearance of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the school campus or at any school sponsored activity. 6. Driving – Driving on the school campus in a reckless manner and failing to abide by driving regulations. 7. Published Regulation – Willful violation of any published regulation for student conduct adopted or approved by the School Board. 8. Disruption – Conduct which substantially disrupts, impedes, or interferes with the operation of any school in the district. 9. Rights of Others – Conduct which substantially impedes or invades the rights of others. 10. Repeated Violations- An accumulation of violations of school policy or regulations. 11. Students Not in Class While Classes Are in Session – Students who are in the corridors or on campus while classes are in session without a valid pass 12. Walkout or Boycott of Classes 13. Presenting False Reasons for Absence – This includes lying to a teacher or administrator about the reason for being absent or presenting forged statements or false statements about the reason for being absent for yourself or others. 14. False Statements Under Oath – This includes giving untrue statements or false evidence while under oath at a hearing for extended suspension or expulsion. 15. Possession of a Knife or Sharp Object 16. Threat by Word or Deed – A threat made to a student or staff member. 17. Physical Confrontation – This may include fighting and/or aggression, as well as assault & battery. 18. Harassment/Bullying – Any activity that initiates, advocates, promotes, or threatens the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds. 14
Immediate suspension with recommendation for expulsion will result from any of the following: 1. Playing with Fire or Intruder Alarms – Any student setting off a fire alarm in any of the school district buildings as a prank. 2. Bomb Threats – Any student turning in a bomb threat as a prank. 3. Weapons – Any student having in his possession on any of the school campuses or school buses, any weapons, firearms, explosives, pellet guns, air rifles, or other articles or substances by the use of which injury or harm may be inflicted upon the person of another or upon school property. 4. Alcoholic Beverages and Drugs – Students shall not sell, use, buy, transfer, possess, consume or give away any beverage, any controlled substance or any other substance, and/or chemical which may adversely affect behavior, mood, and/or health including paraphernalia associated with administering of drugs. 5. Striking a Teacher – Any student striking a teacher or staff member.
Except in an emergency, a short-term suspension (not exceeding ten school days) must be preceded by oral or written notice of the charges to the student and an informal hearing. If a hearing is not held prior to the suspension, an informal hearing shall be provided no later than 72 hours after imposition of a short-term suspension. Written notice of any short-term suspension, including the reasons for the suspension shall be given to the student and the student’s parents/guardians within 24 hours after the suspension has been imposed. At the informal hearing, the student shall be afforded the following: the right to be present at the hearing, to be informed of the charges, to be informed of the basis for the accusation and to make statements in defense of or in mitigation of the charges or accusations. Refusal or failure of the student and/or the student’s parents/guardians to attend the hearing shall result in a waiver of the student’s opportunity for the hearing. When a suspension is imposed during the school day, the student shall not be removed from school until a parent has been notified. If a parent cannot be notified during regular school hours, the student shall remain at school until the regular dismissal time. The principal may establish appropriate requirements relating to the student’s future behavior at school and may place the student on probation.
Before a student is subject to long-term suspension (not to exceed 90 school days) or expulsion (not to exceed 186 school days) a hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer who has authority to suspend or expel. The superintendent/principal shall designate a hearing officer who has authority to suspend or expel. The superintendent/principal shall designate a hearing officer from a list approved by the board. The person conducting the hearing shall explain the purpose of the administrative hearing is to review the charges and incidents upon which the proposed long-term suspension or expulsion is based and to provide an opportunity for the student, the student’s parents/ guardians, counsel and witness to present information pertinent to the case.
Formal hearings shall be conducted according to procedures outlined in current Kansas law. The student and parents/guardians shall be given written notice of the time, date and place of the hearing. The notice shall include copies of the suspension/expulsion law, the appropriate board policies, regulations and handbooks. The hearing may be conducted by a certified employee or committee of certified employees. At the conclusion of the hearing, a written report and the findings required by law shall be prepared by the person or committee conducting the hearing. Records of the hearing shall be available to students and parents/guardians according to Kansas law. Any student suspended for more than 5 days or expelled from school shall be provided with information concerning services or programs offered by public and private agencies which provide services to improve the student’s attitude and behavior. Failure of the student and the student’s parents/guardians to attend the hearing shall result in a waiver of the student’s opportunity for the hearing. A. Student Rights During the Hearing The student shall have the right to: • counsel of his/her own choice 15
• • • • • • •
have parents or guardians present hear or read a full report of testimony of witnesses confront and cross-examine witnesses who appear in person at the hearing present his or her own witnesses testify in his or her own behalf and to give reasons for his or her conduct an orderly hearing; and a fair and impartial decision based on substantial evidence
B. Hearing Committee When an administrator makes a recommendation for extended suspension or expulsion of a student, a board office administrator shall call a meeting of three administrators to serve as a hearing committee to hear the case. The board office administrator shall set the date, time and place for the hearing. The principal or his representative shall be present and present the information that led to the suspension and other relevant information. After hearing the testimony presented, the committee shall adjourn the hearing and make a determination upon the evidence presented as to whether or not the student committed the acts. Written notice of the determination of the hearing shall be mailed or delivered to the following within 24 hours after determination is made: student, parent/guardian of the student, principal and school counselor. A written report of the hearing shall be filed with the clerk of the board to be filed and presented to the board of education. All hearings shall be recorded on cassette tape and/or be recorded by a secretary. C. Administering Oaths Any person, hearing officer or any member of a committee or the board of education holding a hearing under article 89 of chapter 72 of Kansas Statutes Annotated may administer oaths for the purpose of taking testimony there in. D. Appeal Of Decision To Expel Or Long-Term Suspend Written notice of the results of any hearing resulting in a long-term suspension or expulsion shall be given to the student sus pended or expelled and to his parents/guardians within twenty-four (24) hours after determination thereof. Any student who has been suspended for an extended term or expelled or one of his parents or guardians may appeal such suspension or expulsion to the board of education of the school district by filing a written notice of appeal with the clerk of the board of education not later than ten (10) calendar days after receiving the written notice specified in this section. Any such appeal shall be heard by the board of education, or by a hearing office appointed by such board, not later than twenty (20) calendar days after such notice of appeal is filed. The pupil or student and his parents or guardians shall be notified in writing of the time and place of the appeal hearing at least five (5) days prior thereto. Such appeal shall be conducted under rules set forth in K.S.A. 72-8903. E. Probation Any punishment, suspension or expulsion may be deferred by the person having authority to do so, and the student involved may be placed on probation for a set period of time. Said punishment, suspension or expulsion shall remain deferred so long as the conditions of probation are met by the student. Any student placed on probation shall be given a written list of the terms and conditions of his/her probation. The student shall sign a statement to the effect that he/she has had said terms and conditions fully explained to him/her, that he/she understands them, that he/she is willing to abide by them and that, if he/she fails to do so, the punishment originally imposed may be reinstated at the discretion of the person granting such probation.
Cleanliness and good taste should be the guide to a student’s personal appearance. If a student’s appearance attracts undue attention to the extent that it may become a disruptive factor in the educational process, a staff member will ask the student to make the necessary changes. In the event that the changes do not take place in the time allotted, the administration will prescribe the appropriate disciplinary action. Examples of clothing that disrupts learning included but not limited to: • apparel that allows a bare midriff • apparel that allows underwear to show (i.e., boxers under low slung jeans, bra straps under skimpy tops) • clothing that is too tight 16
• extremely short shorts or short skirts with provocative slits • necklines that are provocative Shorts may be worn at any time during the school year. The shorts should be in good taste, not too tight or too short. Clothing, makeup, accessories, piercings, or hairstyles that are disruptive to the educational process or a danger to the health, welfare and safety of students will not be permitted. The administration will determine appropriateness of student attire. Clothing with vulgar, profane, ethnically derogatory messages, pictures, symbols, or depiction of gangs, tobacco, illegal substances or alcoholic beverages are not to be worn. Outdoor clothing such as headgear, sunglasses, gloves, etc., are to be removed upon entering the building and stored in the locker or other designated area. The above list has been compiled to notify students and parents of what attire is considered appropriate. By no means is this list complete and may be added to as the need arises to maintain safety, discipline and order. Attire guidelines may be adjusted as part of an administratively approved “special” or “spirit activity”, worn in the buildings by students.
Gang activities which initiate, advocate, promote, or threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or which disrupt the school environment are prohibited. The use of hand signals, graffiti, or the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute which indicates or implies membership or affiliation with such a group is prohibited. This includes electronic communication devices. Incidents involving initiations, hazing’s, intimidation, and/or related activities of such group affiliations which are likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to students are prohibited. The superintendent shall establish procedures and regulations to ensure that any student wearing, carrying, or displaying gang paraphernalia, or exhibiting behavior or gestures which symbolize gang membership or causing and/or participating in activities which intimidate or affect the attendance of another student will be subject to disciplinary action. School administrators and/or law enforcement officials will be the individuals to determine if a violation has occurred. Students who violate gang policy will be subject to the following consequences: • Strike One (1st violation) – conference with principal, parent contact • Strike Two (2nd violation) – 3 day out of school suspension • Strike Three (3rd violation) – 5 day out of school suspension and expulsion hearing
1. Kindergarten through 8th grade students: all medications, with the exception of metered dose inhalers and epi-pens, will be kept in the Student Health Services room and will be administered by a Registered Nurse or a trained/delegated staff member. 2. All students (K-12) with an asthma diagnosis must have a current asthma action card on file that has been completed and signed by their physician and parent. Students with asthma will have the option of carrying and self-administering a metered dose inhaler with a physician and parent signature. Students are also encouraged to have an extra inhaler in the student health services room for emergency situations. 3. All students (K-12) with allergies, specifically those that may require the use of an epi-pen, will have the option of carrying and self-administering the epi-pen or they may choose to keep an epi-pen in the Student Health Services room. A current allergy action plan must also be completed and signed by each student’s physician and parent, the plan must also be signed by a physician if student is to self-carry. 4. All medications administered by a Registered Nurse or trained/delegated staff member will meet the following requirements: a. A written order from the student’s physician is required for all prescription medications and for any medications not included in number four below. These orders must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. In addition, a new order is required when any changes are made to the original order. 1) The order must include: student’s name, date, name of medication, dosage given at school, time of administration and route of administration. 17
2) All medications must be in original containers and/or packaging. Prescription medications must have a current pharmacy label. 3) Parents/Guardians must bring all medications directly to the Health Room to be checked in. The receipt of all prescription medications will be counted and documented by the building RN or designated member of the Health Services Team. In addition, a Medication Acknowledgement form will be signed by both the RN/designated member of the Health Services Team and the parent and a copy will be provided to the parent at that time. This is to ensure the safety of students and medications. Parents and/or guardians will be required to pick up (in person) any remaining or unused prescription medications. 4) An annual parental consent form is required for administration of the following nonprescription medications: acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Antacids, Cough drops, lotions, creams, ointments
All students going home due to illness or injury must report to the building RN. All phone calls to notify parents due to illness or injury will be made from the Health Room. Students will be sent home for the following reasons: 1. Temperature of 100.0 or above (should not return until 24 hours after fever has broken) 2. Red eyes with thick whitish drainage 3. Undiagnosed rash 4. Vomiting 5. Diarrhea 6. Severe cold symptoms (excessive coughing/severe congestion) Students must be picked up within an hour after parents are notified. Parents should not allow their child to return to school until the child has been free of fever, vomiting, or diarrhea for a full 24 hours without medication.
Gardner Edgerton Public Schools recognizes the growing number of students enrolling in our schools diagnosed with diabetes and the need for a set of consistent practices for addressing the needs of students with diabetes. Collaboration between the parent, supervising physician and the school is essential in the development of a plan that supports students with diabetes. Upon parent report of the condition, the school nurse will obtain a history intake regarding the student's current health status and management. The parent will provide physician orders (usually a multi-page document from the primary physician and/or nurse diabetes educator) and discuss the management procedures including administration of medication at school and an emergency care. The age of the student, length of time with the diagnosis, and individual self-management skills will be considered in individualizing care. Based upon typical developmental skills and recommendations from experts in the field, Gardner Edgerton Public Schools recommends the following for middle school age students: Lunchtime carb counting/insulin ratio to be done under the supervision of the school nurse, with additional guidance provided for "out of the ordinary" lows and highs working toward increasing independence by 8th grade.
Safety is important to all school stakeholders. Students, parents, and staff have a shared responsibility in maintaining a safe learning environment. It is necessary and encouraged that students and parents bring any safety concerns to the attention of a teacher, an administrator, or the School Resource Officer. Through our emphasis for a safe school environment for all students, Gardner Edgerton district officials will report all crimes committed on school property to appropriate local enforcement agencies. Specific examples of reportable incidents include but shall not be limited to: possession of weapons, controlled substances (drugs/alcohol), destruction of property, theft, fighting, intimidation and all other matters involving criminal activity. The Kansas Highway Patrol has provided a hotline number for the reporting of issues that might affect safety on the campuses of Kansas schools. The hotline number is 1-877-626-8203.
Fire, tornado, and other crisis drills are held at irregular intervals throughout the school year. 1. Check the instructions in each classroom (they are posted) indicating how to leave the building in case of fire. 2. Walk. No talking. Move quickly and quietly to designated area.
Pioneer Ridge, Trail Ridge, and Wheatridge Middle Schools have activity areas for the enjoyment of the community. It is important that safety and courtesy rules be followed. Rules will be regularly reviewed with your child by the staff.
In case of severe weather, snow, low temperatures, ice, etc., the official announcement for school closings may be heard over the area radio and television stations along with being posted on the district website:
TECHNOLOGY GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS CHROMEBOOK (1-TO-1) • Students will respect the integrity of the wireless network they are allowed to access and agree to not alter it in any way. • Students will agree to disconnect from the wireless network any time they are asked, particularly during times of excessive use of the network with school-owned devices such as during assessments. • Students will access the wireless network using their user name and password. • Students will respect privacy of other students and teachers when using personal devices and audio/video recording or imaging capabilities. No audio or video recordings/images will be captured or shared without direct permission from a teacher or administrator. • Students will use recording devices for lectures and other classroom presentations only with teacher permission and prior notice. For purposes of this policy, "Personal Electronic Devices" are defined as any electronic device capable of transmitting data or images that is not owned by the school district. Examples of personal electronic devices include cellular phones, digital cameras (still or video), eReaders, tablet computers, laptops, iPods, and MP3 players. The use of Personal Electronic Devices that are capable of recording audio, video or still images is prohibited at all times in bathrooms and locker rooms. In addition to disciplinary action that may be taken, violators of this provision may be referred to law enforcement authorities. Students a r e expected to use devices responsibly as outlined in Board of Education Technology Use Policy and the respective school’s code of conduct. Building administrators shall determine whether and to what extent Personal Electronic Devices may be used during school hours, or may delegate to individual teachers any decision on whether and to what extent Personal Electronic Devices may be used in an individual class. Students, parents, and guardians are advised that the Board of Education assumes no responsibility in any circumstances whatsoever for the loss, destruction or theft of any Personal Electronics Devices that are brought to school or to any extra-curricular or after school activity. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be responsible for the adoption and implementation of procedures and/or guidelines to carry out this policy. All personnel employed by the District shall be responsible for complying with the guidelines and procedures promulgated by the Superintendent or his/her designee pursuant to this policy.
1st offense - Item is confiscated by the teacher. Item is returned by the teacher to student at the end of the school day. Teacher reports incident to administration. 2nd offense - Item is confiscated by the teacher. Item is given to administrator and administrative consequences may apply. Parent/Guardian of child must pick up item from the office. 3rd offense - Repeat 2nd offense procedures with additional administration consequences.
*Subsequent offenses will lead to further consequences as determined by administration.
(See GAO, JRB, JQ, and KN)
The Board of Education acknowledges safety for students and staff is always the number one priority. It is important to remember behavior is learned and every behavior serves a purpose. There may be times when a student's behavior escalates to the point where the student's actions present an immediate potential for causing harm to persons or property. Every effort should be made to prevent the need for the use of restraints or seclusion. However, recognizing that there may be times when those techniques are required, the Board adopts the following policy governing their use. GAAF Emergency Safety Interventions (See GAO, JRB, JQ, and KN) The board of education is committed to limiting the use of Emergency Safety Intervention (“ESI”), such as seclusion and restraint, with all students. Seclusion and restraint shall be used only when a student's conduct necessitates the use of an emergency safety intervention as defined below. The board of education encourages all employees to utilize other behavioral management tools, including prevention techniques, de-escalation techniques, and positive behavioral intervention strategies. This policy shall be made available on the district website with links to the policy available on any individual school pages. In addition, this policy shall be included in at least one of the following: each school’s code of conduct, school safety plan, or student handbook. Notice of the online availability of this policy shall be provided to parents during enrollment each year. Definitions “Campus police officer” means a school security officer designated by the board of education of any school district pursuant to K.S.A. 72-6146, and amendments thereto. “Chemical Restraint” means the use of medication to control a student’s violent physical behavior or restrict a student’s freedom of movement. “Emergency Safety Intervention” is the use of seclusion or physical restraint, but does not include physical escort or the use of time-out. “Incident” means each occurrence of the use of an emergency safety intervention. “Law enforcement officer” and “police officer” mean a full-time or part-time salaried officer or employee of the state, a county, or a city, whose duties include the prevention or detection of crime and the enforcement of criminal or traffic law of this state or any Kansas municipality. This term includes a campus police officer. “Legitimate law enforcement purpose” means a goal within the lawful authority of an officer that is to be achieved through methods or conduct condoned by the officer’s appointing authority. “Mechanical Restraint” means any device or object used to limit a student’s movement. “Parent” means: (1) a natural parent; (2) an adoptive parent; (3) a person acting as a parent as defined in K.S.A. 72-3122(d)(2), and amendments thereto; (4) a legal guardian; (5) an education advocate for a student with an exceptionality; (6) a foster parent, unless the student is a child with an exceptionality; or (7) a student who has reached the age of majority or is an emancipated minor. “Physical Escort” means the temporary touching or holding the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back of a student who is acting out for the purpose of inducing the student to walk to a safe location. “Physical Restraint” means bodily force used to substantially limit a student’s movement, except that consensual, solicited, or unintentional contact and contact to provide comfort, assistance, or instruction shall not be deemed to be physical restraint. 20
“School resource officer” means a law enforcement officer or police officer employed by a local law enforcement agency who is assigned to a district through an agreement between the local law enforcement agency and the district. “School security officer” means a person who is employed by a board of education of any school district for the purpose of aiding and supplementing state and local law enforcement agencies in which the school district is located, but is not a law enforcement officer or police officer. “Seclusion” means placement of a student in a location where all of the following conditions are met: (1) the student is placed in an enclosed area by school personnel; (2) the student is purposefully isolated from adults and peers; and (3) the student is prevented from leaving, or reasonably believes that he or she will be prevented from leaving the enclosed area. “Time-out” means a behavioral intervention in which a student is temporarily removed from a learning activity without being secluded. Prohibited Types of Restraint All staff members are prohibited from engaging in the following actions with all students: •
Using face-down (prone) physical restraint;
Using face-up (supine) physical restraint;
Using physical restraint that obstructs the student’s airway;
Using physical restraint that impacts a student’s primary mode of communication;
Using chemical restraint, except as prescribed treatments for a student’s medical or psychiatric condition by a person appropriately licensed to issue such treatments; and
Use of mechanical restraint, except: o
Protective or stabilizing devices required by law or used in accordance with an order from a person appropriately licensed to issue the order for the device;
Any device used by a certified law enforcement officer to carry out law enforcement duties; or
Seatbelts and other safety equipment when used to secure students during transportation.
Use of Emergency Safety Interventions ESI shall be used only when a student presents a reasonable and immediate danger of physical harm to such student or others with the present ability to effect such physical harm. Less restrictive alternatives to ESI, such as positive behavior interventions support, shall be deemed inappropriate or ineffective under the circumstances by the school employee witnessing the student’s behavior prior to the use of any ESI. The use of ESI shall cease as soon as the immediate danger of physical harm ceases to exist. Violent action that is destructive of property may necessitate the use of an ESI. Use of an ESI for purposes of discipline, punishment, or for the convenience of a school employee shall not meet the standard of immediate danger of physical harm. ESI Restrictions A student shall not be subjected to ESI if the student is known to have a medical condition that could put the student in mental or physical danger as a result of ESI. The existence of such medical condition must be indicated in a written statement from the student’s licensed health care provider, a copy of which has been provided to the school and placed in the student’s file. Such written statement shall include an explanation of the student’s diagnosis, a list of any reasons why ESI would put the student in mental or physical danger, and any suggested alternatives to ESI. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, a student may be subjected to ESI, if not subjecting the student to ESI would result in significant physical harm to the student or others. Use of Seclusion When a student is placed in seclusion, a school employee shall be able to see and hear the student at all times. All seclusion rooms equipped with a locking door shall be designed to ensure that the lock automatically disengages when the school employee viewing the student walks away from the seclusion room, or in case of emergency, such as fire or severe weather. A seclusion room shall be a safe place with proportional and similar characteristics as other rooms where students frequent. Such room shall be free of any condition that could be a danger to the student, well-ventilated, and sufficiently lighted. Training All staff members shall be trained regarding the use of positive behavioral intervention strategies, de-escalation techniques, and prevention techniques. Such training shall be consistent with nationally recognized training programs on ESI. The intensity of the training provided will depend upon the employee’s position. Administrators, licensed staff members, and other staff deemed most likely to need 21
to restrain a student will be provided more intense training than staff who do not work directly with students in the classroom. District and building administration shall make the determination of the intensity of training required by each position. Each school building shall maintain written or electronic documentation regarding the training that was provided and a list of participants, which shall be made available for inspection by the state board of education upon request. Notification and Documentation The principal or designee shall notify the parent the same day as an incident. The same-day notification requirement of this subsection shall be deemed satisfied if the school attempts at least two methods of contacting the parent. A parent may designate a preferred method of contact to receive the same-day notification. Also, a parent may agree, in writing, to receive only one same-day notification from the school for multiple incidents occurring on the same day. Documentation of the ESI used shall be completed and provided to the student’s parents no later than the school day following the day of the incident. Such written documentation shall include: (A) The events leading up to the incident; (B) student behaviors that necessitated the ESI; (C) steps taken to transition the student back into the educational setting; (D) the date and time the incident occurred, the type of ESI used, the duration of the ESI, and the school personnel who used or supervised the ESI; (E) space or an additional form for parents to provide feedback or comments to the school regarding the incident; (F) a statement that invites and strongly encourages parents to schedule a meeting to discuss the incident and how to prevent future incidents; and (G) email and phone information for the parent to contact the school to schedule the ESI meeting. Schools may group incidents together when documenting the items in subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C) if the triggering issue necessitating the ESIs is the same. The parent shall be provided the following information after the first and each subsequent incident during each school year: (1) a copy of this policy which indicates when ESI can be used; (2) a flyer on the parent’s rights; (3) information on the parent’s right to file a complaint through the local dispute resolution process (which is set forth in this policy) and the complaint process of the state board of education; and (4) information that will assist the parent in navigating the complaint process, including contact information for Families Together and the Disability Rights Center of Kansas. Upon the first occurrence of an incident of ESI, the foregoing information shall be provided in printed form or, upon the parent’s written request, by email. Upon the occurrence of a second or subsequent incident, the parent shall be provided with a full and direct website address containing such information. Law Enforcement, School Resource, and Campus Security Officers Campus police officers and school resource officers shall be exempt from the requirements of this policy when engaged in an activity that has a legitimate law enforcement purpose. School security officers shall not be exempt from the requirements of this policy. If a school is aware that a law enforcement officer or school resource officer has used seclusion, physical restraint, or mechanical restraint on a student, the school shall notify the parent the same day using the parent’s preferred method of contact. A school shall not be required to provide written documentation to a parent, as set forth above, regarding law enforcement use of an emergency safety intervention, or report to the state department of education any law enforcement use of an emergency safety intervention. For purposes of this subsection, mechanical restraint includes, but is not limited to, the use of handcuffs. Documentation of ESI Incidents Except as specified above with regard to law enforcement or school resource officer use of emergency safety interventions, each building shall maintain documentation any time ESI is used with a student. Such documentation must include all of the following: •
Date and time of the ESI,
Type of ESI,
Length of time the ESI was used,
School personnel who participated in or supervised the ESI,
Whether the student had an individualized education program at the time of the incident,
Whether the student had a section 504 plan at the time of the incident, and whether the student had a behavior intervention plan at the time of the incident.
All such documentation shall be provided to the building principal, who shall be responsible for providing copies of such documentation to the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee on at least a biannual basis. At least once per school year, each building principal or designee shall review the documentation of ESI incidents with appropriate staff members to consider the appropriateness of the use of ESI in those instances.
Reporting Data District administration shall report ESI data to the state department of education as required. Parent Right to Meeting on ESI Use After each incident, a parent may request a meeting with the school to discuss and debrief the incident. A parent may request such meeting verbally, in writing, or by electronic means. A school shall hold a meeting requested under this subsection within 10 school days of the parent’s request. The focus of any such meeting shall be to discuss proactive ways to prevent the need for emergency safety interventions and to reduce incidents in the future. For a student with an IEP or a Section 504 plan, such student’s IEP team or Section 504 plan team shall discuss the incident and consider the need to conduct a functional behavioral assessment, develop a behavior intervention plan, or amend the behavior intervention plan if already in existence. For a student with a section 504 plan, such student’s section 504 plan team shall discuss and consider the need for a special education evaluation. For students who have an individualized education program and are placed in a private school by a parent, a meeting called under this subsection shall include the parent and the private school, who shall consider whether the parent should request an individualized education program team meeting. If the parent requests an individualized education program team meeting, the private school shall help facilitate such meeting. For a student without an IEP or Section 504 plan, the school staff and the parent shall discuss the incident and consider the appropriateness of a referral for a special education evaluation, the need for a functional behavioral assessment, or the need for a behavior intervention plan. Any such meeting shall include the student’s parent, a school administrator for the school the student attends, one of the student’s teachers, a school employee involved in the incident, and any other school employees designated by the school administrator as appropriate for such meeting. The student who is the subject of such meetings shall be invited to attend the meeting at the discretion of the parent. The time for calling such a meeting may be extended beyond the 10-day limit if the parent of the student is unable to attend within that time period. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the development and implementation of a functional behavior assessment or a behavior intervention plan for any student if such student would benefit from such measures. Local Dispute Resolution Process If a parent believes that an emergency safety intervention has been used on the parent’s child in violation of state law or board policy, the parent may file a complaint as specified below. The board of education encourages parents to attempt to resolve issues relating to the use of ESI informally with the building principal and/or the superintendent before filing a formal complaint with the board. Once an informal complaint is received, the administrator handling such complaint shall investigate such matter, as deemed appropriate by the administrator. In the event that the complaint is resolved informally, the administrator must provide a written report of the informal resolution to the superintendent and the parents and retain a copy of the report at the school. The superintendent will share the informal resolution with the board of education and provide a copy to the state department of education. If the issues are not resolved informally with the building principal and/or the superintendent, the parents may submit a formal written complaint to the board of education by providing a copy of the complaint to the clerk of the board and the superintendent within thirty (30) days after the parent is informed of the incident. Upon receipt of a formal written complaint, the board president shall assign an investigator to review the complaint and report findings to the board as a whole. Such investigator may be a board member, a school administrator selected by the board, or a board attorney. Such investigator shall be informed of the obligation to maintain confidentiality of student records and shall report the findings of fact and recommended corrective action, if any, to the board in executive session. Any such investigation must be completed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the formal written complaint by the board clerk and superintendent. On or before the 30th day after receipt of the written complaint, the board shall adopt written findings of fact and, if necessary, appropriate corrective action. A copy of the written findings of fact and any corrective action adopted by the board shall only be provided to the parents, the school, and the state department of education and shall be mailed to the parents and the state department within 30 days of the board’s receipt of the formal complaint. If desired, a parent may file a complaint under the state board of education administrative review process within thirty (30) days from the date a final decision is issued pursuant to the local dispute resolution process. Approved: 8/18 KASB Recommendation – 6/13; 12/13; 6/15; 6/16; 7/17; 6/18 23
The superintendent, the board and staff shall protect the right of privacy of students and their families in connection with any surveys or physical examinations conducted, assisted, or authorized by the board or administration. The district shall annually provide parents notice of their rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment and the Student Data Privacy Act, at the beginning of each school year, and at any other time the school district policies in the area are substantially changed.
STUDENT DATA RESTRICTIONS Any student data submitted to or maintained in a statewide longitudinal student data system shall only be disclosed in accordance with the Student Data Privacy Act. Disclosure of all other student data or student record information maintained is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”). Annual written notice presented to parents and legal guardians of district students shall: 1. Require parent or guardian’s signature; and 2. Shall state student data submitted to or maintained in a statewide longitudinal data system only be disclosed as follows. Student data may be disclosed to: • The authorized personnel of an educational agency or the state board of regents who require disclosures to perform assigned duties; and • The student and the parent or legal guardian of the student, provided the data pertains solely to the student. Student data may be disclosed to authorized personnel of any state agency, or to a service provider of a state agency, educational agency, or school performing instruction, assessment, or longitudinal reporting, provided a data-sharing agreement between the educational agency and other state agency or service provider provides the following: • purpose, scope and duration of the data-sharing agreement; • recipient of student data use such information solely for the purposes specified in agreement; • recipient shall comply with data access, use, and security restrictions specifically described in agreement; and • student data shall be destroyed when no longer necessary for purposes of the data-sharing agreement or upon expiration of the agreement, whichever occurs first. *A service provider engaged to perform a function of instruction may be allowed to retain student transcripts as required by applicable laws and rules and regulations. Destruction shall comply with the NISTSP800-88 standards of data destruction. Unless an adult student or parent or guardian of a minor student provides written consent to disclose personally identifiable student data, student data may only be disclosed to a governmental entity not specified above or any public or private audit and evaluation or research organization if the data is aggregate data. “Aggregate data” means data collected or reported at the group, cohort, or institutional level and which contains no personally identifiable student data. The district may disclose student directory information when necessary and the student’s parent or legal guardian has consented in writing. • directory information to an enhancement vendor providing photography services, class ring services, yearbook publishing services, memorabilia services, or similar services; • any information requiring disclosure pursuant to state statutes; • student data pursuant to any lawful subpoena or court order directing such disclosure; and • student data to a public or private postsecondary educational institution for purposes of application or admission of a student to such postsecondary educational institution with the student’s written consent.
STUDENT DATA SECURITY BREACH If there is a security breach or unauthorized disclosure of student data or personally identifiable information of any student submitted to or maintained on a statewide student longitudinal data system, each affected student or the parent or legal guardian of the student, if a 24
minor, shall be immediately notified, and an investigation into the causes and consequences of the breach or unauthorized disclosure will be conducted.
BIOMETRIC DATA The district shall not collect biometric data from a student or use any device or mechanism to assess a student’s physiological or emotional state, unless the adult student or the parent or legal guardian of the minor student consents in writing. “Biometric data” includes measurable biological or behavioral characteristics that can be used for automated recognition of an individual, such as fingerprints, retina and iris patterns, voiceprints, DNA sequence, facial characteristics, and handwriting. Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the collection of audio voice recordings, facial expression information, and student handwriting for: • provision of counseling or psychological services, • conducting student threat assessments, • completing student disciplinary investigations or hearings, or • conducting child abuse investigations.
SELECT STUDENT SURVEYS No test, questionnaire, survey, or examination containing any questions about a student’s or the student’s parents’ or guardians’ personal beliefs or practices on issues such as sex, family life, morality, or religion shall be administered to any student unless: • the parent or guardian is notified in writing; and • the parent or guardian of the student gives written permission for the student to participate. Nothing shall prohibit school counselors from providing counseling services, including the administration of tests and forms as part of student counseling services. Any information obtained through such tests or counseling services shall not be stored on any personal mobile electronic device which is not owned by the school district. Storage of such information on personal: laptops; tablets; phones; flash drives; external hard drives; or virtual servers not owned by the district is prohibited.
STUDENT PRIVACY POLICY Students may be questioned: • in the provision of psychological services, • conducting of student threat assessments, • completing student disciplinary investigations or hearings, or • conducting child abuse investigations. Collection of such information in these limited circumstances is permitted without prior written consent of the parent, guardian, or adult student.
CIVIL RIGHTS COMPREHENSIVE NOTIFICATION FOR GARDNER EDGERTON, USD 231 In compliance with the Executive Order 11246; Title II of the Education Amendments of 1976; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972; Title IX Regulation Implementing Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and all other Federal, State, School rules, laws, regulations, and policies, the USD. 231 of Gardner, Kansas does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. It is our intent to comply with both the letter and spirit of the law in making certain that discrimination does not exist in these policies, regulations, and operations. Grievance procedures for Title IX and Section 504 have been established for students, their parents, and employees who feel discrimination has been shown by the local education agency. Any questions or complaints regarding the district’s compliance with Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504 may be directed to the Director of Special Services at P.O. Box 97, Gardner, KS 66030. 25
Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 complaints may also be filed with the Regional Office for Civil Rights. Address correspondence to: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut St. Suite 320, Kansas City, Missouri 64106.
CIVILITY TOWARD EMPLOYEES USD 231 believes interactions among individuals should be of a positive and productive nature. In accordance with this belief, it is the policy of USD 231 to treat everyone—fellow employees, students, parents, patrons, visitors, anyone having business with the district— with fairness and respect. The district also expects that anyone having interaction(s) with everyone associated with the district will treat them with professionalism, courtesy, dignity and respect. It is our policy, in accordance with the law and accepted rules of a civil society, to maintain an environment which is legal, ethical, and non-abusive. The policy is not intended to deprive anyone of his/her right to freedom of expression; its intent is to maintain a reasonable and safe environment for all. • Civil behavior is polite. Even when we disagree with each other, we can be polite. Remember: Civility is often verbal, but it can be nonverbal as well. • Civil behavior is controlled. When we are civil, we allow reason and respect to control our behavior. • Civil behavior is the best means of accomplishing one's goals through self-expression, persuasion, and acknowledgement of others. These behaviors are uncivil. It can occur in person, on the phone, on voice mail, in writing or in e-mail. • Physical or verbal threats, overt or implicit. • Behaviors which are coercive, intimidating, violent or harassing. Uncivil behavior includes, but is not limited to: • Use of profanity. • Personally insulting remarks. • Attacks on a person's race, gender, nationality, or religion. • Behavior that is "out of control.” After a report is filed, the following can occur: • The incident will be investigated. While confidentiality will be respected, it cannot be guaranteed. • The complaint will be discussed with the individual about whom it has been made. • If the incident is found to violate the District policy, the offending party can be subject to disciplinary action (student, employee) and/or restricted from access to school building or school personnel.
DISCLAIMER School rules published in this handbook are subject to such changes as may be needed to insure continued compliance with federal, state or local regulations and are subject to such review and alteration as becomes necessary for the routine operation of the school. Not all rules of behavior can be written and inserted in a guidebook; however, we expect students to follow reasonable rules and not violate the rights of others. Students and their parents are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, color, race, national origin, or handicap. Any person having inquiries concerning USD 231 and compliance with the above is directed to contact the Director of Human Resources at P.O. Box 97, Gardner, KS 66030.
I, ______________________________________ and my parent(s)/guardian(s) have read the expectations of PRMS/TRMS/WMS. Together we understand the expectations of PRMS/TRMS/WMS and the contents of the Student Handbook. My parent(s)/guardian(s) and I agree to work together with the staff of PRMS/TRMS/WMS to meet these expectations, so that I may be able to get the most out of my education.
Student Signature
Parent /Guardian Signature