Approach, My Soul Sheet Music - Jordan Kauflin, Laura Story
Approach, My Soul
(as recorded by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story, featuring Sing!)
Original Words by John Newton New Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story
[*original key]
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Lead Sheet
G* / F / E Major
2Bowed G proach, down won G - my be -drous soul, neath love;the a to mer load bleed C cy of and - seat sin, die, where by to Je Sa bear C sus tan thean sore cross D swers ly andprayer. pressed, shame G There by that
guil hum wars G bly with ty- fall out sinbe and nersfore fears such C - His with as feet, in, Ifor I might none come plead C can to Thy pe Thee gra D rish for ciousthere rest. name! G Thy Be The pro temp Thou E‹7 mise my tedis shield soul my and he on hi tells, C ly ding “Beplea; place, still; with that, My this shel pro C I tered misedven near grace ture Thy re - nigh. side, ceive.” DThou I 'Tis
Chorus won
Je may calls G our my susbur fierce speaks; dened ac I - souls cu must, Cto ser IThee, face will, and and I such, tell can, C him O I Lord, do Thou D am hast be I. died GOh
2Bowed F proach, down won F - my be -drous soul, neath love;the a to mer load bleed B¨ cy of and - seat sin, die, where by to Je Sa bear B¨ sus tan thean sore cross C swers ly andprayer. pressed, shame F There by that
hum wars F bly with ty- fall out sinbe and nersfore fears such B¨ - His with as feet, in, Ifor I might none come plead B¨ can to Thy pe Thee gra C rish for ciousthere rest. name! F Thy Be The pro temp Thou D‹7 mise my tedis shield soul my and he on hi tells, B¨ ly ding “Beplea; place, still; with that, My this shel pro B¨ I tered misedven near grace ture Thy re - nigh. side, ceive.” CThou I 'Tis
Je may calls F our my susbur fierce speaks; dened ac I - souls cu must, B¨to ser IThee, face will, and and I such, tell can, B¨ him O I Lord, do Thou C am hast be I. died F
3Oh lieve! F 'Tis Je F -susspeaks;I must, B¨ Iwill, I can, B¨ I do C be-
1.Ap 3.Oh 2Bowed E proach, down won E - my be -drous soul, neath love;the a to mer load bleed A cy of and - seat sin, die, where by to Je Sa bear A sus tan thean sore cross B swers ly andprayer. pressed, shame E There by that
guil hum wars E bly with ty- fall out sinbe and nersfore fears such A - His with as feet, in, Ifor I might none come plead A can to Thy pe Thee gra B rish for ciousthere rest. name! E Thy Be The
Je may calls E our my susbur fierce speaks; dened ac I - souls cu must, Ato ser IThee, face will, and and I such, tell can, A him O I Lord, do Thou B am hast be I. died EOh
3Oh lieve! E 'Tis Je E -susspeaks;I must, A Iwill, I can, A I do B be-
Approach, My Soul
(as recorded by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story, featuring Sing!)
Original Words by John Newton New Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story
[*original key]
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
G* / F / E Major
by that Steadilyq=60
proach, down won
- my be -drous soul, neath love;the a to
hum wars G bly with ty- fall out sinbe and nersfore fears such
load bleed
sore cross
Thou I 'Tis Je may calls G our my susbur fierce speaks; dened ac I - souls cu must,
to ser IThee, face will, and and I such, tell can,
proach, down won F - my be -drous soul, neath love;the a to mer load bleed
cy of and - seat sin, die, where by to
Steadilyq=60 guil hum wars F bly with ty- fall out sinbe and nersfore fears such B¨ - His with as feet, in, Ifor I might none come plead
Sa bear
sus tan thean sore cross
swers ly andprayer pressed, shame
There by that
my and he on hi tells,
can to Thy pe Thee gra
rish for cious
ly ding “Beplea; place, still; with that, My this shel pro B¨ I tered misedven near grace ture Thy re - nigh. side, ceive.” CThou I 'Tis Je may calls F our my susbur fierce speaks; dened ac I - souls cu must,
to ser IThee, face will, and and I such, tell can,
Steadilyq=60 guil hum wars E bly with ty- fall out sinbe and nersfore fears such
proach, down won
my be -drous soul, neath love;the a to mer load bleed
cy of and
seat sin, die,
by that
- His with as feet, in, Ifor I might
come plead
Je may calls E our my susbur fierce speaks; dened ac I - souls cu must,
plea; place, still; with that, My this shel pro
ly ding “Be
to ser IThee, face will, and and I such, tell can,
I tered misedven near grace ture Thy re - nigh. side, ceive.”
Approach, My Soul
(as recorded by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story, featuring Sing!)
Original Words by John Newton New Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story
[*original key]
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
G* / F / E Major
Approach, My Soul Hebrews 4:16
Original Words by John Newton, New Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story
8 G |C |G |C
Verse 1
Ap – proach my soul the mercy seat
W here Jesus answers prayer
There humbly fall be - fore His feet
For none can perish there
Em 7 C
Thy promise is my only plea
W ith this I venture nigh
Thou calls our burdened souls to Thee
And such O Lord am I
C G D Em
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
C D Em
Re - joice my soul for - ever
C G/D D G |C |G |C
Christ has made a way!
Verse 2 G C
Bowed down beneath a load of sin
By Satan sorely pressed
By wars without and fears within
I come to Thee for rest
Em 7 C
Be Thou my shield and hiding place
That sheltered near Thy side
I may my fierce ac - cuser face
And tell him Thou hast died
C G D Em
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
C D Em
Re - joice my soul for - ever
C G/D D G |C |G |C
Christ has made a way!
Verse 3 G C
Oh wondrous love to bleed and die C D G
To bear the cross and shame G C
That guilty sinners such as I C D G
M ight plead Thy gracious name Em 7 C
The tempted soul he tells “Be still C D
M y promised grace re - ceive" G C
'Tis Jesus speaks I must, I will C D G
I can, I do be - lieve G C
'Tis Jesus speaks I must, I will C D G |G
I can, I do be - lieve
CHORUS 3, 4 & 5
C G D Em
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
C D Em
Re - joice my soul for - ever,
Christ has made a way!
C G D Em
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
C D Em
Re - joice my soul for - ever,
C G/D D |G |C |G |C
Christ has made a way!
C G D Em
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
C D Em
Re - joice my soul for - ever,
C G/D D G ||
Christ has made a way!
Approach, My Soul Hebrews 4:16
Original Words by John Newton, New Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story
8 F |Bb |F |Bb
Verse 1
F Bb
Ap – proach my soul the mercy seat
Bb C F
W here Jesus answers prayer F Bb
There humbly fall be - fore His feet
Bb C F
For none can perish there
D m 7 Bb
Thy promise is my only plea
Bb C
W ith this I venture nigh
F Bb
Thou calls our burdened souls to Thee
Bb C F
And such O Lord am I
Bb F C D m
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
Bb C D m
Re - joice my soul for - ever
Bb F/C C F |Bb |F |Bb
Christ has made a way!
Verse 2 F Bb
Bowed down beneath a load of sin
Bb C F
By Satan sorely pressed
F Bb
By wars without and fears within Bb C F
I come to Thee for rest
D m 7 Bb
Be Thou my shield and hiding place Bb C
That sheltered near Thy side F Bb
I may my fierce ac - cuser face
Bb C F
And tell him Thou hast died
Bb F C D m
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
Bb C D m
Re - joice my soul for - ever Bb F/C C F |Bb |F |Bb
Christ has made a way!
Verse 3 F Bb
Oh wondrous love to bleed and die Bb C F
To bear the cross and shame F Bb
That guilty sinners such as I Bb C F
M ight plead Thy gracious name D m 7 Bb
The tempted soul he tells “Be still Bb C
M y promised grace re - ceive" F Bb
'Tis Jesus speaks I must, I will Bb C F
I can, I do be - lieve F Bb
'Tis Jesus speaks I must, I will Bb C F |F
I can, I do be – lieve
CHORUS 3, 4 & 5
Bb F C D m
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
Bb C D m
Re - joice my soul for - ever, Bb F/C C F
Christ has made a way!
Bb F C D m
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
Bb C D m
Re - joice my soul for - ever, Bb F/C C F |Bb |F |Bb
Christ has made a way!
Bb F C D m
Oh wondrous love! Oh boundless grace!
Bb C D m
Re - joice my soul for - ever, Bb F/C C F || Christ has made a way!
Approach, My Soul Hebrews 4:16
Original Words by John Newton, New Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin and Laura Story