Chlamydia pecorum-associated pneumonia in an aborted goat foetus Reinie Dijkman, Liesbeth Harkema, Eveline Dijkstra, Remco Dijkman Royal GD, The Netherlands
Introduction Chlamydia pecorum is a sporadic cause of ruminant abortion. Although detection of C. pecorum is reported in several studies, pathological descriptions are scarce. We present a case with histopathological lesions in an aborted dairy goat. Materials and Methods In March 2021, a late-term aborted goat foetus without placenta was submitted at GD for pathological investigation. It concerned a single case of abortion from a Dutch organic dairy goat farm, without recent history of abortions. Routine examination of aborted small ruminants consists of macroscopic examination, followed by histologic examination of brain, lung, heart and liver tissue. In addition, abomasal content is sampled for bacteriological culture and for a commercial PCR for detection of Chlamydia spp., and a PCR for distinction of C. psittaci and C. abortus from other Chlamydia spp. Samples positive in the Chlamydia spp. PCR but negative in the C. psittaci and C. abortus PCR, are subsequently tested in the C. pecorum KASP PCR. Immunohistochemistry for Chlamydia spp., using a commercial antigen, is performed when suggestive lesions are present.
Figure 1a and b. Bronchopneumonia with suspected intracellular reticulate bodies (arrow) (HE)
Results Macroscopy was unremarkable, histological samples of lung tissue showed a mild multifocal neutrophilic bronchopneumonia, with suspected intracellular reticulate bodies. Immunohistochemistry of lung tissue was positive for Chlamydia spp., correlated with the inflammation. The Chlamydia spp. PCR tested positive, KASP PCR confirmed Chlamydia pecorum.
Conclusions This report confirms C. pecorum as a plausible cause of goat abortion and reports a unique description of associated foetal pulmonary lesions. It is the first report of C. pecorum abortion in the Netherlands. Figure 2a and b. Immunohistochemistry Chlamydia spp. (red)
References 1. Giannitti et al., (2016) Chlamydia pecorum: fetal and placental lesions in sporadic caprine abortion. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 28(2), 184-189 2. Struthers et al., (2021) Meningoencephalitis, vasculitis and abortions caused by Chlamydia pecorum in a herd of cattle. Veterinary Pathology, 58(3), 549-557 3. Westermann et al., (2021) Chlamydia pecorum-associated sporadic ovine abortion. Veterinary Pathology, 58(1), 114-122
r.dijkman2@gdanimalhealth.com www.gdanimalhealth.com