news & communications
Contract research: how can we help you? With a broad team of experienced and fully dedicated animal health experts, our own (SPF) animal facilities and state-of-the-art diagnostic laboratory, we can perform studies needed for registration dossiers or to support products with scientific data. Together with our sponsors, we design and perform studies for multidisciplinary research in accordance with the required international quality standards and guidelines (EP, VICH, GCP or GLP).
FTA cards: find the agent!
Visit our new CRO website and learn more about the in-vitro and in-vivo studies, animal models, field studies, facilities, quality standards and what else we can do for you. MORE INFORMATION WWW.GDANIMALHEALTH.COM/CRO
Brexit: submitting samples
From the 1st of January, 2021, the UK is no longer a Member State of the EU and is to be considered a third country. When submitting samples of animal by-products from third countries, an import permit is required, as issued to GD by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). It allows us to receive samples of all animal species from third countries, as long as we comply with the permit conditions for accepting and processing the samples, as follows: • The import of the consignment shall take place through an approved border control post (BCP); the consignment needs to be pre-announced (before arrival of the goods) by means of a common health entry document (CHED); • Upon arrival at the BCP, each consignment needs to be inspected by an official veterinarian and needs to be accompanied by a copy of the import permit and an original document that mentions the nature, the quantity and the origin of the product. In some cases, no import permit and corresponding requirements are needed. Please inform before submitting samples to GD in order to obtain the correct information.
New products for poultry: ILT/SNP typification PCR and Coryza genotyping Two new products are available for poultry: the ILT/SNP typification PCR and Coryza genotyping. The ILT/SNP PCR (article number 12008/12009) can be used on swabs and FTA cards, and shows the presence or absence of the ILT virus. When this ILT virus is shown to be present, the test indicates whether it is a vaccine-like or wild type of strain. This PCR is also included in the respiratory PCR package for poultry and can be used on swabs and FTA cards (article number 11654/11644). The Coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum) genotyping product (article number 11585/10673) is a test that can be carried out on swabs or FTA cards (article number 10673/11585) following a positive Coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum) PCR. This gives information on the genotype and serotype of the Avibacterium paragallinarum bacteria involved in a Coryza outbreak.
Find The Agent Are you looking for a laboratory which can receive samples from all over the world? Which provides you with independent and reliable results? Offers you a large range of PCR tests, the possibility of sequencing/genotyping and can also offer veterinary advice? Then choose our diagnostics line: Find The Agent! An FTA card is a chemically treated filter paper designed for the collection, preservation and shipment of biological samples for subsequent DNA and RNA analysis. Special chemicals lyse and inactivate bacteria and viruses and preserve their DNA and RNA for detection by PCR. Submitting samples on FTA cards is easy and fast. Advantages are: • No risk of spreading infectious agents due to the chemicals included • No import permit is needed • Transportation at room temperature • Submit samples via regular post • Low transportation costs You can submit samples to our laboratory from any country. Visit our website to see which tests are available this year.
Update, April 2021 - 11