February 15th, 2018 Newsletter

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Due to parent teacher conferences this week, Friday, February 16th is a compensation day for parent teacher conferences and there is no school.

Mobile Clinics!

We will have 2 mobile clinics at Granger on February 23rd from 8:00 A.M. till 2:00 P.M. For more information or to see the flyer’s you can check out our website! https://schools.graniteschools.org/grangerhigh/2018/02/01/mobile-clinics-february-23rd/

School Safety Protocol

Parent please read the following links to learn of the district safety and security protocols. We follow these procedures to ensure safety in our school.

https://schools.graniteschools.org/grangerhigh/2018/02/15/dear-parents/ https://www.graniteschools.org/blog/2016/08/16/granite-school-districtwill-begin-using-these-security-terms/

Ways to sign up for Parent University

Text 81010 message a367c4f or go to the link www.remind.com/join/367c4f

ACT Testing

ACT testing will be February 27th from 7:30 A.M. to approximately 12:20 P.M. The test will include English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing Sections. Please eat a good breakfast. We will provide two 15 minute snack breaks during testing. If you have an approved ACT calculator, please bring it that day. All teachers will be made available from 1:00 P.M. – 2:10 P.M. for Intervention/Extension to meet with students. GTI busses will run on normal schedule.

Auditions for next year’s Concert Choir and Madrigals

Auditions are next week: February 20th-23rd. Sign up for a time by E-101, the choir room. Get an audition packet from Mrs. Santana or a member of any choir. Be prepared to sing 30-60 seconds of a song of your choice. If you have questions, email Mrs. Santana at ksantana@graniteschools.org.

Music Concerts

Join the Instrumental Music groups for two evenings of entertainment! Tuesday February 20th will be Orchestra Night, featuring the Concert and String Orchestras, as well as the Guitar Ensemble. Wednesday February 21st will be Band Night, with the Symphonic and Concert Bands, joined by the Percussion Ensemble. Both shows begin at 7.00 PM in the Black Box Theatre and are free to the public. We hope to see you there!

GHS Spring Musical

Tickets for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat are now on sale! March 1st - 5th at 7pm!! Tickets are $6 in advance and $7 at the door. Buy 4 for 1 night get the 5th free! VIP Packages available. Buy them from a cast member, at granger high school or online at www.grangertheatre.com

Project PI Graduation 2018 Meeting for Senior Students and Parents Tuesday, February 20, 2018 5:30 p.m. Hunter High School Cafeteria Credit Recovery for “At-Risk” Pacific Islander Students Goal: Increase the number of Pacific Islander students graduating from high school in May 2018. Sponsored by: Hunter High School Granite School District

College and Career Readiness Department Educational Equity Department The American lawyer and politician, William Jennings Bryan wrote, “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of CHOICE; it is not a thing to be wanted for, it is a thing to be achieved.” By “Destiny” he meant our future. In other words, our future doesn’t come about by chance and isn’t something that merely happens. By the time you are finishing high school, you need to have an idea of what you want to do with your life. Make sure that you are making good decisions along the way about where it’s going. if you have questions, contact: Judy Petersen 385-646-4408 Tevita Sekeni 435-218-9283

The future depends on what you do today. Gandhi

Granite District Dance Concert

The annual Granite District Dance Concert will be on Thursday, February 22nd at 7:00 P.M. at Skyline High School. Admission is free. The concert will include dances from 17 of our district schools.

Saturday School

Our next Saturday School will be February 24th, from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Students need to bring homework or something to work on, and no electronic devices are allowed.

GHS Food Pantry

Here at Granger we are lucky enough to have a food pantry. It is available to students who may not have any food at home. If you or someone you know is in need of food, please go to the counseling center.

Citizenship Make-Up

Seniors, Citizenship make-up occurs at Granger every day. In order to walk at Graduation, students must have a minimum 2.0 CPA to graduate. Citizenship is earned based on your attendance to classes. If you are below a 2.0 in CPA, you must complete hours to improve your CPA. Visit our website to find out more information at: http://schools.graniteschools.org/grangerhigh/2017/10/04/ citizenship-make-up-information/

PARENT INVOLVEMENT Parents and Community Members, We have implemented a new system to help our students know and practice our monthly Lancer Pride Expectations. If you’d like to see the most recent Granger Harbor video that students watched on Monday, February 12th, you can watch it using this link. http://granger.tv/forgiveness_video


February Mon.

Pres. Day! NO School!

Feb. 26th Softball Tryouts @3:00pm





Feb. 20th

Feb. 21st

Feb. 22nd

Feb. 23rd

ESL District Dance Endorsement Class Concert: Skyline -- K121 @4:00pm - @7:00pm - 8:30pm 7:00pm Mens Basketball @ Concert Choir & Hillcrest @3:30pm Concert Choir & Madrigal Madrigal Auditions: E101 Wrestling Auditions: E101 @2:30pm Banquet -@2:30pm Commons Writers Show@5:00pm Orchestra case -- Black Box Concert -- Black @6:00pm Orchestra Box @7:00pm Concert -- Black Box @7:00pm

DECA @ State Competition -Layton Conference Center @7:00am

Lady Basketball State @ SLCC @3:00pm

Feb. 27th ACT DAY!

Feb. 28th

Concert Choir & Madrigal Auditions: E101 @2:30pm

March 1st March 2nd

Mens Basketball Instrumental Tour: DECA @ State Competition -State Tournament California All Day Layton All Day

Mens Basketball Mens Basketball State Tournament State Tournament Instrumental Tour: All Day All Day California All Day Softball Tryouts @3:00pm ESL Endorsment Class: Room K121 Granger Freestyle @4:00pm Club- Wrestling Room @3:00pm Family Art Night Art Classrooms @6:00pm

Musical Performance: Auditorium @7:00pm

Conference Center @7:00am Instrumental Tour: California All Day Musical Performance: Auditorium @7:00pm

Would you like to see our daily announcements? You can view every episode of GTV @ http://announcements.granger.tv or on our youtube channel @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKBaXaEeiSf7m5s6gl_39JJgGm5FAn4Xl You can also stay up to date on the more detailed things going on here at Granger by seeing all our newspaper stories online! You can find them @ http://tricolortimes.com Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on all social media platforms, and checking our website where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items!

https://schools.graniteschools.org/grangerhigh/ https://www.facebook.com/grangerhs/ https://twitter.com/GrangerHS https://www.instagram.com/grangerhs/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYcQUxK0q6O9NRNpxlna6g


Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School 3580 S 3600 W West Valley City, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320

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