March 28th, 2018 Newsletter

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Registration for summer Driver Education starts on March 19th in the main office. The cost is $140 and needs to be paid at registration. Students must be 16 years old by October 30th and they need to have their learners permit on the first day of class. The class times are from 7-9 A.M., 9-11A.M., and 12-2 P.M. Monday Friday. Classes begin on May 29th.

Citizenship Make-Up

Seniors, Citizenship make-up occurs at Granger every day. In order to walk at Graduation, students must have a minimum 2.0 CPA to graduate. Citizenship is earned based on your attendance to classes. If you are below a 2.0 in CPA, you must complete hours to improve your CPA. Visit our website to find out more information at: citizenship-make-up-information/

Saturday School

The remaining Saturday School dates are April 21st & 28th, and May 12th from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Students need to bring homework or something to work on, and no electronic devices are allowed.

GHS Food Pantry

Here at Granger we are lucky enough to have a food pantry. It is available to students who may not have any food at home. If you or someone you know is in need of food, please go to the counseling center.

G Pin- Seniors

Attention Seniors! It’s time to apply for the coveted G-Pin. This prestigious award is earned by students who have participated in clubs, school organizations, teams, AP classes, concurrent enrollment classes, and other activities during their years as a Granger Lancer. If you have accumulated 30 or more points, you will be invited to the Senior Awards Banquet on May 21 where you will enjoy a great dinner and receive your pin! Applications are available in the main office, Room G-108, or from your English teacher. Follow all instructions on the application and submit it to Mr. Hughes in Room G-108 by Friday, April 27. This is a very strict deadline. Late applications will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Hughes.

Next Years Fall Musical

Next year’s fall musical has been announced! We would like you to be our guest at the Beauty and the Beast Auditions! Auditions are April 25th and 26th. To audition you need 16 bars (30 seconds) of a Broadway or Disney song. Sign up for a time online at or by the black box. Make sure you get an audition form. We will also be doing an audition workshop on Friday April 20th at 3:00pm in the black box. Any questions see Mrs. Anderson!

Advanced Theatre Tryouts

Come and audition for our Advanced Theatre Competition Team on April 18th and 19th. You need 2 contrasting monologues and 1 of them needs to be a Shakespeare monologue. Sign-ups for time are next to the black box or online at Don’t forget to fill out an audition form!

Dance Company

Our Dance Company participated in the State HS Dance Festival on March 16-17. We received an overall Superior Rating (top!); 2 of our students were selected for college scholarships (Rebecca Beckmann to SLCC and Natalia Davila to Weber) and we received one of only 5 “choreography of merit” awards out of 32 schools!

Art Department

Granger High School Art Department is proud to announce that the Fourth Congressional District and Representative Mia Love awarded Luis Arturo Topete Renteria a Congressional Honorable Mention for his oil painting titled K.C. which was exhibited at the Capital on Art Day Feb 21. In addition, Luis is the only Granger High Art Student who has the honor of having his work hang in the Springville Museum of Art 46th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show which is on display from Feb 3 –March 23, 2018. Congratulations Luis!

L.I.A. Cinco de Mayo Carnival

Granger High Latinos in Action will have their annual Cinco de Mayo carnival on Friday, May 4th from 5:00-7:00pm behind the school by the football field. There will be tacos, Chicharrones, snow cones, a live DJ, live bunnies to pet, a dunk tank, car show, face painting, and much more. Tickets for food and activities can be purchased at the door the night of the event. The Varsity boys soccer team will play Hunter after the carnival starting at 7 pm. Come out and have fun with your friends and family!

Latinos in Action

The Latinos in Action class took 223 students to their annual conference at BYU on Friday, March 16th. Their dance group performed and 2 seniors won scholarships. Gloria Guinea won $2,000 and Ashley Sotolongo won $6,000. Congratulations students!

Concurrent Enrollment Registration Sessions:

Help with enrollment to Salt Lake Community College will be available in the Career Center (A125) after school, from 2:10-3:00pm on the following dates: April 24th, 25th, and 26th as well as May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. All students must have a credit/debit card to pay the $40 enrollment fee.


March/April Mon.





March 26th March 27th March 28th March 29th March 30th AP Psych Review: Baseball Varsity vs. Baseball vs. Kearns @3:30pm Kearns @3:30pm G105 @2:30pm Baseball Soph vs. Kearns @3:30pm

Softball @ Hunter @3:30pm

Mens Tennis vs. Cyprus @3:30pm

Boys Soccer vs. Cyprus @3:30pm

Choir/Drama Tour: All day

April 2nd

Choir/Drama Tour: All day

April 3rd


END OF Mens Tennis @. Hillcrest @3:30pm TERM! NO Track & Field Granger. HuntSCHOOL! er @ Hillcrest



ESL Endorsment Class: Room K121 @4:00pm

April 4th Baseball @ Box Elder @3:30pm

April 5th

April 6th

Softball @ Cyprus Cheer Clinics: Aux Gym @2:30pm @3:30pm

Truancy Mediation ESL Endorsment Meeting - Alumni Class: Room K121 Room @9:00am @4:00pm Cheer Clinics: Aux Cheer Clinics: Aux Gym @2:30pm Gym @2:30pm

Would you like to see our daily announcements? You can view every episode of GTV @ or on our youtube channel @ You can also stay up to date on the more detailed things going on here at Granger by seeing all our newspaper stories online! You can find them @ Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on all social media platforms, and checking our website where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items!


Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School 3580 S 3600 W West Valley City, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320

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