Thoughtful Empowered Connected Granger High School Lancers, Parents, and Staff; Parent Teacher Conferences are on February 14th, and 15th from 4:30-7:30 p.m. followed by no school on Friday, February 17th as well as Monday, February 20th! Please take note of these important dates! Students are currently in the process of selecting their classes for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year. This is a very exciting and important time of the year! If you have any questions about how the process works, you can check it out on our website. ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS! The ACT test is approaching quickly! It will be on February 28th. To prepare you all for this important test, Granger High School will be offering ACT prep. This is a great opportunity to further prepare yourself for the test. If you would like more information please visit our website.
Celebrations! Granger High School student, Jarom Oliphant composed his very own symphony which was then performed at Granger on February 8th! What an amazing accomplishment for a 15 year old Granger Lancer! If you’d like to read more about it, you can visit our website, or!
Granger High School would like to congratulate Amata Tavai for taking 6th place at the Wrestling State Championships! Our Sterling Scholars have been selected for this year. These students have excelled in a specific subject and have made Granger High School very proud with all of their hard work! If you’d like to see which students were chosen you can see them on our website. We would like to congratulate our Granger High School Cheerleaders on winning 1st place at the Utah Region and State competitions! If you’d like to see a video of their performance you can find it here! We would also like to congratulate former football player and Granger Alumni, Khyiris Tonga who signed with BYU on February 1st. We’d also like to recognize Sommy Achebo, who played on our football team and signed with Southern Utah. You can check out his signing video on Athletes Corner!
Lancer PRIDE Expectations
This year our focus’s for Lancer Pride are to be Thoughtful, Empowered, and Connected in subjects such as;
We are thoughtful by respecting ourselves, peers, teachers and staff when we are in class on time and on task. We are empowered when we are aware of the daily bell schedule. We are connected to our school family and show school pride when we attend all classes, on time, every day.
Classroom Behavior We are thoughtful and respectful with our voices and the language we use. We are empowered by tracking and improving our academic progress. We are connected to our school family and show school pride by being prepared and participating in classroom activities regularly. Dress for Learning We are thoughtful and respectful of ourselves and others in our choice of dress, hairstyles, grooming and appearance to not be disruptive. We are empowered by creating a safe and educational environment by our choice of dress.
We are connected to our school family and show school pride when we know and follow the appropriate dress and hygiene standards.
Saturday School
Our next Saturday School Day will be held on February 25th from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Students can work off attendance fines as well a citizenship hours. Because of weather conditions we will only be doing study hall sessions, but will offer $100 credit towards attendance fines for the full time instead of the usual $60 credit!
Citizenship Makeup
We also have an opportunity for students to make up citizenship hours and receive credit towards attendance fines, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30- 3:45 P.M. in room D-102.
Chow time buffet and grill
If you live in West Valley or close by, come eat at Chow Time Buffet & Grill on Feb. 16th from 4:00 p.m. thru 8:30 p.m. The more people you bring to eat at this restaurant during the above hours, 33% of all they spend will be donated to our POP class/club. So, please keep this date in mind and invite as many people as you can, to come and eat here!!
FCCLa Formal wear rental
FCCLA is starting a formal wear rental and they are in need of donations! They are looking for formal dresses, suits, tuxedos, or cash donations to purchase materials. This is a great opportunity for you to clean out your closets and help our amazing students! You can drop your donations off to Ms. Mosher in K119 or Ms. Hodgson in J110. We would like to get this up and running in time for prom and senior ball, so the sooner we receive the donations the better!
Important Dates and Events
February 10th Basketball vs. West (Girls @ home|Boys away) Swim 5A State Championship @ BYU February 11th Sweethearts Dance (Commons) 7-10 p.m. February 14th Basketball vs. Hunter (Boys @ home|Girls away) February 15th Financial Aide Night (Room A125) 5:00-8:00 p.m. February 17th NO SCHOOL! Boys Basketball vs. Layton (@ Layton)
February 20th Presidents day- NO SCHOOL! Girls Basketball State (@ SLCC) 3:30 p.m. February 21st Choir Auditions (Room E101) 2:30-5:30 p.m. February 22nd Girls Basketball State (@ SLCC) 3:30 p.m. Choir Auditions (Room E101) 2:30-5:30 p.m. Talent Show tryouts (Black Box Theatre) 2:30-5:00 p.m. February 23rd Talent Show tryouts (Black Box Theatre) 2:30-5:00 p.m. Choir Auditions (Room E101) 2:30-5:30 p.m. District Dance (@ Kearns) 7:00-7:30 p.m. February 24th Choir Auditions (Room E101) 2:30-5:30 p.m. Girls Basketball State (@ SLCC) 3:30 p.m. Dance Company State Festival (@ U of U) (All day) February 25th Dance Company State Festival (@ U of U) (All day) Girls Basketball State (@ SLCC) 3:30 p.m
ESL Classes
We offer ESL classes for parents in our Career Center Lab (A125), They start at 4:00 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. This month they are February 1st, 8th, 15th and the 22nd! Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, (@Grangerhs) where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items!
___________________________________________________ Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School 3580 S 3600 W West Valley City, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320