Thoughtful Empowered Connected March 20th, 2017 Granger High School Lancers, Parents, and Staff;
Granger High
Announcements! SPRING BREAK BEGINS THIS WEEK! Wednesday is the last day of school this week. Spring Break begins Thursday, March 23rd. Do not come to school! Relax, have fun, and be safe! School will be back in session on Monday. April 3rd. Summer Driver Education Students taking Summer Driver Education MUST HAVE THEIR LEARNER PERMIT when class starts on May 31st. Begins Wednesday May 31, 2017 Ends Friday June 23, 2017 Classes are Monday through Friday Class Times 7:00 am to 9:00 am; 9:00 am to 11:00 pm or 12:00 am-2:00pm Registration Begins Monday March 20, 2017 in the main office Students Must be 16 years of age on or before October 30, 2017 to be eligible Student Fee of $140 must be paid at the time of registration There are NO fee waivers for summer school Must have learners permit BEFORE class begins Students will also be required to complete 6 hours of range driving and 3 hours of road driving outside of the designated class time. Times will be offered based on availability before or after class. There will be an additional $75 fee for students who are not enrolled in Granite School District.
Granger High School Food Pantry Here at Granger we are lucky enough to have a food pantry. It is available to students who may not have any food at home. If you or someone you know is in need of food, please go to the counseling center. Little Lancer Preschool Our GHS Little Lancer Preschool will be accepting applications for preschool, beginning Fall of 2017, on April 1st. This year we are expanding our enrollment to 3-5 year olds. If you are interested, and would like to fill out an application/want more info, please use this link, Don’t forget to buy a yearbook -- yearbooks are not included in the registration fees schedule, so it’s easy to forget to buy a yearbook. Remember that you can always read our newspaper, which is filled with really cool stories composed by the TriColorTimes staff as well by visiting our link:
Celebrations! The baseball team began their season in St. George for the Panther-Tiger Classic tournament. We ended the weekend with a 2-2 record. The boys played very well. We do have some things to improve on and clean up before region play, but we have many positive things to focus on. Game 1: Granger 14, Logan 2 Connor Casaday was the winning pitcher with Matt Clawson relieving him in the 4th inning. The team compiled 13 hits with Caden Cousins, Garrett Curtis, and Matt Clawson collecting extra base hits. Game 2: Pineview 5, Granger 3 Mitch Lindsey collected the loss as the pitcher being relieved by Noah Casias in the 6th inning. Patrick Rigby had 2 hits with Caden Cousins, Matt Clawson, and Mitch Lindsey each collecting one. Game 3: Granger 11, Moapa Valley 5 Patrick Rigby was the winning pitcher and Alex Wilson relieved him in the 5th inning. Caden Cousins had 2 hits with Weston Cousins, Matt Clawson, Connor Casaday having one each.
Game 4: Grantsville 4, Granger 3 Caden Cousins pitched 8 of the 9 innings, and had his best appearance on the mound. Cole Olsen came in relief. Cole Olsen lead the offensive charge with 3 hits, two of them doubles. Bradan Hovey, Garrett Curtis, Matt Clawson, Caden Cousins, Tyler Walker, Connor Casaday, and Patrick Rigby all had one hit. We had two all-state wrestlers this year, Brayden Knowlden (3rd place Super State) and Amata Tavai (6th place 5A State). This is quite an accomplishment considering we have only had four total in the last 14 years. Congratulations to these wrestlers for this accomplishment.
For the first time, a Granger Lancer has been awarded first runner up in Sterling Scholar. Nawres Al Saud won first runner-up in Visual Arts in the Sterling Scholar program last week. Nawres is the only student who has gotten this far in the Sterling Scholar Process. Congratulations!
Also for a first, Leila Mujic placed 2nd in Oratory for the Debate State Competition. This is also the first Lancer to make it this far in Debate. Congratulations to Leila!
Lancer PRIDE Expectations This year our focus’ for Lancer Pride are to be Thoughtful, Empowered, and Connected. We are thoughtful of our futures when we are present mentally and physically. We are empowered when we are aware of the daily bell schedule.
We are connected when we make learning a priority. Recently Granger received some information about all the progress we are making in regards to our attendance, and it is definitely worth celebrating! Attached is a poster made for our school.
Saturday School
The remaining Saturday School Dates are April 15th, April 22nd and May 6th. Saturday School starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. and lasts until 2:00 p.m. Student will not be admitted after 8:30 a.m. Students can work off attendance fines as well as citizenship hours. We offer $100 credit towards attendance fines when student attend the entire time. Please watch GTV for more information or any changes.
Citizenship Makeup
We also have an opportunity for students to earn make up citizenship hours and receive credit towards attendance fines, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30- 3:45 P.M. in room D-102.
FCCLa Formal wear rental
FCCLA is starting a formal wear rental. They have already receive such beautiful gowns and tuxedos. THANK YOU! They are still looking for formal dresses, suits, tuxedos, or cash
donations to purchase materials. This is a great opportunity for you to clean out your closets and help our amazing students! You can drop your donations off to Ms. Mosher in K119 or Ms. Hodgson in J110. We would like to improve our selection even more for senior ball, so the sooner we receive the donations the better!
Important Dates and Events
March 21st Golf @ Stone Ridge Wrestling Freestyle in Wrestling Room @2:10 p.m. Baseball vs Syracuse @3:30 p.m. Mens Soccer vs Syracuse @3:30 p.m. Mens’ Tennis vs Viewmont @3:30 p.m. Softball @ Davis @3:30 p.m. March 22nd Varsity Baseball @ Syracuse @3:30 p.m. ESL Classes in A125 Career Center Lab @4-7 p.m. March 23rd SPRING BREAK NO SCHOOL! Golf @ Layton/Valley View Wrestling Freestyle in Wrestling Room @2:10 p.m. Baseball vs Syracuse @3:30 p.m. Mens Soccer @ West @3:30 p.m. Softball vs West @3:30 p.m. March 24th- April 2nd SPRING BREAK NO SCHOOL! April 3rd SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION! April 4th Wrestling Freestyle in Wrestling Room @2:10 p.m. Baseball vs West @3:30 p.m. Mens Soccer vs Hunter @3:30 p.m. Softball vs Hunter @3:30 p.m. April 5th Drama Field trip: Pioneer Theatre 1:00 p.m. Student Gov. Candidate Interest Meeting 2:30 p.m. Track & Field w/Hunter @ West 3:00 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ West 3:30 p.m. ESL Classes in A125 Career Center Lab @4-7 p.m.
ESL Classes
We offer ESL classes for parents in our Career Center Lab (A125), They start at 4:00 p.m.
and end at 7:00 p.m. The remaining dates for March are the 22nd and the 29th. Hay classes de ESL (Ingles como una segunda lengua) para los padres en el Career Center (A125). Empiezan a las 4:00 p.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. Van ser los dias 22 y 29 de Marzo. We now stream GTV live! You can watch it, and other videos we post on our youtube channel at: Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, (@Grangerhs) where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items! Don’t forget to download our phone app!
___________________________________________________ Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School 3580 S 3600 W West Valley City, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320