Foreign Language Academic Alliance for International Rapport An Academic Alliance of Georgia and South Carolina Vol. 32, No. 1 (September 2016) Editor: Jana Sandarg
Department of English and Foreign Languages Augusta University
Fall conference 2016
World Languages and Career Readiness in Georgia – a Worldly Fit! On Saturday, August 27th, FLAIR sponsored a free teacher workshop at the Augusta University Summerville campus — World Languages and Career Readiness in Georgia – a Worldly Fit! Michaela Claus -Nix, the Program Specialist for World Languages and Workforce Initiatives at the Georgia Department of Education, talked about several new initiatives in the state of Georgia, including two new seals for graduating high school students, the International Skills Diploma Seal and the Seal of Bi-literacy, and an overview of the rapidly growing dual language immersion programs and the 50/50 model recommended by GaDOE.