Volume 1, Issue 3, March 2010
The GSO News
Medical College of Georgia Graduate Student Organization
Inside this Issue Fitness Initiative
Fitness initiative between MCG, GPI and local schools: ARE YOU FIT? Samuel Herberg
School of Graduate Studies comes forth to help the homeless 2
Nuuk, Greenland
Tasiilaq, Greenland
Stockholm, Sweden Bergen, Norway
St. Petersburg, Russia
MCG Graduate Students raise $1200 for Haiti relief efforts 3rd Annual GSO Sponsored Superbowl Party
Goose Bay, Newfoundland
Augusta, Maine
Barcelona, Spain
Washington, DC Augusta, Georgia
Herat, Afghanistan Lhasa, China Taj Mahal, India
Djibouti, Djibouti
Caracas, Venezula Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Year 1
Nairobi, Kenya
Year 2
Lilongwe, Malawi La Paz, Bolivia
Student: Joshua Bird
GSO Sponsored Spring Camping Trip
Recently you may have noticed fellow graduate students and faculty walking around with little devices attached to their belts or pants. Sometimes you can even see some of them going into a huddle and eagerly checking these mysterious clip-ons. So what are they doing? Did they take on shifts in the hospital and are constantly on call or is MCG preparing a ‘SWAT-team’ on campus? To disclose the secret – it’s none of the above. Instead, those mentioned individuals participate in the ‘I AM FIT’ research study being conducted by the Georgia Prevention Institute. Although this study is targeted at school-aged children and aims to determine the effects of increased physical activity,
Toamasina, Madagascar
Gabarone, Botswana
Year 4
Belo-Tsiribina, Madagascar Santiago, Chile Cape Town, South Africa
The GSO News
Armenia (Capitol)
Troy, Turkey Mediterranean Sea
Miami, Florida
Year 3
Student: Kelly Weidower
Paris, France
Melbourne, Australia Augusta, Australia
Tierra Del Fuego
Antarctica Antarctica
Design by Trudy Gove of the MCG VID department
in the form of walking, on blood pressure and body weight, MCG students are involved as controls and role models. Pedometers are worn by all study participants to measure steps taken with a goal of 10,000 steps, or five miles, per day. The MCG-sponsored ‘I AM FIT’ project was developed by Denise Kornegay and Vernon Barnes, as a figurative ‘Walk Around the World in Four Years’ challenge. Last year, as a pilot, six teams walked the distance through South America to Tierra del Fuego and this year the teams will walk the distance across Australia to Madagascar, from Cape Town, up the eastern coast of Africa to Djibouti. This
journey will continue in 20102011 as participants will walk through Asia, Europe, and Russia, and lastly in 2011-2012 the teams will walk the distance across Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada, and back down to Augusta, GA. The project is mainly intended to increase physical activity and to lower body weight and blood pressure. Therefore, participating high school students are screened pre and post program to evaluate the effectiveness of this fitness/ awareness program. The ‘I AM FIT’ fitness project is planned for the AR Johnson Health Science and Engineering …to“Fitness”, pg. 2 1