Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2009
The GSO News
Medical College of Georgia Graduate Student Organization
Inside this Issue Student Health Insurance Update
GSO Volleyball Team Goes Undefeated!
What is Alpha Upsilon Phi?
Alumni Student Spotlight
Current Student Spotlight
Student Accomplishments
Game Night a Success
Happy Holidays
GSO News would like to extend congratulations to all MS, MSN and Ph. D. students who will be graduating on December 11th. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and look forward to hearing of your successes in the future!
The GSO News
Student Health Insurance Update Samuel Herberg
As was recently brought to your attention, the Pearce & Pearce student health insurance plan underwent significant changes that took effect August 1, 2009. These changes were mandated by the Board of Regents (BOR), which selects the plan for each of the schools in the University System of Georgia (USG). These changes included a raise in the maximum out of pocket expenditure from $2,500/year to $10,000/year and a decrease in the maximum benefit for dependents from $300,000/year to $50,000/ year. This information was disseminated by email to all graduate students and was also shared at the SGA meeting called on October 26 to specifically address these changes. At the meeting, a vote was cast to accept the rider that increased the premium by $87 so that the maximum out of pocket expenditure would be restored to its original level. On October 30, Dr. Goldstein, Senior Vice President Academic Affairs & Provost at MCG, approved to add the rider in order to decrease the maximum out of pocket expenditure on the student health insurance plan to $2,500 for all enrolled MCG students
under the Pearce & Pearce health insurance plan. Moreover, adding a rider for the spring semester will be retroactive to any claims in the current fall semester. This is a significant achievement for all students at MCG and we would like to thank all of you for participating in the discussions that eventually helped to resolve the issue! However, keep in mind, the $87 will be added to the spring semester fee. As of today, we have not been able to find a satisfying solution that would increase the maximum benefits per year from the current $50,000 to its original level, but be assured that this issue continues to be a focal point of ongoing discussions. What is great to have learned, from the recent discussions with USG officials and GSO representatives of other Georgia universities, is that MCG has a remarkably low rate of claim denials, thanks to the dedicated work of our Student Health Center staff! Finally, please check your email periodically for updates on Pearce & Pearce related information. Let’s all take this example of successful teamwork to feel encouraged for making our voice be heard on important issues! Happy healthy holidays! O