Volume 2, Issue 1, September 2010
The GSO News Medical College of Georgia Graduate Student Organization
Welcome Back from the GSO President
2010/11 GSO Officers
26th Annual Graduate Research Day
Student: Aisha Cobbs
Student: Irfan Ali
Faculty: Dr. Jennifer Sullivan
Student Accomplishments
Feature Article: Medical Illustration
GSO Fundraiser
2010/11 GSO Officers Colleen Carey In addition to the GSO president’s welcome note, the GSO officers would also like to take the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves. Here we provide you with some basic information about the work we do at MCG and highlight the goals each one of us is eager to achieve within this academic year.
…to“Officers”, pg. 2
The GSO News
Dear fellow graduate students, It’s once again that time of the year - a new academic term has just begun and we have a lot planned for you. Last year we were able to establish many new things for MCG’s graduate students while at the same time also maintaining well-appreciated GSO traditions and even reviving old ideas. In doing so, we were able to meet our goals of improving the overall communication among the graduate student body, connecting students from different programs, combining GSO’s and SGA’s efforts for the benefit of all MCG students, and establishing new relationships with other schools within the University System of Georgia. As a result of these team efforts, we are able to look back on a very active and successful past year for our organization!
While we begin the new academic year with presenting the 1st edition of the GSO Welcome Handbook to the new incoming classes of graduate students (which can be found at http://www.mcg. edu/gradstudies/students.htm), we also plan to extend our focus on the more upper level students by a variety of means. One such goal of doing so is through inviting guest speakers to talk about professional career opportunities, because one can never start planning the future too early! Lastly, I’d like to encourage you to keep an eye out for announcements from your organization. Thanks to your help, input, and participation, GSO has become one of the most influential and well-respected student organizations at MCG and together we can keep it that way! On behalf of the GSO and my fellow officers I wish you all a very successful year and look forward to seeing you at many of the upcoming events we have planned. Samuel Herberg GSO President
photography by Dr. Patricia Cameron
Inside this Issue
Welcome Back from the GSO President