2 minute read
Specialty Hymnals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–17 Missal & Hymnal Subscriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18–21 Singing Our Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–23 Cross Generation
Leader’s/Catechist’s Manual
An essential resource for those who prepare liturgies with children and children for liturgy.
The Leader’s/Catechist’s Manual provides a wealth of information on sound liturgical principles by leading experts on liturgies with children. Noted pastoral musicians offer their wisdom and expertise in regard to working with the child’s voice and developing children for music ministry. The manual contains commentary on, and the complete text of, the Directory for Masses with Children. You will also find the complete indexes from the hymnal to be a convenient reference tool to assist in the liturgy planning process.
In addition to insightful chapters on the various aspects of preparing liturgies with children, repertoires and outlines are available for morning prayer, prayer to end the day, Stations of the Cross, and Eucharistic Adoration. Reproducible take-home prayer services round out this resource, extending prayer from classroom to home.
G-8750 Singing Our Faith—Second Edition: Hymnal ............................. $9.00 G-8750A Singing Our Faith—Second Edition: Keyboard Accompaniment .............69.95 G-8750C Singing Our Faith—Second Edition: Cantor/Guitar Edition ................. 54.95 G-8750L Singing Our Faith—Second Edition: Leader’s/Catechist’s Manual .......... 24.95 G-8750CD Singing Our Faith—Second Edition: CD Set ............................. 110.00 G-8750IC Singing Our Faith—Second Edition: C Instrument book .................... 40.00
The best in contemporary music for worship

We gathered a committee of distinguished pastoral musicians who combed the popular resources available and chose the very best songs used in contemporary worship settings.
But Cross Generation is more than just a collection of terrific music: it is a truly effective tool to assist worshipers and seekers alike in the ongoing process of catechesis.
This songbook includes great music by established writers like Tony Alonso, John Angotti, Steve Angrisano, John L. Bell, Tom Booth, Ed Bolduc, Rory Cooney, Marty Haugen, and more.
In addition, there is a broad range of exciting new songs from composers like Shannon Cerneka, Chris de Silva, Orin Johnson, Michael Mahler, and Paul Melley. “Heritage” music—classic examples of chant, hymnody, world music, and early American folk tunes—will broaden and deepen our insight into faith and history.
The brilliance of Cross Generation comes through the succinct yet meaningful explanations and quotes placed throughout the book, connecting the music to the liturgical seasons, our sacraments and rites, and our venerable past.
Add in the signature GIA indexes and cross-references, the convenient supplemental editions, the affordable price, and the eye-catching design—and the result is a truly groundbreaking contemporary music resource.