2 minute read
Hymnal and Missal Accessories
G-4558 7.125 x 10.5, Blue (fits Sunday’s Word) ...............................................................................$2.75 ea. 006622 5.5 x 8.5, Green (fits Seasonal Missalette® OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Missal) ................................ 2.00 ea. 006623 7 x 10, Green (fits Large Print Seasonal Missalette® , ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Missal, OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Himnario) ..................................................................................................... 2.50 ea. 006625 6 x 9, Clear (1.5” spine, fits Word & Song) ............................................................................ 1.25 ea. 006626 6 x 9, Green (1.125” spine, fits Word & Song OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Himnario) ...............................2.95 ea. 006627 6 x 9, Green (1.125” spine, fits Seasonal Missalette® AND ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Himnario OR We Celebrate® Hymnal) ...............................................................................................................2.95 ea. 006628 5.5 x 8.5, Clear (fits Voices As One® , Volume 1 OR Volume 2) ...........................................................1.50 ea. 006640 7 x 10, Clear (1.375” spine, fits Choral Companion) .................................................................... 1.25 ea. 006641 6 x 9, Burgundy (1.125” spine, fits Word & Song OR We Celebrate® Hymnal OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Himnario) .2.75 ea. 006642 6 x 9, Burgundy (1.125” spine, fits Missalette AND We Celebrate Hymnal OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Himnario) ....2.95 ea. 006643 6 x 9, Clear (1” spine fits We Celebrate® Hymnal OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Himnario) ......................... 1.25 ea. 006644 5.5 x 8.5, Blue (1.375” spine, fits Voices As One, Volumes 1 & 2 OR Voices As One®, Volume 1 OR Volume 2 AND Seasonal Missalette® OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Missal) ...........................................................2.95 ea. 006645 5.5 x 8.5, Clear (1.375” spine, fits Voices As One®, Volumes 1 and 2 OR Voices As One®, Volume 1 OR Volume 2 AND Seasonal Missalette® OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate!® Missal) ...........................................................1.50 ea. 006646 7 x 10, Clear (fits Large Print Seasonal Missalette® OR ¡Celebremos!/Let Us Celebrate! Missal!®) ........................ 1.25 ea. 006647 5.5 x 8.5, Blue (.875” spine, fits Voices As One®, Volumes 1 & 2) .........................................................2.95 ea. 006648 5.5 x 8.5, Custom 4 Pocket, Clear (fits Voices As One®, Volume 1 AND Volume 2) ........................................2.25 ea. 006653 6 x 9, Burgundy (1.5” spine, fits Missalette AND Hymnal) ................................................................2.95 ea. 006666 7 x 10, Clear (fits Missalette AND Hymnal) ............................................................................2.95 ea. 006706 6 x 9, Blue (fits We Celebrate® Missal) ................................................................................2.75 ea. 006707 6 x 9, Blue (fits We Celebrate Missal AND We Celebrate® Hymnal) .....................................................2.95 ea.
Quantity pricing is available. Contact Suzanne Orland at hymnalsandmissals@giamusic.com or call 1.708.552.9815 for more information.
HEAVY-DUTY PLASTIC POCKETS for the hymnal of your choice.
These strong, clear pockets affix easily to the inside back cover of any GIA hymnal and can hold a parish song list or bulletin with ease. Call or email us for a sample.
G-4565 Plastic Hymnal pocket ................................... $.50
Triple-ribbon Marker
Custom-made to beautifully adorn any of GIA’s hardbound hymnals, these elegant gold satin ribbon bookmarks are perfect for marking your Psalms, hymns, and service music. The 12-inch, bonded, triple-ribbon marker easily inserts into and securely adheres to the hymnal’s spine.
G-HRGOLD Hymnal Ribbon ...................................... $.75