14 minute read
Cantor’s Book of Gospel Acclamations
In an effort to provide gospel verses for every Sunday in the liturgical year, GIA is expanding the Cantor’s Book of Gospel Acclamations series. Volume 1 contained some of the classic and best-known gospel acclamations used at Sunday worship; volume 2 provides gospel acclamations and verses for some of the most popular new and revised Mass settings from our hymnals Worship—Fourth Edition and Gather—Third Edition.
Included is the gospel acclamation from the best-selling Mass of Joy and Peace by Tony Alonso, along with those from Mass of Creation and Storrington Mass by Marty Haugen, Missa Pacem by L. Randolph Babin, Unity Mass by Norah Duncan IV, Glendalough Mass by Liam Lawton, and alleluias from the Taizé Community.
We’ve done all the work for you. No more writing out the gospel verse for your cantors. The attractive and dignified cover makes it suitable for liturgical use. Proclaiming the gospel acclamation has never been easier.
G-8800 Spiral-bound, 8.5 x 11 ..................... $37.00

In this one edition, GIA has taken 10 of the most widely sung alleluias and Lenten acclamations and set the accompanying verses for the entire Sunday Lectionary! Each acclamation has its own corresponding tone. The works of composers Richard Proulx, Marty Haugen, Howard Hughes, SM, Jacques Berthier (Taizé), A. Gregory Murray OSB, Fintan O’Carroll, Steve Janco, and others are all represented in this one volume, usable year after year.
G-4987 Spiral-bound, 8.5 x 11 ..................... $35.00
A complete set of responsorial Psalms for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord throughout the three-year Lectionary cycle. This comprehensive edition offers a true diversity of style and voice, drawn from the treasury of GIA’s psalters: The Lyric Psalter; Cry Out with Joy; beloved favorites from the Guimont psalter that have graced the pages of the Lectionary section of previous editions of Gather; and the psalters published as companions to GIA’s hymnals, Lead Me, Guide Me—Second Edition; Worship—Fourth Edition; and Ritual Song–Second Edition. This commitment to representation—metered and chant, classical and contemporary, male and female composers, accompanied by piano, guitar, and/or organ— allows a more extensive image and likeness of God to come together to create the most well-rounded, inclusive psalter companion the church has ever known. The texts for the Psalm verses are taken from The Abbey Psalms and Canticles (2018).
G-10600 Spiral-bound ..................................................... $36.95 10 or more copies ............................................... 29.00 ea.
NEW! The Abbey Psalms and Canticles
A complete set of responsorial Psalms for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord throughout the three-year Lectionary cycle.
The release of the document Liturgiam authenticam in 2001 required that the Grail Psalms be revised for use in Roman Catholic liturgy, this time under the direction of Abbot Gregory Polan and the monks of Conception Abbey. Their careful editing and scholarship produced The Revised Grail Psalms in 2010. However, this translation would undergo further (slight) revisions in 2018 leading to the publication in 2020 of The Abbey Psalms and Canticles
Since their publication in 1994, the Psalm refrain settings and Psalm tones of Canadian composer Michel Guimont have enjoyed wide popularity in North America. These Psalm settings have a harmonic freshness and flexibility in performance that makes them a unique and enduring contribution to the Church’s song.

G-10374 Spiral-bound ..................................................... $36.95 10 or more copies ............................................... 29.00 ea.
This edition offers a complete set of responsorial Psalms for use throughout the three-year Lectionary cycle. Using The Revised Grail Psalms each of the settings in this collection can be performed using organ, piano, or guitar. The verses can be sung by a solo cantor or by SATB choir. This current edition includes 10 new refrain settings and 7 new Psalm tones. While this collection may be used as a Lectionary psalter, regardless of what musical resource is found in the pew, this edition is uniquely linked to Gather—Third Edition.
G-8150 Spiral-bound ..................................................... $35.95 10 or more copies ...............................................28.00 ea.
LECTIONARY PSALMS RECORDINGS CD-940 Solemnities and Feasts ............................................. $19.95 CD-941 Year A ............................................................. 19.95 CD-942 Year B ............................................................. 19.95 CD-943 Year C ............................................................. 19.95 CD-939 Complete Set of 4 CDs .............................................. 69.95


Now the entire Lectionary section of Ritual Song—Second Edition is here! It not only serves as an accompaniment and cantor resource but is also a stand-alone collection for use apart from the hymnal. These refrains draw on a distinguished corpus of compositions found in GIA’s Worship II and Worship—Third Edition as well as many other hymnals, making them usable in a wide range of settings. They are also available as downloads through ONE LICENSE.
G-9260 Spiral-bound ..................................................... $34.95 10 or more copies ...............................................28.00 ea.
This new and versatile edition of Lectionary Psalms includes both Gelineau and Guimont Psalm tones, offering increased variety in proclaiming the Psalm for each Sunday, feast, and solemnity throughout the liturgical cycle. The ICEL refrains are set by some of the most important composers in liturgical music, including Richard Proulx, Robert Batastini, Fr. Ronald Krisman, Br. Howard Hughes, and more. Each antiphon was selected for its ability to evoke the spontaneous singing of the assembly. As with the Guimont Lectionary Psalms, this edition uses the Revised Grail Psalms—
G-8151 Spiral-bound ..................................................... $35.95 10 or more copies ...............................................28.00 ea.

The Revised Grail Psalms as found in Lead Me, Guide Me—Second Edition
Written by some of today’s finest African American composers, this book of Lectionary Psalms contains the responsoral Psalms for all of the Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord for the three-year cycle of the Lectionary for Mass. It also uses texts from The Revised Grail Psalms. Many of the Psalms have the verses set as part of the composition. For the majority, however, the verses are set to a variety of Psalm tones, some by the composer of the antiphon and many drawn from other sources. The cantor-psalmist may chant the text to the tone as written or, following the practice of chanting Psalm tones that has evolved in African American Catholic communities, the cantor may use the tone as the outline for creative improvisation.
G-8152 Spiral-bound ..................................................... $34.95 10 or more copies ...............................................28.00 ea.

The Revised Grail Psalms as found in Oramos Cantando / We Pray in Song
This diverse set of Lectionary Psalms contains 70 settings of Psalms and biblical canticles in a variety of styles, for use in the Liturgy of the Hours, at Mass, and in other liturgical rites. Many employ Gelineau, Guimont, or Conception Abbey tones. All of the Psalms are completely bilingual in Spanish and English. The Lectionary Psalms use USCCB-approved refrains in both English and Spanish with verses from The Revised Grail Psalms and the salterio of Spain’s Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE).
G-8153 Spiral-bound, 2-Volume Set ..........................................$59.95 10 or more copies .................................................28.00 ea.
Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations
These Psalm refrains and Gospel acclamations are crafted to be singable and expressive. For each Sunday and Holy Day, a carefully selected musical refrain is paired with a Gregorian or modern Psalm tone with the verse text set under the notation in large print. Through-composed verse settings for a number of the Psalms are included, and many refrains have choral harmony. The CD Set contains recordings of all the responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations for Sundays, feasts, and solemnities, as well as common seasonal Psalms, Psalms for funerals, and other music. These Psalm settings and acclamations coordinate with WLP’s worship resources, but will find a welcome home in any parish setting. These lectionary Psalm texts are from the Lectionary for Mass and match the English Psalm responses found in Seasonal Missalette® , Liturgy of the Word, Word & Song, We Celebrate Missal, ¡Celebremos / Let Us Celebrate!® Missal, and One in Faith.
003382 Year A 003383 Year B 003384 Year C Each edition: 1-5 ................ $19.95 ea. 10 or more .......... 15.95 ea. 003386 10-CD Set ...... 99.95

Seasonal Psalms with Through-Composed Verses
This collection contains through-composed verses for the common/seasonal Psalms of the Lectionary for Mass. Ideal for the more experienced cantor. Refrains are compatible with those found for the Common/Seasonal Psalm in WLP Worship Resources and the other volumes of Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations. 8.5 x 11. Spiral-bound.
003385 Seasonal Psalms .....................................................$19.95 10 or more ........................................................ 15.95 ea.

Each binder includes:
• 1-inch spine and 1-inch rings • 3-ring format • Can hold pages up to 8.5 x 11 • Inside front pocket for loose papers and cards
Series 1 Ceremonial Binders
The original Series 1 Ceremonial Binders are beautifully constructed, heavily embossed, and assembled by hand. Eight different colors to choose from.
003356 Ivory with Red Accent & Gold Foil, 1” .............................................................. $25.00 006633 Ivory with Red Accent & Gold Foil, 1.5”* ............................................................ 26.00 006631 Red with Black Accent & Gold Foil, 1” .............................................................. 25.00 006629 Royal Purple with Violet Accent & Gold Foil, 1” ...................................................... 25.00 006630 Purple/Lavender with Siver Foil .................................................................... 25.00 006586 Green with Ivory Accent & Copper Foil, 1” .......................................................... 25.00 006510 Rich Blue with Deep Blue Accent & Silver Foil, 1” ..................................................... 25.00 006632 Gray with Dark Blue Accent & Pewter Foil, 1” ........................................................ 25.00 006511 Black with Taupe Accent & Gold Foil, 1” ............................................................ 25.00 006512 Set of 8 (One of each color) ...................................................................... 175.00
*not included in set—006512

Series 2 Ceremonial Binders
Series 2 binders are adorned with a stunning gold foil cross on the cover. Each binder is constructed with the finest quality materials offering long-lasting resilience against wear and tear.
006775 Ivory with Gold Cross ...................... $19.95 006776 Green with Gold Cross ...................... 19.95 006777 Red with Gold Cross ........................ 19.95 006778 Purple with Gold Cross ...................... 19.95 006780 Black with Gold Cross ...................... 19.95 006779 Set of 4 (One of each color without Black) .... 75.00 006781 Set of 5 (One of each color with Black) ....... 90.00

Series 3 Ceremonial Binders
WLP is proud to offer a series of binders perfect for the liturgical seasons. With a stunning wheat design adorning the cover, these binders are an attractive and durable solution for choirs to keep and display their music, for church musicians to assemble each week’s accompaniments, and for clergy and church leaders to use for intercessions, special rites, seasonal service programs, and general announcements. They also make magnificent gifts!
006805 Black with Gold Wheat ......................................................................... $19.95 006804 Purple with Gold Wheat .......................................................................... 19.95 006803 Red with Gold Wheat ............................................................................ 19.95 006802 Green with Gold Wheat ......................................................................... 19.95 006801 Ivory with Gold Wheat ........................................................................... 19.95 006806 Set of 5 (one of each color) ...................................................................... 90.00
Ceremonial Presentation Folders

These attractive and useful Ceremonial Folders are designed to hold one or two single sheets of 8.5 x 11 paper. The cover design features the exquisite two-tone stamped cross design with gold foil found on WLP’s Series 1 Ceremonial Binders. Each fabric-lined folder holds one or two single sheets of paper that you can easily tuck into the grosgrain ribbon corner holders. Ideal for use by lectors (with intercessions placed on one side and parish announcements placed on the other), by priests and deacons, and by cantors (to hold the Psalm). Consider having brides and grooms use at weddings to hold their vows, or use as a presentation folder for special awards or appreciation certificates. Available in 5 colors, for the liturgical seasons and general use.
006831 Ivory with Red Accent & Gold Foil ............. $23.00 006832 Green with Ivory Accent & Gold Foil ............ 23.00 006833 Red with Black Accent & Gold Foil ............. 23.00 006834 Purple with Violet Accent & Gold Foil ........... 23.00 006835 Black with Taupe Accent & Gold Foil ........... 23.00 006836 Set of 5 (one of each color) ................... 99.50


Sunday’s Word
Sunday’s Word is a publication prepared in response to an expressed pastoral need. It is for use in conjunction with a hymnal and service book or other music resource, and is intended for those who wish to preread the scriptures of the day as a preparation for the celebration, or who have difficulty hearing, or who feel the need to read the text as it is proclaimed for full comprehension. The Eucharistic Prayers are also included.
It contains the assembly’s responsorial Psalm refrain for each Sunday and major feast. The full version of the Psalms (keyboard accompaniments, guitar chords, and cantor verses) are found in Gather Lectionary Psalms: Michel Guimont (G-8150).
Sunday’s Word also contains the Order of Mass, with the assembly’s responses from Tony Alonso’s setting, Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations (G-9090). The full score with the keyboard accompaniments and choral parts (G-9090FS) and other editions are available from GIA.
The weekday section includes the entrance antiphon, Psalm response, gospel verse, and communion antiphon for all feasts, memorials, and weekdays of the year. In addition, the Order of Mass texts (including both the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed) are printed on the inside front cover for convenience.
The perfect companion to any hymnal... • Now with larger, easy-to-read print • Readings for Sundays and major feasts • Order of Mass with music from the Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations • Enhanced weekday section • Easy-to-read 6.5” x 9.5” format; 250 pages • Low price of $2.60 each
G-SW22 Sunday’s Word 2022, Year C: Beginning Advent 2021 .............$2.60

Daily Mass Intercessions
This popular annual resource is designed for use by priests at daily Eucharist (Monday through Saturday), lay ministers who lead daily Word and Communion services, and those who lead prayer on a daily basis in other settings. This book includes: • Daily general intercessions with an invitation to prayer and a closing prayer • Scripture citations for the readings of the day, with Lectionary number • Clear, user-friendly page layout and easy-to-read LARGE type • Convenient, portable size for ease of handling and transporting
G-DMI211 Daily Mass Intercessions 2022 ............................$21.00

Living the Word
Each year two expert theologians team up to present thoughtprovoking insights into the scriptures for each Sunday, holy day, and major celebration of the liturgical year. Each entry includes readings of the day and 3 articles: • Understanding the Word • Reflecting on the Word • Responding to the Word
This resource promotes lively discussion and preparation for: • Small faith-sharing groups • “Breaking open the Word” sessions • Catechumens and candidates • Teen or adult religious education classes • Scripture study groups • Lectors • Liturgy planners • Homilists • Presiders
2022 Year C LTW21 1 copy ........................ $14.95 ea. 2 - 9 copies ..................... 10.95 ea. 10 - 24 copies .................... 9.95 ea. 25 - 99 copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.95 ea. 100 or more ...................... 6.95 ea.
Liturgy of the Word
An annual missal without hymns and songs. This resource contains texts from the Lectionary for Mass.
• Includes the complete Order of Mass • Contains Sunday and holy day readings and Psalms • Includes weekday reading citations, entrance and Communion antiphons, and Psalm responses • An affordable Word companion to a hymnal without readings • An aid to those who can’t hear the Word clearly • A preparation resource for those who proclaim the Word
2022—Year C (LOTW21) 1 - 4 copies $12.95 per subscription, per year plus shipping 5 - 24 copies 5.00 per subscription, per year plus shipping 25 - 49 copies 3.25 per subscription, per year plus shipping 50 copies or more 2.76 per subscription, per year plus shipping