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“… For those travellers, who are aware of their actions, who have a great power of observation and a lively curiosity, who look for a “real” contact with nature or with a new culture.”


For information on prices, itinerary and bookings: Duemmetour srl Unipersonale Via Trieste 5, 60124 Ancona (AN) ITALY Tel +39 071.3580008 • fax +39 071.33203 e-mail: •

Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches

Be Natural! The travel itineraries in this catalogue are summarized by an incentive “Be Natural!” We invite you to discover the real, genuine and uncontaminated Marches. An unforgettable experience made up of cuddles, wellness, harmony with Nature, discoveries and emotions. Each travel plan is “prepared” with a few simple ingredients: • Respect • Sustainability • Freedom • Curiosity • Emotion

Philosophy and values

between a “sea of green and gently rolling hills”. Visiting inland areas is a chance of enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of its quiet valleys. The heart of the Marche is in its walled medieval towns, rising on the top of the hills all over the territory, that are an opportunity to find inner and cultural enrichment from works of art and historical heritage. These places are not accessible to those tourists that are in a hurry, but are to be discovered by the traveller that finds the beauty in small and precious things. This is where we will guide you: a land where you can slow down the rhythm of contemporary life, tasting every moment and enjoying the flavours, fragrances and colours of the landscape.

The name of this catalogue is Be Natural because of the authenticity, spontaneity and beauties of our land. The Marches, the only region with the name in plural, synthesizes the multiplicity of possible tourisms and at the same time the multitude of different realities: urban, art and nature. Our aim is to turn what in the past was considered a weak point into a strong point. We want to highlight the environment, the territory, the very strong connection between man and his land, folk customs and artistic treasures which are spread all over the small medieval villages. The project was selected and awarded by the Local Tourist System Ancona Brand.

The Marches and the Ancona Brand There is a Region of Italy where history, culture and countryside have helped to create an extraordinary world that is worth discovering. The Appennini Mountains on the western side and the Adriatic Sea on the eastern side and in


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches


Why is Be Natural so special?

What is responsible tourism?

Be Natural is special because it is strongly linked to the development of the local area, with the aim of giving life to those organizations who use passion, quality and reliability as their main policies. Be Natural is unique because: • the itineraries are designed by experts of the territory; • the hoteliers welcome the guests with love and passion; • the restaurants always create new delicacies related to tradition; • the artisans of the area create little masterpieces daily; • routes and proposed services are regularly and personally reviewed.

Responsible tourism means that the touristindustry does not have a negative impact on local community in ecological, social and economic terms. The traveller has a sensitive approach to the destination and becomes a citizen of that destination: this means that he will live a “real”, untouched and genuine Italian lifestyle. Each trip is designed by people who live in the Marches who will provide you with the support and information you need. We will carry out the following principles: • respect for People; • respect for Nature; • protection and evaluation of local culture, art and folklore.

Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches

Experiences Be Natural Romantic excursions, small group tours or for people travelling alone: our tourist guides accompany you to discover the most suggestive and secret landscapes: • Trekking, horse ridings among vineyards, scuba diving among wrecks and underwater life colours. • Speleological tours in majestic natural caves or in decorated round rooms used for secret meeting. • Guided tours of small towns to breathe the medieval and Renaissance atmosphere of our region combining culture and relax. • Photo safari, together with a photographer who will help you to improve your technique while you are taking pictures of the most beautiful moments of your holiday, as an exclusive and intimate souvenir. Upon request we can organize theme events, dinners and wine and food tasting.

Travel discounts We always take care of you and your needs: • If you are travelling alone, one of the one “Be Natural Experience” is complementary. • If you are a couple in search for a romantic escape, we will offer you a bottle of wine on your arrival as a welcome present and the possibility to live a “Be Natural Experience” organised only for the two of you. • If you are travelling with at least 10 people, one person travels completely free!! (because of the small size of the accomodations, we can not guarantee that the whole group will stay in the same location). Discounts cannot be accumulated.

Duemme Tour Duemme tour is the dynamic and nimble tour operator that will let you discover the World. All itineraries are designed by local experts who have a deep knowledge of the territory; our professional team provides you all the support and assistance you may need during the tour planning, upon your arrival and during your stay. The incoming department delivers the finest tours of Italy and Marches: you will taste genuine food & wine, get in touch with local people and folklore, find out untouched regions of Italy, appreciate art masterpieces… live an unique experience! Duemme Tour also organizes visits and happenings in the most charming noble villas, for exclusive stays full of charm. Duemme tour also organizes incentive meetings, conventions, and theme events in fascinating locations.


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches

Nature Theatres

Tr a v e l l i n g a m o n g A r t , T h e a t r e s a n d Pa n o r a m i c v i e w s

Duration: 3 days 2 nights Activities: trekking, cultural tour, food & wine tastings Suggested periods: March - November

Tour Programm Day 1 Arrival and transfer to your accommodation. In the afternoon, welcome meeting with Duemme Tour staff. Visit on the country’s most popular wine estates and taste the Verdicchio from Castelli in Jesi. Guided tour of Montecarotto and its historical theatre, Teatro Comunale, one of the most beautiful theatres of our region. Teatro Comunale preserves its decorations and the wooden stage mechanism. You go on to Serra de' Conti and visit of the monastic art museum. Dinner in a restaurant with tasting of typical traditional food grown and produced in the region. Overnight in a hotel.

Day 2 Breakfast. Guided tour of Arcevia. Along the narrow streets of the centre you can imagine the richness and prestige of the nobles who, from the XVI century, spent their holidays in this delightful location. You can even walk on the major part of Rocca Contrada's perimeter wall. Lunch in a restaurant in the town centre. In the afternoon trekking to Mount Croceguardia , from where you have a wonderful view from the Apennines to the valleys. Our tour goes on through country roads which wind up the hills. Here you find Caudino, Palazzo, Loretello, small medieval villages. In the end you reach Castiglioni*, a very small village which preserves its medieval structure and its perimeter wall. Open air dinner with nature. Overnight in a hotel.

Day 3 Breakfast. Guided tour of Jesi. Here the Emperor Frederick II Barbarossa and the famous musician G.B.Pergolesi were born. Unesco nominated Jesi as “exemplar city” in 1969 as it holds beautiful architectural jewels: the “Palazzo della Signoria” designed by Francesco Di Giorgio Martini in the XV century, Palazzo Pianetti, with over 70 meters of Roccocò frescos and Pinacoteca Civica with some important pieces of Lorenzo Lotto. Teatro Pergolesi is one of the seventy-three historic theatres in the region. Free time in Jesi and departure.

* Walking along the narrow streets of Castiglioni, you can see the detail of the medieval buildings. Then on the left you can see a tiny square. This is a perfect place to admire the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Sitting on the bench seems to be in a theatre, where the Show of Nature’s Beauty is on the stage.


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches

The Routes of Verdicchio Lands where tradition and wisdom of ancient generations give us genuine f lavor s and frag ranges Duration: 3 days and 2 nights Activities: food and wine tasting, trekking, cycling, horseriding and cultural visits Suggested periods: March- June; September-December Tour programme Day 1 Arrival and transfer to your accomodation. In the early afternoon welcome meeting in Villa for tasting the famous local wines, called Verdicchio. Tours of Verdicchio lands, along dirt roads and wine industries. This is the area where the famous white wine is produced. Guided tour of Castelbellino: small medieval town, characterized by its panoramic view and small squares hidden in the medieval streets of the old town centre. Dinner in typical restaurant. Overnight in hotel.

Day 2 Breakfast. Guided tour of Maiolati Spontini. Here the famous composer Gaspare Spuntini was born. Guided tour of Cupramontana, which is called “The Verdicchio’s capital”. The “International label’s museum” is situated in the eighteenth-century Palazzo Leoni which boasts about 60’000 wine labels. Excursion to the “Eremo dei frati bianchi” (White Brothers’ monastry). Tasting in a wine industry in the surrounding area. Open air dinner with spectacular natural views. Overnight in hotel.

Day 3 Breakfast. Free time for naturalistic excursion by foot, by bicycle, on horseback among valleys and hills, small rivers, vineyards and meadows. Rich, rural snack and Verdicchio wine tasting at one the most renowned wineries in the Marches and entrance to an impressive wine cellar. Return to the hotel and departure.

* From the square you can see the sea. Also here, if you are lucky you can meet the country folk painter who has his own studio with a spectacular view and he will allow you a peek at his work.


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches

Cave to Cave

Stones and water tell us legends and stories of a long time ago Duration: 3 days 2 nights Activities: food and wine tasting, trekking, speleology and cultural visits Suggested periods: all year Tour Programme Day 1 In the morning arrival and transfer to your accomodation. In the early afternoon, welcome meeting. You will reach Camerano and tour of its caves: over 1 km of mysterious complex of elaborately intertwined tunnels and niches that create an underground city. There is an old saying that “There is more below than above Camerano”. At the end of the guided tour you can relax tasting Rosso Conero wine (which is made by local industries) and tasting local food, such as “porchetta”. Dinner and overnight in hotel.

Day2 Breakfast. Visit to the “Gola della Rossa” the biggest natural reserve in the Marches, immersed in a blooming and vital nature. In the morning guided tour of Frasassi Caves*, one of the most complex karsts considered among the most beautiful in the world. You can have a quiet tour where every step of the way is marked by tiny lakes, naturally carved stalactites and giant stalagmites, each made even more spectacular with the dramatic use of lighting. Lunch in a restaurant, tasting Marchigiana food: delicious pork products, such as Salame from Fabriano and Ciauscolo .In the afternoon you can have a walk along the paths or visit the Speleopaleontolocical museum in San Vittore. On the way back we will stop for tasting the famous wine of Jesi, called Verdicchio. Dinner and overnight in a hotel.

Day3 Breakfast. Guided tour of Osimo, an ancient Roman City with galleries under the town which are over 9 km long. You will visit a part of this hypogeum which shows mysterious inscriptions. Coming to “the surface”, you will appreciate the marvellous palaces of the noble families. Free time to sightsee. Departure

*it will be possible to experience the speleological tour. This is also for people who want to experience something new. You can walk in narrow passages to admire wonder rooms that are not accessible to the “traditional tourist”. The tour lasts about 2 hours. All equipment will be provided on site. 9

Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches

See Treasures

Dive to discover Adriatic sea jewels Duration: 3 days 2 nights Activities: scuba diving or snorkeling, wine&food tastings and cultural visits Suggested period: June-September Tour programme Day 1 Arrival and transfer to your accomodation. In the afternoon, welcome meeting with Duemme Tour staff. Guided tour of the small towns of Conero Riviera. Sirolo is the most attractive, with a smart medieval centre, between the green and the blue, considered the pearl of the Adriatic coast. Visit the Storico Cortesi Theater. Sirolo is a picturesque location perched high above the sea. The once fortified castle still holds traces of the ancient medieval structures. Numana has ancient origins leading the time of “Piceni”, used as a base for commercial sea trade with neighbouring lands. The turistic harbour is a small living jewel. Dinner on the Riviera with the typical “brodetto all’Anconetana” or

the “coccio”, dishes from the culinary tradition of Ancona. Overnight in a hotel. Day 2 In the early morning, meeting at the diving center with the group and the diving instructor. Scuba diving at the wreck “Nicole”. (Weather permitting) Fish-based lunch and local products. In the afternoon tour of Portonovo and of the Romanesque Church of Santa Maria. Sunset at the panoramic viewpoint. Mussel appetizers served. Overnight in a hotel.

Day3 Meeting at the diving center. Weather permitting diving at the Due Sorelle (Two Sisters): two grand rock spurs which rise from the sea. “Two Sisters” beach, walled in by steep rock cliffs, it is surely one of the most outstanding spots of the Adriatic. Lunch in an authentic trattoria in Sirolo with the possibility of assisting with the preparation of local dishes. Free time to visit the local craft shops and see the pottery.

* If you are not keen on diving, at your disposal, there is a beach service in Portonovo or in Numana and an excursion to the Due Sorelle on a boat.


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches


Be Natural • responsible tourism in Marches

Adventure in Marches

From the top of hills while an unforgettable panorama opens in front of us: the landscape stretches from the mountains to the sea Duration: 3 days 2 nights Activities: quad excursions, horse-riding, photography, food & wine tastings, trekking (we advise comfortable clothing) Suggested period: May-October

Tour programme Day1 Arrival and transfer to your accommodation. In the afternoon welcome meeting. Quad biking trip on the beach or in the countryside. Rich, farmstyle snack. Dinner and overnight in a hotel.

Day2 Breakfast. Whole day in San Vicino where among meadows and woods you will breath fresh air and admire a beautiful panorama. Horse riding, a true experience to be in contact with the untouched nature. Lunch in a restaurant with meat produced in the Marches. In the afternoon free time for relaxing or visiting the surrounding area. Dinner and overnight in a hotel.

Day3 Breakfast. Excursion to Mount Conero with naturalistic guide. The natural park of Conero is a rare beauty theatre: since 1987 it has been a state park and a protected ecological area. Departure.

*Possibility to choose the path according to the requests of the participants, difficulty and duration. 13

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