Welcome to The Zero Point for industry 4.0
precision the quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate. "the deal was planned and executed with military precision" synonyms: exactness, exactitude, accuracy, accurateness, correctness, preciseness, clarity, clearness, distinctness; More marked by or adapted for accuracy and exactness. modifier noun: precision "a precision instrument" technical refinement in a measurement, calculation, or specification, especially as represented by the number of digits given. plural noun: precisions "a technique which examines and identifies each character with highest level of precision"
Precision is a must for the Zero Point system. INNGRIT’s proprietary oil circuit air pressure locking design is able to reach a precision of 0.005mm. Making sure precision is not compromised by ease of operation. 讓精準乘上再現性
設計的浮動機構,顛覆機械常理,在讓拉頭向下拉緊同時,瞬間浮動機構會向上 緊縮拉頭,補償至中心原點。達到定位精度0.005mm,並可自動補償使用時所
造成耗損。採用可靠的機械式設計結構,讓精度與再現性可以變成很輕鬆的事 情。
Speed noun
1. the rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate. "we turned on to the runway and began to gather speed" synonyms: rate, pace, tempo, momentum "Lesley grew frustrated at the slow speed of their progress" rapidity of movement or action. "the accident was due to excessive speed" synonyms: rapidity, swiftness, speediness, alacrity, quickness, fastness, celerity, velocity, dispatch, promptness, immediacy, expeditiousness, expedition, briskness, sharpness; More the rate at which something happens or is done. "they were bemused by the speed of events" 2.each of the possible gear ratios of a bicycle.
We know the importance of efficiency in production, which is why it can sustain a maximum pull force of 2,000 kg, and the strongest lateral force in the industry, speed may be something taken for granted with INNGRIT’s Zero Point system. 讓快速成為標準化
在這個極速競爭的市場,效率是一切。模組單顆下拉力可強達2,000kg,以及業 界最強的側向力,INNGRIT的原點定位夾持系統讓作業速度變成一件很自然的 事情,透過快速換模的標準化,達到省時省錢的高效率。
Craftsmanship skill in a particular craft. "I admire his engineering skills and craftsmanship" synonyms: workmanship, artistry, craft, art, artisanship, handiwork, work; More the quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry. "a piece of fine craftsmanship"
Designed with more than utilitarian purpose in mind, it is also stunning to look at, with every curve and detail taken into consideration. 從工藝設計看品質
設計時不只考慮到功能性,INNGRIT的原點定位夾持系統設計時,每一個線條、 曲線都被研究,不斷精緻化,從設計的細節度就可看出對品質的要求。
Durable marked by or adapted for accuracy and exactness. modifier noun: precision "a precision instrument" technical Z refinement in a measurement, calculation, or specification, especially as represented by the number of digits given. plural noun: precisions "a technique which examines and identifies each character with the highest level of precision"
To withstand the pressure of operation day-in and day-out, the team took months to perfect the alloy balance, achieving high wear resistance, toughness, strength and hardness. Ensuring that the INNGRIT Zero Point system will be a reliable partner on the production line for years to come. 奠定基礎打造永固
合金材質,讓耐磨耗、高強度、高硬度都達到材料最佳化,確保您的原點定位夾 持系統可以一直在線上為您創造永續價值。
兩 件 式 ( 標 準 型 ) 原 點 定位夾持模組
160x400x40mm (Pitch200) 20.5KG
dimensions weight
0 0
2PC Standard Zero Clamp Unit
35 20
4PC Standard Zero Clamp Unit 四 件 式 ( 標 準 型 ) 原 點 定位夾持模組
dimensions weight
400x400x40mm (Pitch200) 50KG 30
Special customized format or sizes may be available, please contact us for more details.
若 有特 殊 規 格 或 尺 寸 之需求,請與我們聯繫
2- 19 13
+0.01 0
51 0.01 2-M10
40 7
2- 18
2- 18
20 mm
20 mm
2- 12.5
M6 ,
+0.01 0
51 0.01
Gritty Innovations The INNGRIT team has over two decades of experience in the professional milling area, as one of Taiwan’s most trusted provider of CNC tooling services, working for top brands from both Taiwan and abroad. The INNGRIT Zero Point system was initially created for internal use, as we saw the force of automation and industry 4.0, seeing new tools and processes were needed to better serve our clients. It was tested and continuously improved on our actual production line, until every detail has been tweaked and perfected. In the end we decided to offer the Zero Point system to other companies that could also use it to meet the changes in the market and stay competitive in the age of Industry 4.0. 研發原點定位夾持系統之前,INNGRIT團隊秉持20多年金屬專業製造經驗,在產業早已 建立優良口碑,為全球許多知名品牌、大廠提供部品生產之服務。
開發原點定位夾持系統,原先是為公司內部創新製造生產流程所需,讓公司在自動化工 業4.0時代中保有符合客戶需求的競爭力。研發過程,實際在生產線上面使用,透過不斷 研發與設計改良之後,才確認原點定位夾持系統的誕生。
司,決定將INNGRIT原點定位夾持系統推出上市,讓更多客戶在這極度變化的市場中找 到新的競爭力。
T ďź‹886-6-2430253 F ďź‹886-6-2421869 inngrit.com hsupin@inngrit.com No. 183, Zhengnan 1st St, Yongkang District, Tainan, Taiwan, 71046