目錄 Contents 臺南 Tainan city
綠活臺南概觀 Quick Look at Tainan
綠活臺南願景 Green Tainan Vision
八個減碳生活常識 Carbon Reducing Lifestyle
食 Eat
衣 Wear
住 Live
行 Move
廢棄物管理階梯 Hierarchy of waste
一個適於人們作夢 幹活 戀愛 結婚 悠然過日子的好地方 -葉石濤
Tainan,a good place to dream,to work hard, to fall in love, to get married,and to live happily ever after. - Mr. Yeh Shih-Tao
Vision for a greener city
溫 室 效 應 帶來 極端 氣候 影響 ,導 致世界各地災害頻傳;建構低碳城市回應氣候 變 遷 , 善 盡地 球村 公民 的責 任, 已成為各大城市之重要議題。清德上任之後, 將 文 化 首 都、 科技 新城 、觀 光樂 園及低碳城市列為施政四大願景,期許低碳成 為 城 市 新 文明 ,也 期望 在產 官學 研及市民共同努力下,共創綠色契機,讓台南 成 為 傳 統 文化 與綠 能科 技兼 容並 蓄的美麗城市。 Greenhouse effect bring extreme climate, disasters around the world, and to construct low-carbon city respond to climate change, and fulfill the responsibility of citizens of the global village has become a topic of major cities. After Mayor Lai, Tainan City will also be a cultural capital, technology city, tourist paradise and low-carbon city and the policy of the four vision, hopes to become the city's new low-carbon civilization, it expects in the industry, government and research and community will strive together to create green opportunity, let Tainan become traditional culture and embracing green technology and beautiful city.
Ching-Te Lai Mayor, Tainan City Government
Vision for a greener city
臺 南 府 城 ,要在 文化 歷史 的輻 輳中,注入科技創新的現代元素,深耕生態循環 的 亙 古 哲 理,引 領南 部生 活圈 同步全國,掌握綠色就業與經濟契機,建設讓地 球 系 統 生 生不息 、世 代不 朽的 低碳永續家園! Tainan City, as an ancient capital with its longstanding distillation of culture in history, has been integrating into it the modern elements of technology and innovation.The notion of maintaining a natural ecological cycle has to take root in this city, so as to play a leader's role in the southern living sphere of Taiwan and to emerge in harmonizing steps with the rest of the country.The city is anticipating to seize green jobs and economic opportunities in Taiwan's construction process for a low-carbon sustainable homeland, which will help preserve a cyclic, vivid living earth system for generations to come.
Minister of EPA
Tainan City
Tainan will be a great place to walk from age 8 to 80. 讓臺南變成8-80歲都適合散步的城市
臺 南 市 不 僅 是臺 灣歷 史最 悠久 的古都之一,長年來在文化的深耕與累積中展現 出 獨 特 的 姿 態, 近年 來因 為文 化資源重新被重視,加上隨之而來的觀光旅遊商 機 , 吸 引 許 多外 來人 口從 異鄉 、異地來到臺南定居、創業,也許,人們發現與 全 臺 其 他 城 市相 較, 臺南 更是 一個最具生活感與生活品質的城市。 Tainan is not only Taiwan's oldest and most historical city, there has been an influx of people returning from abroad, coming from other cities around Taiwan to settle here, because of the cultural and business opportunities offered here, most importantly, because Tainan is perhaps Taiwan's most livable city.
Quick Look at Tainan 綠活臺南概觀
第一個限制商店 使用保麗龍杯具
First to restrict the use of Styrofoam
275 Parks 臺南市公園綠地座數,面積總計約282.2公頃
in Tainan, totaling 282.2 hectares
304.5 KM 臺南市自行車道路線長度
Length of Tainan’s bike lane
126 Buildings
of which 16 are diamond class, most in Taiwan!
Green Tainan Vision 綠活臺南願景
低碳行動的推行是為了讓臺南市民有好的 生活品質
Low Carbon is about improving the quality of life for the residence fo Tainan.
居 民 必 須 能 夠取得新鮮的食物與清潔的水
Residence should have access to fresh food and clean water
Residence should have reach to green areas within 5-10 minutes
Walking should be safe and easy
潔淨的運河、河流與海洋 Cleaning Canal, river and beaches.
在既有的建築物提高能源利用效益 Work to improve energy efficiency in existing buildings
推動綠色企業概念以作為城市創意與繁榮的 驅動力 Fostering Green businesses as a driving force for innovation and prosperity.
Carbon Reducing Lifestyle 八個減碳生活常識
Consume one vegetarian meal a day to reduce carbon emission by 780g
Riding bicycle instead of motor vehicle for distances less than 500 meters can reduce carbon emission by 32g
Energy-efficient light bulbs not only saves money, it also reduces carbon emission by 249g every 8 hours.
Keeping the air conditioned room sealed, as air conditions produces 637g carbon emissions per hour
Driving a hybrid car for 10 kg can reduce carbon emission by 1285g
Bringing your own reusable utensils and shopping bag reduces carbon emission by 17g
Not driving to work once a week reduces carbon emission by 2240g
Powering off your appliances properly and removing it from the power outlet reduces carbon emission by 1783g daily
Eat 19
You are what you eat 人如其食
- Victor Lindlahr 營養學家 - 林德拉爾
尊 重 這 片 大 地, 不同 的季 節生 產不同的蔬果,享用當季新鮮蔬果,食用在地農 產 品 便 是 綠 色飲 食的 健康 新觀 念,這不只是支持地球母親的健康循環,更是滋 養 我 們 自 身 的健 康與 福祉 。 Respect the mother nature and enjoy fruits and vegetables of the season. Consume produce from local farmers also contributes to a healthier Green lifestyle. It is not just about sustaining the health of our planet, but also benefit our own health and well-being.
外出用餐,自備杯筷帕與袋,不用 拋棄式免洗杯具,有益健康並可減 少許多垃圾,臺灣一年用掉46億支 寶特瓶,寶特瓶用量4年增3.5萬噸 可堆疊3座101。不僅如此,對自身 的健康也是較好的選擇(拋棄式的 免洗杯、碗,其材質與清潔未必對 健康有益)。因為這樣,臺南市是 臺灣第一個限制飲料商家使用聚苯 乙烯塑膠(保麗龍)杯的城市。
Bring your own reusable bottle when you go out to dine can reduce waste.Taiwan consumed 4.6 billion PET bottles every year. PET bottles usage grew by 350,000 tons in four years can pile the height of 3 Taipei 101 buildling. Not only that, it is also better for your health (material and clean-ness of disposable containers may not be good for you). Tainan is the first city in Taiwan to restrict the use of Styrofoam for those reasons.
Eat less meat! Did you know that it takes a hundred times more amount of water to produce a pound of meat than a pound of wheat? Dine at local restaurants not only can reduce carbon foot print (one meat-less meal can cut carbon emission by 780g). It's also fresher and healthier (more nutritious and less chance of additive to keep the food fresh during duration of travel).
多吃蔬食少吃肉,一餐不吃肉可以 減碳780g。你知道生產一磅肉類所 需要的水量遠比生產一磅的麥子要 多上一百倍嗎?食用在地農產品, 除新鮮美味省荷包外,還可以減少 碳足跡。因營養素保留更多也防止 食物在長途旅行失去鮮度。
筷子 開始隨身攜帶自己的筷子出門吧, 這樣輕易簡單的舉動就能大大的為 地球減少垃圾量與物資的浪費。一 棵生長20年的大樹,僅能製成3000 至4000雙筷子,臺灣每年用掉100 億雙筷子,相當於每年吃掉290萬 棵樹。隨身攜帶筷子外食,不僅對 環境是一項友善的行動,對自己的 健康更多了一分照顧。
Chopsticks You can help to preserve the environment by doing simple things like brining you own chopsticks to restaurant. A 20 years old tree can only produce 3,000-4,000 chopsticks. Taiwan consumes 10 billion chopsticks a year, equal to 2.9 million trees. Bringing a chopstick when you go out is not only good for the environment, but also good for your health.
Throw off your worries when you throw off your clothes at night. - Napoleon
法國軍事家 - 拿破崙
我們所生活的這個以物質、消費為主流的社會,不停透過媒體暗示我們需要做 更多的消費、擁有更多物質才能快樂幸福。在這處處充滿了更多新型手機、更 快速的網路傳輸、超過一百臺的電視頻道的世界,臺南這個城市的迷人可愛在 於她簡單、樸實、緩慢的生活態度。儘管科技的快速進步與物質充滿吸引力, 找到其中的平衡、自己節奏與價值觀才是更重要的,試著回到簡單與自然的生 活態度裡,其中會有許多想不到寶藏。 The world of super consumer cultural we live in tells us we need to buy more, have more in order to be fulfilled and happy. In the world of mobile phones, internet and 100+ TV channels, part of the charm of Tainan is the city's simplicity, slow lifestyle. As good as material things are, finding the balance in our lifestyle and pace is more important. There is a lot to be offered in returning to the simple and natural.
按照季節穿著適當的服飾,不但可以減少你 開啟空調、冷氣的機會,衣服也可以長時間 維持清潔,讓身體更輕鬆舒適。 2
你聽過環保節能衫嗎?穿著全新改革紡織科 技生產的衣服,在炎炎夏日,人體可以感覺 更加涼爽之外,平均每年可以降低84度的用 電量,對節能減碳的生活有很大的幫助。 3
Wear Seasonal
Wear seasonal clothing, so you don't need to turn the air conditioning on high, and your clothe can stay clean for longer period of time, you will also be more comfortable. 2
Wear Innovation
Have you heard of Energy conserving shirts? By wearing clothing made from these new innovative textile technology, you will feel cooler in the summer time, reducing 8.4 billion kWh of electricity each year. 3
After your Wear
不再穿的衣服先不要急著丟掉,將它與朋友 分享,或是整理好放入二手衣回收箱或回收 車,甚至將它剪成小塊用來做清潔工作的抹 布。給予舊衣新生命不但對環境有助益,或 許也可讓某人有個小驚喜。
After you are done with your clothing don’t just throw it away. Give it to a friend or bring it to a clothing recycle box around the city. You can also cut it up and use as cleaning cloth. Give your old clothes a second life is not only good for the environment, but can make someone else quite happy.
Make Recycling Easy
許多的社扶團體及連鎖服飾品牌都有舊衣服 的回收服務,您可以將自己的舊衣服整理好 ,帶到他們的門市,就會免費幫您回收。臺 南市環保局也提供舊衣回收兌換有機培養土 之獎勵。
Many clothe retail chains offer recycling program, you can bring in your unwanted clothing (doesn’t even have to be purchased from this specific retailer) and they will happily to take your old clothe and recycle it for you. Many will even reward you with a special discount or gift.
Live 31
Home is where the heart is 心在哪裡,家在那裡
- Pliny the Elder 古羅馬作家 - 老普林尼
日常生活中, 住 家 對 我 們 生 活 的 和 諧 圓 滿 是 最 重 要 的 一 環 , 正 因 如 此 , 擁 有 自 己 的 房 子對許多人來 說 是 人 生 重 要 的 夢 想 , 在 建 築 或 是 選 擇 住 家 房 屋 時 將 環 境 永 續 發 展 的 概 念納入考量, 從 建 築 、 室 內 裝 潢 設 計 到 家 電 用 品 設 備 的 選 擇 , 都 影 響 著 我 們 在 日 常 生 活空間的舒適 度 。 而 在 空 間 設 計 中 考 量 加 入 自 然 採 光 、 自 然 溫 度 調 節 , 並 選 擇 節 能 永 續的家電產品 , 連 結 家 中 生 活 的 高 品 質 與 對 環 境 保 護 的 重 視 , 畢 竟 只 有 大 環 境 的 和 諧 才能保障個人 小 空 間 的 安 定 美 滿 。 Our homes play the most important part in our well being. Which is why so many people have this dream of owning their own homes. Having sustainable concepts in building or choosing a home, from the architecture, interior design to the appliances we use can play a crucial role in the enjoyment of our living spaces. From the role of natural lighting, natural insulation in the architecture design, to the better designed sustainable appliances. sustainable living = better living.
1 4 3
5 6
Tainan News
LED燈泡所消耗的能源是傳統白熾燈泡的十分 之一,並且有較長的壽命,因此它不但對環 境來說是很好的選擇,經濟性來說也有很強 的優勢。 2
洗衣儘量讓洗衣機的容量發揮至最高效能, 可以節省用電能源,同時使用自然配方的洗 衣清潔劑能減低包裝與金錢,讓大自然的陽 光曬乾衣服不但節省不必要的烘衣機電量, 還讓衣物聞起來清新自然,並使用更長的時 間。 3
充電電池只比一般電池在購買時的價錢高一 點,但卻可以充電重複使用1,000次以上,壽 命長達數年,長遠來說充電電池經濟實惠得 多。眼光放遠,對我們的藍色星球有更多的 貢獻。
4 2
以淋浴代替盆浴,可以減少水資源的流失約 25-60%。在暑熱的天氣洗個冷水澡或快速的 戰鬥澡對健康有好處。浴室空間採乾濕分離 ,並以玻璃浴門代替乙烯基浴簾,有益健康 又安全。 5
裝設密閉並且能保持溫度的窗戶和牆壁可以 有效的減低能源耗損,在夏天維持室內的涼 爽溫度,在冬天保持溫暖。 6 8
建築設計盡量自然採光,自然光不但是免費 的,它的亮度與溫度獨一無二,有助身體健 康並一掃情緒的陰霾。 7
在走廊或是戶外場域裝設自動感應燈具,能 減低能源耗損浪費,安全性也加分。 8
如果您的住家有庭院與植栽,可以考慮設置 一個堆肥區,如此一來可以有效的減少垃圾 量,並讓家庭生廚餘轉化為最天然滋養的肥 料,回饋給大地與植物。
LED bulbs
LED bulbs only consumes around 10% of the energy compared with traditional incandescent bulb, it also has a longer lifespan, so it is not only good for the environment, but good for your wallet. 2
Washing a full load saves energy and utility cost, and use detergent, which saves packaging CO2 and money. Solar dry your laun-dry, it will save energy, make your clothe smell better and last longer. 3
Rechargeable Batteries
Rechargeable batteries cos a little more than disposable batteries, but they can be recharged up to 1,000 times and last up to several years, so you save money in the end (and good for our planet) 4
Take shorter showers and cold showers in the summer time, which is quite good for your health. Take care of your vinyl shower curtains, new vinyl curtains can release toxins harmful to your health, so make it last longer. 5 Walls and Windows Having well insulated windows and walls can reduce the energy consumption by keeping your house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter time. 6 Natural Lighting Don't always keep your curtains up, sun light is not only free, but brighter and better for our health. 7
Sensor Lights
Changing hallway, outdoor lights to automatic sensor lights can reduce energy and enhance security. 8 Composite Pile If you have a garden our plants, consider starting a composite pile to reduce your garbage output and let your food waste (Uncooked garbage) decompose into the best natural nourishments for your plants.
Move 37
Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride 沒有比騎自行車更簡單的快樂
- John F. Kennedy 美國總統 - 約翰·甘迺迪
交通運輸的形 態 對 當 代 生 活 來 說 有 很 大 的 影 響 , 開 車 或 摩 托 車 是 個 非 常 方 便 快 速 的 選 擇,但有許多 人 甚 至 在 很 短 的 路 途 都 騎 乘 摩 托 車 。 不 過 多 多 步 行 或 是 騎 乘 輕 便 自 由 的 腳踏車,不但 節 省 了 油 資 、 增 進 了 健 康 也 更 悠 閒 自 得 。 臺 南 市 是 一 個 非 常 適 合 步 行 與 騎乘自行車的 慢 活 城 市 : 市 區 範 圍 小 而 緊 密 、 交 通 不 太 繁 雜 , 有 越 來 越 多 人 選 擇 以 這 樣的方式穿梭 臺 南 了 。 The form of transpiration we choose has a big impact on our lifestyles. Motor vehicles may be very convenient, but have you notice that a lot of people take their bikes even to go down to their corner 7-11s. However, by walking or using your bicycle more, you are saving money, improving your health and more hassle free. Tainan is a relaxing city for biking and walking, not too big, not too much traffic, which is why more and more people are getting around this way.
0 kg
碳排放(kg)/每100公里/每人 carbon emission/Per 100 km/Per Person
0 kg
碳排放(kg)/每100公里/每人 carbon emission/Per 100 km/Per Person
11.2 kg
碳排放(kg)/每100公里/每人 carbon emission/Per 100 km/Per Person
用步行體驗臺南,不但可以降低碳排 放量,還可以真正體驗到臺南的慢活 與人情味,還有益身體健康。
多騎腳踏車不但降低碳排量,對健康 也很有幫助,讓您更苗條健壯。對心 理平衡很有幫助。臺南的步調與地理 也相當適合鐵馬文化。
在臺灣最多人使用的交通工具。新噴射 型引擎機車更有效率燃燒原料,降低油 費及碳排放。市區裡騎乘電動機車,不 但可以節省油錢,還常常有政府補助。
Motor Bikes
Taking your bike will not only reduce carbon emission. It is great for health, help you to get in shape. It is also very good for your sense of balance and mental health. Truly a great way to get around Tainan.
The most popular form of transportation in Taiwan. The New fuel-injection motor bikes are more energy efficient, thus reducing carbon footprints and gas bills. Electric motor bikes are also a great solution for in-city commutes.
Walking Explore Tainan by walking not only can reduce carbon footprint, you can also experience the slow paced lifestyle of Tainan. Never the less, a little extra ecercise is beneficial for your health!
25.7 kg
碳排放(kg)/每100公里/每人 carbon emission/Per 100 km/Per Person
4.8 kg
碳排放(kg)/每100公里/每人 carbon emission/Per 100 km/Per Person
行車速度會影響用油量與碳排放,每 小時100公里比起120公里節省10%的 汽油。另外路邊暫停時請記得將引擎 熄火,健康省油又環保。
坐公車不但舒適方便,它本身也是一 個很獨特的經驗,讓您可以經歷許多 甚至可能之前未知的地方與景觀。
Cars Driving at 100 km/hr instead of 120km/hr can reduce fuel consumption (and carbon emissions) by 10%. Please remember to turn off the engine rather than have it on idle, which will waste gasoline and increase carbon emission.
Bus Taking the bus is comfortable, and can be a pleasure in itself, allowing you to discovery many places and scenes you didn’t know existed in the city before.
hierarchy of waste
Your descendants shall gather your fruits. 前人種樹,後人乘涼
- Virgil 古羅馬詩人 - 維吉爾
你是否曾想過 我 們 丟 出 來 的 垃 圾 都 到 哪 裡 去 了 ? 不 管 是 以 掩 埋 或 是 焚 化 的 方 式 , 我 們 都將這些廢棄 物 交 還 給 這 個 環 境 。 也 許 在 我 們 有 限 的 生 命 中 尚 不 需 去 面 對 這 些 只 可 能 越來越龐大的 廢 棄 物 量 , 但 我 們 的 孩 子 甚 至 是 他 們 的 孩 子 勢 必 在 他 們 的 有 生 之 年 去 面 對並且處理的 。 透 過 學 習 與 理 解 永 續 發 展 的 觀 念 , 能 夠 逐 漸 改 變 眾 人 的 價 值 觀 與 面 對 環境議題的態 度 , 以 此 來 面 對 當 前 種 種 生 活 層 面 的 選 擇 與 習 慣 並 交 付 給 下 一 代 。 Have you ever thought about where all our garbage go? whether they end up at a landfill or burner, we are putting a lot of these waste back into the environment, something we may not have to deal with in our own life time, but something our children or their children (if they are still here) will have to deal with. So to live sustainably is to learn more about the impact of our actions and change our values about how we live.
拒絕 避免製造垃圾
avoid producing waste in the first place
減少 降低廢棄物的產生量 reduce and minimize the amount of waste produced
Re-use 重複使用 盡可能的多次重複使用物品與資源 re-use things as many times as possible
Recycle 回收 盡量回收各種資源 recycle what can be recycled
Dispose 丟棄 沒辦法才丟棄 dispose only when necessary