a Leg theCompetition Competition with with the LAXI TAXI GetGet a Leg UpUp onon the theGooseneck Gooseneck LAXI TAXI™ ™
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p19 An Interview with Nicole Should You Purchase or Finance Your Septic Truck? Schwartz, Speedy Septic
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Volume 38 Waste Expo May 2016 The Hauler Magazine 33
F e at u r e s 7 Business Corner 11 Should You Purchase or Finance Your Septic Truck? 19 An Interview with Nicole Schwartz, Speedy Septic 24 Industry News 28 ALW Classifieds 30 Index of Advertisers CEO & Publisher Gideon W. Smith
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5 Tips On How To Train Your Crews On Dealing With Customers Better Customer service is an important part of any business when you deal with the public. They can essentially make or break your company’s profits by word-of-mouth reference. When your customers talk about you, it’s with the goal of positive reviews. Obviously you want those referrals to come your way, so that you get more business. Your growth and success depends on this very vital facet of running a top notch operation in the septic industry. Are Your Crews Providing Top Tier Customer Service? The crews you send out to perform the “heavy lifting” on all your jobs and contracts are representing your company. Ideally you need them to be able to interact with your customers in the right way, on top of doing a stellar job with everything septic work entails. As a business owner, are your crews providing excellent customer service on each job they w w w. am er ica nliquidwa ste.co m
do? If you feel like your crews may be lacking some customer service skills, then it may be time to give them a little more training. Here’s 5 easy tips on how to train your crews to deal better with all of your customers. Tip #5: Put Together A Manual It’s always easier to understand expectations when they are written down in a clear and concise manner. You can get a customer service manual put together for your employees that will outline how to handle different customer scenarios in the best way possible. Go into things like, how to respond to complaints, dealing with difficult customers, and other situations that may come up in your industry. If you have an human resource department this is obviously something they can spearhead for you, but for smaller companies that are run by one owner, this is something you’ll have to figure out how to put together. There are a variety of resources available O C TO B E R 2 0 1 7 A M E R I C A N LI Q U I D WASTE 7
online that you can also print out for your employees. Tip #4: Bring In A Specialized Trainer For a special training session, you can bring in a specialist who can train all your employees at one time on how to improve their customer service skills. They will be able to convey in an effective and relatable way to your crew on methods to increase their interpersonal skills and communication. The goal is to have each crew member more prepared to deal with the public they need to communicate with on the job. Tip #3: Role Play Role playing may sound a little silly, but it does give you some idea on how your crews might respond to certain customer situations. Just make it fun in a training setting, but also go into some serious ways they might be able to improve with constructive tips. All top notch companies put their employees through these types of role playing scenarios, and initially your “blue collar” guys or gals might be a little hesitant, but you’ll find that it really helps to open up the conversation about providing better customer relations.
Tip #2: Surprise Visits To Job Sites Surprise visits are probably something you already do with all your crews, or you may even regularly work right beside them, but if you don’t this it’s a technique that will show you how they are relating to customers in the field. Shadow them for a day to find out if there are holes in their customer service skills. That way you’ll better be able to evaluate their progress and show them ways to improve on their performance for your company. Tip #1: Stress The Importance Of Soft Skills Do you know what soft skills are? They are the set of skills that mean etiquette and communication for your industrial crews. Blue collar workers sometimes, to put it mildly, lack these important skills. They are there to get the job done and not much else. In today’s world this isn’t good enough anymore. With competition at an ultimate high, you’ll have to take whatever edge you can get as a successful septic company. Having your employees carry out their performances with top notch communication and customer service skills will create a winning edge for your company in the long run. Story by Katherine Nolan
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Should You Purchase or Finance Your Septic Truck? Acquiring a truck is always expensive, but specialty trucking companies face the steepest price tag of all. Septic trucks are often custom-built, require a myriad of specialized parts and can easily cost a quarter million dollars. To put that cost into perspective, septic trucks can be five times more expensive than long-haul trucks, leaving septic companies at a crossroads: How can operators secure their equipment without breaking the bank? Most often, septic companies search for a new or used truck to expand their fleet, or to begin a municipal or government contract. When the time comes, there are three primary methods to acquire a new piece of equipment: leasing, financing and purchasing outright with cash. Weighing Your Options Leasing and financing both fall under the industry catchall term, “equipment financing.” • Leasing is the best option for companies whose main
focus is capital preservation and securing equipment with the lowest upfront cost. With a lease, operators can preserve cash flow for unexpected costs, such as repairs for wear and tear or inclement weather. Generally, a lease is considered a type of rental contract for equipment, and is almost always secured by the equipment seller. • Financing in the form of a loan is geared toward companies looking to maximize depreciation on the asset. By writing off the interest on an equipment loan, companies can leverage their cash on hand for strategic investment, while securing the equipment they need. • Purchasing equipment out-of-pocket is ideal for companies who want to own the asset and avoid holding any debt—but this option is largely unrealistic in the septic business. Septic trucks almost always require some element of customization. Cost can rise dramatically, as septic operators pick and choose specific features and pieces of equipment to serve their customer base. continued on page 13
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Get a Leg Up on the Competition with the Gooseneck LAXI TAXI™ • Great for Special Events • Haul Up to 26 Jons • Less Expensive than a Semi • Deck Height Around 32” Depending on Configuration • Optional Lowering Center Rail • Optional Wood Decking • Optional Rear Cart Mount • Customizable Configurations Available
F.M. Manufacturing, Inc.
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Customizing for Success Every septic truck starts with a chassis from a dealership. Upfitters that create custom-built septic trucks then work closely with vendors and dealers to deliver the perfect truck for each operator. It really depends on the financial situation of the company looking to acquire equipment. It’s a delicate balance between compromising on specifications and time it takes to find a used truck or getting a new truck that perfectly meets the job requirements. Customization allows an operator to select a specific sized vacuum, specialized water tank or other equipment, but the operator must also put down a deposit with the dealer or manufacturer. This deposit can be 10 to 30 percent of the total cost, depending on the type and number of trucks, leaving some companies scrambling for cash to pay the upfront fee. However, with equipment financing, some lenders will pay this deposit for an operator with good credit and time in business. Why Equipment Financing? Due to the high cost of septic trucks and need for customization, equipment financing is the smartest choice for today’s operators to preserve cash. A financed truck generates revenue to service the debt and produce positive cash flow, ultimately paying for itself over time. Low monthly
equipment lease or loan payments are also considered a pre-tax business expense. In such a specialized industry, it’s important to have a group of lenders and vendors that understand an operator’s needs and have the capabilities to service them quickly and efficiently. Equipment financing ensures some of the best interest rates, regardless of an operator’s time in business, credit score, type of equipment needed or contract. Last Words To buy, lease or finance equipment is a question for every business, and an important one in the septic industry. While some operators may still choose to pay cash for their next truck, the savvy septic company uses equipment financing to secure the equipment they need to start a business, expand or take on the next great project. Story by Vernon Tirey, CEO and Co-Founder of LeaseQ About Vernon Tirey: Vernon Tirey, a 30-year veteran in enterprise automation solutions, is co-founder and CEO of LeaseQ, a marketplace bringing automation and efficiency to small business borrowers looking to finance equipment to start and grow their businesses.
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EXPANDING ON 35 YEARS OF TANK AND TRAILER EXPERTISE With the expansion of our 200,000-square-foot manufacturing facility, our family-owned team of more than 35 years is growing. It’s part of our commitment to continue serving you with higher-quality vacuum tanks and trailers, unmatched customer service, and complete confidence in your investment. Our new facility features state-of-the-art manufacturing technology, a dedicated stainless area for higher-grade steel truck mounts, and gives us increased capacity to put your business first – because our team is on your team. Give your team the Imperial advantage at imperialind.com.
Imperial Industries, proudly family-owned and operated in central Wisconsin for more than O C TO B E R 2 0 1 7 A M E R I C A N LI Q U I D WASTE 15 35 years, is the trusted choice for specialized septic solutions and expert service.
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Speedy Septic An Interview with Nicole Schwartz Can you tell us a little bit about your personal background and how you got into the septic business as the office manager? I come from a construction background, and came to Speedy Septic in 2012 as their Inside Sales Representative, scheduling service work and helping our customers. I have worked for Speedy in various capacities since I have been here, including on the construction and permitting side, and am now their Office/HR Manager. How was Speedy Septic started? Speedy Septic was started in 2008 by our two owners, Jeff Phelps and Brandon Mauck. Jeff got his start driving a pump truck for the previous owner of Speedy Septic and then went to work for Infiltrator Water Technologies. Brandon comes from a long line of family who has owned septic companies. He went to work for Infiltrator as well and after meeting Jeff,
they decided to partner up on their own company. They had an idea that the septic business could be better than it was – that a company could focus on great service, education of both the employees and their customers and a fullservice operation that handles everything from inspections, repairs and maintenance, to tank and secondary treatment replacements and large commercial installations. How is your company structured in terms of services, equipment, and employee base? We are a full-service septic provider. That includes residential and commercial repairs, installation, maintenance, service, and inspections. We believe in having a wellrounded crew of certified technicians and an educated administrative staff. Every technician or Project Manager that visits a customer’s location has the appropriate certifications to perform the work they are doing, on top of additional continued on page 19
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O C TO B E R 2 0 1 7 A M E R I C A N LI Q U I D WASTE 17
licenses and education that we believe is helpful. We also have an Apprenticeship program where we train our future technicians to be septic geniuses and we also pay for their CDL licenses, so they can operate our trucks. We operate a large fleet of pump trucks and service trucks in each of our locations to make sure we can answer every emergency that comes our way. Each pump truck is equipped with a water jetter, an electronic locator and common repair parts to ensure we fix an issue the first time. We also have our own land application plant, that we operate, which allows us to handle amounts of septage that our competitors might not be able to manage because we process everything ourselves.
your company, and how does this make your company stand out from your competition? When our company was founded, the owners believed the septic industry could be elevated, both for the septic providers and for the regulators. Everything Speedy Septic does is in an effort to reflect that ideal. A lot of our competitors are doing business the way it’s always been done, and there is still a lot of value to that model. We just believe you can take the old school approach of friendliness with being a local company the community knows and trusts, and still put a solid, professional, tech savvy foot forward.
How did you decide on what types of trucks and equipment to invested in? Our decisions have been made mostly on what trucks and equipment will allow us to do two main things, handle emergencies quickly and efficiently. The other is to be properly outfitted to take care of a customer’s issue on the first visit, without having to return another day.
What is your target growth percentage, and what are your challenges along the way? I think a lot of growing companies face similar challenges to the ones we have faced and they mostly involve getting your processes and operations in place, while thinking like a company that is larger than you currently are. One day that’s exactly where you’ll be by handling the operational side of being a busy, fast growing company while keeping profits steady.
What are the different services you offer? We perform all maintenance on residential and commercial systems, including many types of alternative treatment systems. This includes regular O&M service, sand filter maintenance, drainfield and line cleaning, pumping and pump system maintenance. We do a lot of septic inspections and we also perform tank replacements, secondary treatment system replacements like drainfields, sand filters and ATT units for a number of smaller repairs like riser installations and pump replacements.
continued on page 21
Which service do you do most often? Septic pumping and inspections. With the advent of the internet, homeowners and buyers are realizing that a septic system is an important (and expensive!) part of owning a home. The increase we have seen with inspections reflects that. What are some of the distinguishing features and services of your company that are unique to you, which allow you to be successful? Being extremely responsive for a customer with an emergency and having 24-hour emergency service, performing full system checks at every maintenance and on every part of their system so a customer knows how their system is operating and has a good record of it Being professional in behavior and appearance by genuinely caring about the communities we serve and live in is important. How did you arrive at creating this image or identity for w w w. am er ica nliquidwa ste.co m
O C TO B E R 2 0 1 7 A M E R I C A N LI Q U I D WASTE 19
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Who works at the company, and how many people are employed? Describe a little bit about your office staff and crews. We operate in three geographic locations in the Pacific Northwest and we currently have about 40 full time employees. Most our employees love the outdoors and care about the environment in which we live, and coming from the Northwest, that’s a pretty typical set of values. The type of employee who is successful at Speedy Septic is a passionate, lifelong learner who can work hard and have fun, which some people assume is a hard find for a septic company, but our culture has managed to do that about 40 times over! How do you boost efficiency in your jobs and your workers and, similarly, boost morale amongst your employees? We focus on profits, which means we have a culture of being efficient and smart about how we get things done. Having this focus means we have a lot of perks for a small business. This summer, we had a contest where each employee got a chance to be entered into a drawing for a luxury trip to Mazatlán, and we recently started a profit sharing program on top of the traditional benefits one would normally see. How do you handle training your work crews? We have an Apprenticeship program here that pairs a new employee with a more experienced one, who has been with
us for a long time, during this time they will learn the ropes of our industry. They learn to drive the trucks we need to get the job done. We will rotate these pairings so that Apprentices can have training on both the service and construction side of the company. We also start sending Apprentices to classes to obtain their certifications at about the one year mark of their employment, and then have them learn about the specifics behind the types of systems we work on most. Story by Katherine Nolan
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General Pipe Cleaners Names Dave Dunbar National INDEX S P O T L I G H T Sales Manager General Pipe Cleaners, a division of General Wire Spring, has named Dave Dunbar as National Sales Manager, effective October 2, 2017. A 21-year veteran of General, Dave succeeds Andy Zelazny, who retired at the end of September after 40 years of dedicated service to the company. Dave brought years of outside sales experience when he joined General as a Customer Service Representative in 1996. After serving as Customer Service Manager for a number of years, he became Assistant National Sales Manager in 2015. Dave maintains a strong personal commitment to continuing Andy’s legacy of developing innovative training initiatives for General’s sales representatives. These include leveraging videos and social media for rapid communications and excellent efficiency. “During Andy’s tenure as our National Sales Manager he has played a major role in fueling General’s growth by developing a strong, knowledgeable sales rep force” Global Sales Manager David Silverman said. “We’re excited about and quite confident in Dave’s abilities to keep our company on the same trajectory.” General Pipe Cleaners, a division of General Wire Spring Co., is a leading manufacturer of high quality American-made drain cleaning equipment. In business since 1930, the third generation family-owned company is celebrating 87 years of service to drain cleaning professionals and plumbing contractors, as well as facilities managers, the rental industry and the hardware/DIY market. The Toughest Tools Down The Line.
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Kinetic Water Ram™ Clears Clogged Drains With Green Power General Pipe Cleaners’ Kinetic Water Ram™ quickly and cleanly clears clogged drains with green power. Just pump it up, insert in the drain, and snap the trigger. It’s that quick. The environmentally safe Kinetic Water Ram uses compressed air to generate a shock wave that pulverizes the stoppage instantly. The shock wave bypasses vents and goes around bends to reach the stoppage with only 2% loss of power. The built in pump and pressure gauge let the operator select the right amount of force for each job. The lightweight, compact tools is cleaner than snakes, safer than chemicals, and uses NO electrical power or CO2 gas. An optional toilet attachment screws onto the front of the Kinetic Water Ram to turn it into a powerful plunger. The specially designed attachment enables the operator to position the cone in the bowl to get a tighter seal. This allows the blockage to be struck with greater impact and no splash back. The tool has a sleek plated body and comes in a sturdy carrying case with molded compartments for the Ram and accessories needed to handle 1-1/4” to 4” lines. See Kinetic Water Ram in action at www.drainbrain.com/ram. For more information call the Drain Brains® at General Pipe Cleaners at 800-245-6200 or 412/771-6300. General Pipe Cleaners, a division of General Wire Spring Co., is a leading manufacturer of high quality American-made drain cleaning equipment. In business since 1930, the third generation family-owned company is celebrating over 85 years of service to drain cleaning professionals and plumbing contractors, as well as facilities managers, the rental industry and the hardware/DIY market. The Toughest Tools Down The Line.
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Vactor Showcases Next-Generation HXX® Vacuum Excavator Concept at 2017 ICUEE Concept features greater payload capacity, unmatched weight distribution
Vactor Manufacturing, the industry leader in vacuum excavators and sewer and catch basin cleaners, has unveiled the successor to the legendary Vactor HXX® vacuum excavator at the 2017 International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE) Show October 3-5, 2017, in Louisville, Ky. The concept vacuum excavation truck makes its first public appearance at Vactor’s outdoor exhibit (K381) at the Kentucky Exposition Center. “The new HXX concept showcases our latest design thinking in terms of improvements in payload capacity, weight distribution, operation and performance,” said Ben Schmitt, product manager at Vactor Manufacturing. “Our goal in previewing this HXX concept at ICUEE is to gain feedback from customers and other industry professionals before launching the next generation of this truck.” Improved weight distribution The HXX concept maximizes legal payload for customers and improves operational efficiency. “Maximizing productivity while adhering to strict weight regulations is a constant challenge for vacuum excavation users,” Schmitt said. “Weight enforcement is an important issue within the industry, as overweight fines can be significant.” The placement of the debris body and water tank on the concept’s chassis ensures equal distribution of the payload on the axles, regardless of how much water is in the tanks. This design is an improvement over previous vacuum excavators configured with sloped floors in uni-body designs where weight shifts as water is used and debris is loaded, often resulting in lost payload capacity. Each component of the HXX concept truck was purposely placed to ensure the entire chassis gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) is used. Single-piston water system A new PrecisionFlow™ water pump system on the HXX concept features a single-piston design which is capable of higher flow and pressures than a triplex water pump system for superior production and reliability. “This new water pump system features half the moving parts of a traditional hydroexcavation water pump, eliminating more expensive and less reliable pressure regulating mechanisms or unloading valves and enabling quick and easy servicing in the field,” Schmitt said. Improved operator interaction The HXX concept features Vactor’s Park-N-Dig™ quick operation design, which reduces set-up and tear-down time between jobs. In addition, the concept features a seven-inch display featuring real-time operational and performance information feedback to allow the operator to maximize productivity. The HXX concept also features Vactor’s Bluetooth service connectivity tool and on-screen diagnostics for quick and easy field troubleshooting if necessary. “Everything about the HXX concept truck was designed with operator safety, product reliability, productivity and serviceability in mind,” Schmitt said. QuietPak system The HXX concept is equipped with a QuietPak sound-damping system featuring a Robuschi positive displacement blower rated for 6,176 CFM and 28-in. Hg. The system delivers higher airflow and quieter operation, with a decibel rating of less than 90 dB(A) throughout the RPM range. Featuring ultra-quiet inlet and outlet silencers acoustically matched to the blower, this system is ideal for work at higher altitudes.
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HXX vacuum excavator concept product specifications • Vacuum system rated at 6,200 CFM and 28-inch Hg • Water pump system rated at 30 GPM and 3,000 psig • Water tank capacity: 1,200 gallons • Debris tank capacity: 16 cubic yards • Boom reach: 27.5-foot overall reach, 320 degrees of rotation Additional equipment on display at ICUEE In addition to the HXX vacuum excavator concept, Vactor will display their full line-up of vacuum excavation solutions at their outdoor and indoor (Booth 4906) exhibits at the ICUEE Show. These products include a mid-sized Vactor HXX® vacuum excavator, a Vactor Paradigm® vacuum excavator, and a nine-yard tandem axle configuration of the Vactor Prodigy® vacuum excavator. More than 100 years of proven performance For more than 100 years, Vactor has been building durable, reliable products using air conveyance, high-pressure water and vacuum technology. The leader in vacuum excavation trucks, the Vactor HXX vacuum excavator was designed and engineered as a purpose-built machine and continues to grow in popularity as a non-mechanical tool and non-destructive process for safe digging with contractor input throughout the process. Today, Vactor offers the widest range of vacuum excavators for the utility industry, ranging from single- to four-rear axle, 3.5 cubic-yard to 15 cubic-yard debris capacity, and air, water or both for digging. For more information on the Vactor HXX vacuum excavation concept truck, or on the full line of Vactor products and solutions, please visit www.vactor.com. Follow Vactor on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for updates and information throughout the week of ICUEE 2017. Vactor Manufacturing is the industry leader in sewer and catch basin cleaners, industrial vacuum loaders and vacuum excavators featuring innovative technology and custom configurable designs. Based in Streator, Ill., Vactor Manufacturing has more than 50 North American distributors in more than 100 locations to serve the municipal market, as well as 12 factory direct locations through FS Solutions for industrial and utility customers in the United States, and eight locations through Joe Johnson Equipment (JJE) in Canada. w w w. am er ica nliquidwa ste.co m
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Coxreels is pleased to offer our customers thousands of standard products to choose from; however, in the event that a customer cannot locate the perfect reel for a specific application, Coxreels has the capability to custom build any product to your exact specifications. Coxreels’ custom built products offer a complete solution to any of your hose, cord, and cable reel needs.
For us here at Coxreels, analyzing individual customer requirements and arriving at the best reeling solution for the application at hand comes naturally. After 94 years in the hose, cord, and cable reeling industry, Coxreels has set the bar as the expert in custom designed and engineered products.
Coxreels is pleased to offer our customers thousands of standard products to choose from; however, in the event that a customer cannot locate the perfect reel for a specific application, Coxreels has the capability to custom build any product to your exact specifications. Coxreels’ custom built products The pictured reel is no exception. Coxreels designed this spring retractable reel for a client with a maintenance facility offer a complete solution to any of your hose, cord, and cable reel needs. filled with custom scaffolding. The reel mounts to scaffolding For us here at Coxreels, analyzing individual customer requirementswith and the bestfast reeling clamparriving style brackets at making installation and mobile. The EZ Coil retraction system (installed on this custom solution for the application at hand comes naturally. After 94 years in product) the hose, cord, and reeling enhances operator andcable workplace safety by significantly reducing retraction speeds. This feature acts as industry, Coxreels has set the bar as the expert in custom designed and engineered products. the ultimate control for hose, cord, and cable whip hazards and is guaranteed to increase productivity and safety in any The pictured reel is no exception. Coxreels designed this spring retractable reel for a client with a conceivable application. Coxreels® has remained steadfast and focused on manufacturing high quality professional grade hose, maintenance facility filled with custom scaffolding. The reel mounts to scaffolding with clamp style cord, and cable reels since 1923. Offering a full product line serving the industry in every channel and brackets making installation fast and mobile. The EZ Coil retraction system (installed product) enhances application, Coxreels® takes on great this pride incustom designing, building, and supporting all of their products right here in the U.S.A. operator and workplace safety by significantly reducing retraction speeds. This feature acts as the ultimate control for hose, For further information on the Coxreels® custom products, contact Customer Service at (800) 269-7335 or visitand www.coxreels.com. cord, and cable whip hazards and is guaranteed to increase productivity safety in any conceivable application. Coxreels® has remained steadfast and focused on manufacturing high quality professional grade hose, cord, and cable reels since 1923. Offering a full product line serving the industry in every channel and application, Coxreels® takes great pride in designing, building, and supporting all of their products right here in the U.S.A. For further information on the Coxreels® custom products, contact Customer Service at (800) 269-7335 or visit www. coxreels.com.
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Abbot Rubber Company, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 800-852-1855 / pumperhose.com
Dynamic Decals & Graphics Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 800-472-0285 / dynamicdecals.com
Nozzteq Inc... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 866-620-5915 / nozzteq.com
Armal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 866-873-7796 / armal.biz
Eljen Corporation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 888-444-1359 / eljen.com
Petersen Products Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 800-669-1434 / pipeplug.com
Aqua-Zyme Disposal Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 979-245-5656 / aqua-zyme.com
FM Manufacturing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FC, 12 877-889-2246 / fmmfg.com
Pik Rite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 800-326-9763 / pikrite.com
Arthur Products.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 6, 19, 22 800-322-0510 / arthurproducts.com
Fraserwoods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 780-962-1827 / fraserwoods.ca
PolyJohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 800-292-1305 / polyjohn.com
Benlee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 734-722-8100 / benlee.com
General Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 generalpump.com
Rooter-Man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 800-700-8062 / rooterman.com
Bright Dyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 800-394-0678 / brightdyes.com
Hot Jet USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 800-213-3272 / hotjetusa.com
Vantage Trailers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 800-826-8245 / vantagetrailer.com
Comforts of Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 877-382-2935 / cohsi.com
Imperial Industries Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 800-558-2945 / imperialind.com
V&H Inc. Trucks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 800-826-2308 / vhtrucks.com
Com Vac Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 800-243-7986 / comvacsystems.com
J.C. Gury Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 800-903-3385 / jcgury.com
Water Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 10, 14, 28 800-333-WASH(9274) / watercannon.com
Coxreels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 800.269.7335 / coxreels.com
Lely Tank & Waste Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BC 800-367-5359 / lelytank.com
Westmoor Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 800-367-0972 / westmoorltd.com
Cusi Technology Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 915-275-4144 / cusitec.com
Liberty Financial Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 800-422-1844 / libertyfg.com
Wholesale Magnetic Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 dotnumberstore.com
Dragon Products Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 dragonproductsltd.com Sig 01 877-783-5538 ALW 01-84 /0908 8/23/08 12:43 PM Page 81
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