Giggle Magazine August/September 2013

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happy family • happy communityTM




magazine AUG/SEPT 2013 • Volume 5 • Issue 4

 Nate's Story: A Kindergarten Miracle p.62

Making + It Through That First Preschool Week p.94

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back-to-sch ool gui de

for Alachua C


Beyond The Polo

Spruce up the school dress code







PUBLISHER Nicole Irving ART DIRECTOR Leslie Vega DIRECTOR OF PR & MARKETING Allen Haynes GRAPHIC DESIGNER Leslie Vega COPY EDITOR Dana Kamp CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Bobbi Bloom, Kari Brill, Brandi Catalanotte, Wendy Eckhardt, Selena Garrison, Julia Glum, Kelly Goede, Dan Griffin, Tara Griffin, Allen Haynes, Dana Kamp, Helen Kornblum, Kelsey Meany, Danielle Michels CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Shandon Smith with Lifeprints Photography, Patricia Bishop Photography, Kristin Kozelsky, Amber Ferrell INTERNS Julia Glum, Tyler Jarrett, Sara Martinez ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Rob Lentz Mission Statement Giggle Magazine is a modern and refreshing magazine for the families and communities of Alachua County, Florida. With our sole purpose of keeping families and communities connected, Giggle Magazine will keep readers intrigued, informed and inspired, with up to date information and heartwarming stories. Irving Publications, LLC reserves the right to edit and/or reject any advertising. Irving Publications, LLC is not responsible for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers. Nothing that appears in Giggle Magazine may be reproduced in any way, without written permission. Opinions expressed by Giggle Magazine writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. Giggle Magazine will consider all never before published outside editorial submissions. Irving Publications, LLC reserves the right to edit and/ or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates.

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5745 SW 75th Street 101 SW 140th Terrace Unit 286 Suite C Gainesville, FL 32608 Jonesville, FL 32669 p. 352.505.5821 f. 352.240.6499 Giggle Magazine is a registered trademark property of Irving Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. Giggle Magazine is published by Irving Publications, LLC. © 2013




Aug * Sept 2013 happy family • happy community


features 13 Dealing With ADHD This School Year

Photos by Patricia Bishop Photography

38 Think Outside The Polo: Spruce Up The School Dress Code! 62 Nate's Story: A Kindergarten Miracle 86 Kid's Room Makeover Reveal

27 ac Alachu


l o o h c s o t k bac ide gu

conception to college 90 EXPECTING

Capturing Your Pregnancy


Mom's Preschool Separation Anxiety


A Letter To My Son About Starting Kindergarten


Transition To Middle School


Preparing Your Teen For College And Beyond




from the publisher S T A Y



s parents, we watch our children change so rapidly. Not only are they growing and learning daily, changing clothing sizes and grades in schools, they can change on a moment’s notice from good to bad, happy to sad and from the sweetness of a 1-year-old to a terrible two…in the blink of an eye. Watching our children grow and change into the people they are meant to become is so rewarding and yet terrifying. As parents, we hope we can guide them and provide them with the right tools so they make the right decisions and use their best judgment. In this issue, we have tackled how to keep stress-free during the craziness of changes with lots of great organizing tips; from room design to homeschool, they are everywhere in the issue. Anyone who knows me will tell you, I am not the most organized person in the world, so I am thrilled to put all these great tips into action. One thing that I have cherished and learned to fully understand, as change has been happening in my life, is that FAMILY is stability. FAMILY is what keeps the change manageable. Our cover cutie Nate and his family have been through more medical ups and downs and changes in his youthful years, than anyone I have known. Their personal strength and bond as a family has remained constant and their spirit has ceased to be broken. Personally, I have experienced a lot of changes these last few months. My 97-year-old grandmother passed away on June 26 and left a legacy of great knowledge, amazing recipes and handmade blankets to be cherished. My youngest son is no longer a “baby” but as I say, he is “legally required to go to school” and will enter kindergarten this August. While we completed our Back–to-School Guide I looked at it with a whole new set of eyes. So, as the hustle and bustle of the school year starts and sports, dances, homework, study hour, dates, and all the in-betweens take over...I encourage you all to keep your special FAMILY at the center of all the changes and ups and downs of your crazy lives. You never know what change is around the corner… This issue is dedicated to my grandmother Tina Basile, who believed in family and no matter what… a cookie can cure all. You will be missed and are forever in our hearts.




Nicole's Grandmother, Tina.



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"Would you ban your kids from using the word "fat?" #parenting "ABSOLUTELY! & the S-word (skinny). Health is the goal, not a subjective opinion of body image. Both words are dangerous." - @jfholzworth

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[ALL ABOUT NATE] • Favorite movie: "Ice Age" • Favorite ice cream: chocolate • Favorite Book: "Bark George" by Jules Feiffer • Favorite stuffed animal: "Tebow" his stuffed beagle • What Nate loves about school: singing songs and meeting new friends


Cover photo by Amber Ferrell

“The only thing constant is change...…”



Aug * Sept 2013 happy family • happy community






Homework Lifesavers

10 THE PARENT LIFE The Teen Tone: One Mother's

Way of Handling It

A Is For Active: How Active Kids Achieve More In School


What's Going Around? The Most Contagious Ailments At School



The Importance Of Date Night

24 2 CENTS

happy home


The Crevasse Family

Give The Kids A Budget For Back-To-School Shopping


How Soon To Allow Makeup



Design With Organization 72 ORGANIZED CHAOS

How To Say "No." 74 OUR SPACE

The Schmidts' Homework/Art Room


The Importance Of Chess 78 GROW WITH MEDIA

Back-To-School iPad Covers 84 HOMESCHOOL CORNER

Organizing For The New School Year ALACHUA




magazine AUG/SEPT 2013 • Volume 5 • Issue 4



 Nate's Story: A Kindergarten Miracle p.62

+Making It Through That First Preschool Week p.94




back-to-scho ol 38 102

AUG/SEPT 2013 • Volume 5 • Issue 4

Children photo courtesy of Madpox.

happy family • happy communityT M



for Alachua Coun


Beyond The Polo

Spruce up the school dress code




Photo by Amber Ferrell







R o utine Lifesavers BY DANA KAMP

Heading back to school means the return of homework. Whether your child is in first grade or tenth grade, he will be bringing home some kind of assignments almost every day. Use our homework lifesavers to help your child stay on task and finish his work while there’s still enough daylight for an evening bike ride.

e Start the in t u ro early!

 Designate a

work station and homework routine.

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Establish a set routine for completing daily homework. Whether that means finishing homework before a sports activity or right after school, find the time when you child is most alert and ready to work. Also, create a designated work station where she can concentrate and spread out her materials comfortably without her little brother coloring on her assignment.

 Complete harder tasks first. Tackle the subject your

Stock her work station with everything she needs for her homework assignments. Surprise her with a shiny pencil or silly eraser to bring a little fun to the table.

 Set a timer and take breaks.

Give your child short breaks to do a wiggle dance, have a snack or receive an earned reward for his hard work and focus. Teenagers could use this system by completing one task and taking a break to text with friends or take the dog for a walk before starting the next subject’s assignment.

child likes the least and get it out of the way. This gives him a boost of confidence when he is able to finish something that he feels is difficult and allows him to end on a positive note with the more enjoyable subject matter.

 Play classical background music.

 Buy fun pencils, colorful art paper, extra erasers, etc.

 Share the reading with him.

Sometimes turning off the TV, tablet and cellphone creates a new distraction by making the room too quiet. Try some classical music, just loud enough to be heard, as a soft stimulant for your child’s brain while she’s working.

If a long reading assignment has him frustrated, take turns reading one paragraph

each. He’s still reading, but this gives him a short break every minute or so and keeps the tempo of the story going.

 Create a homework calendar for projects and tests.

Time management plays an important role in completing homework on time. Make a visual board or calendar so your child can see when homework and projects are due, as well as when tests are scheduled. This promotes proper planning for upcoming extra work and studying.

 Use flashcards, games, etc., instead of just the school book.

Be creative and change things up every once in awhile so your child doesn’t feel homework is monotonous and boring. One effective game is allowing her to be the teacher while you pretend to be the student. Let her teach you what she is learning and ask questions so she fully understands the subject matter she is teaching (and learning!). 







The Teen Tone: One Mother's Way Of Handling It BY BOBBI BLOOM

Ahhh…memories. The last preschool payment, the beautiful kindergarten graduation outfit, the oh-so-significant nonspeaking parts in the third grade play, the first middle school dance. These are all important and life-changing experiences subsequently leading to one thing – high school. Yes, high school. There’s nothing like it. There is no other experience in one’s life that can truly compare. Wait…I may have spoken too quickly. Being a parent to one of those aforementioned high school students may very well compare. Let me clarify.

KAPOW! Enter the teenager! There is no slow progression into this


You, the always-there, supportive parent, have become…an afterthought. Your services are no longer required. It’s essentially a pink slip that is never actually handed to you. Nobody tells you that you are no longer important or needed. Nobody says, “Thank you for all that you have done for me thus far but I can handle it from here.” No. You are just cut off. At first, it is incredibly sad. You feel sad for yourself and mourn your deleted role. You feel hurt and long for those earlier days. “Mom! OMG. You are so annoying! Why do you always have to embarrass me in front of my friends?” “What? I just offered to make you and your friends some banana pancakes.” Yes, you read that correctly. Go ahead, reread it. Even the second time around is unbelievable. Why is it that as a mom, you would never in a million years even let your enemies talk to you



the way your kids do? I have asked myself this question over and over again. I have no suitable answer. No matter how many times I have asked my kids to “say things in a kinder way” or “use your nice words when you talk to me,” they still blurt out whatever the heck they feel. Teenagers are all about themselves. Don’t blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. It’s not you…it’s them. So why do we allow them to talk so unjustifiably to us? Well, we don’t exactly allow it. We sternly discuss the child’s tone of voice, his word choices, and his rudeness many times over and, in the end, there are consequences. Surprisingly, what I have come to realize while living with my 15-year-old daughter and my 17-year-old son is that we actually are still needed. They need to give us grief so that they can be sweet in the eyes of the rest of the world. There you have it. We take their rude words, nasty attitude and their Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde behavior because we are their parents and we are still needed. We understand our role has changed, but they do still need us in their emotional, drama-filled lives. We take it because from the very moment we met them, we instantly fell in love with them. I know I did. 

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You’ve loved them, been there for them and protected them throughout their life. When other kids called your son a mean name, you were there. When your daughter got a boo-boo, you were there. When she wasn’t picked for the team, you consoled her. When your son blushed while talking about the first girl he thought was cute, you cherished it. All of those moments were precious. You were needed. You felt wanted and truly loved.

inevitable change. It’s not like one day your son politely says to you that he needs a little space or that your daughter tells you she’d like to do her own hair that day. What happens is nothing you can anticipate or handle perfectly well. What happens is downright frightening.


! site Find tips and support on parenting your teen. is all about adolescence. The website is based on an Australian program that provides resources to help families develop their own approaches to parenting. ABCD posts articles and advice about how to deal with every aspect of

teenage life, from puberty to drug use. Its digital library features downloadable PDFs on topics like improving communication, negotiating boundaries and granting autonomy. Some documents are even available in different languages, like Spanish, Arabic and Chinese!

What would you do if... [your child wanted to drop out of school to pursue a passion like art, music, computers or sports?] "I would support any passion my kids have. However, I also know the importance of a solid education. Although there are many successful individuals who dropped out of school, they are the exception and not the norm. I would reinforce the value of achieving at least a high school diploma (of course going to college is even better!) in case success in their "passion" did not come to fruition. If anything, they could use their education as a platform to achieve their passion. With that being said, if they felt that strongly about pursuing their passion, I would be open to considering resources such as virtual school or home school/ tutoring. We are fortunate to live in a society where technology provides so many more options than when we were young. -D.C My first reaction is NOT TO ALLOW IT. In today's world, a high school diploma is not just necessary but vital. I feel it depends on the age of the child. If he is 18 and a senior, your parental control is pretty low. I would ask him to do research on individuals who have dropped out of school and the difficulties they encountered. I would also get a third party, like a counselor, involved to give advice. I would have the child provide me with solid reasoning as to WHY he is wanting to follow this path and for him to prove he has thought it out. -T.E.C


2013 11

Make math fun. Engaging and high-quality elementary offerings, from math enrichment to tutoring.




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ccording to the National Institute of Health, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is one of the most common childhood brain disorders that can cause difficulty with staying focused, paying attention and controlling behavior. These symptoms can make it difficult for a child with ADHD to succeed in school or finish tasks at home. However, an ADHD diagnosis doesn’t have to keep a child from succeeding at school.

Gauger has four major components in the plan she used to help her children Emily, 12, and Joseph, 10, have a smooth transition into the school year:


“I always send a note to the new teacher in the first week of school explaining Emily and Joseph’s ADHD diagnoses and opening the lines of communication,” Gauger said. “Then I set up an appointment with their teachers a few weeks later to see if they have any concerns, and just to make sure everything is Continued on page 15 GIGGLEMAG.COM | AUG/SEPT

2013 13




Continued from page 13


PROVIDES COMFORT upfront. I’ve had wonderful success with this strategy and it really sets the tone for the year ahead.” Have a set schedule. Gauger said her kids have a morning routine as well as an afterschool routine, which consists of grabbing a snack and having a set amount of playtime before hitting the books for homework. “There’s no wiggle room in the schedule, and the structure provides them comfort,” she said.

2 3

Gauger’s plan is two-pronged, involving seeking professional help and having the appropriate medication. Gauger feels that by finding experts in the area of ADHD diagnoses, children with ADHD can be given the appropriate and effective help they need through therapy and/or medication to ensure their success.


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The last component of Gauger’s plan is one she marks as especially important, because an ADHD diagnosis doesn’t just mean an inability to focus. Many symptoms of ADHD vary; for example, Gauger’s older child tends to be more hyperactive and impulsive, while her younger child has more non-attentive symptoms. Finding the right doctors to address individualized issues as well as proper medications and dosages is key in making a plan that works.

“One thing I come across often is that parents are so against the diagnosis,” Gauger said. “As a parent I am so often educating other parents that ADHD is a real disorder, and sometimes kids need extra help through therapy and medication, not all or to the same extent, but parents need to be open in order to create their own plans for their child’s success despite an ADHD diagnosis.” GIGGLEMAG.COM | AUG/SEPT

2013 15


Your Family & Finances F

amily is one of the most powerful words in the English language. When we think of our family, the memories and emotions of our children, siblings, husbands, wives and parents move to the forefront of our minds. Each memory and emotion, ranging from happiness and joy to anger and sadness, represents more than semi-forgotten experiences – they are part of the person we’ve become. Staffed by four experienced, aggressive and “family-first” attorneys, the Law Offices of Stephen K. Miller understands the importance of families in Alachua County, and are dedicated to protecting yours. There are so many circumstances that can threaten your family’s well-being, whether that is a divorce, serious or fatal injury, or medical malpractice. Because these attorneys are all parents themselves, they know the significance of preventing life’s tragic and devastating circumstances from also stealing your family’s livelihood. Here are three areas where the Law Offices of Stephen K. Miller can protect your family in the face of hardship and prevent further disruption:

Family Law

When it comes to protecting your family during a divorce or custody dispute, you want someone who is knowledgeable of the law and that you can trust will fight for you both in and out of the courtroom. Stephanie Mack is considered an expert in this area as a Board Certified attorney in Marital and Family Law. She is one of only four attorneys in Gainesville permitted by the Florida Bar to designate herself as an expert.


Both as a parent and family law expert, Stephanie believes that failing to hire an attorney at the outset of your family law issue can jeopardize your case. If you know you have a family law dispute, contact Stephanie immediately,

before you start negotiating with the adverse party so that you can understand your rights and protect your interests.

Automobile Accidents

One area that can quickly turn a family’s life upside down is an automobile accident that results in an injury, or worse, death. Knowing what to do, and more importantly, what not to do after an accident occurs is critical. Insurance adjusters frequently call within 24 hours after an accident. Would you know how to best handle that phone call in order to protect your family? Monica Perez-McMillen knows that accidents, by definition, are impossible to prepare for; however, obtaining the proper amount and correct type of automobile insurance coverage can help ensure your family’s finances are protected if an accident does occur. “Unfortunately, even having the proper amount and correct type of automobile insurance is not a guarantee that an accident won’t change a family’s life dramatically,” Monica said. For example, if your family’s primary breadwinner is injured in an accident, everyone in your family is impacted both emotionally and financially. Let Monica focus on pursuing the insurance companies so you can concentrate on healing and getting your family’s life back on track.



Monica says that it is extremely important to get representation immediately after an accident to ensure that the accident scene is examined, evidence is preserved, and insurance companies are doing what they are supposed to do. Save the number (352) 244-0581 in your phone now, so that you can immediately contact an attorney in the event of an accident.

Wrongful Death/Medical Malpractice

When a serious injury or fatality occurs, the natural instinct is to worry or grieve for our loved one. Under these circumstances, our decision-making process for the family can become difficult. Having an experienced attorney who knows how to protect you from insurance companies, and how to present your case to a jury, is crucial to your family’s future. It is important to know in advance whom you will call if something traumatic happens to a loved one. For nearly 20 years, Stephen K. Miller has helped protect families in Alachua County. “I’ve worked on cases where three generations of one family, from ages 4 to 74, were all killed in one tragic accident. Whether a result of a defective product that fails, the negligence of another driver, or the malpractice of a physician, I treat every case as if it were my own family tragedy. I want every person I represent to know that our firm is going to do everything within our ability to ensure that no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of your case.”

When someone is tragically killed as a result of an accident, the surviving family members will have many issues to sort through during the grieving process, such as unpaid bills or probate proceedings. Stephen and his firm can help the surviving family members navigate the waters so that the family can focus on the healing process. Unfortunately, it is common for insurance companies to act immediately to hire their own lawyers and experts to begin gathering evidence to defend the case, even before you have decided to take any legal action. “I find that sometimes accident victims don’t want to pursue an action because they think the legal process is about ‘getting money,’ when in fact it’s about replacing income and other damages that were wrongfully taken away from your family as a result of some negligent act. Nothing can ever undo the injury or death, but our justice system can try to make the family as whole as possible, for example by replacing the lost income that would have put the kids through college.” During the week, Stephen is an attorney, but he also volunteers his time to the Alachua County Sheriff ’s Office, in their Reserve Division. His 25-year background in law enforcement brings an added insight and determination to the pursuit of his client’s cases that few other attorneys in Florida share. “Whether I’m wearing a uniform or not, my duty is to enforce civil and criminal laws, and to protect families.”

Stephen K. Miller Call (352) 244-0581 and mention Giggle Magazine to receive your free consultation

and learn how the Law Offices of Stephen K. Miller can preserve and protect your family’s future. Mention Giggle Magazine to receive a discount on legal services. For more information visit 101 NW 75th Street Suite 1, Gainesville, Florida 32607




Crevasses Photos by Lifeprints Photography

Beau, Christen, Hunter (5), Colt (2 1/2)

• Occupation(s): Beau is the owner and operator of Crevasse's Pet Funeral Home, Southeast Bio Solutions and Crevasse's Simple Cremation (opening in August). Christen is the owner and operator of Crevasse's Regency Florist. • Favorite meal: Corned beef and cabbage. • Movie in our DVD player: "Cars" or "Stuart Little." • Our family is most like: A combination of a reality show and a family comedy show! • The kids' favorite books: “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd (illustrator) and “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle (illustrator). • Mommy’s and Daddy's favorite TV shows: "Modern Family," "Duck Dynasty" and "Shark Tank." • Favorite sports to play: We're just now starting to enter the sports phase with the boys, so we really don't have a favorite! Hunter has started to show some interest in golf. You can



always find both boys riding bikes, throwing the football around or playing T-ball in the yard�they love to be outside! • Favorite sports to watch: College football and basketball�especially when the Gators are playing! • Pets: Rex (yellow lab) and Ty (black mini poodle). • Favorite vacation: Crescent Beach! We go every summer and continue to go back. There are so many great things to do while we are there, but we especially enjoy being on the beach as much as we can. The boys love to be in the sun and in the water! • What makes my children laugh: The "tickle monster!” • Why we love living in Gainesville: There are so many reasons why we love Gainesville! With Beau being born and raised here he knew it was a great place to


Just knowing that their grandparents are close by... raise a family, and we were fortunate enough to be able to become the third-generation owners and operators of his established family business, Crevasse's Regency Florist. With Gainesville being a smaller town it has so much to offer�good schools, family activities, Gator sporting events and well-known medical facilities. We have both sets of parents here, which is a HUGE blessing to us and the boys. Being centrally located in the state is a huge plus! We love being on the water, and it's easy for us to get to St. Augustine, Steinhatchee, Cedar Key and

Orlando for other fun family activities. Last, but not least�Gator football! We always look forward to the fall and tailgating with all of our friends. • Something we would want our children to have that we didn't have growing up: When I was growing up I wish I had my grandparents in the same town�I'm so happy to say that our boys are fortunate enough to experience that! Just knowing their grandparents are close by and the boys can see them at any time is such a blessing! They can enjoy and experience day-to-day activities such as sporting events, school activities, swimming and getting ice cream. We both come from close families and our parents instilled great values, strong religious beliefs and deep love in both of us, and we strive to teach our boys the same things. • Favorite day trip/family activity: Going to Cedar Key to go fishing on the airboat. • First word you think of when we say "family": Loving. • Favorite picnic spot: When we're in Cedar Key we enjoy driving the golf cart to the airport to eat lunch. We can see the planes flying in and watch the boats go by. • Must-have item: Carmex Chapstick! • Three words that describe our family: Happy, outgoing, caring . 


2013 19


giggle magazine



Cultivating a relationship in this crazy journey we call parenthood

The Importance of Date Night

“falling in love requires a pulse; staying in love requires a plan.”

Bye-Bye, Boring Dates!


If you were to take the temperature of the state of marriage today, you might find it’s running a low-grade fever. It is on the verge of succumbing to illness, not quite sick but certainly not healthy either. Perhaps you’ve heard that half of all marriages end in divorce, as statistics show. Could something as simple as a weekly date night possibly combat the statistics and keep you and your spouse on the path to a lifetime of wedded bliss? Personally, I say “yes,” and more than a few experts have offered their take on the matter, stressing the importance of regular time with your spouse.

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Dr. Steve Figley, a local marriage counselor, and his wife, Joanna, (executive director of Grace Encouragement Ministries) conduct marriage retreats together, and have some words of experience about the importance of carving out time to nurture your marital bond.

“Prioritizing setting time aside to catch up and remember why you fell in love breathes life into your relationship,” Joanna said.

In the midst of parenting, as much as this seems like an impossibility, Dr. Figley stated that this priority is “especially crucial for couples with young children in the home.” Because as much as we’d like to think that a marriage can exist on cruise control without any maintenance, that simply is not true. According to Joanna (and every couple out there could testify to this), “date night will not just happen.” As with anything worth having, a solid marriage needs intentionality.

allowing familiarity to hedge out excitement and romance. But even planes on auto-pilot have to refuel once in a while, or they will crash�a marriage might even crash before it runs out of fuel if it is not maintained. It is not infrequent to hear of couples divorcing once the children are gone from the home, Dr. Figley said. He sees couples who have fallen victim to what he called “the erosion of accumulated neglect,” something a weekly date night would help reverse.

Let’s not forget the added intrusion of technology, which Or, as Andy Stanley, pastor of can further isolate couples as it North Point Church in Atlanta, replaces phone conversations stated, “falling in love requires and face-to-face time. a pulse; staying in love requires a plan.” Bottom line, date nights are vital to a healthy marriage. Commitment to a regular And taking it a step further, date night waves a banner Joanna said a warm and loving asserting ongoing commitment relationship between Mom and to a marriage that will not Dad creates deep security for stagnate�a banner that children, helping them to trust declares, “I will make time for that their foundation is strong. you because you are important What an amazing gift to offer to me,” Joanna said. them just by taking a few hours each week to enjoy your Sadly, many couples settle for spouse.  mediocrity in their marriages,

ARTS Corks & Colors Classes and open studio to paint pottery and canvases. 352-373-8847 Salsa Caliente Salsa classes for all levels. 646-515-0711 Do Art Open studio to paint pottery pieces. 352-377-6483 SPORTS Sun Country Sports Center Rock climbing, swimming, classes and memberships. 352-331-8773 Haile Country Club Driving range and golf lessons. 352-335-0055 Ext. 224 Star Martial Arts FREE adult self defense workshops. 352-374-4950 Easton Newberry Sports Complex

Archery classes. 352-472-2388

LIFESTYLE Bluefield Estate Winery

Enjoy the tasting rooms. 352-337-2544 Take Away Gourmet

Cooking classes. 352-374-4433


2013 21



Give the Kids a Budget for Backto-School Shopping! BY SELENA GARRISON

You know the drill! Her jeans from last year are too small, her shoes are out of style, her backpack has a strap hanging by a thread, and she has a long list of things she just has to have for school. As class supply lists start coming in and backto-school shopping comes into full swing, the most exciting part of the school year for your kids is the most expensive part of the school year for you! So how do you go about keeping your kids happy with their

purchases and not breaking your bank? Set a budget and put the shopping in their hands! Not only will this teach your kids how to shop on a budget, it will also teach them to make decisions between needs and wants. First, you will want to sit down with your children, go through their school supply lists, and make a list of everything they need and want. Next, you can help them put their purchases into categories like school supplies, clothing, etc., and assign a budget to each category. Then put their school shopping money into envelopes marked for each category. Lastly, take them

to teach them how to use money in a responsible way. They may make a few mistakes along the way, but learning these lessons while they are young will help them greatly in the long run.



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As they are shopping, have them keep track of how much items cost as they put them in the cart. If they go over budget in any category, they will have to go back through their cart and either put items back or choose less expensive versions of the same items. If they end up under budget in some category, they can choose to either move that money over into another category or keep the money for something else they want! This exercise may be time consuming, but it will save you money and teach your kids a valuable lesson. ď ˘

Access all of Alachua County's school supply lists on

Start early! The earlier your children learn how to handle money, the better off they will be at managing their own finances in the future! Allowing your children to work off a budget for things like school supplies, clothing and school lunches is a great way

shopping and allow them to make their purchases.


2013 25

Photo by Patricia Bishop Photography

your ultimate alachua county guide The click of a pencil box, the smell of a new backpack and laying out clothes for the first day. These are the memories of August in Florida. We've got you covered in our back-to-school guide with everything from school calendars to dress code fashion possibilities. Preparing for the school year is just a few page turns away.


2013 27

hey parents.

we've got it all covered.  Start with this check list!



s a new parent, the one piece of advice I was given most frequently was, “Stay as involved as you can in your children’s lives.” One way you can do that while your children are in school is by joining their school’s PTA or PTO.

PTA 101

What does a PTA do?

A parent teacher association, or organization, strives to have parents, teachers and administrators working cooperatively for the benefit of all children at the school. This group of dedicated parents, extended family, teachers, business sponsors and staff work together to promote the welfare of the school’s students in their homes, schools and communities. They strive to develop efforts between educators and the general public, which will enhance the academic environment for all children. A successful PTA will also work very hard to provide support for the faculty and children at the school by providing family programs and funding for projects that will enhance the atmosphere of the school.

As a PTA member, what do I receive?

By joining your school’s PTA, you are also connected to the resources from the state and national PTA. With your membership, you are often eligible for national discounts with such companies as Hertz, eTrak, MetLife and Sharp, as well as to Legoland Florida. Your membership also gives you access to Our Children Magazine, PTA programs, and E-newsletters on parenting and legislative issues. Your membership helps you tap into a network of parents, grandparents, teachers, staff, administrators and community members where you can share thoughts, ideas and concerns.




! Go through old clothes. ! Instill bed times and nightly routines. ! Get babysitters lined up for Parent Nights. ! Make appointments for immunizations/checkups/eye exams/sports physicals. ! Check bus schedule/Make carpool arrangements. ! Confirm afterschool arrangements. ! Update personal calendar.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Uniforms School supplies Parking decals for teens Family calendar for central location Lunchboxes and book bags Alarm clock Bike locks/helmets Locker organizing items Shoes Calculators

 How can I get involved? • • • • •

Join the PTA. • Participate in the PTA membership drives. Buy a school T-shirt or any other PTA spirit fundraiser. • Attend meetings and share your ideas. Volunteer at any PTA events or activities. • Help with fundraisers. Attend school spirit nights. Collect and submit Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels to your child's teacher (or any other corporate sponsor collection drive).

By joining the PTA/ PTO, you can give as much�or as little� of your time as you want. However, your participation in school events is a vital part of the success of the school and of the children.

 Check out page 49 for these awesome backpacks!





© 2013 iStockphoto LP. All rights reserved, Left photo by MadPax

August 12-16 August 19 September 2 September 24 October 21 October 25 November 5 November 8 November 11 November 25 - 27 November 28 - 29 December 6 December 23-January 3 January 6 January 16 January 17 January 20 January 21 January 30 February 17 February 26 March 24 - 28 April 1 April 4 April 10 May 8 May 26 June 5 June 6 June 9

did you know

Pre-Planning for Teachers (five days) First Day for Students Holiday - Labor Day Interim Reports Sent Home End of First Nine Weeks Student Holiday / Teacher Workday Report Cards Sent Home Holiday – UF Homecoming Holiday – Veterans Day Student/Teacher Holidays Thanksgiving Holiday Interim Reports Sent Home Winter Holidays (10 weekdays) Classes Resume End of First Semester Pupil Holiday / Teacher Workday Holiday - MLK Day Begin Second Semester Report Cards Sent Home Holiday – Presidents’ Day Interim Reports Sent Home Spring Holidays (five weekdays) End of Third Nine Weeks Pupil Holiday / Teacher Workday Report Cards Sent Home Send Interim Reports Home Holiday - Memorial Day School's Out - Last Day for Students Post-Planning for Teachers Post-Planning for Teachers

What is it? VPK is free for Florida children who turn 4 on or before September 1st of each year. The program includes instruction and activities that help students get ready for school. VPK is available FREE to all Florida 4-year-olds. Your child must be four on or before September 1st of the school year in which he will attend VPK. The program provides developmentally appropriate instruction and activities to prepare your child to be school ready. Required documents: Photo ID of parent Proof of age of child and proof of Florida residence to the Early Learning Coalition of Alachua County's office. A Certificate of Eligibility will be issued when these criteria are met.

How to register: Parents/guardians can register at ELCAC's Office (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) 4424 NW 13th St., Building A, Gainesville, FL. Open enrollment for the 2013-14 school year began April 1, 2013, but there is still time to register. You may also register on-line; however, you must still come to the office with required documentation to receive the Child Eligibility Enrollment Certificate.  Find the Fact Sheet here:



The Alachua County School Board aims to provide educational settings in which students and employees feel safe and secure. Bullying and harassment of any type is prohibited. The Board’s definition of “bullying” includes teasing, intimidation, threats, cyberstalking, physical violence and theft. “Harassment” encompasses any threatening, insulting or dehumanizing gesture, regardless of whether it’s digital, written, verbal or physical. Alachua County students must respect others and their property, obey and respond to authority, and follow socially acceptable behavior. If not, students will be disciplined by the school. Parents who believe their children have been bullied or harassed should immediately contact the principal. Students can also report the situation to their teachers. Good faith complaints will not affect students’ grades, learning or working environment. For more details, view the full policy at




QUEEN OF PEACE ACADEMY August 6 New Parent Orientation 7 p.m. August 13 Meet the Teacher 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. August 14 School Opens August 27 Back-to-School Night for Middle School 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. August 28 Back-to-School Night for PK - Grade 5 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. September 2 Labor Day - no school September 16 Individual pictures September 20 Early Dismissal-SIP meeting October 11 End of first quarter - early dismissal October 14 Professional Development - no school October 18 Report cards go home October 30 Picture retakes October 31 Halloween parade November 8 Homecoming - no school November 10 Veteran's Day Concert November 11 Diocesan In-Service - no school November 14 Parent Meeting 6:30 p.m. November 18-22 Book Fair November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break December 13 Middle School Mid-terms Christmas Concert 6:30 p.m. December 16 -19 Middle School Mid-Terms December 20 End of Second Quarter - early dismissal December 23- January 3 Christmas Holiday January 6 Classes Resume January 10 Report Cards go home January 13 Re-registration begins January 16 Early Dismissal - Parent Conferences January 20 Martin Luther King Day - no school January 27 Re-registration ends Catholic schools week

OAK HALL August 20 August 21 August 22 August 26 August 28 September 2 September 4 September 9 September 11 September 23 October 10 October 16 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 28

PreK-Grade 5 Open House First Day of School New Parent Coffee (LS) Middle School Back-to-School Night Lower School Back-to-School Night Labor Day (NO CLASSES) Middle School Parent Coffee Upper School Back-to-School Night College Night II (Seniors & Parents) Picture Day (LS) Professional Day (NO CLASSES) Chamber Concert (US) PSAT/PLAN, US Field Day, 6th Grade Play End of 1st Quarter, Eagle Scream, 4th Grade Musical Homecoming, Teacher Workday (NO CLASSES) Homecoming Dance 1st Quarter Honor Roll Assembly (MS)

January 28 January 29 January 30 January 31 February 13 February 14 February 17 February 25 March 5 March 10- 13 March 13 March 14 March 17 March 18-21 March 21 March 27 April 11 April 14-21 April 22 May 9 May 15 May 16 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 26 May 29 June 2 June 3

We Love Our Parents Day Friends of Academy Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Kids Day Early Dismissal - Teachers Luncheon Valentine's Day Ice Cream Bar Professional Development/ Retreat - no school for students President's Day - no school Group Pictures Ash Wednesday ITBS End of Third Quarter - early dismissal Professional Development - no school Diocesan In-service - no school ITBS Report Cards go home Science Fair 6:30 p.m. Early Dismissal Easter Holiday Classes Resume May Crowing 8:45 a.m. Night of the Arts 6:30 p.m. Band Concert 6:30 p.m. Band Banquet 6:30 p.m. Retreat - Grade 3 Retreat - Grades 6,7,8 Professional Development - no school Memorial Day - No School Graduation Liturgy - 11 a.m. Ceremony - 6:30 p.m. Early Dismissal 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony Last day of School, Early Dismissal

October 30 Junior Class College Day Trip October 31 Halloween - No Homework Night US Play "Catch Me If You Can" November 1-2 US Play "Catch Me If You Can" November 6 College Night I (Juniors) November 8 UF Homecoming (NO CLASSES) November 15 Carnival November 20 Thespian Showcase November 25-29 Thanksgiving Week (NO CLASSES) December 11 Winter Drama Showcase December 23-January 3 Winter Holiday Break (NO CLASSES) January 6 Classes Resume January 20 Martin Luther King Day (NO CLASSES) February 17 Presidents Day (NO CLASSES) February 28 Professional Day (NO CLASSES) March 3-4 Mini-Break (NO CLASSES) March 24-28 Spring Break (NO CLASSES) April 25 11:30 Dismissal - No Aftercare April 28 Professional Day (NO CLASSES) May 26 Memorial Day ( NO CLASSES) June 3 Last day of school

GAINESVILLE COUNTRY DAY August 19 Open House August 21 First Day of School September 2 Labor Day (no school) October 18 End of 1st Quarter November 1 Conference Day (no school) November 8 UF Homecoming (no school) November 11 Veterans Day (no school) November 25-29 Thanksgiving Break December 23-January 3 Winter Break January 6 School resumes January 10 End of 2nd Quarter January 20 Martin Luther King Day (no School) February 14 Flex Day (no school) February 17 Presidents Day (no School) March 14 End of 3rd Quarter March 24-28 Spring Break April 4 Conference Day (no school) May 23 Last Day of School

st. francis SCHOOL August 14 6:30 p.m.: Freshman Orientation and New Students. Regular St. Francis uniform required. August 15 All Students (9th-12th) Mass Day. Dress uniform required. Freshman Bible Mass at St. Augustine Church—7:30 p.m. Dress uniform required. Reception follows. August 21 Yearbook Picture Day (9th-11th). Dress uniform required. August 22 “Meet Your Teacher” Night for parents—6:30 p.m. August 29 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. SIP Meeting August 30 Freshman Retreat September 2 Labor Day—No School September 11 Progress Reports for 1st Quarter September 12 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. – SIP Meeting September 25 Picture Retake Day. Dress uniform required. September 26 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. – SIP Meeting September 30 Bishop Estevez visits. Dress uniform required. September 20-Oct 5 SFCHS Homecoming Week October 5 Homecoming Dance October 11 End of 1st Quarter October 14 Student Holiday—Teacher Workday Professional Development October 15 Begin 2nd Quarter October 16-17 Senior Retreat October 16 PSAT Test Date- All 9th-11th grade students. Dismissal as noon October 18 Report Cards – 1st Quarter October 29 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. – SIP Meeting November 8 Student/Teacher Holiday—UF Homecoming November 11 Student Holiday Diocesan Teacher In-Service November 14 Progress Reports for 2nd Quarter November 27 Student Holiday—Discretionary Day November 28-29 School Holidays—Thanksgiving December 5 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. – SIP Meeting

brentwood school August 12 Pre-Planning for Teachers August 16 Primary Preschool, Preschool, Pre-K Open House August 19 First Day of School for all students September 2 Holiday - Labor Day October 25 Pupil Holiday Parent/Teacher Conferences November 8 Holiday - UF Homecoming November 11 Holiday - Veterans Day November 25-29 Thanksgiving Holiday (5 Days) December 23-January 3 Winter Holiday (10 Days) January 6 School Resumes January 17 Pupil Holiday - Teacher Workday January 20 Holiday - Martin Luther King Jr. Day February 17 Holiday - Presidents' Day March 24-28 Spring Break April 4 Pupil Holiday Parent/Teacher Conferences April 21-25 Standardized Testing - Grades 1 through 5 (not a pupil holiday) May 26 Pupil Holiday - Memorial Day May 29 Last Day for Students

December 17-20 Exams Special Schedule—8:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m. December 20 Last day of classes for the semester December 20-January 6 Christmas Break January 6 Classes resume from Christmas Break Begin 3rd Quarter January 7 Report Cards 2nd Quarter January 16 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. – SIP Meeting January 20 School Holiday—Martin Luther King Day January 26-February 1 Catholic Schools Week January 26 Souper Fun Sunday—1:00-3:30 p.m. January 31 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. Teacher Appreciation Lunch Catholic Schools Week February 7 Progress Reports for 3rd Quarter February 14 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday (Professional Development) February 17 School Holiday—Presidents Day February 27 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. March 14 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday (Professional Development) End of 3rd Quarter March 17 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday (Professional Development-Diocese) March 18 Report Cards for 3rd Quarter Begin 4th Quarter March 27 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. April 3 ½ Day dismissal at 12:18 p.m. April 14-21 Easter Break April 24 Progress Reports for 4th Quarter May 2 Prom May 5-16 AP Exam Weeks May 16, 19, 20 Senior Exam Week May 21 Senior Awards Night May 23 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday May 23 Baccalaureate Mass 7 p.m. at Queen of Peace Catholic Church May 24 Class of 2014 Graduation at 2 p.m. at University Auditorium at UF May 26 School Holiday – Memorial Day Underclassmen Final Exam Week - May 29, May 30, June 2, June 3 June 3 Last Day of School End of 4th Quarter/2nd Semester Summer Break Begins After the Last exam on June 3rd.

ST. PATRICK'S interparrish school August 13 August 14 August 23 August 27 September 2 October 11 October 14 October 14-17 October 26 November 8 November 11 November 27-29 December 12 December 20 December 23 January 6 January 20 Jan 26-Feb 1 January 31 February 14 February 17 March 3-14 March 4 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 17 April 10 April 11 April 14-21 April 22 May 1 May 23 May 26 May 30 June 3

Open House 1-3 p.m. Classes Begin, Mass 8:30 a.m. Tryouts for Football, Volleyball & Soccer Meet the Teacher Night 7 p.m. Labor Day Holiday (no classes) End of 1st Quarter (Half Day) Diocesan In-Service (no classes) Fall Athletic Tournament Week Pot of Gold UF Homecoming (no classes) Veterans Day /Diocesan In-Service (no classes) Thanksgiving Holiday Christmas Program 7 p.m. End of 2nd Quarter (Half Day) Christmas Holiday Begins Classes resume Martin Luther King Holiday (no classes) Catholic Schools Week Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (Half Day) Diocesan In-Service (no classes) President’s Day (no classes) ITBS Testing Mardi Gras Parade End of 3rd Quarter (Half Day) No School St Patrick Gala 7p.m. Diocesan In-service (no classes) Passion Play Early Dismissal Easter Holiday Classes Resume May Crowning Diocesan In-Service (no classes) Memorial Day (no classes) 8th grade Graduation Mass 6 p.m. Last Day for Students/ End of 4th Quarter/Half Day

the rock school August 15 September 2 October 15 November 8 November 11 November 25-29 December 20 December 23-January 3 January 6 January 17 January 20 February 14 February 17 March 14 March 24-28 May 23

First Day of School Labor Day (no school) End of 1st Nine Weeks UF Homecoming (no school) Veterans Day (no school) Thanksgiving Holiday End of 2nd Nine Weeks Early Dismissal, Out at Noon Christmas Holiday (No school) Classes Resume Flex Day (no school) Martin Luther King Day (No School) Flex Day (no school) Presidents' Day (No School) End of 3rd Nine Weeks Spring Break (no school) Last Day of School Early Dismissal, Out at Noon Graduation Ceremony

pk yonge developmental research school August 19 September 2 October 21 October 25 November 7 November 8 November 11 November 25-27 November 28-29 December 23-January 3 January 6 January 7 January 17 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 31 February 17 March 24- 28 April 2 April 4 April 11 May 26 May 30 June 6

First Day for Students Holiday - Labor Day End of First Quarter Pupil Holiday / Teacher Workday Report Cards Sent Home Holiday - UF Homecoming Holiday - Veterans Day Pupil/Teacher Holidays Thanksgiving Holidays Winter Holidays (10 weekdays) Pupil Holiday / Teacher Workday Classes Resume End of First Semester Holiday- Martin Luther King Day Pupil Holiday / Teacher Workday Begin Second Semester Report Cards Sent Home Holiday - Presidents' Day Spring Holidays (5 weekdays) End of Third Quarter Pupil Holiday / Teacher Workday Send Report Cards Home Holiday - Memorial Day Last Day for Seniors School Out - Last Day for Students

millhopper montessori August 5-9 Pre-planning Preschool/Kindergarten Teachers August 12 First Day of School for Preschool/ Kindergarten August 12-16 Pre-planning Elementary/Middle School Teachers August 16 Middle School Orientation 1 p.m. August 19 First Day for Elementary/Middle School August 28 Middle School Parent Night 6 p.m. September 2 Labor Day Holiday September 6 Fall Picture Day October 25 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday November 5 Send Report Cards Home November 5-7 Middle School ROPES Trip November 8 Holiday - UF Homecoming November 11 Holiday - Veterans Day December 23-January 3 Winter Holidays January 6 Classes resume January 17 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday January 20 Holiday - MLK Day January 30 Send Report Cards Home February 17 Holiday - Presidents Day March 3-7 Seventh & Eighth Grade Internships March 21 Spring Picture Day March 24-28 Spring Holidays April 4 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday April 10 Send Report Cards Home May 22-23 Middle School End of Year Trip May 26 Holiday - Memorial Day May 29 Last Day of School for Preschool/Kindergarten June 5 Last Day of School for Elementary/ Middle School June 10 Send Report Cards Home

Don't miss!

ua Coun ach ty Al

 tax free shopping

uniform policy

Florida Sales Tax Holiday is Friday - Sunday, Aug 2 - 4, • No tax is due on certain clothing, footwear, and accessories selling for $75 or less. • No tax is due on certain school supplies selling for $15 or less. • No tax is due on computers and certain related accessories selling for $750 or less per item,


when purchased for home or personal use (non-commercial use). • Books are NOT exempt from tax during the 2013 Sales Tax Holiday except those books that are always exempt, such as Bibles. • For more information:


• Long or short-sleeved, solid colored collared shirts (must cover midriff, back and sides) • Solid colored skirt, pants, shorts, jumpers or skorts (must be “mid-thigh” in length) • Solid colored jeans • Solid colored dresses with short or long sleeves • School-sponsored polo or T-shirt, as designated by the school principal 


• Long or short-sleeved, solid colored collared shirts • Solid colored pants or shorts • Solid colored jeans • School-sponsored polo or T-shirt, as designated by the school principal 


• Must be safe and appropriate • Elementary students – closed toe and closed heel Use your QR CODE phone app to access this page in seconds!



The following immunizations are required under Florida law: Preschool Entry (age-appropriate doses as medically indicated): Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Series Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) (specific to this age group only) Hepatitis B Series Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Polio Series Varicella or Chickenpox (documentation of disease or vaccine) Kindergarten - Third Grade: Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Series Hepatitis B Series Measles-Mumps-Rubella (two doses of Measles vaccine, preferably as MMR) Polio Series 2 Varicella vaccines or Chickenpox (documentation of disease or vaccine) Grade 3-10 Entry: Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Series Hepatitis B Series Measles-Mumps-Rubella (two doses of Measles vaccine, preferably as MMR) One Polio Series Varicella or Chickenpox (documentation of disease or vaccine) Grades 7-8 Entry: Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Series Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster (Td) (specific to this age group only) Hepatitis B Series Measles-Mumps-Rubella (two doses of measles vaccine, preferably as MMR) Polio Series

Outer garments

• Coats, jackets, sweatshirts and sweaters can be worn if necessary due to weather conditions • Must not be overly baggy or violate other provisions of the uniform policy 

Do not

• Wear athletic shorts, cut-off pants, short-shorts or running shorts • Wear clothing that is oversized or undersized • Wear clothing that is not properly fastened • Wear clothing that is torn or has holes or pants that are frayed • Wear hats, headgear or other head coverings (except when OK'd by principal) • Have body piercings visible, other than earrings on the ears • Wear jewelry or accessories that may be used as weapons • Wear combs, curlers or hair picks • Wear sunglasses inside a school building • Wear visible undergarments • Wear pants or shorts with the waistband worn below the waist • Bring outer garments or accessories that have slogans, signs, images or symbols that promote drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gang identification, weapons, or lewd sexual behavior OR denigrate or promote discrimination for or against an individual or group on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, race, religion or gender For more information about the Alachua County School Uniform Policy, request a copy from your child’s school or visit http://www2.sbac. edu/~wpops/hp/SchoolUniformPolicy.pdf.


2013 37





POLO Photos by Patricia Bishop Photography

lo pick each It's an easy po with its perks. s me co DE CO ESS g the kids? Or TY'S SCHOOL DR tivity of dressin ALACHUA COUN enjoy the crea lly hool tua ac o wh ruce up the sc about us moms easy ideas to sp week, but what ce! style? Use these offi his l's on ipa ty inc an pr p to the es to up the ut causing a tri the teen who lik dress code witho

Boys' wardrobe A Green Long Sleeve Shirt: Macy’s Blue and Green Belt: Gap Blue Pants: Gap Kids Fidora Hat: Similar hats can be found at Gap Hats can ONLY be worn on school approved days. Please check with your school. Girls' wardrobe A Pink Polo: Sears Black Tiered Skirt: JCPenney Polka Dot Sneakers: JCPenney Glitter Ballet Flats: Payless Shoe Source White Flower Hair Clip: Itty Bitty U Polka Dot Jean Jacket: Target Pink Pleated Skirt: JCPenney Denim Long Sleeve Shirt: Old Navy

Start the school year in style!

Simple layering, pops of color and fun accessories will add fun and personality to your child’s school wardrobe this year.




Blue blazer: JCPenney Green Denim Jeans: Dillard’s White Blouse: JCPenney Owl Necklace: Claire's Icing Leopard Ballet Flats: Target

Save th e Date


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alachua county l o o h c afters

ams r g o pr


AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS  La Petite Academy AfterSchool Program 2755 Archer Road Gainesville, FL 32608 (352) 371-0720

 Sun Country FUNRichment Afterschool Program 333 SW 140th Terrace Jonesville, FL 32669 (352) 331-8773

 O2B kids 6680 W Newberry Road Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 332-5500

 The Sunshine House After-School Program 2530 NW 39th Ave. Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 376-4765

 Okito America 6900 SW Archer Road Gainesville, FL 32608 (352) 231-8321  Skate Station Funworks Afterschool Program 1311 NW 76th Blvd. Gainesville, FL 32606 (352) 332-0555


 YMCA North Central Florida YMCA 5201 NW 34th Blvd. Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 374-9622



 Boys & Girls Club Multiple locations (352) 372-5342  Cameron Dance Center 34th Blvd - (352) 371-0761 Haile Village - (352) (352) 335-7785  City of Newberry at Easton Newberry Sports Complex (352) 472-5663  Extended Day Enrichment Program (Public school) (352) 955-7766  Girls Place 2101 NW 39th Ave. Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 373-4475  Independance Studio 7050-10 SW Archer Road Gainesville, FL 32608 (352) 337-0017  Kiddie Academy 6476 SW 75th St. Gainesville, FL 32608 (352) 264-7724  Sonshine After School Program 10000 W Newberry Road Gainesville, FL 32606 (352) 333-0017  Star Martial Arts Karate Academy 2441 NW 43rd St. #27B, Gainesville, FL 32605 352-374-4950  Twinkle Toes Nanny Agency (352) 538-2012

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& princi pa



Fort Clarke Middle Donna Kidwell 352.333.2800

Santa Fe High Beth LeClear 386.462.1125

Kanapaha Middle Jennifer Wise 352.955.6960


Alachua Elementary Eva Copeland 386.462.1841

Meadowbrook Elementary Brad Burklew 352.333.2828

Lincoln Middle Don Lewis 352.955.6711

Archer Elementary Cory Tomlinson 352.495.2111

Metcalfe Elementary Pat Phillips 352.955.6713

Mebane Middle Manda Bessner 386.462.1648

Chiles Elementary Judy Black 352.333.2825

Newberry Elementary Lacy Redd 352.472.1100

Oak View Middle Katherine Munn 352.472.1102

Duval Elementary Lawson Brown 352.955.6703

Norton Elementary Kim Neal 352.955.6765

Hawthorne Middle Veita Jackson-­Carter 352.481.1900

J.J. Finley Elementary Kathleen Valdes 352.955.6705

Rawlings Elementary Daniel Burney 352.955.6715

Westwood Middle James Tenbieg 352.955.6718

Foster Elementary Jim Kuhn 352.955.6706

Shell Elementary Libby Hartwell 352.481.1901

High Springs Community Jeff Means 386.454.1958

Glen Springs Elementary Nannette Dell 352.955.6708

Talbot Elementary Lina Burklew 352.955.6716

Hidden Oak Elementary Ron Knowles 352.333.2801

Terwilliger Elementary Lynn McNeill 352.955.6717

High Springs Community Elementary Jeff Means 386.454.1958

Waldo Community Elementary Holly Burton 352.468.1451

Idylwild Elementary Daniel Ferguson 352.955.6709

Wiles Elementary Dr. Barbara Buys 352.955.6955

Irby Elementary Valdenora Fortner 386.462.5002

Williams Elementary Karla Hutchinson 352.955.6719

Lake Forest Elementary Diane Hill 352.955.6710 Littlewood Elementary Jen Homard 352.955.6712

MIDDLE SCHOOL Howard Bishop Middle Mike Gamble 352.955.6701

Oak Hall Richard Gehman 352.332.3609 Queen of Peace Academy Sister Nancy Elder 352.332.8808 St. Francis Catholic High Ernest Herrington Jr. 352.376.­6545 Millhopper Montessori Christina J. Miller 352.375.6773 Brentwood School Robert Schackow 325.373.3222 Gainesville Country Day School Kelly Childers and Nancye Childers 352.332.7783 St. Patrick Interparrish School Frank Mackritis 352.376.9878

HIGH SCHOOL Buchholz High Vince Perez 352.955.6702

The Rock School Jim Mckenzie 352.331.7625

Eastside High Jeff Charbonnet 352.955.6704

PK Yonge Developmental Research School Dr. Catherine Atria 352.392.1554

Gainesville High David Shelnutt 352.955.6707

Cornerstone Academy Doug Lawson 352.378.9337

Hawthorne High Veita Jackson-­Carter 352.481.1900 Newberry High Kevin Purvis 352.472.1101 Professional Academies Magnet at Lofton High Bill McElroy 352.955.6839

important numbers • • • • • •

Emergency: 911 U.S. Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 Gainesville Police Department: (352) 334-2400 Alachua Sheriff's Office: (352) 367-4000 Pediatric After Hours: (352) 265-0724 Pediatric ER: (352) 265-KIDS


2013 45



schedu les Need to know if your child's bus is on time or if there has been a change?


lunch pri ces


Just call and enter the four-digit school number below. Alachua Elementary School 5653 Anchor Center 5649 Archer Community School 5654 Bishop Middle School 5655 Buchholz High School 5656 Lawton Chiles Elementary School 5691 Duval Elementary School 5657 Eastside High School 5658 Finley Elementary School 5659 Fort Clarke Middle School 5660 Foster Elementary School 5661 Gainesville High School 5662 Glen Springs Elementary School 5663 Hawthorne High School 5664 Hidden Oak Elementary School 5665 High Springs Elementary School 5666 Horizon/NewPathways Center 5650 Idylwild Elementary School 5667 Irby Elementary School 5668 Jones Center 5651 Kanapaha Middle School 5669 Lake Forest Elementary School 5670 Lanier Center 5652 Lincoln Middle School 5671 Littlewood Elementary School 5672 Loften High School 5673 Mebane Middle School 5674 Metcalfe Elementary School 5675 Newberry Elementary School 5676 Newberry High School 5677 Norton Elementary School 5678 Oak View Middle School 5679 Rawling Elementary School 5681 Santa Fe High School 5682 Shell Elementary School 5683 Spring Hill Middle School 5684 Talbot Elementary School 5685 Terwilliger Elementary School 5686 Waldo Community School 5687 Westwood Middle School 5688 Wiles Elementary School 5689 Williams Elementary School 5690

akfast dents $0.30 Reduced bre and high school stu elementary, middle for st kfa ea Br .00 $1 adults $1.75 Breakfast for ch $0.40 Reduced lun dents mentary school stu ele for $2.15 Lunch l students oo sch h hig d an ddle $2.40 Lunch for mi $3.15 Adult lunch

m eal schokfaol st and lunch)

(brea ntary school students $3.15 daily for eleme students le and high school $3.40 daily for midd For more info: mylunchmo



They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Keep this formula in mind when serving up that perfect breakfast: Protein + fruit/veggie + whole grain = Yummy Breakfast! MONDAY A Bowl of fresh fruit, whole wheat pancakes made into fun shapes, and a glass of milk. TUESDAY A Small fresh fruit smoothie and steel cut oatmeal with raspberries and strawberries.  : You can microwave oatmeal in a glass measuring cup...just make sure to watch it closely or it will boil over.

giggle tip

WEDNESDAY A Pancakes with ground flax, almonds, cinnamon and a touch of oats. Pair with blueberries and a glass of soy or almond milk.  : Make a bunch and freeze for a quick and easy breakfast!

giggle tip

THURSDAY A Classic scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese and a side of orange slices. FRIDAY A Whole wheat toast topped with natural peanut butter and fresh cut banana slices.

Picky eater? Visit the web for some of our simple and on-the-go 48



breakfast ideas for even the pickiest of pallets.

school gear A Shower Squids Moving into a dorm and showering in a communal space can be a bit traumatic. Make the experience more bearable with this fun way to hold soap and shampoo. $35.00 C Rainbow Pencil And Eraser Set $16.49 C Six Color Pen They're back! $4.49

E The R2-D2

Projection Alarm Clock $39.95

E Lator Gator Full Pack Backpack $60.00

B O3 Kid's All-in-One Pre-School Backpacks With Integrated Cooler The front pocket is insulated for lunch! $30.00

A Birdhouse Pencil Sharpener $6.99 C “Alister” Lunchbox Machine washable. Comes in different styles! $34.00

C “Alexander” Backpack $52.00 C Blue Parachute lunchbox $34.95

E Lunchbox Deluxe $35.00


2013 49



11 Active


 Morning Mile—most Gainesville schools participate in the Morning Mile program. If yours does not, solicit the administration to adopt it. (  Create your own “Morning Mile” by walking or riding bikes to and from school with your child.


© 2013 iStockphoto LP. All rights reserved

The health benefits of regular exercise and healthy eating are extremely welldocumented. Some of the main benefits are:

1 2 3

Decrease in risk of heart disease Decrease in risk of a stroke

Decrease in diabetes, Decrease in many cancers


Decrease in many bone and joint problems

As if this list was not motivation enough, there is now overwhelming evidence linking physical activity and a healthy diet to improved academic performance in students of all ages. At a time when childhood obesity is at an all-time high and academic performance has failed to significantly improve over the last 40 years (according to the Journal of the American Medical Association 2010), this is potentially great news for administrators, teachers and parents. All we need to do is bring P.E. class back to schools and clean up our cafeterias. If we do this, we can impact our children’s future on both fronts: physically and mentally. Sounds easy, right? Well, not so much. Currently schools across the nation are severely underfunded. Combine that with an increased focus on test scores and academics-especially

Remember the 3 elements of Fitness: Endurance, Strength and Flexibility

 Enroll your child in an afterschool sports/activity program.  Do homework at one of our many local parks. Pack a healthy snack and allow 15 minute recess breaks.

due to state tests and the No Child Left Behind bill-it’s no wonder that schools mistakenly cram all of their efforts into academics. So, as a parent, what can you do to help your child succeed?

I have 11 great ways you can immediately get your child moving and eating right—and improve his academic progress and classroom behavior at the same time. Ultimately, you are responsible for your child’s well-being. It is up to you to act on the information above. With a little creativity and a lot of persistence, you can give your child a healthy start in school and in life. 

 Be sure your child eats a healthy breakfast. According to Harvard Medical School, a quality breakfast improves student behavior and academic performance.  Avoid sugary cereals and processed snack foods. Instead snack on fresh cut vegetables, fruits and nuts.  Drink water. Do not send your child to school with sugary juice drinks, soda, energy drinks or sport drinks.  Exercise as a family. Take a 20 minute after-dinner walk around the neighborhood.  Be a role model and lead by example.  Have your child prepare meals with you, and educate him on the importance of healthy eating. 11 Relentlessly solicit your  child’s school to increase P.E. class and/or recess. It can be done!


2013 53



"What's going around?"


During her kindergarten year, my daughter came home with head lice nine times. While we were hoping for an excellent start to her school career, she was repeatedly bit by more than just the “reading bug.” Head lice is only second to the common cold in the number of school-age children affected each year. And school children can spread infection and disease just by going through their daily routine. Many highly contagious illnesses spread as children sneeze or cough or neglect to wash up after the bathroom and then proceed to interact with their peers and their environment. And many illnesses are contagious before the carrier even has symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Norovirus causes 20 million cases of acute gastroenteritis every year, and schoolchildren are especially susceptible due to their close contact

more serious Influenza--show up in milder forms and in fewer numbers of children. Although hand-washing is the best preventative measure, and should be practiced regularly, sometimes kids are just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and get sneezed on or unwittingly touch an infected surface. Luckily, schools are always working to combat illness and are still wonderful places to “catch” a love of learning. 

Tackling your child's head lice Teach children to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice while they wash their hands.


Many alternatives to pesticides now exist to kill lice, including tea tree oil and thyme oil. Covering the head with mayonnaise or olive oil and leaving on overnight will suffocate lice (wash out with Dawn dish soap in the morning). Of course, all lice treatments require combing out lice and nits, and continually checking for 7-10 days for any new lice and repeating as necessary.



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with each other. Many illnesses, like Norovirus and the common cold, can be contracted by simply touching an infected surface. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease passes through saliva, so children sharing a drink can get more than the juice they’re enjoying. Ring Worm passes through skin-to-skin contact, so high-fives may pass along an unwelcome souvenir. Thanks to increased immunization efforts, illnesses that once caused widespread outbreaks--like the less serious Chicken Pox and

What You Need To Know About

Food and Airborne Allergies And How To Get Relief


ainesville is one of the worst cities in the country for allergy sufferers, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Our beautiful city is classified to be in a “perpetual allergy season” due to our constant agricultural growth. Here’s what you need to know about food and airborne allergies and – most importantly -- how to get relief.

Airborne Allergens Gainesville is home to an estimated 2.9 million trees, according to the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, and Sarah Ruff is allergic to almost every single one. Ruff is an employee of Gainesville Medical Centers, an allergy center on Northwest 13th Street dedicated to testing and treating people for environmental and food allergies. Ruff said she has always felt “itchy” when outside in Gainesville. She is one of about 400 patients Gainesville Medical Centers has tested since October. Ruff is receiving immunotherapy, a treatment process

designed to gradually desensitize a person’s body of airborne allergies. Gainesville Medical Centers, which performs testing not only in its clinic but also in several convenient area locations, tests for Florida’s top 60 airborne allergens and will administer immunotherapy. This therapy can drastically minimize your airborne allergies, including pet dandruff, and in some cases has the potential to cure them altogether. So if you have always wanted a dog or cat but sneeze up a storm at the sight of one, you can live that dream thanks to Gainesville Medical Centers. The best part of all of this is that most health insurances will cover 100 percent of the cost!

Food Allergens and Intolerances When we think of food allergies, we think of emergency room trips, but most Americans have a lesser form of food allergies called food intolerances. The fact is, you likely have an allergic or intolerant

reaction to at least one food -- or, if you’re Cheryl Monteclaro, to more than 30. Monteclaro eats healthy and exercises twice a day, but until she was tested for food allergens, she didn’t know she was allergic to corn. “It’s in everything,” she said. “I had no idea how difficult it was to avoid corn.” Because Monteclaro’s allergic reaction is considered an intolerance instead of a fullblown allergy, she won’t need a hospital trip if she eats corn products, but she will get a headache and feel fatigued. Understanding her corn intolerance, as well as her sensitivity to other foods like wheat and dairy, has given her the power of knowing exactly how her body will react to what she eats. Thanks to Gainesville Medical Centers, she has the blueprint to becoming the healthiest version of herself.

GAINESVILLE MEDICAL CENTERS IS COVERED BY MOST MAJOR INSURANCES. Start the process to a healthier you by calling (352) 505-9355 today to schedule your appointment at one of its several convenient testing locations:

13th Street | Town of Tioga | Haile Plantation | Wesley Chapel | High Springs | Palm Coast Like us on Facebook!



When to allow


Her curiosity about makeup is peaking… but is she old enough to wear it?


Makeup is supposed to make us feel more confident and allow us to show off our best features. Most girls are anxious to see what they’d look like when using the different products. But allowing your daughter to start wearing makeup is a big decision. There isn’t a steadfast rule stating when girls are the right age for makeup, so parental judgment comes in to play. Betsy Gardner, mommy of a 9-yearold daughter, believes there is a time and place for wearing makeup.

Maturity and the responsibility of using the makeup correctly also play a part in your decision. When Gardner was in sixth grade, her mom gave her nice makeup for Christmas and showed her how to properly apply it. She then left the choice of wearing it or not up to her daughter. This way there was no sneaking behind Mom’s back to put



in seventh or eighth grade as well because that is more important for their self esteem,” Rogers agreed.

Many parents choose to ease their daughter into a makeup routine by allowing her to use one or two products at a certain age and then adding products down the road.

While there’s not a magic age for allowing your daughter to start wearing makeup, you can use your best judgment when deciding to take that step. Talk openly with her about why she wants to wear it and what products would be best to start with, and then have fun with it! 

Vikki Rogers’ daughters are 13 and 17, and both were introduced to makeup gradually. “I don't think it's necessary for girls to wear makeup too early because I don't think they need to look any older than they are. I am okay with lip gloss in fifth and sixth grade, and maybe blush and mascara by eighth grade but I don't like any other eye makeup until later. My 17-year-old still doesn't wear eyeliner,” Rogers shared. Another factor in your decision is your daughter’s changing skin in her teenage years. Makeup can be used to even out a blotchy skin tone or cover blemishes. Applied properly, it can be a confidence booster when she is uncomfortable with the skin puberty has given her. “I am okay if they want to cover their pimples with powder or foundation


perfect STARTER

 Alba Botanica® TerraTint Mineral Tinted Lip Balm SPF15 The TerraTint lip balm beautifully lends your lips a natural tinted glow and provides chemical-free sun protection with SPF 15 while a range of nourishing botanicals and natural plant oils hydrate and protect lips. Price: $3.99. Available at Target and Wal-mart.

© 2013 iStockphoto LP. All rights reserved, Lip balm courtesy of Allison Brod PR

“I would say putting on makeup at any age is okay when they are just having fun playing dress-up. To actually wear it in public, I think middle school is a good age,” Gardner said.

on makeup, and when she chose to wear it she looked put together and not over-the-top.















gator GEAR for mom Make a fashion statement this football season with these stylish pieces that are not only fun but scream…Go Gators!

My Gator Creature Bracelet These simple rope bracelets are a must-have.

Walk in style! Gabriella Rocha Espadrilles Attend games in style in these super cute espadrilles.





Monogrammed Cuff This stylish personalized cuff comes in a variety of patterns, colors and monogram styles! Pink Wasabi Ink

Gator Bracelet Show your Gator Pride by building your own “Gator Bracelet” with colorful beads and team spirit charms. Lang Jewelers Tioga Town Center

Perfect tote! Mini Nylon Easy Tote Carry all your must-haves this football season in this adorable tote! C Wonder

Photos by Giggle Magazine, Espadrilles photo courtesy of

giggle stamp

A Kindergarten Miracle BY KELLY GOEDE, Photos by Amber Ferrell

The scene is typical. A kindergarten classroom, the buzz of excited and nervous children, crayons and glue on each table. For most children, starting school is just one in a long line of milestones anticipated by their parents and noted in a baby book. For 5-year-old Nate Ferrell, starting school is anything but typical. In fact, his parents never thought it would happen.


orn with mitochondrial disease, Nate’s milestones read more like pages from a medical textbook: placement of a “g tube,” starting supplemental oxygen, infusions of immunoglobulin, and becoming the youngest person in the U.S. (at the time) to receive a gastric stimulator. This disease, which affects 1,000 to 4,000 children in the U.S. each year (according to The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation website,, is now “approaching the frequency of childhood cancers.” Inside Nate’s cells, the mitochondria (the powerhouse) are failing and they cannot “convert food and oxygen into life sustaining energy.” This showed up as respiratory distress when Nate was two weeks old and progressed to liver problems and hypotonia, among other abnormal issues. After visits with specialists and genetic testing, his final diagnosis arrived before his first birthday. Nate’s family, mom Amber, dad Jay, and sisters Abby and Emma, began the grieving process for what Nate’s life could have been, slowly adjusting to the “new normal.” The sight of Nate today betrays the seriousness of his condition and the pain of the journey for his family thus far.

The only outward evidence is a backpack containing his oxygen, which connects to the nasal cannula in his nose. His bright eyes, contagious smile and boyish charm tell another story—one that inspires and reminds his parents that the future is not guaranteed and that every typical milestone he experiences is a privilege. By facing the reality that Nate’s life expectancy is unknown, Nate’s mom and dad have been forced to choose—live defeated or live honoring? Their faith has provided a foundation and a basis for their positivity. Amber has said that despite the hardships of raising a child with this disease, life is still so enjoyable. She and Jay have experienced a massive shift in perspective and their outlook on life and family, and it has extended to Nate’s older sisters. Even though they, too, understand the effects of Nate’s disease, 9-year-old Abby said she doesn’t worry because “the doctors are going to help him. Everything’s going to be okay.” Seven-year-old Emma agreed, and said at home, Nate acts like a normal kid. Amber said the depth of their understanding has brought about a maturity at a very young age, as they have all witnessed some of Nate’s friends pass away from his same disease. Even Nate, who

"...despite the hardships of raising a child with this disease, life is still so enjoyable." 64



said, when asked about his disease, “it’s so weird,” also asks his parents very difficult questions. When a close friend with the disease passed away recently, Nate then asked, “Does that mean I’m going to Heaven, too?” These are the thoughts that swirl through Amber’s and Jay’s minds as their sweet and vivacious son prepares to actually enter kindergarten. Nate had been so “medically complicated” until quite recently, and has never spent much time with children his own age. He experienced preschool through the hospital homebound program, missing out on social interactions with other preschoolers due to his immune deficiency. Thanks to weekly infusions of immunoglobulin—which Amber said have been the “magic bullet”— Nate is now healthy enough to go to school for half-days. He will now add 5-year-olds to his list of friends, which formerly only included family and his nurses and doctors. Nate’s school has also been amazing, said Amber, as they want success for Nate. Abby and Emma are excited to see him at school, and both are planning to be protective and check on him. And Nate? Well, he will no doubt win over every teacher and child he connects with, because his personality is magnetic. Amber hopes he gains independence and can experience school in a way that allows him to ignore what is happening inside his body’s cells. So what does the future hold for Nate? No one can say for sure. For now, it suffices for his family that he has overcome tremendous odds to do something so many take for granted. And although they hope for many more “typical” milestones, Nate’s family reminds us that the most important one is the one that is happening right now.

A Keke Clayton, a Pre-K ESE teacher at Littlewood Elementary School helps Nate in the classroom during his summer studies.

"Although they hope for many more 'typical' milestones, Nate’s family reminds us that the most important one is the one that is happening right now."

Nate is one of the Children’s Miracle Network Ambassadors. See his story here: GIGGLEMAG.COM | JUNE/JULY

2013 65




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2013 69

happy home


Design Your Space... Through Organization


tips! Recycle for Storage


@Use Plastic Containers

© 2013 iStockphoto LP. All rights reserved

Do you feel overwhelmed or need more space and want some order in your home? When I design for any space, I like to bring the inside and outside spaces together to create one space that has a great flow. To achieve effective organization, you will need to take steps on the inside, by clarifying both your priorities and objectives and then committing to making it happen! Organization can take a lot of time, but if you make time for yourself and for your family, you can find that order you have been missing.

THE PLAN Here’s what I do and it works! Take everything out of your cluttered space and create four piles. Label them

Use containers from wet wipes, baby wipes, almonds, nuts Graduate baby food tins and Clorox Wipes.



Once you have completed your four piles, you can now start the organization process The KEEP pile These will be the items you use in your new space. I typically use the money I make from my on a regular basis or at least “Donate/Sell” pile to buy items every three months. that can help me create order. These items can be bookcases, The STORE pile plastic stackable bins, fabric These are items you can’t throw away because they have buckets that fit under benches, etc. Remember that everything sentimental value or because you won’t use these items every must now have a place. month. When you follow these simple steps, you will love your new The DONATE/SELL pile These are items that are in good space and the organization condition but they could benefit you’ve created for you and your family. You can involve someone else. your children as well and help them learn organizational skills The THROW AWAY pile throughout the process. These are the items you can’t remember the last time you used. If you have to think about The last and most important key to all of your hard work is it more than 30 seconds, just to always put things back into toss it! order. If a day or two passes, regroup and get things back in their new designed space. 

Take the label off of the containers and create a new label. You now have sealable storage containers for pens, pencils, markers, crayons, staples, tacks and so much more.

@Use Milk Jugs

Cut the top off and you have open storage. You can even spray paint different colors for each item.

@Use Old Tupperware Bleach and clean the containers really well. You now have containers with lids for small office supplies.

@Use Jelly and Pickle Jars Bleach and clean the jars thoroughly to use the jars for storing small items.

Get creative and drill the jar lids onto the bottom of a floating shelf. Then screw the jar into the lid and you now have a floating shelf holding your supplies in cute jars underneath. And of course, label everything and always put it back in its space!

Keep me posted on your success at: GIGGLEMAG.COM | AUG/SEPT

2013 71

happy home



 The No That Stalls for Time

In this scenario, a friend or colleague sees his priorities as more important than yours. An effective answer to strong pressure is “If you need an answer right now, the answer has to be no. Otherwise, I will think about your request and get back to you.” Delay takes you off the spot, gives you time to think about the proposal and lets you rehearse your answer.

 The Creative No

You can be helpful by suggesting resources or the names of people who might be able to deal with the request you have just refused. “Have you thought about contacting ______; I’m told she’s got a professional interest or contact that might lead you to a good solution.” Constructive responses are appreciated and redirect the conversation to a positive outcome.


We get overloaded by wanting to please or serve others, by living up to unrealistic expectations, or perhaps because of an underlying perfectionism in thinking that we’re the only one who

 The Gentle No

“How nice of you to think of me” is a courteous prelude while you review your priorities. Think fast. Then remember that you want to say no to the request, not to the person who needs your help. “I know this is a great program,” expresses your admiration for what your colleague or friend is doing. Now you need to give whatever explanation suits you: “I’m at my limit for volunteering right now.” “I’m simply too busy to take on another responsibility.” “I have never enjoyed doing this kind of task.” Be honest but firm about your feelings.

With enough practice, you can give a quick, direct answer that sounds like you really mean it and won’t entertain any further discussion. After all, you don’t have to explain your motives. The more you say, the more the other person will try to talk you out of your arguments. “It was good of you to think of me, but this is not an opportunity I want right now” should do the trick.

 If you are programmed to say yes automatically, you will need to practice these strategies until your mindset changes. The point is not to say no to everything but to say yes to the life you want. 

 Helen Kornblum is a professional coach and organizer in Gainesville, Fla. She owns Her specialty is coaching teens and young adults who have ADHD or ADD.




© 2013 iStockphoto LP. All rights reserved

One of the keys to good time management is the ability to say no when necessary. All of us know the feeling of overload. Reducing or eliminating that feeling isn’t a matter of figuring out how to do more in an already busy schedule. The solution comes from self-editing, which reduces your workload. Eliminating distracting activities at work or home enables you to honor your priorities, but that can be difficult if you can’t say no and mean it.

can do a task properly. We succumb to flattery, persistent cajoling, or direct pressure that we’re too embarrassed to resist. Sound familiar? If so, it’s time to learn and practice a few polite but effective strategies that create better control over your energy and time.

happy home


When Mary Schmidt realized her children’s playroom was going unused, she decided to take action and transform it into a room where their love of art and learning could blossom.

T he Schmidts'

Homework/Art Room With children ages 2-9, Mary had the task of organizing their collection of crafts and creating homework nooks that would satisfy each child. Ikea was her go-to spot for redecorating and finding the perfect kid-friendly elements. Pops of color, baskets for organizing and child-friendly tables made the room complete.




Photos by Kristin Kozelsky


Now the most loved room in the house, the children occupy it daily for creating and learning and being together!

Personalized Homework Nooks Each child follows a calendar and homework assignments in personalized stations.

favorite buys!

Tin Can With Chalkboard Label One of Mary's easiest buys turns out to be the most useful-little tins for pencils, crayons and more! Find these at your local craft store or in the Target dollar aisle when you're lucky!

Tabletop Drawing Paper Roll Mary's life is made easy with just the tug of a paper roll for all of the kids' art projects! Easy to use and easy on the wallet! Available at Ikea for $6.99.

ďƒ¤ If you have an inspiring room that is a must-see, please send pictures to:


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What do you most look forward to as we head back to school?

Rediscovering Chess

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It’s no mystery that extracurricular activities are vital to the success of our children’s understanding and grasp of core values such as teamwork and social skills. However, when going to sign up children for these activities, many parents stick to the pastimes: little league, dance, soccer, gymnastics and art classes. But why don’t we more commonly think of chess? According to Susan Polgar, the first female grandmaster and four-time World Champion chess player, research has shown that test scores can improve by 17.3 percent for students who regularly engage in chess classes, compared with only 4.6 percent for children who participate in other activities. In addition to better performance in the classroom, chess provides

numerous benefits relating to the life skills we are hoping our children learn through involvement in extracurricular activities. One benefit of chess is that the game can be taught early in life and a player’s age doesn’t keep him from participating. This benefit is evident especially in Gainesville, where chess clubs exist in several schools and throughout the community. At the Alachua County Scholastic Chess Association 2013 Spring Grad Prix, Oak Hall School, Talbot Elementary, J.J. Finley Elementary, Lawton Chiles Elementary, Joseph Williams Elementary, Lincoln Middle School and Buchholz High School all had teams that competed in various age groups with the youngest being

"I like getting excited for the fresh start of a new school year; meeting my students and then seeing them become more comfortable speaking in front of and sharing their work with our class. It builds on a favorite end-of-theschool-year assignment where students compare two of their own assignments�one completed in August and the other in May or June. We're all amazed at how they've grown as students and as people in one year!" -Dede Callahan Middle School Language Arts Teacher

kindergarten and first grade. The University of Florida chess club and the Gainesville Chess Club also exist to provide everyone in the community, at all skill levels, a chance to come out and play chess. Some other benefits of the game include improving concentration and logical thinking, as players must analyze actions, strategies, and consequences of future moves. Chess also promotes imagination, creativity and independence, because players must be inventive in constructing combinations and making decisions based on sole judgment. Although chess may not be a hard-hitting game like football or soccer, there’s no doubt there’s intensity to the passion

behind the chess pieces. Gainesville has plenty of opportunities to get involved, and the best part is it’s something the whole family can practice together! 

Great Chess Apps Similar to Words with Friends, Chess with Friends ($0.99) allows you to play chess with your family and friends anytime and anywhere. Shredder Chess ($7.99) allows you to choose from a variety of skill levels to solve up to 1,000 chess puzzles. Shredder Chess also helps with strategy as a game coach shows you your mistakes and where you can improve your game.

There are 318,979,564,000 possible ways to play the first four moves of a chess game on each side of the board. GIGGLEMAG.COM | AUG/SEPT

2013 77




iPad Gear

More and more schools are encouraging students to use iPads for schoolwork and classroom learning. This means you will need a cover if you want to keep crayon marks and glitter glue from marking the iPad's surface. Here are a few of our favorites.

 iBallz iPad Cover

Provides 360 degree protection for your iPad. Lightweight and comfortable  iPad for everyday use.

 Gripcase iPad Cover

Cover name

 aura2 (Happy Friends)

Colorful and fun, The “Happy Friends” iPad cover keeps their iPad safe and secure during study time.

 Solor FX iPad Mini cover

Durable and available in lots of vibrant colors, this iPad mini cover is perfect for the new school year.




Gripcase photos by Gripcase, iBallz photo courtesy of iBallz, Solor FX and Aura2 photos courtesy of iSkin.

A tough case with multiple layers of protection, this one doesn't have as many features as the Otterbox Defender, but it is $40 cheaper. Available in multiple colors. Price: $59.99

This lightweight foam case is shock absorbent, stain resistant and washable! (available in different colors)

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Just Between Friends

offers area families fashionable and affordable outfits for children “Just Between Friends experienced 71 percent growth in its community in 2012, which means even more local families were able to make and save on the quality items their growing children need,” said Jennifer Pruitt, coordinator of the Gainesville JBF sales event. “Our focus is on helping moms and dads recycle outgrown and unused items around their homes while providing a wealth of name brand items at significantly reduced prices. But, the real beauty of JBF is that those same parents can then shop for the items their family needs for the next season. This truly is a win-win solution for everyone raising children in North Central Florida.”

Just Between Friends of Gainesville is planning their biggest community children’s consignment sales event ever, with tons of fun and fabulous ‘frugal fashions’ for back to school. An ALL SEASONS sale will be hosted in the former Big Lots location in the Northside Shopping Center at 2340 North Main Street, on Thursday, October 17th thru Sunday, October 20th, 2013. Gainesville's semi-annual JBF consignment event brings our community together allowing families to connect with each other as well as get their hands on thousands of new and gently used ‘fashionable and trendy’ children’s clothing, shoes, baby equipment, books, electronics, room décor, outdoor playground equipment and pretty much anything you need to raise a child in Florida. You will find Gymboree, jump-a-roos, Fisher Price, Little Tikes, Leap Frog, Disney, Thomas the Train and Toy Story characters all under one big roof.

The economic downturn inspired families to stop giving away their children’s items at garage sales because they need every dollar possible to go back into the family budget. Just Between Friends offers consignors (sellers) up to 70% of their sold items, without the hassle of a garage sale and each consignor sets their own prices because they know the value of each brand name item and what is reasonable for its resale. For busy moms who don’t have time to tag and prepare their items, JBF also offers a convenient valet service where tagging coordinators do all the work and the moms still get a nice check two weeks after the sale!

Parents, grandparents and anyone who enjoys volunteering can help out at any sale, which earns them a “shop before the public” pre-sale pass. Volunteers have the opportunity to shop with a limited number of other volunteers before the doors are opened to the public. For those who are too busy to volunteer, JBF also has a number of bartering opportunities available. “We inspect all clothing items as they come in, so that moms and dads are shopping only through clothing that is desirable and well-organized,” said Pruitt. “We strive to provide a friendly and welcoming environment where local families can come together to mutually benefit and bless one another. Everyone is invited to come and be a part of a unique network of bargain-savvy moms who believe that the best in life doesn’t have to cost full price.” The Gainesville JBF sale benefits, in part, Healthy Start of North Central Florida. If you would like to get free admission passes for your school, daycare, church or moms group, please contact Jennifer Pruitt at For more information and to sign-up on the community email mailing list for future sale announcements, please visit






Chaos doesn’t bother me. My closet occasionally looks like a hurricane blew through a fabric factory. And recently, while cleaning out my car, I found 15 (FIFTEEN!) thermoses, cups and water bottles. But Photo by mikifoto homeschool books and supplies? They’ve got to stay organized, or I’ll be digging myself out of paper-ville at the end of the year to prepare for annual evaluations. I’ve become amazingly adept at it. Here’s my strategy:

Staying Organized STORAGE In the Dining Room

(Our primary homeschool space) • ONE GOOD BOOKSHELF: Each child has a cubby for regularly used school books and there are several cubbies for shared reference books, a scale, a globe, and one basket for pencils, crayons and other regular supplies. • WHITEBOARD: By using a whiteboard in our mainspace for schedule writing and behavior monitoring, we’ve really cut down on unnecessary paper use. • MY DESK: I have a tiny work surface on the side of my kitchen, where I keep my own good pens, my computer, my planner, a list pad, my phone and my car key. The kids have to ask permission to use anything in this space (especially my favorite Sharpie pens).



Our Home Base: Schoolbooks and Reference

In the Kids’ Rooms: • BEDS: Made each morning (with pillows positioned for cozy reading purposes). • DESKS: Cleaned off and ready to use each morning. They forget, and I often do it, but I try to remind them of the benefits of a clean workspace, and they are getting better at it.

Color-Coded Binders

• MANIPULATIVES, EDUCATIONAL TOYS AND GAMES: Everything has a home, so everything can be put away and found again. We plan time for cleaning up at the end of each day.

TIME MANAGEMENT • SCHEDULING: I keep a single planner for scheduling lessons, playdates, etc. While I know many moms use their phones for this, I prefer to write it down. • RECORD-KEEPING: Each child has a 3-ring binder, preloaded with one year’s worth of weekly schedules, so it is easy for me to chronicle the day’s events, books, notes, and plans for future days.

Binder Interior: Custom Day-Planners.

Insider Tip!

I’m more likely to use something if it’s pretty. If it takes me a few extra minutes to dig out the label maker, or a few extra dollars to buy eye-pleasing binders, I find that it’s worth it in the end.



Photos provided by Tara Griffin

• MY COMPUTER: I have a dedicated “Homeschool” folder on my hard drive, with subfolders like “Correspondence,” “Articles,” “Photos” and “Resources,” as well as a file to store each child’s typed stories and digital art. I also have a dedicated “Homeschool” folder in my email, with auto-filters for the moms and groups with whom I regularly connect. And, I keep a Pinterest album for “Homeschool Ideas” for those midnight web-browsing, idea-spark sessions that I have to put off until a later date.

• ARMOIRE: This is for overflow books, art supplies, paper and the wireless printer. And it has doors, so if it becomes a little chaotic, at least we don’t have to look at it.



KID'S ROOM MAKEOVER We couldn’t be more thrilled with the results


of the first ever Kid’s Room Makeover! Back in May, Giggle Magazine partnered up with CAMPUS USA Credit Union and asked the community to enter for their chance to win a kid’s room makeover valued at $5,000.


Photos by Lifeprints Photography





"CAMPUS is always looking for ways to enrich our community," said Larry Scott, CEO of CAMPUS. "We saw an opportunity to help a family meet a need through this makeover, and we're happy the end result benefitted the Pedreiros as much as it did."



t didn’t take long for the submissions to start rolling in.

After sifting through all of the applications, Carrie and Mike Pedreiro were chosen as the winners. With premature twins still in the NICU, and three other children under the age of 6, the Pedreiro family was chosen so they could have a new space for when their twin boys, Carter and Hudson, finally came home from the hospital. “I was taking a break from the NICU in the lobby of UF&Shands, and there was the latest Giggle Magazine on a chair. While looking through it, I saw the CAMPUS USA ad for the Kid’s Room Makeover contest,” Carrie Pedreiro said. “I read the details and immediately thought what a blessing winning the contest could be for us. I saw the ad the day before the contest deadline, at which time the twins had already been hospitalized for close to a month.” With the twins being 12 weeks early, the Pedreiros hadn’t finished preparing their nursery before Carter and Hudson’s surprise arrival. Once the hospital bills started to roll in, Carrie said they knew they wouldn’t be able to give the boys the nursery they wanted to, and they definitely didn’t have time to redecorate while juggling three older children and splitting time between home and the hospital. After taking the shot to enter, the Pedreiros found out they were selected, and designer Brandi Catalanotte, the


owner of La Notte Design, went to work creating a dreamy new nursery transformation. With simplicity in the details and a serene color scheme, the new nursery space is one the parents can enjoy now and as the twins grow. “The Kid’s Room Makeover gave us the opportunity to bring the boys home and enjoy them rather than try and figure out how to get a space put together for them,” Carrie said. “In a home with five children under 6 years old, there isn’t much time for big projects, and it has brought organization to not only the nursery, but it has also prompted me to organize other parts of our home.” Michael Pedreiro said his favorite part of the new room design is the boys’ names and initials painted on the walls over their cribs. “The room is so peaceful and nice that it makes me feel better about my whole house!” he said.


Carrie said she loves every detail Brandi put in to the nursery, but if she had to choose one thing she liked best about the room, it would be the photo of the first time Carrie was able to hold both of her twin boys together. “I was able to hold my other three children the second they were born, so that time with the twins had been a long time coming. It was a moment that is so vivid in my memory and that emotion floods back every time I look at that picture. It was so thoughtful of Brandi to include that,” Carrie said. 

"We have been through a different trial with the boys’ premature birth, but some amazing people have eased our burden and brought us through to where we are now,” Carrie said. “We are so thankful to Brandi, Giggle Magazine and CAMPUS USA for this incredible gift.”


1) A photo of the first time Carrie held the twins was made into a beautiful canvas. 2) Hudson and Carter snuggle in their new crib. 3) The Pedreiro family with Larry Scott, the CEO of CAMPUS USA Credit Union, Nicole Irving of Giggle Magazine and Brandi Catalanotte of La Notte Design.


2013 87




conception2college  EXPECTING Capturing Your Pregnancy

 INFANT | 0-2 Mom's Preschool Separation Anxiety

 EARLY YEARS | 3-7 A Letter To My Son About Starting Kindergarten

 TWEENS | 8-12 Transition To Middle School

 TEENS | 13-18

Photo by Little Marie Photography

Preparing Your Teen For College And Beyond


2013 89

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Capturing Your Pregnancy BY DANA KAMP

Some describe pregnancy as miraculous. Others say it’s amazing and beautiful. Some even say it’s surreal. No matter the words you would use to describe your pregnancy, there is no other experience like it. Being able to look back and remember how you felt and what it was really like is a wonderful gift to yourself�and one you can pass along one day to your child.


Journal/Letters to the Baby

Choosing a beautiful journal (specifically designed for pregnancy or just a blank book) and writing how you feel and what you are experiencing at different stages of the pregnancy is a wonderful keepsake. You can write to yourself, similar to a diary, or write to your child and share the memories with him when he is older.

Maternity Portraits Having

photographs taken of yourself (and many times your partner and other children along with you) is a popular option for many women wanting to have something to look back on and relive this time. You don’t have to bare your belly if you aren’t comfortable with that. A professional photographer can help you decide which pregnancy poses you would most like to have in your collection.


Belly Cast Creating a belly cast is an

unconventional but remarkable memento of your pregnancy. You can leave it white or paint it and display it as a piece of artwork. Visit for more information and decorating ideas.




keeping a blog during your pregnancy will allow your friends and family to follow along with you as your little one grows. There are many easy templates online, so don’t be afraid to jump on the blog bandwagon.


Video Narrating a video throughout

your pregnancy is a great way to capture the progression of your nine-month journey. Using a small, handheld video camera or just your smartphone, you can describe how you’re feeling, both physically and emotionally, and show what is happening in your life during this time.

you will see his chubby cheeks, as opposed to the more skeletal images you would see much earlier in the pregnancy. Those wanting a gender reveal ultrasound can come in closer to 20 weeks along. Depending on the package purchased, mommies get to bring home both digital images and video. This amazing view of your precious one is unlike anything you can imagine. 


4D Ultrasound Celebrate this new

life inside you with your whole family at Fetal Flix, a local ultrasound office that specializes in 4D prenatal ultrasounds. Kendra Czigany, owner of Fetal Flix, is an ultrasound technician who wanted a more flexible schedule and more time with her little ones. She opened her first office in Ocala and has now expanded to Gainesville. She recommends coming in to the office when you are between 28-32 weeks along, so the baby has added some fat to his body and

Copy Editor Dana Kamp had the opportunity to experience a 4D ultrasound at Fetal Flix in Gainesville during her pregnancy with her son Finley.

Photo by Lifeprints Photography, 4D Photos provided by Dana Kamp



Blog A modern take on the journal,

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AGE S 0- 2

Mom's Preschool Separation Anxiety BY KELLY GOEDE

A scene unfolds on day one in the hallway of a preschool. A toddler, with a grip to rival Spider Man, clings to his mama’s leg, crying�nay, wailing at the prospect of their impending separation. Mama swipes a tear from her own eye and kneels down to begin hugging, kissing, wheedling and cajoling, promising just one more minute and actually spending about 10. The toddler, calm and satisfied (he has just magically made Mama stay an extra 10 minutes), realizes that Mama is INDEED leaving and the process begins all over. Once Mama actually exits, both she and her baby are crying. Guilt ensues...and the whole process will begin again tomorrow.



Once the big day finally arrives, it’s time for Mama to put her best face forward and remain upbeat until she is back in her car. Once she has walked Junior to his classroom, Dulmer said that the best goodbyes are “short and sweet.” Mamas can begin a “goodbye routine,” which can include a hug and kiss, followed by her own version of “You’re going to have a great day! I love you!” And with those sweet and brief words, mothers need to place their trust in their child’s teacher and exit the room swiftly and with a smile on their face. As tempting as it may be to sneak out, mamas build more trust with their children when they face the music and say a proper goodbye. And what happens next is the moment mothers dread most--the sound of their child crying. Although this is completely normal, this is what usually stops mamas in their tracks, paralyzing them with guilt and fear. This is the moment that mothers need to climb into their cars and call a friend (before driving, of course) and have a good cry, remembering that days two and three might be messy too, which


Dulmer assures is also normal. In fact, it can take children a few weeks before they separate smoothly and happily. In time, children realize that school is a great place to be and that Mama always comes back.

Reading these books with your children not only provide sweet snuggle time, but they also help ease their transition to daycare or preschool. • “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn •“Llama Llama Misses Mama” by Anna Dewdney •“Bye-Bye Time” by Elizabeth Verdick • “I Love You All Day Long” by Francesca Rusackas Solutions for Mom: • A good read: “The No-Cry Separation Anxiety Solution: Gentle Ways to Make Good-bye Easy from Six Months to Six Years” by Elizabeth Pantley, the same author who brought you “The No-Cry Sleep Solution.” • Call and check in with your child’s teacher. • Create a small photo album for your child to bring to school. • If you have a smartphone, record some video of your child and watch it when you are missing them.

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It is a scene all too familiar to veteran preschool director Patsye Dulmer, who has witnessed 33 years’ worth of mothers dropping off their babies for the first time at preschool. And although the process can be messy, parents can take measures during drop-off and the weeks before to ensure the smoothest transition possible. According to Dulmer, parents should arrange a couple visits to the school, where Mama stays in the room and Junior is invited to participate. An ounce of familiarity translates into a pound of security. Both the mommy and child will feel better, knowing what to expect. Dulmer also encourages parents to read books with their children that deal specifically with separation anxiety. Moms can also try out small separations in the

weeks before school starts. Leaving Junior in Daddy’s capable hands while she runs errands helps him understand that Mama always comes back.


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early years

AGE S 3- 7

A Letter To My Son About Starting Kindergarten BY WENDY ECKHARDT

Dear son,

I cannot believe you are starting kindergarten already! It feels like only yesterday you were learning how to walk and following Daddy across the yard with your little plastic mower. Boy, have you changed! I love the little boy you have become, and you make me laugh every day. But I have to be honest, I’m worried! You are going to the “Big Kid School,” and I really hope you are ready! Here are a few things I want you to remember when you go to kindergarten:

how far I can throw this one.” Your teacher is going to help you love reading and will teach you that reading can be fun!

You must listen to your teacher. Even if your teacher is a girl. I know, you don’t like girls right now�but you are going to have to get over that. She is going to love you and will make you want to go to school every day! Just give her a chance.

When you go into the bathroom, please do not sing and make noises just to hear your echo. Your teacher does not want to hear you singing and disrupting the class. SHARE. I know this is a hard concept but you will be playing with a lot more kids in your class than you are used to, and you have to work together to have a good time. Be kind to everyone. No matter what a person looks like, talks like, smells like or wears, ALWAYS treat him the

Books are for reading. Not for building towers or for playing “Look

Remember to use your manners. We say “please” and “thank you” no matter where we are, not just at home. Try new things. You are going to be learning a lot of new things this year and you have to try them, I mean REALLY try them, to see what they are like. Even the lunchroom is going to be a whole new experience…maybe you’ll even eat something other than a piece of turkey on bread once a week! I know you are an amazing little boy and as long as you try your hardest, are kind to everyone and follow the rules, you will make me proud. I know you are going to have a great year in kindergarten!  Love you, Mom

 Wendy and son Chris at his Pre-K Graduation

 KEEP IT FUN. BUILD MEMORIES. • To keep them from getting homesick, use these Lunch Box notes to remind them to have fun and you love them! Lunch Box Notes from




• Keep a reading log of their favorite books. • Take a photo on first day and last day of school to show how much they have grown.

• Buy a special picture frame and frame a new piece of their artwork weekly to show how proud you are of them.

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I know you think it is funny to pass gas and blame it on your sister. But teachers don’t like it when kids pass gas on purpose. Neither do moms, but that should go without saying.

Be a leader! Don’t do what other kids are doing just to get a good laugh. This will get you in trouble. Be the child the teacher points out as the one doing what he is supposed to be doing! That will earn you rewards (at school and at home)!

way you want to be treated. Kind people always win in the end, and no one wants to be friends with the mean kid.

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AGE S 8- 12

Transition To Middle School BY KARI BRILL

Growing up, I always heard my parents saying things like, “You are growing up too fast. "My typical pre-teen response was an eye roll, because I for one could not wait to grow up. Now that things have come full circle, I find myself saying the same thing to my daughter and getting a similar response. Most recently, she graduated from fifth grade, and I told her I could not believe I now have a child going into middle school. Even though she responded with a long-winded “Mooommm,” it sparked a conversation between us about how she actually felt about becoming a sixth grader. The conversation went something like this: Her: “I’m excited to have more freedom and independence during the school day.” Me: “I’m excited for you too, but you know with more independence comes more responsibilities.”

Me: “You will. But you have to find a balance, and I am here to help you! I have to admit I am nervous, too, mostly because you will be around some older kids. I recently spoke to another mom, and she told me her older daughter was exposed to so much in middle school. She also said having open communication with her daughter helped them both get through the new experiences in middle school. I hope you can always come to me with any questions




Her: “We are all mostly excited and looking forward to the new stuff. But some of us are nervous about being around the bigger kids. We thought maybe talking to kids we know in middle school and getting their advice about how they handled it in sixth grade could help us. We also thought during the year it would be fun to have sleepovers since some of us go to different schools. We’ll also be able to stay in touch and capture memories through Instagram and taking lots of pictures and video of our time in middle school.” Me: “Well, you know I will be taking lots of videos and photos,

too! Except I will be posting some of them on Facebook to keep my friends updated about you, along with comments like, ‘I can’t believe she’s growing up!' " I now commend my parents for getting through all the changes and milestones of me growing up. I have realized it is because they instilled a great foundation for me from which to grow. I just have to trust I have done the same with my daughter and she grows into a responsible middle schooler. I will be there for her through this and all other milestones yet to come! 

 Kari with daughter Kloe

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Her: “I know. I am a little nervous about having to find all my classes and getting lost. My friends and I also heard there is a lot of schoolwork and we aren’t sure if we will still have time for our sports and activities after school.”

or concerns you may have. What have you and your friends talked about regarding middle school?”



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AGES 13-1 8

Preparing Your Teen For College And Beyond BY KELSEY MEANY

My parents chose to strategically avoid telling me some things when I left for college. They didn’t tell me folding laundry was the absolute worst household chore in the history of household awfulness. They didn’t tell me that once I cooked food, magic fairies didn’t come prancing along to clean up after me. But what do I wish I knew before they sent me to go forth and prosper? And what did they tell me so many times that it made me nauseous? The timid little freshman from a few years ago would never tell you the truth. She was too proud to admit that she was afraid – and didn’t know how to use dryer sheets. But now, I can’t help but tell you all I can. So, parents, follow these rules early to have your child enter college as smoothly as possible.

Food is expensive. But the worst, the true product of the devil, is printer ink. Don’t be afraid to stock up your teen’s supply whenever you come for a visit. She will appreciate it more than you know.


People will ask your teen what he wants to do with his life. Tell him it is OK not to know the answer.






The doctor’s office is a friend. When I didn’t have my mom to drive me to the doctor’s office, I just didn’t go. Teach him that it’s better to go in for a cold early on before it turns into a month-long episode that ruins grades and keeps him bedridden.


Learn the laundry basics. White shirt plus bleach sitting overnight


Some sort of financial understanding is necessary. Stamps are expensive.



High school friends are not the only friends you’ll ever have. High school friends are groovy, but she will find amazing new people to hang out with in college, through classes, clubs, activities and part-time jobs. Be there for her when she doesn’t believe you.



Google cannot solve all of your problems. Let her know Mom is better than Google. How many stamps do I need to mail a manila envelope? What do I do if I get gum in my hair? She’ll ask. You answer.


Everyone needs to have fundamental handyman skills. Show him the difference between a wrench, hammer and the many types of screwdrivers.


You can circumvent using cursive for your entire time in college. Advise her not to waste her time. 

Giggle's Allen Haynes confesses: "What my parents never told me: Condiments don't just appear in the fridge, so stock up when mustard is BOGO."

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Healthy eating habits are essential. Trust me, you cannot eat Pop Tarts and Ramen noodles every day.

Know your car and how to fix it. Tell your child not to panic when a car says “check coolant.” I thought that was an alert that my car was going to explode. It didn’t.

equals a yellow shirt. Teach him how to make his clothes smell good and come out feeling soft and fluffy.



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he new school year means more than just new sneakers for your children. It means a new grade, a new teacher and a slew of new worries for you and your student.

But take a deep breath and a break from labeling school supplies � we’re about to break down your major school-related stresses to help you both stay calm.


PARENTS WORRY their child will

hate it. Won’t she bawl when you drop her off? What if she can’t handle being away from you?

THE TRUTH IS she’ll be fine. Yes, your child will probably cry and cling to you that first day. Luckily, preschool teachers know that separation anxiety well. They have an entire classroom full of distractions. And as hard as it may be to leave, know that once the grand goodbye is over, your child will stop being sad and start being glad she’s in a new, interesting environment.

making friends. He wants to stay at home, where he’s comfortable in a routine. He’s too shy to socialize. He’ll be lonely.


PARENTS WORRY their child won’t

be safe. It seems like there are a thousand things that could go wrong. What if she’s bullied? What if someone comes onto campus with a weapon? What if the weather gets bad?

THE TRUTH IS teachers and school

administrators are trained extensively to keep your child safe, no matter what the situation. Teach your child to be smart � to not get in the car with someone she doesn’t know, to listen when the principal says something, to tell the teacher if she feels threatened in any way � and she’ll be okay. That way, her biggest concern will be how loud fire drills are.

THE TRUTH IS he’ll be with children




Meet Allen Haynes. He is our Director of PR and Marketing, superior “productivity juice” maker and tall man who gets all things on high shelves (our boss lady is kinda short). Of course he is also the brainchild behind our social media, PR, marketing and events and we couldn’t do it without him! Allen joined Giggle Magazine in 2011 and has never looked back! Heeeerrrressss Allen! Favorite book The Great Gatsby. I read it every year. Absolutely love it. Choice of drink at Starbucks Double espresso macchiato with one pump of white chocolate mocha syrup. A drink introduced to me by barista David Shepherd. Favorite thing about working at Giggle Magazine Is saying seeing my name on the mast head too arrogant? That and the staff. Definitely the staff. Favorite restaurant in Gainesville Satchel's by far. Love the atmosphere, the people and most importantly the pizza. What movie is currently in your DVD player? Casino Royale. Love the Bond movies.

Want to see what inspires Allen? Follow Allen's Pinterest board on the Giggle Magazine Pinterest feed!


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playing happily with peers. Remind him how to be a good friend: take turns, be polite and don’t exclude others.

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