Students' Union Paper on Membership Fee and Expanding Membership Base

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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/C-01E Prepared: 26th May 2020 Discussion of Adjusting SU Subscription Fee and Entrance Fee I.

Background The current amount of SU subscription fee and entrance fee were effective from the year 2000, with subscription fee of HKD 140 per annum and entrance fee of HKD 80 upon joining the Union. Considering that the debit note of tuition fee has no longer bound with SU membership fee, total SU member count as well as the income from subscription have dropped drastically. More importantly, despite most organizations in the Union attempted broaden the sources of income and economize on expenditure, the Union still facing large financial burden. Referencing to the current financial position of the Union, there is an urgent need for the Union to adjust both subscription fee and entrance fee. The main purpose for collecting subscription fee is to maintain daily operation of the Union, while member count is essential for strengthening the mandate of the Union; the two, however, are contradictory: Higher subscription fee will bar students away from becoming members, while lower subscription fee would further tighten the financial flexibility of the Union. The current member distribution by their year of study and normative study period are as follows: 4 & 5-year Curriculum

2-year Curriculum


Year 1+




Year 2+




Year 3+




Year 4+




Year 5+








This proposal is intended to present the position of the Students’ Union, we would like to receive comments and feedbacks from and among current members, your constructive comments are most welcomed. This proposal, if adopted, will be in effect from the 2021/22 academic year.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/C-01E Prepared: 26th May 2020 II.

Data Analysis Distribution of SU Ordinary Member in previous sessions are as follows: Period (Session)

2016/17 (23rd)

2017/18 (24th)

2018/19 (25th)

2019/20 (26th)

Year 1+





Year 2+





Year 3+





Year 4+





Year 5+










From the above information, total number of members has drastically declined since the separation of debit note from tuition fee; distribution of members has also tilted to junior students. The main reason is that freshmen will join the Union for participating activities held by the Union (such as Orientation Camps or joining Affiliated Clubs); year two members are usually assuming position in the Union; subscription fee is essential for retention of their position. Most current members are year one and year two students (83.40%); in other words, the Union could mainly represent such students, major income source of the Union are contributed by such members. Apart from that, the Union calculated the average total subscription fee and entrance fee paid by current members and is concluded as follows (assuming that they have paid subscription in all previous years): 2-year Curriculum

4-year Curriculum

5-year Curriculum




Referring to recent financial reports of the Union, there is an urgent need to raise membership fee of the Union. However, the effect on current members shall be minimized while increasing income of the Union from membership fee, the Union hence proposes the following to be adopted:


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/C-01E Prepared: 26th May 2020 III.

Detailed Proposal The Union proposes the following: 1.

One-off membership fee payment for new members, the validity membership shall remain until cession or graduation of their study in the enrolled program;


Integrating subscription fee with entrance fee, while surplus each year will be allocated to the Union fund for investments or as emergency fund; and


Adopting “transitional arrangement” for current members (Refer to §4).

Adoption of above measures could increase the member of the Union while having minimal impact on income from subscription fee. The adjusted membership fee shall fulfil the following: 1. Not lower than current average total fee paid by current members; and 2. Not higher than affordable membership fee paid by freshmen. Considering the above, the Union proposes: 1. Students in 4-year or 5-year curriculum shall pay a one-off membership fee of HKD 360. 2. Students in 2-year curriculum shall pay a one-off membership fee of HKD 270. HKD 360 is equivalent to the sum of current entrance fee and membership fee for two years, while is higher than average paid fee from current members. While HKD 270 is 75% of the membership fee for students in 4-year or 5-year curriculum, for allocating sufficient money for daily operation of the Union. Following is the prediction of member count and income: Year 2020/21

Year 2021/22

Year 2022/23

Year 2023/24

Year 1+





Year 2+





Year 3+





Year 4+





Year 5+










Income p.a.

HKD 1,235,500

HKD 1,483,300

HKD 1,223,000

HKD 1,223,000


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/C-01E Prepared: 26th May 2020 IV.

Transitional Arrangement for Current Members Since the University has already sent payment advices for some 2020/21 new members, the proposal is anticipated to be adopted since the academic year 2021/22. The Union proposes the following to be adopted as transitional arrangement for current members upon discussion with Finance Office for the feasibility: 1. Upon payment of subscription fee of HKD 140 for year 2020/21, membership for such current member shall be valid through cession of their study. 2. New members of year 2020/21 shall pay extra subscription fee of HKD 140 in the year 2021/22, in order to maintain their membership until cession of their study. 3. Students of 2020/21 cohort or before whom has not settled membership fee before academic year 2020/21 shall pay HKD 220 of entrance fee and subscription fee at the first year, and HKD 140 of subscription fee at the second year subsequently; their membership will valid through cession of their study. The above arrangement is based on the limitation that Finance Office pointed out that the alternation of arrangement on payment advice could only be done in cohort base; such that the adjusted membership fee of HKD 360 and HKD 270 cannot be imposed to students of earlier cohorts. Hence, they will be required to settle two payment advices in consecutive years, paying HKD 220 of entrance fee and subscription fee at the first year, and HKD 140 of subscription fee at the second year subsequently. Under such arrangement, new members of year 2020/21 will have paid the proposed new membership fee stipulated in this paper in the year 2021/22, HKD 360 and HKD 270 respectively. Apart from that, in the new membership fee model, members are entitled withdraw from the Union at any time; if such members request for a refund of membership fee, they could only apply no later than fourteen (14) days after settlement of membership fee, which they shall not have utilized any right as ordinary members (including participating in functions or purchasing in Welfare Outlet with member price).


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/C-01E Prepared: 26th May 2020 V.

Allocation to Faculty Students’ Associations A pilot survey was sent to Executive Committees of Faculty Students’ Associations and Departmental Societies, in order to seek their optimal portion of membership fee allocated to Faculty Students’ Associations. However, only two responses were recorded. Hence, the Union followed through the discussion in Union Council meeting, attempting to increase the funds available for every organizations with their operations alternated the least. Upon calculation, the portion of membership fee allocated to Faculty Students’ Associations shall be adjusted to 30% of total income from membership each year. The main rationales are as follows: 1. The new membership fee model will absorb the entrance fee and the sum will be used for budgeting purposes, while the old model does not consider the entrance fee in consideration of the portion. 2. If the original portion is kept, the funds available for Executive Committee, Union Council, Union Judicial Council and Press Committee will be decreased drastically, of which is contradicting with the purpose of such proposal. The new average allocation of each new member will be doubled from the original, i.e. around HKD 100 in the new membership model. This is in line with the philosophy of direct charging a two-year equivalent membership fee and replacing the current method of collecting subscription fee per annum, in order to increase both number of members and income from membership fee. The amount allocated to Faculty Students’ Associations each year will be increased slightly. In fact, it is not useful comparing the statistic of the funds available with the level before the separation of debit notes. The proposal is intended to enhance the mandate of the Union by increasing the member count of the Union.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/C-01E Prepared: 26th May 2020 IV.

Conclusion It is equally important for enhancing both member count and membership fee income of the Union, and it is hard balancing the both. The Union proposes the above measures in order to increase the income of the Union with least effect on current members. However, it is undeniably that this proposal requires general acceptance, with aid from the Finance Office from the University. For the financial year, the Union proposed keeping the current arrangement such 1 March is the cut off in each financial year, income from membership fee shall be calculated from the total amount received by 1 March each year. For the election arrangement, eligible voter shall be defined for those who have settled the membership fee by the time stipulated on the Election Regulation. Finally, the membership shall cease at the moment that the student is de-registered, or the expiry date of their Student ID Card, whichever is earlier. Although the proposal was preliminary accepted in previous Union Council meeting, the Union has adjusted the membership fee level. So, your opinion is essentially important before any amendments was made to the Constitution. Please feel free to provide any valuable comments.

Prepared by LIU Kin Kwan, Derek Honorary Advisor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 Discussion of Expanding Students’ Union Membership Base VI.

Background Discussion of expanding membership base of the Students’ Union had often raised while no further discussion or follow-up actions were made. Honorary Advisor of the Union wrote Specere – a development blueprint for the Union, with recommendation integrating postgraduate and exchange students as eligible members of the Union. This paper serves as a summary on both analysis in Specere and the questionnaire sent to postgraduates last year, while bringing in recommendations for the right and obligation of such members. Before commencing the discussion, enrolment figure by level and mode of study are quoted are follows: Full-time



Research Postgraduate




Taught Postgraduate
















Currently there are altogether 15,500 members in SU (including those with privileges suspended), if the membership base of the Union will be expanded, the total number of eligible students will raise by 10,350 to 25,850. At the meantime, total number of ordinary members will be increased to 15,900. This proposal is intended to present the position of the Students’ Union and has sent to receive comments and feedbacks from and among postgraduate students. Your constructive comments are most welcomed. This proposal, if adopted, will be in effect from the 2021/22 academic year.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 VII.

Development Plan The existence of Students’ Union serves for completing students’ university life, taking care of the needs to extra-curricular activities of students and striving interest of members. However, propaganda from the Union alone is impossible leading more students willing to participate in Students’ Union affairs. More members of the Union lead to a more diversified background of members. Members with different background are with different attributes: Full-time undergraduates are students devoting most of their time in the campus and campus life, it is also their first chance in contact with Students’ Association after graduating from secondary school; Exchange students are in a similar situation, yet they would be staying in campus for just one or half of a year. Part-time program students usually having a full-time work at the same time, reasons for most of them pursuing degrees are for gaining accreditation. Those students are currently having no means participating in Union’s activities. Postgraduate students are usually with certain social experience, they either studying full-time or part-time, it is impossible to generalize their situation. Postgraduate students usually have certain experience, while with their life goals set. It is certainly beneficial if they are possible to take part in the Union affairs; However, students in first degree might have their opportunity deprived if postgraduates are given with same right, compared with current members while being able to become executives in organizations of the Union. In the contrary, if the Union only provide such students with some member rights, such as allowing them using facilities of the Union including Welfare Outlet and Photocopying Centre. This arrangement brings no harm to the development of the Union, as well as themselves. It is however worthwhile to note that undergraduates and sub-degree students are the main group that the Union serving for, exchange students, postgraduates should come after such group of students. To differentiate between the two, the Union proposes establishing Associate Membership for exchange and postgraduates, this could enable them participating in activities held by the Union and enjoying benefits becoming members of the Union while prioritizing for undergraduates.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 VIII. Proposal and Data Analysis of Pilot Study The Union proposes the following to be adopted: 4.

Integrate part-time undergraduates as ordinary members of the Union; and


Integrate exchange and postgraduate students as associate members of the Union.

The Union, however, is required to provide both welfare and administrative support to the increased number of members. This will certainly bring extra workload to the Union while the Union will have to deal with. Before discussing on the right and obligation of associate members, we will go through the data that the Union received from a survey conducted among postgraduate students last year. The survey was done bilingually in May 2019, aiming to understand expectation of Students’ Association from postgraduate students. There were altogether 152 responses with 92 local students. Following are the analysis of the survey: (Number in parentheses are mean value with maximum of 5.) First and foremost, respondents agree that the Students’ Union is having lack of exposure among students (2.63); Many of postgraduates have no knowledge or understanding of the Union (2.37). Certainly, this phenomenon does not only applicable to the current non-members to the Union. As most of services provided by the Union may be unable reaching all students directly, fulltime undergraduate inclusive. This is not only the responsibility from the Executive Committee but the entire structure of the Union, where more integrated activities should be held. Moreover, the expectation on Students’ Association are similar despite the origin of students, are follows, in sequence: striving for students’ welfare (4.20), reporting campus development to students (4.19) and providing platforms for students participating in events (4.17). In the contrary, enhancing students’ awareness on social issues (3.82) and promoting current affairs (3.87) comes the last. Apart from the above, respondents expect the Students’ Union could provide opportunities to students’ chance becoming student representatives (4.30), provide welfare and benefit to students (4.29) and unify students (4.25).


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 III.

Proposal and Data Analysis of Pilot Study (Cont.) From the above, we could observe that postgraduates do usually put least concern on external affairs of the Union, while a portion of respondents recognize Students’ Associations shall be apolitical (2.51). To conclude, postgraduates are expecting for a Students’ Association providing welfare and events to their members. It is worthwhile mention that some local students believe that the Union should unite local students and work for a co-governing campus by students and staff, which is in line with the purpose of the Union. It brings no harm if the Union attempt integrating with postgraduate students. Nearly 80% of respondents agree that the Students’ Union should extending its membership base. In terms of rights of membership, most respondents expected the Union shall allow postgraduates take part in events and activities (3.92), participate in Referendum (3.83) and join Affiliated Associations (known as interest clubs). They have however no interest in becoming executives of organizations in the Union. Although not many of postgraduates took part in the survey, this is an indicative pilot study of the plan to expand membership base of the Union.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 IV.

Right and Obligations of Associate Members To balance the development of first-year first degree (FYFD) students and benefits of postgraduate students, the Union proposes to establish associate membership in the current hierarchy and allows exchange and postgraduate students to join the Union as associate member. Following are the right and obligations as associate members: 1.

Voluntary membership for exchange and postgraduate students to join the Union.


Associate members, except the right to vote in Referendum and General Meeting; and participate in election and assume any post, enjoy same rights as ordinary members: a. attend all General Meetings and the Union Council Meetings. b. use all facilities of the Union in accordance with the regulations of the Union. c. participate in any activity of the Union. d. entitled to all interests granted by the Union Council. e. withdraw from the Union in accordance with the regulations of the Union.


Annual subscription fee of associate members is HKD 90 with no entrance fee, subscription fee will not be allocated to the concerned Faculty/ School Students’ Association and Departmental Society.

Firstly, associate members shall be “members affiliated to resolutions of the Union”. We should note that principal decisions and policies shall be made by undergraduate students, such arrangement could bring them autonomy and lead the development of the Union. Hence, it could fulfil the purpose of the Union – promote spirit of utility, cooperation and democratic autonomy. Since associate members have no right participating in any of decision-making authority of the Union, the Union proposes exchange and postgraduate students could join the Students’ Union as associate member in voluntary basis. Any eligible students paid with annual subscription fee are entitled to enjoy the rights and benefits as an associate member of the Union.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 IV.

Right and Obligations of Associate Members (Cont.) To align with the definition above, the Union suggests the right of such associate members would be limited to follow resolutions made in Referendum, general meeting and Union Council meeting. Associate members are hence not granted with right of vote in Referendum and general meeting; “Students’ Union does not represent me” would definitely come to mind as if associate members do not possess with the right of vote in supreme decision-making authorities. So, the Union suggests hosting Opinion Poll at the meantime that a Referendum in the Union is on progress. The ballot in the Opinion Poll will not affect the result and quorum of Referendum, yet this is indicative for postgraduate students expressing their opinions via this method. Apart from that, to leave opportunities for undergraduates exercising their right alternating Students’ Union affairs and retaining their decision-making power in the Union. In order to provide them with opportunity exhibiting their ability, the Union proposes that associate members will not be granted with the right to assume any post in the Union, as well as the right to participate in the Election thereof. Currently, postgraduate students are eligible to become members of the PolyU Postgraduate Student Association (PGSA) after settling the annual subscription fee of HKD 50. Postgraduates interested in taking leadership role in students’ organizations could still become one of their committees. The main purpose of the Students’ Union to associate members is to provide them with activities held by numerous clubs in the Union, with regular welfare includes buying snacks and stationery at lower price in Welfare Outlet and using Photocopying Centre. At the meantime, the proposed rate of annual subscription fee is set to HKD 90. The main reason charging subscription fee per annum is the difference of period of study between programs, annual subscription fee brings a fairer and more evenly distributed contribution from students. The rate is calculated based on the proposed entrance fee of ordinary members at HKD 360 (to be approved). Associated members are entitled withdraw from the Union at any time; if such members request for a refund of subscription fee, they are expected to observe the requirement stipulated as in the Clause 19.8 in the current version of Constitution:


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 IV.

Right and Obligations of Associate Members (Cont.) A member whom has not proceed with any privileges of the Union shall submit the payment proof with application form to the office of the Students’ Union within fourteen (14) days of the settlement of payment or fourteen (14) days since commencement of academic year, whichever occurs later, after approved by the Executive Committee, such material shall be submitted to the Financial Division for handling and refund. —— Clause 19.8, HKPUSU Constitution The other point to observe is that the subscription fee will not be allocated to Faculty/ School Students’ Association or Departmental Society level at this stage. If associate members are intended to participate in charged activities held by the concerned society such as balls and singing contests, they may have to pay the participation fee in a higher rate. Organizations in Students’ Union will attempt integrating students from different backgrounds, allowing more PolyU students take part in the Union affairs and activities before exercising this proposal. We hope that the bargaining power and mandate of the Union could be enhanced swiftly after the proposal is adopted.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 V.

Data Analysis of Feasibility Study The Union sent a follow-up questionnaire to postgraduates April this year, in order to consult them on the associate membership and the right thereof. The survey was conducted in bilingual basis and there were altogether 103 responses, following are the major findings of the survey: About 60% of respondents declared their interest in joining the Union, while only about 10% of respondents rejected to participate in; they usually explained that it is impossible for them sparing time to join the Union, while some thought the Union was too “political” and “violent”. But in fact, most of the respondents will consider joining the Union. Considering the rights and obligations of members, over 80% of respondents agrees allowing such members to use amenities of the Union such as Welfare Outlet and Photocopying Centre bring much benefits to them. At the meantime, majority of respondents (nearly two-third) agrees joining Affiliated Clubs and their functions brings benefit to them. To conclude, most postgraduates welcome the suggestions stipulated in this paper. Postgraduates also expect the Union could act as the bridge between them and the University, while allowing students from various backgrounds chances to voice out, I do agree with such suggestions. However, the PolyU Postgraduate Student Association shall take charge of those with their existence, while they will bear responsibility striving for benefits of postgraduates in the near future. The Union cannot directly responses to such enquiries in fact. More than 85% of respondents agree the proposed annual subscription fee of HKD 90 is reasonable, only a few thoughts it was too high to them. At last, some respondents indicated that they have hoped for participating in activities held by organizations of the Union for long. The Union sincerely hope that associate membership could enable postgraduates having more choices while sharing administrative work from the PGSA. Although there were students worrying that the Union may be dominated by non-locals, they do not possess with the right to vote in Referendum nor General Meeting; hence, the Union is still lead by local undergraduates, whom is generally populated.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union 香 港 理 工 大 學 學 生 會 VA302, Shaw Amenities Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Telephone: (852) 2766-7025 Fax: (852) 2766-7024 Email:

Ref. SU27/ADV/R-02E Prepared: 12th May 2020 VI.

Conclusion The discussion establishing associate membership has initiated for years, yet the past proposals were not adopted due to limited resources or inability getting consents. Hence this proposal portrays the plan from more perspectives with numerous recommendations backed, we hope this proposal is welcomed by most of postgraduates. This paper also serves as the third pilot study, collecting opinions from and among organizations of the Union. Although the proposal has preliminary accepted by the Union Council, the change is still substantial to the development of every organizations of the Union. Hence, we intended to consult and consolidate your view prior to the amendment on Constitution.

Prepared by LIU Kin Kwan, Derek Honorary Advisor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union


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