VOL. 1, NO. 2
CAS INSIGHTS Haileybury CAS Newsletter Editor Stuart C. Co-Editor Honor H. THE RESILIENCE OF IB PUPILS
NEWS & FEATURES The resilience of IB pupils PAGE 1
On the importance of CAS PAGEÂ 2 -3
CAS Projects 2021 PAGE 4-17
Welcome Class 2022 PAGE 21
On Being New PAGE 22
Meet the Team PAGE 24
BY CAS COORDINATOR MS. G. IORIO What an amazing time we live in! IB pupils are forced, by the exceptional circumstances, to put in practice the most challenging of all the IB Profile attributes: face new challenges and become risk-takers. I am proud of our Class of 2021 and their achievements! They have embraced CAS and they have proved to be caring people engaged in a global pandemic in first person. They are, without any doubts, real risk-takers, ready to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. They are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. I would like to say thank you to Urav, Tom, Emily, Guido, Adam and Mathilda for being a fantastic newsletter team and for creating the first issue of CAS Insights. They pass the baton to a new team of editors: Stuart and Honor, both Lower Sixth and also very enthusiastic. I wish you a fantastic experience. CAS Insights will give all IB pupils the possibility to showcase how they make the most of Creativity, Action and Service (CAS). In this issue you will learn more about amazing CAS projects from the Class of 2021. Pupils proved to be positive, generous, creative and determined human beings and did great things for the community during the pandemic. You will also meet some students from the Class of 2022 who have started to understand the important role of CAS in the wider education within the IBDP. I wish everyone a fantastic journey in learning by experience, perseverance, tenacity and resilience through CAS.
"CAS is about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve something memorable."
During my first year of studying the International Baccalaureate, CAS was one of the most exciting and thought-provoking areas of my studies. Before this academic year, without the motivation given to me by the CAS Coordinator and the goal of attaining my IB diploma I would have never tried to think so far outside the box, challenge myself more and try to improve other people’s lives in such a big way. CAS has given me an outlet to express myself outside of school in areas of charity, kindness and physical activity which has bettered myself and helped people around me. The physical and mental exercise of CAS matures you as a person and allows you to grow while still being surrounded by your friends. The different experiences that CAS comes to give you are endless but are also all down to you pushing yourself and not waiting on others to do the work for you. Like all of the International Baccalaureate Diploma, CAS is about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve something memorable. CAS is a staple for all students who take IB around the world and allows for everyone, no matter what their background, school life or situation to help their surrounding community and grow physically and mentally into a better person.
photo credits: Urav top, Mave M. left
CAS Updates from IB pupils
CAS: Learn Skills for Life BY TOM M.
The IB Diploma isn’t just the subjects you take but also the work you do outside of the classroom for yourself and for others. That is CAS, it helps develop your understanding of the world around you not just inside of your school. Through CAS IB students are given the opportunity to extend themselves outside the classroom and try new experiences while working towards a common goal. CAS is divided into 3 categories; creativity, activity, and service, however the breadth of these categories runs far; from academic work, to local service, and global challenges, all with the aim to make you grow as a person while progressing your 6th form studies. CAS allows you to extend your knowledge globally in a local context. With the help of the Haileybury CAS coordinator the opportunities presented to you are abundant and different to what you may do in any other school. Personally, CAS for the past year has been a vital part of my everyday life. Before starting IB, I would never notice the activities that I would do outside the classroom, they were often forgotten, and not carried out. However, after starting IB I have begun to notice the aspects of my life that count towards CAS, and a majority of the pupils begin pushing themselves towards activities that benefit both themselves and their IB diploma.
"Through CAS IB students are given the opportunity to extend themselves outside the classroom and try new experiences while working towards a common goal" Tom M. UPPER SIXTH
CAS Updates from IB pupils
CAS PROJECTS 2021 A selection
The spirit and philosophy of the IBDP by Dr. Brazier
It is through the CAS and in particular the CAS projects that I truly see the spirit and philosophy of the IBDP. It is always such a joy to hear how you have been inspired to be Creative, Active and to be of Service. This year’s CAS projects very much reflect the challenges that we have all faced during the pandemic and in particular in lockdown. I can see that the Upper Sixth have really risen to the challenge in their projects this year and many projects have evolved because of lockdown and in a way they have been inspired by the lockdown. Many of the Upper Sixth have turned to their gardens for inspiration and perhaps being confined to our houses and gardens has made us all appreciate these environments more. Whether this is creating a bee friendly flower garden, recording animal activities in your garden at night, building aquariums and beach clean-ups to name but a few. Many projects have been about conservation and it is clear that environmental issues are close to your hearts and important to many of you. The links between CAS and other elements of your Diploma are also much more tangible this year. What started out as an extended essay in Chemistry, producing home-made biodegradable polymers, led one upper sixth pupil to also make home-made sanitiser to distribute to orphanages around Morocco for her CAS project. Some Upper Sixth pupils turned their attention to improving their skills, whether this was playing darts, cooking, writing songs or creative writing during lockdown. I have only mentioned a few of the amazing CAS projects in this publication so do read on and discover some more. The Lower Sixth pupils can be truly inspired by the CAS that our Upper Sixth have produced this year, I am really looking forward to the next issue of ‘CAS INSIGHTS’
Dr Kate Brazier IB Coordinator
Homemade hand sanitizer in Casablanca
“As hard as the pandemic has been for so many people around the world, hope and positivity can help us through this" Sitara G. UPPER SIXTH
by Sara Y. “I had been working on my chemistry extended essay (EE) and through that, I learned so much about research and gained an appreciation for chemistry. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, I learned a lot about how important resources were needed in this crisis. I thought about hand sanitizer and wondered if I could make it at home. Casablanca requires establishments to carry hand sanitizers and I realized that this could be expensive in combination with all the other things that needed to be implemented so I thought I could help”.
Making masks during the pandemic in India and USA by Sitara G. Sitara lives in India, a country which has one of the highest COVID cases in the world. To help them, she decided to create face-masks out of Indian Traditional Sarees in order to provide women and young girls with a recycled and culturally sensitive face-mask. With the help of her family, she made almost 100 masks in different colours and sizes and distributed them. "But my project did not end there. During the summer, I went on to create the reverse of what I did before: I made masks into sarees, instead of masks out of sarees. I also made a version for men, using the Traditional Indian Garment the Gamccha".
by Lucy W. "I have made masks using old pillow sheets and shirts. My goal was to make a reusable mask that is safe and wearable for most people. I have given them to people who I know with immune deficiencies as they are at a greater risks."
CAS Updates from IB pupils
"Each social network has its own logic, not only for the distribution of content and format, but for the interaction with the users as well".
"I chose to create a Facebook Page called ‘We’re All in Covid-19 Together’ because I was stuck alone at home and I felt like I was disconnecting from my friends and the world around me. I wanted to create a platform where people could stay connected and not lose contact, as well as make new friends online.
This project lasted approximately 3 months as we kept posting things and trying to keep it going, however, after some time we still didn’t have more that one or two people replying to us and we realised that Facebook isn’t the central platform for teenagers anymore. I realised that if more people responded to us and if we managed to get larger conversations in that would have encouraged me to keep going and I would have really enjoyed but sadly, that didn’t quite happen". (Comic "My CAS Project in a Comicstrip" by Emilia)
CAS Updates from IB pupils
"Coral Gardeners is a coral reef restoration & conservation program located in Tahiti French Polynesia. Individuals making a difference in our oceans."
CAS for the Environment Raise money for a cause, Protect the environment. Live a green life
No reef No Ocean No Air By Mave M. Funding Coral Gardeners "I created my own designs of sweaters and t-shirts. 100% of the profit went to a charity organisation called “Coral Gardeners�. I was able to collect two thousand pounds! Coral Gardeners is a coral reef restoration & conservation program located in Tahiti French Polynesia. Individuals making a difference in our oceans. I made an instagram account on which you can find more information about the organisation itself and about my clothing. Please take a look at my CAS Project @fundingcoralgardeners. Yes, the smiling person surrounded by parcels is me!
Wild flowers for bees Elin H. I've read of dramatically decreasing numbers of wild bees in the internet some months ago. So I decided to do something against it. I've bought a lot of "bee friendly" flower seeds and some flowers and created my own bee friendly flowerbed. The photo on the right shows one of my wild flowers!
CAS Updates from IB pupils
(My) Aquarium is better than TV!
Aquarium by Moritz V. T
"I now have added 13 fish to the aquarium and 2 shrimps, the shrimp hide so well that I thought they were eaten by the fish because I couldn't find them but they reappeared after 2 days." A diary of my aquarium By Moritz
I came up with the idea to start an aquarium with a friend in my home town, to see if I am able to set up an individual ecosystem and have some change and alternation at home during quarantine with Covid 19. As I had no idea how to set up an aquarium I had to watch a lot of Youtube videos of what materials you need and how to make an aquarium suitable for fish. As I do not want to have a huge aquarium with huge fish, as they are very hard to keep I decided to get a 15 gallon planted aquarium which can hold 10-15 fish. I found out that planted aquariums are better than fake plants, as they are very important for the fish to keep oxygen high and help digest toxins in fish waste.
"My fish got babies and about 8 of them have survived, they are still small so I will have to wait until they are bigger to move them. CAS project has improved my sense of responsibility, as I have to take daily care of it".
CAS Updates from IB pupils
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS I wrote my first album! By Sola M. It has been my goal for a long time to write an album, but I never felt I had enough of a concept to take on such a large project. Thus, as my song writing improved, I decided to use the CAS project as an opportunity to finally create an album and record the songs I’ve made. The album is made up of songs written in the last two years of my life, including ones about heartbreak, nostalgia, my thoughts and feelings, and my relationships with others. It encapsulates my most wonderful and painful experiences, and because of that I am extremely proud.
One poem a day by Victoria C. and Maya D. Our CAS project was to write one poem a day and share it with some close friends. It was challenging but this project gave us opportunity to live more intensely every moment of our day. Things feel different when you write, especially when you write poems. Reality is enhanced. You learn to live.
CAS Updates from IB pupils
Vegan for a Month Greener for Life A GREE
Go vegan? Not so easy, but we did it! By Benedetta, Pauline, Mathilda and Emily For our CAS project we decided to go Vegan for a month and write about our experience. Together we have decided to create a blog, where we not only describe our experience, but also highlight the beneficial environmental impacts of eating plant based. It was an amazing journey, we learnt about the many effects that changing your diet has on the prevention of global warming as well as how eating differently affects your health. This is our blog: https://experiencevegetarian.edublogs.org We also tried new recipes and learnt the amazing properties of food. In case you were wondering, the avocado and juice was one of my healthy snacks!
By The Editors
Amazing recipes by Athena! Taro puree with salted eggs! "Besides doing work and planting flowers in my garden, I have developed a new skill and interest: bakery!" CAS INSIGHTS | PAGE 11
CAS Updates from IB pupils
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CAS Updates from IB pupils
A Gardiner Diary by Willem V.
My garden has not been cared for or treated for possibly 30 years meaning there are lots of weeds, a lack of flowers and plants and it is very messy. My plan was to reinvent my garden by planting new plants, fruit bushes and vegetables as well as trimming and pruning some plants and removing weeds. The aim was to grow my own produce and reduce pressure on supermarkets during this strange time as well as help wildlife with new plants.
"I planted sunflower seeds. Birds such as greenfinches and blue tits really enjoy them. I felt this was important as due to hot weather, there have not been as many berries for birds to eat - this is a global issue" Willem V. CAS INSIGHTS | PAGE 13
I had continued with my CAS project throughout the Summer because a garden needs to be constantly maintained. This means wildlife is supported throughout and also it means it is always nice to look at which is a bonus. This shows perseverance as I have consistently worked on it and committed to this project *** Another challenge was proposed. The Spring here has been very dry with little rain. This meant water was in short supply. I had forecasted this so while it was raining I collected water in lots of buckets. Thankfully this lasted through the dry season. This initiative and planning has helped plants survive. *** In my garden I found there were Spanish bluebells, a plant that is not native to England and competes with native English bluebells. As a result, I researched and the best way is to place the Spanish ones far away from the English ones so they do not cross-pollinate. The Spanish ones still provide nectar for bees but I do not want both species to compete. *** The shaded area of my garden has few plants meaning the soil is lose and bad quality as there are no plants to stabilise it. This makes bad conditions for insects who live in the soil. I did some research to what plants suit these conditions and I found some good plants (see picture). They will also produce flowers which is good for bees and flies so I am helping nature. *** .
CAS Updates from IB pupils
Yes! It Was a Green Lockdown I N QU AR
"Gardening was a wonderful resource during the pandemic. We grew our own vegetables, we planted flowers and created flower beds for bees. It was hard work but very fulfilling. The photos you see on this page are from our garden." by Emily, Willem, Victoria, Elin, Mave
"I ma d e a wildflower bed to hel p t h e bees and the plan e t . I c an see lot s of i nse c t s f l y ing around . The flow e r s a re really beautiful and i t m a kes me happy ever y e v e ryday". Eli n
CAS Updates from IB pupils
by Patric T.
I chose this project to find out more about animals in the forest close to my house, with the use of wildlife cameras. I got the idea for this project because the automatic lights were regularly switched on at night, but I could never see what animal was causing it, I just assumed it was a cat. When I saw a fox causing the lights to switch on, I was eager to find out what other animals roam about when no one is looking. The cameras recorded hundreds of videos of various animals, over several months (mid-June to when I came back to England). I learned that there is far more life in the forest than I first thought, as animals are shy towards humans, you never get to see them yourself. It was really enjoyable to check the cameras once in a while to see the footage. The animals I was able to observe were deer, foxes, chickens, cats, and even a ferret.
"Because I have never used wildlife cameras, I had to do some research on how to use them and where to place them. I found some locations where I suspected lots of animals to cross and tied the cameras to trees. Over several days I experimented with the sites, setting off the camera, recording length etc. and I got them to work correctly, recording many videos every day (and night!)"
CAS Updates from IB pupils
"In Quarantine, I have decided to try and improve at darts. In order to get better, I am creating different game modes within the game of darts in order to help my skills and overall game. I will be sharing these games with my brothers and we will play them. I also have a Youtube channel dedicated to my CAS project, helping to share my best games for improvement. The first challenge I faced was making the games fun. Sometimes, in darts, things can get repetitive and therefore boring. If something is boring you will likely not do well in it. Therefore my strategy was to make my games competitive and for more than 1 person at a time. The competitive aspects of my game enable you to perform under pressure, have fun, and most importantly improve your accuracy as a darts player. The second challenge I faced was how I was going to get my project out into the public so that I could help them. My solution to this was to create a Youtube channel showcasing all of my darts games. By doing this, anyone from the public can see them, and therefore hopefully use them."
CAS Updates from IB pupils
Psychology on Instagram by Giada B.
For my CAS project I decided to create something I have always wanted to do: an Instagram page dedicated to psychology, where I can share my knowledge, continue my research on the subject outside the classroom, as well as receive different points of view from my followers. The project is still on going and I am intended to continue it for my future studies. I opened the page in mid-August and I have now a small community of about 300 people from all around the world. I have a specific structure and dedicate a few weeks to each topic before moving on. This is because I am trying to explore them from the various approaches of psychology to gain a wider perspective and cover everything in more detail as possible. We have discussed two topics so far: the first one was “Introversion and extroversion” and generated a large amount of interest. For this reason I decided to dedicate a couple of extra weeks to this topic. The second one is “Love” and it is the one we are currently investigating. by Giada B. CAS INSIGHTS | PAGE 17
CAS Updates from IB pupils
MAKE YOUR OWN REUSABLE BAGS by Mikee O. "Maya, Mahaut, and I have decided to make reusable bags out of scrap fabrics we found at home. The purpose of these bags is to reduce the plastic bags we use when going to launderette for example. We plan to place a box of these bags in each House, so when anyone plans to go out to the shops, they can take a bag and not have to buy a single-use plastic bag. Through our actions, we aim to educate people about the environmental impacts of these single-use plastics and hopefully make a contribution to the world." By Mikee O.
CAS Updates from IB pupils
CAS Updates from IB pupils
WELCOME CLASS 2022! Dear Lower Sixth, As house CAS advisor I wanted to welcome you all to CAS. As you, last year, when I first heard these three letters I struggled to find ideas and activities which could fit my portfolio. The CAS experience is a travel through your abilities and passions. You can use everything you like and enjoy and transform it in CAS. Cooking, writing, painting, singing and even thinking can become part of your portfolio. You will discover that CAS is an incredible opportunity to understand more about yourself and the way in which you observe the world around you. This year, in order to help you in your Journey, there is a new figure in the school: CAS advisors. In every house one or more of them have been appointed. If you have any questions or you’re struggling to start you CAS portfolio, feel free to contact them and they will surely help you to start this path in the best possible way. I wish you all a fantastic CAS experience!
Gian Pietro P. Upper Sixth and CAS Advisor CAS INSIGHTS | PAGE 21
CAS Updates from IB pupils
Freddie B. "I have been Edna S.: "I would helped tremendously over describe myself as a young the course of the past few girl who is always curious days, but one thing which and ready to find out stood out was the advice more about the world and help I received from around her. I consider my tutor!" myself as quite @BartleFrereHse adventurous, outgoing and caring." @ColvinHouse Franziska F.: "I am 16 yrs old from Berlin. I enjoy swimming and skateboarding, which I am currently learning. I play piano and I draw. My favorite subject is Physics. I like travelling and Nicolas P. H. "I grew up meeting different cultures" in Canada even though I @Melvill
am originally from Colombia. I lived in Saudi Arabia for two years and I came to the UK to attend this school". @EdmonstoneHouse
Christina V. ,: "I spent two weeks in #Tanzania where I collected 200 #books in different languages for a hospital; I also started a volunteer project in a refugee camp where i taught drama to young children". @HaileyHouseUK
Tahira B.: "I enjoy expressing myself through dance, staying active with various sports and #muaythai (Martial arts). I am interested in current world affairs and spreading awareness to those closest to me and beyond." @HaileyHouseUK
Carolina L. "During lockdown my best friend called me every night. She brought me my favourite chocolate and left it at my door." Welcome Carolina! @AllenbyHouseUK
For me, coming to a new school was at first a bit scary as I had been overthinking about all the possible ways things could go wrong while I was here, and all the negatives that may exist. Mainly I was really worried about being excluded or bullied, and also was scared of having made the wrong choice generally. Another big problem that occurred was the processing of a lot of information all at once when I arrived, including a whole new timetable, meeting new teachers and students, and memorizing how my day would go. I think after a few days of being around a lot of my initial fears had subsided. I realized basically everyone here was polite and nice and talking to people wasn’t as bad as I had thought it would be. I also realized I made the right choice as the environment really encourages you to be hardworking or serious about your work. Feelings of being in a new place: sadness over thinking about how coming here I’ve already said my farewell to my childhood whereas if I had stayed in Hong Kong I might’ve been able to extend it a for two more years. Kind of feels like I’ve forced myself to mature sooner than I should have, and yet that is also something I’m happy about as it has also made me focus pretty well as of right now at school. However, once these main fears had disappeared I had to deal with coming here alone in a completely new environment and suddenly having a ton of work dropped on me. To follow my tutor’s advice was most certainly the best decision I made as suggested I jump at any work given to me immediately, figuring out how much time I’ll probably need for each piece of work so I can plan out my preps as well as I can. I think doing as much as you can everyday, is a very good idea as it can really free up your schedule afterwards. I manage to clear out everything on my to-do list for work due later so I can have plenty of time to relax at night. Overall, I’d say I’m having a pretty good start to this year. By Jerry L.
Amelie G. "I am a curious, open minded person who is always ready to be there for others but does not forget herself. I am an optimistic girl with personal goals to reach, but I always try to stay happy and enjoy the journey". @MelvillHouseUK
Anastasia T. "If I had to describe myself in just one word, I would say that I am a learner. I wanted to experience living in a different country, in a different culture as well as just gaining academic knowledge - this is why I am here". @ColvinHouse
Maria G. : "I am always concerned when people do not demonstrate compassion or understanding towards human rights issues". Welcome Maria @MelvillHouseUK
Lilibet P: "For three years in a row I helped out at a charity called The Big Cat Sanctuary to raise awareness for big cats in the wild. I am very passionate about the environment and the increasing loss of habitat for animals in the wild" @HaileyHouseUK
Stuart C.: "When feeling uncertain about things at @Haileybury the Upper 6th gave up time to explain how it works which was helpful". @BartleFrereHse
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mMee ea Honor H. & Stuart C.
Hi All! I am Honor and will be acting alongside Stuart as an editor of the CAS newsletter. I am currently studying the IB in Lower 6th, after having studied at Haileybury since Lower School, making this my 6th year here. I am also one of just a handful of British people who do IB, and I take HL: Biology, Spanish and English with SL: Latin, Psychology and Maths; I am loving the IB course so far! Alongside my academic studies, I love taking part in all of the sport and extracurricular activities which are on offer here; this term I am playing hockey in the 2nd team which I really enjoy, and as well as this you can also often find me in any and all activities, be it Attlee Society or the Monier-Williams Language Society. So, that’s a little about me, I hope that this newsletter finds you all well!
I am Stuart and I joined Lower Sixth this year to study the IB. My role in the CAS newsletter is to write about interesting past and present projects and to post about new CAS opportunities to add to your portfolio. I chose to join the newsletter because it is something I can use in my own CAS profile but I also have aspirations in journalism so it is interesting to learn more about that. In this newsletter are some examples from the upper sixth projects and a few small introductions to the new L6 IB... Enjoy!
We hope you enjoyed CAS Insights! We will be back in Spring with more news from Class 2021 & 2022. Follow us on Twitter or read our CAS Blogs for daily updates. To learn more about CAS Projects visit our Google site. To submit an article for the next Newsletter please send us an email: _CASNewsletter@haileybury.com