Global Human Capital Summit 2023 (pre-event booklet)

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In collaboration with Supported by Organized and hosted by 22August2023
TS 04 07 09 10 21 28 OverviewofGIPA&theGlobalHumanCapitalSummit Rundown:DenpasarRoom GlobalSkillsCentre Rundown:MainPlenaryatJavaBalroom SpeakersProfile GIPATeam 03 30 GHCSummitpartners GLOBALHUMANCAPITALSUMMIT2023


Global Indonesia Professionals’ Association (GIPA) represents Indonesian professionals and executives abroad across G20 and ASEAN countries Since our inception in 2019, GIPA has been actively supporting the Indonesian government and business leaders through various multi-stakeholder and cross-sector global dialogues.

GIPA empowers a global alliance of overseas professional hubs to advance Indonesia’s economic diplomacy and human capital development As a legally-registered secretariat in Indonesia, we serve a growing number of +20 hubs across Europe & Middle East, North America, and Asia Pacific Hubs represent an association of Indonesian professionals working in its jurisdictions and are governed by their respective leadership We have +6000 professionals registered. Our members work in eight key industry groupings: (i) Financial Services; (ii) Technology; (iii) Professional Services; (iv) Healthcare & Life Sciences; (v) Infrastructures, Energy & Resources; (vi) Creative & Media; (vii) Public Sector & International Organization; and (viii) Industrials, Products & Logistics

04 28 countries 23 live hubs GLOBALHUMANCAPITALSUMMIT2023


Indonesia is poised in becoming the top 5 economy by 2050. However, Indonesia is projected to have a shortage of 3.8 million skilled talents and as such may lose out on unrealized USD 440 billion of growth over the next decade alone It is estimated that around 3% of the Indonesian population have experienced global exposure Whilst they are a small subset, they hold prominent leadership positions in Indonesia

Following the success of our inaugural Global Human Capital Summit (GHC Summit) held in August 2022 as an official side event to Indonesia’s G20-B20 Presidency, supported by Indonesia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), the GHC Summit 2022 has hosted key figures such as: Coordinating Minister Luhut Panjdaitan, B20 2022 Chairwoman Shinta Kamdani, and other business leaders, all the while delivering The Global Skills Centre as a legacy from GIPA and the B20 Future of Work and Education Task Force.

GIPA envisions the need to continue our commitment to support Indonesia’s human capital development in order to increase Indonesia’s competitiveness on a global level, enabling more Indonesians to take leadership positions globally in both the public and private sectors

Global Human Capital Summit 2022


As we welcome Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023, this year ’ s GHC summit aims to consolidate thought leadership on human capital development and to build a network of future talents for a connected and resilient ASEAN through our global alliance across Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, and the Pacific

Indonesia’s 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship priorities has clearly been outlined Within the economic pillar, Indonesia wants ASEAN to be an epicentrum of growth by leveraging among others: Global Health Architecture, Digital and Economic Transformation, as well as Green Energy Transition. GHC 2023 will be structured around:

The importance of human capital to develop the 4 key areas: Public Sector Talents, Digital & Fintech Talents, Green & Infrastructure Talents, and Health Talents

The capability building required in developing industry-leading talents. How Indonesia can expedite the development and mobility of human capital to address the country’s talent gap to create a more resilient and connected region.

The event will be attended by business leaders and senior government representatives from across Indonesia, ASEAN, G20 countries, and featuring panels lead by senior-ranked ministers and CEOs It will also convene 500 in-person attendees and 800 online participants from a cross-section of society. Our speakers came from various industries with diverse focus areas, covering the four main segment panels of the summit: Digital & Fintech, Green & Infrastructure, Health, and Government & SOE.


The GHC Summit highlights the role of human capital in sectors such as Green, Public Sector, Health, and Digital & Finance, and explores how Indonesia can quickly develop talent to strengthen the region


Programming Introduction by Hilmi Kartasasmita, GIPA’s Head of Indonesia & Strategic Initiatives and Chairman of GHC 2023

by Dr Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary General of ASEAN

Remarks By Dharsono Hartono, Chairman of KADIN Indonesia Net Zero Hub and Legacy Lead of ASEAN Business Advisory Council 09 15-09 25

Keynote Speech by H E Prof Dr Muhadjir Effendy, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Republic of Indonesia*


Fireside Chat with H E Prof Dr Muhadjir Effendy, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Republic of Indonesia*

Moderated by Steven Marcelino, GIPA Chairman

Introduction of Overseas Professional Hubs across Asia-Pacific, EMEA, and Americas & New Hubs in ASEAN

Moderated by Christy Zakarias, Secretary General of GIPA

Launch of GIPA's PoV on Diaspora Strategy by Christy Zakarias, Secretary General of GIPA

Showcase Global Skills Centre by GIPA to promote upskilling and reskilling to Indonesian and Southeast Asian companies

10 15-10 30

10 30-10 45

10 45-10 50

Moderated By Dinye Hernanda, GIPA’s Head of Professional Development and Global Skills Center

Coffee Break

Segment 1: Green (85')

Welcome back by GIPA

Panel Discussion With Q&A - Green Talents:

Francois de Maricourt, Chairman of EuroCham and CEO of PT Bank HSBC Indonesia

10 50-12 00

Ilham Habibie, Founder & CEO of Habibie Innovation Incubator

Widharmika Agung, Partner at Systemiq

Ririn Radiawati Kusuma, Moving Indonesia Lead at World Economic Forum

Moderated by: Juan Untung, Events Director at IPA in The Netherlands

12 00-13 30

Networking Lunch (70’)

Time Agenda Items Opening Plenary (120') 07:30-08 30 Light Refreshment & Arrival 08 30-08 35 MC Opening & Indonesia Raya 08 35-08 40
08 40-08 45 Video Message
08 45-08 50 Welcoming Remarks
08 50-08 55 Video Highlight of GIPA 08 55-09 05
by Chairman of GIPA, Steven Marcelino
Welcoming Remarks by Amb Siti Mauludiah, Senior Advisor to The Foreign Minister 09 05-09 15
50-10 05
10 05-10 15

13 30-13 35

Segment 2: Public Sector (100')

Welcome back by GIPA

Panel Discussion with Q&A - Public Sector Talents:

Yanuar Nugroho, Senior Fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute

Dwi Larso, Director at The Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP)

13 35-15 20

Masrokhan, Head of The Human Capital Development Agency, Ministry of Industry

Tedi Bharata, Deputy Minister for Human Capital Management, Technology, and Information*

Moderated by: By Hilmi Kartasasmita, GIPA’s Head of Indonesia & Strategic Initiatives and Chairman of GHC 2023

Segment 3: Health (80')

15 20-15 25



Welcome back by GIPA

Headline Speech by Minister of Health, Republic of Indonesia

Fireside Chat with Minister of Health, Republic of Indonesia

Moderated by: Christy Zakarias, Secretary General at GIPA

Panel Discussion With Q&A - Health Talents:

Setiaji, Chief of Digital Transformation Office, Ministry of Health

Michellina Laksmi Triwardhany, CEO of Prudential Indonesia

15 50-16 40

Mira Dyah Wahyuni, CEO of Indonesia Healthcare Corporation (IHC)

Gunawan Wahab, Co-Founder & Executive Director of The One Health Foundation

Moderated by: Christy Zakarias, Secretary General at GIPA

Segment 4: Digital & Finance (80')

16 40-16 45

16 45-16 50


Welcome back by GIPA

Headline Speech by Shinta Kamdani, Chairwoman of APINDO

Fireside Chat with Shinta Kamdani, Chairwoman of APINDO

Moderated by Dinye Hernanda – GIPA’s Head of Professional Development and Global Skills Center

Panel Discussion With Q&A - Digital & Finance Talents:

Charosporn Chalermtiarana, Senior Government Affairs Advisor at AntGroup

17 10-17 50

Gita Sjahrir, Head of Investment of BNI Ventures & Special Advisor to The Coordinating Minister For Maritime & Investment Affairs

Sumit Dutta, Founder & CEO of ASEAN Business Partners

Moderated by: Dzulfahmi (Fahmi), Member of IPA Japan and Engineer at Microsoft Japan


Thought leadership and global context by Ronny Supardi, Country Head of Indonesia at Linkedin Talent and Learning Solutions

Closing Segment (30')


18 05-18 10


Concluding Remarks by Amb. Siti Mauludiah, Senior Advisor to The Foreign Minister

Closing By Steven Marcelino & Introduction to the Entire GIPA Team

Networking Reception Hosted by GIPA





Agenda Items

Session 1: Attracting Global Capital & Global Talent

Panel Discussion With Q&A - Economic Diplomacy talents:

Mr Chandra A S Wibowo, Deputy Director for Developing and Deepening the Government Securities Market

H.E. Siti N. Mauludiah, Senior Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Socio-Cultural & Diaspora Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Mr Ian Horsburgh, Director and Country Head at Henley & Partners

Yosafat Tampi, Head of People at GIPA

Moderated by: Kei Putri, Head of Public Relations at GIPA

Session 2: Startup Diplomacy: Indonesia Innovation Ecosystem

Panel Discussion With Q&A - Professional Development Talents:

Ilham A. Habibie, Co-Founder of Habibie Innovation Incubator


Daniel Tumewu, Co-Founder and CEO of Habibie Innovation Incubator

Dinye Hernanda, Head of Professional Development at GIPA

Session 3: ASEAN'S Workforce for the Future of Work

Panel Discussion With Q&A - Professional Development Talents:

Biondi Sanda Sima, Digital Government Consultant and Founder Palu Produktif

15 20-16 40

Wafa Taftazani, Founder & CEO at UpBanx Co-Founder & Chairman at VCGamers, Co-Founder & President Commissioner at ModalRakyat

Kei Putri, Head of Public Relations at GIPA

Moderated by: Raihan Zahirah, Lead Researcher - Digital Transformation at IYD & Account Manager at Google

Session 4: Women in Industry

Panel Discussion With Q&A - Women in Industry Talents:

Sony Jethnani, Chairwoman of British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia

Professional Women’s Group


Ninin Kristanti, NPO Vertical Manager Nokia Networks Indonesia

Devi Novianti, Vice President of IDN Hong Kong – Macau

Moderated by: Devita Adiwinarso, Co-founder of InPA France & Managing Director of Marked by Dev





H E Muhadji Effendy is the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Prior to serving in this position, he previously served as the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang from 2000 to 2016, before being appointed as the Minister of Education from 2016 to 2019.

BudiGunadiSadikin MinisterofHealth

Budi Gunadi Sadikin is the Minister of Health in the Onward Indonesian Cabinet He previously served as the President Director at Bank Mandiri, and later on was appointed as the Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises in 2019.


SeniorAdvisortoForeignMinisterforDiasporaand SocioculturalAffairs

Amb Siti Mauludiah is Senior Advisor to the Foreign Minister for Diaspora and Sociocultural Affairs Previously she has served as Ambassador to Poland and as Indonesian Consul General in Shanghai She is a career Foreign Service Officer at The Ministry of Foreign Affairs She completed her Master in International Economic Policy from Columbia University.



Kao Kim Hourn is the Secretary-General of ASEAN Dr Kao Kim Hourn’s career has focused on strengthening Cambodia’s international relations particularly in ASEAN, driving policy advocacy and promoting research, education, and development. Dr. Kao has served as a two-term Minister Delegate attached to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia since September 2013 He has authored dozens of books and articles about Cambodia and ASEAN





Tedi Baharata is the Deputy Minister of The Ministry of State Owned Enterprises He formerly worked for the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises as Special Staff V and was appointed as Vice President at the Office of The Board Mind ID from 2019-2020



Francois de Maricourt is the Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Indonesia and the Chairman of EuroCham Indonesia He first joined HSBC in 2002 and his previous role was the CEO of HSBC Bangladesh



Co-Founder and Advisor of the Habibie Innovation Incubator Ilham is a cofounder and shareholder of PT. ILTHABI Rekatama, a private investment company in Indonesia, which he joined as a President Director in 2002, and starting 2021 he became the Chairman of the company Ilham is also a cofounder and Chairman of Board of Trustees of the Habibie Center Currently he is also heading WANTIKNAS, the National ICT Council of Indonesia as its Executive.


HeadoftheIndustrialHumanCapitalDevelopment Agency(BPSDMI)ofTheMinistryofIndustry

Masrokhan was appointed to serve as Inspector General on January 19, 2021

Previously he served as Expert Staff to the Minister of Communications (2019 - 2020), as Assistant Deputy for State and Regional Institution Relations (2018 - 2019) and as Assistant Deputy for Public Relations (2015 - 2018) at the Ministry of State Secretary



Prof.dr.DanteSaksonoHarbuwono,Sp.PD-KEMD,Ph.D. ViceMinisterofHealth,RepublicofIndonesia

Prof dr Dante was appointed as the Vice Minister of Health on December 23, 2020. He is a doctor, teacher, and researcher. He has served as a member of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Team of Doctors, Head of the Metabolic Endocrine Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) – Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital (RSCM), Chair of the Indonesian Obesity Study Association (HISOBI), Head of the Cluster Metabolic, Vascular, and Aging Research Center Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute FKUI (IMERI FKUI) Apart from serving in structural and functional positions, Prof dr Dante is also active as a speaker at various domestic and international symposiums



Yanuar Nugroho is the Senior Fellow of ISEAS He was also the founder of Nalar Institute and also contributed to the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia as Expert Coordination at the National Secretariat of SDGs Implementation



Dwi is the Director of Scholarship of the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia He was a Vice Chancellor at Universitas Presiden and Universitas Kebangsaan prior his current position. Dwi Larso is an awarding scholar receiving prestigious sha Award of Innovation from ITB



Setiaji is the Chief of the Digital Transformation Office at the Ministry of Health Experienced in the development of Smart City and Digital Transformation in Government Prior to his role, he served was appointed as Head of Communication & Informatic Agency for West Java Provincial Government (2019-2021) and the Head of Jakarta Smart City in (2014-2019).




DeputyDirectorforDevelopingandDeepeningtheGovernment SecuritiesMarket

Chandra Wibowo currently spearheads the Development and Deepening of the National Debt Market (Kasubdit Pengembangan dan Pendalaman Pasar Surat Utang Negara) at the Directorate of Government Debt Securities. He has held pivotal roles, including leadership at the Treasury Service Office in Putussibau, Kalimantan Barat and key strategic positions at the Directorate of Accounting and Financial Reporting His academic journey began at Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) and culminated with a Master of Applied Economics from the University of Adelaide Wibowo's expertise and leadership have been instrumental in shaping Indonesia's financial strategies



Ian Horsburgh is the Director and Country Head at Henley & Partners Prior to this role, he was a Financial Planning Consultant at The Fry group. He was also one of the members of the Business Group Committee at the British Chamber of Commerce (BritCham) Singapore



Co-founder and CEO of Habibie Innovation Incubator with decades of experience in start-ups and innovation ecosystem He is an active Mentor of German Accelerator Southeast Asia and Ambassador & Hub Manager to start-up platform Asia Berlin.




Dharsono Hartono works as a CEO of PT Rimba Makmur Utama, an Indonesian based company managing The Katingan Mentaya Project Dharsono also has experience in financial consulting and international banking Since 1998, he has worked for multinational companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and JP Morgan in New York handling merger acquisition, debt management and financing and capital raising Dharsono received his Master of Engineering degree from Cornell University majoring in Financial Engineering.





Shinta Kamdani is the Chairwoman at Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO) and the Chief Executive Officer of Sintesa Group, an Indonesian conglomerate of 17 subsidiaries, which operate in the consumer and industrial product, and property and energy sectors She is the Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific at the International Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Special Advisor to the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs



Charosporn Chalermtiarana is the Senior Government Affairs Advisor at Ant Group Prior to her role, she served as Senior Economist at the Ministry of Finance of Thailand and continued her career as Vice President at Kiatnakin Bank



Sumit Dutta is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ASEAN Business Partners Prior to this, Sumit spent 26 years working for HSBC, one of the biggest banks in the world, in countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, USA, Hong Kong and India. Most recently, Sumit was the Country Manager and Chief Executive Officer for HSBC in Indonesia from 2014-2019 HSBC is one of the biggest and most profitable banks in Indonesia with profits of $220M in 2019, with 5000 employees in over 100 branches in 30 cities


HeadofInvestment,BNIVenturesandSpecialAdvisorToThe CoordinatingMinisterForMaritime&InvestmentAffairs

Gita Sjahrir is currently the Head of Investment at BNI Ventures and Special Advisor To The Coordinating Minister For Maritime & Investment Affairs Ms Sjahrir is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for learning and development She is also the co-founder and CEO of RFitness, Indonesia’s largest online and offline boutique fitness brand.





Michellina Laksmi Triwardhany is the current President Director of Prudential Indonesia. Prior to this role, she was the Vice President Director of Bank Danamon for Bank Danamon for 12 years after her service at Citi across South East Asia



Mira Dyah Wahyuni is the CEO of Pertamedika Indonesia Healthcare She first entered the organization as Director of Operations in 2021. Prior to her contribution at Pertamedika, she was appointed as Regional Director of Hermina Hospital Group



Widharmika Agung is the Partner of Systemiq Ltd He has prior experience in a variety of sectors, including FMCG, fashion, and lifestyle. He also Cofounded Indorelawan, an online based NGO organization that provides volunteers for various kinds of event and seminars



Ririn Radiawati Kusuma is the Lead of Moving Indonesia. She was previously appointed as Indonesia Country Coordinator at Vital Strategies, an organization that partners with various sectors to help strengthen public health policies globally






Sony Jethnani is the Chairwoman of British Chamber Indonesia Professional Women Group The first women only group within European chambers Their vision is to elevate and connect women in business through their monthly meetings and encourage connection with other women ' s communities. Sony is also the Marketing Director of PT Hansika Unggul Indah (ladies fashion retail brand Bhumika id) and the Ambassador for InterNations Jakarta Expatriate Community - hosting weekly business and social networking events each month



Ms Ninin is Network Planning & Optimization Vertical Manager in Nokia Networks Indonesia and Lead Enterprise Asia Pasific Japan market. She has business professional with 26 years experiences in telecommunication industry with variety roles for Nokia Network, Huawei, ZTE and PT Indosat in Indonesia and Asia Pacific Japan She also as Nokia StrongHer Leader in Nokia, a Nokia Global program focus on woman ’ s empowerment as minority in the IT world, by increasing their potential to be more advanced and confident in taking part in technological advancements



Devi Novianti's journey from Indonesia to Hong Kong over two decades ago has led her to her current role as an Equal Opportunities Officer at the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) Since 2009, she has passionately championed the cause of equality, firmly believing in the boundless potential within each of us to create a better life



Gunawan Wahab is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of One Health Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to building a healthier future by preventing zoonotic diseases Their mission extends beyond better regulations, emphasizing community education, fostering collaboration among health sectors, and championing innovative research to safeguard both human and animal health. Besides his work at the foundation, Gunawan also serves as the CEO of Petskita and holds the position of President Commissioner at Tanivest Group





Ronny Supardi is the Head of Indonesia at LinkedIn Has experience in the technological industry for over 20+ years, he has previously worked in several big name companies, such as Oracle and IBM



Biondi’s passion is to espouse digital, development, diplomacy, and to leverage them to narrow inequality and empower youth Biondi consulted the World Bank, UNDP, Public Digital UK, EY Tokyo on digital transformation and green transition portfolios and lectures on international relations at Hasanuddin University. In IYD, Biondi was a Y20 Delegate in Turkey, IYD Cochair 2016-2018, and now serves the board as the co-head of research and advocacy Born and raised in Palu, Biondi gives back by founding a platform to improve local talents’ competitiveness and productivity, @PaluProduktif


Founder&CEOatUpBanxCo-Founder&ChairmanatVCGamers Co-Founder&PresidentCommissioneratModalRakyat

Wafa Taftazani is an entrepreneur and investor with over 10 years of experience across technology, digital entertainment, corporate finance, public policy, and international relations. He is the Founder & CEO of UpBanx, Co-Founder & Chairman of VCGamers, Co-Founder & President Commissioner of ModalRakyat, and a Director at RANS Ventures Wafa is also serving as senior advisor to Fazz and BebasInvestasi He lectures on entrepreneurship and digital innovation at the University of Indonesia


LeadResearcher-DigitalTransformationatIYD&Account ManageratGoogle

Raihan is an Account Manager at Google Indonesia and Lead Researcher (Digital Transformation) at IYD Raihan has experience of working at giant technology companies handling the intersection between partnership, growth hacking, account management, sales, and digital marketing to help brands in achieving their business objectives.





Steven is responsible for shaping the strategy and for establishing external partnerships Prior to GIPA, Steven founded and led YIPA UK for 5 years where he played a key role in securing +25 partners from both public and private sectors He is the Managing Partner of Equatorise Advisory, a Londonheadquartered boutique consulting firm in Indonesia. Previously Steven worked at Accenture Strategy, London office.



Christy is responsible for driving GIPA’s engagement with Overseas Professional Hubs and public advocacy efforts Prior to GIPA, Christy was the Executive Director of YIPA UK in 2019-21 She works in Climate Risk for Barclays, where she specialises in carbon modelling, net zero portfolio alignment and TCFD reporting



Hilmi is responsible for developing relationships with stakeholders in Indonesia and mapping areas where GIPA can contribute. He spent significant time in the UK and Greater China Currently, Hilmi is a professional at The Executive Office of The President specializing in Political, Legal and Security Affairs



Dinye is responsible for building GIPA’s own learning platform the Global Skills Centre and spearheading the Professional Development CoE Her commitment to accelerating the career development of Indonesian professionals overseas is backed by her extensive work as a Leadership and Talent Development expert She has been recognized globally as 'Thirty Under 30' in L&D, Germany's Mentor of the Year 2023 and Germany's Top 17 DEI Experts





Kei is responsible for shaping the strategy for GIPA’s outreach and media presence towards Indonesian and overseas stakeholders. She is experienced in Urban Planning and currently works for the NHS to optimise healthcare provision in England, UK



Yos is responsible for spearheading the direction of culture and community at GIPA, while also monitoring and addressing the needs of members returning to Indonesia after working abroad He is experienced in Tech and Business Development and previously worked at Microsoft



Derryl is responsible for spearheading the EcD CoE and supports GIPA’s partnerships and business engagement across G20 and ASEAN economies Derryl is an experienced Strategy, M&A and Tech professional, having held management roles in global companies like Deloitte & Uber He is currently a Strategy and Account Director at Australian FinTech mx51 and an Advisor at Aspen Medical.





Fahmi, born and raised in Jakarta, he pursued Computer Science in Japan as a MEXT scholar, attaining both bachelor's and master's degrees. He ventured into an IT engineering career, specializing in IT Infrastructure, Cloud Systems, and IT Management With over a decade's experience, he excels in system architecture, IT development, and client reports for financial and insurance sectors Proficient in cloud tech and project management, he's adept at private clouds, IaaS, DevOps, and cloud migration. Passionate about customer success, he promotes cloud-native technology adoption. He's also involved in voluntary efforts uniting Indonesian professionals and communities in Tokyo



Juan is responsible for managing IPA NL’s events to facilitate various formal and non-formal discussions between Indonesian professionals in the Netherlands. Juan is also a Collateral Management specialist with 5 years experience in Clearing and Settlements in EU and APAC region


Co-founderofInPAFrance&ManagingDirectorofMarkedbyDev Devita has been guiding companies through digital transformation and change management, especially in SAP ERP As an entrepreneur, she's initiated various ventures, with Square Sense, a European PropTech firm, being a notable part of her portfolio Her marketing agency, active in the EU and SEA, caters to diverse clients, including Venture Capitalists and NonProfits. Fond of sustainability, Devita was central in introducing HeiQ Aeoniq's online presence (a partnership between Hugo Boss and Lycra) She co-founded the Indonesian Professional Association France Hub and helped shape its early marketing strategy



The Global Skills Centre (GSC) is a one-of-a-kind learning platform designed to bridge Indonesia's talent gap by equipping professionals with essential future-oriented skills This initiative responds to the private sector's urgent need to upskill and reskill their workforce for the evolving work landscape while acknowledging the challenges in creating effective professional development programs independently.

Challenges and Vision

Indonesia faces a talent gap that demands the active participation of the private sector in nurturing professionals with future skills Yet, the landscape is marked by constraints such as a lack of expertise, underdeveloped Learning and Development (L&D) capabilities, and resource limitations, hampering the comprehensive development of skills.

GSC as Strategic Development Partner

Amid these challenges, the Global Skills Centre (GSC) emerges as an unequivocal solution With a sharp focus on 21st-century skills, GSC tailors individualized learning paths to address these barriers By harnessing an expansive global network of Indonesian experts, GSC offers a distinctive perspective enriched by real-world experience, effectively addressing change resistance and ensuring seamless alignment with industry trends and strategic business objectives. Consequently, GSC serves as a strategic partner, well-equipped to empower Indonesian companies in preparing their workforce for the future of work



GIPA's network plays a vital role in GSC's success GIPA provides access to a global network of Indonesian experts, ensuring a diverse range of insights and practical knowledge for program development GIPA's credibility allows GSC to act as a bridge between Think Tanks, Public Sector Leaders, and Industry Experts This role ensures that GSC's training programs blend theoretical excellence with real-world applicability GSC's innovative approach, powered by GIPA's global network and credibility, offers a promising trajectory for the transformation of professional development
GSC identifies 20 priority skills based on key capabilities outlined by the B20 These skills encompass Green initiatives, Digital transformation, and Healthsector advancements, aligning professionals with critical domains of change CROSS-POLLINATION 3KEYATTRIBUTESOFGSC FUTUREPROSPECTS
GSC shows GIPA's long-standing commitment as a catalyst in shaping a workforce that thrives in the face of change and drives Indonesia's progress into a dynamic future


StevenMarcelino Chairman DerrylImanalie HeadofEconomic Diplomacy(EcD) ChristyZakarias SecretaryGeneral DinyeHernanda HeadofProfessional Development(PD) AlifIstighfari IndonesiaHubM HilmiKartasasmita HeadofIndonesia
Difa ViceChair YosTampi HeadofPeople KeiPutri HeadofPublicRelations BimoSaksono MediaManager YohannaSuryadinata GraphicsandMotion Designer ArielAldrin OverseasProfessional HubsManager KenzoBaskoro OverseasProfessional HubsManager


Melati Dewi | Claudia Nauli | Muhammad Haqqi | Patricia Elizabeth | Kayaka Davina |

Sagita Illona Maheswari | Aldo Vincent | Fariduddin Attar | Sebastian Rhenald | Richard

Taulu | Sovi Yasmin | Aqila Nursilmina | Carla Gennardy | Nathania Adella | Sulistiyono |

Jessica Putri | Sharon Cynthia Putra | Jovan Surya | Allmeira Raissa Hartomo | Ferdy

Sendria | Viqra Rahmatillah | Ivan Korompis | Helen Josephine | Azka Indira | Tasyarin

Prisdiyani | Nurul Izza | Anna Rahman | Filipa Rotinsulu | Fakhri Nalendro | Audhita

Nabilla Setiawan | Annisa Irene | Fransis Soyo | Dea Salsabila | Felica Sharon | Fareldi

Papasi | Rafsi Albar

MuzakkiMuhammad EcDAssociate AlvinDjohardi ProductOwner, GSCentre MariaSarah PublicAdvocacy Associate ElitaYunanda PublicAdvocacy Associate MerryMarcella ContentCurator, GSCentre SesariusAnanda PDAssociate WidyaHabiba ContentCurator, GSCentre SteinickSibarani PDAssociate


Network partners

Community partners

Media partners

Organized and Hosted by In collaboration with Supported by
council@gipa co @gipa id www gipa co
Global Indonesia Professionals’ Association (GIPA) This document is prepared by:

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