Your monthly guide to Europe’s most popular holiday resort
Issue 015 @RTNBenidorm
RTN Benidorm
December 2014
El Gordo and El Niño lottery SPAIN IS quite a gambling nation and none more so than at Christmas time •p3
Plenty to do in Benidorm
BENIDORM ATTRACTS millions of holidaymakers, not just over the hot sunny months but also all through the entire year •p13
Dining out with RTN
Festive fun at Al Terrazzo
AL TERRAZZO, established since 2006, is an authentic Italian restaurant with traditional home-made cuisine in the heart of Benidorm’s Old Town p30
Christmas Bag Appeal FOR THE seventh year running, Tony and Lucy of The Bed Centre in Calpe have been running the ‘Christmas Bag Appeal’ for the Children of Emaus. The annual appeal is very popular and well embraced by the local community, which with the funding crisis is even more important this year. Read the full story on page 3.
WIFI zones in Benidorm BENIDORM PROVIDES plenty of WIFI cover throughout the city. Here are some locations where WIFI is available: Ayuntamiento: Plaza SSMM los Reyes de España Red WIFIBND Paseo Colon: WIFIBND Mercado Municipal: Tomas Ortuño - WIFIBND Oficina Administrativa - Plaza de la Luna - WIFIBND Biblioteca Municipal Centro Jelena: C/ Olivos, 11 Biblioteca Europea - C/ Juan Fuster Zaragoza Centro Social LLorca Llinares - C/ Goya - WIFIBND Centro Información Juvenil - C/ Tomas Ortuño Centro Social La Torreta - C/ Ciudad Real, 4 WIFI - Avda. Comunidad Valenciana 7 Benidorm - Carre Londres The number of small independent Cafes and Restaurants providing free WIFI is increasing all the time all over the city. You can find an app for WIFI hotspots on your Smartphone at – either by GPS location or by address.
RTN Benidorm is a FREE newspaper and is brought to you exclusively by the revenue generated by its advertisers. So when you respond to an advert in this paper please tell the advertiser where you saw them. Thank you!
Mayor’s Christmas Message
I WOULD like to say a few words to the readers of Round Town News as we approach the festive season. First and foremost, thank you for your continued support of our town, without you all we would not be the continuing success which we are. We look forward to welcoming you all back and endeavor to improve our facilities. The British people are integrating to our fiestas – and we embrace your celebrations too! The recent British Fancy Dress Day was a great success and long may it continue. I would personally like to wish each and every one of you a joyful Christmas and Prosperous New Year.
Oficina Charral, Emilio Ortuño 6, Floor 4, Office 1, Benidorm, Alicante 03501 • Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm Tel: 902 118 999 • Fax: 96 585 60 54
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DEADLINES; Adverts, copy changes and editorial copy: Friday 26th December 2014. CUSTOMER SERVICE: If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service you can call 902 118 999 or write to: Oficina Charral, Emilio Ortuño 6, Floor 4, Office 1, Benidorm, Alicante 03501. TO GET YOUR PAPER: If you any difficulty in getting RTN Benidorm each week please call 902 118 999
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To advertise in this newspaper Tel: 646 619 466 or email - Copy deadline for the next edition is Friday 26th December.
El Gordo and Clinica Dental El Niño lottery Costa Blanca SPAIN IS quite a gambling nation and none more so than at Christmas time. by Irena Bodnarec SPAIN IS quite a gambling nation and none more so than at Christmas time. The two biggest lotteries take place at this time of the year – first El Gordo on 22nd December followed by El Niño on 6th January. The El Gordo lottery pays out more prizes than any other lottery draw in the world and almost everyone in Spain plays. But it is not like the Euro Lottery where you have the option to pick your own numbers. Both the El Gordo and El Niño have pre-printed tickets with a 5 digit number and nativity scene, which changes every year. The El Gordo dates back to 1812 so has a long history and tradition. The Spanish lottery operator gives 70% of the revenue from ticket sales to the prize fund, meaning the more people that play the bigger the jackpot, making it a self perpetuating success. No-one can resist the lure of a
share of the jackpot and statistics show that 1 in 3 tickets win something! An individual ticket costs 20 euros and tickets can be seen hanging at lottery outlets all over Spain, with certain “lucky” numbers selling out quickly. But don´t leave it too late to buy your lottery tickets as they can sell out and Buena Suerte! – that´s Good Luck.
Continued from front page Across all the homes in the area there are 96 vulnerable children being cared for by the charity – which predominantly survives on donations and fundraising activities, often thanks to the British ex-pats who live here. This year the appeal would like to focus on the more practical items to help the homes cope and give the children their own special personal things such as shampoo, shower gels, school stationary, slippers, pyjamas etc, although treats are also much appreciated. As last year, the bags will be handed out on Christmas Day and also on 5th January – Three Kings, which is a very important day for Spanish children, so you have plenty of time to collect some items. There are numerous drop off points up and down the coast – Big Ted at the Union Jack Bar in the Rincon de Loix is once again spearheading the Benidorm collection. Contact Lucy on 965 836 814 or by email: to find out your nearest collection point, or if you are a business and would like to help your assistance will be much appreciated. Lets help ensure that the ´Make a Smile´ campaign puts a smile of the children´s faces this year.
FOR MANY, going to the dentist is often a stressful experience, but at ´Clinica Dental Costa Blanca´ it is anything but.
Centrally located in the heart of the Old Town on Avd de Martinez – almost opposite the Ale Hop store at the bottom of the Avd Ruzafa, you can´t fail to miss the huge green tooth sign hanging outside. If coming from the Rincon de Loix , go to the end of the Avd Mediterraneo and then walk to the top of Calle Gambo –the pedestrianized street and you will see the clinic at the end to your right. The clinic is situated on the first floor and upon entering you are instantly put at ease by the tranquil relaxing environment. Dr Thomas Anton together with Dra Rosa Zaragoza & dental assistant Lisa are all completely fluent in English – often a stumbling block for many and over half of their clients are British. They are open Monday to Friday from 10am till 2pm then again from 4pm until 7pm – however, they are always on call 24 hours a day, 7 days per week for emergencies (contact 695 055 330). Dr Anton is proud to have built a practice based on quality, honesty and a commitment to providing his patients with the highest quality dental care – his soothing and gentle approach will put even the most nervous patient instantly at ease. He has been practicing dentistry in Benidorm since 1991 and moved to the current premises in 1997. The clinic has all the most up to date, modern high tec equipment, including a digital panoramic x-ray machine. In addition standard dental work they also offer other dental services such as teeth whitening, veneers and dental implants – for which a specialist comes in who has successfully carried out over 10,000 implants. ´Clinica Dental Costa Blanca´ offer free check ups and estimates for work and procedures and will provide any holiday makers requiring emergency work with fully itemized invoices for insurance claims. Out of his work environment Dr Anton is an accomplished sculptor – specializing in alabaster and marble, who has exhibited his works in many prestigious venues. Tel: 96 586 4777.
Practical information HERE IS some useful information to help make your holiday in Benidorm safe, worry free and a thoroughly enjoyable experience. AIRLINE NUMBERS
If you need to contact the airline for any reason these are numbers based in Spain. Monarch – 800 099 260 free phone number Jet2 - 902 881 269 – calls cost 6.7c per min plus 8.3c connection. EasyJet – 902 599 900 from Spain – calls cost 8 cents per min from landline Or 0843 104 5000 UK number – calls cost 5p per min
This is the bus which runs to Alicante airport. You can catch it from either the Avda Europa, outside the Europa Clinica or from the bus station. Departs hourly and on the hour from Avda Europa from 7am until 10pm – but there is NO bus at 9pm: costs 9.45€ one way.
In Spain banks only open for half a day, so make sure you go in the morning. Normal opening hours are 8.15am till 2pm, no Saturday opening. All banks have an ATM with an option to change the language into English – press the ‘cambio idiomas’ option.
BRITISH CONSULATE This is located in Alicante – Edf Espacio, Rambla Mendez Nuñez, 6th Floor, Alicante 03002. Open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 1.30pm. In an emergency contact 965 216 002: if you have lost or had your passport stolen you will need to go there to obtain an emergency travel document to get you back to the UK, which will take about two hours to process. It will only be valid for that one journey and costs approximately 120€.
The local bus service is run by Llorente. You pay the driver and the cost is 1.50€ regardless of distance. Generally the buses run until midnight. The following buses, which all stop on the main Avd Mediterraneo, are probably the ones which you will find most useful - but with baggage you would need to take a taxi as you are not allowed to take luggage onto local public buses. No 2 - Goes to Carrefour hypermarket and the La Marina Shopping centre No 10 - To Altea via Alfaz del Pi and Albir: a great way to see the local area
In Spain they are called a ‘Farmacia’. There is a 24hour Farmacia on the main Avd Mediterraneo and the staff speaks English. Many local Farmacias close over the lunch period from 1.30, re-opening at 5pm. If you need any sort of medication, including asprin or paracetamol, you can only buy them here: supermarkets are not allowed to sell any kind of medicine.
If you have your EHIC – European Health Insurance Card you are entitled to see the social security doctor free of charge in an emergency, but you must also present your passport with the card. There are two ‘Centro de Salud’ (health centres) in Benidorm you can attend: Rincon de Loix - On Avd Derramador near to the Indoor market Foiettes in the Old Town - Calle Venuzuela La Cala - Avda de Benisa
EMERGENCY NUMBERS 112 is the European equivalent of 999 in the UK Ambulance – 112 Local Police – 966 807 766 or 092 in an emergency National Police – 966 831 930 or 091 in an emergency Guardia Civil – 965 854 475 or 062 in an emergency
See pages 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21
See pages 27, 28, 29, 30 & 31
See pages 23, 24, & 25
There is only one social security hospital covering Benidorm – the Hospital Marina Baixa, which is actually located in Villa Joyosa, a short distance from the centre of Benidorm (just past La Cala). However, there are two private hospitals in the centre of Benidorm – you will have to pay for any treatment or you can use your travel insurance if covered. IMED Levante: located in the Rincon de Loix on Calle Doctor Ramon y Cajal. Telephone number 96 687 8787 Hospital Clinica Benidorm: located in the Old Town on Avd Alfonso Puchades: Telephone number 96 585 3850
SATE The Foreign Tourist Assistance Office. If you are unfortunate enough to become a victim of crime this is ideally where you should go to report it. Located on the first floor of the Tourist Information Office, at the very end of the Poniente Beach in the Old Town. Open Monday to Friday from 9am until 9pm and from 10am until 2pm over the weekend. They have interpreters on hand and the use of a telephone to call relatives and your insurance company free of charge. The 24-hour helpline is 902 102 112.
TOURIST INFOS There are 3 operational offices run by the Town Hall and 2 run by Round Town Travel. They can offer help, advine and information on making the most of your time in anda round Benidorm. You can pick up maps and leaflets of attractions and places to visit at any of the following offices. Main Tourist Information Centre – located at the end of Levante Beach on the edge of the Old Town. Contact number: 965 851 311 / 965 853 224 Opening times: Mon – Fri 10.00 – 21.00 / Sat
San Silvestre Race 28th December
by Irena Bodnarec
BENIDORM WILL host the 5th San Silvestre Race on Sunday 28th December – a 6km run along the beachfront. Last year 700 participants entered – a combination of serious club runners, who start at the front and fun runners, dressed in festive fancy dress towards the back. The race starts at 11am from the Levante promenade – at the top of Calle Bilbao (near the Guinness Bar), goes along the entire length of the beach, down the Avd Mediterraneo then repeats the same loop. Last year as the winner came past the finish line he overtook the last of the fun runners runners still on the first lap – 2 ladies painted as blue smurfs! Each of the competitors receive a goodie bag at the finish line. A 1km children´s race takes place afterwards, starting at 12 Noon and then finally at 12:30 there is a 800 metre swim race. For those wishing to join in the fun you can either pre-register at Sports Zone Sports Shop at La Marina Shopping Centre or do it on the day – cost is 15€ or if you register before 25th December only 12€. Well that´s one way to work off those extra Christmas calories!
Kasabian are coming back to Benidorm!
by Kath Poole KASABIAN HAVE just confirmed that they are one of the bands that will be headlining at next years Low Festival in Benidorm! They are currently one of the best live bands in the world and if you were lucky enough to be at the Low Festival Benidorm in 2012 then you will have witnessed their awsome performance to a sell-out crowd of over 30,000 fans. If you are a Kasabian fan then make note that this is their ONLY concert in the whole of Spain in 2015 so don’t miss out and make sure you get your ticket early. The earlier you buy your ticket the cheaper it is. Tickets for the 3 day event which will be on the 24th, 25th and 26th July 2015 start from only 48€. You can buy yours online here
By Irena Bodnarec POPULAR BENIDORM entertainer Pablo Bloom has been on the streets shooting a video for his song ´Benidormication´ - a parody portraying stereotypyes which he wrote about the resort. He was inspired by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers song ´Californication´ - and mentions many of the everyday things which happen here such as pensioners singing on the beach, peamen, mobility scooters and numerous Chinese shops on every street. He had the support of Deputy Mayor Gema Amor and Town Hall, obtaining permission to film at various locations including at the Heartbreak Bar on the Levante beachfront, Tapas Alley, the Mirador and the English Square. On Wednesday he was at the Town Hall square, where he used an actor
to imitate the Mayor. Pablo said that it was done very tongue in cheek but with affection and will hopefully put a smile on everyone’s face. He sings the song during his performance already, which always goes down well and so this was the next step.
Christmas SHOPPING IN Benidorm at any time of the doorways to most stores will be lined with a shops offer a free gift wrapping that it is a “regalo” and you will OLD TOWN
THE OLD Town is a great place to start. Calle Gambo, the pedestrianised street that begins at the Plaza Triangula. The prices tend to work out cheaper here in Spain even taking into account the exchange rate, so it is certainly worth a visit. Paseo de la Carretera is another must-do street and will take you all the way to Elche Park. One quirky shop which will catch your eye is Ale Hop – easily spotted as all the branches have a massive cow outside! Here you will find accessories, gifts, unusual novelties and decor at very affordable prices. Ladies, if you are looking for a fabulous ball gown, make sure you pop into Bambu where you will be amazed at the array of styles and colours on offer – and so much cheaper than the UK! Not forgetting the boys and budding Rambos among you, if you have a passion for guns and military bits then stop off at Europa. One shop which you will not be able to resist walking into is Bartolucci – a fairytale toyshop offering hand-made wooden toys of exceptional quality. You will not be able to resist the adorable painted wooden objects such as clocks, door plates and pictures frames, which can all be personalised – any child would be delighted with a gift from here.
year is great but at Xmas it is even better! The red carpet throughout the festive period and all service, so no need to go and buy any – just say receive a beautifully wrapped package! TOY SHOPS CHRISTMAS IS particularly an enchanting time for children – with the main focus being what presents they will receive! They are particularly well catered for here, with plenty of toy shops around. The biggest and most popular are Jugetilandia – meaning toyland, of which there are 2 local branches, a small one on the Calle Ruzafa and a huge one by the La Marina shopping centre. The other well known toyshop is Don Dino, which can be found on the main Avd Mediterraneo… and remember, they both offer a free gift wrapping service!
LA MARINA Shopping Centre offers a broad selection of shops in an air conditioned environment. C&A, a UK department store which disappeared from the UK High Street some years back, you will still find here – and particularly popular with visiting Brits. There is an excellent Zara Home selling gorgeous home accessories; a home store called Casa where you can buy all manner of kitchen gadgets and knick knacks for the home; Mango; H&M; Stradivarius; Pimkie and Benetton for trendy fashion; Druni and Douglas – both selling beauty products and perfume … and that’s just a handful of what is on offer. You can easily spend hours browsing around here.
Top 5 things to do over Christmas
THIS SHOULD already be on your to do list whatever time of the year you come, but on Xmas day, Boxing Day and New Years Eve they have an extra special menu. On Boxing Day they have the Four Tops and guest appearance by “Boney M” on New Years Eve, helping to welcome in 2015.
GUADALEST TOWN HALL SQAURE IF IT´S chilly then head inland to Guadalest and you may actually see some
WILL BE decked with a red carpet and the Aurrera Group have a special Xmas set menu at 3 of its restaurants; Sidreria Aurerra, Brasseria Aurerra and La Taperia– plus a fabulous exclusive New Years Eve menu at Sidreria for only 25€, certainly great value for probably the most expensive night of the year. If you just fancy tapas, all the bars are open and offering a special Cava promotion throughout the festive season of only 5€ per bottle – that´s for a full size bottle! IS A great indoor mall full of popular outlets such as Zara, Mango, H&M plus many more. It is hardly ever crowded like UK shopping centres so you can browse peacefully. They have some lovely Xmas displays decking the walkway - with an animated one for children. There is a free underground car park or take the number 2, 3 or 15 bus which stops next to McDonalds opposite the centre. However, you can also pop to the Indoor Market in the Rincon de Loix which is also covered and has numerous small independent shops. THE ICE Rink is in the Town Hall Square and is great fun for all children big and small and will be there until 3 Kings – 6th January. You can hire the ice skates there for a nominal charge and gloves are compulsory – if you forget some then they sell them there too.
snow covering the mountains. There are some lovely little gift shops where you can purchase an unusual Xmas gift and plenty of cafes to warm up with a nice hot drink, while you admire the beautiful picturesque scenery.
AVENIDA MEDITERRANEO THE AVD Mediterraneo, which runs all the way from the Rincon de Loix up to the edge of the Old Town, is lined with an array of shops. Tobacco shops for your cigarette and spirit supply to take back home – the biggest range is found at EuroTobacco; leather shops selling beautiful quality coats and jackets for ladies and gents; Lottery shops if you fancy a flutter on the Euro Millions and plenty of souvenir shops selling typical holiday mementos.
december 2014
And after Christmas.... Enjoy the 3 Kings Parade on 6th January. by Irena Bodnarec ONCE CHRISTMAS and New Year are out of the way most Brits are getting back to normal - but not the Spanish! They still have one more fiesta - the Three Kings or as they say here, “Los Reyes Magos” which falls on 6th January, a Tuesday in 2015 and an official Bank Holiday here in Spain. It is one of the most exciting and anticipated days for children and celebrates the Three Wise Men - Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar following the star to Bethlehem and bringing their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the Baby Jesus. On the eve of Three Kings there is a magnificent procession in most towns and cities across Spain, and Benidorm is no exception. The parade takes place on Monday 5th January, starting at 6pm from the Parque de Elche (Dove Park) in the Old Town and the main attraction for all the children will be the Three Kings. 500 people participated in the last parade - as well as the three main floats carrying the Kings there will be additional floats and entourage, which will be dressed up in themed fancy dress – plus the odd donkey and horse! One of the highlights for the spectators is the sweets which are thrown from the floats as they pass, but bear in mind that the Spanish pensioners are far more “enthusiastic” in the scramble for them! The parade will go up the Avd de los Almendros then back down the Avd Ruzafa before finishing up at the Town Hall square, where the Kings will leave their gifts for the baby Jesus at the nativity scene. Once the festivities are over children will be rushing to get home and for once, to get to bed! Tradition is that they leave a shoe outside filled with straw before they go to bed and in the morning the Three Kings would have been and left a gift
there. However, those that have been naughty would be left “carbon” – coal, but these days rather than real coal they are left a bag of sweets which look like coal! This may explain why toyshops in Spain will be packed out the weekend just before, leaving the shelves virtually empty. Monday 6th is a considered a family day and many will sit down together at breakfast and eat a “roscon” - you may have
seen them in many of the supermarkets and bakeries. It is a large donut shaped sweet pastry, with candied fruits decorating it and hidden inside will be a small porcelain figure. Similar to a Christmas pudding, whoever finds the hidden surprise in their portion will have luck for the entire year. The following day, Wednesday 7th January is the official start of the sales, when you can grab a bargain.
Bill & Kerri at Round Town Travel Gerona
december 2014
Plenty to do in Benidorm BENIDORM ATTRACTS millions of holidaymakers, not just over the hot sunny months but also all through the entire year. There is still plenty to keep you busy, even when it isn’t quite warm enough to relax on the beach. Casino
The long awaited Casino opened during the Summer on the Avd Mediterraneo (Rincon end) and is Benidorm´s latest and most exciting addition to the resort. It is already attracting plenty every day, with doors opening at 10am for the keen among you and not closing until 3am – later on Friday and Saturday. Remember that you need to bring your passport for ID and no under 18´s are allowed on the premises.
If shopping is your passion then you won´t be disappointed. A recent survey in the British Press found that prices in Spain were substantially cheaper than their counterparts in the UK in shops such as Zara, Mango and Massimo Dutti – so leave space in your luggage. All these stores can be found at the La Marina Shopping Centre – take the number 2 bus from the centre or in the Old Town. The Indoor Market is an Aladdin´s cave of hidden treasures with a selection of mainly British owned independent shops, hair and beauty salons and cafes to browse around. There are also a number of reputable and honest money exchange bureaus where you get the rate shown on the board. Open Monday to Friday until 6pm and until 3pm on Saturday, all three entrances are wheelchair and mobility scooter accessible.
If its Bingo that takes your fancy then try Bingo Plaza – also on the Avd Mediterraneo but at the other end, opposite the Plaza Triangular towards the Old Town. Open daily from 2pm, again a strict no under 18´s policy applies. Although the numbers are all called out in Spanish, the multiple screens around the room and one on each table ensures that you don´t miss any called out. They have a fantastic restaurant with subsidized prices to encourage you to stay instead of popping out for a bite to eat. Alternatively, there are plenty of British bars advertising ´Eyes Down¨ or ¨Housey´ around the Rincon where you can get your fix in English.
for the kids
If you are looking for afternoon entertainment you can take to the microphone at numerous bars for a karaoke session – all advertise on boards outside or if dancing takes your fancy, try an old fashioned tea dance at the Caféteria Roman. Located right on the Levante promenade opposite McDonalds, every day between 5pm and 9pm they have a live band with a floor full of couples dancing a Waltz or Quick Step.
For the younger at heart try 10 pin bowling at one of two alleys – Ozone on the Avd Mediterraneo which is open from 10am or on the top floor of the La Marina shopping centre, which opens at 4pm. Terra Natura Wildlife Park is still open throughout the Winter season, but only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and a great place for both children and adults.
Check a Tradesman YOU’RE LIVING the dream as an expat on the Costa Blanca and it’s as close to paradise as you can get. However, as with all homes things go wrong and you need a tradesman.
TROUBLE IS - who can you trust? After all, we’ve all heard (or at least can imagine) horror stories of bodged jobs, overcharging or just plain incompetence. There is now a new service in town where you can find tradesmen you can trust. How? We all know one or two people you can trust but what if we created a ‘community’ where feedback is shared with others? WELCOME TO CHECKATRADESMAN! A new Javea-based company called Checkatradesman provides a service to help you the customer pick the right tradesman for the right job to be carried out at your home or work place. As a matter of fact, this concept has been running in the United Kingdom for the last 14 years and has proved to be one of the best ways to select a fully legal tradesman. Why not
check out An online directory has been created where traders are listed. Here’s the first important thing: all businesses are checked for legality prior to their entry being accepted onto the website. Then, your feedback is requested so that others can benefit. That user feedback is then aggregated, making an easy to use star-rating system. Check it out - - take a look at the businesses already signed up. Each business has a detailed profile and a library of pictures so you can see if they’re right for you and you can easily see what others think of them from their star ratings. Once you feel confident that you’ve found the right tradesman, you’ll find all their contact details such as telephone numbers, website and email - a simple click and you’re immediately in contact. What could be easier? A hassle-free service to help you track down the right tradesman
next time you need one. We have all been there - the boiler decides to stop working or a water pipe explodes... TRADERS Checkatradesman is free to use for the consumer. And traders - we have excellent promotional rates on offer at the moment. To name just a few - sign up to Checkatradesman today as an existing RTN advertiser and receive your first three months for just 49.99€. Also the first 10 callers to ring in to Checkatradesman will receive an El Corte Ingles voucher for 100€. For any further info feel free to call on 96 506 0220. Alternatively talk to Checkatradesman live through the website. Look out for the logo and commercial launches somewhere near you soon. Also tune in to Overseas FM for daily information on the morning breakfast show.
First 10 ca llers t up TO El Cor DAY get o sign te Ing a 100 € les Vo ucher !
December 2014
Our mystery man on the street takes a sneaky look at perfectly located 4* Delfin Beach Hotel DECIDING WHERE to stay in Benidorm can be an uphill climb, what is perfect for one person could be holiday hell for another! Of course Benidorm is rarely a place for peace and tranquillity, BUT, finding the right mix of fun, sun and a little bit of chill time is crucial if you are to return home relaxed with a feeling of time and money well spent. This month our mystery man opted for a perfectly located hotel directly on the beach well way from the centre of the resort. THE HOTEL The Delfin is a classy low-rise hotel of just four floors with plenty of character and of course the main attraction being the Poniente Playa just 10 steps across the road from the hotel entrance. An adult only hotel for those who enjoy eating, drinking, sleeping, playing and snoozing well away from the hustle and bustle. Public areas of the hotel are welcoming and offer fabulous views of the beach. Enjoy
stunning views across the bay from the terrace bar which is a perfect place to spend your evenings. THE ROOMS Rooms offer an old world charm with quality furnishings, nice firm comfy beds and large balconies all with either direct sea or side sea views. They come with all the facilities you would expect from a hotel in this class. With the location on the beach most rooms offer the sound of the sea to help you nod off into a relaxing sleep. THE FOOD Food is served buffet style in a smart restaurant and offers a superb mix of Spanish themed dishes and International favourites. Always plenty of good quality fresh local salads, fish, steak and a very good wine cellar of Spanish wines to complement your meal. Guests are encouraged to dress smart casual for dinner. A big breakfast
is served with a huge choice that will set you up for the day.
most guests spend their time on the beach.
THE POOL Located in the very pretty gardens the hotel pool offers a real oasis of peace and quiet where you can enjoy a swim or make use of the sunbeds and parasols. As the hotel is not large the pool never gets packed, therefore there is always room for everyone, especially as the beach is right on the doorstep meaning
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW The hotel is ideal for guests who like to be left alone to make their own enjoyment and is probably best suited to more mature couples looking for a quiet relaxing hotel break. The Delfin is one of Saga Holidays recommended hotels. This is not a hotel for groups or youngsters who want to party all night.
Benidorm Old Town is a pleasant 20/25 minute stroll along the promenade and for the big cabaret bars and late night disco bars a bus stops outside the hotel to take you there. Locally there are plenty of places to dine out with some of the best restaurants in Benidorm located behind the hotel and a good choice of eateries along the beach too. Book this and over 200 hotels by visiting
English cinema
Crossword and Puzzle Solutions
IF THE weather is a little unsettled and you are looking for something to do inside, then what about going to the cinema. With more and more downloading and watching films at home, it’s a real novelty to sit back in a big plush chair with a bucket of popcorn – just like the old days! You can catch an English language film at the Cine Colci Rincon, on the Avd Zamora, which is located on the road facing the Round Town Travel shop and just behind the private IMED Levante hospital. Every week the cinema shows an English original version film – with 2 viewing times each evening. They do vary but the first screening is usually either 6:00pm or 6:30pm – but check beforehand. Entrance prices are 6.50€ except on a Wednesday, when there is a special price of 5€. To find out what is on and start time call 965 853 859 or check out the website - clicking on the ´Colci Rincon´ icon.
Across: 7 Roach; 8 Element; 9 Adverse; 10 Earns; 12 Protection; 15 Songstress; 18 Sound; 19 Topical; 21 Mariner; 22 Adieu. Down: 1 Broadcasts; 2 Halve; 3 Char; 4 Detect; 5 Defences; 6 Terrain; 11 Santa Claus; 13 Resident; 14 Inquire; 16 Retire; 17 Acrid; 20 Pear. Wordwheel: EXTREMITY
see the sights s ht sig e th e Se 1
Explore the
Better known to the Brits as ‘Dove Park’, it can be found at the beginning of Poniente Beach on the edge of the Old Town: a lovely, shady park area with plenty of palm trees. Here you can sit and ‘people watch’ with a massive population of white doves which you can feed – very popular with the Spanish.
ONE OF the advantages of not needing a car in Benidorm is the excellent public transport network – in particular the bus service.
The giant rock jutting out directly in front of the Levante beach is ap 4 km from the shore. You can catch a glass bottomed boat from the marina at Mal Pas which gives you some amazing views of the reef and fish then explore the wildlife and bird population on the island.
Located up in the Old Town, right at the top and often referred to as the Mirador. A little bit of a steep climb but well worth it when you see the beautiful panoramic views of both the bays. You can also access it from Mal Pas beach where there is a staircase which leads all the way up. A very pretty blue and white tiled gazebo with seating makes a lovely backdrop for a photo and the square has a selection of bars so you can take in the stunning scenery.
If you are fed up of pie & chips and fancy a taste of the real Spain then head to Calle Santo Domingo – better known to all as “Tapas Alley” in the Old Town. The tapas are displayed behind glass and you can walk up and down pointing to whatever takes your fancy - the prices vary depending on which ones you choose but are generally between 1.50€ and 2.50€.
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If you want to see Benidorm from a different perspective then pop to the Gran Hotel Bali in La Cala where you can go up to the panoramic view point on the 43rd floor - in a glass lift! Open from 11.00am until 13.30pm then again from 15.30pm until 21.30pm there is a 6 euros charge for non-residents, but you do get a drink at the viewpoint bar included – chlldren under 12 go free (1 per adult).
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The brand new Poniente Promenade is the envy of every seaside resort and runs from the Old Town down towards La Cala. The promenade took over two years to complete and cost near on 20 million euros - but much of that was funding from the EU. The innovative multi coloured wave design won an architectural award and definitely worth seeing.
More of a wildlife park than a zoo, with three zones: America, Asia and Europe and you can see animals native to those Continents living within their natural environment with shrubs and plants from their natural habitat. There are plenty of interactive activities going on throughout the day such as feeding the animals and for the more adventurous you can even Zip Wire across a 400metre stretch above the elephant plain.
A Benidorm landmark situated on the Sierra Helada mountains in the Rincon. The cross was erected in the 1950´s by residents and is 8 metres tall. A popular walk route taking ap 45 mins each way with breath taking views of the town.
Poniente Centro / Old Town New Town / Rincon
Terra Natura – Buy 2 ge
TERRA NATURA wildlife park in Benidorm is a must when here. The 32 hectare park is divided up into 3 zones; America, and Europe so comfortable walking shoes are essential! Animals and plants typical of each continent can be seen within region, making it not only an enjoyable visit but also an educational learning experience. The park runs a breeding progr for endangered animals and there are plenty of interactive activities going on throughout the day. The park is easy to ge public transport take the Llorente bus number 1 from anywhere along the Avd. Mediterraneo or the number 15 from La alternatively jump into a taxi (approximate 15 minute journey from the centre of Benidorm). RTN have an exclusive read available – Buy 2 get 2 FREE. All you need to do is call into our office at Via Emilio Ortuño 6, floor 4, office 1 , by theside on the walking street in the old town. Free invitations are limited so be quick if you don´t want to miss out.
e coastline on the No 10 bus By Irena Bodnarec THE NUMBER 10 bus has to be the most popular route on the entire Llorente network. Starting in Benidorm it takes you through neighbouring Alfaz, Albir and finishes in picturesque Altea. The 1.50€ flat fare is payable to the driver on boarding and you can go just one stop or stay on for the entire journey. It is a great way to do a little bit of sightseeing of the area and see the stunning and contrasting scenery just a few kilometres outside Benidorm. The first bus starts at 7am and last bus departs just after 10pm – with a bus almost every 15 minutes during the busy period and every 20 minutes at quieter times, i.e. first and last thing in the day and siesta time. The service also operates at the weekend and on Bank Holidays. On boarding in Benidorm you will first hit Alfaz del Pi – a quiet, mainly residential town. There is a lovely old church in the town square which dates back to 1784 and Alfaz is home to the largest Norwegian community outside of Norway. The Enrique Mendoza Winery is also located here (get off outside Arabi Plaza), a family run bodega offering wine tours and tasting. The next town after Alfaz is Albir, a coastal resort like Benidorm but much quieter and with a completely different atmosphere – a real contrast. There are plenty of bars and restaurants along the promenade and nestled in between the Frax centre – hosting exhibitions and concerts throughout the year. There is a very popular Sunday morning market just off the main road where the bus runs and if you are a walker, the lighthouse walk is a must. Finally, the bus meanders along to Altea, one of the most photographed towns in the region with the distinctive blue domed cupola of the church perched on top of the Old Town where there are the most amazing views of Altea, Albir and Benidorm – with the contrasting sky scrapers in the distance. The white washed houses, cobbled streets and laid back Bohemian lifestyle are captivating. The marina is a lovely place to explore, a working fishing port where you can watch the boats coming in every evening landing their catch. Many holiday makers walk along the promenade from Altea to Albir, enjoying a drink along the way then pick up the bus in Albir back into Benidorm – makes for a great day out.
Poseidon Playa Magic Villa del Mar RH Royal Hotel Victoria Avenida Bristol Park Princessa Sandos Monaco Hotel Cimbel Flamingo Venus Helios Presidente Riveria Beach Hotel Rosamar Calypso
Flash Hotel Sol Pelicanos Sol Ocas Nereo Levante Club Los Dalmatas Agua Rock Gardens Regente Dynastic Melia Buenavista Mediterraneo De Loix Palm Beach Don Jorge
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Various boat departures for an adventurous day out. From here you can catch the hourly glass bottomed boat to Benidorm Island which departs from 10am until 5pm. Or try the mini cruise to Calp which takes you on a picturesque tour of the coast, passing by Albir, Altea and some small hidden coves – a daily service departing Benidorm at 11.30am and returning from Calpe at 4.30pm. For the more adventurous how about a boat trip to Tabarca Island, sometimes referred to as ‘Flat Island’.
CIRCUS 10 BENIDORM You will find ‘The Big Top’ behind Benidorm Palace - a well
known landmark in the town. It has been a permanent fixture there for the last three years and can accommodate 850 people. The tent is totally wheelchair friendly with the installation of ramps for easy access to the ringside, with heating and air conditioning to ensure a comfortable evening. There are NO animals in any of the performances - the show is based around a dramatic mix of traditional circus acts but also incorporates highly skilled performers. In total there are 45 dancers and performers training three times a week for the weekly show: every Saturday evening starting at 6pm.
PALACE 11 BENIDORM For a first class night out you cannot beat
OF SAN JAIME AND SANTA ANA 12 CHURCH The distinctive blue domed roof is located up at the Mirador.
Built in the 18th Century it is dedicated to the patron saint of the town and a statue of the Virgin del Sufragio can be seen inside the church. Last year the church controversially spent 332,000 euros on a new organ which takes pride of place in the gallery.
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See the sights
Benidorm Palace - voted Europe’s best cabaret theatre and nightclub for 2012, beating the likes of Moulin Rogue in Paris! It is probably the most visited attraction in Benidorm and you are guaranteed a night to remember. A magnificent show lasting 3 hours incorporates a troupe of dancers with the most amazing costumes you are ever likely to see.
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PARK 13 L’AIGUERA Neoclassical designed park sandwiched between the Town
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Hall and bullring. It has two amphitheatres which during the summer months host shows, concerts and cultural Spanish events.
et 2 FREE!
Asia each ramme et to – by Cala or der offer e of ALE HOP
CULTURAL CENTRE 14 MARITIME Located just past Elche Park heading towards Mal Pas Beach:
contains interesting artifacts, models and pictures associated with the sea. Open Monday to Friday from 9am - 2pm then 4pm - 6pm. Saturday it is open mornings only and it is closed on Sunday: entry is free.
15 MUNDOMAR A marine animal park which also has exotic animals - a great
hit, particularly with young families. There are lots of shows throughout the day and you can even book to swim with the sea lions or get up close to the dolphins. However, both of these need to be pre-booked. It is really easy to get to there: if driving the best place to head for is Benidorm Palace - then take the road almost opposite and it will take you all the way there - about a 2 minute drive. Parking is free. Or catch a public bus - either the number 1 or 11 - to take you straight to the entrance - but if there are four of you it will probably work out the same to take a taxi, especially if you are coming from Benidorm.
Say HelloDuckie!
OUR QUACKING reporter does the mile high club on Ryanair A trip on the airline everyone loves to hate, apparently! THIS MONTH Duckie suffered a damaged wing and needed to visit a relative. Unable to take to the air in the way ducks do, he decided to kill two birds with one stone and flew Ryanair to see if those stories about the budget airline are true. After booking a cheap hand luggage only flight for just 67€ return he feared he would be flying wing side. However, when printing the boarding pass it confirmed a free allocated seat in 22F, a window seat no less! With no luggage to check-in it was a fast waddle through Alicante airport to the gate, after signing autographs for RTN readers. Despite allocated seating passengers were still queuing an hour before take-off! With a wheelie case, bag of bird seed and some gifts from the airport shops it was a surprise to find out that included in the price is a second “small” piece of hand luggage. Not the squash all your belongings into one bag or you will not be allowed to
fly kind of airline we hear about. Once seated there were the usual round of safety announcements when it was noted that they do carry life vests for small Ducks, then we were on our way and on-time. Once airborne the very pleasant crew were soon swishing up the aisle with a range of snacks, drinks and assorted sandwiches that look nothing like those pictured in the menu. Amazing how many get sucked into make a purchase by the sight of food, tiny Pizzas and big snack boxes containing very little, it was after all only a 140 minute flight. There is something about aircraft shops that almost command you to buy like it is the last supper. The couple behind spent 26€ on snacks! Duckie was happy with a bag of bird seed for 1.09€. Well into the flight somewhere over Toulouse the gift shop did a hasty trip for those in need of the latest perfume or giant Toblerones. This, as seems to be the way these
days is followed by a scratch card service embarrassing you into buying a handful of charity scratch cards offering cash prizes, flights, a car and one million euros. How much goes to the charity is not made clear. A further aisle dash to collect rubbish as it is a “quick turn round for this aircraft” finds us descending into Liverpool and a “cabin crew ten minutes to landing” announcement followed by a standard strap yourself in an-
nouncement and do not breath until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. Touchdown was to the sound of trumpets letting us know this is another on-time (20 minutes early) Ryanair flight, thus ending a first class trip on the airline everyone loves to hate for no apparent reason! See more of Duckie´s adventures on Facebook search “RTN Duckie” or see
Benidorm Indoor Market
THE PLACE for over 10,000 Christmas gifts! EAT CHEAP, get a new hairdo, stock up on British goodies, buy some Euros and fill your boots with Christmas stocking fillers! THE FAMOUS Indoor Market in Benidorm pulls out all the stops at Christmas time and is THE place to find a little bit of the atmosphere of Christmas at home in the build up to the big day. Located in the centre of the Rincon de Loix in Benidorm this is where you can enjoy a mince pie, a turkey and stuffing bap and of course shop shop shop! If you have not popped over to the market for a browse on recent visits, you are certainly in for a surprise this December as the variety of goods available is now bigger than ever. You are sure to find all those stocking fillers, last minute gifts and even some carrots for Rudolf! Of course after all that shopping you will need sustenance and the market cafés offer a great retreat where you can rest for a while and enjoy a cheap breakfast, brunch or lunch from just a couple of Euros. As has been the case for many years, the Indoor Market is a mix of local Spanish stall holders and a large number of British units offering all manner of products from tasty homemade Sausage Rolls to branded toiletries that we recognise! You could be forgiven for thinking that you are in a local market in Stockport rather than sunny Spain. There are some long established stall holders who have been trading for many years. These include Sheila´s Money Exchange (no rip off fees) for good rates on your Euros and for those on a self-catering holiday there are two superb family Butchers who make fresh meatballs, fresh burgers and sell best quality meats. For gifts you find jewellery, clothes, music, bags and belts, British chocolates and sweets plus a huge selection of Christmas cards. The market is always busy with serious buyers and lots of folks browsing, especially at this time of year. The old Indoor Market is certainly a must visit place whilst in Benidorm. Whatever you are looking for or when you simply cannot find something in town chances are the Indoor Market will have it in stock! Enjoy a few fun hours of happy shopping, go on fill your boots at the Indoor Market this holiday. Visit www. benidormindoormarket. com for details. Opening times are Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 3pm closed Sunday.
At the far end of town in the square opposite the auditorium, but rather difficult to get to without a car.
Take the number 10 bus to the last stop and the market is on the next street – just follow the crowds.
Head towards the Hotel Pueblo and give yourself plenty of time if you want to see everything! There is also a market in the Old Town, located just behind the tram station.
The bus service to Villa Joyosa is rather limited but it is worth visiting this beautiful town. Alternatively, El Cisne is a very popular flea market if you like to rummage and the bus stops right outside.
Alfaz has a great fruit and veg section at the far end and conveniently, the trusty number 10 will drop you off right at the start of the market. La Cala market is located not far from the Carrefour hypermarket in Finestrat and you can catch the number 2 bus from the centre of Benidorm to get there.
La Cala market is next to the beach. El Cisne rastro is a flea market and has free live music to keep you entertained whilst you enjoy a drink and snack at the bar. And also car boot type markets in La Nucia and Polop… you are really spoilt for choice on Sunday!
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our customers and friends
Top 5
‘must do’ things when in Benidorm ONE THING is guaranteed when in Benidorm – you’ll never be bored. But with so many things to do and places to visit it can be confusing to know where to start. Here is our guide to what we consider to be the Top 5:
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If you want a gastronomic experience head to Calle Domingo in the Old Town – it’s like eating a work of art.
see the sights
JUST 40KM and a short ride by coach North of Benidorm, you will find the peaceful and affluent coastal town of Moraira.
See Benidorm from a different perspective then pop to the Gran Hotel Bali in La Cala where you can go up to the panoramic view point on the 43rd floor.
VALOR CHOCOLATE FACTORY Villajoyosa, on the outskirts of Benidorm is home to the famous Valor chocolate factory – Spain´s best selling chocolate brand.
Better known to the Brits as ‘Dove Park’, it can be found at the beginning of Poniente Beach on the edge of the Old Town, make sure to feed the birds!
A Benidorm landmark situated on the Sierra Helada mountains in the Rincon. The cross was erected in the 1950´s by residents and is 8 metres tall. A popular walk route taking ap 45 mins each way with breath taking views of the town.
MORAIRA OVER many years has become the desired retirement town for many European nationalities and it´s easy to understand why when you see its 8km of beautiful coastline, backed by mountains and vineyards. Moraira, otherwise known as “TeuladaMoraira” is the coastal area of its principal town of Teulada which is set 6km inland. For many years Moraira was used only as a fishing base rather than residential as it was subject to regular invasions by pirates, until the construction of the Castle in the 18th Century, that stands on its beach and protected the shores for many years. Now fully restored to its former glory, the castle signifies the importance of this town over the years and along with other statues that line the coast, make for some fabulous photos against the back-drop of the Mediterranean seas crystal waters. Moraira´s roots with the fishing industry remain strong today & combined with its wine-making grape production and later tourism has made it the wealthy town that we now see. Due to the diversity of residents, Moraira has an abundance of fine restaurants and bars that offer cuisine for a wide range of pallets and those that line the beautiful port and beach area make for a relaxing haven, to sit and watch the world go by. Moraira is subject to strict planning laws that protect its natural beauty, wildlife and agriculture and prevent overdevelopment or high-rise buildings. A day trip to Moraira is definitely recommended to soak up the atmosphere amidst stunning surroundings, if not, just to have a nose at how the other half live! There are many ways of getting to Moraira; by car, bus or train, but as Moraira is not on any of the regular transport routes, the most enjoyable way to see the town would be on one of the many free or paid day trips that leave Benidorm daily. Round Town Trips offer weekly guided trips to Moraira either free as a “blanket trip” or just 15€ per person, that will give you ample time to explore the area. To book call 966 867 294, visit or book in one of the Round Town Travel offices on Calle Gerona or opposite the hotel Melia in the Rincon de Loix.
A day trip to Benissa SET IN the heart of the Marina Alta, just a thirty minute journey by coach from Benidorm, you will find the little-known and yet very historical town of Benissa. It is a true pleasure strolling through the ancient cobbled streets amidst the typical “Mediterranean style” white-washed town houses that form part of the perfectly conserved little town that is filled with atmosphere, from its centuries-old walls and stately homes. In 1998 the town was awarded the provincial tourism merit, a special award for the impeccable preservation and conservation of its historic quarters and to this day the proud and welcoming townsfolk keep Benissa and its historical attractions in pristine condition. As with any historical Mediterranean town, there are usually lots of places to see and visit and Benissa is no different. You can visit the site of the old medieval villa and old church of Fortaleza de Sant Pere Apostol, constructed in the 13th century but left to fall to ruin after the construction of the towns new church “la iglesia de la purisima concepcion” which is also known as the “Cathedral of La Marina” due to its immense size (for such a small town) that governs the main town square. Benissa is not on any of the regular major bus routes, however, Round Town Trips feature this fabulous location as one of their “blanket trips” that run every Wednesday. To book, visit any of the Round Town Travel offices, either on the calle Gerona (opp the Western Saloon) or in the Rincon de Loix (opp the hotel Melia) online at or by phone on (0034) 966 867 294.
Top 5 Places to visit as recommended by RTN
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Take a boat ride from Benidorm to Peacock Island - a 30 minute trip on a glass-bottomed boat that allows you to observe the local sea life. Explore the island, and the beautiful view of the coastline and Benidorm bay.
BENIDORM PALACE A magnificent spectacle of colour with fabulous dancers and glamorous costumes. Featuring a variety of original, top artistes from around the world, this will surely be an evening to remember.
Las Fuentes del Algar
Mundomar has an area of 60,000 square meters with a wide variety of animals, such as flamingos, turtles and swans, storks, sea lions, seals. With numerous different shows with parrots, sea lions and dolphins.
It’s a great place where you can see Benidorm’s beautiful skyline. Sometimes there are dancers, market stalls and people playing instruments.
THE ALGAR Waterfalls are a delightful day out around 25 minutes’ drive from Benidorm. A protected wetland, the falls attract thousands of visitors every year. As well as the cascades there are souvenir and picnic/camping areas, an Arboretum and wonderful rare flowers and herbs to see and appreciate. Entry prices are reasonable, at 4€ per adult and only 2€ for children with discount deals available for pensioners and students.
Telf.: 608 742 571 Pda. Segarra s/n Callosa d’en Sarrià (Alicante)
GUADALEST Set at 595m above sea level, the village of Guadalest hangs precariously to the mountain top and is rated as one of the most visited villages in Spain; and with good reason. Dating back to the 8th Century, Guadalest is now home to just over 200 residents who invite you to step back in time and explore their fabulous home.
horoscopes Mars sextiles Saturn at the start of a busy month and the benefits brought by this liaison are both endearing and long awaited. This is a time for reconciliation in a matter that has got really out of hand, but which begs for settlement. The festivities will see you celebrating for good reason if you can set aside differences and work together! Venus rubs up to lucky Jupiter bringing a blessing to all that you do this month. If anybody could wave a magic wand it is you because you are only happy if you can make others feel good too. Here is your chance, and although the holiday season will bring you the happiness you seek so too will a surprise be your icing on the cake!
Kenny Corris For Readings, Consultations and Castings email: / Mobile: 686 361 594 / Tel: 965 878 424
Quick Crossword
Mercury squares Uranus on Christmas morning and it will be significant for you, in that finally, transparency and the truth can be told and peace once more rule your life. You have to hold your tongue until you have those you really love around you, and then, with the direction brought by mighty Uranus, the magic begins. The New Moon on the 22nd resolves much you have struggled with lately. There comes a time when you realise just what your life is lacking; and you will spend the best part of the month tuning into the inner you, so that now that the time is right, you can safely say that the past is over, and be a part of the future you so richly deserve. A very social month, but do not turn down an invitation because this is a time to enjoy yourself for a change. The Sun has seen many changes this month and from a trine with lucky Jupiter comes a tryst with Neptune directly over the holiday period. Rest and relax, because you have a busy time ahead, and much to achieve for yourself.
Amidst the hopes and wishes this December comes a sincere need not to repeat the trauma of recent months, but to walk on, proud and ready to take on that which you have to, whatever it may be. Mercury conjuncts Pluto midmonth, and helps you to see more clearly just where you should be, helping you to feel good about yourself too, for a change. Venus has multiple calls this month from an initial dalliance with Jupiter prior to retrograde, and further entries into Capricorn and Neptune. This reflects the whirl of energy that is your life, and far from slowing down, enjoy the vigours that you can; bringing light energy and a faith to all your friendships in this season of love and goodwill. Mars begins this month entering into a tryst with Aquarius whilst Pluto, your other planetary master, dallies with both Venus and Mercury in turn. There is a lot going on right now, and above all that you do, know exactly what you want and how you are to achieve this, because, for you, it is time to make a decision based on your intuition. Saturn enters at the start of the Holiday Season to bring enrichment to your immediate plans and propositions. Go for whatever these are, because you have long awaited the right time to come, and it is closer than ever now. Nothing ventured truly is nothing gained and you have nothing whatsoever to lose by striking out! Actions by Venus and Mercury seem to have restored your self love, and not before time too. Mercury opens some particularly needed new channels of communication, which will come in handy, as you have plans to realise for everyone’s sake. Changes will show others what you have been doing to keep things going. Taming Mars this month is a job in itself, but this is only a taste of what is to come now that you are out there are making decisions based on your own wants and needs. This isn’t selfish, but it is self preserving and it is brought about by natural progression and your realisation that you maybe can have your cake and eat it too. The Sun sets on Neptune right at the end of the month and it denotes the many changes that are in store for the next few months. Somehow you have pulled out all of the stops, and you are seeing things from different angles, and this will bring you to your senses and bless you with all you seek for yourself and those who love you, too.
ACROSS 7. Freshwater fish (5) 8. Ingredient (7) 9. Contrary (7) 10. Deserves (5) 12. Shelter (10) 15. Singer (10) 18. Healthy (5) 19. Local (7) 21. Sailor (7) 22. Goodbye (5)
DOWN 1. Transmits (10) 2. Bisect (5) 3. Burn slightly (4) 4. Discover (6) 5. Fortifications (8) 6. Region (7) 11. Father Christmas (5,5) 13. Inmate (8) 14. Ask (7) 16. Go to bed (6) 17. Pungent (5) 20. Fruit (4)
All answers can be found on page 15.
Word Ladders The key rule is that you must only change one letter at a time as you move from one rung to another, and the word you make must be a proper word! Therefore you may move from BATH --> BATS but not from BATH --> CASH because that changes two letters in one go which is not allowed.
Coffee break interview The
MANY ONLY came to recognize Crissy after her appearance in the ITV hit comedy series “Benidorm”, where she played Janey York, the loud mouthed manageress of the Solana Resort - but long before that she was, and still is a highly successful comedienne. She appeared in the first 4 series of Benidorm, before being replaced by Sherrie Hewson, however many will be delighted to know that she´s back for the latest series, which was filmed earlier this year. She will be appearing in episodes 5 and 6 and never realized how much she missed it until she came back on set with all the cast. She met up with some of the cast again more recently to film “Keep it in the Family” – a Saturday night quiz show broadcast on ITV, hosted by Bradley Walsh. She first came to Benidorm 15 years ago and got talking to the owner of Valentines Cabaret Bar, telling him what she did in the UK and would do a slot for him – he chuckled and said that “everyone from England is a comedian”! But she struck a deal and said that she would do 3 nights for free for him. Well, the place was absolutely packed and he couldn´t get her back in quick enough. She has worked at various clubs over the last 15 years but her main venue is the UK Cabaret Bar, formerly known as the UK Comedy Club – beneath the Hotel Presidente, where she packs it out every time is on stage. This year she has had a jam packed diary, appearing at the Epstein Theatre in Liverpool in the play “Last train to Auswitz”, been on tour with “Dirty Dusting” – a hilarious play about 3 cleaning ladies who set up a telephone sex line, promoting her latest book “ Revenge is Sweeter than flowing Honey”, which she co-wrote with author Ken Scott and now appearing in Panto playing Baroness Hard Up in Cinderella at the Stockport Plaza – from 5th December until 4th January.
- Crissy Rock
Where are you from in the UK? Liverpool What did you eat for breakfast today? Coffee and 4 fags – although Im trying to give up
Describe yourself in 3 words – Happy, Obliging, Minimal Marmite, love it or hate it? Hate What´s your guilty pleasure? Fresh cream chocolate eclairs What´s your proudest moment? Birth of first grandchild What makes you see red? Bullies Do you have a hero? Soidiers who fight for our country Favourite food? Sausage, Egg and Beans What´s your tipple? Coffee Favourite music? Northern Soul Desert Island song? Goodbye by Lionel Richie Favourite film? The Colour Purple Favourite read? Liverpool Daisy by Helen Forrester Is the glass half full or half empty? Definately full X-Factor or Strictly? X-Factor Who is your favourite Benidorm series character? Mateo & Kenneth – can´t decide Old Town or New Town? New
The Benidorm
Show Guide
Welcome to RTN’s monthly Show Guide. Here you will find different acts for all tastes, for the young and the old. Enjoy your night! Drag & Sexy
DAY/TIME VENUE na Every Night 11.45pm Gero / C Lion Red y Sticky Vick Every Night 12.45am Zodiacs C / Gerona Every Night 10.00pm na Gero Broadway C / y Night 1.30am Rockafellas C / Gerona Ever y Night 1.00am Ever na Gero / C y Broadwa Kinky Karen y Night 2.30am Ever y C / Gerona Martin & Samantha Broadwa / Sat Fri na Gero / C Lion Red Wet T Shirt Levi’s Showboat Levi Wed & Sunday 10.15pm Klee Kafee Horrors Sisters Mon & Thurs 10.15pm Klee Kafee Sheila Blige Tuesday 10.15pm e Agatha & Carlotta Klee Kafe Friday 10.15pm e Kafe Klee Agatha Saturday 10.15pm Klee Kafee Colin Campbell
Karaoke Rovers Return Every Night Wooky Hollow 1
Every Night Robbie James 11pm Queen Vic Fri-Sun 10pm Rockys Every Night From 8pm Black Chicken Every Night Last Stop Every Night From 9pm Outback Every Night From 8pm Gallowgate Every Night From 9pm Vincents Old Town Every Night 9pm
ACT Albi Senior
VENUE Zodiacs Rockafellas Chubby Brown Red Lion Gareth Fulton Zodiacs Red Lion Gary George Zodiacs Tony Scott Stardust Martin Kent Valentines
E/N10.00pm E/N 11.30pm E/N 12am E/N 1.15am E/N 9.15pm E/N 11.15pm E/N 10.15pm E/N 9.30pm
Tribute acts VENUE Adele Stardust C/Gerona Black Eyed Peas Morgans Tavern C/Gerona Blues Brothers Jail Rock Tropical Avd. Severo Ochoa Jokers Heartbreak Hotel (Levante Beach) Riviera Music Lounge Ambassador Hotel, C/Gerona Bruno Mars Talk of the Coast Eagles Tropical Avd.Severo Ochoa Ambassador Hotel Plaza Vincents Sandras Bar Elton John Morgans Tavern C/Gerona 10pm Elvis The Talk of the Town JJ Jones/Neil Diamond Tropical Avd.Severo Ochoa Sandras Bar Tower Lounge Tommys Bar Ambassador Hotel Lady Ga Ga Tropical Jokers Ambassador Hotel Rio Park Lionel Richie Morgans Tavern Michael Jackson Jokers/Chaplins/UK Cabaret Bar/ Morgans Tavern/Buddies/White Star Olly Murs Jail Rock One Direction Talk of the Coast One Vision (Queen) Morgans Tavern C/Gerona Pink Valentines C/Gerona Queen Sinatras Stylistics Stardust C/Gerona West Life Various venues
Olly Murs
Jail Rock Thurs-Sun 9pm
DAY Every Night Every Night Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat Thurs & Sun Wed/Fri/Sun Various Every Wednesday Every Friday Every Night Every Tues Every Fri Every Sun Every Sun Every Sun
TIME 9pm 1am 10pm 12am 1am 11pm 11pm 1am 10pm 10pm 10pm 11pm
Every Night 9pm Every Mon & Wed 9pm Every Tues & Fri 9pm Every Monday 10.30pm Tues & Thurs 11.30pm Every Thursday 10pm Mon-Thurs/Sat 10pm/11pm Every Fri 10pm Every Tuesday 10pm Every Thursday 9pm Every Night 8pm Every Night See boards for details Thurs-Sun 9pm Every Night 9pm Every Night 11pm Every Night 12.30am Every Night 9pm Every Night 12.30am See boards for details
Rock, Pop, Soul & Country Pablo Bloom Timeless Jessie Brook Cabeytu B Sharp Lee Duffy Palanca Y Cambio Rafa Badia
GENRE RnR Pop Pop C/W C/W Rock Rock Rock
Joe Dylan Rock Paul Carnaby Rock with Chris Chronos The Prospectors C/W
VENUE Western Tavern Morgans Tavern Red Lion Western Tavern Western Tavern Guiness Bar Guiness Bar Guiness Bar Daytona Rock Daytona Rock Rockerfellas
DAY/TIME Sat 8.30pm/Wed 12.30am Every Night 12am Mon-Thurs 12.45am Every Night 1.30am (except Wed) Wed 10pm 7 Days 3.30 - 10.30 7 Days 3.30 - 10.30 7 Days 3.30 - 10.30 7 Days 4.30 - 10.30 7 Days 4.30 - 10.30 Every Night 12.30am
Western Saloon
Mon-Thurs 4pm
Entertainer of the month - Jo Lynn IF YOU want to see some true vocal artistry then make sure you don´t miss Jo Lynn – a truly multi talented lady. Many may have already seen her as part of Girls Aloud, but as well as her own ´Jo Lynn Show´ singing a wide variety of songs from the 1940´s till the present day which she does every Monday at 9pm in the White Horse, she now brings Bette Midler to Benidorm. Many think of Bette only as an actress, but she is a singer-songwriter who has actually sold over 30 million records worldwide – and received 3 Grammys! Jo Lynn was watching the horror comedy Hocus Pocus over Halloween, starring Bette Midler and got her inspiration to do a show – which is totally unique here. Bette has just announced a world tour for next year and her music is all the rage – Jo Lynn couldn´t have planned it better if she had tried. Originally
from Devon, Jo Lynn has been in the performance business since school – in fact, she started at Haven Holidays in Torquay whilst still at college. She then went on to be part of a travelling theatre company, touring the UK for a number of years and even went to Japan for 6 months. She arrived in Benidorm 12 years ago and landed her first job as a dancer in a production show at the ´Wheeltappers & Shunters´ Cabaret Bar – sadly no longer open. She then went on to sing in a number of bands and had great success with her 1940´s ´We´ll meet Again´ show before going onto Girls Aloud and Burlesque – which will be coming back next year with more raunchy outfits and routines. Not one to sit on her laurels Jo Lynn is embarking on a new project ´Dreamboats and Petticoats´ - an all singing, all dancing high energy show together with Jo Lloyd (Girls Aloud, Stand & Deliver and Dustry Springfield) and Craig Pickles (Black Eyed Peas and Michael Buble), which should be ready
for Easter time. She took part in the hugely popular Benidorm Pride event both this year and last, performing with her fellow Girls Aloud members to rapturous applause at the Auditorium Julio Iglesias and also entertained the masses during British Fancy Dress Day last month. You may not have seen her in the flesh but you couldn´t have missed her on the giant LED screen perched on top of a bright yellow hummer – great for advertising and catches the eye! Jo Lynn can´t wait till Christmas – in fact, so excited is she that her tree has been up since the middle of November - but is trying to blame her daughter Siennabelle, even though she´s not yet 2! You can catch the Bette Midler show every Monday at 9pm in The Riviera Music Lounge; Wednesday at 9pm in the White Star and Thursday at 8:30pm in the New Life plus a special one night post Christmas show on Saturday 27th December at Cococabana.
Acts and times subject to change without notice. To include your act email:
New Years Eve SPAIN IS a great place to see in the New Year and is full of ritual. The twelve grapes have been a tradition in Spain since 1909 and rumour has it, invented by the vine growers of the Alicante region following a bumper harvest! No one really knows the true origins but it is a fiercely adhered to custom as it is suppose to bring luck. You will see them being sold at most Spanish supermarkets in tins, ready peeled and deseeded. At the strike of twelve the frenzy begins – you are suppose to swallow one grape at every chime and if successful, lady luck will be with you for the entire year – not many manage it but it´s great fun trying! There are two main places in Benidorm where people gather to see in the New Year – Plaza Triangular, at the top end of the Avd Mediterraneo and up at the Mirador in the Old Town. There is a fantastic atmosphere and everyone comes armed with grapes and bottles of cava to toast a Happy New Year. Tapas Alley will also be fairly busy, especially with their special promotion of 5€ for a bottle of cava and live entertainment on the street and obviously the English Square will be busy with plenty of Brits. Most of the bars have extended opening licenses so it´s a late night for all! If you should fancy something a bit different then Benidorm Palace have a gala evening with special guests Boney M performing. From everyone at RTN – we wish all our readers a very Happy Xmas and prosperous New Year.
Boney M
A night on the town! e 365 days a year. fre you ains ert From dusk until dawn,Benidorm ent ONCE THE sun sets beyond the Poniente Benidorm comes alive. The zone everyone calls “The Square” in the Rincon de Loix slips up several gears as day turns to night and a thousand neon lights wink at you, tempting you into over 150 central pubs, clubs and cabaret venues. THE SQUARE IS A TRIANGLE The “Square” refers to the area where the infamous “Café Benidorm” is located and is the hub of the entertainment zone. In reality it is actually a triangle from Morgan´s Tavern at one end to the brand new TITANIC bar at the Marina Hotel at the other end. The triangle is crisscrossed with enough venues to keep even the most demanding punters happy. You
will be kept howling with laughter, toe tapping, line dancing or enjoying a tipple or three after a late night feast at the dozens of (mainly British) café bars squeezed tightly between the giant cabaret venues. TRIBUTES TO MAKE YOU GO GAGA, MEATLOAF OR MEET ROD STEWART Every night let the big names entertain you from some cracking tribute acts. Mother Monster, LADY GAGA pops up most nights at Rocker Fellas as do WESTLIFE and down the road at Stardust TAKE THAT will have you going wild until the wee small hours. For those who are getting on in their years and prefer the gentleman of rock go see MEATLOAF and ROD STEWART. Many Benidorm entertainers skip across town to perform in various venues from early until late. Check the boards outside venues to see who is appearing where and when. COMEDY THAT WILL HAVE YOU HOWLING Benidorm is not short on funny men and not short on comedy venues including the UK Comedy &
Cabaret Club where the big names are. Other not to be missed local comedy heroes are the incredible Albi Senior “The British Bulldog of Comedy” for squeaky clean humour (NOT) from the big man and an absolute must see, the very funny Rikki Stevens and even funnier sidekick Fred (The Monkey). If you only see one act in Benidorm, then Rikki Stevens is the one, Fred the Monkey is a real star, find them at THE TOWN, but grab a seat early! Check with venue for times. It is doubtful that you will find a more diverse bunch of hard working entertainers anywhere in the world and all this comes to you with no door charge, simply the price of a few drinks. And remember if you miss an act early doors you will more than likely catch many of them later or tomorrow at another venue in town. Benidorm puts on a great show 365 days a year, it never stops, it is all good, it is very friendly, very cheap and very British and it all starts again tomorrow night from dusk until dawn. Are you ready to do it all again? ENJOY.
food & drink Traditional Spanish Cuisine
Salamancan Cuisine
International Cuisine
Rias Baixas
La Dehesa
Two Palms
Smokey Joe’s
Benidorm Old Town
Benidorm New Town
Benidorm Old Town
Benidorm Old Town
RÍAS BAIXAS was established in February 1979, currently under the management of Pedro Juan Vicente and Juan Vicente Brotons. This popular restaurant enjoys a great location on Levante Beach with wonderful sea views from its large and comfortable terrace.
LA DEHESA De Salamanca is acknowledged
FOR MANY years now John and his team have been serving up tasty, delicious meals at the Two Palms Restaurant. John has now expanded the restaurant by taking over the locale next door, giving him seating for 50 covers plus. Situated in front of the original Two Palms, renovated recently, is now more spacious and comfortable, and John has carried over the style and feel to his new premises. His popular menus are still all available so you can now enjoy all your favourites in more comfort. Whether you are a Liver and Onions person or an A La Carte Steak meal person there is something to please all pallettes. With new Pastry Chef Sharon dishing out the goodies from the new kitchen area things couldn’t get any better! Menus range from 7.95€ for the 3 course early bird menu, 12.95€ for the 3 course all day menu and 9.95€ for the 4 course Sunday lunch menu. Large party bookings are welcome and there is also a special Dinner and Show package with a 3 course meal followed by the fabulous show at the famous Rich Bitch Showbar for just 15€. Find Two Palms just off the walking street up Calle La Palma or call on 617 702 535 or 96 683 0718 for reservations.
SMOKEY JOE’S offers a wide variety of home cooked meals, starting at 10am with their famous breakfasts from as little as 3.50€. And they serve Spanish and English coffee.
DELICIOUS CUISINE The cuisine has been developed using a selection of only the finest and freshest of local ingredients that lend an authentic and natural flavour to traditional soups and Spanish dishes such as Paella and Arroz a Banda as well as freshly caught seafood, delicious Steaks, Chicken and Lamb specialities.
as the very best place to enjoy a sausage bonanza! The finest quality Salamanca sausages are available with wonderful tapas and a selection of fine wines. The restaurant specialises in the culinary delights of Salamanca with an abundance of fresh vegetables and salads accompanying the best roasted meats prepared in the traditional Salamancan way. Extraordinary service and attention to detail has earned this
FRESH SEAFOOD Lenguado, Emperador, Merluza and Salmón come directly from the Port, expertly prepared and served with crisp salads and fresh local vegetables.
restaurant a five-star reputation, right in the
Rias Baixas is at Plaza Torreon, 3, Benidorm: Email restaurante@riasbaixasbenidorm. comOr call 96 585 5022 / 96 586 8702.
You can find Le Dehesa de Salamanca at Calle
heart of Benidorm. If you love meat – this is the place for you! Gerona 2. To make a reservation, call 625 413 256 or 923 271 010
Sports Bar & Grill
The main menu covers anything from toasties to flame grilled steaks - all done with Smokey Joe’s touch, which means everything is cooked over the coals. They also specialise in Texas style ribs, burgers and combos - again with the Smokey Joe’s touch. A speciality of the house, and unique to Smokey Joes, is their Pulled Pork Burgers which have to be tasted to be believed! Finally a must is their Sunday lunch: choose from five meats and a full complement of fresh vegetables served from 1pm till 6pm. How to find us: along the Levante Beach toward the Old Town. Turn right at Burger King through the alley and we are there on the left, or, top of the Mediterraneo bear left opposite McDonalds and we are just down from Blue Shoes.
Tapa of the monthCesta de Bonito INGREDIENTS: Olive Bread Roll, Piquillo Pepper, Fresh Chives, Fried Tomato, Mayonnaise, Parsley, Oregano, White Pepper, Smoked Bacon, Breadcrumbs, Roasted Almonds, Lollo Verde lettuce, Chicory METHOD: Scoop out the inside of the Olive Bread Roll and fill with sprigs of Lollo Verde Lettuce. Add the Chicory and a cream sauce made with the Breadcrumbs, Tomato, White Pepper, Parsley, Mayonnaise, Fresh Chives, Oregano and Piquillo Pepper. Top with the toasted Almonds and crispy Smoked Bacon making a tasty basket. ACCOMPANIED BY: Juve y Camps Brut Reserva Purple Ribbon Made from top quality grapes of Alt Penedès. Golden yellow with effervescent bubbles rising in rhythmic, beautiful strands forming a stable crown. The aroma is pleasant and intense, at first evoking clear notes of fleshy fruit and a slightly floral background. After a short time, their complexity grows and light, toasty notes appear. In the mouth it is very nice with an effervescent vibrance, which together with its pleasant acidity gives this Cava a nice creaminess and freshness. A perfect combination with this delicious tapa.
food & drink Traditional English meals
Good food & cocktails
Traditional Italian Food
Food from America
Cafe Moai
Devil’s Cock
Peggy Sue’s
Benidorm Old Town
Levante Beach Front
Behind Levante Beach
Benidorm Old Town
LONG ESTABLISHED British bar, O’Maras, in the Old Town of Benidorm, has just undergone a major refurbishment and is now open. Dave, Jan and Ian are pleased to welcome customers old and new to their bar, which offers a menu of typical British pub fare as well as a good English breakfast. In fact it is often said that “they don’t serve fast food, they just do good food as fast as they can”. Apart from the large regular menu, O’Maras serves up a daily “specials” board, and is also well known for their excellent Sunday lunches, and a word to the wise, booking in advance to avoid disappointment will ensure you a seat. Behind the bar there is a large selection of imported beer and spirits as well as local stock. To add to the friendly atmosphere, all your favourite music plays from the 50’s to present day, and all the major sports events are shown on 3 big screen televisions. The bar is open from 10am till late and food is served from 10am till 10pm. Find O’Maras Bar at C/ Quatro Esquinas 9, Old Town Benidorm or phone 965 862 134.
THE MOAI Café in Benidorm’s East Beach is
THE NEW lovely venue in town is Devil’s Cock: Italian bar restaurant owned and managed by Italians, deeped into nature, far from noise and pollution of the streets. Open from 1pm till late, food is served all day long. The Italian chef offers the authentic traditional tasteful home-made Italian food, mouthwatering at first sight, prepared with fresh Italian ingredients: Carbonara, Matriciana, authentic home made Lasagna, Bolognesa and so much more. They also cater for the English with a typical English breakfast starting from only 2.50€. Also to try is the fantastic cheeseburger with a 200gr. (0.88 lbs) of Irish black angus burger and fries for only 3.90€; or the unique-in-town double cheeseburger: 400gr. (1.76lbs) of Irish black angus burger for only 5.60€. From the bar: some of the best coffee in town, the tea is always served with in a teapot and choosen by you from several different types, international long drinks and cocktails, a very good choice of wine from Spain; and Prosecco, Lambrusco, Frascati, Barbera, Chianti and others directly from Italy. On Monday we give away the true draft Mahou beer with the Happy Monday: 1 pint 1€, 2 pints at same time 1.50€. For reservations call: 0034 698 396 961. www.facebook. com/devilscock write down a review in TripAdvisor and/or Foursquare.
PEGGY SUE’S Restaurant takes you back to 1950’s America. Decorated as Retro deco you can listen to retro music and enjoy a unique experience. Diners can choose from hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, sandwiches, cakes and milkshakes with high quality ingredients. Also to try is our delicious Black Angus Sirloin with fries or salad. The team is friendly and the atmosphere is very relaxed, you can also play with the jukebox at your table.
welcoming the festive season with special Christmas prices for groups. Specialist cocktails as well as favourite traditional tipples are on the menu right through to New Year’s Eve with some irresistible bargains to be had. Famous for its mouth-watering burgers, Mexican Nachos and crisp, fresh salads, be sure not to miss their delicious English breakfast accompanied by coffee or tea! The service is great, the food is delicious and the sea view is to die for! Open from 9am until 4am, you will find the Moai Café next to the Old Town beach lift: call 96 585 7688, email or see Facebook moai-playadelevante for more details.
Peggy Sue’s also do home delivery or you can place your order on our website. We are open Sunday to Thursday 1.30pm – 11.30pm and Friday & Saturday 1.30pm – 00.30. Our kitchen is always open! Restaurant Peggy Sue’s Benidorm Avda. Ruzafa, 11 03501 Benidorm Tlf: 966 812 327 Twitter: @yosoypeggysue
food & drink Seafood
Home-made Italian Food
El Puerto
Al Terrazzo
Benidorm Old Town
Benidorm Old Town
FROM RESTAURANTE Marisqueria in The Port comes a typically favourite dish of the Valencian community…
RUN BY Paolo and Mira since 2006, Al Terrazzo specialises in typically Italian dishes - everything homemade from mouth-watering Lasagnes to Canelones, fantastic pizzas and Al Terrazzo’s delightful speciality, Aubergine Parmigianas.
Seafood Paella consists mainly of rice, fresh fish and seafood (shrimp, crayfish, mussels and clams). Or the dish can be tailored to customers’ preference to include mixed meats, chicken and rabbit to suit the client. Marisqueria’s dishes are prepared with only the freshest of ingredients and the results are delicious! And in addition to delicious paellas the restaurant serves an outstanding variety of seafood and meats: T-bone steak, the famous ‘Entrecote’ or sirloin steak and wonderful speciality dishes. In a perfect location near the port with a beach front setting, the restaurant is next to Elche Park and between Benidorm’s two most popular beaches at Paseo de Colon: Call 96 585 3796 for more information or to make a reservation.
The classic Menu del Dia includes the best pastas and pizzas in town. And superb Sirloin or Rump Steaks are served with a selection of Italian sparkling wines, followed with a wicked dessert… even the Limoncello is homemade! The ambience is friendly, intimate and intrinsically Italian. To reserve your table call 688 299 339. A warm welcome awaits at Al Terrazzo, conveniently located at C/ Bon Retiro, in the heart of the old town.
Menu Del Dia & A La Carte
Royal Queens
Hotel - Benidorm Old Town A royal welcome at the Royal Queens Hotel OWNER LUIS and his partner Patrick, a wellknown character of the Old Town, extend a warm welcome to guests and visitors at the Royal Queen’s Hotel, a local favourite right in the centre of Benidorm’s popular Old Town at the top end of the famous Tapas Alley in Plaza Constitution. The Royal Queens has 35 rooms, a bar, two terraces and a fabulous air-conditioned restaurant with great food and wonderful ambience. The Menu del Dia changes weekly and there is also an A La Carte menu – delicious food at reasonable prices. The nightly cabaret stars the Queens Show Girls: a mix of glamour and humour. No cover charge either – a fun and amusing way to spend an evening! And the roof terrace commands a spectacular view of the Costa Blanca’s prettiest city… FESTIVE PACKAGES Christmas: two nights at 99€ includes a Gala Lunch New Year: two nights at 90€ includes a Gala Dinner. The Royal Queens - truly the gem in the Old Town’s Crown. Call 96 681 29 96 or visit
Take Away Service
Hotel Babylon Benidorm Old Town THE HOTEL Babylon in the Old Town of Benidorm now offers a take away service from its restaurant till 2 in the morning. This innovation has come about due to the lack of quality take away food in the local area late at night where there is a lively entertainment scene and an abundance of hungry revellers. There is a wide selection to choose from including Burgers, Sarnies, Omelettes, Curry, Chilli, Wraps, Chicken Wings, Salads, Shish Kebab and even an All Day Breakfast. Add to this, a free local delivery service and reasonable prices, The Hotel Babylon is well worth a visit. Find them at Calle Alicante 28, Old Town Benidorm, next to O’Mara’s Irish Bar or call 965 865 019 to place your order.
dining out with RTN
Festive fun at Al Terrazzo AL TERRAZZO, established since 2006, is an authentic Italian restaurant with traditional home-made cuisine in the heart of Benidorm’s Old Town.
PAULO AND Mira have been running this cosy, intimate restaurant for a number of years and are the perfect hosts for a truly wonderful Italian dining experience. You can enjoy some mouth-watering Italian specialities such as Aubergines Parmigianas, Bruschetta Caprese or Cotoletta a La Milanesa. And if those don’t tempt the taste buds then there are many more pasta dishes to choose from including Penne Arrabbiata, Spaghetti-Penne Alla Carbonara or Cannelloni Ricotta E Spinaci. Try one of the many delicious stone-baked pizzas and follow with a wickedly decadent home-made dessert – perhaps a creamy home-made Tiramisu…all washed down with home-made Limoncello. If you are looking for something special to do over the Christmas period then Al Terrazzo has plenty to offer with Party Bookings, a special Christmas Day menu and also a New Year’s Eve celebration menu. On Christmas Day the menu offers an Italian feast with drinks, Cava, Wine and Limoncello included for 35€ per person - or treat yourself on New Year’s Eve to a spectacular feast followed by the tradition of eating 12 grapes at each stroke of the clock at midnight - for just 50€ per person. To reserve your table call 688 299 339 - where a warm Italian welcome awaits….