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Your English Newspaper


SOUTH EDITION Friday, January 20 - hursday, January 26 2017

The White Coast THE COSTA Blanca a record snow fall this week as a blanket of white covered the region from the peaks of mountains down to sea level and the famous beaches. by JACK TROUGHTON IN THE north of the Costa, it was said to be the worst helping of winter weather since 1983; Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo reported it was the fi rst time Torrevieja had seen such snow since 1914; 103 years ago. Snow was seen across mainland Spain – the city of Murcia

recording levels not seen since the early eighties – and the cold snap caused transport problems in the Balearic Islands. The Spanish Meteorological Offi ce issued ‘red’ weather warnings for the north of the Costa Blanca and ‘orange’ alerts for the south for heavy snow as temperatures tumbled, in many places to below freezing. Thermometers read minus 17.2 degrees centigrade in Huesca. And yesterday (Thursday) weather warnings remained in place with snow turning to torrential rain with gusting high winds. Several towns along the coast reported problems with fl ooding. See pages 4 & 5.


20- 26 jan 2017


Weather hits food prices by Jack Troughton

EXTREME BAD weather in Spain and Italy is expected to trigger price hikes for fresh vegetables across northern Europe, suppliers and supermarkets have warned. The combination of flooding, cold and poor light was said to have created a “perfect storm” for growers. Courgettes, lettuce, aubergines, cucumbers and peppers are all likely to become more expensive as crops are hit – and the ongoing bad weather has also hindered planting in Spain and Italy, both large exporters. Last month’s flooding in Murcia was said to have “wiped out” produce in many fields – the region was hit with its heaviest rainfall in 30 years. Normally it supplies almost 80% of Europe’s fresh produce in winter. And growers in the Spanish regions of Valencia and Andalusia have also been hit by freak weather conditions with rain, high winds and now snow. It was claimed the problems affecting the vegetable production were “unprecedented”. Spanish exports were said to be down by a quarter in a “dramatic loss of production”; it has sent prices rising between 25% and 40%.


Transport needed VOLUNTEERS OF animal charity The Little Pod Association are desperately appealing for help in getting a new set of wheels. by Jack Troughton The ancient car that has transported animals in the past was said to be on its last legs and after a scare involving a rescued dog travelling in the boot, it was decided something must be done. The dog, 15-year-old Noel, was being taken to the vet and a foot and leg became trapped in a small gap between the boot and spare wheel. Fortunately, the canine passenger was unhurt but the episode highlighted the need for a new vehicle. The Little Pod Association - named after a young podenco (pictured) rescued by the Orihuela Costa charity but which sadly later died – hopes the public will answer the call for help. RTN was told: “We desperately need a small van a designated small van for such things as transporting rescued animals to safety, vets visits, carrying food and supplies. “The ancient private car that has been used in the past has more than 243,000km on the clock and has helped more than 1,500 animals – it is now on its last legs; or should we say wheels? As the recent incident with Noel proved, it is not entirely suitable for purpose. “We are asking animal lovers to please help us raise funds to buy a reliable vehicle; The ‘Little Pod Squad’ is happy to attend any local fundraising events. “Of course, if any chairman of Renault, Ford, Peugeot, VW, or Citroen, happens to be enjoying their Spanish holiday and reads this, we would be thrilled to hear from them.” Donations can be made via littlepodaasoc@yahoo.co.uk and PayPal can be used.

Born in May last year, Toddy and his brother Saki are two beautiful long-haired white kittens. They are fully vaccinated, neutered and ready to start this New Year in a loving home. To arrange to meet them, please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.

20- 26 jan 2017


4 20- 26 JAN 2017

News and views from the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. Read us online every week>


A word from the Ed... A winter wonderland


THE COSTA Blanca a record snow fall this week as a blanket of white covered the region from the peaks of mountains down to sea level and the famous beaches. In the north of the Costa, it was said to be the worst helping of winter weather since 1983; Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo reported it was the first time Torrevieja had seen such snow since 1914; 103 years ago. Snow was seen across mainland Spain – the city of Murcia recording levels not seen since the early eight eighties – and the cold snap caused transport problems in the Balearic Islands.

THE WORLD turned black and white this week as winds from Siberia brought a huge dump of snow across Spain, the worst – or best if you are in the snowman building business - seen for years. It was forecast by the weatherman but the white stuff is so rarely seen at sea level it is easy to get complacent until the flakes are falling heavily.

The Spanish Meteorological Office issued ‘red’ weather warnings for the north of the Costa Blanca and ‘orange’ alerts for the south for heavy snow as temperatures tumbled, in many places to below freezing. Thermometers read minus 17.2 degrees centigrade in Huesca. And yesterday (Thursday) weather warnings remained in place with snow turning to torrential rain with gusting high winds. Several towns along the coast reported problems with flooding. The A7 internal motorway linking Valencia with Alicante via Alcoy was closed for a 57km stretch between Alcoy and Bocairent and five lorry drivers had to be rescued. An ambulance took three hours to get a pregnant woman from Bocairent to hospital in Ontinyent after her waters broke. And many minor roads were impassable early on Wednesday morning while there were a string of minor accidents as conditions worsened and snow turned to slush – the crawl along the arterial N332 captured on camera by RTN reader Chris Hackett. In Valencia, around 45,000 students were told there were no classes. Schools were closed in 61 municipalities, 50 of them in the Alicante province; and for students living on the coast, there was a rare opportunity to have winter fun on beaches briefly covered with white stuff.

Traffic crawling on N332

I should have taken in the warning from the local purveyor of logs for the wood burner; he was rubbing his hands together last weekend anticipating the upturn in trade. And a little patience went a long way for anyone behind the wheel – many drivers in these parts are not used to icy conditions. It was time to be charitable when the car in front stops in the middle of the road so the driver can get out and take a few photos. It was also good to see town halls setting up emergency shelters for homeless people – and full marks for a little ingenuity; with an obvious lack of gritting machines in this part of the world, workmen were spotted in the back of a lorry throwing salt onto the road to keep traffic going. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: daniel@roundtownnews.com NEWSDESK & GENERAL ENQUIRIES: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com TO ADVERTISE: sales@roundtownnews.com THE EDITOR: jack@roundtownnews.com DISTRIBUTION REQUESTS: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

PUBLISHER: MIA MEDIA S.L MANAGING DIRECTOR: Danny Wilkinson EDITOR: Jack Troughton DISTRIBUTION: Ian Tilley (North) Darren Yates (South) David Purnell DESIGN: Alice Hillier Daniel Phillips




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e Coast

20- 26 JAN 2017



20- 26 jan 2017


Step into the New Year

Front of House Manager MEMBERS OF the Humanists of Murcia staged their first walk of 2017 wanted for and also the association celebrated its Annual General Meeting. Quesada by Edward Graham Fish & Chips On a beautifully clear and sunny morning, 24 intrepid Easy Ramblers assembled in the car park opposite the Bar Puente in La Majada, for the first two hour walk of the year.

And despite Spain’s brilliant sun, the bitter wind led the walkers to wear almost as many fleeces, scarves, hats and gloves as they might have worn in UK. They left from the eastern side of the village, The Quesada branch causing great excitement for the many dogs in the gardens and orchards that bordered the road. of Quesada Fish & Once out in open fields distant views of the surChips are currently recruiting for a front rounding hills and down to the sea in Mazarron bay were enjoyed. of house manager. A steady pace brought us back via the rambla and then past more orchards and greenhouses to the Previous experience Bar Puente in time for the AGM. is essential and a Officer’s reports were presented and accepted, and full contract will be those committee members who wished to conprovided. 5 days 50 tinue were confirmed. The new Publicity Officer, hours. For further Martine Smets was welcomed and finally outgoing Chairman John Blakey gave a short resume of the information please development of the group since it was started by contact Mark on him and his wife Rhian in 2010. 966 719 136. The chair was then taken by the new Chairperson,

Anne Edwards, who proposed a vote of thanks to John and Rhian for their sterling work in leading the group from small beginnings to its present 60 paid-up members. The next events of the Humanists of Murcia are a

three hour walk on Saturday 21st January and a Games Evening on Wednesday 25th January 25th. Please use the ‘contact us’ page of the Humanists of Murcia website for more details or to be added to the mailing list.


AUAN welcomes court milestone

A JUDGEMENT condemning Spain for breaching the European Convention of Human Rights when planning permission for a home was revoked has been welcomed by campaigners. by Jack Troughton The case involved owners of an apartment in Sanxenxo, Galicia, who were not informed of legal proceedings concerning the property – and a demolition order was issued. However, the court ruled earlier this month there was a violation of Article 6 of the Convention on Human Rights – the right to a fair trial – because the owners were denied an opportunity to defend their interests. Abusos Urbanisticos Almanzora No (AUAN) hopes the important ruling will lead to the annulment of similar proceedings – and the group said the judgement sent the message to Spanish courts to protect third parties who bought in good faith and the necessity to respect their human rights. The group, which represents the interests of owners of more than 12,600 illegal properties in the

Valley of Almanzora, said “sadly” the European court’s findings came over nine years after Helen and Len Prior’s home in Vera was bulldozed after planning permission was changed. AUAN, which is a member of FAUN, a national federation against urban abuse, said the judgement was “timely” as the Spanish Supreme Court had been asked to interpret a change in the law brought by homeowners associations; that property bought in good faith should not be demolished without owners being compensated. Campaigners said this was as a result of town halls facing large compensation payments to third parties as a result of administration failings that resulted in demolition orders against properties. And the AUAN stressed the “injustice” highlighted by the European Court of Human Rights had been “denounced again and again” in the Spanish legal sys-

tem by protesters who could not understand how people could be punished by the threat or demolition of their home when they were not “themselves guilty of any wrong doing.” Maura Hillen MBE, AUAN President (pictured), said: “We welcome this ruling as a vindica-

tion for homeowners but I also note with some sadness that this judgement of 10th January 2017 come nine years and one day after the demolition of the home of Helen and Len Prior in Vera on 9th January 2008 without compensation. Their day of justice has yet to come.”

20- 26 jan 2017


Police look for new recruits THE ASSOCIATION of Retired Police Officers of Costa Blanca South – known as ARPO – welcomes new members and their partners. ARPO is a social and self-help group of retired officers of all nationalities and serving officers nearing retirement; and the association hopes to recruit people already living in Spain or considering a move to the Costa Blanca. The group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month –there are no meetings in July and August - at Sackos Bar, El Limonar at 10.30am. For further information please call Secretary John Devine on 96 671 2089, email devine453@btinternet.com, or visit the website www.arpo.org.uk.

LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE at JAVEA SCHOOL OF BRIDGE & SOCIAL CLUB Arenal, Javea Tuesdays at 2.30 p.m. from 14th February 2017 Email: secretaryjsbsc@gmail.com or Tel: 610 335 142

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Lorraine Howard Marketing Manager

Lost Pension – My Story

There have been many articles written regarding lost or frozen pensions recently, both in the papers and social media. I am sure many people think the stories of people coming across hither-to unknown pensions are at best exaggerated and at worst just false. If I did not work with financial advisers, I would also assume the stories were just advertising gimmicks. Having written many articles urging people to contact us if they worked for a company with a pension scheme for two or more years to see if they have a pension fund, I thought I should probably take my own advice. I worked for a bank in the city of London for two years, although I was only a member of the pension scheme for eighteen months, so I asked my colleague to investigate if I had any money in the scheme. I did not expect anything to come back, or if so, only around a couple of thousand pounds. Imagine my surprise, when the scheme administrators, sent back the value - an amazing Twenty Six

Thousand Pounds!! This will now provide a very nice boost to my pension, when I am able to access it. In the meantime, it is invested and will hopefully grow further. Pension Scheme administrators only have to make one effort to trace members before the money is absorbed into the scheme. If you worked in the UK and now reside here in Spain, there is every possibility that your money is waiting for you to make a claim. I urge you to think about your past jobs and contact us to see if your retirement could be made that much more comfortable. Call us on 965 704 338 to arrange a free no-obligation chat, or just pop into our Benijofar office, next to the Citroen garage on the main street.

20- 26 jan 2017



20- 26 jan 2017


Tourism soars to record high SPAIN WELCOMED more than 75.3 million foreign visitors over 2016; breaking its own record for the seventh year on the bounce. by Edward Graham Numbers of tourists grew by 7.2 million compared to 12 months earlier, an increase of 9.9% according to figures released by the Energy and Tourism Ministry. And over 6 million foreign visitors chose to visit the Costa Blanca, a growth of 15%, with Benidorm remaining the leading resort. Catalonia was the most popular destination with 17 million visitors followed by the Balearic and Canary Islands. The tourism industry remains an important driver to the country’s economy. Last year it was worth 77 billion Euros, an 8.3% rise on 2015. The statistics show that the lion’s share of visitors came from the United Kingdom, France and Germany. Madrid said 16.9 million British people visited Spain last year, their appetite unaffected by Brexit. Tourism Minister Alvaro Nadal said growth had been “exceptional” and said an economic policy must be created aimed at “consolidating a very important sector of the economy.” The tourism industry is seen as one of the most competitive in the world. In Spain, it contributes more than 10% to Gross Domestic Product and 11% of jobs. However, recently international consultant Ernst & Young advised Spain that she needed to up her game plan; pointing out concerns over the sustainability of the low-cost ‘sand and sun’ holiday model. It pointed out that Spain would have to “unashamedly” target high-end tourists. Europeans make up 89% of visitors but spend an average of 135 Euros a day – Chinese tourists spend 960 Euros and American travellers 672 Euros. However, town halls are already changing their pitch; new focus is being put on gastronomy, culture, and sport.


20- 26 jan 2017


Ambitious Scot pays to coach club Window SCOTTISH BUSINESSMAN John Clarkson is paying 150,000 Euros to become the manager of a third-tier Spanish football club – and will get a refund if he wins promotion. by Jack Troughton The ambitious 60-year-old (pictured), described as “football mad”, is set to take the helm at Deportivo Tudelano, currently ninth in Group 1 of Segunda Division B. He will pay 50,000 Euros this season and 100,000 Euros for the privilege but will get his money back if the club goes up. Tudela is 90km south of Pamplona in the Ribera Navarra region. Deportivo Tudelano was found in 1935 and current President Jesus Miranda said John had made the offer as “a sporting bet”. The new coach, who owns a care home company in East Anglia, has been involved in lower league clubs in Spain and England as a coach, manager, director of football and owner. He has been involved with Valencia clubs in the past; UD Benissa, Crevillente Deportivo, and FBCD Catarroja. Most recently he kept Ontinyent CF from relegation. Back at Tudelano, Mr Miranda said: “The Scot has big plans for this club. His goal is to get to the second division within two years. He is paying money to do a sports project; he is not taking over the club. “Fans might think this is just an extravagant hobby but he is a fully-fledged coach with all his badges.”

shopping BOUTIQUE PALME has won the third annual Christmas Window Display Competition in Mojacar, the result announced at the end of the festive season. The business, located in the Mojacar Commercial Centre, took part in the competition aimed at creating a Christmas atmosphere for shoppers. Winners were decided by public vote - this year by using Facebook – and the boutique gained 825 followers or “likes”, scooping the first prize of 500 Euros. Tobacconist La Fuente, with 660 votes, was second and on a prize of 300 Euros. In third place, winning 100 Euros, was the decorations shop “The Vuelta de Las Golondrinas” which is located in the old town.


Desert island winner by Jack Troughton THE EVERGREEN tale of Robinson Crusoe proved a hit with audiences as The Indalo Players presented their 2017 pantomime at Vera’s El Cine Teatro – with one cast member proving to be a ‘super trouper’. Sandra Moorhouse (pictured with the cast, front row right) slipped backstage and landed badly on her arm. She bravely carried on...only to discover later at hospital she had broken two bones in her wrist. More than 200 people enjoyed the three performances and proceeds from ticket sales are earmarked for local charities, supporting Vera Orphanage and the PAWS-PATAS cat neutering programme. In addition, refreshments were supplied by Stepping Stones and sales will benefit its Alzheimer’s charity; while programme sales will be given to the MACS Cancer Support Group. The show to four months to stage; rehearsing, making costumes, and locating props – the cast, who are now looking forward to next year’s panto, thanked Vera Town Hall for the use of the theatre free of charge. The totals of donated monies will be posted on The Indalo Players’ Facebook page; Mojacar Forum; Spectrum Radio’s Facebook page; and PAWS-PATAS website and Facebook page. For more information email Chrissie.3@ hotmail.co.uk. Total profits were 1,153 Euros; Indalo Playeres banking 384 Euros for future productions, and 384 Euros each to the orphanage and PAWS-PATAS. The bar takings for Stepping Stones were a further 455 Euros and programme sales for MACS netted 101 Euros.

20- 26 jan 2017


#NewsFromAfar 18

20- 26 jan 2017

GOT A STORY? Email editor@roundtownnews.com

Tune in to treasure THE BRITISH Museum is hoping to find a key to solve the mystery of a hoard of gold found stashed inside an aging piano. by Jack Troughton Experts are seeking information about the lost gold – believed to be a “substantial” stash of coins – concealed in an upright piano sometime over the last 100 years. The treasure was discovered by the new owners of an instrument made by Broadwood & Sons of London in 1906 and later sold to an Essex music shop. Messrs Beavan & Mothersole of Saffron Walden sold it on to private owners...but there is no evidence of who tinkered with the ivories between 1906 and 1983. It was then sold on as part of a house clearance following the death of its former owner and still contained its valuable secret. An inquest has now opened in Shropshire with coroners urging members of the public to come forward to help find out who hid the hoard – and why. The piano’s latest owners reported the find after having the instrument tuned. Full details of the treasure are being withheld – it will be up to claimants to help fill the missing gaps to prove their interest is genuine and the British Museum is orchestrating a nationwide hunt. It has confirmed the cache of gold was deliberately hidden sometime in the last 110 years but the treasure itself predates 1900. While it is possible the gold was secreted by criminals, experts believe it more likely it was concealed by an absent-minded member of the public; who later died without telling relatives of the secret.


High water mark Your English Newspaper

ROVING PHOTOGRAPHER Alec Bettney decided to start 2017 on a high and took a trip to Tous and its dam and reservoir at the highest point of the Valencian mountains. by Jack Troughton

He said after the “Biblical rain” of last December he was sure the water would be high; but found levels lower than expected. “My photographs clearly show previous high water lines.” However, he was delighted by the wildlife he discovered. “I was taken back at the wealth of plant and animal life existing at the highest points in bleak, windy and very cool conditions. “On my way through the very wild countryside at the dam, I encountered a group of stags crossing the road in front of me. “The road up from Tous village is very long and winding and seems to take ages to get to the top...but once you are over the summit, the views are the most stunning I have ever seen.” Alec can be contacted by calling 630 981 229 or by email to ibizafixit@yahoo.com.

An island castle A view from the summit

20- 26 jan 2017



Lend a hand LAS FILIPINAS Neighbourhood Association is appealing for expats to help supply books to stock the shelves of a new international library. The group has agreed with the San Miguel Salinas Town Hall to open the facility at the Las Filipinas Social Centre in Benidorm Street, part of the Blue Lagoon. The new Orihuela Costa library will offer people free WiFi, computers, and a large multi-facility room available to the whole community. The Asociacion Vecinos Las Filipinas said local residents can now lend a hand by donating books to the library; the intention is to have an international selection so it does not matter what language they are written in. The centre is open between 8am until 2pm and everyone is welcome to drop off their donation. And a spokesman for the association said: “We must take the opportunity the town hall has given us and use this public centre as a meeting point for the neighbourhood. People from all nationalities are welcome to join this project.”


20- 26 jan 2017

Enjoy a team talk ROJALES NETBALL Club is looking to recruit new players as it looks to build on the successes of 2016 over the coming months. by Jack Troughton Anyone aged over 14 is welcome to join the club and as a team sport, netball is a perfect solution for ladies who want to get fit but hate the gym. The club is made up of a friendly and sociable mix of women, both in age and ability, all linked with sport as a common interest. Rojales finished 2016 on a high by taking part in a Charity Pink Weekend at La Manga Sports Club. There were 15 teams taking part and the club fought its way to the runners-up spot – a great effort by the team and the champagne flowed freely afterwards. And the end of the first half of the season the club purchased sweatshirts for all the members – who were presented with the tops at the Christmas Party. Anyone interested in playing will find the club at Quesada, next to the Norwegian School, on Tuesdays between 7pm and 8.30pm. For more information, call Claire on 680 300 637.

HELP springs into 2017 HELP MURCIA Mar Menor has published a calendar of events being staged by its ‘Friendship Group’. On Friday 10th February there is ‘Stand Up Bingo’ at La Zona Bar, Los Alcazares. Coffee is at noon and the bingo from 12.30pm to 1.30pm. Golf Delux is being staged at Torre Pacheco on Friday 10th March at 10.30am for an 11am start. The cost, including lunch is 12 Euros. And on Friday 14th April, the group is holding a ‘menu del dia’, grand raffle, and Easter Bonnet Competition at Alquilino’s Restaurant, San Pedro. The cost is 12 Euros and members are asked to arrive at 1.45pm for a 2pm start. For further information and reservations, call Doreen on 637 920 882 or the HELP Office on 96 857 0059.

Wales too strong www.roundtownnews.com

20- 26 jan 2017


WALES DOMINATED the friendly against the Spanish women’s rugby team to win the Villajoyosa fixture 0-39 in front of a large crowd. by Jack Troughton The game provided coaching staff on both sides with valuable lessons ahead of this year’s World Cup in Ireland – the Welsh players also preparing for the Six Nations. Spain - pictured moving the ball from away from a scrum – will look to improve ball handling under pressure. On two occasions errors crept in when the ball was dropped close to the try line with supporters sure the home side was certain to score. Wales Captain Rachel Taylor earlier praised the facilities at the ground, home to La Vila, and said the pitch was “in great condition”. She said “a couple of the Spanish girls” played in England at Premiership level, giving Spain a physical presence “up front” with “pace and handling skills” out wide. And coach Rowland Phillips, who once played at the ground for the Welsh Wizards sevens side, said: “I didn’t recognise the place; the facilities are outstanding. It’s fantastic and very, very impressive.” He congratulated Spain on reaching the Ireland finals. “I am sure they will do very well in the World Cup.”


20- 26 jan 2017

Award to former mayor A FORMER Mayor of Mojacar, Jacinto Alarcon has posthumously been awarded the town’s ‘Indalo de Oro’ for his vision of a modern flourishing community. by Jack Troughton The Almeria resort is celebrating 25 years of the town’s gold award. It has been previously handed to artists, successful entrepreneurs and politicians; both Spanish and from abroad. And now the mayor credited with saving Mojacar and developing it into a modern town has been honoured. Jacinto (pictured) is said to have taken on title when the municipality was about to vanish because of depopulation and homes being abandoned as people left for foreign shores. In the sixties, Jacinto managed to bring Mojacar electricity, water, roads, transport links, a national Parador Hotel, as well as the reconstruction of the houses in the town “as he remembered them as a child”. These soon attracted diplomats and representatives of Europe’s royal houses, Spain’s famous bullfighters and artists from all over the world. He also won a national improvement prize and put Mojácar firmly on the map as one of the most cosmopolitan places in Spain. And the politician encouraged many of the town’s people to return by offering employment and a future.

Dina safe and well GERMAN SHEPHERD ‘Dina’ has been rescued by the animal shelter Finca San Miguel de Salinas and may soon by heading for her forever home. The dog was found in a bad condition and volunteers said if she

was not taken in “she would live the rest of her life on a chain”. Dina is making a full recovery, has been neutered, and may be headed for the UK and a new home. The next open day is on Saturday the 28th of January between 1pm and 5pm. Everyone is welcome to meet the animals and is invited to bring carrots, apples, dog bis-

cuits, dog food – especially big tins from Aldi - or to make a little donation. People can also become a ‘food sponsor’ and give 5 Euros or 10 Euros a month. For more information go to Facebook page ‘fincasanmigueldesalinas’, call Mona on 616792365 or email nicosolm@hotmail.com.


20- 26 JAN 2017



Carlos Baos

Changes in Inheritance and Gift Tax THE VALENCIA Community – the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellon – has approved modifi cations affecting the Inheritance and Gift Tax. ALMOST EVERY New Year, most regions - Spain’s autonomous communities, introduce some legal changes, affecting rules and laws. Valencia in 2017 is no exception. And the Law 13/2016, of 29th of December, has changed the main Valencian Tax Law 13/1997, which regulates among others, the Inheritance and Gift Tax in this region. At this point, we must remind our readers that for Inheritance and Gift purposes the law distinguishes between four groups depending on the relation with the deceased or donor. We want to mention group I; descendants under 21-years-old, and group II: descendants over 21-years-old, ascendants and spouses. Until now, the Valencia Tax Laws, allows an allowance of 75% of the tax when the heirs belong to Group I and II. Under the changes, this ‘bonification’ remains for heirs who are part of Group I; but for the heirs from Group II, it has been reduced to 50%. And regarding Gift Tax, the ‘bonification’ for Groups I and II does not apply any longer. In any case, it must be remembered, there is still a reduction in the inheritance and gift tax of 100.000 Euros - so the heirs and beneficiaries part of Group I and II, will not pay tax on the first 100.000 Euros inherited or received. With the exception of spouses, people only qualify for this benefit in gifts, if they inherit. Still, it must be said that the Valencian Tax Regulations regarding gifts and inheritance are more beneficial for tax payers in the region than in many other areas of Spain, and there are much more tax benefits than the national tax rules and laws. Partnership: it is also included is a new article

( 12-quarter), where it is said formal partnerships (pareja de hecho) would be considered for tax purposes and benefits as spouses, as far as they fulfil with the Valencian Law; and they are formerly listed in the Partnership registry of the community of Valencia. Although this is a positive change for the un-

married couple, it could mean a discrimination for expatriates in Spain, as this Valencian Partnership Law and Registry may not apply to them - discrimination that should be fought against, in order that partnership formed by expats to be able to enjoy the same benefits. If you want to prepare your inheritance,

make a gift, or deal with an inheritance and find the most efficient way to do it, contact us and we will help you. The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com


20- 26 jan 2017

Advertising feature

Let Off-Plan Property Deposit Refunds Reclaim Your Lost Deposits… Did you place a large deposit on an ¨Off-Plan Property ¨ in Spain and believe you have lost your money due to either the Developer entering Bankruptcy or failure of your development being completed? Were you one of the many thousands of people from the UK or throughout Europe that this happened to? The Spanish Supreme Court has ruled that the Banks who backed the Spanish Developers are now liable and have been instructed to refund ¨Purchasers Deposits¨. Many purchasers were caught up in this situation due to the recession that hit the Spanish Property Market in 2008. The Spanish Court has ruled that purchasers are now able to reclaim their ¨Lost Deposits¨ for up to fifteen years from the time when their property was deemed to be completed. Each claim can only be brought before courts once and must be done so individually. Off Plan Property Deposit Refunds S.L. who are based in Estepona, Malaga have been successfully reclaiming lost deposits for clients on a totally ¨No Win/ No Fee” basis and are working diligently in conjunction with a highly professional team of lawyers who have been successfully reclaiming lost deposits through the Spanish Courts for the last ten years for hundreds of clients. The lawyers are very well known and respected along the Costa Del Sol and have been in practice for over twenty years and specialise in the process of reclaiming pur-

chasers lost deposits. To date the lawyers can boast a 100% success rate when reclaiming on a ¨No Win/ No Fee¨ basis. There are NO Upfront Costs required and No Monies are required from a client at the outset or during the duration of a claim. The ¨No Win / No Fee¨ basis has been set up whereby a fee is only paid on the successful outcome of an individual case. In the unlikely event a case is unsuccessful, ALL

COSTS on both sides are met by the lawyers as they are confident that when representing clients on a ¨No Win/No Fee¨ basis they WILL win the case. Each individual case can vary in length of time, this is normally between twelve and twenty-four months. However, a decision as to whether there is a viable case to reclaim your ¨lost deposit/s¨ is made very quickly by the Legal Department.

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20- 26 jan 2017



Caprice starts first verse CAPRICE, A new ladies singing group is busy rehearsing for its debut Costa Blanca show – but new faces are always welcome. by Jack Troughton The group will take to a stage for the first time this spring. The concert, aptly named ‘Let the Song Begin’, will be performed in Calpe. Caprice is run and conducted by Aileen Lightfoot, who has been directing choirs and musical theatre groups in the area for many years – the group sings in three-part harmony and is accompanied on piano by Kirsty Glen. The group meets on Wednesday evenings in Moraira and is currently rehearsing a wide range of music. This includes popular songs by The Carpenters, songs from the shows such as Jesus Christ Superstar, Chess and Blood Brothers, music by Gershwin plus a little bit of Gilbert and Sullivan and a few whimsical madrigals. In short, there should be something to appeal to everyone. The various singers have been performing in different musical theatre groups and choirs in the area for many years and, although it is always lovely to have male voices in a group, they are enjoying the new experience of creating a blend of purely female voices not often heard on the Costa Blanca. Anyone interested in joining Caprice or would like more information, please contact musical director Aileen on 696 514 613 or email her on aileen2light@gmail.com. Details of the concert will be confirmed later.


20- 26 JAN 2017

life&leisure #Puzzles 

Doodle Box

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. It’s right for top actor to join the directors (9) 8. Strange ring worn by learned divine (3) 9. Approach the lamp so as to be revealed (4,2,5) 11. Got out of the way with theologian coming round quite deceived (7) 12. Frequently mollify missing skinhead (5) 13. Amused a female who wasn’t nice to know (6) 15. Some of the side let everybody down - get rid of them! (6) 17. It takes a cool head and continuous pain to find a hiding-place (5) 18. Make a ripping removal (4,3) 20. Not well and inclined to be not at all friendly (3-8) 22. Bill may take it as lovers do (3) 23. Fell back and received medical attention again (9) DOWN 2. Also in the direction of nothing (3) 3. Restrained Edward the graduate (5) 4. Refer to everybody with due order (6) 5. Wild flower came up under animal (3-4) 6. Visit the greyhound stadium and be ruined (2,2,3,4) 7. Mend a torn decoration (9) 10. Curse the way men talk! (11) 11. Popular government production of funny comedy about over-turned car (9) 14. All rest of stars in disturbance... (7) 16. ...restrictions are precisely defined in part (6) 19. The fruit of temptation... (5) 21. ...by a woman the night before (3)

ACROSS 1. Vigorous (9) 8. Wonder (3) 9. Abstainer (11) 11. Go before (7) 12. Additional (5) 13. Majestic (6) 15. Blow (6) 17. Collier (5) 18. Balcony wall (7) 20. Communication (11) 22. Anger (3) 23. A plant (9) DOWN 2. Born (3) 3. Small wood (5) 4. Merchant (6) 5. Accumulate (7) 6. Airborne soldier (11) 7. Lasting (9) 10. Crises (11) 11. Practical (9) 14. Extend (7) 16. Coil (6) 19. Spacious (5) 21. Dry (of wine) (3)

This weeks crossword answers and Suduko solution can be found on page 30.

Quick Sudoku

20- 26 JAN 2017

life&leisure #horoscopes


Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594

 It is the uncertainty that is hard to handle right now and you are unsure just what to do next in the current scheme of things. Pluto forces you to examine your motives and challenges your way of thinking during a week whereby you have to stick to your guns. Actions with Venus in sextile are sent to ground you and boost confidence and self love. Venus sextiles with Pluto and love is on hold right now. Your lack of decision does nothing to bring you the joy and adventure you deserve, mainly because you are having second thoughts about something very fundamental to your most immediate necessity. Somebody has been shown to have been economical with the truth and it doesn’t help! A corner develops here whereby it would be very wise to take a check on your finances. Whilst money is coming in it seems that rather more is going out, covering some minor repairs and domestic expenses. Mercury sextiles Neptune and this is a time to tighten your belt and to ensure that all those who should be contributing actually do so! Focussing on the third quarter of Moon, something is very close to completing right now, and you should be happy; but you are not. You give the best of advice but someone is betraying a trust and has disappointed you in so doing. Take stock and use this week to do somethings for yourself, it’s time to invest in some you time for a change. Pride stops you from admitting that you got it wrong; although all of the signs pointed you in your current direction. All that glitters is not gold, and never could be. Jupiter brushes by an ebullient Venus who is in transit to square up to Saturn. Take the chance of a loophole and put yourself forward to make things that matter really count. You stalled for time and it wasn’t the right thing to do in hindsight. We can all be very wise after the event, but this does not mean that you should doubt what you did. If somebody changed the goalposts then it cannot be your responsibility. Mercury is in sextile with Neptune and this means a conflict of interests; so beg to differ and move on!

Pluto can be a significant thorn in your side particularly when twinned with Venus as an affair close to your heart can bring strong emotions to the surface, when they are best kept deep inside. Known for your timbre and balance your equilibrium suffers a blow only if you let it hurt you in any way and you do not need any heartache right now. Your deepest spiritual side is calling you take om something new and rather wonderful right now. You have an inkling, but it is time to face facts and explore all new avenues open to you. You need now to get your teeth into something, as a door thankfully closes behind you, and another opens onto a whole new mind set of experiences. Brushing past Venus some love brushes off and you are able to see something from a very different angle. Deep within your emotions there are things that you need to do and forgiveness is just one of them. Don’t even think of the past when change can bring you all that you truly desire, and the North wind of changes is gently blowing your way! Venus heads off in the direction of Saturn this week, enough to send you a stark reminder that there is some unfinished business; and that you subsequently have work to do. Whether you like it or like it not, the truth needs to be told and there is nobody else who knows the consequence of secrets and lies. Tell it like it is, all who need to will hear. Somebody is calling the shots but you are so right to intuitively not want to get involved in something that further complicates things. This is a busy time for you, and you have had the time to think things out and have some life changes to make. Things will not happen over night, but you are being realistic in keeping your cards close to your chest. Neptune reacts positively with Mercury towards the end of the week. You are changing that which you must and taking charge where you need to. Here comes a chance to set up new communications that will work very well for you and show everyone that you have good intentions and have removed the nagging doubts that seem to hold you back.


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

KENNY, I have already broken my resolutions this year and I am so afraid that it will be another year of, “same old same old” I can’t even face reading the news anymore because nothing good seems to be happening to the World right now! Lydia G. Lydia, I have given up the resolutions and the dieting and the health kick just now....I can handle them a lot better when I am ready to; and just a date of the year doesn’t inspire me. When the time is right then the time is right...and that’s not just a cop out, honest! So many good things do happen in the World, but it is only the bad things that we hear since they make good reading, good viewing, good news! We are, all of us, still on the front page of this 2017 and whatever it may bring us. Smiles and tears and surprises and shock disappointment and laughter, they are all out there..... come what may. This is the process of life and you deserve to get whatever you put in!

If It’s Your Birthday This Week

Sweep any doubts well out of the way as your sense of purpose is motivating you and those you love. Change for changes sake is just not on the cards right now when enterprise and fine tuning will best get you what you chiefly need!


20- 26 jan 2017

leisure #auntyvirus & life ////////////////////////////////////

Bookmarks on Firefox

PLEASE AUNTY, I need your help again. IE kept crashing, and I was told to also use Firefox as an alternative. On Firefox, (in Bookmark) we could pin tag (on the top bar) certain things like Speedtest/ Bing translate/Crossword solver/cheap flights… Then this morning, when we switched on, they had All disappeared, and not for the first time. Could you tell me, (as usual in ‘idiot form’) how to lock them in? Ken AUNTY SAYS: Firefox has a help topic on this problem. “I can add or change bookmarks but they are lost when I restart Firefox” https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/

cant-add-change-or-save-bookmarks which has two solutions for you to try: One is to Fix the Bookmarks file, and the other to create a new Bookmarks file And one of these should solve the problem.

Loading homepage Hello Aunty, please can you help with a very irritating problem on my laptop? When I go to my homepage on the internet it takes forever and a message eventually appears at the bottom of the screen saying ‘recover webpage’ which I have to click on at least three times before I can access what I want. Is there a solution? Thank you. Sheila Aunty says: It may be that you have an “add on” that is not working correctly for your internet browser, causing it to fail, so you can either go into the options / settings for your browser, and go through the addons and disable / uninstall ones until you find the problematic one. Most browsers also have a “reset” option, which resets everything on your browser. As an alternative, you can simply try another browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, as some browsers work better than others.

iPhone storage HI AUNTY: I have an iPhone 4 with 6Gb. I have closed lots of Apps but still it says I have used 5.0GB and only 360MB left. Where has the other 740MB gone? But when I look at usage it shows 600MB for photos 166 for Facebook. 97 for Google etc. only adding up to 1.4GB. Where has the other 4.6GB gone? Regards, Robert

Aunty says: You are not missing any storage space. Don’t forget that the iPhone needs to run the IOS operating system, which will take up some storage, as will any other system required applications. Although your personal storage area may only show “1.4gb”, this may only be data in your personal area, and not any apps or music stored elsewhere. People also often confuse storage space and memory space. Closing apps will stop the apps running in “memory” but it will not remove them from storage.


20- 26 jan 2017

life&leisure #Spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


Imperatives and Reflexives We are now looking at how to express commands or orders which are addressed to more than one person. In other, more grammatical, words, we are learning about the second person plural (vosotros) imperative form.

The ex-pope said to his assembled followers “Rezad por mí” “pray for me” from the verb “rezar” to pray.

we can replace “el abrigo” and “las gafas” with object pronouns like this: “Quítatelo” “póntelas”.

I gave a few examples at the end of the last article as follows: “venid aquí”; “leed el texto”; “dejad de gritar”; “abrid los libros en la página 8”.

As far as the pronunciation is concerned, as the letter “d” is a much softer sound in Spanish than in English, you may be forgiven for actually confusing it with the infinitive “r” ending. In practice the two forms sound remarkably similar, especially when followed by other words as in the examples already given.

Now then, I hear you ask, how do we give these kinds of orders, using reflexive verbs, addressing the plural “vosotros” form instead of the singular “tú” form? Well, there’s the theory and then there’s the practice. The theory is that we drop the “d” from the verb (with the exception of the verb “ir”) and then add the reflexive pronoun. Like this: “cállate” (tú form meaning “be quiet!) “callaos” (vosotros form meaning be quiet, made up of “callad” plus “os”, dropping the letter “d”. Try screaming it at the neighbours’ kids “¡¡¡CALLAOS!!!” The accent incidentally goes on the last but one syllable which is the second “a”, like this: “callAos”.

These are orders or commands that a teacher might give to a group of children or some other kind of leader might give to participants in any activity. It is also the form a parent would use to talk to more than one of their offspring. Basically, as you can see, we have replaced the “r” at the end of the infinitive form with a “d”. So, a teacher might say “escribid en vuestros cuadernos”; an activity leader might say “escuchad atentamente” and a parent might say “dejad de hacer tanto ruido”. I saw another example on the telly yesterday.

In previous articles we have learnt about reflexive verbs, and they popped up again an article or two ago when learning the singular (tú) imperative. “Quítate el abrigo” (take off your coat) is a command using the reflexive verb “quitarse” - to take off. “Ponte las gafas” (put on your glasses) is the same thing, using the reflexive verb “ponerse” – to put on. As we have seen,

However, (there always has to be a “how-

This weeks solutions

ever” doesn’t there?) for reasons to do with ease of speech and changes in fashion and usage, many Spanish speakers insert the letter “r” between the verb and the pronoun, like this “CALLAROS”. This variation is technically incorrect but has now become so widespread that it is considered acceptable. Another example is the verb “ir” which is slightly different as I have mentioned. To go is “ir” and “irse” to go away. The singular imperative of “ir” is “ve” (go!) and of “irse” is “vete” (Go away!). In the plural, the imperative of “ir” is “id”. In this case we have to keep the “d” giving us “idos” but you will just as often hear “iros” – the order to more than one person to get lost. I’ll leave you to think of a context in which you would want to use it. I can feel you glazing over on this one, and I think I’m slightly glazing over myself so I’ll leave it there for today.

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Starboard; 8 Odd; 9 Come to light; 11 Deluded; 12 Often; 13 Medusa; 15 Delete; 17 Cache; 18 Tear out; 20 Ill-disposed; 22 Coo; 23 Retreated. Down: 2 Too; 3 Bated; 4 Allude; 5 Dog-rose; 6 Go to the dogs; 7 Adornment; 10 Malediction; 11 Democracy; 14 Stellar; 16 Strict; 19 Apple; 21 Eve. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Energetic; 8 Awe; 9 Teetotaller; 11 Precede; 12 Extra; 13 August; 15 Stroke; 17 Miner; 18 Parapet; 20 Intercourse; 22 Ire; 23 Hollyhock. Down: 2 Nee; 3 Grove; 4 Trader; 5 Collect; 6 Paratrooper; 7 Permanent; 10 Emergencies; 11 Pragmatic; 14 Stretch; 16 Spiral; 19 Roomy; 21 Sec.

20- 26 jan 2017

xxx by

Chris Ashley

Writer & Broadcaster



20- 26 jan 2017


life&leisure #good food


Moroccan chicken stew This hearty stew, full of vibrant veg and warming spices, serve with a side of cauliflower tabbouleh as a light accompaniment Ingredients large handful flaked almonds 1 tbsp ghee 2 red onions, finely sliced 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped thumb-sized piece ginger (about 40g), unpeeled if organic, finely grated 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground cinnamon ½ smoked sweet paprika 4 chicken thighs, skin on 2 red peppers, sliced into thin strips 1 large lemon, cut into 6 thick slices handful green olives, stoned 250ml gluten-free chicken stock or bone broth 4 pitted dates or dried apricots, chopped a small pinch of chilli powder or 1 fresh, red chilli, chopped

(optional) 150g green beans, halved handful fresh coriander, chopped handful fresh parsley, chopped Method In a large, dry pan, gently toast the almonds for 2 mins until golden – don’t take your eyes off them, as they burn easily – then set aside. In the same pan, heat the ghee and gently cook the onions for 8 mins until softened. Add the garlic, ginger and spices, and fry for 1 min more. Add the chicken thighs, skinside down, and cook until the

skin is golden and crisp, then turn and cook to lightly golden on the flesh side. Add the red peppers, lemon slices, olives, stock or bone broth and dates or apricots (and chilli, if using). Simmer with the lid on for about 40 mins until the chicken is cooked through. If you find the sauce is too watery, take off the lid and leave it to reduce a little. If the sauce is too thick, add a few more tbsps of water. Add the green beans for the final 4 mins of cooking time. Season to taste and top with the coriander, parsley and the toasted almonds to serve.


20- 26 jan 2017

life&leisure #Health /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Delaying the onset of dementia MEDICAL RESEARCH is equally focused on delaying the onset of dementia and finding a cure for the disease, a meeting heard last week. by Jack Troughton At present there is no cure for dementia – part of the aging process – but people can take steps to reduce the risk of developing the condition. Professor Lawrence Whalley (pictured), who spent many years studying dementia at the University of Aberdeen before his retirement, gave a presentation to the Vall del Pop – explaining on-going research and summarized existing data. He said early identification of the pathways to dementia was extremely difficult – the first signs were usually first observed by partners and friends noticing increased memory loss or by an inability to undertake tasks that had previously presented no problem. And the professor said dementia principally occurred through genetic factors, with environmental factors making up the balance. There was no opportunity to influence genetic factors but people could take steps to reduce the environmental factors, such as: diet - the Mediterranean diet was a major positive; living in a warm and sunny climate; and taking exercise, which aided in improving cardio vascular health. It was also important to keep the brain active and interested as people got older - U3A groups and meetings could help provide such stimulation. There was evidence that levels of dementia per population are decreasing in several western countries, and not increasing as quickly as the population was ageing in others. Professor Whalley cited some tribes in the remote, less developed areas of the world, where there is no dementia evident - and of vegetarian tribes where the levels are extremely low. However, a correlation between stress and dementia was less easily quantified. He recommended keeping fit, with a well balanced diet and intellectual stimulation, as the best way of delaying dementia - taking B12 supplements had been shown to offer some improvements, but there was no such similar evidence in relation to nicotine. However, moderate wine consumption was an acceptable part of a balanced diet.

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20- 26 jan 2017


life&leis re health u /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

What does the female menopause have to do with men? WELL, IF you share your life with a woman of a ‘certain age’ you will be aware that it is not just women who suffer as a result of menopause! Of course this is not always the case and there are woman who ‘sail’ through the menopause without so much as a single hot sweat or emotional outburst! Unfortunately, these women are the lucky few. As a man, it can be difficult to understand what is happening to your beloved. It may remind you of her mysterious moods during pregnancy (if you have been down that road together). Fluctuating hormone levels can cause havoc with a woman’s body, mind and emotions, whether this is due to periods, pregnancy or menopause. She will need your support and understanding. SO WHAT IS THE MENOPAUSE ANYWAY? The menopause is actually the last menstrual period of a woman’s life. The average age of the menopause is 51 but it can occur later or much earlier. It is the end of her reproductive years. She will stop producing eggs and her sex hormones drop to very low levels. However, problematic symptoms can begin around 10 years before this! This time leading up to the menopause, is called the ‘peri-menopause’. Women can also suffer menopausal symptoms for many years after the menopause. HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN MY PARTNER IS GOING

THROUGH THE MENOPAUSE? This is very difficult to answer as often, the woman herself may not know, especially if she is younger than average. Her periods may be normal and regular but she may be experiencing other symptoms such as memory loss or tearfulness. Women may be mis-diagnosed with depression when in fact the cause is hormonal. However, if you are aware of the symptoms of menopause, you may be able to piece together the puzzle. It is important to remember that these symptoms may have other causes that should be ruled out by a doctor. Symptoms include: Unusually emotional/irritable/angry Depression Anxiety Low energy Low sex drive Pain during sexual intercourse Irregular/chaotic periods Periods that are very heavy or light Hot flushes Night sweats Memory loss Poor sleep Inability to cope with life Put this together with getting wrinkles, sagging skin and breasts and flab appearing from nowhere and you can see that this is not always a fun time in a woman’s life!

Algorfa Chiropractic Clinic Dr Xavier Dutey-Harispe D.C Carretera Almoradi, No.18 Bajo. 03169, Algorfa (Direction of Los Montesinos & La Finca Golf Course) Your entire body is regulated by your brain, spinal cord and all of your nerves.

Therefore, every cell, tissue, organ and system including your immune system, takes instructions from your nervous system. An important aspect of health is how well your nervous system is orchestrating the workings of your body. That’s why we as a chiropractic clinic are interested in your spinal column. As you express higher levels of life energy in your body, you move towards health, wellness and wholeness! If your spine is misaligned and putting pressure on the nerves, this can result in problems associated with organs, muscles and ligaments. So Depending on where the problem is, determines whether and organ, muscle or ligament is affected. Where vertebra are misaligned anywhere in the spine (as indicated in the diagram), it can result in herniated or slipped discs. Or, if a nerve is pinched for example in the lumber region, it can result in Sciatica which in some cases can lead to pain travelling down to either or both legs and in some cases into the feet. If there is misalignment of a vertebra in the cervical area (neck), then it can lead to migraine, vertigo, pain in the shoulders and arms, tingling or numbness in the fingers. Dr, Dutey-Harispe D.C is a highly qualified and experienced chiropractor. You can read more about his professional background on our website. Chiropractic care is about treating the root cause not the symptoms. He has helped a lot of patients overcome difficult health issues with chiropractic care. So if you have pain in the back, neck, hips, knees or anywhere in the body, why not contact us and find out more about how we can help you. We also have some patients who benefit solely from acupuncture treatment, if you suffer from tendonitis or bursitis or if you want to give up smoking then you can helped with acupuncture. Please view our website for more information, or you can call us to discuss your specific case. Tuesday 9.00-14.00 & 17.00 - 21.00 Thursday: 9.00-14.00 & 17.00 - 21.00 Saturday 9.00 - 14.00



Whether you are a male/female partner, friend or family member of a woman experiencing the menopause, you need to be aware of her difficulties. She will appreciate your support during this often troublesome time. For women with severe or multiple symptoms that are making life difficult, herbal remedies and other complementary therapies can help. Alternatively, speak to a doctor about hormone replacement therapy (HRT).


20- 26 jan 2017

life&leisure #sports


Alfaz Fantasy Football League

The Alfaz Fantasy Football League came down to Earth after 3 weeks of double points when a full Premier League programme gave the Fantasy 29 goals, 8 clean sheets, 31 yellow cards and for the 6th time this Season no red ones. There was 4 own goals at the weekend, two of them coming from Swansea who are firmly planted at the bottom of the Premier League.( no surprise there then).West Brom’s Mc Auley who is the Premier League’s top scoring defender put one in his own net to help Spurs to an emphatic 4-0 victory over the Baggies. The top 3 teams at the top of the A.F.F.L. remain in the same positions as last week. Andrew’s Big Tymers extended their lead at the top over Wayne’s Gonna win it this year to a slender 7 points while Reece’s Wether 2 Winners stay 3rd with a 6 point advantage over the rejuvenated Julie’s The Gers who moved up 3 places. At the other end of the table Kevin’s El Portet Elite are sinking without a trace as they are now an unbelievable 138

points adrift of Angie’s Blues. No changes at the top of our Mark Carter Ladies Section with The Gers still in pole position with a 8 point advantage over Joanna’s Hup Hannah City Jenny’s Mackemville are well in contention in 3rd spot. At the bottom Angie’s Blues have closed the gap on Jo Jo Wants a Dog to only 3 points.(by the way I’m reliable informed Jo has now got one).Amanda’s team Bogs Dollocks have taken the lead in the chase for our 20 euro voucher which is sponsored by Quick Save ,the biggest and only British Supermarket in Albir. They have a very small 2 point lead over Lisa Marie’s team The Cracks. At the beginning of the Season it looked like Ant & Brad’s team Ant & Brad were going to runaway with our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League as they raced to a 51 point lead at the top. Now that margin has been cut to only 25 points by Leo’s 6 in a Row. Down at the bottom Young Anna’s team Radji United trail Nathan’s F2 Freestylers by 33 points. In our Leonard Knowles Construction Golden Boot League Dave’s

Juke Box Mackems have held on to their comfortable 41 point lead over Lee’s Walkden Town while Spurs Harry Kane’s Hat -Trick against West Brom helped Keith’s team Max & Paddy jump up 5 places to give them a chance of a top 4 finish. Kevin’s El Portet Elite have not much chance of escaping the drop as they are now 42 points behind Radji United. The two teams going into our Wyndham’s Monthly Wine Draw are our top scoring team Hannah’s Hotspurs who clocked up 58 points and our lowest scoring team which was Eric’s City Slickers who finished with a minus 2 thanks to Everton’s demolition of Manchester City. November Winner was Kevin’s El Portet Elite who won it for the 2nd time this Season. Manager of the Month for January is being kindly sponsored by Claire’s Nails in Albir who will present the winner with a 20 euro voucher to be used at their Salon in Albir. With a couple of weeks to go 8 teams have a great chance on winning this top Prize. Keith’s Max & Paddy have a single point lead over 2 teams Geordie Al’s

Eleven Misfits and Reece’s Wether 2 Winners.Hannah’s Hotspurs & Big Tymers are in joint 4th spot only 2 points away from the Summit. The fastest Moving Men’s team this week is Eric’s The Chosen Ones who moved up 43 places to Number 113 in the main League which has qualified them for a Breakfast for 2 at the Two C’s in Alfaz. Our RTN F.A.Cup League is underway after the 3rd round took place. Chris’s aptly named Flying Swans are the early pacemakers with a slight 3 point lead over 2 teams Kevin’s Mason United & Danielle’s

Charlie Chico’s.Down at the foot of the table we have 2 Lady Managers.Nikki’s Wags & Slags are on a minus 2 just one point behind Madge’s Wigan Wanderers also on a minus score. Based on past History it suggests that the teams with Players left in the F.A.Cup will have much better chance of lifting the much sort after A.F.F.L. Trophy as the Season unfolds. The results of our RTN 3rd round K.O.Cup are up on our website and soon to follow is the Draw for the next round which will take place weekend 4th & 5th February.

20- 26 jan 2017


life&leisure #sports


Trip north brings more success LA VILA traveled north to maintain an unbeaten record and comfortably beat hosts Fenix Zaragoza 15-31 despite an early shock. by Tony Fox The visitors went behind after just eight minutes after Fenix scored a converted try; but quickly came back with a try by Lambloguia, converted with his usual accuracy by Matias Jara. An unconverted try by Fenix restored their lead. La Vila fought back again with a try by Castigo to which Jara added the 2 points – and the first half ended with another try for La Vila by Martinez with Jara doing the business for yet another 2 points. So it was 15-21 coming out for the second half, which La Vila dominated with their superior fitness and finesse. Pajaujis and Castigo scored two further tries both converted by Jara, who is fast becoming the ‘Jonny Wilkinson’ of Spanish rugby. Coupled with his try scoring ability how long will it be before his talents are recognised by the Spanish International management? And with the bonus points from this match, La Vila is now 14 points clear of their nearest rivals, Les Abeilles of Valencia. Their next match is against Enginyers of Barcelona this coming Sunday (22nd January) with a 12.30pm kick off at their Villajoyosa ground. Entrance fee just 5 Euros.

Eight goal thriller

CD MONTESINOS and rivals CD Benijofar had scored 57 goals between them ahead of last weekend’s clash – and the teams netted eight times more to share the honours 4-4. The visitors, Benijofar were second placed in the Segunada Regional Grupo 16 fixture – the hosts lying in third – and a crowd of over 300 were entertained by the free-scoring game at the Municipal Stadium. CD Benijofar took the lead from the penalty spot; with CD Montesinos levelling when Alfredo netted a spotkick and with the interval approaching, Macan gave Monte a 2-1 lead. However, Benijofar - who had bagged 20 goals going into the fixture - netted three goals in a second half purple spell

to lead 4-2. Never-say-die Montesinos reduced the arrears to 4-3, when Carlos Ventura netted. And, in the wake of CD Benijofar being reduced to 10 men after a sending off, Montesinos’ striker and leading goal scorer Auren put the home side level at 4-4, netting the club’s 41st goal of the season. Montesinos failed to clinch all three points with Auren missing goal scoring opportunities - that cost them closing the gap in the promotion race. CD Montesinos face league leaders CD Murada in a crunch game over the weekend of 28th-29th January in what could be a definitive game come the end of the season - with Monte trying to plug the four point

gap at the top. In other group fixtures, SPORTING Orihuela thrashed bottom club Todo Deporte 8-0 - with Todo languishing at the foot of the table, having conceded 73 goals, and chalking up a paltry single point to date. CFP Orihuela ground out a 2-1 away win at FB Redovan ‘B’, with RP Orihuela and Deportivo Orihuela sharing the points in a goalless draw. A top of the table clash sees CD Murada travel to CD Benijofar this weekend (22nd January). Fourth placed Callosa Deportivo ‘B’ look set to leap-frog CD Montesinos in the league placings, with a game at struggling Todo Deporte. RP Orihuela host Grupo Caliche; CFP Orihuela host Atl. Orihuela; and FB Re-


20- 26 jan 2017

life&leisure #motoring


A purrfect opportunity OWNERS OF classic Jaguar cars have an opportunity to make their ‘wheels’ famous in a photo shoot being staged next month. by Jack Troughton The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club says a film crew are looking for a preseventies convertible Jaguar XJ120, XJ140, an E-Type, or similar, for filming on 24th February. The location will be in Elche in front of a country house. A JEC spokesman said: “Nobody will drive your treasure or sit in it – it will just be parked. “The shoot duration will be no more than four hours – the best bit, they will pay a good hourly rate.” Anyone interest is asked to contact Pablo Monk by emailing pablomonk@hotmail.co.uk, including a ‘side on’ photograph of their pride and joy.

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz

Working together for safer roads

20- 26 jan 2017


life&leisure #DrivingInSpain

Brought to you by n332.es //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Winter Driving Tips

With all of the warnings of snow this week, it is a timely reminder of the risks of driving when conditions are not quite the norm, especially during cold and freezing temperatures.

In coastal areas, the thought of snow might not be immediately on the minds of drivers, but a short trip inland can soon transform the environment into one which is unique, beautiful and dangerous, all at the same time. If there is a risk that you will be driving in snow, you really need to consider purchasing snow chains for your vehicle. Carrying snow chains is not a mandatory requirement, but in some areas, where snow packs the road, it becomes compulsory to use them. The Guardia Civil, police or other authorities responsible for the road can impose a restriction without warning, placing signs on the roads indicating that the use of snow chains compulsory, and if you don´t have them with you, you have just one option, to wait until the road has been cleared by a snowplough or naturally, until the restriction is lifted. Failure to adhere to the mandatory use is not only extremely dangerous, you risk a fine. If you see the “cadenas obligatorias”, or variant thereof, you must stop driving if you don´t have snow chains on your vehicle. It might also be wise to take additional equipment with you, such as warm blankets, emergency food and drink, and always advise somebody of your journey and route, as mobile phone signals are not always as reliable as we might hope. Remember also, before setting off, to ensure that your vision is not impaired. Windscreens and windows must be completely cleared of snow or mist, as must your mirrors, lights and number plates, to make sure you can see where you are going and you can be seen. Monitor your vehicle, if there are any warning lights or if you feel uncomfortable or unsure, do not drive. Often, the best advice during times of extreme weather, is to stay indoors, only driving if absolutely necessary.

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Algorfa Chiropractic Clinic Dr Xavier Dutey-Harispe D.C Tel: 965 071 898 / 618 337 616 Carretera Almoradi, No.18 Bajo. 03169, Algorfa (Direction of Los Montesinos & La Finca Golf Course) Your entire body is regulated by your brain, spinal cord and all of your nerves.

Therefore, every cell, tissue, organ and system including your immune system, takes instructions from your nervous system. An important aspect of health is how well your nervous system is orchestrating the workings of your body. That’s why we as a chiropractic clinic are interested in your spinal column. As you express higher levels of life energy in your body, you move towards health, wellness and wholeness! If your spine is misaligned and putting pressure on the nerves, this can result in problems associated with organs, muscles and ligaments. So Depending on where the problem is, determines whether and organ, muscle or ligament is affected.

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Where vertebra are misaligned anywhere in the spine (as indicated in the diagram), it can result in herniated or slipped discs. Or, if a nerve is pinched for example in the lumber region, it can result in Sciatica which in some cases can lead to pain travelling down to either or both legs and in some cases into the feet. If there is misalignment of a vertebra in the cervical area (neck), then it can lead to migraine, vertigo, pain in the shoulders and arms, tingling or numbness in the fingers. Dr, Dutey-Harispe D.C is a highly qualified and experienced chiropractor. You can read more about his professional background on our website. Chiropractic care is about treating the root cause not the symptoms. He has helped a lot of patients overcome difficult health issues with chiropractic care. So if you have pain in the back, neck, hips, knees or anywhere in the body, why not contact us and find out more about how we can help you. We also have some patients who benefit solely from acupuncture treatment, if you suffer from tendonitis or bursitis or if you want to give up smoking then you can helped with acupuncture. Please view our website for more information, or you can call us to discuss your specific case. Tuesday 9.00-14.00 & 17.00 - 21.00 Thursday: 9.00-14.00 & 17.00 - 21.00 Saturday 9.00 - 14.00




20- 26 jan 2017


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