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Your English Newspaper

NORTH COSTA BLANCA EDITION Friday, February 3 - Thursday, February 9 2017

Service not self by JACK TROUGHTON THE SUCCESS of the Royal British Legion in Spain was through a spirit of comradeship and dedication to “service and not self”, said retiring Chairman Nigel Hails. He was speaking at the Annual Conference of District North, the Legion’s governing body in Spain, at Ciudad Patricia in Benidorm and praised the “special breed” of members. And delegates from branches across the region were told the 2016 Poppy Appeal – launched in the resort last October - had raised a total of just over 165,245 Euros, slightly down on the 171,000 Euros raised 12 months earlier. Mr Hails was thanked for his “tireless” efforts at the helm and handed over the Chairmanship to Don Cubban. In a strong message to everyone who works with the Legion, Mr Hails said: “We have a successful district in Spain because of the great spirit of comradeship that exists within our community. It must never be forgotten that virtually everybody who dedicates a great deal of their time is part of a special breed that believes in service and not self.

Massive Success for Broadway!



3 feb - 9 feb 2017


Spain a post-Brexit hit SPAIN IS third in a league table of popular homes for foreign investors needing a ‘Plan B’ following Brexit. by Edward Graham A survey on the effects of the decision to leave the EU also finds Madrid as the fifth most popular European city and Barcelona in 10th place. The statistics were released on Tuesday by international audit company EY – formerly Ernst & Young – who asked senior business executives about future operations. And 14% of respondents indicated their “global” company planned to relocate if the UK left the European single market, 86% with a base in Britain indicated there were no plans to change – although some would open office in a suitable European city. Germany was the first choice for 54% of respondents, Holland was second with 33%; Spain, Italy and France tied in the popularity stakes with 8%.

‘Real men wanted’ BENIDORM DOG Homing is looking to recruit more volunteers to help the animals it rescues – and find them a forever home. by Jack Troughton The shelter is in need of help and hopes to find new volunteers to join the ‘pack’ of existing friendly team to walk the dogs – using the tonguein-cheek slogan ‘real men walk dogs’ – pictured.

The association also needs people to help find homes and raise money; especially so sick animals can be treated. Full details can be found at Facebook page; and it hopes to find willing hands prepared to give an hour or so. Volunteers are always needed Monday

to Friday between 10am and 1pm. And mainly ‘English volunteer days’ are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. And Sunday 5th March is a fundraising day at The Showboat in Benidorm. Business owners who can offer donations of raffle prizes are asked to contact Benidorm Dog Homing via the Facebook page.

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4 3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017

Service not self THE SUCCESS of the Royal British Legion in Spain was through a spirit of comradeship and dedication to “service and not self”, said retiring Chairman Nigel Hails.

News and views from the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. Read us online every week>

A word from the Ed...

For better or worse

THE MARRIAGE vows may be very sacred but divorce proceedings are now officially underway and Great Britain will leave its 27 partners in the European Union; there’s just a bit of a waiting game to see whether it’s for richer or poorer. The White Paper setting out – at least in broad brush strokes – the British Government’s strategy will be with us soon. However, it is the negotiation process that will really outline the future relationship with our former partners. Theresa May is still looking for a two-way street when it comes to the rights of EU citizens in the UK and us Xpats living abroad. In the Lords, Helena Kennedy QC, a top criminal barrister, has already said this should be sorted out here and now to stop uncertainty…nice one M’Lady. The whole negotiation process is supposed to take two years. Yeah right! Insiders are already talking taking a decade to get everything sorted. In the meantime, things start officially on 31st March (well that’s what we’re told) and a bumpy road is predicted…beyond the rhetoric, we do have friends this side of the Channel. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: NEWSDESK & GENERAL ENQUIRIES: TO ADVERTISE: THE EDITOR: DISTRIBUTION REQUESTS:

PUBLISHER: MIA MEDIA S.L MANAGING DIRECTOR: Danny Wilkinson EDITOR: Jack Troughton DISTRIBUTION: Ian Tilley (North) Darren Yates (South) David Purnell DESIGN: Alice Hillier Daniel Phillips


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by JACK TROUGHTON HE WAS speaking at the Annual Conference of District North, the Legion’s governing body in Spain, at Ciudad Patricia in Benidorm and praised the “special breed” of members. And delegates from branches across the region were told the 2016 Poppy Appeal – launched in the resort last October - had raised a total of just over 165,245 Euros, slightly down on the 171,000 Euros raised 12 months earlier. Mr Hails was thanked for his “tireless” eff orts at the helm and handed over the Chairmanship to Don Cubban. In a strong message to everyone who works with the Legion, Mr Hails said: “We have a successful district in Spain because of the great spirit of comradeship that exists within our community. It must never be forgotten that virtually everybody who dedicates a great deal of their time is part of a special breed that believes in service and not self. “They are volunteers and are appreciative of what our Service personnel have done and will always do; make sacrifi ces.” He underlined the importance of the Legion’s welfare offi cers. “Our caseworkers are probably the fi rst point of contact that someone in need meets from the Legion and provide an invaluable service. Amongst them there are individuals who will always go the extra mile to help. STRENGTH “I am gratifi ed to note that there is now closer contact and cooperation between our branches, which strengthens our community.” Mr Hails introduced Terry Whittles, the National Chairman of the Royal British Legion visiting from the UK; District President Lloyd Milen, who is also the British Consul General in Barcelona; Sara Munsterhjelm, the Alicante Vice Consul; District Chaplain Rev Ray Andrews; and Mayor of Benidorm Toni Perez. The mayor was thanked for allowing the Legion to launch the annual Poppy Appeal in the resort and helping raise the profi le of the crucial fund raising campaign. And in response, Mr Perez said: “The Royal British Legion is an example of how the only possibleway forward is that of a fraternity among people and freiendship. We encourage you to continue working in defence of those values that untie us and defi ne us as civilised societies; the value of freedom, the value of equality, and the value of personal growth. “I encourage you to continue working to preserve your traditions and deepen the brotherhood of peoples.” The conference also heard of a three year plan for District North which contains a special emphasis on community support.

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Robin Hargrave with the 2017 total

3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017

David Davis

EU divorce starts PRIME MINISTER Theresa May is free to trigger Britain’s exit from the European Union and to start negotiations after the House of Commons backed Brexit. BY JACK TROUGHTON FOLLOWING A two-day debate, MPs voted by 498 to 114 on Wednesday night to back the 130-word European Union Bill which allows the government to start the Article 50 exit clause. And a White Paper is expected to be published soon setting out Cabinet’s divorce strategy; which will be heavily scrutinised but is not expect to be widely diff erent from Mrs May’s speech last month. It is expected to underline her desire to secure the status of EU nationals in the United Kingdome and British expats living in Europe. The Bill now goes to the committee stage in the Commons before going to the House of Lords in its journey onto the statute books. In Parliament, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, and the Liberal Democrats opposed the Bill, together with veteran Tory Ken Clarke and 47 Labour rebels, including 13 frontbench politicians. In the June Referendum, of the 30 million votes cast, 52% were to leave the EU and 48% to remain, with a 71% turnout. During the debate, one senior Conservative warned it would be “political suicide” to oppose the bill and the will of the people. And Brexit Secretary David Davis said Parliament had promised a referendum, given the people a referendum, and must now adopt the result of the referendum. “I trust that Parliament, which backed the referendum by six to one, will respect the decision taken by the British people,” he said. Former Chancellor George Osborne warned of a “deep constitutional crisis” if the House voted against the Bill which could “pit Parliament against people”. A “passionate” campaigner for the Remain campaign, he said for Parliament not to allow Article 50 to be served at the end of March would “alienate people who already feel alienated”. The European Union Bill was written after the Supreme Court ruled MPs and peers must have a say before Article 50 could be initiated and rejected the government’s view that Mrs May had suffi cient powers to take the step without Parliament’s backing.



3 - 9 feb 2017

You need wheels THERE IS still time to buy raffle tickets and have the chance to win a car while helping two deserving Costa Blanca charities. by Jack Troughton Up for grabs is a second hand Chevrolet Matiz – worth over 3,500 Euros – donated by Javea Auto Sales; complete with new ITV, all transfer costs, valet, fully serviced, and warranty. The winning ticket should have been drawn last month and the money divided between the voluntary firemen of the ISVH Bomberos in Javea and the APAC Caballos based in La Xara; which rescues and re-homes ill treated horses and ponies. Organiser Pat McCue said the contest was extended because of the busy Christmas period and bad weather forcing the cancellation of a number of seasonal fairs – where it was hoped to sell more tickets. “We are now drawing the raffle on Sunday 9th April and hope to sell more tickets to help these good causes; so far there are about 2,500 Euros worth of the 5 Euro tickets sold,” she said. “And UI want people to know it doesn’t matter if they have lost or thrown their tickets away – I have a record on the ticket stubs and contact details; I don’t want people to give up on us.” It is the second time Javea Auto Sales have donated a car. The last time animal charity

APASA received a significant amount from the following raffle of a vehicle. The five-door Matiz up for grabs was first registered in 2006. Described as a “superb little car” it has less than 80,000km on the clock, air conditioning, electric front windows, and a

CD-radio. Tickets for the ‘Win a Car’ Grand Raffle are available from the Kru Hair Salon and the Heaven Boutique in Javea – and from outside Iceland on Saturday 8th April; alternatively, call Pat on 626 923 869.

Mayor’s ‘padron’ appeal CALPE MAYOR Cesar Sanchez has made an emotive appeal for all residents to sign the town hall register – the ‘padron’ – as the resort faces a funding crisis. Mr Sanchez and Councillor Hilde Backaert (pictured), whose responsibilities include the register, fear a 2 million Euro cut to central government grants unless the official population figures are updated. Every municipality received money from Madrid based on its population but Calpe is in danger of falling below an important 20,000 figure. At present there are just 19,500 people listed on the register; in 2007 there were 31,000 people – but the town hall believes there are many living in the town, both residents and non residents, who have not signed the padron. And the two politicians appealed to the foreign press on Tuesday to urge people to sign the register – a simple process that takes five minutes. “It is vital for Calpe,” said the mayor. “It is very important to maintain our services and the quality of our services. We need publicity and people need to know how important this is.”

Spanish makes White House return BY EDWARD GRAHAM THE SPANISH language has returned to President Trump’s White House in the form of Twitter – but the offi cial web site is still English-only. On Tuesday night the new Twitter account, which uses the ‘handle’ @LaCasaBlanca, posted its fi rst tweet; 11 days after the new president took offi ce. And translated, it read: “Hello! Welcome to @LaCasaBlanca. Follow us to keep up to date with the latest news about @POTUS Trump and his administration”. Removal of the Spanish content on the website sparked outrage on both sides of the Atlantic; those trying to access www. were greeted with an error message. There are around 37 million people living in the United States believed to be fl uent in

3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017


Motorcycle heist BANK ROBBERS escaped on a powerful motorcycle with an estimated 4,000 Euros haul after an armed raid on an Alicante bank on Wednesday afternoon. One of the pair entered a branch of BMN – formerly Caja Murcia – in Pinoso wearing a crash helmet and brandishing a pistol to threaten terrified staff. An accomplice was outside the bank, situated just metres from the town hall, revving the engine of the motorbike and both fled with the loot towards Monovar. Fortunately no one was injured in the incident.

Spanish and a further 15 million with a “good knowledge” of the language. The president’s press secretary Sean Spicer was forced to admit it would “take a while” to get Spanish back on the website as The White House was accused of discrimination. President Barack Obama’s administration created a website route to a Spanish version of the website and also established a blog using the

language to discuss topics of interest to the Hispanic community. Spain’s foreign minister Alfonso Dastis said Madrid “regretted” the removal of the Spanish version of the website. Congresswoman Nannette Diaz Barragan, a Californian Democrat with Mexican parents, said: “The fact we have been deleted from the website does not mean we have been deleted as Americans”.

President Trump‘s campaign was filled with anti-immigration slogans – particularly towards Mexicans –and has announced a government without a Latin representative, the fi rst in 30 years. He also stressed during a debate with Republican rivals that the United States was a country where people ‘had’ to speak English. “I am not the fi rst to say this…this is a country where we speak English, not Spanish”.

LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE at JAVEA SCHOOL OF BRIDGE & SOCIAL CLUB Arenal, Javea Tuesdays at 2.30 p.m. from 14th February 2017 Email: or Tel: 610 335 142

A mountain of support

3 - 9 feb 2017


CHARITY FUND raisers Giving 4 Giving were delighted to support a group of friends scaling the 1,400 metre Puig Campana Mountain in aid of Guardian Angels. by Jack Troughton Mercedes Wesley approached the Giving 4 Giving team for advice on how to publicise the group’s adventure on the mountain behind Benidorm – and raise cash for the Guardian Angels, which supports single parent families. The walkers took four hours to get

to the top and Giving 4 Giving was delighted to pledge 500 Euros. Mercedes contacted the team again to say she had organised an afternoon cabaret in Benidorm at the Corner Pocket Bar to raise more funds. Gary from Giving 4 Giving went along to the show last Saturday and surprised her with a further donation of 500 Euros; helping boost the total to over 1,000 Euros for the day. He said: “I was really impressed

with Mercedes and I have pledged to help her and Guardian Angels in the future; it was so ice to meet someone so young who was thinking and caring about others in need.” Giving 4 Giving has now donated 71,000 Euros to local charities and will continue its work during 2017. It always needs both donations and volunteers at its charity shops; anyone who can help should ring 603 137 697.

Caught in the act POLICE ARRESTED a 63-year-old burglar on Monday as he attempted to break into a home in a Javea urbanisation. The man, said to be a German national, is alleged to be responsible for a further eight raids on homes in Javea and Benitachell over the last six months. The suspect was arrested by officers of Javea’s Policia Local and Guardia Civil thanks to sharp eyed neighbours who raised the alarm. And a spokesman said: “The individual was caught in the act as he tried to force a window leading into the interior of the property.”

Choir on a rock ‘n’ roll

DENIA ROCK Choir celebrated a second successful year in fine voice – singing at the second anniversary party. The lively and friendly group met at the Hostal Loreto in Denia to mark the occasion and a fun-filled evening included giving some of the favourite songs an airing; including ‘Human’ by The Killers. And the cava flowed as members toasted the choir’s ongoing success and enjoying delicious taps provided by local caterer Victoria Putt Gillin. New faces are always welcome. Led by Musical Director Jan Dewland, the choir meets on Thursday nights at the Salon Social at the Hostal Loreto, between 6pm and 7.30pm at 3 Euros per session.

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Chef’s dream kitchen BY JACK TROUGHTON TELEVISION’S MASTERCHEF judge Monica Galetti and husband David open their fi rst restaurant together ‘Mere’ in London’s Fitzrovia on 6th March. Mere - pronounced ‘Mary’ – is at 74, Charlotte Street, and a long-term personal dream of this husband and wife team; the first restaurant they have run together. Monica said: “Most chefs aspire to open their own restaurant and for me to have David by my side, is a dream come true. My passion for great seasonal produce and classic techniques will continue at Mere, but with my own take on the menus.” And as well as an exciting menu and fine wines, the interiors have been created alongside Monica by London architecture and design company Softroom. The walls will also showcase the work by two of the Galettis’ favourite artists. English artist, Warren Kerley has created a dramatic signature showpiece in the bar area on the ground floor, that cleverly incorporates hun-

dreds of metal cork tops from champagne bottles sourced by David from France. A specially created traditional ‘siapo’, also known as a ‘tapa’ cloth, has been designed and made especially for Monica in Samoa and will take pride of place above a banquette in the main dining room. More contemporary Samoan

works by her cousin and the artist, Solomon Daniel, will also feature in the restaurant area. Mere will be open Monday to Saturday, 12.00-14.00 for lunch and 18.00-22.00 for dinner. Reservations will be open from the 30th January and can be made online only at

3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017



3 feb - 9 feb 2017

TRANSLATOR & INTERPRETER. English/Spanish covering all your legal, Medical & business matters on the Costa Blanca. For more info 658957404 or

Shaken not stirred

MUM-OF-THREE LUCY Yallop says she was left “humiliated” and in tears after being trying to slip a tot of vodka into a drink during a flight to Alicante. by Edward Graham The 32-year-old maintains easyJet staff tried to have her arrested for the “naughty schoolgirl” incident as she headed for a break in Benidorm. Flying from Newcastle, the hair salon owner said as she poured the alcohol from a half full miniature, cabin staffed pounced, demanded she put the bottle away and warned she would be arrested on landing. Lucy, from Durham, had bought the miniature at Newcastle but only drank half; on board she bought an orange juice and decided to add the spirit. “It was a naughty schoolgirl

thing…and I didn’t drink it. I knew I shouldn’t but I knew I had the single measure in my bag and tried to put it in my orange,” she said. “The steward came from nowhere and said ‘what have you got in your hand?’ It was embarrassing.” And she said: “The steward said he had told the captain and he had radioed ahead through so I would be arrested when we landed in Spain.” At Alicante she was escorted off the plane and met by two Spanish police officers – but she said when it was clear she was not drunk they “just shrugged their shoulders” and she was allowed to continue her holiday. But she was left “crying

and shaking” and at the airport two days later was barred from catching her return flight; and has since complained to the airline she was not told in advance she would not be allowed to fly, instead having to buy a ticket to Manchester. However, easyJet said she was warned four times not to drink her own alcohol and there were two tannoy announcements warning passengers of the rules. A spokesman easyJet said: “no airline permits passengers to consume their own alcohol as crew need to be able to monitor alcohol consumption onboard for the safety of all passengers. “The safety and wellbeing of passengers and crew is always easyJet’s priority.”


3 - 9 feb 2017

Household bills soar

Jaguars at the ELECTRICTY BILLS jumped by almost 30% golf last month compared to January 2016; with an ‘average’ consumer paying almost 20 Euros more. club by

Jack Troughton

The Spanish media has highlighted the increase to household bills as a historical rise – with the average bill jumping to 87.81 Euros compared to 67.84 Euros 12 months ago, an increase of 29.4%. Consumer association FACUA highlighted the increase – the average consumption is said to be 366kWh at 4.4kW – and said prices were up 9.4% on December. The association is calling for VAT charged on electricity to be slashed from 21% to the minimum allowed under European law to help allow people to keep the lights on when using “an essential service”.

MEMBERS OF the Jaguars Enthusiasts Club are headed for a new venue on Sunday 5th March; the ‘Club house’ of La Marquesa Golf Course, Rojales. Events Director Ian McMenemy said there was adequate parking for everyone’s ‘pride and joy’ and a comprehensive menu was currently being negotiated with the restaurant. Full details will be made available at a later date; including a ‘consolidation point’ for everyone to meet before going to the club “in convoy”.


3 feb - 9 feb 2017

Support centre opens FRUSTRATED AT waiting a year for a home to open a much-needed ‘Drop In Centre’, Orihuela Costa Community Care Association has found alternative premises. by Jack Troughton The group starts its planned programme of events at Alfonso’s Restaurant with a weekly games afternoon on Tuesday 7th February from 2pm to 5pm – and volunteers will be on hand to welcome anyone who pops in. The restaurant on Avenida Pablo Picasso – close to Orihuela Costa Town Hall – will host a series of events planned to raise awareness and support for disabled and special needs people of all ages and nationalities within the community; aimed at improving their quality of life. And in a press release, the community care association said: “A year has passed since we were promised premises for a Drop In Centre in Orihuela Costa at the Library Point Cabo Roig by Orihuela Town Hall, to provide creative activities and specialist therapies for everyone living in Orihuela Costa with long term conditions. “The premises did not have insurance to cover people using the Library Point including volunteers. We were told recently that the insurance is not in place but still no joy; no confirmation that Orihuela town Hall

will allow us to use the premises. “We want to provide a centre for everyone, including a Stroke Support Group and Alzheimer’s Association, here on the coast; plus all the other associations that people have to travel to Torrevieja or Pilal de Horadada to seek support for their conditions.” The association is also organising a communication telephone service to make sure people living alone are contacted on a weekly basis and given advice on health and social welfare issues. And it underlined there were more than 600 neurological conditions requiring special support and treatment, including: Parkinson’s; motor neurone and Huntingdon’s diseases; multiple sclerosis, strokes; arthritis; osteoarthritis and rheumatoid diseases, and dementia and Alzheimer’s. President of Orihuela Costa Community Care Association Norah Bond told RTN: “WE support people with a number of conditions and invite them to our Drop In Centre at Alfonso’s Restaurant Orihuela Costa to enjoy fun and games in the sun – where social welfare advice and support will be offered to improve their quality of life.” For more information and to volunteer to support the association, call Penny on 96 676 0814.


3 - 9 FEB 2017

Snow White And The Seven Dwarves WHAT AN amazing turn out to a fantastic Show!!! The Actors Dancers and Singers of Broadway Performance Academy once more showed why they are arguably “The Best” academy along the coast…. SNOW WHITE and the Seven Dwarves written, produced, directed and choreographed by Matt and Rebecca King, saw the conventional story of the same name turned into a comedy of immense proportions – with plenty of audience participation. We saw not only the usual Snow White Characters but Stanley, Snitch and Snatch – The Castle Idiots and Sweet-makers, Dame Fan-C Free and Buttercup the Cow, Not to mention The Scary Huntsman and the Evil Queen…All played superbly by the actors and joined by the wonderful Choreography of the dances from Hip Hop, Contemporary, Tap and Modern, interlinked perfectly to produce this brilliant show. From the Adults to “The Minions” who stole the show (as always) there was always something to laugh about. With the Help of Companions Front of House Team and Lighting by Alan Kelly and Alan Almond, coupled with

the amazing set built by Broadways own “Dogs-body” David Carrington the whole event (a sellout) was worth every effort. Broadway will be performing at another Concert in production by Matt King and Guy Verhelst on 12th May 2017 at La Nucia Auditoria called “Spring into Summer”. Dance Classes start back at Broadway

on 2nd February 2017 and for Information please contact Rebecca King on 636929680 or e-mail Acting classes will recommence in March with the normal acting/singing class and a New Group called “The Play-ers” will start for 16+who wish to try or re-kindle their acting careers.

#NewsFromAfar 18

3 feb - 9 feb 2017


Fizz goes flat FRANCE HAS outlawed the free ‘soda fountain’ where restaurants and other outlets offer unlimited refills of soft drinks. by Jack Troughton The ban came into force this week in a bid to cut obesity and makes it illegal to offer unlimited – frequently fizzy – drinks for a fixed price or free refills.

The self-service soda fountains have become a popular feature of family restaurants and cafes in a number of countries and the French ban covers soft drinks, including sports drinks, with added sugar or sweeteners. All public eateries, from fast food outlets to school canteens are affected and before the ‘all you can drink’ ban, France already imposed a soft drinks tax and barred vending machines from schools. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends taxing sugary drinks because of their link to obesity and diabetes; a growing problem in Western countries. France said the aim of the legislation was to “limit, especially among the young, obesity, overweight and diabetes” in line with WHO policy. The country’s level of overweight or obese adults is close to the European average. In a survey of adult obesity by Eurostat France was listed as 15.3%; just below the EU average of 15.9% - lower than the UK’s 20.1% but higher than the10.7% in Italy.

Your English Newspaper

From Russia with love RUSSIA’S RUGBY squad is already training hard on Villajoyosa ahead of Sunday’s friendly against the British Army’s senior side. by Jack Troughton Coach Alexander Perkuvin brought 31 players to the Costa Blanca, arriving at Alicante airport last Sunday and staying for two weeks at the Hotel Allon Mediterrania. On Saturday 11th February, the Russian players travel to Madrid and a European championship clash against Spain. Russia last trained Spain in 2014 when they were based at Jona, and have returned to take advantage of the Mediterranean climate; again ahead of an important match against the host country. The game against the British Army starts at 4pm on Sunday at Villajoyosa Rugby Stadium, which is clearly signposted from the AP7 motorway. Entrance is 10 Euros, youngsters under 12 are free.

3 feb - 9 feb 2017


Sunday morning craft THE SUNDAY morning Craft Market returns to Javea Port this weekend (5th February) enabling people enjoying a stroll to browse between 10 and 15 stalls. Everything on sale is handmade by the person at the stall and the market is open from about 11am to lunchtime; around 2pm. The market remains stall but craftsmen take it in turn to show off their wares by the sea, at the bottom of Avenida Jaime I. It means every week visitors have something different to admire and buy. From hand knitted shawls to leather handbags, from original jewellery to hand forged steel coat hangers or handmade felt bags nothing is imported, nothing made at a factory, everything individually designed and made. The fair is organised by Amata, the same association that organises the summer fair in the port of Javea, and craft markets across the region. And because everything is an original, it is [possible to place and order for a really personal piece – and pick it up at a future date. And in addition, there might be one or two stalls with locally produced or ecological products. For more information, call 639 979 678; English is spoken.


3 - 9 feb 2017

In tune for 10th birthday MEMBERS OF the Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir are looking forward to a memorable 10th anniversary year and a series of special events. by Jack Troughton Concerts already in the diary are a visit of the world famous Pontaddulais Male Voice Choir in May; the 10th anniversary concert itself in April and a Summer Charity concert in June in support of Guardian Angels, a charity supporting single parent families. At the recent Annual General Meeting, members were looking forward to a number of events and dinners to mark the milestone of the choir’s first decade. The meeting also highlighted the achievements of last year, which “enhanced” the reputation of the choir in the area. Founder and President Mike Evans said: “The choir has come from very small beginnings in 2007 to a well respected and constantly improving choir which has earned its growing reputation and we all look forward to a memorable season.” The other elected officers for 2017 are: Vice President Howard Westcott; Secretary John Ranger; Treasurer Gareth Pugh; Marketing and Publicity Vernon Pearce; Social Secretary Alun Price; and Librarian Ralph Eastwood. Details of all choir activities are on the website www. or the Choirs Facebook page.

Ifach the turtle

A TURTLE christened ‘Ifach’ was returned to the sea in Calpe last week after a two month stay in the Oceanographic centre in Valencia. by Jack Troughton Hundreds of spectators – including youngsters from primary schools – gathered on the beach to watch the 25kg adult female get christened; she was a mere number before her return to the town and was named after its iconic towering rock formation Penon de Ifach. Turtles are an endangered species in the Mediterranean and Ifach was rescued two months ago after being caught in fishermen’s nets and was taken to the ARCA Centre to recover. The pupils from the Paternina and Olta Schools took part in the ceremony to return the turtle to the sea; they also learnt about the care of such animals and how Ifach had recovered. Ifach has been fitted with a locating device so scientists can monitor her progress as she rediscovers there is no place like home.

3 feb - 9 feb 2017


Burns still inspires SCOTLAND’S NATIONAL poet Robert Burns continues to inspire youngsters and a Costa Blanca school holds an annual competition – with students learning his work by heart to recite to colleagues. Students and staff at Elian’s British School in La Nucía celebrated his life and work this week by taking part in the third annual Burns Poetry Competition. Robert Burns is one of Scotland’s most famous sons. He was born in Alloway, Ayrshire, on January 25th 1759. He wrote his first poem at the age of 15 and by the time he died in 1796 he had written more than 550 poems and songs. The poet published his poetry and travelled around Scotland reciting his work. After he died, a group of his friends got together on his birthday to celebrate his life and works, and drink a toast to his ‘immortal memory’ – it triggered the modern annual and traditional celebrations. And in schools across Scotland, children learn and recite Burns poems, and other Scottish verse – and at Elian’s this long tradition is continued with the annual competition; pupils from Year 1 to Year 9 learn poems and sonnets by heart to perform for their classmates. Each class selects two youngsters to enter into the final, which was held in the school’s auditorium on Tuesday 31st January and judges select a winner and runner up from each year group.


3 - 9 feb 2017

Honouring Robert Burns THE BLUE and white flag of St Andrew made a colourful backdrop as the North Costa Blanca Branch of the Royal Air Force Association celebrated the life and works of Scotland’s Robert Burns. by Jack Troughton Hosted by Los Leones Restaurant in Moraira, 72 members and guests were welcomed by Wing Commander Bob Hunt MBE; who later carried out another traditional duty, the Address to the Haggis. The formal ‘Graces’ were given by Father Jim Booker; the toast to the ‘Immortal Memory’ of Robert Burns was presented by Colin McNae and the toasts to the ‘Lads’ and to the ‘Lassies’ were proposed by Canon Raymond Hodson and Eileen Hodson.

Looking for a family

FRIENDLY AND sociable Kula was rescued four months ago by the Jalon Valley ARC team and is looking for a forever home. Aged between two and three, she was found with her daughter in Jalon and is “fine” with other cats and dogs. RTN was told: “She has been vaccinated and is now ready for a forever home; she would make someone a lovely companion.” ARC has other cats and dogs needing homes and food and donations are urgently needed – these can be left at the charity shop in Carre Valencia in Jalon Monday to Saturday between 10am and 1.30pm. Anyone who can help Kula is asked to call Sally on 625 985 689 or Jayne on 649 310 285. For more information visit www. or email or the Facebook page Jalon Valley A.R.C.

The celebration included a “first-class” traditional ‘Burns’ supper provided by the staff of the restaurant – and the “icing on the cake” for RAFA was 600 Euros raised for the Wings Appeal; including the proceeds from a raffle organized by Sue McNae. RAFA is always on the lookout for new recruits to join the organisation. Anyone who served with the RAF or has an interest in aviation and would like to be involved should contact the Branch Secretary Brian Flowers, on 966430215 or visit the website


BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Bar lease for sale in Albir Brand new interior decorated to the highest standard with a fitted kitchen. Established clientele Main sports bar in Albir Seats 70 plus Huge terrace with sun all day 5 year lease with a renewable 5 years available Perfect for functions Central location All fixtures and fittings included in the price

40.000€ Serious enquiries only 634 335 676

3 feb - 9 feb 2017

Advertising feature


Invest in your health

Some people are mainly focused on the price when they look for a health insurance and they decide to contract the cheapest one, but… Watch Out! Inexpensive health insurances are available on the market at the time of contracting the policy, but as the person gets older the price of the policies drastically increases considering the change to a higher age bracket. ASSSA does not increase the price due to age, which means that the premium will remain the same age bracket that you contracted at the beginning. In the end you will pay a lower amount and your insurance will result cheaper.

access to medical assistance, medical network and coverage offered. ASSSA puts at your disposal its solvency and more than 80 years of experience to provide you with the best personalised attention in your own language and the best health care any time you need it. Don’t wait any longer. Invest in your health with ASSSA. Customer Service Office:

A further point to consider is the written contractual guarantee of no cancellation. If there is no guarantee and the Insurance Company cancels the policy, it may occur that contracting another insurance becomes complicated due to age or the development of some diseases.

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ASSSA guarantees under contract that your policy will not be cancelled, therefore you can have the peace of mind of being provided with a lifetime coverage.

Jávea Tel: 965 795 077

Health is the best investment we can ever make and as such should be treated, not as the purchase of the cheapest choice by the time of contracting. Other factors to consider are the solvency and experience of the Company, the customer service, easy

Moraira Tel: 965 744 033

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3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017



Carlos Baos

Toxic banking products

SPANISH BANKS have offered and miss-sold clients a massive number of risky and toxic products over the last few years; mainly during the economic crisis. AS HIGHLIGHTED in other articles; we can fill in pages and pages with their names, including: preferred shares, subordinate shares, Bankia OPS Shares, multicurrency mortgage products, Cam ‘Cuotas Participativas’, subordinate bonds convertible into bank shares. Unfortunately, it is also amazing the number of consumers affected by these kinds of products who do not even know what are the characteristics of their investments - if they are able to cancel them; if they can claim their money back; and, in many cases, they do not even know how they are affected. In some cases, the banks have made their clients sign documents whereby the toxic products have been exchanged or swapped into another products or shares, in order to avoid any legal liability. And in many cases this resulted in a client paying all costs, fees, or

losing part of the money invested as a consequence of the bank’s mistakes and misinformation. Anyone, independent of their language and banking experience, can be miss-sold these kinds of products because it is difficult in many cases to know the difference between a normal ordinary investment and a complex risky product, as everything depends on the information provided by the bank to the consumer. The expatriate community in Spain, unfortunately, is not an exception and they have also been victims of these banking scandals; the language barrier and the trust in the employees of the bank the most common reasons of signing for these toxic products. However, it needs to be remembered that the laws of Spain and the European Union, oblige the bank to provide customers with complete and clear information about the product and its risks

and costs before any investment agreement is signed. Further, it needs to be determined if a particular product suits the characteristics of the client by making a relevant convenience and aptitude test; also relevant is the knowledge and experience of the consumer in investments of this kind, determining what sort of products previously been contracted. If you are affected by this kind of product, we advise you to contact us or any other lawyer with experience if this field, and in any case, not to sign any document with the bank before getting legal advice about it. If you are affected by any ‘toxic’ investment product sold by your bank or any other investment company or broker, contact us we will help you. The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved. Send your questions to or

#life&leis &leisure

3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017


 

Hero’s key return


CONCERTS COSTA Blanca is celebrating its success in securing the return of internationally recognised pianist and its “hero” Haochen Zhang for a Teulada concert on Friday 24th February. Since winning a gold medal at the 13th Van Cliburn International Competition in 2009, the musician (pictured) has captivated audiences around the globe. He returned to Fort Worth as part of the 2010-2011 Cliburn audiences and was heralded

for his “dazzling virtuosity” playing a programme fitting of “a seasoned master”. At the Auditori Teulada Moraira, he will play a varied selection of Schumann, Liszt, Janacek and Stravinsky. Tickets are 17 Euros and on sale now from the Auditori Box Office, Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 1pm and 6pm to 8pm; at Teulada Moraira Town Hall, Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm; and at Espai La Senieta, Moraira, Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm.

Tickets for the concert, which starts at 8pm, can also be purchased through Instanticket on 902 444 300 ot at Concerts Costa Blanca’s Wilhelmina Hardee will also be at La Senieta every Tuesday and Friday between 10am and noon to assist with ticket sales – in addition the website www. has instructions on how to use Instanticket (formerly Servicam) as well as more information.


3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017

life&leisure #Puzzles 

Doodle Box

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. Plain words about a border flower (8) 5. Employed in house demolition (4) 9. Food produced in layers (4) 10. Scrap a soft thing (8) 11. Not qualified to speak (5) 12. Many snakes are associated with them (7) 13. What the buyer did on the telephone when reproached by the chairman? (6,2,5) 18. Be careful, the timekeeper’s incorrect! (5,3) 19. Moves fast and bites (4) 20. A case for travelling light (7) 21. Colonel married and broken in spirit! (5) 22. Gives someone their due (4) 23. He often stops while working (8) DOWN 2. One expects a good row in the course of it (7) 3. It’s wrong to give people a hand like this (7) 4. Hot looking athlete or climber (7,6) 6. Those who inherit are bound to (7) 7. Furniture found back-stage? (7) 8. You may find a working model in it (6) 13. Blooming company fall into error about a point (7) 14. Any Celt in a dormant state (7) 15. Natural responses (6) 16. Managed to continue with foreign capital (7) 17. State train (7)

ACROSS 1. Sink (8) 5. Froth (4) 9. Scrutinise (4) 10. Obstinate (8) 11. Elude (5) 12. Combining (7) 13. Unite (5,8) 18. Satanic (8) 19. Close (4) 20. Being paid (7) 21. Extremity (5) 22. Killed (4) 23. Discolouring (8) DOWN 2. Lay open (7) 3. Refer to (7) 4. Hide (3,3,2,5) 6. Not very warm (7) 7. Boss (7) 8. Compel (6) 13. Evil (7) 14. Opposite (7) 15. French (6) 16. Strain (7) 17. High spirits (7)

This weeks crossword answers and Suduko solution can be found on page 30.

Quick Sudoku

3 feb - 9 feb 2017

life&leisure #auntyvirus


Upside down video Hi Aunty, Thank you for your weekly column, all my blips have been solved by your answers to other people so far. Now I have a problem which I haven’t seen before and hope you can help me with.. My picture on Skype is upside down and Skype do not answer my questions, I have upgraded to Windows 10 recently. They say my camera is up to date and working ok, I went into the Asus website and they say the same thing. I don’t need to download new software as the camera is fine. Any suggestions please? Pamela Reply: Your problem is very common with Asus Skype users. The only way to solve this problem is use a third party webcam program to help configure your own camera. Install Manycam - from html?tag=mncol? 1. Start Manycam, Go to: sources - cameras, Select your camdriver, Click the icon for vertical flip right of yourself image (smallest blue circle in the screenshot below). 2. Start Skype, Go to: tools - options - general - video settings - select webcam: Select “manycam virtual webcam” Click on “Save”




3 feb - 9 feb 2017

Neater Heater stops Cold Winters spoiling your dream Nine years ago two British expats, Richard and Tony, were looking for affordable heating when they stumbled, accidentally, on a brand of Norwegian convector heater that couldn’t be bought in Spain. Not only were these wall-mounted heaters discreet and stylish, but they were also packed with “Es”: Efficient; effective; economical. Recognising a huge gap in the market that these attractive affordable heaters would fill, Richard and Tony established Neater Heater and have been heating the Villas and Apartments of shivering expats ever since then. “We all come out to Spain for the good weather and lifestyle,” says Tony “yet everyone is caught out by the cold winter nights in their spectacularly non-insulated Spanish homes. We all come from the UK where we had radiators and fires, and that is what most British expats still want. A decent oil or gas central heating system is going to set you back thousands of euros just to install it, so most people opt for unhealthy gas estuffas, or electric heaters. The problem with most electric heaters, is that the cheap ones are always expensive to run, and ugly, whereas any decent ones always cost a fortune to install. We can have most homes up and running with affordable, stylish, economic Neater Heaters, for less than one thousand euros. The cost obviously

depends on the size of hose and the size of heaters. Or they can be bought individually according to your requirements” Starting out in their home region of the Costa Blanca Richard and Tony searched for, and found, businesses that were happy to become agents for Neater Heater. “We hope to cater for all types of Customer.” explains Richard “Some people are comfortable with computers, and are quite happy to buy from our online shop, with free delivery. But many want to shop in the traditional way, look at the heaters and talk to someone about their requirements. These customers can go to one of our numerous outlets from Javea, Moraira, Calpe, all the way down through Benidorm, to several around Torrevieja, Murcia, Antas and now, we are happy to say, our latest outlets in the Costa Del Sol, and in Portugal. If you live in certain parts of the Marina Alta, Torrevieja, or Murcia, we even have agents who can visit your home and offer advice, sales and an installation service.” “Our website will let you know all about our products, and the FAQ section (Frequently Asked Questions) will hopefully clear up some questions you may have. It has an online shop, and also tells you the location of the outlet, or agent, nearest to you. WWW.NEATERHEATER.ES OR TEL 634312171

3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017

life&leisure #horoscopes


Kenny Corris 686 361 594

 Venus enters and boosts greatly your innermost spiritual energies, bringing a chance to look within! It certainly isn’t selfish to spend some time reflecting and working with yourself; especially as you have been run off your feet just lately. As someone who doesn’t like to set goals make sure that you get the rest and relaxation you deserve and this will stimulate a formula for the self care you need!

The entry of Ceres calls time on your plans and projects, somehow making them more realistic and so too, more do able! Sometimes you have to say no to enable you to prioritise on the quality work you are so very capable of; but you do work harder under pressure. Ceres brings balance and equilibrium into your week, heralding a month in which you have so much to achieve.

With Mercury opening channels of necessary communication and entering midweek into Aquarian logic and ethics; for sure you will find the answers you are currently looking for. Indecisive and wilfully stubborn you now have the mechanics in place to have your say; even though things should never have got to this stage, and peace now has to be the only acceptable solution.

With the Moon at first quarter and a week until the Full Moon this is time to clear up some of that clutter that surrounds you. Famous for your avid collections, these need tidying up and some editing is on the cards, too! This way you can better love what is left, and it will become a treasure. Now do the same to your address book because there are those who do not have your best interests at heart. In sextile with Uranus the Sun shines light on a problem that sees you having to take sides, against your better judgement. In hindsight you would never have got involved, but then it wasn’t you who changed the goalposts; though it will be you who finds solution for the benefit of all, yet again. Steer things around you in such a way that you can do what you deserve to do, just walk away, head high! Calmed by the gentle but impulsive and inspiring energies of Aquarius brought about through action with Mercury this week; Mercury also takes on Ceres, and calls time on something that seems to be taking all of your time. There is no slapdash for you, but even if you do like taking the lion’s share of responsibility, you cannot be accountable for the underhand and unscrupulous actions of others!

Weighing up the pros and the cons you know that you have been very quick to judge somebody, whereas the truth has revealed their innocence. Yes, we all make mistakes, and you will find your way to make amends, but stay focussed on any further developments because all is not as it should be, and you are right to be openly suspicious. Use your inner intuition to get the best result you can. Expect some cancellations and changes to your schedule this week, as the loving Planet Venus steers you resolutely towards calmer waters. Sometimes you reject the help that you need because of your inner desire to keep everything going by yourself. This dogged determination has made you a survivor, but letting others in helps you to share your expertise and consolidates your worthy aims. Just after the Mercury square on Jupiter and you are in an ebullient mood. Whilst it is true that you have so much to give right now, so too do you have to give a little more in a current relationship, where things may not be quite as they seem. Take absolutely nothing for granted but do not have to be asked to help resolve something that should have never really happened anyway. Change for changes sake is not on the cards but it is time to look around and tune fully into your professional life. This is a time for study and research, and wherever this may take you! The Sun sextiles Uranus, planet of innovations and smart moves, and is caught up with Cancer, your opposing sign who favours a time for clearing the decks and doing just what it is that turns you on now! You are fully entitled to change your mind about something, and let nobody talk you out of what you want and need right now. Actions of the Sun bring you the confidence you need to approach a situation that you have steered well away from, for good reason. However you do have your say, and whereas you are highly thoughtful of others, now do what is right for you, for a change! Think carefully! You are not out on a limb because you are doing all of the things that you love doing, and since you are led by Neptune you are not harmed by even the highest wave. Protection now for you and for all whom you love is found in your ultimate spiritual energy. Tender love comes from deep inside your soul and your way ahead is to just be yourself and share your experiences.


Email your letters to me at:

KENNY, WHO was your favourite client? Per P. Per, I have been asked this question so many times! Actually the question is asking for me to name somebody famous, otherwise the name of a client means nothing whatsoever if you do not know who they are. Also I have to subscribe to privacy and confidentiality, since every appointment with me deserves this, without question. Just before she died, I met the wonderful actress and author, Joyce Grenfell who was a true spiritualist. Mollie Parkin was fabulously entertaining and inspiring, as she always was ( and still is!) However my favourite client ever was Carole Golder, who was the Astrologer to the Daily Express for many, many years.... and who to this day still guides me astrologically from the Spirit World!

If It’s Your Birthday This

SNAP DECISIONS often put you into the wrong place, even though you have the stamina and direction to see things through. The Zodiac is focussing this week on change and knowledge brought about by study to advance you to where you have to be, which is not where you are.


3 feb - 9 feb 2017

life&leisure #Spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


Present subjunctive We have been talking about formal and informal commands in Spanish. The whole business of being more or less formal is completely different in English and Spanish.

(usted) commands are nearly always based on the first person singular of the present tense, changing the final letter - -ar verbs to an “e” and “er” and “ir” verbs to an “a”.

In English we are inclined to express formality by increasing the number of the words. For example: “Close the door” would change to “Would you close the door?” to “Would you mind closing the door” to “I wonder if you wouldn’t mind closing the door” to “Could I possible trouble you to close the door?” and so on and so on. When we say things like this in English to foreigners it’s not surprising that they haven’t got a clue what we’re talking about! The Spanish can also become wordier to be polite, but the main difference between formal and informal Spanish is far more subtle, often relying on a change to a single letter, or couple of letters, in a word. We saw some of these last week; for example: “tome” (take – formal) “toma” (take – informal). We also saw there “dígame” is a formal way of inviting someone to say something, whilst “dime” is the informal version. Notice by the way that “informal” is not the same as impolite. It just means more familiar. Anyway, it is easy to get lost in these differences. We can learn one or two of them off by heart, but it’s important to understand how they work to be able to progress in our understanding of the language. Remember that informal (tú) commands are usually based on the third person singular of the present tense of the verb (habla, mira etc.) whilst formal

Here again some of the examples: Speak! “Habla” (informal) “hable” (formal) Run! “corre” (informal) “corra” (formal) Hear! “oye” (informal) “oiga” (formal) Have! “ten” (informal) “tenga” (formal) Now then, you might think, when would I want to command someone in a formal way? This is where in English all those “Do you minds” and “Can I trouble yous” come into play. In Spanish we should understand these single command words in a similar way. In fact, what we have actually just done is made a start on forming the subjunctive. Yes, the formal “usted” commands are based on the subjunctive! It’s going to take more than a paragraph or two or explain this concept properly but in the meantime, we should understand these formal commands to mean something like: “May you speak!” or “I wish you to speak” It’s impossible to translate them literally as this subjunctive form does not exist in English. Here’s another thing – “viva”. Every time you go along to a Spanish fiesta, at some point you will hear the shout of “viva”,

often addressed to the patron saint of the day. Someone shouts “¡Viva San Pedro!” and the crowd shout back “¡Viva!” They are expressing an exhortation, as we would say in English “Long live!” “Viva el rey” – “Long live the king!” Remember that song “Qué viva España”. This is exactly the same thing. It means something like: “May Spain live!” It is expressing a desire or a wish. So, going back to “dígame”, it really means “May you speak to me” – it is expressing a desire rather than a command, which is what makes it formal or perhaps the word should be respectful.

This weeks solutions

Suduko Answer CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Dowser; 4 States; 9 Fetch and carry; 10 Crossed; 11 Stern; 12 Study; 14 Incur; 18 Lodge; 19 Charred; 21 Sound argument; 22 Sating; 23 Teased. Down: 1 Defect; 2 Without a doubt; 3 Ethos; 5 Tucks in; 6 Three-quarters; 7 Spying; 8 Anode; 13 Dresden; 15 Blasts; 16 Score; 17 Edited; 20 Acute. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Saturn; 4 Starch; 9 Inexperienced; 10 Leaflet; 11 Delve; 12 Siren; 14 Jewel; 18 Refer; 19 Wreathe; 21 Smuggled goods; 22 Steady; 23 Reason. Down: 1 Shield; 2 The Magic Flute; 3 Repel; 5 Treadle; 6 Recollections; 7 Hidden; 8 Broth; 13 Enraged; 15 Crisis; 16 Sweet; 17 Season; 20 Eagle.

3 FEB - 9 FEB 2017


The Great 208-Station Of The Stars YOU learnt a lot listening to Radio Luxembourg in the 50/60’s. I discovered K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M spelt a Somerset town – according to one Horace Batchelor – who, incidentally, was going to make me a millionaire with his pools predictions. Why he didn’t take his own good counsel & do them himself to save making naff radio ads, I know not.


Chris Ashley

Writer & Broadcaster

My first memory was Bob Monkhouse & Denis Goodwin with a show called ‘Smash Hits.’ They would take records they didn’t like & destroy them on-air – including Elvis, (Bah!). Today this sounds about as anarchic as a Mary Berry Sticky Iced Finger, but at the time it was quite edgy. Through Luxy, I got a road safety ‘Tufty Badge.’- which I proudly pinned on my ratty blazer. Polishing it on the way to school I was blissfully unaware of my surroundings & got run over – bloody squirrel, not a squeak of a warning from Tufty Fluffytail. However at bedtime with my tranny under the bedclothes (which had a totally different meaning in pre Grayson Perry days) I answered a quiz question posed by Pete Murray “Who is nicknamed The Man With Golden Trumpet?” The prize was a Singer sewing machine, something Mum really wanted to repair my ratty blazer. Weeks later came a knock on the door – this was normally the cue to hide behind the settee until the bailiffs bogged off. Not this time, it was a spivvy looking chap with a pencil thin moustache wearing a cheap suit & a trilby. He was a Singer rep, “I’m very pleased to say Master Ashley has come second in our 208 competition.” Mum in a rather tetchy manner snapped, “So what’s he won for being first of the losers?” “A £1 off voucher when you purchase a new machine from Singer which I just happen to have in my Sunbeam Talbot parked outside.” You never really expect your mum to know a rather more industrial alternative to “Shove Off.” Wonder how many other runnersup there were? Nevertheless thanks to Fab 208 I got to hear Little Richard for the first time & joined an exclusive cabal - all together now – ‘We Are The Ovaltineys, Happy Boys & Girls.’ Before you ask, the trumpet tootler was Eddie Calvert, but if any of this blurb rings a bell, you knew that. Your memories always welcome too;


3 - 9 feb 2017


life&leisure #good food //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Double bean & roasted pepper chilli This warming vegetarian chilli is a low-fat, healthy option that packs in the veggies and flavour. Serve with Tabasco sauce, soured cream or yogurt Ingredients 2 onions, chopped 2 celery sticks, finely chopped 2 yellow or orange peppers, finely chopped 2 tbsp sunflower oil or rapeseed oil 2 x 460g jars roasted red peppers 2 tsp chipotle paste 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 1 tbsp cocoa powder 1 tbsp dried oregano 1 tbsp sweet smoked paprika 2 tbsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground cinnamon 2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes 400g can refried beans 3 x 400g cans kidney beans, drained and rinsed 2 x 400g cans black beans, drained and rinsed Method Put the onions, celery and chopped peppers with the oil in your largest flameproof casserole dish or heavy-based saucepan, and fry gently

over a low heat until soft but not coloured. Drain both jars of peppers over a bowl to catch the juices. Put a quarter of the peppers into a food processor with the chipotle paste, vinegar, cocoa, dried spices and herbs. Whizz to a purĂŠe, then stir into the softened veg and cook for a few mins. Add the tomatoes and refried beans with 1 can water and the reserved pepper juice. Simmer for 1 hr until thickened, smoky and the tomato chunks have broken down to a smoother sauce. At this stage you can cool and chill the sauce if making ahead. Otherwise add the kidney and black beans, and the remaining roasted peppers, cut into bite-sized pieces, then reheat. (This makes a large batch, so once the sauce is ready it might be easier to split it between two pans when you add the beans and peppers.) Once bubbling and the beans are hot, season to taste and serve.


3 feb - 9 feb 2017

life&leisure #sports


Alfaz Fantasy Football League

Points were hard to come by in the Fantasy League this Week mainly because there was only 13 Premier League teams involved in the Eleven 4th Round F.A.Cup Ties and also most Premier League Managers once again made a raft of changes.The average score was only 12 points,the 2nd lowest of the Season. The ties provided for the Fantasy 39 goals,7 clean sheets,20 yellow cards and would you believe it no red ones. Andrew’s team Big Tymers kept their 15 point lead at the top of the A.F.F.L. over Wayne’s team Gunnawinitthisyear.Chris’s team Always Hoping have moved up one spot and replaced Lee’s Walkden Town in 3rd place.Down at the other end of the table Kevin’s team El.Portet Elite had a fantastic week scoring 35 points their highest score so far this Season unfortunately they are still a 128 points behind Angies Blues. Ant & Brad are the runaway

leaders of our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League at the moment their advantage over 6 in a Row is 44 points whilst at the opposite end of the table Anna’s Radji United are rooted at the bottom 58 points behind Nathan’s F2 Freestylers. Two teams are locked shoulder to shoulder at the top of our Mark Carter Ladies Section.Joanna’s Hup Hannah City and Julie’s team The Gers are both on 668 points which is 7 points infront of Gerrard’s Bitch.At the other end of the table Angie’s Blues fell further behind Jo Jo Wants a Dog the distance now is 31 points.Our 20 euro voucher which is sponsored by Quick Save the only British Supermarket in Albir has gone to Lisa Marie’s team Los Cracks who overtook Amanda’s Bogs Dollocks in the final week. Dave’s Juke Box Mackem’s have maintained their place at the top of our Leonard Knowles Construction Golden Boot League with a massive 55 point advantage over Lee’s Walkden Town.Only one

of the top 11 players scored this week and that was Spur’s young star Alli who came on to rescue Spurs from an embarrassing result against little Wycombe Wanderers.Henry’s Old Salfordians are in 3rd place just 9 points ahead of Keith’s Max & Paddy.Down in the basement El.Portet Elite managed to peg back the gap to only 32 points from Anna’s Radji United. We have 2 teams going into the Draw for a case of wine which is sponsored by Wyndham’s Bar in Albir and they are Ian’s team Win Sum-Lose Sum who clocked up 45 points Courtesy of the 2 W’s Walcott & Welbeck who between them scored 27 points.Our Lowest scoring team was Adrian’s Hammer 1 who finished up with a minus 1. Our Manager of the Month for January has been kindly sponsored by Claire’s Nails in Albir who will present this Month’s winner with a 20 euro voucher to be used at their Salon in Albir.Keith’s Max & Paddy just beat Andrew’s Big Tymers by 1 point for this super prize.

Our breakfast for two has been won by Ian’s Win-Sum,Lose -Sum who moved up the most places this Week which qualifies him for this super Breakfast for 2 sponsored by Jo & Peter at the 2 C’s in Alfaz. We have new leaders in our RTN F.A.Cup League.Would you believe it Jo Jo Wants a Dog who have been struggling at the bottom of our main League are in pole position with a narrow 1 point lead over Tich’s Blues.Lenny’s Spreaders are in 3rd place 2 points above last weeks leaders Flying Swans.

Wade’s Villajoysa 11 have climbed away from the relegation zone and left Nikki’s Wags & Slags 2 points behind Sarah’s team The Dons. This weekend the RTN 4th Round of our K.O. Cup Competition takes place so good luck to all those Managers who are lucky enough to still be in this popular Cup Competition. At the moment we are having problems with our website hopefully this will soon be sorted out,we apologize for any inconvenience.

3 feb - 9 feb 2017


life&leisure #sports


Tatami no match for La Vila DESPITE PLAYING 25% of the game with only 14 men due to two yellow cards, La Vila were too strong for Valencian side Tatami who could only manage 14 points against the 59 scored by the visitors. by Tony Fox The televised match showed that not only was their hand to hand play outstanding but the much improved squad can now run with ball in hand with the same finesse. In the first ten minutes league leaders La Vila lost a key player, Matias Jara, with a head injury. He was replaced as a cautionary measure and has made a full recovery. This was a true squad performance and it would be remiss to single out any one player; however, it has to be acknowledged that Javier Carrion, who joined the Spanish International squad after the match, did not hold back and played without regard for any injury he may have suffered. He will be missed on Sunday (5th February) when La Vila take on second-placed Les Abelles at their home ground in Villajoyosa - but the strength in depth of the squad should prevail. Kick-off is at 1pm for this local derby, which is always a hard fought game. Entrance is just 5 Euros.

Honours shared

CD MURADA returned to the top of the Segunda Regional Group 16 following a 1-1 draw against title chasing rivals CD Montesinos on Saturday - in a game that saw Monte’s Brazilian star striker Vazquinho sent off. CD Murada - who had dropped into second place - regained top spot from CD Benijofar, with just one point separating the teams, on 27 points. However CD Montesinos (pictured) remain in the championship race with 23 points and FB Redovan B defeated

Grupo Caliche 4-1 in the only other Saturday fixture. CD Montesinos players were frustrated, having hit the woodwork on three occasions, as they took a share of the spoils in a well earned draw – but with Vazquinho seeing red in the 89th minute. Vazquinho, who returned to CD Montesinos following a season at Sporting Saladar, is now set to serve a suspension, which will be a blow to the Los Montesinos outfit as they push for promotion. CD Benijofar have the

chance to return to the top of the table with a game against RP Orihuela at the weekend, with CD Murada and CD Montesinos having no league fixtures, in the wake of the fixture re-scheduling, after three teams dropped out of the league. And CD Montesinos will be keeping a close eye on fourth placed Callosa Deportivo B’s away fixture against fifth placed CFP Orihuela on February 5 - where a point will see the club take third spot from Montesinos.


3 - 9 feb 2017

life&leisure #what’s on //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Show your love by donating food this Valentine’s February is the month of love, but rather than just treating that special someone, optical chain Specsavers Opticas are asking people to show their love for the most disadvantaged in their community by making a small food donation this month. They are collecting non-perishable food for the Spanish Federation of Food Banks in all 8 of their stores on the Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca and Mallorca throughout the month and hope residents will get behind the campaign. The Spanish Federation of Food Banks is a non-profit organisation which is fighting against hunger and waste and brings together 56 food banks throughout Spain. Each day they give out 419,000 kilos of food to the very needy members of society and have seen a massive increase in demand in recent years. In order to meet that need, they require donations from individuals, organisations and companies and Specsavers Opticas has taken up the challenge to make a difference this February. From the 1st to the 28th of February, anyone can drop off their food at their local store during opening hours. At the end of the month it will be donated to Alicante Food Bank, for them to distribute in the community via partnerships with local charitable organisations. The Alicante Food Bank would particularly appreciate donations of oil, sugar, drinking chocolate and milk, although any donation is of course welcome. There are Specsavers Opticas stores in Javea, Calpe, Benidorm, Torrevieja and Guardamar on the Costa Blanca. To find your nearest Specsavers Opticas store visit

Working together for safer roads

3 feb - 9 feb 2017


life&leisure #DrivingInSpain

Brought to you by //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Driving with a UK Licence

We are constantly being asked to clarify the situation regarding driving with a UK licence whilst in Spain, amid conflicting reports and rumour, and so we thought it prudent to share with you the official guidelines as dictated by the DGT. Firstly, let us say that if you are a resident in Spain, that is to say you spend more time living in this country than another, it makes sense to change your licence to a Spanish one anyway, as this then links to your personal details on the computers accessed by traffic police, and so, in the event of getting stopped, you can be on your way far quicker. Similarly, if you happen to have been fined, you don´t have to pay the fine on the spot if you have a valid Spanish licence. Secondly, it is a lot easier to exchange your licence these days. Many clinics which handle the

medical examination will also do the administration for you at the same time. All you have to do is present yourself for your appointment, with your licence, and they will complete all of the paper work, sending it to the traffic department, and even chasing it on your behalf if it doesn´t arrive back in time. They even issue the temporary driving permit. However, we still need to answer your questions, such as “can I be fined if I have a valid UK driving licence?” The answer is YES, if you are RESIDENT and your licence complies with one of these two cases: The holder of a European driving licence with an INDEFINITE

DURATION or GREATER than 15 YEARS (or five years in the case of group permissions 2) with legal residence in Spain acquired on January 19, 2013 or before that date – You must renew your driving licence from January 19, 2015. The holder of a European driving licence with an INDEFINITE DURATION or GREATER than 15 YEARS (or five years in the case of group permissions 2) with legal residence in Spain obtained dated after January 19, 2013 – You must renew your driving licence from the moment two years of residence in Spain has been met. In order to check this, you must look at the BACK of the licence, where you will see the expiration

dates for each of the categories. If you are not a resident, on holiday for example, you cannot be fined for driving with a valid UK licence, however there are some circumstances where an officer might doubt that you are in fact on holiday. For example, if is perfectly legal for you to own a holiday home in Spain, and even a Spanish car to use whilst you are here, but that might make it appear that you are a resident

driving on a UK licence. The solution to this is simple, you can get an EX-15 form from the National Police, also available to download from, complete the form and take it to be certified by the police and that then serves as a certificate of non-residency. You can also browse and download the official notification documents on the same page,

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3 feb - 9 feb 2017


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3 feb - 9 feb 2017

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3 feb - 9 feb 2017


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