RTN Costa Calida Edition 143

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January 2015

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Issue 143

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Raising awareness of the dangers of speeding THIS WEEK and through Sunday, thousands of police checkpoints have been set up all over Spain by the DGT, to combat speeding. Read the full story on page 8.


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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No gifts for the Mayor THE MAYOR of Torrevieja, Jose Manuel Dolon, has announced that he will not accept any gifts in a personal capacity while holding the title of mayor.



Terra Mítica (Theme Park)

30€ Adults 27€ Ch or Sen

36€ Adults 28€ Ch or Sen

38€ Adults 35€ Ch or Sen

Sun, Mon, Wed or Fri

Sun, Mon, Wed or Fri

Sun, Wed & Fri

Benidorm Day

Guadalest & Algar

Alicante City

Do as you please


14€ without lunch 24€ with lunch inc wine

Only 11€

Sun, Mon, Wed or Fri

Every Monday

by Keith Nicol “IT’S A decision that I had taken a while back but had not yet made public. However although I will not accept gifts related to money, jewellery or clothes, obviously those presented to the City of Torrevieja in my capacity as mayor, I think I have to accept on behalf of the City.” In that sense, he gave as an example a ‘score book’ has received from the director of the Serbian choir who participated in the International Contest of Habanera and Polyphony. Dolon said that these gifts are for the people as they go to “enrich the cultural heritage of Torrevieja as it is a limited print of a numbered

edition of a renowned Serbian composer.” In addition, he referred to present that are “more personal.” In this regard he said that he has decided to donate any such personal gifts to the NGO Charity Sahara. This organization raises funds, among other things, to carry out the program known as “Holidays in Peace” by which Saharawi children spend the summer with host families in Torrevieja. “They can put such items to good use in raffles and drawings made in meetings. Any items I receive I will donate and give them along with our support to help them meet their objectives, “he concluded.

Local news...

Drug trafficking ring dismantled

Aitana Safari Park

Murcia City

23€ Adults / 21€ Seniors 14€ Children 3 Hour Cruise

28€ Adult 24€ Children

Do as you please


Terra Natura Murcia

Every Tuesday


Alicante Night Out

Algar Waterfalls

31€ Adults 27€ Ch or Sen

An evening to do as you please

Only 11€

Full day swimming in the falls


inc Drink & entry

Every Thursday

Every Thursday

Every Friday

Benidorm Night Out

Benidorm Palace

Elche Night of Fireworks



Dinner / Dance & Show


Every Saturday

Thursday 13th August

Every Saturday

Christmas Options Now available


Benidorm Palace + Overnight

From 128€ 1 or 2 Nights

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Valencia Special

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Sunday to Wed

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Cuenca Region FULL BOARD + WW Fantastic Scenary Inc Excursions


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NATIONAL POLICE agents have broken up an organized group dedicated to trafficking in cocaine and heroin in the towns of Elche and Torrevieja. In the operation six people have been arrested, aged 29 to 46 years of age for the crime of Organized Drug Trafficking. As reported by the Commissioner of Elche on Wednesday, the investigation started looking at a person who lives in Torrevieja, who was allegedly distributing cocaine and heroin on a small scale . The investigation began about a month ago. Apparently, the man sold the drugs after previously acquiring a supply in the neighbourhood of the palm groves of Elche city. Once identified, on July 16th, and following a major police undercover operation, the man was arrested along with five others. One of those arrested was the leader of the group, while other people were used as “camels” to both make the sale of the narcotic substance and to acquire it. Following the arrest two house searches in Torrevieja uncovered 48 bags of heroin, 30 bags of cocaine, one bag of 7 grams of cocaine, 9 grams of marijuana, 2 digital precision scales, mobile phones, a deposit box, a car and about 1,800 euros were all seized as evidence. The research was conducted by the Narcotics Group of the Local Judicial Police of Elche and the detainees, will appear in the Magistrate’s Court in Torrevieja.


Cartagena Catamaran Cruise

Every Tues & Thurs

Jose Manuel Dolon


Inc. Exc to Gibraltar & Málaga 3* Hotel 325€ HB+ WW

August 18-20 & Sept 1-3 or 8-10

6 Days Aug 24-29


Granada Special

Inc. Exc to Almería City 4* Hotel HB Only 285€

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4 Days Sept 9-12 & Oct 13 -16

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4 Days Sept 14-17

5 Days Sep 14 - 18



+ Ronda & Málaga



4 Days Sept 22-25

Inc Gibraltar, Mijas & Nerja



7 Days Sept 27 to Oct 3


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Barclays dump expats

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BARCLAYS BANK is having a clear out, but not just of it’s staff - of it’s customers! by Jeanette Rice

ALTHOUGH THE bank is not being forthcoming with much information on the issue, thousands of expat customers in more than 70 countries face having their accounts closed in the next couple of months if they do not have €144,000 in their account.

It is not clear yet if those holding accounts in the Spanish Barclays will be subject to the closures but expats in Cyprus have already begun receiving letters detailing the changes, with expats also in Greece and Malta being affected. One customer in Cyprus, Barbara, said “I have been a customer with Barclays for 50 years. I cannot believe we are being given such short notice and no consideration for loyalty, I don’t even know why they are doing this”. Barbara is one of many expats in Cyprus who receive their UK state pensions into their current account, paying mainly bills in the UK such as credit cards, and who could not possibly come up with the £100,000 to keep her account open. Barclays has offered no apology or explanation for the closure of the accounts, merely stating that they are focusing on 70 countries. Customers have received a curt letter stating that the funds must be in their accounts or face closure within 60 days. For most expats, who have held their Barclays account for so long, it will be difficult to open another UK based current account, particularly for those who do not now have an address in the UK. The letter from the bank says “We understand that you may be disappointed by this and we will aim to offer you as much assistance as possible during this transition period.” A spokesperson for the bank said more letters would be issued where expats live in a country that the bank is no longer focusing on. They went on to say that the bank announced in 2013 that it would focus on 70 countries globally and that those not considered as “core” such as Cyprus would see customers with less than the £100,000 stipulated having their accounts closed. When asked the bank refused to say how many expats would be affected by the ongoing changes.

National news...

Boxer to be extradited to Spain

FORMER WBO featherweight champion, Scott Harrison, has lost his legal battle to be extradited back to Spain. The former boxer, who was charged with assault back in 2012 and subsequently sentenced for four years in prison by a Malaga court, left Spain prior to starting his sentence. A European arrest warrant was then issued in Spain and since that time legal battles have been ongoing with the legal team representing the boxer trying to get the decision overturned. Earlier in the year, Thomas Welsh, Scottish Sheriff QC, ruled that the 37 year old former boxer from Cambuslang, Lanarkashire could be extradited, but an appeal was immediately launched by Mr Harrison’s legal team. The team argued that the Spanish authorities had not followed the extradition law correctly when they issued their warrant but the appeal hearing has now ruled that the boxer must return to Spain. Lord Carloway, Lady Smith and Lady Clark, who were the judges presiding over the appeal, have rejected the application and refused Mr Harrison bail. Mr Harrison was led away from the court by security officers in handcuffs whilst plans to return him to Spain were made.

Providing information for the UK and Spain since 1998


British woman dies doing bungee jump AUNTY WATCHES as her niece dies doing a bungee jump near Granada.

The metal bridge where the jumpers launch themselves

by Jeanette Rice BRITISH HOLIDAYMAKER, Kleyo de Abreu aged 23, died on Tuesday afternoon after the bungee jump she was doing went tragically wrong. Whilst the Foreign Office is offering immediate assistance to the family, Kleyo’s aunt is reported as suggesting that the rope was too long. Kleyo, who lived in London, was killed instantly as she smashed into the old stone Tablate Bridge, close to the mountain village of Lanjaron in Granada, during a short holiday at her aunts. Onlookers, as well as her aunt, watched in horror as she was left dangling lifeless from the rope whilst specialist rescuers desperately tried to reach her, finally after 25 minutes they managed to recover her body and Kleyo was pronounce dead at the scene. It was Kleyo’s second jump of the day at the popular bridge for such extreme sports, using a locally based adventure sports group. A spokesperson for the Guardia Civil in Granada said “‘An investigation is under way and it is too early at this stage to draw any

conclusions about what went wrong but the fact the dead woman was still attached to the rope would appear to suggest that there’s been a miscalculation about the length of the rope or that something went wrong with the rope when she jumped”. The spot where the tragedy occurred is a 20 year old metallic bridge which crosses high about the River Tablate and is approximately 260 feet above an ancient Roman bridge which onlookers say she crashed into. The company, believed to be run by a PE teacher, was not available for comment but other similar specialist companies working in the area have inferred that the company involved advertised jumps with the offer of alcoholic drinks. One worker from another company said “it was normal for beer cans to be left after they had used the bridge, it was very worrying that they felt it was alright to combine alcohol and bungee jumping”. The Guardia Civil stated that they were aware of the claims but that all facts would be looked at during their investigation in the tragedy.

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Teenager suffers severe sunburn


PUPILS ON a school trip from Salford suffered severe burns whilst visiting a water park in Barcelona. by Jeanette Rice

MOST OF us are aware of the dangers of the sun on our skin, particularly at the moment with the heatwave that Spain has been experiencing, but for four teenage boys the dangers became a reality when they were on a school trip to Barcelona last week. The four teenagers, from Buile Hill Visual Arts College in Salford, required hospital treatment after visiting a water park in the city. With the temperatures exceeding 40C the 41 pupils, accompanied by four teachers, were advised to apply sun cream throughout the day but headteacher, James Inman, said “a minority of the pupils chose to ignore the advice given, and as teachers are not allowed to touch the children to apply sun cream there was little that could be done apart from reaffirming the need to use a sun blocker”. One of the pupils, Connor Pritchard aged 15, required specialist treatment when he returned to the UK. His mother, Estelle, said “when he stepped off the coach I could see something was wrong, he tried to lift off his shirt but it was stuck to his skin, none of the teachers came to speak to me and I rushed Connor to the hospital”. Connor will be an outpatient at the hospital for 6 weeks, having to attend for new dressings and to ensure that there is no infection. James Inman said, “following this incident the school is now considering stopping all future trips abroad. All pupils were advised of the dangers and in a pre-trip meeting all parents and pupils had to sign a contract saying that factor 50 must be packed and used during the trip”. Mrs Pritchard, who had only packed factor 15 for her son, claimed that she had not had a contract as her son was a last minute replacement for another pupil who had dropped out of the trip. At the water park the school says the pupils were placed in a shaded area and reminded throughout the day to reapply sun cream, but that a minority chose to ignore the advice. Mrs Pritchard says that, according to her son, they were only told to use the sun cream at the beginning of the day. Another parent, who’s son went on the school trip, said “my son has told me that he was reminded by his teacher every hour or so, to keep putting more cream on”. The four pupils, aged between 13 and 15, have been unable to return to school due to the severity of their burns which they received on the first day of their trip. Incidents such as this bring into question how rules designed to protect children can, in actual fact, cause a child more harm.

Spanish news...

Time for a siesta

A SPANISH town has reverted back to tradition with an official siesta time being reintroduced. The sleepy town of Ador in Valencia has returned to the traditional siesta time with the mayor of the town, Joan Faus Vitoria, implementing the 2pm to 5pm nap time. The mayor has introduced the siesta time to assist the farmers who, he felt, should not have to work during the day in the extreme heat. The local town hall spokesperson said “many of the residents work in the countryside and it is usual to take a long lunch and have a siesta in the afternoon”. Although there will be no penalty for those who break with the new rules the mayor has requested that everyone abide by the three hour break and that parents keep their children indoors during this time to help others enjoy a peaceful siesta.

Connor Pritchard’s sunburn


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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Another drug trafficking arrest in Murcia IT SEEMS like each week yet another individual or gang is arrested for growing marijuana in the region of Murcia. by Keith Nicol THIS WEEK was no different as the Guardia Civil detained a person related to the illegal activity of drug trafficking. A check of the property raided resulted in the seizure of 44 cannabis sativa plants, 260 grams of marijuana buds and various items for the indoor growing and processing the illegal substance. The investigation began last April when the Guardia Civil received a complaint from a woman that a young man she knew, had assaulted her in the street and then made her drive him back to his home, where he held her for five hours. The Guardia Civil ordered the searching of the location and apprehension of this person to take place. He already has numerous police records on suspicion of alleged links with drug trafficking. Researchers located the address where the suspect supposedly retained the victim, and they requested an injunction from the authorities to enter and search the premises. Here they discovered the drugs and equipment. Research carried out by the Guardia Civil Guard in Mula resulted in the arrest of a male, 29, resident of Mula, with numerous police records to which is attributed the alleged crimes of illegal detention and drug trafficking. The arrested man and the effects seized have been brought before the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Mula (Murcia).

Another drug bust in Murcia

Quirky news...

Minion saves five-year-old COLORADO POLICE say a Minion stuffed toy helped save the life of a five-yearold girl after she fell from a third-floor apartment window. The youngster escaped with a broken arm after the cuddly toy helped absorb the impact of her plunge on Thursday night in Colorado Springs. “Fortunately, when the child fell out of the window, she continued holding on to a stuffed Minion teddy bear that is believed to have cushioned her fall,” police said in a statement. The girl was playing in her bedroom when she fell backwards out of her window. She was treated in hospital and released. Authorities have ruled the incident to be an accident. Continued from front page TO FURTHER raise awareness of the risks and consequences, Aspaym volunteers working with the DGT involved two members of the National Spinal Cord Injury Federation speaking directly with drivers during a speed control by Guardia Civil Trafico in Molina de Segura. This activity is part of the special surveillance campaign that the DGT started on Monday. The two volunteers were supported by Secretary General of the Government Office, Fernando Mateo, and the provincial head of Traffic, Virginia Jerez. Throughout the morning, members of this association approached vehicles that had been stopped by Trafico suspected of speeding and talked with their drivers to make them aware, of their own experience, about the risks of speeding. Breaking the speed limit is a contributing factor in 22 % of fatal accidents that occurred last year, as indicated by Virginia Jerez. This activity is part of the Special Operations monitoring and speed control campaign that the DGT runs until Sunday 26th July. “We are in one of those sections of a busy route where we have installed mobile radars. We can say that this year, and also the former, that 76% of fatal accidents are a product of speeding,” said Fernando Mateo, General Secretary of the Government Office and institutional support who wanted to support the work of the Guardia Civil Trafico. “The Guardia Civil is not here to fine drivers, but to guarantee that traffic rules are met and to ensure our security,” said Mateo, who highlighted the work and the importance of the presence of members of Aspaym to highlight the fatal consequences arising from failure to comply with traffic rules.

Read the paper online every week at www.roundtownnews.com

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


Sixty-Nine traffic incidents last week IT WAS a busy week on the roads around Cartagena last week. by Keith Nicol

TRAFICO IN Cartagena and the Policia Local noted that during the week of 13th to 19th July, a total of 69 traffic incidents were recorded mainly for drink driving, small injuries or causing damage to other cars or property. Basic details of incidents that were dealt with included; over the blood alcohol levels: 3; sanctions for more serious blood alcohol levels and fines from 500€: 2; Blood alcohol levels being in the range of very serious administrative sanctions with fines of up to 1,000€: 1; Removing uninsured vehicles: 8; Lack off or lost driving licenses: 2; Accidents with lightly injured third parties: 24; Incidents involving damage accidents: 29. The Criminal Code comes down very heavy on drivers travelling under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances, with possible imprisonment of three to six months, a fine of six to twelve months work, or work to benefit the community of thirty to ninety days plus in any case the deprivation of the right to drive a

motor vehicles or motorcycles for one and up to four years. When a driver has consumed alcohol in larger amounts and the test exceeds the allowed rate as per the Road Safety Act, ie 0.50 mg / l in exhaled air (professional drivers and holders of driving licenses for less than two years have a smaller amount of 0.30 mg / l), will be punished by a fine of up to 1,000 euros and the withdrawal of up to 6 points. Driving with values mg / l breath, more than 0.25 to 0.50 (professionals and holders of driving license for less than two years of 0.15 to 0.30 mg / l) shall be punished with a fine of 500 euros and the loss of 4 points. If one has already been given any sanction for drink driving within the year, there is an additional penalty of 1,000€. The Policia Local in Cartagena ask drivers to remember to not go out alone if they are possibly going to be drinking, but to have a designated driver and thus avoid any sanction for being irresponsible and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Sixty nine incidents were recorded last week in Cartagena


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Ibiza shores don’t want Geordies AS MTV Spain announced that they were heading to MTV Spain has announced that they plan to begin filming a spin off programme on the island of Ibiza, a mixture of Jersey Shore meets Geordie Shore. Tiago Worcman, from MTV’s parent company Viacom, said “everyone knows Ibiza is one of the party capitals of the world, so we can’t wait to see what happens with this unique mix of characters, personalities and cultures”. Whilst it was all smiles from the programme makers the president of the island’s local government, Vicent Torres, said “If we can stop this, we will, it is a matter of image”. Snr Torres went on to say that the island’s politicians were unanimous in their opposition to the television company making an Ibiza version of the show, in which many people live under one roof for a summer of “drinking and debauchery”. The government are exploring their legal options to stop the filming, feeling that whilst they are trying to promote the island’s better features and improve their image, the programme would merely pro-

mote drunkenness and bad behaviour, something that they are trying to distance themselves from. Already the MTV Spain team are finding it difficult to make the arrangements on the island, with one catering firm refusing to bid for the production’s catering contract. Alexis Carini, of El Catering Frances, said “I have nothing against the company, I am merely reflecting an opinion that many of us have here on the island”. The “Shore” franchise first came to Spain with MTV in 2012. Gandia

National news...

Barriers operational at Airport

ON TUESDAY the departures drop-off point at Alicante-Elche airport became a barrier controlled parking zone. The airport management company, Aena, has installed the barriers at both the entrances and the exits of the drop-off zone outside the departures area on the top floor of the building. The airport has stated that the new barriers will help improve the flow of traffic, stopping some parking for longer than is necessary when dropping off or collecting passengers. Others have argued that the new system has been installed purely to appease the taxi drivers who have complained for some time about the practice of illegal taxi operators using the area to pick up and drop off passengers. Drivers will enter through the barriers and take a ticket, the parking machine will log the vehicle licence plate and allow the ticket holder 15 minutes of free parking at one of the 80 spaces available. The financial penalties for exceeding the free 15 minutes mean that a driver can end up paying more than if they had parked in the other car parks at the facility. Should you stay for 16 minutes the cost will be 1.90€ with each minute after that costing 5 cents a minute to a maximum of 14 minutes and then further increases are in place. For an hours parking it will cost 6€, twice as much as using the other car parks at the airport. A payment machine has been installed half way along the parking area, and when ready to leave the driver is required to put the ticket Geordie Shore cast into the machine for it to check if any payment is due. The machine will give back the ticket once any money has been paid and the driver then uses the ticket to exit the barriers at the far end of the parking strip Shore, which was a Spanish version within a specificed period of time. It was not known at the time of goof the programme and set in the ing to press if the parking system would only allow vehicles access so Valencian coastal town of Gandia many times a day, for example if a driver parks for 14 minutes and then lasted just one season. drives around and parks for a further 14 minutes would the barriers alAlthough the programme attractlow the second access. It has cost 116,568 euros to make the changes ed hundreds of thousands of viewers at the departures parking zone, and although Aena are stating that this every week the local authorities were is an experimental scheme it may be expanded to other areas. extremely angered by the portrayal of Gandia and demanded that the show remove their name from the programme. It was felt that it was damaging the image of the university city and its young population, trading the history for something considered vulgar by most of the residents.

Ibiza this summer, Ibiza politicians responded with “wish you weren’t here”. by Jeanette Rice

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A Song for Katie

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


THE LOCAL entertainment community, family and friends were shocked to learn of the passing of talented teenager Katie Salmon this week. by Keith Nicol

THE 18 year old passed away in her sleep. Her parents Julie and Gary said. “Our beautiful daughter has now been released to the undertakers so we can plan her service. Initial tests show there was nothing wrong and that her heart just stopped. Sudden adult death syndrome. Sleep perfect sleep my darling xxxx.” A privileged few saw her perform with Matrixstudio Madhouse in their successful sell out performances of the ‘Rocky Horror Show’. To celebrate her life and raise much needed funds for her funeral, Carla from Matrixstudio said: “We are holding a memorial day for the beautiful Katie Salmon on Sunday 26th July at The Matrixstudio Madhouse from 2pm. We are calling it “A SONG FOR KATIE”, and we would like to invite any entertainers (professional and non professional) to spare some time to sing one song for Katie. All her friends and family are welcome and we need to raise as much as possible to help with funeral costs. You can private message me via Facebook with a suitable time to sing as this would be appreciated and help us to organise the day. PA and mics will be supplied. Hundreds of messages flooded the Facebook pages of Ka-

tie and her family, with everyone in shock and disbelief that someone so young, without any health issues, should pass away in her sleep at the tender age of just 18. Julie Salmon, Katie’s mum added via Facebook: “Our beautiful Katie will be laid to rest on Friday 24th July 2015 at 11am in the Church near Swedent Dentist in La Zenia. Everyone is welcome to join us, Julie, Gary and our Family and after we will all be heading to one of Katie’s favourite places The Stray Sod for drinks. The dress code is anything that you feel comfortable in but bright and colourful will reflect Katie’s personality better, sequins and sparkles are definitely welcome.” The family ask that instead of flowers being brought Katie would have liked donations to go to her favourite charity M.A.B.S, there will be a collection tin at the Stray sod afterwards. Another message invited everyone to celebrate her life in a different way: “So many of us have been shocked and saddened by the passing of Katie Elizabeth Salmon so we would like to invite family and friends of Katie’s to a gathering at Westward

Ho!, on Saturday 25th at 6pm where we shall be releasing balloons in her memory. Please join us in sending love and prays to Gary and Julie at this sad time.

Katie Salmon after her performance in Rocky Horror Show

Community news...

International Youth Philharmonic Orchestra

NEXT SATURDAY, 1st August at 9pm, Torrevieja’s Municipal Theatre will host a performance of the “International Youth Philharmonic Orchestra”. The symphonic orchestra consists of young, national and international musicians, all of a high musical level, with the ultimate aim to train these boys and girls in symphonic means and repertoire. Next week the prestigious Venezuelan director, Gerardo Estrada has been invited to conduct this concert alongside soloist, Alfredo Ovalles, on piano. During the evening they will perform a program ranging from Russian composers Shostakovich and Rimsky-Korsakov, to American composers like Gershwin and Castellanos. The concert will benefit the association “Ni Ilunga”, who are responsible for raising awareness and helping to combat gender violence. Tickets can be purchased at Hotel MASA International (Av. Alfredo Nobel, 150), by email: internationalyouthphilharmonic@gmail.com and through the Facebook. Tickets are available for a donation of 10€.

emails 12

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

this week’s

email of the week

Beware Pick-pockets I BOUGHT my first house on the Costa Blanca in 1988, and came to live here permanently 11 years ago, so you might think I would be more aware of the “tricks” played by pick-pockets! My latest experience shows that no matter how street-wise we might think we are, we can still fall victim to these criminals. Without realizing it, at the time, I foiled a pair of pick-pockets operating in a supermarket on the Benitachell to Moraira road, on Wednesday morning. The guy who approached me was tall and plump with a swarthy complexion and thinning hair. He spoke to me in Spanish initially, but when I said “No hablo Espanol” he switched to English asking if I could read the ingredients on some cartons of drinks, as he had left his glasses at home, and was a diabetic. Before the penny dropped I started to help him, by reading out the ingredients. Fortunately his accomplice was a little heavy handed, literally, as I felt his hand about to enter my pocket. Once they realized I was aware of what was going on, they walked away from me, the taller guy saying he was off to the cash desk to pay for the carton he was still holding. The accomplice was a short older man, with white hair and a bald patch. I looked for them in the store, to take their photos, but they had vanished. I guess it’s that time of year. Let’s be careful, out there! Ken Cook - Gata de Gorgos

Thank you all

HELLO. MY name is Richard Robinson and I live in Los Narejos. At the moment HAH Help at Home are helping me to live more comfortably. I want to say a big thank you to HAH for all the effort that you put in. The voluntary work you do is amazing, and you are to be congratulated on your willingness, cheerful disposition and your desire to be as helpful as possible. You ladies have changed my life and I really do appreciate it 100 per cent, so much so that I intend to make a donation to you in my will. I shall take steps that my daughter is aware of my intention. I didn’t realise just how much the service you provide can be a life saver to someone in my position. You are all angels in disguise. Thank you all! Richard

Finca San Miguel de Salinas MY NAME is Sol, and I’m a volunteer. Since last September, I´ve helped out at an animal home called Finca San Miguel de Salinas, between Villamartín and San Miguel. We have 2 dogs, 2 pigs, 10 or more chickens,6 goats,3 ponies and 7 horses to look after. All the money comes from donations, and from people who sponsor an animal for 5€ or 10€ a month. It’s also possible to become a member for 10€ a year. On the last Saturday of every month we have a Finca party with food and drinks, sometimes with entertainment, a raffle and a little market, with all the money going towards the animals, for food, vet bills etc. Our next Finca party is on Saturday 25th July, with entertainment and and a raffle, starting at 5 o’clock. You are more than welcome to come and pay us a visit. For more information see our website www.happyanimalesspanien.com or email nicosolm@hotmail.com. Kind regards, Sol


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Do you have a story? Email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

4G doubles speed in Spain MONDAY SAW the start of 4G benefits reaching Spain with an increase in speed and coverage. by Jeanette Rice FOR THOSE that have 4G mobile, phone companies have begun the deployment of their services on the 800 megahertz (MHz) frequencies band, which had previously been used by digital television companies. In simplistic terms, this means that the internet speed will double and downloading from your smart phone or tablet will be much quicker. Vodafone are the first to launch their 4G improved service in Ourense, in the north west area of Spain with the start up of the first base station (called nodes), although the benefits will not reach many in the rest of Spain until March 2018. The new services will be promoted at LTE (long term evolution) and have agreement with the regional government in Galicia as well as the rest of the country. Other mobile providers are also going to be using the new technology with Movistar having 25 nodes in all coastal areas including: Alicante, CastellĂłn, Valencia, Gerona, Tarragona, Almeria, Cadiz, Malaga, Huelva and Murcia. Orange has plans for 25 municipali-

National news...

Aircon companies booming

WITH THE heatwave continuing companies selling air conditioning units are experiencing record sales. Figures reported show that for the first week of July sales were up 80% compared with the same period last year, with installers reporting that there is now a difficulty in obtaining units to supply to their customers. Whilst some sellers still have a few air conditioning units for sale they are warning that the manufacturers also have a limited supply and, that as the heatwave could not have been predicted, manufacturing of new units will not be able to keep up with the current demand. Obviously it is not only the suppliers and fitters that will have benefited from this current boom in sales as electricity suppliers such as Iberdrola also report a large increase in the demand for power during the daytime hours but also through the night as customers reach for the air conditioning controller.

Further growth in Spain Internet speed will double and downloading will be much quicker.

ties to be linked to the nodes but unfortunately any Yoigo customers will have to wait a little bit longer as they do not have access yet to the frequency. The latest 4G terminals of the big brands (Apple, Samsung, Sony, LG, HTC,

etc.) are ready to operate in the LTE band 20, which is covering the frequencies 800 MHz., but if you are not sure either your manual or on your connectivity menu it will say if your phone is compatible with the new band.

FIGURES JUST released show that Spain’s export of fresh produce have increased by 8 percent despite lower volumes being shipped. The fresh produce group, using information from the department of Customs and Excise noted that exports hit ₏1.14bn through the month of May, despite volumes slipping five per cent year-on-year to 1m tonnes.

Need to place an advert? Call 902 118 999

Beach towel wars

APPARENTLY THE British are winning their beach towel war against the German holidaymakers. by Jeanette Rice According to a German newspaper, Bild, the long standing, but ongoing battle of beach towel wars between the two nationalities is being won by the British. Observing tourists in the resort of Alcudia, Majorca the paper reported that the British tourists were waking up hours before their rivals to ensure a comfortable spot by the pool. The paper was carrying out an investigation into the habits of holidaymakers in Spain when it discovered the extreme lengths that some will go to in a bid to get the best spot. Some British tourists were placing their towels as early as 6 am, with one British holidaymaker even having a towel with the word “reserved” on it. Anyone wishing to enjoy a relaxing morning over breakfast who hadn’t placed their towels by 8.50 am found that all the loungers had been taken, although not a person was to be seen lying on one. Quoting one of the holiday makers, Stephen from Barnsley, the Bild said that Stephen had reserved three loungers at 6 am and then returned to the pool area with his wife and son a massive four hours later to enjoy his front line position. The paper carried out a similar survey last year at a different resort and said that towels were not appearing until 7.30 am, so it would appear that the towel war has intensified in the last year. Many British tourists have claimed for years that the Germans always beat them to the sun loungers by getting up early, and the scenario has often been used in comedy sketches showing the British battle with their European counterparts. At the resort where the Bild conducted their investigation two German teenagers were quoted as saying “when we arrived everything was already taken”. In response to their findings the paper was calling on their readers to complain to all hotels where this happened and ask that the towels be removed saying no one has a right to reserve a lounger.

British news...

Royal Berkshire Hospital Charity strikes gold with silver 2p coin

A 2P coin left in a hospital donation box has raised more than £800 on eBay after an eagleeyed hospital volunteer spotted its rarity value. The coin was found in the Royal Berkshire hospital’s “cash for coins” box, in which visitors usually leave unwanted foreign coins. The volunteer, Becky Jennings, spotted that the 2p was a silver colour rather than the standard bronze. She called an auction house, and just days later it went for £802.03. The 1971 coin is believed to be one of a tiny batch which were mistakenly struck in silver because the cupro-nickel blank was left inside a barrel during the minting process. The money raised from the auction will go to the Royal Berks Charity. “It will be used to fund equipment in our urology department along the theme of ‘2p or not 2p,” said a spokeswoman.

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015



Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Wine promotions in Murcia THE REGION of Murcia is increasingly being recognised for the quality of the wine produced by local companies.

The wine industry is due for a boost in Murcia

by Keith Nicol This week the industry received a major boost with the announcement that 1.5 million of European funding is designated towards an investment project in the wine sector. The Cabinet has given the green light, on a proposal from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Environment, for the granting of aid for a total amount of 1,504,295€, under the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) for to an investment project in the regional wine sector. In particular, this is to aid the company Bodegas Hijos de Juan Gil SL, directed towards the construction and installation of a new winery at ‘The Bodeguillas’ Jumilla. The total project budget is 6,017,183€, of which the said amount is subsidized. Investments will be made in production and marketing, specifically in the areas of civil engineering, machinery, equipment and facilities, among others. The objective of such aid is to promote the competitiveness of the regional food industry and improve the productive and technological structure to adapt production to market demands. More than 1.3 million has also

been set aside to manage the Rural Development Program of the Region until 2020. The Governing Council has approved a proposal from the Ministry of Agriculture and Water, the recruitment by open procedure, the technical assistance project for the management of the Rural Development Programme for the Region of Murcia, with a budget of 1,391,000€. This project is funded 75 percent by EAFRD funds and the remaining 25 percent by the Community for the 2015-2019 term. The aim is to ensure the existence of a safe and adequate production run, maintenance and to process and report statistical information on the program. Also, the application will serve to carry out its monitoring and evaluation as well as handle the data necessary to monitor progress in achieving the objectives and priorities. Information on selected operations to be subsidized will also be available, with the information guaranteed to beneficiaries of the program and the participating entities, and disseminated through the national rural network.

Do you have a story? Email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Need to place an advert? Call 902 118 999

61st International Habaneras opens ALL WEEK long the choral competition marking the 61st edition of the International Contest of Habanera and Polyphony has been taking place in the iconic, Eras de la Sal, Torrevieja.

The winning choir will be announced tonight, Friday, July 24

by Keith Nicol AFTER THE soloists performance on Sunday, the competition started properly on Monday night at 11pm with the first three of a total of fifteen choirs performing. The first choirs were Coroe, Musica Libera of Serbia, the Tutto Voce Segovia Group and Beijing Agriculture University of China Youth Choir. Each choir performed in addition to the obligatory habanera, ‘Torrevieja in my heart’, by the composer Mario Bustillo, two free Havanas and two other works of polyphony. The winning choir will be announced tonight, Friday, July 24 at the evening awards ceremony, marking the penultimate night of the competition. The jury of the choral competition phase consists of the orchestra and choral director and composer, Francisco Grau Vergara, who is President; composer and conductor Josep Roda Batlle, as secretary, and the international opera singer and choir teacher, Ana Luisa Espinosa; soprano and voice teacher, Ana Maria Sanchez and Maria Guinand. Venezonala Maria Guinard, joins the jury on Monday from Los Angeles and will be present throughout the choral competition phase. Guinard is choral director and conductor, Vice President of the International Federation for Choral Music and member of the International Music Council of UNESCO. AWARDS 61st International Habaneras and Polyphony of Torrevieja Mode Habanera Awards

- First Prize (Juan Aparicio), with an amount of 12,000 euros and a trophy. - Second Prize, worth 5,000 euros and a trophy. - Third Prize: 2.500 euros and a trophy. - Francisco Vallejos Award, instituted by the Hon. City of Torrevieja, for the best interpretation of a habanera of proven popular support: a trophy. Mode Polyphony Awards - First Prize, worth 10,000 euros and a trophy. - Second Prize, worth 4,000 euros and a trophy. - Third Prize, 2,000 euros and a trophy. - Award for the best interpretation of a polyphonic song of the source region, endowed with a trophy. “City of Torrevieja” national prize, worth 5,000 euros and a trophy. This prize will be awarded to the Spanish choir that obtains the highest score in the overall calculation of their performances in Havana and polyphony. Award for Best Direction “Jose Talavera Hódar”, endowed with a trophy. And the direction of the whole must habanera singing. Audience Award, worth 2,000 euros and a trophy to the choir received the most votes from subscribers to the Contest. More information from www.habaneras.org. Those seeking tickets might just be lucky enough to find a few for tonight or tomorrow: the grand finale.



Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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White elephant sells SPAIN’S ABANDONED Ciudad Real Airport hit the bargain basement at a bankruptcy auction last Friday when it sold for 10,000€ - 100,000 time less than it cost to build. by Jack Troughton and Jeanette Rice A CHINESE investment group snapped up the ‘ghost airport’ in Castilla-La Mancha which was opened in 2008 as an alternative to Madrid’s Barajas Airport 235km to the north and has a 4km runway, capable of taking the world’s largest passenger and transport planes. With a terminal capable of serving 10 million travellers a year, only four airlines – including Ryanair and Air Berlin – ever landed at the one billion Euro airport and in 2010 operating company CR Aeropuertos went bankrupt. Also known as Don Quijote Airport, it closed two years later. The facility, along with similarly troubled Castellon airport, became known as one of Spain’s white elephants, a symbol to the wasteful spending on the construction boom which came to an abrupt halt with the onset of the financial crisis. Investment company Tzaneen International said in a statement: “We have plans to invest up to 100 million Euros

in the airport to make it a main entry point for companies to come to Europe.” The deal includes the runway, control tower and hangers but not the terminal building and car parks. Little is known about Tzaneen except it is an ‘investment vehicle’ and was registered in Spain some weeks ago to take part in the sale. GATEWAY Papers reveal it is a consortium of both Chinese and European investors and claims “various Chinese companies” were interested in using the airport as “a gateway to Europe” for their import businesses. In February last year the airport went on the market for 100 million Euros but the price soon fell to 80 million Euros. No buyer was found and the bankruptcy court stepped in. The court believed the facility was worth 40 million Euros

The airport

but set a minimum offer of 70% of the amount – 28 million Euros – for prospective buyers. It has also issued a 20-day grace period in the hope of receiving alternative bids. Because this period does not include August, the deadline now runs until 14th September. However, even if other buyers enter the frame, it is believed the Chinese group will try to keep control of Ciudad Real by matching or submitting a higher bid. El Pais has reported that company Griffin-Pegasus Airports, which earlier expressed an interest in the airport, has said it will challenge the auction on a technicality. Other entrepreneurs – one Malaga-based businessman has tried to buy it three times without success – and companies have made inquiries about the airport.

National news...

Titanic plaque surfaces in Granada

A PLAQUE commemorating the launch of the Titanic has surfaced in Granada, after having been lost for over a century. The silver-and-bronze rectangular plaque, measuring 28cm by 37cm and weighing 1.8kg, bears the vessel’s name, describing the Titanic as “ The Queen of the Ocean”. A British man who was short of money offered the plaque to an art dealer in Barcelona 12 years ago, according to the Spanish Titanic Foundation, which has just revealed the discovery. However, the dealer’s grandson, Leo Lorenzo Sancho, who was interested in the story of the Titanic tragedy, bought it himself and kept it on the wall of his home. Eventually, Mr Lorenzo offered the plaque to the Titanic Foundation, which was organising an exhibition in Granada. The plaque is now on loan for the duration of the exhibition, which ends in January 2016. The head of the Royal Mail Steamship Union presented the plaque to Lord William James Pirrie, chairman of shipbuilders Harland and Wolff, which built the Titanic, the day before its departure. The plaque details the vessel’s length (882ft) and weight (“over 45,000 tons”), as well as describing the Titanic as the “latest, the largest and finest Steamer afloat”. “Although large sums of money have been offered, the owner, has no intention of selling,” said the Spanish Titanic Foundation.

New meaning for “sweating like a pig”

IT ISN’T just here in Spain that the heat is having an affect, with reports of Italian cows and pigs suffering from heat related stress. Italian farmers are having to take drastic measures to ensure the well being of their herds as the production of milk falls drastically due to the heat. The answer, is of course, to install showers and air conditioning in the cowsheds and pigsty’s, and this is what the Italian farmers are now doing. The farm animals in Italy, especially in the Milan area where the agricultural heartland has been reaching 40C (104 Fahrenheit), will

be able to cool down in their barns and pens as the country has recorded the hottest July for more than ten years. Farming group Coldiretti said “the situation is very worrying, our cows have produced 50 million litres less milk than usual in just the first 15 days of the month and the chickens have laid between 5 and 10 percent fewer eggs”. It is feared that the onset of an anticyclone weather phenomenon, known as “Charon” will result in a further reduction in production, with sweating pigs loosing their appetite and eating 40 percent less than usual.

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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Imanyo Golf Society Plane Parking Trophy


LAST WEEK Imanyo Golf Society held their first competition for their Sponsor of the day, Plane Parking. by Keith Nicol RTN READERS will know the name, as Plane Parking are one of the largest companies in the region who take care of your vehicle whilst you are out of the country. They have secure parking at Alicante and Murcia airports. Managing Director’s, Nick Baker and his future wife (Augsut 1st is the big day) Marianne Rolle carried out the presentation. The day started with a full English breakfast in Imanyo’s: the format was pairs Texas scramble blind draw. On arriving at El Plantio to contest the Imanyo Golf Society Plane Parking Trophy, they were greeted by staff members and organised to tee off on one of the region’s most beautiful golf courses. Winners of the Plane Parking Trophy were, “Keep it in the Family” Wendy Ralph and Dave Cartlidge with an excellent 34 points, runners up were “I’m playing well” Alex Porteous and “Minty” Phil Ward on 44 points, the Endeavour award went to “Sandy” Terry Burton and “Splash” Ian Bell with no return points, they were having a fantastic round with ten consecutive pars until they came up to the 17th hole where there was a lake to get over. Both players put quite a few balls in the water and to their frustration they cancelled their score on that hole, but if they had just scored they still would have had a chance of winning; maybe next time! Only two nearest the pins were won; hole 9 Alan Rodger and hole 18

Nick from Plane Parking (in yellow) handing out the prizes at the Imanyo Golf Day

“I’m not playing very well” Alan Byrne. The presentation was held at Imanyo’s where good food and a few tipples were waiting. The group wanted to say a big thank you to Harry Goldsmith who won the football card with Sunderland and generously put the money back into the charity box for Parkinson’s, the charity that they support. To find out more about this friendly and fun golf society, for all future competitions and the different courses they play, visit: www.imanyogolfsociety.com. All you need to do to join this new society is email your full name and handicap to imanyogolfsociety@gmail.com. Sponsors Plane Parking have been leading the way when it comes to customer service, innovation and safe parking for your car. Plane Parking has one of the largest car parking lots at Alicante airport and offer you total peace of mind while you are away on your travels. That might be it a weekend get-

away or even if you only visit Spain once a year, you can be assured that your car is secure 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Plane Parking is situated directly in front of Alicante Airport beside the petrol station and less than 2km from San Javier (Murcia) Airport. Plane Parking led the way as the first to offer a complete car care package, repairs and much more. You can obtain a new ITV for your car, have it serviced, re-sprayed or even changed from Spanish to English plates, while you are gone. They have a wide range of qualified engineers and mechanics available, so whatever the job, give them a call and they will only be too happy to arrange it for you. No more taxis; no airport bus; no more relying on friends or relatives; and especially no delays. Contact Plane Parking today. Plane Parking, The “plane” and easy way to fly away. To contact Plane Parking for your parking requirements please call 966 840 289 or 656 532 490.


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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Torrevieja Techno

TECHNO HIT Torrevieja on Saturday evening when for twelve hours the Antonio Soria Park turned into the city’s number one youth attraction. by Keith Nicol

FOR THE third year Torrevieja hosted one of the most important festivals of electronic music held during the summer: Electromar. Twelve hours of uninterrupted music and animation, on three separate stages, that began Saturday at 8pm, and finished at 8am Sunday as thousands of revellers headed off for breakfast. It’s estimated that the total number of participants will be around the ten thousand mark as more and more people arrived at the entrance gates to swell the numbers, which seemed to hit their peak at around 2am Sunday. Along with Torrevieja’s youth, many people from Murcia, who have also had their own ElectroMar festivals, Alicante, as well as others spending their holidays in the city entered into the fun. Around the vicinity of Antonio Soria Park and Avenida de Delfina Viudes, hundreds of cars parked and the occupants prepared for entry into ElectroMar by meeting friends and enjoying a few drinks before the show. Policia Local and Guardia Civil cut access to the street and security, health and emergency services were on hand to handle any eventuality.

A cloud hung over the festival until the Monday before, due to the time needed for the processing of municipal contracts that had not quite been concluded but eventually the Local Government allowed the exhibition to be held. The large enclosure of Antonio Soria Park included, bars for drinks, promotional regalia, fast food stands and a special VIP Lounge. The event consisted of three main staging area, who played a different variety of muc from various DJ, along with light shows and lots of opportunities to dance the night away. The main stage was set aside for EDM Electromar, which included a performance from one of the most renowned international DJs, Ummet Ozcan, plus Vicetone, Firebeatz, Dj Nano, Abel Ramos, JP Candela and many others. The second stage featured the Metro Dance Club, dedicated to techno music, with the collaboration of artists from the Alicante club that gave it the name. Some of the performer were Uner, Cristina Varela, the German Gregor Tresher and Oliver Huntemann. The third scenario, going under the name of ‘Revival, featured sounds from the iconic nightclub located on the edge of Torrevieja

Thousands danced the night away at ElectroMar over the weekend

and Los Montesinos, an icon of the ‘Ruta del Bacalao’ and lical techno culture in Spain for 20 years until its closure in 2013. Heading the bill at Revial were their usual DJ’s Churu, Kuki, Carlos Argaz and Lorena Llanes. At around 8am, with the morning sun re-

placing the strong lights from the staging area, the plug was pulled and those remaining left to seek out a spot for breakfast. No major incidents were reported and the organisers hope to return with ElectroMar to Torrevieja next summer.

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Anniversary dinner

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


MEMBERS OF RAFA Costa Blanca North Branch enjoyed a sociable evening out in Moraira to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the branch. by Jack Troughton RESTAURANT SATARI hosted the event which started with a cava reception and dinner on the terrace underneath the stars – allowing everyone the opportunity to enjoy the warm weather and appreciate the beautiful gardens. A raffle raised 150€ for the Wings Appeal

and live music helped everyone celebrate the anniversary in style. The RAFA branch meets on the second Monday of the month at the Los Arcos Restaurant on the N332 at Pedregeur. More information can be found on the website www.rafa-ncb.org

Local events...

Everyone welcome

TORREVIEJA CHRISTIAN Fellowship welcomes Spanish residents and holiday makers to its services with communion and ‘kids church’ every Sunday at 10.30am. This English-speaking and lively church is located at Avenida de Las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja. However, during August because of holidays, the heat, and traffic congestion, there will be no Fellowship Meetings on Wednesday evenings. For more information about the church, visit www.tcf-spain.org

Wings Appeal Officer Shane organised the raffle

Summer school success

YOUNGSTERS AT the Xabia International Summer School are enjoying a range of activities including cookery, arts and crafts, and sport – with a welcome chance to cool off in the swimming pool. Children aged from two to 15-year-olds are also busy forging new friendships and catching up with old friends – many students brushing up their English skills at the Javea college.

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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


Cambridge Global Payments… CAMBRIDGE GLOBAL Payments are pleased to announce the launch of their first 2 Spanish offices, one in the Costa Del Sol and one in the Costa Blanca.

THE COSTA Blanca office is headed up by Chris Wakeling, the Regional Manager, and accompanied by Natasha Bennett, the office Manager and Jemma Cooper, Business development Executive. Cambridge Global Payments are the largest privately owned Foreign Exchange company Globally, with 29 offices worldwide, over 400 staff and transferring last year over $40 Billion. With a reputation throughout the industry for their innovation and excellence, they have just been awarded the Deutsche Bank STP (Straight Through Processing) excellence award for 2014. The 7th consecutive year Cambridge has received this prestigious award, that recognises outstanding performance with respect to payment processing. Chris Wakeling brings with him a vast amount of knowledge and understanding of the Foreign exchange market here in Spain, having had a highly successful career here for over 8 years, when speaking with Chris it was hard not to get caught up in the excitement and expectations he has for this new venture. “Cambridge offered an opportunity to create something special” Chris continued to say “ Having the chance to create a foreign exchange package specific to the Spanish market was a once in a lifetime chance, along with my colleague in the Costa Del Sol, Kelly Eason. We were able to pass on all of our experience of working in the Spanish market and the complications that come along with it, ensuring that the processes we put in place eradicated all these problems from the outset. There are many good companies here in Spain, but I have always believed that there was room for improvement in all areas, with the products and services Cambridge have put together, I strongly believe we have got it spot on, and the feedback we have had from our clients so far, all of whom previously used an alternative foreign exchange provider out here, have reinforced the fact providing fantastic feedback. Our focus is on the client experience, making sure we know what they want from a foreign exchange company. They want a simple, fast, secure service and knowing they are getting the best deal available for their money. We do not offer introductory rates, nor do we offer special rates for certain clients, we always just offer the best rate we can, and we intend to continue to do so.” Working alongside Chris is Natasha Bennett, again, she has vast amounts of experience here in the Costa Blanca having worked alongside Chris for the last 4 years, with an outstanding reputation for her customer service skills, going above and beyond to make sure that her clients are always well looked after and given a warm welcome, she will always be there in the office to welcome you with a smile. Jemma Cooper is new to the industry, but has worked within the property sector for nearly 9 years, she has an in depth knowledge of the property market and is able to assist, with great expertise, all those that are looking to buy or sell their property here in Spain. There are many good companies here in Spain already, but Cambridge are here to provide a real alternative, with services for all requirements, whether you are buying a new Spanish home, selling your property and sending it back to your home country, bringing over a regular payment of just making payments as and when you need to, Cambridge will ensure that their clients have a simple and efficient experience from start right through until their funds arrive at the desired destination. You can contact Cambridge Global Payments on: Tel: 0034 965 327 093, Email: costablanca@cambridgefx.co.uk For weekend and out of hours enquiries, please call Chris Wakeling direct on 0034 600 230 672 Or come to the office, next door to the Sunrise restaurant, Centro Comercial La Mosca. Playa Flamenca, just off the N332 near to the burger King and Rockys bar. Cant make it to the office? Then arrange an appointment in the comfort of your own home by either emailing or calling the numbers above.

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Carlos Baos

from White & Baos Abogados Solicitors Lawyers

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


Can I still claim for Bankia’s Shares? What are the chances of winning? QUESTION: DEAR Lawyer, I live in Alicante. I invested money in Bankia Shares, and I wonder if I can still claim my investment back. Is the deadline to claim over, and also, what are my chances of getting a good result if I can still claim. Thank You. DEAR READER, thank you for your enquiry. First, we understand that you can still claim against Bankia for the shares or stock purchase. The legal action we raised from our office for cases of purchase of shares in the IPO (Initial Public Offering) of Bankia, which took place on the 19th July 2011, is mainly the action of nullity of the purchase, based on the fact that the buyers - consumers agreed to buy the stocks based on information provided by Bankia, which did not correspond with the reality, and Bankia did not explain properly the risks of the transaction, etc. Therefore, consent was invalid and the contract of purchase of shares must be annulled. Legally the term to claim for nullity is 4 years, and although as a precaution, we have tried to present our client’s claims before the 19th July 2015 (four years since IPO), the truth is that we understand that it is possible to claim at least until 4 years after the intervention and revision of Bankia accounts May 2012, and therefore the deadline would be at least until May 2016. We understand that the chances of success are high, and we offer a no win no fee policy.

This is a legal action so we cannot guarantee that the outcome will be positive, but we understand that there are good chances of getting a court order in our favor. Among other reasons, because: The FROB itself stated few months ago that 85% of the court decision had been won by consumers against Bankia. Some sources say that the actual % is about 90/95%. In addition are aware of the first court decision of the Provincial Court of Alicante, Court No. 96/2015, in which the Court reverses a judgment of a first instance court, understanding that the purchase contract of shares should be declared null and the money invested must be paid back to the consumer, the court states: “It has been proved that the shares purchasers bought without receiving adequate information from the issuer, particularly about its actual solvency, showing few months after that the financial situation of Bankia in the exercise on which the IPO took place, was different than the information provided and seriously detrimental to the value of the share “ Therefore, if you bought shares in the IPO of 19th July 2011, contact us.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved, Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015



Christina Brady

Regional Manager of Blacktower Costa Blanca

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Expatriates money is no longer good enough for UK Banks OVER THE last 6 months I have had numerous clients contact me for advice after receiving letters from their Banks and Building societies based in the UK, Channel Islands, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man saying that they were closing their account. No explanation or reason was given.

MOST OF these people had, had their accounts with these institutions for decades and were upset by the way they were being treated. Then I read in the paper today that Barclays are now following suit telling expats living in Cyprus and Malta that their accounts will be closed unless they hold £100,000. Barclays says they need to hold a minimum balance of £100,000 in their accounts by September 11. Just one question who in their right mind would trust a Bank that has been visited over 200 times in the last year by the City watchdog, is continually being fined for fixing markets, has sold its overseas branches i.e. Spain with £100,000 of their money. Banks it seems still don’t understand the meaning of customer service and loyalty. So why should we help them by leaving our money with them to earn little or no interest, and as shown in Greece if a financial crisis

happens what is the use of their guarantee that our money is safe when we cannot get our hands on that money. What else is on offer you may ask yourself, well there are various options from an instant access 100% capital guaranteed account, to a cautious 5 year investment allowing up to 5% income to be taken a year to the more traditional 5 year investment which allows flexible withdrawals and for the more experienced and adventurous investors there are Structured Notes available paying a coupon of between 8% and 10% per annum. Whatever your risk appetite there should be something to suit, it’s just a matter of obtaining independent professional advice. If you would like expert independent, professional and impartial advice please contact me via email christina.brady@blacktowerfm.com or on my mobile 658 892 330

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.

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advertising feature

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


New Economy geared towards Fractional Ownership

SINCE 1983 all major hotels (including Hilton, the Ritz Carlton, Marriott and Four Seasons) have entered the fractional market all over the world.

BY THE mid-2000s, hundreds of fractional properties were well established, and the industry is still growing today. Now, let’s explain how it works and how actually you can enjoy a luxury such as a yacht, vacation property, or jet for a fraction of the cost. After all why spend 100% of your money on an asset that you only use a fraction of your time? The question many are asking themselves nowadays is how can I pay for an asset that I can enjoy, that is owned by me, yet avoid the high cost and the associated fees? Fractional ownership is the answer. Fractional ownership is a common investment structure for expensive assets such as aircraft, sports cars, vacation properties and yachts of course. This is the most cost effective, reasonable and the most convenient investment strategy in the past 25 years. If the asset increases in value, so does the value of the shares in the investment. And yes this asset is transferable or can be sold something that cannot be done with timeshare!

Main reasons to buy a fractional No need to worry about year-round costs. Asset can be sold or transferred Full rights to the asset under your name Management companies look after your asset All Maintenance work is the responsibility of the management company Relax instead of spending weekends working on the vacation home each year. Since 2006 Saveene Group has offered a unique and inexpensive way to own your own luxury yacht, or a luxury villa. Fractional Ownership provided a “win-win” relationship for both participants in the contract. Under the Saveene Program, Fractional ownership is perfect for yacht owners who want the yachting experience with no hassles and no waste of their hard earned capital.Saveene’s management will gladly introduce you to all options that are available. Call 965 020 299 or visit www.saveene.com for more information.



Sowing the seeds of success

By Jack Troughton KEEN GARDENERS Ray and Phyllis Jordan celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary next Tuesday (28th July) in the Jalon Valley.

Read the full story on page 35.


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

life&leisure gardening


Oh for some shade! by

Dick Handscombe Holistic gardener and author

IT’S CRITICAL TO ENJOY SPAIN! From June to August shade is critical in a Spanish garden if an outdoor summer life is to be enjoyed to the full. Yet in recent weeks I have heard many an exasperated sigh along the lines of ‘Oh I wish we had more shade!’. So this week we look at some of the issues involved and consider ways of ensuring a good supply of shade in the garden while retaining non shaded areas for plants that love the sun and for winter sun for ourselves. Perhaps it’s worth looking first at the Spanish attitude to shade in their traditional small as well as large garden designs. If one looks at established gardens of Spanish homes for year round residence or for weekend, fiesta and summer holiday use it’s obvious that shade is taken seriously. Most natural established trees are retained and if space fruit trees, flowering trees and vegetables are planted in the gaps or clear spaces. If a swimming pool has been added for the children and grandchildren it is often at least partially in semi-shade. Essentially gardens that can be lived in for many hours during the hottest months. Shade is seen as imperative as weekend, fiesta and summer meals are often for large family groups of several generations. And grandparents are normally not as tolerant of the sun as the younger generations. Outdoor cooking and eating starts in earnest at the Easter break. On Easter Monday smoke curls up from many gardens as the first paella of the year is cooked over a wood fire to achieve a better flavour to one cooked over a gas ring. In the countryside any suitable clearing taken over by family groups not lucky enough to own a country property. Again Paellas are often being cooked but these days mostly on a gas ring as a result of nowadays stringent fire controls. In Andulucia the same was often seen on the beaches with groups of twenty or more under large canvas shades or touching umbrellas like a group of oversized mushrooms.

Tourist controls have stopped such practices on most of the main beaches which are no longer the envious natural areas of twenty years ago. In Andulucia sardines cooked over a wood fire and barbecues being often more popular than a paella. Then the expatriate influx grew. Developers cleared natural copses in coastal and inland areas for building and many of those who purchased a traditional Spanish garden felled most of the trees to make room for a large pool in full sun, large sun bathing terrace, an English style lawn and beds of annuals if only a summer home. Often as the weather warms up such gardens are under populated as they become ovens for much of the day. With no natural shade – and an umbrella is no substitute for the deep shade under a mature leafy treea retreat to shady covered terrace or a cold air conditioned lounge is a sensible move. But once one is used to the latter it is difficult to acclimatise to the summer Spanish climate so summers in northern Europe become sensible decisions with the house let to sun worshipping short stay holiday makers. The two types of garden described above are not exaggerated. Walk around any town, village or new urbanisation and you will see both. So what can be done? DECIDE YOUR LIFE STYLE AND SHADE NEEDS EARLY. First decide during your first year in Spain , if not before, what long term life style you came to Spain for and develop your garden design accordingly. For many including ourselves the chance to sun bath daily – often for too many hours initially - is a novelty during the first summer but by the second or third summer life has became more varied, friends are met and asked round for tapas and if sensibly designed the garden is a delight. Section Two of the book ‘YOUR GARDEN IN SPAIN’ will help you take all necessities into account and reduce the heartache of making false starts.

Second if you came to Spain for the good all year round climate – forgetting the occasional freezing days and week long ‘gota frias ‘– design the garden for an outdoor lifestyle. Ensure that you allow for the three priorities summer shade, winter sun and ample terrace areas. The latter often best split into a number of terraces of varying size rather than just one large terrace. And ensure that some terrace space is shaded or can be shaded. HOW CAN SUCH SHADE BE PROVIDED? Large existing trees. The planting of young trees. The naya. Umbrellas. Gazebos and pagodas. Cloth and hard covered. Covered with climbing plants. A traditional extended porch covered with a grape vine. Maximum use of the natural shade of the north side of the house. It’s free but often on the road side of the house so high walls or hedges required for privacy. A carport that can also be used as an outdoor workshop. Covered yards for dogs, hens and other pets. Get used to wearing a straw hat! We hope that the above ideas will enable more readers to enjoy the summer climate which is why we and most house owners came to Spain.

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


life&leisure whats on //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Eduardo’s touch of titillation THE FIRST night of a three night only Burlesque performance took place last week at La Finca de Eduardo’s. by Keith Nicol Offering a touch of song, humour, titillation and transporting the audience back to another era, the show, ‘Burlesque Under The Stars’ will be back on the 5th and 12th of August. This is a unique show for Spain and within each show, the artists offer different artists, different routines and different music, with each performance offering, you’ve guessed it, something a little different. Having had their opening night at La Finca de Eduardo’s the show is going on the road and travelling the globe. They only have two more performances scheduled in Spain at Eduardo’s on Wednesdays 5th August and 12th August. Tickets for this most special of shows include a two course BBQ Dinner. Organiser Sassylina presents this Moulin Rouge style of show that offers a performance to tantalise, titillate and excite. Each performance is hosted by the award winning Miss Cherry Bomb. Winner of the public vote at Miss Pin Up UK 2013 and runner up as Best Musical Performer at the National Vintage Award’s Miss Cherry Bomb she keeps everyone entertained with her wit, humour and great voice. Performing on stage during their engagement are: Velvet Jones, Tizzy Von Tassel, Sassylina and Dule Vida. For more information or to book an eening of guilty pleasure, please phone: 965 322 830. La Finca De Eduardo´s is located at l Calle Monterrey 19, Urb Lomas de Don Juan, 03189 Orihuela Costa. Book your tickets now for ‘Under the Stars’.

A little tantalising and titillation is offered

Continued from page 33 They met at The Pavilion in Bath where they both used to go to listen to big Bands such as Ted Heath, Johnny Dankworth and Acker Bilk – and still enjoy music together. Ray and Phyllis married in Bath in 1955 and because money was tight, enjoyed a two-day honeymoon in Weymouth. Phyllis worked at Chivers Bookbinders in Bath, where she helped restore ancient volumes. However, because of Ray’s career in the Royal Navy, they moved to Plymouth and lived at the Devon port for 12 years. When Ray retired after 22 years service at the age of 42, the couple headed for warmer climes and discovered the Jalon Valley. Members of U3A Vall Del Pop, they are described as “garden fanatics” and soon put their skills to work in their own plot and also helping out neighbours. Ray and Phyllis still garden and enjoy going to the theatre in the West Ends and in Spain and also like to travel to places of interest in their adopted home country.

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Read the paper online every week at www.roundtownnews.com by Sara


Life Coach


life&leisure ask Sara



WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.

Not seeing eye to eye

My mother died after a long illness. My brother and I have rarely seen eye to eye, and our relationship got a lot worse during my mother‘s illness. A lot of hurtful things were said by my brother, to me and my sisters. After the funeral he just left and didn’t say goodbye to anyone. He is not keeping in touch with any of us. Grief can affect people differently. At a time when families should all be pulling together, it is often the case that they begin fighting. A lot of frustration is felt and old resentments can bubble to the surface. You will only get to the bottom of how he feels, if you are able to talk to him. But, if he refuses contact, this will not be easy. You and your sisters could all send a card, telling him you will be around if he wants to get in touch - then allow a period of time to pass, to allow him come to terms with his feelings.

I want to start a family

I am so lucky to have met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, and he feels the same. He is 23 years older. The age difference does not bother either of us. He has two grown up children. The problem is that I always thought I would have children, and hadn’t envisaged a situation like this. He says he will do whatever it takes to be with me, but I know he thought his child raising days were over. I can see his point, and would not want him to resent the situation somewhere down the line. He says he would be 70 by the time our children are grown, when our lives could finally begin, and he says that’s too late. The bottom line is, you could have a family with a younger man who wanted children, but there are no guarantees in life, and you could end up in an unhappy marriage. You love this man, and he loves you. You can either count your blessings, or count the cost of being without each other.

Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 633 614 476.


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

life&leisure horoscopes

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Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594

 As Mars squares up to Uranus there comes a time for you to take something further and to examine the many possibilities that it could bring you. Uranus covers technology and enterprise, and Mars backs strongly your next move, steering you forward and encouraging you all the way to what seems to be a wonderful new venture. Venus beguiles Leo at the end of the week. It is high time that you took credit when it is due, and this means taking a well deserved applause, centre stage and in the spotlight. You are famous for your great consideration of people and their feelings, and now it would seem that the boot is on the other foot as you have other fish to fry. Mercury’s midweek dalliance with Neptune sets a warning regarding finances and expenditure. You are so good at balancing the books, but it is unexpected expenses that tip the budgeting scales just now. Remedy the situation and make sure that somebody starts to pay their way too...it will alleviate pressure and help the situation. Have a good clear out! There is a great difference between a collection and clutter, and you should spend time eliminating the unwanted debris you have managed to accumulate. Since you can better love what is left, you can be assured that many things around you will just fall into place as you see things somehow in a different light! The entry of Venus brings love with great passion into your life. This is a time to accept boundaries and to make a contract that will seem right all around and all ways too. You are a people person, and it isn’t selfish to spend time with those you love; especially since there is somebody out there trying hard to attract your attention. Mercury passes closely by to Pluto and you will have to have your wits about you if you are to defend your corner. A past conflict seems to have momentarily returned and this time around it has to be dealt with fairly and squarely by all who are involved. You must have thought that the goal posts couldn’t have changed, but they have! You seem to be under scrutiny by someone, and this is presumably for all the right reasons. What is lacking is dialogue and good timing. Hence Mercury and Ceres, in cahoots, come into the frame this week; bent on resolving something that has become a thorn in your side. Things are happening this way because they can...let them! Interesting that it is an ebullient Mars that is taking on mighty Uranus this week. Things will have to get better soon, because they cannot get any worse. The guidance of Uranus is the very best antidote for the negativities that are in danger of affecting you. Have your say, but don’t expect a straight answer from anyone.

OFTEN I am asked what I see when I am making contact with the Spirit World. As a frequent visitor it is only natural that I have been in a position that allows me to have a good look around; and yet as with a dream the recall often fades into my memory. A Medium contacts the Spirit World to prove the existence and survival of the departed, but this doesn’t stop me from having a good look around at what I see. Very often my need to connect and my professional ethics makes my focus on the job in hand more acute. I am, after all, trying to establish a definite link between the living and the dead and once that special connection is made I can from time to time have a little snoop at whatever is revealed to me, if indeed anything is. The longest glimpse that I get is when somebody up there has to call someone else, or if there is some stalling for time. Sending, as I do, a calling card up to this giant holding centre in the sky it can be that the departed hesitate or are unsure of making the connection that I am offering them. On these occasions, and it may just be a blink of the eye or a split second at the most, I can sometimes be conscious of the surroundings. On my very first visits to the Spirit World I was under the guidance of Spiritual Tutors and I asked them who the grey people were, since there were a lot of them about. It saddened my soul to see such grey un expressive faces looking back at me, the eyes staring and cold like dead fishes eyes on the fishmonger’s slab. I was surprised and horrified to learn that these were souls who had made the successful journey into the Spirit World, but who had not been able to make contact; usually because those living here on Earth were unable or frightened to call on them. Naturally you will therefore understand my reaction when people tell me that I am a wicked person and that my administrations disturb the dead who are sleeping! They can sleep in peace, assuming that they want to, once someone in the family has the faith or the gumption to call on them; just to see how they are, and how they are doing. Behind the grey people were those with a rosier, more human like glow, and these were those who had communicated and were more settled because of their contacts. Behind them were aspects of the Spirit World, minimal and inspiring to me as a fledgling. One thing I have to report is the intensity of colour experienced in my travels. Suffice to say that I have never seen such pigmented colour ever before. I have to say what I did not see, and this is rows of elders in long flowing robes, each sporting long flowing beards, sitting at long tables, presumably beginning the judgement of dearly departed souls. Where there glass palaces and frosted fountains? Birds singing and beautiful flowers? Ivory turrets and fluffy clouds? Well, I could answer these questions, but I have no right to. You see, we all have a highly individual idea of what is there awaiting us in the Spirit World. I am not a person who would ever want to mar anyone’s illusion of what awaits us souls as we survive the most difficult journey of our lives. I am no spoilsport, but perceptions are a unique part of the fabric of our belief and our view of what’s up there awaiting us. Often I feel that life on this Planet can be made very difficult for us, and that when it is our time to depart we will move to somewhere where it will be a lot easier. That is the energy level and sensation of well being I feel when I glimpse. Spiritual People living together can bring a unique type of peace and contemplation, and this positive and inspiring energy is revealed to me abundantly. For those who haven’t connected with their inner selves just yet, it may be time before things fall into place for you. You may be sorely tested. For you, dear reader, there will be absolute advantages if you take Spirit on board and just enjoy the trip, when the time comes. It’s valid one way, and no return is possible, but you don’t need a ticket and you certainly won’t get any air miles...otherwise I would be travelling on a Platinum card by now!

Something has caused chaos recently amidst your calm and well intentioned plans, and this goes against the grain somewhat. Somebody has a very short memory because you have pulled out all the stops for them, and where are they now that you need that helping hand? Time will tell if a message has been received loud and clear! Things have to get worse before they get a lot better, and you are so close to completion now. Some very irritating and unnecessary delays have changed your schedule, but every cloud has indeed a silver lining because good will come from the way you have hunkered down and shown your truly adaptable nature all round. Keeping anger within you just doesn’t seem to work, and you have started to wonder if something is really your fault after all. It isn’t, and nobody who treats you this way has your true interests at heart. There is a lot of change about, and Uranus guides you to a much better advantage point whereby you can reassume control. Neptune is once more tempted into pastures new by the actions of Mercury. The result is that the cat is out of the bag, and it may be time to tell things the way that they are instead of playing your cards so close to your chest. People will love to reward you for what you do best, and you can have fun finding out where you go to next?!

If It’s Your Birthday This Week

It doesn’t matter if changes come along because nothing now is written in stone. Showing your strongly adaptable side accentuates your natural intuition and puts you just where you so deserve to be right now.

Kenny‛s Postbag

Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

KENNY, YOU told me that everything has a meaning, and that it is often that we just don’t know what’s next and why. I have been asking for some time to work closer for Spirit and yet it doesn’t seem to be happening, what could I be doing wrong? Bryan. G. Bryan, who says that you are doing anything wrong? Why blame yourself? Maybe you are not yet ready for something and there is work you have yet to do, or it could be that Spirit have other ideas of what you should be doing right now. Remember that we do not work for Spirit, we work with them, and this is not just splitting hairs, it is a very different energy if you work with someone or something. If Spirit are being resolute about something then ask them what you should be doing instead. Ask them how you should ask for what you want, and be flexible....they know best after all!

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Read the paper online every week at www.roundtownnews.com


life&leisure puzzles  Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 53


Doodle box

Quick Crossword ACROSS 1. Agreement (4) 3. Yield (8) 9. In succession (7) 10. Of the nose (5) 11. Erasure (12) 13. Adulterated (6) 15. Suppress (6) 17. Understood (12) 20. Smell (5) 21. Division (7) 22. Compelling influence (8) 23. Perform (4) DOWN 1. At intervals (8) 2. Waterway (5) 4. Consider (6) 5. Electoral district (12) 6. Slacken (4,3) 7. Vend (4) 8. Skiing, skating, etc. (6,6) 12. Inclination (8) 14. Exasperate (7) 16. Minor (6) 18. Bore (5) 19. Masterstroke (4)

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. The essayist was a gentle creature (4) 3. How old is that frock? Ask the horse! (8) 9. Short and rude letter in the play at the very end (7) 10. Mountains show in its pages? (5) 11. Apparently making an approach in low spirits and going under (2,3,3,4) 13. Removes clothes on excursion in ship? (6) 15. Suit for diggers? (6) 17. Initial crept out with two spare copies (2,10) 20. In the trial I bid to have a let-out (5) 21. He’s dear, and clings (7) 22. Not a heavy responsibility in the theatre (8) 23. Married with a ring while still in debt (4) DOWN 1. Lose cars in game (8) 2. For a change remit credit (5) 4. Course for athletes to be taken up? (6) 5. No engagement for an army marching on its stomach! (5-2,5) 6. Let 23 after all (7) 7. Soldier won’t have difficulty in standing it (4) 8. Imaginative painter needed in the theatre (4-2,6) 12. Rated idiot who mixed seeds (8) 14. Telephoning round, perhaps (7) 16. Injury to limb right in the country (6) 18. Quiver inside (5) 19. Post armour (4)


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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life&leisure advertising feature


Mount Everest Nepali and Indian Restaurant

THE MOUNT Everest Nepali and Indian restaurant is an Indian restaurant with a difference. Situated in Pilar de la Horadada, the Mount Everest Restaurant has been owned by Ram for eight years: “Having worked all my life in restaurants throughout India, I moved to Spain to run my own restaurant.” The highlight of Ram’s career was working as Head Chef in Mumbai at one of India’s top 5-Star hotels. The Mount Everest Restaurant is the first Nepali and Indian restaurant in the area and serves all of your favourite Indian dishes including Pakora and Samosa starters and Korma, Tikka Masala, Jalfrezy and Madras main courses. They also have an extensive range of special dishes from Nepal including Himali Bhale Tikka, Jhinge Prawn Malekhu and Chicken Sekuwa. All of these dishes are cooked fresh using traditional methods and herbs and spices imported specially from the region. For those who are less adventurous, Mount Everest Restaurant also cater for non-curry lovers and children. There are various special offer menus including an Early Bird menu at an incredible 10.95€ including a drink. There is also a 10% discount on take-away orders. The Mount Everest Restaurant is fully air conditioned and is kept at a comfortable temperature even in the hot summer months. Reservations are highly recommended to avoid disappointment. Open every day from 12.30pm to 3.30pm and 6pm to 11.59pm. Please note they are closed Wednesday lunch time only. Mount Everest Restaurant can be found by turning towards Pilar de la Horadada at the Carrefour roundabout. You will see them on the left just after Aldi. You will need to turn left at the first set of traffic lights and then immediately left again. Tel: 966 766 218 – 697 502 583.


by Peter Taylor


Political correctness took care of beauty contests in Europe ages ago, but at the Miss USA pageant last week that old cliché of the girls not being too bright re-appeared. Miss Rhode Island was asked about PC and should it be upheld in America but unfortunately the poor girl took forever to speak, then when she did her words were irrelevant to the question. She eventually collected herself, but the time ran out. Aaaww.

Talk about Muscling your way to the Top! The Wimbledon ladies final took place on Saturday 11th July, and the day before the New York Times decided to print a story about the eventual winner Serena Williams, but I fancy it wasn´t an article she relished over much. The now 21 times Grand Slam champion, beating young up and coming Spanish player Garbiñe Muguruza, was born in Michigan in 1981, but moved with her family to California, and from aged three was coached by her father Richard. However the piece in the New York Times spoke little of Serena´s career, concentrating on her physical stature saying “She has large biceps and a mould-breaking muscular frame, which is packed with the power and athleticism that has dominated women’s tennis for years.” Yep, it was an all-out attack on Serena´s bod, and on how she has used all that muscle building to dominate the game of tennis, and I can see where they´re coming from. Sports fans have a right to be entertained with reasonably fair contests between individuals, teams or whatever the case may be, and for Serena to have constructed a body of such manly proportions interferes with that delicately balanced playing field, and as much as I believed the young Spanish player had a real chance against Serena, she was literally blown off the court to the point of her looking like an amateur. It can be argued that Serena Williams has a right to train her body up to whatever level she wants, and that the other players should do the same to try and beat her. Some have chosen this route and sadly failed miserably, leaving us with just the one option of watching Serena Williams winning title after title until The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has granted she decides to retire. Rather strange, but rather true.

“Quote of the Week

Rapper 50 Cent on filing for bankruptcy “It’s a 90 percent tragedy!” Alright!

Video of the Week!

Two crackers for you! Dad nails classic dance moves at The Vamps gig at Thorpe Park. Hilarious! And hilarious as well as risqué National Nude Day at WXMI Fox 17.

As you may know a rehash of 1984 movie Ghostbusters is in production and is to have a group of females playing the lead roles, a bold and bizarre move as I see it. Now according to his Twitter account Dan Ackroyd, Ray Stanz in the original, has been on the set and posted “On GB set shooting my scene with funny beautiful Kristen Wiig.” Is grafting in Dan a desperate move?

A TV movie is being made about when Dolly Parton was 9 years old called “Coat of Many Colours.” Viewers will be taken inside the tightknit Parton family and see how they struggled to overcome devastating tragedy, then the healing power of love, and a raggedy patchwork coat that helped make Dolly who she is today. Nine year old Alyvia Lind said she was ´really excited´ about playing Dolly.

Live Aid concert celebrated its 30th anniversary on July 13th, and it´s now official that the Queen set on that momentous day is the greatest live performance by a band! Anywhere! Anytime! Freddie Mercury had the entire Wembley stadium on their feet, as well as 1.5 billion viewers at home. Wowzer!!

$15 million to help save the planet. “We have a responsibility to innovate a future where the habitability of our planet doesn’t come at the expense of those who inhabit it,” said the actor. Powerful words indeed, and with organisations like the Conservation Land Trust, Tree People, Oceans 5, and the World Wildlife Fund all receiving part of the dosh, Leo´s doing a fine job.

Music Notes

Susan Boyle is not somebody you would expect to turn up at band orientated festival ´T in the Park´ in Perthshire, but turn up she did, and wore a native Indian Headdress, a kaftan under her sheepskin coat, and was spotted chatting with headliners The Prodigy. Good


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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TV&Showbiz 24th July - 30th July


friday 24th July BBC2


08:10 Heir Hunters 08:55 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 09:25 Nigel Slater: Eating Together 09:55 Live Formula 1 11:35 The A to Z of TV Gardening 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Animal Park 14:00 Live Formula 1 15:40 Quantrill’s Raiders 16:50 Yes Minister 17:20 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 Are You Being Served? 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 RHS Flower Show Tatton Park 2015 20:30 Gardeners’ World 21:00 Live Athletics 23:00 The Perfect Morecambe & Wise 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Artsnight 24:30 The Science of Sleep

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Council House Crackdown 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Heir Hunters 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Instant Gardener 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Animal Super Parents 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Room 101 - Extra Storage 24:20 Cast Away

saturday 25th July


07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV News Central 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Public Enemies


07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 Big Bang Theory 11:30 Big Bang Theory 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 The Last Leg 24:10 Lookalikes 24:40 Good Morning, Vietnam


07:00 Childrens TV 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Salem Falls 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 World War II in Colour 21:00 Weather Terror: Brits in Peril 22:00 20 Moments 23:30 Lip Sync Battle 23:55 Tattoo Disasters UK 24:30 Tattoo Disasters UK

13:15 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild


07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Emmerdale 09:10 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Emmerdale 14:15 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 Ninja Warrior UK 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 2 Fast 2 Furious 24:10 Celebrity Juice


07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 90210 08:10 Charmed 09:00 The Goldbergs 09:30 How I Met Your Mother 10:00 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Baby Daddy 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:30 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 The Goldbergs 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 24:10 The Big Bang Theory 24:40 The Big Bang Theory








07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Box 13:00 BBC News 13:10 Live Formula 1 15:20 Live Athletics 18:20 Celebrity Mastermind 18:50 Pointless Celebrities 19:40 BBC News 19:50 BBC London News 20:00 Prized Apart 21:05 The National Lottery: Five Star Family Reunion 22:00 Casualty 22:50 Mrs Brown’s Boys 23:20 BBC News 23:40 Not Going Out 24:10 The Proposal

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:35 Formula 1 09:15 Formula 1 10:55 Live Formula 1 12:10 Formula 1 Rewind 13:10 Talking Pictures 13:45 Singin’ in the Rain 15:30 Escape to the Continent 16:30 Flog It! 17:00 The House That £100K Built 18:00 The House That £100K Built 19:00 Ocean Queens: The Story of Cunard 19:30 Gardeners’ World 20:00 Proms Extra 20:40 Edwardian Farm 21:40 Dad’s Army 22:10 Dancing Through the Blitz: Blackpool’s Big Band Story 23:40 Zodiac

07:00 Childrens TV 08:30 Super 4 08:45 Fish Hooks 09:00 Young Justice: Invasion 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:20 Jeremy Kyle Show 12:20 Jeremy Kyle Show 13:25 ITV News 13:29 ITV Central Weather 13:30 Jeremy Kyle Show 14:35 Surprise Surprise 15:35 The Chase 16:30 All Star Family Fortunes 17:15 Tipping Point 18:15 Catchphrase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:15 ITV News 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Despicable Me 22:00 The Nation’s Favourite 80s Number One 23:25 ITV News 23:44 ITV Central Weather 23:45 Twins

07:05 Triathlon 07:35 FIM Superbike World Championship 08:00 Swimming 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 Rude(ish) Tube 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 17:45 Come Dine with Me 18:15 Come Dine with Me 18:45 Come Dine with Me 19:15 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Homes by the Sea 21:00 Walking Through History 22:00 Pitch Perfect 24:15 The Tourist

07:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:00 LazyTown 10:15 Dora and Friends 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Access 11:40 Cowboy Builders 12:40 Cowboy Builders 13:40 Cowboy Builders 14:35 Columbo: Dead Weight 16:10 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 17:05 Weather Terror: Brits in Peril 18:05 5 News 18:10 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 19:10 Benefits 20:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 21:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 22:00 Transporter: The Series 23:00 Live Boxing

07:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 12:25 Catchphrase 13:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 13:55 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 16:15 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 17:45 The Lake House 19:50 Back to the Future Part II 22:00 Love Actually 24:45 Troy

07:00 Rude(ish) Tube 07:25 Jane the Virgin 08:05 Suburgatory 08:35 Suburgatory 09:00 How I Met Your Mother 11:30 The Goldbergs 12:00 The Goldbergs 12:30 Melissa & Joey 13:00 Melissa & Joey 13:30 Baby Daddy 14:00 Baby Daddy 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 16:00 The Goldbergs 16:30 The Goldbergs 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 Journey to the Center of the Earth 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Shallow Hal 24:15 Gogglebox

22:50 Mrs Brown’s Boys

24:45 Troy

Pick of the Week The Nation’s Favourite 80s Number Ones

Saturday 25th July, ITV1, 10pm

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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sunday 26th July BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News 13:15 Live Formula 1 16:15 A Question of Sport 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Nigel Slater: Eating Together 18:00 Lifeline 18:10 Songs of Praise 18:45 Pointless Celebrities 19:35 BBC News 19:50 BBC London News 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Fake or Fortune? 22:00 Partners in Crime 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC London News 23:30 Prized Apart 24:35 Don’t Tell the Bride

08:40 Countryfile 09:25 Beechgrove Garden 09:55 Gardeners’ World 10:25 BMX World Championships 11:25 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:55 The Box 13:25 Alex Polizzi: Chefs on Trial 14:25 Talking Pictures 15:15 Shall We Dance 17:00 Flog It! 17:30 Two Tribes 18:00 Hair 18:30 Hair 19:00 Natural World 20:00 Locomotion: Dan Snow’s History of Railways 21:00 Dragons’ Den 22:00 Odyssey 22:45 Javone Prince Show 23:15 Family Guy 24:20 Adventureland

07:00 Childrens TV 08:30 Super 4 08:45 Fish Hooks 09:00 Young Justice: Invasion 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 13:30 ITV News 13:34 ITV Central Weather 13:35 Love Your Garden 14:35 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next 15:35 Midsomer Murders 17:35 King Ralph 19:25 ITV News Central 19:40 ITV News 20:00 Meet the Penguins 21:00 Surprise Surprise 22:00 Joanna Lumley’s Trans-Siberian Adventure 23:00 ITV News 23:19 ITV Central Weather 23:20 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 24:20 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

07:20 How I Met Your Mother 08:05 Volkswagen Racing Cup 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 14:30 The Big Bang Theory 15:00 Live Athletics 17:40 Channel 4 News 18:10 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 21:00 Experimental 22:00 Humans 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24:00 The Change-Up

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:30 Jelly Jamm 09:45 LazyTown 10:15 Dora and Friends 10:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:20 Access 11:25 Police Interceptors 12:20 Police Interceptors 13:20 Police Interceptors 14:20 Richie Rich 16:10 Big Momma’s House 2 18:10 5 News Weekend 18:15 Britain’s Best Loved Double Acts 21:00 Police Interceptors Unleashed 22:00 Resident Evil: Retribution 23:50 The Last of the Mohicans

07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Emmerdale 10:25 Coronation Street 13:15 Take Me Out 14:40 Take Me Out - The Gossip 15:45 Catchphrase 16:45 Beethoven 18:30 Scooby-Doo 20:15 Johnny English 22:00 300 24:20 Safeword

07:00 Suburgatory 07:30 Suburgatory 07:55 Baby Daddy 08:20 Baby Daddy 08:50 Melissa & Joey 09:25 Melissa & Joey 09:55 How I Met Your Mother 10:55 Hollyoaks 13:25 Couples Come Dine with Me 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:30 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 23:15 Gogglebox 24:00 Gogglebox

20:15 Johnny English

monday 27th July BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Heir Hunters 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Instant Gardener 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Housing Enforcers 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Britain at the Bookies 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Heir Hunters 09:15 Escape to the Continent 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Coast 13:05 Sailing 14:05 BMX World Championships 15:05 Sydney White 16:50 Yes Minister 17:20 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 Are You Being Served? 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Carol Klein’s Plant Odysseys 20:30 The Pennine Way 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 Life in Squares 23:00 Hair 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Vet School 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Rookies 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Plebs 24:10 Britain Sees Red: Caught on Camera

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:05 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 How to Get a Council House 24:00 Tattoo Fixers

07:00 Childrens TV 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Fatal Honeymoon 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Stop! Roadworks Ahead 22:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 23:00 Under the Dome 23:55 From Hell

07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:05 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 Ninja Warrior UK 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 2 Fast 2 Furious 24:10 Celebrity Juice 24:55 Two and a Half Men

07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 90210 08:10 Charmed 09:00 Rules of Engagement 09:30 Baby Daddy 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 New Girl 21:30 The Mindy Project 22:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:30 The Big Bang Theory 23:00 From Dusk till Dawn




tuesday 28th July BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Heir Hunters 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Instant Gardener 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Rip Off Britain: Food 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Crimewatch 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Crimewatch Update 23:45 Transplant Tales


07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Heir Hunters 09:15 The House That £100K Built 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 A to Z of TV Cooking 13:20 Super League Show 14:05 Talking Pictures 14:50 Wind and the Lion 16:50 Yes Minister 17:20 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 Are You Being Served? 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 The Hairy Bikers Come Home 20:30 The Pennine Way 21:00 The House That £100K Built 22:00 Great Ormond Street 23:00 Hair 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones 21:00 Love Your Garden 22:00 Brits Behind Bars 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 On Assignment 24:10 Benidorm

07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:05 Jamie’s Comfort Food 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Three Day Nanny 22:00 Child Genius 23:00 Not Safe For Work 23:50 Dogs on the Dole

07:00 Childrens TV 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Garage Sale Mystery 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 22:00 Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick 23:00 Botched Up Bodies 24:00 20 Moments


07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:05 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 Ninja Warrior UK 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 24:00 Celebrity Juice 24:50 Two and a Half Men


07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 90210 08:10 Charmed 09:00 The Goldbergs 09:30 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 10:30 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 Mirror Mirror 23:00 Tattoo Fixers 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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wednesday 29th July BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Heir Hunters 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Instant Gardener 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Sheriffs Are Coming 21:00 Don’t Tell the Bride 22:00 The Interceptor 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Cashing In 24:35 Britain at the Bookies


08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Heir Hunters 09:15 Claimed and Shamed 09:45 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Lifeline 13:10 Animal Park 14:10 Talking Pictures 14:55 Now, Voyager 16:50 Yes Minister 17:20 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 Are You Being Served? 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 The Hairy Bikers Come Home 20:30 The Pennine Way 21:00 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 22:00 Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Inside the Post Office 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather


07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Secret Dealers 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Vera 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 The Day They Dropped The Bomb 24:50 If I Don’t Come Home - Letters from D-Day


07:20 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:05 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Autistic Gardener 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Witnesses 24:05 24 Hours in A&E


07:00 Childrena s TV 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Trauma Doctors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Dear Viola 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 22:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 23:00 Wentworth Prison 24:00 Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick


07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 The Cube 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 The Cube 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Judge Rinder 20:00 Ninja Warrior UK 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 300 24:20 Celebrity Juice


07:25 90210 08:10 Charmed 09:00 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Jane the Virgin 23:00 Nashville 24:00 The Big Bang Theory

13:30 Melissa & Joey

thursday 30th July BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Heir Hunters 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Instant Gardener 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Fake Britain 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Traffic Cops 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Reggie Yates: Extreme Russia


08:30 Heir Hunters 09:15 Coast 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Animal Park 14:00 Golf: Women’s British Open 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure 20:30 The Pennine Way 21:00 Coast 22:00 Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 23:00 Javone Prince Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather


07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Secret Dealers 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Real Stories with Ranvir Singh 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Flockstars 22:00 Britain Sees Red: Caught on Camera 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Sports Life Stories


07:20 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:05 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Grand Designs 22:00 Prince Philip: The Plot to Make a King 23:00 999: What’s Your Emergency? 24:00 24 Hours in Police Custody


07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 A Killer among Us 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 The Holiday Airport: Sun, Sea & Scousers 22:00 Supersized 23:00 Person of Interest 23:55 Person of Interest 24:55 Access


07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:05 You’ve Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:10 Dinner Date 15:05 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:15 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:20 Jeremy Kyle Show 18:25 Judge Rinder 19:30 Ninja Warrior UK 20:30 The Mummy 23:00 Safeword 23:45 Celebrity Juice 24:30 Two and a Half Men 24:55 Two and a Half Men


07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 90210 08:10 Charmed 09:00 The Goldbergs 09:30 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 New Girl 22:30 The Mindy Project 23:00 Gogglebox 23:50 The Big Bang Theory 24:50 Rude Tube


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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with Aunty Virus life&leisure tech ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com

Email attachments

Dear Aunty, RECENTLY I have been trying to send a photo attachment by e-mail. I can see the photo at the bottom of the message, but it just says “adding attachment” above it and the disc sign just keeps turning, and the attachment does not go. This has only occurred recently and I am doing the same as I have on previous occasions. Can you tell me why this is happening? Thank you once again for your help. Regards, Janice Aunty says: Without knowing what email program you are using and are having the problem with, I cannot really help. I shall assume it is gmail / yahoo. If this is in an internet browser - ie, Chrome or Firefox then perhaps security settings in the browser are preventing you from adding attachments. Try another browser. People seem to have fewer problems with Chrome. Other suggestions from gmail, include: - instead of using the paperclip icon to attach files simply drag and drop them into your email - Try temporarily disabling web browser extensions and add-ons (if that fixes it, turn them back on one at a time to find which one causes the problem) - The file name may contain special characters ( #, $, /, etc.) so rename the file without special characters, save it, and try again.

My screen has frozen Hi Aunty. The problem I have is my screen has frozen. I can’t remove it. I’ve tried shutting down, restarting, desktop background, system repair, escape, etc. but it’s still there, every time I switch on. Can you help please? The program is NPOC. which I have been using for about 5 years. I have within the last 7 months purchased windows 8/1 in a new laptop. This happened two weeks ago. Hope this helps. Robert. Aunty says: Sorry but I do not fully understand the problem. Has your Windows 8 screen frozen, so every time you boot, the screen is stuck and you cannot do ANYTHING at all. If so you have a W8 problem. Perhaps booting into safe mode will help, where you can go through recently installed programs and settings to see what is causing the issue. Or is this a program that is freezing? Sorry but I have no idea what program NPOC is. If it is this NPOC program that is freezing, then uninstall and reinstall usually solves the problem, or perhaps your version of NPOC is not W8 compatible.

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


life&leisure Spanish



THERE ARE certain things which translate fairly easily from one language to another and others which are more typical of one language than another. SOMETHING WHICH exists in English but is far more prevalent and important in Spanish is the “gentilicio”. You may guess that this is to do with people, (from gente) and in fact it means “the name you give people who come from a certain place” – that’s the translation! One example of this in English is “Londoner”, and we also have “Oxonian” “Liverpudlian” and so on. The Spanish also have a word for Londoner “londinense” which you do hear on the news quite often when Londoners are experiencing something or other. “Gentilicios” in Spanish are a rich source of language and are of great general interest. They often come up as quiz questions and in everyday conversation. Every region, province, city, town and village in Spain has one and the inhabitants are very proud, and rather particular about them. You may never have noticed them, but they crop up in articles, news reports and other language all the time. One that a lot of people reading this might recognize is “Torrevejense”, a person from Torrevieja. This is because it was used a lot by a

former mayor to express the welcome the town gives to outsiders “todos somos torrevejenses” (we are all natives of Torrevieja). Where I live the locals are called “pinatarenses”, from San Pedro del Pinatar whilst people from the next town San Javier are sanjaviereños and those from Cartagena are cartageneros. Some “gentilicios” make quite radical changes to the names of towns and go back to Latin roots of the words. Another local one which is particularly striking is “ilicitano”. It took me quite a while to realize when I first read this word that this person wasn’t a criminal, but actually a native of “Elche”. Places beginning with “h” or vowels seem to be most susceptible to this. Someone from Huelva in Andalucia is called a “onubense”. Famous people are often described by their “gentilicio”. The famous film director Almodóvar is frequently referred to as a “el manchego” (from La Mancha) and the footballer David Villa is often called “el asturiano” (from Asturias). The one group we are all familiar with, whether we know it or not is the “madrileño”, that exotic

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Suduko Answer

creature that descends upon us every summer. Another example would be Rafa Nadal, who during a match is frequently referred to as “el mallorquín” (from Mallorca) as well as “el manacorí” from his home town of Manacor, not to mention being called “el español” when competing against Murray “el escocés” also referred to as “el británico”. There are provincial “gentilicios” as well such as “alicantino” from Alicante, or here’s a good one, “guadalajareño” from the province of Guadalajara. You can practice saying that for your homework! One of the reasons gentilicios are used a lot in media reporting is that it is considered good style in Spanish to use synonyms when referring to the same thing or person. Gentilicios are not easily gained after birth. Years ago I lived in a relatively small village called Llanes, which its locals called “llaniscos”. People who had lived there nearly all their lives, but were born in a village two kilometers down to road would say “No soy llanisco de verdad” “I’m not really a llanisco” I’ve just lived here 50 years, that’s all!

Footworks step out Monday TONIGHT FOOTWORKS Dance strut their stuff at the Entre Naranjos, Laguna Green Fiestas along with the Footwork Tai Chi group but their big and final show before the summer break takes place on Monday. “Dancing with the Stars” takes to stage of the Casa de Cultura y Musica Los Montesinos on Monday 27th July. This third and final show of the summer season marks the end of the ‘academic’ season and the dancers and staff can enjoy a well earned break during August, with classes starting up again in September. Owner of Footworks Dance, Errica Dorrill said; “We perform at lots of fiestas and festivals throughout the year and it’s something our girls, boys and ladies really look forward to. Summer is more of a challenge as some of our dancers go off on holiday but we always like to finish the year with a grand finale and the audience won’t be disappointed with the mix of routines, both old and brand new that we are bringing to Casa de Cultura on Monday. The group have been rehearsing hard over the last few months and bring to the stage lots of new routines full of fun, excitement, colour and grace. The whole evening will culminate with their new spectacular Finale “Fiery Nights”. Dancers of all ages will be taking part from the youngest, aged just two, to the ever popular and evergreen, adult Dancers” Tickets are available from Footwork Dance Studios in Los Montesinos, Chantelles Hair & Beauty Salon Los Montesinos, or by calling Erica: 662 003 823 or on the door depending on space permitting. Doors open 7.30pm and curtain up at 8pm for a great night of colour, costumes, music and dance.

Colin Lilley pins the President’s badge on successor David Platt


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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life&leisure health


Hayfever season is here HAYFEVER (OR seasonal allergic rhinitis) afflicts sufferers with a variety of symptoms, such as:

Itchy, runny and / or blocked nose, Itchy, watery, red eyes, Sneezing and Itchy throat Less commonly; headache, face pain, sweats, loss of smell, asthma symptoms (breathless, wheezing) Hayfever is caused by an allergy to pollen, the commonest coming from grasses and weeds which causes symptoms during spring and summer. Tree pollens can also affect many people, but tend to do so earlier in the year, generally from March till May. If symptoms persist in the winter months then other causes of allergy may be to blame, such as fungal spores, house dust mites and animal and pet dander from fur. Symptoms are caused by the body’s immune system reacting to pollen, cells in the lining of the nose and on the surface of the eyes release histamine when exposed to an allergen which causes inflammation and irritation. Hayfever affects about 20% of the population and often starts in childhood and re-occurs each year for several years before improving or disappearing completely. People that suffer from hayfever are also often prone to asthma and eczema; these so-called ‘atopic’ conditions also tend to run in families. Simple measures to reduce exposure to pollen can help ease symptoms, but avoiding pollen completely is virtually impossible. The following actions may help when the pollen count is high (50+): Stay indoors as much as possible with the doors and windows closed Keep car windows and air vents closed, consider fitting pollen filters. Wear wrap-around sunglasses Avoid cutting grass and large grassy areas as much as possible Shower and wash your hair often to remove pollen TREATMENT Hayfever is treated mainly with anti-histamine tablets, nasal sprays (anti-histamine or steroid) and eye drops. For optimal control, treatment should begin before the hayfever season starts and continue until the pollen season ends. Anti-histamine tablets are classified into 1st generation (e.g. Chlorphenamine PIRITON™) which commonly cause drowsiness and also need to be taken several times a day. 2nd generation anti-histamines (e.g. Loratidine - Clarityn™ and Cetirizine - Zirtek™) generally do not cause drowsiness and are only taken once per day. Loratidine is considered the least likely to make you feel sleepy or to interact with alcohol. Both these drugs can occasionally cause dizziness and should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These drugs can ease all symptoms of hayfever with the exception of a blocked nose: if this symptom is troublesome the use of a decongestant, such as pseudoephedrine can be tried or alternative anti-histamines prescribed; Fexofenadine or Desloratidine. Anti-histamines taken orally tend to act in about 30 minutes, but for faster relief Acrivastine - Benedryl™ can be used which offers relief within 15 minutes, but requires frequent doses every 8 hours. Steroid nasal sprays (Beclometasone - Beconase™ and Fluticasone - Flixonase™) are very effective at relieving nasal and eye symptoms. They are used once or twice daily in each nostril and can take between 5 and 20 days to provide a full effect. Anti-histamine nasal sprays (e.g. Azelastine - Rhinolast™) offer fast relief of nasal symptoms, but do not help affected eyes and are generally less effective than steroids. Cromoglycate nasal sprays (Rynacrom™) offer another alternative, but these also need to be used regularly and can take up to 2 weeks to reach full effect. They are more often used in children. Ipratropium bromide nasal sprays (Atrovent™) are particularly effective in stopping very watery nasal discharges, but have no effect on other nasal or eye symptoms. Eye symptoms can be rapidly relieved by anti-histamine eye drops (e.g. Antazoline – Otrivine Antistin™) or alternatively use drops with the anti-allergy ingredient Sodium Cromoglycate (Clarityn™ or Optrex™ allergy drops). However, these need to be used regularly and can take several days to reach full effectiveness. Successful relief of hayfever is often only achieved with the use of several products and may require treatment with anti-histamine tablets, a nasal spray and eye drops combined, starting a few weeks before the season begins. For more information on allergies go to: www.allergyuk.org: 8,000+ items cheaper than UK supermarkets delivered Worldwide, at www.LordsPharmacyNewmarket.co.uk

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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life&leisure sport


XI Travesia Puerto De La Torre

Two down and two to go by Keith Nicol

THE NEW look CD Torrevieja football team may only have been playing together for less than a fortnight, but their two outings against two of the teams relegated from La Liga last season have shown promise. Pre-season friendly games give managers and spectators a chance to see what lies ahead for the season and already, on both the field and paper, the Tory team looks promising. Whether or not they will start with a bang and finish with a whimper as they have done for the past couple of seasons remains to be seen, but the new squad, under a new manager, is looking good. The first two warm up games against the vastly more experienced and much better paid Elche and Cordoba teams gave the fans something to think about as at no time did the Torry team look like being over run by the opposition and a couple of the Torry players would not have looked out of place if they had switched shirts at half time. Tonight, Friday maybe the most

interesting test to date as Hull City Under 21 team, with a couple of their starlets in tow, take to the field at 8pm. It’s only 5€ admission and anyone who bought tickets previous to the game and thought it was the senior side along with Steve Bruce, should just show their tickets at the gate and you’ll be entitled to a 5€ refund along with a further apology from the club, who also thought that Brucie would be in town. Tonight’s game should be interesting. The only advantages that Torry might have are home field at the Vicente Garcia, lots of voices urging them, a team more used to playing in the Spanish heat and more experienced players. On the Hull City side, you have a talented team of youngsters who want to make their mark, fresh legs that can run forever and quickly too, a team that has primarily grown up playing together and possibly a few future stars of the Premiership. Two different styles of football should also make tonight’s clash an interesting one. The other date for the diary is August 7th against Hercules.

The club also wanted to send out a big word of thanks to the painting team who showed up last Saturday to start the long task of sprucing up the ground. Thanks to Anne and husband, Paul, Olaf, Mathew and Trevor who joined Di, Barrie and Chris to start giving the ground some tender loving care. Many, many thanks also go to James at Quesada Colours for donating about 500€ of paint and Mr Norman for also making a kind donation. The club shop is still open on Tuesday 11.30am to 1.30pm and Thursday 5pm to 7pm and match days. You can buy your season tickets from there: 100€ for general or 125€ if you want to go posh and have a roof over your head in the Tribuna. For more information contact Chris Darwen, CD Torrevieja, Commercial and PR by email: cdtorreviejaofficial@gmail.com, and visit their website: www.clubdeportivotorrevieja.com and www.facebook.com/ clubdeportivotorrevieja.

OVER 400 swimmers gathered on the beach at Puerto de La Torre, Pilar de la Horadada for the “XI Travesia Puerto de La Torre”. Races were divided into 4 different distances to cater for all ages from 8 to over 50. Club Natación Torrevieja had 24 swimmers registered for the competition and on the day had three trophy winners. In the youngest category, Pedro Gómez Martínez came 9th in the 200m race with a time of 5:01;40, and in the 500m race for the Benjamín and Alevín categories (9-11yrs) the first of the club’s swimmers to finish was Densel Fusha , placed 14th with a time of 8:39;10, closely followed by team mate Georgy Fusha. For the girls, first in was Amy Connolly being placed 10th in the Alevín 500m race with a time of 10:17;00, closely followed by team mate Vilja Bilstad in 12th place. The club’s only swimmer in the 800m Única race was Skye Burns, placed 6th in the girls’ race with a time of 15:31;10. In the main race, the 1500m Travesía, there were over 250 participants, all fighting for their place at the start with all 250 swimmers leaving at the same time. First to finish from Club Natación Torrevieja was Zoe Connolly with a time of 18:21;80, being placed 6th in her Infantil category (13-14yrs). Team mates Piroska and Elian followed shortly after and then Yuriy Lymar in the Absoluto category (19-24yrs). Yuriy won 3rd place in this category with a time of 19:00;60. In the Masters categories, both Beryl Altabas and Vicki Connolly came 1st and 3rd respectively,. Beryl winning first place in the Masters II (50+) with a time of 25:34;90, and Vicki third place in the Masters I category (2549yrs) with a time of 21:10:40. The Masters Team now travel to Zaragoza for the Summer Spanish National Championships. For more information please contact Rosa 665 45 41 26, Club President Felipe on 609 41 87 76 or Vicki 669 63 70 15 or by email on info@clubnataciontorrevieja.com

Pego Golf Society News PEGO PLAYED a Stableford today with a greatly diminished field due to the hot weather. We had four guests today, Neil Ewell, Tricia Chapman, Chris Anderson and Jean Paul Simon with Chris taking the visitors prize. Nearest the pin on hole 5 was Danny Herron, and on hole 16 Terry Langley. There was only one “two” today , by John Nichol. InDivision 1, 1st was Shaun O’Gorman with 36pts (hcp 5.5), then John Evans was 2nd with 34pts (hcp17.1) with Ian Robertson 3rd with 34pts (hcp 14.9). In Division 2, Trinnie Sutherland took 1st place with 36pts (hcp 25.2) followed by Brian Barden 2nd with 34pts (hcp18) and, in 3rd place, John Nichol with 33pts (hcp 23.7) Our congratulations go to all the players. If you would like to play with Pego you can contact us via the website www.pegogolfsociety.com.


Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

Powered by Campbell Lamont Golf, partnered by BayRadio

life&leisure focus on golf


Psst - Wanna buy a new driver?

head 2 head Louis Oosthehuizen

THAT LOOKS too good to be true!!! By Tony Myles THERE IS a well known saying that if you are offered a deal that looks too good to be true, then it probably is. The reason for mentioning this is because this is the time of year when the “Looky Looky” men make such offers as you relax on the beach or in the bar. (For visitors to the Costas these are the chaps who offer you scarves, watches, cigarette lighters and other assorted items at prices which decrease depending on how strongly you resist.) Would you buy a brand new Rolex from him for €50? Well maybe you might be tempted just for show, but not because you thought it was genuine. You would get what you paid for. Likewise in the world of sports equipment. It is a multi billion euro business and of course that means that there will be the equivalent of the Looky

Looky men offering items that are made to look like the top brands but clearly have been manufactured to much lower standards and with little regard for quality control. The eventual outcome from such purchases is discovering the reality of the poor investment at the worst possible time. As you smash the ball over the net you find yourself holding the handle as the head follows the ball. The studs on your football boots separate and take the sole with them. The shaft on your driver parts company with the head, which disappears up the fairway as your colleagues try hard not to laugh. EASY TO VALIDATE So if you are intent on buying new equipment it is worth expending a little additional effort in order to ensure that you are investing in

quality goods direct from the right manufacturer, and these days all major manufacturers make it easy for you to do so, and they will be very interested if you uncover an attempt to pass off substandard copies as originals. Most offer online validation facilities and as always if you have any doubt then do consult Campbell Lamont. Everything he offers for sale has been supplied directly from the manufacturer and so the quality is fully guaranteed and supported with an official receipt. VISAUTO - PAYING YOUR BAR BILL! As you would imagine the Two Man Texas Scramble on Saturday afternoon at Oliva Nova is proving very popular and undoubtedly the fact that Visauto Mercedes are paying the bill for the open bar at

the BBQ that evening has added to the attraction. If you would like to join in then Campbell will always try to find you a slot and of course the evening BBQ and Disco is open for everyone. Plus there is the Smart Car on offer for a hole-in-one and the Continental Wealth Management - Nearest the Pin competition. It will be a great fun day.

Tony M - So the OPEN was a big success even though the event had to go into a fifth day. Campbell - Always a risk when playing a links course but then it is a part of the game. Tony M - And a great finale with three players all tied for the lead. Campbell - Yes and of course I needn’t mention that Louis Oosthuizen, who I tipped from way back, was one of them. Tony M - Did you say Louis Osterhousen? I don’t recognise that name. Campbell - You are just annoyed that I was right - once again. Tony M - Smugness can be a very ugly trait.

Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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life&leisure motoring


Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer


Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6 HSE INFALLIBILITY IS a dangerous feeling and often results in disappointment, I am told. OFTEN DRIVERS of 4x4s seem to possess this quality in spades, tackling most situations on the road with an unattractive ‘bolshy’ attitude. When behind the wheel of the hugely capable Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6 HSE you can see why as the commanding driving position, the superb build quality and the luxurious interior give the driver that ‘king of the road’ feeling. Clambering onto the leather-clad driver’s seat it is clear that my surroundings are positively luxurious. A straight grained walnut finish contributes to the elegance of the interior. An array of technology assists: from the seven inch full colour centre console touch-screen for controlling key vehicle functions, to front and rear parking aids and phone integration. At a quick glance I spy all the off-roading controls I might need: a television and even that much sought after DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) radio. During the test it snows heavily, so much so that all major airports cancel flights and it takes all night for some office workers to travel home. On one occasion there is over six inches of snow covering the whole vehicle and so I clear as much of it off as possible and then get driving. However, a quantity falls off the roof on the windscreen wipers, as I manoeuvre and they handle it as if it were just light rain, brushing it off the screen with ease. It’s minus one degrees and I am cold so it is gratifying to discover the heated steering wheel and heated seats front and rear. Outside the picturesque winter wonderland provides the

perfect environment to put the Disco through its paces. For the duration of the test I drive in ‘ice mode’. Only the foolhardy would venture off road in these treacherous conditions but this is a test and Land Rover would not look favourably upon me if their vehicle remained on the tarmac. Selecting the low switch and remaining in ice mode we drive through a thickly-snow-covered and hilly woodland and it handles the snow and the ice underneath well, only losing grip a couple of times. It is on exiting that it comes unstuck. I try reversing back the way I came but it doesn’t like this one bit, the wheels spinning as I apply the accelerator as you can see in the video at testdrives.biz. So I drive forward, starting to inwardly panic, not for me but for my wife (who is expecting our second child shortly) and little Harriett, who is happily saying, “Oh dear” in the back. As we point north I move forward and then back kicking the accelerator down and thankfully the Land Rover climbs the hill and gets us back on to the road.

69,531.29€ Top speed: 112mph 0-60mph: 8.8secs Economy: 35mpg (extra urban) Watch the video at www.testdrives.biz

3.0-litre turbo diesel V6 HSE luxury New price: 46,745.49€ - over

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz


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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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Do you have a story? Email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

TAPPY TOES DANCE CLASS FOR BABIES from 18 months, at 4kwatro in Albir, 11am, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information. LADIES DANCEFIT WITH L.A DANCE at 4kwatro in Albir, Mondays at 7.30pm, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information LA BAMBA’S - BALLROOM MODERN / LATIN / ARGENTINE TANGO / SEQUENCE DANCING Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 [near Lemon Tree Sunday Market] Monday - SOCIAL DANCE 8.30pm - 10.30pm [SEQUENCE CLASS 7.30pm 8.30pm] Friday - SOCIAL DANCE 7.30pm - 10.30pm Wednesday New Beginners Class starting 2nd September 2015 [new beginners welcome every Wednesday] 2pm -3pm Intermediate Class 3pm 4pm Intermediate Plus Class 4pm - 5pm Andrea Murphy [0034] 616 478 157

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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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BUSY HAIR & BEAUTY SALON in Playa Flamenca on the Orihuela Costa requires the following staff to join their professional team: Nail Technician / Beautician. Permanent contract offered to the succesful applicants.Telephone Maria on (0034) 965319083 SALES AND TELEMARKETING AGENTS WANTED We are looking for Sales and Telemarketing agents for a busy real estate company in El Campello. Applicant must live locally, be native British speaker and have own transport. Full training provided. Please send CV to: costablanca@dreamlifeproperty.com WANT TO JOIN A REAL ESTATE NETWORK WHERE YOU ARE PAID PROPERLY FOR THE WORK YOU DO? We pay up to 50% of the selling fee directly to our Property Consultants. We are currently looking for Independent Property Consultants to work in their local areas. Real estate experience would be an advantage but not essential. Please email CV and covering letter with photo in the first instance to cbpropertynetwork@gmail.com

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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015


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Friday July 24 - Thursday July 30 2015

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12 X 250 WATT 24 VOLT Solar panels new but damaged glass in transit, still delivering power. 50 euros each can deliver, call 675 878 601

I BUY RECORDS LP´S SINGLES AND CD´s ANY STYLE, JAZZ, BLUES, POP, PUNK, ROCK, ETC... TOP CASH PAID. 622 750 117 TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Household Goods and Bric-a-brac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965-319-220/663-012-541

IN NEED OF A TRANSLATOR?? Doctors and Hospital Appointments,Social Security,NIE Application visits.General Translations. 10€ per hour Altea to Villajoyosa Call: 647 143 945

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available. Tel: 693 357 526 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

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