Your English Newspaper
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Issue 123
Art swindler arrested THIS WEEK the National Police arrested a swindler who specialized in stealing art. by Keith Nicol
Morrissey to headline in Murcia SOS 4.8 festival
Morrissey headlining the eighth SOS 4.8 Festival FORMER ‘SMITHS’ frontman Morrissey returns to Spain to perform in May. He’s been signed as the headline act for the SOS 4.8 Festival in Murcia who published a provisional list of artists for the eighth edition of the festival, which will take place on 1st and 2nd May 2015. The British singer is joined on the programme by the American band ‘The National’. Also on the stage at SOS 4.8 will be The Vaccines, Lori Meyers, Metronomy, Supersubmarina, Anni B Sweet, Bigott, Djs From Mars, The Last Neighbor, FM Belfast, Glass Animals, Hinds and other artists.
The 62-year old man made purchases, on credit, in four establishments in the city of Murcia for a total amount of 45,500€, however did not pay any of the establishments. Agents of the National Police arrested the alleged swindler for several scams conducted in four locations in Murcia: all dedicated to the sale of decorative objects and art. The investigation began on February 16th when the head of one of the establishments in the area of San Andrés, became suspicious of a person who came to his home and pretended to be a highly solvent individual. This person wanted to order a lot of pictures, saying that he would pay for them later. To gain the trust of the manager of the establishment the swindler gave the manager all his data and
contact telephone number. Over subsequent days, three other outlets selling gift items, gave in complaints to the National Police, giving similar facts, with the man using fake cheques for purchases and in all cases giving a false identity. Last Friday, the National Police were able to identify the alleged con man, a man 62 years old and resident of Murcia. Agents visited the man’s home, arrested him and recovered almost all of the items purchased through this deception. Among the recovered items were 30 paintings, including oils and watercolors by various artists, valued between 300€ and 4,000€, sculptures and a briefcase full of paintings. The operation was conducted by agents of the District Police Station San Andrés from the Superior National Police Headquarters of Murcia.
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
from the North & South Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. Oficina Charral, Emilio Ortuño 6, Floor 4, Office 1, Benidorm, Alicante 03501 • Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm
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Roadside Checks by the Guardia Civil
AS THEY go about their duties patrolling the roads of Spain, the Guardia Civil traffic police have a whole range of tools in their arsenal to both help those in need, and of course deal with those drivers who break the law.
Benidorm Day
Alicante City
Cartagena & Train to Mar Menor
Only 8€
Sun, Mon & Wed
Every Tuesday
Murcia & Calasparra
Murcia City
Jalon Valley
Do as you please
inc lunch + wine Thursday
Benidorm Night Out
Legends of the 60’s At Benidorm Palace Feat The Foundations, Vanity Fair & Dave Berry
Every Saturday
Every Saturday
Sunday 8th March
Dressing the Virgen
Valencia Fallas
Elvis Extravaganza
One off event (inc transport & entry)
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Thurs 19th March
Sun 19th April
Guardia Civil’s PDA
Benidorm Winter Specials
Benidorm Weekend Special
4*HOTEL FULL BOARD only 105€
with no registered details, as a single check of a drivers NIE number links all of the relevant driver and vehicle details together and so the officers can almost instantly find the information they are looking to confirm. However, when the information is not linked, such as for drivers who haven’t swapped to a Spanish license, then the process takes a lot longer to complete, and your journey is likely to be increasingly delayed as a result. Converting your UK license to a Spanish version is a relatively easy process. It can be done at your local DGT Trafico office or you can hire one of the many specialist advisors who will complete the administrative process on your behalf, and a simple medical and computerised reaction test is all that is keeping you from joining the many residents who have already converted and enjoy an easier life on the roads. There is more information on the process available at our website,, as well as links to find your local trafico office and the information required to complete the process.
Benidorm Palace Optional Extra
3 Days Mon-Wed · March
3 Days Sat-Mon · March
Benidorm Spring Offers 4* Hotel Full Board
Cuenca Region FULL BOARD + WW Fantastic Scenary Inc Excursions
4 Days Sun to Wed
3 Days 9-11 or 25-27 March
Mar 135€ Apr 150€
Puente Genil
Only 141€
+ Exc. to Ronda and Málaga
A question of age... RECENT DATA shows that the elderly population has overtaken youth when it comes to consumption of excess alcohol with the age group 46 – 50 years being at most risk. Reports from the Emergency Health Service of the Department of Health show that there were 106 cases where treatment was required as a result of alcohol abuse, whereas there were 98 cases dealing with youngsters between 16 and 20 and 85 cases for adults aged 21 – 25 and 36 – 40 respectively. Dr Rouaide Homsi, a SAMU doctor who has written a thesis on toxicology and accidents in the Valencian region, also highlighted the relationship between alcohol and road accidents, explaining that high levels of alcohol in the blood produce motor perceptual and psychomotor disturbances affecting decision-making processes and causing errors of judgement.
inc Carvery lunch & wine ALMOND BLOSSOM
Benidorm Palace
ONE PIECE of kit carried by all of the officers, often stored in the panniers of their motorbikes, or inside the patrol cars, is their Personal Digital Assistant, or PDA. The device is linked via Bluetooth to a thermal printer, and so able to issue fines on the spot, and pools its data with the central office of the DGT traffic department. The PDA can be used to check driver and vehicle details, such as if you are actually qualified to drive; if you’ve been banned; if you own the vehicle you are driving; and details about that vehicle and its insurance. The whole process of checking the information is almost instantaneous but it can take a lot longer if the information provided by the driver is either inaccurate or unknown. One particular problem facing foreign drivers is when they are not registered as residents in Spain or have not transferred their license to a Spanish one. For those who have, you are likely to be sent on your way a lot quicker than those
Do as you please
Dinner / Dance & Show
by Keith Nicol
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
HB + WW only 199€
3* HOTEL B&B Only 158€
4 Days Mar 10-13 & 10-13 June
4 days 12-15 March
Granada Special
Madrid City
From 112€
3 Days Mar 16-18 & Apr 1-3
3 Days 23-25 Mar
Valencia Special
Sevilla, Córdoba & Ecija
3* HOTEL only 102€
3*HOTEL HB + WW 201€
3 Days Mar 25 - 27 or Apr 8 -10
4 Days 1-4 April or M ay 18-21
Peñíscola inc exc to Morella
Inc Gibraltar, Mijas & Nerja
4 Days 7-10 April
Segovia City
+ Salamanca City Centre HOTEL 0€ April 3off 199€ B&B p/p Zaragoza
Inc exc to Monasterio de Piedra Logroño & Bodega Visit 4* City Hotel B&B
From 262€
5 Days May 5 - 9
7 Days April 12-18 Feria de Sevilla
4 days 21-24 April
4 days 13-16 April or May 24-27
Valencia Pre Fallas
Cordoba Patio Fair
Country Hotel
209€ Half Board+WW 4 days 5 -8 May
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Spanish economy minister on Greek bailout by Jan Gamm EUROPEAN OFFICIALS estimate that Greece could require an aid package of “30, 40, or even €50 billion according to Spain’s Economy Minister Luis de Guindos. Speaking to the press in Pamplona the minister speculated that Spain’s contribution could come to “about 13 per cent” of a further aid package. Germany, however, reservedly estimated a third bailout for Greece at around €20 billion but also said it was way too early to consider such possibilities.
Lawyer sent down for five years for fraud LAWYER JUAN CARLOS AM has been sentenced to five years in prison by the Valencian court for defrauding 20 of his customers. His victims reported his activities which took place during the late nineties and 2005. He undertook a number of cases where clients paid for his services but he did not carry out their instructions and then avoided contact with them when they tried to pursue their cases. He was also charged with costs and given a fine of 6,300€.
Reprieve for King Juan Carlos in paternity scandal THE PROSECUTOR has opposed a DNA test that could have proved the paternity of King Juan Carlos to Belgian citizen Ingrid Jeanne Sartiau, saying the demand is not accompanied by proof or principle set out in Article 767.1 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The high court had earlier rejected a similar suit against King Juan Carlos presented by the Catalan Alberto Sola, who claimed to be the eldest son of the former king. His claim was supported by a DNA test that allegedly supported a 99.9% probability that he was a sibling of Ingrid Sartiau.
King Juan Carlos and Ingrid Sartiau
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Priest assaulted while praying
The vicar of San Jorge assualted while at prayer
by Jan Gamm THE VICAR of San Jorge in Alcoy, José Enrique French, has been assaulted while at prayer by a hooded thug who punched him in the neck and threatened to stab him unless he handed over some cash. The priest had opened the church at around 9.30am and was praying when he was attacked. At first he thought he was the victim of a practical joke but the youth began punching him and allegedly threatened him with a knife. BRUISING Father José handed over 20€ but then managed to fight free of his attacker. In the process the priest sustained some bruising
to his face and a bleeding nose. The youth fled through the church door and headed in the direction of the riverbed, leaving Father José to call the police. Three police patrols immediately went in pursuit of the hooded attacker who was apprehended within hours. Although the priest did not see the man’s face he identified him by the sound of his voice and the smell of his clothing. Since the attack the perpetrator has been charged and bailed with a 300 metre restraining order imposed pending sentencing. The assault on Father José is just one of several incidences in Alcoy in recent weeks where there has been spate of violent attacks and threats of stabbings for small amounts of cash.
A blow to the male motoring ego... IT WILL be of interest to men who think that women drivers are inferior that throughout 2014 in the Valencian province seven out of ten violations were attributed to male drivers. According to the DGT (Directorate General of Traffic) last year fines totalled 90,059 for men compared to 29,654 for women. And for older men the statistics were even worse – for drivers over 74 years 1,893 men incurred sanctions compared to 228 women.
Bogus companies caught in social security scam By Jan Gamm A TOTAL of 75 people have been arrested by the Guardia Civil and National Police in the Valencian region for defrauding the Department of Social Security. A network of fictitious businesses alleged to be involved in the construction business did not in fact have any real operational activities but allegedly manufactured false labour contracts in order to obtain unemployment benefits, residence permits and credit with private businesses. The networks recruited entrepreneurs, usually foreign nationals in precarious financial situations. They were then required to establish a fraudulent background in order to qualify for a variety of benefits such as maternity payments, retirement pensions and social security pay-outs amounting to a total exceeding an estimated €400,000. Arrests were made as a result of research carried out by the Guardia Civil’s Aldaia, officials of the Unit Against Immigration Networks and Falsified Documents (UCRIF) of Valencia, and the Provincial Labour and Social Security Department of Valencia. Investigations are still ongoing and further arrests are likely.
Providing information for the UK and Spain since 1998
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Three police officers injured in Villena
The Ebro floods 20,000 hectares of crops in Aragon
THE EBRO continues to flood large areas, rising to 6.1 metres due to a combination of recent rains and meltwater flowing from the Pyrenees. In 16 hours more water was lost to the sea than the Valencian region uses in a year. In Pina de Ebro authorities made the decision to evacuate the town’s 2,500 residents but as the flooding subsided the plans were postponed. Meanwhile the Zaragoza Fire Brigade responded to 75 call outs in 24 hours, all related to emergency situations due to floods, pumping water from private properties and rescuing people trapped in flood water. 20,000 hectares of crops were flooded in the Aragon region.
THREE POLICE officers have been injured in the line of duty in a serious incident in Villena on Sunday night at around 8.30pm.
Balloon project to capture solar eclipse at North Pole
Three officers were injured at the scene
by Jan Gamm Police had attended a call to a house in Villena earlier in the evening where a known offender aged 27 who has a criminal record was allegedly carrying out an assault on his girlfriend. Her parents were trying to defend their daughter as the police arrived and the man fled in the family car, driving recklessly.
The police pursued the suspect in patrol cars and apprehended him on the road. However, the man rammed the patrol cars with his vehicle and when police tried to stop him he began to attack them with a knife, leaving three officers wounded and two patrol cars seriously damaged. There followed a lengthy chase across several municipalities as the man continued his attempt to escape
via Cañada and up into mountain roads, still wielding a large knife. A dozen members of the Guardia Civil and local police officers in Alto Vinalopó combined resources and stopped traffic on the CV-81 road from Villena to Banyeres until finally at about noon the next day officers managed to arrest the suspect in a field near the Campo de Mirra, where he was hiding in an olive grove.
THERE WILL be a total solar eclipse at the North Pole on 20th March, an extraordinary and rare event that will not happen again for thousands of years. After six months of polar night, the Moon will pass between the Earth and the Sun, darkening the infinitely white snow-covered region with a high probability of the Northern Lights lighting up the sky. The unfortunate high probability of cloud cover at those latitudes means the event is unlikely to be as impressive seen from the ground. So balloon scientists at the Barcelona-based company Indiegogo propose to send up a stratospheric helium balloon carrying a spherical camera covering a 360º angle – 31 miles up! GoPro cameras will stream the event to mobile devices live and the company is inviting participation in their project which may be checked out at:
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Murcia at the International Tourism Fair in Berlin
The ITB fair in Berlin opened its doors on Wednesday
by Keith Nicol THE REGION of Murcia is exhibiting at this week’s ITB, International Tourism Fair, in Berlin. Murcia are sharing space with Turespaña and the Institute of Tourism has organized meetings with tour operators, media agencies and representatives of the Spanish tourist offices in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich. Murcia’s Minister of Industry, Tourism, Enterprise and Innovation, Juan Carlos Ruiz, said of the Region of Murcia being at the International Tourism Fair in Berlin (ITB); “This is considered the most important Tourism Fair in the world and we have our own counter inside the stand of Turespaña, which we will use to promote our tourism.” Ruiz added that “we will also use our space at the fair as a business centre, to maintain professional meetings with over twenty tour operators, media agencies and public relations companies.” With the presence at ITB Berlin, the Ministry, through the Institute of Tourism, will promote its image internationally as “a community of smiling visitors and the new tourism campaign entitled Costa Calida -a region of Murcia that makes you happy, “Ruiz said. The Minister of Tourism will meet with representatives of the Spanish Tourist Offices Abroad, OTS’s, Berlin,
Frankfurt and Munich, “to finalize the strategy to promote to the Germany this year.” ITB Berlin is considered the most influential tourism fair in the world, both professionally and with the public. The fair is on through Sunday March 8th, and features the participation of 10,000 exhibitors from 190 countries and more than 100,000 visitors are expected. Juan Carlos Ruiz said that, according to Turespaña, the German market accounted for at least 47,358 tourists visiting Murcia in 2014, representing an increase of 12 percent over the previous year: 5.9 percent of the total of foreign tourists. These figures place it as the fourth most important source market of tourism to the region, after the United Kingdom (55 percent), France (10 percent) and the Nordic countries (8 percent). The average stay of these tourists in 2014 was 13.1 days and their average daily spending rose 17 per cent to 85.56€. According to Egatur Survey Institute of Tourism Studies, IET, “the average cost of Germans on every trip to the region was 1,121€, a figure higher than the average figure for all nationalities, which was 1,086€. Overall, the total expenditure of German tourism in the region increased by 5.3 percent and reached 53 million euros, representing a market share of 6 percent of total spending by foreign tourists in the region.
Mazarron opens its beaches to dogs
THE CITY Council of Mazarrón has unanimously agreed at its last meeting to allow access for citizens with their dogs to three of its beaches all year long. “It is a pioneering measure in the Region of Murcia,” said a spokesperson for the Platforma Perro Playas Murcia (Platform for Dogs on Murcia Beaches), “even though there is an existing regulation since 1990 urging all municipalities to define those areas, until now dogs were not allowed on any of the beaches on the coast.” Mazarrón becomes the first municipality of the Region of Murcia that will allow dogs to enjoy the beaches throughout the whole year, including the bathing season. The chosen three beaches are: Las Moreras, located between Castellar Beach and the mouth of the Rambla de las Moreras; Gachero Beach, located between Rihuete Beach and El Alamillo Beach; and Covaticas Beach.
FAST training again GERRY BRADSHAW, Head Trainer of FAST and his Assistant Trainer, Sally Bridges, once again took another group of the FAST Responders through a two day Course. by Keith Nicol The latest course was on the use of Oxygen and AED: Automated External Defibrillator, and took place in Bolnuevo. The group consisted of seven Responders needing to take the necessary training or refresher training for some and to follow the guidelines laid down by the Murcia Health Authority as they are the certifying authority for all course candidates. You can help the FAST Stalls in Sector B on the 2nd and last Friday each month where you can donate table top items or raffle prizes, helping to raise funds for FAST. You can also obtain tickets or info for many forthcoming events from Brenda and Jean, check your Blood Pressure or buy books at three for one euro. At their stall you can find out more about becoming a Responder or Fundraiser/Supporter for FAST and choosing your own hours to suit or have a chat or ask questions about FAST. Upcoming FAST meetings, to be held at the Cultural Centre include the Full Members meeting on Monday 9th March, commencing at 6.00pm and the A.G.M,
Christine, Pat, Chris, Mandy, Jackie, Paddy and Dave with Gerry and Sally
which takes place on Friday 24th April from 3.00pm. Refreshments are available at both meetings. FAST and Camposol wish to thank all those people who have recently donated. All monies given are used to keep this Voluntary Organization
running on Camposol. There are local groups and businesses who have kept FAST going with their donations. They thank the families who so kindly donated money to FAST following the deaths of their loved ones. This is very much appreciated.
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Erotic Show Murcia
IF YOU fancy a little titillation this weekend, then one of the places to be is at the Erotic Show Murcia. The exhibition of eroticism features more than 70 artists, ‘non stop’ shows, interactive exhibits and a whole lot more, all happening this weekend at Torre Pacheco. The fair is unsurprisingly only for those over 18 years of age and is already a reference point and a national pioneer in the Levant region, with the expo based on four zones: information, training, prevention and entertainment. Representatives of the company organizing the event,, said that the show will feature a lot of new products not seen at previous fairs. Conrad Son, director of the company said; “the good reception we’ve had in the past, makes us feel at home here.” He also noted that the weekend’s show is “an erotic festival” with a lot of fun activities. According to organizers, one of the objectives of the fair is to go beyond a trade show. One of the developments in this edition will be the addition of intimate cosmetics as well as the incorporation of artists with new shows like ‘Fakir Sex Show’, ‘Sex & fire’, erotic illustrations and traditional shows. For more information, please visit the website Admission is 14€ or 12€ with a bono by visiting the web site. The show is open on Saturday from noon until 1.00am and Sunday from noon until 10.00pm. The IFEPA is just one kilometre away from the Torre Pacheco Railway Station, by car off the Motorway Murcia-Cartagena, at exit 171 or CartagenaAlicante motorway, exit 790.
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Calls that leave Consulates cold by Jack Troughton BRITISH CONSULATE teams increasingly receive calls for help over a bizarre range of problems – taking precious time away from people in genuine need of assistance. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has launched a new awareness campaign to underline what help can be given to British nationals overseas and what consulate staff cannot do. British Consulate call centres received more than 365,000 calls from Brits last year – the majority were genuine calls asking for help but thousands were outside the remit of the FCO staff. And during 2014, some of the more unusual calls for help included: asking for the name of a Scottish chef to make haggis for Burns Night; asking for advice on how to treat a pet’s infected paw; asking staff to find cheap flights; how to receive English television channels; and whether someone could go to the airport to check if a traveller had left his mobile on the plane. THE FCO priority is to protect the welfare of British nationals abroad, and says consular staff always did their best to assist people in difficulties – but the department says it is important for expats and travellers to understand what services were provided before calling. Consulate teams can issue emergency travel documents; provide information about transferring money; provide help to victims of rape, sexual or physical assault, victims of other crime and those who have fallen ill or are in hospital. They can also issue a list of local lawyers, interpreters, doctors or funeral directors; contact people detained abroad; contact family and friends ‘back home’; help in cases of forced marriage; help people affected by parental child abduction. However, the teams cannot help travellers enter a country if they do not have a valid passport or necessary visa; give legal advice or translate documents; investigate crime or free people from prison; get people better treatment in hospital and prison – but will act if treatment falls below internationally recognised standards; pay bills or give people money; or make travel arrangements. FCO minister David Lidington said: “It is important for
consulate staff to be able to focus on out most vulnerable customers, such as victims of crime, those who have lost a loved one abroad, or people who have been detained or hospitalised overseas. “Consular staff support thousands if British nationals who encounter difficulties overseas every year and we handle over 365,000 calls annually. We will always try to help where we can but there are limits to what we can do, so it is important for people to be aware of how we can help. “We can issue an emergency travel document if your passport is lost or stolen, offer support if you become a victim of crime or visit you in hospital or prison, but we aren’t able to pay medical bills, give legal advice or get you out of jail, or indeed, act as veterinary surgeons.” Recent research reveals the number of people understanding what embassies and consulates do has dropped to its lowest in three years among young people. More information about how the FCO can help is found at and details of the ‘Know Before You Go’ campaign is available at And questions for consular staff can be answered via the Twitter account @FCOtravel between 9am and 6pm GMT Monday to Friday.
It is important for people to be aware of how we can help
Hortensia Herrero hits Forbes Rich List
FORBES, THE American business magazine that is the trusted source of information for the world’s most wealthy entrepreneurs, has included Hortensia Herrero on its latest ‘rich list’. Economist Hortensia Herrero is married to Mercadona President Juan Roig – and she owns 28% of the country’s wealthiest company, a recession-beating supermarket chain that out-performs every other food retailer in Spain and is fourth on the list of the country’s most successful companies. Valencia-based Hortensia is founder of the Hortensia Herrero Foundation, dedicated to promoting the arts and preserving the cultural heritage of Valencia during the Spanish Renaissance period in the 16th and 17th Centuries. The Foundation spends millions every year on the conservation and promotion of the arts. Hortensia is deeply involved in the restoration of ancient frescoes, promotes music in the arts such as ballet and opera and is not afraid of donning a pair of rubber gloves to help out with her adopted projects. Juan Roig met Hortensia Herrero in 1968 at the University of Valencia and married her in October 1973 in Santo Domingo. By October 1981 they had become Mercadona’s largest shareholders.
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Mercacole 2015 begins with Romualdo Ballester by Keith Nicol MERCACOLE 2015 started last week with the participation of students from Primary 5 of Public School Romualdo Ballester. The councillor of Trade of the City of Torrevieja, Agustina Esteve, said that for the third consecutive year, school children were returning to the Central Market La Plasa to partake in the Mercacole. The event, organised by the Department of Education and Commerce with the AFIC Agency, will run for six Fridays, divided between the months of February to May. As in previous editions, Mercacole aims to show children the markets as areas of food supply, quality products, fresh and seasonal goods, introducing them to traders and experts of the products that La Plasa provides, in addition to how items are dis-
played and dispensed. The activity is presented in an entertaining and educational way, teaching children the importance of all the foods found in market areas. They are taught the fundamental pillars and principles of following a balanced diet, and shopping in a place where all kinds of fresh food is available. Taking advantage of the visit to the market, the teachers explained to students the importance of the Mediterranean diet including adding fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, legumes, etc. in our daily diet, and ending the market tour by tasting a “healthy breakfast”. In short, the activity is playful, practical and tailored to the age of children who visit La Plasa, while educating children in different places where actual work is usually performed.
Children learn first hand
San Miguel’s new Wifi SAN MIGUEL de Salinas residents and visitors will soon be able to enjoy free wifi when out about in the town centre thanks to an agreement signed at City Hall. The agreement involves the installation of wifi systems that will provide free internet access in the five most important places of the municipality to start with and that may be extended to two other public spaces. Free wifi will be available in the plazas Juan Carlos I, next to the tourist office, Plaza de la Libertad opposite the parish church, Padre Jesus and Plaza Jaime I, located in front of the culture centre. It is also planned to install wifi at the social centre of the community of Urbanización Las Filipinas. The connection will be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes per user, as it’s designed as a ‘free opportunity’ to facilitate tourism and not about establishing permanent connections. In addition, the partner company has also agreed to install free internet service during major events organized by the Municipality, while it broadcasts live on television the most important events of the festivities.
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
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letter of the week
Making a dogs day YESTERDAY I decided to take a few items of bedding etc. to the animal shelter in Benidorm, an achievement in itself due to road works making it harder than usual to find the approach road! I was surprised to see the same lady at the reception... she’s been there many years, so I thought how dedicated she must be. As I went back to the car, I saw around five or six people (mainly British) organising different dogs on leads before they all set off walking, the dogs looking incredibly happy and excited... I am so impressed that these people take the time to do this, it obviously means so much to the dogs. These volunteers don’t ask for recognition, they just get on and do it... So from me a huge thank you to them for making a dog’s day! D Miller, Benidorm
A massive white elephant EACH WEEK as I drive down the N332 right past the desalination plant in Torrevieja it reminds me of a massive white elephant. I hear it has not met deadlines and I was even more confused at how it has managed to lose €55 million. How can it simply ‘lose’ that amount of money? Where did it go? Water evaporates, but surely not money! The ‘deadlines’ - not ‘deadline’ - promised it would be in operation between 2002 and
2006. Imagine! A four year deadline that is now nine years past! Now we are well into 2015 and still the plant is dysfunctional and the money is still lost. To try to understand or even explain such dysfunctional behaviour is to throw up one’s arms in frustration and say, “It’s Spain!” The more things change, the more they stay the same. Bernard Reid, La Marina
The bills always come
TWO WEEKS ago, a sales clerk at the supermarket told me the sale priced water jugs in their flier would “come in tomorrow.” So I returned the following day and guess what, the water jugs did not come in, but I was again told it would “come in tomorrow.” The water jugs never did come in even though they were on sale in the flier. One week ago, a sales clerk told me the oranges would “come in tomorrow.” So I returned the following day and yes, you guessed right, the oranges did not come in. Today the bills came - right on time. One thing I have learned from living here is tomorrow never comes but the bills always do. Brad Wall, Benidorm
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Commerce Awards 2015
HELP Vega Baja AGM: a successful but challenging year!
FOR THE eleventh consecutive year, Torrevieja will honour the city’s top and most innovative local traders.
‘Chanes Salaos’ have turned the former Casino into a kids theme shop
by Keith Nicol On Saturday March 28th in the ‘Virgen del Carmen’ Cultural Centre, a Gala Awards Night will officially present awards to those judged to be the best in their categories when it comes to commerce in the city. This year’s jury was composed of the Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolon, Councillor of Trade of the City of Torrevieja, Agustina Esteve, president of the Association of Small and Medium Retailers (APYMECO) of Torrevieja, Caridad Salmerón, and President of the Association of Industry and Commerce Business Park “Big
House”, José Antonio Manresa, The award for ‘Trader of the Year 2015’ was awarded to “Bibiano Hermanos,” a local supermarket who are now in their third family generation of traders in the city. They were one of the first in Torrevieja to adopt the supermarket format. The award for a ‘New Trader’ who opened their doors last year has gone to the “Rogue”, a children’s clothing store. The third most important award for the “Regeneration or Business Innovation 2015, went to ‘Chanes Salaos’ who have taken over the former site of the Casino in the Ozone Centre. This is their third location and is designed to meet
all needs of Torrevieja’s younger residents and visitors. Inside one will all sorts of fun products from TV cartoon series, Barcelona and Real Madrid football teams (to name but two) and items from films and comic books. Councillor for Commerce, Agustina Esteve, wanted to thank all the participants for taking part in the competition and for their support and confidence towards trading in the City of Torrevieja. She also took the opportunity to invite everyone to attend the 2015 Trade XI Gala to be held on 28th March, where the prizes for the Best Christmas Window Display and Tree Decorated by local Associations will also be awarded.
HELP VEGA BAJA held their AGM on Tuesday the 24th February at the Asturias Restaurant, Punta Prima. Due to personal commitments Acting President Pauline Yates announced that she was standing down. Val Cheng, Hospital Visiting Co-ordinator, was appointed as President. Pauline’s final duty was to present the annual report for the Charity. A list of charitable donations made throughout the year was presented and included donations to Asociatíon de Ayuda al Necesitado, Catral Needy Families, La Marina Salud, Los Montesinos Needy Families, Orihuela Needy Families, La Marina Salud and Colegio Jose Maria Manresa Navarro where school books were purchased for children. The Charity had also been asked by the Consulate to provide an emergency passport and costs associated with the repatriation of one gentleman. If any member of HELP would like further information relating to the AGM, please contact Richard Garland, Secretary at the San Miguel office on 966 723 733 or email To find out more about volunteering for HELP or how to become a member, see or visit the Facebook page: Association Help Vega Baja.
Urban art at the Cuevas del Rodeo
A TOTAL of eleven artists from the 60 that form the unique Society de Mario, a multi-disciplinary group of artists from Murcia, present their art works in the Mengolero Room, located in the Cuevas del Rodeo in Rojales. The opening of the event was celebrated with a festive programme of drumming and a bazaar of arts and crafts where visitors could observe two wall murals being painted. The exhibition will continue throughout March and features a number of urban installation large scale artworks.
Re “Union Gap” Band bring back the sound of the 60’s
Chippy, Woody, Trace, Ges and Lee make up the all new Re “Union Gap” Band
by Keith Nicol AS AUDIENCES become tired of the same old Karaoke nights and performers, the Southern Costa Blanca is about to have their socks rocked off by the Re ‘Union Gap’ Band. Featuring one of the strongest line ups of local musicians, the band just started rehearsing last week and hope to have their show on the road during May 2015, with interest already being shown for the band to perform in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, even before they have performed live on stage yet. Back in 1967 Gary Puckett and the Union Gap recorded their first single, “Woman Woman” in August 1967, which reached No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100. Over the next two years they had hits in the USA with “Young Girl” (No. 2 USA and No. 1 un the UK), “Lady Willpower” (No. 2), “Over You” (No. 7), and “Don’t Give in to Him” (No. 9). Gary went solo in 1970 and almost disappeared from the musical scene, however his management persuaded him to go to the UK in 1974 where “Young Girl” had reached No. 1 on the UK singles chart. ‘Young Girl’ then reached No. 6 in the UK Chart when it was reissued in the UK six years later, in 1974. At that time a young drummer and percussionist called Ges Rogers joined Gary on a UK Tour and later went to California with him. Ges would then continue to play with the Union Gap UK covering all of Gary’s songs and other top bands of the era. Ges remained with the Union Gap until 2007 and never thought he’d be back on
stage performing a similar set again. Ges moved to Quesada 18 months ago and has been providing the back beat for a number of local artists and bands. Just before Christmas he decided that the time was right to put together a new band to perform on the Costas. That idea has now blossomed into the ‘Re “Union Gap” Band. Ges said, “I never thought I’d ever be involved in such a band again. However I was totally taken aback by the quality of some of the local musicians here, and after talking it over we decided to put a new band together.” The line up is one of the most impressive on the Coast. No backing tracks here. It’s all live music and guaranteed to get any audience tapping their toes and getting up to dance. The Quintet all sing and will share vocal duties and harmonies with Ges on drums and percussion. Former guitarist and session player on dozens of recordings, Lee Howard (21st Century – Mitch Murray’s Honeycombs Band) is on guitar with a second six string provided by Woody. Trace ‘The Ace’ Graham (Jetz) is on Bass and Chippy Fryer (Shirley Bassey and the Three Degrees) is on Keyboards. Along with hits from Gary Puckett the band will also be playing the hits from the Searchers, Tremolos, Fortunes and many others from the 60’s and 70’s with plenty of fun guaranteed. You can find out more about the band on Facebook and Twitter or for contact and bookings, please contact Lee on: 693 570 035 or email:
More than four thousand people watch “El Barrio” SPANISH ARTIST ‘El Barrio’ entertained more than four thousand people on Saturday night as he performed in Torrevieja Infanta Cristina Sports Centre. For more than two and a half hours, the audience sang and clapped along, cheering at the end of every song and making the artist feel very much at home. In return, the audience was treated to a fantastic show with ‘El Barrio’ telling the audience that he loves playing in Torrevieja and hopes to return to the city soon. José Luis Figuereo Franco, better known by his stage nickname of ‘El Barrio’ is promoting his new album on this tour, after not recording in more than three years. The new material was very well received by the audience, many of whom had travelled for more than two hours to be at the show. Many of the audience also donned Fador hats, in keeping with the trademark of the singer. ‘El Barrio’ left the stage close on the three hour mark, saying that he hoped to return to Torrevieja very soon and thanked everyone for coming out and supporting him.
6 - 12 marCH 2015
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Registering your vehicle in Spain Spanish license plates and registration document. Registering a non-Spanish vehicle in Spain is a complex and potentially costly procedure. However, you may be exempt from Spanish registration tax by getting Spanish number plates within one month of entering the country. But to do this, you need to become a resident. Linea Directa has been insuring expat drivers in Spain for over a decade and understands all the steps involved. Below we outline this process. STEP 1: OBTAINING A CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY This is a statement by the car’s manufacturer that it conforms to EU regulations. You will need the car’s chassis number to complete this straightforward process online at The charges for this service will vary according to type of vehicle, make and coun-
try of 1st registration. STEP 2: CURRENT LOG BOOK The vehicle’s original log book showing your name as the owner, the vehicles age and a valid UK address. You will also need the bill of sale for the car. STEP 3: RESIDENCY IN SPAIN The Spanish residency certificate (Certificado de Empadronamiento) is your official proof of residency in Spain. Your local town hall can provide you with this document. You will need to take your passport and proof of Spanish address (rental contract, contract to purchase or property deeds). STEP 4: OBTAINING A SPANISH MOT CERTIFICATE All vehicles over 4 years old must be roadworthy and clearly
Call now on: 902 123 148 display a valid ITV sticker. The ITV (Vehicle Technical Inspection) must be tested at an authorised centre, just as for an MOT test. You can find out the location of your nearest ITV centre on DGT website (equivalent to the DVLA). You can also call your local centre to make a booking. If the centre is busy, especially pre-summer, this can save a lot of time. The cost can vary but generally is around 40€
for petrol-engine cars and 56€ for diesel-engine cars. Step 5: OBTAINING A SPANISH EQUIVALENT OF A TAX DISC The Spanish Tax Agency can provide your vehicle with a valid “tax disc” for Spain, which must be carried in the car when in use. You will need to complete the relevant form online and pay the amount according to your car’s
tax band. You can carry out all these procedures yourself or you can seek the assistance of an accountant to do this for you. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Linea Directa please call 902 123 148 More information on Linea Directa online at
Cracking Easter eggs at British Corner Shop
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Whether you’re religious or not, Easter carries a wealth of connotations; from the biblical origins of resurrection, to the beginning of the warmer weather and of new life – from the buds on the trees, to the hatching of chicks - and with that, the giving and receiving of Easter eggs. A chocolate Easter egg is a much-loved (and greatly enjoyed) symbol of the season, and at British Corner Shop, there’s an abundance of options from classic British chocolatiers, ready to be shipped to your door, wherever you are in the world. Cadbury have been supplying the British nation with Easter eggs for generations, and as time has gone on, their Easter range has become even more varied, but just as delicious. One such addition is the Dairy Milk Oreo Easter Egg. The much loved British chocolatier has joined forces with the iconic American cookie brand, Oreo, to create the ultimate chocolate snack. Oreo cookies are made up of a sweet crème filling sandwiched between two chunky chocolate biscuits, pieces of which can be found throughout the Dairy Milk Oreo bar. The hollow Creamy Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate egg contains two such bars, perfect for any chocolate and cookie fiend. One of Cadbury’s more recent and daring egg triumphs is the Vanilla Egg n Spoon. Four of these must-try chocolaty eggs come in a cute purple cardboard egg box, along with perfectly proportioned spoons. The spoons can be used to crack through the Cadbury Dairy Milk shell and scoop out the fluffy milky mousse within. These eggs are loads of fun and offer a great excuse to play with your food! Of course, there are a host of Easter eggs on the market that are made from other favourite British chocolate manufacturers. Thorntons have been making chocolate for over 100 years and are a firm favourite of chocolate connoisseurs. The Thorntons Eton Mess Dessert Egg uses Thorntons’ finest white chocolate, beautifully decorated with raspberry pieces and chunks of crunchy meringue to create a chocolaty Eton Mess experience. Nestle’s Milkybar Spring Animals are a yummy and fun alternative at Easter for the little chocolate lovers. The three chocolate figures (two sheep and a duck) are made from creamy Milkybar white chocolate, a favourite with kids and adults alike. Needless to say, there are hundreds of other chocolaty Easter delights on offer at British Corner Shop. Simply hop along to and place your order today. Or for more information please contact their customer services team, who will be happy to help! Tel: (0)1454228870 Email:
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Memorial to a true British hero by Keith Nicol CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD Dickson and his ship SS Stanbrook may not be household names in Britain but the Welshman and his crew played a heroic role in the Spanish Civil War. In March 1939 and in the last days of the Republic, Dickson and his ship rescued over 2,600 people from Alicante Port and outwitted Franco’s advancing Fascist forces. A monument to the Stanbrook, a coal ship, has been erected in the harbour and the voyage from Alicante – at the time being relentlessly bombed – to Oran in Algeria. And last week around 20 members of Labour International Costa Blanca met with Rafael Garcia, Luis Pequera, and Pedro Olimarte, of the ‘Comision Civica de Alicante’ which is ‘reviving’ the city’s history and the memories of Republican supporters who suffered under the Franco regime. The tour started with the Stanbrook memorial and included the El Campo de Almendros prison camp, took in the Central Market, where 315 people died in a Nationalist bombing raid, and the prison where poet Miguel Hernadez died.
Labour International members and their guides at the Stanbrook memorial
MASS GRAVE The group also visited the monuments at the mass grave in Alicante cemetery and to the location of the airfield where Prime Minister Juan Negrin and Dolores Ibarruri – la Pasionara – left Spain after the Republican defeat. Professor Ramon Valero, from Alicante University, was able to explain the history of key buildings and the airfield. Labour International is currently helping the Comision Civica present a memorial to the City of Cardiff in respect of the heroism of Caridff-born Captain Dickson and his crew. And also with the group was Mary
Greening, the UK- based Membership Secretary of the International Brigades Memorial Trust. Mary’s father was a member of the international Brigades who fought in Spain during the civil war. Malcolm Hardy, chair of the branch of Labour International, said: “This was a moving experience highlighting the dreadful consequences of fascist movements, now on the rise in Europe again, trampling on democracy. “The Commission Civica is to be congratulated for not allowing the awful crimes committed during the period of the Civil war to be forgotten, which is of great value to the descendants of the victims of repression in Alicante province.”
Consul becomes President BRITISH CONSUL in Alicante Sarah-Jane Morris has accepted an invitation to become President of the Costa Blanca Branch of the Royal Society of St George. She said she was “delighted” to accept the role and would make every effort to attend meeting but warned her responsibilities at the Consulate and in Madrid might mean her appearances may be infrequent. Chairman Wing Commander Bob Hunt MBE told the 37 members and five guests attending the branch Annual General Meeting at the Cumbre del Sol Restaurant of the appointment. He also thanked the committee for their hard work on behalf of the society and said with regret he had to inform the meeting of two long-serving members’ retirement. Vice Chairman Gaby Ferenczy and Mrs Anne Weskett received a small presentation in recognition of their service. And the chairman also reported another busy year for the branch – the society continued to attract new members and the year’s three main social events – the St George’s Day Banquet, the Queen’s Birthday Lunch and the Autumn Dinner Dance – were all well attended. He said the society showed there was a strong interest in keeping the true ‘spirit’ of being English alive and a full programme of events were scheduled for 2015. Following the AGM, members and guests enjoyed lunch at the Cumbre del Sol Restaurant.
Bob hunt (centre) with Anne Weskett and Gaby Ferenczy
A fortnight to remember by Keith Nicol
THE LAST two weeks have been a memorable fortnight for entertainer Ricky Valance. Last week he performed his last concert in the area, as a guest artist at Summer’s Bar for the Elche Children’s Home. On Monday he had a heart attack. On Thursday he left Hospital. On Thursday night he and his wife Evelyn were driven back to the UK by his son and grandson, who had driven to the Costa Blanca on Monday, and on Sunday Ricky was one of the star attractions at the Wales at No. 1 show in the Cardiff Millennium Centre performing ‘Tell Laura I Love Her’. Ricky wanted to say thank you to everyone through the RTN for all the support he has received over the years and for the well wishes over the past week since his heart attack. On Monday morning he collapsed at his home and two ambulances swiftly arrived and transported him to Torrevieja Hospital. They decided immediate action was necessary and an ambulance took him to Elche Hospital where they immediately carried out an operation to insert stints and a valve to open up a blocked artery. Ricky also wished to pass on his gratitude to all the hospital staff and ambulance crews, whose quick action more probably than not, saved his life. Ricky was driven to Cardiff by his son Clay, did a sound check on Sunday afternoon and 2.00pm and was on stage later that evening
6 - 12 marCH 2015
to perform his number one hit, from September 1960. The Wales No. 1 show took place on St. David’s Day and highlighted the hit records and compositions from Welsh Artists, since Shirley Bassey first reached number one with ‘As I Love You’ in 1959 with Ricky being the first Welsh male artist to do so a year later. Wales at No.1 was hosted by The One Show’s Alex Jones and featured a number of up and coming young Welsh talents, all backed by the terrific sound of the Welsh Pops Orchestra. Ricky was greeted to a standing ovation before and after he performed and was presented with a special ‘Welsh Slate’ as a tribute to being the first Welsh male artist to reach the top spot. Along with Ricky was Shakin’ Stevens who The One performed two of his four number ones, ‘Green Show’s Alex Door’ and ‘This Ole House’ plus frontman for Jones the Manic Street Preachers’ James Dean Bradfield performing the band’s track, ‘If You Toler- and Ricky Valance ate This, Your Children Will Be Next’. Ricky is now taking it easy over the Spring and Summer in the UK only committing himself to a couple of performances a month, along THE TORREVIEJA Pharmacy in collaboration with the Almiral Laboratory is offering free with his ‘An Evening With’ show. Ricky plans to check-ups by physiotherapist Alicia Vicente of the TCUIDA Clinics until 18th March, return to Spain in October and continue workpart of their programme of awareness of musculoskeletal diseases – their prevention ing on his Autobiography and also a possible and treatment options. Informative leaflets will also be provided that include recomfilm script about his life story. Although Ricky mendations and advice. The Torrevieja Pharmacy is at: Ldo. Rodrigo Carbajo, C/ Antoonly managed the one number one in the UK, nio Machado 115. On Tuesday 12th March there will be an informative talk on prevenhe had three top spots in Scandinavia and South tion and detection. All are welcome to attend. For more information call 96 670 5909, Africa and top ten records in the USA Country Fax: 96 571 6029 or email: and Christian Charts too.
Free diagnosis at the Torrevieja Pharmacy
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
home and garden
Summer climbers
Dick Handscombe Holistic gardener and author
CLIMBING PLANTS provide an important dimension in Spanish gardens and now is a good time to think about which to add to the garden this spring to add additional colour, perfume and greenery. CLIMBERS ARE versatile and can be planted to climb up and over walls, up through trees, cascade down banks and cover trellis or pagodas. Most are available all the year round and others, the more tender ones, will be available during April or May. Listed below are some summer favourites that are generally easy to establish‌ The heights given assume that the climbers were planted in a good soil mix that is rich in natural nutrients and moisture retentive but not water logging. SUMMER CARE Ensure that the roots are always kept damp. Most benefit from sheltering the roots under slabs of rock. Feed monthly with a weak liquid feed.
Height (mtrs) Colours
Best uses
2 to 4
Lantana bandera
2 to 4
Orange and yellow
Against walls
Bougainvilleas Plumbago Jasmine
Bougainvilleas 2 to 4 2 to 4
Blue and white White
Little Little
Against walls and up old trees All
2 to 10
2 to 10
Morning glory Passion flower Honeysuckle Grapevine Clematis
Mandevillas Solanum
Black eyed susie Gourds
2 to 10 2 to 10 2 to 4 2 to 4 2 to 6 2 to 4 2 to 4 2 to 6 2 to 4 2 to 4
2 to 10
Wide range of colours in various varieties Generally blue but paler colours available Wide range of exotic colours Several mixed colours White
Wide variety Wide variety
Blue and white White
Orange Yellow and white
Little Some
Varies High Low
Medium Medium Medium Low Low
All All All All All
On wall or up trunk of tree On wall or fence
On wall and fence All
On wall or fence All
6 - 12 marCH 2015
currency & wealth
Couple cash in with clinic’s advice By Jack Troughton ADVICE FROM professionals at the new Currency and Wealth Clinic helped a couple beat tight deadlines in a potentially stressful property deal. Run jointly by foreign exchange specialist Moneycorp and financial experts Blacktower, the friendly one to one meetings discuss all the options when moving money around the world or planning key investments. And the clinics are especially attractive to people who have sold or have property to sell, or need advice on how to invest their money to make it work for them in a challenging market or want to review their existing financial planning arrangements. Successful and busy clinics were held in Javea and Moraira to launch the new initiative – and one couple found the advice was just what the doctor ordered. They had sold a Spanish property and need the funds repatriated to the UK to complete on a house purchase – the Euros converted to Sterling. Moneycorp stepped in and the deal was done. “I don’t think a bank would have been able to meet the deadline,” said Kevin Wright of Moneycorp. “And of course the couple was very; very pleased they took the time to attend the clinic in Javea. “They were very impressed with the advice they received and with the help we were able to give them through the
entire process – which in itself was quite a stressful thing for them.” Moneycorp has 35 years of experience in the foreign exchange industry and has been RTN’s recommended FX provider for almost six years – it has helped people to save thousands of Euros in charges and fees in that time and offers highly competitive exchange rates. EFFICIENT It offers an efficient service for one-off payments and expats can also benefit from the regular payment plan when bringing money into Spain. There is also ‘Moneycorp Online’ – providing an opportunity for clients to move money at time to suit them without the need to contact a dealer. The Blacktower Financial Management Group was established over 25 years ago and has offices in the UK and across Europe. It offers independent financial advice and tailor made solutions to meet individual needs and requirements. The group specialises in free, impartial, independent advice to expats on all wealth management issues, savings, investments, and pensions. Christina Brady, Blacktower’s Regional Manager, said Currency and Wealth Clinics were already proving to be a success with people. “There is absolutely no pressure, it’s all about advice and putting people’s minds at ease – we are working together to help them.
Christina Brady and Kevin Wright
“The clinic offers a friendly face-to-face conversation about people’s specific needs and no one else’s...everything is specifically tailored around them.” The Currency and Wealth Clinic is held on Thursdays between 10am and 2pm and it is essential people book an appointment to meet the experts. Call 902 887 243 or 658 892 330.
Clinics are being held in Jalon on 12th March; Calpe on 19th March; Gandia and Oliva on 26th March; El Campello on 16th April; and Benidorm on 23rd April. However, because of the success of clinics already held, new dates are being scheduled – and if people cannot make a particular date, they should ring to make an appointment and the experts will visit them.
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Carlos Baos
from White & Baos Abogados Solicitors Lawyers
Now, It is cheaper to present a claim in Spain! The Spanish Court fees end. IN TODAY’S article, we would like to inform our readers that as of last weekend, the Royal Decree Law (RDL) 1/2015, of February 27, of second chance mechanism, reduction of the financial burden and other measures of social order, has been approved. IN THIS RDL, the Law 10/2012, known as the Court Fees Law has been modified. In particular its Article 4 concerning exemptions, which now include as exempt individuals as natural persons. This is good news, since it means natural persons (individuals) no longer have to pay any court fees in order to be able to bring claims before the courts, present appeals, etc. These changes have come into force from the 27th of February, and are now in effect. The money to be saved is substantial, considering that the Court Fees were very high, especially for appeals, or claims for significant amounts. But it also affect minors court cases, for example: Previously, to file a claim or lawsuit for 10,000€ it meant an initial cost of € 310 court fees in the first instance, and the amount was increased in case of
appeals, etc. The removal of these court fees will allow individuals to access justice in a more economical manner, they will no longer be an obstacle in case of not having sufficient financial means. Remember that for legal entities (i.e: companies) the court fees are still required, within the requirements set by law. This RDL 1/2015 also includes other measures, known as second chance or for the reduction of the financial burden, which aim to allow debtors to be able to get rid of remaining unpaid debts after the liquidation of all their assets, even if said sale of assets was not enough to pay all debts, the law makes extrajudicial payment arrangements more flexible, to allow individuals a real second chance. It is expected that these measures will apply not only to people in business but also to individuals not involved in business.
The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved, Send your questions to or
These second chance measures could have a significant impact, especially in this climate of crisis, and we will talk about them in later articles. If you need legal advice please contact us.
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Interest rates and savings
Christina Brady
Regional Manager of Blacktower Costa Blanca
THE BANK of England’s UK monetary policy voting to keep the cost of borrowing in the UK at 0.50% signals the longest run of unchanged interest rates since the Second World War. Good news for those with mortgages but not good news for savers. FOR THOSE of you that are over 65 and haven’t already done so it’s time to seriously consider putting some money into the UK pensioner bonds, these have been a massive hit offering 2.8% for 1 year (before tax) and 4% for 3 years (again before tax). Just go to the NS&I website for details on how to apply. Pensioner bonds have been blamed for a sharp fall in the amount of cash being held in bank accounts, and who can blame savers for trying to get a little extra from their money when the banks are so reluctant to offer anything like a decent rate of return. In fact more and more banks are touting the idea of charging clients to hold money on deposit. What else is on offer you may ask yourself, well
there are various options from an instant access 100% capital guaranteed account, to a cautious 5 year investment allowing up to 5% income to be taken a year to the more traditional 5 year investment which allows flexible withdrawals and for the more experienced and adventurous investors there are Structured Notes available paying a coupon of between 8% and 10% per annum. Whatever your risk appetite there should be something to suit, it’s just a matter of obtaining independent professional advice. If you would like to look at the investment options available to you please contact me by email or call me on 658 892 330 to arrange a meeting.
The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.
Celebrate the Saints – In Benidorm! DON´T MISS this opportunity to celebrate the days of two famous Saints, in the party capital of Europe.
ROUND TOWN Travel are proud to offer you a fantastic 4-day, 3-night mini break in the heart of Benidorm, putting you right in the centre of the festivities, so you won´t miss a thing! The first saint to be celebrated is that of St Patrick and for this special occasion there´s no better place to be than at Benidorm´s biggest Irish venue “The Shamrock” that have an action packed, fun-filled day (and night) for all to enjoy. There will be authentic live music from some of Ireland´s finest musicians and there´s sure to be a bit of “Riverdance” along the way too! There will be traditional food, lots of free giveaways and of course plenty to drink! The bar will open its doors at 10:00am for those who want an early start, or a spot of breakfast, before the official line up starts early in the afternoon, that is guaranteed to go on into the early hours of the morning. After a few hours sleep, you get the chance to do it all over again, but this time, in Traditional Spanish style and join in on the street parades and parties that are celebrating the fiestas of the Fallas. There will be parades, parties, lots of loud bangs and you must see the intricately detailed, brightly coloured statues and figures that are finally burnt in the streets to commemorate the patron saint of carpenters, San José. This celebratory 4-day, 3-night mini break checking in on Tuesday 17th March and leaving on Friday 20th March is available from just 89€* per person in a 3* hotel on a half board basis. To book and for further information call Round Town Travel on 966 811 123 or visit * Prices quoted are based on 2 people sharing.
See our advert on the next page
6 - 12 marCH 2015
6th - 12th March
friday 6th March BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Operation Hospital Food 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 WPC 56 16:00 The Link 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Room 101 22:00 The Musketeers 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:25 Would I Lie to You? 24:55 EastEnders
07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:15 Perfection 08:00 Seven Wonders of Brazil 09:00 The Great Antiques Map of Britain 09:30 Live Athletics 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Davis Cup Tennis 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Wanted in Paradise 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 Nelson in His Own Words 23:00 Let’s Play Darts for Comic Relief 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Artsnight 24:35 Papillon
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Regional Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 1000 Heartbeats 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Barging Round Britain with John Sergeant 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 Gladiator
07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 For the Love of Cars 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Crufts 2015 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 First Dates 24:05 Rude Tube
07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Police Interceptors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:15 Murder among Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Missing: Flight MH370 One Year On 22:00 NCIS: New Orleans 23:00 NCIS 23:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 24:45 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours
07:00 You’ve Been Framed! 07:25 Psych 08:10 Emmerdale 08:40 Emmerdale 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 Catchphrase 11:25 Psych 12:20 Royal Pains 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason 24:10 Take Me Out
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Happy Endings 07:45 Charmed 08:35 Made in Chelsea 09:35 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Baby Daddy 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 New Girl 17:30 The Mindy Project 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Red 24:15 The Big Bang Theory 24:40 The Big Bang Theory
saturday 7th March BBC1
07:00 Breakfast
08:30 FA Cup Football 09:30 Live Athletics 12:30 Animal Park 13:00 A Taste of Britain 13:30 James Martin’s Food Map of Britain 13:40 Talking Pictures 14:10 In Which We Serve 16:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 17:00 Gardeners’ World 17:30 Live Athletics 20:30 How We Got to Now with Steven Johnson 21:30 Dad’s Army 22:00 QI 22:30 Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of the South 23:30 Good Vibrations
07:00 Bottom Knocker Street 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Canimals 08:10 Sooty 08:25 Signed Stories 08:30 Scrambled! 08:35 Nerds & Monsters 08:50 Adventure Time 09:30 Horrid Henry 09:50 Hulk and the Agents of Smash 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 13:25 ITV News and Weather 13:34 ITV Regional Weather 13:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 14:35 Tipping Point 15:35 Doc Martin 16:35 Secrets from the Sky 17:05 Off Their Rockers 17:35 Big Star’s Little Star 18:35 ITV Regional News 18:45 ITV News and Weather 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 21:25 Take Me Out 22:55 The Jonathan Ross Show 23:55 ITV News and Weather 24:15 Play Misty for Me
07:00 How I Met Your Mother 07:30 How I Met Your Mother 07:55 Trans World Sport 08:55 The Morning Line 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:30 Frasier 12:00 Frasier 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:00 The Big Bang Theory 13:30 The Big Bang Theory 14:00 Rude(ish) Tube 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:45 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 18:15 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 18:50 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19:15 The Simpsons 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Crufts 2015 22:00 Salt 24:00 Heartbreakers
07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Wanda and the Alien 09:10 Zack and Quack 09:30 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:00 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:35 Chinese Food in Minutes 11:50 The Hotel Inspector 12:45 The Hotel Inspector 13:40 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:35 Cowboy Builders 15:35 Missing: Flight MH370 One Year On 16:35 Monte Walsh 18:30 5 News Weekend 18:40 Columbo: Candidate for Crime 20:20 NCIS 21:05 NCIS 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:55 Law & Order 24:50 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours
07:00 Emmerdale 09:40 Coronation Street 12:10 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 13:35 Catchphrase 14:20 *batteries not included 16:25 You’ve Been Framed! 17:00 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 19:15 Mr Bean’s Holiday 21:00 Jurassic Park III 22:55 Take Me Out - The Gossip 23:55 Ibiza Weekender 24:55 The Keith Lemon Sketch Show
07:00 The Tomorrow People 07:45 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 08:35 The 100 09:30 Rules of Engagement 10:00 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Rules of Engagement 12:00 Made in Chelsea 13:00 Taking New York 14:00 Marry Me 14:30 New Girl 15:00 New Girl 15:30 Melissa & Joey 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Baby Daddy 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 How I Met Your Mother 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Beverly Hills Cop II 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 Rude Tube
11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry Cooks 13:00 BBC News and Weather 13:10 Football Focus 14:00 Live Davis Cup Tennis 17:30 Final Score 18:00 BBC Regional News 18:20 Match of the Day Live 20:30 The Voice UK 22:30 Casualty 23:15 The National Lottery Live 23:25 BBC News and Weather 23:45 Match of the Day 24:15 Match of the Day 24:55 The Football League Show
*batteries not included 14:20
sunday 8th March BBC1
07:10 The Football League Show 08:30 Gardeners’ World 09:00 Countryfile 10:00 FA Cup Football 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 The Great Comic Relief Bake Off 13:30 A Taste of Britain 14:00 A Taste of Britain 14:30 Live Athletics 18:35 Natural World 19:35 Pompidou 20:00 The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 Let’s Play Darts for Comic Relief 23:05 The Revolution Will Be Televised 23:35 The Hunter
07:00 Breakfast 08:45 Match of the Day 09:20 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 BBC News 13:25 Songs of Praise 14:00 Live Davis Cup Tennis 16:35 Bargain Hunt 17:05 Escape to the Country 17:50 Pointless Celebrities 18:35 BBC Regional News 19:00 The Big Painting Challenge 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Call the Midwife 22:00 Poldark 23:00 BBC Regional News 23:30 Match of the Day 2 24:05 The Apprentice USA
07:00 Bottom Knocker Street 07:35 Dino Dan 07:45 Dino Dan 08:00 Canimals 08:10 Sooty 08:25 Signed Stories 08:30 Scrambled! 08:35 Nerds & Monsters 08:50 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:30 Horrid Henry 09:50 Deadtime Stories 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 13:35 ITV News and Weather 13:39 ITV Regional Weather 13:40 Murder, She Wrote 14:40 River Monsters 15:40 Catchphrase 16:25 The Living Daylights 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:30 The Chase 20:30 Off Their Rockers 21:00 All Star Family Fortunes 22:00 Mr Selfridge 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:14 ITV Central Weather 23:15 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 24:15 Premiership Rugby Union
07:20 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 How I Met Your Mother 08:10 How I Met Your Mother 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Amazing Spaces Shed of the Year 14:30 The Big Bang Theory 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 15:55 Bride Wars 17:40 Location, Location, Location 18:40 Channel 4 News 19:05 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 20:00 Crufts 2015 22:00 Indian Summers 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24:05 New Moon
07:00 Childrens TV 08:10 Make Way for Noddy 08:25 Roary the Racing Car 08:35 Paw Patrol 08:50 Little Princess 09:00 Wanda and the Alien 09:10 Zack and Quack 09:25 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:35 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:05 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:35 The Dog Rescuers 12:00 The Hotel Inspector 13:00 The Hotel Inspector 13:55 The Hotel Inspector 14:55 The Reef 16:25 Open 17:55 Mulan 19:35 5 News Weekend 19:40 Hitch 22:00 21 Jump Street 24:15 Dodgeball: a True Underdog Story
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Emmerdale 10:00 Coronation Street 12:30 Take Me Out 14:00 Take Me Out - The Gossip 15:00 You’ve Been Framed! 15:30 Scorpion 16:25 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 17:50 The Smurfs 19:55 Freaky Friday 22:00 Ibiza Weekender 23:00 The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 23:30 American Pie Presents the Naked Mile
07:00 Made in Chelsea 07:55 Baby Daddy 08:25 Baby Daddy 08:55 How I Met Your Mother 09:30 How I Met Your Mother 10:00 Melissa & Joey 10:30 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Revenge 14:30 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 15:30 The 100 16:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 Iron Man 22:00 Troy 23:00 Rude Tube 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 Tattoos After Dark
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Regional Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 1000 Heartbeats 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Arthur & George 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 Cricket World Cup Highlights 24:40 The Jonathan Ross Show
07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Three in a Bed 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 The Billion Pound Hotel 23:00 NHS: £2billion a Week & Counting 24:00 24 Hours in A&E
07:00 Childrens TV 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Benidorm ER 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Burden of Evil 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud 22:00 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 23:00 10,000 BC 24:00 The Fugitive
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 Psych 08:10 Emmerdale 08:40 Coronation Street 09:10 Coronation Street 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 Catchphrase 11:20 Psych 12:15 Royal Pains 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Mom 22:30 Mom 23:00 Rush Hour
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Happy Endings 07:45 Charmed 08:35 Made in Chelsea 09:35 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Baby Daddy 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 New Girl 17:30 The Mindy Project 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Revenge 23:00 Taking New York 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Big Bang Theory
monday 9th March BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Legalizer 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 WPC 56 16:00 The Link 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Match of the Day Live 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:45 Panorama 24:15 Waterloo Road
07:05 Perfection 07:50 Homes Under the Hammer 08:50 An Island Parish 09:20 Countryside 999 10:05 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 11:05 The Great Antiques Map of Britain 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The A to Z of TV Gardening 14:15 Skeleton 15:45 Triathlon 16:45 Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 17:15 Three Up, Two Down 17:45 Hi-de-Hi! 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 A Cook Abroad 23:00 House of Fools 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather 24:20 Horizon
American Pie Presents the Naked Mile 23:30
6 - 12 marCH 2015
tuesday 10th March BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Legalizer 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 WPC 56 16:00 The Link 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:45 Kids in Camps: Comic Relief 24:45 Hollywoodland
07:05 Perfection 07:50 Homes Under the Hammer 08:50 An Island Parish 09:20 Countryside 999 10:05 Super Cute Animals 11:05 The Great Antiques Map of Britain 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The A to Z of TV Cooking 14:05 The Super League Show 14:50 The World at War 15:45 Frozen Planet 16:45 Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 17:15 Three Up, Two Down 17:45 Hi-de-Hi! 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 21:00 Natural World 22:00 Horizon 23:00 Nurse 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather 24:20 Suffragettes Forever! The Story of Women and Power
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Regional Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 1000 Heartbeats 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live UEFA Champions League 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 UEFA Champions League Highlights 24:40 Carry On Don’t Lose Your Head
07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Three in a Bed 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 13:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:20 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 The Kids Who Can’t Stay Awake 24:00 First Dates
07:00 Childrens TV 08:45 Milkshake! Show Songs 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Cowboy Builders 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 A Woman Betrayed 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Benidorm ER 22:00 The Benefits Estate 23:00 Chicago PD 24:00 Chicago PD 24:55 GPs: Behind Closed Doors
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 Psych 08:10 Emmerdale 08:40 Coronation Street 09:10 Coronation Street 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 Catchphrase 11:20 Psych 12:15 Royal Pains 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Dinner Date 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Ibiza Weekender 24:00 Reality Bites 24:45 The Keith Lemon Sketch Show
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Happy Endings 07:45 Charmed 08:35 Made in Chelsea 09:35 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Baby Daddy 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 New Girl 17:30 The Mindy Project 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 The 100 23:00 Supernatural 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Big Bang Theory
wednesday 11th March BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Legalizer 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 WPC 56 16:00 The Link 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 MasterChef 21:30 EastEnders 22:00 The People’s Strictly for Comic Relief 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:45 A Question of Sport 24:15 Formula 1
07:00 Perfection 07:45 Homes Under the Hammer 08:45 An Island Parish 09:15 Countryside 999 10:00 Eat Well for Less? 11:00 The Great Antiques Map of Britain 11:30 See Hear 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 The A to Z of TV Cooking 14:05 Cagney & Lacey 14:50 The World at War 15:45 Frozen Planet 16:45 Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 17:15 Three Up, Two Down 17:45 Hi-de-Hi! 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 21:00 Suffragettes Forever! The Story of Women and Power 22:00 This World 23:00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather 24:20 Horizon
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Regional Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 1000 Heartbeats 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live UEFA Champions League 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 UEFA Champions League Highlights 24:40 Carry On Don’t Lose Your Head
07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Three in a Bed 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 13:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:20 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 First Dates 24:00 Underage and Gay
07:00 Childrens TV 08:45 Milkshake! Show Songs 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Britain’s Biggest Primary School 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Finding a Family 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Filming My Father: In Life and Death 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 My Violent Child 23:00 The 16-Year-Old Baby 24:00 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 Psych 08:10 Emmerdale 08:40 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 Catchphrase 11:20 Psych 12:15 Royal Pains 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 The Cube 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Vampire Diaries 23:00 I Am Legend
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Happy Endings 07:45 Charmed 08:35 Made in Chelsea 09:35 Rules of Engagement 10:00 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Baby Daddy 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 New Girl 17:30 The Mindy Project 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Red 24:15 Rude Tube
You’ve Been Framed! 19:00
thursday 12th March BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Legalizer 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 WPC 56 16:00 The Link 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 MasterChef 21:00 EastEnders 22:00 Comic Relief: Operation Health 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:45 Question Time 24:45 This Week
07:05 Perfection 07:50 Homes Under the Hammer 08:50 Animal Park 09:20 Countryside 999 10:05 Great British Garden Revival 11:05 The Great Antiques Map of Britain 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The A to Z of TV Gardening 14:05 Cagney & Lacey 14:50 The World at War 15:45 Frozen Planet 16:45 Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 17:15 Three Up, Two Down 17:45 Hi-de-Hi! 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 21:00 The Great British Sewing Bee 22:00 Banished 23:00 Charlie Brooker’s Weekly Wipe 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Weather 24:20 This World
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Regional Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 1000 Heartbeats 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:45 Emmerdale 20:45 Live UEFA Europa League Football 23:10 ITV News and Weather 23:40 ITV Regional News 23:55 The Great War: The People’s Story 24:55 River Monsters
07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Three in a Bed 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 13:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:20 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Supervet 22:00 Cucumber 23:00 Gogglebox 24:05 Troy
07:00 Childrens TV 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Milkshake! Show Songs 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Missing: Flight MH370 One Year On 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 Cedar Cove 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Classic Car Show 21:00 Britain’s Worst Crimes 22:00 Holiday Love Rats Exposed 23:00 The Mentalist 23:55 Castle 24:50 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 Psych 08:10 Emmerdale 08:40 Coronation Street 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 Catchphrase 11:20 Psych 12:15 Royal Pains 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Scorpion 23:00 The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 23:30 Reality Bites 24:15 Mom 24:40 Mom
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Happy Endings 07:45 Charmed 08:35 Made in Chelsea 09:35 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Baby Daddy 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 New Girl 17:30 The Mindy Project 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 2 Broke Girls 22:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 22:30 Marry Me 23:00 Banana 23:35 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Inbetweeners
6 - 12 marCH 2015
showbiz goss
by Peter
Let’s all keep the Faith with Paloma!
PALOMA FAITH won a Brit last week for Best Female Solo Artist; a singer who’s already lived quite a life. She studied for an MA in theatre directing at Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, and funded her studies as a singer in burlesque cabaret, a life model and a magician’s assistant. Lots of reasons already why Paloma should be here today, but there´s a story to share with you that tells you an awful lot more about the lady who´s admired so much within the business. I would suggest you nip off quickly and get the Kleenex, as this tale could well get you like it did me. What Paloma did was teamed up with MasterCard to find her biggest fans, and the lucky couple turned out to be Joe Meadows and Anna Williams, a brother and sister from Liverpool who had recently re-established their relationship after Joe bought Anna tickets to one of Paloma’s concerts. Now the plot starts to thicken. Not knowing anything about them being Paloma´s biggest fans, Joe and Anna were told they had been randomly selected by MasterCard and were being taken to a secret bank vault in the back streets of London where they would be given a copy of a never-released-before recording of Paloma singing ´Nothing Compares to You.´ What happened of course was that Paloma was there at the secret location with a few of her musicians, and she gave Joe and Anna a private performance of the song! Is that tear-worthy or what! Speaking about the experience, Paloma said “Joe and Anna’s is such a lovely story and I’m glad to have been a part of it. I’m delighted to give something back to some of the fans who have supported me in a big way.” Top-drawer Paloma! ACCORDING TO The Hollywood Reporter Lady Gaga is to star in the 5th series of USTV show American Horror Story, and it won’t be a cameo role either, with the singer´s character Mother Monster apparently going to become a series regular. LGG is not a total stranger to acting by the way, having appeared in an episode of The Sopranos playing ´a girl at a swimming pool.´ Umm…
Writer and Broadcaster
MICHAEL KEATING is fantastic in the lead role of Best Picture Oscar ´Birdman,’ but it’s not all smiles for the man from Pennsylvania. He was caught on camera at the Oscars getting a piece of paper out of his pocket ahead of the announcement of Best Actor, then quietly putting it away when he was not the winner ... feel for you Michael.
“ Quote of the Week
At last week’s Brits, Ant and Dec asked Kim Kardashian for a selfie with them but it didn´t come out … “Its locked,” she said DOH! … Poor old Madonna as well (warned you diddle-I)
I WONDER if, like me, you remember being astounded when Paul McCartney sang so badly at the London Olympics. Now I find out he´s going to top the bill at the Firefly Music Festival in the US in June … oh dear, oh dear. Macca will be 73 during his performance, will have just completed a two-year tour, and … get where I´m going … Let It Be, Let It Be RED NOSE DAY is next Friday 13th March, a spectacular day of British fund-raising. I recently told you about the special edition of ´The Bishop of Dibley´ on the telly, and now you´re to get a ´Strictly´ special except that there won’t a celebrity in sight, just a group of charity-minded peeps raising our awareness of how to give to the less fortunate.
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
ask Sara
by Sara
Life Coach
WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.
He can’t be trusted MY FRIEND’S Fiancé approached me romantically recently, and I rebuffed him. Their wedding is in May. I am to be bridesmaid. I want to tell my friend that he can’t be trusted, but I am afraid it will mean the end of our relationship, and my friend’s relationship with her Fiancé. IF YOU don’t say anything, there might come a time later on, when she finds out for herself what kind of a man she has married. That may be when she has children and there being fewer opportunities for her to start again. Then, you may wish you had said something to her earlier. You could try talking to your friend’s Fiancé and tell him that him wanting to cheat isn’t a good basis for a marriage, and if he doesn’t think he can remain faithful to her, then he should do the decent thing and walk away. Either way, this might mean the end of your relationship with your friend, and you need to be prepared for this.
I want the commitment I HAVE been seeing a married man for 18 years. He always told me that he would leave his wife when his children were grown. Now, he is making excuses why he cannot get divorced. I love him, but I want the commitment he promised me. At 36 time is running out for me to finally become a mother, and now he says that he does not want anymore children. You have spent many years waiting for a man who is clearly not available, and not willing to give up his life for you. It will be hard, but unless you sever ties, you will just continue to be his mistress, and will have given up the chance of having children and the life you really want. You can try giving him an ultimatum. But you need to ask yourself, ‘do I want to be the other women in someone’s life, or the only woman?’. You deserve better. Find the courage to leave this relationship, and pursue all the things in life that will make you truly happy. Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 633 614 476.
6 - 12 marCH 2015
people Contest time for Spangles
SPANGLES LADIES’ Harmony Chorus is working hard toward their third gold medal in April this year. Winners of the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) chorus contests in 2011 and 2013, the chorus has to take a year out after each win, so 2015 is their ‘going for gold’ year: “We’ve been working hard on our contest package,” commented Musical Director Gail Grainger. “We are facing stiff competition from choruses in Spain and Portugal and need to keep one step ahead.” This will be the last competition with Gail at the helm, as she returns to live in the UK on 2nd May. Gail joined Spangles as Assistant Musical Director in January 2008, taking over as Musical Director in September that same year. When Gail leaves, the chorus will remain in good hands with incoming Joint Chorus Directors Wendy Grant and Dawn Ritch, supported by Assistant Chorus Director Liz Lewis. Spangles will compete on Saturday 18th April at the SABS 7th annual convention in Benalmádena, Málaga. And they have been
busy fundraising for a new stage costume – with a growing chorus and 45 on stage at Benalmádena, costs are high. “We have been working together for months to achieve that ‘wow’ factor on stage,” said Lyn Baines, cochorus director, “We are self-funding and our ladies have worked tirelessly to raise funds.” Part of that fundraising includes their dress rehearsal concert on Wednesday 8th April at 7.30pm at the Salon de Plenos, Ayuntamiento de Los Alcázares and Spangles looks forward to welcoming their friends, family and supporters, who will have the opportunity to see their new stage outfits and hear the two contest songs. Tickets at 5€ may be booked by calling 96 857 4987, 96 833 4527 or 868 186 020 - or email If you’re looking to make new friends and enjoy singing, visit Spangles’ rehearsal at Las Claras - they meet every Thursday from 10.00am to 1pm. Call Lyn on 96 857 4987 or Anthea on 96 833 4527 to book Spangles or to find out how to join, or visit:
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
with Aunty Virus
Envelopes in My Documents HI AUNTY: Could you please advise how to delete small envelopes in My Documents. I have quite a few and do not understand how they got there. When I open them they are past incoming emails which are not required. Many thanks – Ray. Aunty says: The envelopes are email files. They will be in My Documents if you have asked for emails or email attachments that are emails to be saved. So, if you want to get rid of them, simply delete them as you would any other file. Select them and press Delete. For uninstalling rogue software that is hijacking your browser the usually process goes along the lines of: 1) Boot into safe mode, enter control panel, and see if you can uninstall 2) Check extensions/ addons in your browser: Internet Explorer you do this by: a. Open Internet Explorer
b. Click on the Gear icon Gear Button, then click on Manage Addons c. Go to the tab Toolbars and Extensions 3) Reset your browser: In Internet Explorer: a. Open Internet Explorer. b. Open Internet Explorer, click on the gear icon Gear Icon IE, in the upper right part of your browser, then click again on Internet Options.. c. Click on the Advanced tab, then click on the Reset button 4) Check your shortcuts that open your Internet Browser. Sometimes, a bit of code can be added to your shortcuts that changes your homepage. a. on all of your shortcuts for your internet browser, right click on the shortcut and select properties.
b. Look at the ‘shortcut tab’. If it is Internet Explore you are using, the code will look similar to this : “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” But you will also notice some extra code after the “iexplorer.exe”, which is forcing your browser to open other pages. So delete anything and everything else that appears after the “iexplorer.exe”. 5) Download, install, update, and run antimalwarebytes. 6) 5) Download, install, update, and run AdwCleaner. If you still have it after doing all of this, then I would seek help from a local PC person... as all the above steps I have mentioned are what everyone else says removes this from their system.
Advertisement everywhere
DEAR AUNTY: We were advised to add the Free Malwarebyte, as a back-up to our MSE which we have installed. Now we have Advertising all over the place. Also, some words in our emails, AND, the word junk, changing to capitals and highlighted. Could this be Malwarebytes doing? Kenneth. Aunty says: I have never heard of an instance where Malwarebytes actually adds advertising all over the place. I would suggest that you have not installed an official version of Malwarebytes from the Malwarebytes website (, but an unofficial version from another website. And this unofficial version has been made to look official, but adds advertising!
HDMI to display output
HELLO AUNTY: Many thanks for a very interesting column. I have just purchased a Raspberry Pi, and would like to use the display on my laptop Via the HDMI socket to display output. Is this possible? I have a Lenovo B590, which I find excellent for my needs. Graham Aunty says: Usually the HDMI port on laptops is an OUTPUT only. This is used to connect the laptop to a large screen HDMI TV, so you can use the larger screen instead of the laptop’s small screen. So it is unlikely your HDMI port will be an input port, but an output port, so you will not be able to use it to display the Pi on your laptop. Response: I feared that might be the case, but thanks for your confirmation
6 - 12 marCH 2015
More filmmaking on the Costa Blanca LAST WEEKEND filming on ‘The Cucaracha Club’ almost came to an end, with only three or more scenes left to complete the film. On the other side of town this weekend, filming resumes on yet another local production; ‘Trained To Kill’ which should also be wrapped up this month. Actor, Director, Screen Writer, Producer and most importantly, Sandwich and Cake Maker Billie Anthony Gaddess from the Cucaracha Club wanted to send out his word of thanks to all the actors, extras and crew, plus those who have helped with permissions from the Town Hall, lent props, cars, boats, premises and a whole lot more. Billie said; “I just want to personally thank everyone for all their time and effort. It’s been a huge learning curve for all of us, especially me, and I thank everyone involved for their patience and time in supporting the project.’ The Cucaracha Club is already being edited and more fundraising activities, such as Ladies Night on 13th March, where everything, apparently will be coming off, plus a night of entertainment featuring Costa Blanca’s very own Buddy Holly ‘Woody’ will take place on 17th March, St. Patrick’s Night, at Restaurante Los Rosales. The fundraiser is just 12€ and includes food plus a prize for best hat competition. For more details on both events please contact Billie at:
Meanwhile, Bill Little, director of ‘Trained to Kill’ is on the lookout for new talent for a couple of scenes in TTK. In particular, a glamorous actress aged between 18 and 30. He’s also seeking some extras, of any age, sex, nationality, for a few crowd scenes at the end of the film. Anyone interested should send Bill two or three photos, one must be a headshot and full length, plus name and contact details to: with Trained to Kill in the subject line, or call Bill direct on: 634 311 720, ASAP.
‘The Foxes’
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door THE TORREVIEJA Chaplaincy Players of St Peter & St Paul present the comedy ‘Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door’ at the Cardinal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio on Friday 20th March and Saturday 21st March at 7.30pm. Written by Andrew Rea, it is a comedy set in a residential home in the UK. The residents are staging a pantomime, rebelling against the strict management of the home who disapprove of everything the residents do. An evening of fun and laughter is guaranteed! Tickets at only 5€ are available from Pauline Woodend: call 605 584 600 or email: For more information on the workings of the Chaplaincy - and other planned activities and events – please view Also see: The Anglican Chaplaincy extends a very warm and friendly welcome to all denominations living in or visiting our area and our Church Centres.
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin
Uses of Ser and Estar - part 2
Taylors Video Montage returns to Viva TV!
WE ENDED the last article on this definition of the uses of “ser” and “estar”.
AFTER A short winter break Peter Taylor´s music video show TVM will be returning to Viva TV this coming Thursday 12th March at 7pm. This is year three of the 60-minute show that includes music videos, old and new, with criteria built solely around good quality songs from across the music spectrum, and these are then linked together in Peter´s very distinctive radio style commentary. During his research for each individual track, because he digs that little bit deeper, he finds out information about the various artists / groups on the show you might well have not heard about before. Talking about that, Peter also includes a couple of questions on the programme and gives out the answers during the closing sequence, but don’t worry you will be given a double or treble choice as to what the answer might be. Peter is also very pleased to announce that TVM will be sponsored by Sunlife Solar Solutions in Punta Prima. The company has very knowledgeable staff offering honest advice should you call or visit their offices at La Campana Commercial Centre, and have over 100 systems installed in 2014 alone, all of which were completed by fully Registered engineers. Sunlife Solar Soltions also supply certificates with all grid connected systems, and have an extremely sound business that operates under the umbrella of parent company Sunlife Solution’s SL. Peter Taylor has been broadcasting on the Costas for the last 10 years, and another 10 years before that in the UK, and brings to the microphone a totally unique style of presenting his programmes. This, for the most part, is centred on his relentless search for both the interesting and amusing to share with you. Taylors Video Montage TVM: Viva TV: Thursdays, 7pm.
ESTAR refers to “how” and “where” SER refers to “who”, “what” and “when” I’m rather pleased with that definition because I think it gives us a very good starting point and sums up the main difference between the two verbs. We can include the word “when” in our definition of “ser” as this is the verb used for time expressions, such as ¿Qué hora es?; Son las dos; hoy es lunes; ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? “Estar” refers to the “state” of something or someone. The word is actually linked to the word “state” which is “estado” in Spanish. A nation state is “un estado” and something that is in a good or bad state or condition is in “mal estado” or “buen estado”. We ask people “¿Cómo estás?” (How are you? In other words “What state are you in?”) This could also apply to things: “La mesa está sucia” (the table is dirty); “La comida está caliente” (the food is hot). Most learners of Spanish also catch on reasonably easily to the idea that “estar” is connected to location as in “Madrid está en el centro de España” and “el libro está
encima de la mesa” (the book is on the table). (Notice that “estar” is used in both cases, irrespective of whether the location is temporary or permanent). In the case of “ser” we are talking about “who” or “what”, in other words, something that can describe the quality or nature of something in a way that makes it recognizable. Obvious examples are “Soy Jane, soy profesora, soy inglesa, soy delgada” (I’m Jane, I’m a teacher, I’m English, I’m thin) these are descriptions of “who” I am. This works in the same way for things: “el mundo es redondo”, “la mesa es grande” (the world is round, the table is big), all describe essential, identifiable qualities or characteristics. There is another basic principle about these two verbs and about languages in general which I think is worth pointing out here, which is that it is not always helpful to be over-concerned about what is strictly “correct” or “incorrect”. Quite often it is more a question of what idea we wish to express. Sometimes the difference between “ser” and “estar” simply is the difference between a characteristic and a state. For example, I could say of a woman “es guapa” (she is pretty) as a way of describing and identifying her using the verb “ser”, or I could look at someone who has just walked into the room
Crossword Solutions for Last Week Suduko Answer Cryptic Solutions Across: 7 Hearts; 8 Laxity 10 Regally; 11 Latin; 12 Till; 13 Beard; 17 Glare; 18 Fair; 22 Aside; 23 Express; 24 Resign; 25 Grouse. Down: 1 Charity; 2 Largely; 3 Still; 4 Gallery; 5 Lists; 6 Hyena; 9 By degrees; 14 Allergy; 15 Careful; 16 Dresser; 19 Harry; 20 First; 21 Sport. Quick Solutions Across: 7 Option; 8 Docile; 10 Perplex; 11 Peace; 12 Roll; 13 Sever; 17 House; 18 Lone; 22 Craft; 23 Vagrant; 24 Urgent; 25 Victor. Down: 1 Compare; 2 Startle; 3 Jolly; 4 Complex; 5 Final; 6 Never; 9 Expensive; 14 Content; 15 Loyalty; 16 Venture; 19 Scrub; 20 Range; 21 Again.
all made up with her hair done and a new dress and say “estás muy guapa hoy” using the verb “estar”. The best way to translate this into English would be: “you’re looking very pretty today”. I’m not implying that the person isn’t usually pretty, I’m just referring to their “state” rather than something that describes them in an essential way. There are many other examples related to “ser” and “estar”, where what is correct or incorrect depends on what you mean. For example, I might say “estoy aburrida” which means “I am bored” that is, in a state of boredom. If I say “soy aburrida”, this means “I am boring”, that is a boring person. Another well-known example is the word “listo”. “Estar listo” means to be ready, whereas “ser listo” means to be clever, i.e. on the ball, quick on the uptake. There are many other examples of these kinds of differences, and as you can see they are often expressed in quite different ways in English. As ever, it is our reliance of translation which can make foreign languages harder for us to grasp. Well, that’s all I have time for today, but I think I’ll spend one more week giving you some more examples related to “ser” or “estar” before moving on to other wonderful things about this fascinating language we are learning!
6 - 12 marCH 2015 2010 8-14 JANUARY
Dr Mirko Sade El Juri Gayoso Family Dental Centre
Dental Abfractions THIS PATHOLOGY deserves special attention, not only for its high frequency of occurrence (65-75% of the adult population) but also because it behaves as a ‘marker’ or ‘warning’ for other less easily detectable alterations such as bruxism (clenching or tooth grinding), bite interferences, or a stress overload in a sector or tooth.
WHAT IS IT? Abfraction lesions are due to dental tissue loss. They have a “V” shape, with the vertex towards the center of the tooth. They are mainly located on the neck of the molars and premolars. HOW DOES IT OCCUR? The normal force received by the molars and premolars is usually vertical. When this does not occur, and the forces that
dominate are horizontal or eccentric, the tooth will begin to suffer bending forces which causes a pathological bowing of the crown. These pathological forces concentrate on the neck of the tooth, generating microfractures of enamel and dentin, resulting in detachment and loss of tooth structure. As we said, this injury starts affecting the enamel but soon, the dentin that lies just below is affected as well as the cement on the roots’ surface.
WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES? Dental Abfractions have many consequences. Some of them have been already discussed, such as hard tissue loss but one of the consequences that is most concerning is receding of the gums. The union of the gum to the tooth is called ‘Epithelial Union’. These specialised cells are located at the boundaries of the crown, where the root starts. With the loss of the outer layer of the tooth (microfractures), this union is lost, ‘moving’ the gum union as the bone below is re-absorbed, leaving a confusingly similar appearance to ‘periodontal disease’ or “Traumatic Brushing’. Also, the dentin (internal tissue with small nerve extensions), is left exposed to mouth stimuli, responsible for heat/cold and sweet/acid sensitivity, as well as pain on touch (e.g. fingernail) or at dental check-up. If prolonged this situation tends to worsen and the tooth will be at great risk of fracture. HOW DO WE SOLVE IT? Not all injuries should be treated in the strictest sense (‘filling’ the lack of tissue) - only those lesions that generate
discomfort, do not allow proper hygiene, or are at risk of fracture should receive the necessary treatment. In other cases, what is needed is a periodic monitoring and control to detect the emergence or worsening of the injury. As we said at the beginning, abfractions behave as ‘visible signs’ of other mayor problems.
6 - 12 marCH 2015
Eliminate that weight! THAT WAS amazing, it’s helped so much, thank you! (That’s usually what I hear from my clients). Since its creation a few years ago, more and more people are starting to use Gastroband Hypnosis to help them lose their unwanted weight. The person is placed under Hypnosis and a visualisation technique is used to ‘convince’ the subconscious mind that the person has had a gastric band operation. It’s actually quite simple - ‘tricking’ the mind into believing the body doesn’t require as much food to feel full up, consequently they would lose weight by changing their eating patterns. I also have an alternative session called the ‘Weight Control’ session. Having been put to the test many times, what I said to myself was... “If it works then why change it?” However, because of the media fixing on the Hypnotic Gastroband, I am also asked to do this type of Weight Loss Hypnosis as clients feel they would like to try it, but without the vast expense that goes with it for multiple sessions and that’s exactly what I can offer you and what’s more… it’s very effective! All this is included in the fixed price of 95€: Fast Track Hypnosis, Laser Therapy, Gastric Band visualisation, a professionally
produced support CD and a Guarantee - no other Hypnotherapist on the Costa Blanca can offer this unique service! “After trying everything to lose weight for quite a while and feeling growing pressure on my painful legs and joints, I decided to visit Jonathan Gilchrist. From the time I started playing the accompanying CD that I was given at the end of the session, I started to find that my attitude towards food was completely different. “I started to eat when I was hungry and not out of appetite (Which was my main problem)! My joints no longer ache and I am losing roughly 1-2 kilos a week: I have now lost 8kilos in total. I would highly recommend a visit to Jonathan if you would like to change your attitude to food and feel more energetic, more alive and most importantly, much healthier:” M (Cabo Roig) Jonathan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Quesada, and Benidorm. For an appointment, brochure, or free-of-charge initial consultation, contact Jonathan Gilchrist on 691 784 954 or email Also visit
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Horoscopes There is something very fishy about recent developments and how they have come to light. Whilst nothing looks to be or seems what it should be right now there is good reason to look at alternatives and to back your plans up with the tried and trusted. Mars squares up to Pluto midweek, and here lies the blame for everything! Time is of the essence this week as Venus beguiles Ceres, planet of time and synchronicity. You will find that actually, in the scheme of things, time is on your side. Missed appointments and time wasting are however meant to be, ensuring that you are in the right place at the right time for something rather wonderful to happen. Jupiter, planetary leader of your opposing sign of Sagittarius takes on a warring Mars and sets the scene as you absorb the negativity of others around you. This week brings challenges that test your patience to the ultimate, and only through your stubborn determination and endearing energies can anything whatsoever be achieved. The occlusion of the Moon in cycle brings positive energy to your door, and you need to sink your teeth into something. This is a time to lessen the burden by being ruthless with a domestic based project or scheme; particularly if it means sorting out clutter and subsequently rescheduling a tidy, less complicated, more concise life. The Sun and Pluto kick of the week with actions that you may feel are directly aimed towards your inner self. You need to spread a little sunshine, but also the analytical side of Pluto begs you to look at yourself very critically and to act accordingly. You have been through a highly defensive phase and now the price of freedom is in reach. Stubborn pride has eventually brought you to your knees and now is the best of times to piece together a way forward that takes into consideration your wants and needs right now. Whereas there has been resolve, and you have faced your demons, it is now time to balance the books and prepare for plain sailing and a calm and centred life. Ignore the advice that others seem to want to give you right now, in favour of making plans that both support and direct you onwards. Energy is flying across the Cosmos as an invincible Mars squares up to a somewhat highly tuned Uranus, planet of Invention. Much good will come from you feeling better about yourself for a change. Mars tempts fate by standing up to Jupiter once and for all. There have been times of late when you have had to hold your tongue, but now the tables appear to have turned and things are in place for you to take a fair advantage, while you can. Luck and fortune are on the cards, but right now you would settle for just a quiet life. Jupiter rewards where justice is due, and your loyalties, though recently tested, lie where your heart is right now. If others cannot see your immediate dilemma then they are only around you for the good times and are fair weather friends. Your gregarious nature is quite capable of finding someone who values you for yourself. As life takea a turn which brings impetus and complication into the bargain be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. In a current situation it is hard to hear the truth for just what it is rather than a version for your ears only. In hindsight you never would have started something you now find impossibly hard to finish! Pride comes to you via your opposing sign of Leo. You often shy away from things you should be taking on by the horns; and, often fuelled by fear and change for changes sake you often do yourself no justice by behaving this way. This week sees you taking the centre stage and having a good crack at it. If it feels good then go do it!! Pride comes to you via your opposing sign of Leo. You often shy away from things you should be taking on by the horns; and, often fuelled by fear and change for changes sake you often do yourself no justice by behaving this way. This week sees you taking the centre stage and having a good crack at it. If it feels good then go do it!!
If It’s Your Birthday This Week
You are strangely apprehensive about even positive changes which are afoot. Beware that others do not translate this as the fear that it isn’t! Let nothing hold you back this time around.
Kenny Corris For Readings, Consultations and Castings email: / Mobile: 686 361 594 / Tel: 965 878 424
Bumper cars THROUGHOUT OUR lifetime we take the rough with the smooth and sometimes it is so easy to be positive and inspired whilst at other times it is harder than anything we have ever known. Why are we tested so often? Why do things happen the way that they do? Who is to blame? Above all we have to understand that although we have, each of us, a journey all through this Earthly life we often learn by our mistakes. Looking back sometimes at what I did makes me realise that what I did wasn’t the right thing, but it did seem right at the time. Forward knowledge is a highly prized divination into a future that we can only really anticipate but which we could bring on if we knew how. The perfect solution may not exist and the recipe indeed for happiness brings with it every variation. When change comes along we find ourselves right back on the pathway of life, ready to hopefully make the best solution but, hopefully knowingly accepting that we can really only do our best. This is reality. It can be so hard if it is a compromise in any way, but fuelled by conscious decision and swayed by the sheer pace of life things often do not work out the way that we want them to. Of course fate can surprise us and make things better rather than worse for us. Looking back we can see that it was some kind of intervention that helped us to change our minds and maybe even take on a new direction which we couldn’t relate too. Fate can bring us down too, particularly when our expectancy has been fuelled by a surety that we are doing the right thing and that we are going off in the right direction, only to find that fatal intervention has brought down the curtain on our behalf. In so doing it may just bring us to our senses however, and save us from a disaster either now or in the future. Often there is a side to the future that nobody can see. Our version of what we are working towards is often the
Kenny‛s Postbag
ethos for our very being. Whilst we can help to change the present, actions will certainly take us into the future where all change is a possibility. The past can’t be changed in any way, but our version of it may very well do. Often too, I am taken back to look at things that happened in my past that have had a direct effect on my present life now, or indeed the shaping of my life to come in the inevitable future. Spirit has a unique way of steering us safely through life. The idea of bumper cars is to coast around the entire track without bumping others, and to avoid them bumping you. However you plan your route there is always someone out there who sees you as the target for a sneaky bump or two because they too are escaping the impact of others. Your route changes as you try to avoid a collision, and you need eyes in the back of your head. So too there can be bullies who just have the idea the attraction is to bump as many as you can. When mayhem ensues it is every person in every bumper car for themselves. Don’t forget those who cannot control their bumper car and who are going around in circles or who are locked in the bumper of another vehicle preventing free passage and making you more vulnerable to the odd frontal or rear end impact. Spirit helps us to find our way, even on the darkest night when the North Wind blows and we are far away from home. Spirit are the light in the window burning bright, acting as a beacon for our fears and providers of shelter as our comfort from the storm that is life, sometimes. They pick us up when we fall and they do not ever fail us, no matter what. Their energy of love is comprised of the absolute love of those souls who have passed over with love to the other Side. Their concern is to watch over us and to care for us in our time of need, whenever it may be and whatever the consequence. Love so tender it can bring on a smile in the face of conflict no matter what bumps or knocks we suffer in the park of attractions that is life.
Email your letters to me at:
KENNY, MY youngest Niece, Chantal, has recently passed over after a year of treatments for Cancer. She was thirteen years old. I just wanted to tell you that she seemed to be looking beyond me on her actual passing and she smiled up at something I could not see. She was totally unafraid and appeared to be prepared. Marie de J. Marie, thank you for sharing this with me. It can’t have been easy to see such a struggle happening in the life of a thirteen year old. The passing sounds as if it truly was very peaceful. As for what Chantal was seeing, I believe that this was a glimpse into the Spirit World and that she could see an angel that had already been dispatched to see her safely onwards to the Other Side. May she pass freely and free of all pain to wherever her destiny now takes her. ACROSS ACROSS 1. Previous to (5) 1. Reporters seem to want things urgently (5) 4. Trip (7) 4. Support in reverse? (7) 8. Win back (7) 8. No artificial note (7) 9. Sluggish (5) 9. Mother wants boy to become stone worker (5) 10. Merit (4) 10. What a well lubricated man becomes? (4) 11. Ominous (8) 11. Pretend to be ill to make mother stay (8) 13. Destiny (4) 13. Furniture not quite up to this point (4) 14. Yield (4) 14. Resigned from the socialist side (4) 16. Pottery (8) 16. This critic is clearly one who has a second look (8) 17. Eager (4) 17. Facts given in the end at an enquiry (4) 20. Get to know (5) 20. Closely follow graduate in doctrine (5) 21. Exalt (7) 21. A reason for being stranded? (7) 22. Go back (7) 22. Nose and lip are used to form a Greek letter (7) 23. Dulcet (5) 23. What the raw golfer aims for? (5) DOWN DOWN 1. Upright (13) 1. Card games suitable for river crossing? (7,6) 2. Become liable to (5) 2. Praise some of the opposite sex, to lessen nagging (5) 3. Bellow (4) 3. Rues being certain (4) 4. Apex (6) 4. This song is wicked - contains everything! (6) 5. Used (8) 5. Does he make up heaps of clues? (8) 6. Respire (7) 6. Thorough knowledge is within one’s vision (7) 7. Amusement (13) 7. Amnesty from army commander apparently (7,6) 12. Start (8) 12. The very last, in spite of everything (5,3) 13. Sleeping (7) 13. Like returning to five eras of uncivilised people (7) 15. Emphasise (6) 15. Get back for example in the wet (6) 18. Escape (5) 18. In the morning employ to entertain (5) 19. Information (4) 19. Boast that clothes have gone up (4)
Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 47
Quick or Cryptic Crossword
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Focus on Golf Powered by Campbell Lamont Golf, partnered by BayRadio
Did your last round sound like and outboard motor? Putt Putt Putt By Tony Myles NO MATTER where you play your golf over the winter months you will find that there are going to be inconsistencies on the greens. Some will need extra attention as the temperature drops and watering systems have to be adjusted. Where there are trees hanging overhead the foliage and residue dropping onto the greens has to be tackled and this can mean that greens which are more exposed can have a different feel from those with a tree border. So is there a secret to putting in situations where you can be faced with some unpredictability? According to Campbell the answer is to give yourself the best chance of sinking a putt in two. “It is always good to play for a single putt but if that leaves you ball short on a downhill green then you have done yourself no favour. Instead you should have in mind the dual concept of sinking the putt
and having an insurance policy of making any second attempt as easy as possible. Avoid leaving downhill breaking shots at all costs. These are the ones that will give you nightmares as you remember them lipping out and rolling away.” What about long downhill shots? “I have always benefitted from taking just an extra few seconds to pace these out. Walk from your ball down to the hole. Then look back up to where your ball lies and this will give you a much clearer impression of the line and the strength required. You don’t need to spend more than a few seconds on this and after a short time it will become instinctive and just a regular part of your game. And one which should help you eliminate those nightmares where you three putt!” If you need help with your putting or any part of your game get professional help from Campbell - email
Head He2ad Holidays Tony M - I hear that there has been a noticeable increase in people booking golfing holidays in Spain. Campbell - Yes we are already well up on previous years so that is a good sign of recovery. Tony M - What about you? Do you have family holidays? Campbell - Yes of course. We go skiing and once we went on a “Once in a lifetime” holiday. Never again! Tony M - Boom boom.
6 - 12 MARCH 2015
Framon Motor insures with Linea Directa FRAMON MOTOR, a long-established Ford dealer for more than 40 years, offers unparalleled quality and service to all its customers, priding itself on being the number one dealer supplying new or used vehicles and recognised as the main supplier to European nationalities living here either permanently or enjoying holiday homes. FRAMON MOTOR deals with all paperwork requirements so that you are legal when you take delivery of your car, supplying cars to Europeans for over 10 years, with all vehicles registered to you free of charge and free of any debts so that you are safe and secure with that all-important peace of mind when travelling on Spanish roads. The Company organises insurance for your car with Linea Direct (Direct Line) which is fully comprehensive and provides a breakdown service anywhere in the 15 member states – and with a courtesy car in the unlikely event that your vehicle breaks down or is involved
in an accident. Framon Motor engineers can service all makes and types of vehicles - and Framon will provide a loan car should you need one. Both Framon Motor offices speak Spanish & English and can be contacted on 96 677 2114 or 96 677 0623: Email and also visit SPECIAL OFFER: In March 2015 Framon Motor is offering 15% off Oil, Filter Oil, Air Filter and Disc and Brake Pads - and 100€ if you buy second hand car!
VEHICULOS OCASIÓN SECOND HAND CARS 2013 C4 AIRCROSS 1.6 HDI SEDUCTION 2015 CITROEN C4 G. PICASSO HDI 115 SEDUCTION 7 PLAZAS (26800 nuevo/new) km 2012 CITROEN C4 1.6 VTI 120 CV COLLECTION 17200 km WHITE 2012 C3 HDI 70 CV COLLECTION 38000 km 2007 CITROEN C4 PICASSO HDI 110 CV AUTOM, 110.000 km 2006 CITROEN X.PICASSO 1.6 HDI 90 CV, 107.000 km (P) 2005 CITROEN X.PICASSO 1.6 HDI 110 CV 86.000 km 2005 CITROEN X.PICASSO 1.6i (P) 2007 RENAULT MEGANE TOURER 1.9 DCIM 123000 km 2009 SUZUKI SWIFT 1.3 DiD 20000 km 2005 FORD MONDEO ESTATE 2.0 TDCI, 116000 km AUTOM Dic2005 RENAULT MEGANE SCENIC 1.6i 125000 km AUTOM 2010 FIAT PUNTO 1.4i 43000 km 2007 SKODA FABIA 1.2i 73000 km 2014 C4 CACTUS 1.2N 82CV 6500 km 2013 C3 PICASSO HDI 90 Exclusive 30000 km 2013 OPEL ANTARA 2.2 D 7 seats (leader) 23000 km 2012 C3 PICASSO HDI 90 cv Seduction 17000 km 2012 TOYOTA YARIS 1.4 Di 11.000 km (P) 2006 CITROEN C4 COLLECTION 1.6HDI 110CV , 165.000km (P) 2009 CITROEN C1 1.0i 5 PUERTAS 2001 FORD KA 1.3i 91000 km 2012 SKODA OCTAVIA 1.6 TDI 25000 km
19.000 € HPP 23.000 € JBZ 11.500 € HKD 9.500 € FRJ 9.500 € DZN 6.000 € DSR 5.800 € DJS 3.900 € FML 7.200 € GMB 7.500 € DRN 4.000 € HJR 5.300 € DTY 6.900 € GTW 5.000 € FMJ 12.900 € HXZ 13.000 € HNP 17.000 € HNP 11.000 € HJM 11.500 € HKZ 4.000 € DVZ 6.900 € GPN 1.500 € BPF 11.800 € HPP
Classified Ads 6 - 12 MARCH 2015
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your pet.DEFRA Registered. UK (00)442380 668 000 SPAIN 671 797 151 PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A DOG OR PUPPY please join our Facebook group. We have many dogs, large, small, scruffs and pedigree! Just go to Facebook and search Costa Blanca Dog Homing. Even if you cannot offer a home, rescues are always needing foster homes, and just sharing the dog posts really helps us to help them. HOUSE SITTING, PET SITTING Daily or longer.Your home or mine.Key holding service.References.637160545 COSTA BLANCA PET TRANSPORT TO UK DEFRA registered. Excellent rates. or call 965 698 052
REFLECTIONS BUILDING SERVICES All aspects of Building work including Roofing. Tel: 648 453 365
GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths THREE YEARS OLD BILLY AND BOBBY were rescued by APAH Animal Charity, as 8 week old puppies and are still looking for their first home. Large dogs aren’t always scary and these brothers are big softies who only want loving and cuddling. Can you offer one of them a home? To arrange to meet them please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850. PET ONLY TRANSPORTATION We only use fully fitted out ex police vehicles to transport
TAPPY TOES DANCE CLASS FOR BABIES from 18 months, at 4kwatro in Albir, 11am, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information. LADIES DANCEFIT WITH L.A DANCE at 4kwatro in Albir, Mondays at 7.30pm, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information LA BAMBA’S - BALLROOM / LATIN / SEQUENCE DANCING Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 [near Lemon Tree Sunday Market] Monday - SOCIAL DANCE 8.30pm 10.30pm [SEQUENCE CLASS 7.30pm - 8.30pm] Friday - SOCIAL DANCE 7.30pm - 10.30pm Wednesday - New Beginners Class [new beginners welcome every Wednesday] 2pm -3pm Intermediate Class 3pm - 4pm Intermediate Plus Class 4pm - 5pm For more information contact Andrea and Brian 616 478 157
COMPLETE SHOP FITTINGS FOR SALE includes Dress Rails,Cubed units, shelves, Till as new,Mannequins.Photos avilable email: ymk3@hotmail. com 2000€ the lot.Can be seen. Buyer collects Tel: 686 595 770
CAMPER VAN Immaculate 6 metre Weinsberg camper. Less than 2 years old and 20,000 km.Awning and cycle carrier.Many extras. 37,000€ Tel: 615 389 667
VENDING MACHINE ROUTE on the Costa Blanca 30,000euros NET P.A. No overhead all cash income.49,000 euros . 20 Pringle Vending Machines NET. 300€ P.W . 19,900€ Call: 0044 2392 160 657 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Own your own lingerie, clothing and swimwear boutique. Prices from 10,000 Euros including stock and shop fittings. Full help and support given throughout. Established company with over 10 years trading in Spain. Call Peter on 660 170 355 without obligation.
DONCHIMENEA Chimney Sweep North Costa Blanca,Denia,Calpe and Inland. Telephone or Whatsapp: 647 897 710 or email:
BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424
MINI DIGGER AND DUMPER WITH DRIVER Covering North Costa Blanca Telephone: 648 052 911
REPAIRS Washing machines, Dishwashers & Dryers. Also Boilers and any electrical problems. 24hours. Cheap prices Tel 604103909 MR FIXIT FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, GENERAL & Appliance Repairs. No Callout Charge. 698 320 434
6 - 12 marCH 2015
STAFF REQUIRED Shop assistant required for bookshop in Torrevieja area, must be sales motivated and able to speak Spanish and English. Training will be given. Contact 666631863 for details. AVON COSMETICS NEED Enthusiastic reliable representatives. no outlay, immediate earnings plus free gifts. for details ring Rosh 966 785 520
MODELS REQUIRED Females and Couples Required 18-70 for Adult Website Modelling.No Single males. Excellent Rates 966 182 714
WEIGHT LOSS/FITNESS/ HEALTH Weight Loss guarenteed.Personal Trainer.Former World & USA Kickboxing Champion.25 Years experience.Call Andy: 619 343 633
SOS INSURANCE IN SPAIN Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year & cars from 120 euros. Tel 966787123 / 622275561 / 686116297 email
6 - 12 marCH 2015
RENAULT TRAFFIC DCI 80 For Sale.December 2002,6 seater,Low Mileage for year. Good Runner.5 New tyres 3300€ ono 603 203 325 THE CAR BUYER Free online valuation Hotline: 965 771 630 / 622 431 788 RENAULT SCENIC 1.6 Year 2000 ITV January 2016. 125,000 km Tidy Car for year.Small dent on rear passenger door.La Marina area. 1800€ el: 628 832 187 WEWILLBUYANYCAR.ES We will buy any car on the Costa Blanca Spain! Free online Car valuation Tel: 666 126 662
MJB MOBILE WELDERS Gates, grills, hinges etc., repaired or new. No job too small. Fast service. Low prices. Free Quotes. Call Terry: 966 845 414 / 625 995 470 WANTED I BUY ANY CAR van,Caravan,4x4 Etc. British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873
PROBLEMS WITH INSECTS? Cockroaches, rats & mice. Call 626 828 974 All insects
MR FIXIT For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No Call out charge. 698 320 434
GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths
6 - 12 marCH 2015
DENIA 3 BED VILLA WITH LARGE PLOT Villa on Montgo with sea views 15om build with 1360m plot.Terraces with sea views.3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms and 1 seperate topilet.Air con,Living room,Fireplace,Communal pool,close to Denia centre. Ref 11196 252,000€ Tel Esther 605 782 204 SEA VIEW FRONT LINE APARTMENT Denia centre. Great investment.Very nice flat of 55m2,totally reformed and furnished and situated in 1st line to the port.2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom,facing Denias scenic port,ready to move in.Call to view! Tel Esther 605 782 204
Ref 12266 78,000€ BEAUTIFUL SEA VIEWS PENTHOUSE Las Rotas,Denia. Unique opportunity.Beautiful reformed penthoude/attico apartment with fantastic sea views. Lift.Large Terraces (2x),Communal pool and Gradens.Tel Esther: 605 782 204 Ref 12255 158,000€ VILLAMARTIN Villa for Sale 3 Bedrooms,2 Bathrooms including 3 Bed Self Contained Apartment,Communal Pool,Gated Community ,Villamartin Area €180,000. Telephone 637 558 176 WANTED FOR CLIENT Wanted for client who has sold and is looking to buy: 1 Level villa 3-4 beds within 5 kms of Javea town or Port or Beach.Budget up to
350,000 Euros.Please Contact Vicens Ash Properties Javea. Tel: 966 461 643 SUCINA Detatched Villa 3 bedroom,2 bathroom,fully furnished,110,000€ Ideal investment.Occupants willing to remain as tennants 968 371 233
2 OR 3 BED / 2 BATH APARTMENTS in San Miguel. Lift, communal rooftop pool & solarium, video entry system. Available for short or long term rent from 300pcm. 96 672 3437 or 616493487
VAN LEAVING SPAIN TO UK 15TH MARCH Space available. 679 042 805 / 0044(0)7552 985 343 or email DIGBY REMOVALS Weekly removals to and from Spain. 1 box to full household. Storage - UK & Spain. Insurance included. Worldwide removals inc. USA, Australia & New Zealand. Call today for FREE advice no obligation quote. Tel: 676 582 333 or +44 1268 728 855 email: or visit:
SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537
NEW IN TURQUESA ST. mature friend for different fantasies.oppositte Zenia boulevard .Behind Mercadona’s s back gate 56 314 941 CINDY AND DENISSE always offering the best attetion,full Of sensuality,in nice atmosphere privacity.wonderful bodies.La Zenia CLOSE TO CONSUM 627 203 147. 600 784 461 LADIES ENJOY A GENTLE SPANKING at home and be well paid. The Headmaster visits you. Torrevieja area. headmaster@ GENERIC VIAGRA Blue Pill Spain supplies all your generic Viagra at the best prices. Buy Super Kamagra, Kamagra, Kamagra Polo, Super P-Force, Aurogra, Tadalafil/Cialis or weight loss pill Sibutril. email Nationwide Delivery Service
NEW LADY IN ORIHUELA COSTA La Florida,ARIANA venezuelan 35 years old. Natural big breast,loving...651 176 716 LA FLORIDA, SALMA from Canarias, 30 years old, tall, slim, the best massage, the most passionate 654 043 043 SOPHIE ESCORT Slim elegant naughty lady. Hotel/home visit available. Tel:693 357 526 GENERIC VIAGRA EXCLUSIVE First time in Spain 120mgs. Also Kamagra 100mgs, Generic Cialis 20mgs, and jellies. Local and Nationwide service. Pay on Delivery. or phone Colin 680 878 735 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118
6 - 12 marCH 2015
CLASSES/TUITION Learn Spanish in 6 months Guarenteed.Certified American Teacher.Course Included. Call Andy: 619 343 633 I BUY RECORDS LP´S SINGLES AND CD´s ANY STYLE, JAZZ, BLUES, POP, PUNK, ROCK, ETC... TOP CASH PAID. 622 750 117 RECORDS AND CDS WANTED Pop,Rock,Jazz,Blues.Top Cash Paid. 630665363 TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Household Goods and Bric-a-brac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965-319-220/663-012-54
JAVEA SKIP HIRE 626 670 038 Moraira, Benissa, Calpe, Denia from S&W TOOL HIRE & FERRETERIA MORAIRA
Private Security
DIRECT WINDOWS All aspects of Double Glazing and Window repairs. Tel: 648 453 365