RTN North Edition 588

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 588

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Prostitution trade ‘up in arms’

by Jack Troughton

A proposed total ban on all newspaper advertising that offers services of a sexual nature is leaving the Spanish press understandably unimpressed. p6

Medieval Market plans revealed

The Orihuela Town Hall has unveiled its plans for this year’s Medieval Market, the 12th to be hosted by the city, to take place from 4th to 6th February. p8

Settling in Spain and family ties

Solicitor Michael Olmer of Link Point Legal services gives some useful advice in his regular column. p26

Don’t suffer

Physiotherapist Joan Mclellan takes a detailed look this week at achilles tendon problems. If you’re a sufferer then this is one feature you should not miss. p30

Discover the Costa Blanca This week we take a look at ALZIRA, a fascinating village bustling with wanderable streets and things to while away the hours. p35

New Year Special Offer in Denia:

Beginner’s Spanish Intensive Course (12 hours per week) Only 70 Euro per week. Starting 1st February.

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See page 17

Proud parents with little Isabella

LITTLE ISABELLA Casale enjoyed an early meeting with her proud parents after her dad Damian proved to have a safe pair of hands and calmly performed a home delivery. The little bundle of joy made an unexpected entrance to the world eight days early – and initially without mum Tessa realising she had gone into labour with her first baby. Fortunately, the Albir couple had attended classes at the English Medical Clinic under the watchful eye of midwife Dawn Blythe and the training paid off – Isabella came into the world a healthy 5 pounds and two ounces in the early hours of 8th January. And the baby was born while Damian was talking to the emergency services. “The woman spoke English, which was good, but she didn’t seem to believe me and asked if I was 100 percent sure my wife was giving birth. “By that time Isabella was already out – so I said ‘yes, because I have got her in my hands’.” Continued on page 3

Isabella’s express delivery


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See feature on Page 22

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Continued from front page He told RTN he passed the baby into Tessa’s arms before the door bell rang. “I was confronted by four police officers who had decided to come for a peep. HOSPITAL “And a couple of minutes later the ambulance arrived with a midwife and we went off to hospital.” Tessa said the previous evening she started getting cramps but did not believe it was the start of her labour. “I knew the sister of Damian’s friend had gone to hospital with pains and was sent away when they said it was just the baby moving into position,” she explained. “I thought it was the same because I didn’t believe the pain was enough to be labour.” And from the antenatal classes they also ruled out the onset of labour because the time of the contractions was actually getting longer. However, at 03.00 things took a dramatic turn. Tessa said: “After trying to get some sleep on the sofa I suddenly felt my waters go and rushed into the bathroom and kind of had three contractions – so I told Damian to quickly run the bath.

Wastewater pumped into nature park THE NATURAL park Sierra Helada in the Valencian Community, which covers land and sea, is still receiving wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant EDAR in Benidorm. This is despite the government promising a solution four years ago. A project costing €25 million

Showroom opening times; Monday- Friday 10am-1pm

to divert the wastewater 1,500 metres out to sea was paralysed in 2007. PepeMarcet, the Vice Secretary for Benidorm’s PSPVPSOE is reported as saying that the project has been put on the back burner, and that the PP sold the idea of the project to residents in 2007 even though there’s still no budget for it in 2011.

“I just knew by that point there would not be any time to get to hospital and jumped into the bath – one more contraction and a slow push and she was out!” BREATHE Damian added: “Her little head just popped out – we were just doing all the breathing and concentrating on that. There was just one little push and I put my hands ready and she came out. “Apparently it is usual to have a long labour with a first baby. The breathing techniques we learnt were definitely most important and came in handy and kept everything calm – they stopped Tessa freaking out and gave her something to concentrate on.” Tessa said with hindsight, “We worked it all out and I was in labour about seven hours.” The couple married last April and said Isabella – they already knew they were having a daughter – was a honeymoon baby. Damian said: “She didn’t cry when she was born – she just came out and just looked around a little and started feeding.” And Tessa concurred: “She didn’t start crying until she was at the hospital and she was put into an incubator – we came home on Monday and she has been very good and sleeps a lot.”

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902 118 999 rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

AlgarRiver clean-up THE ALGAR River is to get a clean-up from volunteers. The Department of Environment and the Red Cross have organised two separate activities to help improve the rich environmental zone of the River Algar and surrounding wetlands. On 22ndJanuary, undergrowth will be cleared from the side of the river to make way for the second activity on Sunday 30thJanuary; planting trees.

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21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Tourists coming back to Spain Judge rules against Ryanair TOURIST FIGURES crashed last year in the Valencian region but reports so far this year are showing a 10 percent increase in the number of reservations from Brits, for Benidorm at least. The resort has traditionally relied heavily on British tourists and so the HOSBEC hoteliers association is pleased with the figures for 2011. HOSBEC President, Antoni Mayor, is reported as saying the stronger pound and UK air travel taxes – which affect long-haul destinations – could be part of the reason for the Brits’ return to Spain’s shores.

by Jan Gamm BUDGET AIRLINE Ryanair’s practice of making a €40 counter charge to passengers that fail to print out an online boarding pass is destined to be brought to a halt as a result of a ruling made by Judge Barbara Maria Cordoba in the Barcelona Court, Friday 14th January, finding in favour of plaintiff Dan Miro, who took the airline to court when he

Ryanair boarding pass

was charged €40 by Ryanair for a printed boarding pass as a passenger between Girona and Alghero. Ryanair requires that passengers present a printed boarding pass to be allowed to travel. However, the judge declared that the contractual clause that enables Ryanair to impose the additional charge constitutes “abusive practice,” finding that Ryanair, as with any licenced carrier, is obligated to provide passengers with a ticket. The individual case is being seen as a precedent to a broader ban being imposed by the TSJUE (Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Union Europea). In the meantime, Ryanair argued that these measures are necessary in order to keep tickets at a low and affordable price and stated that if a ruling is placed to ban such practice, the airline will in future simply disallow passengers to board without a printed and valid boarding pass.

New flavour for Benidorm’s cuisine AROUND 10 percent of Benidorm’s chefs are from Pakistan, according to figures from the hotelier’s association, Hosbec. This equates to approximately 900 workers, who are bringing a taste of their own cuisine to Benidorm’s kitchens. Hosbec say that all hospitality workers are paid the same wherever they are from, and that the average monthly wage is around €1,000.

Benidorm Levante beach

RTN has a new family member Massive congratulations to Dawn (Supermum) and Bernie on the birth of baby Jack on the 16th January 2011. Love and best wishes from everyone at RTN and we can’t wait to meet the newest edition to the RTN family xxx

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011


Left for dead Beach bars


by Jack Troughton TWO PUPPIES have been rescued after being abandoned wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in the countryside. Found almost suffocated, it is believed the two 11-week-old dogs – now named Louis and Louisa – were thrown from a car speeding along the Jalon to Benissa road last Thursday. However, although they are now being cared for by an animal charity, little Louis had to go under the surgeon’s knife to repair a badly broken front leg and the operation has left the Sociedad Protectoral de Animales Calpe and Benissa with a bill for €800. Ellinor Gonzales, of the charity, told RTN the puppy had suffered three broken legs but the injury to the front limb was complicated. “A Spanish lady found them on Thursday of last week – she heard one screaming – she opened the plastic bag and found the dogs asphyxiated,” she said. CRUEL “This is a story of incredible cruelty

By Jack Troughton THE DEMOLITION of five restaurants on Alicante’s San Juan beach began last week under the Coastal Law imposed by the government. The first to go was the

Louis (right) and Louisa

– it seems they were put in the bag and thrown out of a moving vehicle. It is possible Louis had been repeatedly kicked.” The puppy was taken to the San Vincente animal hospital in Alicante and underwent an operation on Monday. “He is fine now and very lively and just wants to play but we have to keep

him calm because there are wires and pins around the leg,” added Ellinor. She appealed for help paying the vet’s bill. Anyone wishing to make a donation can visit the Banco Popular in Calpe and make a deposit into the charity account (ES75 0075 1023 3106 0011 3817) and mark the gift ‘Louis operation’.

Costablancaschiringuito beach bar. This bar, along with two others, will be reconstructed as a smaller building which will adhere to the coastal law. The other premises will not be rebuilt.


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Air Traffic Back on ‘Civvy Street’ by Jan Gamm

THE CABINET approved a decree to revoke military control of Spanish air traffic from 15th January 2011, imposed since 4th December 2010 in a move to achieve normality and allow airports to remain operational in the face of the recent ‘allout’ air traffic controller strike amidst claims of violation of human rights and intolerable working conditions. On the night of 3rd December, the government placed air traffic control under the auspices of the Ministry of Defence. During a press conference at the end of the year, Prime Minister Zapatero made it clear the situation would be temporary and air traffic would be returned to civilian control at the earliest opportunity. LEGAL ACTION During the disruption caused by the strike, thousands of passengers were

stranded in Spanish airports resulting in 5,500 passengers taking legal advice to form a class action. And Attorney General Cándido CondePumpido called for eight year sentences for the air traffic controllers, claiming their “…premeditated abandonment of airports” caused “grave damage to the citizens of Spain.” In further rows since the walk-out, commercial carriers have threatened Spanish Air Traffic Contollers’ Union USCA with legal action as it considered the strike “savage, illegal and irresponsible.” Under European Legislation UE261, airlines must carry the burden of costs incurred by delays caused by strike action. Leading budget airline Ryanair has since called upon the European Commission to eliminate air traffic controllers’ right to strike. The government’s declaration of a State of Alert was the first since the end of the Franco regime in 1975.

Prostitution trade ‘up in arms’ over proposed advertising ban

Street walking set to rise

Thousands stranded at airports in December

ISABEL MARTINEZ Lozano, Spanish Secretary General for Equality Policies, is supporting a proposed total ban on all newspaper advertising that offers services of a sexual nature, claiming that the majority of such advertising encourages criminal exploitation of women by criminal groups and also human trafficking.The Spanish press is understandably unimpressed with a proposed policy that has the potential to relieve the industry of up to 60% of its revenue generated through classified advertising; up to €40 million per year. STREET WALKING As prostitution is legal in Spain, most newspapers carry a large section of such advertising, many prostitutes rely totally upon advertising-generated business and should newspaper ads cease to provide promotion for the sex trade it is likely that activities such as ‘street walking’ and ‘kerb crawling’, the bane of residential urbanisations, will

increase as a result.As the debate heats up, support groups for prostitutes protest that if advertising for prostitution is banned, a valuable communication network would be severed as the newspapers advertisements also carry telephone and address details for prostitutes that need help, particularly those confined in rented rooms and apartments. NOTHING ILLEGAL Head of Communications for national daily El Pais, Pedro Zuazua, says that until there is a law making it illegal to publish such ads, this practice is unlikely to change, arguing that the advertising supports nothing that is against the law. Although prostitution is legal in Spain, 90% of working girls in residence are thought to be illegal immigrants brought into Spain through human trafficking.

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Medieval Market plans revealed DETAIL

More than 500,000 people visited the Orihuela Medieval Market last year and it is reputed to be the biggest and the best Medieval Market in the whole of Spain. For those who have yet to experience Medieval Orihuela, it is a ‘must’ attraction with a true feeling of authenticity and the organisers leave nothing to chance with every detail planned and executed methodically. All the stall holders are to be dressed in medieval costumes and even the straw on the cobbled ground adds to the ambiance and atmosphere. During the three day event, the tourist offices, the city’s museums and the majority of the shops will also be open for visitors and at the tourist offices, in particular, there are English speaking members of staff to guide you and answer any questions that you may have as well as offer informative literature about Orihuela city and its attractions. ORIGOR

by Patricia Thompson THE ORIHUELA Town Hall has unveiled its plans for this year’s Medieval Market, the 12th to be hosted by the city, to take place from 4th to 6th February. This year’s event promises to be the best ever, with over five kilometres of attractions, stalls and events. There will be more than 400 stalls, including food outlets; 50 more than last year, as well as dozens of fun activities for children and adults alike. The market will start at the Santo Domingo School and makes its way through the historical hamlet of Orihuela City to the Santiago church. The PP Mayor of Orihuela, Monica Lorente, together with the Councillor for Fiestas, Mayte Valero and the President of the Association for Moors and Christian Fiestas, Antonio Franco, told the gathered members of the press that this year’s event will surpass any other. She said: “There will be lots to see and do and this year’s market counts on the collaboration of a collective of Orihuela’s community associations, societies and residents; all of whom are committed to making this year’s event the best ever.”

The theme of this year’s event is ‘Origor: The First Warrior’. All the literature and posters for the Medieval Market have the image of Origor on them and the story will be re-enacted at various stages and times throughout the market during the weekend by pupils from various schools in the city. The story of Origor is a popular and historical tale of a warrior who battles against his arch enemy Lucifer and many children are brought up with this story in the same way as English children are taught about Saint George. Lucifer is determined to rid the city of Christianity, so along with the help of Princess Lorena, Origor fights him and his hoard of dragons. The story ends with their triumphant victory over Lucifer. This story has even more significance in modern day Spain after a number of high level politicians suggested that the cross of Christianity should be removed from public places so as not to offend non-Christians; a move which has been fervently opposed by many religious leaders and traditionalists. PARKING The official inauguration of Orihuela’s Medieval Market will take place at 12:00 on Friday 4th February outside the Town Hall and it will be officially opened by Ms Lorente.

The market opens at 10.00 on both the Saturday and Sunday mornings and events, attractions and activities will start after 12.00. Although some stalls may close during siesta, the event will not officially close until late in the evening. Although organisers are expecting in excess of 400,000 visitors, they have said that there will be ample parking in the vicinity of the market. For coastal residents it is expected that coaches will be laid on to transport them to and from the city and RTN will have full details of the times of these buses as soon as we receive them from the Orihuela Costa Town Hall.

Dramatic spring flowers

Carl at work

Spain loves to read, study reveals THE UNDER 30s in Spain are prolific readers, with 96 percent confessing to reading regularly, according to a new study. The 14 to 24-year-old age group reads the most, and they prefer comics, novels and magazines as opposed to newspapers. Favourite genres are comedy, mystery, fantasy or adventure, and the Harry Potter books are a firm favourite.

CELEBRATED FLORAL designer and television celebrity Carl Wilde visits the Costa Blanca this month to give a demonstration ‘Wilde Spring’. One of Britain’s best loved floral designers; he is the guest of the Marina Alta and Costa Blanca Floral Club on Thursday 27th January. Carl’s flamboyant personality and unique style have made him known to millions through appearances on TV and a household favourite. His ethos is simple: “Flowers should be fun!” The demonstration is being held at the Salon de Actos, La Senieta, Moraira, at 15.00. Tickets are €6 for members and €10 for visitors. For further information call Pat on 966 471 526 or 648 713 638, or Sue on 966 896 350 or 618 927 227. Alternatively, visit the website www.marinaaltafloralclub.com

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Stop Smoking the Fast Track way! NOW THAT the smoking ban is in force throughout Spain, the cold nights standing outside for a smoke and with the price of cigarettes now increased once again isn’t it about time you considered giving up. There are various methods to choose by from such as nicotine replacements, patches etc. but did you know that Hypnosis is one of the most successful ways The Costa Blanca’s of giving up? Top Hypnotherapist “Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little.” (New Scientist Vol. 136: issue 1845, 31st October ‘92). Results included 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers and were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology which clearly showed that hypnosis was three times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy. Millions of people throughout the world have successfully stopped smoking using standard Hypnosis and over the years I have helped many thousands of people to do so. However, by using the unique combination of Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy, the success rate of quitting smoking is increased even more! (Which I have successfully proved on TV consumer programmes in the UK). So when people ask me if they really can stop smoking in just one 30 minute session, my answer is “yes!”

Alan Gilchrist

The beauty of Fast Track Hypnosis and Cold Laser Therapy put together in this unique combination removes the feeling of deprivation. It removes the need and the urge to smoke, and all this is achieved in less than 30 minutes. There is no need for useless aids, gimmicks, or substitutes, No nicotine gum or patches, No inhalers or nasal sprays. It doesn’t get much easier than that! FAST TRACK HYPNOSIS, COLD LASER THERAPY AND YOU! The Fast Track Hypnosis session targets the unconscious part of your mind that drives certain unwanted behaviours and urges. This in turn helps you to overcome everything that gets in the way to accomplish your goal of finally quitting smoking, without stress or weight gain. You may have tried stopping by yourself for weeks or even months, but then something stressful arose and you started to smoke again. You may have tried the gum then started smoking again or even become addicted to the gum instead! You may have tried the patch, taken it off, had a cigarette, then put it back on again! So the question is: are you ready to finally stop smoking? If the answer is “yes,” what are you waiting for? Put down that cigarette and call NOW! You can make this a reality in ONE simple 30 minute session!

So why opt for one type of therapy to quit smoking when you can now have two highly successful methods in a unique combination at no extra cost! You might have tried to quit on your own before and noticed that, even after you are way beyond any physical addiction to nicotine, you still feel you want to smoke. That’s because of habitual conditioning - this is also addressed with Fast Track Hypnosis. Fast Track Hypnosis is an excellent tool for re-educating the mind by changing subconscious motivations to smoke - you will change the habits and associations that drive much of this behaviour. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool and with my help, and if you really do want to stop and are willing to put in some effort, you can quit smoking for life! CDs are also provided for post-hypnotic suggestions that help alleviate any physical discomfort you might feel during the first few days as your body rids itself of nicotine. It also reinforces the session and avoids weight gain. GUARANTEE In the unlikely event of a client ex-

periencing any difficulties within one month of the ‘stop smoking’ session, a second booster session is completely free of charge. “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know - I’ve done it thousands of times.” - Mark Twain. Pity Mark Twain did not know about Fast TrackHypnosis! “Having smoked for over 25 of my 35 years I had tried and tested various nicotine replacement methods in a bid to stop smoking. All had failed. Prior to my session, I had for the past 2 - 3 years been smoking heavily, both cigarettes and roll ups, over 20 -25 daily. I’m delighted to report that since my session I have not smoked and now consider myself a committed non-smoker. The very smell of a cigarette is stomachchurning. And I have not used or needed any nicotine products. Many thanks. I’m only sorry I didn’t come to see you years ago! But better late than never! Lorna.” Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis Stop Smoking and Weight control Sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar and Benidorm.

Hypnosis can help break the habit

For an appointment, brochure or a free of charge initial consultation on your particular problem, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408 or visit his websites www.alangilchrist.com www.thegastroband.com or www.fitnosys.com

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Freeze hits builders by Jack Troughton BULDERS TRYING to ride out the recession are being unfairly hit by the continued freeze on new projects in a Costa Blanca town. The suspension has also affected residents waiting to build homes on plots of land acquired before the ban – and people looking to make home improvements. The fourth anniversary of the partial suspension of the General Plan for Javea is on 26th January and it is feared there will be an attempt to force an extension of the order – which effectively prevents construction in certain areas of the municipality. Opposition party Nueva Javea yesterday (Thursday) threatened legal action should there be moves to keep the planning suspension in place or even extend it. DEADLINE

Nueva Javea councillors Juan Planelles (left) and Paco Catala

As the deadline approaches, the new General Plan has yet to be drawn up – public consultation documents were only published in September after five years of waiting. Nueva Javea councillor Paco Catala said the situation was very uncertain and the town hall had drawn a veil of secrecy over the issue – only saying it would act to “make decisions it deemed appropriate.” He said the legal limit for the partial suspension was four years but believed the local authority would ask for “special measures” to prolong the freeze for up to six more years. “We are a week away from the four years

specified in the decree and Nueva Javea wants to convey the unease that exists in the local construction industry, for all the secrecy surrounding this matter and the evasions which are given in response to any inquiry on this matter,” said the politician. “The truth is that the partial suspension is preventing small renovations and expansion and construction in the home, such as barbeques, swimming pools and garages. CRISIS “These are traditionally allowed the local building industry to cope with periods of crisis in the sector.” He added: “We also have the problem of people who have purchased a plot of land to build a home but have seen the value of their investment fall under the suspension.” And Nueva Javea has attacked the ruling alliance for its “inefficiency and incompetence” in taking five years to draft a consultation document that should have been prepared in two or three months. And Mr Catala said the inability to address the problem of a new General Plan was harming the rights of citizens in a modern European democracy. “Nueva Javea will oppose any expansion or extension of the partial suspension of licences and take action as appropriate – relying on the extensive case law in this area – to prevent the continued aggression of the local executive towards one of the most important productive sectors in the municipality.”

Home sweet home By Jack Troughton. THOUSANDS OF young adults across Alicante are migrating back to family homes because they cannot afford to live independently. New statistics show difficulties in finding well paid jobs in the current economic climate has forced more than

Got a story? 902 118 999 rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

21,000 people back to the nest and it is expected the numbers will rise. And the Youth Council of Alicante has called for government action to make it easier for young people to go it alone – it maintains that despite the fall in house prices they would need to use nearly 50 percent of salary to get on the housing ladder.

Take up the RTN golf challenge by Jack Troughton GOLFERS THAT look for a challenging competition and enjoy an excellent day of sport should enter this year’s RTN Golf Championship. The third annual tournament is being held on Monday 14th March at the El Plantio championship course just outside Elche – within easy reach of all sportsmen and women across the region. Sponsored by foreign exchange specialist Moneycorp, there are bags of prizes to be won and the victorious pair also gets to lift the RTN Trophy. The winners will each receive a full set of irons and there are prizes for the best five pairs, four ‘nearest pin’ contests and also a prize for the longest drive by a man and a woman from the 12th tee. The contest is once again a Pairs Better Ball Stapleford and will be played under Spain’s RFEG rules. The first tee time is 09.00 and pairs will set off at eight minute intervals from a two tee start. ENTER And to enter simply email names, handicaps and Federation licence numbers to golf@roundtownnews.com. A €50 entry fee includes a buggy and beer and tapas at the end of play. Players can request a

start time for the day and should state a preference with their entry. As a matter of etiquette, all winners must attend the prize giving ceremony immediately after the end of the competition – or their awards will be given away as raffle prizes. Top golf professional and RTN writer Noel Eastwell explained El Plantio had been chosen for its central location and the quality of golf offered by the course “which is some of the best on the Costa Blanca.” He added: “It features some of the fastest greens and fastest running fairways in the region. There is also a variety of holes to test golfers, some long and others short. PLAY “Everyone will appreciate the challenge of El Plantio. It asks a lot of questions and players need to think about how they play it rather than just blast away into the wild blue yonder. Players will find the course very interesting and very fair.” Noel said the RTN Golf Championship was always enjoyed by golfers and allowed friends, husbands and wives, and business colleagues to test out their skills. “This tournament has been eagerly anticipated by a lot of golfers up and down the Costa Blanca – it is a

competition everyone comes along to and enjoys,” he said. If people want to play but need a partner, Noel through the RTN Golf Club will “do our upmost” to put pairs together. And club members without a handicap should contact Noel via golf@roundtownnews.com and he will arrange the assessment. ENJOY “There is absolutely no excuse not to enter and have a go,” he said. “It is all about getting out on the course to enjoy playing.” He said El Plantio was one of the friendliest clubs in the area with “ultra professional” people ready to help visitors. He said players would find buggies – all less than 12 months old – in top class condition and caddy masters ready to help load golf bags, while vehicles in the car park were protected by round the clock security. And Noel said the “beautiful” clubhouse was ready with all its facilities and a friendly team of welcoming staff. “The course itself will be in excellent condition because there is a pro competition the week before and the work will have been done to get it in top form – and it will still be superb on 14th March,” he added.

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011


Tourism gets royal approval By Jack Troughton QUEEN SOFIA of Spain officially opened FITUR 2011, one of the World’s biggest tourism industry exhibitions, in Madrid Her Majesty was accompanied on Wednesday by Miguel Sebastian, the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade and Taleb Rifal, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation and other dignitaries as the royal party toured some of the 11 halls at the centre. This year’s trade fair – the 31st to be staged in the capital – is seen as vital as the global industry recovers from recession and crucial to Spain’s economy. And representatives from town halls across the Costa Blanca were in Madrid to highlight the attractions of the region to holidaymakers from Europe and beyond. EVENT Almost 11,000 companies from 166 different countries and regions – more than 124,000 tourism professionals – and thousands of journalists were expected at the international event – open to the public this weekend. And a FITUR spokesman told RTN: “By attending the official opening, the Royal Family is once again expressing its unconditional support for the trade fair and the tourism sector in general, which is key to the Spanish economy.” On a professional level, the exhibition is an opportunity for the industry to establish common goals and strategies for the modern market. It is also an important shop window for tourism and allows professional and members of the public to be made aware of the latest trends attractions and developments across the Continents.

Queen Sofia opens FITUR


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Arguments not working

I READ with interest the letter from KP Biggs of Torrevieja relating to Winter Fuel Payments. Is there an argument that can be successfully applied to HM Government for winter fuel payments to be made to British Citizens with no permanent home in the UK? I have used three differing arguments quoted from the internet (unsuccessfully) so would be pleased to receive any advice. Regards, Jim Standen Alicante

Big thanks THROUGH THE pages of your newspaper I would like to send the sincere thanks of the Torrevieja and Vega Baja branches of Associación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC) to all our supporters, fundraisers and volunteers for their hard work over the past year, with particular thanks to Carol and Ron for running the auctions for us so admirably. Thanks also to Las Casuales, Santa Pola; Bar La Marina, Torrevieja; The Ad-Hoc Theatre Group for their performance of Allo Allo; Gloria Grimshaw and the Vega Baja Big Band for their show at Los Arcos, Torrevieja; Sue Gibson of Suzi4Fitz; Sarah of the Lounge Bar, Torrevieja: Peter and Trish Herbert, plus all the bars and restaurants that carry the AECC ‘Hucha’ collection boxes: donations in memory of Simon Jackson and Mick Rogers. If I have omitted to thank anyone, please accept my apologies. AECC thanks all of its volunteers, everyone involved in fundraising and all other contributors. Mike Bissett (AECC Torrevieja Press Liaison Officer)


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Cheating the system HAVING READ your article regarding people that are ‘cheating the system’, it was interesting to read the following day in all the main UK newspapers about how the Cons/Libs were not going to do anything about stopping the banks paying out their disgusting bonuses. Maybe it’s something to do with upsetting the people that back them financially, but then I’m just being cynical. If the government are so keen on finding people on ‘the fiddle’, they don’t have to look far do they? One already convicted and a few more to go. Why has there been no further word about people like Lord Ashcroft and several other

cronies of DC and co? If all the so-called ‘non-doms’ paid what they should the country would be a lot better off and not need to recklessly dump thousands of poorly paid ‘ordinary folk’ on the dole. Has it not occurred to them that the more they throw on the scrapheap the more benefits will be claimed? Sorry to go on a bit but it annoys me, and plenty of others I’m sure when these millionaires spout off about benefit fraud and some of their mates get away with a darn sight more. Enough said, I’ll get off my soapbox now...! Bob

Non smokers rejoice

I WOULD like to share with you the happiest day for me in Spain, Sunday 2nd January 2011. As a non smoker I was restricted to where I could eat or drink, mainly choosing non smoking restaurants or having to put up with inconsiderate smokers! There was many an occasion where we would go into a restaurant or bar and walk out because of the amount of smoke inside. Now I can visit any bar or restaurant and feel I have had a new lease of life as Spain joins the rest of Europe in considering the health of non smokers and bar/restaurant workers. Why do smokers think they have had their right to smoke taken away and yet we non smokers have had to put up with passive smoking all these years? Muchas gracias, Trinidad Jimenez (Spanish Health Minister) for your perseverance!


I HAVE just received through my door a copy of ‘La Campana’ - what a load of rubbish. This leaflet was obviously written by the Benijofar Partido Popular (PP) opposition party and is supposed to be about Benijofar but all it does is berate Benijofar Town Hall. I have lived in Benijofar for some six years now and I have nothing but praise for everything the Town Hall has done. Where would some of us non-Spanish speaking residents be without the English speaking Town Hall employees and as for our Residents Office - what can I say, except ‘fantastic’. No other areas have the facilities we have and I

assume that between now and the local elections in May, the Benijofar PP opposition will ‘dish out’ more rubbish in the hope we will believe all that is written on their leaflets. Well sorry, we do not - We know the truth -The Mayor, Daniel Padilla Villa, meets with residents on a regular basis to discuss any problems they may have and updates us on anything that goes on in Benijofar. May I suggest that should you have a problem with information with the PP trash leaflet, you should pop into the Town Hall or Residents office where I am sure your questions will be answered. Keep it going, Benijofar Town Hall - you are doing a great job. Jimmy Evans

Retirement destroyed RE: YOUR article on page 4 in 14th January issue regarding Pascual Carrion: your reporter failed to mention that his actions over the last four years have resulted in a large number of people losing thousands of Euros when Herrado Del Tollo, a subsidary of San Jose, the developers at Jumilla, went into administration in July 2008. My wife and I lost €75,000 which was our life savings. Senor Carrion’s actions caused many people heartbreak and anguish and they are still fighting for the return of their money. If and when Pascual Carrion retires I hope he has a better retirement than ours has turned out to be, partly due to him. A Barker Orihuela Costa

Thanks for your support WE WOULD to thank our members, guests and poppy appeal donors for their support during 2010. To broaden our local appeal we have decided to relocate our monthly meetings to a more central location, choosing the warm, cosy and friendly venue of Bar Pelut in Oliva, C.Sagrada Familia 9 (situated above the Old Town of Oliva). Meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month, the next being 2nd February at 11.45. A coffee for the ladies and a beer for the lads will conclude at 12.00. A varied and excellent lunch follows at €9.00. New members, both non-serving and ex-service personnel, are always welcome to join our small, friendly and informal group who make the most of our social occasions; never forgetting the main purpose of the Royal British Legion. Phone Secretary Cilla: 644 113 889 for more details. Royal British Legion, Gandia & District Branch 2011

Winter fuel payment I REFER to the RTN dated 14th - 20th January in which K P Bigg wrote about the UK Winter Fuel Allowance. I am also a pensioner living in Spain in similar circumstances. However, I was turned down on the basis that I did not receive a payment before I left the UK. I wondered if K P Bigg could shed some more light on how he successfully got his ‘allowance?’ Mrs Bridget Stuart Mazarron

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Wild at heart by Jack Troughton TWENTY FIRST Century gizmos meet more basic essentials in the helter-skelter challenge of the Budapest to Bamako charity rally. A pair of Toyota Land Cruisers set off from the Costa Blanca on Monday crewed by two Javea teams of friendly rivals and laden with the equipment they hope will ensure they are ready for every eventuality on the adventure. They face a gruelling two week scramble across thousands of miles of five African countries as they drive from Morocco to Mali in conditions that will test the reliability of the cars and their individual courage and determination. Inside the vehicles there are satellite navigation systems, a sat ‘phone and

charger, GPS equipment – all tested and working for the journeyahead. However, there are also shovels and sand ladders – ready to get the cars out of trouble – and packed away are necessities like water purification tablets, malaria and yellow fever pills. The teams also have packets of cigarettes – Camel seemed a very appropriate brand – and lighters. In time honoured fashion, it is hoped the gifts will smooth the way across borders and through checks with local officials. Pictured (from left) ready for the off are: in the red car, Raoul Pal and Ross Jenkins of Team Spanglish (Daryl Clarke was being picked up later); and in the blue car The Desert Rats – Lawrence Davies, Alan Dobinson, and on the bonnet Chris Davies.



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

€13,000 gas bill for woman who lives alone by Jan Gamm

A 30-YEAR-OLD woman who lives alone is being hounded by Gas Natural for more than €13,000 that the company claims she owes them. Two years ago, VanesaToribio, who lives near Toledo, received a bill for €5,700, which she is still protesting against. Reports say that Vanesa’s normal bills have always ranged from between €53 and €76, even when the heating is used round the clock. She called to complain and was told to find a plumber to check for a gas leak, but even after no leak was found, and the gas meter changed, Gas Natural continued to insist

that Vanesa pay her outstanding bill, which has now risen to more than €13,000. Since the end of 2009, Gas Natural removed the meter without warning and cut off the gas supply – since then, Vanesa has been without heating or hot water. Prior to this, the provincial council department for energy and industry had confirmed in writing that Vanesa’s gas supply would not be cut until the matter was resolved. Vanesa has reported to the press that she has made repeated calls to Gas Natural, but they say they ‘do not know what to do’. Vanesa’s only hope is to go to court. She is now suffering from depression and anxiety.

Vanesa’s incredible factura

Suspects arrested in child pornography ring By Jan Gamm NATIONAL POLICE have this week arrested 49 suspects implicated in a child pornography ring based in Belarus with a network covering Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Via a subscription system offered on more than 200 websites offering access to indecent material involving minors, the organisation managed to accumulate €2 million via credit card payments. Typical monthly payments ranged between US$80 and US$100. In Spain, 74 users were identified in an investigation stretching over nine months, resulting in officers searching 62 houses to seize documentation and equipment, mostly involving children under the age of 13. Addresses were targeted by using the trail of credit payments and also by the tracking of downloaded material. 49 suspects have been arrested with a further 15 undergoing questioning.

Got a story? 902 118 999


Tracking through card payments and downloads

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Count your blessings by Jack Troughton LAST MINUTE substitute Pastor Clive Read stepped into the breach to ensure dogs at the APASA animal shelter received a blessing on Monday’s feast day for San Antonio – the patron saint of animals. Organisers at the Javea charity headquarters expected the ceremony to be performed as usual by Don Joaquin Sendra – however, he had been taken ill shortly after performing the Blessing of the Animals in the town’s port. In an important and symbolic tradition across Valencia, both working animals and pets are taken to churches to be blessed and receive a sprinkling of Holy Water. At the animal sanctuary, 17th January is a celebration when rescued dogs and pets – many of them found their new homes by APASA - belonging to supporters of the

charity gather to enjoy a little pomp and circumstance. CEREMONY And their patience at the delay was rewarded when Clive, of Javea Evangelical Church, arrived to conduct a very English version of a Spanish ceremony. He explained Don Joaquin was recovering from a successful operation but had felt unwell and cancelled his appointment with APASA. Clive thanked organisers for the unexpected invitation. He said he had a long history of involvement with APASA and paid tribute to the work of the charity and the people who supported it over the years. “This charity is very much in our thoughts and prayers,” he said. “Particularly the helpers and volunteers, because without the work they do there would be no future for APASA.”

New forest for Orba

ORBA IS spending €63,406 to create a 79 hectare area of forest in the Castellet zone. Most of the Marina Alta’s natural forests were cleared in the 19th century to make way for cultivation. Grape vines, almond and carob trees took over the space. Now, thanks to Plan E, a forest of oak and ash trees will be created. Work began on

3 October and 30,000 pine trees have been uprooted to allow for easier germination of the new trees. The new forest structure will make it more difficult for fires to spread. Biologist JaumeSoler, who is involved with the project, believes that sustainable forest management could become the ‘economic engine’ of the Marina Alta.

Pastor Clive Read talks to the animals

Just what the doctor ordered JALON VALLEY HELP’s generous donation of equipment to the Alcalali Surgery will benefit patients at the medical centre. Delighted medical staff accepted €3,225 of items, including a portable electrocardiogram, paramedic defibrillator, syringe equipment and a fingertip pulsometer. Pictured is Jalon Valley HELP President making the presentation to Dr Ana Ambel and The Nurse Agustin Oltra at the surgery, while Gilly presenAdams (far right) acted as interpreter during tation of the proceedings. items

Charity success home and away

Georgina Hervey, the charity’s President (left) and Treasurer Sylvia Jackson proudly announce the success.

HARD WORKING volunteers at the Original Charity Shop and Library helped raise the cash to make more than €66,798 in donations during 2010. The Javea-based charity supported 17 different good causes in the Marina Alta town and as far away as Pakistan over the 12 months of a successful year. Local charities to benefit included the Javea Day Care Centre, Caritas, MABS, Walk for Life, the Royal British Legion, the Javea Feral Cat Association, and APASA. And further afield in Spain charities such as the Franciscan Refuge Transformer Ap-

peal, Gandia; The Raquel Paya School for disabled children, Denia; AMADEM, Pedreguer; and EMAUS, also received help. Money also crossed oceans to aid victims of the Haiti earthquake and victims of the Pakistan floods. A spokesman for the Original charity Shop and Library said: “All this would not have been possible without the hard work of our 70 volunteers and the support of all our wonderful customers. “With the continued support of our regular or occasional customers we can make this year just as successful.”

Play time

By Jack Troughton EVERYONE IS welcome to join the fun at the new Jalon Valley Mums and Tots Club which is held every Monday morning. It is an opportunity for mothers to enjoy a chat and a cuppa at Jalon Town Hall while the youngsters play with toys before everyone comes together for music and singing games. After its successful launch, the club meets between 10.30 and 11.45 and mums are asked to pay €1 to cover refreshments. For more information, call 639 326 135

Enjoying the fun

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Puppet meister gets Royal Mail stamp of approval

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

MANY YEARS ago, before high definition telly, DVDs, video cassettes or even colour television, a series burst onto our black and white TV screens that had school kids like me spellbound. The antics of Colonel Steve Zodiac and the crew of Fireball XL5 was essential viewing every Sunday at 5.15pm. I don’t know if I should confess to this but I had a rather strange yearning for the female lead: Venus or Dr Venus I suppose, to give her correct title, was the blonde, French-accented doctor of space medicine that flew around the universe with Colonel Zodiac. She had me besotted. The only trouble was, she was only 22 inches tall and made of fibreglass! It comes to something when your first love interest is a puppet. Thankfully, Doris Day, Dusty and Sandie Shaw were soon on hand to change my ideas. Anyway, Fireball XL5 was one of a whole series of adventure shows produced down in Slough for worldwide consumption by the young film maker Gerry Anderson. And so keen was Gerry to make these shows appear life-like that a great deal of effort and attention to detail was cast into high production values. He even created a new filming concept: Supermarionation. Like The Beatles, Gerry’s work is indicative of the sixties and such is the endearing nature of his programmes their appeal has spread to subsequent generations. A few years back, Anderson was awarded the MBE for services to the film industry but last week an even bigger

honour was bestowed upon him and his pint-sized creations when the Royal Mail launched a new set of stamps based around the Supermarionation series. ‘FAB: The Genius of Gerry Anderson’, is the full title of the new issue and includes all of Anderson’s famous 60s sci-fi puppet shows. The stamps commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the first screening of Supercar, Gerry’s first series of the Supermarionation films. Anyone remember Mike Mercury, Jimmy Gibson, Professor Popkiss and Dr Beaker, or even Mitch the monkey? Maybe some do, it was a long time ago though. Arguably, Anderson’s most famous series was Thunderbirds but Supercar, along with Fireball XL5, Stingray, Captain Scarlet and Joe 90, has its own stamp. INTERNATIONAL RESCUE LICKED For such a futuristic subject as Supermarionation, a futuristic stamp was needed. How about for example, the new ‘lenticular’ stamp? “A lentiwhat stamp?” Yup - a ‘lenticular’ stamp. Jonathan Moon, CEO of the stamp’s producer Outer Aspect said, “This is the most technically-challenging stamp we’ve ever produced.” He’s not wrong there folks, it’d take Stephen Hawking to understand it and International Rescue’s Brains to explain it. All we need to say here and now is that this series of stamps are indeed Supermarionation stamps and are created

Gerry Anderson with strings attached

by a process that fuses film-making, editing and post production techniques with graphic design. Okay, here’s the science: “Sequences were meticulously trialed from the original master 35mm print at ITV and the final frames were carefully selected, exported to HD quality, digitally re-mastered and then reedited back into an all-new 36 frames sequence, for use in the complex microlenticular process.” Hmmm, did you get all that? No, me neither but when each stamp is tilted back and forth you get a marvellous action sequence of a launching Thunderbird craft and I guess that’s all one needs to know. STOP PRESS: THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO - AGAIN! Gerry Anderson told a BBC 5 Live audience: “I feel incredibly proud that my work has been chosen to appear on a set of Royal Mail stamps. And to see actual animation of the opening scenes of Thunderbirds appear on the stamps is really wonderful.” Anderson, now aged

81, also had a surprise in store that will delight superannuated schoolboys the world over. Along with the stamps he announced some breaking news. He revealed, “I’m going to make a new series of Thunderbirds - and that’s official!” I once interviewed Anderson some eight years ago and asked him if he’d ever like to revive Thunderbirds. He told me he was unable to do so because the copyright was no longer his and there were many convoluted contractual barriers. Clearly, that is no longer the case. After the ill-received live action Thunderbirds film a few years back it seems the brand is back in the rightful hands of the man who first conceived it. Anderson said, “I don’t want to sound conceited, but because I’m going to make it, I’m confident it will be a smash hit.” Gerry, I’m sure it will and we wish you well with the project. Hmmm, do you think there’s any chance of bringing Venus back too? Watts in Britain… “…anything could happen in the next half-hour...”

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

A juicy weekend at the Kamala Retreat

Spanish community in Tunisia all in good health

by competition winner Janie Smith WOW, WHAT a weekend I have had! When I won the prize of a weekend detox at the Kamala Retreat near Benissa, I really had no idea what to expect. I had never done this kind of thing before - the week prior to going I was full of trepidation and the words ‘colonic irrigation’ became my only focus in life! However, putting my fears to one side I set off with my best friend (total necessity when facing the unknown) my trackie and my trainers. On arrival we were warmly welcomed by our hosts Carol, Andy and Holly the Healing Dog. They immediately put us at ease, introduced us to the


Kamala retreat

others and showed us around. Our accommodation was spacious and immaculately clean, we had a twin-bedded room complete with a large en suite double shower. We were encouraged to make full use of all the facilities available which included a pool, tennis courts, volleyball and rebounders (mini trampolines). But we were also free to just lounge around and chill, watch the TV or DVDs and in fact just do whatever we wanted. Our staple diet for the weekend was to be juices (absolutely delicious and full of nutrients), soup (you have to experience pear and parsnip - this was to die for) and salad. We were provided with as much water as we could drink and there was an abundance of fresh fruit available at all times. During the weekend we spent a lot of time talking about a healthy lifestyle and how to acquire this. Carol and Andy both offered other treatments available including hypnotherapy, reiki, massage Me just and waxing to name a few. But of course the one we about were all slightly (in my case extremely) concerned to about was the colonic irrigation. enjoy a However, it must be said that when it came to the fabulous actual ‘deed being done’ it was nothing like the awjuice

ful experience I had envisaged - Carol made us feel totally at ease and we all agreed that we did indeed feel better afterwards. We left the centre feeling as though we had really achieved something. Yes, it was different and we did have our moments!. Naturally we felt hungry at times, we were often light headed and I did have a headache for some of the time but there was no pressure on us to do anything we didn’t want to do and if I had wanted to spend the weekend lying on my bed relaxing, then I could have. I really enjoyed the experience, the ambience, the company and the delicious juices, which I will be making plenty of now that I know how! This kind of weekend will appeal to anyone who wants to really get away from it all for whatever reason. It is also a great way to kick-start a weight loss programme. At the Kamala Centre you can totally forget the outside world for a few days. You are not only able to give your body a rest but you can let the mind relax too: a great experience with lovely people in a tranquil and peaceful setting. Thank you Carol and Andy - and thank you RTN for my lovely prize. For more information about the kamala retreat call 965 875 869 or 634 319 612

THE SPANISH community in Tunisia, currently consisting of around 600 people, is in good health according to the information made available through the Spanish Embassy. The embassy has advised them to be cautious, to avoid crowds and protests and to respect the curfew. As regards to Spanish tourists in Tunisia, some 350 people have been brought home in recent days by the main tour operators in collaboration with the Embassy. It is expected that two further Air Europa and Tunisair flights will depart Tunisia for Spain on Monday 24th, meaning that the majority of Spanish tourists in Tunisia will have returned to Spain. The Embassy is maintaining contact with the tourism agencies and tour operators in order to inform and support all those Spaniards who remain in the country. For the time being, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation continues to warn against travelling to Tunisia.



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Maximise the value of your UK pension fund! by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns IT MAY surprise readers to learn that the average UK pension fund is worth about £30,000, which although a decent amount for any of us in cash terms is only enough at age 65 to provide a pension of about £150 a month. What is more, this will be a fixed pension that will erode over time with inflation and which will stop when you die with no residual value. We do not think this is consistent with ‘maximising the value of your UK pension fund’. For many of us the availability now of a lump sum from such a fund of between £7,500 and the full £30,000 is of much greater value than a derisory income at some point in the future. PENSION RECIPROCATION For those who are UK resident or left the

UK after 5thApril 2005 we can arrange for up to 50% of the value of your UK pension to be available to you as an immediate lump sum. This is arranged through a new scheme called the ‘pension reciprocation plan’. The lump sum does not come from your pension fund; it is a facility made available to you without any form of security from another pension scheme. Part of your pension fund is invested in such a way that allows for a similar facility to be extended to members of the other pension scheme - thus the term ‘pension reciprocation’. NEW ZEALAND QROPS: If, however, you are a long term expat who left the UK before 6thApril 2005, we can arrange for up to 100% of your pension fund to be available to you as a lump sum. This we achieve through a transfer to a QROPS in New Zealand where local law permits those who reside in countries other than New Zealand to receive an immediate capital sum from their pension fund. Neither arrangement is based on any form of loophole. Both are fully in accordance with UK law. They both, however, depend

Would a lump sum cash payout help your current situation?

on your adviser having a near forensic level of understanding of how pensions law works and how you can maximise the value of your UK pension as a consequence. So if an injection of cash would help save your home from repossession, or would save your business, we think that this indeed’

maximises the value of your UK pension’. We have helped over 1,000 people do these things over the last 12 months alone, releasing lump sums of between £5,000 and £500,000. The bank will not help you but through innovative planning, we can often assist.

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, PREMIER PENSION SOLUTIONS S.L., January 2011. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 www.qrops.es www.prempensions.com or www.qropsnz.com

21- -21 27october JANUARY2010 2011 15

Is Spain set to become another Nanny State? FOR MANY who live in Spain, the year 2011 started with a huge realisation of what exactly the new smoking laws would mean to establishments and their customers. Spain has introduced the most stringent anti smoking laws in Europe at one of the very worst economic times in the by history of Spain. The bar and restaurant owners had little or no idea of the implications that this law would bring until it happened and therefore they were not prepared for the huge impact. What a shock it was. Blankets and heaters were hurriedly purchased to try and keep the customers warm in the hope that they would continue to frequent their premises. Luck has been on everyone’s side so far with the weather being very warm. What on earth will happen next week when the weather is expected to become wet and cold is anyone’s guess. Sadly there will be casualties and the closure of many bars and restaurants will not be a good thing for a struggling economy. I, like many others, moved to Spain for a number of reasons. One of them was the freedom it gave me. The UK as a Nanny State, with all its rules, regulations, and political correctness was driving me mad. I had a lot of admiration for the Spanish, as they had enormous respect for their own culture and although they were a part of the EU, they were reluctant to implement all their directives immediately, unlike the UK. Spain is also a proud nation, very protective and family orientated, and the bars and restaurants are an important part of their way of life. Indeed, for some years, they did refuse to implement the complete directive and the choice was given to bars to be either smoking or non smoking, whilst restaurants invested a considerable amount of money in partitioning and a smoke extraction system. Having invested this money, it would appear that with the introduction of the new non-smoking law that this is now all useless and more small businesses sadly have to close their doors. Timing in this entire situation is of the essence and this is just not a good time. Not surprisingly there is talk of thousands signing petitions and once again giving their parliament a headache. Watch this space. Another tough year for all of us, but what a joy to see the pound rallying and looking healthier. Whilst understanding that money is very tight, there are certain things in life that you cannot

Jennifer Cunningham

afford to be without. Car insurance is mandatory, whilst house insurance is sensible and some type of health insurance cover is essential. I understand from many of you that no, you are not going to become ill, or are too young to have serious illnesses and are certainly not going to die, therefore WHY would you need Health Insurance or a Funeral Plan? I wonder, do some of you have personal contact with ‘him up there’ who told you all this? Unfortunately, we never know when it is our time to die or to have a serious illness. All these plans/policies, as you will know, are sold by my company; not necessarily the cheapest, but they are some of the most honest on the market and the quality of the policies is second to none. In a recession, there are unfortunately many people trying to earn a living and sometimes this makes them desperate and rules are broken. Far better that you check carefully the length of time that a company has been trading and preferably opt for a registered Spanish Company either an SL or SA, where you will have more protection whilst living here in Spain. The other issue to check carefully is what the policy really offers. My telesales staff frequently hear that a person has found either a better or equal policy for less money than the one we offer. We know that in nearly all cases this is not true, especially when it comes to a house policy. For example, there is a new house insurance policy being frequently advertised which claims to be the best expatriate insurance on the market. But when comparing it, with the policy I sell, it’s a travesty and in reality it covers you for very little. How can this type of policy, at the end of the day, save you money? A policy is only as good as it claims, this is the very reason to take out the insurance in the first place. For example, I fail to understand why when offering a ‘free protected no claims bonus’ on car insurance, some people in the first instance prefer to go for a cheaper price, rather than accepting such a bonus. This means that you are allowed one fault claim per annum without it affecting your no claims bonus, which as we all know is very important to the premium. So, although the saving is not necessarily instant, it protects you and your car in the future. Be extra careful this year when trying to save a little; you could end up losing more.

Jennifer Cunningham Insurances S.L The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

“We are mo

re t h an j u

National police retirement age upped to 65

NATIONAL POLICE can now choose to retire when they are 65 years old. Previously, the age limit was 60, but reports say that most officers welcome the choice to work for a further five years. Once an officer reaches 58, he or she will be permitted to take up a position in line with his or her physical and psychological abilities.


st a v oice on the phone”



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Taking the builder to court!

IT’S NOT unusual these days for property companies, builders and promoters to find themselves in difficult financial circumstances. by Unfortunately, as a result, some people have paid money out and speculated on off-plan property but have nothing to show for it in return. It’s not Abaco Connect an easy situation to resolve. The builder is in the stronger position; having already received your money they are in control of the outcome. They can either carry out the building work or return the money. If they do neither, you will need a good lawyer to take up your case.

Pablo Arteaga

There are two stages to resolving the situation; • Cancel the contract • Arrange for any money already handed over to be returned The first stage has to be put into motion first before any money can be returned. Whilst the contract still exists, both parties are obliged to carry it out. You can start the cancellation process without going to court through issuing official notification via a notary. This must be in written form either through burofax, telegram or notary request. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases it does have to go to court in the end due to the reluctance of the builder to return the amount voluntarily. Until now, these matters have been difficult to sort out legally. The Spanish legal system requires that the contract is adhered to even when one party

isn’t fulfilling their obligations. This has resulted in some cases with the purchaser continuing to make payments to avoid being in breach themselves. Only when the breach was very serious did you get a more immediate result. However, nowadays, the economic crisis and growing consumer pressure has resulted in court tribunals appraising the situation more flexibly. It can be enough for the builder to have missed the completion deadline for the contract to be cancelled without there being the need for any further action. Once the builder is identified as the guilty party then the amount paid should be returned. However, this can be the most difficult part of the operation. In the current economic climate, especially in the construction industry, builders will often try to prolong or obstruct payment. We have come across cases where the builder deliberately has no capital or assets in his name other than building plots and properties which are already embargoed. In the light of these potential difficulties, my main advice is to make sure that you receive a bank guarantee or are insured from the moment you sign the contract. Both forms of protection were established by law in 1968 and are applied rigorously. Although the banks and insurance companies sometimes resort to the courts to try and avoid payment, having your case supported by one of these sureties is definitely beneficial. Where you don’t have one of these it is still possible to get money returned but it is much more difficult. Bank accounts can be embargoed and ultimately property seized. If obligations aren’t fulfilled then eventually

If your property is unfinished you may need a good lawyer!

the builder’s property can be sold at a public auction. The builder can end up being declared bankrupt and subject to specific bankruptcy laws. These take longer to implement and might reduce the amount returned. To conclude, if you have found yourself in these unfortunate circumstances it’s best to go to someone who is a specialist in this area, preferably with a guarantee in your hand, and proceed with a great deal of patience.

If you would like more advice about cancelling a property purchase contract or taking a builder to court call the Abaco Help-line on 0034 966 703 748 for a free consultation.

Murder trial to start MARIO GARCÍA Fernández, aka the Butcher of Elche, was arrested some months ago for the murder of his girlfriend, Mari Paz Moreno. The date for the trial has now been announced as 8 March at the provincial court in Elche. According to the Spanish press, Fendández stabbed his victim more than 30 times. He later chopped up her body and disposed of

the parts in separate rubbish bags. Two children, hunting through rubbish, found one of the victim’s hands back on 2009. Police later discovered the remaining body parts and confirmed that they all belonged to the same woman. Fendández claims he suffers from a personality disorder, but he could receive up to 30 years in prison.

Zapatero warns autonomous regions to slash spending, or else! SPAIN’S PM has told autonomous regions to cut public spending or face action from the central government. His comments were published in an interview with the Financial Times last week. Zapatero said that the central government is ultimately accountable for public spending and that they have to now lead the way in controlling it. The 17 autonomous regions have had considerable freedom to manage their budgets and have the right to finance their expenses through issuing bonds. The regions are responsible for about one third of government expenditure. Zapatero said that no autonomous region will be allowed to issue debt without backing from the central government.


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011


Non-residents’ tax and Spanish wills by

Marc White & Carlos Baos English & Spanish Solicitors

DEAR READERS, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the letters and emails received from you last year. We hope to have met your expectations and kindly ask you to please continue sending us your questions and queries during 2011. We would like to provide you with some basic details about some tax duties that we all have to comply with (as per Spanish Law) in Spain and at the same time provide property /assets owners, in Spain, with some information about Spanish Wills. 1. I.B.I Tax: this is the local council tax (in some places it is charged by SUMA - in other places it will be the Town Hall making the charges). This is a Tax based on the description and value of your property as per the Catastro records. If you are the owner of a property you should pay it unless that you own just a rustic plot. It is always interesting to check if the catastral description of your property matches

with the reality. Normally it is paid at the beginning of the last quarter of the year. 2. Rubbish: this is considered a tax but it is more of a payment for a service as we pay for having our rubbish collected. This tax is normally paid at the end of the first quarter of the year. 3. Resident Tax or Non Resident Tax This is a tax that MUST be paid by all of us as we are all either Resident or Non Resident in Spain. Until 2008 it was an obligation for Non Residents Tax persons in Spain to pay Wealth Tax and Income Tax, but on that year the Wealth Tax was abolished as (per the Law 4/2008, of December 23rd.) therefore the last Wealth Tax declaration was the one submitted for the year 2007 and presented in 2008. So if you are Non Resident in Spain and: Own a property Own a share of a property. Receive any kind of interest in your bank account (considered as income in Spain), or… Receive any kind of payment for renting out your property (considered as income in Spain), you MUST SUBMIT a Non Resident Tax return in Spain (IRNR in order to avoid any payment of interest for delay or a penalty proceeding against you from the Tax Office. In reference to Spanish Wills, we would like

to point out that it is NOT A MUST to make a Spanish Will but it is a MUST for you to know that having a Spanish Will could save your family (many years from now) health, stress headaches time and money. The intestacy rules in Spain are different form the English intestacy rules and dealing with the estate of a person who dies in Spain without a Spanish Will can become really hectic. We have pointed out many times in previous articles the many advantages to having a Spanish Will and we would be more than pleased to send you any of our previous articles in response to your email. SOME OF THESE ADVANTAGES The existence of a Spanish Will is a cost effective means of simplifying the handling of your affairs. A Spanish Will can be drawn in such a way that it will minimize the Inheritance Tax (IHT), etc. Our purpose is to make you aware of the importance of acquiring the advice available from a lawyer with experience in cross-border issues BEFORE having your Spanish Will drafted. Please make sure that whoever drafts your Spanish Will has sufficient

Asset owners in Spain knowledge of Spanish and English Law to make your Will tax efficient, cost effective, compatible with your English Will, and according to your National Law. We are sure your family will be thankful. The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. *This article is available in English and Spanish in our Web site: www.white-baos.com

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Settling in Spain and family ties

ALTHOUGH THE number of British citizens wishing to settle in Spain may have fallen in recent years during the current economic crisis, we are receiving an increasing number of enquiries from by citizens of countries outside the European Union who see Spain as an attractive place in which to make their home. We can number citizens of Russia, the USA, Canada, and India among clients who have recently consulted us. Solicitor, Link Point Legal The law regulating the rights of foreigners in Spain is contained in and Business Services two pieces of primary legislation, Law 4 of 2000, and Law 2 of 2009. First, please remember that non-EU citizens are free to buy holiday homes or investment property in Spain without any special requirements other than the usual need to obtain an NIE number. However, citizens of certain countries may need a tourist visa to enjoy their home in the Mediterranean sun. Always check your particular circumstances before committing to buy a property which you may not be free to enjoy. Unlike citizens of the European Union who enjoy the right to move and settle freely within the EU, (subject to certain exceptions which affect citizens of countries which have recently joined the EU), citizens of other countries who want to work and settle in Spain are subject to certain important restrictions. Spain is part of the ‘Schengen’ group of EU countries who have adopted a common process for granting visas to non-EU citizens to settle and work in their countries. It is most important to remember that the United Kingdom is not part of the Schengen group and has its own specific entry requirements for non-EU citizens. A prospective immigrant to Spain has to obtain a Schengen visa before arriving to settle and work in Spain. They must apply for their visa to the Spanish consulate in their home country. They cannot apply in Spain.

Michael Olmer

Their application must be supported by the following documents: • The official Schengen Visa application form. • Their complete passport ‘Legalized’ by the foreign government and translated into Spanish as necessary.

• 3 passport size photos. • A certificate showing their criminal record from the police authorities in their home country and any other country where they have previously lived, again legally translated into Spanish as necessary. • A medical certificate that they are in good health, yet again ‘legalised’ by the foreign government and translated into Spanish as necessary. • The original permit issued by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior granting permission to work and settle in Spain. If an adult family member has already been legally resident in Spain for at least one year it is possible for spouses, partners, and children to apply for visas to settle in Spain to reunite their family. Parents and in-laws over the age of 65 can also qualify for visas under the rules for reuniting families, provided that they can show that they can be accommodated and supported financially by the family. Children, Spouses and Partners over the age of 16 who qualify for family reunion visas automatically qualify for permits to work in Spain. There has recently been considerable publicity over a racket arranging sham marriages between prospective immigrants and Spanish citizens for payment. This type of marriage is a criminal offence and carries a penalty of between €10,001 and €100,000. It is also an offence to provide fake offers of employment to immigrants for which the penalty is also not only a fine of between €10,001 and €100,000 but also the employer that provided the fake offer of employment has to pay the cost of deporting the immigrant concerned. Finally, a word about divorce or separation as it affects immigrants from outside the EU. In order for spouses or partners to maintain their right to remain in Spain they must remain married and living together for at least 3 years of which they must have spent at least 1 year together in Spain. If they separate during this time to maintain their permission to live in Spain they must obtain permission to move to a separate address otherwise they could lose their right to continue living here. Before making the decision to settle in Spain, always take professional advice. This is especially important for non-EU citizens as the application for the necessary visas must always be made from outside Spain.

Losses in hospitality sector since no-smoking law THE ANTI-SMOKING law is causing financial losses of millions of euros and threatening jobs in the hospitality sector, according to the Association of Nightlife Organisations (NOCHE) in Madrid. The association say that there has been a 1 percent fall in nationwide leisure and hospitality activities, which equates to losses of €1,228 million in sales and the loss of 14,000 employees. The Spanish Hospitality Federation (FEHR) is holding a meeting to analyse the consequences of the anti-smoking law in Madrid and across the country.

Calle Andromeda 24, 03581 Albir - Alfaz del Pí, Alicante. Email: client@linkpointlegal.com Web: www.linkpointlegal.com Tel: 96 626 0500 Fax: 96 686 52 77

Fantastic apartment for holiday rental and also available through the winter months either weekly or monthly. A beautifully furnished one bedroom apartment, comfortably sleeping 4 people with fantastic sea views and a very short walk to Poniente beach. Contact us for availability and prices starting from an amazing 200€/week. OPI Alfaz S.L. Calle Ferrería 16, Local 2. 03580 Alfaz del Pi. (Alicante) UK Tel: 020 30062346 Spain Tel: 966 860 084 Fax: 0034 965 889 014 www.opialfaz.com

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Getting ready for holiday lets

Attractive Wooden Chalet, Totana, Murcia, Spain

Attractivewoodenchaletonawellestablishedholiday/residentialpark,1.5kfromthetownofTotana.2doublebedrooms. Thelivingareaisopenplanwithasittingarea,diningareaand kitchen.Showerwcroom.Thechaletis6yearsold,builtofpine with a beautiful high beamed ceiling. It is fully furnishedand ready to move into. Communal swimming pool and jacuzzi poolwithasmallbarandshop,openinthesummermonths.

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A Rare Treasure 3 Bed Property in Oliva

LocatedintheCentreofOliva.10minuteswalkingdistanceofallthe townsamenities,youwillfindthishavenoftranquility.3doublebedrooms2bathrooms(ensuite).Largeentrancehallleadingtolounge/ diningroomwithseparatekitchen.8mx4msunkenswimmingpool.

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By Guest Writer Michael Rushe of House Proud Property management & Letting

IN MY last article, ‘Your Holiday Home Alone 2’, I looked at the importance of preparing your property for the holiday season ahead. I concentrated on the physical fabric of the property such as the pool and the garden and the interior fixtures and fittings. In this article I want to highlight two less tangible aspects of holiday letting – household insurance and the ability to pay the bills. Every holiday home should have insurance but private household insurance does not cover commercial lets. If you are letting your property you should contact your insurance provider to discuss cover for commercial lets. Some providers offer a supplement scheme whereby commercial lettings cover is provided for a set time period during the year, between June and September for example. However, you may find it more straightfor-

ward and better value for money to purchase commercial lettings cover for the whole year as this gives greater flexibility in attracting holiday lets. If you have a mortgage, ensure that you contact your bank and take advice before changing your insurance provider as there may be clauses in your existing insurance precluding cancellation. Check the terms and conditions of your existing policy and if you are thinking of changing policy providers, do it sooner rather than later. Another area that can easily fall beneath the radar when preparing a property for holiday letting is the procedure put in place to pay bills and local taxes. You should, as a matter of course regularly check that there are sufficient funds to cover direct debit payments, especially for utilities and local taxes. It can be very embarrassing to have guests arrive at your property to find that the electricity is cut off and can also

hurt you financially. Not only would you have to compensate your guests but there is also the hassle and heartache of trying to reconnect the supply as quickly as possible, the expense of the reconnection charge and perhaps the cost of a new meter. In many cases a situation like this can be easily avoided by regular checks of your bank accounts and statements. Recently an owner who thought it was cheaper not to have someone professional looking after his Spanish affairs paid the price. As his guests were arriving, his bank account was embargoed, his utilities were cut off and the meters removed and he found out he owed thousands of euros in back taxes and fines. This had not happened out of the blue. He had missed the warnings because no one picked up his mail and he ignored the letters he did get because they were in Spanish: his ignorance cost him dear.

House Proud Property Management & Lettings Tel 96 578 1731 or 680 274 831 | info@houseproudindenia.com | www.houseproudindenia.com


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Welcome to the new world of web: Spanish property social media marketing A WORLD of online communication, where the concept of real estate media and audience connect, where media combines in new and exciting ways, where two-way conversations are the norm, and where communities can respond to and transform their real estate property message - overnight! SOCIAL MEDIA IMPACT Real estate social media is new, exciting and a bit scary. But it’s no fad. Millions of people join social media sites every day. In real estate, Social Networking will impact almost every private buyer, seller, commercial or residential agency, and in all parts of the World. The best way to get to grips with social media is to simply dive in. WHY IT WORKS Blabba Real Estate Social Media Network is an innovative refreshingly modern alternative to traditional property portals. It allows you to be pro-active with the management of your property marketing, by placing you in the driving seat to contact registered members looking to buy! Connecting with buy-

Spotlight: Property

ers quickly must be your number one priority to sell Spanish property today.

WHO CAN JOIN Our site is FREE for all to join. It provides valuable real estate solutions to homeowners selling privately, and sole or multi-national companies; an ideal marketing platform that simply connects buyers with sellers and agents. IS IT FOR ME? Blabba real estate social media marketing is all about soft engagement in a casual and enjoyable environment and forming real one-to-one relationships based upon common interests. For anyone new to, or trying to take advantage of social media, we understand that taking those first steps is often difficult. But Blabba is here to make your social media voyage of discovery as simple as possible. If you or your business is currently exploring social media or want to develop a real estate social media strategy, please visit us: www.blabba.us - our support team will be only too happy to assist you further.

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

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21 - 27 JANUARY 2011 15-21 JANUARY 2010

Achilles Tendon problems by

Joan McLellan

M.C.S.P S.R.P Grad Dip

I AM Joan McLellan, and I am a Physiotherapist. One of the most common ailments that I treat is damage to the achilles tendon. The achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body and is a strong, fibrous cord that connects the calf muscle to the heel. When you push off to walk or run it is the strong action of the Achilles that allows the movement. And it is the Achilles that holds you up when you rise up on your toes. CAUSES OF INJURY Activities involving ‘stop and start’ footwork put the Achilles at risk if you are not properly prepared. Always warm up and do stretches. Tennis, basket ball, badminton and squash players come high in this category, especially ‘once a week’ participants. Sometimes though, a simple accident may be the cause of injury, such as going over on the ankle on an uneven surface. However, in general it is repeated stress on the tendon which may be caused or aggravated by overuse, poor stretching habits, tight or weak calf muscles, running on hills and hard surfaces, bad footwear or flat feet. TYPES OF INJURY TENDINITIS This is an inflammation of the tendon brought about by the result of tiny tears in the tissue of the tendon. It normally occurs at the attachment of the tendon to the heel and the symptoms of this

injury include pain when walking and when you go up on the toes. There is often swelling and redness at that point and sometimes there is a creaking sound on touching or moving the tendon. BURSITIS A bursa is a sac of fluid which acts as a cushion between bones, muscle and tendons. By limiting friction it facilitates movement. Irritation of the bursa causes inflammation and this can be seen as a swelling at the back of the heel which is irritated even more by the heel of your shoe. PARTIAL OR COMPLETE RUPTURE The tendon usually tears just above the heel but it is possible that it could tear higher depending on the cause of injury. Many people actually hear it go - there is a ‘pop’ or ‘snap’ sound and it feels like a kick or a even a shot. With a partial rupture you may still be able to move the foot and experience only minor pain and swelling. A complete rupture causes severe pain, inability to walk properly, point the toes, or rise up on the toes. TREATMENT If you are active and want to resume sports, surgical repair is preferable and very effective. Basically the two ends are stitched together and then immobilised in a walking boot set in a semiflexed position so as not to stretch the tendon. The non-surgical approach is to set the

Possible problem areas

leg in the same way to allow the tendon to heal naturally; however it takes much longer and is more at risk to re-rupture. Tendinitis, bursitis and partial tears respond well to Physio using Ultrsound and advice on home treatment. REHABILITATION Recovery depends not only on the quality of the rehabilitation program but also on the commitment to recuperate prior skills. Most people return to their former level of activity within 4 to 6 months and carefully building the strength of the calf muscle is of the most importance.

PHYSIO ADVICE Alternate high impact sports with low impact sports so as not to overwork the Achilles. Always warm up and cool down, and continue calf strengthening exercises, and ideally ice the tendon after exercise. PREVENTION To avoid injury of the Achilles, gently stretch your tendon and calf before taking part in physical activities. Do the stretching exercises slowly to the point where you feel a noticeable pull, but not pain. And never ‘bounce’ during a stretch.

This article has been written by Joan McLellan, a physiotherapist since 1974. Joan has surgeries at the L’Ancora Tennis Club in Javea, at the Clinica Britannia in Calpe and The English Medical Clinic in Albir. And she will do home visits whenever necessary. For more information call 609 954 237 or email joan.mclellan@gmail.com

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Retirement and organising health care provision - part 3


Claire Cerro Atyeo, RGN

Prestige Nursing and Social Care Services

THE FIRST article was intended to provoke thought in order to instigate honesty about your current situation, health and care needs and that of the future. Part Two looked at the differing care facilities and services available. In Part Three we will look at the different types of Nursing and Care homes and semi-dependent living facilities and then in Part Four the questions you should ask and things you should look for when visiting and choosing one of these facilities. Like all things in life, you get more choice when paying. Social Nursing home placements and day care placements are available to all residents no matter what their nationality but, as in England, there are waiting lists and priority placements are dependent on medical severity. Social Services endeavours to place you or your loved one in a home closest to your area of residence but sometimes if the medical need or social situation within your home has become unsafe then a placement will be found no matter where its location. The care received on the whole is very good and in some circumstances better than you would receive in a private home; but most ex-pats have difficulty with the language barrier, for example recovering from a CVA (stroke), and needing speech therapy! There are many private international nursing homes within the Costa Blanca each offering essentially the same, single rooms, shared rooms, gym, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, but each are different in their approach and specialism. Some offer a greater emphasis on rehabilitation, which is ideal if you are recovering from an operation; others specialise on palliative and terminal care, and others on mental health. If considering entering a nursing home or looking for one for a loved one then it is important to find out what their concentration of client groups are and how you or your loved one will fit in. It is also important to ensure you know all the costings. Some nursing home facilities initially show you (only) the cost of the bed per month. I am always suspicious of this because if you are looking for a nursing home then it is because you need care so why should the two be charged separately? Other more modern facilities are self-contained apartments with emergency


Choosing the right home for your loved ones is paramount

alert systems, where you buy in the services you need whenever you need them, i.e. meals in the in-house restaurant, nursing care etc. These are fantastic if they have all the facilities available, but unfortunately there are some that are failing in the provision they provide. All good complexes should have an on-call Doctor and Registered Nurse 24/7, a small infirmary to minimise the necessity for hospitalisation, a team of nurses and cleaners that call to your apartment to provide nursing care and cleaning as needed. Other facilities will be laundry services; restaurant and resident run social activities; day centre activities; wheel chair accessibility to all areas; wet rooms rather than showers in the apartments and doorways with a minimum width of 50cm. An overhead hoist in the bedroom and bathroom as a minimum, and a pool hoist should in my opinion be as standard, but there again we do live in Spain! Day Care centres are fantastic for social stimulation and interaction, but most importantly, a useful lifeline to a carer; it is their opportunity to take time out and do something positive for themselves whilst knowing that their loved one is being cared for or having specialist treatment. Good Day Care centres offer a varying range of activities and facilities, from day trips to bathing and hairdressing, and provide transport to and from your home. As discussed, Part Four of this series will look at the types of questions you should be asking and things to look for/at when visiting or choosing a facility.

For more information Telephone Prestige Nursing and Social care Services on 687 015 517 or email info@prestigenursingcostablanca.com


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Computing Black lines appearing Hugh via email asks: Hi Aunty. You helped me last year and was successful so I’m hoping you can solve a problem my wife has. We both have an Epson Stylus SX110 3in-1. Whenever my wife uses her machine, whether printing, copying or scanning, a thick black line appears down one side. I do not have the same problem. I have compared my wife’s setup with mine and they are both identical. Can you help? Aunty Says: The first thing that springs to mind is a faulty ink cartridge so maybe try swapping them with yours and see if the problem persists. If this problem is happening when using the copy function then you can pretty much rule out anything to do with Windows or the computer itself as all-in-one printers do not actually use the PC when copying.

with aunty virus

Downloading AVG 2011 Using Ccleaner John via email asks: ON DOWNLOADING AVG 2011 (free version) I found a message telling me that I wasn’t covered because my license wasn’t valid. This had never happened with any of the free versions of AVG that I have used before. By selecting to ignore this message everything seemed to be okay. Then, following an update, the message was back and

this time, although I have selected to ignore it, it still remains. Any tips please? Aunty Says: It does sound like you have the subscription version rather than the free one John. This can happen during the install if you don’t double check what you tick/untick. You will need to uninstall all AVG related programs from Control Panel and

download the latest free one. The way I like to install AVG is to choose the ‘custom install’ and untick the ‘email scanner’ and ‘link scanner’ and watch out for any options that may case the subscription version to install. I also opt out of any scheduled scans as these can slow your computer down considerably but you must remember to do a manual scan once every two weeks.

Running Norton 360 Colin via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have Norton 360 running on my laptop, simply because a trial version was pre-installed when I bought it and I decided to subscribe. The subscription will soon be up for renewal. However, I note that you always recommend AVG and wonder whether I should renew the Norton subscription or change to AVG. Is there any particular reason why you prefer AVG? Aunty Says: This is getting to be very tough subject to deliberate Colin, as the latest generation of subscription ‘security suite’ packages (such as Norton 360 and MacAfee) have so many features bundled that it’s difficult to simply balance one package

John via email asks: Hi Aunty. I have been using Ccleaner for sometime and have no problems: the only thing that does concern me is when I run Registry Tool I am not sure if I should delete all of the item found. Most of them are MUI files and unused file extensions. Aunty Says: I steer well clear of any cleanup programme that wants to access and edit my Windows registry, purely because I have witnessed so many messed up computers. The Windows registry is a huge, complex and very delicate database that stores absolutely everything Windows needs to know to run properly and it only takes one slight error and your computer can be rendered useless. The files you are finding are harmless and take up very little room so best leave them be. Certainly let Ccleaner clear any temp files if it finds any.

against another. Add to the equation the huge amount of free security programs available and we could still be here in a month’s time. My main reasoning is that I like to get ‘hands-on’ with my computer security programs which is why I prefer the likes of the free AVG, MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware. I update each one separately and scan once every two weeks and I often notice problems that I wouldn’t have spotted had I relied on an all-in-one type of solution. I have also found most of the security suite programs are far more resource hungry than the separate free antivirus and antispyware programs and can therefore slow down your computer. Oh and they’re free!

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

How to connect in Spain

Grahame via email asks: Hi Aunty. I come over to Spain at regular intervals and bring my Dell Inspiron wireless laptop with me. Can you advise me if I can get a dongle USB stick to be able to connect to the internet while I am here so I don’t have to keep going to an internet cafe and enable me to use from my home? I am not interested in streaming or watching videos. Aunty Says: You can Grahame but you will have to make sure the provider (ISP) you choose has good mobile phone coverage in your area. If you can, try and enlist the help of family, friends and neighbors to test their mobile phone signal in your home and you will certainly save yourself a lot of unnecessary hassle.

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 141

More revision

Several people have written to me telling me that they are enjoying these tests. That is good because I have quite a few more of them up my sleeve. This week we are covering rather a wide scope of subjects, so be prepared! Firstly, we are going to look at the ending changes in the present tense of some common verbs. Answer these simple questions: If “tiene” means “he or she has”, what do “tenemos” and “tienen” mean? If “quiere” means “he or she wants”, what do “queremos” and “quieren” mean? If “vive” means “he or she lives”, what do “vivimos” and “viven” mean? If “puede” means “he or she can”, what do “podemos” and “pueden” mean? If “va” means “he or she goes”, what do “vamos” and “van” mean? (half point each – total 5) Here are some longer sentences using some of the verbs we have learnt to make slightly more interesting statements. What do they mean? Prefiero vivir en San Pedro, aunque mis hijas prefieren vivir en Asturias. Podemos jugar al tenis mañana si quieres. Vamos a comer en un restaurante este sábado. Los extranjeros en España viven bien en general, pero necesitan hacer mucho papeleo.

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011 Cuando los españoles hablan rápido, los británicos tienen problemas para entenderlos. (3 points each – total 15) “Tener” can be used on its own to mean “have”, and it can combine with “que” to mean “have to”. Here are some sentences to translate from English into Spanish. I have a Siamese cat. Do you have any pets? My daughter has to study a lot. We have to buy more food. Parents today have a lot of problems with their children. (3 points each – total 15) Now we are going to focus on the “present action” or “present continuous” tense which is made up of the verb “estar” and what we call the “gerund” or “present participle”. Here are some examples - what do they mean? Estoy escribiendo un artículo. Estoy tomando un té. ¿Qué estás haciendo? Mi madre está haciendo las compras. Mi hermana está trabajando. (1 point each – total 5) And finally, one more challenge to put things into correct Spanish. I don’t say anything. I don’t see anybody. I don’t understand anything I never go to the cinema. Nothing happens in this village. (2 points each – total 10) Answers, as usual, next week. See you then!



218-14 - 27 JANUARY 2011 2010 JANUARY

Know why you are pruning by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

IT’S NOW the major garden cutback and fruit tree pruning time of the year but before you start to use the Secateurs pole pruners or saws ask yourself why you are pruning each plant, shrub and tree to ensure you achieve the most from your efforts.

Photo 1

For instance in the first photograph lantana shrubs are being cut back hard to stimulate ‘bushy’ flower covered growth and prevent the plants becoming leggy. In the second photograph, an olive tree abandoned some years ago is being given a very hard recuperative pruning as the first step in developing an easy to harvest high yielding tree. REASONS FOR PRUNING ARE GIVEN BELOW •To shape: Heavy pruning best done as part of winter cut back except for winter flowering plants that are generally best cut back after flowering. •To stimulate blossom on fruit trees and the continuous or second flowering of plants to prevent them ‘going to seed’. •To let air and sun into the centre of fruit trees to reduce the chance of disease in an otherwise shady humid centre and enable inner fruits to ripen. •To reduce the number of ‘small fruits’ to encourage larger fruit. •To remove some buds on roses to achieve larger flowers for special displays. •To remove diseased growth before it affects other parts of a plant shrub or tree.

Photo 2

•To stop large plants, shrubs and trees from becoming ‘top heavy’ and eventually breaking or toppling over. •To reduce the chance of hitting heads or damaging eyes. •To make it safe to walk along paths especially if there are prickly or cutting leaved plants nearby. •To take cuttings for propagating new plants or grafting different varieties onto an existing tree or bush. •To remove the original variety once a cutting has taken on a branch of a fruit tree. •To cut out frost damage or branches broken in gales or by snow.

Hope the above leads to better looking and yielding plants shrubs trees and gardens this spring summer and autumn. BOOKS TO HELP YOU You will find further advice on pruning in ‘Your Garden in Spain – From planning to planting and maintenance’ in relation to the garden in general and ‘ Growing Healthy Fruit – From Strawberries to Oranges and Water melons’ specifically related to fruit trees, bushes and plants. You will find the books in major bookshops and Carrefour and on internet sites such as Santana Books, Bookworld, Amazon and The Royal Horticultural Society.

Clodagh and Dick’s practical gardening books will be found to be useful for both experienced and new gardeners coming to Spain. The useful quartet of books can be obtained from bookshops or by email from the websites of Amazon, Santana Books, Bookworld and The Royal Horticultural Society. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com January 2011.



• 6 oz of milk (or soya milk) • Peach • Apricots • Handfuls of strawberries • 2 Bananas (makes 2 glasses)

A REALLY fruity mix: slice the peaches and apricots and put in the blender with the strawberries and bananas and add the milk. Process them all until they are smooth. PEACHES contain vitamins A, B3 and C, beta-carotene, flavonoids, potassium, niacin and iron. It is anti-oxidant and anticancer APRICOTS contain beta-carotene, potassium, boron, iron, magnesium, fibre and vitamins A and C. They may help with

heart disease, normalize blood pressure and heart functions STRAWBERRIES contain vitamin C and E, ellagic acid, folic acid, beta-carotene, potassium, iron and antioxidants. They are anti-viral, anti-cancer, and effective against gout, rheumatism and arthritis. They are a great cleansing juice and good tonic for the liver BANANAS contain vitamin A and C, potassium, fibre, folic acid and magnesium. It boosts the immune system, helps to lower cholesterol and is antibacterial.

These recipes are supplied by The Kamala Centre. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at The Kamala Centre on office@thekamalacentre.com or call us on 965 985 869. If you would like a copy of any of these recipes you can download them at our website www.thekamalacentre.com www.obsidianretreat.com

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011


Discover the Costa Blanca

Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.


AS YOU approach Alzira from the south and sweep over a high bridge, you suddenly see a stunning piece of modernista architecture, the Provenencia de la Casa Real. Kitsch as kitsch can be, its columns, arches zigarat roof line are clustered with carved oranges, tiled with images of the fruit, and protected by gargoyles that also act as rain spouts. Once a warehouse for oranges – now why doesn’t that come as a surprise! – it’s now used for weddings and large corporate events. (Walk nearby and a delicious aroma of sweet things fresh from its ovens fills the air.)

Alzira Plaza Mayoy

Alzira is bursting with wanderable streets and things to while away a few hours. The ancient part of town is known La Vila and was originally an island called El Xuquer, or Al-Yazirat as the Moors knew it. The town spread to become the city of Alzira and, after its peaceful conquering by Jaime 1 – itself a bit of a rarity, liked a good bloody battle die Jaime 1 – it was given the exalted title of Villa Real, Royal Village. One of Alzira’s less pleasant claims to fame is that, due to its tendency to suffer regular plague and cholera epidemics, it was the first place where an anti-cholera vaccine was tested by it’s discoverer, Doctor Jaime Ferran, in 1885. Usually the Town Hall has the poshest building, but in the Centro Historico La Vila the Local Police don’t come off badly because the police station is a wonderful modernista confection of yellow ochre and white with a cornucopia of designs worthy of an Odeon cinema. Mind you, the casa consitorial is nothing to sniff at. A beautifully restored Gothic pile, guarded over on the day I was there by an extremely florid policeman who was insistent that he had a street map somewhere he could give me. After ten minutes searching he admitted defeat and I went on my way to discover the town myself. And that’s not difficult because La Vila is small enough not to get lost in and the streets tell their own story anyway. There are lots of little plazas, and on the

Plaza del Sufragi, the ruined 13th-century bell tower of the Iglesia de Santa Catalina is one of those wonderful photo opportunities we all look for –ancient, bleached and cracked stonework, bells hanging at obscure angles and a fig tree growing out of the ruined roof, all set against a vibrant blue Spanish sky. The church itself is currently undergoing massive restoration, which includes, sadly a new bell tower which has none of the charm of its predecessor. Opposite the entrance to the church, on Plaça Constitución, is a wonderfully fancified modernist building whose façade is totally covered in decorative tiles. It must have been an incredibly complex design plan because on close inspection you see that what appear to be single tiles are made up of interconnecting patterns which, if only one were set out of its correct position, would throw the whole façade design out of alignment. The building is delightful, but unfortunately the woodwork has been allowed to deteriorate and is sadly in need of a coat of paint. Given the fortunes the town hall has spent on its own accommodation and doing the police station up, you think they could offer a couple of cans of paint gratis to do this splendid house up. For lovers of architecture there are some lovely structures on the Plaça Constitución (and a particularly ugly 1970’s apartment block, also covered in tiles, that shows a. everyone can make a mistake, and

Alzira Police Station

b. there are tiled buildings and tiled building, and not all are worthy of merit. To discover a more modern town, but one that has plenty of delights of its own, a few minutes stroll from Plaça Constitución will take you to the Plaza Mayor, with its shade trees trimmed to the shape of great roundels of cheese and a beautiful tiled kiosk showing a map of the ancient town and historic images of the area.

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011 8-14 JANUARY 2010


We all love a bargain. The season of sales is in full swing around the World as unsold gifts and merchandise are currently offered at slashed prices. Last year there were sales before Christmas, even with festive foods, for the holiday season. Even the New Year champagne and canapés came two for one in the rundown to the celebrations of the last day of the year. Now we can browse and see reductions of 70% or maybe even more. The crowds are out to spend Christmas money and to grab something special for less! Spirit is free. One of the best of bargains, 24/7 and 365 days a year. There are no cut price promotions or any need to reduce anything for clearance. Spirit is something you can value for no cash outlay whatsoever, and it demands just a belief, and an open heart, and your love and respect helps. Spirituality may be a minority faith, but it’s the fastest growing. I have to accept the truth that most people do not believe in the Spirit World, but there are increasing numbers who do, and want to learn more. Some will be afraid and sadly never will be able to connect with their own spirituality. I strongly believe that we are all born with the same spiritual ability. Many of us use this ability throughout our lives as something we plough into living our individual lives. Maybe we don’t see this as spirituality, but whenever we have that sudden twinge, and our instincts come well into play to help us, or we get that intuitive warning; then we know something spiritual within us is in motion for some reason. We never have to question but we should know that we can. Many have wonderful stories of how they have been saved from disaster by departed family members. Our departed loved ones often choose to come through to those that they have left behind, and as such can

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Kenny, sometimes I think that there is an “evil eye” on me making things go wrong just when I think that things are getting better. There are so many changes to cope with and it isn’t easy right now, but I am also finding it hard to keep my spiritual faith going. Anita P. Anita, please don’t lose your spiritual faith. We are all being challenged, and it isn’t exactly easy for anyone right now in these challenging times. Spirit guides us through and that means a journey of life that takes on the good and the bad, and often we have no say whatsoever in the matter. With changes, having to pull the belt in, and waiting for things to get better there is a need for us to hold onto our beliefs and faiths. It is true that there are many worse off than we are in this World, and however hard things get we have to carry on. The “evil eye” is really our own negativity coming into play, and so I don’t think it exists. I sincerely hope that there are better times around the corner for us all. Call me if you need to talk!

prove the existence of the Spirit World to us as inhabitants of the Planet Earth. But if those same loved ones come through to those who do not quite understand this extention of life, for what it is; a survival of the soul, then messages and actions can be ignored or feared. Spirit has the upper hand when they feel that they are especially needed, and then they can and do come through to save the day! Love makes so much happen. Those who contact from the Spirit World do so to bring harmony and peace, but they can spook people out too! Many of us do not realise that it is not easy for departed spiritual souls to manifest, but accept that here maybe the time for a professional Medium to help with the connection. As I send a calling card, or try to tune into making a connection for clients I am working with, their energies and their sensitivities, amidst the expertise of those who have learned to communicate, makes me so proud of being a part of the result; and the difference that my specific gift allows me to make. Whether it is a message by sound, or in vision, or in sentient feelings, my job is to prove contact and whether this is in public on stage, in a Spiritualist Church, or in the privacy of my office, or wherever, the proof of survival is the main result, and all I have to offer. Back in the world of bargain basements and seasonal reductions there is always a price to pay for that special something that catches your eye. You may have to queue to get what you want, then battle to get it, but it will be worth it if the goods that you get are what you really fancy, and that you get them at the price that you want to pay. With Spirit you can shop till you drop and your faith and beliefs won’t break the bank, or max out your credit cards; surely that’s why it is what it is. Priceless!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Kenny’s Diary Readings at Maya Bistro: Albir on Monday 24th and Wednesday 26th January. Contact Els on: 966 868 213 for all information, or to make a booking. Workshops start in January 2011. Please check website for details and information regarding classes, circles and day workshops to be held in Winter/Spring.2011. Please call or email for further information or to be listed for a specific workshop. Groups and Organisations: To book demonstrations, workshops, after dinner speeches, or group readings at your location, please email or call for diary dates or further information. Development Circles and Séances start in January. Call or email for further dates and reservations.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Lucky Jupiter enters at the weekend and heralds a period of good luck, and not before time either. Things will be much clearer for you, and you will finally get your way on something that you have been holding onto for some time. A good time to put your positive energy to the test, but you really cannot go wrong if you are true to yourself; and there is such good motive to spread a little happiness around. Venus, your romantic and inspiring Planetary leader, sextiles with Saturn and moves you a step closer to taking responsibilities and steering the ship. The wisdom and power of resolute Saturn brings you freedom to plan, and to bargain towards a future where you feature more prominently and where you get to call the shots. Take control, and don’t forget to ask what you deserve whilst you’re at it! Mercury makes a move on Saturn towards the end of the week, and you will be wise if you leave any prominent decisions until then. Aspects of the Moon’s phase reflect that there are things to be done, but that time now is better spent looking at things from afar. Make your mind up because you have to live with yourself, and please yourself above all, you can’t please everyone whatever you do. Retreating into your shell isn’t an option right now, simply because there are things better faced up to than ignored. Your highly developed talents will help you bring two people together this week, and your support and advice will help them to make any necessary changes to help themselves along. Look out for promotion at work, you’re responsible and ready! A great time to establish a balance with your innermost self, and to charge your batteries, after a hectic period. Achieving equilibrium within will open your eyes to making progress and help to connect you with your highly psychic spiritual energies, which you could put to good use right now. Be careful what you take on this week, you may not immediately see what lies beneath a small request. Mercury’s tryst with Saturn paves the way for the entry into Capricorn energies. Above all eliminate fear, because the very worst that you are expecting won’t happen and all will be well for you. Put your energies into that which is worthy of both your expertise and your constancy; because you deeply deserve more than you have at the present, and a door must open up for you. Saturn retrogrades until early Summer, and chooses your third house to commence the reverse action necessary to complete the cycle. Start to re write the rules, or better still throw them all away because you have a need to be creative and intuitive, and because people will enjoy paying you for just what it is that you do best, every which way. Take a deep breath there’s work to be done. Working hard in Arian directions means that you are being chosen to complete something that somebody else started. Do not feel that you are treading on anybody’s toes; but rather that you are enhancing a project that has gone sadly stale, and which needs your hard work and determination to bring into a new and manageable state. This will give you that chance to show all concerned just what you are so capable of. Lucky Jupiter enters into Arian territory and this brings some stirring of inner energies. You may be faced with two directions bidding you on, but there is no time like the present to make plans to ensure that you get what you want, and want what you get. Be selective. Hold your head up high, but go for what it is within your heart, and that which you know is instinctively right under the circumstances. Mercury, as the hard working messenger Planet, helps you to deliver a message that you should have sent some time ago. However there is no time like the present when you can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. You are better equipped to deal with all this right now, but once and for all, send out a clear message that not only gets you off the hook, but will land you a winner at last. Being the exalted Sun sign you bring a wave of sunshine over the horoscope. You continue to send a positive message of hope and love just when and where it is needed, even though you have specific wants and needs right now that are waiting patiently on the back burner. Maybe you could put your priorities into context by asking for what you both want and need right now; but maybe you won’t? Saturn helps you bring in new instructions. Even in retrograde, energies directly from the Planet of wisdom and knowledge, are suggesting that you re-write the rules and abide by them. If others cannot see your skills, or help with them even, then you know that you can go it alone if you have to, but you must do what you are being called to do, and give it your undivided attention.

If it’s your birthday this week... Prioritise on your own specific wants and needs right now because they reflect the needs of others who are currently choosing to remain silent on a matter very close to your heart!

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011 8-14 JANUARY 2010


Word Ladders The key rule is that you must only change one letter at a time as you move from one rung to another, and the word you make must be a proper word! Therefore you may move from BATH --> BATS but not from BATH --> CASH because that changes two letters in one go which is not allowed.

Cryptic Crossword

Sudoku ACROSS 7. Sound way of communicating (2,4,2,5) 8. Travelling companion? (8) 9. Boats wrecked by a wind (4) 10. Cultivated Scandinavians (6) 12. Naughty ladies men dream of (6) 14. Key member of the office staff (6) 16. Decorate without a central point and it becomes gaudy (6) 18. It needs a nut to swallow in haste (4) 20. Not for heavy drinkers? (5,3) 22. Fagin’s pupils were members of it! (8,5)

DOWN 1. At the roadside, incidentally (2,3,3) 2. Drop it, perhaps, being apathetic (6) 3. Thought I’d get an early start (4) 4. Expressing willingness to make some sacrifice (8) 5. Fashion that is going out (6) 6. Game unsuitable for women (4) 11. Agreeing upon, and paying, one’s debts? (8) 13. Upright but lacking energy (8) 15. Eventually observing the correct rhythm (2,4) 17. What a snake may do to make one nervous (6) 19. It’s yours and mine in due course (4) 21. An original Christmas gift (4)


DOWN 1. Section of an orchestra (8) 2. Oration (6) 3. Fairy (4) 4. Rite (8) 5. Climb (6) 6. Indigent (4) 11. Inviolability (8) 13. Magnetic (8) 15. Reconnoitre (6) 17. Adopt (6) 19. Whirlpool (4) 21. Comfort (4)


Quick Crossword 7. Understanding (13) 8. Glue (8) 9. Merit (4) 10. Cat food (6) 12. Severe test (6) 14. US inventor (6) 16. Annual (6) 18. Suffer (4) 20. Store-house (8) 22. Public notice (13)

You can play these wordwheels by whatever rules you like. But there is at least one nine letter word hidden in each wordwheel (and thus using every letter in the wordwheel). For many players the fun element and biggest challenge of the wordwheel is to find a nine letter word. Other than that, the rules are up to you - but generally you should restrict yourself to only finding words that contain the central letter, as otherwise you will find huge numbers of words in many puzzles!

Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in Torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at Nemos (Next to RTN offices in La Nucia) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 585 60 54

North Winners, meal for 2 at the Nemos. La Nucia’s newest, Bistro and takeaway

Nemos call 682 707 580

Euromillions Draw Friday 14th january

2 14 24 39 44 6


No ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£12,657,000) jackpot prize

Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 41. Crossword winner for issue 587: John McCormack

music scene


Rob Sweeney - Singer/Entertainer


OB IS a seasoned performer with a rich and powerful voice which he puts to excellent use, whether singing pop and soul classics or songs from the shows - some of which he’s starred in having studied and performed in musical theatre Compiled by over the previous few years. As a cabaret artist he’s toured extensively throughout the UK, especially well received in Blackpool where, after battling through several gruelling heats he won the Bass Brewery Star Search 2000, securing some prestigious work performing in their touring roadshows. Rob is a class act with a versatile repertoire to suit all audiences. For more information phone: 609 320 924 or visit: www.robsweeney-singer.tumblr.com GIGS IN JANUARY • Sunday 23rd Bar Quo Vadis, Javea • Saturday 29th Le Cabaret, Cumbre del Sol Benitachell GIGS IN FEBRUARY • Wednesday 2nd Chino Happy Garden, Ctra. Moraira-Calpe

Eric Taylor

Johnny & The Cougars Rock N Roll Band

JOHNNY & THE Cougars are a four piece 50s & 60s Rock ‘n’ Roll Band playing covers of Elvis, Buddy Holly, Bo Didley, Cliff Richard & The Shadows, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and many more 50s & 60s greats! They have established themselves with a reputation for providing good entertainment and bringing back some nostalgia. For more information phone: 965 581 405 or check out: www.johnnyandthecougars.com JANUARY GIGS • Saturday 22nd Bar La Luna, Alcalali • Friday 28th The Orange Grove Bar/Rte. Denia

One Spirit Acoustic Duo ‘ONE SPIRIT’ is a duo featuring Irish Des and Kirsty Orr who will be playing a concert at the Espai La Senieta, Moraira on Friday, 28th January at 19.30. They will be playing the best of Irish and Scottish music along with a selection of wellknown contemporary classics. Kirsty will be playing the fantastic in-house baby grand piano, accordion and the tin whistle and Des will be playing acoustic guitar, mandolin and singing. The concert has been organised by the Teulada/Moraira Lions Club and is part of their fund raising activities. Tickets can be reserved by ringing 965 747 343 and cost €7.50. ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 or 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com I f there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column,please contact Eric directly.

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Song for World Cancer Day by Jack Troughton


ELODY MAKERS International is singing at a special Costa Blanca concert to mark World Cancer Day and raise money for a cancer charity. The 50-strong Torrevieja-based group, founded and coached by renowned singer and conductor Nigel Hopkins, is visiting the Casa de Cultura, Alfazdel Pi on Friday, 4th February to help the local branch of the Spanish charity AECC. The charity provides assistance, information, and support, to patients and their families. And Melody Makers International, with members from a number of countries, return with a new show called ‘An Evening of Music from the Movies’, which features numbers Melody Makers from such blockbusters as Dr Zhivago, Born Free, the Deer International Hunter, and Ghost. To give everyone an opportunity to attend, entrance is on However, there is a section of the auditorium where seats a first come first served basis, and the audience is asked to can be booked in advance for the 20.00 concert by calling make a minimum donation of €5 for a seat. Pamela on 966 860735.

Jubilee Jazz band returns to Moraira

The band in action

THE JUBILEE Jazz Band returns to Monroe’s Carvery on Tuesday 18th January at the usual time of 20:30. Don’t miss this exciting performance. 2011 PERFORMANCES Tuesday 11th January: Restaurante Hípica, Centro Hípico Javea, 19:50 & 21:50 Tuesday 18th January: Monroe’s Carvery, 20:30 Tuesday 25th January: Restaurante Hípica, Centro Hípico Javea, 19:50 & 21:50 Tuesday 1st February: Monroe’s Carvery, 20:30 Tuesday 8th February: Restaurante Hípica, Centro Hípico Javea, 19:50 & 21:50 Tuesday 15th February: Monroe’s Carvery, 20:30 Tuesday 22nd February: Restaurante Hípica, Centro Hípico Javea, 19:50 & 21:50 For reservations phone: 965 761 731: Mike Summers (trumpet/tuba/music director) 635 241 588. www.thejubileejazzband.com

Shake a leg for SCAN By Jack Troughton CAT CHARITY SCAN is holding a fund-raising Supper Dance on 29th January at El Cid in Benidoleig. Guests of the Society for the Care of Animals in Need will enjoy shaking a leg to the music of Black Gold and a traditional fish and chips or chicken and chips supper. Tickets cost €13 each and can be bought by calling Val on 663 739 702 or Patricia on 666 366 966 – and it is hoped some will be left to be purchased at the El Cid bar. Work on SCAN’s shelter for rescued cats continues and it is planned to stage a grand opening in the near future.

Gala Goodbye for Joseph Excitement is mounting among Footlights members, who are now winding themselves up into action to say a fond and spectacular farewell to their “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” this Sunday. For those who missed this wonderful family show, with a cast of 55, or want to see it again, there will be a final performance in the prestigious Benidorm Palace, on Sunday 23 January 2011 at 8.00pm. Tickets price 15 €uros are

available from Benidorm Palace box office, Tel: 965 851 660. (Show only – no food available). Footlights have recently made donations totalling 4000€, to local charities in Calpe and la Nucia from “Joseph”. This brings to an impressive total of 5600€, the group has raised for local worthy causes, in the past 6 months. Rehearsals will begin in early February for Footlights 2011 production of “Fiddler on the Roof”.


Sunday Evening 23rd January Live Music with Zodiac Valentines Night Monday 14th February Romantic Candlelit Dinner live music from guitarist John Antony

Tel 96 640 5398 For reservations

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40 61

2114 - 27 JANUARY 2011 - 20 may 2010

Glee over CSI return

The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

I’VE ALWAYS been a massive fan of American TV from the cowboy era of ‘Wagon Train’ and ‘Bonanza’, through the seventies detectives of ‘Columbo’ and ‘Cannon’ and modern day shows like ‘24’ and ‘The Wire’. When the Yanks have a TV hit, they back it up big time, as the dollar signs light up, but just one whiff of a flop and that show is canned, sometimes after just one outing. We’re actually in a pretty good position on this side of the water, as we generally only get to see the hits and quality programmes, as opposed to the duds. So it’s an extremely warm welcome back to ‘CSI Las Vegas’ and its second spin-off, ‘CSI New York’, both on Channel Five. I’m constantly amazed by the sheer ingenuity of the writers to come up with bizarre situations and twists in these programmes. You have to be on some kind of weird medication to keep coming up with some of the most macabre killings for the CSI’s to get their teeth into. In fact the CSI franchise has over the years reached the point where some policemen in the States are infuriated by it, as the criminal fraternity watches it to pick up tips on how to avoid being caught by the authorities!

‘Glee’ was the monster debut hit of the last American season, and the second series on Channel 4 and E4 is already offering tons of good spirit and musical routines, along with the show-stealing performance of Jane Lynch as the nasty teacher, Sue Sylvester. Her one-liners are classic stuff and offer some of the best laughs of the week. It’s hard to believe that the production team behind this is the same one that brought us the controversial plastic surgery drama ‘Nip Tuck’. The American cup has been running over big-time, with the return of the brilliant vampire drama ‘True Blood’ on FX, which makes the overrated ‘Twilight’ films look like a cheese and wine party. Then on CSI the rarely viewed ‘Watch’ channel, which had the Las decency to bury the careers of ‘Richard and Judy’, we Vegas have an entertaining yarn of an American foursome nights. Backed by Ridley Scott, the show has many being given superhero powers, called ‘No Ordinary layers running through it, and an excellent lead Family’. It’s great to see Michael Chiklis, who made performance from Julianna Margulies who made her his name playing the thuggish cop Vic Mackie in name as Mr.Clooney’s other half in ER. ‘The Shield’ doing something very different. And Good times indeed if you like your TV drama I must not forget the second series of the legal done American style, which I most certainly do. drama, ‘The Good Wife’ on More Four on Thursday There’s little doubt of the high quality that is being produced, attracting many top movie names to get involved, like Martin Scorsese in his new gangster/ prohibition series, ‘Boardwalk Empire’. It’s been running on Digital+ for the last few weeks, and comes to Sky’s new Atlantic channel next month. It’s well worth watching, especially for the wonderful Steven Buscemi in a totally different type of role for him. Finally, having moaned at the BBC last week for moving away from period and classic drama, then off they promptly go and announce that there are shooting a new version of Great Expectations for next Cast Christmas. No complaints from yours truly on that of score! Glee

tv Friday 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Land Girls 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Dani’s House 17:30 Tracy Beaker Returns 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 QI 22:00 Hustle 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Graham Norton Show 24:20 National Lottery Friday Night Draws 24:30 Point Break

08:00 Childrens TV 10:10 Koala Brothers 10:25 Sesame Tree 10:40 Big & Small 10:55 Guess with Jess 11:05 Postman Pat 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Live Bowls 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Julia Bradbury’s German Wanderlust 20:30 An Island Parish 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 22:00 Can’t Take It with You 23:00 Fast and Loose 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show 24:50 The Planets


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

06.30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Children’s Hospital 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Take Me Out 24:50 30 Years of An Audience With

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 09:25 According to Jim 09:55 Wife Swap USA 10:55 Desperate Housewives 11:50 Will My Crash Diet Kill Me? 12:55 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:10 Three in a Bed 13:40 Jamie at Home 14:05 Heaven Knows, Mr Allison 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Planning Outlaws 21:00 Relocation: Phil Down Under 22:00 The 50 Funniest Moments 2010 24:10 British Comedy Awards: The Nominations

08:15 Childrens TV 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Business Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Family Recipe 15:55 Animal Rescue Squad 16:10 Acceptance 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:55 NCIS 24:55 Cops in Crisis

06:10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted: Families 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 WWE Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Futurama 21:30 Futurama 22:00 A League of Their Own: Unseen 23:00 Got to Dance 24:00 Got to Dance

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:30 Live Biathlon 15:45 Ski Jumping 16:30 Live Ski Jumping 18:15 Game, Set and Mats 18:45 Live Rallying 20:45 Football 22:00 Biathlon 23:00 Rallying

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Bones 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

CROSSWORD ANSWERS 587 CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Opts; 8 Exasperate; 9 News-reel; 10 Siam; 12 Strays; 14 Stigma; 15 Direct; 17 Wagers; 18 Into; 19 Pageants; 21 Crossroads; 22 Owns. Down: 2 Pedestrian; 3 Sees; 4 Capers; 5 Spills; 6 Dressing; 7 Beam; 11 Admiration; 13 Alehouse; 16 Topers; 17 Wigwam; 18 Inch; 20 Also. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Cask; 8 Impossible; 9 Decisive; 10 Each; 12 Gamble; 14 Mutiny; 15 Dilate; 17 Sordid; 18 Once; 19 Contract; 21 Underrated; 22 Ewer. Down: 2 Alteration; 3 Kiwi; 4 Sprite; 5 Esteem; 6 Director; 7 Mash; 11 Confiscate; 13 Bracelet; 16 Escort; 17 Sanity; 18 Onus; 20 Rude. Word Wheel: Increment



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tv Saturday

42 40

21 - 2726 JANUARY 2011 Feb - March 4 2010

07:00 Brainiac: History Abuse 08:00 Vet Adventures 09:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 10:00 Best of Oops TV 11:00 Soccer AM 13:00 My Pet Shame 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Oops TV 16:00 Journey to the Center of the Earth 17:45 Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow 18:00 Futurama 19:00 The Middle 20:00 The Simpsons 21:00 Futurama 22:00 Dude, Where’s My Car? 23:40 Road Wars 24:40 Road Wars


08:00 Freesports on 4 08:25 GT Academy 08:55 The Morning Line 09:50 Friends 10:20 Olly Murs’ Hot List! 11:25 Glee 12:25 The Album Chart Show Introduces Diddy’s Dirty Money 12:40 Friends 13:10 Friends 13:45 Big Bang Theory 14:15 Big Bang Theory 14:45 Channel 4 Racing 16:50 Come Dine with Me 17:20 Come Dine with Me 17:50 Come Dine with Me 18:25 Come Dine with Me 18:55 Come Dine with Me 19:25 Channel 4 News 19:50 4thought.tv 19:55 Night at the Museum 22:00 British Comedy Awards 24:05 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Little Princess 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Play! 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 The Milkshake! Show 11:00 Animal Rescue Squad 11:20 Jurassic Park: The True Story 12:20 Secrets of the Blitz: Revealed 13:20 Emergency Bikers 14:20 Logan’s Run 16:35 Chisum 18:50 Five News 18:55 McQ 20:50 NCIS 21:45 CSI: Miami 22:40 CSI: NY 23:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:40 Forensic Files

08:00 Basil and Barney’s Game Show 08:30 Arthur 09:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 09:30 Deadly 60 09:55 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 10:00 Barney’s Latin America 10:30 Roar 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 Jubal 15:25 Live Bowls 18:15 Ski Sunday 19:00 Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness 20:00 Funny Side of Live TV 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 Arctic with Bruce Parry 23:00 Match of the Day 2 23:50 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 24:25 Pulp Fiction

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Mini CITV 08:25 CITV 10:25 May the Best House Win 11:25 The Biggest Loser 12:30 This Morning: Sunday 13:30 Dinner Date 14:25 ITV News 14:35 Columbo: Swan Song 16:35 Midsomer Murders 18:40 Granada News 18:55 ITV News 19:10 Dancing on Ice 21:30 Wild at Heart 22:30 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23:00 That Sunday Night Show 23:30 ITV News 23:45 Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford 24:45 Cops with Cameras

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 Great Salford Swim 08:30 That Paralympic Show 08:55 Battlefront 09:10 Friends 09:40 Hollyoaks 12:10 Glee 13:15 The Simpsons 13:50 The Simpsons 14:20 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 14:55 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 15:25 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 15:55 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 16:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:10 Stardust 20:30 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 What Happens in Vegas 24:00 British Comedy Awards

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Little Princess 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Family! 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 The Milkshake! Show 11:00 How Do They Do It? 11:30 How Do They Do It? 12:00 Cowboy Builders 13:00 Mickey Mouse: Lonesome Ghost 13:10 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain 14:50 See Spot Run 16:40 Aladdin 18:30 Five News 18:35 The Fifth Element 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 The Transporter 23:50 True Romance

06:10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 07:00 Hour of Power 08:00 Vet Adventures 09:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 The Real A&E 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Real Filth Fighters 15:30 The Middle 16:00 The Middle 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 The Simpsons 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Got to Dance 20:00 Got to Dance 21:00 Got to Dance 21:30 The Simpsons 22:00 Lethal Weapon 2 24:10 House

08:00 Childrens TV 11:40 Chuggington: Badge Quest 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Climbing Great Buildings 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Escape to the Country 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Baking Made Easy 22:00 Horizon: Science Under Attack 23:00 Episodes 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 An Island Parish 24:50 The Planets

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Lakes 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Biggest Loser 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 The Zoo 24:35 That Sunday Night Show

07:00 The Treacle People 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 09:25 According to Jim 10:00 Wife Swap USA 10:55 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Relocation: Phil Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Three in a Bed 13:35 The TV Book Club 14:05 Murphy’s War 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Birth of Britain 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:05 Joy of Teen Sex

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Rory and Paddy’s Even Greater British Adventure 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Family Recipe 15:55 Animal Rescue Squad 16:10 Murder at the Presidio 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 Layer Cake 24:10 Death Wish II

07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted: Families 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Road Wars 22:00 Dream Lives for Sale 23:00 Mental 24:00 Inside: The Prison Code

06:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Baking Made Easy 13:00 BBC News; Regional News 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Australian Open Tennis 15:30 Live Bowls 17:30 Final Score 18:10 BBC News; Regional News 18:30 Hole in the Wall 19:00 All New Total Wipeout 20:00 The Magicians 21:00 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 21:50 Casualty 22:40 Come Fly with Me 23:10 BBC News 23:30 Match of the Day 24:50 The Football League Show

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 09:30 Project Parent 10:00 Dick & Dom’s Funny Business 11:00 Trapped Ever After 11:30 OOglies 11:45 The Slammer 12:15 My Life 12:40 MOTD Kickabout 13:00 Murder, She Wrote 13:45 The Musketeer 15:20 The Kid 17:00 Flog It! 17:45 Escape to the Country 18:45 Bear Family and Me 19:45 Dad’s Army 20:15 The Return of ‘Allo ‘Allo! 22:00 QI XL 22:45 The Tudors 23:40 Nurse Jackie 24:10 Fast and Loose 24:40 Bowls

06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 Breakfast 08:35 Match of the Day 10:00 Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 The Politics Show 14:00 Bargain Hunt 14:30 Escape to the Country 15:30 EastEnders 17:25 My Family 17:55 Songs of Praise 18:30 BBC News; Regional News 19:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22:00 Terry Wogan’s Ireland 23:00 BBC News; Regional News 23:25 Gavin & Stacey 23:55 Gavin & Stacey 24:25 Sirens

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Big Performance 17:30 Blue Peter 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Stop Stalking Me: Panorama 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 A Question of Sport 24:05 Late Kick Off

tv Sunday

07:00 Mini CITV 08:25 CITV 10:25 Coronation Street 12:45 This Morning: Saturday 13:45 Monk 14:40 ITV News 14:45 Honey 16:30 Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 19:05 Granada News 19:15 ITV News 19:30 Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp 20:00 Primeval 21:00 Take Me Out 22:15 Benidorm 23:15 ITV News 23:30 The 40 Year Old

tv Monday

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 11:30 Live Alpine Skiing 13:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:30 Cross-Country Skiing 15:30 Live Biathlon 16:15 Live Ski Jumping 18:15 Cross-Country Skiing 18:55 Wintersports Weekend 19:00 Game, Set and Mats 19:30 Cross-Country Skiing 20:15 Biathlon 21:00 Fight Club 23:00 Football 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:30 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings US 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 America’s Next Top Model 13:00 The Biggest Loser US 15:00 Half Ton Teen 16:00 Nothing to Declare 16:30 Nothing to Declare 17:00 Thunderpants 18:45 Celebs 24/7 19:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith ITV 1, 16.30

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:45 Live Ski Jumping 16:30 Nordic Combined Skiing 17:15 Biathlon 18:00 Biathlon 19:10 Wintersports Weekend 19:15 Game, Set and Mats 19:45 Rallying 20:15 Australian Open Tennis 23:00 Australian Open Tennis 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

Larkrise to Candleford BBC 1,21.00

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:00 Australian Open Tennis 17:45 Game, Set and Mats 18:15 Eurogoals 18:30 Ski Jumping 19:45 Biathlon 20:45 Australian Open Tennis 23:15 Australian Open Tennis 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

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08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:30 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings US 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Half Ton Teen 13:00 Thunderpants 14:45 Celebs 24/7 15:00 Nothing to Declare 15:30 Nothing to Declare 16:00 Home Alone 3 18:00 America’s Next Top Model 19:00 Fat Families 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Nikita 22:00 America’s Next Top Model 23:00 Four Weddings US 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Tuesday

JANUARY 2011 Feb 21 26--27 March 4 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 My Almost Famous Family 17:30 Blue Peter 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The Science of Pain and Pleasure with Michael Mosley

08:00 Childrens TV 10:40 Big & Small 10:55 Guess with Jess 11:05 Postman Pat 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:40 Chuggington: Badge Quest 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Climbing Great Buildings 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Coast 20:30 Match of the Day Live 23:00 How TV Ruined Your Life 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Planets

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Grimefighters 21:00 The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Bloody Sunday

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 Wife Swap USA 10:55 Desperate Housewives 11:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Three in a Bed 13:35 Ice Cold in Alex 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 22:00 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 23:00 Shameless 24:10 Big Bang Theory 24:40 Big Bang Theory

07:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Rory and Paddy’s Even Greater British Adventure 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Meals in Moments 16:00 Plainsong 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Red Sea Jaws 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 23:55 CSI: NY 24:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

06:10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted: Families 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Got to Dance 22:00 Got to Dance 23:00 Got to Dance 23:30 A League of Their Own 24:00 Lie to Me

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Copycats 17:30 M.I. High 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Rip Off Britain 21:00 DIY SOS: The Big Build - Chippenham 22:00 Crimewatch 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Crimewatch Update 23:45 National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

08:00 Childrens TV 10:40 Big & Small 10:55 Guess with Jess 11:05 Postman Pat 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:35 Waybuloo 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Car Booty 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Michel Roux’s Service 22:00 Posh and Posher: Why Public School Boys Run Britain 23:00 Have I Got Old News for You 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 League Cup Show

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The National Television Awards 2011 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 The Secret Caribbean with Trevor McDonald 24:35 Police, Camera, Action!

07:00 The Treacle People 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 09:25 According to Jim 09:55 Wife Swap USA 10:55 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Country House Rescue 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Three in a Bed 13:35 River Cottage Bites 13:40 McLintock! 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Will My Crash Diet Kill Me? 22:00 Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 23:00 Joy of Teen Sex 24:05 Shameless

07:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Rory and Paddy’s Even Greater British Adventure 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 While My Pretty One Sleeps 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Monkey Life 21:00 Cowboy Builders 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 23:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 24:55 Poker

07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted: Families 15:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Dream Lives for Sale 22:00 Louie Spence’s Showbusiness 23:00 Lie to Me 24:00 Ross Kemp on Gangs

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Copycats 17:30 Horrible Histories 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Human Planet 22:00 Come Fly with Me 22:30 Not Going Out 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

08:00 Childrens TV 11:40 Chuggington: Badge Quest 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Climbing Great Buildings 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Who Does What? 21:00 Michel Roux’s Service 22:00 Men of Rock 23:00 Great Outdoors 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Alice Sommer Herz at 106: Everything Is a Present

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 North v South: Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Kidnap and Ransom 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Odd One In 24:20 Party People 24:50 Grimefighters

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 Wife Swap USA 11:00 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Help! My House Is Falling Down 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Three in a Bed 13:40 River Cottage Bites 13:50 Gunfight at the OK Corral 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Relocation, Relocation 22:00 Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day 23:00 10 O’Clock Live 24:05 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

07:00 Childrens TV 09.30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Rory and Paddy’s Even Greater British Adventure 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Meals in Moments 16:00 Separated by Murder 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Britain’s Secret Schindler: Revealed 22:00 JLC: Turning Japanese 23:00 The Wicker Man

tv Wednesday

tv Thursday

07:15 Australian Open Tennis 09:30 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:15 Live Football 16:30 Australian Open Tennis 17:45 Live Alpine Skiing 18:45 Australian Open Tennis 19:45 Game, Set and Mats 20:15 Alpine Skiing 20:45 Live Alpine Skiing 21:30 Football 23:30 Football 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

43 43

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Fat Families 22:00 Supersize Kids 23:00 Tourette’s on the Job: Hidden Lives 24:00 Criminal Minds

Gok’s Clothes Show Channel 4, 21.00

07:15 Australian Open Tennis 09:30 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:30 Live Figure Skating 17:30 Game, Set and Mats 18:05 Wednesday Selection 18:10 Riders Club 18:15 Wednesday Selection 18:25 PGA Tour Golf 19:25 European Tour Golf 19:55 Golf Club 20:00 Yacht Club 20:10 Live Figure Skating 22:30 Australian Open Tennis

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:30 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Four Weddings US 22:00 Bones 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy 24:00 Criminal Minds

07:15 Australian Open

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Sleeping with the Enemy 23:50 Celebs 24/7 24:00 Criminal Minds

Bones Living, 22.00

06:10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted: Families 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 House 22:00 Thorne: Scaredy Cat 23:00 A League of Their Own 23:30 A League of Their Own 24:00 Inside: The Prison Code

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21 - 2726 JANUARY 2011 Feb - March 4 2010


Scott Hamilton plays San Javier J

Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

AZZ SAN JAVIER kicks off the XI edition of the Músicas del Alma winter programme on Saturday 22nd January with the first of four concerts, opening with American tenor saxophonist Scott Hamilton, joined by singer-pianist Dena DeRose in a quartet which also includes double bassist Horacio Fumero and drummer Esteve Pi. Hamilton had an early introduction to jazz through his father’s record collection but received no formal tuition apart from some clarinet lessons at the age of eight. At about sixteen he began playing the saxophone seriously. In 1976 he moved to New York City, joining Benny Goodman. In 1977 he recorded his debut album for Concord Records, with whom he would have a long recording career under his own name, and as one of the Concord Jazz All Stars. He was also a backing musician for Rosemary Clooney. Awarded the ‘Ronnie’ for International Jazz Saxophonist of the Year in the 2007 inaugural Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Awards, Scott Hamilton is in demand the world over. At Músicas del Alma he is joined

by Dena DeRose, quoted by Joel Siegel of the Washington City Paper as the most creative and compelling singer pianist since Shirley Horn. Other artists appearing are Sole Giménez (2nd February), Steve Lukather (12th March) and Kenny Neal (2nd April). All the concerts will take place in the Municipal Marquee in the Parque Almansa in San Javier with tickets at €10 available from the San Javier Festival Offices (ground floor, San Javier Town Hall). Tickets can also be purchased at the auditorium ticket office on the night. Information and Reservations: Festival Offices: 968 191 588 and 968 191 568. More info at www. jazz.sanjavier.es

Scott Hamilton

More festival and concert information at www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus

you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

Book Review by

Danny Collins


The fact that this book was voted Richard & Judy’s Summer Read of 2008 should be enough to deter most people. It certainly stood me at bay until my wife told me she had read Kate Morton’s earlier triumph The House at Riverton and enjoyed it immensely. We don’t always agree on books – if we had a boiler she’d light it with Ian Rankin – but we do have similar tastes for the enigma of the plot, especially when it concerns age old family skeletons brought to light, something at which Kate Morton excels. Thus I found myself inveigled in a story that begins in 1913, when an Australian harbourmaster finds a three-year-old waif sitting on her tiny suitcase on the quay when an ocean liner from London disgorges its passengers. All she can remember of the journey is being hidden among some deck crates before the ship sailed by a mysterious woman whom she knew as the Authoress, who then vanished without trace. As an old lady the child whom the harbourmaster and his wife adopted and called Nell travels to England to discover her origins, her only clues are what was contained in that small white suitcase that had accompanied her from England over sixty years before. Her quest leads her to Cornwall and an estate called Blackhurst Manor, once owned by the titled Mountrachet family. Nell

The Forgotten Garden

goes to her grave with the secrets she discovered there but on her death thirty years later, her granddaughter Cassandra discovers that Nell has left her Cliff Cottage, an abandoned dwelling with a mysterious walled garden on the Blackhurst Estate that is notorious among the locals for a secret scandal that split the family asunder so many years before. Was Nell in truth the tragic Ivory Walker who reportedly died of scarlet fever aged three and was never spoken of again; and who was the mysterious Authoress who abandoned her on the Australia bound ship? Personally, I couldn’t put the book down in my old maid’s urge to hear all

the gossip and discover the truth. Kate Morton, bless her, obligingly kept me strung out for every one of the 645 pages. Well, would you ever? What a plot, what a story, what a read. I shall be following Kate Morton’s star which is definitely in ascendency and revelling in her masterly and dastardly plots at every opportunity. I suggest you order this book today and prepare that sofa for a long occupancy. This is thoroughly recommended reading for anyone who enjoys a good mystery. Thoroughly recommended. Author: Kate Morton Publisher: Pan (paperback) Price: 10 euros ISBN: 978 0 330 44960 1

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

A New Year and a new Lion Can you AT THE first Lions Club meeting of 2011, Lion President Iain Bennett was delighted to perform the first induction ceremony of the New Year welcoming new member Simon Moore to the Club. In a year when the Torrevieja Costa Lions are working on recruitment and retention of members, Simon is a welcome addition to the Club and was welcomed warmly by Club members. On the week of the first anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti, when the plight of the people of Haiti has once again been the subject of high profile news reporting, Iain was able to inform the Club that despite the apparent lack of planning within Haiti to return the country to some form of normality with renewed infrastructure, Lions are still there working effectively. To date, Lions have built houses for over 600 families and approximately 2,000 people are now in substantially constructed houses thanks to the work of the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). Around 5,000 new homes have been constructed so far,

so the LCIF contribution has been significant. The Lions on the ground in Haiti will remain there until those most in need are returned to some form of normality: Lions were among the first to arrive after the disaster and will be among the last to leave.

help HAH? FOLLOWING THE recent success of the HAH Help at Home team we are now urgently seeking caring volunteers in the San Pedro del Pinatar area. We have been offered the services of a qualified nurse in this area and she will need carers to assist her. Qualifications are not required other than being able to offer practical help and maybe a shoulder to lean on. If you would like to find out more about HAH Help at home, visit www.helpathome.es. If you can offer a little time (to suit yourself) please email helpathomespain@gmail.com or telephone Jackie on 968 575 231 or Lesley on 968 134 978.

Lion Simon

Dolls for charities

Spangles sparkle for MABS

Knitting dolls for charity

JOANNE BEEFORTH put her love of knitting to good use knitting beautiful dolls – not just dolls’ clothes (she does that as well) but the dolls themselves, with lovely smiling faces. Joanne will knit a ballerina doll or a ‘Puss in Boots’ look-alike, in fact everything from football mascots to the golliwog favourites of yesteryear. Despite being busy looking after her husband and chief wool-winding assistant Gordon, who suffers with Alzheimer’s, Joanne finds the time to knit dolls for charities, recently donating €100 to the Alzheimer’s Association of Torrevieja. A second sum of €100 was donated to the ‘Buy-a-Brick Project, started to raise €500,000 towards achieving a residential home for patients and carers. Joanne took a selection of her dolls along to the Torrevieja Knitting Club, meeting each Monday afternoon at the Age Concern Centre in La Siesta. The members were all delighted and praised Joanne’s imagination and expertise in producing such a variety and of such high quality.

Donation for Alzheimers’ Association

On Tuesday 11th January Mrs. Jessie Graham, together with her friend from the Christian Fellowship Church of Torrevieja met with Matilde Sanchez at the AFA Day Centre to hand over a wonderful donation of 400€ with a request that it be used to “Buy-a-Brick” towards the new Residential Centre Project. Mrs. Graham’s husband had suffered with Alzheimer’s disease, and whilst he has now passed away, she wanted to support the dream of having a Centre where patients


and families could receive respite care. It is often the carers and families who carry the burden that this cruel disease brings, and to be able to have a facility where their loved one can be looked after, whilst they can have time to re-charge their batteries or just have some restful time for themselves and other members of the family. This donation was a very welcome boost to the “Buy-a-Brick Project. Thank you Jessie!.

SPANGLES LADIES’ Harmony Chorus recently handed MABS Fundraising Coordinator Janet Bell their 2010 fundraising cheque for €388. “We have supported MABS Murcia/Mar Menor since it began and the chorus has unanimously voted to support the charity again in 2011.” said coChorus Manager, Anthea Prentice. Spangles sang at several MABS events, including Café Golf, Serena Golf Hotel and the opening of the new MABS Cancer Centre in San Javier. Councillor Isabel Montesinos Mercader helped draw the winner of the Christmas and New Year Quiz. Congratulations to the winner of the €50 prize, Mr George Turner

of Los Alcázares. Spangles is now preparing for the 3rd annual convention of the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) in San Pedro del Pinatar, 8th to 11th April, to include gold medal choruses and quartets from the UK, with SABS members from all over Spain and Portugal attending. Tickets at €8 for the two shows, Saturday, 9th April and Sunday, 10th April will soon be on sale. To enquire to join, visit Spangles in rehearsal at Las Claras - every Thursday from 10.30 to 13.00, call Lyn on 968 432 525 or Anthea on 968 334 527 or visit www.spangleschorus.com

Spangles handing over cheque

Torrevieja U3A Annual General Meeting TORREVIEJA U3A will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, 27th January at Los Arcos Restaurant, Torrevieja. Doors open at 10.00 and formal proceedings will commence at 10.30. The bar will open for refreshments at 09.15. There will be an opportunity for everyone to renew their membership and those with valid 2011 membership will be eligible to vote for Officers and the Committee. The annual membership fee remains at €12. Following the formal part of the proceedings the Groups Exhibition will open. This is the second exhibition staged by U3A. Group Leaders will be in attendance so everyone will have an opportunity to find out more about the wide range of subjects and activities on offer.

PALS summer special Jessie and her friends

A CHAMPAGNE reception is on offer Tuesday 7th June at the smart and romantic Hotel Pinito de Oro, Aledo, with transport provided subject to demand. Discounted rooms will be available to those wishing to stay overnight. Ladies are encouraged to get out in their finest and gents should wear a jacket and tie. Bookings are now being taken at €47.50 per person with group tables offered: a deposit of €20 per head secures a place. If you are single do mention when booking, via Ken on 626 460 465 or Barbara on 968 598 847.



21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

It starts in one country and soon follows in others by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

I AM of course talking about the proposed new law in the UK that all vehicles that are uninsured and not legally off the roads with a SORN will be subject to a seizure order and subsequently crushed. Authorities in the UK have stated an estimated one million vehicle owners do not have any insurance. If you take your vehicle off the road for a time, the DVLA, and also Trafico, has the facility of a Sworn Off Road Statement or SORN where the owner can sign a special form stating taxes are exempt for that period, but it must not be used on the roads anywhere, including Spain. To comply with the EU Directive that states EU registered vehicles may be used anywhere within the EU subject to the rules, the vehicle must be legal in its country of registration. So UK-plated vehicles must display a current UK Road Fund Receipt; failure to display this is a dead giveaway to the police here that the vehicle is not legal. The estimated one million uninsured vehicles in the UK are a menace to legal drivers and they should be reported for if they injure another party in an accident the other driver suffers. There is also a system being discussed for introduction in Spain where anyone driving an illegal vehicle will risk having it crushed. Is this all part of the ridding the roads of older polluting vehicles perhaps? We read recently in the local press that it is estimated that at least 1 in 10 vehicles in Spain are being used without insurance. As in the UK, Spain is introducing ‘number plate

recognition’ technology: a camera reads the number plate and instantly searches the system databases to see if it is legal. In Spain as in the UK there are now central insurance databases with the details of all vehicles that are insured with the owners’ details. As such illegal drivers are generally the most careless on the roads, even dangerous, we should all be thankful that this new action has come to pass. DEAR BRIAN We are soon to visit the USA for a driving holiday. We will rent a car and drive cross country. What do I need as far as a driving licence is concerned? Anyone driving in a foreign country especially where there are problems with a language different to that of your licence, needs an International Driving Licence (IDL), also known as an International Driving Permit (IDP). If you have an EU driving licence this is valid anywhere within the EU but if you intend to drive elsewhere outside of the EU, especially where the licence language and layout is a problem for local policing authorities, for a small fee you can buy a booklet that has your personal driving licence translated into all widely used languages. Full details are at: www.spainvia.com/IDLhome.htm In Spain we have many legally resident expats still using their current UK licences until they expire, usually at the 10-year photo change or age 70, whichever is sooner. But an expat with a UK Licence needs to obtain an IDL here for a trip outside of the EU. If you register your EU foreign licence at

More cars to be crushed?

Trafico, you may the buy a legal one from Trafico for €9.60, valid for one year. But remember, any IDL must be used along with the original driving licence. Registration with Trafico is easy; details are available in my book. Keep safe out there.

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com. Tel: 666 888 870 Brian Deller, author, book Motoring in Spain, ISBN No 978 84 611 9278 6. Shops’ addresses in my web site at: www.spainvia.com/bookshopslist.htm

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21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

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21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

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S.O.S. INSURANCE CarHome-Health-Comercial. Funeral Plans and Insurance. Tlf:-966-787-123/622-275-561

JACUZZI FLEXA SHOWER CABINET with Multi Jet, Steam & Hydromassage functions.300€ phone:966-499-022

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011 ELECTRIC RADIATORS, FULLY PROGRAMMABLE attractive, almost new. High output/low consumption. Simple wall fix and plug in.(1) 1500W. Was euro399. (2) 1000W. Was euro179. Sold separately or together. Offers considered. Tel:-966-180-157 GENERATOR Petrol, 2.4KVA, 75€. Generator Gas, Electric Start, 7KVA 375€. Three Seater Setee, Yellow, VGC. 50€. Pego Area. Tlf:-675-878-601 GERMAN MOVEMENT GRANDFATHER CLOCK Floor Standing. 210x60 as new. €800-ono. Full Instruction Book. Wooden Bar, Folding ides, with optics. €80-ono Tlf:603-491-623 PRORUN TX500 RS heavy duty treadmill as seen in health clubs. As new, with speed, timer and distance indicators.150€ 966-262-762 4X ALLOY WHEELS 15 INCH complete with tyres 5 stud fitting un marked a new €300.00 Tel:966-471-491 (Javea) Mob 636-017-758

WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewellery, vintage watches bought sold part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafron near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003. Tel:965-792-595

BALLROOM/LATIN DANCING/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www. michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S Chest freezer with large drawer at bottom. Top loading washing machine, etc 2-door fridge/freezer, as new. Large Phillips solarium. Over 600 photos: www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S Beautiful 3-piece suite in beige wicker/ cane. Several large carpets, very high quality. Corner suite in yellow fabric. And lots more! See over 600 photos: www. michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S you can get part exchange on certain beds when you buy a New bed from our New Bed shop in the Arenal. See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www.michaels-javea.com MICHAEL’S 28 YEARS IN JAVEA ENSURES YOUR SATISFACTION! We sell high quality pre owned furniture, many from show apartments etc. Look at: www.michaelsjavea.com Tel 96-579-1328 2 X MATCHING SOFA TABLES Circular, Diameter 60cm, Height 55cm, 3 legged pedestal base, Light oak finish. VCG. Altea area, Buyer collects. 50€ the pair. 691-202-307 1 SILVER GAS BOTTLE €10 Benidorm area Tel 663 559 806 CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM COMPLETE Large 28k Valiant boiler with instruction,11 large gas bottles,gas distribution board,10 radiators,dismantled, private sale,Javea, 1400euros. Tlf:-965-770-594 WHEELCHAIR Light, Foldable, Hardly used, like new, 150€. Mobility Scooter 40km range 499€ Tlf:-627-019-403

BAMBA’s. NEW VENUE: The Wok Royal, Benijofar. (966714-820) NEW BEGINNERS CLASS: starting Monday 17th January 2011, 7.30pm-8.30pm plus SOCIAL DANCE: 8.30pm10.30pm.Tel: Andrea & Brian 616 478 157 BALLROOM/LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja, New Beginners class (Starts 10th January 2011) Monday 10.30am-12.30pm. SOCIAL DANCE Saturday 7.30pm-10pm. Tuesday Improvers Lesson (starts 18th January 2011) 7.30pm8.30pm plus SOCIAL DANCE 8.30pm-10.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese restaurant, La Zenia roundabout.New Beginners Class (Starts 12th January 2011): Wednesday 7.30pm-9.30pm. Intermediates Friday 11.00am-1pm. Tel: Andrea 616-478-157 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships-Join Now! www.datemed.es

PINE SHOP SALE Double Bed. 270€ Tlf:-628-499-448 PINE SHOP SALE Hall Mirror 85€ Tlf:-628-499-448 PINE SHOP SALE Gate Leg Table 85€ Tlf:-628-499-448 PINE SHOP SALE Sideboard 155€. Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Large Bookcase 135€ . Tel:-628-499448. PINE SHOP SALE Treble Robe 150€ . Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Double Robe 180€.Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE 5+2 Chest. 135€. Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Bookcase 57€.Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE King size bed. 285€.Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Bedside Chest. 20€.Tel:-628-499-448. KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-657-766-341 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES Also Table Tennis and Darts. Will beat any price!. Tlf:-666933-726. www.spainpool.com

VW BEETLE. LHD. 2000 English Registered 1600€. Call:-627-463-523 CITROEN ZSARA PICASSO AUGUST 2006 1.6 HDI SX Top, 2 owners, Full Service History, Dark Metallic Blue. High Spec Model with alloys, Climate and Much More. 7250€ Contact Frank on 600-726-221/965-687976 or visit our website for more details and pictures www.fwreurocars.com OPEL CORSA - 5 DOOR HATCH, 2000 1.2 Millenium, 95,000 with 2 owners, Fully serviced - Petrol, Metallic Honey gold, PAS, ABS, Electric windows, Rear head restraints, A/C, Central locking, Alloys, Cd player, Multi airbags. 2950€. Contact Frank on 600-726221/965-687-976 or visit our website for more details and pictures www.fwreurocars.com RANGEROVER TDV6 SPORT, LUXURY 4X4 , May 2008 - 2.7 HSE Auto/Tiptronic, 39,000 with 1 owner, Full service history - Diesel, Met Epsom green / full cream leather, PAS, ABS, Cruise, Front fog lights, E. windows/mirrors, R. luggage cover, A/C (Climate), Xenon headlamps, CD, Multi airbags, 20” alloys, R. head restraints, R. privacy glass, Rain/light sensors, Nav, Memory seat Parktronic, Adjustable suspension, Walnut facias, Harman Kardon sound. 38,950€. Contact Frank on 600-726-221/965-687-976 or visit our website for more details and pictures www.fwreurocars.com PEUGEOT 207CC CABRIOLET, FEB 2009 1.6 THP Sport, Manufacturers warranty! - Petrol, Light metallic blue, PAS, ABS, Front fog lights, E. windows/mirrors, A/C (Climate), Remote locking, Multi-spoke alloys, Cd player,

ACE AUTOS British & Spanish used car sales


1,950€ 1,650€ 2,450€ 1,950€ 1950€ 2,950€ 1,950€ 2,450€ 1,500€ 3,750€ 4,250€ 3,750€ 4,950€ 950€ 950€


Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

Multi airbags, 150bhp! Stunning condition! 13,750€. Contact Frank on 600-726-221/965-687976 or visit our website for more details and pictures www.fwreurocars.com GOOD SELECTION OF LDH AND RHD Vehicles For Sale or Exchange. Cars bought for Cash. New and Used Vehicles sourced. Contact Frank on 600726-221/965-687-976. www.fwreurocars.com 1998 ROVER 416SI Racing Gree, MOT/ITV/til May-2011. Returning UK. Quick Sale. Bargain €800-ono Tlf:603-491-623 BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel:966-875-497 or 618-592-396 HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Also air conditioning rechargeTel:-966875-497 or 618-592-396 MITSUBISHI PAJERO RHD English Plates. 7 seater, 2.8L diesel, 2500€ ONO. Call for more information. Tlf:664-535-755 WANTED Scrap cars, vans, lorries, plant and caravans. Turn your scrap into cash. Free collection. Tel.689929395 WE BUY any car,van,motorhome,boat, jet ski. Instant decision at good prices. Tel 680 -665-583 WANTED I buy any car, van,Caravan,4x4 Etc.British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail.com

VILLAPAINTING.ES Spray application specialists.Interior and Exterior, wood-doors and metalwork Telephone 678-179-346 info@villapainting.es FINE FINISH DECORATORS All aspects undertaken, guaranteed work, free quotes and advice. Cheap rates. Villajoyosa to Calpe. 617-619-710

PAINTING AND DECORATOR Exterior/interior Villa Painting Specialist. Woodwork, iron work, all aspects. For a free friendly, no obligation quote call Kevin Guilfoyle. 965-831-209/636-653-516 or Guifoyle.kev66@gmail.com


TRANSVESTITE TORREVIEJA Transex Kamila.Skin brown,big breast,big surprise,erotic massaje,full services. 610-934-279 www.negratrans.blogspot.com GENERIC VIAGRA 100MG 12 tablets for 30€ or 24 for 50€ also fast acting jellies and weekenders. Free discreet delivery. Quesada & surrounding area. Derek 685-207-378 ELEGANT, SLIM, SEXY LADY ESCORT My Place, Home or Hotel visits. Torrevieja-La Manga-Mazarron Areas. Tlf:693-357-526 DANI 24, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja TANYA is back and needs help to burn off all those Xmas calories.Tel:-626-324-088 PORNO DVD´S! The Best You´ve Ever Seen! Gay, Bestial, She-Male, BDSM 10€ each. Tlf:-636-929-511 SEXY FUN AND GAMES 63 year old. Sub/Dom Switch. Your place or mine. Available for females, males and couples. Specialising in more mature females and cross dressers. Torrevieja to Benidorm. Low Fees. Tlf:-655-058-554 SPANISH LADY PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 NEW IN BENIDORM MATURESUSI, 49 discrete, dedicated flute player, made in Switzerland. Offers from sensual massage to full premium service as outcalls or incalls. 7days 10am - 8pm Call 672-836-234 or www.maturesusi.com TORREVIEJA TRANS CORAL stunning blonde,Huge breasts, sculptural body.Speciality erotic masage.Very feminine and sexy. Call me 671 42 44 56 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40?. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 GENERIC VIAGRA SAFE AND EFFECTIVE 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€ or fast acting oral jellies. Call Ron TTMarketing Tlf:-966-499-204 GAY MASSAGE by masculine sexy boys nr Benidorm Tel. 646 642 575 Discretion assured. Staff wanted www.gaymassage4u.com


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011 lounge/Diner. Galleria, and large balcony.TV, A/C. 1 min from sea front.609-550-734 1 BED BUNGALOWS on Camping Pueblo in San Javier with lots of ameneties.Carol 968-192-425 mob 626-055-622 www,mobilehomesmarmenors pain.com LUXURY 2/3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS in San Miguel de Salinas.Underfloor heating, lift, roof top with swimming pool from 385€ month, also holiday lets.965-720-817/616-493-487

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools. com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743048 www.pooltechspain.com

LOOKING TO RELOCATE We have new and pre-owned luxury park homes for sale throughout the UK 12 month occupancy part exchange considered on your Spanish or UK home for more information call 0044-151633-2321 or email : alan.aitken@hotmail.co.uk MOBILE/PARK HOMES On Camping Pueblo in San Javier from 15,000€ Carol:-968-192425. Mob:-626-055-622 www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA. 3 double bedrooms (one en-suite) new kitchen, large living room/ diner. Bbq terrace and LOTS more. Recently reformed/fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel: 609-177-032.

LONG TERM RENTAL, JAVEA Small Villa preferred, or ground floor apartment. Retired male, with dog. Needing secure garden, TV, Internet. Tel.:-680-501-404.

QUALIFIED TRANSLATOR Bi-Lingual Spanish-English, High Level French and German. Confidential and Reliable Service. Competative Rates. Torrevieja Area. Call Virginia on 629-201-192. TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

SPECIAL OFFER Los Altos, Detached Villa, 220 square metre plot, only 113,000€ 669-283-973

VILLAMARTIN AREA Middle Town House, 2/3 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Seperate Toilet, Garage, F/F, Fitted Kitchen, 89.000€. Tlf:-669-283-973

ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT TO LET Apartment in Oliva, comprising lounge, kitchenette, double bedroom, bathhroom, nicely furnished and heated. €250 pcm including bills. tlf:962-855-900 FOR RENT Available January. 3 Bed Apartment Beachside, Punta Prima, 385€ monthly. Info:-965-050-247/688-803-352 APARTMENT FOR RENT 3 bedroom, clean spacious apartment in Pedreguer town, close to all amenities. 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, aircon and lift. Available now €450 per month bills included. Call 638-207-343 TORREVIEJA 2 Bed 1 Bath, 1st floor apartment, for long let. with lift, separate good sized kitchen with serving hatch to

more DIY tips and tricks for all of your business and personal needs. Karla Darocas - certified instructor since 1990. Tel: 96 597 3234 info@KarlaDarocas. com Referrences www.KarlaDarocas.com BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER Offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ Mathematics. Tel:-Margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/616-660-687

MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email:-van. man@hotmail.co.uk VAN LEAVING FOR THE U/K every two weeks space both ways. Great rates contact Joe on 966-074-576 or 650-341-087 or email civic1235@msn.com SPANISH LINKS LTD Removals & Deliveries. Spain/ Uk/Spain www.spanishlinks. co.uk Ring 0044-1209-843971 MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600247-535 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839

Ideal Lights Spain

We manufacture the brightest LED lamps on the market today and have an extensive range for homes, urbanisations and businesses. From spot lights to tubes, flood lighting to GLS lamps and down lights to urbanisation street lighting, our retrofit LED range will save you money. Fact! Phone us now for a free energy saving report and a 10% discount on your first order. Save money and brighten up your life with LED lighting from Ideal Lights Spain

1.9MTR SATELLITE DISH Complete with stand and twin LMB. €250. Installed If Necessary.628-048-206 ENGLISH TV, NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS! Now being installed in Punta Prima, Cabo Roig, Playa Flamenca, Villamartin area. Upgrade from €40. 628-048-206 ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Installed, Maintained and Repaired. 10 years experience with Satellites in Spain. All areas covered. Tlf:-Hugh-690275-223 SKYSUPPLIES Sky+/Humax HD/SD Digibox`s, White cards, LNB`s. Faults/realignments. Advice. 966-194-013/600-899096. CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE AND INTERNET TV for all your digital and TV requirements. No Annual Fees on Sky Cards. Steve:-660-186-505/Ros:-965584-097. www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com LNB SATELLITES The No 1 Satellite Company covering all the Costa Blanca since 2000. Telephone 965-873-726 or 669686-587 or see our advert on Page 2 every week.

benidorm theme park TICKETS FOR SALE 2 FOR JUST 10€ CALL 620 340 548

RECORDS AND CD´S WANTED Top cash paid. Pop, Rock, Blues.Tlf:-630-665-363 TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Household Goods and Brica-brac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere!965-319-220/ 618-165-877

FOR SALE Two 25 litre single standing fryers. 6 months old. Hardly used. 2250€ new. Selling for 1000€ each or 1750€ for COMPUTER TUTOR Software training, ebusiness education, website publishing, photography, videography and

both. Call Paul on

636 889 232

“Energy saving LED lighting solutions”

Tel: 6055 474 67 www.ideallightsspain.com


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Classifieds Agents

Now it’s even easier to place a classified advert with the RTN by using our official agents listed below! Cars, Houses, Boats, Computers find them all in the classifieds section. Or maybe you have unwanted items to sell or something to offer? Our classified agents will be happy to help you whatever your needs.


Round Town Travel 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 Benidorm Round Town Travel 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 Benidorm Round Town Trips, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com albir ProminenT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu Millie Munro Insurance, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com EasyBuy, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969 Quicksave, Partida Murtar 2/2, Pedreguer, Alicante. Andrew Thomas 966 456 157 • beverleyethomas@yahoo.co.uk ICUK Foods sl, C/Gulliem de Casto, 8 Bajo, Oliva 46780, Valencia 962 839 830 • icukfoodssl@hotmail.com

teulada benitachell moraira pedreguer oliva


Bargain Books, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com san miguel Johnsons El Limonar,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 Torrevieja Johnsons Quesada, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 Quesada Johnsons Algorfa, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

Algorfa The Post Room, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com orihuela Pennys Supermarket, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com orihuela Print Solutions, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO Interpost, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com

la marina

Villamartin Satellite Centre, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk villamartin Best Wishes, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com murcia Ononix Mar SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011


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Call 603 108 778


21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

The final whistle Johnson woes may have silver lining

f l o G N T R e t a d p u Club Dennis Jordan

Mike Probert




ANYONE PLAYING in a society every week is hopefully getting a good discount so keep up to date with the discounts available for societies with the RTN Golf membership card, as the offers are excellent. Nice to see the Squash Club Guys in La Nucia, getting out into the open air and enjoying the sunshine - see you all again soon. Remember ‘it’s the taking part that counts’ and golf is addictive, so let’s see a Squash Golf Society started! Font Del Llop, Don Cayo Golf and Alicante Golf still have some good offers on this week so check them out.

Darren Bent

ENGLAND’S 6 NATIONS Championship campaign looks to be wobbling even before the tournament has got underway. Captain Lewis Moody, Tom Croft and Courtenay Lawes are all injured, second-row forward Dave Attwood is banned and he could be joined on the side-lines by full back Delon Armitage who faces an enforced lay-off for pushing and verbally abusing an anti-doping officer. However, there is one bright spot on the horizon and that’s the return of Matt Stevens. Stevens, you may remember, received a two year ban in 2009 after testing positive for cocaine. A likeable bloke, Stevens admitted then that he had a serious problem and it was unclear if he’d come out of his 24 month suspension still with the hunger to play professional rugby again. But he has and using the ‘everyone deserves a second chance’ argument, it’s hard not to feel happy for Stevens who has rebuilt his personal life and aims to do the same with his playing career at Saracens. Stevens has repented his sins and has impressed his new employers with his attitude and talent. Fingers crossed, he can stay clean and once again, challenge for international honours. EATING FOR ENGLAND Meanwhile, someone who has had his fair share of second chances is England cricketer Samit Patel. Having been dropped once from the national one-day squad for not being fit enough you would have thought that Patel would have worked his backside off to reclaim his place, once told that he was in contention for the World Cup squad: apparently not. Now I can’t preach, being a bit of a fat lad myself, although in my new career with the Javea Bulls rugby team, at least I try to make my bulk work for me. You have to when you have no pace or skill! But as a professional, Patel has no excuse and is throwing away his career. He was originally dismissed from the squad back in March 2009 and warned again about his weight in January of last year. The message still doesn’t seem to have sunk in, unlike too many pies!

Jooin ur



AS PROMISED last week, I can confirm that the management changes at La Tercia are now complete with UGR re-taking control of the course and the first impact is a reduction of prices but hopefully the condition of the course will not be affected by these changes. The weather locally remains good for the time of year but as soon as the average night time temperatures start to rise and the grass grows we will enter the hollow ‘tining’ season so take advantage of the current low season deals before the work commences and putting becomes a lottery. Las Colinas remains a significant draw to the golfing public as they extended their winter low season deals until 15th February but don’t miss the last weeks of special deals at Lo Romero and La Peraleja. You can see some of the other current deals available to RTN Golf Club members in the price table opposite.

Golf Course

RTN Price




Single Green fee

Alicante Golf


Single Green fee + Buggy



Single Green fee

Don Cayo


Single Green fee

El Plantio


Single Green fee

Font del Llop


Two Green fees

Villaitana Par 62


Single Green fee + Buggy

Villaitana Par 72


Single Green fee

For more information email Dennis at dennis@roundtownnews.com or direct to www.benidormgolf.com on 630 714 373.

SOUTH Region Golf Course

RTN Price




2 Players and 1 Buggy (Fridays)

Las Colinas

€200 €76

4 Players and 2 Buggies (Restricted Times) 2 Players and 1 Buggy

La Peraleja


2 Players and 1 Buggy

Hacienda del Alamo


2 Players and 1 Buggy

La Serena


2 Players and 1 Buggy

Lo Romero


4 Players and 2 Buggies

La Tercia


2 Players and 1 Buggy



2 Players and 1 Buggy



2 Players and 1 Buggy (Weekends)

There many more winter deals available and to obtain more information contact Mike at mike@roundtownnews.com or direct at Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

PLAYING GOLF for RTN Golf Club members could not be better as everyone scores a hole in one to enjoy a complete discount package at the best prices possible. Players can get out on 30 Costa Blanca courses and pay the most competitive green fees available. This ‘superb’ deal means a RTN Golf Club member and up to seven guests can all be enjoying spectacular discounts at clubs along the coast. To book a round, all members have to do is to

send their requirements to the two agents, who will deal with requests quickly and efficiently. For the south email: mike@ roundtownnews.com and for the north email: dennis@roundtownnews.com To apply for your membership card go to: www.roundtownews.co.uk and click on the Golf club logo on the homepage. Allow 21 days for delivery

Down to earth with a bump: Rayo Vallecano 3 - FC Cartagena 1

HOW MUCH? According to Aston Villa, Darren Bent is worth £24 million. Once I’ve stopped laughing, I’ll write a piece suggesting that he isn’t. NOT SKY HIGH Sorry to bang on about this but I’m getting increasingly annoyed by the breakfast sports bulletins on Sky News. While the BBC might not be to everyone’s taste, at least you get a full round-up of overnight action and breaking news from the ever reliable Chris Hollins. Meanwhile, over on Sky, their bulletin goes something like this: Read out the three main headlines Discuss the same three headlines with programme host, Eamonn Holmes Show coverage of the same three headlines from the back pages of the newspapers Come on Sky! You don’t cover news in such a cosmetic and chummy way, so why do so with sport? Get a grip.

NORTH Region

By Steve Hibberd HAVING PREVIOUSLY gone 7 games unbeaten, Cartagena inexplicably put in a totally inept performance against fellow play off contenders, Rayo Vallecano. Some 300 fans made the long journey to Teresa Rivero stadium in Madrid, then departed having witnessed their heroes show a complete lack of determination and imagination, as Rayo recorded a well deserved victory for the second time this season (they knocked out Cartagena in an early round of the Copa del Rey). The game started in dramatic fashion when the hosts took a lead inside the first minute. A low cross from the right was hit first time by Fuego. His goal bound shot hit defender Herrero, only for Armenteros to head home the loose ball into an empty net. Nine minutes later, Rayo had doubled their lead. Once again

the damage was done by Armenteros who headed home another cross from the right, with Cartagena’s keeper again caught in ‘noman’s land’. On 16 minutes, it should have been 3-0, but Armenteros could not do with his feet what he had done with his head, as his powerful drive whistled past the post. When the menacing Botelho became the filling in a human sandwich, ref Astilleros immediately pointed to the spot (video evidence later showed that the offence took place outside the box). Aggressor Garcia was shown a red card for his sins (2nd yellow card), before Victor coolly dispatched his penalty just inside the post, giving his side renewed hope after 33 minutes. Following a non-eventful opening period, the 2nd half eventually came alive (then quickly went back to sleep again!), on 65 minutes. A delightful through ball found the feet of veteran Ukrainian Delibasic, who expertly slotted the ball under the onrushing Casilla into an empty net. Half hearted appeals for handball inside the penalty area failed to persuade the ref to award Cartagena another spot kick, as precious time ticked away. Substitute striker Goiria (aka Gloria or Gonorrea - the donkey has yet to score this season!) brought out a good save from Rayo keeper Cobeno on 82 minutes, in what was the last chance of the match. When you consider that Rayo played for over an hour (including 5 minutes stoppage time) with only 10 men, it makes their opponents’ poor display even more alarming. FC CARTAGENA LINE-UP Casilla, Txiki, Cygan, Cala (Goiria), Herrero, Botelho, Mariano (Julien), Victor, Toche, Longas, Lafuente (Dani) FORTHCOMING FIXTURE On Saturday 22nd Jan, with KO at 18.00, Celta Vigo visit Cartagonova stadium for another div 2a fixture. The famous light blue shirts of Celta currently lie in 2nd place, and nothing less than 100 percent improvement from the men in black and white stripes will result in normal service being resumed.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

21 - 27 JANUARY 2011

Commercial suicide Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Teaching Professional Campo de Golf El Plantio 639 730 891

THE TRADITION in Spain for many years has been to either increase prices in January or for golfers sometimes it’s September. Thankfully I know of only a few golf courses that have decided to commit commercial suicide so far this year. I am astonished to learn that one club has even trebled it’s joining fee to collect enough money for course maintenance/improvements. Just how many new members will be stupid enough to pay that money? My advice would be to go and find a golf club with more commercial sense. For far too long now we at RTN have fought to get the price of green fees reduced and to get golf course owners to be more commercial. In 2011 we are at last seeing some real progress. Golf societies have reported that more and more golf clubs are being flexible in their price structuring with particular attention being paid to societies that make regular bookings at their clubs. The time is now right to support the more commercially sensible courses that are intent on looking after the golfer who lives in Spain or at least spends a lot of time here throughout the year. These are the people that will provide a stable income for all our golf clubs. We need to take advantage of this situation now and make sure golf remains affordable. I personally think green fees are higher than they should be. At RTN we have received many an email telling us that the golfers are out there and want to play but cannot afford to. I am not one for looking back too much but remember 10 years ago or more? The Costa’s were the place in Europe to play golf. There were golfers aplenty. Yes, we have more golf courses now but the statistics also tell us that we have more people as

well. Expatriates of all nationalities know why they are not playing golf: now after many years the penny has dropped with our Spanish hosts. Let’s make sure they don’t kill the ‘Golden Goose’ again. Once again I urge all golfers in Spain to only support the golf courses that support them. Business is a two-way thing - value for money has to be provided in everything and golf is no exception! WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 21ST JANUARY 2011 Who is the current Open de Andalucia champion? A. Louis Oosthuizen B. Miguel Angel Jimenez C. Alvaro Quiros All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 31st January 2011 to be entered into January’s draw, to be made on 31st January. The winner will be announced in RTN on 4th February 2011. NOEL EASTWELL GOLF ACADEMY AT EL PLANTIO For the very best in golf tuition at prices you can afford, contact Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

Javea Green Bowls Club: Week ending 15th January Sponsored by MATRIX 35 Finance & Europa Network

JAVEA GREEN QUARTZ V JAVEA GREEN OPAL The match took place between Quartz and Opal on Monday 10th January, resulting in each side winning and drawing a game apiece. For Quartz, Ken Davey with Linda Armstrong and Jonathan Barr managed a ‘hot shot’ and ended with a convincing 38 – 14 shots win. The Opal win was thanks to Martin Hughes, John Ramage and Alan Gambol. The Opal team of Matt Taylor, Stan Finn and Mac2 drew against Alison Brown, Gary Kent and Terry Wheeler of Quartz. The other drawn game was between Carol Davey, Brian Rich and Morris Jones for Quartz playing Trevor Neale, Richard Boothe and Tony Crease for Opal. The overall shot difference of +20 to Quartz gave them the extra two points resulting in a 6 – 4 win.JAVEA GREEN QUARTZ V JAVEA GREEN ONYX The following Thursday, having lost their last encounter with Quartz, Onyx were delighted to come away with a 7 – 3 win. For Onyx, Phil Woodhead, Mike Tebby and Phil Harding had a great win 23 – 10, as did Olive Lutz, Dave Wood and Derick Lutz with their win of 21 – 16 . Chris Reeves, Brian Collins and Barry Jowett for Onyx battled it out to draw with Linda Armstrong, Jonathan Barr and Ken Davey. The Quartz trio of Alison Brown, Gary Kent and Terry Wheeler won their game 19 – 12. WINTER LEAGUE (HOME) V. BONALBA Javea entertained Bonalba in warm sunny conditions and after a difficult start managed to pick up all 10 points. Bonalba must be congratulated for their battling performance. They are still a young club and we at Javea Green are pleased to see

Victory for La vila Rugby AN IMPORTANT victory for La Vila at Barcelona last weekend resulted in 30 - 18 against Seat Santboiana Barcelona. The game was not easy for La Vila players. The boys were first class in a very hard game and defence was superb. The team stays first on the Spanish Liga RENFE, Spanish Premiership. The next home game will be Sunday 30th January at 12.30 against Sevilla Cajasol; a very important game if we want to be Spanish Champs for the first time ever. Don’t miss it! Next week someone else will be handling public relations for the club as Jo is ill and needs a rest.

Fishing Maggots End by

David Hoare

968 199 279

For further details ring Alan Roscoe 968 570 876 or email: anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com THIS WEEK’S competition was the 8th in the Winter Championship, held on the Rio Segura at the Eden canal stretch. Although the days are getting warmer, the fishing is not changing much with no small fish showing, with eight dry nets. The only fish caught were good sized carp. As can be seen from the photo, Terry Screen who won the match had a carp of 5.64 kilos (12lb 4oz. in old money) I think we will have to change his name from ‘Swing ‘em’ to ‘Haul ‘em’ because he did really well to tame one that size! TOP ANGLERS 1st Terry (Swing ‘Em) Screen, fishing the pole using maggot with 12.48 kilos 2nd Bill (The Master) Reade, fishing the feeder using maggot with 6.64 kilos 3rd Tony (The Flower Man) Price, fishing the feeder using bread with 5.18 kilos VACANCIES There are two vacancies within the club for anyone interested in joining: please contact Sue Swann on 966 729 293.

them improving every time we play against them. For greater detail of the above reports and further information, see the excellent Javea Green website at www.javeagreenbowls.org


ABBEY ANGLING RESULTS supplied by Terry Screen The 10th and penultimate match of the Winter Series was fished on the 8ft Drain on11th January 2011. The water was still high with no sign of any water being pulled off. This water seems to fish better with a little flow on it. Weights are still low at 4kgs but this is nearly 9lb, which would win most matches in England excluding the Carp Holes. 1st Don (Mr Bowls) Whitney with 4.080kg

2nd Alan (The Emperor) Roscoe with 3.460kg 3rd Terry (Swing ‘Em) Screen with 2.860kg All anglers fished the pole and used maggot Next week is the last match in the Winter Series on the 18th January, and is the club’s first match to be fished through the Murcian Federation; it is on the river at Murcia with the draw on the bank at 07.30. These and all other details are available from the Match Secretary Terry Screen on 965 328 368. ANGLERS TOGETHER Anglers Together was formed to introduce and encourage anglers of all abilities to meet up and get together to fish, either sea or freshwater. Firm friendships have been formed during the time the group has been active and information on fishing venues and licenses required are available at the meetings or by regular emailed newsletters. Meetings are held in two locations on the second Friday and Saturday of each month. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting, the next at Mary’s Bar, Campoverde (near Pilar de la Horadada) on Friday 11th February at 12.00. There is a new venue for the Puerto de Mazarron meeting from January 2011. On Saturday, February 12th at 12.00 the meeting will be held at The New Royal Bar and Restaurant at El Alamillo, opposite the seafront between Isla Plana and the Port. Refreshments and lunch are available at each location. Come along to a meeting nearest to you.

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