RTN Costa de Almeria #Edition28

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Your English Newspaper


costa almeria Edition Friday, November 11 - Thursday, November 17 2016


Farage under fire OUTSPOKEN FORMER UKIP leader Nigel Farage came under attack this week for rabble-rousing and urging people to take to the streets over court delays to an EU exit. by jack troughton The Government has lodged an appeal against the High Court ruling that it would be unconstitutional for Britain to begin the process of leaving the European Union without a vote in Parliament. And Mr Farage has called for demonstrations and protests to allow people to vent their anger at what he believes is tactic to delay ‘Brexit’ following the June referendum. However, visiting the Costa Blanca on Tuesday Labour’s Shadow Minister for Transport Andy McDonald hit out at both the controversial politician and the “vitriolic” headlines in the British national press. “Nigel Farage is basically promoting violence in the streets,” said the MP for Middlesbrough, who pointed out racist incidents had increased ever since the historic vote. “And papers like the Daily Mail are using headlines similar to those seen in the German press in the thirties, this is serious, serious stuff.” Mr McDonald, speaking to Labour International Costa Blanca, agreed it would be undemocratic to ignore the referendum result after 52% of people voted to leave.

Continued on page 5


11 nov - 17 nov 2016


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From the Editors Desk...

Nothing is a dead cert Jack Troughton Deadlines

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BOOKIES’ FAVOURITE Hilary Clinton fell at the last fence in the White House Handicap and punters ripped up their betting slips before taking to the streets to have a good old moan about the state of the nation. Once again the polls got it wrong. The outsider, the anti-establishment candidate romped home and the establishment went back to analysing the quality of the horse flesh in the race. Since the beginning of the steeplechase, it was clear many voters were questioning the pedigree of the politicians standing for the world hot seat and as the name Trump nosed towards the front, it was also clear he appealed to people who felt the political elite no longer represented them. The pollsters also got it wrong this side of the pond over Brexit and the referendum. Immigration became the biggest single issue – along with, take note here, once again the feeling the leaders in the Houses of Parliament no longer had anything in common with voters. A disgruntled democracy creaks horribly. On both sides of the Atlantic and throughout the free world it is time to oil the machine – or face the rise of dangerous nationalist and the far right movements.


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Sport for all AT OVER 60 year’s young, 23 Mojacar senior citizens enjoyed a trip to Almeria’s oldest town and a day of physical activity. by Jack Troughton Mojácar Town Hall’s Department for Sports together with the Diputación of Almería organised a trip to Adra as part of its programme of sports days for adults and seniors. The party enjoyed the municipal outing, accompanied by Ana García, Mojácar Councillor for Sports, with a representative of the provincial government, from Adra, who served as a guide during the visit to the town. And after being officially welcomed at the Adra Municipal Pavilion, the group was able to participate in various fun and sports activities, especially designed for them. A second round of activities was dedicated to health and exercise, aimed specifically at postural correction, muscle elasticity, breathing and relaxation. In the afternoon, the group was taken on a cultural tour of Adra which is the fourth oldest city in Spain and the oldest of the province of Almería. They visited the Adra Municipal Museum which contains remains of all the cultures featuring in its history, as well as the Molino del Lugar – the town windmill – which was built in 1814 and has been recently restored. The Mojacar guests enjoyed the warm reception the town gave them and the quality of activities organized for them, along with the taste of Adra’s history.

11 nov - 17 nov 2016



11 nov - 17 nov 2016

Donald Trump´s America PRESIDENT BARACK Obama is to meet successor Donald Trump at the White House to attempt a smooth hand over of power – as protests spread across the United States over his election. by Jack Troughton Demonstrators marched in cities across the USA following the announcement of the Republican Party candidate´s victory over the bookies’ favourite Democrat Hilary Clinton in Tuesday’s poll. And the Washington meeting could be difficult, during a sometimes controversial campaign, the incoming President – he will be inaugurated in January – has questioned Mr Obama’s US citizenship and promised to dismantle a number of his key policies. Mr Obama, who at one point said Mr Trump was ‘unfit’ for office, has urged the country to accept the result; saying: “We are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country.” As the two presidents discuss matters Mr Trump´s wife Melania will hold talks with First Lady Michelle Obama. Despite chants of “not my president” being heard in the street, Mrs Clinton also called for calm; she urged that he “must be given a chance to lead.” Outside Trump Tower in New York, thousands attacked the Republican´s outspoken stance on immigration, gay rights, and women. A reported 15 people were arrested. Marches were also staged in Oakland, California, a Los Angeles freeway was closed by the sheer numbers of people, and outside Trump Tower in Chicago, the chant was; “No Trump, no KKK, no fascists USA.” Republicans now hold a majority in both chambers of Congress, which is seen as an advantage for the president introducing new legislation. After winning a bitter campaign battle, Mr Trump said: “What a beautiful and important evening. Forgotten men and women will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before.” And he said he wanted to “bind the wounds and divisions” between the two sides following the acrimonious fight for the White House. Mr Trump said: “I want to tell the world that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone.” World leaders sent messages of congratulations to Mr Trump after the result was announced. British Prime Minister Theresa May said the UK and USA had “an enduring and special relationship” and would remain close partners with common values of “freedom, democracy, and enterprise.”

Farage under fire

11 nov - 17 nov 2016

by jack troughton OUTSPOKEN ACTING UKIP leader Nigel Farage came under attack this week for rabblerousing and urging people to take to the streets over court delays to an EU exit. The Government has lodged an appeal against the High Court ruling that it would be unconstitutional for Britain to begin the process of leaving the European Union without a vote in Parliament. And Mr Farage has called for demonstrations and protests to allow people to vent their anger at what he believes is tactic to delay ‘Brexit’ following the June referendum. However, visiting the Costa Blanca on Tuesday Labour’s Shadow Minister for Transport Andy McDonald hit out at both the controversial politician and the “vitriolic” headlines in the British national press. “Nigel Farage is basically promoting violence in the streets,” said the MP for Middlesbrough, who pointed out racist incidents had increased ever since the historic vote. “And papers like the Daily Mail are using headlines similar to those seen in the German press in the thirties, this is serious, serious stuff.” Mr McDonald, speaking to Labour International Costa Blanca, agreed it would be undemocratic to ignore the referendum result after 52% of people voted to leave. “The reality is that we did have this damned referendum, notwithstanding that Nigel Farage himself said if there was a 52-48 split in favour of remaining it should be redone,” he said. The slogan ‘Brexit means Brexit’ was not particularly helpful, said the shadow minister. “Now the high court has said ‘yes, we are a Parliamentary democracy’. People used to make a big thing about the fact Parliament was sovereign. “We cannot stop the triggering of Article 50 but we must set out some parameters; we are not saying the Government must show its cards but it has to tell us what game she is playing.” DISGRACE And Mr McDonald said an issue that “should immediately be put to bed” was the status of people living and working across the 28 member states. “Using EU citizens as bargaining chips is disgraceful.” The MP added: “If every EU citizen got up and walked out of the UK tomorrow, our health service would collapse and our care industry would collapse. “Getting rid of everybody who is not British means, at least, you will be able to wrap up the bodies in Union Jacks.” He admitted that the referendum result was “depressing” and the fact some 60% of his constituents voted to leave was “quite a blow”. Mr McDonald added: “People said ‘I don´t care, I voted to leave’ or Í don´t like Cameron, so I voted to leave – everyone said ‘I don’t like Pakistanis…I want them to go’. Unfortunately, Pakistan is not in the EU.” He said other arguments, such as the debate about such things as prosperity and employment, or the issue of peace and security were lost. And the politician, a lawyer and former councillor and won his seat in a by-election almost four years ago, said he had talked to a couple at a polling station about o travel in Europe. “The gentleman punched the air and said Í have opened Pandora’s Box´. He knew the circumstances but wished to unleash chaos on the UK and Europe.” And he concluded: “We have some history of referenda but I thought it was a ludicrous thing to do on this subject because people walked into the polling stations thinking of other things. “On immigration, we should tell it as it is. Tell people the benefits of immigration but not shy away from the difficulties it presents.” Mr McDonald is pictured (centre) with (from left) Labour International´s Moira john, Javea PSOE Councillor Kika Mata, PSOE councillor Pepa Gisbert, and Tony Lawton of Labour International.




11 nov - 17 nov 2016


Artists making hay ARTISTS FROM across the globe have donated work to sell on behalf of Alicante’s Easy Horse Care Centre. by Jack Troughton In a two-stage fund raising event, the charity sale and auction will help buy winter hay for almost 100 rescued horses, ponies and donkeys at the charity near Rojales. It has been organised by volunteers Koren Helbig and Isabel Sodric who have recruited 20 artist friends worldwide; from Spain, Australia, the USA, India, Italy, France and Poland. An online limited sale is already running at the rescue centre’s online shop and continues until Tuesday 22nd November. And on Saturday 26th November there is an exciting auction at the October Press Cafe in Alicante. Koren, an Australian journalist, and Isabel, a translator, have been volunteers at the centre for several years and were spurred into action after seeing the work of founders Sue and Rod Weeding. The donated work has an equine theme and some pieces were inspired by the rescued animals at the centre – including Bronson (pictured), who suffered brain damage after being hit over the head with a hammer yet remains ‘the kindest, happiest horse’. Koren said: “We wanted to try something a little bit different to help raise awareness about what Sue and Rod are achieving – something that echoed the beauty of their horses, which all arrived starving and broken and now live fat and happy outdoors in herds.” Proceed will help buy winter feed, a major expense for the centre as prices of hay almost double in the colder months to 5€ a bale – and the rescued animals consume 29 bales every day. To find out more and see the art on offer – and even buy a piece - go to www.easyhorsecare.net/shops/online-shop/art-prints. For details about the auction visit www.facebook.com/events/1251414108214479/.

Piper plays on Remembrance Sunday by Jack Troughton PEOPLE ATTENDING the Remembrance Sunday Service in Mojacar will be greeted by a piper playing outside the church. Everyone is welcome at the service, scheduled to start at 10.45am at the Anglican Church and the haunting music of the pipes will start at 10.15am at the service organised by the Mojacar Branch of the Royal British Legion. And on Thursday 17th November the branch is holding its Annual General Meeting at the Multiusos Centre (Artisan Centre) in Mojacar Pueblo at 11.30am. This is followed by lunch at Osteria; to book call Christine on 697 887 362. The Royal British Legion, Mojacar, meets on the first and third Thursday of the month at the Multiusos Centre in the Pueblo. It is not necessary to have served in the Armed Forces to become a member.

Police earn Halloween treat


by Jack Troughton SPANISH POLICE arrested a French fugitive disguised in a devil costume at a Halloween party after almost three years on the run. National Police have now released details of how 47-yearold Hamid Hakkar was arrested in Malaga along with two people alleged to have helped him evade capture. The hitman – an Algerian jailed for 15 years for the killing of a drug smuggler – has been at large since November 2013 when he failed to return to jail after temporary leave. He had been on France’s ‘most-wanted’ list for murder, money laundering, and drug trafficking. He was caught on the Costa del Sol wearing a red mask, black horns, fake sharp teeth, a black cape and wig. And Hakkar was no stranger to life on the run; in 1998 he escaped from a Paris prison after swapping places with a visitor. On that occasion it took five years to return him to gaol. The arrest marks the end of a Spanish investigation launched last month when officers found two guns, ammunition, a silencer, fake papers, 5,000€, and eight mobile phones in a Malaga house.

Gandia stages Remembrance Service THE ROYAL British Legion Gandia District is holding its annual Remembrance Sunday Service at 11.45am on Sunday 13th November. Once again Gandia – the most northerly branch of Costa Blanca North – is staging the service in the town hall at Barx, the mountain community a short journey inland from the city and everyone is welcome. The Gandia Branch continues to thrive under the chairmanship of Terry Ewers. It is small in number with some 60 members, but is a happy family unit and welcomes new faces, who do not have to be former servicemen and women. Meetings are held at Bar Restaurant El Palut in Oliva on the first Wednesday of each month at 11.45am followed by lunch. Call branch secretary Mark on 961 175 990 or Social Secretary Eileen on 652 060 490 for more information.

11 nov - 17 nov 2016


Licensed to serve

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by Jack Troughton THE ARCHDEACON of Gibraltar, the Venerable Geoffrey Johnston, has formally licensed the Church of England’s newest priest on the north Costa Blanca. The Rev. James Booker has joined the Anglican Chaplaincy team and a packed church at La Fustera attended the ceremony. The congregation was joined by representatives of other churches, together with Calpe councillor Carole Saunders, Teulada-Moraira councillor Laura Hillstead, and representatives of various local organisations, including the Rotary Fellowship, Royal British Legion, Royal Air Forces Association and the Air Crew Association. And a sunny afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed by more than 80 people, following the uplifting service before they shared in the magnificent buffet, made up of “bring and share” plates. Father Jim is a Texan and has moved to Spain with his English wife, Chrissie. Within the Costa Blanca chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit, he assumes pastoral responsibility for the congregations at La Fustera, Benissa Costa, and Javea. He serves alongside Father Ray Andrews, who has pastoral responsibility in El Campello, Albir and Alfaz del Pi; and senior chaplain Father Marcus Ronchetti, who has oversight of the complete parish, and pastoral responsibility for Calpe. He also cares for Denia and Gandia while a fourth member of the team is recruited. The Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy serves the community from Valencia to Alicante with services in eight different towns. For more information, visit www.costablanca-anglicanchaplaincy.org and for services in the southern Costa Blanca visit the site of the neighbouring chaplaincy www.c-of-e-torrevieja.com.

Ramblers step out

THE RAMBING Walkers Marina Alta enjoyed exploring the Pinos Valley with breathtaking views of the Montgo and Bernia. Last Thursday more than 60 members and guests met at Bar Refugio overlooking the valley and left in two groups; the first headed down into the valley and followed a circular 5km route back to the bar. The main group drove 3km into the valley, parked, and walked into the Barranca Guilleu. They trekked 7.5km back to the bar passing interesting casitas, the hamlet of Casas de Berdiola and the Bernia Font. Appetites honed by the exercise, both groups enjoyed the hospitality of Bar Refugio with a hearty rustic-style lunch. The group is made up of people from all walks of life and nationalities and meets on alternate Thursdays from September to June. For more information about The Rambling Walkers please visit the Facebook page Ramblingwalkers Marina Alta Spain or email secretaryramblingwalkers@outlook.com.

11 nov - 17 nov 2016



11 nov - 17 nov 2016


Peaks and troughs IN A shrinking world, much-loved chocolate bar Toblerone illustrates the how slimmed down favourites disguise price hikes. by Jack Troughton It is a concept known as ‘shrinkflation’ – customers pay the same price for their shopping but get less product. This week Toblerone made international news after being ‘redesigned’ for the UK market. The iconic Alpine chocolate peaks have been eroded to leave more ‘valleys’. And the lighter bar is being sold for the same price. However, the 400g chocolate now weights only 350g; instead of 15 peaks there are controversially just 11. Manufacturers say it is a way of compensating for the rising cost of ingredients and according to Which? in the last year there are a number of other brands guilty of a “sneaky way of increasing prices”. Ratula Chakraborty, a retail specialist at the University of East Anglia, said: “I think it’s going to happen even more. Manufacturers want to keep their prices low and inflation is happening, commodity prices are changing; so who is going to pay? It will be you and I. “And I think we should be keeping a watchful eye everywhere: on food products, fresh produce, household products and grocery products.”

Veteran DJ dies SIR JIMMY Young, the veteran broadcaster, has died “peacefully at home” aged 95 with his wife Alicia at his side. One of the original BBC Radio 1 DJs, he spent almost 30 years on BBC Radio 2 after moving in 1973. Sir Jimmy, knighted in 2002 after already being award the OBE and CBE, interviewed every British Prime Minister between 1964 and 2010, and the Queen is said to have been a loyal listener. And before his radio career, he had a number of hit singles including a cover of Nat King Cole’s ‘Too Young’ and the classic ‘Unchained Melody’ – he blamed the rise of one Elvis Presley for ending his singing career.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016



in retreat

M&S PLANS the closure of 30 clothing and homeware shops across the UK with dozens more being switched into popular food stores. by Jack Troughton The British High Street giant is also planning to shut loss-making stores across 10 international markets; including its flagship store in France, the department store on the Champs Elysees in Paris, for the second time. One retail analyst described the retreat from overseas as a “humiliating moment” and “A Dunkirk moment for the iconic British brand”. However, experts said rather than losing face, M&S was closing its international stores to concentrate on turning round its key UK business before expanding abroad. Chief Executive Steve Rowe announced the plans – which include opening 200 new ‘Simply Food’ stores – as it moves away from disappointing fashion sales. It follows the brand reporting falling sales and profits in the six months to the end of September. Mr Rowe said: “This is about building a sustainable, more profitable business that’s relevant for our customers in a digital shopping age.” He said shoppers still “love” M&S but it must do better and with new food outlets opening the company would have more shops overall and more towns would “have an M&S” The sites facing closure and the number of jobs to go were not detailed. However, unions have already warned that staff were “extremely concerned” about where the axe will fall. M&S has more than 300 full-range stores across the UK, selling clothing, homeware and food. It has almost 600 ‘Simply Food’ shops.

Kids down pens

PARENTS ACROSS Spain ordered children to down pens last weekend in a protest against the large amount of homework handed out to their kids. Students from 12,000 schools nationwide have been told not to do any homework during the month of November because they feel youngsters spend too many hours bent over their books. CEAPA, the Spanish Alliance of Parents’ Associations, has called the action after complaining homework was detrimental to children. A study found Spanish children and teenagers have an average of 6.5 hours of homework a week, compared to an average of 4.9 hours after a survey of 38 countries.

The church silver TORREVIEJA CHURCH Fellowship celebrates its 25th anniversary of its 1991 inauguration over the weekend of 26th and 27th November. Regular members of the congregation and guests will enjoy a special social event to celebrate with a buffet and ‘lighthearted’ entertainment. And everyone is invited to a celebratory service on Sunday 27th November. Guest speaker at both events will be Simon Foster from the UK’s Elim churches. For more information about the fellowship visit www.tcf-spain.org.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

Formby’s war years COSTA BLANCA author Andrew Atkinson is writing another book about the legendary entertainer George Formby, the ukulele-playing singersongwriter, actor and comedian. by Jack Troughton ‘George Formby: The War Years 1939-45’ tells of the Wigan-born star’s adventures as he entertained over 3 million troops in the Second World War while working with ENSA. Andrew, from Los Montesinos, Alicante, has already published ‘Formby’s Lost Love’, a book that has sold throughout Britain, New Zealand and Germany – and after sending a copy to Buckingham Palace, he received an acknowledgement from the Queen. The new book contains exclusive unpublished photographs Formby, who died in 1961, taken by his chauffeur and official photographer during the war. “There remains great interest in George Formby from ex-pats living in Spain,” said Andrew. “Ted Gilleland, who lives here, recollects his and his father’s WWII memories, along with chapters from Formby’s school pals, and Olive Dickens - who played marbles with Formby!” He added: “The book also includes memories of Formby’s chaperon, and 94-year-old Joe Jefferies who speaks for the first time since 1944 - about Formby, his wife Beryl, a comedian and a pianist who entertained the troops in Calcutta.” The book includes a chapter ‘Remembering Formby’s fiancée - from New Zealand’ with Formby’s fiancée Pat Howson’s nephew Martin’s memories. To order a copy of the limited edition publication (price £10, plus £2 p&p (UK) £4 (Spain) email: lancashiremedia@gmail.com

Full time Professional Property Sales Consultant & Tax Advisor Wincham International is a UK/Spanish Legal & Taxation Practice and an Estate Agent specialising in Clients with Spanish property. We are currently looking to recruit a full time professional Sales Consultant to assist us in providing Clients with Consultancy Services relating to the re-structuring of property in Spain as well as dealing with Clients financial and estate planning affairs. The ideal candidate will have experience of working in a sales environment, be tenacious and self-motivated, and be confident in working in a target driven environment. In addition, they must be articulate, numerate, Computer literate and have excellent customer service attributes. Suitable applicants must have sales experience in either financial, legal services, estate agency or property sales. The role will be based at our Calpe office and include developing sales from qualified leads, improving conversion rates and providing consultancy and legal services to clients and their Spanish property purchase or sale. The Calpe office operates as a local Estate Agent so there is the requirement to list property for our Sellers within the marketing campaigns we run, and also show potential Buyers the property’s for sale. The successful sales candidate will have a proven track record and an outgoing personality, must speak and write excellent English and Spanish as you will be dealing with both British and Spanish owned property transactions. Initial and on-going training will be provided, a good basic salary plus uncapped commission/bonus scheme is also in place for the right candidate. The working week required is 40 hours Monday-Friday. Annual Salary will depend on experience.

Fully Qualified Experienced Abogado / Spanish Lawyer – Calpe Office Wincham International, a successful Legal, Taxation and Accounting Consultancy specialising in English speaking clients, is looking to recruit a full time Qualified and Experienced Abogado to be located at our Wincham Calpe Office. The applicant will have a good experience of Spanish Property transactions, Resident and non-Resident matters, Resident and non-Resident Company structures, legal matters, Probate & Wills, Notary attendance, and will be Fee earning, the position will require travel throughout Spain. The successful candidate will have a proven track record, must speak and write excellent Spanish and English, have good reporting skills as they will be reporting directly to the Wincham UK Board of Directors. You will have the ability to provide our clients with a first class service throughout Spain. The understanding of Brussels IV legislation is essential. You may already be in practice as an Abogado / Spanish Lawyer or may wish to consider joining an International Company with good growth prospects. Shareholding and Director Participation maybe considered. The right candidate can expect a good employment package provided by our International Organisation. You may wish to relocate and this may also be considered. Wincham invite prospective applicants to forward their CV, in English, together with a summary of why they believe they would be suitable for the position. Annual Salary will depend on experience.


Have a podenco Christmas by Jack Troughton LITTLE POD Association, the Orihuela Costa-based animal charity, is staging a Christmas Fair on Sunday 27th November to help raise much-needed funds. The event opens at 11am at the Civic Centre, Calle Mandarino, Urbanisation Entre Naranjos. Pop along and enjoy ‘Little Pod’ goodies; cakes and savouries; name the Teddy; tombola; tarot and palm reading; mulled wine and mince pies; gifts for pets; and Christmas crafts and gifts. All the money raised will help the charity – named in memory of the original ‘Little Pod’ (pictured) – rescue and home abandoned podencos, greyhounds, dogs, cats and kittens.

Fake accident scam POLICE ARE investigating an insurance scam after accidents and injuries were faked on the roads of Murcia. National Police have arrested 65 people and taken statements from a further 40 as part of a probe said to involve 22 incidents and to have cost insurance companies over 300,000€. The investigation was launched last September after detectives were alerted to a court case in Murcia about the possible ‘simulation’ of an accident on a roundabout in the city. Insurance companies were contacted using the names of people who made claims as a result of the staged crash – leading to more suspects being linked to an alleged fraud. And a study of documents and CCTV footage found an illegal organisation was faking accidents – making illicit claims for damage and injuries.

11 nov - 17 nov 2016


#NewsFromAfar 18

11 nov - 17 nov 2016

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Sad end for Dave the worm EARTHWORM DAVE entered the record books as the largest ever found in the UK – and then had people squirming as he was killed by scientists. by Jack Troughton

The worm measured 40cm – 15.7in – and weighed a mighty 26g, an ounce in old money, after being caught above ground in a Widnes vegetable plot by Paul Rees and named Dave by stepson George. The earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, was sent to the Natural History Museum and was named the largest specimen ever discovered – before being killed and preserved in the “sad bit of science”. However, his fate caused an outcry over social media despite having been sacrificed for science. Emma Sherlock of the Natural History Museum said: I was bowled over by the size of this worm when I opened the plastic box they sent it in. “Not only was it really long, it was almost twice as heavy as any other wild earthworm ever seen, weighing the same as a small chocolate bar. Dave is now preserved, and will now be useful to science. “And although his name is on the jar is Lumbricus terrestris, little George did request that his real name, Dave, be preserved forever too – so on the label it clearly states ‘known as Dave’ and that will be reflected in the museum database too.” The previous largest worm found in 2015 grew to 39.6cm, 15.6 inches, and was found on the Scottish island of Rum. Tributes on Twitter read: “RIP Dave. You were unique and before your time and it would have been amazing to see a blackbird wrestle with you”; another said “Still saddened by the senseless euthanasia of Dave the earthworm.” And another tweet said “He might have got bigger if you hadn’t murdered him!!” while a fourth read: “It does strike me as odd the Natural History Museum measured the UK’s longest ever worm and then killed it!”



11 nov - 17 nov 2016


Gardeners visit World Heritage Site THE DARWINIAN Gardeners visited Elche on Saturday to inspect the hundreds of thousands of palm trees that make it a Unesco World Heritage Site. by Jack Troughton There are between 200,000 and 300,000 specimens, the concentration of palms said to date back to Phoenician times. The main focus for the Murcia-based gardening club was the ‘Huerto del Cura’ – the Garden of the Priest – a 13,000 square metre cultivated and landscaped area with 1,000 palms and may other species of plants; with pools, fountains and shady walks and seats, the work of local priest Jose Castano Sanchez, who owned it until 1918. And across the road from the garden is the Museum of Palms, which includes among its displays much information about, and examples of the traditional intricate palm leaf craftwork

which is a speciality of the city, and is made from bleached palm leaves. After a leisurely lunch, the group travelled to the Carmen del Campillo, near Catral. This garden has been developed along with the house and all the buildings during the last 36 years by its owner, who started with an empty field. Totally enclosed from the surrounding countryside by tall trees and walls, the garden has the feel of a traditional Arabic setting. Hedges create tiny courtyards, some with pools or water features, where visitors can be served drinks and snacks. Darwinian Gardeners is an initiative of the Humanists of Murcia. Other activities organised by the humanists include two monthly walks, a monthly games evening, a philosophy group, and a discussion group. For more information visit humanistsofmurcia.com.

Donations shine on

RASCALS – THE variety show group – have made an 800€ to Alzheimer’s after raising the money through performances of summer show ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’. The money will be used to buy 34 games to help stimulate patients who attend the day centre. And the successful Rascals’ show also allowed donations to be made to social services in Los Montesinos to purchase two hoists and to Age Concern, helping to fund the purchase of an industrial iron. The group is now looking forward to a busy December, performing to help raise money for children’s charities – Rascals will also sing at the Age Concern Christmas dinner, the Alzheimer’s say centre, the Rojales residential home, and give a party with gifts to the students of ALPE. Performances in December in the local community are as follows: Thursday 1st, Sackos Bar, El Limenar at 11am; Saturday 3rd, San Luis Square at 2pm; Sunday 4th at 1pm Los Montesinos Square; Tuesday 6th, Carmens Bar at 2.15pm; Thursday 8th, Iceland, Torrevieja at 11am; and Saturday 10th, Punta Prima at 11am. Anyone wanting more information about this friendly group can call Jill on 96 672 7282 or visit www.therascals.org.

A happy couple Cast takes THE SECOND offering by ACTS – the Actors Community Theatre Society – enjoyed a successful three night run in Benijofar with ‘Wife After Death’. The group was formed to provide a ‘professional drama company in the area’ by Tony and Angela Goddard and followed the first production ‘Don’t Dress for Dinner’ in being well-received by packed houses. Directed by Sue Stabler and Albert Stokes, a donation from Wife After Death, written by BAFTA-winning writer Eric Chapple – the creator of television’s Rising Damp - was made to the Benijofar Crisis Appeal. Wife After Death is one of those plays with what appears to be a very simple and straightforward idea. Comedian and ‘national treasure’ Dave Thursby has died and his friends and former colleagues are gathered together with his wife in his home to pay their respects. It all sounds rather dull and predictable; however, all is not what it seems. Appearances can be deceptive and as the play progresses the relationships the characters had with Dave are exposed and his true feelings for them - which were not very pleasant - are revealed. With relatively few actors and long wordy dialogue, it was not an easy play to pull off and there were some excellent performers in the bittersweet comedy. And the response from audiences bodes well for ACTS next production, expected next Spring.

time out PERFORMERS OF the New Cardenal Belluga Theatre Group were treated to an enjoyable ‘end of show’ dinner after another success with ‘Stepping Out’ at San Fulgencio. The group is now busy rehearsing for its annual carol concert, which takes place in the middle of December. And the group is also looking for new members – especially music, sound and lighting technicians. Anyone interested in the challenge should contavct Tom Ford on 96 679 0547.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016


Awards night approaches NOMINATIONS ARE in, the judges have interviewed the finalists for the Business Women Recognition Awards – and the winners will be announced on Thursday 1st December. In total 505 nominations were received for 73 different people across eight award categories. GM Promotions has organised the finalists to be at the Gala Awards Dinner Evening at the Venta La Chata between Calpe and Benissa. The finalists have met with the judges - Alexandra Gold, A Woman on A Purpose, Dani Bowler, Master Chef semi-finalist and restaurateur, and Barry from Hot FM & Peppermint Media, at the Palau de Javea Restaurant last week. The panel then face the difficult task of choosing a winner and using an agreed criteria selected the winner for each category to be presented with their award at the celebration. GM Promotions and main sponsor HiFX has said a huge ‘well done’ to everyone who was nominated; and ‘an even bigger thank you’ to those that have taken the time to nominate. The finalists are: BUSINESS START UP AWARD – SPONSORED BY TRE (Talk Radio Europe) - Joanne Alderton, Alderton’s Property Finder; Samantha Poole, Relocating 2/Club Casa; Mika Fitz – Club Fit. CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARD – SPONSORED BY CURRENCIES DIRECT - Lexi Miller, HCS Accountants; Joanna Blackford, KRU Hair & Beauty/Jo Black Wedding Hair; Johanna Whittaker, Compare Properties Spain. COMMUNITY or CHARITY WORKER AWARD – SPONSORED BY PEPPERMINT MEDIA SL - Sandy Tsalikidis, Red Cross; Jody Gaw, Grant A Wish; Lucy Grande, Make A Smile. BEHIND THE SCENES AWARD (The Rock!) – SPONSORED BY AVALON - Emma Keegan; Andrew Alderton. HEALTH & BEAUTY AWARD – SPONSORED BY H2O HAIR & BEAUTY ACADEMY - Joanna Blackford, KRU Hair & Beauty/Jo Black Wedding Hair; Angela Zwaga, Simply U; Mika Fitz, Club Fit. RISING STAR AWARD – SPONSORED BY VINTAGE CAFE - Xenia Bragagnini, Studio 23; Victoria Wright, Alba Consultas; Joanna Blackford, KRU Hair & Beauty/Jo Black Wedding Hair. MENTOR OF THE YEAR AWARD – SPONSORED BY ALDERTONS PROPERTY FINDERS - Angela Zwaga, Simply U; Lesley Ellis, Empowering Women Entrepreneurs; Joanna Blackford – KRU Hair & Beauty/Jo Black Wedding Hair. OUTSTANDING BUSINESS WOMAN AWARD – SPONSORED BY HiFX - Jody Bell, My Jody Bell; Daniella Laird, Dia/Nit 24 Hour Shop; Mika Fitz – Club Fit A fantastic Gala Awards evening with entertainment has been organised, as it’s coming up to Christmas this is a great time to get dressed up and celebrate. To book a place at this stylish event on 1st December at 55€ per person; or for more information email gina@gmpromotions.es or call 695 399 841.

22 11 nov - 17 nov 2016

Advertising Feature What is Housers? Presented by its founders After a very interesting conversation regarding ‘what is crowdfunding’ and their unique crowdfunding platform to invest in Real Estate in Spain, this is what they told us: 1. What is crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is a way of raising finance by asking a large number of people each for a small amount of money. Until recently, financing a business, project or venture involved asking a few people for large sums of money. Crowdfunding switches this idea around, using the internet to talk to thousands – if not millions – of potential funders. Typically, those seeking funds will set up a profile of their project on a website such as those run by our members. They can then use social media, alongside traditional networks of friends, family and work acquaintances, to raise money. 2. What or who led you to real estate crowdfunding? The changing real estate cycle in Spain has created new opportunities: in 2014 the prices stabilized and 2015 and 2016 are showing recovery via price increase y demand increase. We wanted to democratize this recovering market and Crowdfunding is a perfect way to do so 3. In what way is the real estate crowdfunding and Housers different? In regular real-estate investment, your money is invested in one or few properties and you need large amounts to be able to participate in this market. Via Housers everybody can participate in the real estate market while the minimum investment is just 50€ and you can invest in as many properties as you like.

4. How do you choose the properties? We carefully check each property that is offered to us on profitability, ease of rent and revaluation perspective. 5. Why should people choose this way to invest? It allows them to diversify their investment, thus reducing the risks. Also since Housers manages the whole process, from purchase to lease to sale, the customer does’t have to worry about paperwork, tenants etc. 6. Who should be visiting Housers website and why? Anyone who wants to invest in his financial future at low risk, but wants more benefits than the current low interest rates that banks offer 7. How much does it cost to invest? Nothing. Signing up is free, and also the segretated Housers account is free. (Your housers account is linked to a segretated account in an independent financial institution, assuring that your money is safe while waiting to be invested in the properties published on our web. 8. How do people make money? Housers make money every month when dividends are paid, based on the rental income of each property and when the projected sales price is reached, they also share in the capital gains that this property has generated. 9. Please share with us anything that you think has contributed to the success of Housers: Making available to everyone something as imaginative as investment in real estate, something that was reserved to the wealthy. Everything via an easy online platform, with no paperwork hassle and no

daily management for the users. 10. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our listeners/readers? Housers brings the investment power to the people! Now everyone can be a landlord and create a heritage for the future. Thank you for your time and interest in Housers and we hope to welcome you soon on our website WWW.HOUSERS.COM


11 nov - 17 nov 2016



Carlos Baos

Inheritance taxes and the truth about the European Regulation 650/2012 We want to highlight on this article, the confusing and sometimes incorrect information that the expatriates in Spain - and Spanish people with interests abroad - are receiving from some professionals regarding Inheritance Tax. As we have mentioned on several occasions, the EU Regulation 650/2012 is already in force regarding inheritance. It is advised by some legal agents, financial advisors, and tax specialists that because this regulation, in Article 22, allows national law to be chosen as the applicable law to the succession, it is advisable - if taxes payable on the country of the nationality of the testator (the person making the will) are more convenient - to choose their national tax law to pay less inheritance tax. But this advice is wrong, because the European Regulation 650/2012 relates to the applicable law to the succession. For example, whether English law applied in principle it could be understood that there is freedom to testate, but under the Spanish law, there are certain limitations on this freedom, and therefore there are certain portions of the Estate that are normally reserved for descendants or spouse. It is not true that you can choose to pay inheritance taxes in one country or another, or under the law of one country or another. This Regulation expressly excludes in fiscal or revenue and administrative public law matters, and each state in relation to the succession of assets in its country, will determine the calculation, payment of taxes, etc. Furthermore, Article 1 of this Regulation

says: This Regulation shall apply to succession to the estates of deceased persons. It shall not apply to revenue, customs or administrative matters. Therefore, it is incorrect that the Regulation 650/2012 allows people to choose between

paying taxes under the law of the country or another, as the fiscal and tax succession matters are not within its scope. Therefore, if you have property in Spain and you want to make proper succession tax planning, you should know that it is not true that you can choose what law you want to

apply for the payment of inheritance tax, as the regulation does not affect inheritance taxation, which are governed by the laws of different states. If you want to make a will, plan your inheritance tax, etc. properly, contact us and we will help.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com



11 nov - 17 nov 2016


John Porter International Financial Adviser

Interesting times ahead for investors As I write this article the news has just come in on Donald Trump and the Republicans stunning win in the U.S. Presidential elections. This has caused an immediate negative reaction in the financial and investment markets and, quite rightly, will be causing Investors a good deal of angst. There’s no doubt that markets will remain highly volatile in the short term but there is no reason to believe that Armageddon is approaching. The U.S. economy is and will remain in good shape and the Global Investment outlook remains positive. Indeed, there is every reason to believe that there is an opportunity to increase one’s Investment Portfolio profile. Certainly, safeguarding Capital is always a prime consideration but with

Deposit interest rates at current levels there is an argument to consider restructuring one’s finances to provide a better return. I would expect the UK to benefit from the leadership change in the U.S. via trade deals and ever closer ties which should help to bolster the economy. Europe still has issues, with elections coming up Italy this year and Germany, France and Holland next year, and with the current political landscape maybe the E.U. will realise that reform is needed or more shocks are in store. Political risk is now the major risk for investors in this volatile market. So, in an ever changing environment, it’s important to

realise that Investors and Savers need to fine tune their assets on a regular basis which is where we at Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd come in. We constantly monitor all financial markets and advise accordingly to tailor an Investment plan suitable to any customers needs and provide personal and regular updates on all financial matters. If you would like advice on what’s on offer I am here to help you. To arrange an independent, professional and impartial consultation or review of your current banking / investment portfolio, please contact me by email john.porter@blacktowerfm.com or call me on 634 342 270.

Proud to be celebrating 30 years of giving independent and professional advice to clients across the UK and Europe

Calle Joan Fuster, Edificio Palau 111, Local 7 Javea Tel: 658 892 330 Email christina.brady@blacktowerfm.com Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission Licence and registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain

11 nov - 17 nov 2016




Hurricane hits Havana VACCUUM CLEANER salesman, gentle Jim Wormold plans to clean up after being recruited as a spy but soon finds himself at the centre of a violent tropical storm. by Jack Troughton Recruited by MI5 as ‘Our Man in Havana’, he soon warms to the patriotic challenge set by his rather snooty handlers and is soon creating a fictional network of colleagues to boost his limited income by claiming wages and expenses from London. However, while his reports back from the Caribbean both please and

sometimes puzzle with claims of new military installations; rather disturbingly, he also triggers a whole new chapter of counterespionage; worse, a very real body count starts to rise. Javea Players deserve a box of cigars for an evening bringing Graham Green’s novel – both spy thriller and political satire – to life at the Union Theatre in Gata. And it was

a whirlwind of action with 54 rapid scene changes and nine supporting actors playing 69 different characters; each wearing a different costume. Wormold, no one calls him Jim or even James until the end, is engagingly played by Andrew Cleven, who looks the part of the weather-worn expat on a steamy pre-Castro Cuba full of corruption, killings, booze, sleaze, fast women, and music. Things seem so easy for him at first. A new income stream allows him to pay for the good life demanded by daughter Milly (Rosemary Brown) and fall in love with Secretary Beatrice (Rosemary again), sent to keep an eye on his secret agent activities. Using a copy of Lamb’s

‘Tales from Shakespeare’ to encode his messages – there is even a balcony scene in the plot – Wormold is soon struggling and just one foot ahead of the law; the car chase was a comic masterpiece. He is forced into some quick thinking as his own life is threatened and seeks to outwit the cruel and cunning Captain Segura (Gary Johnson), a notorious policeman who tortures prisoners and has a human skin wallet. However, all’s well that ends well. Wormold makes it back to Blighty safely, is rewarded with a knighthood from the Queen and hooks up with his lady again - happy endings...and a great way to finish Javea Players’ 40th anniversary year with an accomplished show from cast, crew, and director Cherry Cabban. Thanks to Benny Davis for the pictures of Wormold at the wheel of the getaway car with Beatrice and showgirl Teresa, and being offered ‘a good time’ in the dark streets of Havana.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #Puzzles /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Doodle Box

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 7. A coat of paint for the detonator (6) 8. Just the party for the chaser! (6) 10. Being about to surrender the Communist fell back (7) 11. Gun rule (5) 12. We hear a dramatic event is witnessed (4) 13. A mournful noise for the girl, by the sound of it (5) 17. Soft protuberance well filled out (5) 18. Take the skin off the fruit, one hears (4) 22. Craft will bring back weekly lotteries (5) 23. Chosen alternative for a voter (7) 24. The Spanish having smooth footballing combination (6) 25. There could be no part for the sponsor (6) DOWN

1. Work on newspapers and behave tyrannically (7) 2. Having a certain key thrown away (7) 3. Makes one’s way to western borders (5) 4. Sailor’s knot (3-4) 5. One who votes for another man (5) 6. Fragrant plant belonging to you and me (5) 9. One of those strange statistics? (3,6) 14. A trimmer required for the ship (7) 15. Tears up untidy field (7) 16. It’s exhausting when we get a telephone call (7) 19. A street round the south-east is part of the estate (5) 20. Went in a boat and fell out! (5) 21. Near the border there’s an exceptionally tough type (2-3)

Quick ACROSS 7. Mend (6) 8. Harm (6) 10. Loquacious (7) 11. Concur (5) 12. Highway (4) 13. Match (5) 17. Condition (5) 18. Heath (4) 22. Vagrant (5) 23. Strain (7) 24. Downy (6) 25. Robust (6) DOWN 1. Valour (7) 2. Hardy (7) 3. Guide (5) 4. Handcuff (7) 5. Worry (5) 6. Cut (5) 9. Lay waste (9) 14. Stun (7) 15. Leaves (7) 16. Hand bomb (7) 19. Cram (5) 20. Indistinct (5) 21. Cancel (5)


Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 38.

11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #horoscopes


Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Mercury’s sextile with Mars opens new channels of communication. Try to get your message across and if necessary enlist the help of someone who may be able to interpret on your behalf. Make all negotiations on neutral territory and try to stick to your guns, whilst you realise what it would really be like if the boot was on another foot! With Venus entering into Capricorn and entering into a trine with Uranus it is quite clear that your have divided loyalties right now. Since this takes you way out of your comfort zone then take strides to normalise the situation; since it would have developed anyway, and you are not to blame. Be the shoulder to cry on when needed. Sliding into Sagittarius, Mercury is poised to sextile with Mars midweek and this brings out your investigative and intuitive streak. Something isn’t quite right and though you cannot put your finger on it you are now closer than ever to the truth. Be warned, however that someone is going to get hurt; though it won’t be you. A time to eliminate considerable clutter from your life, in all ways! Your love of being creative has led to many unfinished projects which now need to be discarded so you can focus better on the real job in hand. A relationship has gone stale; and though it has revived before, now it is time to just walk away with your head held high while you can. Aspects of the Sun this week filter into liaisons with planets Ceres and Kora and an ultimate clash with Uranus. It would seem that the way ahead is tempered with some minor irritating things that nevertheless do have to be dealt with. As Ceres calls time, Kora looks to a creative way of keeping your head above water and moving you on. Venus enters into Capricornian energies and in so doing opposes aspects of Saturn. There comes a delay to something that you have been looking forward to do. Whatever you planned take time to change the timings and then you will enjoy the success that you have always wanted; and you will not be disappointed in any way!

Venus enjoys a double trine with planets Uranus and Kora at the start of a busy week for you. Acting just like a retrograde aspect, planet Uranus actions with the Sun midweek bringing a situation that may have caused you some anxiety. This is only a Cosmic shift which, as a event has made a big mountain from out of a molehill!

The Mercury sextile with Mars puts you in a bad mood about something very trivial; but when you are angry with yourself things have a habit of being blown out of all proportion. Calmly plan your next move and in so doing you will resolve things and not take action that you may live to regret, and nothing comes back on you either.

Mercury enters into Capricorn and this can mean that the stakes are higher and you have to make a decision that takes in every poignant aspect into consideration. Look before you leap, yes, but know that someone is there to catch you, and tell you the real truth, which is what this conflict is really all about anyway! Venus enters and weaves her Goddess magic, aiming it straight to the heart, as usual. Stubbornly you have chosen to leave somebody not knowing where they stand; and though this may be unfair it is your way of stalling for time. If you are contemplating these silly games then you really are not ready to take on the love you need. A profound trine between your planetary leader and Venus brings up some buried memories and treasures from the past. Touched by the energies of the Sun midweek things may look entirely different as you realise that ongoing relationships will be your memories of the future. Go, make history, and, above all love what you do! Kora conjuncts with Ceres bringing strong urges and a chance for you to just follow the flow and be impulsive in what you do. Taking time for yourself is essential, and you need to charge your energies with some rest and relaxation. Work towards taking a few days to escape the day to day and refresh your beautiful soul!


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

The Alfaz Spiritual Foundation are holding their Christmas Mind Body and Spirit Fair on November 12th at the Forum Mare Nostrum in Alfaz del Pi from 10.00 to 16.00 Apart from some inspiring Christmas goodies and gifts there will be a chance to have psychic readings with Clairvoyants and some treatments from therapists too. Readers of Round Town News have the opportunity to book appointments with me in advance. Many were disappointed last time I attended a MBS Fair at the Forum, so booking early is advised. Appointments are available every twenty minutes and cost 25EUR in aid of local charities, supported by me. Looking forward to meeting you!

If It’s Your Birthday This Week

Cosmic energies are conspiring to prepare for you to take action and to act quickly as a fast response is needed. You have felt as if there was something you haven’t done, but now comes your best chance...so take it! Strike whilst the iron is hot!


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

leisure #auntyvirus & life ////////////////////////////////////

I may have a virus Dear Aunty, Whilst being connected to the internet this week I have twice received a message that came up on my screen warning me that I may have a virus and suggesting I should activate the field to “repair your system now”. The website it came from was ‘Support.online. com-security’. I took this to be a scam as it did not come from Microsoft and just cancelled the window. I wondered if you had come across this website and if it was genuine or not ? Regards, A. Fisher Reply: You are correct that it is a “scam”. You have some form of adware / malware / virus, that is causing this pop up to appear. It makes people think they have an issue with their PC, and that by clicking on their link, and buying their software will correct the “non existent” problem. You will need to run your antivirus software, along with an antiadware or malware software (Malwarebytes, or Hitman Pro for example) to see if they can remove it from your PC. You may also have to go into your internet browser settings and see if there any rogue addons or unwanted search engine options, and if your “home page” settings have been changed.

Slower than a snail!

Hi Aunty, I am having trouble with the speed of my computer. At times it is even slower than the Spanish snail mail. I regularly have to do a system restore to get it back to a reasonable speed, but the main thing I don’t understand is that every so often I get a message towards the top of the screen that says, “You have a web page that is slowing down your browser. What do you want to do?” It offers the options of “Stop it” or “Wait”. I have tried clicking on both(on different occasions) but neither seems to have had any effect. Any thoughts? Alex San Miguel Reply. Slow computers can be down to many things. Your PC is not powerful enough to do what you want it to do, ie slow processor speed or lack of memory. You are installing programmes slowing down the PC You are installing addons and extensions in browsers that are slowing them down. You are running multiple anti virus and antimalware programs at the same time. You are infected by adware, malware or a virus. Your drivers are not up to date. You are using an old or incompatible browser. A lot of things to check, but making sure you are not installing unwanted programs is a start.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #advertising feature /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Charity Entertainment Weekend Benidorm Supporting Paul Cunningham Nurses.

Brighten up a dreary January with 2 night’s entertainment including the fabulous Bella Luna and Abba Elite!!

Bella Luna

Abba Elite

Bella Luna are the Costa’s Spanish duo singing all your favourite music from Gypsy Kings to Elvis to Michael Jackson – laugh out loud, toe tapping good fun. Then you have Abba Elite!! – the live tribute to the world’s favourite pop group. With live musical arrangements, flawless 4 part harmonies, dynamic stage costumes and breathtaking choreography – this show is considered by audiences to be one of the most entertaining and convincing live shows to be found on the Costa. Guaranteed to fill the dancefloor! More than that however is the chance to have a fun filled weekend whilst supporting a local charity. The Paul Cunningham nurses deliver quality care to terminally ill patients in their own home. What a truly wonderful cause. I doubt many of us haven’t known someone who has been touched by such tragedy in their lives. What would these families have done without such wonderful support for them and their loved ones – and all free of charge! By January, the longest night of the year has passed. The days at last start to gradually lengthen and before we know it we will all be complaining that “its too hot” So why not make the most of January. Where better to do that than in the entertainment capital of the Costa Blanca- Benidorm. Here the bars, shops restaurant and hotels continue to thrive. Given decent weather the odd hardy soul is even seen sunbathing or swimming in the sea! This can be a great time of year for a short getaway bargain. Staying in large comfortable 4* hotel with good facilities, full board, all rooms with balcony, indoor swimming pool and gymnasium and of course a bit of company provided by your fellow travellers. This 3 day weekend special from Saturday 21st January to Monday 23rd January is only 145€ full board. With coach transfers and the entertainment included this is such good value for money. ***5 euros will be donated to the charity for every ticket sold*** To book call 966785910 or book online at www.coachtripsonline.com


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

friday 11th November BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 The People Remember 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Two Minutes Silence 12:05 Claimed and Shamed 12:50 The Housing Enforcers 13:20 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Citizen Khan 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Still Game 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:25 Would I Lie to You?


7:00 My Life in Books 7:30 Claimed and Shamed 8:15 Flog It! 9:00 Antiques Roadshow 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Film Shadow of a Doubt 14:45 Coast 15:10 Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 15:45 Open All Hours 16:15 Natural World 17:15 Dolphins - Spy in the Pod 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 The Mary Berry Story 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Newsnight 22:00 Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Close to the Enemy

saturday 12th November BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Saturday Kitchen Live 11:45 The Lord Mayor’s Show 13:05 Football Focus 13:35 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:15 Four Nations Rugby League 15:00 Live International Rugby Union 17:30 Escape to the Country 18:15 Celebrity Mastermind 18:45 BBC News 18:55 BBC Regional News and Weather 19:05 Pointless Celebrities 19:55 Strictly Come Dancing 21:10 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 22:00 Festival of Remembrance 23:40 National Lottery Update 23:40 BBC News; Weather 24:00 Room 101 - Extra Storage 24:40 Asian Provocateur


7:05 Film Government Girl 8:35 The Women’s Football Show 9:10 Film Suspicion 10:45 Secret Britain 11:45 The Good Cook 12:15 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 13:15 The Best Dishes Ever 13:45 Homes Under the Hammer 14:30 Talking Pictures 15:15 Film Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner 17:00 Flog It! 18:00 Live International Rugby Union 20:30 International Rugby Union 21:30 Balletboyz - Young Men 22:30 Film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom 24:50 Film Red Tails


7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Rebound 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:15 Weather 19:15 ITV Evening News 19:45 Emmerdale 20:15 Live International Football 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Regional Weather 23:30 ITV News 23:45 International Football Highlights


7:00 Children’s TV 9:10 Looped 9:30 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 10:05 Adventure Time 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Murder, She Wrote 11:20 Murder, She Wrote 12:20 Wild Australia with Ray Mears 12:50 Judge Rinder 13:50 ITV News and Weather 13:59 ITV Regional Weather 14:00 Cash Trapped 14:55 This Time Next Year 15:55 Big Star’s Little Star 17:00 Thunderbirds Are Go 17:20 The Chase 18:25 ITV Regional Weather 18:25 ITV News 18:40 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 20:00 Meet the Parents 21:00 The X Factor 22:30 The Jonathan Ross Show 23:30 ITV News and Weather 23:44 ITV Regional Weather 23:45 Film The Bourne Ultimatum





7:00 Countdown 7:45 The Goldbergs 8:10 The Goldbergs 8:35 The Goldbergs 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Jamie’s Money Saving Meals 13:40 Channel 4 Racing 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Come Dine with Me 18:00 My Kitchen Rules UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Jamie’s Super Food 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 The Last Leg 24:05 First Dates

7:10 Gillette World Sport 7:40 The Grid 8:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00 Frasier 9:30 Frasier 10:00 The Morning Line 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:25 The Simpsons 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 Deal or No Deal 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Jamie’s Super Food 17:30 Location, Location, Location 18:35 A Place in the Sun 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 China: Between Clouds and Dreams 21:00 Formula 1 22:30 Film Non-Stop 24:40 Film Underworld: Awakening

7:00 Children’s TV 9:00 Wissper 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film The Santa Incident 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 Make You Laugh Out Loud 21:30 The Ant & Dec Story 23:00 Most Shocking Talent Show Moments

7:00 Children’s TV 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Shimmer and Shine 10:35 Peppa Pig 10:50 Peppa Pig 11:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 11:10 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:45 House Doctor 12:45 Film A Bride for Christmas 14:25 Film Christmas Angel 15:30 FIA Formula E Championship 18:30 Film 2012 19:25 NCIS: New Orleans 20:20 NCIS: New Orleans 23:15 That’s So 24:15 Football on 5: Goal Rush


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Emmerdale 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Royal Pains 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Emmerdale 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 24:00 Prank Pad


7:00 The Hot Desk 7:10 Emmerdale 9:35 Coronation Street 11:30 Catchphrase 12:30 You’ve Been Framed! 13:30 Film The Lake House 14:30 FYI Daily 14:35 Film The Lake House 15:35 Film Honey 16:35 FYI Daily 16:40 Film Honey 17:40 Film Beethoven’s 2nd 18:40 FYI Daily 18:45 Film Beethoven’s 2nd 19:25 Film Arthur 20:25 FYI Daily 20:30 Film Arthur 21:30 Scorpion 22:30 The Xtra Factor 23:00 Celebrity Juice 24:00 Prank Pad


7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Rude(ish) Tube 8:40 Black-ish 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 Baby Daddy 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 Film Tooth Fairy 23:05 The Big Bang Theory 23:35 The Big Bang Theory 24:00 Rude Tube


7:00 Animals Unleashed 8:10 Baby Daddy 9:05 Melissa & Joey 10:00 Made in Chelsea 11:05 Couples Come Dine with Me 12:05 How I Met Your Mother 13:05 Black-ish 13:35 Black-ish 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 Film Aliens in the Attic 16:45 Rude(ish) Tube 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film Magic Mike 24:15 Gogglebox

#tv&showbiz goss


ADELE: Tottenham´s ultimate headline maker! I´ve got a triple whammy on Adele for you today, so full attention span required. Pippa Middleton is first up after she announced recently that she wanted Adele to sing at her wedding to hedge-fund manager fiancé James Matthews, but with Adele charging $1 million for a private show it might not now happen! The wedding will take place next summer, “but don’t expect anything close to a royal wedding” said sister Kate “it will be elegant not a lavish event.” … Adele and Barbra Streisand are both signed to Columbia Records USA, and if a planned collaboration comes to fruition, the record will opt for the laid-back jazz lounge sound like Lady Gaga´s collaboration with Tony Bennett. And finally we come to Adele´s use of the four letter word. She swore 33 times during a recent BBC documentary, then said afterwards at a concert in Los Angeles “I’m trying to powder my tongue and not swear so much,” then when asking if there were any teachers in the audience said “f***ing hell, I love teachers … they’re so important in our lives.” Yes they f***ing are Adele!

11 nov - 17 nov 2016

Although Miley Cyrus is a mere 23 years old, she has garnered more headlines than someone twice her age. Miley followed her father Billy Ray into the music business with her first album ´Meet Miley Cyrus´ in 2007 when she was just 14. A million tabloid headlines later Miley is now a judge on the current ´The Voice USA, ´ and like all celebs in that line of work appear on all the big USTV talk shows. Talking to Ellen DeGeneres last week said about the diamond engagement ring given to her by her on and off boyfriend Liam Hemsworth “It’s weird because this is like real jewellery and most of my jewellery is made out of gummy bears and cotton candy, and they don’t look that good together!” Miley then admitted she said to long suffering boyfriend Liam “This isn’t really my aesthetic, but I’ll wear it because you love me.” Isn´t she just the cutest!

There´s a photo flying round the internet with the caption ´!s this a photo of Tom Hanks or Bill Murray? Hopefully Alice can find the actual photo, as it’s definitely one of the actors around a crying baby. The photo was originally posted on the ´Reasons My Son is Crying´ Facebook page three years ago by mother of the child Laura DiMichele-Ross, who submitted the picture of her son Alexander wailing next to the celebrity. She said to the BBC last week” It’s definitely Bill, me and my husband Adam met him at the Alfred Dunhill Links golf competition at St Andrews in October 2012.” Laura nailed the story beautifully when she then said “He´s a good person to follow as he jokes around and takes photos with fans … my son took one look at him and started bawling!” Love it!

Justin Timberlake broke the law by taking a selfie in a Tennessee voting booth! The Shelby County District Attorney’s Office said the singer was “under review” for taking a photo and posting it on Instagram which carries a potential punishment of a 30-day jail sentence and a $50 fine. Justin posted a selfie of the event to his followers on Instagram, all 37 million of them, and added “On Hey! You! Yeah, YOU! I just flew from LA to Memphis to #rockthevote !!!,” According to TMZ, an official from the election’s board said that JT should not be commended for inspiring people to get out and vote. While he didn’t exactly say who he voted for, it’s pretty fair to assume it was Hillary, as she was over to Justin and girlfriend Jessica Biel´s recently for lunch. The madness that is the USA elections!


Scarlett Johansson married French advertising executive Romain Dauriac in 2014 , and a couple of weeks ago they realised one of the dreams by opening their first popcorn shop in Paris.. The couple manned the counter themselves for ´Yummy Pop’s´ opening and the fans were delighted, with crowds of customers waiting outside that eventually swelled to a couple hundred strong. “It has been a dream of mine and my family for several years to bring our favourite American snack to our favourite European city,” said Scarlett, “I am so excited to introduce Yummy Pop, a labour of love and Epicurean enthusiasm … do bleedin´what! The shop’s popcorn flavours menu includes Vermont Maple, Vermont Cheddar, Sea Salt and Olive Oil, Strawberries and Cream, Chocolate-Covered Strawberries and ScarJo’s personal fav … Truffle, Parmesan and Sage. The Americanisation of Paris has begun.

sunday 13th November BBC1





7:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:20 Remembrance Sunday 13:30 The People Remember 14:30 BBC News 14:40 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:45 Live Four Nations Rugby League 17:15 Planet Earth II 18:15 Songs of Praise 18:50 BBC News 19:10 BBC Regional News 19:15 Countryfile 20:15 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 Planet Earth II 22:00 My Mother and Other Strangers 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC Regional News and Weather 23:30 The Selfless Sikh: Faith on the Frontline 24:00 DIY SOS

7:30 Glorious Gardens from Above 8:15 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 8:45 Greatest Gardens 9:15 Countryfile 10:30 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:00 The Good Cook 13:30 Tom Kerridge’s Proper Pub Food 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 International Rugby Union 15:00 Live Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 18:00 Flog It! 18:30 Remembrance Sunday 19:30 Film Miss Potter 21:00 Operation Gold Rush with Dan Snow 22:00 Will Britain Ever Have a Black Prime Minister? 23:00 Black Is the New Black 23:30 Later - with Jools Holland 24:30 Film She’s Out of My League

7:00 Children’s TV 8:25 Scrambled! 8:30 Nerds & Monsters 8:50 Horrid Henry 9:10 Looped 9:30 Thunderbirds Are Go 10:05 Adventure Time 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Bear Grylls Survival School 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 12:30 Murder, She Wrote 13:25 ITV News and Weather 13:34 ITV Regional Weather 13:35 The Chase 14:35 The X Factor 16:05 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Tipping Point 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:30 Off Their Rockers 20:00 The Next Great Magician 21:00 The X Factor 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 23:45 ITV News and Weather 24:04 ITV Regional Weather

7:15 Triathlon 7:40 Frasier 8:05 Frasier 8:30 Film Imagine That 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Channel 4 Racing 15:45 Film Rango 17:50 Film Johnny English 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Last Heroes of the Somme 21:00 Great Canal Journeys 22:00 Humans 23:00 Formula 1

7:00 Children’s TV 8:45 Paw Patrol 9:05 Blaze and the Monster Machines 9:30 Noddy in Toyland 9:50 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:05 Shimmer and Shine 10:25 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:00 Football on 5: Goal Rush 12:00 5 News 12:05 The Gadget Show 13:05 House Doctor 14:05 Film The Heart of Christmas 15:50 Film Road to Christmas 17:35 Film One Christmas Eve 19:15 Film Married by Christmas 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Film Pompeii 24:05 Film Red Dawn

17:50 Film Johnny English


7:00 The Hot Desk 7:10 You’ve Been Framed! 7:35 Emmerdale 10:00 Coronation Street 12:00 The X Factor 13:30 The Hot Desk 13:40 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here Now! 14:35 Film The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 15:35 FYI Daily 15:40 Film The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 16:20 Film The Smurfs 17:20 FYI Daily 17:25 Film The Smurfs 18:25 Film Yogi Bear 19:25 FYI Daily 19:30 Film Yogi Bear 20:00 Film Jack and Jill 21:00 FYI Daily 21:05 Film Jack and Jill 22:00 The Xtra Factor 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 The Hot Desk 23:45 I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp 24:45 Family Guy


7:00 Rude(ish) Tube 7:20 New Girl 7:45 New Girl 8:05 Baby Daddy 8:35 Baby Daddy 9:00 Melissa & Joey 9:30 Melissa & Joey 10:00 Hollyoaks 12:30 Made in Chelsea 13:30 How I Met Your Mother 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 Film Scrooged 16:30 The Goldbergs 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 Film The Day After Tomorrow 23:30 Tattoo Fixers 24:35 The Inbetweeners


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

monday 14th November BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Oxford Street Revealed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Food 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 Panorama 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Children in Need Rocks for Terry 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 24:30 The Graham Norton Show


7:00 My Life in Books 7:30 Junior Bake Off 8:00 Junior Bake Off 8:30 Junior Bake Off 9:00 Animal Babies 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Coast 14:30 Hi-de-Hi! 15:00 Live Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 17:45 The Wonder of Animals 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing It Takes Two 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 NW 23:30 Newsnight 24:10 Weather 24:15 Will Britain Ever Have a Black Prime Minister?


7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Regional Weather 23:30 ITV News 23:45 The Agenda





7:20 The King of Queens 7:45 The Goldbergs 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Coast vs Country 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Supershoppers 21:30 Tricks of the Restaurant Trade 22:00 SAS: Who Dares Wins 23:00 First Dates 24:05 The Lie Detective 24:55 60 Days in Jail

7:00 Children’s TV 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Film Paper Angels 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Winter Road Rescue 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 All New Traffic Cops 22:00 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 23:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 24:05 Film In Time


7:00 Dinner Date 7:50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8:30 Emmerdale 9:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:00 Psych 10:50 Catchphrase 11:35 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 The Cube 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 20:35 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp 24:00 Family Guy 24:30 American Dad!


7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Rude(ish) Tube 8:40 Black-ish 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 14:30 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 Young & Hungry 17:30 Young & Hungry 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Made in Chelsea 23:00 Drifters 23:35 The Big Bang Theory 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory

tuesday 15th November BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Oxford Street Revealed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Food 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Ordinary Lies 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 Prison, My Parents & Me


7:00 My Life in Books 7:30 Junior Bake Off 8:00 Junior Bake Off 8:30 Junior Bake Off 9:00 Coast 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Countryfile 14:25 Hi-de-Hi! 15:00 Live Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 17:45 The Wonder of Animals 18:15p Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 22:00 The Choir: Gareth’s Best in Britain 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:30 Newsnight 24:10 Weather 24:15 NFL This Week


7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live International Football 23:15 Weather 23:15 ITV News 23:50 ITV Regional Weather 23:50 ITV News 24:05 International Football Highlights

7:00 Countdown 7:45 The Goldbergs 8:10 The Goldbergs 8:35 The Goldbergs 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Coast vs Country 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Secret Life of 22:00 Married at First Sight 23:35 Gogglebox 24:40 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

7:00 Children’s TV 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Film The March Sisters at Christmas 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 All w Traffic Cops 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 23:00 Medical Mysteries 24:05 The Hotel Inspector Returns


7:00 Dinner Date 7:50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8:35 Emmerdale 9:05 Coronation Street 10:05 Psych 10:55 Catchphrase 11:40 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 12:40 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp 24:00 American Dad! 24:30 American Dad!


7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Rude(ish) Tube 8:40 Black-ish 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Young & Hungry 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 14:30 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 Young & Hungry 17:30 Young & Hungry 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Body Fixers 23:00 Naked Attraction 24:05 First Dates Abroad

wednesday 16th November BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Oxford Street Revealed 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Food 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 The Missing 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 A Question of Sport 24:15 Film 2016 24:45 Film Fifty Dead Men Walking


7:15 My Life in Books 7:45 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 8:30 Junior Bake Off 9:00 Great British Menu 9:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Just Good Friends 14:30 Just Good Friends 15:00 Live Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 17:45 The Wonder of Animals 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 21:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 22:00 Black and British: A Forgotten History 23:00 The Premier League Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:10 Weather






7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV London Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 This Time Next Year 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 23:30 Weather 23:30 ITV News 24:00 ITV Regional Weather 24:00 ITV News 24:15 Murder, She Wrote

7:00 Countdown 7:45 The Goldbergs 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Coast vs Country 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Supervet 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Kids On The Edge 24:05 The Secret Life of Prisons: Cutting Edge

7:00 Children’s TV 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 Film Crazy for Christmas 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 23:00 Undercover Criminal 24:05 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

7:00 Dinner Date 7:50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8:35 Emmerdale 9:05 You’ve Been Framed! 10:05 Psych 10:55 Catchphrase 11:40 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 12:40 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 The Cube 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp 24:30 American Dad!

7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Rude(ish) Tube 8:40 Black-ish 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Young & Hungry 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 14:30 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 Young & Hungry 17:30 Young & Hungry 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Crazyhead 23:00 Tattoo Fixers 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory

Thursday 17th November BBC1







7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Oxford Street Revealed 11:00 Homes Under The Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 12:45 Rip Off Britain: Food 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 DIY SOS 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 Question Time 24:45 This Week

7:00 Cowboys and Angels 7:30 Claimed and Shamed 8:15 Money for Nothing 9:00 Gardeners World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Pressure Pad 14:45 Hi-di-Hi! 15:15 Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 15:45 Open All Hours 16:15 The House That £100k Built 17:15 Wild China 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing – It Takes Two 20:00 Great British Menu 21:00 Autumnwatch 22:00 The Fall 23:00 The Apprentice: You’re Fired 23:30 Newsnight

7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Rebound 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs 22:00 Paranoid 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 The Late Debate

7:00 Countdown 7:45 The Goldbergs 8:10 The Goldbergs 8:35 The Goldbergs 9:00 Everybody Love Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Hoarder SOS 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Come Dine with Me 18:00 My Kitchen Rule UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 George Clark’s Amazing Spaces 22:00 Hunted 23:00 Britain’s Benefit Tenants 24:05 Married at First Sight

7:00 Children’s TV 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t pay? We’ll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Kiss of the Black Widow 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neightbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Tube: Going Underground 21:00 On Benefits 22:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 23:00 Me and My 24:00 Tattoo Disasters UK

7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Coronation Street 10:00 you’ve Been Framed! 11:00 The Hot Desk 11:10 A Little Princess 12:00 FIY 12:15 A Little Princess 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Tricked 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Rude(ish) Tube 8:40 Coach Trip 9:10 Rules of Engagement 10:05 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 How I Met Your Mother 16:30 How I Met Your Mother 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 Baby Daddy 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 GI Joe: the Rise of Cobra 24:20 Tattoo Fixers


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

Sara Bell life&leis re ask Sara u ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// by

Life Coach

WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.

When do I get a life? I recently became a grandmother, and although I love my grandchildren (twins) - my daughter feels it is perfectly ok to drop the 2 year olds at my place for the whole weekend, so that she and her husband can have ‘time to themselves’. My new partner has started to resent this and has stayed away. Not only that, my elderly parents are so demanding of my time. They are becoming dependent on me, although I have arranged for some social services help, but my father refuses - wanting me to do everything. Unless you take your life back now, this situation will only get worse. Be very firm with your family. Tell your daughter kindly that you love to see the twins, but it is not acceptable that she leave them with you every weekend, as you have your own life. Also your parents have to learn to accept outside help, otherwise they will be a huge burden on you. Your partner has a point - you deserve to have a happy life together.

Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 650 054 467.

Caught in the act

On a recent holiday to Spain with friends, my wife fell ill when we were about to leave for a day trip. She insisted that we all went without her, so we did. About a mile down the road I realised I had forgotten to pick up my phone, so we turned around and headed back. When I got to the Villa I heard voices coming from the bedroom, and caught my wife and our neighbour together. She’s asking for a second change. I don’t know whether I want a divorce or not. I am very hurt. You have had a terrible shock, and re-gaining your wife’s trust will be hard. She deliberately lied that day, and if she hadn’t been caught, the affair would still be continuing behind your back. Couples counselling may help you both discover why she felt the need to have an affair in the first place, if perhaps there were problems in the marriage. Some people are able to forgive infidelities - some are not, and at least by going to marriage counselling, you can say that you tried.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #Spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


Passive voice – what it is! Well, I’m sorry but two weeks of no grammar is as much as you can be allowed, and this week it’s back to the grindstone! Not only that, we’re back on to verbs again, and a completely new concept, and one that is dealt with differently in English than in Spanish. It couldn’t be worse really, so if you would rather turn the page and read about the latest charity event or how to control your weight, I suggest you do so now. So, now we’ve got rid of the faint-hearted, the rest of us can knuckle down. We are going to start looking at the “passive voice”. The passive what? I hear you ask. You may not be aware that as well as verb “tenses”, there are also things called “voices” and “moods” of verbs. We’ll leave the moods until later (but won’t forget about them!) and talk about “voices”. There are two voices in language terms – the “active” voice and the “passive” voice. Most of the things we learn in grammar initially belong to the active voice. An example of a sentence in the active voice is one that is made up of the SUBJECT plus VERB plus OBJECT, for example “The boy (subject) reads (verb) the book (object)” or in Spanish “El niño lee el libro”. My most humble apologies if I have used this example before to illustrate other things. I suffer for the inability to think of more than one very boring example when explaining grammar. The same thing happens to me when I teach the “going to” future. I always say “Tomorrow I’m going to play tennis” despite the fact that I haven’t played tennis since I was a schoolgirl and even then I hated it with a vengeance. So anyway, we have now seen what an active sentence looks

like, and the next thing I am going to do is turn the English active sentence “the boy reads the book” into a passive one, like this: “The book is read by the boy”. You will see that I have taken the object of the sentence (i.e. the word that receives the action of the verb, in this case “book”) and placed it in the position of the subject (i.e. in front of the verb). The two sentences mean exactly the same thing, but if I start off by saying “the book” I then have to change “reads” to “is read” Notice the same spelling but different pronunciation of “read” in English – deeply confusing for non-native English speakers. Perhaps I should go mad and change the example to “buy”. “The boy buys the book”. “The book IS BOUGHT by the boy”. Another important question here is: Why do we do this? Well, in the case of this particular boy and his book, there is no answer to the question, but suppose we change our example to “Mr. O’Reilly built the school in 1962”. It is unlikely that 50 years later anyone would have any interest in poor old Mr. O’Reilly, but they might be interested in the age of the school. Therefore we would say “The school WAS BUILT in 1962”. We could add “by Mr. O’Reilly” if we really wanted to, but usually we wouldn’t. So, hopefully you can now see that we use the “passive voice” when we are more interested in the “object” of the sentence than the “subject” or if there were some reason why we are unable, or do not wish to name the subject. Here’s another example: “I was told to fill in this form”. The

active sentence would be “Mr. X told me to fill in the form” but perhaps we don’t remember who Mr. X was, or we don’t know the person’s name, or even (horror of horrors) we’re telling a porky which we can only sustain by omitting the information about who told us. You see, it might seem boring, but actually the “passive voice” can be very interesting. There is rather a lot more to say on the subject, which will now have to be left (that’s passive too – “I will have to leave it”) till next week.

Crossword solutions for last week Cryptic Solutions

Across: 1 Butts; 4 Fiddler; 8 Widower; 9 Slang; 10 Inst; 11 Dominant; 13 Reef; 14 Flee; 16 Left over; 17 Cash; 20 Ennui; 21 Compile; 22 Sadness; 23 Spied. Down: 1 Bowling alleys; 2 Tides; 3 Sewn; 4 Farrow; 5 Disciple; 6 Leakage; 7 Right to the end; 12 Peroxide; 13 Refined; 15 Reacts; 18 Alibi; 19 Amos. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Alert; 4 Distend; 8 Correct; 9 Cross; 10 Meet; 11 Belabour; 13 Clue; 14 Play; 16 Abnormal; 17 Taxi; 20 Ideal; 21 Drawing; 22 Gallant; 23 Enemy. Down: 1 Accommodating; 2 Eerie; 3 Tier; 4 Dither; 5 Sociable; 6 Economy; 7 Distressingly; 12 Guerilla; 13 Conceal; 15 Bandit; 18 Agile; 19 Late.

Sudoku Answer

11 nov - 17 nov 2016

Kiddie Capers by

Chris Ashley

Writer & Broadcaster

MY EARLIEST memory of school was circa 1950 & my first day at The Norman Bates Primary. As my mum left me alone, tearfully peering through the railings, she did a little jump & clicked her heels – while trilling a jaunty ditty, I seem to recall it was ‘Don’t Fence Me In’ – she was a right card our mum & no mistake. Truth be told the memories are hazy, so we require your razor sharp cognizance (snort). For instance did we really listen to the wireless during lessons? Was it something called ‘Music & Movement’? School dinners, meat so tough you could heel a shoe, or that bloody if you slapped a plaster on the beast, there’s every chance it could be up again grazing like a good ‘un. Sago pudding - frogspawn anyone? .Milk in dinky little bottles, on the radiator to thaw during the winter months. Uh – oh! Curdled Milk + Small Child = Spurt Alert. The teacher telling us mid-morning “Alright children, it’s time for a nap, heads on desks.” There was nobody more wide awake at 11am than a 5 year old. The nap was for Miss – who was suffering from the ‘Wrath of the Grape’ after spending the evening supping & jitterbugging with a left over GI Joe from WW2 – all for a pair of nylons – hussy. During one class roll call, Miss got to - “ Bonnie Parker.” “Here Miss, but now I want to be known as Bonnie Allsopp, because mum has got a new boyfriend and his name is Reg Allsopp – so now I’m Bonnie Allsopp.” Both the young twins Ronnie & Reggie in unison piped up, “We had him – he was rubbish.” Okay! I put my hands up - I nicked & tweaked that tale from Gervase Phinn, a fine author & educator – if you are going to plagiarise - do it from the best. Mind you he did borrow this one from me. We went to see our then 7 year old son in his school nativity – as we walked up to the assembly hall the audience and cast were walking out. I collared one of the 3 wise men (the one with myrrh – fragrant tree sap – dead handy for a mewling newborn) & asked “What’s occurring?” The wise one replied “Nativity’s off, the Virgin Mary’s got nits.” Before you start on about my advanced years – NO! Florence Nightingale was not our nit nurse. Any infantile info from you is always welcome; ashleybobble@hotmail.com



11 nov - 17 nov 2016


life&leisure #good food


Pork & apple stew with parsley & thyme dumplings This healthy family supper has dumplings that soak up all the flavours of cider, mustard and a hint of apple, and it’s 3 of your 5-a-day Ingredients For the stew 1 tbsp rapeseed oil 2 onions, halved and sliced 3 celery sticks, thickly sliced 2 bay leaves 1 tbsp picked thyme leaves 500g lean pork fillet, cut into large chunks 2 tsp English mustard powder 4 large garlic cloves, grated 2 tbsp spelt flour 4 tbsp cider vinegar 800ml bouillon or chicken stock 1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored and cut into chunks 2 leeks, thickly sliced 4 carrots, cut into chunks For the dumplings 140g spelt flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp English mustard powder 2 tbsp finely chopped flat-

leaf parsley 1 tbsp picked thyme leaves, plus a few sprigs to garnish 2 tbsp bio yogurt 2 tbsp rapeseed oil Method Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a flameproof and ovenproof dish. Add the onions, celery, bay and thyme, and fry for about 8 mins until softened. Add the pork and cook for a few mins until it changes colour, but it doesn’t need to brown as you don’t want to overcook it. Stir in the mustard powder, garlic, flour and vinegar, then pour in the bouillon, stirring to prevent any lumps forming. Add the apple, leeks and carrots, bring the liquid to the boil, then reduce to a simmer.

Cover the pan and simmer for 1 hr, stirring occasionally, until the pork and vegetables are tender. When the stew is nearly cooked, heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. To make the dumplings, tip the flour, baking powder, mustard powder, parsley and thyme into a bowl and stir to combine. Put the yogurt in a jug, make up to 100ml with water, then stir in the oil. Lightly stir the liquid into the flour to make a soft, slightly sticky dough. Divide the dough equally into eight and shape into balls. Drop them on top of the stew, drizzling each one with the remaining oil. Bake for 20 mins until the dumplings are golden. Scatter with the extra thyme, if you like, before serving.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #health /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Eyes on Diabetes November 14th is World Diabetes Day and the theme is Eyes on Diabetes. This important awareness day is focusing on promoting the importance of screening to ensure early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and treatment to reduce the risk of serious complications. Specsavers Opticas have been working alongside their local diabetic associations for years to offer free diabetes screenings and advice on keeping eyes healthy. They have also invested in the latest technology to ensure their eye tests are also health tests, which can spot the signs of diabetic retinopathy developing. “Many people don’t realise that diabetes can affect your sight” explains Saher Shrief from Specsavers Opticas in Torrevieja, “but in fact, of the 415 million adults worldwide living with diabetes in 2015, over one third will develop some form of diabetic retinopathy – a complication of diabetes that can lead to vision impairment and blindness. Careful management of diabetes and screening for diabetic eye disease can help prevent visual impairment and blindness. This is why we want to encourage everyone to get themselves screened for diabetes on World Diabetes Day and to get a comprehensive eye test, which includes health checks and technology such as digital retinal photography.” Nearly all Specsavers Opticas stores on the Costa Blanca have digital retinal cameras, allowing the opticians to take a detailed picture of the back of the eye. This helps identify changes that might be associated with certain eye conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy. If necessary, the optician can refer patients directly for further medical examination to a hospital or general practitioner. They believe this technology is so important, that it is included as part of the eye test at no extra charge. To book a free eye test or find your nearest store, visit www.specsavers.es to find out more about World Diabetes Day visit worlddiabetesday.org

11 nov - 17 nov 2016


life&leisure #advertising feature


What does it mean implants without surgery? At Sdent Dental Clinic we think that dental implants are a great alternative to loose, poor fitting dentures wich can cause embarrassing situations. Implants bond to the jaw, much like the root of a natural tooth, and permanently replace a lost tooth. With the use of advanced 3D technology, guided surgery allows us to place the implants in a previously planned area in its exact place and with greater accuracy. This approach has significantly simplified the procedure. This approach has significantly simplified the procedure.

How do you put in the implant without surgery? Without cutting, without stitchig and whitout bleeding. With exact measurements calculated by advanced 3D technology, and no need to cut through the gums, sutures ( or stitches ) are hardly ever needed. The dental implant program used in Sdent Dental Clinic is so exact that all of the gum tissue that is extracted during the treatment is replaced with the implant. This coupled with the high quality of our German made implants, guarantees good results. Is it a painful procedure? Since the gum are not cut, the intervention is much smoother that the traditional one, and it is less painful

than a tooth extraction. It is only necessary to use a local anesthetic and patients are surprised at how quick and painless the procedure is. What other advantages has? It saves a lot of time. A major concern of patients is the idea of having their mouths open for a long time throughout the surgery. It prevents tissue trauma, bleeding and post-surgical discomfort. Recovery is quick (back to normal after the surgery). It allows surgeons to put crowns or dentures in the most ideal and aesthetic positions. -In two weeks we´ll talk about aesthetic venneers and whitening. You can send any questions to: info@sdent.es SDENT DENTAL CLINIC 965 724 502, 608 371 132 Avda. Vega Baja, 2 Rojales 03170 Alicante info@sdent.es Free Consultation


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #sports


Alfaz Fantasy Football League

The Bonfire weekend produced plenty of fire works from the Premier League with a total of 40 goals being scored, the most so far this Season.A full Premier League programme and 1 Monday Night game gave the Fantasy League 40 goals,only 1 clean sheet (which was Chelsea’s defence),37 yellow cards and 1 red one which was Sunderland’s Pienaar who was sent for the early bath after receiving a 2nd yellow from Referee Mike Dean. The present Leaders of the Alfaz Fantasy Football League,Ant & Brad had their advantage at the top slashed to only 3 points by Reece’s team Wether 2 Winners.Andrew’s Big Tymers have slipped down to 3rd while Jimmy’s team Simple have remained in 4th position.There is only 8 points between the top 4 teams which means this Seasons Fantasy League is shaping up to be the most open and exciting for Years.The same can’t be said for the bottom of the League where Kevin’s team El.Portet Elite have drifted 41 points behind Angie’s Blues. Liz’s Cookies Crew have also narrowed the gap at the top of our Mark Carter Ladies Section and are now only 11 points away from Jeanette’s team Gerrard’s Bitch.Pam’s People who were the early pacesetters in this section have moved back into contention and have climbed up 4 places to 3rd.Down at the foot

of the table Angie’s Blues have been rooted there for the last 4 weeks and unless Manchester City’s form improves they are going to stay there. Rachel’s team My Lovely Lads have taken an early lead in the chase for our Monthly 20 euro voucher which is sponsored by Quick Save the biggest & best Supermarket in Albir. At the moment they have a slight 2 point lead over Pam’s People with only 1 week gone. In our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League the leaders Ant & Brad had a poor week only scoring 14 points which enabled Marcus’s Salford Sausages to gain ground and cut their lead to 25 points.At the opposite end of the table Robbie’s Magpies have reduced the gap on Charlotte’s Arm Wavers United to only 2 points. After 6 weeks reign at the top of our Leonard Knowles Construction Golden Boot League Eric’s team Peaky Blinders have finally give way to the relentless Juke Box Mackems who have taken a 4 point lead over Kevin’s One for the Road while Peaky Blinders have dropped down to 3rd place.No change at the other end of the table where Kevin’s El.Portet Elite are settling in after spending the last 5 weeks over the trap door. Our Manager of the Week is Callum whose Team El.Portet Sports bagged a creditable 49 points courtesy of Chelsea’s in form Edin Hazard,Burnley’s Sam Vokes and Liverpool’s Mane who between them scored 35 points of

his tally.They have now qualified for our Wyn’s Wyndhams Monthly Wine Draw along with our lowest scoring team which is no surprise Kevin’s El,Portet Elite who only managed to score 3 points.(Wow 2 teams from the same Port). Manager of the Month for November is being kindly sponsored by SARITA’s top authentic Indian Cuisine Restaurant in Albir and with only one week gone Callum’s El.Portet Sports have got off to a good start by taking an early 2 point advantage over Blaine’s team Kroos Control.Tad’s team Taddydorm & Rachel’s My Lovely Boys are also well in contention for

this super meal for 2 in 3rd & 4th place. Big Tony has won this weeks Breakfast for 2 sponsored by the 2 C’s in Alfaz after leaping up 50 places to number 116th place in the main League. At the time of going to Press I have not had time to collate all the scores for the 1st Round of our RTN K.O.Cup Competition but I’m sure by the time you read this the results should be up on our super website which is www.alfazffl.com.I will be doing a full report of all the ties in next weeks Report as we have an International Break .

11 nov - 17 nov 2016


life&leisure #sports /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Ex-Monte ace Dani stars at new club ALGORFA CF new signing Dani ORourke has hit the ground running - with six goals in five appearances - following his departure from CD Montesinos, becoming one of the league’s top scorers by Andrew Atkinson Dani (pictured after scoring) left in the unrest following the appointment of coach Camacho at Montesinos - sacked two games into the season at the Segunda Regional Grupo 16 club. “We are doing well in the Regional 1st and I am very happy with the move to Algorfa CF,” Dani said. “Personally things are going well for me - I am one of the top scorers in the league - with six goals in five games.” Camacho was appointed as a replacement for Roberto Cases, who joined UD Horadada at the end of last season. After two heavy defeats, in the opening two games of the 2016-17 season, Camacho was sacked and replaced by current Montesinos coach Carlos Perez. Fans’ favourite Manu has returned to CD Montesinos, after leaving UD Horadada by mutual consent, and terrace talk is of whether Dani will also return to the Alicante-based club However, Dani said: “When coach Camacho arrived at the club I decided to leave and joined Algorfa CF. Right now I am happy here and fully concentrating on the season - in doing the best I possibly can at Algorfa.”

Pego Golf Society play, so really it was a very difficult day to play this wonderful game. We had 47 players today, including five guests, and they were Derek Lindley, Richard Morris, Iain Chapman, Alistair Taylor and Barry Tilby, all of whom were warmly welcomed by our Captain David O’Connor.

The Society played a Texas Scramble today over the course at Oliva Nova. Rain was in the forecast, but never materialised, so we had a very cold start to the day, with the first group playing off, and the thermostat was 10 degrees. Just a little bit cold for shorts and t-shirts!!!

The groups starting at Hole No 10, had the bitterly cold wind and a bright low sun in their eyes, so watching the ball was almost impossible. I thought Oliva Nova was in better condition than I had ever seen for a while with the fairways and the greens coming back to their best in about two or three weeks. The wind increased over the morning

Now to the competition proper.Division 1 Texas Scramble Winners Score:- 61.4 :- John Evans, John Guest, Mario Van Kessel and David O’Connor 2nd Place Score:- 63.2 :- David Blakeley, Bill Pike, Alistair Taylor and Danny Herron 3rd Place Score:- 63.3 :- Russ peters, Clive Wright, Rob Westlands and Brian Baybut Nearest the hole at Hole No 3 was Barry Levett with 4.24 meters, and at Hole No 16 closest to the hole was Iain Chapman with 4.9 meters. We had only one two today and that was by Barry Levett, presumably at hole number three.

The number of “Balls in the Water” was 109, and that was won by Mike Cuerden so many congrats Mike. In the Final of the “Match Play Plate” Competition, there was an very exciting match between Malcolm Cannon and Stella Fox, with Malcolm sneeking a half match at the very last hole, so they have it all to do again next week. There were two birthdays today , so both members presented a bottle of spirits to be won by a card draw, and the birthdays were Alan Simpson and Mike Cuerden, and the prizes were won by Stella Fox and Nigel Siddall If any member or guest would like to play with the Pego Golf Society, and who wouldn’t, as we are playing a “Stableford CLG ” Competition” please contact our secretary and send an e-mail to Penny Barden at pegohandicapsec@gmail.com or enter through our website www.pegogolfsociety. com. A warm welcome awaits you.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #Motoring

Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer


Toyota Auris Tourer Hybrid HYBRIDS ARE all very well but they’re generally smaller than traditional cars and therefore less user-friendly.Well, at least that used to be the case with the likes of the Honda CR-Z. The largest was a hatchback, either a Toyota Prius or the more luxurious Lexus CT200h. No estates. Well, not until Toyota launched the new Auris Hybrid Tourer, which provides the environmentally conscious with a well sized, capable vehicle and also performance.Things have really moved on since I drove a hybrid a year ago. My first acquaintance with the striking island blue

estate is at night. It’s always more of a challenge to drive a car you’re unfamiliar with when it’s dark, for obvious reasons. A click of the keyfob and I’m inside. The delivery driver was fairly short by all accounts as my knees are around my neck as I sit in the driver’s seat. It’s easy to adjust. In common with other hybrids I am instantly struck by a feeling of fear as I rummage around for the ignition and even though I push the button start on the right of the steering wheel, there is an unnerving silence. The automatic box does not look very substantial but on engaging the reverse function it quietly moves backwards. There is an electric parking brake and a traditional one; the first car I have come across with two. The dashboard looks a bit boxy especially where the sat nav is located; it looks like an afterthought. Over time the driver does become more used to it, though. It’s a large car, not dissimilar to the Ford Focus estate in terms of styling. Head on, it’s attractive and the front looks striking and well designed. The large panoramic glass roof

that stretches from the front to the back of the vehicle has an electric cover and this, in common with those found in Peugeots, is a winning formula. It makes the cabin much lighter when the sun does decide to show its face.With my growing family we’re having to make use of every bit of space our Victorian terrace house has to offer and so I have cleared the loft to make way for a more imaginative use of this space; office come bedroom. Needless to say I have a great deal of rubbish to take to the tip including old bits of wood and plasterboard and a vacuum cleaner. The cavernous boot swallows it all with ease and a roof box from roofcarriers.co.uk is also a great help. Although I have to push down two of the rear seats to make way for this large load, it is so easy to do; you simply pull a lever on the right of the boot. Removing the security cover in the boot does prove a little more awkward. FACTS AT A GLANCE: Toyota Auris Touring Sports Excel Hybrid 1.8 CVT T&G New price: 29,520€ Top speed: 112mph 0-60mph: 10.9secs Economy: 49mpg CO2 emissions: 92 g/km For more information about roof boxes visit: www.roofcarriers.co.uk Watch the video at www.testdrives.biz

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz

Working together for safer roads

11 nov - 17 nov 2016


life&leisure #DrivingInSpain

Brought to you by n332.es //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Emergency Blue Lights As Spain finally settles down with a new government, many of the laws left outstanding from the previous administrative term are now being reintroduced to parliament, including changes to traffic laws. One such proposal is having blue lights on all priority vehicles, including those driven by the fire service and medics. Currently, these vehicles display orange flashing lights when attending an emergency and it is only the security services, the police and Guardia Civil, who use blue lights. The proposal was first made some years ago, with the intention of ensuring consistency across all European nations. Now, the Ciudadanos parliamentary group have formally put the notion forward once again. Of course as in any change in the law the process now begins whereas the matter will be debated before entering into Spanish legislation, but with a keenness to fall

in line with Europe, many people think it just a matter of time before ambulances and fire tenders use blue lights. Europe is currently trying to ensure consistency in the appearance of emergency vehicles, with blue, red and green being the corresponding colours of the police, fire and ambulance service respectively, with the aim of ensuring that a police car looks the same irrespective of the country it is patrolling, for example. However, given the fact that the emergency services are fragmented across the country, standardising the entire image of the emergency service fleet might be nothing more than a hope at this stage, for now we need to look out for and respond to the lights of emergency service vehicles, keeping in mind that even a tow truck

responding to an emergency situation is classed as a priority vehicle, and as such

other vehicles must give way to allow them to pass.

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11 nov - 17 nov 2016

life&leisure #sports


Winter in full flow

THE LAS Salinas Winter Petanca League is now into its third week with a series of keenly fought matches in all divisions. Players may be moaning that it is too cold but the pace of the leagues is hotting up with the latest results. In Division One, Amigos Belgas 1 went top of the league with a 7-1 victory, closely followed by Los Bandidos 1 who had a hard fought victory 5-3 away from home. Rocajuna stays third with a 6-2 win. Lakeside Lakers moved up the division with a 7-1 home win. In Division Two, Lakeside Mosquitos drew with Amigos Belgas 3 4-4 and stay top of the league. El Mirador Hawks remain second with a hard fought 5-3 victory over Pumas, and Danish Dynamite went fourth with a 5-3 victory, and Corsairs moved up the division with a 6-2 win. In Division Three, Dominos McCoys stay top with a 7-1 victory, Guardamar remains second with a 6-2 victory, XPS stay third after a close win 5-3 over Peacocks Red, while Buddies Bar moved up to 4th place with a 6-2 win. And in Division Four, league leaders Blagul 2 coasted past Florentilles, while Rocajuna Lions held on to second place with a 5-3 victory, Torre Bears 2 is in third place with a 5-3 win. San Miguel Tigers stay 4th with a 5-3 win. In Division Five, the league leaders Falcons lost at home to Los Altos Diamond 5-3, Dominos Phoenix won 5-3 to stay third, and Lakeside Ramblers won 5-3 to stay 4th. In Division Six, the Dominos Knights stayed top with a 7-1 win, second placed Boulero drew away at Laguna Rosa 4-4, Los Bandidos 2 moved into 3rd place with a 6-2 victory over Freebooters, and the other result in this division was an 8-0 win for Torre del Agua. There will be a mixed triples competition on the 14th November were all the money raised will be going to charity at the end of the season.


11 nov - 17 nov 2016


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11 nov - 17 nov 2016

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11 nov - 17 nov 2016



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