RTN Costa de Almeria #Edition24

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costa almeria Edition

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Escape from Winning Express Friday, October 14 - Thursday, October 20 2016

LUCKY PENSIONER Ken Booth successfully managed to wrestle his £30,000 investment back from ‘sporting arbitrage’ company Winning Express before an apparent black hole appeared in its finances.

Hundreds of investors across Spain and the UK fear they have lost their cash in an alleged scam after being “fobbed off” with excuses when they demanded the return of capital from the “risk free” scheme. Ken invested in 2012 but became suspicious all was not well with the

company as terms and conditions were constantly changed, a UK bank account was moved offshore, and obvious cash flow problems grew as there were delays in paying ‘winnings’ – and the scheme was apparently based abroad using a Sheffield business address when members believed it was in the British jurisdiction.

Read more on page 5

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14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Call 744 484 079 or email jack@roundtownnews.com

From the Editors Desk...

The plot thickens THE WINNING Express saga runs on with hundreds of people along the Costa Blanca frightened they have lost savings to a clever and well-engineered scam. It is imperative losers make an official complaint to police both here and in the UK and have the whole sorry affair properly investigated.

Jack Troughton Deadlines

Adverts, copy changes, classifieds and editorial copy: Tuesday 5pm for following Friday’s edition. RTN does not accept any responsibility for claims made by advertisers, either in advertisements or advertorials, nor can it be held responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, or the non-appearance of advertisements or advertorials. This publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors as a result of poor quality artwork or logos supplied by advertisers and no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by any error or inaccuracy or non-appearance of an advertisement or advertorial. Every effort will be made to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of articles and advertisements in this publication, however the publisher does not accept responsibility for claims or opinions in the same. The publisher does not accept responsibility for opinions expressed by readers in the ‘Mailbox’ section of this newspaper. Reproduction of any part of this newspaper without the consent of the publishers is prohibited. E:&O.E. Edita : Mia Media SL, Servicios De Impresion S.A.- Deposito Legal : North: A-134-2004 South A-853-1999 Almeria: A 347-2016

Investors appear to have been given several volumes of excuses as they pressed for promised returns and later their ‘stake’ back – with characters connected to the running of the company insisting everything was above board and casting blame on former colleagues. It is a story that refuses to go away and RTN will continue to follow it chapter by chapter as it unfolds; and welcomes anyone wishing to tell of their experiences; on or off the record. At RTN Towers this week it was ‘hats off’ once again to Spain´s intelligence and security services for their success in arresting suspect terrorists and breaking up what is believed to be active IS cells; one prisoner found as close to home as Altea. The coast enjoyed a bumper summer because Spain is seen as a safe country for holidaymakers. Behind the scenes dedicated counter terrorist work goes on to insure life goes on as normal – long may peace remain.

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14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Body of missing pensioner found THE BODY of pensioner David Oldman – who vanished on a trek from London to Gibraltar - was found on Sunday by a group of Almeria hunters. by Caroline Tyszka David, aged 66, went missing in the Huércal-Overa area in June whilst on the walking holiday; leaving his wife in Leicester concerned for his safety. He was last seen walking on Thursday 9th of June heading to towards Albox‬. He did not check in at his next destination. ‬‬‬‬‬‬ The former Leicester councillor was on a 1,400 mile adventure and fears for his safety grew when he did not board his flight home on 14th June. Police in the area used helicopters and dogs in their search to find David and the Lucie Blackman Trust in the UK launched an appeal for his safe return. Family and friends have arranged for a book of remembrance at David’s local library in Leicester; anyone unable to attend is invited to leave their condolences on the “David is missing” Facebook page.

Recycling gets a new look NEW RECYCLING containers are being rolled out in an Almeria town to help increase public participation. Adra council is replacing 25 specialised bins which are designed for the collection of plastic packaging, metal packaging and bricks. Authorities recently installed an additional 30 bins - with early indications showing that they had created a rise in recycling – up by 40% on previous figures. Francisco Lopez, councillor for collection services, said the 25 replacement bins were necessary to continue to maintain recycling plans, explaining the old containers were unsightly because of vandalism and wear and tear. Adra residents recycled almost 171,000kg of light packaging in 2015, a rise of 2,000kg on the previous year.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

Expats find voice THE GOVERNMENT has published detailed plans scrapping the controversial ’15-year rule’ and allowing British expats the right to a lifetime vote in parliamentary elections. by Jack Troughton The pledge was part of the Conservative manifesto and Minister for the Constitution Chris Skidmore has announced a policy statement explaining how it will deliver its commitment – and make it simple and easy to register to vote. The move is seen as a victory for an eight-year campaign led by 94-year-old Harry Shindler and supported by expats in Spain and across Europe; it should insure a vote for everyone in the next General Election. Mr Skidmore said: “This statement shows how we will introduce ‘votes for life’, scrapping the 15-year rule. British citizens who move abroad remain a part of our democracy and it is important that they have the ability to participate. “Expats retain strong links with the United Kingdom; they may have family here, and indeed they may plan to return here in the future. Modern technology and cheaper air travel has transformed the ability of expats to keep in touch with their home country.” Harry said a Government Bill was being prepared and the campaign had almost reached its goal – he called for people to contact MPs to get support and drive the legislation through the Commons. RIGHT “We are nearly there! Well done our expats. This is great news; we shall vote at the next general election,” he said. “All those who have taken part in this long campaign will know it was worth it, and as we kept on saying ‘we will win because we are right’.” Costa Blanca campaigner Margaret Hales (pictured with Harry Shindler) said: “This has been eight years of lobbying with Harry at the helm – and now at last we have the promise of the Votes for Life Bill being tabled and debated in Parliament. But this is only the first battle of the war! “Many MPs and many of their Lordships think that once we have left Britain we no longer have any interest in Britain; so they will vote the Bill down...that would be tragic. “So our plan is for hundreds and thousands of letters to MPs and to members of the Lords explaining how important this legislation is. It is now up to us to show Harry what we can do to support him.” Find current MPs or the MP of the last constituency where people lived at www.parliament.uk and quote the last address there. Information about new expat organisations and their actions in protecting post-referendum rights can be found at www.ecreu.com and www.eupats.com. The government statement can be read at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ a-democracy-that-works-for-everyone-british-citizens-overseas

Escape from Winning Express by Jack Troughton LUCKY PENSIONER Ken Booth successfully managed to wrestle his £30,000 investment back from ‘sporting arbitrage’ company Winning Express before an apparent black hole appeared in its finances. Hundreds of investors across Spain and the UK fear they have lost their cash in an alleged scam after being “fobbed off” with excuses when they demanded the return of capital from the “risk free” scheme. Ken invested in 2012 but became suspicious all was not well with the company as terms and conditions were constantly changed, a UK bank account was moved offshore, and obvious cash flow problems grew as there were delays in paying ‘winnings’ – and the scheme was apparently based abroad using a Sheffield business address when members believed it was in the British jurisdiction. The determined Yorkshireman and retired financial controller exchanged sometimes “terse” correspondence before his money was returned in a series of staged payments. He told RTN: “I realise I was very, very lucky but you have to be very consistent and a pain in the backside. “I have copies of all the correspondence, some exchanges are quite terse – it took six months but I got it all out.” And the 76-year-old, who lives near Torrevieja, tried to blow the whistle in December 2014; attempting to tip off a local newspaper and warning the Serious Fraud Office in the UK of his concerns. He received an automated reply from the SFO – and a “threatening letter” Winning Express sister company Sporting Arbitrage’s Bill Patterson saying parent company Milton Express would instruct “very expensive” lawyers should anything appear in print. RTN was told last month some £20 million of company money had apparently vanished, the group´s administrators Milton Admin only able to trace around £9 million to bank accounts around the world. Heavily advertised in Spain and the UK and endorsed by sporting stars such as footballer Steve Claridge and snooker star John Virgo; it is understood there some 600 investors in Spain and over 1,000 in the UK. SEYCHELLES Parent company Milton Express is registered in the Seychelles. The Winning Express website has been taken down and it La Zenia offices closed. It was promoted as “a sporting business service providing customers tax free income and growth through the sporting stock exchange” and investors were attracted by a high rate of return with commissions for signing up new faces. Ken believes things started to go wrong in 2013 when Winning Express was slow to make payments “and started missing them”. He said: “We started in 2012 with a small amount and later quadrupled our investment within six months. We were told the return was 3% a month initially, the inducement was very attractive. “The attraction was the 30% return a year…and at first I got it effectively but then I realised things were going wrong and I drew my money out – the last batch was £20,000 and we really had to fight to get it but a lot of people have lost a lot of money.” Ken said as things appeared to go “pear-shaped” he started to write to the company. “When things started to go seriously wrong they try and give explanations – it was the bank’s fault…everyone’s fault but their own.” He said when he joined he could withdraw his capital at 14 days’ notice; later this was changed to three months. “The reason is obvious, cash flow problems.” The former servicemen, he was in the RAF for 18 years, suspects a fraud has been committed with investments from new clients paying older customers’ commissions – and wants a proper police investigation. And while a final payment of over £400 never arrived, Ken admitted he was actually £12,000 ahead. “I feel very sorry for the victims, unfortunately I don´t think they will get anything much back.” Victims have been advised to contact Action Fraud in the UK and make a complaint to the Guardia Civil in Torrevieja.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016



14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Sport for all at new gym NEW GYM Adelante Gimnasia Artisitca, formerly Stacey’s Gymnastics Club in Sophias, officially opened its doors last Saturday with Arboleas Mayor Christobel Garcia Granados cutting the ribbon. This new and fully-equipped facility will be able to offer more classes to accommodate growing numbers in its new home. The club, still run by Stacey, plans to provide quality gymnastics in the Arboleas area for all ages and levels of experience - from those who want to try gymnastics for the first time to those who want to pursue the sport at competitive levels. Stacey said: “This move is a big step for the club, it will be sad to say goodbye to our original home at Sophia´s, but we haven’t moved too far…in fact we have moved right next door!” She started gymnastics at the age of six, and competed at county and regional level and represented Britain in under

12 competitions. Stacey twice trained in Bulgaria, at the age of seven and nine. And aged 17, she started her life as a coach taking both recreational and elite squads. Stacey believes in giving children every opportunity and considers the benefits of participation in sport and exercise for young people have immense value. “Opening this new club shows just how much value we place on such exercise, not just for gymnasts but for members of our local community as well. We are fortunate to have an extremely supportive community and town hall,” she said, thanking volunteers who helped convert the warehouse. Any young budding Amy Tinkler´s or Max Whitlock´s who

would like to try out gymnastics, should contact Stacey - and new adult classes are run every Wednesday at 7.15pm. “So if there are any adults out there that have always wanted to learn how to do a cartwheel or somersault or just want to bounce on the trampoline, then you are more than welcome.” Stacey added: “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all those who have helped make this possible, it´s beautiful to see, the kindness in so many people!” For more information email info@adelanteartistica.es or visit www.adelanteartistica.es or call 622129702. Find the gym at El Pabellon Municipal, Arboleas, El Rulador, 04660


14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Cigarette butt caused fire POLICE SAY a discarded cigarette butt sparked last month’s blaze that swept across Javea and Benitachell, destroying 678 hectares of forest. by jack troughton The investigation was carried out by SEPRONA, the environmental wing of the Guardia Civil, and has concluded the fire was started when a cigarette butt or cigarette was dropped from the ‘mirador’ viewing point on Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell, on Sunday 4th September. The report said the fire was caused by “human hands” but was “unpremeditated” – however, a separate fire in the area of the Javea salt marsh known as the Saladar was thought to be arson. Investigators found that despite emergency services quickly bringing the first fire under control, the weather did the rest – a strong west wind carried embers across woodland staring a second fire in a remote woodland area. “It is believed that a cinder from the first fire caused the second outbreak,” said the report. “And the remaining fires were of a secondary nature.” And police say the Bolulla fire – which destroyed 447 hectares of mountainside was again accidental. The Javea and Benitachell fire was one of the worst on record and has led to a ‘round table’ of town halls, emergency services and civilian groups to be set up to implement new prevention measures.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016


New water plant A NEW water treatment plant is to be built in Arboleas, making it the town’s fifth such facility. by Caroline Tyszka Christopher Garcia, Mayor of Arboleas, announced the new water treatment facility will be in Los Menchones, constructed with a 220,000€. Funded partly by the provincial government of Almeria; the town is waiting to hear from the Ministry of Environment about investment to build more plants. Mr Garcia said: “We are very pleased to be able to extend our waste water treatment plans and hope that in the future El Rincon, El Prado, La Perla, Los Llanos, La Cueva and the town of Arboleas will have their own of their treatment plants.”

Burning ban extended ALMERIA IS extending the region’s ban on agricultural burning despite the arrival of seasonal rains. The drought and high temperatures in Almeria has seen the authorities declare that the October 15th deadline has been extended until November 15th. It means that no fires will be permitted within 400m of forest areas.

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14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Terror suspects held COUNTER-TERRORISM POLICE have arrested four suspected terrorists across Spain – one in the Alicante holiday town of Altea. by Jack Troughton Another two suspects were held in Morocco in a joint operation with security forces in the North African country and it is alleged all six have links to socalled Islamic State. Two men arrested in the northern cities of Gijon and San Sebastian on Tuesday were said to be ‘key figures’ in recruiting jihadists and distributing propaganda. And it is alleged they used the internet to post explicit videos showing IS fighters carrying out attacks and killings and were said to be involved in the “brainwashing” and radicalisation of recruits, especially amongst vulnerable and isolated people. In a separate operation on Tuesday, a suspect was arrested in Altea, another in the Spanish enclave of Cueta, while in Morocco police held men in Tetuan and Castillejos – part of an ongoing anti-terror collaboration between the two countries. It was later said the four “were part of

two cells rooted in both countries” and had “high levels of indoctrination and radicalisation” and were committed to recruiting fighters for an IS battalion based in the warzone of Syria and Iraq. The Spanish government later said the arrests had “neutralised” a potential threat to the security of both Spain and Morocco “and is a clear demonstration of exemplary cooperation between the security forces of both countries against the global threat of jihadist terrorism.” Spanish security forces have arrested 150 Islamic radicals since the country’s terrorism threat was raised to Level 4 – the second highest level – last year; 120 held in Spain and 30 abroad with the co-operation of Spanish security services. Tuesday’s arrests, part of ongoing operation, came a month after the countries intelligence agencies warned of “increased mentions” of Spain in IS propaganda material. In the intercepted ‘chatter’ discussed potential targets such as crowded public areas, police officers, Christians, Jews and homosexuals.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Hero entertains

FALKLANDS VETERAN Simon Weston visited the Costa Blanca to captivate an audience with his one-man show ‘An Evening with…”. by Jack Troughton

More than 350 people packed the Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras, for an event organised by the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal. And the former Welsh Guardsman proved why he is one of the most highly regarded speakers on the UK circuit; recounting the fateful 1982 invasion of the Falkland Islands that so dramatically changed his life. He told of more than 90 operations and medical procedures he underwent after his return from the South Pacific and kept the audience spellbound with tales of his family life, his relationship with the Royal Family, and a number of amusing anecdotes. Simon received a standing

ovation after giving the clear message that sheer determination can overcome any difficulty in life. “The only obstacles to achieving one’s targets and successes are those you create for yourself,” he said. Talented singer Rebecca Holt supported Simon on the evening. She started off with a tribute to the songs of the war years – appropriately dressed in an ENSA uniform. Rebecca was delighted to receive a jeweled poppy brooch from Simon, a thanks from the Legion for her support over the years. More information on the work of the Legion locally can be found at http:// branches.britishlegion.org. uk/branches/orihuela-costa. The Orihuela Costa Branch meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras at 7.30pm.

Drug detection AN INFORMATION day designed to train police officers about how to detect people driving under the influence of drugs took place in Altea this week. More than fifty local officers from the Marina Baixa region participated in the one day event which covered the procedures for detecting drugs, dealing with complaints, sanctions, as well as the requirements of officers carrying out the drug testing.


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14 oct - 20 oct 2016



More parking please by Caroline Tyszka THE CONTINUED growth of a Costa Blanca town has instigated plans to increase parking spaces to cope with demand. Elche is currently looking at creating more spaces in the business park area and removing lanes of traffic in José Joaquín Landerer to enable 80 spaces to be provided. The streethas undergone a traffic survey - where it was found that due to the low number of vehicles one lane on either side of the road could be dedicated to parking. Other areas included in the project will be Altabix University and El Pla. The Torrellano Business Park will also see improvements for drivers as plots of land will be paved to allow access for vehicles.

Bar brilliant! REGULARS AT Bar Kenz in Torrevieja’s San Luis have chipped in to help raise 1,158€ for the AECC after some dedicated fund raising. Jan and Ken were able to donate the money to Debbie Weedon, representing Maria and the Pink Ladies, for the cancer charity thanks to “generous customers”. The money was raised through weekly card bingo, collection boxes, race nights and a fashion show by the “prolific fund raisers” at the bar digging deep again. And anyone needing a mammogram, smear test or prostrate test can call the AECC on 96 532 9841, Monday to Friday between 10am and 1pm.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016


#NewsFromAfar 18

14 oct - 20 oct 2016

GOT A STORY? Email editor@roundtownnews.com

Police take chicken into custody

POLICE IN Scotland have been forced to ask themselves the classic question: Why did the chicken cross the road? by Jack Troughton Officers were called to the East Marketgait area of Dundee after being alerted to a stray hen causing problems for motorists – with three policemen seen pursuing the bird. The fugitive fowl was eventually caught but not before social media came alive with a story that has since gone global. And a Tayside Police spokesperson later said: “The bird was traced safe and well and has been brought to our police station. The SSPCA has been contacted and will be attending to take care of the chicken until the owner is found. “Police are appealing for any information as to why the chicken was crossing the road.” Twitter user Kirsty posted: “Weird start to my day; there’s a chicken next to me waiting to cross the road in Dundee.” Connor added: “I was driving passed the bus station and saw a police van so slowed down...three officers were surrounding a chicken.” As the number of comments grew, one person added: “The funniest thing ever.”


14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Beach bar wins national award A Costa Blanca beach bar has been awarded the “responsible chiringuito 2016” award by the Ministry of the Environment. by Caroline Tyszka The Playa de la Glea bar is located north of the port of Dehesa de Campoamor in Orihuela Costa and is owned by Chiringuitos del Sol, a company recognised by an ISO accreditation for their work helping the environment. The award recognises sustainable and good environmental practices of local beachfront establishments. Glea staff collected cigarette butts along the coast and spread environmental awareness messages. It also used oil separation and selective rubbish separation to be more environmentally friendly. The bar won 32% of votes, making them the winner in a category which had 26 nominations. The award was presented to the chiringuito by Director of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea Raquel Orts.


Sitting pretty in Quesada

Following on from the sucess of their store in San Fulengio, J Briñas Sofas have opened on Avenida Naciones in Quesada with a focus on exclusive quality furniture, 2 Showroom floors of Sofas, Chairs, Beds & Garden Furniture. himolla, more than any other brand himolla stands for the ultimate in confort, technology and individual choice. Calia Italia : Made in Italy and regarded as one of the finest sofa makers in the world Furninova: Scanidinavian producer of home furniture and whole interior concepts with focus on design confort and quality.

Avd. De las Naciones 18 C Urb. Ciudad Quesada ROJALES 03170 Open 10am to 6.30pm Tlf. 966 194 917 www.mueblesjbrinas.com

All these brands and more are brought exclusively to the Costa Blanca by J Briñas in Quesada.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Workers begin treating pines

United voice against cancer THE VOICES of the Orihuela Male Voice Choir will be in perfect harmony over two nights this month to help the battle against cancer. by Jack Troughton The choir is performing on Wednesday 26th October and Thursday 27th October in Alfaz del Pi and Albir respectively to show off its many talents – and help raise money for cancer charity AECC.

Under the baton of guest conductor Nigel Hopkins, the choir will take the audience on a journey around the world with international material – including songs in Zulu and Italian to traditional Welsh numbers and even relics of English music hall. Joining the choir on stage will be soprano Alyson Horsfall helping raise the roof

with numbers like ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ and the finale of ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’ and ‘Nessun Dorma’. The choir performs at the Forum Mare Nostrum in Alfaz at 6pm on 26th October and at 7pm on 27th October at ‘Frax’ in Albir. Tickets are 6€ for the Forum and 10€ at Frax. To reserve seats, call 96 686 0735 or purchase tickets at the door.

TOWNS UP and down the coast have begun the annual campaign to prevent the processionary caterpillar breeding. One such town is Villajoyosa – where teams from the Department of Parks and Gardens have begun their extensive fumigation. Councillor Pedro Alemany said: “This work will be carried out in all public parks and on the roads where the pines are situated, even in isolated areas. “It is important to carry out this prevention work now, because in times of gestation this dangerous species is more difficult to eradicate.” The fumigation programme will take several weeks and then the council will move onto their next preventative plan – tackling the palm weevil.



14 oct - 20 oct 2016


Carlos Baos

Did you lend money to a friend or family member? Learn how to protect your rights Dear lawyer, I lent a friend of the family, the equivalent amount to 40,000 ₏ by transfer to his bank account in Spain. What is the best way to ensure that the money will be returned if something happened to me or the debtor? What do you recommend? Dear reader, thanks for your inquiry. Loans between acquaintances, relatives, etc., are very common and normal, but sometimes, due to the trust between the parties, they are not always documented nor formalised in the best and safest possible way, to protect the interests of the parties. We advise you to: 1. Document the agreement by signing a Loan Agreement. It is essential to set out clearly the obligations of the parties, to have a proper record of it, and also to indicate in detail the personal data of the parties involved, with their passport or ID card, NIE, address, etc. It is also important to state precisely the conditions of the loan: amount borrowed, when and how the money was lent, the duration of the loan, ie, the period to repay the amount borrowed, interest payable (if any), etc. 2. Although, it will involve a higher cost, if possible, we advise that the loan agreement is signed before a Spanish Public Notary, and if possible, the same is guaranteed by a mortgage against the debtor’s property, similar to what happens when we agree a mortgage with a bank. If done in this second way, the agreement will be reflected in a public document: so it cannot to be lost, disappear, etc., and also

if the obligation to return the money is secured by a mortgage, the property is liable for the fulfillment of the agreement, and your rights are protected in a better way if you or the debtor passes away, or if the debtor transfers his property in Spain, etc.

From a fiscal point of view, we must remember that loans between individuals (who do not do it in a professional way), are exempt from the Transfer Tax (TPO), and also Stamp Duty (AJD) will not be paid on the Mortgage, as has declared by the General

Tax Direction on its consultation V1246-05 dated on the 27/06/2005. Therefore, if you want to guarantee your loan and document it in the best way to protect your rights, contact us and we will help.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

14 oct - 20 oct 2016




Taste of the sea THOUSANDS OF visitors are expected to enjoy a trip Javea Port over the weekend as restaurants and bars stage the fifth annual ‘La Mar of Tapas’. by Jack Troughton The popular event provides a ‘gastronomic route’ around the neighbourhood over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with a tickets to purchase food and drink available from four booths – a tapa is 1.80€ and a drink 1.50€. And there is live entertainment throughout, with music on Friday and Saturday evenings after 7pm, a craft market on the seafront, and on Saturday morning on Avenida Jaume 1, fun for children. Once again it is hoped to promote seafood – the golden rule is the main ingredient of the tapas must be from locally sourced marine produce. To help wash the food down, there are also speciality drinks being offered: mojitos at ‘La Esquina’; Aqua de Valencia at ‘Cande’; and white sangria at ‘Piri Piri’. Pictured is Claudio at Restaurante Calima which won first prize 12 months ago with its ‘papillote’ of sea bass and clams in a crunchy coating.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #Puzzles /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Doodle Box

Cryptic Crossword ACROSS 1. Scheme that gives little professional status (11) 9. If most of it was eradicated there would be few complaints (7) 10. Boat propeller (5) 11. Multitudes in pubs (5) 12. The first mate takes the other for a tough climb (7) 13. No society for a person of no importance (6) 15. Unusually astute piece of work by an artist (6) 18. Does it lead to brave conflict? (3-4) 20. Best conceivable thought to fifty (5) 22. Goes in front, using a sled (5) 23. Pays a quick visit and watches TV (5,2) 24. They take steps in

many ways for progress (11) DOWN 2. Keeps turning over lists of names (5) 3. How the iron was put into service? (7) 4. My sets are methodically arranged (6) 5. Experience discrimination (5) 6. There’s no let-up for the rich (7) 7. Prayer for good health, and where to make it? (7,4) 8. Washing may depend on it (7,4) 14. A fire screen, perhaps! (7) 16. Journey with crude oil in N. Africa (7) 17. A few words about the French hut (6) 19. Passage in this cinema is lengthy (5) 21. German town seen in countless engravings. (5)


ACROSS 1. Waywardness (11) 9. Open-air (7) 10. Collide (5) 11. Nobleman (5) 12. Jersey (7) 13. Help (6) 15. Char (6) 18. Slander (7) 20. Fruit (5) 22. Unsullied (5) 23. Messenger (7) 24. Hatred (11) DOWN 2. Change (5) 3. Reasons (7) 4. Flog (6) 5. Recess (5) 6. Strew (7) 7. Patience (11) 8. Understaffed (11) 14. Highest (7) 16. Console (7) 17. Leave (6) 19. Scope (5) 21. Game of chance (5)


Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 38.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #horoscopes


Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Mercury has supported you as of late, but the week begins with a sextile with Saturn and this may well see you changing your mind about something you have got a bee in your bonnet about. Because the sixth and tenth houses are affected by organisation, now you can see is a time to set the record straight and to create order from the existing chaos.

Its encouragement that you need right now, and the combined forces of Mars in conjunction with Pluto serve to give you the boost that you need; with no need to hold back. In hindsight since you have been dealt a few low blows, your need to just be yourself makes you appear stubborn, when survival at all costs was always the first thing on your mind. The Mercury square on Pluto brings back a lot of haunting memories and nostalgia allows you to plan and negotiate through in a different way. Whilst others seem intent on living your life, right now you have clear cut ideas that have become your stability and your intention. Show all around you, that above all, you are not to be messed with.

They say that you have a sting in your tail, but this sting this week is set to sting you yourself and motivates you to open your eyes! Because your psychic centres are open and ready everything is set for you to cast the very first stone, and this you will do. You seem to be working too far ahead and it is what’s around you now that is so very important!

The entry of Venus brings you self love with a passion. Take a look around you to see that things don’t have to be this way, and somebody somewhere along the line has to swallow some very stubborn pride. Use your skills of planning to ensure an event goes off with a bang, and use generosity to award those people who lovingly support you!

Venus enters into Sagittarius, your opposing sign, but this action really is a blessing in disguise as far as you are concerned. Loving yourself is your number one priority, and if you can banish the fear of failure you will notice that everything comes together very nicely. Accept the rewards that you deserve and prove the positive, it works for you! Crab like pincers are ready to deliver a nasty nip, and you are sufficiently within your shell to make sure of doing damage. Someone has let you down after you gave them the benefit of your knowledge and the wisdom of your experience; and you have always hated time wasters. Planet Ceres this week has a calming effect squaring on Venus.

Saturn, your trusty planetary leader takes on the open channels of communication brought about by a sextile with Mercury this week. There is no use in having ideas if they never see the light of day; and your courageous and inspiring energy should do a lot to help you on the way this time. Just go for whatever it is you need, and do it right now!

The Sun is in opposition to both Uranus and Kora this week. Seems like you have the right ideas but its the wrong time, and you may just have to sit this one out; until the way ahead is clearer for you and things are less complicated. Let nothing distract you from the main event here....you have a brilliant idea but don’t jump the gun whatever you do! It is a lack of decision that has brought things to a halt right now, and you really have nobody to blame but yourself. Others may see this as an attention grabbing situation, but those who know you better know very well that you can be your own very worst enemy. The Mercury square on Pluto will see you working on a solution for all concerned

The opposition of the Sun this week sheds light in a very different way and may very well allow you to see things from a very different angle. You can be very hard on yourself, but then you are motivated and hard working and you are a great inspiration to others; now inspire yourself! If it is time to take on something new then go for it, but please be sure.

Look to your opposing sign of Virgo to echo that you too have some difficult decisions to make right now. For somebody with so much creativity and love you know that you can come down very hard on yourself. You balance that outer energy with a more timid inner you, and it doesn’t have to be like this! Allow change to wash over you, but be free!


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny, I have to tell you that something very wonderful has happened to me. I keep pictures of my departed partner on my phone, and when I recently scrolled down to see him an Angel picture had been inserted amongst his photos. Is this a message for me? Brenda C.V. Brenda, magic does happen, sometimes whether you believe in it, or not! What a fantastic story and thank you for sharing it with me. Anything is possible, and Spirit can communicate with us in many ways, especially preferring to use television, radio and camera; and it is a wonder and it truly does happen, and it knocks you for six when it happens. This is a clear message sent to you with love, and the departed never stop loving us; or hoping we may make closer contact. This contact will be your next step!

If It’s Your Birthday This Week

It’s all about the inner you and your own acceptance of yourself. If this year is to mean anything to you then you have to take strides and know that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The Cosmos is able to take you on your journey, are you ready to travel?


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

Do i have to pay for windows 10 Hello AV, I thought I could upgrade my Windows 8 to Windows 10 for free, but it is asking me to pay for it. Any ideas? Response The free Windows 10 upgrade offer was for a limited 1 year period only. This period ended July 29, 2016. If you click the Get Windows 10 icon today, you see a message: “Sorry, the free upgrade offer has ended.” So you must now pay for Windows 10.... Or do you...? A version of Windows 10 is still available for free if you use assistive technologies, which include such features as a magnifier to better see the screen, a narrator to read text aloud, keyboard shortcuts and an on-screen keyboard, providing help to “individuals who have physical or cognitive difficulties, impairments, and disabilities,”. But there are currently no checks or nothing to stop you from using this. From your Windows 7 or 8.1 device, go to “www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility/windows10upgrade” Click on the Upgrade now button. Run the executable file to install the upgrade. A series of screens take you step by step through the set-up process.

Anti Virus

Hi Aunty, I recently upgraded to Windows 10 after which my anti virus subscription expired. I installed the free AVG, but since then my laptop has been very slow in operating. Any idea? Response: I have found AVG can be a bit slow, but if you did not uninstall your previous antivirus software, then even though your subscription to the updates has expired, it will still be operating. Therefore if you have two antivirus programs installed and both scanning programs, you will find your laptop operating slower than usual. However, built into Windows 10 is Microsoft’s own Defender Antivirus software, which I find does a gr4at job, and saves having to use other software.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #whats on /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

A merry Christmas past

THE TIMELESS Christmas tale about the steep learning curve of one Ebenezer Scrooge comes alive in Studio32’s winter production with rehearsals currently in full swing. by Jack Troughton The group is presenting the Broadway version of the Charles Dickens classic, ‘A Christmas Carol – the Musical’ at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio, on Wednesday 30th November and each night until Saturday 3rd December. And keeping true to the original Festive story, Scrooge is taken back to his past by the first Ghost of Christmas to witness the joy and fun of “making merry”. Mr and Mrs Fezziwig (played by Mervyn Williams and Bev McEwan – pictured) entertain their employees with the seasonal knees-up, the ‘Annual Christmas Ball’ – on stage an action-packed song and dance number featuring the whole cast. Bev is an experienced actress who has played many roles, including Ado Annie in Studio32’s production of “Oklahoma!” last year. She is partnered by newcomer to the group, Mervyn Williams, playing the bubbly full-of-life character of Mr. Fezziwig. Memories of Fezziwig’s Annual Christmas Ball help Scrooge are the first lesson to help the miser mend his ways. Studio32 will be supporting the Alzheimer’s Association once again with proceeds from the show. Tickets are 9€ and can be reserved by calling 642

080 258 or email tickets@studiothirtytwo.org; performances start at 7.30pm each evening, doors open at 7pm. For more information visit www. studiothirtytwo.org.

Tickets are also available from: Tourist Information, La Marina; Cards & More, La Marina; The Card Place, Benijofar; and Kennedy Supermarket, Los Montesinos.

Christmas is coming AGE CONCERN Costa Calida is staging an early Christmas Fayre on Saturday 19th November at Mariano’s Restaurant, Camposol. Open from 11am to 2pm, an entrance fee of 1€ includes a Xmas Draw ticket and the opportunity to browse a host of stalls. The bar and cafe are open all day and carols and popular songs will fill the area thanks to the Wellspring Victory Church Choir. People wanting to reserve a stall should call 634 336 484 on Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016



14 oct - 20 oct 2016

friday 14th October


7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain - Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Street Auction 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Going Back, Giving Back 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Still Game 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:25 Josh


7:00 Street Auction 7:45 Thief Trackers 8:15 Going Back, Giving Back 9:00 Antiques Roadshow 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Edge 14:45 Hi-de-Hi! 15:15 Yes, Prime Minister 15:45 To the Manor Born 16:15 Restoration Home 17:15 Wonders of the Monsoon 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Simply Nigella 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:30 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Later - with Jools Holland

saturday 15th October BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain - Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Street Auction 12:45 Thief Trackers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Going Back, Giving Back 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Still Game 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:25 Josh


7:00 Street Auction 7:45 Thief Trackers 7:15 Going Back, Giving Back 8:00 Antiques Roadshow 9:00 Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:00 Daily Politics 13:00 The Edge 13:45 Hi-de-Hi! 14:15 Yes, Prime Minister 14:45 To the Manor Born 15:15 Restoration Home 16:15 Wonders of the Monsoon 17:15 Flog It! 18:00 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 19:00 Simply Nigella 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Mastermind 20:30 Gardeners’ World 21:30 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 22:00 Mock the Week 22:30 Newsnight 23:00 Weather 23:05 Later - with Jools Holland

If I were to ask you for the two most unlikely singing acts to form a collaboration I would suggest you coming up with smooth vocalist Dido and the Irish twins Jedward would be something you would never never ever get to … and yes, allegedly it will come to pass! This unexpected turn of events got lots of peeps on Twitter a bit giddy when it was semi-announced, whatever the hell that means, when the lads’ posted a pic of them with Miss Dido herself. Are they in a studio? Or have they bagged a room down at the local church hall for a karaoke sesh? It´s certainly not a pairing we ever thought we’d see happening, but watch this space as Jedward previously collaborated with Vanilla Ice on Ice Ice Baby. A WTF moment if ever there was one!


7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Level 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Regional Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 Film American Pie 2






7:00 Countdown 7:45 The King of Queens 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Come Dine with Me 18:00 My Kitchen Rules UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 20:55 Stand Up to Cancer 21:00 Jamie’s Super Food 21:30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 The Last Leg 24:05 First Dates

7:00 Countdown 7:00 Good Morning Britain 7:45 The King of Queens 9:30 Lorraine 9:00 Everybody Loves 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show Raymond 11:30 This Morning 10:00 Frasier 13:30 Loose Women 11:00 Undercover Boss USA 14:30 Weather 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News Nightmares USA 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 13:00 Channel 4 News 14:55 ITV News Summary 15:00 Judge Rinder 15:00 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:59 ITV Regional Weather 14:05 Posh Pawn 17:00 Tipping Point 15:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 18:00 The Chase 16:10 Countdown 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Four in a Bed 19:00 ITV News 17:30 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Weather 18:00 My Kitchen Rules UK 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:00 The Simpsons 20:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:30 Coronation Street 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Countrywise 20:30 Unreported World 21:30 Coronation Street 20:55 Stand Up to Cancer 22:00 The Level 21:00 Jamie’s Super Food 23:00 Weather 21:30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 22:00 Gogglebox 23:30 ITV Regional Weather 23:00 The Last Leg 23:30 ITV News 23:40 Film American Pie 2 24:05 First Dates

7:00 Children’s TV 10:15 Peppa Pig 10:25 Peppa Pig 10:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:15 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 The Cars That Made Britain Great 22:00 Britain’s Greatest Bridges 23:00 Film Django Unchained 24:00 5 News Update

7:00 Childrens TV 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:15 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 1830 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 The Cars That Made Britain Great 22:00 Britain’s Greatest Bridges 23:00 Film Django Unchained 24:00 5 News Update 24:05 Film Django Unchained


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film The Break-Up 23:05 FYI Daily 23:10 Film The Break-Up 24:15 Family Guy 24:40 Family Guy


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10.30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film The Break-Up 23:05 FYI Daily 23:10 Film The Break-Up 24:15 Family Guy 24:40 Family Guy


7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Stage School 8:40 Coach Trip 9:10 Rules of Engagement 10:05 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 How I Met Your Mother 16:30 How I Met Your Mother 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 Baby Daddy 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Stage School 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film Contraband 24:10 The Big Bang Theory 24:40 The Big Bang Theory


7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Stage School 8:40 Coach Trip 9:10 Rules of Engagement 10:05 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 Baby Daddy 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Stage School 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film Contraband 24:10 The Big Bang Theory 24:40 The Big Bang Theory

Michael Palin proving what a gen geezer he truly is! Michael Palin and Terry Jones are best known for writing and performing in the ground breaking ´Monty Pythons Flying Circus.´ Palin is 73 and Jones is 74 and have been best buddies for 50 years, but their lifelong friendship has arrived at an extremely serious crossroads, as Terry Jones was last week diagnosed as having Primary Progressive Aphasia, a part of his dementia which will gradually deprive him of the ability to speak. “The cruellest thing that could befall someone like Terry to whom words, ideas, arguments, jokes and stories were once the stuff of life” reflected his good pal Michael. Not as lot of people are fully aware that Jones co-directed Monty Python and the Holy Grail with Terry Gilliam, and was sole director on ´Life of Brian´ and ´Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life,´ and even fewer are likely to know that he wrote and directed an opera titled ´Evil Machines´ in 2005. Palin revealed that the pair were still able to connect with one another saying “Terry doesn’t say very much but he smiles, laughs, recognises and responds, and I’m always pleased to see him.” True friendship is a wonderful thing.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016

Jared Leto began making movies in 1995, but it was not until 2013 when he played transgender character Rayon in ´Dallas Buyers Club´ then The Joker in ´Suicide Squad´ that people sat up and took notice. Now according to The Hollywood Reporter he’s being courted for the part of Andy Warhol in a biopic of the iconic fashion maverick’s life, with the script being written by the man who wrote Oscar nominated screenplay for The Wolf of Wall Street. Warhol became one of the most famous artists of all time when he turned American consumerism into an art form. Leto is pretty well out there, as to help him stay in character as The Joker in Suicide Squad he apparently left old condoms and dead rats around for the other actors to find. I´ll bet they loved him to death for that! Sarah Jessica Parker told the Press Association last week that ´Sex and the City´ might well return, but she´s not sure if it will be on TV or a movie. She played Carrie Bradshaw on the HBO television series from ´98 -´04, winning an Emmy for the show, one for Outstanding Comedy Series as producer in 2001 and another for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series in 2004. She said “I don’t think past clashes with co-stars will put any of us off reuniting again ... ‘I don’t think any of us have said no´ ... are you sure about that Sarah? Two movies have already been made, the first outing receiving mixed reviews, and the second savaged after making just half the money of the first at the box office. Those film figures suggest the bell has tolled for SATC.

sunday 16th October


I´ve never been too keen on Gorgon Ramsay´s behaviour when running his TV shows, and it seems to have spilled over into his day to day life. He said “ I failed to turn up for parents evening at my kids’ school, and the next day I was asked not to come back to check on my kid’s performances. I received an email saying, ‘Can you please refrain from the next parents evening, we do not need the presence of Mr. Ramsay.” Then the man from Renfrewshire said of his on screen behaviour “On TV the jacket goes on and I become a different beast, I´m not hamming it up for the camera because I think it looks good? Far from it. It’s real, and that level of passion gets misconstrued for anger. It’s just the way I am.” There´s a time and place for everything G man!






7:00 Breakfast 8:30 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Sunday Politics London 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Homes Under the Hammer 14:45 Escape to the Country 15:30 Points of View 15:45 The Great British Bake Off 16:45 Books that Made Britain 17:15 Songs of Praise 17:50 Animal Babies 17:50 BBC News 19:05 BBC Regional News 19:15p Countryfile 20:15 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Poldark 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC Regional News 23:30 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 24:10 Film Midnight’s Children

7:15 The A to Z of TV Gardening 8:00 Glorious Gardens from Above 8:45 Gardeners’ World 9:45 Countryfile 10:40 The Beechgrove Garden 11:15 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:45 Food & Drink 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 Great British Menu 14:30 Great British Menu 15:00 Great British Menu 15:30 Live Cycling 16:00 Flog It! 17:00 Natural World 19:00 Inside Obama’s White House 21:00 The Greatest Tomb On Earth: Secrets of Ancient China 21:00 Wild West: America’s Great Frontier 23:00 Mock the Week 23:35 Film Borrowed Time

7:00 Childrens TV 8:30 Nerds & Monsters 8:50 Horrid Henry 9:10 Looped 9:30 Thunderbirds Are Go 10:05 Adventure Time 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Bear Grylls Survival School 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 12:30 Chopping Block 13:30 ITV News and Weather 13:39 ITV Regional Weather 13:40 The X Factor 15:35 Victoria 16:40 Midsomer Murders 18:40 Doc Martin 19:35 ITV Regional Weather 19:35 ITV News London 19:45 ITV News and Weather 20:00 The Chase 21:00 The X Factor 22:00 Tutankhamun 23:05 ITV News and Weather 23:19 ITV Regional Weather 23:20 Peston on Sunday 24:20 Murder, She Wrote

7:15 The Grid 7:40 Motorcycling 8:35 Frasier 9:00 Frasier 9:25 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 14:30 Film The Rescuers 15:05 The Simpsons 15:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 18:35 Channel 4 News 19:00 Posh Pawn 21:00 Child Genius vs Celebrities: SU2C Special 22:00 The Crystal Maze 23:05 Gogglebox 24:10 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:10 Film Stoker

7:00 Childrens TV 8:50 Paw Patrol 9:10 Blaze and the Monster Machines 9:35 Football on 5: The Championship 10:30 Football on 5: Goal Rush 11:00 Great Birmingham Run 13:00 The Gadget Show 13:55 The Hotel Inspector 14:50 The Hotel Inspector 15:50 Film Big Momma’s House 17:35 Film Mr Deeds 19:20 Now That’s Funny! 20:10 Penn & Teller: Fool Us in Vegas 21:05 Ice Road Truckers 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Film Divergent (2014) 24:45 Film Dead Man Down


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Emmerdale 10:00 The X Factor 12:00 Coronation Street 14:20 Catchphrase 15:05 You’ve Been Framed! 15:35 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here Now! 16:35 Film The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (2000) 17:40 FYI Daily 17:45 Film The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 18:25 Film King Kong 19:25 FYI Daily 19:30 Film King Kong 20:00 The Xtra Factor 21:00 Family Guy 21:30 Family Guy 21:55 Family Guy 24:25 Family Guy 24:55 American Dad!


7:00 Stage School 7:30 Stage School 7:55 Stage School 8:25 Stage School 8:55 Stage School 9:30 Baby Daddy 10:00 Baby Daddy 10:30 Hollyoaks 13:00 Made in Chelsea 14:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 15:00 The Goldbergs 15:35 The Goldbergs 16:00 Film Stuart Little (1999) 17:45 Rude(ish) Tube 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 Film Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 19:50 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:30 The Big Bang Theory 23:00 Tattoo Fixers 24:00 The Inbetweeners 24:35 The Inbetweeners


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

monday 17th October BBC1


7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 The Sheriffs Are Coming 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:30 Going Back, Giving Back 17:15 Rio 2016: Parade of Heroes 19:30 BBC News at Seven 20:00 BBC Regional News 20:30 The One Show 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Rio 2016: Parade of Heroes Highlights 22:00 Paxman on Trump vs Clinton: Divided America 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 Match of the Day 2 24:45 The Graham Norton Show

7:15 Cowboys and Angels 7:45 Thief Trackers 8:15 Going Back, Giving Back 9:00 Can Britain Have a Pay Rise? 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Countryfile 14:15 The Edge 15:00 Hi-de-Hi! 15:30 Yes, Prime Minister 16:00 To the Manor Born 16:30 Restoration Home 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Live FA Cup Football 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 The Victorian Slum 23:00 Morgana Robinson’s The Agency 23:30 Newsnight 24:10 Weather


7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 16:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Rebound 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 TV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Cold Feet 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Regional Weather 23:30 ITV News 23:45 The Jonathan Ross Show 24:50 Murder, She Wrote



7:00 Countdown 7:45 The King of Queens 8:10 The King of Queens 8:35 The King of Queens 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Hoarder SOS 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Rio 2016: The Superhumans Parade Live 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Stand Up to Cancer 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 SAS: Who Dares Wins 23:00 First Dates 24:05 Tattoo Fixers

7:00 Childrens TV 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: New Orleans 16:15 Film Hannah’s Law 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 FIA World Rally Championship Highlights 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Raw Recruits: Squaddies at 16 23:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 24:05 Film Red Dragon







7:00 Childrens TV 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:15 Film A Wife’s Suspicion 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 23:00 Undercover Benefits Cheat

7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Ibiza Weekender 24:00 Family Guy 24:30 Family Guy

7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Rude(ish) Tube 8:40 Coach Trip 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 How I Met Your Mother 16:30 How I Met Your Mother 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 Baby Daddy 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Crazyhead 23:00 Scream Queens 24:00 First Dates




7:00 Childrens TV 8:20 Pip Ahoy! 8:35 Little Princess 8:55 Paw Patrol 9:35 Football on 5: The Championship 10:30 Football on 5: Goal Rush 11:00 Great South Run 13:05 The Gadget Show 14:05 Funniest Fails, Falls & Flops 16:35 Cats & Dogs: the Revenge of kitty Galore 18:15 Ace Venture: When Nature Calls 19:55 Now That’s Funny! 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 Need for Spped 24:25 Takers

7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:25 Emmerdale 10:00 The X Factor 11:50 Coronation Street 14:15 You’ve been framed 14:45 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! 15:00 See Spot Run 16:55 See Spot Run 17:45 Looney Tunes: Back in Action 18:50 Looney Tunes: Back in Action 19:30 Twilight 20:30 FYI Daily 20:35 Twilight 22:00 The Xtra Factor 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 24:00 Family Guy

7:00 Animals Unleashed 7:30 Baby Daddy 8:00 Baby Daddy 8:30 How I Met Your Mother 9:00 How I Met Your Mother 9:30 The Goldbergs 10:00 The Goldbergs 10:30 Hollyoaks 13:00 Made in Chelsea 14:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 16:50 The Big Bang Theory 17:20 The Big Bang Theory 18:20 The Big Bang Theory 18:50 The Big Bang Theory 19:20 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Tattoo Fixers 24:00 The Inbetweeners


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 American Dad! 23:30 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy 24:25 The Cleveland Show 24:55 The Cleveland Show


7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Stage School 8:40 Coach Trip 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 Baby Daddy 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Made in Chelsea 23:00 Drifters 23:35 The Inbetweeners 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory

tuesday 18th October BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 The Sheriffs Are Coming 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Going Back, Giving Back 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Ordinary Lies 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 Aberfan: The Fight for Justice 24:45 The Age of Lonelinessz


7:00 Cowboys and Angels 7:30 Claimed and Shamed 8:15 Going Back, Giving Back 9:00 Coast 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Edge 14:45 Hi-de-Hi! 15:15 Yes, Prime Minister 15:45 To the Manor Born 16:15 Restoration Home 17:15 Earthflight 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Mary Berry’s Foolproof Cooking 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Who’s Spending Britain’s Billions? 22:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys 23:00 Later Live - with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight 24:10 Weather 24:15 NFL This Week

ITV1 7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 3:00 Rebound 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Fishing Impossible 21:00 The Agenda 22:00 The New Clampers: Where’s My Car Gone? 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Regional Weather 23:30 ITV News London 23:40 Perspectives 24:40 Murder, She Wrote

7:00 Countdown 7:45 The King of Queens 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Hoarder SOS 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Come Dine with Me 18:00 My Kitchen Rules UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Stand Up to Cancer 21:00 Your Face Says It All 22:00 Married at First Sight 23:00 Damned 23:35 24 Hours in A&E 24:35 SAS: Who Dares Wins

7:00 Childrens TV 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 House Doctor 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film Too Late to Say Goodbye (2009) 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 House Doctor 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Eamonn & Ruth: How the Other Half Lives 23:00 The Woman with No Face 24:05 The Hotel Inspector Returns


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film The Break-Up 23:05 FYI Daily 23:10 Film The Break-Up 24:10 Family Guy 24:40 Family Guy


7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 Rude(ish) Tube 8:40 Coach Trip 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:05 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 How I Met Your Mother 16:30 How I Met Your Mother 17:00 Baby Daddy 17:30 Baby Daddy 18.00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Black-ish 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Body Fixers 23:00 Empire 24:00 First Dates Abroad

wednesday 19th October BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 The Sheriffs Are Coming 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Going Back, Giving Back 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:00 The Missing 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 A Question of Sport 24:15 Anne Robinson’s Britain

BBC2 7:00 Cowboys and Angels 7:30 Claimed and Shamed 8:15 Going Back, Giving Back 9:00 Great British Menu 9:30 Great British Menu 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 The Edge 14:45 Hi-de-Hi! 15:15 Yes, Prime Minister 15:45 To the Manor Born 16:15 Restoration Home One Year On 17.15 Earthflight 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Simply Nigella 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Coast 22:00 No Place to Call Home 23:00 The Premier League Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:10 Weather 24:15 No Such Thing As the News

ITV1 7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regional Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Rebound 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Puppy Secrets: The First Six Months 22:00 Him 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Regional Weather 23:30 ITV News

7:00 Countdown 7:45 The King of Queens 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A New Life in the Sun 12:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Hoarder SOS 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Come Dine with Me 18:00 My Kitchen Rules UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Stand Up to Cancer 21:00 Little British Isles with Alison Steadman 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 World of Weird 24:05 Married at First Sight

Thursday 20th October BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:45 The Sheriffs Are Coming 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decimate 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Going Back, Giving Back 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Anne Robinson’s Britain 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 Question Time 24:45 This Week

BBC2 7:00 Cowboys and Angels 7:30 Claimed and Shamed 8:15 Going Back, Giving Back 9:00 Gardeners World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 US Presidential Debate 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 The Edge 14:45 Hi-De-Hi 15:15 Some Mothers Do 15:45 To the Manor Born 16:15 Restoration Home One Year 17:15 EarthFlight 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing – It 20:00 Mary Berry’s Foolproof 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 22:00 The Fall 23:00 The Apprentice: You’re Fired 23:30 Newsnight

ITV1 7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:00 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Jundge Rinder 16:00 Rebound 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV news 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Level 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV News 23:40 American Pie: the Wedding

CHANNEL 4 7:10 Gillette World Sport 7:40 Motor Sport on 4 8:05 Catherham Motorsport 8:35 Frasier 9:30 Frasier 10:00 The Morning Line 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:55 The Simpsons 12:25 The Simpsons 13:25 Four Rooms 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:20 Four in a Bed 17:50 My Kitchen Rules UK 18:50 The Crystal Maze 19:45 Channel 4 News 20:00 Hunt for the Artic Ghost Ship 21:00 Britain’s Ancient Tracks with Tony Robinson 22:00 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 Formula 1 24:30 Locke


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

Sara Bell life&leis re ask Sara u ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// by

Life Coach

WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.

Is it fair?

We are a childless couple from choice. The rest of the family has had hoards of children, and birthdays and Christmas time is becoming a real problem for us. We have been generous in buying gifts for our nieces and nephews, and now great nieces and nephews have come along, and we find the cost is crippling us. Also, none of my brothers and sisters have ever seen fit to give my husband and I as much as a small token gift in thanks. I don’t want to sound mean, but even a card these days cost over 3 pounds, and we will have to go in to debt otherwise. What you shouldn’t do is go in to debt. Have you spoken to your brothers and sisters and explained the situation to them? I wonder how many of them might secretly feel the same way? Any loving family member should understand the pressure it is putting on you. In these circumstances, where there are large families, I always suggest a secret santa type of arrangement, and this can also work for birthdays - a collective present. Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 650 054 467.

Mum needs me My parents split up recently, and it’s torn the family apart. My brother, who has left home, doesn’t seem to be too bothered, and he says he saw it coming. But my sister and I are devastated. Our Mum is inconsolable, as it was my father who had an affair and moved out. I was planning to go to University next year, and now I think I may have to shelve my plans, and stay and look after my mother. It’s good that you and your sister are there for your Mum, but it looks like the whole family is in need of support, including perhaps your brother. Please don’t think about giving up your hope of going to University. Things may look different in 12 months time. I am sure your Mum will not want you to change your plans. You have a sister and brother, who can all help support your Mum. Talk to your family Doctor about how you are feeling, and don’t rush in to anything regarding stopping your education.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016


life&leisure whats on


Hollywood Hardman Transforms His Life with Skip Archimedes by Jack Troughton You may have seen Tamer Hassan in hit movies like The Business, Football Factory, Batman Begins, Deadman Running and in hit TV shows like Game Of Thrones, 24 and Dracula. As many celebrities experience, life behind closed doors can be very unstable and rocky. He was pretty much a gangster on screen and a gangster off screen. He was on self destruct and had lost everything. He was over weight, excess drinking everyday, wasn’t getting any jobs, he and his wife were on the verge of splitting up, he was very angry, unhappy, totally broke and life was on a major downward spiral. He then got introduced to Skip Archimedes who is a transformational coach to the rich and famous and has been sharing some ‘Skip’s Tips’ with us over the last couple of months. Skip has worked with people like Sir Richard Branson, Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber & Tony Robbins. Skip took hold of Tamer and helped him get his life back on track. It all started with Skip taking Tamer to one of his total immersion retreats that he runs all over the world in Bali, Thailand and here in Spain. The journey of transformation began and after only 5 days with Skip in Moriara, Tamer already felt like a new and improved version of himself and he returned to the UK ready to take back control of his life. Skip says he is so proud of Tamer because he was so hungry to take his life to higher levels and to become more successful in a balanced way and he has worked so hard in all areas of his life. It’s quite remarkable how things have turned around and he is such an inspiration to be around now. We take action to turn our lives around in one of two ways, inspiration or desperation. Tamer had hit rock bottom and it was sink or swim for him and he said Skip was my last hope. Skip says “it was a pleasure to be able to help him because he is such a nice guy with a really big heart. He had so many bad habits that needed turning around and we’ve become like brothers now and his personality really is magnetic. He has just bought a £4 million house; he and his wife are back in love, he has lost all the excess weight, he got his jaw line back, he is focused, happy and is loving life, feeling younger, looking younger and lives life with so much more balance. Tamer has recently filmed a movie with Christian Bale, and has just left the film set and flown over from a brand new TV series called Snatch which is taken from the hit movie where he is playing a lead role. Tamer is joining Skip at the Living Forever Young event he is gifting to our locals at The Marriot in Denia Saturday 15th October and you can register for FREE with this link www.SkipArchimedes.com/ForeverYoung Skip will be teaching you how you can take your life to another level whether it’s physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Skip’s teachings are really fun, easy to learn and apply and it will be a fun day out and you’ll leave guaranteed to really love being you. This one day will help you to look and feel younger plus it will help you to make more empowered decisions so that you can really live your dreams in a body and mind you’re proud of inside and out. This is the difference between being fit and healthy. You may look fit on the outside by inside you could be rotting away. Today we are seeing professional athletes all over the world having heart attacks and strokes and literally dieing on the field. That wouldn’t happen if health was your foundation and you knew how to be Living Forever Young. Tamer will be there in person at this life changing event and if you want to hear them before sharing some great advice, they will be live on Bay Radio today (Friday 14th) from 5pm to 6pm (today). If you don’t get time to register you can still turn up on the day. It’s a world-class event and ran all over the world in Malaysia, London, Singapore and is here for one day only. It’s a full day and is from 9am till 6pm. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to get free coaching from Skip who is known around the world as The Miracle Man. Skip says he is really excited to bring these teachings to this part of the world and is really looking forward to the event this Saturday. Reserve you replace now at www.SkipArchimedes.com/ForeverYoung

Tamer Hassan


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #Spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


Uses of Past Participle Sometimes you have to take one step backwards to move two steps forward, and sometimes you just have to revisit things you may have forgotten. To go on to our next topic we need to remind ourselves about some things called “past participles”. We learnt about them in my earlier articles, around about number 30. At that stage we were learning what I call the “recent past” tense. That is the one that translates “I have seen”, “we have been”, “he has driven” etc. and we learnt that the forms “seen”, “been”, “driven” and many more, are called “past participles” (in Spanish “participios”) which combined with “have” and “has” (in Spanish the verb “haber”) they form a past tense which refers to things that happened recently and still affect the present (I have lost my keys – “he perdido mis llaves”) and also to refer to things that occurred in an undefined time in the past (She has been to France – “ha estado en Francia”). That was a rather brief summary of something that needed two or three articles at the time, but I want to get on to a related subject now. Actually, I think I will stick to English for a bit longer to give an example of where I’m going. We

have a verb in English “to break”. The past participle of this verb is “broken”. To form the tense I have just mentioned, we could say for example: “The child has broken the vase” or perhaps “My boyfriend and I have broken up”. In both cases we are using “have or has” plus the “past participle” to form this “recent past” tense. However, as English speakers, you will also be aware that I can use the word “broken” in other ways. “This vase is broken” or “This is a broken vase”. In this case “broken” is being used as an adjective, even though it was originally a past participle. An adjective is a “describing word” and describes the vase, in the same way as adjectives like “big” or “red” - “the pretty vase”; “the red vase”; “the broken vase”. So, let’s get back to the Spanish language. The verb “to break” is “romper” and it has an irregular past participle – “roto”, meaning “broken”. To go back to our examples, I can say: “El niño ha roto el florero” or “Mi novio y yo hemos roto”. In these sentences, and when the past participle of any verb is used to form this tense, it never changes its ending. It always ends in the letter “o” and is not affected by whether it refers to things or people that are singular or plural, mas-

culine or feminine. However, when this participle is taken out of this tense context and is used as an adjective, it starts obeying the rules of adjectives. We would say “El florero roto” (the broken vase – masculine singular) but also “los floreros rotos” (the broken vases); “la silla rota” (the broken chair – feminine singular) and also “las sillas rotas” the broken chairs. At the end of last week’s article a participle is used in a similar way. I said: “You would be very confused! - Estaríais muy confundidos”. “Confundido” is a past participle, from the verb “confundir” which is being used here as an adjective, and therefore agreeing with the plural form of “you”, with the added “s” ending. This is on the assumption that more than one person reads these article. I think I’d better stop at this point.

Crossword solutions for last week Cryptic Solutions

Across: 1 Primrose; 5 Used; 9 Eggs; 10 Particle; 11 Utter; 12 Ladders; 13 Called to order; 18 Watch out; 19 Nips; 20 Lantern; 21 Cowed; 22 Pays; 23 Organist. Down: 2 Regatta; 3 Misdeal; 4 Scarlet runner; 6 Succeed; 7 Dresser; 8 Studio; 13 Cowslip; 14 Latency; 15 Echoes; 16 Rangoon; 17 Express. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Submerge; 5 Scum; 9 Scan; 10 Stubborn; 11 Avoid; 12 Uniting; 13 Bring together; 18 Devilish; 19 Near; 20 Earning; 21 Limit; 22 Slew; 23 Staining. Down: 2 Uncover; 3 Mention; 4 Get out of sight; 6 Coolish; 7 Manager; 8 Oblige; 13 Badness; 14 Inverse; 15 Gallic; 16 Tension; 17 Elation.

Sudoku Answer

14 oct - 20 oct 2016



Chris Ashley

Writer & Broadcaster

Winnebago Wanderings & Septic Setbacks

AS A SPROG I grew up in a family, usually a midnight hour flit away from the bailiffs, which could explain my wayward wanderings. Having said that there are some journeys to avoid. If you are catching a bus, booking a cruise or setting out to infinity & beyond and you see Sandra Bullock queueing – MAYDAY! (‘Speed’ – ‘Speed 2 Cruise Control’ – ‘Gravity’). A few years ago the Current & Final Mrs Ashley & I drove from Miami to L.A. in a beat up Winnebago. ‘Easy Rider’ for the 50+ - ‘Born To Be Mild.’ Apart from a brief messy spell Mrs. A did all the driving, some 3000 miles in all. The reason for that is not my idleness, but that she’s a terrible passenger. I could be sedately driving an Amish family carriage to church on an early Sunday morn in Palookaville, Pennsylvania & she’d be freaking out like I’m Charlton Heston chariot racing Stephen Boyd in ‘Ben Hur’ (the best version). Now here we are on Interstate 40 to Nashville visiting the grave of Johnny Cash – then to Memphis & Elvis’s final resting place. Then hang a left for Lubbock Texas & the burial place of Buddy Holly. You might find this behaviour a tad perverse, but you have to pay your respects to your idols – you would if Piers Morgan/Kim Kardashian/Jeremy Kyle popped their clogs........ wouldn’t you? We stopped at a RV camp site & one of my chores was to connect the van loo to a septic tank with a concertina type hose – open up the valve – and whoosh – sexy huh? An English chap came up and said “Excuse me , I know that voice, have you ever been on the radio in the UK?” I told him I had. “Thought so, years ago I listened to you all the time, loved it, but I thought you’d be dead by now.” After that backhanded zinger the joy of my life trilled “Oy buggerlugs stop showing off & move the van a smidgen so I can hook up the electrics.” Now this is going to sound like I’m crowbarring a pun into the narrative, but it did actually occur. Forgetting about the waste product process I edged forward driving over the hose. The excrement flew every which way covering my admirer. Yes the s*** really did hit the fan. Oh! stop your groaning, it happened. We really want to do Route 66 next – have you? Let us know all about it; ashleybobble@hotmail.com



14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #Recipes


Honey-glazed chicken wings A lip-smacking snack of sticky wings that’s ideal for munching at a party or while watching a movie on the sofa Ingredients 1kg pack chicken wings 2 tbsp clear honey 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp sesame seeds 100ml soured cream 100ml buttermilk 100g mayonnaise 2 tsp lemon juice pinch of smoked paprika 2 red chillies, deseeded and finely sliced celery sticks halved, to serve baby carrots, peeled, to serve Method Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 6. Put the chicken wings in a large

roasting tin. Mix the honey, soy and 1/2 tbsp sesame seeds in a bowl, then pour over the wings. Use your hands to mix and ensure all the wings are coated, then roast for 20 mins until cooked through, sticky and golden. Meanwhile, combine the soured cream, buttermilk, mayonnaise, lemon juice and paprika. Season well, then chill until ready to serve. When the wings are cooked, scatter over the remaining sesame seeds and the chilli. Serve with the dip, and some carrot and celery sticks for dunking.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016


life&leisure #Feature



These melt-in-the-mouth shortbreadlike cookies originate from South America and are filled with dulce de leche and rolled in desiccated coconut Ingredients 200g plain flour 300g corn flour 2 tsp baking powder 250g unsalted butter , softened at room temperature 150g caster sugar zest of 1 lemon 3 large egg yolks 1 tbsp Cognac 1 tsp vanilla extract 450g jar dulce de leche 50g desiccated coconut Method Combine the flour, corn flour and baking powder together in a bowl with a pinch of salt. Using a food mixer or an electric whisk in

another bowl beat the butter together with the sugar and lemon zest until very pale. Add the egg yolks followed by the Cognac and vanilla extract. Beat in the dry ingredients until you have smooth dough. Wrap the dough in clingfilm and chill for a minimum of 1 hour. You can make the biscuit dough the day before and leave in the fridge. Line two large baking trays with baking parchment. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to the thickness of a pound

coin then cut out 60 biscuits with a 5cm round or fluted cutter. Put the biscuits back in the fridge for 20 mins to firm up. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Bake the biscuits for 8 mins until just set. You want the biscuits to stay pale with a crumbly texture. Leave to cool completely before sandwiching two biscuits together with a spoonful of dulce de leche. Once all the biscuits are sandwiched together roll in desiccated coconut.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #health ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Get “back” to your best at the Algorfa Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Dutey-Harispe D.C, more affectionately known to his patients as Dr. Xavier, has over 40 years experience as a chiropractor. In addition he is also a highly qualified acupuncturist and naturopath. Misalignments can result in any of the problems highlighted above. Poor posture, accidents, falls, stress, tension, overexertion and countless other factors can result in misalignments of the spinal column, affecting muscles, ligaments and joints. We work in partnership with you to ensure your optimal health and wellbeing. From your first visit we make you feel at ease, we take the time needed to understand what is causing the problem, by discussing your case in detail and by also carrying out a full orthapaedic examination. We then discuss a very specific treatment plan to get you not only pain free but back to optimal health. If X-Rays are needed we can arrange this in collaboration with a clinic close by. We see patients who have neck pain, migraine, pain in the shoulders, arms, tingling in the fingers. Pain in the lower back, patients suffering from herniated discs, sciatica, joint pain. Patients suffering from inflammatory problems such as tendonitis and bursitis. We care about each of our patients so they experience the best care possible. Chiropractic is the method of natural healing most chosen by those seeking complementary/alternative health care for acute and chronic conditions. It works by correcting misalignments by gently manipulating the area of the spine affected. This in turn restores spinal function, eliminates pain, increases overall mobility and allows your body to operate more efficiently and more comfortably. At the Algorfa Chiropractic Clinic we highlight the importance of posture. Many of us are glued to our mobile phones, iPads and laptops! Far too many of us live our lives hunched over and with our necks stuck out, which is known as “forward head posture.” Studies prove that for every 2cms your head sticks out from a true centre of gravity, your neck bears an extra 3-4 kilos of stress. Just think about how common and dangerous this can be for your health! Our posture screening programme is designed to highlight how a person’s posture can impact on their spine, whether it be the neck, the upper dorsal or the lower back. To find out more about how chiropractic can help you, please visit our website for more information at www.chiropractorspain.com. On our website you will also be able to read testimonials about some of our patient’s experiences using chiropractic care as a path back to health and overall wellbeing. Alternatively if you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us by; Telephone: 965 071 898 / 618 337 616 E-mail: info@chiropractoralgorfa.es Restore your power and restore your life with Chiropractic care.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016


life&leisure #health


New smile in a day: veneers solution Dental veneers are ultra-thin, translucent pieces of composite resin material or porcelain (ceramic) shells, which are affixed permanently to the front of the teeth in order to create instant perfection. Typically, veneers are placed on the front of the teeth to brighten the teeth, mask discolorations, whiten teeth, and improve smiles. Modern technology has made dental veneers more lifelike, convenient, stronger, and to reflect light in a similar fashion as the natural dental enamel. What Materials Are Dental Veneers Made Of? There are two predominant materials used for making dental veneers: composite resin and porcelain. Porcelain veneers and composite veneers are an inexpensive and minimally invasive way of restoring and correcting small cracks, chips and teeth discolouration.

5. Veneers are very versatile and can be used to cover a range of imperfections such as discolouration, chipped teeth or gaps.

How Do Veneers Work? Dental veneers are very thin and fixed in place by a special strong bond that requires very minimal preparation of the teeth. Additionally, they make the teeth to appear natural and healthy. Veneers help to enhance the shape, colour and position of the teeth. When a single tooth is out of position, the veneer can often be fitted to bring the tooth into line with the rest. Advantages of Dental Veneers over Other Procedures 1. Stain resistance and durability. 2. Veneers provide amazing strength and natural appearance 3. The veneers enhance confidence, self-assurance and happiness more than the alternative treatments. 4. Not require extensive shaping procedures.

“The dental care at Sdent is wonderful, not only do I feel like my teeth are in good hands I also feel like I can trust the people who work there, if you need dental care these are the people to see.” Mr. Collins “I would recommend anyone to be a patient at Sdent! we have made several trips to this office and each visit we have been treated with the most uprespect anyone can show us!!” Mrs. Scott “All the staff including Summer has been great to me and my family! i want to thank Sdent Dental Clinic for all the good work they have done with us.” Davis´s family SDENT DENTAL CLINIC 965 724 502 608 371 132 Avda. Vega Baja, 2 Rojales 03170 Alicante info@sdent.es Free Consultation

Between 3% and 5% of the population suffer from hyperactivity, usually and most commonly diagnosed with failure at school Quirónsalud Torrevieja Hospital is launching a new comprehensive unit of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. Torrevieja, 6th October 2016. Between 3% and 5% of the population suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a condition that is usually and most commonly diagnosed with failure at school The problem has several symptoms, such as not being able to concentrate, hyperactivity and inability to control behavior. It often begins in childhood, but may continue into adulthood. According to Victoria Melendez Lopez, Specialist of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Quirónsalud Hospital Torrevieja, “it is important to emphasize the importance of a good evaluation with an integrated team and not to be content with a basic assessment. In addition to school failure, the consequences of not being diagnosed are worsening social relationships, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem and also there is a greater likelihood of accidents and a higher prevalence or frequency of toxic consumption “. As well as the psychological consequences this condition generates it is also a social problem of high incidence in children and young people. In addition ADHD can cause difficulties for sufferers to both their environment and to themselves. Behavioral disorders at home are, among others, repeated disobedience, tantrums, disorder, insults or aggressive behavior. At school sufferers do not adequately capture the rules of coexistence and are incapable of suppressing inappropriate behavior, such as talking in class, disturbing peers, interrupting, etc. “All this leads these children to live negative social experiences, to feel rejected by others and, ultimately, to have fewer opportunities for social learning,” says the specialist Quirónsalud Torrevieja Hospital. A combined psychological and psychiatric treatment is

the key For a child with ADHD the appropriate intervention is a combination of (pharmacological, psychological and psychoeducational) treatment and a long term follow-up plan is both required and necessary, According to Dr. Jose Gomez, specialist in child psychiatry of this new integral unit at Quirónsalud Hospital Torrevieja which works together to achieve a clinical diagnostic for the patient, “an integrated approach that involves meetings with the child, parents and indeed the teachers. Treatment should include a program for parents, in order to indicate a positive reinforcement and offer guidelines for the family to follow and a program for the child that includes self-regulation, controlling Irritability and management of emotions, communication programs and social skills working with groups of teenagers. And finally, a program for teachers, offering them guidelines and knowledge of ADHD in behavior modification techniques, use of strategies for organization and self-regulation of behavior and the use of enhanced self-evaluation. Dr. Gomez highlights the importance of the medication used with psychotherapy that often work best. Different medicines for ADHD may be used alone or in combination with other medicines. The specialist will establish at all times the medication based on symptoms and the patient’s requirements and evaluate if medication is necessary or not. There is no clarity about the cause of ADHD. It may be linked to genes or social factors at home. Experts have found that children with ADHD are different than those ones without this disorder. The brain chemistry is different. The new comprehensive Unit of Psychiatry and Psychology at Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja has a dedicated team for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) composed of teams of psychiatrists, clinical psychologist and family therapists for adults, adolescents and children offering an

early and comprehensive diagnosis for the patient and family using a combination of disciplined treatments. ABOUT QUIRÓNSALUD Quirónsalud is the largest hospital group in Spain and the third largest in Europe. It is present in 13 autonomous communities has the most advanced technology and has more than 6,200 beds in the 80 centres, like the Jimenez Diaz Foundation, Ruber, Hospital La Luz, University Hospital Quirónsalud Madrid, Teknon, Dexeus, Polyclinic Gipuzkoa, etc., as well as a large team of highly specialized professionals and international prestige. We work in promoting and teaching (seven of our hospitals are universities) medical and scientific research (we have the Health Research Institute of the FJD, a unique private research centre accredited by the Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation). In addition, our healthcare service is organized into units and transversal networks to optimize the experience accumulated in the various centers and clinical translation of our investigations. Currently, Quirónsalud is developing more than 1,600 research projects throughout Spain and many of the centers are market leaders in this field, being pioneers in different specialties such as cardiology, endocrinology, gynecology, neurology and oncology, among others. Más información: Rosa Ruiz Aragonés Directora de Comunicación T. 626 023 153 rosa.ruiz@quironsalud.es


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #sports


Winning on a Shoestring SAMM’S RECENT Race Day triggered difficult mathematical calculations after shifting winds and changing rules - but from the 10 boats registered to compete, Shoestring Uno (pictured) was the winner. by Jack Troughton Despite the complications, the day was enjoyed by all participating crews who showed some exceptional skill. To find out more about the sailing club, visit www.sailingmarmenor.com – the next race day is Sunday, 10am on the beach at CTD Los Narejos.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016


life&leisure #sports /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Pego golf society “the team accumulator” competition Pego Golf Society held a Team Accumulator today, which was a lot of fun, and brought smiles to many of the contestants. A Team Accumulator is a team of 4 players, and playing Stableford, two players count at the par 5’s, three players count at the Par 4’s and all four players count at the Par 3’s. Lots of fun, and what a beautiful morning we had, to play this competition at Oliva Nova Golf Course. It was in fair condition, but not great, but it is on its way to getting back to its best, and in two or three weeks, it will be back to its best. We had 38 members and guests available for this competition, and our guests today were Derek Lindley, Steve Boyes and Graham Borley. All were welcomed buy our members, and we hope they had a goodtime. Winners 1st Place:- Mike Cuerden, John Guest, Russ Peters and Adrian Marsh with a total of 115 Points 2nd Place:- Barry Levett, Derek Lindley, Mr Ghost and Ron Webb with a total of 113

Points 3rd Place :- Malcolm Wise, Clive Wright, Malcolm Cannon and David Blakeley with 109 Points There were 4 two’s today, and they were by Penny Barden, Peter Rapley, Adrian Marsh and Mike Cuerden. The “Balls in the Water” prize was won today with 96 balls, and that was won by Steve Patton who correctly guessed the correct amount for today. Nearest the hole at Hole 5 with their second shot was Ronnie Webb at 6.12 meters,, and at hole 16 the closest was Adrian Marsh with 80 centimetres. In the match play semi final, John Evans defeated Brian Barden by 3/1 and Colin Foster defeated Simon Cox by 3/2, so the final will be between John Evans and Colin Foster If any member or guest would like to play with the Pego Golf Society, and who wouldn’t, as we are playing a Singles Stableford” please contact our secretary and send an e-mail to Penny Barden at pegohandicapsec@gmail.com or enter through our website www.pegogolfsociety.com. A warm welcome awaits you.

Alfaz fantasy football league As the Premier League is is interrupted by the 2nd International break and Gareth Southgate becomes the next English Manager to drink from the poison chalice the Alfaz Fantasy Football League comes to a halt for the 2nd time this Season. Well the break gives us a chance to look at last weeks RTN Preliminary round K.O.Cup Competition as well taking a look at who has impressed so far in this Season’s Fantasy League. In last weeks K.O.Cup Competition the highest ranked team Andrew’s Big Tymers were knocked out by John’s team Dodgy Dribblers by 20-16. The other top team to bite the dust was Dave’s Casa Stretford,La Nucia who were beaten 35-25 by Kelvin’s Republic of Ashton.2nd placed Terry’s Hugonauts United cruised through to the next round by seeing off Old Salfordians by 4213.while the lowest placed team Hilda’s Try Try Again scraped through against John’s team The Special Ones by 7 points to 6. The 23rd A.F.F.L. has been as competitive as ever with 5 different Teams topping the League in 7 weeks.Only 2 teams have managed to stay at the Summit for 2 weeks and they are Dave’s Casa Stretford,La Nucia and Mike’s Super Saints who have now slumped down to 136th position.(How the Mighty fall) Our Mark Carter Ladies Section has also had 5 teams at the top.Pauline’s Vodka Army and Julie’s team The Gers are the only ones to retain the top spot for more than 1 week. The U.K.T.V.Spain Junior League have a record number of teams taking part this Season but only 4 teams have made to the Summit. Leo’s Powerblue Boys,Oh! South London,Teigar’s Tigers and the present leaders Ant & Brad have all tasted life at the top. Only 3 teams have made it to the number one spot of our Leonard Knowles Construction Golden Boot League and they are one of our Lady Managers Pam’s People,Kevin’s team One for the Road and Eric’s Peaky Blinders. The top Fantasy League Player at the moment is the much maligned Chelsea’s Diego Costa who has 41 points in the bag,4 ahead of Everton’s Lukaku.One of the tricks to win the Fantasy League is to spot a Gem lower down in the pecking order who not many Managers would have selected. Maybe this Season’s Gem could be West Ham’s Michail Antonio who is our top scoring Mid-Field Player with 36 points.Only 5 Managers selected this former Nottingham Forest Player who is also the highest scoring Player in the Golden Boot League and he only cost 4.3 million.(Asda Price) Top Keeper is Spur’s LLoris with 19 points while the top defender is Arsenal’s Koscielny with 31 points. So far this Season the 70 Premier League games have provided the Fantasy with 196 goals,29 clean sheets,271 yellow cards and 6 red ones compere that to last Season at this point when they were 182 goals,41 clean sheets,268 yellow cards and 16 red.The Referees have awarded twice as many penalties 25 this Season compered to only 12 last Season.Does that mean the Refs are more on the case than last Year,I’m not so sure! The Draw for the next round of our RTN K.O.Cup Competition will soon be up on our super new website which is www.alfazffl.com. Don’t forget its all systems go again this Weekend as the Premier League gets going again.Lets hope all our Players return from the Internationals fit and well and are ready to go again.


14 oct - 20 oct 2016

life&leisure #whatson


Beach clean-up by Caroline Tyszka

A TEAM of volunteers in Torrevieja spent Sunday morning collecting rubbish on a local beach to help protect a place of natural beauty. A dozen helpers met on the Cala Ferris armed with bin bags which were quickly filled with a range of discarded items such as plastic bottles, carrier bags and general waste. An environmental group named “Save The Ferris� organised the clean-up on World Habitat Day to draw attention to the threat that the public poses to a marine ecosystem by not taking their rubbish away with them. Several bags were filled and displayed and organisers hope that they can get the message to the public to be more responsible in future.

14 oct - 20 oct 2016


life&leisure #advertisingfeature


28 years as a Citroen dealer CITROEN BENIJOFAR is celebrating 28 years as a dealership and to celebrate invites all its customers and friends to a party on Saturday 29th October from 9am to 3pm. It is an opportunity for everyone to enjoy a drink and some traditional tapas while helping celebrate the Citroen Benijofar milestone. It is one of the oldest and well-established Citroen dealerships. Founded as a family business many years ago by Antonio García Gonzalez, it started life as a repair shop for bicycles and motorbikes, becoming a Ducati dealership and was run by his two sons in the days when cars were rarely seen in Benijofar or the southern Costa Blanca. Then 28 years ago, in 1988, the company was offered the opportunity to become an official Citroen dealership, and it has been ever since. Back then, the company was called Autos Huertas and it was run by Antonio´s son and the father of Noelia and Mariola Antonio García Huertas as cars became more popular they started to sell and repair cars. Eight years ago, when their father Antonio García Huertas officially retired sisters Noelia and Mariola García took over the family business. Under the watchful eye of their father Antonio, they have grown the business into Benijofar´s most successful full service automobile centre. The name PAR MOTOR has two meanings: PAR being the power of two, in this case the two sisters, and PAR MOTOR,

which in English would be an engine that is perfectly balanced. And just across the road from their well-known Citroen Dealership, they have opened HUERTAS MULTIAUTO, a new show-room where they offer new cars and a selection of ex-

demonstration models for OPEL, KÍA, NISSAN, HUNDAY, PEUGEOT, AUDI and VOLKSWAGEN.

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14 oct - 20 oct 2016




14 oct - 20 oct 2016

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14 oct - 20 oct 2016



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