Your English Newspaper
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Issue 795
Expats bite back over ‘dirty tricks’ ANGRY EXPATS are demanding better treatment from the British Government that they say has cut them “adrift” from mainstream policy. by Jack Troughton
Looking angelic!
Little angels By Jack Troughton LEADING AN annual Three Kings parade on the Costa Blanca and following a bright star was a float of little angels...all on best behaviour. To read more go to page 8.
THEY MAINTAIN UK citizens living in Spain and other European countries are being ignored in the debate – and promised referendum – on EU membership, and say they remain “easy targets” for cuts. And the announcement that later this year the Winter Fuel payment will be scrapped for pensioners living in “hot” countries has sparked further fury – not least when it was labelled an “obscene waste of money”. As a result flurries of letters have been fired off to Prime Minister David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. A groundswell of public protest is growing and all expats are being urged to join the call for social justice for all British citizens wherever they live. Alan and Sheila Skinner live in Parcent and like many others believe it is time to take action and make the expat view known. Sheila told RTN: “Unfortunately these guys are so out of touch with real life – they should live a month like Joe Average. I don’t think they have anything like a real idea of what life is like in the UK and even less of an idea of what day to day life is like here. “The withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance is not only insulting, it is damaging to
a lot of elderly people struggling to make ends meet. We are not drinking gin and tonics; we are chopping logs for the fire. “We are disgusted at Iain Duncan Smith’s callous and dodgy manipulation of temperatures in his desperation to justify this paltry saving for UK tax payers – we ARE the UK tax payer, past and present.” Sheila said expat pensioners in particular were tax efficient in terms of what they took out of the UK system “yet they watch the system sucked dry.” EQUAL And she said Mr Cameron must insure everyone was treated equally. “That’s what they are always talking about under the word ‘democracy’, but we don’t see that here. “We are the forgotten people; we are the ‘passed over pensioners’. The biggest question amongst the 70 plus people I regularly mix with is what the hell will happen should a referendum result mean the UK leaves Europe. “No one seems to have addressed the point, the fate of UK citizens should the vote be to come out. We are disenfranchised and there could be a tsunami of people returning to the UK and it could cost millions and millions in benefits to which they are legally entitled.” Continued on page 5
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
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Chaos at the town hall DISGRUNTLED JAVEA residents hoping to take advantage of a tax discount by entering a personal payment plan were faced with chaos at the town hall. By Jack Troughton and Benny Davis SOME 60,000 letters – dated 20th November – were not delivered until Monday 29th December, leaving just four working days before the 5th January deadline. People queued for hours to attempt to pay their taxes in full or arrange a monthly payment plan as two council officers struggled to help. And as a result of complaints, first thing on Monday morning Mayor Jose Chulvi signed a resolution to extend the deadline to Friday 16th January and issued an official town hall apology. The “pioneering” payment plans were introduced in 2013 and designed by Councillor for Finance Oscar Anton to spread the tax burden on Javea citizens while improving the town hall’s cash flow. Aimed at increasing the uptake of the plans, up to 19,000 newsletters were despatched, giving examples of the benefits of the system. However, a spokesman for the town hall said: “The mayor has recognised that there have been some delays with these letters. This coincided with the issue of other letters by the collection department to advise and assist taxpayers with outstanding debts to the town hall offering a viable formula to avoid an embargo of debtors’ bank accounts. “Most letters were issued in the second half of December and has come to light, some letters did not reach their destination in sufficient time for those citizens interested in a personalised payment plan to arrange this in the tax department, or organise their direct debit payments. The town hall
Mayor Jose Chulvi
wishes to apologise to the citizens affected by this delay. “To enable everyone to take advantage of the system, the subscription period has been extended until 16th January, still maintaining the advantages and bonuses offered by the town hall.”
Less complaints in Benidorm By Irena Bodnarec ACCORDING TO OMIC – The Municipal Office of Consumer Information, the number of complaints in Benidorm has dropped by 10% year on year – from 1117 in 2013 to 1014 in 2014. OMIC is similar to the Citizens Advice Bureau - it is a free service whereby they provide information, guidance and assistance on the rights of the consumer, providing mediation between you and the merchant. If you do not want to go down the complaints route formally then you can ask them
for advice or to intervene on your behalf. The service industry saw a decrease in complaints but in contrast, the hospitality industry experienced a 39% increase. The head of OMIC, Conrado Hernández expressed his satisfaction with the service provided, often helping people who do not know where to turn for advice. The OMIC office in Benidorm, which opened in 1985 also has a web portal – www. where you can seek out your consumer rights. If you are getting exceptionally bad service
then ask for the “Libro/Hojas de Reclamaciones” - Consumer Complaint forms. Every single establishment by law has to have them including restaurants, theme parks etc. It isn’t a magic wand but often works like one. The form has to be officially submitted to the authorities and if they get a number of complaints then the Consumer office starts to investigate the business. The pages come in triplicate - top white copy is for the complaints office, middle green copy for you the consumer and the pink
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Bookings to Benidorm on the up
By Irena Bodnarec HOTEL BOOKINGS to Benidorm are already between 15-20% up on last year’s figures according to Antonio Mayor, President of HOSBEC, the Hoteilers Association. Many hotels lost out last year due to unusually high temperatures in the UK and people opting for ´Staycations´ instead. Although these figures are encouraging for the hotel sector, those in the catering industry do not expect any new job openings based on these statistics. Javier de Castillo, President of the Bar and Restaurant Association in Benidorm said that his members were up against an increasing number of ´One Euro´ tapas and beer outlets in addition to ´All Inclusive hotel package deals´ - which is taking its toll on the restoration of Benidorm. Brits continue to be the biggest and most important market in Benidorm´s tourism sector and with the long awaited Benidorm series now being aired on ITV, it should see a further rise in bookings over the coming month.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Rail improvement out to tender IMPROVEMENTS TO the TRAM railway between Altea and Calpe have been put out to tender by Valencia’s FGV.
A TRAM pulls into Calpe Station
by Jack Troughton
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THE 11 million Euro project includes track renewal and general refurbishment on Line 9, which runs from Benidorm to Denia, on a network that stretches down to Alicante. It is part of an overall 43 million Euro package of modernisation works for the line announced by Valencia President Alberto Fabra, targeted to be finished by 2020 designed to improve safety and comfort.
And part of the programme will include installing Automatic Train Protection. ATP is used to help prevent a driver missing speed restrictions and signals – should the operator miss a warning, brakes are automatically applied. Line 9 is just under 51km in length and is a non-electrified narrow gauge single track between Benidorm and Denia. It links Alfas del Pi, Altea, Calpe, Benissa, Teulada and Gata de Gorgos and carried 733,982 passengers in 2013.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Sprucing up ‘The Square’
Continued from front page Alan Skinner said something like two million people would be deprived a vote that was so important to their future. In his letter to the Premier, he wrote: “Chancellor Osborne said recently that the British government would put Britain and the British people first. Well, we expats are British citizens and yet in all this debate (over EU membership) the detrimental effect on us has not been mentioned once. “We really need some solid assurances that the British government is fully aware of our concerns.” Alan said expats did not wish to be the subject of “last minute political horse trading” but needed to be included in ongoing political debate over the EU – which everyone agreed had become “a bloated and dictatorial institution” needing to change. Addressing Iain Duncan Smith in a second letter over winter fuel payments, Alan hit out at government wasting cash on such things as quangos, public inquiries, and endless appeals from asylum seekers. “Looking at the UK today, I personally find it truly obscene that countless millions are spent on people ‘too fat to work’, ‘drug addicts’, so-called ‘travellers’ and certain parents with no other inclination than to have children as cash cows.” He said the Secretary of State had simply moved the goal posts “to deprive old people of help to stay warm in winter.”
More police
Sheila Skinner
By Irena Bodnarec IMPROVEMENT WORKS continue in the Rincon de Loix, this time on the Calle Mallorca – better known to most as the popular English Square. Gema Amor, Deputy Mayor and Coucillor for Tourism visited the area earlier in the week to witness progress. The Environment Department have repainted lampposts and litter bins, replaced broken floor tiles and cleaned and retiled the planters surrounding the palm trees down the central passageway, which are often used as seating. The Deptuty Mayor said it is an important tourist attraction for many British holidaymakers and so important improve the image of the area which is visited by thousands throughout the year. It is the focal point every November, for the annual British fancy Dress Day, which according to police numbers attracted 30,000 revelers last year. The improvement works include dropped curbs at zebra crossing for easier access for the mobility impaired and bollards on corners to deter dangerous parking, which can be seen outside the Marina Hotel on Calle Gerona.
FOR THE first time in nearly a decade, Benidorm are looking to fill 15 vacancies within the local Police force. The successful applicants will starts with immediate effect – once the 2015 budget has been approved and authorization from Central Government has been granted. In addition, a further ten temporary positions will be available to patrol the beaches as happened last Summer.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Campaigner dies in accident by Jack Troughton VOTES FOR Expat Brits campaigner Graham Richards has tragically died after falling down the stairs at his home in France. The 66-year-old was the publicity officer for the campaign and a fervent believer that British citizens living abroad should enjoy full democratic rights and the 15 year rule over voting – which pre-
vents several million people globally from having a voice in UK elections should be repealed. He also urged people who could still vote around the world to register and cast a ballot and developed a network of media and expat contacts to press for change. Graham, who had two sons from his first marriage, had taken early retirement from a career in banking. He had married a second time, his French wife
Josette helped him settle in Mirande but she sadly died of cancer two years ago. Fellow campaigner Brian Cave said: “Graham would certainly wish that the fight to achieve democracy for the British citizen resident abroad continues. The fight must continue. “Expatriates everywhere owe him a great debt. It is partly due to his efforts, as well as that of other campaigners, that MPs in the UK are now at last paying serious attention to the needs of expatriates.
Graham Richards
There is still much to do.” And Margaret Hales MBE, one of the leaders of the campaign in Spain, said: “Graham’s untimely death is a great shock to all of us who are fighting to have the vote returned to us as British Citizens living abroad. “Graham was one of those truly remarkable people who devoted all his time and energy to our cause. He was a born networker. He loved introducing people to each other and so - because of him - I have fellow colleagues in Poland, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta, and Australia. He will be sorely missed. I can think of no better tribute to him than the return of our vote and the success of the campaign.”
Fugitive in court
Francis Brennan
By Jack Troughton FUGITIVE PAUL John Scott – wanted for questioning in Spain for murder – appeared in court last Friday over his alleged involvement in a £4 billion drugs trafficking plot. The 32-year-old from Liverpool was arrested when he flew into an isolated Norfolk airfield last month from Holland and is being sought by the Guardia Civil in connection with the killing of Francis Brennan. Brennan, aged 25, was kidnapped in Javea last January and his tortured body was washed up on a La Zenia beach in April. Scott appeared at Liverpool Crown court by videolink from the high-security HMP Wakefield. He spoke only to confirm his name during the brief hearing. He is charged with conspiracy to import cocaine but was not asked to enter a plea and a provisional trial date was set for 15th June. Judge David Aubrey QC remanded Scott in custody until Friday 23rd January when it is expected a preliminary hearing will be held at the court.
Providing information for the UK and Spain since 1998
Net closes on terror suspects TWO BROTHERS wanted for killing 12 people in a terrorist attack on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been spotted in Northern France. by Jack Troughton PARIS-BORN brothers Cherif Kouachi, 32, and 34-year-old Said, both said to be heavily armed with Kalashnikovs and rocket-propelled grenade launchers were believed to have robbed a service station near Villers-Cotteret in the Aisne region stealing food and petrol yesterday (Thursday) morning. A third suspect, 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad gave himself up to police yesterday morning. Seven other arrests were made overnight as a massive manhunt was launched. Wednesday’s carefully planned Islamic attack claimed the lives of eight journalists, a visitor to Charlie Hebdo’s Paris headquarters, two policemen and a service employee of the magazine. Four other people were seriously injured. And a new shooting yesterday morning in the south of the French capital claimed the life of a policewoman. The shootings at the magazine made front page headlines around the globe. It was instantly condemned as an attack on freedom of speech, sparking demonstrations across France and other cities around the world. A minutes silence at noon in Paris saw journalists hold up ‘Je suis Charlie’ signs – ‘I am Charlie’ – in a show of solidarity with the magazine, its staff, and the liberty enjoyed in Western democracies. Prime Minister David Cameron said: “The murders in Paris are sickening. We stand with the French people in the fight against terror and in defending freedom of speech.” And Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, Gerard Biard, who was in London at the time of the attack, said: “I don’t understand how people can attack a newspaper with heavy weapons. A newspaper is not a weapon of war.” The magazine, like UK publication Private Eye, uses satire to lampoon political and religious leaders, business figures and institutional chiefs. Like Britain, France has a long history of satirical humour – which can provide a legal defence in cases of defamation.
Tax savings for 2015
REFORMS BROUGHT in from 1st January 2015 means an average saving of 12.5% in income tax. The minimum wage has been increased and 0.25% of pensions have been reevaluated. The fiscal reforms launched this Thursday means 72% of all respondents with incomes below 24,000€ per year will enjoy an average reduction in income tax of 23.5%: those with incomes lower than 30,000€ will see a reduction of 19.3%. Employees earning less than 12,000€ per year will no longer be taxed. The minimum wage (SMI) rises 0.5% in 2015 - just over 3€ -now 648.6€ compared to 645.3€ in 2014.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Regal end to festive season TRADITIONAL PARADES were staged across Spain on Monday night as the Three Kings were carried down streets bearing gifts and thrilling young and old alike. by Jack Troughton THE ENTRANCE of Balthazar, Caspar and Melchior and the biblical gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, marks the end of the Christmas festivities and the final national holiday. In Javea youngsters lined the streets, many grasping plastic carrier bags, to scoop up the flying sweets – thrown by the kings, their pages and escorts. It is an annual slice of fun as yet unspoilt
by modern interference, such as health and safety, and remains a colourful occasion full of glittering costumes, bands, horses, and donkeys – pulling carts laden with wrapped gifts and seemingly unlimited supplies of sweets. The event is very much a family occasion, but thanks to the powers of television and advertising seasonal gifts are now more likely It is an to be swapped at Christmas and just tokens annual slice of given at Three Kings. fun
Future of Montgo lighthouse under discussion JAVEA’S MAYOR, José Chulvi, PSPV, is requesting support from Dénia council on a proposal to convert the lighthouse at Cap Sant Antonio, within the Montgo National Park, to an information centre on the Nature Park and Marine Reserve. The area surrounding the lighthouse was devastated in the summer when a fire swept through 444 acres of the protected parkland.
New wheels for local police
By Irena Bodnarec LOCAL POLICE in Benidorm took delivery of 5 brand new motorcycles on Wednesday morning. The presentation ceremony took place at the Town Hall square with the Mayor, Agustin Navarro, Deputy Gema Amor, Councillor for Public Safety Pepe Marcet and Councillor for Mobility Maria Carmen Martinez and representatives of the local Police in attendance. The new motorcycles replace ones which are over eleven years old and a further five will be replaced in due course. The new vehicles – model Deauville by Honda have 700cc four stroke engines with liquid cooling and ABS braking system using dual electronic front and boot discs. The purchase was made through a local dealership, Motorcycle Lift Motor and cost 59,591 euros, which had been accounted for from the 2014 budget. The garage will also have the maintenance contract for the lifespan of the vehicles. In the next few days the force will also take delivery of 13 new cars through a renting system at a cost of 250,000 euros.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Looking for Spanish Crackdown on rental properties ‘Safe Cities’ by Keith Nicol SPAIN’S DEPARTMENT of Traffic, the DGT, received strong criticism over the weekend for manipulating their accident and death figures. The automobile association Dvuelta accused the DGT of trying to make the figures look as positive as possible, however, even if doing so, death totals for the Christmas period this year reached 52 deaths, up 10 on 2013, and breaking a cycle of the lowering of deaths on Spanish roads. However three Spanish cities are working towards being recognised as a ‘Safe’ community, which can be defined as a ‘neighbourhood, a municipality or a city with a defined geographical area that works to promote safety, injury prevention, violence, suicide and the consequences of natural disasters among its citizens’. In the world there are 296 certified safe communities throughout all the continents. The country with the most certified communities is China, followed by Iran and the United States. In Europe, Norway and Sweden lead the way, however Spain does not have a single Safe community, That might be about to change as Oviedo, Lalin (Pontevedra), Seville and Torrevieja have requested ‘safe community’ status with the first of these, Torrevieja’s sister city Oviedo due to have a ‘safe’ audit this weekend.
Torrevieja’s sister city Oviedo is set to become Spain’s first Safe City
Oviedo’s mayor signed an accord with the director of the DGT the document by which the municipality seeks to join the project. The General Director of the DGT, Maria Segui Gomez, signed yesterday with the mayor, Agustín Iglesias Caunedo the request of the municipality to join this project. Before approved, they must pass through a kind of “security audit” were Inspectors evaluate the parameters that qualify as a safe community. They relate to ‘safety in traffic, in homes, in public spaces, in sports, in the workplace, in schools, in the water and for children and the elderly’. The Asturian capital is ready to provide all data to find out if they could join the initiative and Spain could stop being a country without a single safe community. Caunedo said yesterday that Oviedo was “one of the first cities to peatonalizó
the historic” and that the government team is “committed to safety.” Torrevieja is already a ‘Smart City’ through its use of technology and their strong focus on ecology. It’s quite possible that the City of Salt will quickly follow Oviedo and become a Safe Community, adding to the kudos and awards already given to the city.
By Irena Bodnarec A NEW Tourism law, which came into effect on 1st January 2015 requires all landlords to register any property which they use for holiday rentals – something which HOSBEC have been campaigning for. Previously they only needed to conform after property number three. This new decree, authorized by the Ministry of Tourism aims to ensure a minimum standard safety, quality and service as well as stamp out illegal lets, which are generally made with no guarantee or contract and usually earnings are undeclared. One of the main amendments to the act is that any company or web portal found to be advertising an unregistered property will be held jointly liable and can, in the worse case scenario be fined up to 90,000 euros in addition to suspension of tourist activity for up to three years. Over the course of last year the Ministry of Tourism and regional police conducted an ambitious inspection campaign and within a six month period in the Alicante Province alone, uncovered 4261 accommodation units spread out across 811 buildings that were not registered. The inspections began in June and although only planned for the Summer period, continued until the end of the year in five of the most popular tourist destinations within the province; Benidorm, Alicante, Denia, Calpe and Torrevieja.
Sick Chihuahuas sold online
THE NATURE Protection Service (SEPRONA) of the Guardia Civil is to bring charges against a 38year-old dog breeder who allegedly sold sick, malnourished and unvaccinated Chihuahuas to a buyer in San Vicente who paid 1,160€ for four dogs but has since had to pay out almost 3,000€ in veterinary bills for the sick animals. The accused was involved in a similar case in 2011 when dogs were sold online and sent through a courier company.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Lawyer made MBE
Ralph Smith MBE
by Jack Troughton MADRID-BASED LAWYER Ralph Smith was awarded the MBE in the New Year Honours List for his services to the British community in Spain. International counsel Gomez-Acebo and Pombo in the Spanish capital, he received the award for services to the British Embassy and voluntary work on behalf of the expat community over many years. Mr Smith is a dual qualified lawyer, is an active member of the British Cemetery of Madrid committee, runs the Cambridge University Association of Madrid, is Vice President of the UK Alumni Network Spain, and has been a member of the college council of the king’s
group of British Schools in Madrid since 2006. And he said: “It was a wonderful surprise to receive the news. But it’s also humbling to realize that nowadays, unless you live as a hermit in a cave, your work inevitably ends up being a team effort, in my case with the invaluable support of my colleagues at GómezAcebo & Pombo, and my wife Vega. “You try to do your job the very best as you can, but when something like this happens; it’s just a delightful surprise.” Upon learning about the award, British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, said: “I would like to congratulate Ralph for his richly deserved award after so many years of service to the British Embassy and to the British community in Spain”.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
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Email letters to
letter of the week
Wake up call AS A fan of RTN I have not read any letters on a subject many readers can surely relate to. This New Year I have resolved to seriously cut down on how much I drink. What has been a real wake up call for me was seeing one of our neighbours at a local restaurant having a ‘cheap and cheerful’ full English breakfast whilst downing two pints of beer. Seeing someone drinking two pints of beer before 10am tells me he has some serious health issues to contend with. Our other British neighbour often comes home drunk, shouting and making a real prat of himself. The price of alcohol is so much cheaper here on the coast compared to back in the UK. Retirement surely provides lots of free time, but coupled with cheap booze can prove to be a real prison for many expats. Gordon Pringle, Torrevieja
A Spanish problem I WRITE in the hope that your readers may be able to help me with what I know is a ‘Spanish’ problem. My wife and I live in a ground floor apartment in a small Spanish village. We are the only permanent residents and my wife for health reasons need periods of rest. For several years the local children (aged seven up to 16-year-olds) congregate under our window from 5.30pm until up to 2am. There can be 4 or 24 and their behaviour varies between texting, talking or playing music
on phones to running around screaming and shouting and drinking: this is Fridays and Saturdays in school term and every night in the holidays. I have spoken to parents and the Mayor and sat with the children trying to explain that their behaviour is anti-social displaying a lack of respect for elderly retired people, all to no avail. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has been in a similar situation. Stuart Burnley, Torremendo
Sign the petition WITH REFERENCE to Chris Poole’s letter in the 2nd-6th Jan edition concerning “Income tax allowance” I would like to add my voice to his concerns. He is correct in saying that as many people as possible need to sign the petition whether they are affected or not as this is just another erosion of our allowances, whether directly or indirectly affected. I do not remember anyone ever saying that this was a resident based allowance (during my lifetime of working and paying in to the system). However, on visiting the e-petition site I was amazed to find that less than 2,000 people had bothered to sign. Come on people, sign the petition, and register to vote if you can. There are more than 3 million of us expats - enough not to be ignored. Clive Dent, Alicante
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
The Listeners need new ears COSTA BLANCA support group The Listeners need new volunteers to help maintain the services offered by the charity, including its vital 24-hour telephone helpline. by Jack Troughton Requests for help are growing but the numbers of people in the team has not evolved at the same pace, leading to an appeal for more people to offer some spare time. The Listener’s Bob Oxley told RTN the charity hoped people enjoyed Christmas with loved ones and that they were looking forward to what 2015 might bring. “However, for many, often through not fault of their own, they are facing the New Year with trepidation, without immediate hope or expectation of improving their lives or those of their family. “Bereavement, loss of employment or income, deterioration in health, or an inability to meet financial commitments are often the main reasons why people are forced to seek support from one or other local charitable organisations – whether it is a food bank; a charity shop, or a support group offering a 24-hour telephone helpline.” He added: “Over the last few years, requests for assistance have increased, but with many expats returning to
the UK, the number of volunteers offering their time has not grown in proportion to demand. SERVICES “Consequently, many charity groups are finding it difficult to maintain the services and assistance that they have traditionally provided.” He appealed for people to commit some time to a charity and to helping others less fortunate. “Although mostly unpaid, the work is often fun as well as very rewarding, and usually undertaken with a group of dedicated like-minded people. Some training may be necessary, but this is often ‘on the job’.” The Listeners work with a number of local charities on the northern Costa Blanca and offered support through a round the clock helpline on 96 599 6678. It also runs the bereavement and loss group ‘Stepping Stones...taking one step at a time’, which meets monthly in Benidoleig. For more information about the charity email or visit the website
The Listeners offer support in a crisis
Benidorm seeking more cycling clubs By Irena Bodnarec WITH A fantastic all year round mild climate and superb terrain, Benidorm are looking to capitalize and take advantage by attracting the growing cycling market. In the last year a number of hotels registered a dramatic increase in cycling teams training in the region, particularly in the mid and low season, therefore filling a gap in hotel occupancy during
those times. The squads are predominantly from Belgium and Holland, where they have an established cycling tradition, but a growing number of enquiries are coming from other European countries. The Benidorm Tourism Foundation will be taking part in 5 specialised trade fairs to promote the region, the first of which is taking place in Amsterdam at the end of January followed by Antwerp in February and Munich
in March. The Foundation will also collaborate with specialist cycling tour agents in these countries to further promote the resort and offer facilities such as garages, workshops and cleaning areas to the groups. In addition they will also focus on attracting other sporting groups such as hiking and diving. Benidorm already holds the annual BASE Jumping championships every June from the Gran Hotel Bali in La Cala.
New Year’s dip SWIMMERS BATTLED strong waves and surf to take part in the 30th annual New Year’s Day swim on Javea’s Arenal – instantly washing away the cobwebs of the previous night’s celebrations. by Jack Troughton Hangovers were quickly forgotten as 40 brave souls rushed into the water and stayed immersed in the Med for 10 minutes. Hundreds again gathered on the beach to watch the fun. And once again the event was a fund=raising success, sponsorship and donations from businesses made a total of 2,444€, even the swear box from the Lancashire Bruja Bar chipped in with 376€! It was the 26th year the swim has raised money for the children of the Preventorio de Gandia. This year just over 1,212€ was used to buy presents for Three Kings and the remainder will be donated to youngsters cared for by EMAUS. Karen and Nigel Rushton of the Lancashire Bruja have organised the swim for the last 18 years, taking over from Muriel and Michael of newsagent Humpty Dumpty. And for the first time, scuba diver Rab went in with the swimmers with an underwater camera to record the drama at close hand.
Come in, the water’s lovely!
PRESENTS “On Sunday morning we go along to the Don Dino toy shop to buy presents and then on to Gandia to hand them over,” said Karen. “They are locked away in a room and distributed for Three Kings. They also keep some for birthdays and saint’s days. “Obviously we know in advance how many boys and girls there are and what their ages are.”
Nigel led the dash into the sea. Karen added: “He absolutely loves it – I keep asking to go away at New Year and he says ok...but we have to be back for the swim. “It does give you great satisfaction organising every year. Last night someone said they would give me 150€ to go in – I said it wasn’t enough.” And Nigel said the water was warm “and we certainly had more fun because of the waves and surf.”
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
The Kings came to Benidorm
By Irena Bodnarec MONDAY NIGHT saw the arrival of the 3 Kings in many towns and cities across Spain – and Benidorm was no exception. The traditional parade, which is the highlight for most children, set off from Dove Park at 6pm and lasted for over 2 hours. More than 500 people participated this year and the entire route was lined with cheering well wishers. Colourful floats with popular animated characters such as Monsters Inc, Elsa from Frozen, Winnie the Pooh, Spiderman and Mickey Mouse headed the beginning of the procession. This year there were many four legged participants such as goats, donkeys and horses – and to a huge round of applause, a gaggle of geese! A number of dance and animated displays also took part, including fire acrobats – what would most definitely been a no no in Health & Safety conscious Britain! The traditional floats then followed, with many nativity and shepherd scenes – throwing sweets out to the children and at the end, the Three Kings upon majestic tall floats. The parade finished at the Town Hall Square, where the Kings presented Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to the infant Jesus at the nativity scene and the evening finished with a grand firework display.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Diego’s new life RESCUED PODENCO ‘Diego’ is looking forward to a new start in 2015 after being rescued by animal lovers of charity SCAN. by Jack Troughton THE DOG – thought to be aged around three-yearsold – had been living in the campo behind Ondara Shopping Centre but was brought in from the cold just before Christmas. Kind-hearted members of the local community and shop staff had been feeding the dog over the last two years. Diego had become known as ‘The Podenco of Ondara’. Barry Caulfield, President of the Society for the Care of Animals in Need, introduced RTN to the brown and white dog on New Year’s Day at the charity’s shelter in La Vergel as supporters gathered for the annual barbecue – an event raising 922€ for SCAN. “He had been living at the back of the shopping centre, behind the ferreteria Aki in the campo,” said Barry. “The community had been feeding him.
HUMAN “And after two years we have rescued him. He had suffered two accidents and broken a leg but we have treated him and he has got used to humans and he now walks with us.” Diego has sparked interest from dog lovers as far away as the United States and across Europe. “He is a beautiful dog.” As a result of the broken leg, Diego habitually holds one paw off the floor but vets have double checked and there is nothing amiss. “Ondara town hall did nothing to help despite being inundated with telephone calls from the public,” said Barry. “So we did it ourselves and went and picked him up. “We have to thank the public for feeding him; people Barry at Aki, shopping centre staff, and everyone else who Caulfield with helped keep him alive.” Diego
Doggy beach still under discussion DENIA DOG lovers are still campaigning for a dog beach where their pooches can exercise freely and also take a dip. Spokesperson Mari Martinez has been campaigning since last year to secure permission for dog owners to take to the sands with their pets. However, a change in a local bylaw is required for this to take place. More than 1,500 signatures have been collected on a petition of residents to allow dogs on the beach and in September 2014 it was announced that the beach would eventually happen. So far, however, the issue has been sidelined but Martinez and her fellow supporters continue to demand action.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Street food on its way to Spain by Jan Gamm MOVES ARE being made by foodie entrepreneurs to introduce ‘street food’ to Spain. Apart from the traditional ‘Churro’ van seen at local markets and expo events, street food - along with all forms of ‘fast food’- is generally viewed with deep suspicion by Spaniards as ‘bad food’. However, Spain is also a nation of keen foodies with an adventurous palate. In fact the trend has swept the USA and some of Europe’s most cosmopolitan cities where fine cuisine is enjoyed at knock down prices from talented chefs serving delightful delicacies from parked trucks. ILLEGAL IN SPAIN There are a few obstacles in store for keen chefs wanting to take to the road with their menus – in Spain it is illegal to serve food in the street with the exception of fiestas, fairs and other public celebrations and events. So for the time being increasingly popular food trucks are restricted to fairs and special events. The regulations are stringent and fines are harsh. Chef Carenzo says: “There are undoubtedly lots of changes
The El Niño sets champagne corks popping THE WINNERS of the first prize on 55,487 in the El Niño lottery draw this year were all within the same Madrid neighbourhood where champagne corks have been popping since Tuesday. Winners who purchased a tenth share won a cash prize of 200,000€. The second prize was drawn against the number 43,743 and the third 84,222. “The first thing I will do is pay off my mortgage,” said one winner, “after celebrating The Kings in style of course!”
Spain is also a nation of keen foodies
to be made in municipal and regional regulations affecting activities for street food vendors, such as health, parking, public spaces management, taxes, equipment and so on… “Perhaps we need to follow the example set in Copenhagen and Paris. High quality, healthy street food is so much better than having only the choice of Churros or those awful sweet stalls!” Modern street food is a world away from roadside trucks selling greasy burgers with a mug of insipid tea. Modern street cuisine is multi-national, tasty and a fraction of restau-
rant prices. Diners are discerning and it’s a pocket-friendly way to try out unfamiliar dishes. FANTASTIC FOOD In a country emerging from recession and keen to promote the entrepreneurial spirit young chefs wanting to invest 20,000€ in a food truck instead of 200,000€ in a restaurant venture with its considerable financial risks should be encouraged. For now, until the law changes, keep an eye out for those valiant pioneer cooks at public events – the food is fantastic!
9 -15 january 2015
New Craft Fair for Javea EACH SATURDAY morning from 17th January, some 10 to 15 craft stalls will set up shop on the square in front of Xàbia Post Office (Plaza de Correos).
Extended library hours LA NUCIA Town Hall have extended the opening times of the ´Caravana´ municipal library, from 9:00 am until 9:00pm to coincide with university exam times. The normal Winter opening times sees the library closing between 2:00pm and 4:00pm, but the new schedule will remain until 6th February then be reintroduced in June. Last year the library recorded 25,775 users – almost double the number in the first year of opening back in 2007. The library is located on the CV70 Benidorm to La Nucia road and has ample free parking.
A real live angel! EL MISTERI dels Reis de Gata was heralded an outstanding success this year as hundreds of townsfolk took part in the re-enactment of ‘Palau d’Herodes’. In the little town of Gata de Gorgos 400 actors and extras were involved in the spectacular event that focused on the ‘l’Adoració dels Reis’. And the highlight of the evening was the flight of a real live angel – on a zip wire from the top of the bell tower! The fair is organised by Amata
by Patricia Thompson The Town Hall provides the space, and the craft association Amata chooses the stalls. This way more visitors come to the centre of this delightful small town and the craftsmen and women get a chance to sell their work. The stands will be set up at around 10am and remain in place till about
2pm: There will be hand-knitted shawls; leather handbags; original jewellery… nothing imported and nothing from a factory with everything individually designed and made. The fair is organised by Amata, guaranteeing that everything sold on the stalls is original. Some of the stallholders will organise small workshops every now and then, when children
can make their own work piece, paying just a token price for the materials. Several musicians, jugglers and puppeteers have expressed interest and want to get in on the act and to keep costs down they will pass the hat at the end of the show - a great morning out for the kids! For more information call 639 979 678 (English spoken) or visit
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Village life through a lens
Spain to visit Hong Kong for toy Expo
DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHER Jurgen Schadeberg is staging a new exhibition turning the spotlight on his own community, the village of Barx.
REPRESENTATIVES OF 19 toy companies in Spain will travel to Hong Kong this month to participate in a prestigious trade fair from 12th to 15th January. ‘Toys From Spain’ ‘will showcase the latest toy products from Spain to thousands of buyers alongside other major toy manufacturers from around the world. Spanish toys are internationally recognised as ‘safe, innovative and of top quality.’
Dick Handscombe serving up paella
by Jack Troughton ‘Portrait of a Spanish Village – Barx’ is officially opened tonight (Friday) by Mayoress Maria Hernandis Bohigues at the Casa de Cultura. The photographs will remain on show until 9th February. Jurgen, originally from Berlin, became an apprentice photographer for a German press agency in his teens and
emigrated to South Africa in 1950. He began working for the anti-establishment ‘Drum Magazine’ and took key pictures of the growing anti-apartheid movement – including Nelson Mandela before and after his imprisonment. In the sixties, he moved to Britain and as a freelance photographer recorded life in both Europe and America. Last year he received a Lifetime achievement Award from the interna-
tional Centre of Photography in New York and an honorary doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Aged 84, his career spans 65 years and he has a collection of some 150,000 negatives capturing a wealth of timeless and iconic pictures. And pictured from the exhibition is Dick Handscombe – RTN’s gardening expert and columnist – serving up paella to friends in Barx.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
‘Pre Three Kings’ Cheese and Wine with HiFX
A wonderful and interesting evening was had
by Patricia Thompson ALL SET for a bank-beating New Year! HiFX, the leading international foreign exchange and money transfer service provider, opened its doors for a Cheese and Wine celebration in Calpe. On-screen presentations gave local businesses an in-depth understanding of how HiFX is now a part of Euronet Worldwide, the world’s third biggest payment provider, helping clients benefit from a full range of solutions for international payments, together with localised knowledge on available banking solutions. Some members of the HiFX Calpe office team have given more than ten years’ service - experts in customer care and hospitality. Jose Ivars, Head of HiFX Banking and Partnerships, said: “This is a perfect way to celebrate the office and the success the group has seen. It’s great that so many local businesses have come this evening to support the team, and the feedback is that there is now a local understanding of why the office has been situated within the heart of the com-
munity, giving value to both corporate and private individuals based in the Northern Costa Blanca.” Guests were varied, mostly Spanish affiliates looking to help their ex-pat clients with international money transfers, now understanding that there are a number of alternatives when it comes to saving money. Lawyers, financial advisors and real estate agents were present, as well as some basketball players from Calpe, together with the former Mayor - a wonderful and interesting evening. HiFX invites everyone to come and speak with their expert teams in Calpe, Villamartin and Marbella offices: doors are open from 9-6pm, Monday to Friday. New client terminals have been installed, enabling clients that need some support with online trading platforms to come and enjoy a coffee while being expertly guided through the services available. Registration with HiFX is free and there is no obligation to trade. For more information call at Avenida Ejercitos Espanoles 42, Calpe, or telephone 96 583 3322: Fax 95 281 5541.
Half a ton of food for the needy!
A SOLIDARITY Marathon organised in Altea collected an impressive 500 kilos of food and hundreds of toys. The haul was delivered on Monday by the Councillor for Sports, Sebastián Gómez, via the Cross to ensure the items would be delivered to the neediest people in the area.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
home and garden
Dick Handscombe Holistic gardener and author
Economic Gardening for tough economic times TIME TO tighten up on gardening expenditure FORECASTS FOR the economy, financial markets and tax rates in the coming months suggest that many expatriates in Spain and other Mediterranean countries are going to be short of cash to lavish on the garden so it makes sense that we make New Year resolutions to improve gardens in terms of beauty and productiveness for as little as possible. Fortunately there are many things that can be done. Each of our books includes many practical cost saving ideas. We have picked out the following to get the ball rolling. COST SAVING IDEAS FOR ALL GARDENS 1. Shred and compost the majority of prunings from the winter cut back to make rather than buy all your composts. 2. Propagate as many new plants as possible from cuttings during the winter cutback, or from self-collected seeds. If you have never done this before Your Garden in Spain tells you how. 3. Plant only natural or naturalised plants that are raised in Spanish nurseries. They are likely to be less expensive than plants raised in foreign greenhouses especially the new boutique plants subtropical plants imported to offer something different each year but often don’t survive to the second year. Just one night of frost kills them off.
4. Stop planting new plants by the middle of May. Anything planted later is likely to need much water to see it through the first summer. 5. Visit several garden centres to check prices and plant quality before buying. 6. If you are keen to eat chemical free vegetables grow your own ecologically. There is no reason why you cannot eat better and less expensively. Great harvests can be grown in just a few containers. Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain and Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style tell you how. 7. Likewise plant more fruit trees. It does not need many varieties to enable one to harvest at least one fresh fruit on most days of the year. Our popular book Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain covers over 70 types of fruit suitable for growing in Spain. At this time of year one can buy dry rooted trees for as little as five euros. It does not take many kilos of fruit before they pay for themselves. 8. Don’t water well established plants which have deep tap roots as much as newly planted shallow rooted plants. If you do you will waste money, possibly lose some plants as over watering can cause fungal attacks, and attract unwanted insects which will require you to purchase and spray with insecticides and fungicides. 9. Don’t empty the swimming pool or let it go foul during
the winter. There are inexpensive chemicals to keep it clean until the spring so that you don’t have to payout to refill the pool. 10. When you trim aromatic herbs such as rosemary lay out the trimmings on a sheet to dry for a couple of days. Then roll them in several sheets of newspaper and screw up the ends. You then have excellent firelighters. 11. Also use old newspapers to make news paper tubes which make free alternatives to plant pots. See Chapter 6.13 of Your Garden in Spain for more information. 12. Lawns require vast amounts of water. Consider having a smaller lawn, or none at all. Convert part into a veggie plot, orchard or boule court. With that happy gardening in 2015 with better gardens for less outlay. Our gardening books were written so that they soon pay for themselves even on your next visit to a garden centre!
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Climate refugees
KATRINE AND KETIL Opdahl were tired of the long, cold winters back home in Norway. In the summer of 2013, they packed their suitcases and travelled from Norway to Alfas del Pi, looking for adventure and warm weather.
They started a company called ‘Better Living’, promoting Morinda with a TrúAge Scanner Tour starting 15th October 2014. Perhaps you have seen them on your way through Albir, La Nucia or Alfas del Pi? LIVE YOUNGER, LONGER… …is the slogan of Morinda. Diet is an important factor together with exercise and lifestyle. They both care a lot for Morinda’s products, which the whole family uses every day. “This is the best cell food that we know of,” said Ketil, “and we want to grow old without any health problems. Therefore it is important to provide your body with good nourishment. We start our day with a small shot Morinda Max.” ABOUT MORINDA Morinda, based in the US, has worked for more than 20 years to improve the health of people around the world. A discovery of Morinda Citrifolia in 1993 was the start of an adventure. Morinda was the first to bring Superfruit out into the world with Tahitian Noni Juice in 1996, creating a trend. Today, sales of Superfruit achieves billions every year. Research and science has taken this further. Morinda has developed special products designed to help prevent diseases and help keep you healthy. Morinda has taken a leading role in the world of research about AGE (Advance Glycation End-products), a molecule formed in the body when excess sugar and protein combine together. Studies show that peo-
ple with a high value of AGE age faster with greater health challenges. NEW HEALTH MARKER WITH MORINDA TRúAGE SCANNER Morinda in corraboration with Diagnoptics in the Netherlands, has developed a TrúAge Scanner. The technology has been developed by physicians led by Dr. Andries Smit (University of Eindhoven) who discovered the technology back in 1995. As the first company in the world, Morinda with the TrúAge Scanner has the ability to measure your AGE as accurately as via a blood sample. This measurement is complete in 20 seconds, gentle and painless with an ultraviolet light. Maybe you already know your level of your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, BMI etc. Your AGE level is also an important marker to insure a healthy lifestyle. BETTER LIVING WITH MORINDA EVENT On 17th January 2015 Opdahl invites you to a
magnificent event at the Benidorm Palace. There will be speakers from the US and Europe working for Morinda, and also other distributors working with Morinda in Europe. “This is going to be an exciting and eventful day,” said Ketil.”We hope to welcome many to share the day with us. We feel that this is important message for everybody: we know we can make a difference.”
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Carlos Baos
from White & Baos Abogados Solicitors Lawyers
Changes in the inheritance and gift tax law in Spain ends the discrimination against citizens of the European Union. WE ARE pleased to start the year informing our readers that the rules determining the inheritance and gift tax to be paid in Spain have changed for non residents, finally. This change, outlined under the recent Law 26/2014, of November 27th, amending the Law 29/1987, of Inheritance and Gift Tax, is a direct consequence of the European Court of Justice court decision of 3rd September 2014 (Case C127/12, see our previous articles). This court ruling concluded that the regulation of inheritance and gift tax in Spain discriminated against non tax residents, since the autonomous communities taxes (which provide many more tax benefits), could not be applied to them, with the more severe National rates being applied instead.. This modification is effective from the 1st of January 2015. For clarification, please note that when we
refer in this article “Not resident in Spain”, we mean not tax residents in Spain but residents in a Country member of the European Union or European Economic Area. Therefore, from now on, the applicable inheritance and gift tax will be: INHERITANCE CASES: a) If the deceased was non tax resident in Spain, the beneficiaries (heirs, etc.) shall be entitled to apply for the inheritance tax of the Autonomous Community where the greatest value of Spanish assets of the inheritance are located. If there were no assets in Spain, then the tax rules of the Community where the beneficiary lives shall apply. b) If the deceased was resident in Spain (in one region / Community), the beneficiaries of the estate who are not resident in Spain are entitled to the
The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved, Send your questions to or
application of the tax law for that region. GIFT AND DONATIONS: a) In the case of a donation of immovable property situated in Spain, the beneficiaries not resident in Spain are entitled to the application of the tax regulations of the Community where these properties are. b) In the case of donation of property located in a Country member of the European Union or the European Economic Area, the taxpayers resident in Spain are entitled to the application of tax grants from the community where they reside. This change dramatically reduces the inheritance and gift bills when one of the parties is not tax resident in Spain, especially if beneficiaries are the spouse, descendants or ascendants. For any questions, contact us.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Christina Brady
Regional Manager of Blacktower Costa Blanca
There no such thing as a sure bet WHEN IT comes to investing there is no such thing as a sure bet where the odds are always in your favour as the recent collapse of a gambling investment scheme shows. ACCORDING TO the Mail on Sunday as many as 100 footballers, plus numerous others may have been taken in by an alleged investment fraud which fleeced them of a staggering total of £30million, it is claimed today. The players, including former top-flight stars Robbie Keane and Jimmy Bullard, are said to have been lured in by promises of big returns before the scheme imploded under the weight of its debts. Detectives are now probing alleged links to gambling on football matches, the Sunday People reports. Police told the paper they believe it’s the biggest swindle to ever hit British football. A source close to the investigation was quoted as saying: ‘In all, footballers are thought to have handed over up to £30million to those behind the scheme.’
The alleged scam was reported to the National Fraud Bureau last year and police are understood to be probing former footballer Michael McIndoe, who is said to have recruited fellow players into the investment venture. The 35-year-old, who played midfield for Coventry, Wolves and Scotland, went bankrupt in October, the Sunday People says, with disclosed debts of £3million - a figure the paper says experts described as ‘the tip of the iceberg’. ‘The money lost has been astronomical,’ an unnamed source close to the case told reporters Matthew Drake and Dan Warburton. ‘The £3million mentioned in his insolvency papers is a very conservative figure. McIndoe is alleged to have enticed his footballing peers into the scheme - said to have been run by City financiers - with promises of returns of up to 20 per
cent per month on their investments. At least one line of investigation is that the failed fund may have in fact been a kind of ‘Ponzi scheme’, a type of scam in which early investors’ returns are taken from the cash paid in by new/subsequent investors. Such schemes inevitably collapse, leaving all but the earliest investors out of pocket, but not before their operators are able to ride a gravy train of continual cash flow. Please take care when investing your money: if it seems too good to be true sadly at the end of the day it usually is. I am here to help you find the right solution to make your money work for YOU, to arrange a free, independent, professional and impartial consultation please contact me by email or call me on 658 892 330 .
The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.
advertising feature
Charity Treasure Hunt Dive raises cash for Save the Children COSTA BLANCA Scuba Divers took part in a Charity Treasure Hunt Dive on 20th December at Cala Muarto in Cabo De Palos, a popular dive site. THE CHARITY Dive was for Save the Children and supported Ben Brummitt, a UK-based climbing enthusiast in his forthcoming heroic challenge of climbing Kilimanjaro in February 2015. Divers from Rec2tec Diving and Amigos joined forces to search for hidden treasure and pledge money for Save the Children and Ben’s Challenge. The five divers braved the cold waters hunting planted tags to exchange for prizes - all the tags were retrieved in a 40-minute dive. Celebrations followed with family and supporters. Special thanks go to Rec2tec Diving for sponsoring and arranging the event: 131€ was raised. And special thanks to San Miguel Bowling Club who also raised 75€ towards Ben’s Challenge. For further information on Ben’s Challenge visit:
Divers and staff Ben Brummitt
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Horoscopes It is a warring Mars that is humbled by Pisces this week as you finally learn the truth about a situation which has brought you to your knees. Your determination and courage will be rewarded, but for you the all important closure is what you immediately seek and deserve as others chip in to say that they were always on your side, but needed to know the truth. A blushing and coy Venus takes on mighty Uranus midweek and sparks may fly in the process. It would appear that you are being very stubborn in an affair of the heart, and this has led to mere bickering, which is understandable but counter productive in a process whereby two people love as you two do. Look further forward and happier positive times are on the cards. Mercury dallies with Uranus and serves to uncover something better shared right now than hidden under the carpet. You are challenged and nobody quite takes things on board as you do with your calm and assertive expertise. However you are looking for the very best deal, and this does not mean that you have to accept anything less than the best right now. Start this year off as you mean to continue, and tackle all that hoard you have amassed around you. It is clearly not the time to throw the baby out with the bath water, but it is a great time to truly consolidate that which you wish to conserve and cherish. When junk is tossed away and your life streamlined you can better love what is left as your treasure and possesion. You finally seem to have a green light to cover the ground you need to. With the Sun making a positive and inspiring connection with Jupiter the way ahead is clear for a great adventure in your life. The blessing of Jupiter covers your back at a time of uncertainty, but please do not proceed until you are vitally sure just what you are taking on, and what it means in the cold light of day. Mercury calls the shots in a splendid conjunction with a wily and scheming Uranus. Power up your life and step up because you have waited so long you cannot see that the best of times is now. Be very unafraid of what you do, but be careful of what you don’t do; as you may miss a wonderful opportunity to set the record straight and to start a precedent in the process. The Mars take on with Saturn brings a wisdom of the past which should act as a vital tool in your endeavours of now. Time was when you had to be so sure to get things right, but it is your endless energies that are immediately attractive, right now, and which show you in a very different light. You will surprise yourself if you go forward knowing that your back is well and truly covered. Inner angers are biting you on the behind, and it is time to reconsider an action which you may very well live to regret.Much of your recent combative moves have been as a reaction to negative actions. of others. Though you are very much in the right this time it may be better to see a way ahead that allows you to focus, but also to bring attention and impetus another way round. The Sun shines down on your beloved Planetary leader Jupiter. For you this a golden time to make plans, and to organise a reunion that makes everybody happy. Your much practised organisational skills and gregarious energies are well suited to ensure that everyone gets a slice of the pie, and a piece of the action too. Reward will put a smile on your face. Time has flown by and you now have a decision to make based on the current lie of the land. You cannot be held responsible for the current misunderstandings and the stalemate of inactivity, but you are hedging and waiting for the best solution to come by. Accept that this will not happen and make a clean breast of things, you are about to do your best at the very least. It would seem that you are burning the candle at both ends and that you need to make drastic resolve to assure that you prioritise your time right now. There are many options open to you and you hate to leave a job undone, but also it is necessary to plan better your way forward to see that positive and inspiring energies assist you in making strident changes. Mars enters into Pisces and this gives you the chance to bring things back on track again. Your balanced and highly in tuned energies are to be foremost in making positive change where change is needed. Reaching within you have a strong and definite finger on the pulse of what is really wanted right now, and though it isn’t compromise it is a balanced well thought out solution.
If It’s Your Birthday This Week
Ensure that you are ready to travel, and honour any foray that takes into consideration that which you have worked hard for and which you so deserve in the current scheme of things in this Astrological year.
Kenny Corris For Readings, Consultations and Castings email: / Mobile: 686 361 594 / Tel: 965 878 424
BELIEVE ME, actions do speak much louder than words ever can, but in the benefit of the doubt good intention is a strong second to back this up. An awful lot of things are subjects many feel cannot be talked about, but discussion and rational thinking are two great gifts that help us to make our own minds up about something. Often hearing other people’s version of events can be as entertaining and as revealing as playing Chinese whispers as a child. Somehow something magic happened within that circle of whispered words as changes came to that carefully chosen word as it was passed mouth to ear all around the circle and back to the initiator in turn. We all perceive things in different ways too. If we all witnessed a bank robbery our description of events would be led by our own perception yet again. A culprit could be seen to be fat, stocky or obese and our interpretation of hair colour alone would mean that light brown became mousy became dark blonde. It is to be appreciated that we do see things differently, and so too are our reactions different to boot, thankfully we each follow our own interpretation and with each our own vigour. I have developed myself a memory jog to help with prioritising with Spiritual matters. It has helped me to remember, and delights me to share because it simply
Kenny‛s Postbag
encompasses the point of access of the necessary pathway in a simplistic and memorable way. The words to remember is a simple one indeed, it is EAR. This I divine to be broken down into three rules that bring about the crux of any necessary dealings with Spirit. The E stands for: eliminate fear. This is because of the extreme negative energy that is brought about by holding onto fearful situations. Fear brings nothing positive to nothing at all. Though it is hard to evaporate all fear, all ways, the total elimination of it is the only way forward when you are dealing with Spirit...and they will help you make the statement as bold as brass. The A stands for the necessary: action. Without action there can be no advances whatsoever. Maybe your immediate response to a situation brings actions that in reflection are wrong or misguided, but it is important to do something, and the alternative may be a regret; especially when prompt action is needed and wasn’t activated. Better to make a mistake then to do nothing. The R stands for: result. That is what it brings, and that is what is needed. However brutal and blunt it appears EAR will see you through any crisis and help you to maintain your corner when you are up against it. Try it. Often we look back at actions of regret, fears we have developed and given in to and results that have disappointed. Do not hesitate to put into practise a way ahead that can guide you into the tender care of waiting Spirit. Thankfully, too, they are never really far away especially if and when you need them!
Email your letters to me at:
Kenny, I accept that you say that hope is often all we have, but what if you are about to lose even that? What comes next? Patty.H. Hi Patty. Hope is not all that we ever have, and there are times to pull out all the stops, because if we do lose hope than we can lose everything. If you fear this then you do not need to know what can follow next because it won’t be pleasant. Hope can bring light of the darkest of situations and it is what we should want for ourselves and all we love as a basic rite of passage. Spirit can bring hope on all levels, and it is to them that you need to address the slightest doubt or hesitation!
Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 49.
Quick or Cryptic Crossword
ACROSS ACROSS 6. Getting up a revolt? (7) 6. Liken (7) 7. It just goes to show how time passes! (5) 7. Serpent (5) 9. Our first cardinal (3) 9. Attempt (3) 10. River rose, perhaps, to fill it? (9) 10. Shows (9) 12. An order which doesn’t require 12. Prophetic attention (5,2,4) vision (6,5) 15. Understaffed (5-6) 15. Father, in making wagers, is very careful (11) 17. Society (9) 17. They may struggle to break locks (9) 19. Wicked (3) 19. Consumed stirred tea (3) 21. Pangs (5) 22. Immense (7) 21. Complete set of notes (5) 22. Make believe (7) DOWN DOWN 1. Fret (5) 2. Secret agent (3) 1. Odd person to alter the motion? (5) 3. Region (4) 2. One who could be taken for a ride (3) 4. Not resolved (9) 3. Low joint keen to be reformed (4) 5. Not detailed (7) 4. Madly in love and such a romantic place (3,6) 8. Concealed (6) 5. Put in the shade, naturally (7) 11. Harm (9) 8. Comment about foreign (6) 13. In one’s 11. Doesn’t sit inside and is conspicuous (6,3) possession (2,4) 13. Sting to anger (6) 14. During (7) 14. Good route for a long-distance driver (7) 16. Bisect (5) 16. Baby bird? (5) 18. Rip (4) 18. Bird you can play with (4) 20. Enquire (3) 20. The first mate (3)
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
whats on
Local artist Bernard Makinson By Irena Bodnarec LOCAL BRITISH ex-pat Bernard Makinson is an exceptionally talented man, who moved to Spain twelve years ago at the age of 71 but never managed to properly retire due to his creative and artistic passion. Born in Rochdale he studied at the Manchester School of Art after which he started his career with an advertising agency - think of the hit US television show Mad Men, set in a 1950´s Ad agency! Having achieved the position of Art Director and working for the company for 25 years, he moved to London where he eventually set up his own company ´Design Europe´. He then had a long and very successful career designing exhibition stands, brochures and advertising campaigns for some very well known National companies including Royal Doulton, British Telecom – including the interior of their headquarters in London, Girobank and Milton Bradley – Europe’s biggest game and toy manufacturer. He has an extensive scale model bus and tram collection – one of his many hobbies in addition to a substantial stamp collection which both came over in the move to Spain. Bernard has always been interested in photography, in particular 3D photography and became President of the Stereoscopic Society, the oldest 3D Club in the world with over 700 members. Together with his wife Sue, they successfully ran the club for 12 years and are now life long members – they are hoping to attend the annual convention in Canterbury this June. But his love of photography got him into hot water in the 1970´s – he was arrested by the then KGB in Poland at the height of the Cold War for taking a photograph of a train heading from Moscow to Germany! He collaborated with the film industry, taking 3D photographs of several blockbuster epics, including The Muppets on Treasure Island and the Disney classic, 101
Dalmatians, where he met actress Glenn Close who played the evil Cruella de Vill, gifting her a 3D photograph he took of her daughter on set in the Shepperton studios. His interest in acrylic painting only manifested after moving to the sunny climes of the Costa Blanca. All the paintings are from his own photographs – taken over the course of his extensive worldwide travel. The 3D images in particular bring the entire scene and recollection back to life and his love of animals and travel is evident in the pieces he has produced. His exhibition will also have a 3D section which you will need to wear the blue & red glasses to view, which Bernard is giving away for free in addition to A3 digital prints, Phantograms and Stereo Slides. It is a stunning recollection of his memories and certainly worth seeing. His son Anthony has also followed in his fathers footsteps and is a professional photographer – among his portfolio is a trip to Buckingham Palace to photograph the Duke of Edinburgh. Bernard’s exhibition is on at the Casa de Cultura in Alfaz del Pi until Friday 23rd January – Monday to Friday from 11:00am until 9:00pm and on Saturday until 2:00pm. Offers will be Bernard considered on any acrylic paintings. Makinson
Hot Dogs bounce back THE POPULAR Hot Dogs Jazz Band returns to entertain music lovers at Restaurante Bolero in Calpe on Thursday 15th January at 8pm. The band has enjoyed its Christmas break and again takes up its popular weekly spot at the restaurant.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
9th - 15th January
friday 9th January BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Caught Red Handed 12:30 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Room 101 22:00 The Musketeers 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:25 Joanna Lumley Meets
07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Caught Red Handed 08:35 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:20 Oxford Street Revealed 10:05 The Great Interior Design Challenge 11:05 Could I Get Ebola? 11:35 The Travel Show 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 17:15 The Great British Winter 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Great British Garden Revival 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Food & Drink 22:00 The Big Allotment Challenge 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Darts: BDO World Championships 24:55 Darts Extra
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Fat Pets: Slimmer of the Year 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Martin Lewis Money Show 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Benidorm 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 The Invention of Lying
07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Shipping Wars 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 The Last Leg 24:05 Adam Hills: Happyism Live
07:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:10 Broken Trust 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Race to the Pole 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:30 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 24:30 Big Brother: Live from the House
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 Emmerdale 08:45 You’ve Been Framed! 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Royal Pains 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Royal Pains 15:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Happy Gilmore 23:55 Take Me Out
07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 90210 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:35 Rude(ish) Tube 10:00 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rude(ish) Tube 16:30 Bad(ish) Robots 17:00 Troy 17:30 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Role Models 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory
saturday 10th January BBC1 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:10 Football Focus 13:50 Saturday Sportsday 14:00 Athletics 15:35 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 17:30 Final Score 18:20 Pointless Celebrities 19:10 BBC Regional News 19:30 Now You See It 20:00 The Voice UK 21:30 The National Lottery: Win Your Wish List 22:20 Casualty 23:10 BBC News and Weather 23:30 Match of the Day
07:00 Apache Territory 08:10 Private’s Progress 09:45 The Maggie 11:15 Fred Dibnah’s Building of Britain 11:45 Fred Dibnah’s Building of Britain 12:15 British Isles: A Natural History 13:05 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:50 Talking Pictures 14:45 The Ipcress File 16:30 Escape to the Continent 17:30 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 19:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 19:30 Sacred Wonders of Britain 20:30 The Last Days of Anne Boleyn 21:30 Dad’s Army 22:00 Britain’s Tudor Treasure: A Night at Hampton Court 23:00 The Other Boleyn Girl 24:50 Darts: BDO World Championships
07:00 Bottom Knocker Street 07:35 Dino Dan 08:00 Canimals 08:10 Sooty 08:25 Signed Stories 08:30 Scrambled! 08:35 Nerds & Monsters 08:50 Adventure Time 09:30 Horrid Henry 09:50 Hulk and the Agents of Smash 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 11:20 Murder, She Wrote 12:15 ITV News and Weather 12:25 Ejector Seat 13:25 Britain’s Best Back Gardens 14:25 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 15:25 Tipping Point 16:25 Diversity Live 17:25 ITV Regional News 17:35 ITV News and Weather 17:55 Mamma Mia! 20:00 Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes 21:05 Take Me Out 22:20 Skyfall 24:05 ITV News and Weather 24:19 ITV Regional Weather 24:20 Skyfall
07:10 How I Met Your Mother 07:35 How I Met Your Mother 08:00 Cycling: Revolution Series 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 The King of Queens 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:30 Frasier 12:00 Frasier 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:00 The Big Bang Theory 13:30 Speed with Guy Martin 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Come Dine with Me 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 The Restoration Man 21:00 Tsunami: 10 Years On 22:00 Bad Teacher 23:50 Sarah Millican: Chatterbox Live 24:50 Cocktail
07:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Wanda and the Alien 09:35 Zack and Quack 09:50 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:05 Jelly Jamm 10:25 LazyTown 10:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:25 Access 11:30 Ice Road Truckers 12:25 Ice Road Truckers 13:20 Ice Road Truckers 14:20 Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star 16:15 Columbo: Grand Deceptions 18:15 The World’s Deadliest Storms 19:10 World’s 20:00 Worst Weather Ever? 20:55 Secrets Of 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Mr & Mrs Smith
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 10:35 Coronation Street 13:05 The Cube 14:10 Richie Rich 16:05 You’ve Been Framed! 17:05 You’ve Been Framed! 18:05 You’ve Been Framed! 18:35 Mr Bean’s Holiday 20:20 Evan Almighty 22:20 Take Me Out - The Gossip 23:05 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza 24:05 Ocean’s Eleven
07:00 Happy Endings 08:05 Rules of Engagement 08:30 Charmed 09:30 Charmed 10:30 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 How I Met Your Mother 11:30 Melissa & Joey 12:30 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 Rude(ish) Tube 14:30 Troy 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:30 How I Met Your Mother 18:00 Rude(ish) Tube 18:30 Rude(ish) Tube 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The 100 22:00 Beverly Hills Cop 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory
07:20 How I Met Your Mother 07:45 How I Met Your Mother 08:10 How I Met Your Mother 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Big Bang Theory 14:00 The Big Bang Theory 14:30 Astro Boy 16:15 The Princess Diaries 18:30 Channel 4 News 19:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 20:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 21:00 The Hotel 22:00 Walking the Nile 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24:05 Machine Gun Preacher
07:00 Childrens TV 08:55 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Wanda and the Alien 09:35 Zack and Quack 09:50 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:05 Jelly Jamm 10:25 LazyTown 10:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:25 Access 11:30 Monkey Life 12:00 The Hotel Inspector 13:00 The Hotel Inspector 14:00 Mrs Caldicot’s Cabbage War 16:10 The Pursuit of Happyness 18:30 Aladdin 20:10 5 News Weekend 20:15 The Medallion 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 A Lonely Place to Die 24:55 Winter Road Rescue
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Emmerdale 10:05 Coronation Street 12:35 Take Me Out 13:50 Take Me Out - The Gossip 14:35 You’ve Been Framed! 15:05 Valiant 16:35 Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 18:30 King Kong 22:00 Shaun of the Dead 24:05 Not Another Teen Movie
07:00 Charmed 07:50 Rules of Engagement 08:15 Rude(ish) Tube 08:45 Rude(ish) Tube 09:15 Rude(ish) Tube 09:30 Troy 10:00 Melissa & Joey 10:30 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Revenge 14:30 The Big Bang Theory 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 16:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 17:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 18:00 The 100 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 10 Things I Hate about You 22:55 The Big Bang Theory 23:25 The Big Bang Theory 24:25 The Inbetweeners 24:55 The Inbetweeners
07:00 Childrens TV 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Nora Roberts’ High Noon 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Criminals: Caught on Camera 20:30 Car Crash TV 21:00 Storage: Flog the Lot! 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Closing Time 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 Coronation Street 08:45 Coronation Street 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Royal Pains 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 Royal Pains 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Jurassic Park III 23:50 Celebrity Juice 24:55 Two and a Half Men
07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 90210 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:35 Suburgatory 10:00 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Revenge 23:00 Rude Tube 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Big Bang Theory
sunday 11th January BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 08:30 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Bargain Hunt 15:15 Flog It! 15:45 Escape to the Country 16:35 Songs of Praise 17:10 Shrek 2 18:30 BBC Regional News 19:00 Celebrity Mastermind 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 Still Open All Hours 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Last Tango in Halifax 23:00 BBC Regional News 23:30 Match of the Day 2 24:35 The Apprentice USA
07:15 Great British Garden Revival 07:00 Bottom Knocker Street 07:35 Dino Dan 08:15 Glorious Gardens from Above 08:00 Canimals 08:10 Sooty 09:00 Countryfile 08:25 Signed Stories 10:00 The Football League Show 08:30 Scrambled! 11:20 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 08:35 Nerds & Monsters 08:50 Ultimate Spider-Man 12:50 Food & Drink 09:30 Horrid Henry 13:20 James Martin: Home Comforts 09:50 Deadtime Stories 10:25 ITV News 13:50 Live Snooker: The Masters 10:30 Columbo: Butterfly in Shades of Grey 18:00 Ski Sunday 12:25 ITV News and Weather 18:45 Live Darts: 12:30 Murder, She Wrote 13:30 Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes BDO World Championships 14:30 Catchphrase 21:00 Kate Humble - Into the Volcano 15:15 Midsomer Murders 17:15 Diamonds Are Forever 22:00 Racing Legends 19:35 ITV News and Weather 20:00 All Star Family Fortunes 23:00 QI XL 21:00 Foyle’s War 23:45 Billionaire’s Paradise: 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:15 The Kyle Files Inside Necker Island 23:45 The Undriveables 24:45 Snooker: The Masters 24:15 Premiership Rugby Union
monday 12th January BBC1
11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Caught Red Handed 12:30 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 Waterloo Road 24:35 The Graham Norton Show
07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Caught Red Handed 08:35 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:20 Oxford Street Revealed 10:05 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 11:05 Claimed and Shamed 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Great British Garden Revival 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 Horizon 23:00 Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The Masters
ITV1 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV REgional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Richard Wilson on the Road 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Broadchurch 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 The Cube 24:40 A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones
07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Shipping Wars 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 The Undateables 23:00 Bodyshockers 24:00 Shut-Ins: Britain’s Fattest People
Ocean’s Eleven 24:05
Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 16:35
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
tuesday 13th January BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Caught Red Handed 12:30 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 Count Arthur Strong 24:05 MOTD
07:05 Homes Under the Hammer
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 River Monsters 21:00 Britain’s Best Back Gardens 22:00 The Wonder of Britain 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV RegionalNews 23:40 The Mighty Mississippi with Trevor McDonald 24:40 Secrets from the Sky
07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Shipping Wars 12:30 Shipping Wars 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Weighing Up the Enemy 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 23:55 The Undateables 24:55 Poker
07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Deadly Isolation 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 21:00 The Secrets of the Tea Chimps 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Suspects 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 Coronation Street 08:45 Coronation Street 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Royal Pains 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 Royal Pains 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Dinner Date 22:00 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza 23:00 Cockroaches 23:35 Plebs 24:05 Plebs 24:35 Two and a Half Men
07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 90210 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:35 Suburgatory 10:00 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 The 100 23:00 Supernatural 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Big Bang Theory
08:05 Caught Red Handed 08:35 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:20 Oxford Street Revealed 10:05 James May’s Toy Stories 11:05 Claimed and Shamed 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Great British Garden Revival 21:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 22:00 Horizon 23:00 W1A 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The Masters
wednesday 14th January BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Caught Red Handed 12:30 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 19:55 Party Political Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Match of the Day Live 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 A Question of Sport 24:05 Film 2015 24:35 Keeping Up with the Steins
07:00 Homes Under the Hammer
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:25 Party Political Broadcast 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 Bring Back Borstal 24:40 I Never Knew That About Britain
07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Shipping Wars 12:30 Shipping Wars 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Restoration Man 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Angry, White and Proud 24:00 Steph and Dom Meet Nigel Farage 24:30 Sex Party Secrets
07:00 Childrens TV 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cowboy Builders 21:00 Wedding Disaster Specials 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Suspects 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 You’ve Been Framed! 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Royal Pains 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Royal Pains 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Friends with Kids 24:10 Cockroaches 24:40 Two and a Half Men
07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 90210 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:30 Suburgatory 10:00 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Transformers 24:50 The Big Bang Theory
08:00 Caught Red Handed 08:30 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:15 Oxford Street Revealed 10:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys 11:00 Claimed and Shamed 11:30 See Hear 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Great British Garden Revival 21:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 22:00 Horizon 23:00 W1A 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The Masters
thursday 15th January BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Caught Red Handed 12:30 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week
07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Caught Red Handed 08:35 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:20 Oxford Street Revealed 10:05 The Great Interior Design Challenge 11:05 Claimed and Shamed 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 22:00 The Super-Rich and Us 23:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Snooker: The Masters
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Kyle Files 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Birds of a Feather 22:00 Bring Back Borstal 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 The Brits Are Coming 24:40 Ade at Sea
07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Shipping Wars 12:30 Shipping Wars 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Cyberbully 23:20 My Granny the Escort 24:20 24 Hours in Police Custody
07:00 Childrens TV 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cowboy Builders 21:00 Wedding Disaster Specials 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Suspects 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 Coronation Street 08:45 You’ve Been Framed! 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Royal Pains 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Psych 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Dark Knight
07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 90210 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:35 Suburgatory 10:00 Rules of Engagementt 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 22:30 Marry Me 23:00 The Inbetweeners 23:30 The Inbetweeners 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
showbiz goss
by Peter
Writer and Broadcaster
When you adjust her Celebrity News name to Mad-onna that’s about right! BAY CITY Michigan’s very own Madonna Louise Ciccone was born in August ´58 to immigrant parents, and at the tender age of just 19 dropped out of college and took herself off to New York planning to become a professional dancer. She met various musicians whilst working as a backline dancer at some pretty iffy nightclubs and eventually decided to switch to singing and signed a deal with Sire records in 1982. She took off in a huge way 2 years later in the UK with ´Holiday, ´ and a quite phenomenal career began, with hit after hit spanning the globe keeping her at the top of the pile, and it seemed she was destined for greatness. However, in 2000 she recorded a cover of Don McLean’s classic ´American Pie´ and if there was such a thing as a prison sentence for crimes against song writing Madonna would have done at least a ten stretch. I´m not sure if that was the pivotal moment in the downward trend of her undying popularity, but from around that point the press had her in and out of grace faster than burger sales at a baseball match. And so to why Madonna is here today. Her 13th album ´Rebel Hearts´ is due for release in March and Madge, as she is better known, is at it again going way over the top with the promotion. She kept it simple first off, photo-shopping heads like Marilyn Monroe and Homer Simpson onto the cover, but when she did the same with Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela peeps were not best pleased. Madonna´s response of: “Dear haters, I have so much more for you to be mad at … be patient,” confirms that the lady has lost the plot bigtime!
OASIS HAD a spectacular career in the 90s and an equally spectacular break-up, but could the ´angry brothers´ finally be shining a light down the very long dark tunnel? Liam’s band Beady Eye have split up and bruv Noel has been quoted as saying: “I’m very ****ing sad about Beady Eye, because I know they really wanted to make it work.” Now add that to Liam tweeting O. A. S. I. S. early last year and…?
HEADLINE HUGGER Kim Kardashian has said about how she doesn´t smile much as it gives you wrinkles. Like the narcissist saddo that she is she said “Holy hell, you would always be smiling if there were 25 paparazzi shots taken of you every second ... Can I live?!?!” Her latest squeeze rapper Kayne West and her have designed a mug that reads ´Only pouting in 2015 … Smiling is so 2014´ ... How pathetic is that! I FANCY Ch4 have stuck their head on the block with a show that will air on Thursday January 22nd. The programme features the day to day life of Josie Cunningham, a woman who came to light last year on the back of demanding a £4,800 boob job from the NHS so she could become a glamour model. What Ch4 have got right is the name of the show ... ‘Josie: The Most Hated Woman In Britain’. WHEN GWYNETH Paltrow was being interviewed by Harper’s Bazaar magazine last week she revealed that she and estranged husband Chris Martin of Coldplay live across the street from each other in Los Angeles. She said rather honestly, “There are times when I think it would´ve been better if we had stayed married, but we have remained really close.” Across the street is pretty close and great for their two kids as well.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
problem page
by Sara
Life Coach
WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.
It was a stupid mistake
I got drunk at an office party and ended up sleeping with a work colleague. I am certain this would not have happened had we both been sober. He is married with young children, and I have a long term partner, so we‘ve both got a lot to lose. It was all a stupid mistake, and I am certain he will feel the same way. What can I do? I am mortified and am dreading going back to work.
There is no easy answer to this. Unfortunately alcohol lowers inhibitions and makes people do things they wouldn’t normally do. You need to speak to this person the moment you get back to work. If you think he will feel the same way, he will be just as keen to put the matter behind him. You both drank far too much and made a mistake. Say that you hope you can both continue working together and that this incident will not ruin your working relationship.
Sibling feuds I couldn’t face another family gettogether over the festive season. My sister seems to enjoy criticising and trying to score points over me in front of our parents. I don’t understand - we used to get along as kids. Is there anything I can do?
Sibling rivalry is usually worse when parents are around and it could be your sister’s way of testing their favouritism by seeing which side they take. Is it possible your sister resents the way your life has turned out, compared to her own? I would suggest addressing the situation with her directly, but not at a family get-together. Make a plan to meet her alone. If she refuses, write her a letter (not an email) - letters are a great way of getting your feelings across, but write it when you are in a calm mood and don’t make the letter angry or venomous. Simply ask her why she is treating you this way, when all you’ve ever wanted is for you both to get along. Write to Sara in confidence at Sara is available for private consultations Telephone 633 614 476.
9 - 15 January 20152010 8-14 JANUARY
Complications of varicose veins IT SHOULD be noted that some processes are described in the section of symptoms, appearing after a long process of evolution without treatment (Grade III and IV), which can be considered as complications. Thus, we can consider as complications of varicose veins: Skin changes: apart from stains caused by the deposit of red blood cells, where the use of these and liquid increases, changes occur in the skin and the tissues under the same (trophic changes), because nutrients did not arrive correctly. As a result of these changes, the skin hardens, is dry and scaly, with widespread colour appearance changes (not more or less isolated patches) and intense itching. Varicose ulcers: most often appear as a result of scratching due to the itching of skin disorders. They mainly happen on the inside of ankles and are painful, quite difficult to heal and become infected easily. Bleeding: produced by rupture of varicose veins where the wall is very weak, as is the skin, with blood emerging outside. They may be due to scratching. Trauma may be minimal, or even occur spontaneously and may occur during sleep, which may increase in severity. The blood is usually darker and flows continuously without gushing, being venous blood. Like all bleeding it is shocking but does not usually matter much if treated properly. What should be done is the leg should be elevated with a bandage applied and, of course, see a doctor so you can establish a definitive treatment to prevent recurrence.
Superficial phlebitis: inflammation is a varicose vein and not to be confused with deep phlebitis, which appears in many different situations and can have serious repercussions. Varicose vein as a dilated and hardened bead is observed, and there is an inflamed area around it, which is warm, red and painful. Infections: injuries caused by scratching, and varicose ulcers, and even very fragile skin, can facilitate entry to opportunistic organisms and lead to infections that need to be treated properly and repeatedly as they are often quite amenable to treatment. The infected area is painful, and will be swollen, red and hot, and there may be oozing. Varicose vein thrombosis: by the formation of a clot within the varicose veins and often occurs together with phlebitis, since this may facilitate the development of thrombus and thrombus often causes inflammation vein. For this reason, their symptoms are very similar. This does not usually pose serious consequences unless the thrombus occurs in an area that can break off and the deep circulation. Pulmonary embolism: a rare complication of varicose veins, it would dislodge a thrombus and, as noted, reach deep circulation, reaching the heart and from this to the pulmonary arteries.
This article was written by UQAP. Please visit us in either our Altea (650 409 877) or Los Montesinos (966 721 687/650 409 877) clinics.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Stop Smoking! SMOKING IS one of the most difficult habits to quit. And why? By Jonathan Gilchrist: Costa Blanca’s top Hypnotherapist One of the reasons is that we tend to view cigarettes as a ‘friend’. We’ve given them nicknames, which makes them as close to us as our best pal! But they’re not our pals! They’re our enemy - our body’s enemy! We all know the facts. We know millions of deaths are caused by smoking related diseases. Smoking is a habit, which never seems to go away. What do they say? Once a smoker, always a smoker. It’s an old adage. One, which is universally believed… except by me. Why don’t I believe it? Because I can help you stop it… NOW! Yes, you read that correctly. What is smoking but an addiction? And where is an addiction based? In the mind. Yes, there are physical cravings, but these are formed around the mind’s need for the drug, housed within the form of a cigarette. And if you smoke, then effectively you take a drug. Habitually. HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL? Well, if you’re reading this article, then I can only assume that you’re ready to quit the
habit. After all, do you want to stop smoking now? Or next year? I’m assuming now! We’re a few weeks away from the summer. Wouldn’t you prefer it if you’d already quit the habit before that part of the year returns? Why not change your life now! Fast Track Hypnosis will help you do just that. It’s already changed more than 50,000 people’s lives - why shouldn’t you be a part of that number? It takes only thirty minutes to transform the way your mind views cigarettes and smoking. Within half-an-hour, your life can be changed and with little fuss or ceremony for only 95€! So, if you’re ready to change your life, if you’re ready to free yourself from that destructive habit which has overtaken every aspect of your day and if you’re tired of smelling of stale smoke, then call me today! Jonathan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis Stop Smoking and Weight Control sessions in Cabo Roig, Quesada & Benidorm: For an appointment, brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Jonathan Gilchrist on 691 784 954, email or visit
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
The Blues Brothers Experience NOT JUST a show…this is a party! This Blues Brothers Experience is accumulating fans rapidly, not just in Benidorm but throughout the Costa Blanca, with their unique interpretation based on the great movie of the 80s. Probably the most energetic show you will see this year. This is not just a show, this is a party. Join Jake and Elwood as they take you through the classic songs of the movie but expect a few surprises! For details or bookings call 672 983 060 or visit Facebook: The Blues Brothers Experience, Benidorm. BOOKINGS FOR JANUARY Every Saturday - Tropical Bar, Benidorm: 11pm
Every Wednesday - Riviera Music Lounge, Benidorm: 11pm Every Thursday - Tropical Bar, Benidorm: 11pm Friday 9th - Jail Rock Bar, Benidorm: 10pm Saturday 10th - Jail Rock Bar, Benidorm: 10pm Sunday 11th - Hotel Flamingo Oasis, Benidorm: 10pm Monday 12th - Hotel Regente, Benidorm: 11pm Tuesday 13th - Hotel Rio Park, Benidorm: 10pm Tuesday 13th - Ambassador Hotel, Benidorm: 11pm Thursday 22nd - Hotel Riudor, Benidorm: 10pm Sunday 25th - Hotel Flamingo Oasis, Benidorm: 10pm Monday 26th - Hotel Regente, Benidorm: 11pm Tuesday 27th - Hotel Rio Park, Benidorm: 10pm Tuesday 27th - Ambassador Hotel, Benidorm: 11pm
The Hot Dogs Jazz Band THE HOT Dogs Jazz Band, the Costa Blanca’s premier Trad Band, performs every Thursday night at the Bolero Restaurant, Edf. Turmalina, Playa La Fossa in Calpe, from 9pm, playing a great mix of Dixieland, Swing and Standards. The Hot Dogs Jazz Band has been in existence for over 10 years and continues to go from strength to strength. They would like to remind all their loyal followers that the next gig after their Christmas break is on Thursday 15th January. The band is comprised of: Werner Kitzig (clarinet & tenor sax), Dave Bullock (tenor sax, clarinet & vocals), Gerry Carter (trumpet, flugel horn and vocals), Patrick Clancy (piano and banjo), John Anthony (bass) and Christian Gibaud (drums). The Hot Dogs are available for any function…hotels, restaurants, concerts and private parties. Contact: Gerry 619 177 752 or Dave 685 321 594.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
with Aunty Virus
Having problems backing up HI AUNTY: Recently I’ve noticed that backing up my Asus Windows 8.1 pc to my Toshiba external hard drive via File History is not working. It appears to back up in a few seconds (!) but the up-todate files do not appear on the Toshiba. There is plenty of free disc space on the Toshiba. It used to back up okay, and the older files from my two PC’s are still there. Can you help please? Thanks, David. Aunty says: One possibility is that the amount of disk space you have allocated for back up is now too small...? In the Options, perhaps increasing the size of space for back-up will help... There is the ‘offline cache’ option’ that allows you to set a limit on the amount of disk space used for back-ups. It may also be that there is a single folder that it causing a problem. To find out which folder is causing the problem requires a bit of trial and error. I think there is an option in File History to exclude certain folders from back up. So it will be a case of doing a back-up excluding one folder at a time, to see if the back-up functions or not. You will then be able to find which folder the back-up is failing on, and do a manual backup of that folder instead...
Uninstalling ‘mystartsearch’ DEAR AUNTY: I have tried everything to try to delete ‘mystartsearch’ which has appeared as my search engine while I was downloading something today. Can you advise how I can uninstall this from my PC? Andrea
Aunty says: First remove any traces of “mystartsearch” from your PC: From the “add / remove programs” via control panel; from your web
browsers extensions / add ons and “search engine” options. Finally what may have happened is that they may have added a bit of code to make IE go to mystartsearch every time you click on your IE icon. So right click on your IE icon and click properties - it should show you the program path for IE, something along the lines of “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”
Now if mystartseach has “hijacked” IE, then you may find some code after the iexplorer.exe part of the patch... So remove that added code from the path and Apply / OK Response: I removed the added codes from the path. It is no longer in programs & features. I then ran Malwarebytes, did an anti-virus scan and everything is normal! Thanks again.
Skype call issues HELLO AUNTY: In the last week or so I can’t video call anybody on Skype. The phone monitor goes up and down but no sound. When the telephone indicator goes up and down it doesn’t ring out, so I am not getting through. I have had a message conversation with Skype and their Technical advisor has told me that everything should be working. Valerie Aunty says: This does seem to be a bit of a common problem with Skype these days. I too have had problems when I have tried called people. There has been no “ring ring” noise at my end, and sometimes not at the recipient’s end either. A close and restart of Skype usually solves this for me anyway.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
‘Señor Leon’ the Lionheart YOUNG STUDENTS at two Costa Blanca schools have nicknamed Ken Langridge, the organiser of Teulada Moraira Lions Club’s annual handwriting competition, ‘Señor Leon’. by Jack Troughton The competition is now open to pupils at the Cap D’Or School in Moraira, the Santa Maria Magdalena School in Benitachell, and for the first time in 2014, Benigembla School. Ken has organised the competition for the Lions for a number of years and it is said to be a labour of love. The club says the standard of entries is always “exceptionally” high. They are not just samples of writing but stories penned by the children and illustrated with coloured drawings. A Lion told RTN: “As a result of the competition, there is now a whole generation growing up in Teulada-moraira and Benitachell who know Ken as ‘Señor Leon’. “It’s the name shouted out by excited youngsters whenever they see him in the street - at least, that’s what Ken thinks they are shouting at him!”
Happy Children By Irena Bodnarec A HUGE well done to the Benidorm Rotary Club for helping to make the magic of the Three Kings celebration come alive for underprivileged children in the town. Club members, or Rotarians as they are officially known, allocated 3,500€ with which they purchased 375 toys from the local Juguetilandia toy shop and donated to three well known local charities: Cruz Roja, Caritas and Solidarity Benidorm. The Mayor, Agustin Navarro attended the delivery
Competition prize giving
of toys at the Plaza Navidad on Saturday afternoon together with representatives of the associations. The Rotary Club is an organisation of businesses and professionals, whose aim is to promote peace and goodwill and to improve the quality of life in their community. Established here since 1994, many of the big organisations such as Benidorm Palace, Servigroup Hotel chain and Centauro Car Hire are members of the Benidorm Rotary Club. Much of their work is aimed at children from less well off backgrounds - earlier in the year they provided school stationary and books to needy students and their work will continue throughout 2015.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Vega Baja New Year’s Concert The Garden Club a sell out by Keith Nicol THE SOLD out signs were again in place on the doors of Torrevieja’s International Auditorium on Tuesday evening, as for the fifth consecutive year, the Symphony Orchestra of Torrevieja performed their New Year Concert. Even the ‘media’ area was given over, plus an additional 60 seats were added to try and accommodate an audience of almost 1,500 for this splendid, one-off, cultural event. The ‘New Year Concert’ has become a tradition that many orchestras around the world have inherited from the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra; a concert tinged with humour and a program of lighter, feel good music throughout the evening. The show started with the prelude to “The Jewish boy” by Luna, to set the atmosphere and included Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” and the “Sleeping Beauty Waltz”. Brahms’ Hungarian Dance no.1, the first ‘comedy’ number of the night, “Plink, Plank, Plunk” by Leroy Anderson, finishing the first half with the famous “Swan Lake” Waltz. The second half was full of popular, ‘feel good’ music including “The joy of the
THE DECEMBER meeting of the Garden Club was the Christmas meeting - very well attended and great fun was had by all! Members brought along festive buffet food for lunch, and the party atmosphere was quite evident! This year the Christmas Quiz was compiled by Ron Harris and the winning team was delighted with the prizes!! The special Raffle was also very much enjoyed. The next meeting is on Monday 2nd February at 2.15pm for a 2.30pm start - at a new venue for the Garden Club, Bar Trasgu, Formentera del Segura. And new members are always welcome. Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month, with a summer break. Speakers are often invited to attend, and members also speak to the Club about their own interests. Gardening tips are shared, and question and answer sessions often help with problems. For further information, please email
Almost 1,500 people packed out Torrevieja’s International Auditorium
garden”; the “Slavonic Dance n.1” before their obligatory, “Blue Danube Waltz”, complete with waving flags that had the audience on their feet in appreciation. Being the Epiphany and to celebrate the ‘Three Kings’ the orchestra could not say goodbye without offering some musical fun starting with “Copenhagen Train” which included the participation of some of the orchestra dressed as train conductors; the “Sand Paper Ballet,” a comedy-musical number
featuring two members of the orchestra dressed in boiler suits and finally “The Radetzky March” by J. Strauss senior, with the conductor involving the entire audience in the final number. Fittingly, the full house, that included the Mayor, Council members and hundreds of foreigners, gave the performance a long standing ovation, marking the end to the fifth New Year symphony performance, which has become a tradition in Torrevieja.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
whats on
The only way is Javea HIT ONE-MAN comedy show ‘The Only Way is Downton’ opens in Javea on Monday night promising a hilarious evening’s entertainment. By Jack Troughton Written and performed by Luke Kempner, it throws characters from one of the world’s favourite period dramas into a collision course with those from modern television shows. The action is set in 1912 and everyone both upstairs and downstairs at Downton Abby are struggling to make ends meet – in fact the butler Mr Carson in his campaign to maintain standards has been forced to accept that lobster should only be served every other day at breakfast! The show runs at Javea Players Studio Theatre every night until Friday 16th January with curtain up at 8pm. Tickets are 12€ and can be reserved by calling 96 579 5390 or by email to It is an opportunity to see a production that started life as a fourminute You Tube video and went on to wow audiences at the Edinburgh Festival and a sell out UK tour.
Brain capers JALON VALLEY HELP is staging another of its popular Quiz Nights at the El Cid Restaurant on Friday 30th January at 7pm. It is 10€ to enjoy a winter’s night out including supper and the quiz. To reserve a ticket and choose a meal from the menu – fish and chips, chicken and leek pie, or a veggie option – call Jean on 625 349 599 or email
Go shopping with APASA
ANIMAL CHARITY APASA has organised a shopping trip to Valencia city centre and the nearby Bon Aire Centre on Thursday 22nd January. Tickets are 15€ and there will be ‘pick up’ points in Moraira, Teulada and Javea. To book a place and for full information call sue on 96 574 1664 or 606 588 197.
Mr Carson
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin
Root-changing verbs and word stress
LAST WEEK we started looking at root-changing verbs and got going on the first of three groups which comes under the interesting name of “e to ie”.
WE SAW one example of these which was the verb cerrar. However, before we plough on too much further there is one point I would like to look at in more detail as it provides a basis for all our root-changing work (I’m sounding like a dentist now!) We know that pronunciation is important, and part of this is the whole matter of speech rhythm. This is what gives a sound or shape to our speech, rather like the rhythm of music. If music didn’t keep to a certain beat it would become meaningless, and the same is true of speech. Often, even in our own language, we don’t hear every word someone says, but we understand them because we recognize the tone and rhythm of what they have said. Tone can tell us things like whether we are being asked a question or not and it also gives us other information including underlying messages in the phrases uttered. We have all heard someone saying something as apparently innocent as: “Give that to me” in ways that really mean: “I’d like to help you” or “I’m in a hurry”, or “I think you’re an idiot”! This is a whole realm of study in itself, and extremely
interesting too, but before I get too carried away, what I’m really getting at here is that every sentence, and also every individual word in a sentence, has its own beat or rhythm that makes it comprehensible. This happens in English, whether we are aware of it or not. Let’s take a word from this article, for example: idiot. When we say this word we place the emphasis on the first “i”, like this I-diot. Now try moving the emphasis to the second “i” like this: id-I-ot. Now place the stress on the O, like this “idi-Ot”. I hope you can hear the difference, and haven’t offended your partner whilst you’re engaged in this activity. Maybe it would be best to wait until you’re alone with your cat or dog - I find they don’t tend to take this sort of thing personally. This “stress” or “beat” issue arises with English words like “refuse”, “present”, “record” “desert”. Depending on where we put the beat, they change in meaning. In Spanish word stress is equally crucial for understanding but the difference is that it is controlled by very specific rules. On my website I have some videos which go through these rules thoroughly in relation to all words in the language. However, for our purposes here we can say that in the case of root changing
Crossword Solutions for Last Week Cryptic solutions Suduko Answer Across: 7 Railway ticket; 8 Pressman; 9 Oils; 10 Candid; 12 Inland; 14 Vessel; 16 Glance; 18 Spur; 20 Venetian; 22 Prefer a charge. Down: 1 Marriage; 2 Closed; 3 Farm; 4 Stunning; 5 School; 6 Well; 11 Delivery; 13 No change; 15 Strife; 17 Astray; 19 Part; 21 Nice. Quick solutions Across: 7 Make nothing of; 8 Converse; 9 Rare; 10 Ransom; 12 Employ; 14 Barren; 16 Yelled; 18 Deaf; 20 Unstable; 22 Consolidation. Down: 1 Panorama; 2 Serves; 3 Poor; 4 Thievery; 5 Unwrap; 6 Sour; 11 Manfully; 13 Overlook; 15 Refuse; 17 Lean-to; 19 Eros; 21 Side.
verbs, it is when the beat of the word falls on the root (e.g. CERR) that the sound splits from “e” to “ie” (almost as though the pressure of the beat breaks the sound into two). Look again at the conjugation of “cerrar” and you will see what I mean. cierro cerramos cierras cerráis cierra cierran The change occurs in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd persons singular and the 3rd person plural. In the other two forms (1st and 2nd person plural) the beat goes onto the ending, so the root returns to one, rather than a split, sound. Therefore in our example, “cerrAmos”, and “cerrÁIs” behave exactly as they would if the verb was not rootchanging as the beat, or pressure, is on the endings. This is a GOLDEN RULE for all root-changing verbs, so if by any chance you found my explanation a little unclear we will be looking at many more examples, which means that we will be learning to pronounce them all properly and therefore making sense when we speak.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Visit Careline’s Wonderland
DON’T BE late, follow the White Rabbit and enter Wonderland as Careline Theatre brings Lewis Carroll’s wonderful story to life. By Jack Troughton Adapted by Robert Marlowe and directed by Candida Wright, the group presents the pantomime version of Alice in Wonderland to delight audiences of all ages. And all the favourite scenes and characters remain – the rabbit and his pocket watch, the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, and the Queen of Hearts’ Garden party. The cast and crew are putting
the finishing touches to the production which runs at Careline’s theatre in Alcalali from Thursday 15th to Sunday 18th January, with Matinee performances of Saturday and Sunday, 17th and 18th January. The proceeds from opening night will be donated to HELP of Denia and the Marina Alta, Jalon Valley HELP, and the MABS Cancer Support Group. Doors open at 7pm and 2pm
for matinees. Curtain up is at 8pm and 3pm for matinees. Tickets are 12€ for adults and 8€ for children under 10 and there is a 10% discount for pre-paid bookings of groups of 11 and over. To reserve a seat call the Box Alex Office on 652 294 750 or email McEnery and For more information about Georgia Careline Theatre, visit the website Phillips at rehearsals
Bargains galore! JAVEA’S ORIGINAL Charity Shop launches its annual winter sale on Monday 19th January until Saturday 24th January with many items being offered at half price. Volunteers at the shop in Avenida de la Fontana look forward to welcoming shoppers to the sale and helping them walk away with a bargain. The shop is open Monday to Saturday between 10am and 1pm. For more information visit
Legion welcomes new faces THE CALPE Branch of the Royal British Legion is hoping to welcome new members at its weekly Friday meetings. Throughout January, the charity is meeting at the ‘Dracula Bar and Restaurant’ in Calpe Port from 11am.
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
The wizard of Oz By Jack Troughton ‘AUSSIE’ ROB Lewis scooped first prize in the Teulada Moraira Lions Club’s Christmas Raffle to win a 250€ shopping voucher for supermarket Pepe La Sal. His winning ticket, number 00305, was purchased at the Lions’ ‘Elvis and Shaky’ Concert on 6th November and club President Colin Lilley tracked Rob down to his favourite watering hole, Bar Bariloche in Tabaira, to present the prize. The draw was made on 19th December and second prize 150€ of vouchers for the Paichi Garden Centre, was won by Marina Elesen, from Holland, with ticket 00447. The four remaining prizes - 50€ vouchers to be spent in Chamber of Commerce shops were won by Ouden Dyk (ticket 00743); Mr and Mrs Woods (ticket 00480); Jim Rogers (ticket 02458) and Lily Baguley (ticket 01237). The club sold over 2,500 tickets in the three months to 1 the draw, which was made at the Lions Bookstall at Moraira market.
Dress to impress MEMBERS OF Benitachell Bowls Club abandoned the regulation whites for something more colourful and celebrated New Year’s Day in the sunshine. A morning of sport was enjoyed by 32 members and their friends at an annual competition sponsored by Almar Multiservices. And after fun on the green and refreshments in the clubhouse, the event was rounded off with an enjoyable meal in the village at the Beni Asia Restaurant. Benitachell Bowls Club welcomes bowlers of all ability and offers a free training session to anyone interested learning more about the game. For more information go to the website
Winner Rob Lewis with Colin Lilley
Lions bring snow...and Santa HARD-WORKING MEMBERS of Teulada Moraira Lions Club arranged for Santa Claus to fly in from the North Pole and a festive snowfall at a kids’ party. Around 100 excited youngsters of Moraira’s Cap D’Or School attended the Christmas Party at the Lowry Restaurant to feast on sweets, cakes, and fizzy drinks. The Lions arranged a series of games – no doubt hoping the children could burn off some of their energy – and also took along the club’s famous snow machine and arranged for Papa Noel to visit. The youngsters enjoyed the white wonderland and meeting the man in red, as well as throwing some moves at the junior disco.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
Focus on Golf Powered by Campbell Lamont Golf, partnered by BayRadio
2015 - A New Year or the same old same old? AS WE start a new year there is always a temptation to look forward and offer predictions on what might occur in the coming twelve months. So here goes. Names to look out for in the world of golf: ADAM SCOTT - this is a big year for Adam as the ban on anchoring will come into force in just twelve months. How will he handle the change? Many pundits suggest that he will take it in his stride however I am not so sure. There can be very few golfers at any standard who would merely adjust comfortably to such an enforced adjustment to his game.
Rory McIlroy
Jordan Spieth
JORDAN SPIETH - tipped for greatness by Campbell two years ago, Jordan has had a limited amount of success to date. However when you see this young man on tour and listen to him in any subsequent interviews it is difficult to accept that he is still a mere twenty one years old. So with a maturity beyond his years I think that 2015 could see him claiming some significant trophies.
Tiger Woods
TIGER WOODS - This year he HAS to win a major. He has been on fourteen wins now for nearly five years and the wagers on his beating Jack’s total of eighteen are looking increasingly risky. And indeed the odds have now shifted towards that record being broken by the current world number one.
RORY MCILROY - it would be pointless looking at the coming year in golf and not featuring Rory. What a spectacular year he has just had and, with a demonstrable amount of control now evident in both his professional career and in his private life, there will be very few capable of challenging him in 2015.
Adam Scott
Who would you add to this list? Always good to hear your views -
9 - 15 JANuary 2015
Alicante to host a stage of the Tour of Spain
Pego Golf Society Stableford Competition
THE VUELTA a España, Spain’s premier cycle race, will be returning to the Alicante Province this year.
A GOOD attendance of 41 players at Oliva Nova Golf on Tuesday 6th January included new members, lady golfers and also guest Neil Ewell, welcomed by new Captain Brendan Young. A cold day warmed up when the sun came out and in the Singles Stableford, a Ford League Qualifier, the results were as follows: DIVISION 1 1st - Malcolm R Wise: 0 Points playing off 6.1 handicap 2nd - David O’Connor: 38 Points playing off 15.6 3rd - Danny Herron: 36 Points playing off 11.7 4th - John Guest: 36 Points playing off 9.3 DIVISION 2 1st - Adrian Marsh: 42 Points playing off 20.6 handicap 2nd - Bill Pike: 34 Points playing off 18.2 3rd - Paul Trigwell: 32 Points playing off 22.9 4th - Trinnie Sutherland: 31 points playing off 25.4
The Vuelta a España may be returning to Torrevieja this August
By Keith Nicol The ninth stage of the 70th edition, is due to finish in Benitachell, Cumbre del Sol on August 30th and it looks like it will also include Torrevieja. The last time the ‘tour’ passed through Torrevieja was in 2011, which attracted thousands of cycling fans to the City. Unipublic, the national organisers, plan to finish the ninth stage in Cumbre del Sol, located in the municipality of Benitaxell, although It has not yet been
decided where the place of departure will be on August 30th; however Torrevieja’s Councillor for Sports Luis María Pizana has hinted that it just might be the City of Salt. The previous stage will finish in Murcia City and Torrevieja has all the facilities and road network to be a starting point for the ninth stage.The next day the stage is between Valencia and Castellón. The ‘Vuelta’ last passed through the
region in 2011 when on that occasion, the Tour started in Benidorm and then had a stage between La Nucia and Xorret del Cati, another from Calpe that ended in Alcoy and then a run through Torrevieja that finished in Murcia. The presentation of the national round will take place tomorrow, Saturday, January 10th at the Municipal Auditorium, Prince of Asturias de Torremolinos, when the entire race route will be officially announced.
Many congratulations to Adrian with his massive haul of points, and yes Adrian, you are cut. There were only two 2’s, recorded by Steve Patton and Danny Herron, and in ‘Nearest The Pin’ at Hole No 5 with their second shot was Roger Brown with 2.96 meters, and at hole No 16, the nearest tee shot was Alan Barwick with 2.21 Meters. Only 88 ‘Balls in the Water’ and nobody guessed this number, so next week will be a double rollover. If any guest would like to join Pego Golf Society next Tuesday 13th January they are welcome - it is the Captain’s Drive In, playing for charity to guess just how long the Captain’s Drive will be. The Captain’s Charity for 2015 is ‘Los Hermanos’ in Gandia. After the Captain’s Drive we will be playing ‘Pairs Better Ball’. A Happy New Year! Enter via or email Donna Green:
Another World Champ in Torrevieja FOLLOWING IN the footsteps of Spanish Lightweight Boxing Champion Emiliano Casal, World Boxing Organization’s Youth Title holder Tim Robin Lihaug is now training in Torrevieja. His coach, Ulf Johansen, who lives in Torrevieja is looking towards Tim Robin Lihaug, contesting a World Title fight in 2016. Lihaug secured the WBO youth title, which he won clearly on points, against George Beroshvili in Copenhagen on November 29th, 2014, and is now training towards his next bout on February 7th, in Norway. Coach Ulf Johansen has set clear goals on behalf of Tim Robin Lihaug. A World Title bout at super middleweight in about 18 months is what they are working towards. “Everyone knows that things can happen within boxing, not least there is a lot of politics involved, but I think that we will be ready to fight for the world title in a year and a half,” said coach Ulf Johansen. Johansen assumed responsibility for Tim Robin Lihaug before the WBO Youth fight against George Berosjvili in Copenhagen on 29 November and now Tønsberg coach Johansen has started his training regime with the promise of taking Lihaug to new heights. The two train in Torrevieja, where Ulf Johansen lives. “Tim came to me on Friday night, and we are going to be working hard until the next match in Frederikshavn on February 7th. It’s going to be a regular eight rounds battle and I really hope we are going to get a good opponent. We depend on getting an opponent who fights at a high level, as it is the only way we can develop ourselves,” says Johansen. Since turning professional, Lihaug has had ten fights: won nine, five by TKO and lost one. You can follow his progress on Facebook; Twitter: @TimLihaug or Instagram: timsalabiim.
Fourball Texas Scramble ALICANTE GOLF is to hold a special tournament on 21st January to collect for Friends of The Children of EMAUS. The format of play will be Medal Play Texas Scramble in teams of four with a shotgun start at 9.15am. The cost to enter will be 40€ per person including buggy. We also ask you to bring along a donation of nonperishable food or baby food or nappies so that we can transport them to the charity. Golf Equipment will be awarded to the First, Second and Third best teams. To enter email your teams and their handicaps to Places are limited so don’t delay in securing your place.
9 - 15 JANUARY 2015
road test
Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer
Peugeot 5008 MPV
TRANSPORTING SEVEN people in comfort can present a problem, unless of course you don’t mind Transit vans. PEUGEOT HAS a solution though in its 5008 MPV (multipurpose vehicle). Unlike the earlier Peugeot 807 people carrier the 5008 is more compact, making it more enjoyable to drive but this does mean that if there are seven passengers there’s not a huge amount of room for luggage. Importantly for the driver it’s not too difficult to reverse or manoeuvre. This style of vehicle is quite van-like in terms of appearance but it is very much like a car to drive and driver appeal is one of the advantages of the Peugeot. The test model, a two-litre diesel Allure – top-of-the-range - is equipped with a six-speed automatic gearbox but it can also be driven like a manual. At low speeds, typically up hill, this gearbox is a little indecisive, not sure whether to go for third gear or second, which does make for the occasional uncomfortable jolt. It is quite frugal for a vehicle of its size, returning over 40mpg on average. I put it through its paces over a long weekend to Pembrokeshire where we experienced a variety of roads. On the motorway (the M4, over the Severn Bridge) it was very capable, happily cruising at 70mph, even though it was heavily laden with five passengers and luggage. Cruise control makes life so much easier on such travels and the electric child lock engaged by the click of a switch on the driver’s door is easy to operate.
The one-way streets, invariably up sharp inclines in this part of the world, certainly cause the tired motorist some confusion but thank goodness I’m driving the 5008 because the auto box makes light work of the hills. I’m not usually a fan of electronic handbrakes but the one fitted to this vehicle is quick and simple to engage and disengage. Inside, the Allure benefits from an enormous panoramic glass roof (with electric sliding cover), which makes the vehicle really light and airy as you can see in the video at testdrives. biz. The front passengers get captain style seats with pull down armrests that can be adjusted to the desired height. The driver’s seat is certainly comfortable, hardwearing and supportive although I do find that when my daughter’s baby seat is in place behind I cannot push my seat back quite as far as I might desire. There are all the gadgets the modern day motorist could dream of including sat nav, a useful head-up display showing the speed and ensuring the driver doesn’t take their eyes off the road. Air conditioning and a good quality sound system are all part of the package. New price range: 22,223€ - 30,892€
Power: 163bhp 0-60mph: 10.2secs Top speed: 118mph Economy: 40mpg
Watch the video at
Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit
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PEUGEOT PARTNER VAN 1.6 hdi, year 2010 •i
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ww.lhd •w
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RENAULT KANGOO 1.5 dci, year 2008
FIAT DOBLO MULTIJET 90 hp, year 2011
90.000 km, 1 owner
RENAULT KANGOO COMPACT 1.5 dci year 2010
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GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths
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9 - 15 JANuary 2015
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9 - 15 JANuary 2015
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9 - 15 JANuary 2015
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9 - 15 JANuary 2015 Sales Opportinuty
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