Rtn north edition 796

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Your English Newspaper

NORTH EDITION roundtownnews.com

Issue 796

16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

Resort’s hotel boost THE COSTA BLANCA resort of Calpe is to get a new luxury 4 star hotel – the first in 10 years – providing much-needed jobs in the seaside town. by Jack Troughton

Mr Lemon Head

Meet Mr Lemon Head By Jack Troughton THE SUCCESS of the Toy Story animated franchise has sent demand for Mr Potato Head toys soaring. However, thanks to Mother Nature, there is a cheaper version – say ‘hello’ to Mr Lemon Head. Think of the hours of fun can be had pinning bits on this undemanding piece of fruit. Buttons are reporter’s own!

THE 30 floor skyscraper is being built with a 15 million euro investment from the Sol y Mar Group and will provide 232 rooms for visitors and estimated 150 new jobs. And the structure will be the tallest building in the town, already earning the nickname ‘the roof of Calpe’ in Spanish newspapers. The hotel is to be built on a large vacant plot at the town end of Avenida Europa next to the dry river bed – just a stone’s throw from its sister Sol y Mar Hotel - and will have views across the Bay of Calpe. Architect’s plans and artist’s impressions of the building are currently on view to the public at Calpe Town Hall. It is understood Mayor Cesar Sanchez held a series of meetings with architects to insure the hotel

was a ‘sensitive’ addition to the skyline – and did not obstruct the views of the sea from other buildings. As a tourist destination, Calpe has always been ‘apartment rich but hotel poor’ and it is hoped the Sol y Mar development will help address the situation. APARTMENTS Councillor Carole Saunders explained: “The thing is that the town should have had more hotels and less apartment blocks in the first place. “For a tourist town, we have very few hotels and a 4 star establishment will be a very welcome addition for the town, the economy, and for visitors.” Because of the space available, she said there was room for a number of swimming pools and other facilities for guests and parking. Continued on page 5


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015


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16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

New business estate

CALPE TOWN Hall is planning to open a new business estate on land at Pau Roig, at the northern end of the municipality where it meets Benissa. by Jack Troughton A ROUNDABOUT will be built on the N332, allowing easy access from the main road and its links with the AP7 motorway. The area has a controversial past. Private developers first mooted a business park on the land and used Valencia’s ‘land grab’ laws to attempt to seize the site, affecting a number of owners. It resulted in years of legal battles in the courts and the original planning permission is now out of date. The council still believes there is demand for a business estate – rather than an industrial estate – and will submit its own plans. RTN was told by a town hall spokesman: “We will be in charge of the project rather than a private developer – therefore, we will make sure the property owners receive proper compensation and are not also charged for the infrastructure costs. “We hope to have a centre with all types of businesses with easy access – at the moment some Calpe firms are travelling as far away as Pego to find suitable premises. “It is hoped to generate new jobs for the town in both the construction of the centre and with businesses opening there.” Calpe’s Unfortunately, the town hall will not be able to iconic compensate land owners for the legal costs spent Penon de fighting private developers. Ifach

Benidorm’s population growth By Irena Bodnarec THE OFFICIAL municipal records show that 70,917 people are registered as resident in Benidorm – an increase of 1,907 on the previous year, although this may yet rise over the coming months. These are positive figures considering that in 2013 there was a decrease of 4,758 and therefore resulted in less funding from Central Government. Since the register started in 1955 there were only three years in which decreases were recorded: 1980, 1985 and 2013. In August 2013, the INE - National Institute of Statistics gave notification to Benidorm Council that they were going to reduce the official figures by 9,176 as they were not registered on the Central Register of Foreigners, their residencia certificates had expired or they had not renewed their status on the pardon for over five years. According to a statement from the Mayors office, this was purely an economic motive, as 222.17€ is allocated per registered resident – meaning the Council stood to loose more than 2 million euros. A team then embarked on checking over 29,000 properties before the April 2014 deadline and managed to reduce the INE figure to 4,418, therefore only loosing 1 million euros of funding. The Council were not allowed to employ any extra staff for this massive project and managed to do an “exceptional job”. A spokesperson from the Town Hall has criticized the way that the Government have tried to remove funding from what is a popular and important tourist destination, stating that the taxes from seventy thousand have to maintain the services for nearly half a million when taking into account the visitors. Benidorm are still trying to be officially declared a ´Tourist Town´ - it contributes 1% of the GDP of Spain, which would therefore allow it to be allocated extra funding. If you are resident in Spain, make sure that you are registered on your local Town Hall pardon. Funding from Central Government is based purely on these figures and can affect services such as policing, healthcare – doctors at the Centro de Salud medical centres are employed based on the number of residents in the town and schooling.



16 - 22 JANuary 2015

Benidorm unites with the world

Benidorm held a minute’s silence at the Town Hall Square

by Irena Bodnarec

free punc ture repairs until the end of january, bring this advert!

IN SUPPORT of the widespread condemnation of terrorist events in Paris, Benidorm joined the world on Sunday with a minute’s silence at the Town Hall Square. Over 300 members of the Association of Francophone de la Marina Baixa were joined by the Mayor Agustin Navarro, Councillors of other political parties, French citizens and representatives of many social groups based in the region. A manifesto

was read out in support of their countrymen, the victims and in defence for democracy and freedom of expression. Many of those which attended carried posters with ´Je suis Charlie´ - in support of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, oversized pencils and French flags with black ribbons as a mark of respect to the victims and their families. Last Thursday the Mayor sent a letter of condolence to the French Embassy and the Francophone Association of the Marina Baixa on behalf of the town.

16 - 22 JANuary 2015

Road closure


By Irena Bodnarec IMPROVEMENT WORKS have begun on the CV 751 – the road linking Alfaz del Pi to Altea, meaning huge detours for an estimated three month period. The road has been cut at the Don Quiote roundabout from the Alfaz end and at roundabout number 7 on the La Nucia to Altea road. The 425,00 euro project has been subsidized by the Alicante Regional Government and will reduce the steep angle and curve of the road which has, over the years resulted in many road accidents. New and wider drainage will also be installed on either side of the road, which will improve the road surface during torrential rain storms. The road is used by many vehicles and lorries and will result in much longer journey times, in particular those living on Bello Horizonte, Montahud and Puerto Azul urbanisations. Vicente Soler from Alfaz Town Planning apologies to those residents in particular, but is confidant that the long term benefits will outweigh the short term disruption the works cause. An artist’s impression of the hotel

Continued from front page Mrs Saunders told RTN: “This will be a well thought out project, there is plenty of land to build it on, and I am sure the hotel will become something else for Calpe to boast about as a Costa Blanca attraction.

“And although it is a very tall building, it is not far from the town’s existing tallest building, constructed around 10 years ago, so it will not have a detrimental effect on the skyline.” She said the council thought it was important a new construction should be “sen-

sitive” to neighbouring buildings. “The mayor has held several meetings with the architects and has asked them to make sure the hotel was not an unsightly building. He wanted it was a tall building to allow other tower blocks to still have views of the sea.”


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

Rajoy promises to support the fight against terrorism by Jan Gamm SPAIN’S PRIME Minister Mariano Rajoy has expressed the country’s “…complete and unconditional support and co-operation,” following the terrorist attacks at the magazine Charlie Hebdo. He said, “Totalitarianism, fanaticism and terrorism will never win any battle anywhere or gain anything for the future.” He spoke as 1.5 million people filled the streets of the French capital in protest against barbarism and terrorism in an unprecedented unity march on Sunday.

Rajoy assuring Hollande of Spain’s support

Spanish companies on list of world’s richest traders

INDITEX AND DIA made it to the list of the world’s leading trading giants, published in New York this week in the latest report of the Global Powers of Retailing. Mercadona continues as the first Spanish retailer, while El Corte Inglés and Eroski run neck and neck but lower down the global list. Amazon heads the list of e-commerce leaders.

World Bank report analysis for 2015

After a “disappointing” 2014 which closed the year at 2.6%, the World Bank expects a slight upturn in the global economy in 2015 to 3%, driven by the strong performance of the United States, low oil prices and a “carefully managed” slowing economy in China. The biannual report highlights a BM global risk of four factors: the persistent weakness of international trade, financial volatility for the disparate monetary policy in advanced countries, tensions in the oil producers by these low prices and a longer period of low inflation in the Eurozone and Japan. In the Euro area, compared to this, the situation remains more “unstable” and is expected to continue with a fragile growth rate of 1.1% this year after 0.8% last year.

Providing information for the UK and Spain since 1998


Nowhere to run

DRUGS TRAFFICKER Stephen Blundell handed himself into police in Tenerife on Monday as the net closed on the fugitive after nearly two years on the run. by Jack Troughton The 36-year-old was the ‘Mr Big’ behind a crime group flooding the South West of England with heroin from heroin into the streets around Bodmin, Exeter, Tiverton, and Torquay. Blundell, of Leathers Lane, Liverpool, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply a Class A Drug but fled to Spain before he could be sentenced. He was later jailed for nine years and eight months in his absence. The fugitive – caught in another coup for Operation Captura - is expected to appear at the Spanish National Stephen Blundell Court in Madrid today (Friday) when extradition proceedings will begin. Blundell is the 64th fugitive to be located from 76 publicised through operation Captura – the multi-agency initiative between charity Crimestoppers, the National Crime Agency, and the Spanish authorities. He featured as one of the ‘unlucky thirteen’ campaign launched in November 2013. Devon and Cornwall Police targeted Blundell as the leader controlling a crime group as part of an 18-month investigation into the supply of heroin. Other members of the gang received sentences totalling 77 years. The gang included a Cornish grandmother caught transporting £50,000 of heroin hidden under pasties in her shopping bag. HIDING Detective constable Jason Braund of Devon and Cornwall Police said: “Inquiries revealed Blundell was hiding in Tenerife and we are now working closely with the National Crime Agency to insure he is returned to the UK to serve his sentence. “We will continue to hunt down those who abscond from justice whether they be here (in the UK) or overseas. The dismantling of Blundell’s drug network highlights we will not tolerate the supply of drugs in our communities and will continue to make Devon and Cornwall a safer place to live.” Hank Cole, Head of International operations for the NCA, added: “Blundell would have been constantly looking over his shoulder after his mugshot appeared across Spain as part of the Captura ‘unlucky thirteen’ campaign. “It was only a matter of time before he was caught as the Spanish National Police had been carrying out intelligence-led operations in Tenerife. The law enforcement net was tightening and I believe he handed himself in when he realised his days on the run were numbered....Spain is not a safe haven.” And founder and Chairman of Crimestoppers, Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC, said he was delighted that once again collaboration between the charity, the NCA, and Spain “bears fruit” and another wanted criminal was snared. He said: “The media and the public play a big role in putting pressure on these individuals, who continue to think they can avoid capture, and Blundell handing himself in to the authorities is an example that eventually you will be caught or you will have no choice but to give yourself up.”

Murder suicide in Elche THE JUDICIAL Police have opened an investigation into a murder and suicide that took place in Elche on Monday. The alleged killer, a 68-year-old, left a note confessing to the killing of 70-year-old Teresa FS and her sister 64-year-old Natividad FS before he hanged himself. The bodies were discovered by a relative who called emergency services at around 3pm.

16 - 22 JANuary 2015



16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

Protest at lighthouse plan OPPOSITION IS mounting over the plans to a private project to convert a Marina Alta lighthouse into a plush boutique hotel. by Jack Troughton JAVEA TOWN Hall is preparing technical reports alleging five breaches of planning regulations in the proposed redevelopment of the lighthouse on Cap Sant Antoni. The hotel would have six rooms, a restaurant and function room, but the local authority believes the community would be better served with an information centre encompassing the Montgo Natural Park and the Marina Reserve off the coast of Javea and Denia – both established visitor attractions. Javea Mayor Jose Chulvi believes urban planning considerations “are key” in the battle and carry enough weight to stop the

hotel plan backed by the Port of Alicante. He said the development breaches the new Valencia ‘LOTUP’ land law, Javea’s General Plan, two management regulations for the natural park, and the state’s Law of the Ports and Merchant Marine. Javea’s stance is supported by reports from the environment and services department, the local police and water company AMJASA. The mayor was in Madrid on Wednesday to lobby the government’s president of the state’s ports and has urged the Governing Board of the Montgo to also oppose a new hotel. The local authority argues a visitor centre meets the social and general interest criteria usually employed in a change of The use for lighthouses. lighthouse

Water campaign

BENIDORM COUNCIL, together with the water company Hidraqua will be launching a campaign over the coming weeks to remind people to not be wasteful with water following the prolonged drought in the region. They will assure people that there should be no shortages, thanks to the investments made in recent years but to be mindful and rational where possible to guarantee supply.

Pedal power

by Jack Troughton THE MARINA ALTA village of Benitachell says it is “honoured” to be hosting a stage of the Tour de Spain cycle race this summer, one of the country’s biggest sporting events. Stage nine of the ‘Vuelta Ciclista a Espana’ will end at Benitachell and will include a gruelling test for contestants – a ride over the mountain Puig Llorenca. The news was officially announced in Torremolinos last Saturday, the official presentation of the 2015 race, the 80th year the tour has been staged. Mayor Josep Femenia said Benitachell would be the

“sporting epicentre of the country and international cycling” when the tour arrived on 30th August. He said the race gave the community a “unique opportunity” to showcase its attractions to a wider audience and the occasion would be a boost for the local economy. The Tour is the main cycling event in Spain and one of only three major ‘stage’ races in the world, attracting top international athletes. And Councillor for Tourism Silvia Mayans said the media coverage of the event would give much needed exposure to Benitachell, its beach, mountains, “and, above all the opportunities for sport”.


16 - 22 JANuary 2015

Winter of discontent PENSIONERS FACED with losing the Winter Fuel Payment are urged to complain directly to both the European Union and the British Parliament’s Works and Pensions Select Committee. by Jack Troughton The DWP itself has laid down a statutory instrument imposing a ‘temperature test’ over paying the benefit to expats living in other European countries before giving £200 to pensioners and £300 to people aged over 80. Last year Britain spent £22 million a year on payments to expats, £8.74 million to pensioners living in Spain. However, the rules championed by Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith, Spain, France, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Malta will lose out from September this year if the move becomes law. Mr Duncan Smith has said: “Winter fuel payments exist to help Britain’s pensioners keep themselves warm. “It is absurd and offensive that taxpayers are funding these payments for people who have retired to the Mediterranean and enjoy warmer weather.” As reported in RTN, his comments have angered retired expats who believe they made contributions to the public purse all their working lives. And now the EU has again joined the fray – it forced the UK to change its rules to pay expats in 2011 – and believes “at first sight” that the British Government will be guilty of “unlawful discrimination.” FREEDOM The EU says insuring freedom of movement between member states was supported by rules providing for common treatment of social security rights and equal

Iain Duncan Smith

treatment on the provision of social security benefits. And it said cash benefits payable under the legislation of one member state should not be reduced on the fact the recipient is resident in another member state. The EU noted that at one stage the UK only paid the winter fuel allowance to pensioners in Britain and this was prohibited under European law. “The UK appears to have amended the rules in order to provide the benefit to pensioners in a number of countries only, ostensibly based on the weather in those countries,” said a spokesman. “The EU rules do not provide for any justification for this, and this

does look, at first sight as thought this is unlawful discrimination.” A complaint can be made to the European Commission at http://ec.europa.eu/atwork/applying-eu-law/make_a_ complaint_en.htm or by writing to a local MEP. In addition people are asked to write to the Works and Pensions Select Committee – the committee clerk is Mrs Carol Oxborough at workpencom@parliament.uk including reference to Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 3270 and implying words like there is “increasing evidence” it “infringes treaty agreements between the UK and the EU on the matter of Social security co-ordination”.

A little OTT… by Irena Bodnarec

A POLICE officer from Benidorm is to stand trial on 19th January accused of using and subsequently stealing a police issued mobile phone for personal use. Between April 2008 and January 2009 the female officer accumulated 613.55€ worth of calls to numbers, such as her daughter and husband which transpired to be non work related. Following a restructuring in the office that summer when she was moved to another department she failed to return the phone and continued to use it for her own personal gain. To date she has neither returned the phone nor offered to pay for the personal calls made. The prosecution has submitted a case against the defendant of a crime of embezzlement by wasting public funds and seeking a three year prison sentence, three year suspension from public office and a 1,440€ fine. However, the City of Benidorm is pushing for double that – six years jail and subsequent suspension from office and a 2,880€ fine.

A doggone triumph!

THE TOWN of Xàtiva is enjoying an 80% success rate in eliminating dog poo on its streets. It’s a simple idea trialled in Germany in 2009. Owners are required to pay 15€ to register their dog’s DNA on a local police database. Once a week police perform a ‘doggy-doo patrol’ picking up samples for testing. Should your dog’s poop match an entry on the database – you’re busted and will face a hefty fine of 400€! Less responsible owners who have fallen foul of the new test think the procedure stinks. However, community-minded pet owners are hailing the new system as a triumph and other municipalities are considering following Xativa’s example.

16 - 22 JANUARY 2015




16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

talk to us

rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email letters to

letter of the week

We do have a voice WE KNOW this has been on the cards for some time but Jack Troughton’s excellent exposé in edition 794 gave the full story of the UK government’s deception. The figures regarding temperatures have been exploited to the maximum, and do not give a realistic overview of the true situation – South West England on one hand and North Africa on the other! I am sure that many of your readers will see through this deception. The amount involved, up to £300, is not going to change the decision of many expat residents to live here, but this along with other proposals, e.g. to change tax allowances, could be the last straw. The healthy lifestyle enjoyed by those who choose to live in Spain must save the NHS a fortune. The allowances we receive have been worked for and are ours by right even if we don’t get a vote in the UK. We do, however, have a voice and our politicians would do well to heed our disquiet. Chris Potter, Denia

Helping HELP to help THIS IS a suggestion to help those members of HELP branches who make hospital visits to be more effective. Shortly before Christmas I was unlucky enough to be hospitalised in The Denia general hospital for six days. On the second day I awoke from a drugged haze to vaguely see two ladies standing a couple of metres from my bed, but as the stood between me and the window I could not see their faces clearly. One gave her name quickly saying that she was from HELP and had seen my name on the register of patients so they were calling by to see if I needed any help with Spanish translations, which she assumed I probably did not, hav-

ing lived in Spain for many years. She said that she knew of me through walking with CBMW and introduced me to the other lady saying: “This is Dick who grows some vegetables,” - no mention of RTN writings or books. I confirmed that at present I was reasonably okay and the visitors left. I had no recollection of the name mentioned or no introduction to what assistance HELP actually gives to hospital patients or families. I suggest it would be a useful idea if a visiting card or note was handed to patients for reference if help were needed later. Dick Handscombe

Leading Empty lives HAVE JUST been reading the latest edition of RTN. The Letters Page cartoon of the poor fellow in an alcohol bottle prison by Carter McKeague certainly applies to some expats on the Costa Blanca. The large type is also appreciated for those of us with not so good eyesight... Our expat neighbour often brags about having liqueurs with his morning coffee. I fail to understand how consuming alcohol in the morning is something to brag about. What an empty life some people live… Huw Thomas, Altea

Thank you for your help A BIG thank you to all those who helped and donated to the San Miguel Social Services Christmas Campaign. They were so completely overwhelmed and are extremely grateful to the kind generosity of the caring community along with the many local cafes, bars, restaurants and businesses who helped make this campaign such a success. Trish Herbert, San Miguel de Salinas

16 - 22 JANuary 2015


Lobby UK Parliament over vote

BRITS LIVING abroad must support Private Members Bill to scrap the controversial 15-year limit on overseas voting, say campaigners. by Jack Troughton On 2nd December Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP introduced the bill in the House of Commons and it was unanimously accepted. A second reading is scheduled in March this year. And campaign group Votes for Expat Brits wants people to write to MPs, ex-Mps, and press family and friends in the UK to do the same – giving the universal franchise to British citizens living abroad in perpetuity. The campaign’s Brian Cave said: “This affects British expats who have lived out of the UK for 15

years or more; expat professionals with international careers, second generation expats, many of whom will come of age while resident abroad without the right to vote anywhere in national elections, and pensioners. “Labour and the Lib Dems have dropped their opposition to this bill and, given the low volume of legislation passing through the House of Commons, there is ample time to pass such a bill in time for the Geoffrey CliftonGeneral election if the government were to introBrown, duce a government bill early in 2015.” Tory MP To find out more about the campaign, visit for The www.votes-for-expat-brits.com Cotswolds

The fight against terrorism Rafael Catala

JUSTICE MINISTER Rafael Catala and Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz met on Tuesday with the Socialist Spokesman in Congres, Antonio Hernando, to address measures against jihadist terrorism. Hernando said it would take time to make improvements in legal instruments to combat terrorism. He added that his party would not be willing to support warrantless eavesdropping as such procedures were unconstitutional.

16-22 JANuary 2015

Another royal scandal


Treatment for Hepatitis C on its way

SPAIN’S SUPREME COURT has agreed to examine a Belgian woman’s claim that she is the illegitimate daughter of the former monarch, 77-year-old King Juan Carlos, who abdicated in June of 2014 in favour of his son Felipe. by Jan Gamm Ingrid Sartiau, born in 1966, alleges that her mother had an affair with Don Juan Carlos when he was already married and Crown Prince. King Juan Carlos has 20 days in which to respond to the allegations. A spokesperson for the palace said the family “respected the independence of the court” but would not comment further. The court has previously rejected another paternity claim against King Juan Carlos, that of Barcelona-born 58year-old Alberto Sola. Although the ex-King no longer has immunity from prosecution, he does have protection that permits cases against him to be heard only by the Supreme Court, Spain’s second highest after the Constitutional Court.

Anita Ekberg dies at 83

King Juan Carlos has 20 days to respond to paternity claim

THE MINISTER for Health, Manuel Llombart, has confirmed that 600 patients suffering from Hepatitis C will be treated with the new medication Sovaldi in 2015. In a treatment trial 327 patients were dosed with SOVALDI once daily for 12 weeks along with another oral medicine (ribavirin) and a weekly injection (peginterferon alfa): 89% of those with the most common type of Hep C (genotype 1) were cured. (Cure means the Hep C virus is not detected in the blood when measured 3 months after treatment is completed.) The first draft of the National Strategic Plan to Address Hepatitis C, prepared by a group of six national experts, will be ready in three weeks’ time. It will then be evaluated by autonomous communities and scientific societies.

SWEDISH ACTRESS and international sex symbol Anita Ekberg died at her home in Rocca di Papa, southeast of Rome, on Sunday morning of complications arising from a long term illness. The 83-year-old veteran star was best known for her role as Sylvia in the 1960 Federico Fellini film ‘La Dolce Vita’, in which she wades into the Trevi Fountain in a black evening gown, seductively calling for Marcello Mastroianni to join her. Ekberg was romantically linked to Frank Sinatra, Gary Cooper, Yul Brynner and Errol Flynn. She married twice, to British star Anthony Steel and later to the American actor Rik Van Nutter.

Benidorm – a cruise destination?

BENIDORM MAYOR, Agustin Navarro chaired a meeting this week with the Head of Maritime Operations and representatives of those involved in the arrival of the Amadea cruise ship to Benidorm back in October. This was the first of a number of planned meetings to endevour putting Benidorm on the itinerary of other major cruise companies. The Town Hall are proposing an agreement with ´Sea Excursions Benidorm´ - owned by José Cervera as the company which will transfer disembarking passengers from the ship to the port. The company have laterally been running excursions to Peacock Island, Calpe and Tabarca but have been around since 1962. The Tourism Foundation will also look to include other local businesses, developing excursions to show cruise passengers not only around the resort but also further afield. The Mayor said it is a slow process but statistics from Alicante show that on average each disembarking passenger spends 100€ – which would be great news for the local economy.

Art fraud ring busted POLICE HAVE recovered six works by Miró, two by Matisse and one Picasso - all with forged authenticity certificates, in a counterfeit bust in Tarragona and Zaragoza. Police investigations began last July after border guards at Farga de Moles questioned an Andorran man carrying several drawings claimed to be signed by Joan Miró. Surveillance of the suspect led police to arrest three individuals who have been charged with crimes against intellectual property.

Alicante welcomes a new mayor

MORE THAN 400 invited guests attended the inauguration of Miguel Valor as the new Mayor of Alicante yesterday (Thursday). The event was attended by civil and military authorities and giant screens were installed to enable citizens to watch events unfold at the Town Hall. There had been some critical comments made by the opposition that arrangements for Valor’s inauguration were more costly than those of the coronation of King Felipe in June but on the day celebrations were relatively modest.


16 - 22 JANuary 2015

The fun factor PROUD MEMBERS of Teulada Moraira Lions Club took a breather from helping families in need to help out school children with a new playground slide. by Jack Troughton Over the last seven years the largest part of money raised by the club has been channelled into helping people suffering hardship in the TeuladaMoraira and Benitachell communities through the ongoing economic downturn. And in the 12 months to June last year, the Lions spent 10,950€ supporting the Food Voucher Scheme for struggling families, a scheme administered by the social services departments of Teulada-Moraira and Benitachell.

The club also spent 4,855€ with Caritas to provide food for more than 100 local families; made a 3,000€ donation to Ondara Town Hall’s Social Services 2013 Christmas Food Campaign; and 4,570€ went in support of the EMAUS children’s home in El Vergel. The need for such support remains and a club spokesman said: Teulada Moraira Lions remain committed to doing what they can in their area for as long as is necessary – but sometimes it is nice for the club to help the community in a different way.” So when during a monthly liaison

meeting with Benitachell’s Social Services, playground equipment was requested for the youngsters at the Santa Maria Magdalena Primary School, the Lions were only too happy to say “yes”. The school wanted a new slide and the club purchased one for 467€ and Mike Dunn (pictured right) went to the school to hand over the equipment, meeting a delighted headmaster. And for more information about what Teulada Moraira Lions are doing within the community, follow them on Facebook or visit www.teuladamorairalions.org.

Step aside

Mike Dunn with the delighted headmaster

By Irena Bodnarec A BRAND new staircase has been unveiled in the Old Town, leading from Avd Emilio Ortuño – where the ´glass sided bridge´ is located, down to Calle El Puente, the continuation of the Avd Mediterraneo leading up to the Town Hall. For the last 45 years the staircase was the property of the community association to which it was attached – the building called Las Tejas El Puente, which was responsible for its management and maintenance, even though the public used it. In recent years, due to the high volume of pedestrians, the steps had dropped and become very worn, resulting in many accidents and subsequent lawsuits against the community owners. The association have just spent 13,000€ on a major reconstruction project to leave the stairs in perfect condition and in an agreement with the City Council, have officially handed over ownership to the Council. The Technical Department will now install lighting and will be liable for any further maintenance.

Pictures pay tribute to Barx by Jack Troughton PHOTOGRAPHER JURGEN Schadeberg dedicated his new exhibition of pictures to the Spanish community he now calls home on Friday night. Residents of the mountain village of Barx and its suburb La Drova were at the Casa de Cultura for the opening of the month long show of 50 pictures. Jurgen, an internationally renowned documentary photographer, thanked friends and neighbours – many who appear in the photos – for the warm welcome he and wife Claudia received when they arrived two years ago. The fascinating photographs catch the action of Barx fiestas and religious events, as well as a taste of life in the community – playing cards, dominoes, and music. And some of the shots will be included in Jurgen’s next book due to be published later this year which is based on Spain in the sixties and modern times in a ‘then and now’ study. However, it is also another opportunity to view his iconic shot of Nelson Mandela looking through the bars of his cell on Robben Island after the South African President returned to the place he was held captive. RARE GEM In a written explanation of his work in the exhibition, Jurgen described the village as an “island of peace,

Jurgen Schadeberg

tranquillity and beauty, a rare gem to be preserved and appreciated in our fast modern age. “This exhibition is my homage to Barx and its people who have welcomed me so warmly and made me feel so much at home.” And he told guests at the opening he was sorry he could not speak Spanish – explain one part of the brain was visual and another was for language skills. “I have been taking photographs for two years and not using the other one, that’s what I think it is...that’s my

excuse anyway.” Jurgen added: “I love Spain and specially Barx and La Drova. The people here are so beautiful; they are happy, smile, content, and they are especially friendly. “I have lived all over the world but I have never found as many friendly and kind people as I have here in Barx and La Drova.” The exhibition at the Casa de Cultura in Barx is open Monday to Friday between 5pm and 7pm until Friday 6th February.

16 - 22 JANuary 2015


Harleys hit high note HARLEY DAVIDSONS and their riders roared into Orba last Sunday to thank Bar Citrus and its customers for helping raise 706€ with a little festive fund raising. Members of the Costa Blanca Espana Biker Group wanted to express their gratitude to Nettie and Lee Squibb for being on song with a fund raising Christmas Karaoke. The money will go to help the youngsters cared for by EMAUS, the group’s official charity for the last few years. A certificate of thanks was presented to Citrus Bar owners Victoria, Jackie, and Geoff, and to Nettie and Lee. Pictured presenting the certificate to Nettie is the director of the biker group – made up of Harley owners – Jose Pedro Devesa with Harley owners and bar patrons. For further information about the group and its fund raising, call Peter Emmett, Fund Raising Coordinator for the Costa Blanca Espana Biker Group, on 966 461 039.

16 - 22 JANuary 2015

Downton’s festival of laughs

Luke Kempner on stage (By Benny Davis)

by Jack Troughton GLORIOUSLY SILLY, the one-man comedy ‘The Only Way is Downton’ had sell-out audiences roaring with laughter from the off with its hilarious clashes of television shows. Actor Luke Kempner used his uncanny skills as an impressionist to bring the characters of the hit series Downton Abby to life – throwing in the stars of reality shows and sporting heroes to make a seriously entertaining show. Javea Players hosted the event – the funniest show to hit the stage for years – and such was demand for seats at the group’s Studio Theatre even arranged an extra performance. The action is set in 1912 and the Crawley family is flat broke. Downstairs the servants want to help and appear on a series of reality shows and sporting events – the X Factor, The Great British Bake Off, Pointless, and Wimbledon – in a bid to win cash and save the day. Naturally things go awry despite the cunning plans of the staff. Meanwhile upstairs the Dowager Countess announces her plans to wed Olympic diver Tom Daley and naturally wants a bit of a do. The Bishop of Liverpool is expected to conduct the wedding ceremony; instead a mix up means Merseyside comedian John Bishop actually arrives. In a last throw to save the stately pile, the Downton characters decide they are paying

writer Julian Fellowes too much and decide they will create their own scripts – enter Gemma from The Only Way is Essex and lately I’m A Celebrity to advise. Oops! TALENT Actor Luke, a talented singer and dancer, throws himself energetically around the stage and makes every one of the characters instantly recognisable – given many of them are from a period drama they were wonderfully observed. And the real life celebrities – including Andy Murray, John McEnroe, Tom Daley, Mary Berry, and John Bishop – are brought to life with some wickedly funny lines. The show came from a short YouTube video ‘Downstairs at Downton’ before being expanded into its current form, revealing Luke is not only passionate about impressions but a damn fine writer to boot. Apparently he first used his impressionist talents backstage to entertain the cast of shows he was appearing in. Thank goodness he went public! As a ‘living’ show it will be tweaked for its upcoming tour of the United States. Downton itself is a hit across the pond but Luke will bring in other television shows to make them recognisable to American audiences. In Javea, a standing ovation was deservedly given to The Only Way is Downton and its creator. Series six of the drama and Sunday evenings on ITV will never be the same again.

U3A Moraira-Teulada

THE FIRST General Meeting in the New Year was held on Monday 5th January at the Salon de Banquettes in Teulada, with 32 new members. There are two other additional opportunities for members to renew or new members to join before and after the next General Meeting: Wednesday 21st January and Thursday 19th February between 10am and 12:30pm both in the Salón de Actos at Espai Theatre, La Senieta, in Moraira. The venue for the meeting on Monday 2nd February is again the Salon de Banquettes, Avenida Mediterraneo, Teulada. Doors open at 09.30am and the meeting will start at 10:30am. New members are welcome to join before the meeting and will be able to join Groups and find out more about the U3A’sTravel and Cultural Events. The Speaker will be U3A member Cheda Panjotovic, who will share with us his amusing experiences as a Guide in London. www.u3amoraira-teulada.org


16 - 22 JANuary 2015


Feature film almost completed THE FINAL Scenes will soon be completed on Siesta Productions’ First Feature Film ‘The Cucaracha Club’ being shot locally on the Costa Blanca. by Patricia Thompson This week is very much like the first week, with a well-known face flying in to shoot scenes in the production. Denis Hewitt may not trip off your tongue but his face is probably very familiar to you and his CV is very impressive. Among his credits are the following: TV and Film productions including Robin Hood; The Wolfman; The Bourne Ultimatum; Run Fat Boy Run; Atonement; Billy Elliot; Goal; Survivor; The Counsellor. He has also appeared in The Woman In Black; Elizabeth; Downton Abbey; The Bill; Life on Mars; Emmerdale; Vera; Wire in the Blood… and various TV adverts including Tetley’s Bitter and Coca Cola. Denis, like Actor Tom Watt, known to millions

as ‘Lofty Holloway’ in Eastenders, has been so impressed with the work of the team of local actors and crew that he flew himself over to Spain just to be involved. The Film has spawn a music score, some local artists have stepped up to the plate, writing and singing to a high standard. Local Radio Stations are finding listeners requesting the theme song Sung by Chloe Leigh and backed by the fabulous replays called ‘The Cucaracha Club’ and the Video by the same name is picking up lots of hits on You Tube. It is expected the editing stage will take four to six months and the film will be ready for release in the autumn. Further information can be obtained via: On www.siesta.productions



16 - 22 JANuary 2015

‘The Crown’ - supporting the community

CHARITY CERTAINLY does begin at home as was evident following a kindhearted gesture by local residents Amanda and Gary, owners of The Crown in Alfaz del Pi. by Irena Bodnarec During the festive period, the bar was entered – and not by the owners, to take part in a local competition, for the best decorated Christmas tree within the town. The pair were shocked and delighted to discover that they had been awarded 3rd place – and last week were invited to the Town Hall to receive a certificate and cheque for 50 euro´s from the Mayor, Vicente Arques. However, as it was the season of goodwill instead of accepting the cash they asked for it to be donated to the Social Services fund that supports ´Families on low income in Alfaz´. Amanda and Gary said “ It´s important to support the local community and although not a vast sum, it will go some way towards helping those less fortunate than ourselves”. The Crown is open all day - weekdays from 10:30am and weekends from 1:00pm until late… The pair and a special Happy Birthday to Gary were for today – Friday 16th, pop in a raise a awarded glass to this kind hearted young man. 3rd place

Benidorm Gastronomy

By Irena Bodnarec LAST WEEK the Councillor for Tourism Gema Amor unveiled the Benidorm Gastronomic Calendar for 2015 from the rooftop terrace of the Hotel Madeira. The launch was attended by the Mayor, Agustin Navarro, officials from the tourism and hospitality sector and most importantly, the sponsors of the event - representatives of the participating restaurants. This year there are a total of eight events spaced out throughout the year – three more than last year. This is only the fifth year that the Gastronomy Calendar has been in existence, its aim being to promote the town’s outstanding quality and selection of cuisine available. The most popular event is the Tapas and Pinchos competition, a week long event which this year will be held between 917th May. The Tourism Foundation will publish booklets detailing each event, with participating restaurants, including a map and beautiful colour pictures of their menus - which are available free of charge. The first event is ´Jornadas de la Cuchara´- Hot dishes of the region, which is on from Saturday 21st February until Sunday 1st March.

Young Designers competition

AN EXCITING painting and sculpture exhibition is on display at the Espai d´Art Hall in Benidorm Town Hall – just inside the main entrance. A total of 41 works – 23 paintings and 18 sculptures by 32 young artists are competing in the ´New Creators Contest´ - organized by the Department of Youth, with the winner standing to win 1000€. The exhibition is free and open until 23rd January.

16 - 22 JANuary 2015


Emily is a Star in everyone’s Eyes by Keith Nicol ITV’S ‘STARS In Their Eyes’ returned to the screen last week. Tomorrow’s night’s show will hold a special interest for local viewers as the Costa Blanca’s very own Emily Hullmann will be appearing on Stars in their Eyes, this Saturday 17th January at 8.30pm Spanish time. 21-year old Emily Hullmann has been wowing local audiences since she first took to performing in Spain back in 2008. The talented Emily not only sings, but dances, models, acts and fluently speaks English, French, Russian and Spanish, along with having an award winning vocal talent. In March 2012 Emily won the Emerald Isle X-Factor on the Costa Blanca and followed that up last year by winning El Mundo’s XFactor last January 2014. Emily is now looking forward to reaching an audience of more than four million viewers Saturday alongside Award winning comedian Harry Hill, who hosts the brand news series of the legendary TV classic. This exciting new revival of the hit series sees Harry unleash his unique wit on this much loved British TV favourite and reveal all-new extraordinary transformations and exceptional musical imitations. Emerging from the iconic smoky doors, members of the public will take centre stage

in a brand new arena, having been morphed into global music icons by the industry’s leading make-up and wardrobe stylists and if you want to know who Emily will be transformed into, you’ll have to tune in on Saturday. Each week the studio audience will vote for their favourite act. The series will culminate in a nail-biting finale with one person being crowned the winner of the Stars In Their Eyes 2015. Emily is on the second show of the new series which ITV says features, “a phone retail manager from Runcorn, a holiday singer from Harrogate, a nurse from Chirk, a learning (hospital) administrator from West Sussex and a delivery driver from Manchester all hoping to earn that coveted place in the final.” Emily So tune in and cheer on Emily on Saturday Hullmann (photo evening as she makes her TV debut in front of millions of ITV viewers. Good luck Emily credit Ken Taylor) from all of us at RTN and our readers.

Cristiano Ronaldo wins his third Ballon D’Or CRISTIANO RONALDO beat Lionel Messi for a second year to the Ballon d’Or accolade after taking Real Madrid to its 10th Champions League title despite struggling with a knee injury. When asked about his favourite goal this year, the 29-year-old footballing star said: “For me the next goal is always the most important.”

home and garden

16 - 22 JANUARY 2015


New Year garden resolutions


Dick Handscombe Holistic gardener and author

FOR MANY 2014 was an unusual year with a longer drought period than normal from late winter to the autumn and then torrential rain and saturated soils - and then for those in frost pockets the frosts started before Christmas with a smattering of snow or hail stones inland and high up. But we should not be surprised as the general description of the Mediterranean zone is long dry summers, autumn rains and short cold winters. So looking ahead we should recognise that the same in 2015 could happen again and set New Year resolutions accordingly. HOW ABOUT THE FOLLOWING FOR STARTERS? Plant up mostly plants and trees that put down deep roots so that you have fewer problem with months of drought. These can be a mix of the native varieties seen along the coast and on inland hillsides and moors and sub tropical plants from dry but not moist jungle style habitats. Next spring and summer walk the garden every few days and water just those plants and trees that seem to be starting to struggle. Plants need to be coached into developing deep roots, especially if they have been previously force fed and watered in nursery hothouses. If you plant suitable plants for the soil and microclimate of your garden there should be little to water in a mature garden. If you need ideas to get you going down this route my Kindle e-book ‘Making Waterless Gardens a Practical Reality Worldwide’ is now available from Amazon. If you live in an area where most local agriculture has been abandoned grow more of your own fruit and vegetables and do so ecologically. As we have found it is relatively easy to become almost self sufficient in fruit, vegetables, herbs, edible flowers and light meats. My Christmas turkey was fed kitchen waste when available to supplement purchased grain and there was none to add to the compost heap for several months. However, there is now a wonderful mix of droppings straw and sawdust to add to and enrich the compost heap being built up during the winter cut back. If you have shallow or extremely poor soil stop struggling and build raised beds filled with a good soil and compost mix to grow shrubs, trees, herbs, vegetables and fruits. For less money - and speedier - one can grow vegetables, herbs and fruit in various types of containers as described in ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’, ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ and ‘ Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’. Learn more about which garden produce has the most health benefits by reading ‘Living Well from Our Garden – Mediterranean Style’ Unless you are in an extreme frost and snowy location get the winter cutback and clean up completed as soon as possible to ensure that plants and trees are of suitable shape and size for the scale of your garden, and that they bud up and flower well in the spring or early summer. Enrich the vertical dimension of the garden by planting climbers to grow up walls, over gazebos or up through trees. Add one or two water features to re-establish and enjoy the relaxing but stimulating atmosphere of long-gone Arab gardens. Hope the above ideas stimulate a few useful changes in your garden design and practices.


16 - 22 JANuary 2015

News Flash A Better Living with Morinda All Day Event is moving to The Hotel Meliá, Benidorm. Start at 12:00 PM, doors open at 11:30 AM Do you know that it is a change in the world regarding the economy? There is no such thing as a safe job anymore. It used to be normal to work in one place for all your work career, but that has changed. Today people have a hard time finding work, and when they do, it won´t be for life. Have you ever wondered to start your own business? There are many different ways, but 9 out of 10 fails or go bankcrupt within 2 years, and they all lose money. There is a better way, without any risk. Many of us are struggling with our health. There is another way you might not know of. Come to our EVENT and hear about new ideas and thoughts about how you can stay healthy and live younger, longer. Nobody likes to be sick or get an illness you can´t control. It´s time to act! You can do something about your life and the way you live. See you at the EVENT. Book your tickets today online at https://www.entradasatualcance.com/ a-better-living-with-morinda/

16 - 22 JANUARY 2015



Carlos Baos

from White & Baos Abogados Solicitors Lawyers


Buying property in Spain. Basic Tips for couples buying together COUPLES WHO want to buy a property in Spain together should consider clearly the importance of this investment. ALONG WITH the usual needs for proper verification of all legal, planning, land registry, etc., and situation of the property, these couples should also clarify how exactly they will buy the property together, that is to say what proportion or percentage of the sale goes to each side of the couple, and also what would happen if they were to split later on, etc. Usually they just stipulate that they went halves on the purchase, although sometimes this does not represent the reality. Unfortunately, the reality is many couples break up, if not most. The property that symbolized a common dream can become a nightmare in the case of their splitting up, a nightmare made worse if the property was purchased with the extra complication of a mortgage loan. Normally when the couple breaks up, it is agreed that

the property is sold to a third party, or that one of the owners will buy out the other. However, sometimes one of the parties refuses to reach a sensible agreement, resulting in a lengthy and expensive court case for the dissolution of the common ownership, or similar legal action. While we can not prevent ruptures occuring, it is possible for couples when buying to ensure: i) the protection of their interests and ii) that in the event of a seperation, to follow a preagreed and set performance process or protocol. So it is vital to establish in a real and proper way the percentage that each party acquires, depending on the money invested, or any other factors involved, knowing that this percentage is the one to be taken into account in the event of a break (unless it can proven that it does not correspond

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved, Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

with the reality). Also at the time of purchase, it can be outlined how it would be divided and the common property ownership terminated, the process or steps to be followed in that event, for example agree: how the property will be valued (i.e: appointment of an independent valuator or surveyor by a third party), if there will be a preference right to purchase in favor of either of them, how to sell, deadlines, who will use the property, contribution to the costs, etc. Thus, the co-owners as allowed on the Spanish Civil Code, can agree the rules governing their community (co-ownership) in the manner they deem most appropriate, and clearly establish the process to dissolve the joint ownership if unfortunately the couple does break up. If you have any doubt on the matter, or need advice, please contact us.


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015


A New Year’s resolution!


Wayne Martin

International Financial Adviser

FIRST I would like to begin by wishing all my readers a happy and prosperous New Year. This is the time of year when people make resolutions that last a couple of weeks. WHILE YOU are in the mood you should do something that could have a great effect on the rest of your life. Do what you have been putting off and come to Blacktower for a financial review and see how we can help you, contact details are below. In the meantime read on! After a period like the festive holidays, our finances are often at their lowest ebb, apart from receiving free advice from Blacktower on planning your short and long term needs, there are ways to get you back on track for 2015: GET A GRIP ON YOUR SPENDING: Budgeting involves understanding how much you have coming in and going out each month, including your mortgage payments, utility bills, travel, and any credit repayments that you have. Try keeping a diary in which you note everything you spend. You can

then highlight areas where you can make savings, and help you get your spending under control. DEAL WITH YOUR DEBTS: A fifth of Christmas shoppers admitted to using credit, including cards, loans or overdrafts, to fund their festive spend.If you are carrying debt over into the New Year, now is the time to find a better deal on a balance-transfer card.This will offer breathing space to pay off what you owe, without letting debt spiral out of control. RECHARGE YOUR SAVINGS: Although rates are low, it is vital to have some money in savings as cash. We at Blacktower can also show you how to greatly improve on the rates that you might get from banks. You should look to have six months’ of outgoings set aside to cater for

emergencies.A good approach is to set up a direct debit from your current account into a savings account just after payday We are here to give you free, impartial,

independent advice.If you have any questions or need any advice regarding the above you can contact me on 636361588 or e-mail wayne.martin@blacktowerfm.com

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.

advertising feature


Ricky and Evelyn’s 59 years By Keith Nicol ROMANCE IS in the air next month, with St. Valentine’s Day just around the corner, and last week Ricky Valance and his wife Evelyn celebrated their 59th Wedding Anniversary. Ricky and Evelyn first met as teenagers in Newbridge Memorial Hall and married a year later in 1956, in Tredegar, in what is now Blaenau Gwent, while Ricky was on leave from the RAF, and the two have been an inseparable item ever since. On finishing his service, they moved to London after spending a short spell living with Ricky’s mother in Ynysddu. Evelyn found employment at Phillips Electrical and Ricky started to work the clubs in the midlands before being spotted in London while performing with the Sid Lawrence Orchestra. Soon after he found himself in the EMI/Columbia Recording Studio where he was asked to cover “Tell Laura I Love Her”, a teenage tragedy song written by Jeff Barry and Ben Raleigh; a number seven hit in the USA for singer Ray Peterson in 1960. However Decca Records in England decided not to release Peterson’s 1960 recording on the grounds that it was “too tasteless and vulgar,” and destroyed about twenty thousand copies that had already been pressed. Ricky Valance, released his version on the Columbia label which reached No. 1 on the UK Singles Chart and stayed there for three weeks in September 1960, being a hit in 14 countries and selling over seven million copies worldwide. Although Ricky never managed to repeat this success in the UK, he reached the number one spot two more times, in both Austria and Scandinavia, with ‘Jimmy’s Girl’ in 1960 and the following year with ‘Moving Away’. Ricky is performing on February 5th at Alfie’s Place, La Zenia and a Charity function on February 20th at Summer’s Bar before jetting back to the UK for a very special concert on St. David’s Day, March 1st called ‘Wales at No.1’ at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff. This unique event celebrates over 50 years of rock and pop favourites, all with a distinctly Welsh flavour and although the list of performing artists has still to be confirmed, the organisers said; “We’re creating some very special arrangements of hit songs that have taken the music and the stars of Wales around the world over the decades, including tracks made famous by Dame Shirley Bassey, Ricky Valance, Spencer Davis Group, Mary Hopkin, Dave Edmunds, Shakin’ Stevens, Bonnie Tyler, The Flying Pickets, Manic Street Preachers, Stereophonics, Duffy and Sir Tom Jones” with the first Welshman to reach number one, Ricky Valance, performing a special version of ‘Tell Laura I Love Her’ backed by the Welsh Pops Orchestra.

Ricky and Evelyn on their 59th Wedding Anniversary

16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

Horoscopes Mars takes on Neptune and it opens a corner in which finances can no longer be swept under the carpet and the books have to be balanced well and truly. Unexpected expenses take things well and truly into the red this week ahead, and it is time to make cuts, wherever possible, and to tighten your belt accordingly before drastic measures apply. Venus opposes Jupiter, and you could just be cutting off your nose to spite your face as your stubborn streak is forcing you to turn your back on changes that could just be for the best. Since you cannot see the wood for the trees right now keep things on hold until you see reason, and hopefully it will not be too late to make suitable amends. Mars sextiles Ceres, and it heralds a time when you can embrace a new venture and take rightful control of the project in hand at long last. Your commitment coupled with your talent should take to just where you want to be this time, and though there is a lot riding on this, nothing ventured is nothing gained and you have nothing to lose! The shift is instigated by the assignation of the Moon, which reflects favourably with the Sun in cahoots with Saturn. You will have some very strong gut feelings that bring out your innermost highly psychic energies and it would seem that your instincts are just the beginning of something rather wonderful and highly inspirational. As the Sun enters into Aquarian energies this week you have an open invitation to take advantage of some well deserved rest and relaxation. Take time to chill and shelve anything that seems like hard work in favour of what you really want to do. A busy period is beckoning shortly and so enjoy the down time and wind down while you can. It is a warring Mars that enters your opposing sign of dreamy Pisces. They say that opposites attract, but you are distracted somewhat by recent events, and highly flattered by the attention that you are currently receiving. Your own very heartfelt and tender instincts are telling you most sincerely that all this is nothing less than you deserve right now. It is an ebullient Venus that takes on Jupiter at the start of the week and in your current mood there are many changes on the cards. See this as something you have to grasp, once and for all, and use it accordingly to spread a little magic all around you. It is high time that you woke up and smelt the coffee.....you have to make things happen now! Mars challenges Ceres and tempts fate to bring about action which speaks louder then words. Governor of time and place, noble Ceres balances and adapts to bring about future ventures; based on underlying schemes and plans, as part of the process, and rewarding innovation straight down the line. Don’t dream it....be it! Jupiter’s opposition with Venus serves to bring something that has been bugging you to a logical and practical conclusion. Whilst pastures new are beckoning you onwards there is no reason for you to be running away when you are actually moving on. Time will best tell you why you did what you had to, but this way there can be no regrets. Out there in the tenth house something is stirring and you should take every opportunity to examine all immediate possibilities if you are to get ahead in the stakes. In your opposing sign of Cancer the current shift is led by the romantic energies of the Moon, and these are not to be passed off as a whim since they may just change your life. A current take on by a moody Mercury kicks your planetary leader, Uranus, planet of invention and innovation, into defensive action. You have kept your nose down lately, but let’s see what other fish you have to fry. One thing is for sure, you have played safe and though it is time for a shake up you will welcome in a new twist to your hectic routine. Mars conjuncts Neptune and consolidates your needs with your current astrological aspects in obeyance. Your creative energies are stimulated and on hand to show others just what you are made of, and just how far you have come along the long road. Believe in yourself, and let the magic happen the way that it very well could and should do.

If It’s Your Birthday This Week


Fight fire with fire and unearth your innermost charms to set the record well and truly straight; that you are not to be messed with!

Kenny Corris For Readings, Consultations and Castings email: kennycorris@hotmail.com / www.kennycorris.net Mobile: 686 361 594 / Tel: 965 878 424

Soul Purpose MY POSTBAG always helps me to write my weekly article. The questions that you ask guide me to writing on topics that are of interest, and when a number of you ask the same question then it is time for an article to explain. Many of you have been questioning me on my recent work on the survival of the soul, as the question is, “What is an Old Soul?” The passage of life is recorded and etched into each individual soul we each inherit at birth. For some no positive recognition is made and for good reason the soul fails to develop accordingly. Thus, such a given soul lives and then subsequently dies in one human body. However many spiritually enabled people are assigned a soul that has had a good usage during previous Earthly life; and that needs, above all, to continue the journey on this Earth in the body of somebody else. It is the soul that makes the decision, the choice and the initial contact. This tender soul may have travelled alongside of many in their lifetime, but will have taken on with each and every life the nuances of previous life. An old old soul may be traced back therefore many years to pre Egyptian times, maybe to the great Sumerian period when interest in spiritual matters first began. So too, a soul born initially in the 1950s may have had a shorter life but have come back to 2015 to continue the journey onwards There is no rhyme or reason or pattern or logical explanation, other then soul energy is borne of pure love and those chosen to receive such an old soul may or may not know the wonderful history of the past. Survival is everything. It is literally my direct job as a Medium to prove that souls survive in the comfort and protection of the Spirit World, whilst facilitating the messaging system that exists to promote communication. So too am I able to detect an old soul inhabiting a living person

Kenny‛s Postbag

of today. Sometimes past lives are easy to spot, and some truly are etched onto the soul of the person they live within. Past life regression can help to take people back to previous times, and is a fascinating and highly professional way of learning the past life the soul has lived. It is possible that an old soul brings clues to the new body that they inhabit. So too can there be several as yet unknown lives entangled into the soul action of the life of a living person today. As an old soul myself my life goes back to Tudor times and twists through time and fate, as it must, until my origins in the Nubian desert are revealed to me. I have found myself drawn to Museum exhibits that have led me to realise that there are maybe some lives that have yet to have been revealed to me. I delight in the feeling that my present soul has a history and that I am going to live my life with a view to give that soul a good run for the money, allowing the experiences I have brought it to be recorded within the energy I hope that someone in the future will share in times to come. How? And When? Maybe hard to answer, but I am content being in the loop that has brought me true enlightenment in the soul that inhabits with me in this life, at this time, and here and now. Meeting another old soul is a great occasion. Many times I have found that my soul leaps at the introduction to someone like minded, maybe an aquaintance of the past, who too has etched into their soul what was recorded in mine. The meeting is wonderful and usually starts a close connection in the here and now, and maybe even friendship. Maybe you are a part of this journey of the old soul, or you could be charging your positive and inspiring energies into a new soul that you will pass on in time. Soul energy is spiritually infused and motivated, as I am, by sheer love! Enjoy it and experience it.

Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny why does each horoscope conflict and tell you different things? Jackie H. Hi Jackie...this is because each astrologer sees different aspects as being the most important. We each of us follow these current aspects of the many planetary movements across the Zodiac and then it is our personal interpretation that we share with the public. Over the years we all choose an astrologer that we prefer; but do bear in mind that many publications use computer generated horoscopes and these cannot be taken seriously. The RTN always offer a live casting to their readers.

Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 49.


Quick or Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. Taking hostage (10) 7. Perch (5) 8. Secluded (7) 10. Stronghold (8) 11. Overtake (4) 13. Tell (6) 15. To this (6) 17. Every single (4) 18. Perverse (8) 21. Defensible (7) 22. Overwhelm (5) 23. Contrition (10) DOWN 1. Recognises (5) 2. Explode (8) 3. Apprehend (6) 4. Compassion (4) 5. Recount (7) 6. Promotion (10) 9. Jarring (10) 12. Under obligation (8) 14. Permission (7) 16. Contrive (6) 19. Expiate (5) 20. Clever (4)

ACROSS 1. Nevertheless, there’s no variety (3,3,4) 7. It has been known to be tickled to death (5) 8. I left the priest in church (7) 10. Told but possibly not needing to be (8) 11. Given a start in life (4) 13. What the unsatisfied audience may shout!! (6) 15. Afternoon service? (3-3) 17. He employs us with hesitation (4) 18. Continues to make money (8) 21. Drunk, but not canned! (7) 22. A small island passage (5) 23. The aggregate is an impressive sum (5,5) DOWN 1. A fool disposed to be distant (5) 2. Possibly it rarely is about books (8) 3. Play for the village (6) 4. Invest capital in kitchen equipment (4) 5. Became acquainted with brick-carriers’ ways of working (7) 6. Surprise someone more than they can say? (6,4) 9. Gets blooming old? (4,2,4) 12. An inclination to write and sing (8) 14. He makes a new reactor (7) 16. Believe one side of the account (6) 19. Stand by a new lease (5) 20. Blueprint for a tail-less aircraft (4)

16 - 22 JANUARY 2015


advertsing feature

Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines appoints Beniconnect Travel Agency as its ‘Preferred Partner’ in Spain

BENICONNECTS’ EXCLUSIVE 2015 FRED. OLSEN NO-FLY CRUISES ARE: BLACK WATCH’S 17-NIGHT W1504CAD ‘Centre of Venice & the Adriatic’ – a no-fly cruise, departing from Gibraltar on 17th April

2015, returning to Cadiz on 4th May 2015. Prices from just 3,395€ per person. From Gibraltar Black Watch – Fred. Olsen’s smallest ship – calls at Cartagena and Catania in Sicily before setting sail for Kerkira in Greece, arriving in lesser-known Kotor, where the shadows tumble down the rolling hills of Montenegro… Guests will then visit Hvar, ‘Queen of Croatia’s Dalmatian Islands’, before docking in mesmerizing Venice, for two blissful days. Discover more of Croatia as Black Watch sails onto Split before calling at Dubrovnik, Valletta in Malta, and colourful Algiers before making its last call at Cadiz.

We will be working closely with Beniconnect Travel Agency promoting the high quality and great value that a Fred. Olsen cruise holiday offers

THE COMPANY Autocares Grupo Benidorm was formed by the Perez Parker family nine years ago, celebrating its milestone 10th Anniversary this year. Its sister company and ‘preferred partner’, Beniconnect Travel Agency, has expanded quickly, positioning itself as a market leader in airport transfers as well as offering its customers landbased holidays around the world, together with a range of transport options: holiday excursions, flights, cruises and even event ticket sales. Kate Wooldridge, International Sales Manager for Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines, said: “We are delighted to be working with Beniconnect Travel Agency and their expert team to bring the Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines’ brand to both new trade partners and ‘new to Fred.’ guests. “We will be working closely with Beniconnect Travel Agency promoting the high quality and great value that a Fred. Olsen cruise holiday offers. We also value the fact that we will be working with a fellow familyrun company with a shared understanding of the importance of the ‘personal touch’, taking care of every aspect of the holiday experience, from start to finish.” Christine Parker, Commercial Director of Beniconnect Travel Agency said: “This new partnership with Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines is an exciting move. A strong, family-driven company with years of experience within the tourist industry, Beniconnect Travel Agency is looking forward to the possibilities that this will bring to our business.” In 2015, Beniconnect will be offering cruisers exclusive sailings to the Adriatic not available to book anywhere else in the market. These cruises involve no flying and no luggage restrictions - ideal for the ‘worldweary’ air traveller!

BRAEMAR’S 20-NIGHT M1526GIB ‘Venice and the Beauty of the Adriatic’ no-fly cruise, departing from Cadiz 16th September 2015, returning to Gibraltar 6th October 2015. Prices start from just 3,395€ per person. This exciting Adriatic no-fly cruise begins in the historic Spanish port of Cadiz. Braemar sails to Trapani in beautiful Sicily - a location restricted to smaller ships, such as Braemar – before stopping in unspoilt Kerkira, Corfu. Braemar cruises on to Croatia, stopping in bustling Dubrovnik. Visit the town square for thriving markets and tucked away cafes; or choose to wander the city walls, high above the terracotta roofs of this UNESCO World

The Braemar sets sail from Cadiz on 16th September 2015

Heritage Site. And on to sensational Split, the second largest city in Croatia, once part of the Roman Empire, before going on to Koper, in Slovenia. Next stop Venice, where guests can spend two days exploring every avenue and intricate bridge. Braemar is small enough to be able to take guests right into the heart of this Italian gem, radiating history, sophistication and romance. Calling at Kotor in Montenegro the cruise continues to Bari, making a rare stop in Albania before visiting Greece’s Argostoli, the capital of Kefalonia –extensively rebuilt following a devastating earthquake 60 years ago. Braemar will then go on to Catania, Sicily, before calling at Valletta in Malta and finally returning to Gibraltar. UK’S TOP 3 CRUISE LINES All prices are based on two adults sharing an Inside, twin-bedded cabin, and include

accommodation, all meals and entertainment on board, and port dues. Fred. Olsen’s four ships – Balmoral, Braemar, Boudicca and Black Watch – are ideally suited to the traditional British cruise guest, and offer a friendly and welcoming on board ‘country house’ atmosphere with a relaxed and informal cruising style… Fred. Olsen was delighted to be named one of the Top 3 UK cruise lines and awarded a prestigious ‘Recommended Provider’ accolade, in Which?’s first-ever dedicated cruise survey in 2014. Experts at influential consumer website Cruise Critic have also voted Fred. Olsen ‘Best Value for Money’ in its ‘Cruise Critic UK Editors’ Picks Awards 2014’, for the third consecutive year. For further information on Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines, visit www.fredolsencruises. com To find out more about Beniconnect Travel Agency, visit www.beniconnect.com


16 - 22 JANuary 2015


16th - 22nd January

friday 16th January BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Caught Red Handed 12:30 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Room 101 22:00 The Musketeers 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:25 Bluestone 42 24:55 EastEnders


07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Caught Red Handed 08:35 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:20 Oxford Street Revealed 10:05 The Great Interior Design Challenge 11:05 Food & Drink 11:35 The Travel Show 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Food & Drink 22:00 The Big Allotment Challenge 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 24:35 Snooker: The Masters






07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Martin Lewis Money Show 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Benidorm 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 Couples Retreat

07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Shipping Wars 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 The Last Leg 24:05 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 24:35 Rude Tube

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:10 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Race to the Pole 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 24:30 Celebrity Big Brother: Live from the House

07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 Emmerdale 08:45 You’ve Been Framed! 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Psych 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Psych 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Fast & Furious 24:10 Take Me Out

07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 90210 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:35 Suburgatory 10:00 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 Marry Me 22:00 Beverly Hills Cop 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory

saturday 17th January BBC1 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:10 Football Focus 13:50 Saturday Sportsday 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 17:30 Final Score 18:20 Pointless Celebrities 19:10 BBC Regional News 19:30 Now You See It 20:00 The Voice UK 21:25 The National Lottery: Win Your Wish List 22:15 Casualty 23:05 BBC News; Weather 23:25 Match of the Day 24:50 The Football League Show







07:10 Animal Park 07:40 Skyrunners 09:10 Henry VIII and His Six Wives 11:10 Fred Dibnah’s Building of Britain 11:40 Fred Dibnah’s Building of Britain 12:10 British Isles: A Natural History 13:00 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:45 Talking Pictures 14:35 The Wind and the Lion 16:30 Escape to the Country 17:30 Live Snooker: The Masters 18:30 Flog It! 19:30 Dad’s Army 20:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 23:30 All Good Things

07:00 Childrens TV 08:35 Nerds & Monsters 08:50 Adventure Time 09:30 Horrid Henry 09:50 Hulk and the Agents of Smash 10:25 ITV News 10:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 11:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:20 ITV News and Weather 12:29 ITV Regional Weather 12:30 Ejector Seat 13:30 Britain’s Best Back Gardens 14:30 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 15:35 The Secret of My Success 17:35 Off Their Rockers 18:05 ITV Regional News 18:15 ITV News and Weather 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 Planet’s Got Talent 20:00 Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes 21:05 Take Me Out 22:20 Bridget Jones’s Diary 24:10 ITV News and Weather 24:29 ITV Regional Weather 24:30 Always

07:10 How I Met Your Mother 07:35 How I Met Your Mother 08:00 Snowdonia Marathon 2014 08:55 The Morning Line 10:00 The King of Queens 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:30 Frasier 12:00 Frasier 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:55 The Big Bang Theory 13:25 Speed with Guy Martin 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Come Dine with Me 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 The Restoration Man 20:30 The World’s Best Diet 22:00 The Sweeney 24:15 Greg Davies: The Back of My Mum’s Head

07:00 Childrens TV 09:25 Wanda and the Alien 09:40 Zack and Quack 09:55 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Access 11:40 Monkey Life 12:10 Ice Road Truckers 13:10 Ice Road Truckers 14:10 Ice Road Truckers 15:05 Ice Road Truckers 16:00 Columbo: Try and Catch Me 17:35 Columbo: Death Hits the Jackpot 19:25 NCIS 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Bad Boys

07:00 Emmerdale 09:35 Coronation Street 12:05 The Cube 13:05 You’ve Been Framed! 14:05 You’ve Been Framed! 15:10 Valiant 16:50 Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 18:45 King Kong 22:20 Take Me Out - The Gossip 23:05 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza 24:05 Harold & Kumar Get the Munchies

07:00 Desperate Housewives 07:45 The Tomorrow People 08:30 Charmed 09:30 Charmed 10:30 Made in Chelsea 11:35 Rude(ish) Tube 12:00 Rude(ish) Tube 12:30 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 Melissa & Joey 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:30 Rude(ish) Tube 16:00 Rude(ish) Tube 16:30 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The 100 22:00 Knight and Day 24:10 The Big Bang Theory 24:40 The Big Bang Theory






07:15 How I Met Your Mother 07:40 Challenge Bahrain 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 14:30 The Big Bang Theory 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:25 The Simpsons 15:55 The Simpsons 16:25 Mighty Joe Young 18:40 Channel 4 News 19:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 20:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 21:00 The Hotel 22:00 Walking the Nile 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24:05 The Pact

07:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:25 Wanda and the Alien 09:35 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:40 Zack and Quack 09:55 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Access 11:40 The Hotel Inspector 12:35 The Hotel Inspector 13:35 The Hotel Inspector 14:35 Her Husband’s Betrayal 16:20 The Englishman Who Went up a Hill, but Came down a Mountain 18:15 Did You Hear about the Morgans? 20:05 My Super Ex-Girlfriend 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Gone

07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:30 Emmerdale 10:20 Coronation Street 12:45 Take Me Out 14:00 Take Me Out - The Gossip 14:45 You’ve Been Framed! 15:50 You’ve Been Framed! 16:20 Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey 18:05 Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang 20:15 Jurassic Park III 22:00 The Dark Knight

07:00 Made in Chelsea 07:55 Rude(ish) Tube 08:30 Rude(ish) Tube 09:00 How I Met Your Mother 09:30 How I Met Your Mother 10:00 Melissa & Joey 10:30 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Revenge 14:30 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 15:30 The 100 16:30 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 19:00 Marry Me 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 Transformers 23:50 The Big Bang Theory 24:20 The Inbetweeners 24:50 The Inbetweeners





07:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Criminals: Caught on Camera 20:30 Car Crash TV 21:00 Storage: Flog the Lot! 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 NHS Crisis - The Live Debate 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 Coronation Street 08:45 Coronation Street 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Psych 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 Psych 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Through the Keyhole 23:00 Harold & Kumar Get the Munchies 24:45 Two and a Half Men

07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 90210 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:30 Paternity Court 10:00 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 New Girl 22:00 Revenge 23:00 Rude Tube 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Big Bang Theory

sunday 18th January BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 08:35 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Bargain Hunt 15:15 Flog It! 15:40 Escape to the Country 16:25 Lifeline 16:35 Songs of Praise 17:10 Shrek the Third 18:35 Celebrity Mastermind 19:05 BBC Regional News 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 Still Open All Hours 21:00 Call the Midwife 22:00 Last Tango in Halifax 23:00 BBC Regional News 23:30 Match of the Day 2 24:25 The Apprentice USA

BBC2 07:15 Great British Garden Revival 08:15 Glorious Gardens from Above 09:00 Countryfile 10:00 The Football League Show 11:20 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:50 Food & Drink 13:20 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:50 Live Snooker: The Masters 18:15 Ski Sunday 19:00 This World 20:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 24:00 Last Orders

07:00 Childrens TV 08:50 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:30 Horrid Henry 09:50 Deadtime Stories 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Columbo: Any Old Port in a Storm 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:34 ITV Central Weather 12:35 Murder, She Wrote 13:30 Harry Hill’s Stars in Their Eyes 14:30 River Monsters 15:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 Live and Let Die 19:20 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 19:45 Get Your Act Together 21:00 Foyle’s War 23:00 ITV News and Weather 23:14 ITV Regional Weather 23:15 Perspectives James Martin: Home 24:15 The Undriveables Comforts 13:20 24:45 The Chase

monday 19th January BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 Waterloo Road 24:35 The Graham Norton Show


07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Caught Red Handed 08:35 Rip Off Britain: Holidays 09:20 Oxford Street Revealed 10:05 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 11:05 Claimed and Shamed 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live International Bowls 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Great British Garden Revival 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 Winterwatch 23:00 Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Kate Humble Into the Volcano

ITV1 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Richard Wilson on the Road 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Broadchurch 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 Exposure 24:40 The Kyle Files

07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Car SOS 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 The Undateables 23:00 Catastrophe 23:35 Bodyshockers 24:35 NFL: The American Football Show

Harold & Kumar Get the Munchies 24:05

The Dark Knight 22:00

16 - 22 JANuary 2015


tuesday 20th January BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 Count Arthur Strong 24:05 Film 2015 24:35 The Kite Runner

07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Saints and Scroungers 08:50 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 09:20 Oxford Street Revealed 10:05 Antiques Roadshow 11:05 Claimed and Shamed 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live International Bowls 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Great British Garden Revival 21:00 Winterwatch 22:00 The Eichmann Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Kate Humble Into the Volcano

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Britain’s Best Back Gardens 22:00 Paul O’Grady’s Animal Orphans 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 The Mighty Mississippi with Trevor McDonald 24:40 Secrets from the Sky

07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Car SOS 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Weighing Up the Enemy 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 23:55 Angry, White and Proud 24:55 Poker

07:00 Childrens TV 09:10 Milkshake! Monkey 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Benefits 21:00 Cats Do the Funniest Things 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Suspects 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:15 Coronation Street 08:45 Coronation Street 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Psych 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 Psych 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Dinner Date 22:00 Blue Go Mad In Ibiza 23:00 Cockroaches 23:35 Plebs 24:05 Plebs 24:35 Two and a Half Men

07:00 Rude(ish) Tube 07:20 Charmed 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:30 Paternity Court 10:00 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 22:00 The 100 23:00 Supernatural 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Big Bang Theory

wednesday 21st January BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 19:55 Party Political Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Pets - Wild at Heart 22:00 Crimewatch 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 Crimewatch Update 23:45 A Question of Sport 24:15 The League Cup Show

07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Saints and Scroungers 08:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 09:15 Channel Patrol 10:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys 11:00 Claimed and Shamed 11:30 See Hear 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Lifeline 14:10 Live International Bowls 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Great British Garden Revival 21:00 Winterwatch 22:00 Wolf Hall 23:05 Up the Women 23:35 Newsnight 24:20 Weather 24:25 Supercars vs Used Cars: The Trade Off

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:25 Party Political Broadcast 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Coronation Street 20:30 The National Television Awards - Live! 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 Bring Back Borstal 24:40 I Never Knew That About Britain

07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Car SOS 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Restoration Man 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Bodyshockers 24:00 The Undateables

07:00 Childrens TV 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10 Milkshake! Monkey 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 The Hotel Inspector 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 When Calls the Heart 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cowboy Builders 21:00 North Pole Ice Airport 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Suspects 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Emmerdale 08:45 You’ve Been Framed! 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Psych 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Psych 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hot Fuzz 24:25 Cockroaches

07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 Charmed 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:30 Paternity Court 10:00 Rules of Engagement 10:30 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 A Knight’s Tale 23:40 The Big Bang Theory 24:10 The Big Bang Theory 24:40 Marry Me

thursday 22nd January BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News and Weather 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Father Brown 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin: Home Comforts 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Room 101 21:30 EastEnders 22:00 Death in Paradise 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Saints and Scroungers 08:50 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 09:20 Channel Patrol 10:05 The Great Interior Design Challenge 11:05 Claimed and Shamed 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Live International Bowls 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Winterwatch 22:00 Winterwatch Unsprung 22:30 Surviving the Holocaust - Freddie Knoller’s War 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Super-Rich and Us

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV Regional News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Regional Weather 17:00 Mel & Sue 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional News 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Kyle Files 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Birds of a Feather 22:00 Bring Back Borstal 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV Regional News 23:40 Central Lobby 24:10 Kids Behind Bars

07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Undercover Boss 12:00 Car SOS 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Four in a Bed 15:10 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Cucumber 23:00 Josie: The Most Hated Woman in Britain? 24:00 24 Hours in Police Custody

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Traders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Celebrity Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Out of Reach 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 21:00 Benefits 22:00 Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 Botched Up Bodies 24:00 Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:25 You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 Coronation Street 08:15 You’ve Been Framed! 09:15 The Cube 10:15 Psych 11:10 The Chase 12:15 All Star Family Fortunes 13:15 Coronation Street 13:40 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Psych 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Fast & Furious 24:10 Cockroaches 24:40 Two and a Half Men

07:00 Happy Endings 07:20 Charmed 08:00 Made in Chelsea 09:00 Hollyoaks 09:30 Paternity Court 10:00 Rules of Engagement 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rude(ish) Tube 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Suburgatory 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Rude(ish) Tube 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 22:30 Marry Me 23:00 Banana 23:30 The Inbetweeners 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 The Big Bang Theory

16 - 22 JANuary 2015

showbiz goss

by Peter

Three Weddings and the Singer Songwriter I RECALL watching Top of the Pops one evening in 1992 and sitting up and paying attention when a lovely song called ‘A Million Love Songs’ appeared on the screen. I also recall thinking what a beautiful voice the guy had. I am of course talking about Gary Barlow, a man I´ve admired a lot since that first encounter. Gary’s success, both as a singer and songwriter is quite astonishing with 50 million record sales worldwide to date having been the writer of most of the big Take That toons. But for people with short memories it’s not all been plain sailing for Gary. The massively public split of the group because of the popularity of on-stage clown Robbie Williams couldn´t have been easy for Gary to deal with, especially as Take That was built around him by his management to promote his obviously very special talent. Although I was surprised by Gary joining the X Factory, it was a very smart move, as after just two seasons he had raised his profile to such a level that everybody now wants a piece of him. Such people as the many millions of his adoring fans, three of whom might just get a surprise they could only have dreamt of. Gary posted on Twitter “In 2015 I want to sing at three weddings!!! ... The only deal is they have to be HUGE fans, and I won’t publish which weddings till after the event.” Remarkably, this is genuinely what Gary intends to do. Bringing you right up to date Gary’s latest tweet read: “Ok we’re one wedding down! Really looking forward to it! … Who could the lucky bride / groom be?! … You’d best get sending in your requests mucho pronto! GORDON SUMNER, or Sting as we know him, has developed quite some career in America a f ter the erroneous split of The Police, but like the infamous party, it’s hard to throw one every day of the week. Sting wrote a musical called The Last Ship and it opened on Broadway in October, and sadly will close this month due to losing $75,000 a week ... Oh my good Gordon!


Writer and Broadcaster

ACTOR JOAQUIN Pheonix was on the Ellen show in America last week and got called up on how he likes to lie on talk shows. Ellen saw him on The Late Show in December when he said about getting engaged to his yoga instructor, then admitted it was a lie the next day. “I wanted the audience to like me,” said Joaquin, “and they always like you when you get engaged … everyone applauded!” Cool!!

A MASSIVE 85% of peeps said on the internet how excited they were that Ab Fab: The Movie is gonna happen. Writer Jennifer Saunders said to the Sunday People “I’ve finished the first draft, and I’m feeling euphoric, my New Year’s resolution is to do the film, otherwise it’ll be a pointless year of procrastination.” Patsy and Edina finally make it to the big screen … Hic*!* Hic*!*Hurrah!!!

Quote of the Week


On how Elvis would’ve been 80 last week Priscilla said: “He would’ve continued his music, probably going more into Gospel, that’s what he always played.”

KIDS TV show ´Horrible Histories´ started in 2001 on the BBC, a programme telling the nasty truths of how our ancestors behaved. It´s now evolved into a very adult show and a new series returns to CBBC this year. It´s become such a worthy programme that high profile actors Ben Miller and Rowan Atkinson have joined the cast. It’s very funny as well as very scary, so try not to miss it!

16 - 22 JANuary 2015

ask Sara

by Sara


Life Coach

WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.

Wedding ultimatum... My girlfriend has given me an ultimatum. After endless rows, she has recently stated that we either get married, or we split up. We are both in our late 20’s and have been together for 18 months. I care for her but am not sure I am in love with her, or sure whether I want marriage. I also don’t want to be on my own and it would be easier in some ways to just say yes to stop the rows. It is clear that your girlfriend wants all the things that young couples want out of life, a marriage and a family. If this is not what you really want, and more importantly you are questioning your love for her, then you have a serious problem. With more than half of marriages ending in divorce these days, the worse thing you could do is marry this girl out of complacency. She deserves to settle down with someone who loves her, and can make her happy, and likewise so do you.

Starting afresh After many years of marriage I now realise that my husband only ever wanted me as a housekeeper. He has had numerous affairs. I am approaching old age and I don‘t want to live the rest of my life like this. I dearly want to find love, as I don’t believe I have ever truly been loved. It sounds as though you have made up your mind to start life afresh. After you have dealt with the practical matters, you will feel a new sense of freedom and hope for the future. It is clear that you have a lot of love to give, and believe me, there are people out there who also have a lot to offer. It’s never too late to start again. I would encourage getting out more and widening your horizons, exploring new activities in group environments particularly, for example, walking clubs, art and craft, voluntary work, joining a choir - anything that interests you and anywhere you will find people. Fill your life and your life will soon be fulfilled. Write to Sara in confidence at agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com Sara is available for private consultations Telephone 633 614 476.



16 - 22JANUARY JANuary 2015 8-14 2010


New Structural Chiropractic Clinic Open in Calpe DR. BEN TINKER is a chiropractor who has been working in Albir at Advanced Chiropractic since 2011. He has now branched out to Calpe in order to help more expats in the local areas. “Too many people are suffering needlessly and are desperate for our professional chiropractic services which they just weren´t able to receive in the Calpe/Moraira area. This is why I have opened Vida Plena Chiropractic,” says Dr Ben. “Dr. Aleks G. Bjargo has the best reputation for the goto chiropractic clinic in the area and people travel from all around to receive our services. I am very fortunate to carry that reputation with me to Calpe where we are helping many people already from all local areas.” In 2011 Dr. Tinker decided to move from Barcelona to Albir to work at Advanced Chiropractic because he wanted to learn from Dr. Bjargo and perfect his technique and patient management.

Both chiropractic clinics use the Gonstead Specific Method to locate, analyse and correct structural problems in the spine. This is considered the gold standard technique within the chiropractic profession. All patients are treated with the same quality care. They first receive a thorough chiropractic exam, including structural analysis, nerve scans and spinal mobility tests. Secondly, the patient receives a full report of the exam. This is done privately and great emphasis is on helping the patient understand the problem. And finally, if the patient is accepted for structural spinal correction to help their health challenges, progress exams are continued to ascertain progress and improvement. “This is the most professional chiropractic centre I have ever visited. I am so happy I made sure my whole family received an exam. I didn´t know the problems I had could be helped but Dr. Tinker explained clearly what was happening and I knew as well how to help myself.” Carlos Garcia, Gym Plaza Calpe. The new chiropractic clinic is called Vida Plena Chiropractic Centre (Centro Quiropractic Vida Plena) and is located on Calle Pintor Sorolla 1 about 200m up the road from the Post Office (Correos) and next to the Arte Cafe. You can book an appointment on 96 583 1234 or visit www.quiropracticavidaplena.com

Dr. Ben Tinker and Carlos Garcia

16 - 22 JANuary 2015


Weight Control using Fast Track Hypnosis by Jonathan Gilchrist IT’S WELL past that time of year where we all made New Year’s Resolutions after all that partying and over-indulgence in food and drink resulted in the inevitable weight increase! Have you kept to your resolution? Too many people confuse hunger with appetite. Hunger is a real need - whereas appetite is only a habit: the two are not the same! Appetite is provoked by suggestion while hunger is the message we send to our brains whenever the body needs essential nourishment. There are various reasons why a person might be overweight: People who overeat because of early programming by parents People who overeat by comfort eating People who overeat because of emotional problems FAST TRACK HYPNOSIS is ideal for helping people who want to lose weight because of early programming or emotional problems. If you want to lose weight, try my Fast Track techniques: it can be a very successful way of helping you to achieve your target weight in only ONE simple 30- minute session. CDs are also provided so that by the constant repetition of positive suggestions the subconscious mind will be influenced and the bad eating habits will replaced by good eating habits. Suggestions through the calming effect of hypnosis are then implanted into the subconscious mind such as ‘high calorie foods will no longer have the same appeal to you’ and ‘you will enjoy low calorie foods’ as well as ‘you will take a lot more interest in your own shape, fitness and vitality’… A good tip if you want to lose weight is to drink a pint of water about 15 minutes before each meal. Then divide your meal into two: eat one portion, wait five minutes and then decide if you want the other half. It takes time for the stomach to send the message of fullness to the brain! Jonathan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Quesada, Benidorm and Calpe. For an appointment, brochure, or free-of-charge initial consultation, contact Jonathan Gilchrist on 691 784 954 or email jonathangilchristbh@gmail.com Also visit: www.jonathangilchristinspain.com


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015


Black Glitter – Rock/Soul Band BLACK GLITTER is an exciting band with a line up of Geoff Britton (drums), Kelly (vocals), Carlos (guitar) and Chema (bass). The band’s repertoire includes the great lady vocalists of rock and soul, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Patti LaBelle etc. There is plenty to enjoy, quality musicians, classic songs and some great dance music. For more information on the band phone Kelly on: 650 957 914. JANUARY GIGS Saturday 17th - La Plaza Bar, Altea: 12.30am Friday 23rd - Champagne Bar, Arenal, Javea: 11pm Saturday 24th - Paddy O’ Connolls Bar, Calle La Mar, Denia: 12.05am Saturday 31st - Abbey Tavern, Orihuela: 9pm


The View: Guitar Duo THE VIEW is a highly professional music duo that caters for all music tastes and styles. Andy and Debby Price, two accomplished musicians, add to the live atmosphere at every performance. For the past few years they have been working on cruise ships, but they are now back on the Costa Blanca for a holiday. Take time out to see these artists performing – it will be a great evening of live music. They have also joined up with Christian Pearl (keyboards) and Enrico Garcia (drums) to form ‘Paisley Park’ – well known as performing the best Pink Floyd Tribute Show on the Costa Blanca. For more info phone Andy: 645 166 322. GIG DATES FOR JANUARY Wednesday 21st - Don Quijote, Paichi Centre, Moraria: 9pm (Paisley Park) Friday 23rd - Bar Quo Vadis, Javea: 8pm Tuesday 27th - El Cid Bar/Rte, Benidoleig: 8.30pm Friday 30th - Bar Ca Pep, Orba: 8.30 pm

The Not Necessarily Folk Club, Calpe

THE NOT Necessarily Folk Club has moved to a new venue – Bar El Barco (next to Casa) in Calpe. Next meeting is on Thursday 22nd January. Meet at 8pm and start singing at 8.30pm. The club caters for anyone, of any nationality, who likes music. All are welcome to listen, to sing any genre of song, or to play a musical instrument. There is no obligation to perform – just turn up and enjoy the evening. For further information/directions/map: please contact Sheila or Ron Hopkins on: 96 649 8719 or email: sherons.divein@gmail.com.


16 - 22 JANuary 2015


with Aunty Virus

Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com

Transferring photos to my iPad HI AUNTY: I have a problem with moving my photos from laptop to iPad. I connect iPad to laptop via USB, I go to iTunes but cannot go any further. I tried a few things like photos & pictures in Windows and download to iPad, but it says on iPad ‘closed’ or ‘disconnected’. Any light on this subject would be appreciated. Thanks - Robert

Aunty says: These instructions are how to copy photos from a PC to an iPad. Connect your iPad or iPhone to your computer with the USB sync cable. Find your connected device in iTunes. Select your connected iPad or iPhone under Devices. Select the Photos tab in the iTunes window. Check the box next to Sync Photos from Choose the program or folder you want to sync the photos from. Once you’ve made your selection, click the Apply button in the lower right. Then Sync. Alternatively you can use an iPad app such as PhotoTrans. Response: Thanks for the reply I appreciate your help.

Bookmarks on Firefox PLEASE AUNTY, I need your help again. IE kept crashing, and I was told to also use Firefox as an alternative. On Firefox, (in Bookmark) we could pin tag (on the top bar) certain things like Speedtest/ Bing translate/Crossword solver/cheap flights… Then this morning, when we switched on, they had All disappeared, and not for the first time. Could you tell me, (as usual in ‘idiot form’) how to lock them in? Ken AUNTY SAYS: Firefox has a help topic on this problem. “I can add or change bookmarks but they are lost when I restart Firefox” https://support.mozilla.org/enUS/kb/cant-add-change-or-savebookmarks which has two solutions for you to try: One is to Fix the Bookmarks file, and the other to create a new Bookmarks file And one of these should solve the problem for you.

Spy Bot

HELLO AUNTY: I wonder if you can help with a small problem which is driving me nuts... For about two weeks now, every time I start up my computer I get a message from Spy Bot which says it has detected an important registration entry that has been changed and shows ‘system start up user entry’, Adobe Speed Launcher’ ....it asks if I wish to allow change or deny change....and no matter which one I choose- although the message then disappears - it returns when I turn my computer on the next time..... Thanks for any help you can give - Wendy Aunty says: During boot up, some programs can make changes to the system registry, which is normal. And your Spy Bot is seeing this, and doing its job by notifying you. It may simply be a “false positive” Or, as Adobe products are popular for users, it also makes them popular to be exploited by hackers. I do not think that it is possible to uninstall Adobe Speed Launcher, which simply makes pdf pages load marginally quicker than normal. The only way would be to stop using and uninstall Adobe Reader, and use an alternate PDF reading program.


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

whats on

Musical challenge SHOW GROUP Sounds Familiar returns to the stage next month with the singers’ favourite style of music when they perform ‘Back to the Musicals’. By Jack Troughton THE BENISSA-based group is rehearsing songs and routines from classical shows such as Carousel, Me and My Girl, and Chicago, with modern favourites like Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, and Starlight Express for shows in Calpe and Ondara. The music and accompanying routines are a challenge for Sounds Familiar to perform on stage – and because of the large amounts of costume changes involved, backstage needs almost as much choreography as the dancing. Back to the Musicals is playing at the Casa de Cultura in Calpe on Thursday 26th February and the Auditori

Municipal in Ondara on Friday 6th March. And the show also marks a milestone in the career of producer and musical director Philip Ashley – Back to the Musicals is his 100th stage production. Both nights stat at 8pm and doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets are 12€ and are available from Margaret and Elena’s Book and Card Shop, Galerias Mar Azul, Gabriel Miro, Calpe, by calling 96 558 1483, or online at www.philipashley.com/boxoffice.php People who have already purchased tickets for the Calpe performance should note the date has been Sounds changed to 26th February. Familiar

Verdi’s La Traviata by Opera San Miguel AS FEBRUARY approaches, Opera San Miguel is busy preparing for its 6th Workshop Week. After the success of Cavalleria Rusticana in 2013, Musical Director Tom Pargeter and his wife, Stage Director Katy Pargeter, have given themselves the huge challenge by presenting an abridged version of Verdi’s ‘La Traviata’, one of the best known and most glorious of the Verdi operas. To complete the whole opera in under a week would be impossible, but by careful

use of narration, presented by one of the characters in the opera, the full story will be told and much of the music sung. In just 5 days, the company will rehearse and finally perform the completely staged and costumed work in the Casa de Cultura in San Miguel de Salinas. Rehearsals start on the afternoon of Sunday 1st February, and the performances take place on the following Friday and Saturday evenings at 7.30pm in the Casa de

Cultura in San Miguel. Quite a challenge! The cast will be led by wonderful visiting soloists from the UK. Opera San Miguel is very grateful to the Mayor and Town Hall of San Miguel de Salinas for giving them full use of the Casa de Cultura for the entire week. Rehearsals start at 2pm on Sunday 1st February, and continue every day from 10am - 6pm, Monday to Thursday, with a break for lunch! The Dress Rehearsal is on the Friday

morning, with the Final Performances on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th February at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to observe any of the sessions during the week - including the Dress Rehearsal - absolutely free of charge. For the performances: Tickets at 5€ are available in San Miguel from The Tourist Office behind the church, and from Bargain Books directly opposite. Tickets may also be reserved by telephoning 659 616 356.

16 - 22 JANuary 2015

whats on

Choirs in ‘X Factor’ By Jack Troughton THE AUDIENCE gets to decide the winner in a fund raising battle of the choirs on Sunday 15th February at a special charity evening of music. Anyone who has ambitions to be a Simon Cowell type judge will get the opportunity at the Competiton of the Choirs at the theatre under Teulada Town Hall. And every member of the audience gets a vote to decide which group of singers will win the Audience’s Choice of Best Choir Award. Judges for remaining awards have been confirmed but will not be announced before the event – although each has a musical background and experience that will be key. The Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir, Alegria, and the Costa Barber Singers are three of the choirs taking part in the competition. The Costa Blanca Male voice Choir

Smell the coffee CBBLUES.COM IS back with a monthly ‘Saturday Morning Coffee House’ in Teulada on January 31st and gives everyone a chance to share their creative spirit. The event is held at Bar Mediterraneo from 11am to 1pm and has an ‘open mic’ policy that allows everyone the opportunity to join in. Hosted by Tom Poole and Ray Wilcox, it is an opportunity to play music, sing, dance, read poetry, or indulge in some stand up comedy. To reserve a chair visit www.cbblues.com/p/coffee-house


is based in Teulada and was formed in 2007 and has grown in size and reputation since; a group of Fortuna residents started Alegria in 2012 when they decided to get together to do some carol singing and raise money for charity; while the Costa Barber Singers date back to July 1988 when it was launched by four members – two still remain in the Benissa-based chorus.


Money raised on the evening will go to charity One Step Malawi, which supports educational, medical and community projects in the African country. Tickets are 10€ and can be reserved by calling 96 574 7343. The competition starts at 6.30pm, doors and the bar opens an hour earlier at 5.30pm. For more information, email onestepmalawi@gmail.com

Last chance to visit Wonderland CARELINE THEATRE’S January pantomime ‘Alice in Wonderland’ opened last night in Alcalali but there is still a chance to see this colourful and entertaining show. Sunday night has sold out but tickets remain for tonight’s performance (Friday), the Saturday night and the matinees on Saturday and Sunday. Doors open at 7pm (2pm for matinees) and the curtain up is 8pm and 3pm respectively. Tickets are 12€ for adults and 8€ for children under 10. They are available by calling the Box Office on 652 294 750 or email carelineboxoffice@gmail.com. Pictured in the Palace kitchens are Giovanna Wallis and members of the Junior Chorus.

16 - 22 JANUARY 2015


Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin

More E-IE root-changing verbs (querer, sentir) WE ARE still on our first category of “e to ie” root changing verbs, and so far we have looked at an example of an “–ar” verb, namely “cerrar” which means “to close”. Exactly the same root change occurs with certain “-er” and “-ir” verbs as well, so we will now look at a couple of examples of these. Let’s take “querer” which means “to love” or “to want”. The infinitive form “querer” may not look terribly familiar, but if you have learnt any Spanish at all, you will certainly recognize one of the forms. Remember that we are now using the standard “-er” endings which do not vary. Quiero Queremos Quieres Queréis Quiere Quieren You can see that our root “quer” changes to “quier” in the usual places (1st, 2nd and 3rd persons singular and 3rd person plural). The beat goes on these root changes when we speak, like this: quiEro, quiEres, quiEre, quiEren. In the 1st and 2nd persons plural, the root returns to “quer” and the beat goes on the endings, like this: querEmos, querÉis. Of course the word that we all know is “quiero” meaning “I want” which just goes to illustrate the best way of learning root-changing verbs, which is by using them. When my beginners Spanish students learn “quiero” I simply tell them that it means “I want” and can be used in this, that and the other situation. If I were to say to them “Now we will learn “quiero” which is the first person singular of a root-changing –er verb” , then I probably wouldn’t see them for dust and

Quick solutions Across: 6 Compare; 7 Snake; 9 Try; 10 Manifests; 12 Second sight; 15 Shorthanded; 17 Community; 19 Bad; 21 Agony; 22 Massive. Down: 1 Worry; 2 Spy; 3 Area; 4 Undecided; 5 Sketchy; 8 Hidden; 11 Detriment; 13 On hand; 14 Through; 16 Halve; 18 Tear; 20 Ask.

Smile Charity Group: Escape From Butlitz

they would be none the wiser. Now here is an example of an “-ir” verb which makes the same root change of “e to ie” and which also contains a familiar word. The verb is “sentir” and it means “to feel”. Since it is an “-ir” verb, we now have to remember to make the distinctive “–ir” ending changes, which are the same for all “-ir” verbs. So, this gives us: Siento Sentimos Sientes Sentís Siente Sienten which mean: I feel, you feel, he or she feels and so on, as usual. Now the word “siento” ought to look familiar, from our phrase “lo siento”. You probably know that “lo siento” means “I’m sorry” but you may not realize that the literal translation of this is “I feel it”. If you’ve been taught good spoken Spanish you will also know that we use this expression to make a genuine apology and not just when we’ve stood in someone’s way for two second in the supermarket. People who keep saying “lo siento” every time they would say “sorry” in English sound a little strange in Spanish. If you tell yourself that it really means: “I do apologize” then you will realize that the Spanish must be tempted to ask: “Why, what have you done?” The correct word, if any, for these minor apologies is of course “perdón”. Now here’s a question for you to think about for next week. If “lo siento” means “I’m sorry”, how do we say “We’re sorry” in Spanish? Don’t spend too long worrying about it, but the answer is completely logical - of course! See you next week.

Crossword Solutions for Last Week Cryptic solutions Suduko Answer Across: 6 Arising; 7 Clock; 9 One; 10 Reservoir; 12 Stand at ease; 15 Painstaking; 17 Wrestlers; 19 Ate; 21 Gamut; 22 Convert. Down: 1 Crank; 2 Ass; 3 Knee; 4 Old Vienna; 5 Eclipse; 8 Remark; 11 Stands out; 13 Nettle; 14 Fairway; 16 Stork; 18 Rook; 20 Eve.


FOLLOWING THE fantastic success of Smile’s Panto ‘Pantofrolics’, preparations are underway for the charity’s next production ‘Escape From Butlitz’, to be performed in April. The first read-through of the play will be held at the Casa Cultura in Benijófar on Sunday 18th January at 3.30pm and anyone interested in reading for a part or helping backstage with costumes etc. is welcome to attend. Directions to the Casa Cultura can be obtained by calling 666 822 055. Escape From Butlitz promises to be another full-on comedy, penned by John Wallace: tickets will be on sale once final venues and dates are available. Watch the press for details!


16 - 22 JANuary 2015


Travel to Ancient Egypt

MEMBERS OF U3A Vall de Pop have an opportunity to go time travelling on Thursday 5th February when David Rohl, the Egyptology Group Leader, shares some of his experiences. By Jack Troughton David, who has a degree in Egyptology and Ancient History from University College London, will be giving a talk ‘A Life in Ruins’ at the monthly general meeting. He started researching Ancient Egypt as a child before

enjoying a career in music, first as a rock musician and later as a recording engineer and producer. And in the late eighties, he returned to studying history and later became a television documentary presenter and a best-selling author. His fifth book ‘Exodus – Myth or History?’ is due out in March.

Sparkling floral demonstration

‘DIAMONDS AND Daisies’ is the title of the Marina Alta and Costa Blanca Floral Club’s first demonstration of the New Year on Thursday 22nd January. Susan Horne from Chelmsford in Essex, a keen competitor in floral art competitions, will be showing off her skills at club’s regular venue, the Salon de Actos, at La Espai, Moraira. Doors open at 2pm and everyone is asked to be seated for the demonstration by 2.45pm – guests are always made welcome and ‘first timers’ can expect an afternoon of floral delight. Entry is 3€ for members and 5€ for guests. The club’s chairman and her committee look forward to welcoming both members and guests to 2015. For further information call Tina on 96 583 3197 or visit the website www.marinaaltafloralclub.com

David Rohl

Questions and answers A FUN quiz night is Jalon Valley HELP’s first fund raising event of the year at the El Cid Restaurant in Benidoleig on Friday 30th January at 7pm. Guests will enjoy a one-plate supper before the quiz, presented by Peter Tomlin 0 rated ‘not too difficult’! For more information and to reserve a place at 10€ each, call Jean on 625 349 599 or email jeansanet@hotmail.co.uk.Teams are a maximum of four people, and the charity will attempt to organise smaller numbers into fours on the evening.

16 - 22 JANuary 2015



Fun but not much sun!

(Left to right) Bill Barrie, Winners Greg, Jean and Tony, Alan Phillips and winners Sue, Brian and Jim

ON THURSDAY’S fun bowling day in support of Help of Denia by Javea Green Bowling, the usual all white dress code was dispensed with - there were ducks, sailors, 60´s shirts, Easter bunnies and Mardi Gras costumes! Unfortunately, lack of sun on the day meant that only the hardiest took off their jackets to reveal costumes underneath! The emphasis was on fun and it was a drawn, seeded, two wood triples tournament played over three 50-minute games by two groups. 78 bowlers competed and the top team

from each group were awarded prizes. In group one the winners were Greg Sperring, Jean Murdoch and Tony Hesketh-Field and group two winners were Sue Kent, Jim Menzies and Brian Bolger. As this was a fun day even the two worst-scoring teams got a prize! There were two wrong bias sent up during the match costing the perpetrators the sum of 1€ each which went into the charity´s coffers. Before each session there was a ´spider´ in which a jack is placed in the middle of the green and bowlers line

themselves around the edges: at a given signal all bowl towards it, the winner being the one with the closest wood earning them a bottle of brandy. President Bill Barrie thanked Jan and Alan Phillips whose tremendous hard work ensured that everything ran smoothly on the day and everyone had a good time. The total raised was 231€ from competition entry fees, 25€ from the Bowls shop, 10€ from onsite shop High Street Heaven and 20€ raised by Heather Stephens from the sale of cakes.

U3A’s Alfaz AGM U3A MARINA Baixa is holding its Annual General meeting at the Casa de Cultura in Alfaz del Pi on Monday 26th January. Doors open at 9.30am and the meeting begins promptly at 11am and members are asked to renew their 12€ annual membership by placing it in an envelope clearly stating their name and number. New members are always welcome and can join for 12€. Monthly general meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month, the venue for February has yet to be decided. And for more information visit the website www.u3amarinabaixa.com. People without internet access can call Secretary Joan Flint on 96 586 1226 or 663 637 167.

New Knitting Club for Javea

THE KNITTERS of Pinosol have no more space so we must start another knitting group somewhere in Javea. Anyone wishing to host a few knitters once a week or join once we get going - please get in touch with lesleyclarkjavea@gmail. com. We knit all sorts of items for sale at Fairs and Events as well as more conventional ‘family’ knitting.


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

Focus on Golf Powered by Campbell Lamont Golf, partnered by BayRadio

What format shall we play today? You have at least twenty to choose from!!! By Tony Myles ONE OF the pleasures of joining in with Campbell’s regular competitions is that it often affords you the opportunity of playing a golf format that is different from your regular roll-up where most days it will be an individual stableford competition. With so many different variations available the prospect of playing an occasional Texas Scramble adds an extra level of anticipation. Being part of a team can be very enjoyable and for the higher handicap player it can also present a degree of security in knowing that, for a significant part of the round, you have the support of your fellow team members. Your wayward shots are disguised by the fact that you can merely collect your ball from the impossible lie in the bushes and place

it several yards further up the fairway. Of course there will be at least four occasions when your drive is the one that the others will select but provided you have been allocated holes which best suit your ability, that will not be a daunting task. For most golfers it is a diversification that brings an element of fun that is missing from day-to-day individual play. Nevertheless it is also true that most players would view it as an occasional format rather than one which would be utilised every week. BURNS DAY AT LA SELLA On Sunday 25th there is just such an opportunity to join a large field of golfers participating in the annual Burns Day Texas Scramble at La Sella. The event will

have a very Scottish atmosphere with a piper dressed in full highland regalia welcoming the players and heralding the shotgun start at 09.45. As in past years there will be a significant amount of tartan being swirled, although this year Campbell has suggested that he may not be attired in “true Scottish” fashion as last year he found it somewhat draughty. You can enter as a team or join as an individual and if you have a mind to extend the entertainment then join in with the post match Burns Supper in the Marriott which is scheduled to start at 3.30pm. Och aye hoots mon the noo. (I have no idea what that means!)

Head2Head Campbell - How are you with new technology? Tony M - I am not sure that this mobile phone thing will catch on. Campbell - I am having a few problems with mine.

Tony M - What sort of problems? Campbell -The i’Phone can understand voice commands but I can’t get that to work for some reason.

Technology! Tony M - It’s because you’re Scottish. Campbell - Why would that be a problem? Tony M - Well, with a Scottish accent you need the Ayephone!

16 - 22 JANuary 2015


The ninth stage of the Vuelta starts from Torrevieja


Sporting chance

By Jack Troughton NEW MEMBERS and visitors are welcome to join the fun of the ever popular U3A Denia’s petanque group for its weekly meetings every Tuesday morning. Players meet at 10.30am – unless otherwise arranged – by the bar in the middle of the park in Las Marinas, around 1.5km north of Denia town itself. For more information contact the group leader Anne Price by emailing Recent winners petanque@u3adenia.org.

Carl and Alun

Ds Barbarians RFC new training times

Members of Torrevieja’s Council were present for the official announcement

By Keith Nicol AS NOTED in last week’s RTN, it has now been confirmed that Torrevieja will host the start of the Ninth Stage of the ‘Vuelta’ this August. On Saturday the Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolon, along with Deputy Provincial Tourism of the Costa Blanca, Joaquín Albaladejo, the Councillor for Sports, Luis María Pizana, and President of the Cycling Club Torrevieja, Manuel Peñalver, were in the Auditorium Prince of Asturias in Torremolinos, for the official announcement. They were invited by the Director

General of the ‘Tour of Spain’, Javier Guillén, because this will be the first time in history the city of Torrevieja that a stage of the Vuelta will start from the city. The event, which was presented by Pedro Delgado and Carlos Andrés, was broadcast live on the Teledeporte channel TVE. The 70th edition consists of 21 stages held from August 22nd to September 13th, 2015. Torrevieja’s start of the ninth stage, takes place on August 30th. Plans are already being put in place to ensure this will be a historic day, with

great atmosphere as the city expects thousands of tourists and visitors to line the streets, from those who spend their summer holidays in Torrevieja to those visiting especially for the event. The ninth stage will be the only part of the Vuelta 2015 that runs through Alicante. News of the appointment of Torrevieja to host the stage has been received with delight by numerous recreational cyclists in the city, many of them members of the Cycling Club Torrevieja, which annually organizes various events.

FROM JANUARY 12th, 2015, DS Barbarians RFC have new training times. They are hoping to attract more players as the council have now given them additional time for the juniors to train separately from the seniors. The training times for the juniors are on Monday from 7.00pm to 8.30pm and on Tuesdays from 6.00pm to 7.30pm, while the seniors will be training on Monday and Wednesday as usual from 8.30pm to 10.30pm.The team are also looking at getting a few U10’s to training and hoping that this will attract more juniors down to train, as this will help the club to move forward. They are hoping to hold an open day at the beginning of March so that people can come on down and see what the club has to offer, do a bit of training with the players and see what the sport is all about. All ages, gender and nationalities are welcome, from beginners to experienced players. The DS Barbarians train at the Daya Vieja sports ground. For more information contact: Dutch, on 692 767 242 or visit him at the Zoco market on Sunday, third row in from the main road at the far end.

Rugby La Vila News Petanca League THIS PAST Saturday, the first team travelled to Barcelona to play against Sitges RC, winning 35-25 against a team with more than 11 new Argentinian players. They came away with an away win plus a bonus point and 5 more points on the board, keeping La Vila in first place on the table. Next Sunday 18th January is a very important game for the first team against local rivals Cau Valencia at 12.30pm. They are second on the table. La Vila needs the victory to stay at the top of the table and gain access to the final play off to promote to Spanish Top-12 league (Division de Honor). We need your support – don’t miss out. Tickets cost 5€. There will be an artisan paella maker who will prepare a Paella Gigante for the after match lunch: tickets will be 5€. Our women’s team will play Saturday at 5pm against Les Abelles Valencia. There is still time to join the club as a member, as a player, or as a supporter: come down and watch our next game and join in! The Club also run women’s rugby, U18’s, U16’s, U14’s, U12’s, U10’s and U8’s teams. There is also a well-equipped Gym to which members have free access. La Vila Rugby Club is situated at Carretera El Pantano, Villajoyosa. If you are interested in joining contact Jason Craig on 659 674 768 or Ignacio Davila 608 068 208.

THE LAS SALINAS winter Petanca league has now reached the half way stage with more surprises. The window for signing on new players is now closed. In the 1st division, Buccaneers with a good win away as Dominos Dragons go top of the league, closely followed by Amigos Belgas 1 and Rocajuna, who had good home wins. In the 2nd division, Breeze Bar Cannons were surprised at losing to Peacocks Red. A good win for Los Bandidos now puts them at the top of the league. Also a good win for XPS keeps them in contention. In division 3, a hard fought win for Amigos 2 keeps them top of the league, but Bagul 1 are hard on their heels with a good win against Breeze Bar Hurricanes. The 4th division leaders, Pumas, had a strong win against San Miguel Tigers, but Amigos Belgas 3 keep up the pressure at the top with a good away win at Torre Bears 2. In division 5, league leaders Guardamar should have had a hard match away at Falcons but came away with a good win. Dominos Mcoys kept up the pressure with a good win away at Escorpiones. In division 6, Bagul 2 have now won every match they have played and look good for promotion with Rocajuna Lions. Thanks to our sponsors Rapid Repairs, Casa Manuel, Kosta Kitchens, Dominos Bar and EDP (electric).


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

road test

Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer

IT IS still possible to be surprised by car design

AS I glance at the Vauxhall Zafira Tourer I notice that there is something a little different about the rear bumper and it’s not because I’ve reversed into something… IN THE centre it looks to me as if it can be pushed to reveal a step, such as you might find on a conversion for a disabled motorist. It is only when I lift the boot lid that I notice a lever and wondering what it does, I pull it. This releases the Flex-Fix integrated bike carrier – what a clever idea. I have never come across a vehicle with such a facility. This is a gadget I’d expect Q in the James Bond films to dream up! It’s certainly not a gimmick either because I can see how the active family that would typically purchase this vehicle would want to transport their bicycles when they go away on an adventure. And this for me gives the Zafira another dimension from other people movers. This third generation revamp looks slick and appealing from the outside and the bright red finish of the test model certainly stands out. It is also surprising that despite being a sizeable sevenseater it feels small to drive. If there is difficulty reversing a helpful camera automatically appears in the central display together with helpful beeps that sound when manoeuvring into a tight gap. The third row of seats is nestled underneath the boot and put into position by simply pulling a loop on the back. It’s a comfortable vehicle with plenty of room. That boot is large enough to accommodate a variety of paint tins and other rubbish including a large gas bottle that needs taking to the tip.

When the doors are opened at night the interior is lit up with red lights incorporated into the trim, making it feel quite spaceship-like. For a people mover it’s fast, hitting 60mph from standstill in under 11 seconds and it will almost return 70mpg; which means that it is possible to travel 150 miles without even using an eighth of a tank. There is engine stop/start, which although I am used to these days does perplex me a little. The Zafira has a low bite on the clutch making me wonder whether I have stalled the vehicle. Another issue is the electric handbrake; of which I am not a great fan. You see there’s an automatic hill brake that the driver must put their trust in and I find this difficult. No sooner has the accelerator been pushed and the brake releases and as a result I find myself over revving, which isn’t ideal for economy.

Vauxhall Zafira Tourer MPV 2 0 Cdti 130 Se 5dr Price: 31,950€ Top speed: 120mph 0-60mph: 10.6secs Power: 128bhp Economy: up to 68.9mpg

Watch the video: www.testdrives.biz

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz


16 - 22 JANUARY 2015

advertising feature

Eyewear Winter Trend Guide

JANUARY IS a great time to update your look and glasses are a quick and easy way to refresh your style and make a statement, by carrying through some of the latest trends. Natasha Gray, Global Stylist and Frame Communications Manager, from optical brand Specsavers has put together an overview of winter trends which you can apply to your glasses and accessories and start 2015 looking great. DIGITAL LIFE THEME - This trend is all about clean lines, bright colours, layered acetate plastic and bold shapes. Multilayered acetate plastic is a really neat way of subtly showing off your style credentials. It keeps the look very smart but gives a flash of fashion inspiration. A lighter colour on the inside of the frame is often used; this allows light to illuminate, rather than darken the eye area.

FOLK LUXE & VINTAGE DRAMA - This trend is all about luxury fabrics, jewel-colours, feathers, faux fur and Native American elements. Folk art also plays a huge part in this trend. The never-ending love affair with vintage apparel and accessories is still apparent and retro designs are still emerging, from cat’s-eye to round-eyed styles. Clubmaster-inspired frames are a key trend for 2015. MARINE THEME - This trend sees stunning marine colours applied to frames for both men and women. The great thing about blue and green frames is that they emphasise the natural colours of the iris, enlarge the appearance of the eyes, and bring them into focus in a flattering way. These shades complement a range of skin tones and will work well with most of your wardrobe, given that many colours have blue undertones.

FROM DAWN TO DUSK THEME - An emerging frame trend features all the colours of the sunrise and sunset. Particularly for women, this trend includes pinks, purples, sunset oranges and flaming reds. Specsavers Opticas have a large range of designer glasses including Karl Lagerfeld, Roxy, Quicksilver, Karen Millen, Benetton and Tommy Hilfiger, as well as their own cult brands of Osiris and Aurora. Style advisors are on hand to help make the right choice for each face shape. There are stores located in Benidorm, Guardamar, Calpe, Jávea, and Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca, Fuengirola and Marbella on the Costa del Sol and Santa Ponça in Mallorca. For more information and to find your nearest store visit www.specsavers.es.


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16 - 22 JANuary 2015 To visit Benji please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850. PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) www. pettraveluk.co.uk. Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A DOG OR PUPPY please join our Facebook group. We have many dogs, large, small, scruffs and pedigree! Just go to Facebook and search Costa Blanca Dog Homing. Even if you cannot offer a home, rescues are always needing foster homes, and just sharing the dog posts really helps us to help them.

ALSTRAYS TRANSPORT SERVICES Monthly cat and dog transports between Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and the UK. DEFA certificate and license. www.alstrays.com. Tel: 676 653 681

HOUSE RENOVATIONS British Builders.15 years in Spain.Fully Liscensed. Small jobs to Total Refurbishments.For FREE quote call us. 628 402 241

LOVELY BENJI IS A MEDIUM SIZED unique looking boy, who is very friendly and loves making friends with everyone he meets. He is being cared for by APAH, but needs a home. Can you make this New Year the best he has had by giving him that chance?

HOUSE SITTING, PET SITTING Daily or longer. Your home or mine.Key holding service.References.637160545 COSTA BLANCA PET TRANSPORT TO UK DEFRA registered. Excellent rates. www.costablancadoghoming.com or call 965 698 052

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GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths

VENDING MACHINE ROUTE on the Costa Blanca 30,000euros NET P.A. No overhead all cash income.49,000 euros Call:0044 2392 160 657 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Own your own lingerie, clothing and swimwear boutique. Prices from 10,000 Euros including stock and shop fittings. Full help and support given throughout. Established company with over 10 years trading in Spain. Call Peter on 660 170 355 without obligation. DONCHIMENEA Chimney Sweep North Costa Blanca,Denia,Calpe and Inland. Telephone or Whatsapp: 647 897 710 www.donchimenea.com or email: donchimenea@yahoo.co.uk

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965312-006 or 606-127-424


16 - 22 JANuary 2015

MINI DIGGER AND DUMPER WITH DRIVER Covering North Costa Blanca Telephone: 648 052 911 TAPPY TOES DANCE CLASS FOR BABIES from 18 months, at 4kwatro in Albir, 11am, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information. LADIES DANCEFIT WITH L.A DANCE at 4kwatro in Albir, Mondays at 7.30pm, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information

LA BAMBA’S - BALLROOM / LATIN / SEQUENCE DANCING Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 [near Lemon Tree Sunday Market] Monday - SOCIAL DANCE 8.30pm - 10.30pm [SEQUENCE CLASS 7.30pm - 8.30pm] Friday - SOCIAL DANCE 7.30pm - 10.30pm Wednesday New Beginners Class [new beginners welcome every Wednesday] 2pm -3pm Intermediate Class 3pm - 4pm Intermediate Plus Class 4pm - 5pm For more information contact Andrea and Brian 616 478 157

REPAIRS Washing machines, Dishwashers & Dryers. Also Boilers and any electrical problems. 24hours. Cheap prices Tel 604103909

MR FIXIT FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, GENERAL & Appliance Repairs. No Callout Charge. 698 320 434

SOS INSURANCE IN SPAIN Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year & cars from 120 euros. Tel 966787123 / 622275561 / 686116297 email

SEA CONTAINER FOR SALE 20 ft Sea container. Can be used for storage or seaworthy. 2000€ Ontinyent Tel:608178336 TRAILER FOR SALE Trailer excellent condition. Tips up for easy lifting. No licence required. 1m x 1.6m upto 500kg. 500€ Ontinyent Tel:608178336 MOTORBIKE TRAILER FOR SALE Dave Cooper collapsible motorbike trailer. Brand New 400€ Ontinyent Tel:608178336


MICHAEL’S 30 YEARS IN JAVEA-ENSURES YOUR SATISFACTION!See all our new furniture at: www.michaels-javea.com

GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths

16 - 22 JANuary 2015 CALA DOR ,SEMI DETATCHED VILLA 3 bed, 3 bathroomsSwimming pool,Garage,Front and rear gardenswith mature tree. Beautiful sea views,10 minute walk to local sandy beach.Close to all amenities with great access to Alicante

GANDIA PROPERTY FOR SALE Two,3 bedroom villas,pool,casita,1 042sq mtrs walled,gated plot,garden,near Gandia. Separate deeds,120,000€ each. Phone 603324796.

VERDEMAR 2 VILLAMARTIN 2 Bedroom house for rent.Fully equipped.Small garden front and back and rooftop solarium.Tv system included 350€ per month plus electricity and water. Call 965696367 Mobile 666327982 PROPERTY TO RENT Beautiful 2 Bed 2 Bath Quad Villa located in San Jose 2 Same walking distance to both La Zenia and Cabo Roig. Quiet Community,communal pool and Gardens. The property is fully furnished and comes with both hot and cold air conditioning city gas has just been installed. 425 euros per c/m plus bills. Minimum let:1 year. Phone:603311994 VILLAMARTIN 3 BEDROOM VILLA Fully Furnished with modern furniture.English owned Long Term Let Min 5 years available.Large Roof Terrace and communal pool. Quiet complex in Lomas Del Golf 495€ pcm plus bills.Contact:602 423 324 For Viewings BENIDORM DOUBLE ROOM TO LET In spacious apartmment( old town Benidorm ) 260€ p.c.m All utilities included. Barry: 634 302 795

MJB MOBILE WELDERS Gates, grills, hinges etc., repaired or new. No job too small. Fast service. Low prices. Free Quotes. Call Terry: 966 845 414 / 625 995 470 WANTED I BUY ANY CAR van,Caravan,4x4 Etc.British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail.com

PROBLEMS WITH INSECTS? Cockroaches, rats & mice. Call 626 828 974 All insects

WEWILLBUYANYCAR.ES We will buy any car on the Costa Blanca Spain! Free online Car valuation Tel: 666 126 662 JAVEA PORT Top floor apartment,Southern aspect,2 double bedrooms,2 Bathrooms,Granite kitchen,XL Lounge,Glazed balcony,Heated marble floors,Private terrace,Basement parking. For Price and Details Call: 965 795 271

MR FIXIT For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No Call out charge. 698 320 434


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GLOBAL 4 REMOVALS Worldwide tailor made removal service and solutions.FREE packing.FREE quotations.UK & Ireland, Spain , Australia , NZ , USA ,Canada. 965 997 263 / 618 342 447 global4removals@yahoo.com SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. www.spanishmoves. net. Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537


16 - 22 JANuary 2015

VAN LEAVING FROM UK TO SPAIN 1ST FEBRUARY returning Spain to UK 11th February. Space available. 679 042 805 / 0044(0)7552 985 343 or email keithmarion9@yahoo.co.uk

JAVEA SKIP HIRE 626 670 038 Moraira, Benissa, Calpe, Denia from S&W TOOL HIRE & FERRETERIA MORAIRA

HOT TUBS, SPAS, JACUZZIS Quality spas at factory Prices. Also spares, filters and Repairs. Used and ex-display spas available. We part ex and buy spas, best prices in Spain. Established 12 years Eurospas 650 722 905

STRONG LADY WANTED Slender attractive businessman mid 50´s seeks strong,dominant lady for a relationship with a difference. Intrigued? Call 638560283 NEW LADY IN ORIHUELA COSTA La Florida, ARIANA venezuelan 35 years old. Natural breasts, loving... 651 176 716 LA FLORIDA, SALMA from Canarias, 30 years old, tall, slim, the best massage, the most passionate 654 043 043 DENIA Venezuelan Valery 39 Beautiful,Sensual 640 292 906 Brasilian Vicky

28,Beautiful,Sexy 631 760 215, Duo and massages LADIES ENJOY A GENTLE SPANKING and be well paid. The Headmaster visits you. Torrevieja area. headmaster@live.co.uk SEXY MATURE ENGLISH BLONDE 15 minutes alicante airport. Over night stays possible. Ring Karen 662 049 021 SOPHIE ESCORT Slim elegant naughty lady. Hotel/home visit available. Tel:693 357 526 GENERIC VIAGRA EXCLUSIVE First time in Spain 120mgs. Also Kamagra 100mgs, Generic Cialis 20mgs, and

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