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NORTH EDITION roundtownnews.com

Merry Christmas from JT & the team! A HAPPY Christmas and peaceful and prosperous New Year from everyone in the RTN team. Enjoy the festivities wherever you are celebrating.


Christmas manhunt

23 DEC 2016 - 4 JAN 2017

POLICE ACROSS Europe are hunting the 24-year-old Tunisian man wanted over the attack at a Christmas market in Berlin which left 12 people dead and 49 injured. by JACK TROUGHTON ANIS AMRI is believed to be the man who indiscriminately drove the articulated lorry into crowds celebrating the festive season at the traditional German event that draws people from around the world in December. And following Monday’s attack a European arrest warrant was issued after Amri’s residence permit was found in the cab of the lorry which caused the carnage at the

Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market, close to the German capital’s most famous shopping street, the Kurferstendamm. The fugitive has used up to six aliases according to the German authorities; he has at times tried to pass himself off as an Egyptian or a Lebanese. He was being monitored from March to September on suspicion of planning a robbery to pay for automatic weapons for use in an attack.

Continued on Page 7...


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


Filling Santa’s sacks CHRISTMAS VOLUNTEERS braved Monday’s storms to fill ‘Santa’s Sacks’ with goodies for the children cared for in EMAUS homes on the Costa Blanca. by Jack Troughton The team worked throughout the afternoon – fortified with cups of tea, mince pies and chocolate – to fill the individually named sacks for each of the 51 boys, 32 girls, and a two-month-old baby. And such was the generosity of people donating gifts and presents bought by a dedicated charity, there is enough left over to give every child another surprise come the night of 5th January; the Spanish celebration of Three Kings. The volunteers gathered between 2.30pm and 4.30pm at the Gata Charity Warehouse, the second year charity Friends of the Children of EMAUS has run the scheme. Organiser Lesley Clarke (pictured with the team, bottom right) said: “It has been two hours of jolly hard work and the whole team of ‘sack stuffers’ has been excellent. Unfortunately some people couldn’t come because of the weather. “We just organised a production line and filled every sack. It was great fun and has put everyone in the festive spirit.” A total of 100 sacks were handmade by a team of 10 women, each sewing 10 sacks; an arrangement said to work “very well”.


Festive flags flying by Jack Troughton COLOURFUL NATIONAL flags fly above the Spanish countryside to acknowledge the international flavour of the community living on a Marina Alta urbanisation. The colourful banners are hung annually between olive trees at an entrance to Gata Residencial and this year there are 18 different countries represented. And each of the individual flags bears the words ‘Merry Christmas’ in the correct language and has been signed by its nations representatives. The festive fun is the work of Tony and Hazel Kerslake and the flags were hung last week and will remain until Three Kings; the 12th day of Christmas. “It’s all a bit of fun as far as I am concerned,” said Tony. “This is the third year we have done it – the first year there were 10, last year 12, and now we are up to 18. “The new ones included the United States, Denmark, Ukraine and Latvia and we had to find out how to write ‘Merry Christmas’ in the different languages.” The flags are diplomatically flown in geographic order from West to East, starting from the USA and ending with Russia. Tony said he bought the flags in the UK. “The Latvian family asked if it would be possible for me to put up their national flag and then an American woman donated a Stars and Stripes.”

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


4 DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016

News and views from the Costa Blanca, Costa Calida & Costa Almeria. Read us online every week>


A word from the Ed... RTN Towers at Christmas

Natural Stor SIX PEOPLE were killed along a Spanish coast ravaged by the vicious storm that brought high winds and torrential rain. by JACK TROUGHTON

IT HAS been a shocking last week before Christmas with two disasters hitting the headlines - one the work of Mother Nature, the second by the hand of madmen. A truly sad end to the year. It is now time to put up shutters, stoke up the fire, and enjoy one of the most special times of the year, hopefully with loved ones – even the weather forecast is for calm.

FOUR LOST their lives in Valencia, one in Murcia and one in Almeria as the Gota Fria devastated property, closed roads and brought widespread fl ooding. The deaths took place in Castellon, Finestrat, Enguera, and Xativa in Valencia, Las Alcazares in Murcia and Bedur in Almeria. Schools were closed across the region, weekend sports cancelled, beaches swept away and the Port of Valencia was closed. It was a dramatic end to the wettest December for 152 years and the storm itself one of the worst in memory. The clean-up operation has begun and the authorities are inspecting infrastructure damaged in a tempest where winds gusted to hurricane levels and in one area of Valencia rainfall reached 300 litres per square metre.

The halls at RTN Towers are decked with holly – we are very traditional – the tree is decorated and everyone is looking forward to the annual feast with families and friends. It is now time for the team to enjoy a long winter nap and relax before we bounce back with a news-filled and colourful RTN in the New Year. The next edition is available on Thursday 5th January. Just before Alice hands out the gifts, there is just time to steal some of Santa’s words from ´Twas the Night before Christmas’ and say “a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight”. See you in 2017. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: production@roundtownnews.com NEWSDESK & GENERAL ENQUIRIES: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com TO ADVERTISE: sales@roundtownnews.com THE EDITOR: jack@roundtownnews.com DISTRIBUTION REQUESTS: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

PUBLISHER: MIA MEDIA S.L MANAGING DIRECTOR: Danny Wilkinson EDITOR: Jack Troughton DISTRIBUTION: Ian Tilley (North) Darren Yates (South) David Purnell DESIGN: Alice Hillier Daniel Phillips

Alicante President Cesar Sanchez in Orihuela


The 76 year old in La Cala Finestrat moments before being swept to his death

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A helping hand in Los Alcazares

rm Killer The gorge at Gata de Gorgos The river in spate at Javea

Sand fl ood defences at Javea

DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016

El Fat One THE WINNING number in this year’s Christmas lottery – popularly known as El Gordo (The Fat One) – was 66513. The lucky five-digit figure corresponding to the top €4 million prize was sung out by two children from San Ildefonso school as per tradition at 11.57am yesterday, 22/12.



dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


Santa goes back to school FATHER CHRISTMAS was helped to make a traditional delivery of presents to youngsters at the Raquel Paya School in Denia by members of the Original Charity Shop and Library. by Jack Troughton Each December volunteers from the Javea charity accompany Santa to the special needs school and enjoy the mounting excitement of students and their parents. The visitors enjoyed carols performed by school musicians and a video showing the many activities of the school over

the year. The main event was Papa Noel and his helpers opening sacks of presents; one for each of the students. The charity buys the gifts for this very festive occasion with money raised by people who buy tickets for the Christmas Raffle and thanks everyone for supporting the endeavour and sponsors and businesses for donating prizes. A full list of raffle winners is posted in the shop window of the Original Charity Shop.

Computers for kids

BIG-HEARTED VOLUNTEERS at the Roundabout Charity Shop in Javea have donated six laptops to help youngsters at EMAUS homes do their homework. The computers were presented to Carole Saunders, President of charity Friends of the Children of EMAUS – pictured third from left with charity shop team members - to be distributed to six of the homes in the Costa Blanca.

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


Christmas manhunt www.roundtownnews.com

POLICE ACROSS Europe are hunting the 24-year-old Tunisian man wanted over the attack at a Christmas market in Berlin which left 12 people dead and 49 injured. by Jack Troughton Anis Amri is believed to be the man who indiscriminately drove the articulated lorry into crowds celebrating the festive season at the traditional German event that draws people from around the world in December. And following Monday’s attack a European arrest warrant was issued after Amri’s residence permit was found in the cab of the lorry which caused the carnage at the Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market, close to the German capital’s most famous shopping street, the Kurferstendamm. The fugitive has used up to six aliases according to the German authorities; he has at times tried to pass himself off as an Egyptian or a Lebanese. He was being monitored from March to September on suspicion of planning a robbery to pay for automatic weapons for use in an attack. And a number of photographs of Amri have been circulated to police across Europe, including Spain and the UK. The German government has warned he could be armed

a dangerous and should not be approached. Germany has also posted a 100,000 Euro reward for information leading to the suspect’s arrest. The emergency has also prompted counterterrorist authorities in Europe to step up security at high profile public celebrations over Christmas and the New Year. DAWN RAIDS Since the atrocity, German police have carried out a number of raids in the Dortmund area. Four arrests have been made after two apartments were searched. The attack has triggered a flood of phone calls to detectives and these tips are all being followed up. DNA evidence has also been gathered from inside the cab of the lorry. It is believed Amri used the western German city as a base from time to time. News sources say residents of one block of flats recognised photographs of the suspect and alleged he spent time with an immigrant who was arrested last month on suspicion of having links to so-called Islamic state. The outlawed terrorist group has claimed to be behind the attack and said one of its “soldiers” was responsible. Using its own news

agency, IS said it was “in response to calls to target nationals of the coalition countries.” Public Prosecutor Peter Frank told a press conference the style of the attack suggested it was carried out by Islamic extremists. Police say the lorry was hijacked earlier on Monday afternoon when parked in an industrial in north-west Berlin after driver Lukasz Urban, a Polish citizen, was unable

to unload the Italian steel he was carrying until Tuesday. And it has been clear the driver attempted to fight off his attackers before dying of stab and gunshot wounds. The evidence shows despite being injured with a knife, Mr Urban bravely wrestled his attacker until he was shot – no weapon has yet been recovered.

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dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


Take a compass reading HOUSE HUNTERS are advised to take a compass when visiting properties to check the all-important position of the sun. Walter and Jane Mann are both part of the British Consulates ‘Our Local Ambassador’ scheme and made sure they had the vital piece of kit as they inspected prospective homes.

the millions and way out of our budget.” Walter said they decided to include areas up to 30km inland, visiting to get a feel of the place. During such a visit they discovered the village of Campoverde.

The couple live in Campoverde, near Pilar de la Horadada, and carefully researched the Costas before making a permanent move to Spain over three years ago. After making the decision to emigrate, Walter and Jane – pictured flanking British Ambassador Simon Manley – had the luxury of time; they promised their daughter they would not leave the UK until she had completed her university studies. Walter said this allowed them to research the Spanish coast, taking about 100 mile “chunks” at a time. “We came out certainly twice and sometimes three times a year and worked up from the south of Cartagena.” They worked their way up “way above” Alicante in the search. “Our ideal was a nice swimming pool on the beach but quickly found everything a half a mile or a mile of the coast was incredibly small and packed in with no space at all – or were priced in

ACCIDENT “We found it completely by accident, by looking at the map,” he added. “Strangely enough we had a gut feeling the very first day we visited.” Their next visit involved staying in Campoverde and having found a location they started a file of estate agents and properties on sale. “We came out again and visited properties; Jane would walk around with a compass in her hand to check the position of the sun.” Some homes were too small, others were “blatantly holiday homes”, but they drew up a short list and during the next four-day visit went to 34 villas, Walter “furiously” scribbling out a floor plan. He said their current home “kept coming to the top of the list” during discussions despite being over budget. “We went back to the estate agent and she said to make an of-

fer. We put in a low bid; which was refused – not surprisingly – but the seller said if we could add another four or five thousand they would seriously consider it. We did, because we had a bit of leeway.” Walter said Campoverde was a quiet village but the nearby town of Pilar – just a few minutes’ drive away – was lively,

with supermarkets, banks, shops, bars and restaurants. He said it was important to check there were things going on all year round and a place did not shut down after the summer season. “We are in a thriving community and active all year and something goes on every day of every week.”


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


A magical Nutcracker

Poppy DANCERS FROM the Moscow Ballet captivated Appeal a Costa Blanca audience with a performance of success the festive favourite ‘The Nutcracker’. by Jack Troughton The Teulada Moraira Auditorium was filled by ballet lovers enjoying the tale of the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Mouse King and the famous score by composer P.I Tchaikovsky. Directed by Timur Fayziev, The Nutcracker featured two great and award-winning soloists of international stature, Cristina and Alexei Terentiev. Through the magic of ballet, the dancers connected with the spectators telling the story through the medium of dance, the stage dominated by large Christmas tree – earning a standing ovation.

THE MOJACAR Branch of the Royal British Legion has thanked the Almeria community for its support during the 2016 Poppy Appeal – 14,000 Euros has been raised with more funds being collected. The branch thanks businesses for placing poppy trays on their premises and the Iceland supermarket for hosting a Legion table manned by volunteers. And members also pay tribute to everyone who made a donation to wear an iconic poppy as well as businesses, organisations and groups who sponsored or staged events for the appeal throughout 2016.


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


At least 31 dead in explosion at fireworks market At least 31 people died and 72 were injured in a massive explosion at a fireworks market in Mexico on Tuesday afternoon. Another 100 people were reported missing. by James martin The “no smoking” signs were still plain to see all around the fireworks market at San Pablito Tultepec, an area the size of two football pitches. Inside what is left of the market, the scene is a disaster. Metal beams were twisted into impossible shapes, cement walls have been melted, and cranes are picking up rubble that looked more like coal. On Tuesday afternoon, four days before Christmas, 300 tons of explosives went off for unknown reasons, in a terrifying accident. Diana Angélica and her family had just arrived when the explosions began. “We heard the first fireworks go off and we started running down the aisle. There were a lot of people. I grabbed my 11-month-old girl and then boom, we felt a really strong explosion behind us, like a gas pipe,” she recalls. The blast lifted them off the ground and into the fence. “We fell among a bunch of people, but we managed to get out. It was around 3pm. The chain reaction of exploding fireworks lasted for over an hour, sending plumes of white smoke in the air”


DEC 16 - 22 DEC 2016

Christmas cheer by JACK TROUGHTON

DECEMBER AGAIN brings a rainbow of colour to Spain as Christmas approaches and red and white dominates decorations from Santa suits to decorations. Father Christmas (pictured) holds the can of a famous and now global brand of soft drink changed the colour scheme of the holiday. Coca Cola managed to convince the world at the beginning of the 20th Century that Santa Claus did not wear green and white and decked out the jolly gentleman in his modern look – which just happened to be the company colours. Even Christmas trees turn up in Coca Cola brand colours (pictured), however, a Valencia fl ower stall (pictured) shows the variety of blooms and the rich colours nature provides. However, red has always played a part in our Christmas lives: red-breasted robins, holly berries, even poinsettias. It is not all about a highly successful marketing campaign‌enjoy!


dec 16 - 22 dec 2016

Royalty occasion

Christmas spirit by Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF Benitachell Ladies Club were in a festive spirit when they made their annual Christmas giveaway on Monday morning. At the Pensionistas Social Centre there were 17 sacks of toys and clothing purchased for children of families badly hit by the economic downturn; a 400 Euro donation for the volunteer firemen of Cumbre del Sol, and hampers of goodies for the children at the EMAUS home in Vergel.

In addition five bags of food were presented to the Councillor for Social Services Jacinta Pastor which will also help poorer families this Christmas packed with some luxury items. Club members were joined by Mayor Josep Femenia and members of the town hall for the occasion and cava, mince pies and traditional snacks were enjoyed by everyone. Club president Dorothy Sweeney (pictured fourth from left) said the club met every week and money was raised when members chipped in by leaving donations in a charity tin and a portion of their ‘subs’ also helped fund the

Semi Finalist Masterchef

Christmas presentation. “We also charge 5 Euro a year membership fee.” She said: “We are not a big club, there’s only about 20 members but we do try and make a difference and do some good deeds and give something back to the community. “We couldn’t buy the bomberos a new fire engine because we didn’t win the lottery but we appreciate the job they do for everyone.” The club meets every morning at the ‘pensionistas’ at 10am and anyone interested in joining can just pop along or find out more by calling Dorothy on 646 351 631.

THE JALON Valley Writers Group – part of U3A Vall de Pop – has donated a royalty cheque from sales of anthology ‘All in the Mix’ to a hard-working charity. Nine writers contributed to the collection of short stories and poems and prize-winning poet Vivien Johnson is pictured making the presentation of 378 Euros to Jalon Valley HELP President Elaine Horton. The book – published by UP Publishers – continues to sell and is available at HELP’s charity shops in Jalon and Alcalali and The Corner Shop in Orba. It can also be ordered online from Amazon, UP, and major book stores. The nine writers hope to make another presentation to HELP by the end of the year, taking the total raised for the charity in 2016 to at least 500 Euros.


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


Costa Christmas celebrations THE CHURCH of England in Spain is holding special services along the Costa Blanca this weekend to celebrate the Christmas Story. by Jack Troughton The Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy has seven congregations on the northern coast holding regular Sunday services and has a number of services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. There is traditional Midnight Mass at 11.30pm tomorrow night (24th December) in Javea at the beautiful Ermita, on the Jesus Pobre Road. And tomorrow, 25th December, Christmas Day Communion Services are being held at each of the seven churches at the regular Sunday times: Albir, 9.45am; Javea, 9.45am; Calpe,10.30am; Denia,11.45 am; El Campello, at 12 noon; Gandia at noon; and La Fustera at noon. For the location and directions click the ‘Churches and Services’ button on the website http://costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org/.

Happy packers MABS VOLUNTEERS enjoyed packing shopping for customers at Iceland in Javea on Saturday, raising 320 Euros for the charity. MABS Cancer Support group thanked Manager Michael for his help and thanked the team and shoppers for their support.

#NewsFromAfar 18

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

GOT A STORY? Email editor@roundtownnews.com

The Force is strong in Oz SYDNEY POLICE officer and huge Star Wars fan Mick Fett has become an internet sensation with his ‘Aussie Vader’ costume incorporating the Australian flag. by Jack Troughton Mick, 39, was born the year the first film in the franchise was released and has since amassed a vast collection of action figures, costumes, and other rare merchandise.

The collection fills the five-bedroom house he shares with his girlfriend; said to be worth half a million Australian dollars. “I mentioned I had some Star Wars stuff when we first got together…she was a bit overwhelmed at first and then she sort of adapted.” Mick’s home is filled with a life-sized Han Solo statue, priceless vintage toys, and creatures from across the Star Wars galaxy. There is even a room dedicated to arcade games…and a ‘pod-racer’ in the garden. Mick said: “When I’m not dressing up in Star Wars costumes, I wear a uniform. It’s two different worlds. “The guys at work can’t believe what I do in my Star Wars time and all my star Wars friends cannot believe I’m a police officer.” Mick, or ´Rogue One’ has a favourite saying: “May the Force be with you, mate.”


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

Singing success CALPE U3A Choir hit a high note with its Christmas Carol Concert singing to a full house and raising 600 Euros.

Food for friends MEMBERS OF U3A Marina Baixa continue to help families in need by supporting local charities to the tune of 2,000€ over 2016. Rob and Liz recently delivered food to the La Nucia Food bank including a number of items to help spread some festive cheer over Christmas.

U3A enjoys early Christmas

by Jack Troughton The bi-annual fund raising concert was staged at the Casa de Cultura and the appreciative audience were quick to join in the well-known carols. Mary Anderton, musical director, praised the singes and said it was the best Christmas concert ever; with some difficult pieces beautifully performed. The money reside was presented to Councillor Carole Saunders and will buy equipment


for the people attending the Maite Boronat occupational centre. It was the choir’s third outing in several

days with earlier performances at Calpe’s La Merced church and at the Residencia La Saleta.

MEMBERS OF U3A Marina Baixa sparkled at the Christmas Party with the Peppermill decorated to present a festive atmosphere. A full traditional Christmas dinner was enjoyed by 100 members, with a raffle, and non-stop dancing to Zodiac. And the fun continues today (Friday) with 50 members heading south for five days in Fuengirola.


dec 16 - 22 dec 2016

Wings flying high


VALENCIA FREEMASONS have made a 1,000 Euro contribution to the invaluable welfare undertaken by RAFA, supporting the needs of the Royal Air Force Family. by Jack Troughton The presentation was made during the December meeting of the North Costa Blanca Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association. Hugh Parker, representing the Masonic Home of Valencia Association, said it was extremely pleased to make a contribution to help RAFA’s annual Wings Appeal; supporting serving and former members of the air force and their dependants. Hugh is pictured (left) with the branch’s Wings Appeal Officer Sue McNae and branch chairman Bob Hunt.

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


Advertising Feature

Non- resident tax (IRNR) • If you are the owner of a property in Spain and do not have fiscal residency because you already pay your taxes in your own country,you must pay non resident tax and a local house tax called IBI. • The non residents tax is dealt with by the tax office ( hacienda). While the house tax in Alicante province is dealt with by SUMA Usually most non resident citizens are aware of the presentation and payment of the house tax ( IBI) but this isn’t the case with the nonresidents tax. The property of non fiscal residents in Spain is charged depending if they are rented out or at the disposition of the owners for their own use. If it is for their own use, hacienda understands that it generates a small fee, imputation tax. Both tax options depend on

each case : 1. Monies gained for rented properties. Earnings to be declared is full amount recieved for rent and when it is a property belonginging to a resident of somewhere else in the European union,and since 1st of Jan 2015, also iceland and Norway the costs directly associated with the income from the rent in Spain can be deducted. The period for declaration is three monthly. If the liquidation proves positive or yearly if the result is zero or negative.

2. Tax of properties for own use. The tax to be declared is the amount applied to the catastral value of the property, this is on the IBI bill, the percentages 2% or 1.1% depending if the value has been modified or revised.This tax is once a year, 31 de December. You declare the proportional time if

you were not the owner during any part of the year or if the property was rented out. • The time for presenting the module is during the whole of the following natural year after the year declared. For example, all property owners in 2015 have until 31stof December 2016, and if you opt to pay through the bank,until 23 of December 2016. Since this is an obligatory payment for non residents, it is recommended to declare those years not already done so because hacienda can still claim them. Fines in cases of presenting before being called by hacienda are lower and that each day the interchange of information is greater, making it worse for those when hacienda do reclaim.


DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016



Carlos Baos

White & Baos Abogados wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2017

Dear Clients and Friends, IT SEEMS like it was yesterday when the deadline for submitting your NON RESIDENT TAX RETURNS was so far away and yet the Holiday Season has suddenly arrived. We hope to have met our clients’ expectations when dealing with their MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES in Spain and we would also take this opportunity to congratulate those clients, from different countries, who SOLD, PURCHASED or EXCHANGED their properties through our firm and kindly took our advice about the importance of having a SPANISH WILL drafted as an owner of a property in Spain. And 2016 has been a year of hope for all those people who lost their money time ago, buying properties in Spain off plan, that fortunately, we have been able to get for them their money back. Also, it has been a successful year where people sold Bankia Shares, Cam Cuotas Participativas, and mortgage floor clauses, have been able to get their money back. Sadly, some clients and friends passed away during this year and our condolences go out to their surviving spouses and family. Again in these cases we have assisted as rapidly as possible to help the heirs when dealing with the INHERITANCE in Spain and the UK. This is also a year when we have been able to get the inheritance tax paid back, for the non residents heirs - residents of the European Union, that were not able to enjoy the tax benefits in the Inheritance Tax as if they were tax residents in Spain. On a happier note we can tell you that we have LITIGATED successfully in Court in relation to many differing legal matters including TENANCY DISPUTES, CLAIMS AGAINST BUILDERS, CONTESTING A WILL and CLAIMS AGAINST THE TAX OFFICE. Finally we would like to THANK ALL our clients and friends,

who one way or another, dealt with us during this year and wish THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND


The White & Baos Team

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


#life&leisure High society /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

HOUSEHOLDERS ON a Costa Blanca urbanisation are enjoying a growing sense of community with a range of activities organised through its residents association. by Jack Troughton There are more than 400 homes on Gata Residencial, built on the Marina Alta hillside above Gata de Gorgos and overlooking the Montgo mountain and natural park and the sea. And people of various nationalities now join together for a range of activities arranged by residents and publicised through La Asociacion de Gata Residencial. The most recent – and seasonal – fun was a Christmas Market held in one of the parks on the urbanisation, enjoyed by both residents and people from the town of Gata. There were more than 27 stalls selling a varietys of products, youngsters enjoyed visiting Father Christmas in his Grotto, paella, drinks, a children’s orchestra and carols sung by two choirs. However, things are going on around the year; there is a free lending library operating on the first Sunday of the month, the ladies periodically meet for a lunch, and there are ‘Barmy Bingo’ and charity Casino Evenings at nearby Monroe’s Restaurant. In the summer popular treasure hunts by car are held, there is a walking group, wine tasting events, coach trips, and there is a summer ‘Party in the Park’ – again joined by residents, people from the town and friends. ‘La Asociacion’ was originally formed by a small “hard core” of six people as a legal body to liaise with the local authorities on behalf of residents on the urbanisation.

And a website, set up by one of the first residents, continues to be used a source of local news and information; and a

valuable communication tool for people with holiday homes who do not live in Spain all year.


DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016

life&leisure #Puzzles 

Doodle Box

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 6. Following a night of bereavement apparently (7) 7. Grit needs fortune at the pithead (5) 9. Externally dispose of half the girl. That’s stiff (5) 10. Sleeping man stepped back outside (7) 12. Depressed about own odd trend (11) 14. A number fit in presently with a loud start - must be a city bloke (4-7) 18. Fleece the chap at the dairy (7) 19. Open up and confess (5) 21. Intends assets (5) 22. Running payment for the dog house? (7) DOWN

1. Harmful side in a Christian Fellowship without aspiration (5) 2. One dingo mongrel is almost blue (6) 3. How many on a point? (3) 4. Silently came into view, apparently with feathers (6) 5. Put houses up having tin with metre (7) 8. Company right and right again. Also no love for enclosures (7) 11. Eskimo? (7) 13. Idle Pat is upset and becomes braided (7) 15. It’s captivating. Thanks to the monarch (6) 16. Last aim on the river (6) 17. Joints disrupted. Beastly pride (5) 20. Smuggling includes pot (3)

Quick ACROSS 6. Exceedingly (7) 7. Begin (5) 9. Devoutness (5) 10. Advent (7) 12. Incitement (11) 14. Disbelief (11) 18. Clearness (7) 19. Amusing (5) 21. Grown-up (5) 22. Aid (7) DOWN 1. Characteristic (5) 2. Rope for holding animal (6) 3. Beer (3) 4. Severe (6) 5. Maker (7) 8. Dribble (7) 11. Greed (7) 13. Contain (7) 15. Seldom (6) 16. Three times (6) 17. Mock (5) 20. Colour (3)


Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 38.

DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016

life&leisure #horoscopes


Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594

 The actions between the Sun and Mars in sextile brings renewed courage and energy, which when combined helps to bring intelligent and constructive enterprise. Maybe it is finally time for you to show what a good and natural leader you really are as you communicate some tender love and care to those around you who really do need it right now Kora, planet of consciousness works together with Venus to spread a welcoming love all across the board this Christmastide. Backing each other it is clear to see that peace and resolution are high in your list of wants and needs in this the forgiving time of year. Celebrate in style and do not forget making space for someone who would otherwise be alone! Your mental telepathy and your psychic powers come to the front to get a few things straight before the festive season. Things may not seem to be as they should be and ironing out the creases could be your very next move. Where there is silence bring forward communication and where silence is truly a virtue, bring on a silence of peace Saturn sextiles Venus just before the festive season kicks off, bringing good coordination and a blessing to all social gatherings. If anyone can bring everyone together this year it is going to be you, and it is going to be now. Be unafraid that friction will interfere with events, in the end all people can get on together and under your roof it will be so!! The Sun conjuncts Mercury and illuminates the true gift of friendship of which the true meaning is so very dear to you. You have finally made a decision, which has shocked even yourself, and carrying this through to the New Year gives you time and the timbre to ensure its success in implication. Relax and enjoy the joy of the season you love! Decisiveness is the virtue of the action between Mercury and Mars in their sextile. Say what you mean and mean what you say since you are very good at making yourself understood and there is no room for conjecture. Be practical, be concise and be direct in all aspects. If the truth does hurts anyone right now, it certainly cannot be you!

Ceres calls time on the immediate actions of your planetary leader, Venus.This is by no means putting a spoke in any wheels, but it is using a simple and tactful strategy to stall, because you need to be sure if you are to commit yourself. Allow loving energy to bless your approaching celebrations, what will be will be, after all is said and done! Reverse energies are sent from your planet of opposition, Taurus. Abundant love and good feelings will take you through a time of the year that you are secretly dreading. However, it is important that you approach the New Year ahead without misgivings and with a solid and realistic plan that you can fully relate to; and hope runs high. Jupiter opposes Uranus and in this generous season nevertheless keep your hand in your pocket where additional expenses are to be met. You give with a great generosity of your true feelings but this is a time to focus on expenses too as a financial corner is forming, and you have to cut your cloth according to your means all across the board. It is a wily Saturn that appears to be manipulating a situation right now; and it is far better to be sure than to be sorry, particularly as things are not turning out the way that you had hoped. The portents show that astrologically you are facing far better times ahead, but you do have to be sure that others are not taking the mickey! : Nostalgia connects with you at this time of the year and hits you worse then before. Knowing as you do that the best of times is now doesn’t help you when you look back over a year of ups and downs, although you did triumph in the end. Uranus is in opposition to Jupiter so beware of tempting schemes to poach you and your business acumen. Neptune has always come to your rescue, but the double sextile with Mercury and then the Sun is really to be seen as one foot forward and then two back. Start this New Year as you wish to continue, being assertive and resourceful. Doing what you love is the icing on the cake and a year of enterprise and creativity beckons you to where you belong!


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

THIS HAS been a year that passed quickly for us all. We have seen that, sadly, the World still does not know the truly International message of Unity, Peace and Love. Whilst there is still so much suffering and pain all around the World many are turning to the specific embracing energies of Spirit at this time; uniting in wanting so much more for those who so desperately need it. I would like to take the opportunity to wish all readers a very Happy Christmas and all the very best wishes to you all for the approaching 2017 ahead. This is a time when we anticipate the changeable energies of a New Year; and may every blessing come to you and those whom you love and treasure, as we now wait and see what is just around the corner for us all!

If It’s Your Birthday This Week

ASTROLOGICAL PORTENTS are helping us to witness many dramatic events all across the Cosmos. This is surely a time to be open to anything that comes your way; especially as there is now, already, something to get your teeth into!


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

life&leisure #auntyvirus ////////////////////////////////////

Scanner uninstalled

DEAR AUNTY: I have a HP Deskjet F4280 All-in-one and by mistake I’ve uninstalled the scanner. I don’t have the original CD and I’ve had no success following the instructions on the Hewlett Packard website. Can you offer a solution please? I enjoy your Life Tech page: keep the advice coming! Carole Aunty says: You will need to download the driver package from the HP Site: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?cc=uk&lc=en&product=3390949 Click on ‘DRIVERS’: Select which Windows version you are using from the drop down list Click NEXT You then click on ‘Driver Product Information Software’ Then click on Download Download the file, and when complete Run the file, and follow the instructions on the installation wizard to reinstall the printer and scanner drivers.

Outlook email HI AUNTY: On my Outlook email page I got this pane on the right asking if I want to do various things with Outlook. I managed to get rid of it once but for the life of me I’ve tried everything to get my full email page back but to no avail hope you can help. Love the info every week. Steve. Aunty says: Although you can change what the side bar in Outlook shows (adverts or outlook hints and tips via the ‘cog’ at the bottom of the bar) as far as I know, and according to Microsoft and many others who have also tried to remove it) you cannot remove the side bar, as it is part of Outlook’s functionality.


DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016

life&leis leisurre #whats on 

Peter Taylor

Taylor´s doing a gig … and there was great rejoicing!

I´ve lived in Los Montesinos for just over 3 years now, and fi nally I´ve got round to doing something that’s long overdue! Last week I popped into Café Centro for a coffee and a piece of their wonderful Dutch Apple cake, and came away with, after a good old yak with owner Wilco, 45 year old Dutchman from Eindhoven, a smart plan to put on a live entertainment show on New Year’s Eve. Café Centro is on the bottom corner of the main square, opposite the church, and has both indoor and outdoor seating. Wilco left Holland in 2014 and came to Spain to find a new challenge, and with his plans for the 31st to include cocktails and canapés, he´s certainly looking to get this party started. I´ll begin the music around 9.30pm, and in this first bit I´ll drop in the odd quiz question or three about songs I´m singing, its best this way … before your brain gets a wee bit alco-frazzled! We will of course celebrate the New Year at midnight, and then as if an excuse for more drinking was needed, we´ll celebrate the New Year in the UK at 1am. Should you want to dance and sing the night away you´re good, as Café Centro has a collection of different breakfasts, and typical Dutch snacks, ice-creams as well as smoothies and not forgetting those cocktails … both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Be There ´… n be in ´The Square´


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

friday 23rd December BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Christmas City 11:00 Christmas Kitchen 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Father Brown 15:40 On Angel Wings 16:10 Film Oz the Great and Powerful 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 Strictly Len Goodman 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Citizen Khan 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Walliams & Friend 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:25 Mrs Brown’s Boys 24:55 The NFL Show


7:30 Bargain Hunt

8:15 Fern Britton Meets

9:15 Film The Prince and Me 11:00 Robot Wars

12:00 Money for Nothing

13:00 Film Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit

14:45 Rick Stein’s Cornish Christmas

15:15 This Farming Life

16:15 World’s Sneakiest Animals 17:15 Full Steam Ahead 18:15 Porridge

19:00 Inside the Factory

20:00 Christmas University Challenge

20:30 Wild Tales from the Village 21:30 Film Saving Mr Banks 23:30 Mock the Week

24:05 Close to the Enemy


7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Regionalo Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV London Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Film The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 00:00 Weather 24:00 ITV News 24:20 Paul O’Grady’s Favourite Fairy Tales



7:00 Children’s TV 9:00 Wissper 9:10 Peppa Pig 9:20 Peppa Pig 9:30 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:05 Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:15 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:50 World’s Strongest an 2016 11:45 Film Christmas Cookies 13:25 Film Snow Queen 15:00 Film Jack and the Beanstalk 16:45 Film Five Children and It 16:25 Film A Christmas Star 18:55 5 News 20:00 World’s Strongest an 2016 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 Christmas with the Double Acts 22:00 The Morecambe and Wise Story: Look Back in Laughter 00:05 Morecambe & Wise ive! 1973

7:00 You’ve Been Framed! 7:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8:05 The Cube 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Ninja Warrior UK 11:30 Film Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 12:30 FYI Daily 12:35 Film Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 13:25 Emmerdale 13:50 Emmerdale 14:20 You’ve Been Framed! 14:50 All Star Family Fortunes 15:50 Take Me Out 17:00 Film Snow Dogs (2002) 18:00 FYI Daily 18:05 Film Snow Dogs (2002) 19:05 You’ve Been Framed! 19:35 You’ve Been Framed! 20:05 Film Uncle Buck (1989) 21:05 FYI Daily 21:10 Film Uncle Buck (1989) 22:00 Film Casino Royale 23:05 FYI Daily 23:10 Film Casino Royale 00:55 Family Guy





7:15 Olive, the Other Reindeer 8:05 Film A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures 9:40 Father Christmas 10:10 Painting the Bear Hunt 10:15 Sunday Brunch 13:15 Jamie’s Ultimate Christmas 14:15 The Simpsons 14:45 The Simpsons 15:15 The Simpsons 15:45 Film Scrooged 17:40 Channel 4 News 17:45 The Snowman 18:15 The Snowman and the Snowdog 18:50 Film The Muppet Christmas Carol 20:30 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 21:00 Gogglesprogs 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 Rude Tube 00:00 Trigger Happy TV 00:30 The Inbetweeners

7:00 Children’s TV 8:10 Little Princess 8:25 Paw Patrol 8:40 Milkshake! Festive Fun 8:50 A Winnie and Wilbur Wintery Special 9:20 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:05 Film Doctor Zhivago 13:50 Film The Vikings 16:05 Film Jason and the Argonauts 18:10 Film Scrooge - A Christmas Carol 19:55 Andre Rieu: Christmas in London 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Eamonn & Ruth: How the Other Half Lives 23:00 Greatest Ever Christmas Movies

7:00 The Hot Desk 7:10 Emmerdale 9:45 Coronation Street 11:45 All Star Family Fortunes 12:50 The Nation’s Favourite Disney Song 13:50 Film Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups 14:50 FYI Daily 14:55 Film Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups 15:35 Film Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas 16:35 FYI Daily 16:40 Film Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas 17:00 The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol 17:25 You’ve Been Framed! 18:25 Catchphrase 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:55 Film The Polar Express 20:55 FYI Daily 21:00 Film The Polar Express 22:00 Film Quantum of Solace 23:00 FYI Daily 23:05 Film Quantum of Solace 24:15 Family Guy

7:00 Hollyoaks 9:20 Film A Christmas Wedding Tail 11:10 Film All About Christmas Eve 12:55 Film Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 15:00 Father Christmas 15:35 Prep & Landing 16:00 Prep & Landing: Naughty v Nice 16:25 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film The Inbetweeners Movie 24:05 Gogglebox

7:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 7:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 8:00 Frasier 8:25 Frasier 8:55 The Big Bang Theory 9:20 The Big Bang Theory 9:50 The Big Bang Theory 10:15 The Simpsons 10:45 The Simpsons 11:15 Film Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back (2010) 12:50 Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas 13:10 Film Miracle on 34th Street 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Coast vs Country 17:00 Deal or No Deal on Tour 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped 22:00 The Last Leg 23:00 The Windsors 24:05 Alan Carr’s 12 Stars of Christmas

saturday 24th December BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen 12:30 Film A Christmas Carol 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:15 Earth’s Seasonal Secrets 15:15 Film The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 17:30 Shrek the Halls 17:50 Film Penguins of Madagascar 19:15 BBC News 19:25 BBC London News; Weather 19:30 Pointless Celebrities 20:25 Michael McIntyre’s Big Show 21:25 EastEnders 22:00 David Walliams Celebrates Dame Shirley Bassey 23:05 Peter Kay’s Comedy Shuffle 23:50 The Vicar of Dibley 24:30 BBC News

BBC2 7:15 Film Mars Needs Moms 8:40 The NFL Show 9:10 Film Hans Christian Andersen (1952) 11:00 Robot Wars 12:00 Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave 12:30 Nigella’s Christmas Kitchen 13:00 The Cook Who Changed Our Lives 14:00 Film Splash! (1984) 15:45 Snow Chick: A Penguin’s Tale 16:45 Gorilla Family and Me 17:45 Gorilla Family and Me 18:45 Carols from King’s 20:00 Dad’s Army 21:00 Alan Bennett’s Diaries 22:00 Film The Lady in the Van 23:40 The National Lottery Live 23:50 TOTP2

ITV1 7:00 Children’s TV 9:25 Weekend 10:25 Thunderbirds Are Go 10:50 The Chase 11:50 You’ve Been Framed! 12:20 Film Despicable Me 14:20 ITV News and Weather 14:29 ITV Regional Weather 14:30 Film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 15:20 Film One Hundred and One Dalmatians 19:00 ITV Regional Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:30 Blankety Blank 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Birds of a Feather 22:00 Grantchester 23:30 Through the Keyhole 00:30 ITV News and Weather 00:44 ITV Regional Weather 00:45 Christmas Carols on ITV



7:00 Charmed 7:45 Hollyoaks 8:10 How I Met Your Mother 8:40 How I Met Your Mother 9:10 Film The Dog Who Saved the Holidays (2012) 11:00 Melissa & Joey 11:30 Melissa & Joey 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Charmed 14:00 The Goldbergs 14:30 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Young & Hungry 16:30 Young & Hungry 17:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:30 How I Met Your Mother 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Carjackers 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 00:20 Tattoo Fixers

#tv&showbiz goss

by Peter Taylor


Welcome back to the front pages Naomi! Naomi Elaine Campbell, from Streatham in London, is both a model and an actress. Her first public appearance came at the age of seven in 1978, when she was featured in the music video for Bob Marley’s “Is This Love.” Naomi was one of the most in-demand models of the late´80s and ´90s, and one of six models of her generation declared “supermodels” by the fashion industry. You may or may not know about the furore that’s going on in the fashion industry about the so called ´Instagram girls!´ These are young females like, Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid, who have, instead of proper training, got work as models through being ´out there´ on Instagram, and worse still, they´re calling themselves ´supermodels!´ Last month Naomi controversially told Remix magazine “I think they’re great, I know all of these young girls, they’re all really respectful and sweet, and if I can ever help them, it’s a pleasure for me to do that ... I’ve helped a few of them with their walks.” She´s a cheeky monkey … but that’s why we love her huh?!

DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016

PARIS WHITNEY Hilton is listed in all the best journals as a, businesswoman, socialite, television personality, model, actress, singer, DJ, and author … takes your breath away doesn’t it? The great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, founder of Hilton Hotels said when speaking to Galore Magazine “I’m very proud that I am all natural and have never had anything done,” she´s talking about plastic surgery of course, “I am very happy with myself.” Then to be sure she doesn´t upset anybody, in true entrepreneurial style she added “but I don’t judge others, people should do whatever makes them feel happy, it’s just not something I’ve ever wanted to do.” Paris, who starred in naff US reality show “The Simple Life ´03 - ´07, also said, “I get calls every day to do reality shows, but I am very focused on my business and brand and…” blah blah bladdie blah! ZZZZZZZZZ!

GWYNETH PALTROW has a quite a background, with a great-great-grandfather who was a famous rabbi, a brother who´s a director and screenwriter, and is a second cousin of former U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Gwyneth won 4 major awards for her work in ´Shakespeare in Love´ but she´s put all of that to one side to … Go into the travel business! She´s started an internet company called Goop, and said at an Airbnb conference recently “I had no idea how much everyone kissed my ass when I was acting” then promoting her Goop organisation said “I have never felt so professionally fulfilled in my life, it’s such a grind, it’s such hard work but it’s so amazing to be involved in something you believe in, making a product you love, and I much prefer it now that no-one kisses my ass anymore.” Glad you got to the bottom of it Gwyneth!


AS IF the late Prince´s family didn´t have enough to be coping with, a Claire Elisabeth Elliott has popped up claiming she married the singer in a shotgun Las Vegas wedding on January 14, 2002. Unfortunately there´s a sizeable hole in her story as she can’t find the marriage certificate! There´s apparently information of a marria™ge amongst the Minnesota District Court documents, and last month Claire filed another one saying she wants to remove the Bremer Trust Bank from managing Prince’s estate … and that she´ll step in herself! Do bleedin´what!! The main meat of her case is Exhibit C) “to expose all the corruption surrounding my money so that I could finally get paid what is long overdue to me!” Claire says in her July affidavit “Prince named me as his ‘sole heir’ in a ‘secret’ will (which of course hasn’t turned up yet). What is she? Some kind of nutter!

Have a yo ho ho Christmas and a prosperous New Year … Peter SHILPA SHETTY is best known for having won Celebrity Big Brother 5, yet again reality TV delivering nothing out of something. Shilpa was interviewed by the Mumbai Times recently and unfortunately for her she very kindly gave us an insight into the inner workings of her brain. The newspaper got onto the subject of books that should be on the syllabus in Indian schools and Shilpa said “I think having Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter should be part of it, and Little Women and even Animal Farm should be included as it will teach the little ones to love and care for animals.” TILT! George Orwell’s novel is of course a role reversal tale based on the Russian revolution of 1917 and the Soviet Union’s brutal dictatorship, where the animals overthrow the humans before the pigs elevate themselves to positions of power. Stick to half-baked TV shows Shilpa … For all our sakes!

SUNDAY 25th December BBC1





7:00 Breakfast 10:00 CBeebies: The Nutcracker 10:45 Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon 11:00 Christmas Day Service Live from Bristol Cathedral 12:00 Songs of Praise 12:40 BBC News 12:45 Weather 12:50 Film The Croods 14:20 Shaun the Sheep 14:50 Top of the Pops 15:50 BBC News; Weather 16:00 The Queen 16:10 Film Frozen 17:45 The Great British Bake Off 18:45 Doctor Who 19:45 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 Call the Midwife 22:30 EastEnders 23:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys 24:00 Tracey Ullman’s Show 24:30 BBC News 0024

7:40 Countryfile 8:35 Film The Cat in the Hat 9:50 Film Tom Thumb 11:20 Film Bee Movie 12:40 Carols from King’s 13:55 Wild Tales From the Village 14:55 The Good Life 15:25 Film The Artist 17:00 Dancing the Nutcracker - Inside the Royal Ballet 18:30 The Queen 18:40 The Morecambe and Wise Christmas Show 19:45 Christmas University Challenge 20:15 Blackadder 21:00 Dad’s Army 21:30 Gospel Christmas 22:30 Victorian Bakers 23:30 QI XL 24:15 film Great Expectations

7:00 Children’s TV 7:45 Super 4 7:55 Sooty 8:10 Oddbods 8:15 Oddbods 8:20 Almost Naked Animals 8:30 Almost Naked Animals 8:45 Horrid Henry 9:00 Horrid Henry 9:15 Horrid Henry 9:25 Weekend 10:25 Countrywise 10:55 Film Despicable Me 2 12:55 Film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 16:00 The Queen 16:10 Film The Lion King (1994) 17:55 ITV News and Weather 18:15 You’ve Been Framed! 18:45 Emmerdale 19:45 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs 20:45 ITV News and Weather 21:00 Coronation Street 22:00 Maigret 24:00 Film Love Actually

7:20 Prep & Landing: Naughty v Nice 7:40 The Bear 8:10 Painting the Bear Hunt 8:15 Film Animals United (2010) 9:55 The Simpsons 10:20 The Simpsons 10:50 The Simpsons 11:20 The Simpsons 11:50 Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas 12:15 Painting the Bear Hunt 12:20 Father Christmas 12:50 The Snowman 13:20 Film The Sword in the Stone 15:05 The Alternative Christmas Message 15:15 Channel 4 News 15:20 Film It’s a Wonderful Life 17:55 The Snowman and the Snowdog 18:25 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 19:00 Film Home Alone 21:00 Travel Man: 48 Hours in 22:00 Gogglebox 23:30 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

7:10 Milkshake! Festive Fun 7:15 Shimmer and Shine 7:40 Paw Patrol 8:00 Angelina Ballerina 8:20 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 8:40 Film An American in Paris 11:55 Film On the Town (1949) 12:55 Film Scrooge (1970) 15:10 Film The Wizard of Oz 17:15 Film Singin’ in the Rain 19:20 Britain’s Favourite Christmas Songs 21:30 When Celebrities Go Pop 23:30 Film Dallas Buyers Club


7:00 The Hot Desk 7:10 Emmerdale 7:30 Coronation Street 8:20 Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas 9:20 The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol 9:45 Film Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 10:45 FYI Daily 10:50 Film Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 11:35 You’ve Been Framed! 12:35 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:05 Film The Polar Express 15:05 FYI Daily 15:10 Film The Polar Express 16:10 You’ve Been Framed! 17:15 Catchphrase 18:15 Minion Madness 18:30 Film One Hundred and One Dalmatians 19:30 FYI Daily 19:35 Film One Hundred and One Dalmatians 20:15 Film Mr Bean’s Holiday 21:15 FYI Daily 21:20 Film Mr Bean’s Holiday 22:00 Film Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 23:10 FYI Daily 23:15 Film Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason


7:00 Film 12 Wishes of Christmas (2011) 8:35 Film The Dog Who Saved Christmas (2009) 10:25 Film Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012) 12:25 Rude(ish) Tube 12:30 Baby Daddy 13:00 Baby Daddy 13:30 How I Met Your Mother 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:30 The Goldbergs 16:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:30 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 Frozen at Christmas 20:00 The Snowman 20:35 The Snowman and the Snowdog 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film The Inbetweeners 2 (2014) 24:00 The Inbetweeners 24:35 The Inbetweeners


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

monday 26th December BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:00 Film Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy 11:10 Film Planes 12:30 The Great British Bake Off 13:30 BBC News; Weather 13:45 BBC Regional News 13:50 Countryfile 14:50 The Moonstone 15:40 Film Brave 17:05 The Gruffalo 17:30 Film How to Train Your Dragon 2 19:05 BBC News 19:20 BBC Regional News 19:30 Revolting Rhymes 20:00 The Great British Bake Off 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Still Open All Hours 22:00 The Witness for the Prosecution 23:00 Outnumbered 23:40 BBC News 23:50 Weather 23:55 Match of the Day


7:15 Natural World


7:00 Children’s TV 9:20 Signed Stories 8:15 Nature’s Weirdest Events 9:25 Almost Naked Animals 9:15 Film Around the World in 9:40 Almost Naked Animals 9:55 Mr Bean: The Animated 80 Days Series 12:00 Film The Adventures of 10:10 Mr Bean: The Animated Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn Series 13:40 Film Dances with Wolves 10:25 Film The Flintstones 12:05 Film Liar Liar 16:30 Victorian Bakers 13:40 Hilda Ogden’s Last Ta-ra A Tribute to Jean Alexander 17:30 Final Score 14:40 The Nation’s Favourite 18:20 West Side Stories - The Disney Song Making of a Classic 15:40 Film Sleeping Beauty 17:10 Film Harry Potter and the 19:20 Christmas University Prisoner of Azkaban 19:45 ITV Challenge News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 19:50 Dad’s Army 20:30 Coronation Street 20:30 Nature’s Weirdest Events 21:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:30 Gordon Buchanan: 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Film Captain Phillips Elephant Family & Me 24:35 Weather 22:30 The Entire Universe 24:35 ITV News 24:55 Through the Keyhole 23:30 Film Pride




00:10 Film Pitch Perfect

7:00 Lily’s Driftwood Bay 7:05 Fireman Sam 7:20 Peppa Pig 7:25 Bob the Builder 7:35 Little Princess 7:55 Milkshake! Festive Fun 8:00 Thomas & Friends 8:25 Noddy: Toyland Detective 8:45 Big Bash Cricket 12:20 World’s Strongest Man 2016 13:20 Film Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 15:20 Film West Side Story 18:20 Film The Love Punch 20:00 World’s Strongest Man 2016 21:00 Building the Ice Hotel 22:00 Football on 5: The Championship 23:00 Football on 5: Goal Rush 23:30 Britain’s Favourite Abba Songs

7:00 The Hot Desk 7:10 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 8:00 You’ve Been Framed! 8:50 Emmerdale 9:55 Coronation Street 10:55 Film Yogi Bear 11:55 FYI Daily 12:00 Film Yogi Bear 12:35 Film The Smurfs 13:35 FYI Daily 13:40 Film The Smurfs 14:40 Emmerdale 15:40 Coronation Street 16:45 Catchphrase 17:50 Film Uncle Buck 18:50 FYI Daily 18:55 Film Uncle Buck 19:50 Minion Madness 20:05 Film Despicable Me 21:05 FYI Daily 21:10 Film Despicable Me 22:00 Film Love Actually 23:00 FYI Daily 23:05 Film Love Actually 24:40 Family Guy

7:00 Film The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation 8:40 Film The Dog Who Saved the Holidays 10:25 Father Christmas 11:00 Baby Daddy 11:30 The Goldbergs 12:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:55 Film Big 15:00 The Snowman 15:30 The Snowman and the Snowdog 16:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:30 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Rude(ish) Tube 20:15 Film Jingle All the Way 22:00 Made in Chelsea 23:00 In Bed with Jamie at Christmas 23:35 Tattoo Fixers 24:40 Gogglebox





7.50 Judy Moody and the not

8.35 Ben and Holly’s Little

7:25 Film Planet 51

9:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Film Aliens in the Attic 11:40 The Simpsons 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 Film Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World 14:15 Channel 4 Racing 16:45 The Simpsons 17:10 Film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) 19:50 Channel 4 News 20:00 The World’s Most Expensive Toys 21:00 A Big Lego Christmas 22:00 The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2016


tuesday 27th December BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 7:35 Match of the Day 10:10 Gnomeo & Juliet 11.25 The Furchester 11.50 Cars 2 13.50 The Moonstone 14.35 Raiders of the Lost Arc 16.25 The Gruffalo´s 16.50 Mr Peabody & Sherman 18.15 Pointless 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Revolting Rhymes 20.00 Celebrity Mastermind 20.30 Eastenders 21.00 Holby City 22.00 The Witness for the Prosecution 23.00 Walliams & Friend 23.40 BBC News 24.00 Mrs Brown´s Boys 24.35 Outnumbered


6.50 Natural World 7.50 Fern Britton Meets 8.50 Herbie Rides Again 10.15 This Farming Life 11.15 Money for Nothing 12.15 The Password is Courage 14.05 The Heroes of Telemark 16.15 Nature´s Wierdest Events 17.00 Inside The Factory 18.00 Tribes, Predators & Me 19.00 New Zealand. Earth´s Mythical Islands 20.00 Dads Army 20.30 Christmas University 21.00 Gordon Buchanan. Elephant Family & Me 22.00 The Real Marigold Hotel 23.00 Inside No.9 23.30 Live at the Apollo 24.00 Insert Name Here 24.30 NFL This Week


7.10 Dino Dan 7.35 Super 4 7.50 Super 4 8.25 Max Steel 9.20 Nerds & Monsters 9.40 Nerds & Monsters 10.10 Mr Bean 10.25 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 12.05 This Time Next Year 13.05 Tipping Point 14.10 Puppy Secrets. The First Six Months 15.10 Happy Feet 17.10 50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments 18.40 Fantastic Beasts 19.40 ITV Evening News 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 11.30 ITV News 11.45 Pompeii with Michael Buerk 24.45 Premiership Rugby Union

23.00 Gogglebox

22.00 Dirty Dancing

24.35 8 out of 10 cats Does

24.05 Greatest 80s Movies

7.10 The x Factor 8.05 Britains Got More talent 8.55 Emmerdale 9.25 Coronation Street 9.55 Coronation Street 10.25 You´ve Been Framed 11.25 Small Soldiers 12.30 Small Soldiers 13.40 Emmerdale 14.10 Coronation Street 14.40 Coronation Street 15.10 You´ve Been Framed 15.50 Inspector Gadget 16.55 Inspector Gadget 17.25 Sleeping Beauty 18.30 Sleeping Beauty 19.05 The Lion King 20.10 The Lion King 21.00 Skyfall 23.55 Family Guy 24.25 Family Guy

6.20 Paws

Bummer Summer 9.30 Magic in the Water 11.30 The Simpsons 12.00 The Simpsons 12.30 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 14.15 Channel 4 racing 17.20 Stuart Little 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Posh Pawn 21.00 George Clarke´s Amazing spaces 22.00 This is Us

7.00 Children’s TV Kingdom 9.10 Peppa Pig

9.35 Football on 5 The Championship 10.35 Football on 5. Goal Rush 11.05 SpaceCamp 13.10 Teen Wolf 15.00 Bigfoot and the Hendersons 17.10 Labyrinth 19.15 Battlebots 20.00 World´s Strongest Man 2016 21.00 There´s a Croc in My Kitchen

7.00 Hollyoaks 7.25 Charmed 8.10 Charmed 9.05 The Big Bang Theory 9.35 The Big Bang Theory 10.00 12 Dates of Christmas 11.55 Rude(ish) Tube 12.00 New Girl 12.35 New Girl 13.00 The Big Bang Theory 13.30 The Big Bang Theory 14.00 The Goldbergs 14.30 How I Met Your Mother 15.00 The Big Bang Theory 15.30 The Big Bang Theory 16.00 The Big Bang Theory 16.30 The Big Bang Theory 17.00 The Big Bang Theory 17.30 The Big Bang Theory 18.00 The Goldbergs 18.30 The Goldbergs 19.00 The Big Bang Theory 19.30 The Big Bang Theory 19.55 Hollyoaks 20.30 We´re Going on a Bear 21.00 The Crystal Maze 22.00 Tattoo Fixers 23.00 Virtually Famous 23.55 Rude Tube

wednesday 28th December BBC1







7:00 Breakfast

7:40 Coastal Path 8:10 Great British Menu 8:40 Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo 10:20 This farming life 11:20 Money for Nothing 12:20 The Alamo 14:15 Up Periscope 16:15 Nature’s Weirdest Events 17:00 Inside the Factory 18:00 Tribes, Predators & Me 19:00 New Zealand: Earth’s Mythical Islands 20:00 The Good Life 20:30 Christmas University 21:00 Robot Wars 22:00 Dragons’ Den 23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:30 The Real Marigold Hotel 24:30 Song for Marion

7:00 Good Morning Britain

23:25 Jaws

7:40 California Man 9:10 Dunston Checks In 10:50 The Simpsons 11:15 The Simpsons 11:45 The Muppet Movie 13:50 Vice Versa 15:45 Stuart Little 2 17:15 A big Lego Christmas 18:15 Channel 4 News 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 The Arrivals 21:00 What Britain Bought in 2016 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 David Blaine: Beyond Magic 24:00 The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2016

7:00 Children’s TV 8:50 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:00 Wissper 9:15 Pepper Pig 9:25 Pepper Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:15 Milkshake! Monkey 10:20 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:55 World’s Strongest Man 2016 11:55 The African Queen 14:00 The Glenn Miller Story 16:20 Kelly’s Heroes 19:10 BattleBots 20:00 World’s Strongest Man 2016 21:00 Kitten Rescuers 22:00 Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 24:05 Pete Burns: The Last Interview

7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Totally Bonkers 7:50 You’ve Been Framed! 8:40 Emmerdale 9:10 Britain’s Got More Talent 10:05 Ninja Warrior UK 11:05 Catchphrase 11:50 See Spot Run 12:55 See Spot Run 13:45 Emmerdale 14:20 You’ve Been Framed! 15:20 Yogi Bear 14:20 FYI Daily 16:25 Yogi Bear 17:00 Catchphrase 18:05 One Hundred and One Dalmatians 19:05 FYI Daily 19:10 One Hundred and One Dalmatians 19:50 Kindergarten Cop 20:50 FYI Daily 20:55 Kindergarten Cop 22:00 Casino Royale 23:05 DIY Daily 23:10 Casino Royale 24:55 Family Guy

7:00 Hollyoaks 7:25 Charmed 8:10 Charmed 9:05 The Big Bang Theory 10:00 Holiday in Handcuffs 11:50 Rude(ish) Tube 12:00 Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas 12:30 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 13:00 The Big Bang Theory 14:00 The Goldbergs 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Carjackers 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Timeless 23:00 Zombieland 24:45 Scream Queens



10:00 Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings 11:10 Justin’s House 11:30 Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 12:50 Bargain Hunt 13:40 BBC Weather 14:00 The Moonstone 14:45 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 16:35 Muppets Most Wanted 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Antiques Roadshow 20:30 Ethel & Ernest 22:00 Jonathan Creek 23:30 BBC News at Eleven 23:50 Mrs Brown’s Boys

9:30 Lorraine 10.25 Free Willy 2: the Adventure Home 12:15 Bean 13:55 ITV News 14:15 Puppy Secrets: The First Six Months 15:20 Father of the Bride 17:25 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs 18:30 Blankety Blank 19:25 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 23:10 ITV News

Thursday 29th December BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 10.15 The Big Food Rescue 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Secret Life of the Hospital bed 12:45 Rip of Britain: Food 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Coroner 16:00 Think Tank 16:45 Escape to the Country 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:45 Question Time 24:45 This Week


7:00 Good Morning Britain 7:00 Countdown 7:45 The King of Queens 9.30 Lorraine 7:30 The Big Food Rescue 8:10 The King of Queens 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 8:15 The Secret Life of the 8:35 The King of Queens 11:30 This Morning 9:00 Everybody Loves Raymond Hospital Bed 9:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 13:30 Loose Women 9:00 Great British Menu 10:00 Frasier 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 10:30 Frasier 9:30 The Welsh Italians 15:00 Judge Rinder 11:00 Frasier 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 16:00 Tenable 11:30 Jamie’s Super Food 12:00 A Place in the Sun: 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 17:00 Tipping Point Summer Sun 13:00 Daily Politics 18:00 The Chase 13:05 Come Dine with Me 19:00 ITV Regional News 14:00 Live Snooker: UK 14:10 Deal or No Deal 15:10 Countdown 19:30 ITV Evening News Championship 16:00 Coast vs Country 20:00 Emmerdale 19:00 Strictly Come Dacning 17:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter 20:30 Tonight Sun – It Takes 18:00 Four in a Bed 21:00 Emmerdale 20:00 Mastermind 21:30 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpson 20:30 Match of the Day Live: The of Here! 19:30 Hollyoaks FA Cup 20:00 Channel 4 News 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 21:00 Alan Carr’s Happy Hour 23:00 QI 23.30 ITV Regional News 22.00 Gogglebox 23:30 Newsnight 23:45 The Late Debate 23.00 The Last Leg 24:10 Hedgehog Hotel 24:05 Close to the Enemy 24:05 8 Out of 10 Cats 7:00 The World’s Most




7:00 Children’s TV 8:50 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:00 Wissper 9:15 Pepper Pig 9:25 Pepper Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:45 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Pyjamas 10.15 The Wright Stuff 12:30 Wishin and Hopin at Christmas 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 The Spirit of Christmas 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Secrets of the Great British Castles 22:00 Building the World’s Most Luxurious Cruise Ship 23:00 The Best of Bad TV

7:00 Emmerdale 10.05 Coronation Street 12:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 13:30 Catchphrase 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15.00 You’ve Been Framed! 16:05 Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 17:05 FYI Daily 17:10 Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 17:55 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 19:25 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 20:25 FYI Daily 20:30 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 21:30 Scorpion 22:30 The Xtra Factor 23:00 Family Guy 23:35 I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp 24:35 Family Guy

7:00 Baby Daddy 7:20 Baby Daddy 7:40 How I Met Your Mother 8.05 How I Met Your Mother 8:30 Melissa & Joey 9:00 Melissa & Joey 9:30 Made In Chelsea 10:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 11:30 Black-ish 12.00 Black-ish 12:30 The Goldbergs 13:00 The Goldbergs 13:30 The Goldbergs 14:00 The Goldbergs 14.30 Clueless 16:30 Rude(ish) Tube 16:50 The Big Bang Theory 17:20 The Big Bang Theory 17:50 The Big Bang Theory 18:20 The Big Bang Theory 18:50 The Big Bang Theory 19:20 The Big Bang Theory 19:50 The Big Bang Theory 20:20 New Moon 23:00 Tattoo Fixer 24:00 Googlebox

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


Pinocchio is packed with song and dance by Jack Troughton CARELINE THEATRE presents the story of Pinocchio as a traditional pantomime next month based on the charming Walt Disney cartoon. Directed by Dorothy Fish, the classic fairy story is packed with song and dance including songs from the original score; including the favourite ‘When You Wish upon a Star’. And the Alcalali panto also promises magic and wonder, glittering costumes and fabulous scenery. The female chorus (pictured) is ready to do its bit – the dancers have been put through their paces by Choreographer Suzanna Mace with music from Musical Director Roger Dean. Show dates are Thursday 19th January to Sunday 22nd January at 8 pm, with matinees on the Saturday and Sunday at 3 pm. The first night will be the ‘Party At The Panto’, with a free glass of cava and nibbles. Tickets are already selling faster than the Chorus can tap dance, so contact the Careline Box Office now on 652 294 750 or by email to carelineboxoffice@gmail.com. Tickets are 12 Euros for adults (11 Euros for pre-paid groups of 10 or more) and 8 Euros for children under 10 years of age.

Well wine not? THE WAGS – Javea U3A’s Wine Appreciation Group – raised a glass or two at their annual Christmas Party to toast another successful year. The celebration was staged at the regular monthly haunt, the Cocina Restaurant but the usual tasting was replaced with a threecourse lunch – but still washed down with ‘vino’. And group leader Trevor Rush, sporting a fetching red Father Christmas hat, gave out gifts of free raffle tickets; with prizes of... bottles of wine. In return, members presented the proceeds of a secret collection to Trevor and his co-leader, wife Sally, as a thank-you for all their hard work over the year organising the monthly meetings. For details of the Wine Appreciation Group and other Javea U3A groups and activities, visit the website www.u3ajavea.org


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

Sara Bell life&leis re ask Sara u ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// by

Life Coach

WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Mum’s being so unreasonable year I met my intended, and I am so happy. But my Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. This mother is upset that I cannot spend the whole of Christmas at If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work home with our family. She expects me to come alone and not include my boyfriend. Obviously my boyfriend and I want to or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand. be together, and his parents have asked us over, on whichever

Fed up this Christmas I successfully beat cancer this year. The chemo was the worst time of my life - I was so ill, and I am still weak. Every Christmas my family visits me. I would normally enjoy it, but none of them came to see me while I was ill, and I was totally alone when I needed my family then. I am very stressed - it’s not only cooking a meal for 10 people, it’s also having to get the house ready for their week’s stay, pick them up from the Airport, entertain, shop etc. I get zero thanks anyway, and I think they could be a bit more considerate this year. You’ve been through the worst of times recently and they ought to understand that. You could say that you would love to see them as usual, but you are still not well and could they please organise their own lifts from the Airport, shop, cook, etc. Failing that, I would book yourself a nice, quiet holiday this Christmas and escape it all. Time to put yourself first here I think. Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 650 054 467.

day suits us, so they are at least being reasonable. So, why can’t my mother see my point of view? If my boyfriend isn’t invited, I won’t go.

Explain to your Mum that you are serious about your boyfriend, and you now want to be regarded as a couple. At some point, new couples have to split themselves in two, and visit both families, and it has always been an age old difficulty. In our family, we would go to one side of the family on Christmas Day, and then go to the other side on Boxing Day, and then alternate the next year. Compromise is the key. Ask your Mum what she and your Dad did when they were courting? They must have had to compromise in some way too?

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


life&leisure #Whats on /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Water babies

PLAYERS OF table-topping La Vila Rugby Club enjoyed being ‘ducks out of water’ when they took on a new form of training and were put through their paces in a ‘aquagym’ session.

by Jack Troughton Villajoyosa’s municipal indoor pool is next to the field of dreams where the team had enjoyed a string of victories this season, boosting hopes of promotion. Changing turf for the pool, they were put through a demanding non-stop water gym by Maria Jose Rubio - and players of the white and blues enjoyed the work out. The team’s next fixture is on Sunday 8th January at 12.30pm at the Estadio de Villajoyosa against RC L’Hospitalet.


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

life&leisure #Spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


Object pronouns in alternative positions I always look back at the previous week’s article to find out what rash promises I made at the end of each one. Last week I promised some everyday phrases containing those object pronoun thingies, for you to learn off by heart and impress your friends and family with. I’ll make a start on those now, but some will have to wait until a little later. A very common and useful verb to use with direct and indirect pronouns is “decir” in all its variations. “Decir” means “to say” or “to tell” and it is useful because we spend a lot of our time telling people what other people have said. You’ll find this is true, even if you’re not prone to gossip, it’s just what we do: “He said to me” and so “I said to him”; “they told us” but “we didn’t say anything to you” and so on, ad infinitum. Here are the translations of these particular phrases: “He said to me” Me lo dijo “I said to him” Se lo dije ” they told us” Nos lo dijeron “we didn’t tell you” no te lo dijimos In all of these phrases the “lo” represents the thing that is said, as though we were saying “He said it to me”, “I said it to him” and so on. Of course we can use this in any tense, not just the past. A very common phrase is in the present tense is: “Ya se lo digo” which means “I’ll tell him, or her”. We might also add “de tu parte” (“on your behalf” or “from you”). It’s

useful when someone wants you to pass on a message. Anyway, today’s subject is actually something else. It is the three different instances when indirect and direct object pronouns can be stuck onto the end of verbs instead of preceding them as we have seen until now. The three occasions are with “gerunds” “infinitives” and “imperatives”. These are actually easier for English speakers because the word order is closer to English. Let’s go straight to examples. Number one – gerunds. We will use escuchando (listening) and leyendo (reading). “Estoy escuchando” (I’m listening) “Te estoy escuchando” OR “estoy escuchándote”. (I’m listening to you) “Está leyendo” (He is reading) “Lo está leyendo” OR “Está leyéndolo” (He’s reading it) Me lo está leyendo” OR “Está leyéndomelo (He’s reading it to me) The same thing happens with our second example, infinitives. We’ll use pensar (to think) and explicar (to explain): “Quiero pensar” (I want to think) “Lo quiero pensar” OR “Quiero pensarlo” (I want to think about it)

“Voy a explicar” (I’m going to explain) “Lo voy a explicar” OR “Voy a explicarlo” (I’m going to explain it) “Te lo voy a explicar” OR “Voy a explicártelo” (I’m going to explain it to you). Whether we put the pronouns before or at the end of the verb is entirely optional and makes no difference at all to the meeting. Notice though that the order Indirect object pronoun followed by Direct object pronoun remains the same. Next week I’ll move onto the third example, imperatives, and strangely enough you will find that they bring the whole thing right back to basics with lots of memorable phrases. Honestly – you’ll see!

Crossword solutions for last week

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 6 Plunder; 7 Veils; 9 One; 10 Proffered; 12 Tape measure; 15 French chalk; 17 Stammerer; 19 Gay; 21 Yearn; 22 Servant. Down: 1 Blunt; 2 End; 3 Peer; 4 Reversals; 5 Allegro; 8 Afresh; 11 Say no more; 13 Echoed; 14 Fritter; 16 Banns; 18 Eyes; 20 Ivy.

QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 6 Musical; 7 Petty; 9 Jet; 10 Appraisal; 12 Acknowledge; 15 Contemplate; 17 Deference; 19 Art; 21 Agree; 22 Engrave. Down: 1 Quiet; 2 Aim; 3 Rasp; 4 Delineate; 5 Strange; 8 Trowel; 11 Scattered; 13 Number; 14 Foreign; 16 Grave; 18 Cant; 20 Era.

Sudoku Answer

DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016


Mistletoe & Whine by

Chris Ashley

Writer & Broadcaster

IF I come over all Grinch like forgive me, it’s just since becoming a selfunemployed radio hack I no longer have to pretend I enjoy spinning the number one Christmas platters that matter with all the false bonhomie of Smashie & Nicey.

Noel number ones like Little Jimmy Osmond (‘72) – Renne & Renato (‘82) – Mr Blobby (‘93). Anorak attack! – since the official charts started in 1952, only 6 Christmas Number Ones have Christmas in the title – Xmas doesn’t count. Dickie Valentine ‘Christmas Alphabet’–Mud ‘Lonely This Christmas’–Shakin’ Stevens ‘Merry Christmas Everyone’- Band Aid x 3 ‘Do They Know etc.’ . That could well change by the time this ramble arrives. Even my heroes, Elvis & Springsteen’s cool Yule versions of ‘Santa Claus Is Coming To Town’ tend to pall. However there will be one very happy chappy this festive season, step forward Mr. Neville John (Noddy) Holder, MBE. With co-writer Jim Lea he’s trousered upwards of half a million quid in royalties every year since 1973 for ‘Merry Xmas Everybody’ (which really hacked off the other 2 Sladesters). Being a hot highly rated radio DJ – stop sneering & snorting – okay, okay, I turn up on time & don’t fall over the furniture, which was good enough for Wolverhampton’s Beacon Radio in the ‘80’s where Noddy would occasionally do a show. Afterwards we’d venture forth into the less salubrious areas of the borough. The sort of nicking neighbourhood where if you don’t run very very fast - the local footpads steal your shoelaces. Now it would be fair to say The Noddmeister did like a drink, which is a akin to saying Cara Delevin-thingummybob likes a selfie. Many a Friday night the locals were serenaded in the wee small hours by raucous versions of ‘Dizzy Miss Lizzy’ & ‘Summertime Blues’ etc. Great days then,but for us now (except George Clooney) ageing is no country for milksops & it must be even harder for pop Gods. Mick Hucknall now looks like the spurned love child of Charlie Drake – a cosmetically frozen faced Tom Jones could relocate to Easter Island & dear old Noddy a shoo-in as a Dickensian Beadle. As for me, all my life I’ve resembled the south end of a northbound bus, therefore no dramas. Felize Navidad to you & yours – any personal frivolous festive folderol always welcome; ashleybobble@hotmail.com


DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016


life&leisure #good food 

Crispy bacon-basted turkey

INGREDIENTS 5kg-6kg oven-ready turkey, neck and giblets removed and saved for the Sticky port gravy (see ‘Goes well with’, far right) 2 thyme sprigs 1 onion, halved 1 lemon, halved 2 bay leaves 1 garlic bulb, halved For the salt mix 85g flaky sea salt 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves 1 tsp crushed black pepper For the crispy bacon butter 6 rashers smoked streaky bacon or pancetta, chopped into small pieces 140g butter, softened 1 tbsp maple syrup

METHOD If you have time the day before, salt the turkey. Make the salt mix by grinding the salt with the thyme leaves and pepper in a spice grinder or with a pestle and mortar. Sit the turkey in a roasting tin and season all over, inside and out, using about two-thirds of the salt. Leave the turkey in the tin, breast-side up, cover with cling film and put in the fridge for up to 24 hrs. If you don’t have time, or there is no room in the fridge, simply prepare the salt and season the turkey generously before roasting. To make the bacon butter, gently cook the bacon in a dry frying pan for about 10 mins, stirring occasionally, until the fat has seeped into the pan and is sizzling gently, and the bacon is crisp. Take off the heat and leave to cool slightly. Scrape the bacon and the fat into a food processor with the butter and maple syrup. Blitz to combine, scraping down the sides of the processor from time to time. Roll up the butter in cling film to form a log and place in the fridge. Can be made a few days ahead or frozen for 1 month. Remove the turkey from the fridge an hour or so before you want to cook it. Remove the bacon butter from the fridge to soften up. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Calculate your cooking time based on 40 mins per kg

for the first 4kg of the turkey, plus 45 mins for every kg after that. Gently push your fingers under the skin of the turkey, starting from the neck, until you can push your whole hand in down the length of the breast. Take care not to tear the skin. Use your hands to spread the bacon butter under the skin so that it covers the entire breast area, and there is butter in the crevice between the thigh and the main body. Pop a sprig of thyme under the skin of each breast, then smooth the skin over with your buttery hands. Place the onion, lemon, bay leaves and garlic in the cavity. Cover the tin loosely with foil and roast for the calculated cooking time – 30 mins before the end of cooking, increase the oven temperature to 200C/180C fan/gas 6, remove the foil, baste the turkey and return to the oven. When the turkey is beautifully brown and cooked through, remove from the oven and leave to rest on a warm platter covered in foil for up to 1 hr. Pour the fat away from the roasting tin, leaving just the juices. If your tin is flameproof, pour in the Sticky Port gravy (see ‘Goes well with’, right) to reheat with the juices; if not, tip them both into a saucepan and reheat. Serve the remaining salt mix as a seasoning alongside the rest of the meal.

Christmas pudding INGREDIENTS 450g white breadcrumbs 350g golden caster sugar 225g vegetarian suet 100g self-raising flour 50g almonds, roughly chopped 225g currants 225g sultanas 225g raisins 175g mixed peel 1 tsp each mixed spice, ground ginger and grated nutmeg 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 eggs 2 tbsp treacle zest and juice 1 lemon zest and juice 1 orange METHOD Place all the ingredients, except the eggs, treacle and lemon and orange juice, into your largest bowl with 1 tsp salt, then mix. Add the remaining ingredients along with 700ml water, then mix to a consistency that drops off your spoon. Cover and leave in a cool place overnight. The mixture will become firm.

The next day, add enough water to bring the mix back to a dropping consistency, then spoon into greased pudding basins – we used a 2 litre and a 1 litre. Cover with pleated greaseproof paper and foil, and secure with string. Lower the puddings into a saucepan with upturned saucers or scrunched-up bits of foil in the bottom (so the puds don’t touch the bottom), then fill with boiling water from the kettle until it comes halfway up the sides of the bowl. Simmer the smaller pudding for 2-2½ hrs and the larger one for 3-3½ hrs. Cool, wrap well in foil and chill for up to 3 days.


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

life&leisure health


Symptoms of hearing loss HEARING LOSS can manifest itself in different ways in different people to different degrees. It could be that other people comment on your hearing difficulties before you are aware of them. People have said to me: ‘I have been told I am standoffish because I did not say hello – but I just did not know they were there.’ Others have told me: ‘People think I am a bit slow, but I am not; I just did not hear them properly.’ It can cause serious discomfort and may manifest itself in any of the following ways: Social situations: It’s hard to follow the conversation when in a group, at a party or in a restaurant: background noise makes it hard to hear, and you may find yourself starting to avoid social situations. The worst situation is being surrounded by people yet feeling totally alone. People seem to be mumbling: You miss some words, especially at the beginning of a sentence. Quite often you do not realise it is you they are talking to until the first few words have been spoken and then you spend the rest of the conversation trying to catch up. Pretending to understand: You pretend you heard what has been said – shaking or nodding your head and saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and just hoping for the best. Mis-hearing: You mis-hear what has been said or make a comment or introduce a topic that the group has just been discussing. Television: You turn the TV up louder than others feel comfortable with and this can cause tension between family members. You may find that you still can’t understand the TV or radio even when it has been turned up. Soft sounds: You may find women’s voices more difficult to hear and also children, who may seem to be talking very quickly.

Telephone: You may find hearing or understanding on the phone difficult, especially different accents, and prefer other family members to deal with calls. Tinnitus: You may experience continuous or intermittent noises, either in one or both ears. Noise intolerance: You may find that you are less tolerant of surrounding noise levels or that some sounds have become really annoying to you. Ear difference: You may find it easier to hear with one ear rather than the other, especially on the telephone. PEOPLE SAY YOU TALK TOO LOUDLY In the car: You may find difficulty carrying on a conversation with someone whilst driving, especially if the radio is on or the window is open and even more so if the person you are talking to is in the back seat (or you are in the back seat trying to talk to the driver). The world generally seems to be a lot quieter: Did you hear the cicadas last summer? Do you hear the birds in the morning? Reducing frequency and dynamic hearing ranges tend to become a big handicap when the hearing loss interferes with perception and discrimination of human speech sounds, which can lead to isolation, withdrawal and in extreme cases depression. If you have any question’s about this week’s topic, email digitalhearing@hotmail.co.uk or contact Michael Burke at Digital Hearing, Quesada Business Centre, Calle Los Arcos 7, Quesada: Tel 698 418 642.

dec 23 - 5 Jan 2


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


life&leis re health u /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Non-specific back pain THE BACK Pain Association estimates 3 million Brits consult their family doctor annually: few get through life without suffering back pain at some time - the majority through abuse, such as heavy workers thinking they are strong - they often abuse their spines. Usually muscular strains correct themselves quickly with rest and massage. However ‘Non Specific Back Pain’ describes recurrent episodes. It is wise to seek medical advice to eliminate any specific cause. 99% of cases are classed as ‘non-specific’ (when the cause of pain is unclear). Possibly it is over stretching of ligaments or muscles or problems in the small facet joints between the vertebrae. Causes of pain are impossible to prove by tests. General examination is normally sufficient for diagnosis of definite symptoms, with specific tests advised. Pain is nearly always the result of an accident involving a fall involving jolts or twists, resulting in: A compressional force through the vertebrae and discs A hard jolt to the lumbar-sacral joint at the base of the spine and pelvis Sharp stretching of ligaments: possible tears The facet joints become bruised The body’s response and repair mechanism comes into action

The inflammatory reaction ensures increased blood to the affected area and spasm occurs to splint the area to allow the joint surface to recuperate In most joints protective spasm works well but in the case of the back it actually maintains the injury to the joint. Once the major muscle spasm reduces and the back feels okay there is still an underlying problem: The small muscles recover and get rid of waste slower, causing a ‘traffic jam’. Later a bout of strenuous work or lifting will cause a build up of spasm followed by pain… TREATMENT The spasm must be reduced, pressure taken off the joint and circulation improved so that stagnant oedema is squeezed out, making room for fresh fluid to filter in. The ligaments also need to be stretched if relief is to be permanent. I personally use electric frequencies and ultra sound to reduce inflammation and advise heat or cold for home treatment, and mobilisation techniques. Massage encourages the muscle to come

out of spasm and gets rid of oedema. Do not confine yourself to bed: keep the muscle working. Apply ice to help reduce pain and muscle spasm. Specific simple exercises advised by your Physio. Prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants.


dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

life&leisure #sports


Alfaz Fantasy Football League

The Two lots of Premier League Fixtures before Christmas gave the Alfaz Fantasy Football League Managers a great start to the Festive Season by contributing 44 goals,14 clean sheets,72 yellow cards(well it is Xmas) and 3 red ones.The average score for the week was a record high of 45 points. The Three Players who will probably be spending Christmas at home are Everton’s Phil Jagielka,Stoke’s Arnautovic and last weeks hero Leicester City’s Jamie Vardy who all received their marching orders in the Mid-Week games. Julie’s team The Gers will be top of the Tree for Christmas as they have taken a small 3 point lead over two teams Andrew’s Big Tymers and Joanna’s Hup Hannah City who are both locked on 517 points.The top 3 teams all scored more than 60 points this week. Well if it’s tight at the top the same can’t be said at the other end of the table where Kevin’s El.Portet Elite have fallen off the ladder as they now trail Angie’s Blues by a massive 87 points. Ant & Brad’s team Ant & Brad are sitting comfortable at the top of our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League with a 39 point advantage over Harley’s Ginger Ninjar.Marcus’s Salford Sausages are in 3rd place followed by Liam’s team A Piece of Texas.Down at the foot of the table Anna’s team Radji United have remained in the bottom spot for the 2nd week running. In our Mark Carter Ladies Section The Gers & Hup Hannah City have pulled away from the chasing pack and opened up a 36 point gap between themselves and 3rd placed Gerrard’s Bitch.At the opposite end of the scale Manchester City’s two good results didn’t help Angies Blues much as they are still

anchored at the bottom 8 points adrift of Jo Jo Wants a Dog. Julie’s team The Gers have had a good Season so far and they are favourites to win this Month’s 20 euro voucher sponsored by Quick Save the only British Supermarket in Albir.At the moment The Gers lead Hannah’s Hotspurs by 32 points.Sue’s Scuffy Donkeys are also in contention in 3rd place.With 2 lots of fixtures to come it’s all to play for. Probably the most competitive Division so far is our Leonard Knowles Construction Golden Boot League.Each week we have a different team at the Summit.This week it is Dave’s Teams turn Juke Box Mackems who have taken an 14 point advantage over 2 teams in 2nd place Eric’s Peaky Blinders and Lee’s Walkden Town.Down in the doldrums Kevin’s El.Portet Elite are looking to pick up a 2nd Wooden Spoon as they are trailing Mitchell’s Suplex City by 23 points. The Two teams going into the Hat for our Wyndham’s Wine Monthly Draw are Des’s Parkwiganeers who top scored this week with 84 points and our lowest scoring team which was El.Portet Elite with a tally of 10 points. Manager of the Month for December is being kindly sponsored by ELIDAS Steak House in Albir who provide high quality steaks at reasonable prices.The Gers are top with a 12 point lead over Dave’s Juke Box Mackems.Grahem’s team Benivorm are in 3rd place 2 points in front of Liam’s A Piece of Texas. Bill an ardent Celtic Fan has won this weeks Breakfast for 2 at the Two C’s in Alfaz after moving up 45 places to number 121st in the main League. Danny’s team Lets Get Hammered moved into the next round of our RTN K.O.Cup Competition when they beat Gary’s team

Fieldies Flyers in a high scoring replay by 67- 56.The draw for the next round will soon be up on our website which is www. alfazffl.com At the moment we have 8 Junior Managers through along with 15 Lady Managers. We wish all our Fantasy League Managers a Merry Christmas and a Happy point collecting New Year.

18 nov - 24 nov 2016


life&leisure #sports


La Vila marches on LA VILA underwent a tough test travelling to Barcelona and achieving a narrow 8-12 victory over Santaboiana undergoing a “close call”. by Tony Fox The win enables the club to maintain its leadership of the league and a promotion push to the top flight, however, the home side showed that 2017 could still be a testing time. Four yellow cards were shown in the match - two for each side - and highlighted the ferocity of the battle. All the points came in the first half with La Vila being unable to show a second half performance of quality as is their norm. Both La Vila tries were scored by Muller with Jara converting one. The squad now enjoys a well earned break until 8th January 8th when they have a home game against Hospitalet of Barcelona. Three feather in La Vila’s cap The rugby stadium at Vilajoyosa – home of La Vila – has been selected as the venue for the visit of the Welsh international ladies rugby team. The visitors will take on a Spanish ladies team on Saturday 14th January. Full details are yet to be announced but it is an opportunity to show support for the oval ball on the Costa Blanca.

Club’s trump card MEMBERS OF the Javea School of Bridge and Social Club have been playing their cards right, raising over 2,400 Euros for a special charity helping young people. The club staged a tournament at the clubhouse in Avenida Tamarits on the town’s Arenal with around 60 members and guests taking part. The money was earmarked for ASPADIS, a charity formed in 1980, which supports children and young people with profound disabilities and helps them achieve their maximum potential.

DEC 23 - 5 JAN 2016


Working together for safer roads life&leisure #DrivingInSpain

Brought to you by n332.es 

Major Christmas Operation Begins Today THIS WEEKEND, the roads of Spain are expected to be particularly busy at times, thanks to the Christmas holidays. HOWEVER, THIS year, it is anticipated that there will be an extra three million more journeys on the country´s roads than last year, with a total number of 16,675,000 trips during the period which starts at 15:00 on Friday, 23 December, until 00:00 on Sunday, 8 January, 2017. The main bulk of traffic movements will be split into three specific phases. The first phase of the operation will be from Friday 23rd December, until Monday 26th, although in some areas the special operation retires on the Sunday night. During this weekend, it is anticipated that 4.1 million trips will take place. Phase two will be for the end of the year celebrations, specifically from Friday, 30th December until Sunday, 1st January, on Monday in some places such as Murcia. The third phase runs over the Three Kings celebrations from Friday 5th until Sunday 8th January, 2017. The largest volume of movements in this period will focus on the central area of the peninsula (25%), followed by the region of Murcia and Valencia where 21% of displacements will take place. In order to ensure the safest flow of traffic during the operation, the Guardia Civil will be out in force on the roads, monitoring for the usual offences that contribute most highly to incidents, such as inappropriate speed, alcohol or drugs, and distractions, including the use of mobile phones. They will also be checking on the correct use of seatbelts and child restraints, and that all documentation is correct and valid. Officers on the ground will be supported by the 12 DGT helicopters in the air, including those fitted with the Pegasus monitoring equipment, which will also be monitoring for speeders, as well as seatbelt and mobile phone use. If embarking on any kind of journey during the holiday period, the advice is always the same. Allow extra time for your journey, take plenty of breaks on long trips, be patient, always drive within the speed limit and at a safe distance, and never consume alcohol or drugs before driving.

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dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016





dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016

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dec 23 - 5 Jan 2016


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