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Your English Newspaper



Candy sees the light

Thursday, January 5 - Friday, January 12 2017

Festive master chefs FOUR BIG-HEARTED Brits took Christmas to the Franciscan Refuge and Hospice in Gandia and lit up the lives of 65 gentlemen living at the shelter.

See page 3

Perfect ‘pick me up’ THE FESTIVE season is rapidly coming to an end but Smile Charity Group has the perfect antidote – its latest comedy show ‘Mind Me Ghoulies!’ p17

THREE KINGS marks the traditional end of the Christmas holidays in Spain; a magical time of colourful parades and yet more presents.


BRITISH EXPAT Candy Wright has received a coveted ‘Point of Light’ award from Prime Minister Theresa May in recognition of the “extraordinary” time she dedicates to charity work on the Costa Blanca.

Turn to page 4

RTN would love to see readers’ photos of the fun and will publish the best next week – send pictures in jpeg form to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com.


5 Jan - 12 jan 2017


China bans ivory trade CHINA WILL outlaw all domestic ivory trade by the end of 2017 in a move animal activists describe as a “game changer” for Africa’s endangered elephant population. by Jack Troughton It is estimated over 20,000 elephants were slaughtered for their ivory last year; much of it destined for China. Ivory remains a status symbol in the Far Eastern country where prices for a kilo of the prized bone can reach as high as US dollars 1,100. The official news agency Xinhua said: “China will gradually stop the processing and sales of ivories for commercial purposes by the end of 2017.” The move follows Beijing’s move last March to widen a ban on imports of all ivory and ivory products acquired before 1975 under pressure to end an industry that threatens the survival of elephants. The World Wildlife Fund believes 415,000 elephants re-

main in the wild and it gives the animals a chance to beat the threat of extinction. CITES, the Convention on International Trade in endangered species banned the ivory trade in 1989. Like other countries, China permits the resale of ivory purchased before the ban

– and also has a stockpile bought with CITES approval in 2008, released for sale with certification. The WWF praised the Chinese for the move but also called on Hong Kong to bring forward its panned ban on ivory trading from 2021.


Festive master chefs FOUR BIG-HEARTED Brits took Christmas to the Franciscan Refuge and Hospice in Gandia and lit up the lives of 65 gentlemen living at the shelter. by Jack Troughton Cassie Leary, husband Jon, Cassie’s sister Joanne and her friend Fi – dressed as Father Christmas, Mrs Christmas and two elves – cooked a special festive lunch on Christmas Eve; the traditional Spanish celebration. The team put together a three-course meal centred on a turkey, leek, and stuffing “Christmassy pie”, along with bags of chocolate and lashings of Christmas music. And Cassie, who works at Justin’s in Moraira as an eyelash extension technician, was able to put on the meal, take gifts and clothes, thanks to the generosity of clients of the salon and friends. “It was all very rewarding seeing them opening their presents and enjoying the afternoon – one of the regulars even got up and had a dance,” she said. “Once again, a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who donated; the gents had a great Christmas Eve.”

Cassie and Jon, who live in Pego, cook for the Gandia “family” about four times a year; becoming involved in memory of her late father Terry, who as a member of Pego Golf Society made the home its chosen charity and

regularly cooked Saturday lunch. And she also thanked Amigos de Benitachell, the community charity shop, for a donation of 1,000 Euros to help the men. “It’s a great way to start 2017!”

5 - 12 Jan 2017


4 5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017

Candy sees the light

News and views from the Costa Blanca, Costa Calida & Costa Almeria. Read us online every week>


A word from the Ed... Speeches and hot air THE QUEEN’S speech is a time-honoured fixture for Christmas Day and as traditional as turkey, sprouts, and drop of something you fancy. The address to the nation is pre-recorded – lucky as it happens with Her Majesty laid low with a dreaded bug (get well soon Ma’am) – and all festive with a magnificently decorated Christmas tree in the background, and cutaways to great-grandchildren and possibly pet corgis. But these days it appears everyone is getting a bash at bending the collective ear. All right, it is an important religious day so it is right the Archbishop of Canterbury gets a go to explain the real meaning of Christmas but who invited Uncle Tom Cobley and all? Prime Minister Theresa May has a go, Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn has a message, SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon goes all festive in a serious way, and there’s even time for that geezer from the Lib Dems….yes, I do know, it’s Tim Fallon. Nigel Farage was missing, at least at RTN towers, but don’t despair, they are making a film of the UKIP story. Wow! PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: production@roundtownnews.com NEWSDESK & GENERAL ENQUIRIES: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com TO ADVERTISE: sales@roundtownnews.com THE EDITOR: jack@roundtownnews.com DISTRIBUTION REQUESTS: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

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BRITISH EXPAT Candy Wright has received a coveted ‘Point of Light’ award from Prime Minister Theresa May in recognition of the “extraordinary” time she dedicates to charity work on the Costa Blanca. by JACK TROUGHTON The Premier’s award is given to recognise outstanding individual volunteers – people making a change in their community. And for 30 years Candy has been involved with HELP of Denia and the Marina Alta, and has risen from being involved in a team of volunteer translators and hospital visitors to taking over the helm as its President. During that time, she has seen the charity evolve into a key force in the community; including operating two charity shops, funding respite care, and running support groups for people with conditions like diabetes and Parkinson’s. Candy also helped set up a women’s shelter in Benissa, is involved with a care centre for youngsters in Denia, and also works at a men’s homeless shelter in Gandia. In her spare time, she is an actor, director and current President of Careline Theatre in Alcalali – which raises funds for local charities – and also has a regular show on a radio station. Sending her personal congratulations to Candy, Mrs May wrote: “You have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time to local charity work in Spain. In particular, your work with ‘HELP’ has been instrumental in supporting the charity to grow and extend its services to even more people in need. “Across the world British volunteers like you are helping to build a better world for everyone. The Point of Light award is a small thank you on behalf of the whole country in recognition of your exceptional service.” And British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley also paid tribute, saying: “Wherever I go in Spain, I am impressed by the way in which our hundreds of thousands of British expats here so willingly give up their time to help others. “They are an invaluable partner for us, and there is no fi ner example of that volunteering spirit than Candy Wright.” Acknowledging the Point of Light award for her volunteer work in her adopted country, Candy said: “I feel very moved to have received this award. Devoting time to others is important to me, as it is very fulfi lling. “I hope to be able to work as a volunteer for a long time, with the valuable support of my family and friends.” Candy is the 649th winner of the British Prime Minister’s Point of Light award, a scheme which has been developed in collaboration with a programme in the United States of America, created by former US President George HW Bush. Candy Wright

Television listings

DISCOVER AN accurate picture of the week’s television programmes to plan an enjoyable viewing experience by visiting the free websites listed below. Everything headed for the small screen can be found at: www.tvguide.co.uk and www.radiotimes.com.

Brexit bombshell

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017

BRITAIN’S AMBASSADOR to the European Union dropped a bombshell on Tuesday evening when he quit despite being expected to play a key role in Brexit talks. by jack troughton In a note to colleagues, Sir Ivan Rogers urged colleagues in Brussels to challenge “muddled thinking” and to “speak truth to power”. Sir Ivan left his post several months early to avoid disruption to historic negotiations over the UK leaving the EU, scheduled to begin in March when Britain formerly triggers Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty; the official framework to pull out of the bloc. Political commentators said the surprise resignation with the leaked note indicated the diplomat’s advice from Brussels had fallen on deaf ears back in London. And Sir Ivan warned colleagues: “The government will only achieve the best for the country if it harnesses the best experience we have.” He had already angered MPs in the Commons by suggesting a UK-EU trade agreement could take as long as 10 years to finalise. The resignation comes just days after Prime Minister Theresa May called for the country to untie after a “divisive 2016” following last June referendum vote to leave the EU Promising to get the UK the “right deal” around the negotiating table she said: “I know the referendum last June was divisive at times; I know, of course, that not everyone shared the same point of view, or voted in the same way. “But I know too that, as we face the opportunities ahead of us, our shared interests and ambitions can bring us together.” After Sir Ivan´s controversial email, Downing Street declined to comment but said he was “free to express his own opinions.” However, former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith – who campaigned for Leave during the referendum – said: “It gets to a point when a civil servant starts to go public on stuff that you as ministers can no longer trust that individual. “You must have absolute trust and cooperation. You cannot have this stuff coming out publically.” Labour´s Barry Gardiner, shadow international trade secretary, said the government´s policy appeared to be to “shoot down” everyone saying things “they don’t want to hear.” And he said by “shooting the messenger” the government was effectively shooting itself “in the foot” and must insure it had the experience required for successful negotiations.

Sir Ivan Rogers



5 - 12 Jan 2017


Making a splash! SCORES OF swimmers celebrated New Year’s Day with a dip in the Mediterranean; brushing away the excesses of the celebrations and raising money for two good causes. by Jack Troughton More than 70 people, many in fancy dress, made a dash into the blue at Javea’s Arenal Beach – the shrieks and screams rather giving the lie to shouts of “come in, the water’s lovely”. The annual event drew a huge crowd and bucket collections will boost the total raised through sponsorship, the preChristmas festive fund-raising ‘Elf Run’ round local bars, and the penalties for using colourful language in the Lancashire Bruja; with 340 Euros contributed from the bar’s swear box. The swim is organised by Nigel and Karen Rushton, of the popular Lancashire Bruja, and money raised will go to Make A Smile, which supports children in EMAUS homes, and

brave Carla Morgan, an eight-year-old from Tormos who is being treated for a tumour at a Valencia hospital. Karen told RTN she was happy to see the numbers of those getting wet going up for the 2017 event – the rules state there must be a 10 minute submersion. “There are a lot of new faces this year; it doesn’t matter how much they raise... they have gone in!” She said she was asked if she could help young Carla and her family. “She is a brave little girl; I thought I couldn’t do anything but help her.” And she said the sponsored swim has become something of a family affair. Nigel once again led the charge into the water, along with sons Joshua and Ashley and Joshua’s fiancé Genn – while Ashley’s wife Michelle had taken over time-keeping duties. Karen was left in charge of the latest addition to the family,

grandson Braxton, born on 13th December. She also revealed how the boys fortified themselves against the cold; hipflasks were the key. Nigel’s filled with Southern Comfort, Joshua chose Amaretto, and Ashley picked whisky.

Costa Blanca developer dies

PEDRO SOLIVERES Cabrera, the President and founder of construction and development company VAPF, has died aged 83. His group was behind the development of Cumbre del Sol – the huge Marina Alta urbanisation above Benitachell. And a commemorative mass was held on Friday 30th December at the church Purissima Xiqueta in Benissa. A company spokesman said: “We pay homage to all his achievements, the legacy he left us, and his undeniable contribution to the company. “We have lost a great man, who, with his work laid the foundations of the company we are today.”

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017



The girls take on Wales THE SPANISH women’s rugby team play Wales at Villajoyosa on Saturday 14th January in a friendly ahead of the 2017 World Cup. by Jack Troughton Las Leones qualified for the competition after a crunch match against Scotland in Madrid on 26th November in a 15-10 victory to qualify for the tournament, being held in

Ireland this summer. Pictured after securing qualification, Spain has been drawn in Pool B for the World Cup, joining England, the United States of America and Italy in the group. The Spanish squad arrives at La Vila Rugby Stadium on Sunday to train at the ground for the friendly international.

Migrating south for Christmas by Jack Troughton CHRISTMAS IN Fuengirola was enjoyed by members of U3A Marina Baixa who enjoyed some festive feasting, shopping and exploring. A 48-strong party left Albir on Friday 22nd December and enjoyed the scenery of Andalucia on the journey south with a backdrop of snow-capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada. On Christmas Eve the group travelled to Gibraltar – some explored The Rock and met the iconic apes, while others took advantage of duty free shopping and the admired decorations that provided an atmosphere of a ‘British’ Christmas. The group was in Fuengirola on Christmas Day,

some members travelling to neighbouring resorts of Torremolinos and Benalmadena, but everyone enjoyed the evening’s Grand Gala Buffet at the hotel – a feast of food, entertainment and dancing. And on Boxing Day there was the opportunity to explore Mijas, with its white-washed houses and squares with imaginative festive decorations including a Christmas tree made from blue plastic water bottles (pictured). The journey home on 27th December included a detour to Guadix and a unique opportunity to see the cave homes and meet some of the residents.

Currently ranked 9th in the world – one place above Wales – it promises to be an entertaining fixture. La Vila hopes the game will draw a large Costa Blanca crowd to support Spain. Kick-off is at 4pm and entrance is 10 Euros. The stadium is signposted from exit 66 on the AP7 motorway.

Cut the risk of dementia PROFESSOR Lawrence Whalley will outline steps to reduce the risk of dementia in a special presentation to U3A Vall del Pop on Thursday 12th January. A professor emeritus of the University of Aberdeen, he will encourage those at risk of developing the condition because of age or family history to follow simple guidelines to cut their personal risk. The talk in Murla will not outline a ‘one size fits all’ regime but advice on how to tailor personal interventions based on a self-appraisal of risk. The lecture will follow a three-step guide. The first is to accept the maxim “what’s good for your heart is good for your brain”. This means keeping blood pressure within safe limits, weight control regimes and a healthy balanced diet with low to moderate alcohol consumption. Secondly people are urged to maintain a socially engaged and physical lifestyle; and thirdly, to anticipate those exposures that may trigger dementia to either avoid them or to mitigate their effects. The website www.u3avalldelpop.com has full details and new members of U3A will be made most welcome.


Macaroni not Pavarotti by Jack Troughton CLASSIC FAIRYTALE ‘Pinocchio’ is packed with well-known and much-loved musical numbers but Geppetto the toy maker soon discovers Mama Macaroni is no Luciano Pavarotti. Geppetto (Peter Clague, pictured) has to take avoiding action during the night at the opera – Mama Macaroni (Dennis Arthurs) has a voice that can shatter glass. And everyone has an opportunity to enjoy an evening packed full of fun and laughter when Careline Theatre brings Pinocchio to life in its traditional annual pantomime in Alcalali from 19th to 22nd January. Directed by Dorothy Fish, the panto is based on the famous Walt Disney film and includes the hit song from the big screen, ‘When You Wish upon a Star’. Opening night is ‘Party at the Panto’ with a free glass of cava and nibbles; with proceeds from the performance being shared by charities Jalon Valley HELP, HELP of Denia and the Marina Alta, and the MABS Cancer support group. The shows from Thursday 19th January to Sunday 22nd January are at 8pm with matinees at 3pm on Saturday and

Sunday afternoons. Seats are already selling faster than Mama Macaroni can eat a bowl of pasta for this family treat, call the Box Office on 652 294 750 or email carelineboxoffice@gmail.com. Tickets are 12 Euros for adults (11 Euros for pre-paid groups of 10 or more) and 8 Euros for children under 10 years of age.

Old timer needs new start VETERAN FELINE Mogsey is currently being cared for by animal charity Jalon Valley ARC but urgently needs a foster or permanent home. Sadly, when the 16-year-old’s owner died there was no one to take her in, and Mogsey is in “really good health” and would make an excellent pet for the remainder of her nine lives. Mogsey is fine with dogs but not “keen” on other cats. Anyone who can help should call Sally on 625 985 689 or Jayne on 649 310 285.

5 - 12 Jan 2017


Count your blessings CHARITY APASA is staging its annual blessing of the rescued dogs at its Javea shelter to mark the ‘Fiesta San Antonio’ – the patron saint of animals. Across Spain working animals and pets are traditionally taken to be blessed by priests on the saint’s day, 17th January, and Javea’s priest will visit APASA to make sure the dogs do not miss out. The party starts at 1pm – owners take along their own pets, many dogs formerly rescued by APASA – and there is music, food, drinks, tombola and stalls. And the charity’s shop in Javea is staging a sale between 9th and 31st of January. Winter clothing will be on offer at half price.

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Lions raffle winners WINNING TICKETS for the Teulada Moraira Lions ‘Grand Christmas Raffle’ 2016 were drawn funding a shopping spree for five lucky people. by Jack Troughton The draw was staged at The Lions Den, the club’s charity shop in Moraira, and was the end of weeks of work by organiser Philip Henderson and his team, helping raise money to fund community projects. First prize went to Tanja Wiersma, who wins a 250 Euro Pepe la Sal Supermarket voucher; second prize was won by Pamela King, who scooped a 150 Euro Paichi Garden Centre voucher. John Snell won third prize, a 100 Euro Paichi voucher; Alan Lewis and Tony Robson won fourth and fifth prizes, 50 Euro vouchers for Pepe La Sal. And pictured (left to right) are Alan Lewis; Lions President, David Platt; Tanja Wiersma and Pamela King; and organiser Philip Henderson.

Investigating life’s mystery THE MORAIRA World Mysteries Discussion Group starts 2017 with a meeting on 12th January at the Jacaranda Bar investigating and researching phenomena and events that are not easy to explain. A friendly group, it regularly meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month between 6pm and 8pm at the bar. It puts subjects such as the great Egyptian Pyramids, The Aztec civilization, the newly-discovered pyramids in Bosnia, and the meaning of the Sumarian stone tablets under the microscope. A speaker will discuss a chosen topic or a variety of topics and this is followed by a question and answer session and general discussion. The group offers those who are interested the opportunity to learn more about these fascinating subjects. For more information email morairaworldmystery@gmail.com.

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017



5 Jan - 12 jan 2017


Record breakers

SALES OF vinyl reached a 25-year high in 2016 with over 3.2 million records being sold in the UK – a rise of 53% on the previous year – says the BPI, which represents the music industry. by Jack Troughton Traditional vinyl is back in fashion and David Bowie’s final album ‘Blackstar’ topped the charts for the biggest seller for records, with sales more than double than 2015´s number one, ’25’ by Adele. It was back in 1991 that vinyl reached so many turntables. It was the year Simply Red’s ´Stars’ was boasted the most units shifted. However, vinyl still only accounts for 2.6% of the overall music market – and while it continues to enjoy a resurgence amongst the public, sales of CDs and downloads are falling rapidly. A total of 47.3 million CDs were bought in 2016, a drop of 11.7%, while numbers of downloads purchased by music lovers tumbled; down 29.6% with just 18.1 million albums bought online. Four years ago downloading music hit a peak. Album sales were 32.6 million but now customers have turned to streaming service to get their favourite music. The BPI said there were around 45 billion audio streams in 2016; the equivalent of the UK’s 27 million households each listening to 1,500 songs over the course of 12 months. And the streaming results do not take into account the success of YouTube as a music source – the Google video streaming service is not included in data collated by the Official Chart Company. Adele’s ‘25’, released in November 2015, was the year’s biggest-seller overall – excluding compilations – followed by Coldplay’s ‘A Head full of Dreams. A surprise at the top of the Christmas album chart was Michael Ball and Alfie Boe’s collaboration ‘Together’. Vinyl has enjoyed nine years of growth since its near extinction in2007 – sales of records are also rising in Spain. Fans say they prefer the “warmth” of the sound while others buy records as a souvenir or piece of art – and a poll found people streaming music were more likely to buy vinyl; often as a gesture of goodwill to their favourite artists.

The toll of domestic killing

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE claimed the life of 44 women across Spain over 2016 – a fall from the 60 deaths recorded 12 months earlier. The victims were murdered by their partners or former partners; the last death was a 57-year-old woman found dead with her partner in Barcelona on December 19th. The statistics could have been worse. Seven killings continue to be investigated by police and could still be confirmed as ‘gender violence’. Also termed ‘male violence’, the crime also left a child dead – in 2015 there were four children killed – and 26 youngsters were left without a mother; almost half the number 12 months ago. Minister of Health Dolors Montserrat has launched a new national strategy aimed at ending violence towards women over the next four years. “The main challenge is the culmination of the pact for the eradication of violence against women on the basis of gender.”

Security stepped up for Three Kings MADRID HAS banned large vehicles from the centre of the capital as security is stepped up ahead of the annual Three Kings parades. Wary of a terrorist attack similar to the Berlin atrocity, police will restrict access to much of the city centre, imposing a ban on large lorries and buses. Restrictions came into force on Tuesday evening and will remain for two days until the street celebrations are finished. Every year Madrid hosts a huge three Kings parade along its central Castellana boulevard on the evening of 5th January and other neighbourhoods also stage events.

And all drivers of parade floats will be vetted and trucks checked. Areas where parades are staged will have access restricted through the use of bollards, plant pots, police vehicles, ambulances and fire engines. There have been a higher police presence on the streets of Madrid since the Berlin attack; and higher numbers of officers were drafted in on the night of 31st December to protect the traditional celebrations at midnight in Puerta del Sol and surrounding streets. Madrid also plays host to the San Silvestre Vallecana fun-run on 31st January when further restrictions on traffic and stepped-up security is planned.


Sweet dreams 5 - 12 jan 2017


TRADITIONAL FESTIVE sweets and a cup of hot chocolate tempted more than 300 people to Mojacar for a Christmas treat. by Edward Graham Mojacar’s Centro de Usos Muliples opened its doors to allow visitors access to a buffet containing a massive 150kg of homemade treats; washed down with 100 litres of the warming drink. Hosted by the town hall for the second year, more than 20 cooks prepared delicacies such as Turron, cakes, roscos, doughnuts, and marzipan – and an international flavour was added with typical treats enjoyed by British, French, Russian and Romanian residents. Mojacar plans to insure the flavours years ago by mothers and grandmothers continue; better than commercially bought food but which people often do not have the time to prepare. Councillor for Culture Raquel Belmonte said it was important to keep culinary traditions of the area alive. She said: “It is one more facet of our cultural heritage and our roots, our memories and our way of life. Traditional cuisine should continue for future generations as an important legacy.”


5 - 12 jan 2017


Olympian holds master class by Jack Troughton SILVER MEDALIST at last year’s Olympic Games in Rio, rhythmic gymnast Alejandra Quereda returned to the Costa Blanca over the holidays to stage a master class. The Llebeig Gymnastics Club hosted the event in Teulada and more than 50 youngsters from 30 different communities across the Comunidad Valenciana enjoyed being put through their paces by the athlete (pictured). Before the class, Mayor Carlos Linares welcomed Alejandra to the town hall where she signed the visitors’ book; she also handed a t-shirt signed by the Spanish National Team to the president of the Llebeig Gymnastics Club. Teulada-Moraira is a staunch supporter of gymnastics and is proud of the achievements of its local club. Alejandra, who was last in the municipality in August for an event to mark the start of the grape harvest, was thanked by the mayor for her time – and wished luck for the coming season of competition.

Under the Christmas tree

XABIA BOOK Circle examines Christmas reading at its first meeting of 2017 – looking at books received as presents, given as gifts, and those members ‘wished’ Santa had delivered. The meeting is on Tuesday 10th January in the Social Centre in Javea Old Town at 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start – the gathering will also include a brief Annual General Meeting. The association meets on the first Tuesday of the month at the Centro Social, next to the health centre, and meetings finish at 8.45pm. For more information, call Secretary Alma Dorndorf on 636 898 162 or email alma@dorndorf.es. There is also a website www.xabiabookcircle.com.


5 Jan - 12 jan 2017

Expats win New Year Honours TWO BRITISH residents in Spain were awarded honours by Her Majesty the Queen in the annual New Year Honours List. by Jack Troughton Liz Parry, the former Editor of ‘SUR in English’ who lives in Malaga, won the British Empire Medal (BEM) and Madrid-based businessman Roger Cooke and former President of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain received the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE). Liz, who joined the Englishlanguage newspaper in 1985 as a collaborator and translator, received the BEM for her services to British nationals living in Andalusia. Over 30 years, she rose through the ranks at the newspaper to become Assistant Editor in 1997 and took the helm shortly afterwards. And Roger was awarded the MBE for services to British business in Spain and BritishSpanish trade and investment. He took on the presidency of the Chamber of Commerce in 2012

at the height of the economic crisis and stepped down last year – but remains active in promoting cultural links between both countries and to charity work. Hearing the news of her award, Liz said: “I am delighted and proud to have been awarded this medal for service to British residents in our international community. It came as a complete surprise and I don’t know who nominated me, but I would like them to know that I am honoured and grateful.” Roger was similarly surprised and said: “I am delighted to receive this award and that a contribution to Anglo-Spanish trade has been recognised at a time when this is so important to both countries economic wealth and to their citizens. As always there is a team effort behind this success.”


Your English Newspaper

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017



Mojacar agrees budget Jehovah’s witnesses by Jack Troughton


MOJACAR TOWN Hall has approved a 10.11 million Euros general budget for the 2017 financial year at a special council meeting. The main source of income remains the ‘IBI’ property tax, which will produce over 53% of income, just over 5 million Euros, followed by the tax on the increased value of natural urban land. The largest slice of spending will again be the local authority’s wage bill – which remains at last year’s level; while increased spending on goods and services allows for improvements to the town, the growth of the municipality and facilities. And new investment in infrastructure projects this year are centred on the expropriation of land for the third phase of redevelopment of Paseo Maritimo and coastal road improvements. Also included in spending plans is new street lighting for Marina de la Torre and improvements to beach facilities. The Local Police will receive two new motorcycles and improvement of computer equipment. Mayor of Mojacar Rosmarí Cano, Mayor of Mojacar, said she was “very pleased” with the financial plans presented to the meeting. She said: “These are real, austere and bal-

THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING community of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Levante region is staging a ‘circuit assembly’ in Benidorm on Sunday (8th January). The meeting is being held between 9.30am and 4.15pm at Calle Archiduque Otto de Habsburgo, 24, and the theme is ‘Increase Your Faith in Jehovah!’. Part of the day is a four-part symposium with the theme ‘Word Pictures That Inspire Faith in Jehovah’ and public discussions in the afternoon are ‘True Faith - What Is It, and How Is It Shown?’. The assembly programme concludes with a talk ‘Reap the Rewards of Genuine Faith’.

anced budgets. They guarantee the payment of wages to workers and suppliers’ bills within a maximum period of one month”. And she added that they also took into ac-

Christmas sing-song by Jack Troughton THE ‘NOT Just Folk Music’ group of Javea U3A ended the year with a festive party at the Inn on the Green. Group leader Ian Mackenzie and right-hand man Howard Parker orchestrated a night perfectly in tune with the time of year and musicians performed a variety of Christmas songs with a sprinkling of other favourites. Pictured are Ian (centre) with Howard (left) and ‘Ellis’ (right) performing to an enthusiastic audience during the evening. For more details of the Not Just Folk Music group and a host of other U3A activities, visit the website www.u3ajavea.org

count the payments of the municipality’s ICO loan, as well as continuing to reduce the capital sum; as had been achieved over the last three years.

For further information, please contact: www.jw.org. There is a lunch break at noon and entrance is free to all interested in the subject.


5 - 12 Jan 2017

Charity is the winner A CHARITY Christmas Raffle drawn at the Gran Sol Hotel in Calpe raised 1,334 Euros for the MABS Cancer Support group and animal welfare groups in the region. by Jack Troughton The draw was organised by Pippa Jones and friends and Angie (pictured) from Javea won the top prize – a luxury Christmas hamper packed with delicious goodies. A list of another 30 winners is on display at the hotel. During 2016, the group raised a total of 3,228 Euros for charity; donating cash to HELP of Denia and the Marina Alta, MABS, animal charities AKIRA and Pluto-Tierschutz, and the APROP animal shelter in Pego.

Pooling resources THE CHARITY shop of Calpe has donated a Therapeutic Ball Pool to the town’s Maite Boronat Centre for handicapped adults – helping people relax and developing their multi-sensory skills. The equipment cost over 2,000 Euros and charity President John Bridge (pictured left) with volunteers said: “It was a pleasure to help the people attending the centre and once again put funds to help good causes in Calpe.”

Crime wave ends FRIGHTENED COSTA Blanca residents have breathed a sigh of relief after the arrest of a 33-year-old accused of sparking a one-man crime wave. The Spaniard was held – after allegedly trying to run down an officer – following a string of burglaries in the homes surrounding Altea. It is alleged the Spaniard preyed on houses in urbanisations and his downfall came when the authorities stepped up patrols following a string of complaints. And sharp-eyed officers noticed a car listed as a ‘suspect’ vehicle – which sped off when requested to stop, the driver said to have attempted to run down one of the police team. A high speed chase continued through the streets of the resort before the suspect abandoned his car and made off on foot; only to be snared by officers. Armed with a warrant, police later searched the man’s home and recovered a “large amount” of property identified as missing by victims (pictured). A Benidorm judge has ordered the man be remanded behind bars – while it was said the arrest has ended “alarm” and “great concern” amongst householders in the area.


Perfect ‘pick me up’ THE FESTIVE season is rapidly coming to an end but Smile Charity Group has the perfect antidote – its latest comedy show ‘Mind Me Ghoulies!’ BY JACK TROUGHTON THIS ALTERNATIVE Christmas ghost story will reward the audience with a good giggle to start off 2017 – and help the group continue to raise money to help those in need on the Costa Blanca. And tickets are already selling well for the show’s venues. Priced at 10 Euros they are available at the door or from or from the Card Place, Benimar; the Post Room, Benijófar; or by calling 966 712 382 or 665 222 974. Alternatively, e-mail smilecharitygroup@ gmail.com. Sates for ‘Mind Me Ghoulies!’ are: Thursday 12th January, Marjal Campsite, Guardamar; Friday 13th January, Casa Ventura, San Luis; Wednesday 18th January, Benijófar Theatre; Friday 20th January, The Club, Quesada. All venues except Benijofar Theatre include a meal; therefore tickets at Benijofar are 6 Euros.

5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017


#NewsFromAfar 18

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017

GOT A STORY? Email editor@roundtownnews.com

Permanently engaged

THE RED telephone box – an endearing symbol of British life – is enjoying a second calling across the UK as redundant kiosks are put to new use. by Jack Troughton The demand for public payphones has fallen with the rise of the mobile phone; according to BT there were 92,000 in 2002, there are now 46,000 – including 8,000 traditional red ones. In 1980, there were 73,000 red telephone boxes across the country but redundant kiosks have been given new lives; ranging from a pub and a tea shop to art galleries and lending libraries in villages. And the most common use is to house a defibrillator. The Community Heartbeat Trust is behind the installation of the life-saving machine in more than 3,000 red boxes. A spokesman for the trust said: “With something as serious as a cardiac arrest, time is of the essence, and, unfortunately, ambulance services often can’t reach country villages in time. “To install defibrillators in disused phone boxes is ideal as they’re often in the centre of the village, and it means the iconic red kiosk can remain a lifeline for the community.” As part of BT’s ‘adopt a kiosk’ scheme, communities were able to take over a decommissioned red box for just one pound – the rules state no electronic communications equipment can be installed – and some 3,500 kiosks have been snapped up. For one night in the Cambridgeshire village of Shepreth, the red box became a pub and locals were able to enjoy a pint at the ‘Dog and Bone’ – not surprisingly rhyming slang for ‘phone’. The kiosk briefly enjoyed being the centre of village life; part of a protest at plans to turn the local pub into housing. And when Ovington Parish Council in Northumberland adopted its kiosk it invited suggestions for the red box’s future use. Amongst ideas submitted was one for the world’s smallest lap-dancing bar... it is now home to a defibrillator.


Your English Newspaper

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017



Just what the doctor ordered HOSPITAL CLINICA Benidorm has become a new sponsor of Costa Blanca rugby club ‘La Vila’ and will help keep players and coaching staff onside over any health issues. by Edward Graham Director General of the hospital Dr Ana Paz and La Vila club President Jason Craig have signed an agreement to work together – attempting to boost the health of club members and the wider community through advertising and social media. Players have already undergone tests in the hospital’s cardiology department and will continue to offer the first tram squad sports checkups. And the hospital believes the link with La Vila fits in with its responsibility for improving socio-health in the area while forging links to the community. Jason thanked the hospital for its support which would help “ensure the safety and health of our players.”

Tread the boards with The Players

They say there’s nothing to do in Alfaz – well starting in March “The Play-ers” will be starting up. The Play-ers is a new Drama/Acting/Theatre group for 16 to 106 year olds - run on a weekly basis by Matt King (B.Ed Hons). Matt well known for his local performances and his work with Broadway Performance Academy, Footlights, Streetwise (sadly no longer in existence) and Teatro Del Sol, aims to encourage “seasoned performers” and those who may never have “Trodden the Boards” previously but would like to, to take up Drama, Acting or Singing and enjoy it to its maximum potential. Starting In March 2017 with Drama Classes that will encompass Improvisation, Technique, Script Comprehension, Comedy and overall total performance, Matt will be hoping then to perform with the Group in the later part of 2017. “It is very important to understand ones actors and use their talents to the best of their abilities – not everyone will or can be a lead in a play but the talents of chorus or crowd are equally important” says Matt. “No show in a group environment is built on one person’s performance or ability – it is always a team effort and by utilizing Drama Exercises and Improvisations one can not only build great friendships and have a lot of fun but create great shows, as Rebecca Troch (his partner) and I have experienced at Broadway Performance Academy”. Classes will be approx. 1hour 15minutes long and will be daytime or evening depending which class suits individual needs. Group or Private lessons are available as are Singing Lessons. Group Lessons payable monthly. For further information and start time and address please contact Matt by Message or Whats App or simply call on 678657136 or e-mail broadwaydance1965@gmail.com.


5 - 12 JAN 2017


Happy New Year - New Menu Come down to Colours Cafe - Bar and join Jane and Sam for all of your favourites, breakfasts, snacks and meals. CREATE YOUR own breakfast for just 60c per item. New for 2017 we now offer the sharing platter, basket meals and new home-cooked dishes. The bar has free WI-FI and every Saturday we have a quiz at 14:30 followed by a game of ‘open the hand handbag’. Or come along for a game of darts. We look forward to seeing you soon at Colours Cafe – Bar and find us on our Facebook page.


5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017


Time running out for cheetahs by JACK TROUGHTON THE RACE is on to save the world’s fastest land animal from extinction as researchers say cheetahs are sprinting towards extinction in the wild. There is an estimated population of just 7,100 of the sleek and speedy big cat in the wild according to a new study - and its authors are calling for the species to be urgently moved from the ‘vulnerable’ category of animals to ‘endangered’. Cheetahs are in trouble because as a wide-ranging hunter they travel beyond the boundaries of protected areas and come into ‘conflict’ with humans; and the BBC has reported a growing black market demand for cubs in the Gulf states. According to the new research, over half of the surviving cheetahs live in one population ranging across the borders of six countries in southern Africa. In Zimbabwe, numbers have plummeted from 1,200 to just 170, because of changes in land tenure. And cheetahs in Asia have already virtually vanished; a group estimated to be no more than 50 strong cling on to survival in Iran. The scientists say the predator

roams far from protected areas – some 77% or its habitat is outside game reserves – and the threat of extinction has gone unnoticed for far too long. Dr Sarah Durrant, the report’s lead author and from the Zoological Society in London, said: “Given the secretive nature of this elusive cat, it has been difficult to gather hard information on the species, leading to its plight being overlooked. “Our findings show that the large space requirements for the cheetah, coupled with the complex faced by the species in the wild, mean it is likely to be much more vulnerable to extinction than was previously thought.” On the black market, a cheetah cub can be worth 10,000 US Dollars. The Cheetah Conservation Fund claims some 1,200 cubs have been smuggled out of Africa over the last 10 years but some 85% perished on the journey to the Middle East. Experts say to save the cheetah there must be more than just having protected areas and communities should be involved – despite many seeing the animal as a dangerous predator.


5 Jan - 12 jan 2017

Paris discovers Picasso

PABLO PICASSO travelled to Paris as a struggling Spanish painter and thanks to the influences of the booming city evolved into a world-class artist. by Jack Troughton At the birth of the 20th Century, the French capital was the place to be. It was the host of the World’s Fair and the exhibition aimed to promote tolerance and humanism. And during this time Paris was a magnet for open-minded philosophers, academics, elitists, industrialists...and artists. Fine arts historian Karla Darocos, who specialises in Spanish Masters, is delivering an illustrated lecture ‘Picasso in Paris’ at the Church Centre in Javea Old Town on Saturday 14th January. She examines how the city turned an uneducated artist into the famous modernist painter, sculptor, print-maker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright. In Paris, Picasso met the right people. He lived with the most enlightened poets of the day who lit up his passions and thinking; he drank at the most notorious cafes and spent nights in celebrated brothels and dance halls. The capital also allowed him to explore the most depraved, saddest and down-at-heel places as well as the most glorious and happiest. And Paris fed him an elixir of inspiring art and history along with the off-beat bohemian and avant-garde. Simply, it shaped and inspired Picasso. Karla, from Benitachell, will embark on this adventure with a lecture and slideshow celebrating an era of modernism and transformation in Paris and how it took the artist to international fame and fortune. The lecture starts at 10.30am and lasts around 90 minutes – the Church Centre cafe is open from 10am. Tickets are 10 Euros and pre-registration is a necessity. For more details and to book a place, call 648 156 066 or visit www.SpainLifestyle.com.

Curry on the charity menu

Joining the family THE CONGREGATION of the Church in England in Albir celebrated the New Year in style with the Christening of Leonardo Andrews. Sunday’s ceremony was conducted by Father Ray and Leonardo was surrounded by family and friends – with a 43-strong congregation plus four well-behaved children attending the church on 1st January. And the youngster’s family provided “the most beautiful” cup cakes for everyone to enjoy at the Norwegian Seaman’s Church after the service. This Sunday the church will mark Epiphany. A service of Holy Communion is held in Albir every Sunday at 9.45am and on Thursdays at 11am at the Forum Mare Nostrum, Alfaz del PI. For further information about the Albir Church contact Church Warden Elaine Mitchell on 96 686 4962 or 636 164 467. Albir is one of eight congregations in the Anglican Chaplaincy and information about services is available at www. costablanca-anglicanchaplaincy.org.

STEVE AND Helen Davis invited friends to spice up their lives after traditional Christmas fare and raised much-needed funding for the Wijashinha Girls Orphanage near Hambantota in Sri Lanka. The party was held at the Everest Spice Restaurant in Costa Nova, Javea, and the couple, who has made the orphanage its 2017 project, thanked everyone who attended and friends who made a donation. Helen said: “The girls desperately need support for food, medical supplies, mosquito nets, school uniforms, shoes and much more. “The list is long and there is much to be done, but as we say in Spain ‘poco a poco’. Our good friends Sampath and Dilhani ,who live near the orphanage, will ensure that the money is used exactly where it is most needed and deal with the urgent situations first. A few Euros seriously goes a long way in Sri Lanka.” Anyone wanting to know more about the project can email Helen at aba.helendavis@gmail.com.


5 JAN - 12 JAN AN 2017



Carlos Baos

EU orders mortgage rebate THE EUROPEAN Court has ordered Spanish banks to repay borrowers unfairly caught in a ‘mortgage fl oor clause’ from the start of the loan. ON 21ST December, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) passes a judgement requiring banks to reimburse consumers affected by this small print term in their mortgage - a step that could cost the financial sector in Spain billions. These floor clauses or thresholds were inserted by many Spanish banks in mortgage loans; establishing that interest payable would never be lower than a fixed figure, for example 3.5% - ‘the floor’ - despite apparently having agreed in the loan deeds a variable interest rate - for example, Euribor plus 1%. And this minimum interest to be paid, in the real economic situation where the interest rates are very low - Euribor is negative - has led to a major loss for consumers. In reality they should have paid a much lower rate. The Supreme Court of Spain declared its decision of May 2013, that these clauses were abusive and unfair when the information given by the banks to consumers was not sufficient - but stated that the banks must only pay back the overcharged interest, from the date of the first court ruling, in reality from the 9th of May 2013. However, the ECJ has stated that this temporary limitation of the consequences of a clause declared null and void by the Spanish Supreme Court, is contrary to European Union Law, and more specifically to Article 6 of Directive 93/13. It ruled a clause declared unfair or null must be understood as if it had never existed. Therefore, it must be possible to claim the

repayment of overpaid interest from the beginning of the contract. In addition, the ECJ points out that the time limitations set by the Spanish Supreme Court was an insufficient and incomplete protection to consumers in breach of European Law. We are completely in agreement with this ECJ court decision. RTN readers affected by a

mortgage floor clause must know that judgment is binding over all Spanish courts and tribunals. Thus, those affected by a floor clause will be entitled to ask for the refund of overpaid interest, as well as the recalculation of their repayment table, and the revision of the outstanding capital of their mortgages, from the beginning of the loan and and not only

from May 2013. If you have any questions about the floor clause, contact us, we are experts, and we will help you. The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Business Budget long-haul flights 24

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017

AIRLINE INDUSTRY giant IAG plans to introduce low-cost flights from Barcelona to the United States, Latin America, and the Far East in 2017. by Edward Graham The International Airlines Group was formed in 2011 and is made up of British Airways, Iberia, Air Lingus and existing Spanish budget carrier Vueling – it currently operates 548 aircraft flying to 274 destinations; BA and Iberia are also part of the OneWorld alliance. IAG has announced it will begin the flights from Spain’s second city from June 2017. Destinations are likely to be Los Angeles, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Havana and Tokyo. The group must decide whether to create a new airline or pool exiting resources to fly the routes but has

chosen Barcelona because it had evolved into an important hub and was also Vueling’s base – allowing its European passengers to transfer to long-haul services. A spokesman said there was significant demand for “new-generation long-haul flights” and it is understood the initiative will use two Airbus A330 aircraft and create 250 jobs. “This new operation will add a new dimension to IAG and complement the other airlines in the group.” The move challenges competitor Norwegian, an airline which has already announced budget long-haul flights from Barcelona to the United States.

5 Jan - 12 jan 2017




Galaxy counters

FEEL THE power of ‘the force’ when the original Star Wars trilogy is acted out on a Costa Blanca stage on Saturday night. by Jack Troughton The story of ‘Star Wars, Feel the Force’ is based on the first classic George Lucas films ‘Star Wars’, ‘The Empire Strikes Back’, and ‘Return of the Jedi’ and set in a galaxy far, far away. The occasion is made more poignant following the death of actress Carrie Fisher, 60, who found fame as Princess Leia in the trilogy over the festive period, followed a day later by her 84year-old mother, the ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ star Debbie Reynolds. A spectacular musical production at the auditorium Teulada-

Moraira, more than 60 musicians from the Symphony Orchestra of UCAM will interpret the iconic soundtrack of the films, created by John Williams. And a large group of actors help bring the space adventure – essentially a struggle of good against evil – to life as the rebellion forces attempt to overthrow the powerful armies of the Empire led by Darth Vader. All the favourite characters of the trilogy appear on stage: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Obi Wan Kenobi, Chewbac-

ca, R2D2, C3P0...and the villainous Darth Vader himself. The show, directed by Borja Quintas, starts at 7pm on Saturday evening and the dramatic scenery and music, with characters interacting with the audience, provide a movie concert that is intended to take people on a journey to the stars in this unforgettable saga. Tickets are 17 Euros and are available at the Auditori Box Office in Teulada, Instant Ticket, Teulada Town Hall and the Espai La Senieta, Moraira.


5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017

life&leisure #Puzzles 

Doodle Box

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. Not the first form to be not very good (6-5) 9. Help first-rate dunderhead (3) 10. Small letters not acceptable in a higher court? (5-4) 11. Chooses implements for excavating (5) 13. Before noon, one clever enough to be worth loving (7) 14. Obviously a small amount of time (6) 16. Worse than the duckling who turned out well (6) 18. Steeped as far down as one can go (7) 19. It may sound very small, but there’s power there! (5) 20. Subordinate to worker, being sly (9) 21. Confinement for the writer (3) 22. 2 or 3 for example

offering a first-class anaesthetic? (5,6) DOWN 2. The purpose of having broken-down vehicles (3) 3. Gives amorous looks as learner goes about (5) 4. Rise, friend, and marry and get a loose double chin! (6) 5. Bird having a frolic? (7) 6. Limbs hang loosely when walking awkwardly (9) 7. Successful trance presumably produces one - it does avoid extremes (5,6) 8. The sort of effect a sharp tone of voice has, perhaps (11) 12. Competitor will study offer (9) 15. Take me up on other changes: it is to be proved (7) 17. Filter needs considerable effort (6) 19. Mother is twice a lady (5) 21. Mixed type of dish (3)


ACROSS 1. Own (11) 9. Criticise harshly (3) 10. Watchfulness (9) 11. Happen again (5) 13. Attire (7) 14. Meditate (6) 16. Defeated (6) 18. Fancy (7) 19. Military student (5) 20. Fruit (9) 21. Fire-arm (3) 22. Leading performer (11) DOWN 2. Study (3) 3. At no time (5) 4. Tepee (6) 5. Oval (7) 6. Produced (9) 7. Suitable (11) 8. High boots (11) 12. Receptacle (9) 15. Distinguished (7) 17. Needlework (6) 19. Purify (5) 21. Fuel (3)


Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 38.

5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017

life&leisure #horoscopes


Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594

 Mars sextiles with Pluto at the start of this New Year. Be very aware that all that glitters is not gold and that will allow you to know better where you stand and what appropriate action, if any, you should be taking right now. This is a challenging start to a year of change and one in which your true desires now really do need to be known!

When you know exactly what you want then you wont give in, but for sure you now need to take steps, so that you are not alone and out on a limb. Saturn trines dwarf planet Kora midweek, and this action should bring good timing into the frame too. Saturn uses the power of wisdom and forethough, so take note, hopefully you wont wait for long! Wait and see maybe not what you want to hear at the start of a New Year, but it is sound advice indeed right now. Blessed with two planetary leaders, this week sees instinctive Mars interacting with revolutionary Pluto and so the ball is very much in your court. Caution is advised until you better know what direction you wish to travel in!

As Venus conjuncts with Neptune there comes a warning regarding your financial affairs. Just tightening the belt wont wipe out the current strain on your economy, but it is better then nothing. What is needed is a regular stance on economy, and the assurance that those involved pay their way, since you cannot fund all that you are doing alone! Scratch the surface of what you are truly feeling as you are used to not showing your innermost emotions. The midweek action between Mercury and Capricorn gives you the freedom of expression and together they herald all that is good about what you are planning for this year ahead! With Saturn in cahoots the portal of communication is truly open Mercury enters into your opposing sign of Capricorn, sweeping away any need to hide your feelings and opening clear channels that will allow your inner voice to be heard, and then acted upon.The emphasis is very much on the very practical side of your nature which makes you one of the most resourceful and enterprising signs of the Zodiac.

With the Sun squaring on Jupiter you are in pole position to spread a little kindness and to share your good fortune with those who urgently need it. Destined by your dynamic ego you need to show that experience and self discipline count for much, and teach the wisdom and enlightenment of your loving and accommodating care. The New Year entry of Mercury brings you a set of communication skills that are surely second to none? This is a time to start as you wish to continue, and to abandon anything that the past that ever served to hold you back. You often secretly yearn for the approval of others, and this is a chance for them to see that you mean exactly what you say! The Sun squares on Uranus and this brings out irrational behaviour in somebody close to you. Your patience and calming energies are an inspiration to others, and they have never been more needed as they are right now. A miss placed loyalty should not be a smokescreen and should activate your inner highly psychic energies to solution!

Lucky you to be able to kick off to a New Yeat with the majestic Sun squaring up to the fortunate blessings sent from planet Jupiter. If you are a true Leo you are very much ruled by your heart and balanced by your emotions. You can be very lazy sometimes and majestic when it is called for, but achieving a true balance is what the year ahead is all about! Venus is in your opposing sign of Pisces and it is very much a case of opposites being so attractive. This is a time to change routines and to take a stab at something that inspires you and involves you. Being needed is very important to you and when you are then you give out such a positive imput it is an inspiration to others too. Love to love yourself, above all!

With Venus residing and conjuncting Neptune there comes a double whammy right at the start of this New Year. You have to find the balance that you need to link motivation with aspirations for yourself. Look after yourself and those who need you will get the blessings and the energies that thy need. Keep creative portals open and don’t give them up!!


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

KENNY: HERE is another year full of events that will bring what they bring. I don’t even make resolutions any more because they fade away when the bills start to come in. There is so much going wrong in the World. Brenda M. Well Brenda, so much went wrong last year too for many of us but here we are on the threshold of a New Year waiting to see what it will bring us. The Astrological predictions for another year show conflicts and a test to our resolve....but then we will get through and there, there is nothing new. Hope, is the word that is missing, and the keeping of love in our hearts and our minds. I would say waiting for bad things to happen isn’t the very best thing we can be doing right now. Lighten up!

If It’s Your Birthday This Week A powerful and inspirational start to a New Year with the promise of shifts and many changes predicted. This is a time to better know yourself and your particular talents because adaptability and resourcefulness is very much the name of the game for the key to a challenging 2017 ahead!

Sara Bell life&leis re ask Sara u  by

Life Coach

WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Why is he being so secretive? Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. I MET my boyfriend last Christmas and we had only just met, so I didn’t expect to spend Christmas with him. He now If you are having diffi culties with relationships, family, work and stays over two nights a week. This year I have asked him about spending the holidays together, and he says he is spending or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand. it again with his family. In fact he hasn’t introduced me to

Family feud

I HAD a long running feud with my sister, who I haven’t seen or spoken to for 15 years. This year she is flying over from Canada for a New Year family reunion at my mother’s house. I am dreading locking horns with her again. Any tips on how to handle it? If nothing has been done in 15 years to address the core issues of your falling out with your sister, then it is possible that the problems may still be there. However, 15 years is a long time and the chances are that you have both grown and mellowed a little over time. I would suggest writing an email, or sending a nice card ahead of her visit, to say that you are looking forward to seeing her and her family, and hope that you can put your past differences behind you. At times we all have problems with our family, however, Christmas and New Year can be a great time for family and forgiveness, and you may feel better for taking this mature approach.

Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 650 054 467.

his family or friends, or taken me to his home at all. He also refuses to meet my parents. What do you think is going on here?

You should have expected to have been introduced to each others families by now. I would say there is definitely a reason for his behaviour, but getting to know that reason could be difficult as he is being so closed. I don’t imagine you will want to continue in this relationship for much longer without discovering the reasons why he is being so secretive. He may have another woman and be living a double life. To get to the bottom of things, you may have to turn detective. Alternatively, give him an ultimatum.


5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017

life&leisure #auntyvirus 

Printing from an ipad

HIYA AUNTY: I have an iPad and a Canon pixma MG 3150 printer. The problem is I cannot get it to print documents or emails, only photos via the canon photo app. It is a wi if printer and surely if it recognises the photos it should be able to recognise text. I have trolled YouTube and the apps store and still can’t get it to print or even ‘find’ my printer. I would like to print boarding passes for my flights - it such a pain to revert to the laptop. Any help would be very much appreciated, as this seems to be a problem for most iPad users. Regards, Sandra Aunty says: The ‘Canon Easy-PhotoPrint’ app is different to the other cannon printing apps, which is why photos can print using the photo app, but not text using the cannon app. You will have to try another app for pringing ‘non photos’, such as the ‘Canon iEPP’ app- http://www. canon.co.uk/For_Home/Product_Finder/Multifunctionals/Inkjet/PIXMA_Easy_Photo_ Print_iPhone_App.aspx or a non-Canon third party printing app like : PrintCentral or Printopia. You may also have to ‘set up’ your printer to allow such printing, using the ‘How to set up Apple AirPrint’ in the printer instruction manual.

Jamming HI THERE, I read your page regularly and wonder if you could advise best place for repair or advice. Computer switches on then seems to jam up while loading. It makes strange noises. It’s a Dell studio approximately 3 years old. Many thanks, Paul Aunty says: A PC ‘jamming’ on loading suggests an issue with device drivers. Try and boot into safe mode - which loads Windows without any drivers. If it jams on that, then there is some form of Windows file issue. If the PC boots fine in Safe mode, disconnect anything that is connected to the PC such as webcams, hard drives, apart from the monitor, mouse and keyboard and see if it boots up. Then one by one, reconnect the other devices to see which one does not work / connect properly...and that will be the culprit. Without knowing where you are, I cannot really recommend anyone who would be able to look at this issue for you.

Closing down msg HI AUNTY: When I close down I get the message: ‘Please do not power off or unplug your machine: installing update 1 of 1’. Surely this cannot be the case every time I close down? My machine is Windows 7 Home Premium. Any suggestions? Regards, Alex. Aunty says: This usually means that there is one update that is ‘stuck’ and unable to be installed. But your PC keeps trying to install it. You can go to ‘windows update’ and look at the history of updates to identify which update is not being installed. Once you know the update that is causing problems when trying to do a automatic installation, you can search the Microsoft website. Most updates also have a knowledge base article (KB) that explains the update, and most updates provide instructions on how to download and install manually. Usually doing a manual install of the update will cure the problem - but it may also help identify what is causing the install problem.


5 Jan - 12 jan 2017

life&leisure #Spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


Imperatives linked to pronouns Last week we were looking at simple, positive commands, otherwise known as imperatives, like “ven” (come) “escucha” (listen) “mira” (look) etc. I also quoted some examples of when these simple commands have other bits tacked on the end, such as: “dámelo”, “póntelo” “quítatelo” “cómelo”. My regular readers may also remember that a couple of weeks ago we were talking about some fairly nasty little beasts called “direct object pronouns” and “indirect object pronouns” and we looked at where they go in a sentence and in what order. An example of this would be “me lo has dicho” (literally: “to me it you have said” but in the normal

English word order, “you have said it to me”) So, now has come the time to explain how these two delightful grammatical concepts come together. The irony of it is that we can make (and I usually do) a tremendous amount of heavy weather over this, and yet, it takes us back to the simplest, earliest commands that a Spanish child would hear from its parents. Let’s take the expression “dámelo” and break it down into its component parts. “Da” is the command “give” based on the verb “dar” (to give). It is the familiar command, in other words, addressed to “tú” – someone you know, a friend, a child or anyone you are on informal terms with. We have added to this word to other elements “me” and “lo”. The “me” is the indirect object pronoun meaning “to me” (be careful not to confuse the pronunciation – “me” in Spanish is pronounced like “meh” and not like the English word “me”, if you see what I mean). Back to “dámelo” – “da” is the command “give”; “me” means “to me” and finally “lo” is the

direct object pronoun meaning “it”. So, in the Spanish word order we have “Give to me it” which clearly means in proper English “Give it to me” – which is of course what every parent says to their toddlers who pick up something they shouldn’t, and that toddler says to his or her little friends as they grow older, and the teacher says to the school child who’s hiding something behind their back. In other words it’s one of the most basic commands you will ever hear. Moving on to the last of the four examples “cómelo” – this simply means “eat it” – verb “comer” and “lo” meaning “it”. Just to be completely grammatical again for a moment - in the case of these “imperatives” or commands, the object pronouns have to go at the end and link together into a single word, unlike in many kinds of sentences where they go in front of the verb, or in others where they can go either end. We cannot say “lo come” as a command, it has to be “cómelo”. The accent appears over the “o” to make sure we keep the emphasis on the correct part of the word. As far as the other two examples are concerned - “póntelo” “quítatelo”, these are actually based on reflexive verbs (ponerse – to put on, and quitarse – to take off) so they mean “put it on” and “take it off” again grammatically complex but very basic in usage. If all of this looks like double-dutch, remember I have written about all of these terms in previous articles. Alternatively, just listen to parents giving commands to their children and watch the body language – you’ll be in no doubt of their meaning!

5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017


New Year’s Resolution Delusion LET ME get this straight - if I alter this or give up that in the random chaos of my life, I’ll reach a plateau of well-being? Pish! All I hope for is an occasional Magic Moment of Kismet.


Chris Ashley

Writer & Broadcaster

Of course it’s rare, but as that great philosopher, David Soul once opined, ‘Don’t Give Up On Us Baby’ and Hutch is spot on to hope for an occasional Magic Moment (Now Perry Como’s in on the act). My first cogent MM (which sadly didn’t end well) was being picked, at long last, in goal for our school football team. On the day of the game versus Our Sacred Lady Of Trailer Trash I developed a whacking great stye on my eye. I played like Mr. Magoo on Mogadon, couldn’t catch a cold or save a sixpence. They murdered us 23–0, in their street clothes – they were one very tough gang of girls. This MM is rather more delicate – ‘twas when, as the sage, Bobby Goldsboro (God’s boots, another crooner) in ‘Summer (The First Time)’ warbled - ‘We sat on the sand & the boy took her hand – but I saw the sun rise as a man.’ All well and good Bob, you were on a Californian beach on the last day of June & the sun was a demon. Elaine (ooops! swore I’d never tell) and I were on a stony wintry beach under the pier in Woebegone Worthing (classy huh?). I guess this karma theory can also apply to the animal kingdom. The sinking of the Titanic was a dreadful human tragedy, but for the lobsters in the dining room display tanks waiting to be consumed by Kate Winslet & Co. it was an MM miracle. Being at the birth of my son Greg falls into the scheme of things, but there was a rather tetchy moment when my then wife was about to give birth. As I mopped her fevered brow purring in my best ER bedside manner “Darling I feel your pain.” She snapped “Unless you’re crapping a melon right now you have no idea of pain” which I thought was a tad harsh – after all I’d suffered Man Flu & a verruca. Things didn’t really recover, but after several years of the single life the wheel of fickle fortune spun me into a Nottingham hostelry, where I partook of pork scratchings & a Bishops Finger. This exotic fare was served by a vision of landlady loveliness–Margaret–be thy name. Last August we celebrated our Silver Wedding Anniversary–MM to the Max. ashleybobble@hotmail.com


5 - 12 Jan 2017


life&leisure #good food //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Spicy chicken & avocado wraps Pan-fry lean chicken breast with lime, chilli and garlic, then pile onto seeded tortilla wrap Ingredients 1 chicken breast (approx 180g), thinly sliced at an angle generous squeeze juice ½ lime ½ tsp mild chilli powder 1 garlic clove, chopped 1 tsp olive oil 2 seeded wraps 1 avocado, halved and stoned 1 roasted red pepper from a jar, sliced a few sprigs coriander, chopped Method Mix the chicken with the lime juice, chilli

powder and garlic. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan then fry the chicken for a couple of mins – it will cook very quickly so keep an eye on it. Meanwhile, warm the wraps following the pack instructions or, if you have a gas hob, heat them over the flame to slightly char them. Do not let them dry out or they are difficult to roll. Squash half an avocado onto each wrap, add the peppers to the pan to warm them through then pile onto the wraps with the chicken, and sprinkle over the coriander. Roll up, cut in half and eat with your fingers.

5 - 12 JAN 2017


life&leisure #Charity 

Teenage kicks TEENAGE STUDENTS at the Laude Lady Elizabeth School have helped contemporaries living in EMAUS homes enjoy a happy Three Kings ‘fi esta’ by donating gifts. by JACK TROUGHTON BIG-HEARTED supporters of the children across the region generously give gives for Christmas and the traditional Spanish celebration but often forget many youngsters cared for in the EMAUS homes are teenagers. Carole Saunders, President of charity Friends of the Children of EMAUS, is pictured with teacher Philip Baldwin collecting the presents from the Lliber school. She told RTN: “We were presented with hundreds of gifts from the teenage pupils to hand to the too often forgotten teenage children of the EMAUS homes; the houses are 75% teenage children. “So Phil organised a present collection and asked students to give something they would like for Christmas. We were completely overwhelmed with the response and their generosity.”

Christmas giveaway

THE BIG-HEARTED team at charity Giving4Giving enjoyed a busy December with volunteers doing what they do best – making donations to good causes on the Costa Blanca. Over the festive period, Giving4Giving handed out 3,900 Euros worth of cash and much-needed essentials: 1,700 Euros of new toys went to the Red Cross in Altea (pictured) for children in need at Christmas and 200 Euros of ‘treats’ went to the food bank in Alfaz del Pi. And the charity asked the team at Busy Bees what was needed at the Relleu children’s home and later bought 1,000 Euros of home ware to make things more comfortable for the youngsters and their carers; finally 1,000 Euros went to animal charity Doggie Angels to buy food and help ay vets bills. Over the last four years, Giving4Giving has handed out 69,450 Euros of help and plans to continue the good work in 2017 – the charity always needs donations and volunteers, call Gary on 603 137 697.


5 Jan - 12 jan 2017

life&leisure #sports


Alfaz fantasy football league

Two more lots of Premier League fixtures contributed to a sensational Festive Week for the Alfaz Fantasy Football League with the average score soaring up to a record high of 48 points. The games provided 64 goals,9 clean sheets,71 yellow cards and 2 red ones.It was a bad Christmas for Southampton as the 2 players who received their marching orders were both their Players Van Dijk and Redmond. Defenders shown plenty of Christmas spirit by scoring 4 own goals,2 of them from Hull while the Referees joined in by awarding 6 penalties taking the Season’s total to 63. As we move into the New Year the A.F.F.L. is nicely poised at the top with only 15 points separating the top 8 teams. Lee’s team Walkden Town became the 7th side to reach the Summit when they took a single point lead over Andrew’s Big Tymers.Wayne’s aptly named Gunnawinitthisyear jumped up 9 places to 3rd and are now 1 point ahead of last week’s Leaders The Gers.No excitement at the bottom as Kevin’s El.Portet Elite have fallen further behind Angie’s Blues the

margin now a 93 point gap. Julie’s Team The Gers have maintained their place at the top of our Mark Carter Ladies Section despite coming under pressure from Jeanette’s team Gerrard’s Bitch who have closed the gap to only 8 points. Hup Hannah City & Pam’s People are in 3rd & 4th place tucked in nicely behind the pace setters. Angie’s Blues are still struggling at the other end of the table 16 points behind Jo Jo Want a Dog.Julie’s The Gers won our 20 euro voucher for December which is sponsored by Quick Save,the only British Supermarket in Albir. In our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League Harley’s team Ginger Ninjar have been slowly chipping away at Ant & Brad’s lead at the top and they have now got it down to 32 points.Down at the foot of the table Anna’s Radji United scored only 4 points which was the lowest total for the week. They will join Eric’s Team The Chosen Ones who rattled up a massive 92 points in our Wyndham’s Monthly Wine Draw. With so many goals being scored it meant that the average score for our Leonard Knowles Construction Golden Boot League reached a record high of nearly 20 points. Dave’s Juke Box Mackems took advantage of the high scoring week by holding on to the top spot while at the same time increasing their advantage over Lee’s Walkden Town to 25 points.The top Player over Christmas in this section was Spur’s young talent Delli Alli who bagged 28 points thanks to the 2 brace of goals he scored against Watford & Southampton.At the opposite end of the table El.Portet Elite didn’t bother the scorer for 7th week running and they are now 37 points adrift of Jo Jo Wants a Dog.

Manager of the Month for December has been kindly sponsored by ELIDAS Steak House in Albir who provide high quality steaks at reasonable prices.The lucky winner is Dave whose team Juke Box Mackems beat Julie’s The Gers by 5 points. Eric’s team The Chosen Ones won this weeks Breakfast For 2 at the Two C’s in Alfaz after leaping up 75 places to number 169. This week the 3rd round of our RTN K.O.Cup Competition takes place if there is any drawn games the Replays will take place the following week.Our F.A.Cup Starts as well.Dont forget only points scored in the F.A.Cup count in this League.

5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017


life&leisure #sports


Eurogolf stableford ON THURSDAY 29th December Eurogolf played a stableford from the blocks. Due to the Xmas holidays there was a depleted fi eld of just over 30 players. IT WAS the first time we had played the full 18 holes since the flooding and as expected some holes which had been badly affected were a bit soggy under foot to say the least! Due to a small field only 2 prizes were given in each division. The CBA was -2 which shows the scores were pretty low in most categories other than Cat 1. 1st Bill Martin 35 c/b 2nd Fred Reeve 35 Cat 2. 1st Steve Sayers 29 2nd Alan Venables 28 Cat 3 1st Gordon Bourne 33 2nd Ken Brett 30 Cat 4 1st June Caithness 31 2nd Chris Stanley 28 Overall winner Bill Martin NTPs 5th Bill Martin 11th Morag Turner 12th in 2 Pino Perito 15th and 17th Arty Crammon Best front 9 John Barraclough 18 Best back 9 Phyllis Venables 19 Football draw Gill Britten Debbie Weedon Sue Gillette and Bill Martin Tuesday toffs On Tuesday 27th December there were only 13 holes open 10-18 and 3-6 but we still ran a Toffs competiton. As there was a relatively small number of players only 2 prizes were given in each division and the football was carried over to Thursday. The results were Cat 1 1st George McCallum 26 2nd Ian Pegg 23 Cat 2 1st Bert Lawson 28 2nd Debbie Weedon 22 Cat 3 1st Gordon Bourne 24 2nd Phyllis Venables 24 Cat 4 1st Chris Stanley 25 2nd June Caithness 19 NTP´s 5th Arry Crammoin 11 Chris Stanley 12th in 2 Angelique Berndt 17 John Kirkwood 17th Bill Martin. Overall winner Bert Lawson. After Thursdays game Captain Debbie Weedon made a presentation of some small golf gifts to the players who had donated the most money to the Captains charity via the weekly Captains bunker challenge. They were Arty Crammon, Fred Reeve, Ian Turner, Alan Venables, Chris Stanley and Morag Turner. If you would like to play with Eurogolf at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website www.eurogolf-quesada.co.uk

Benitachell Bowls Club

BENITACHELL BOWLS Club BEN held their traditional ““Hangover bowls” New Year’s Day competition again this year. The photograph shows 23 T participants parading in their fancy dress. After some crazy bowling, interrupted with half time refreshments, the bowlers, plus seven specta spectators, moved on to Beni Asia, sponsors of the event, for an excellent Chinese meal. Prizes were awarded to Jen Jennifer Nesteroff and Trefor Evans as best bowlers, Ruth E Meadows and Peter Griffiths as runners-up. The “spider” winner was Liz Emmett. For best fancy dress the prizes went to Linda Ridall and Brian Fenton. Thanks were made to Pauline T Griffiths and her helpers for arranging the refreshments and Peter Griffiths who organ organised the very successful start to the new year.

Working together for safer roads

5 JAN - 12 JAN 2017


life&leisure #DrivingInSpain

Brought to you by n332.es  

Three People Die Every Day on Spain’s Roads

THE DIRECTOR General of the DGT, Gregorio Serrano, has this week presented the statistics of road traffic incidents during 2016, a year in which, on interurban roads, there were 1,038 fatal incidents in which 1,160 people died and another 5,067 needed hospital treatment as a result of the injuries suffered. These figures represent increases of 1.4% (+15) in fatal incidents; 2.6% (+29) in the number of deaths and 4.3% (+209) in the number of injuries requiring hospital treatment. There was also an increase in traffic last year. A total of 392 million longhaul journeys took place, 18.5 million more than in the previous year, representing an increase in mobility of 5%. Although the figures relate to the close of the year, the data is considered provisional and refer only to fatal incidents occurring on interurban roads and with victims reported up to 24 hours after the incident occurred. The final consolidated figures, which will include victims up to 30 days following the incidents, will be released at a later date. The death toll is still below the figure registered in 1960, the first year in which statistics began being collated, when there were 1,300 deaths, with a completely different mobility scenario of one million vehicles on the roads, compared with over 32 million today. The average number of daily fatalities was 11.6 road deaths per day in 2000, and now stands at 3.2 deaths per day in 2016. Distractions, inappropriate speed, failure to keep the correct distance and fatigue or sleep are the main contributing factors that appear in fatal or serious incidents. The number of fatalities where the incident involved a van has reduced from 69 in 2015 to 58 last year. There were 10 fewer cyclists killed, although 33 people still lost their lives. In 2016, 214 motorcyclists died, 10 less than in 2015, and 21 moped riders lost their lives, 6 less than the previous year. Pedestrian fatalities increased from113 in 2015, to 118 in 2016. Tragically, 22% of drivers and passengers killed in cars and vans in 2016 were not wearing a seatbelt. Of the 214 motorcycle fatalities, 4 did not wear a helmet at the time of the incident and in the case of 21 people killed on a moped, 1 wasn´t wearing a helmet. Among the cyclists, of the 33 who died, 6 were not wearing a helmet, despite it being obligatory on interurban routes. Of the 16 children up to 12 years of age who died in cars, 3 were not using any safety device or harness at the time of the fatal incident. Although much more can and must be done, especially by road users ourselves, Spain continues to be one of the countries with the best road safety in the world, with 36 deaths per million inhabitants, below the EU average of 52.

Smoking in Cars We have seen an increase in the number of people asking a recurring question, is it illegal to smoke in cars in Spain? The short answer is no, not at the moment. The confusion seems to stem from two sources. The first being a law which is aimed at preventing anything interfering with the driver or the act of driving. There might be a theoretical case where smok-

ing could lead to distraction, but it is only theoretical, the law does not in any way mention smoking. The second confusing factor comes from a law relating to smoking in a car whilst carrying children. Some countries, such as the UK for example, do have laws in place which makes this illegal. The law came into force in England and Wales in October, 2015, and in

Scotland in December, 2016. However, in Spain, no such law currently exists. Perhaps needless to say but smoking does of course pose a health risk to the occupants of a vehicle, and there are safety implications too. Anything which might be a distraction or a risk should be avoided, but within the constraints of law, you are currently free to smoke whilst driving.

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5 Jan - 12 jan 2017


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