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Your English Newspaper



South costa blanca & costa calida Edition Friday, July 22 - Thursday, July 28 2016

Brexit: no crystal ball THE FUTURE is officially uncertain for expats following the referendum vote to leave the European Union but issues facing people living abroad will be “top of the in-tray” ahead of negotiations, it was promised this week. by jack troughton An ‘information seminar’ in Alicante was a organised by the Diputacion de Alicante, the provincial government, and aimed at keeping the official 86,685 UK citizens living in the region informed and listen to their concerns.

(left to right) Tim Hemmings, Sarah-Jane Morris, Mercedes Alonso, Pedro Heredia

The message to keep calm was repeated and expats were told the government wanted to see people’s lives affected as little as possible. Representatives from a number of associations and town halls at-

tended the meeting with Deputy British Ambassador Tim Hemmings, British Consul for Alicante Sarah-Jane Morris, lawyer Pedro Heredia and Mercedes Alonso, Alicante’s Councillor for family and citizenship. Expats were told long term residents would not lose the legal right to live in Spain, but “we do not have a crystal ball” regarding the effects of Brexit on their lives.

Continued on page 5

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22 - 28 JUly 2016


From the Editors Desk...

Mr Jack Troughton

Brexit a go go The decision to say goodbye to the European Union is not going to go away and wheels are beginning to turn both here in Spain and back in the UK as to what happens in the future – which should mean there’s a good head of steam by the time Article 50 is served on Brussels; the actual ticket to ride. Naturally, those of us who live and work in Spain have genuine concerns over a number of key areas but with at least two years of negotiations to follow no one is speculating on a final position. Alicante’s provincial government organised a seminar this week and it is both clear – and reassuring – our hosts quite like those of us who have put down roots here and those who come to spend holiday cash. Until there is something concrete to report, the authorities are keen to underline the message to keep calm; Spanish people in Britain are receiving the same intelligence. It means for the moment we are all still members of the EU and nothing has yet changed. Hopefully, it means everyone can sit back and relax a little after the scare stories. August is fast approaching and the temperature is rising – a time there are some in RTN Towers already looking forward to sipping a Sangria by the sea. Call 744 484 079 or email jack@roundtownnews.com

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Boat flees accident


The Marine Unit of Elche Local Police has reported two Brits to the Harbourmaster for dangerous navigation. by Rhiannan Bell On Sunday afternoon a police sea patrol unit heading towards the coast of Arenales del Sol from the beach at La Marina, observed a motor boat flying a British flag, travelling without due care. Sources claimed:�He was navigating in an aggressive manner, without respecting the most basic standards of maritime safety, causing a small recreational kayak with two occupants on board to overturn.� After the patrol stopped to ensure that both occupants of the kayak were unharmed, they proceeded to pursue the motor boat at high speed, finally intercepting it several miles later. The two occupants were identified as British nationals and having been reported to the Maritime Authority of Alicante, now await disciplinary proceedings.

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016


Jorge Fernandez Diaz

Threat level remains at level 4 SPAIN IS maintaining the national threat level for a terrorist strike at ‘4’ following the deadly attack in Nice – the second highest grade possible. by Jack Troughton The Interior Ministry believes last week’s French attack, which killed 84 people, was a jihadist attack, bearing the hallmarks of Islamist terrorism. The level 4 threat level has been in place since June last year. The highest alert, level 5, is reserved for imminent attacks on national territory and involves an army presence at key points and crowded places. Acting Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz met with senior colleagues, National Police, Guardia Civil, the National Intelligence Centre, and CITCO – the intelligence centre against terrorism and organised crime. The anti-terrorism committee meeting reached the unanimous decision and also agreed a number of extra measures, such as keeping police checkpoints along Spain’s land border with neighbouring France – a move actually already in place following the European Football Championships. And additional measures include “beefing up” security at critical transport hubs such as airports and railway terminals, places where crowds are likely to converge, and ‘tourist-heavy’ areas. It is the third time the committee has met inside a year, and the acting minister later said all the signs were the Nice atrocity was a ‘lone wolf´ but “everything seems to indicate that it was a jihadist attack.” And he said for additional security internationally, the EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) scheme was about to become operative helping monitor the movement of people – and like explosive and weapons controls another part of the fight against terrorism of which “Spain is at the forefront”.

Big Sam gets top job

SAM ALLARDYCE is England´s new football manager tasked with restoring passion and pride in the side and making players proud to pull on the Three Lions emblazoned shirt. The 61-year-old has been given a two-year contract by the FA; taking him to the end of the 2018 World Cup in Russia – his first game in charge will be the 4th September qualifier against Slovakia. Big Sam impressed the FA – who must now agree a compensation package with current club Sunderland – with his record at club level, his vision for the future of the national side and his willingness to work with all age groups.

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continued from front page British citizens were assured that until Article 50 was activated – the process by which a member state leaves the EU – and negotiations concluded, expats would continue to enjoy the full rights and benefits of Britain’s membership. And there should be no change in the way expats are dealt with by the Spanish government at any level and the British Consulate will act should people report any unexpected difficulties. Mr Hemmings, recently arrived in Madrid, said at such an early stage following the vote he and colleagues were trying to learn as much as possible about issues expats faced to feed them back to the negotiating committee back in London. He said: “Issues facing British nationals abroad and Spanish nationals living in the UK will be at the top of their in-tray. The rights of UK citizens abroad will be one of the most important issues once Article 50 has been triggered. “I know many people do not welcome this uncertainty but it is also our job to be pragmatic and seek out the best terms for a long term relationship with the other countries in Europe... how we trade, and how tourists travel, and how people live there.” NEGOTIATIONS Mr Hemmings continued: “It is important to remember we will continue to be a member of the EU, a full member of the single market, until full negotiations have taken place; that could take at least two years.” And he said Britain would remain one of Europe’s major economies, a member of NATO and G7. “Britain’s presence as a major global player is going nowhere.” The deputy ambassador assured the meeting the UK aimed to continue its “close and warm” relationship with Spain – the two countries linked through 500 years of shared history. He added that in talks with the Spanish government: “Public and private statements have been very positive, they recognise the economic, cultural and social links...but not being a member of the EU is different from being a member.” Sarah-Jane Morris said the British Consulate would continue to support British nationals abroad and information coming from London would be shared with the expat community. “Valencia has a very important stake in what happens. Whilst it is a very complex situation... we are aware of the lived you have made for yourselves on the Costas and want to make sure those lives are changed as little as possible,” said Mrs Morris. She admitted there was little information available at present but the Consulate team across Spain was able to quash rumours. “We want to communicate what we know and what we don’t know.” Mrs Morris said once the busy summer holiday period was over, the Consulate team would meet interested groups. “We will not speculate, that would not be right but we will share what we know.” She was told since the referendum expats visiting some town halls were met with a changed response – there were examples of being asked for proof of income or told they were not entitled to a health card “because the UK is coming out” of the EU. Mrs Morris said such problems had occurred in the past. “As things trickle down, certain councils interpret them differently – we need to know where these pockets are and we will look into them.”

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016


Toy donation to Syrian refugees A series of coincidences has led to the shipment of several pallets of toys being sent to Al-Rahma refugee camp in Northern Syria from Elche. by Rhiannan Bell It all began when the Altabix Pharmacy in Elche agreed to act as a collection point for Platform for Aid to Refugees based in Elche. When one of the pharmacy employees mentioned to her partner, Aurelio Delicado, what was happening at work he was promted to act. Delicado, co-owner in a business selling sweets had previously had a business selling toys and had accumulated excess stock which he had not yet sold. He made enquiries as to whether the aid volunteers at the pharmacy would be interested in receiving some toys for their campaign. The aid workers, assuming the donation would be a few second hand toys and games, said they would. However, when the conversation progressed and the aid workers realised the donation would consist of thirty pallets of toys they were stunned. One of the remarked: “At first, I thought it would be a few bits, but when we spoke of pallets, I freaked.� Because of the large donation, it has been arranged for a proportion of the toys to be sent to the refugee camp in Syria where there are currently more than 500 displaced families. Some toys will be distributed among the children but others will be used to help stock a school which aid workers are helping to set up within the refugee camp. The first ten pallets have already been transported to Madrid using the SEUR courier company and the receiving aid resource, Association to Support Syrian People, will manage the shipment to theSyrian camp itself.

Explosion causes burns

A man was seriously injured in an explosion at a property in Pilar de la Horadada. It is believed that he was filling a generator-style machine with fuel on Tuesday when the accident occurred. Following the explosion a fire broke out on the ground floor of the property in Camino de Iryda and the man suffered burns on most of his body. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Drug chief arrested


by Caroline Tyszka

GUARDIA CIVIL have arrested a man in Malaga suspected of heading an international drug ring - just prior to him attempting to flee to Morocco. The man, who is registered as living in Marbella, allegedly arranged the shipment of 2,500kg of cocaine to Romania. However, in an operation led by the Romanian Police - working with Eurojust and the Spanish authorities - those receiving the drugs hidden in a shipment of bananas were arrested. The 44-year-old Dutch Moroccan national was placed under surveillance for several months before officers gathered enough evidence to arrest him, hours before he left the country. The four other gang members – three Lituanians and a Columbian –were detained in Romaniaat the port of Constanza.

Book worms

More than a 100 authors and writers will take to the streets of Carboneras this weekend as the town hosts its third Literary Conference. The town will become the epicenter of Andalusia literature and the event will be attended by great national writers such as Lorenzo Silva, Guillermo de Jorge, Rosa García Oliver, Lourdes Ortiz, Elías Gorostiaga y Elías López de la Nieta. The event, running from 22nd to 24th July inclusive, is named,“Almería Tierra de Cine y Letras´ - Almería Land of Film and Literature - and various readings and activities will take place in the Municipal Library of Carboneras and in the courtyard of the San Andrés Castle from 10 am to 11 pm daily. There will be a special concert on Saturday night performed by students of the academy Estudio 9 entitled “Movie Songs” in the Castle. Admission to all of the events is free.

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016


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Cheating a driving test by Rhiannan Bell Two people are being investigated for fraud following the discovery of an earpiece that was being worn by someone sitting the driving theory test in Albox. Guardia Civil officers were called to look into the matter when the person taking the exam, which is now required before one can obtain a full driving licence, was found to be using an earpiece and an antenna attached to his body in order to relay questions in the test and to receive the answers. Once agents had confirmed the ‘cheating,’ they combed the area and came across two people in a vehicle close to the secondary school where the tests were being conducted. They were questioned and alleged to be part of the scam. The pair, residents of Badalona, Barcelona, initially offered their services via the Internet and charged 2,000 € for the privilege. They now await court appearances for a crime of fraud against the Public Administration

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016


Pokémon Go players face danger

THE LATEST mobile craze Pokémon Go – has been blamed for several road accidents and now is the subject of a land mine warning. by caroline tySZKA Authorities in Bosnia have urged players to avoid the many areas still littered with unexploded mines which have remained from the 1990’s conflict. A warning was issued by the NGO Posavina bez mina saying “we have received information that some users of the Pokémon Go app in Bosnia were going to places which are at risk from unexploded mines, in search of a Pokémon.” “We are asking everyone to respect the demarcation signs of dangerous mine fields and not to go into unknown areas,” it added. The new mobile app, which is based on a 1990s Nintendo game, has created a global frenzy as players roam the real

by Caroline Tyszka

world looking for cartoon characters. The free mobile game – which overlays the creatures on real-world settings – was released in many countries this month and uses a phone or tablet GPS and camera to capture, battle and train virtual creatures. IN SPAIN two Japanese tourists were found walking through a tunnel earlier in the week trying to catch creatures that appear on the app at certain locations. The couple were rescued from the Rovira tunnel in Barcelona, where access is forbidden for pedestrians and cyclists, along with their mobile phone and tablet that they had been using to capture the Pokémon creatures. In New York, America, Tricia Finn Cary took to social media to highlight the dangers of the new craze, showing disturb-

ing pictures of her son’s car following driving whilst also using the app. She said: “My son Zachary, who will not answer a phone call or text when driving, saw a ‘special’ Pokémon’ and looked down at his phone for a minute – waking up in an ambulance. Fortunately he only suffered minor injuries.” The images show the car completely crushed following the accident with the young man lucky not to have been killed. Tricia went on to say: “Please, Please, Please think of this when you’re tempted to text, read email, change the music, or God forbid, catch the elusive Lapras Pokémon while driving -which he didn’t catch - or if he did he doesn’t know because the phone is buried in the twisted plastic and metal that used to be his brother’s car!”

Citizen honoured


by Rhiannan Bell

Alonso Contreras, a historical member of the civil rights movement has been honoured by Albox City Council after his recent death. Calle ‘Carmen Amaya’ has been renamed Calle Alonso Contreras Moreno following approval by the local authority to honour him for his devotion to the city he loved. Residents of the neighborhood of San Juan filed a brief request to the council to ask permission to pay tribute to their neighbour for the way he selflessly worked to help the inhabitants and neighborhoods around the municipality. He spent much of his life defending the rights of people. He helped to gain recognition and integration for the gypsy people as well as promoting their culture and identity within different associations. He also took part in different social groups within the town including the Red Cross, Civil Protection and Neighborhood Association. At the inauguration last week, Albox Mayo Sonia Cerdán, said, “We want to thank him for the great voluntary work he did and for the integration within our town that he helped develop during a large part of his life. “Our condolences go to his family, colleagues, neighbours and friends. The naming of this street will allow us to remember Alonso Contreras Moreno who is considered one of the most unique representatives of altruistic work within our community.”

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016


Passengers left without pilots PASSENGERS ON a flight from Glasgow to Toronto were left without their pilots as police arrested them on suspicion of being drunk. by Caroline Tyszka The two pilots were due to fly the passenger jet carrying 250 people when concerns were raised about their behaviour. Jean Francois Perrault, 39, the captain of the Air Transat plane, and the first officer, Imran Zafar Syed, 37, both from Ontario, were refused bail and remanded in custody after appearing at Paisley Sheriff Court the following morning, Tuesday. A spokesman for the Canadian airline said: “Air Transat has learned of the arrest on 18thJuly of two crew members assigned to its Glasgow-Toronto flight. We will await the results of the investigation and judicial proceedings before commenting on the matter before making any further comments. The safety of our crews and passengers is, and will remain, a top priority at Air Transat.” Passengers took to social media to complain about the lack of information provided being told only that it was “operational reasons.” They spent the night in nearby hotels and their flight eventually took off on Tuesday following a 22 hour delay. The pair were charged under section 93 of the Railway and Transport Safety Act, which covers alcohol and drugs in aviation and imposes limits lower than Scotland’s drink-drive levels.


Tiger Mosquito population thrives by Rhiannan Bell The Valencia Department of Health has identified tiger mosquito colonies in 34 locations in Alicante – just three years after the pest arrived on the coast. The insect, originally from South East Asia, is now found in many locations around the globe and has been known to transmit up to 22 infectious diseases including Zika, Dengue and the Chikungunya virus. The University of Valencia is updating its research on the habits of the tiny insect and has admitted that, except for a small coastal strip in the Marina Alta region, the tiger mosquito has already settled along virtually all the Alicante coastline. In Valencia, and especially in Castellón, there are a great number of colonies. It was only three years ago that the tiger mosquito began to make an appearance in the province; the mild temperatures have provided the perfect breeding habitat and helped its rapid spread throughout the region. But, aside from their painful bites, what worries health authorities is that this insect is capable of transmitting a wide range of horrible diseases. So far, however, all cases of these diseases diagnosed in Valencia have been imported, i.e. from other countries. Through the web page www.mosquitigre.san.gva.es, the Department of Health is undertaking an intense campaign to inform and give advice to the public to help reduce the breeding places for the pest. They have produced posters and leaflets and are transmitting radio alerts that are broadcast on local stations telling listeners how to identify and combat the insect in its larval stage. The main difficulty controlling this insect is that, unlike the common mosquito, tiger mosquitos lay their eggs in small amounts of water and so the main recommendations are for people to avoid even the smallest possibility of a container collecting water. They are being urged to check their properties and to turn any vessel where water can accumulate upside down: dishes, plant pot saucers, ashtrays and buckets. They also recommend changing pets’ drinking water regularly. In the city of Alicante, pest control companies have begun utilizing drones to locate areas where small amounts of water have been left and could offer an attractive breeding ground for the tiger mosquito.

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016


Campaign to stop animals being abandoned ALICANTE HAS launched a campaign to reduce the number of pets being abandoned across the region. by Caroline Tyszka Animal associations say over 8,000 pets are dumped each year and welcome the new initiative which aims to encourage care and respect for all animals. PACMA and other associations such as Asoka and Greyhounds 112 participated in the public promotion of reducing animals being left using the slogan “loving you makes you great - think about it.” Animal shelters across the region spend an estimated 2 million Euros caring for animals abandoned in Alicante and the campaign hopes to promote collaboration between various animal associations and educate the public by holding regular meetings. A spokesman for the government said: “The Provincial Council of Alicante will organise in the autumn a meeting between families, associations and protective shelters – to assist those who want to adopt a pet.” Spain remains the European country with the largest number of abandoned pets, between 150,000 and 200,000 annually.

Three die in gun attack

THREE PEOPLE were shot dead after a husband attacked his family at a swimming pool in Lincolnshire earlier in the week. A major police incident was declared as emergency services, including an air ambulance and paramedics, rushed to Castle Sports Complex in Spalding after reports of gunshots being fired. The shooting happened on Tuesday morning as Lance Hart, 57, blasted his wife Claire, 50, and their 19-year-old daughter Charlotte with a shotgun before turning the weapon on himself. It was reported that Hart lay in wait in the swimming pool car park having been told by his wife that their 26-year marriage was over.

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22 - 28 JUly 2016


Axe attacker - train carnage by Caroline Tyszka Passengers on a German train were attacked this week by a teenage Afghan refugee on the rampage armed with an axe. Muhammad Riyad, aged 17, went berserk on the train between Ochsenfurt and Wuerzburg-Heidingsfeld stations in Bavaria on Monday evening in a frenzied attack; leaving the scene looking like a “slaughterhouse.” And the teenager – now being described as a ‘lone wolf´- was shot dead as he attempted to flee the scene. Four people were hurt in the attack with three of the victims in a serious condition whilst another suffered minor injuries. They have been named as 62-year-old, Yau, his 58-year-old wife, their 26-year-old daughter Tracy Yau Hiu-tung and her boyfriend Edmund Au Yeung, 31. The Hong Kong family are believed to have been travelling back from the UK having attended a family wedding.. An eye-witness, who lives next to the railway station, told reporters that the train carriage, which had been carrying around 25 people, was left with blood covering the floor and seats. It is understood that Riyad had made his way to Germany as

an unaccompanied minor and had at first lived in a shelter before moving in with a foster family in the nearby Bavarian town of Ochsenfurt. The teenager, who ISIS claim was one of their terrorists, left

a notebook at his home which investigators believe may be a suicide note. According to reports, Riyad addresses his father in the journal and asks him to pray that he could take revenge “on the infidels” and “get to Heaven.”


22 - 28 JUly 2016



Protecting workers

Municipal workers in the Orihuela area are being advised and protected against the possible dangers of working in very hot weather conditions during the summer months. by Rhiannan Bell The Councillor for Human Resources, Rafael Almagro, has implemented changes to the work schedule for employees who spend the majority of their working day outside - often in blazing hot sunshine - to ensure they are not adversely affected by the hot temperatures. Until 30th September, workers involved in installation and maintenance of infrastructure, sports facilities, signage and festival preparations will begin their day at 07:00 when they can work in more comfortable conditions according to regulations and requirements for safety and occupational health. And the councillor said that municipal employees will be provided with personal equipment to help prevent heat stress including suitable head wear, protective goggles with UV filters and sunscreen with at least SPF 50. Mr Almagro added that workers have all been officially advised on ways to avoid and spot symptoms pertaining to heatstroke.

Extra lifeguard cover

Lifeguard posts on the beaches of Cartagena will remain open an extra hour in August. The stations dotted along the beaches will now be open until eight o’clock.

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22 - 28 JUly 2016


Population Increases Torrevieja has increased its population by more than 75 % in the last ten years according to a report by the Valencia Institute of Economic Research (IVIE). by Rhiannan Bell The report, which analyses demographic changes in Spain, suggests the increases are due to the concentration of citizens in the tourist destinations along the coast. Other notable shifts coming from the research show that the average age of the Spanish population has increased from 28, recorded in 1900, to the present average age of 41years. The decline in the birth rate and the movement of younger Spaniards working and living abroad has contributed to the phenomenon along with the immigration of European populations at retirement age. Despite the loss of 1.6 million young Spanish people emigrating in 2012, research indicates that many Spanish cities continue to gain in population.

Street Dance Festival Torrevieja Council has announced plans to introduce a festival of urban dance in September.

It follows the success of International Dance Day in May and collaboration between the Council and Elias Aguirre Imbernรณn, a renowned dancer from Torrevieja. The celebrations will run from 2nd to 4th September with workshops and performances being held in various streets around the city.


22 - 28 JUly 2016


Almeria gets gardening by Rhiannan Bell Almeria is to undertake a massive gardening project to “beautify” the province with the planting of 81,000 plants and trees. The Plan SAVIA, which was first introduced in 2014 is an initiative by the government, headed by President Gabriel Amat, and will cost 751,304€ aimed at ‘sprucing up’ the area. It is the second edition of the project and has been implemented again due to its great reception and past success, according to the President. Maria Lopez Asensio, Councillor for Agriculture and the Environment, stressed that the purpose of the

scheme which provides local authorities with free plants and trees is to “improve the environment of all municipalities in the province through the delivery of plants and trees to create, regenerate and improve green areas.” She stressed that all decisions on distribution would take into consideration the type of plants requested and the environmental conditions of locations to ensure plants are provided with the optimum conditions to develop and survive. In the event that demand exceeds supply, priority will be given to all municipalities that were not chosen during the first Plan SAVIA and municipalities with smaller populations.

Massacre in France

FRANCE HAS again come under attack, with 84 killed and scores injured as a lorry ploughed through crowds along the waterfront in Nice. A French Tunisian, named as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, mowed down people celebrating Bastille Day along the famous Promenade Des Anglais, with ten children being amongst the dead. The attack happened at 11 pm last Thursday, with the driver of the lorry deliberately mounting the pavements at full speed, targeting men, women and children who had gathered for a firework display. The lorry travelled an estimated 2 kilometres before the driver was shot dead by police. Inside the vehicle the police discovered further weapons although some were replicas. France held three days of mourning including a minutes silence on Monday as ministers had met to discuss the fight against terrorism.


22 - 28 JUly 2016


Teachers angry at cuts Angry bilingual teachers have expressed their opposition to the Andalusian Government cutting hours of classes in local education. by Rhiannan Bell They claim the process has been undemocratic and they should not have been left out of the decision making. Under the new ruling, secondary schools will lose eight hours a week while in primary education. Teachers have sent a letter to the Ministry of Education expressing their displeasure noting that the decline in hours was made “without explanation.” The letter states:”In a healthy democracy, it would have been better that provincial decision makers could have met with the co-ordinators of the education centres, to discuss background issues, economic crisis or other difficulties, and we could have found a reflective compromise.” And they added: “There is no guarantee that teachers in our schools are willing to assume the burden of responsibility that entails under current conditions so we cannot ensure proper continuity of the Bilingual Project for the coming school year.” The Board launched the Bilingual Programme eight years ago “as a flagship” and teachers feel it has been “diminishing until nothing is left.” A disgruntled educator commented: “You cannot even imagine the hours spent and the discussions that took place between linguistics teachers on restructuring schedules to attain the project.”

Live the dance

STUDENTS OF the Footwork Dance Studio are looking to thrill an audience on Sunday 24th July with summer show ‘Viva La Danza’. The show is performed at 7.30pmin the Casa de Cultura and Musica in Los Montesinos and features students of all age groups. Tickets are 7€ and available from the Studio at Calle Carlos Diez, from any Footwork member, from Kennedy’s Supermarket in Los Montesinos, or by calling Erica on 622 003 823, or Carole on 662 137 329. A donation from the ticket sales will be given to the needy in the town.

Lemon Prices Soar www.roundtownnews.com

by Rhiannan Bell

The price of lemons has rocketed in Almeria following a poor harvest with summer demand increasing from the restaurant and cocktail sector. Lemon production in Almeria has fallen by a sharp 30%, following the high temperatures experienced during the flowering period in May. “Production normally begins in September and ends in July but many hectares of orchards had their flowers scorched by the sudden high temperatures...and fruit never materialized.” said Jose Antonio Garcia, director of the international organization, Ailimpo. He added: “The demand from hospitality outlets for the fruit has also risen in recent years especially with the increasingly popular ‘gintonic’ summer cocktail which is always served with lemon slices.” The lack of fruit has reinvigorated the average price which has been quoted at 0.60 € this summer, compared with an average of 0.40 € in recent years. And to make up for the lack of local production over the summer months overseas markets are being sourced especially from Argentina, Chile and South Africa.

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22 - 28 JUly 2016


Ensuring the correct coverage of medical services is the key to alleviate the potential consequences of Brexit The Quirónsalud Hospital Torrevieja organized a conference of the effects that the British decision has for British residents living in Spain. Torrevieja, July 18th, 2016. The Quirónsalud hospital Torrevieja held a meeting with the British residents of the region in order to report on the possible consequences in legal and health matters that Brexit may present. Ensuring the correct coverage of medical services is the key to alleviate the potential consequences of Brexit, according to international experts group Quirónsalud area. In that sense, Victoria Abbad, head of international corporate area Quirónsalud explained that “from our private hospitals we work regularly with insurance companies in the UK”. In fact, we offer: • The simplification of the repatriation process, which is possible in cooperation with the insurance company. • Diagnostic tests are performed quickly and efficiently. • All medical equipment is available to treat patients at all times. • We have a team of English interpreters and medical staff who also speak this language. Patients from the UK can continue to use their European health insurance card, but if this scenario changed, the Quironsalud hospitals, are fully prepared to meet their medical needs through private health insurance. “We recommend that you keep your health insurance policy in the UK

whenever possible. In fact, our hospitals have departments of international admission charge to help our patients and to resolve any questions “said Abbad. Various British associations were present at the event, organized by Quirónsalud to inform residents and representatives from Quesada Ladies Club, Association Help, Association of Age Concern, Association of Torrevieja Retired and Activities Club and was attended by Pedro Heredia, an expert in international law from Pellicer & Heredia group, as well as the vice-consul from the province of Alicante, Sara Munsterhjelm. British are the highest group of European citizens in the province of Alicante, a total of 132,000 are of British nationality out of the 221,209. The importance of health insurance and having the correct information about your medical coverage policy is just one of the main aspects of interest for British residents in the area. International Service G24 G24 is a service that was invented by Quirónsalud to support and help the admission of international patients 24 hours every day of the year. This new service simplifies procedures and communications between hospitals and international insurance companies, which increases the perceived value and helps to bring patients to Quironsalud. Advice on contracting health insurance When contracting a valid health insurance you should consider the following: • Review the coverage on your travel insurance. • Check whether you have paid your trip with a credit card, because many credit cards already offer health coverage. • Check if your health insurance UK has additional coverage while you are living in Spain Our international admissions department will help you find the coverage option that best suits the needs for your medical treatment in one of our hospitals. Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja (Calle Partida de la Loma, s/n.

Tels. +34 966 921 313 y +34 606 679 98. www.quironsalud.es). ABOUT QUIRÓNSALUD Quirónsalud is the largest hospital group in Spain and the third in Europe. It is present in 13 autonomous communities has the most advanced technology and has more than 6,200 beds in the 80 centres, like the Jimenez Diaz Foundation, Ruber, Hospital La Luz, University Hospital Quirónsalud Madrid, Teknon, Dexeus, Polyclinic Gipuzkoa, etc., as well as a large team of highly specialized professionals and international prestige. We work in promoting and teaching (seven of our hospitals are universities) medical and scientific research (we have the Health Research Institute of the FJD, a unique private research centre accredited by the Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation). In addition, our healthcare service is organized into units and transversal networks to optimize the experience accumulated in the various centers and clinical translation of our investigations. Currently, Quirónsalud is developing more than 1,600 research projects throughout Spain and many of the centers are market leaders in this field, being pioneers in different specialties such as cardiology, endocrinology, gynecology, neurology and oncology, among others. For More Information: Rosa Ruiz Aragonés Directora de Comunicación T. 626 023 153 rosa.ruiz@quironsalud.es


It’s a wrap!! by Caroline Tyszka AFTER FOUR months of filming the cast and crew of the Benidorm TV series have packed up and returned to the UK for a very well deserved rest and panto preparations of course! Filming finished on Thursday 15th July and after a long day on set in the heat it was time for the extras’ party. Over a hundred SA’s (supporting artists) turned up to celebrate yet another successful year of filming, where they had met old friends and made new ones. Being an extra myself, I can honestly say it is a rewarding and fun – if tiring at times – experience, an interesting insight into how what appears on our screens has come about. All the hard work on set will produce the

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nine hour-long episodes for this ninth series. The party, which was held at RockStar in Benidorm, welcomed extras, Tiger Aspect Production crew members and behind the scenes staff as well as writer of the show Derren Litten and Jake Canuso aka Mateo. It was a good chance for everyone to let their hair down, but as we always say “what happens at the extras’ party – stays at the extras’ party!” Series 9 is scheduled to be aired in January 2017 – fans do not have to wait too long to see all their favourite characters, as well as some funny new ones, plus some very special guest appearances. Voting has now closed for the TV Choice Awards 2016 and it is hoped that Benidorm will win an award this year. The winners will be announced on stage at The Dorchester on London’s Park Lane, on Monday 5th September.

Water fight stabbing

THREE PEOPLE have been stabbed in London following a water fight on the hottest day of the year on Tuesday afternoon. People gathered at the Serpentine in London’s Hyde Park and as the numbers grew rapidly officers trained to handle public disorder incidents attended the area and came under attack. The three wounded included one police officer. All were taken to hospital but did not suffer life-threatening injuries. Another officer was injured by a bottle and was also treated at a local hospital. A Metropolitan Police spokesman said that at about 8.40pm parts of the crowd became “hostile” and began to throw things - including bottles - at officers.


22 - 28 JUly 2016


Shame of animal abuser THE SHAMED owner of 14 horses and nine donkeys kept terrified, filthy and starving in squalid conditions has been given a nine-month suspended prison sentence at the close of a major animal abuse case. by Jack Troughton In a landmark ruling, the Spanish man was also barred from owning equines – but the founders of an animal charity believe the he got off too lightly following a plea bargain. Sue and Rod Weeding, founders of the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, are angry the defendant sidestepped a public trial and a fine for one of Spain’s largest ever animal abuse cases. The pair cared for the 14 horses since they were seized by police from a property at Callosa de Segura, northeast of Murcia, in March 2014. The donkeys went to UK-funded and Malaga-based donkey sanctuary El Refugio del Burrito; unfortunately, it did not have the facilities to care for the horses. And had the Easy Horse Care Recue Centre – which relies on donations - not agreed to take the horses, none of the animals could have been saved as all were named in the same paperwork and had to be removed at the same time. The animals were extremely malnourished and some near death when rescued. Just a day before the trial began at Orihuela, lawyers struck a deal – the courts later signing off a nine-month prison term suspended for two years and a ban from owning equines or trading in animals for three years after the defendant was described as aging and unwell. “We had hoped this man would receive some sort of fine. He’s cost so many people so much time and money, not to mention the suffering he inflicted upon these animals, and now he gets off almost scot-free,” said Mrs Weeding. OPPORTUNITY “As a result a huge opportunity has been missed because this case would have set precedence across Spain. “These are horses that are seized by the police and legally put into our care, but we do not receive any money from the government or the police to look after them. Of course, we will care for them for the rest of their lives; it seems ridiculous that the owner does not have to pay a single cent.” The care of the 14 horses is estimated to have cost 66,000€ - including feed, veterinary care, horse hospital bills and the farrier – money found from donations, charity shop fundraising and the Weedings. Mrs Weeding said: “Obviously we love the horses and we want to take care of them; but we hope seeing the costs will make people actually understand the enormity of what we undertake here in Spain where a proper animal welfare system doesn’t really exist yet.” And of the 14 horses, a skeletal mare sadly died of intestinal complications shortly after her rescue – but not before giving birth to her foal, Lily, who continues to flourish with her adopted mother at the centre. A second horse died of old age last December. The centre relies on donations to care for over 90 rescued horses, ponies and donkeys. For more information, visit www.easyhorsecare.net.

EJ and Alice are now happy and well-cared for


22 - 28 JUly 2016


It now makes more financial sense to acquire a Golden Leaves Funeral Plan Golden Leaves International Limited has announced that the company is running a special discount offer on its funeral plans for the months of July and August 2016 only. Over these two months, Golden Leaves’ customers can take advantage of either a £100 or €100 discount on each plan purchased, making them more affordable than they have ever been in the past. But the benefits don’t stop there - as part of this special offer, Golden Leaves International has also announced that they are to stop charging interest on all instalment plans, making the payment options even more affordable too. Barry Floyd, Managing Director at Golden Leaves International Limited said, “As a company that has been at the forefront of the market for over 30 years now, we believe that when it comes to Pre-paid Funeral Plans, ours offer some of the most outstanding benefits. And now we have added even more to that equation.” “To thank customers for putting their faith in us, we believe that it is only right to give something in return. In this instance, it’s making our plans more affordable by putting money back into our customers’ pockets. So not only have we discounted our plans for July and August, we’ve also decided to waiver any additional administration fees and made sure that conveyance is included on the mainland of Spain.” Incredibly, as part of this special offer, Golden Leaves International has also announced that they will ensure that dual country cover and global portability are also included as a benefit of all plans sold during this limited period. Plus, for further peace of mind, those purchasing a plan will know that because their money is placed in a secure Trust Fund that’s independently and annually scrutinized, that the money required for their funeral of choice will be there when the time does come. And with more and more branches opening all along the Spanish coast due to public demand, it will be even easier for people to acquire the plan that suits their needs, at a price that suits their pocket.

For more information about Golden Leaves’ wide portfolio of pre-paid funeral plans, call 00 34 966 493 082, freephone 8000 98309, visit glexpatservices.com, or pop in and see their team at new office in Avenida De Almeria 39, local 1, Turre, 04638, Almeria. Alternatively, you can visit the Javea office, in the Arenal at Avenida De La Pla 123-125, Edifico Caribe, Locale1 Javea 03730 Alicante.


22 - 28 JUly 2016



GOT A STORY? Email editor@roundtownnews.com

22 - 28 JUly 2016


‘Pappy’ was a Rolling Stone ROLLING STONE Mick Jagger is to be a father for the eighth time at the age of 72 after the announcement his girlfriend, American ballet dancer Melanie Hamrick, is pregnant.

The younger Jagger family members - Sir Mick has five grandchildren and one great-grandchild – are said to call the singer ‘Pappy’ and appreciate his good humour and love of playing hide and seek. The Stones’ frontman and 29-year-old Melanie are said to be delighted. The singer was aged 27 when his first child was born and will be 73 when the eighth makes an appearance. The news comes just weeks after Stones’ guitarist Ronnie Wood became a dad again when wife Sally Humphreys gave birth to twins. Former wife Jerry Hall – now married to media tycoon Rupert Murdoch – is reported to be shocked at the news; while ‘astonished’ band mate Keith Richards was quick to pull his friend’s leg...and demand the secret of ever-lasting fertility. Over the years, Mick has built up a reputation of being something of a lady’s man and his eight children will have been born to five different women. However, the star is said to be philosophical about fatherhood and be good with children - once they pass the nappy and crawling stage he apparently comes into his own. Will he be a ‘hands on’ dad this time or calling for Mother’s Little Helper? The Stones are currently working on a new blues-based studio album set for release this year. Time it appears remains on their side.



22 - 28 JUly 2016


22 - 28 JUly 2016

legal&finance Cross border legal and tax planning and probate. Private Client Seminar in Bristol (14/7/2016) by

Carlos Baos

Last week, I visited Bristol once again, this time to attend a seminar held by the Bristol Law Society. The seminar focused mainly on wealth and cross border issues and international probate, whether contentious or noncontentious. Being the only practising Spanish Lawyer present and the only lawyer visiting from overseas, I had the opportunity to discuss with the solicitors and barristers present about relevant aspects affecting British Expatriates in Spain, and also the British people who have some economic interests in Spain, real estate properties being the most common one. The conclusions of the British Legal Experts were in line with our own advice for expats in Spain, mainly: Each case is different, so there is no general advice that works for everyone and in every scenario. The importance of having a Will to cover Spanish assets, registered with the Central Registry of Last Will in Spain (Registro de Ultimas Voluntades). The importance of tax planning to include Spanish properties, bearing in mind the concepts of tax domicile, tax residency, etc. All new advice must take into consideration the possible consequences of Brexit, and the possible new tax status of British nationals in Europe and Spain. It was interesting to discuss the Spanish system where the vast majority of the Wills are granted in front of a Public Notary, and kept in deposit by the same notary, recorded at the central registry of Wills. This is a much safer system, in the sense that it avoids some of the problems of English Wills, such as forgery, since there is almost no possibility to alter an existing Will by adding clauses, new beneficiaries, etc. Comparing both country’s legal systems is always enriching, as a Spanish Legal Expert. As you may know, English Law foresees the possibility to make a Will or to alter an existing one, on behalf of someone who cannot do it themselves personally, such as if they are not capable, perhaps suffering from a serious brain injury, illness, dementia, etc. Whilst we do not have this possibility in Spain, it is important for those expatriates with interests in Spain to know about its existence since depending on the individual case, it could be possible to apply for it as a legal tool in fitting circumstances. To sum up, it was a really interesting legal experience and also, like always, it was really nice to be back in the UK, especially at this time in the year.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com



22 - 28 JUly 2016


Wayne Martin

International Financial Adviser

Zero Interest accounts: are you suffering? As a saver you would be expecting some sort of a return on your hard earned money from the Banks but a recent report by the Financial Conduct Authority shows that savers are being mocked with rates as low as zero if they have failed to put their money into newer accounts.

The Financial Conduct Authority put out the list of the worst rates available as part of its name and shame policy, which shines a light on some banks strategies towards long-standing customers. The watchdog has said that from December this year, firms will have to provide easy-to-understand key information in a summary box to help consumers compare savings accounts, as well as clearly reminding consumers about changes in interest rates or the end of an introductory rate. Providers will also be required to provide a quicker and easier switching process. Savers who once put their cash in easy-access or cash Isa accounts may think they are leaving their cash to build up over time by prudently not spending it, but in fact are seeing its value eroded thanks to pitiful interest rates. Offenders include the Post Office, Danske Banke, Ulster Bank and the Yorkshire Bank. Halifax, Lloyds and Santander are also among the worst. The data showed that long standing customers in closed accounts are getting a raw deal with many providers taking advantage. The Banks seem perfectly happy to let savings held in closed accounts wither on the vine and in some cases pay no interest at all. This shows the importance of shopping around and taking independent advice to make the most of your money. Meanwhile, savers breathed a sigh of relief last week as the Bank of England held interest rates at 0.5 per cent, however this may well prove to be a short stay of execution. I am here to give you impartial, independent advice. If you have any questions or need any clarification regarding the above, you can contact me on 636361588 or e-mail wayne.martin@blacktowerfm.com The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.

Community buildings insurance, are you fully covered? 22 - 28 JUly 2016

If your home or property in Spain forms part of a block of houses, apartments or condominiums, it usually includes community buildings insurance.

You automatically pay this each month along with other community fees. Generally this cover is limited to keep premiums to a minimum. Cover includes communal elements such as the buildings, the grounds, lifts, pipes, walkways, padel tennis courts, etc. Unlike insurance policies in the UK, community buildings insurance does not cover fixtures and fittings such as your kitchen or bathroom. TAKE OUT YOUR OWN SEPARATE COVER If an upstairs neighbour goes on holiday and leaves the tap on, resulting in a flood in your home below, the community buildings insurance will not cover the damage. Línea Directa recommends that you take out separate cover for your home. This should protect all the contents of your home, its fixtures and fittings and anything else not covered by the community insurance. YOUR HOME IS AN ASSET Remember, your home is an asset. It rep-


resents a life long investment and its imperative that you get the right insurance from the beginning. Whether it’s your own residence, you rent it out or if you’re planning to sell it, your home may be at risk if it is not fully covered. Damage occurring from flood, fires or break-ins can be expensive to repair and or replace. Paying a small premium now will protect your investment for the future. FIND OUT EXACTLY WHAT YOUR COMMUNITY IS COVERED FOR Most community covers are very basic, so while you are shopping around for the best comprehensive home insurance, you will need gap or first loss cover to ensure you are protected in the meantime. Prior to contracting a new policy, find out exactly what is covered by your community policy. Many people in Spain who live in an apartment discover too late that they are not adequately covered by their urbanisation’s community insurance. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Línea Directa please call 902 123 148 More information on Línea Directa online at www.lineadirecta.com


22 - 28 JUly 2016

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22 - 28 JUly 2016



Veteran pilot receives ‘Legion d’Honneur’ by Jack Troughton SECOND WORLD War pilot John McMullen has been presented with the Legion of Honour for his part in the liberation of France in the summer of 1944. John, who served with the Royal Navy between 1942 and 1946 and flew with the Fleet Air Arm, received the ‘Ordre national de la Legion d’Honneur’ – the highest French order for military and civil merit, established in 1802 by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. In 2014, as part of the 70th anniversary of D-Day on 6th June, France announced British veterans who took part in military operations between 1944 and 1945 qualified for the medal. Operation Overlord – the D-Day landings on the Normandy beaches are part of history as ‘the longest day’. However, Operation Dragoon is less well-known. The second invasion took place on 15th August 1944 and played a major part in the liberation after troops landed on beaches in South West France between Toulon and Nice. It was a success and was aimed at preventing German troops in the south supporting enemy forces in the north - and led to Nazi forces abandoning the defence of the south. John, who now lives in the Colina Club in Calpe, flew a number of different types of aircraft. During Operation Dragoon he was in the cockpit of a US-made Grumman F4 Wildcat; his role included bombardment spotting, bombing enemy airfields, destroying enemy fighter aircraft, and bombing and strafing bridges and railway installations. CARRIER He undertook 82 operational sorties and during Operation Dragoon, from 15th to 19th August, 1944, flew from escort aircraft carrier HMS Scorcher. John was presented with the medal at the Colina Club, joined by his daughter Jane and grandson Tom. An active member of the Aircrew Association Costa Blanca, he was also joined by colleagues including President Henry Horth, Chairman Max Maxwell, and social secretary Brian Nash. And the presentation was made by French defence attaché Colonel Olivier Fabre, accompanied by Colonel Frederic Richaud, the senior French officer on the Headquarters staff of the NATO Rapid Deployment Corps stationed near Valencia. Colonel Fabre used the occasion to express the gratitude of the French people for his part in liberating the country from the Nazi yoke. Pictured is John with his Legion of Honour and a picture of the pilot in his Grumman Wildcat on the deck of HMS Scorcher.


22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #gardening


Controlling mosquitos and midges in your garden


Dick Handscombe Practical gardener and author

Practical gardeners and gardening authors living in Spain for 28 years. Fifty years ago much of the Spanish Mediterranean coastline was still marshland or drained marshland for growing vegetables and fruit. Except in Tossa del Mar, Benidorm and Torremolinos the idea of mass tourism had yet to be born and most Spaniards lived or returned from the cities to holiday in the cooler mountain villages a few kilometres inland. Coastal living except in small fishing communities had been avoided for centuries for fear of marauding pirates from north Africa – hence the many ancient watch towers along the coasts – and the mosquitoes and malaria, yellow fever and cholera of polluted waters draining from villages. 1950’s and early 60’s package tour holiday makers to Spain will remember the recommended pre holiday injections and pills. Luckily DDT, until banned as a dangerous chemical, cleared the major swarms of malaria carrying mosquitoes and modern sanitation installations cleaned up village effluents - until overloaded by excessive building! But damp conditions inevitably attract mosquitoes and midges to the countryside and some gardens and big bighting tiger mosquitoes are now not in the Ebro delta but along the Costas. So what can be done to minimise the potential problem. 20 practical ways of reducing mosquito and midge populations in your garden 1. Don’t purchase a property near marsh lands, rivers, lakes or land that floods after storms. 2. Plant insect inhibiting plants around the house especially under the windows most likely to be opened. Possible plants include lantanas, basil, citronella lemongrass, graveolens scented pelargoniums, chives, society garlic and normal garlic in pots near doorways or on windowsills. 3. When we had a walking holiday in Mauritius and Reunion Island we were advised to rub lantana leaves in our hands and then on any exposed skin to deter mosquitoes and midges. Locals used oil or water extracts on a regular basis. We now do so in Spain. 4. Hang bunches of herbs on the walls of covered terraces to provide hiding places for insect eating geckoes. 5. Hang bunches of rue alongside or above doorways. 6. Use a garlic concoction as an insecticide in the

flower and vegetable garden. 7. Cover water butts with well sealing lids and use the water regularly to stop larvae developing and hatching out and creating space for the next rain. 8. Have a pond with fish and frogs. The water will attract any wind blown mosquitoes and midges and the fish and frogs will soon devoir any mature insects or larvae in or around the pond. Don’t be surprised to see frogs jumping half a metre into the air to grab a midge on the flower of a lavender plant. From personal observation they have amazing eyesight as well as accurate jumping ability. 9. Construct a rockery with holes for lizards which eat a variety of flying insects. 10. Make Victorian style pomanders by sticking cloves into an orange and placing on window sills to deter mosquitoes from entering and also place on outside dining tables to deter them while dinning. 11. Check that your regular perfumes and after shaves are not insect attractors. Soak some cotton wool with the liquids and place on a saucer on the terrace as dusk approaches in an area where an outside light will eventually light it up and watch what happens. 12. Set the lawn irrigation system to come on during the night and not in the evening when the family, pets and insects are still moving around. 13. Don’t over water terrace or house plants. 14. Don’t leave rain water standing in buckets, water-

ing cans, or wheel barrows. Use it to water plants in covered areas, pour into a water butt or pond or dampen the compost heap if possible. 15. If you invest in a liquid gas fired mosquito attracting/catching machine size it according to your size of property. An oversized machine may attract all the mozzies from the entire urbanisation and not just your garden! 16. If you buy a terrace heater than burns liquefied gas recognise that these produce carbon dioxide that attract mosquitoes and midges in the same way as mosquito machines so preferably use on terraces well away from the house. 17. If you leave bedroom windows open in the evening leave the lights off. 18. Install a bat box under the eaves as they hunt flying insects at dusk. 19. Use perfumed flares around the garden especially when having a barbecue party. 20. Install an electric insect stunner. 21. Set up bird tables and nesting boxes to increase insect eating garden bird population. Such actions can avoid the expense of unsightly mosquito screens on windows and doors, chemical based insect sprays or chemical block evaporators especially in bedrooms. Act now before the humid autumn and next spring and enjoy the remaining balmy evenings and nights without resorting to mosquito nets.

Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com

22 - 28 JUly 2016


life&leisure #aunty virus


Smartphone troubles

Hi Aunty, Can you help with a problem I am having with my smartphone - a Samsung Core. Every time I go into Google or Chrome search I am constantly getting unwanted ads, this has suddenly started to happen. Have tried everything to get rid of this but am now at a loss at what else to do! Can you help with this problem at all. Many thanks, Andrea

Aunty says: It sounds like your pop up blocker on Chrome is not set up correctly. Open up the Android / Chrome browser. Click the three dots menu icon you can see in the top righthand corner. Choose ‘Settings’ from the list. Now select ‘Advanced’ from the menu that appears. Ensure that ‘Block pop-ups’ is enabled. And now you shouldn’t ever see a pop-up ad on your Android smartphone when you use the Android browser.

Eliminating the problem Hi Aunty Virus, For about three weeks I have had this displayed on my screen when I run up. There is a problem starting Windows:\Systen32\\nvpcap64.dll The specified module could not be found. I have been on to Google to see if I could trace and eliminate the problem, but each thing that I try still leaves me with the same problem when I run up again. Please can you advise. Regards, Tony Aunty says: “nvspcap64.dll” is a driver for your Nvidia GeForce Graphics card. It appears from a few people who have also had this issue that an uninstall and reinstall of your graphics drivers should cure the problem.

PC keeps freezing when sending attachments Hi Aunty, The problem I am having is when I click onto the attachment I wish to send the pc freezes. This has only started to happen in the past few days. Can you help. PJ

Aunty says: It may be that the file association for that attachment, which tells Windows what program to use to open that attachment, is not set up correctly. If not set up, Windows can freeze as it simply does not know what program to use to open up the attachment. Now what program you use to open that attachment, depends on the type of attachment. If you save the attachment to your PC, and then right click on the attachment, and then “Open With”, you can then choose which program to open that attachment up in. If you are having issues with sending attachment, well that depends on many things, like what email system you are trying to send the attachment on, your antivirus system may be blocking that type of attachment. If you are using Internet Explorer for your Outlook / Hotmail emails, perhaps using another browser like Chrome can solve the problem.


22 - 28 JUly 2016

Sara Bell life&leis re ask Sara u ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// by

Life Coach

WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.


On a recent family holiday, I was very troubled when my wife appeared to have a major meltdown. She cried hysterically at the Airport when our youngest was playing up and not doing as he was told. It was a complete over-reaction, and she cried and said she couldn’t cope any more. She was quiet for a few days, but towards the end of the holiday she relaxed a bit. We have four children, all under 12 and I think the strain of being a working Mum gets to her sometimes. What can I do to help? Working Mums need a medal in my book. I would think getting four children ready and packed for a family holiday would be stressful enough, but this might be something that has been building up over time. How much help does she get at home with everything? Is she doing the lions share? If so, it’s time to split the chores and give her some time to herself every week. Superwoman sometimes needs Superman to fly in and save her.

Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 650 054 467.

I rushed into it I’ve been widowed six months. Spain was our dream, and we had 12 happy years in Javea. After my wife passed, my family, who live in England, wanted me to move in with them. It was my wife’s dearest wish that I shouldn’t be alone afterwards, and so I made the move. My son and daughter-in-law are very kind - I have my own room, and the grandchildren are delightful, but I haven’t settled. I think I perhaps rushed into things. I miss Spain, but don’t want to hurt their feelings. I still have a house there. I am sure if you had a heart to heart with your family, and told them what you have told me, that they would understand. It can be wiser not to make any big, life changing decisions after a bereavement, and the advice is to wait a good 12 months before doing anything like moving. You still have your house, and so you could certainly say you want to spend some time in Spain, to think about what you want to do next.

Read the virtual paper at www.roundtownnews.com

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #puzzles ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Cryptic Crossword


Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 52.

ACROSS 1. It’s right for top actor to join the directors (9) 8. Strange ring worn by learned divine (3) 9. Approach the lamp so as to be revealed (4,2,5) 11. Got out of the way with theologian coming round quite deceived (7) 12. Frequently mollify missing skinhead (5) 13. Amused a female who wasn’t nice to know (6) 15. Some of the side let everybody down - get rid of them! (6) 17. It takes a cool head and continuous pain to find a hidingplace (5) 18. Make a ripping removal (4,3) 20. Not well and inclined to be not at all friendly (3-8) 22. Bill may take it as lovers do (3) 23. Fell back and received medical attention again (9) DOWN 2. Also in the direction of nothing (3) 3. Restrained Edward the graduate (5) 4. Refer to everybody with due order (6) 5. Wild flower came up under animal (3-4) 6. Visit the greyhound stadium and be ruined (2,2,3,4) 7. Mend a torn decoration (9) 10. Curse the way men talk! (11) 11. Popular government production of funny comedy about over-turned car (9) 14. All rest of stars in disturbance... (7) 16. ...restrictions are precisely defined in part (6) 19. The fruit of temptation... (5) 21. ...by a woman the night before (3)

Doodle Box

Quick ACROSS 1. Vigorous (9) 8. Wonder (3) 9. Abstainer (11) 11. Go before (7) 12. Additional (5) 13. Majestic (6) 15. Blow (6) 17. Collier (5) 18. Balcony wall (7) 20. Communication (11) 22. Anger (3) 23. A plant (9) DOWN 2. Born (3) 3. Small wood (5) 4. Merchant (6) 5. Accumulate (7) 6. Airborne soldier (11) 7. Lasting (9) 10. Crises (11) 11. Practical (9) 14. Extend (7) 16. Coil (6) 19. Spacious (5) 21. Dry (of wine) (3)

22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #horoscopes


Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Though routines seem to be gearing up to keep you very busy as of late, something brings changes to schedule this week as Pluto dallies with Mercury. The door is open right now to transformation and innovation as you look within to see how you will adapt, clearing your pitch. Making this happen must be an immediate priority, not just a dream. A mixed bag this week, as it would seem that minor irritating things are grabbing your attention, and taking you away from what really matters. Venus confronts with Pluto, and change for changes sake is definitely not an option; just maybe it never really was! Make it absolutely clear that you can rock and roll if you need to. Challenge? Bring it on!

You may be thinking that your current endeavours have all been in vain, but you would be very wrong if you truly think this. Everything is for something, and what you have done is to set a precedent which others may or may not choose to follow. You did what you had to, at the heat of the moment, and many really should be thanking you right now.

Take a good look at finances right now. A corner develops that sees a temporary but nevertheless significant drain on your assets. Leave no stone unturned and take on impartial advice. Your money has to work for you and not you for it. Whilst you examine current trends it could be that an early intervention will save you tightening your belt.

Again it is Pluto that drives you on to success right now. Resident in your sign for some further eight years, Pluto is all seeing and has to side with you all ways and all days; because you are starting to see a pattern emerge, and may not like what you see. Innovation comes swiftly this week as Venus brings love energy just where it is needed.

Mercury trines with both dwarf planet Kora and Uranus midweek. You have had a detached view of events just lately, and have kept your own feelings under wraps for a variety of good reasons. It is primarily your open and highly tuned inspiration that needs to be up and running to bring the innovations that are, above all compassionate and caring

The entry of the Sun brings a very creative stage closer to the reality that it deserves! You have been your arrogant and egotistical self as of late and it has got you absolutely nowhere. Changing tactics sees you using your considerable stores of charisma to charm things back into play; which is good because others have to see that your way is the best! Mercury squares on Mars at the very end of the week, and it appears that there are a few things on hold awaiting your further instructions. Whilst intelligence sees you stalling for time, merely treading water is not going to be enough this time around. Mars helps you take decisive and pioneering action, bringing an acceptable solution for all concerned.

The scales must be jingling right now as an action appears to have backfired, leaving you with egg on your face. The Sun squares on Ceres midweek and this action brings inspiration and true balance, combatting the need for any further gushing, and establishing your power base, and not before time. Things aren’t what they used to be, thankfully!

Resourcefulness and reserve will see you staying calm during a situation that is not what it really seems to be. Pluto is courted by both Venus and Mercury this week, and all is fair in love and in war. You think on your feet, and should not be held accountable for the failures of others who seem to want to only be around you when all is going well!

You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about something that on the surface seems to be a mere trifle. Unusually it is your stubborn and rebellious side that is taking things over this week. Governed by the formative actions of Pluto and egged on by clear communicative patterns of Mercury; the World, really is your oyster! Regulated by Ceres and open to psychic energies as fulfilled by the divination of Venus in Pluto, this week sees you charging up your innermost energies with a view to taking on the new and the challenging. Fear has been abolished and doubts eliminated so there really is no excuse for not taking on the spiritual work that is coming your way.


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny, I very often do not see things the way I really should. When I look back I can see so many opportunities that I have missed, or think of things that could have been, but weren’t. How do I become more aware of things? Is it too late? May D.V. Hi May! It is good to look back, and when you do I bet there are so many things that you did do, and we can’t follow everything through. What could have been or maybe should have been are fuelled up by your greater understanding of where you are just now. This is known as “could have, should have, would have” syndrome! In hindsight it is so easy to be clever about that that we didn’t do...and for whatever reason. Fate directs, destiny beckons, and it is what is yet to come your way that is the greatest of excitements that Spirit can bring. Regret nothing, you did what you had to, and you are still here to talk about it too!! Stay connected to Spirit and ask them for any help that you need on the way.

If It’s Your Birthday This Week With the great benefit that comes from Universal approval, only you can hold yourself back this astrological year. In tune with the phases of life you can already feel that things are stirring within you, and there is work to do on all levels to bring you support and tender love and care!


22 - 28 JUly 2016

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #whats on /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Charge up with nature by jack thoughton PLUG IN with Mother Nature to recharge batteries and to look and feel younger advises lifestyle coach Skip Archimedes in the latest in a series of ‘Skip’s Tips’. He suggests some easy exercises to start the day – noting the first thing animals do when they do is stretch. Skip will be at the Denia Marriott Hotel on 1st October to present a free one day event ‘Forever Young’ – demonstrating how his advice works and how thousands of people in the Far East are already benefitting. “We all want to look and feel younger but what I’ve found from travelling the world teaching tens of thousands of people is most of us are painting over rust and we can’t get the results we want and deserve,” he said. He said peoples’ bodies were made up of trillions of cells which were fully programmed to function automatically – however, many were beginning to break down; affecting vision, hearing, living with aches and pains, having low energy and mood swings. “People are simply sick and tired of being sick and tired. This is a sure sign that one is toxic and these harmful toxins are picked up in the air we breathe, the drinks we drink, the food we eat and the toxic relationships we are in,” said Skip. “These are all having such a harmful effect on our general well-being. The Skip’sTips I’m sharing with you will help charge you up and help give you some protection from this

toxic world we humans have created over time.” He said everyone lived with too much stress but some simple things helped give protection and charge people up to start living ‘Forever Young’. “Our planet Mother Earth is alive and naturally has an electrical charge; we are electrical beings that need to be charged daily to get the best from life and when we have this electrical energy pulsing through us, we feel happy and alive.” Skip recommended a short video: ‘Have More Energy – Feed Your Cells by Connecting to Nature” at www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAWveHhj7BI. He believes simply taking off shoes and socks helped reconnect with nature, reduced stress, balanced the mind and helped reconnect with natural energy. And Skip said one step further to “go the extra mile” was to do some simple stretches first thing on waking to get rid of stiffness in a body created to move. “Let’s use some common sense, look at animals when they wake: they stretch and we should do the same!” Skip said he had put together video ‘The Best Things to Do When Waking Up” at www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsTpw7B5c_o. Registration for the free Living Forever Young day on is going well – register at http://skiparchimedes.com/foreveryoung.

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #whats on /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Hot Chocolate melts in Quesada by Jack Troughton

HOT CHOCOLATE’s former singer Greg Bannis returns to Spain this month for a charity gig at The Club Quesada in aid of rescued animals on Wednesday 27th July. Greg fronted the band for 18 years, replacing the legendary Errol Brown, and toured the world performing hits like ‘You Sexy Thing’, ‘It Started with a Kiss’, and ‘So You Win Again’. And after a three month tour of Europe, the singer (pictured on stage) is in Spain to join up for the first time with exGreyhound vocalist Glenroy Oakley and a groundbreaking show ‘Hot Chocolate v Greyhound’. Music is expected to vary between reggae and soul, funk and pop, in a night promoted as being ‘electric’. Money raised will go towards helping animal charity SATS. A team of volunteers cares for at least 90 dogs throughout the year; with abandoned puppies, cats and kittens arriving all the time. The charity is continuing its herculean task of raising 30,000€ for a purpose built shelter. Club audiences and donations have spurred the appeal forward and the charity hopes to have a new housing and care centre in action as soon as possible. Tickets to see Greg and Glenroy on stage are 15€ including a two-course meal. They are available from: the club; Cards and More, La Marina; The Card Place, Benimar; and The Hire Centre San Luis, and Post Box Doña Pepa. Alternatively call 697 501 992 to book or go to www.lrshows.com. The evening starts at 7pm.

Guitar festival THE ELCHE guitar festival, in its 18th year, started this week. The festival offers music lovers the opportunity to see many different genres including classic and flamenco.

The event will run until 28th July with all but one of the concerts taking place in the Claustro de San José. A final concert will be held in the Auditorio de la Rotonda del Parque. The majority of performances begin at 9 or 9.30 pm with many being free, although some are ticket only entrance. For full details go to: www.festivalguitarraelche.com.

22 - 28 JUly 2016

#tv&showbiz goss


by Peter Taylor

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// US band ´Slipknot´ are a Heavy Metal band, and I mean HEAVY, and things got a bit lively last week when they were doing a live gig in Toronto. They´re from Iowa, and have associates in groups Murderdolls, Dirty Little Rabbits, and last but not least Anal Blast! Honest to god! What happened was Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor was in full flight, in mid song, and suddenly he stopped at the front row of fans leaning close to the stage, as one of them has his head buried in his mobile phone. The band have previously told owners of selfie sticks and the like not to bring them to gigs, warning them they’d ‘beat the shit out of them with a cricket bat’ if they did. Check out the vid Slipknot’s Corey Taylor slaps phone out of fans hands for texting from front row Katy Price, a lady who will stoop pretty low, dignity-wise, to have people like me writing about her. Every time I give in to typing her name, like I´m doing now, my plan is to tell you about how I am on to her master plan. What I think happens is she sits down with her team of advisors, yes men/women, if you get my drift, and they discuss what Katy thinks they should do, then they all nod their heads, and hey presto, reach a democratic decision. What I fancy Katy P has got onto is how Katy ´headline-jockey´ Hopkins grabbed mountains of newspaper space with her potty talk and overall demonic nasties that got the job done and made her front page news. We´re onto to you Katy Price ´Men shouldn’t cry´ … ´pathetic´ she says!

Snoop Dogg makes a welcome return to the page, and the tale is about when he appeared on the USTV show Family Feuds … Snoop Dogg on Family Feuds? His family were up against the family of former world champion boxer Sugar Ray Leonard and when the two men walked to the podium the very amusing presenter Steve Harvey asked the question “name something Grandma might do if she caught Grandpa smoking marijuana?” Snoops surprising response was that grandma would ´put her hands on him´ duff him up I guess, an answer that was easily bettered by Sugar Ray. But rather than tell you all that occurred, go to YouTube and check out this video. Snoop Dogg’s Area of Expertise - Celebrity Family Feud

Is Ghostbusters Ghostbusted? – What’s your take? There’s been so much negativity surrounding the reboot of Ghostbusters that it’s amazing the producers have been able to press ahead and got the movie out on general release. The negativity kicked in more than 2 years ago when it was announced that the four main characters in the movie were all going to be female, suggesting that sexism had reared its ugly head. With the film having gone on general release in America last Friday 15th, I fancied it was a good time to take a closer look at this rather worrying scenario. We all rejoice at the wonders of the internet, being able to keep in touch with family and friends, sharing funnies by the cartload and being able to send an electronic mail that can by read almost before you send it an extra special delight. Then of course there’s the sorrowful downside. Ghostbusters has suffered at the hands of internet trolls that began with an idle Tweet here and the odd Facebook post there and in the blink of an eye the whole thing spun out of control, and it became cool to be a Ghostbusters hater. And so began a tirade of social media abuse that remains in place to this day. Although it seemed the sexist card was played in the beginning, the main line currently is centring on how funny it is, as the four ladies, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones are all from the world of comedy. The first official trailer was released on March 3, and was viewed 24 million times in 24 hours and more than 60 million times across all social media platforms in its first week, and sadly had ´mixed reaction, but leaning toward the negative,´ owing to the jokes, which apparently are ´only mildly funny.´ YouTube trailer’s viewer response ratio of ´12,000 thumbs up and 13,800 thumbs down´ didn´t help the cause overmuch either. So my sweet sugar dumplings, the question is, when push comes to shove, are you planning on watching the movie at some point in the near future, or have you been influenced by the ´sexist´ and ´where’s the jokes´ troll´s who have this ´high and mighty´ belief they´ve got their finger on the pulse. I know where my money is going!

In 1956, at the age of seven, Bruce Springsteen saw Elvis Presley on The Ed Sullivan Show and grew up listening to Frank Sinatra on the radio; the man he said strongly influenced his song writing, which started after his mother bought him an $18 guitar when he was a lad. Fascinating background on a young man whose destiny seems to have been sculpted by the best. A guitarist friend of mine suggested I should listen to his 1973 album ´Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J., ´ and also told me how some of his live shows went on for three hours without a break. Watch this lovely iPhone video from his current world tour. Springsteen in Oslo, June 29th 2016. Singing with happy 4 year old girl

Liverpool band ´A Flock of Seagulls´ had their finest hour in 1982 when their single ´Wishing (I had a photograph of you) ´ made No 10 in the UK charts. After they appeared on Top of The Pops, the next day all us guys wanted to get the Flock cut! I remember I backed out after thankfully seeing the light, but many went the ´whole hog, ´ and I have to say some suited the title. But I digress. It was announced last week by 80stees.com that they had a stock of Flock wigs as worn by singer Mike Score and at 20 bucks was cheap at half the price, especially if you are a retro party freak! … Stop Press!! … They´ve sold out! Ho Hum!! Interestingly the band are still out there, and have a string of dates across the US next month. Without Wigs!


22 - 28 JUly 2016

friday 22nd July BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Right on the Money 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Fake Britain 12:45 Neighbourhood Blues 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 Look East; Weather 14:45 Red Rock 15:25 Escape to the Country 16:25 Garden Rescue 17:10 Flog It! 18:10 Pointless Celebrities 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 Look East; Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:25 National Lottery Update 23:25 Look East; Weather 23:35 New Tricks 00:35 Film Entrapment


7:00 Right on the Money 7:45 Garden Rescue 8:30 The Hairy Builder 9:00 The £100K House: The Final Fix 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Film Show Boat (1951) 14:45 Coast 15:15 An Island Parish 15:45 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 16:10 Africa 17:10 Michael Palin’s New Europe 18:10 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 The Hairy Builder 20:00 RHS Tatton Flower Show 2016 21:00 Live Athletics 23:00 Clare Balding Meets 23:30 Newsnight 00:00 Weather 00:00 Artsnight 00:30 Tom Jones’ 1950s: The Decade That Made Me

saturday 23rd July BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Mary Berry’s Absolute Favourites 13:00 BBC News; Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 13:45 Faster, Higher, Stronger: Katarina’s Olympic Dream 14:15 Live Athletics 18:15 Film Toy Story 19:30 BBC News 19:40 Look East; Weather 19:50 The Getaway Car 20:40 The National Lottery: Five Star Family Reunion 21:30 The Musketeers 22:25 BBC News; Weather 22:45 Mrs Brown’s Boys 23:15 National Lottery Update 23:15 Peter Kay: 20 Years of Funny 00:15 Film The Wedding Video


7:25 The Women’s Football Show 7:55 Coast 8:45 Film The Valley of Gwangi 10:20 Taking Flight: Britain’s America’s Cup Challenge 11:10 Homes Under the Hammer 12:10 Natural World 13:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure 14:00 Film Day of the Evil Gun 15:30 Escape to the Continent 16:30 Flog It! 17:30 Full Steam Ahead 18:30 Gardeners’ World 19:00 Newsnight 19:50 Proms Extra 20:30 Dad’s Army 21:00 The Marvellous World of Roald Dahl 22:00 Keith Richards: The Origin of the Species 23:00 QI XL 23:45 Inside Versailles 23:45 Versailles 00:45 Film I Am Number Four


7:00 Good Morning Britain 7:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Weather 14:55 ITV News Anglia 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Weather 22:00 ITV News at Eleven 22:30 ITV Weather 22:30 ITV News 22:40 Film Total Recall


7:00 Childrens TV 8:15 Super 4 8:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 9:00 Ninjago: Rise of the Snakes 9:25 ITV News 9:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:20 Murder, She Wrote 12:20 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:24 ITV Weather 13:25 The Wine Show 14:30 Big Box Little Box 15:00 Doc Martin 16:00 The Chase 17:00 Midsomer Murders 19:00 ITV Weather 19:00 ITV News Anglia 19:15 ITV News and Weather 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Catchphrase 20:45 Film The Amazing Spider-Man 11:20 ITV News and Weather 11:34 ITV Weather 11:35 Film Inside Man





6:20 Fifteen to One 7:15 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 8:50 Dare to Believe 8:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25 Frasier 9:55 Live Formula 1 11:40 Salvage 12:05 Car SOS 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Couples Come Dine with Me 13:55 Live Formula 1 15:40 Travel Man: 48 Hours in 16:10 Countdown 17:00 The Question Jury 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Gogglesprogs 22:00 Celebrity First Dates 22:00 Friday Night Dinner 23:35 Rude Tube 00:35 Man Down

7:05 The Grid 7:30 Gillette World Sport 8:00 Tenerife Bluetrail 8:25 British Rally Championship 8:50 Dare to Believe 8:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:55 The Morning Line 10:55 Live Formula 1 12:25 The Superhumans Show 12:55 Live Formula 1 15:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:45 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:30 Channel 4 News 18:55 Film Grease 21:00 Alan Carr’s Grease Night 23:00 Film The Inbetweeners Movie 00:50 Dare to Believe 00:55 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

7:00 Childrens TV 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film A Husband’s Confession (2015) 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 Ancient Mysteries 22:00 Big Brother 22:30 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 23:30 Lip Sync Battle 00:15 SuperCasino

7:00 Childrens TV 9:00 Shimmer and Shine 9:25 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:00 The Saturday Show 12:10 Police Interceptors 13:00 Benefits 14:00 On Benefits 15:00 On Benefits 16:00 On Benefits 17:00 World’s Strongest Man 2015 18:00 World’s Strongest Man 2015 19:00 World’s Strongest Man 2015 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 NCIS 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Film The Expendables


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Emmerdale 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Scorpion 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Emmerdale 14:15 Coronation Street 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Film The Bourne Identity 23:00 FYI Daily 00:05 Film The Bourne Identity 00:20 Family Guy 00:55 Family Guy


7:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:30 Emmerdale 9:40 Coronation Street 12:35 Catchphrase 1:35 Ninja Warrior UK 2:35 Film The Flintstones 3:35 FYI Daily 3:40 Film The Flintstones 4:20 Film Nanny McPhee 5:20 FYI Daily 5:25 Film Nanny McPhee 6:15 Film Liar Liar 7:15 FYI Daily 7:20 Film Liar Liar 8:00 Film Burlesque 9:00 FYI Daily 9:05 Film Burlesque 10:25 Family Guy 10:55 Family Guy 11:25 Family Guy 00:55 American Dad!


7:00 Charmed 8:35 Hollyoaks 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 The Goldbergs 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Baby Daddy 17:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:30 How I Met Your Mother 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film The A-Team 00:20 The Big Bang Theory 00:45 The Big Bang Theory


7:00 Rude(ish) Tube 8:35 Jane the Virgin 9:35 The Mindy Project 10:30 Baby Daddy 11:30 How I Met Your Mother 12:30 Rich Kids of Instagram 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 Melissa & Joey 14:30 Baby Daddy 15:00 Baby Daddy 15:30 New Girl 16:00 The Goldbergs 16:30 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Goldbergs 15:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 18:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Film Bad Teacher 23:50 Gogglebox 00:55 Gogglebox

22 - 28 JUly 2016


sunday 24th July BBC1


7:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Wanted Down Under 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Homes Under the Hammer 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 Animal Super Parent 17:00 Eat Well for Less? 18:00 Lifeline 18:10 Songs of Praise 18:45 Pointless Celebrities 17:30 BBC News 17:50 Look East; Weather 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Fake or Fortune? 22:00 The Secret Agent 23:00 BBC News 23:20 Look East; Weather 23:30 Live at the Apollo 00:15 Film Dinner for Schmucks

7:15 The A to Z of TV Gardening 8:00 Great British Garden Revival 9:00 Gardeners’ World 9:30 Countryfile 10:30 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:00 A Cook Abroad 13:00 Lorraine Pascale: How to Be a Better Cook 13:30 Inspire: The Olympic Journey 14:00 Talking Pictures 14:30 Film Rear Window 16:20 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 New Zealand: Earth’s Mythical Islands 18:30 Clare Balding Meets 19:00 Film Real Steel 21:00 Robot Wars 22:00 Dragons’ Den 11:00 Fixing Dad 00:00 Horizon


7:00 Childrens TV 8:15 Super 4 8:30 Oddbods 8:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 9:00 Teen Titans Go! 9:25 ITV News 9:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:20 Judge Rinder 13:20 ITV News and Weather 13:24 ITV Weather 13:25 Rebound 14:25 Long Lost Family 15:30 Love Your Garden 16:30 Midsomer Murders 18:30 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 19:30 ITV Weather 19:30 ITV News 19:45 ITV News and Weather 20:00 The Chase 21:00 Film Quantum of Solace 23:05 ITV News and Weather 23:14 ITV Weather 23:15 Film I Am Legend




7:15 Shipping Wars 7:40 Shipping Wars 8:00 The King of Queens 8:30 The King of Queens 8:55 Frasier 9:25 Frasier 9:55 Dare to Believe 10:00 Sunday Brunch 13:00 Live Formula 1 16:30 Athletics 17:00 Dare to Believe 17:05 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 18:05 Film Toy Story That Time Forgot 18:30 Film Finding Nemo 20:30 Channel 4 News 21:00 Saddam Goes to Hollywood 22:00 Film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 00:05 Friday Night Dinner 00:40 Dare to Believe 00:45 Formula 1

7:00 Childrens TV 9:00 Blaze and the Monster Machines 9:30 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:45 Shimmer and Shine 10:10 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30 Access 11:40 Now That’s Funny! 12:40 Now That’s Funny! 13:40 Film RV: Runaway Vacation 15:30 Film Dennis the Menace Strikes Again 17:00 World’s Strongest Man 2015 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Make You Laugh Out Loud 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Lip Sync Battle 00:00 20 Moments

7:00 The Cube 7:50 Emmerdale 11:00 Coronation Street 13:50 Take Me Out 14:50 Catchphrase 15:30 Film Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure 16:30 FYI Daily 16:35 Film Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure 17:20 Film King Kong 18:20 FYI Daily 18:25 Film King Kong 20:55 Film The Wedding Planner 21:55 FYI Daily 22:00 Film The Wedding Planner 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 Family Guy 00:00 Family Guy 00:30 Bordertown


7:00 Rude(ish) Tube 7:20 Rude(ish) Tube 7:40 Rude(ish) Tube 8:05 Rude(ish) Tube 8:35 Rude(ish) Tube 9:00 The Mindy Project 9:30 The Mindy Project 10:00 Melissa & Joey 10:30 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 The Goldbergs 14:00 The Goldbergs 14:30 The Goldbergs 15:00 The Goldbergs 15:30 Film Gulliver’s Travels 17:10 Rude(ish) Tube 17:35 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 Tattoo Fixers 22:00 Tattoo Fixers 23:00 Tattoo Fixers 00:05 Tattoo Fixers


22 - 28 JUly 2016

monday 25h July BBC1

7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Countryside 999 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Fake Britain 12:45 Neighbourhood Blues 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 Look East; Weather 14:45 Red Rock 15:25 Escape to the Country 16:25 Garden Rescue 4:10 Flog It! 18:10 Pointless Celebrities 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 Look East; Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 Rip Off Britain 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Forces of Nature with Brian Cox 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 Look East; Weather 23:45 Have I Got Old News for You 00:15 Have I Got a Bit More News for You


7:00 Right on the Money 7:45 Garden Rescue 8:30 The Hairy Builder 9:00 The Muslim Pound 9:30 Gardeners’ World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Nature’s Miracle Babies 14:00 Pressure Pad 14:45 Sailing 15:45 Coast 15:50 An Island Parish 16:20 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 16:45 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 17:10 Michael Palin’s New Europe 18:10 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 The Hairy Builder 20:00 Great American Railroad Journeys 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 The Somme 1916 From Both Sides of the Wire 23:00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 23:30 Newsnight 00:10 Weather


6:00 Good Morning Britain 8:30 Lorraine 9:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 1:30 Weather 1:30 ITV Lunchtime News 1:55 ITV Weather 1:55 ITV News 2:00 Judge Rinder 3:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59 ITV Weather 4:00 Tipping Point 5:00 The Chase 6:00 ITV Weather 6:00 ITV News 6:30 Weather 6:30 ITV Evening News 7:00 Emmerdale 7:30 Coronation Street 8:00 Wild France with Ray Mears 8:30 Coronation Street 9:00 Brief Encounters 10:00 Weather 10:00 ITV News at Eleven 10:35 ITV Weather 10:35 ITV News 10:45 Benidorm 11:45 In Plain Sight


7:15 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Simpsons 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:35 Come Dine with Me 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 The Question Jury 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Superfoods: The Real Story 22:00 Eden 23:00 Naked Attraction 00:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell


7:00 Childrens TV 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film Perfect Seduction 18:00 5 News at 6 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 Police Interceptors Unleashed 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Bordertown 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 American Dad! 00:00 American Dad! 00:30 The Cleveland Show


7:00 Hollyoaks 7:25 Rude(ish) Tube 7:50 Melissa & Joey 8:10 How I Met Your Mother 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 The Goldbergs 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Baby Daddy 17:00 Melissa & Joey 17:30 Melissa & Joey 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Coach Trip 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Rich Kids of Instagram 23:00 Gogglebox 00:05 The Big Bang Theory 00:35 The Big Bang Theory

tuesday 26th July BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Countryside 999 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Fake Britain 12:45 Neighbourhood Blues 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 Look East; Weather 14:45 Red Rock 15:25 Escape to the Country 16:25 Garden Rescue 17:10 Flog It! 18:10 Pointless Celebrities 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 Look East; Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 The Living and the Dead 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 Look East; Weather 23:45 Imagine 00:50 Forces of Nature with Brian Cox


7:00 Fake Britain 7:45 Garden Rescue 8:30 The Hairy Builder 9:00 An Island Parish 9:30 An Island Parish 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 The Super League Show 13:45 Film Merrill’s Marauders 15:20 Africa 16:20 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 16:45 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 17:10 Michael Palin’s New Europe 18:10 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 The Hairy Builder 20:00 Great American Railroad Journeys 21:00 Inside the Factory 22:00 New Zealand: Earth’s Mythical Islands 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 00:10 Weather 00:15 Dragons’ Den

ITV1 7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Love Your Garden 22:00 Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Anglia Weather 23:30 ITV News 23:40 Davina McCall: Life at the Extreme 00:40 In Plain Sight







7:00 Childrens TV 9:05 Wissper 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:30 Big Brother 14:10 5 News Lunchtime 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film Secret Liaison 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Secrets of Great British Castles 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 Ultimate Celebrity Power Couples 2016 00:00 On Benefits

7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 The Vampire Diaries 23:55 Family Guy 00:25 Family Guy 00:55 American Dad!

7:00 Hollyoaks 7:25 Coach Trip 7:50 Melissa & Joey 8:10 How I Met Your Mother 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 The Goldbergs 10:30 The Goldbergs 11:00 Baby Daddy 11:30 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Charmed 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Baby Daddy 17:00 Melissa & Joey 17:30 Melissa & Joey 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Coach Trip 21:00 Jane the Virgin 22:00 Containment 23:00 Supernatural 00:00 The Big Bang Theory 00:30 The Big Bang Theory

7:15 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Simpsons 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 The Question Jury 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Child Genius 22:00 The Job Interview 23:00 Celebrity First Dates 00:05 What’s Your Emergency?

7:00 Childrens TV 9:05 Wissper 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film A Bone to Pick: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery 18:00 5 News at 6 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 22:00 Big Brother 23:50 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:50 Botched Up Bodies


7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Mom 22:30 Mom 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Family Guy 00:15 Family Guy 00:45 American Dad!


7:00 Hollyoaks 7:25 Coach Trip 7:50 Melissa & Joey 8:10 How I Met Your Mother 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 The Goldbergs 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Baby Daddy 17:00 Melissa & Joey 17:30 Melissa & Joey 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Coach Trip 21:00 2 Broke Girls 21:30 2 Broke Girls 22:00 Tattoo Fixers 23:00 Wasted 23:30 Wasted 00:00 The Big Bang Theory 00:30 The Big Bang Theory

wednesday 27th July BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Countryside 999 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Fake Britain 12:45 Neighbourhood Blues 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 Look East; Weather 14:45 Red Rock 15:25 Escape to the Country 16:25 Garden Rescue 17:10 Flog It! 18:10 Pointless Celebrities 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 Look East; Weather 20:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Eat Well for Less? 22:00 Saving Lives at Sea 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 National Lottery Update 23:30 Look East; Weather 23:45 A Question of Sport 00:15 Room 101 - Extra Storage 00:55 Weather for the Week Ahead

BBC2 7:00 Fake Britain 7:45 Garden Rescue 8:30 The Hairy Builder 9:00 An Island Parish 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Lifeline 13:10 Film Pride and Prejudice 15:05 Coast 15:25 Super Cute Animals 16:25 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 16:45 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 17:10 Michael Palin’s New Europe 18:10 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 The Hairy Builder 20:00 Great American Railroad Journeys 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 20:00 Inside Versailles 20:00 Versailles 23:00 Boy Meets Girl 23:30 Weather 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 People Just Do Nothing 00:45 Inside the Factory

ITV1 7:00 Good Morning Britain 9:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 Weather 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV Weather 14:55 ITV News 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Weather 19:00 ITV News 19:30 Weather 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Wild Animal Reunions 22:00 Long Lost Family 23:00 Weather 23:00 ITV News at Eleven 23:30 ITV Weather 23:30 ITV News 23:45 Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera 00:45 In Plain Sight

7:15 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Simpsons 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 The Question Jury 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Three Day Nanny 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Man Down 23:30 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:35 Eden

Thursday 28st July BBC1 7:00 Breakfast 10:15 Countryside 999 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Fake Britain 12:45 Neighbourhood Blues 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at Two 14:30 Look East; Weather 14:45 Red Rock 15:25 Escape to the Country 16:25 Garden Rescue 4:10 Flog It! 18:10 Pointless Celebrities 19:00 BBC News at Seven 19:30 Look East; Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 BBC News 20:30 Rip Off Britain 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Forces of Nature with Brian Cox 23:00 BBC News at Eleven 23:30 Look East; Weather 23:45 Have I Got Old News for You 00:15 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

BBC2 7:00 Right on the Money 7:45 Garden Rescue 8:30 The Hairy Builder 9:00 The Muslim Pound 9:30 Gardeners’ World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Nature’s Miracle Babies 14:00 Pressure Pad 14:45 Sailing 15:45 Coast 15:50 An Island Parish 16:20 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 16:45 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 17:10 Michael Palin’s New Europe 18:10 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 The Hairy Builder 20:00 Great American Railroad Journeys 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 The Somme 1916 From Both Sides of the Wire 23:00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 23:30 Newsnight 00:10 Weather

ITV1 6:00 Good Morning Britain 8:30 Lorraine 9:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 1:30 Weather 1:30 ITV Lunchtime News 1:55 ITV Weather 1:55 ITV News 2:00 Judge Rinder 3:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59 ITV Weather 4:00 Tipping Point 5:00 The Chase 6:00 ITV Weather 6:00 ITV News 6:30 Weather 6:30 ITV Evening News 7:00 Emmerdale 7:30 Coronation Street 8:00 Wild France with Ray Mears 8:30 Coronation Street 9:00 Brief Encounters 10:00 Weather 10:00 ITV News at Eleven 10:35 ITV Weather 10:35 ITV News 10:45 Benidorm 11:45 In Plain Sight

CHANNEL 4 7:15 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Simpsons 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:35 Come Dine with Me 15:10 Fifteen to One 16:10 Countdown 17:00 The Question Jury 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Superfoods: The Real Story 22:00 Eden 23:00 Naked Attraction 00:05 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

CHANNEL 5 7:00 Childrens TV 9:15 Peppa Pig 9:25 Peppa Pig 9:35 Paw Patrol 9:50 Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 To B&B the Best 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Film Perfect Seduction 18:00 5 News at 6 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 5 News Update 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 5 News Update 21:00 Police Interceptors Unleashed 22:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 23:00 Big Brother 00:05 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side



7:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20 Dinner Date 8:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00 Emmerdale 9:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Psych 11:20 Royal Pains 12:15 Dinner Date 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Bordertown 23:00 Family Guy 23:30 American Dad! 00:00 American Dad! 00:30 The Cleveland Show

7:00 Hollyoaks 7:25 Rude(ish) Tube 7:50 Melissa & Joey 8:10 How I Met Your Mother 9:05 Rules of Engagement 10:00 The Goldbergs 11:00 Baby Daddy 12:00 Charmed 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Baby Daddy 16:30 Baby Daddy 17:00 Melissa & Joey 17:30 Melissa & Joey 18:00 The Goldbergs 18:30 The Goldbergs 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Coach Trip 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Rich Kids of Instagram 23:00 Gogglebox 00:05 The Big Bang Theory 00:35 The Big Bang Theory

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #charity ////////////////////////////////////

Pets get ‘fayre’ deal by jack thoughton

FUNDRAISERS FOR Pets in Spain are staging the charity’s Summer Fayre at the Posh Club in La Marina Urbanisation on Thursday 28th July between noon and 3pm. There event promises live entertainment with lots of stalls selling jewellery, gifts, tombola, and a grand raffle. Pop along, enjoy the club and meet the Pets in Spain team. Pets in Spain is committed to the rescue and re-homing of abandoned and displaced animals, and also runs a very successful feral cat sterilisation program in the La Marina area. The charity is registered and provides the best of care with a team of foster carers and animals receiving all necessary veterinary treatment and rehabilitation. It also has amazing success with reuniting lost pets with their owners; this is achieved using long-established and Europe-wide networking connections and collaboration with many other animal rescue organisations. For more information about the Pets in Spain, call 645 469 253 or email info@petsinspain. com; alternatively, visit the website www.petsinspain.com.

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #Spanish

Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin


The verb “Ponerse” Following on from last week’s article about common errors, I have one thing left to nag about which there wasn’t room for. It is about English speakers’ persistent use of the English “sh” sound when speaking Spanish. As common as this sound is in English, it actually does not exist in Spanish. To prove my point I would now like you to do a small experiment. Listen carefully to yourself saying the following words out loud, in your usual accent: “estación”, “oficial”, “especialista”, “recepcionista”, “urbanización”. I know I can’t hear you, but I’d put money on the fact that a large proportion of readers will have said: “estaSHon”, “ofiSHal”, “espeSHalista”, “resepSHonista”, “erbanizaSHun”. Notice that in each case, the letters you have been replacing are the “ci” combination, and this, as I am sure you know, is pronounced like the English “th” sound, and followed of course by other well-enunciated vowels. Now for the actual subject of this article which is something entirely different. It is in fact the use of the verb “ponerse”. This can be loosely, and most unhelpfully, translated as “to put oneself”, on the grounds that “poner” means “to put” and the “se” ending means that it is a reflexive verb. However, this translation is not a great deal of help so we are better off looking at examples of its use. The first and most basic example is in relation to putting on clothes. A mother might say to a child: “Ponte la chaqueta”, when we would say “put on your jacket”. A more literal translation would be: “Put the jacket on yourself”. Notice that in this kind of sentence we don’t say “your jacket” (tu chaqueta) but “the jacket” (la chaqueta), whilst the verb is reflexive (giving us the “you” bit). “Ponerse” has other uses which are often to do with reactions to situations: for example “Mi padre se puso muy enfadado” (my father got (put himself) very angry). “Me puse roja como un tomate” (I went (put myself) as red as a tomato). “No te pongas nervioso” (Don’t get (put yourself) nervous). As you can see I am using different verb forms and tense in my examples, but they are all variations of the infinitive verb “ponerse”. The other evening I had to attend a gala ceremony, which I’d love to tell you about but now is not

the moment, prior to which I was instructed by a friend here in San Pedro with “ponte guapa”. This does not mean (as the literal meaning “put yourself pretty” sounds) that I had to rush off and have emergency plastic surgery, however necessary that might be. What she meant was that I should “pretty myself up” or perhaps “put on my glad rags”, which I duly endeavoured to do. There is quite a wide range of other uses of “ponerse”, for example “me pongo delante” means “I’ll go (put myself) in front”, likewise “me pongo detrás” (I’ll go behind). Both phrases would be suitable when deciding where to sit in a car. Also, when we want to contact someone we can say: “Quiero ponerme en contacto con Paco”. My choice of the name Paco is not as random as it might appear: I have a theory that most of the people here who actually get anything done are called “Paco”, therefore they are the most useful people to get into contact with. This theory is based on years of experience. And finally, an excuse for not attending your Spanish class – “Mi perro se puso enfermo anoche” (my dog fell ill last night) – which is a variant on “The dog ate my homework”, and is equally unacceptable. See you next week.

Crossword solutions for last week Cryptic Solutions

Across: 7 Primer; 8 Search; 10 Receded; 11 Maxim; 12 Seen; 13 Knell; 17 Plump; 18 Pare; 22 Sloop; 23 Elector; 24 Eleven; 25 Patron. Down: 1 Oppress; 2 Pitched; 3 Wends; 4 Sea-mile; 5 Proxy; 6 Thyme; 9 Odd number; 14 Clipper; 15 Pasture; 16 Wearing; 19 Asset; 20 Rowed; 21 He-man. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Repair; 8 Damage; 10 Verbose; 11 Agree; 12 Road; 13 Tally; 17 State; 18 Moor; 22 Tramp; 23 Tension; 24 Fluffy; 25 Rugged. Down: 1 Bravery; 2 Spartan; 3 Pilot; 4 Manacle; 5 Harry; 6 Sever; 9 Devastate; 14 Stupefy; 15 Foliage; 16 Grenade; 19 Stuff; 20 Vague; 21 Annul.

Sudoku Answer

22 - 28 JUly 2016


Rocking with radio royalty MY DJ DEBUT occurred in 1958. The venue was the size of a living room - in fact it was a living room – ours.


Chris Ashley

Writer & Broadcaster

The audience comprised of – my Gran – who by that time had entered the ‘The Fabled Land Of Ga Ga Grannydom’ She was convinced I was married with 4 children. Hell’s teeth I was only12 years old from Woebegone Worthing, not some backwoods bayou in Louisiana – where ( In a Boss Hogg y’all accent) “Nothing says lovin’ like marrying your cousin.” Still an audience is an audience and the show must go on. While Gran carried on muttering about Mafeking & knitting for the War Effort (nobody told her the Boer Wars ended in 1902) I cranked up the Dansette. My entire collection of the ‘Platters That Matter’ amounted to - three – Buddy Holly, ‘Rave On’ – Ricky Nelson, ‘Poor Little Fool’ – and inexplicably ‘Purple People Eater’ by Sheb Wooley. There should have been Elvis & ‘All Shook Up’ – but some clodhopper of a mate (Bazza!) sat on the 78rpm copy (Children you will learn of such things in ancient history along with the demise of the dinosaur & Michael Gove). A dozen years later I got a gig at the Top Rank Ballroom in Brighton. My initial job was a bouncer, but as I looked like the love child of Mr. Magoo, with all the menace of a marshmallow – they turned me into a milksop in-house D.J. Generally speaking we had the turntables to ourselves – but every now and then a big time BBC Radio 1 hotshot would roll into town & take over our disco domain. One such popinjay was Emperor Rosko - who was as cooool as the flip side of your pillow on an August Spanish night. Needless to say us mere mortal microphone monkeys loathed him. Which was churlish as he was a decent gent who liked a drink – and then some. He got me to buy a bottle of Dr. Jack Daniel’s fine medicinal product. The Emperor surreptitiously consumed the lot, aptly, from a Ming style teapot during the gig–which turned out to be a DJing masterclass – hic. Last week’s answer – ‘Kung Fu Fighting’ by Carl Douglas. The first record bought with my own money was ‘Mystery Train’ by Elvis - how about you? Email; ashleybobble@hotmail.com



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #Recipes


Chicken Kiev

“Quality chicken stuffed with garlicky butter and crispy crumbled bacon, then coated with golden breadcrumbs – you know it’s going to be good ”

Ingredients 4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon olive oil 4 x 150 g skinless chicken breasts , (I got mine from the butcher with the bone in, but either way is fine) 3 tablespoons plain flour 2 large free-range eggs 150 g fresh breadcrumbs sunflower oil 2 large handfuls of baby spinach , or rocket 2 lemons For the butter: 4 cloves of garlic ½ a bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley (15g) 4 knobs of unsalted butter , (at room temperature) 1 pinch of cayenne pepper For the broccoli mash: 800 g Maris Piper potatoes 1 head of broccoli 1 knob of unsalted butter Method

1. Making a really great expression of a chicken Kiev will put smiles on people’s faces. Good-quality chicken stuffed with gorgeous garlicky butter and crispy crumbled bacon, then coated with golden breadcrumbs – you know it’s going to be good. This is pure indulgent pleasure, so simply make sure you balance up your meals in the days that follow. 2. Fry the bacon in a pan on a medium heat with a tiny drizzle of olive oil, until golden and crisp, then remove. For the butter, peel the garlic, then finely chop with the parsley leaves and mix into the softened butter with the cayenne. Firm up in the fridge. 3. Working one-by-one on a board, stuff the chicken breasts. To do this, start by pulling back the loose fillet on the back of the breast – put your knife in the opposite direction and slice to create a long pocket (watch howto video below). Open the pocket up with your fingers, cut the chilled butter into four and push one piece into the pocket, then crumble in a rasher of crispy bacon. Fold and seal back the chicken, completely covering the butter and giving you a nice neat parcel.

Repeat with the 3 remaining breasts. 4. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Place the flour in one shallow bowl, whisk the eggs in another, and put the breadcrumbs and a pinch of seasoning into a third. Evenly coat each chicken breast in flour, then beaten egg, letting any excess drip off, and finally, turn them in the breadcrumbs, patting them on until evenly coated. Shallow-fry in 2cm of sunflower oil on a medium to high heat for a couple of minutes on each side, or until lightly golden, then transfer to a tray and bake in the oven for 10 minutes, or until cooked through. You can bake them completely in the oven and skip the frying altogether, you just need to drizzle them with olive oil and bake for about 20 minutes – they won’t be as golden, but they’ll be just as delicious. 5. Meanwhile, peel and roughly chop the potatoes and cook in a large pan of boiling salted water for 12 to 15 minutes, or until tender. Chop up the broccoli and add it to the potatoes for the last 8 minutes. Drain and leave to steam dry, then return to the pan and mash with a knob of butter and a pinch of salt and pepper. Divide the mash between

your plates and place a Kiev on top of each portion. Lightly dress the spinach leaves or rocket in a little oil and lemon juice, then sprinkle over the top as a salady garnish. Serve with a wedge of lemon on the side. Serves 4 Cooks In1H 10M plus chilling

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #health /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

99% of contact lens users risk infections through unhygienic practices Specsavers Opticas offers advice for how to avoid infections and keep eyes healthy A CDC study of contact lens wearers found that 99% of users surveyed had worn, washed or stored their lenses in unhygienic ways and Specsavers Opticas believes this is also the case for contact lens wearers in Spain. They have issued a warning that it is essential to care for contact lenses properly in order to avoid keratitis, a nasty condition which inflames the cornea and can lead to symptoms such as sore, red itchy eyes, blurred or reduced vision and difficulty opening the eyes. In order to help contact lens wearers stay healthy, Louise Stone from Specsavers Opticas in Javea has shared the following advice. “Contact lenses bring great benefits and are easy to use. Following simple hygiene and care guidelines will keep your eyes healthy and mean that your vision remains clear and the lenses stay comfortable. Your optician will explain how to look after your contacts when you first get them, but here are some simple rules to follow:

• Always wash, rinse and dry your hands thoroughly before removing your contact lenses • Only use them for the recommended time • Never rinse your contact lenses in tap water – you risk getting a severe eye infection • Don’t transfer contact lens solution into smaller travel size bottles as it may no longer be sterile • Never wet your contact lenses with saliva – it’s not sterile and could cause an eye infection • Never wear your contact lenses in the shower or when swimming (unless you use water-tight goggles) If you’re concerned about caring for your lenses properly, try daily disposable lenses which are fresh every day. They are the most hygienic choice and you don’t have to worry about keeping them clean.” Specsavers Opticas offer contact lens health checks, lifestyle advice and also a free trial so you can make sure that the lenses suit you before you buy. For more information visit www.specsavers.es

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #advertising feature


Pego Golf Society Oliva nova golf course Tuesday 19th of July 2016. by patricia thompson The Society played a Ford League Qualifier today in the format of a Singles Stableford Competition, and we were greeted on the first tee with the most wonderful weather, and golf course. Oliva Nova is looking superb these days, with the greens in perfect condition, and the fairways equally as good. There was no wind, but the temperature was up at 34 degrees, which sapped the strength as we went round. It was fine when we were 18 years old, but generally, the age of the society is between 60 and 70, so the body does begin to get tired as we get well into the second half of the round. It took 4 hours and 45 minutes to complete the round. We had 31 players today, with one guest, and he was Chris Anderson and he was warmly welcomed by our Vice Captain Malcolm Wise. Now to the competition proper.Division 1 Winner Roger Brown with 39 points playing off 13.6

2nd Place Nigel Siddall with 38 points playing off 12.5 3rd Place Colin Foster with 36 points playing off 11.1 4th Place Mike Cuerden with 36 Points playing off 8.0 Division 2 Winner Peter Brown with 37 points playing off 29.4 2nd Place David Blakeley with 36 points off 20.6 3rd Place John Evans with 35 points off 18.1 4th Place Alan Simpson with 33 points off 23.3 Nearest the hole at Hole No 5 with their second shot was Ian Robertson with 3.87 meters and at Hole No 16 closest to the hole was John Evans with 2.10 meters.

Mar Menor Golf Society Charity Day The Mar Menor Golf Society recently held their Charity Day in aid of Fundacion Once de Perro Guia (Guide Dogs for the Blind), sponsored by Mediplan UK. A total of 88 players took part in a shotgun start at Mar Menor Golf Course. The format was a scramble with a twist and was enjoyed by all. The overall winners who scored 90 points were David Thear, Frank Doran, Anne Prince & Rory Buckley. 5 Overall prizes were awarded by the Sponsors, Alan & Amanda Hinchcliffe who are regular members of the Society. To-date over €3,000 euros have been raised from a combined effort of the golf day and a Raffle. Raffle prizes were kindly donated by The Great Golf Shop, Balsicas, A round of Golf at Roda, donated by Pat & Peter McGowan, Dinner for 2 at the Intercontinental Hotel, and various other prizes. The Society are holding a further raffle in late July to try to raise the money to over €4,000 for the Charity Day. The photograph shows the winners with guide dog Hamlet and his owner and Sponsors.

We had four two’s today and they were by David Blakeley, John Evans, Dave Collins and Paul Trigwell. I make it that John Evans won three prizes today, so well done John. The number of “Balls in the Water” was 65, and although nobody guessed this number, the “nearest and dearest” was Penny Barden, who scooped this week’s and last week’s prize in one. If any member or guest would like to play with the Pego Golf Society, and who wouldn’t, as we are playing a “Magic Three” Competition” please contact our secretary and send an e-mail to Penny Barden at pegohandicapsec@gmail. com or enter through our website www.pegogolfsociety.com. A warm welcome awaits you.

22 - 28 JUly 2016


life&leisure #sports


Football mad Sofia by Jack Troughton

TEENAGER SOFIA Garrigues tasted success with a Benidorm ‘cadete’ side that reached the final of the Costa Blanca Cup – the annual international competition. The 15-year-old was born in Teulada and her “remarkable performance” in the tournament led to a meeting at the town hall with Mayor Carlos Linares and Councillor for Sports Mario Font. The pair, pictured with Sofia and her trophy, congratulated her on her success and “hope she continues her loving her sport as much as she does at the moment”.

She always liked football but joined the town’s rhythmic gymnastics team as not enough other girls were interested in a sport mainly played by boys. However, despite being one of the best gymnasts in the Llebeig club, competitive Sofia jumped at the opportunity to join Benidorm and play in the 1st provincial women’s league against clubs including Elche, Villareal, Alicante and Valencia. She scored seven goals over the season, and during the cup run played against other Spanish sides, as well as teams from Finland, China, Japan, the United States, Belgium and Turkey.


22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure #whats on /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Magnets attracts kids by Jack Troughton THE SUCCESSFUL Magnets Children’s Holiday Club is back in Torrevieja for its 13th year at La Siesta Church every Thursday from 28th July to 25th August. The annual club for youngsters aged over four starts at 10.30am in the church under the watchful eyes of Rev. Steve and Irene-Marie Campbell – when it was first launched in 2004 just three sisters attended but the club has blossomed and more than 200 children have taken part. And a two-hour programme sees the children take part in activities which reflects the name: Memory verses; Arts and crafts; Games; New people to meet; Eats; Talk on a Bible story; and Singing. This year’s theme is ‘More Than Gold’ to tie in with the Olympic Games and everyone attending will receive a special prize. Some kids have enjoyed the experience year after year but Steve and Irene-Marie love to welcome new faces to the fun – the club is free. The church is in Calle Granados, opposite the Aquapark Flamingo, in La Siesta Urbanisation. For more information, call Steve and Irene-Marie on 96 670 2980 or 609 388 682.

Setting sail

MAR MENOR sailors enjoyed the successful SAMM 2016 Race Series and are already

looking forward to the club’s Autumn Series, which gets underway on 4th September. It was a closely run competition for the top three places – 13 of the scheduled races were run, cancellations in the programme because other events at CTD made them impossible. And the final results could have been very different had the regular skippers on ‘Conny’ and ‘Sirocco’ been on board for the final race day.

‘Shoestring Cuatro’ was the winning boat, ‘Sirocco’ was second in the handicap table, and ‘Conny’ third. Sirocco’s second place was notable because for many races she was sailed single handed by Julian Pering (pictured right) and Cuatro’s crew varied during the season so Jack Moss (left) collected the trophy. Find more information on sailing on the Mar Menor at the SAMM web site www.sailingmarmenor.com.

Welcoming church TORREVIEJA CHRISTIAN Fellowship welcomes residents and holidaymakers to its services and activities. A lively English-speaking church, TCF is based at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja, and services are held every Sunday at 10.30am with communion and a special ‘kids’ church’ for youngsters. During August there will not be any Wednesday Fellowship meetings because of holidays and the heat – these Bible study evenings will resume on the first Wednesday of September at 6pm. For more information about the fellowship, visit website www.tcf-spain.org or call 96 670 0391.


22 - 28 JUly 2016

life&leisure motoring

Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer


Toyota Auris Tourer Hybrid

HYBRIDS ARE all very well but they’re generally smaller than traditional cars and therefore less user-friendly. Well, at least that used to be the case with the likes of the Honda CR-Z. The largest was a hatchback, either a Toyota Prius or the more luxurious Lexus CT200h. No estates. Well, not until Toyota launched the new Auris Hybrid Tourer, which provides the environmentally conscious with a well sized, capable vehicle and also performance. Things have really moved on since I drove a hybrid a year ago. My first acquaintance with the striking island blue estate is at night. It’s always more of a challenge to drive a car you’re unfamiliar with when it’s dark, for obvious reasons. A click of the keyfob and I’m inside. The delivery driver was fairly short by all accounts as my knees are around my neck as I sit in the driver’s seat. It’s easy to adjust. In common with other hybrids I am instantly struck by a feeling of fear as I rummage around for the ignition and even though I push the button start on the right of the steering wheel, there is an unnerving silence. The automatic box does not look very substantial but on engaging the reverse function it quietly moves backwards. There is an electric parking brake and a traditional one; the first car I have come across with two. The dashboard looks a bit boxy especially where the sat nav is located; it looks like an afterthought. Over time the driver does become more used to it, though. It’s a large car, not dissimilar to the Ford Focus estate in terms of styling. Head on, it’s attractive and the front looks striking and well designed. The large panoramic glass roof that stretches from the front to the back of the vehicle has an electric cover and this, in common with those found in Peugeots, is a winning formula. It makes the cabin much lighter when the sun does decide to show its face. With my growing family we’re having to make use of every bit of space our Vic-

torian terrace house has to offer and so I have cleared the loft to make way for a more imaginative use of this space; office come bedroom. Needless to say I have a great deal of rubbish to take to the tip including old bits of wood and plasterboard and a vacuum cleaner. The cavernous boot swallows it all with ease and a roof box from roofcarriers.co.uk is also a great help. Although I have to push down two of the rear seats to make way for this large load, it is so easy to do; you simply pull a lever on the right of the boot. Removing the security cover in the boot does prove a little more awkward. For more information about roof boxes visit: www.roofcarriers.co.uk Watch the video at www.testdrives.biz

FACTS AT A GLANCE: Toyota Auris Touring Sports Excel Hybrid 1.8 CVT T&G New price: 29,520€ Top speed: 112mph 0-60mph: 10.9secs Economy: 49mpg CO2 emissions: 92 g/km

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz













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22 - 28 JUly 2016

22 - 28 JUly 2016



22 - 28 JUly 2016

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22 - 28 JUly 2016


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22 - 28 JUly 2016



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22 - 28 JUly 2016


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