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Issue 554

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Zapatero defends Austerity Plans

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero was in Elche on Sunday to address the PSOE party faithful and ask them to stick by him • p4

Sports facilities will be ready for June

From 5th to 12th June, Torrevieja’s new sports development will open its doors to the public so that they can see first hand the exciting new sporting installation • p10

See page 13 for more info!!


Desperate Mum Laura Jeremy believes she is being forced to live in Spain by an unfair court order so that her British exhusband can see his two young children.

SIP cards – are you affected?

by Jack Troughton

ASSSA explains to us how ex-pats who have chosen early retirement in Spain and are not yet in receipt of a retirement pension from their country of origin are now able to ‘buy-in’ to Spanish NHS cover • p33

Costa Blanca performing arts championships 2010 Every year up and down the coast, pubs hold local talent, singing and dancing competitions, but for the very first time on 25th July, Torrevieja will be hosting an accredited performing arts awards competition. • p46

International Rugby Seven’s

This weekend La Villa rugby club plays hosts to the 24th annual International Benidorm Sevens Tournament. • p71

902 373 444

Costa prisoner 28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

Laura and the children

THE 23-YEAR-OLD is running out of money and wants to go back to the Isle of Wight and the physical, financial and emotional support of her close-knit family. Laura has started a Facebook petition in an attempt to help win her appeal and overturn a judge’s decision that her former partner must have eight hours of supervised visits per month – four hours every two weeks. However, the single mum insisted that leaving Spain after 12 years was not a tug of love ‘kidnap’ to try and prevent her ex-husband seeing Liliana, three, and two-year-old Diego – instead strongly believing all children need a father. “Since this has started I have returned to the UK on at least three occasions but I have come back,” she told RTN. “I have had

plenty of opportunities to run away – I am not running away. “And it is not about him seeing the children – he is their father; they need him as much as they need me. “This is not about me and him fighting, this is about what is best for the children – and what is best for the children is being in the UK. God knows how long I can go on like this. It is horrible and mentally, emotionally and physically draining.” She said she received €400 per month from the father, who is in a new relationship, to help support the children but was not receiving any money towards nursery bills, school excursions or dinner money. And Laura, who wants to study to become a barrister, earns just €180 per month before any commission payments working in telesales for a company in Alfaz del Pi. Continued on page 6

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28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

Hotel workers strike by Louise Clarke TWENTY THREE members of staff from the Villa de Catral Hotel are on strike after the hotel’s owners failed to pay them for the last three months. RTN visited the hotel last week and met with Staff Manager, Juan Carlos Carno and Hotel Manager, Carlos Ibarra Grau, to find out what was happening at the four star hotel, which boasts 66 en-suite rooms, a spa and an indoor pool. Juan said: “We are on strike until 31st May and then if nothing is resolved, we will have to close the hotel completely.” The members of staff are still coming into work every day, because although their employers, Villa de Catral S.L, who are based in Madrid, have reneged on their employment contract by not paying them, if they walk out they will be in breach of their contract and their union has advised them to continue going into work. NO SOCIAL SECURITY Things finally came to a head earlier this month when the Manager wrote a bureau fax to the company telling them that the hotel had run out of food, the air conditioning wasn’t working, they had no cleaning equipment and no money to buy any and the hotel was about to be cut off by Telefonica for non-payment of

their telephone and ADSL bill. Carlos received no response from that letter and so decided to consult the Department of Employment and Immigration, who on two separate occasions tried to arrange mediation between the staff and the company owners. On both occasions, the company directors failed to turn up. It was later discovered that the hotel owners had failed to pay the staff member’s social security for the last 18 months, so now they are not entitled to benefits or health care. Carlos told RTN: “We have no alternative. If this is not resolved by 31st May, the hotel must close. We were going to strike a few weeks ago but wanted to wait to see if we could sort it out with the owners. It was our very last option to strike.” BANNERS

Fortunately, there are no guests at the hotel at the moment and the team has done their best to warn future guests of the situation, but Carlos said: “We have had to use our own mobile phones to call the guests but some we have not been able to reach. They will arrive for their holiday to find that the hotel is completely closed.” Carlos and Juan have denounced the owners on behalf of the staff, but that is not going to get them the money that they are owed anytime soon. Already they are starting to feel

Another court case for Franco’s grandson

ONE OF Franco’s grandsons is appearing in court to give information about six kilos of cocaine seized by police last December. Jaime Martínez-Bordiú is the third person to be questioned about the drug seizure; the other two are already being held in prison.

When the police con- threatening another driver fiscated the cocaine, they with a pistol following a road discovered Jaime Martínez accident last April. - Bordiú’s credit card and yacht-owner’s card, linking him to the crime. This is the third time he has appeared in court; previously he has Jaime appeared on charges of do- Martínez mestic violence and also for - Bordiú


Hotel Manager Carlos, Staff Manager Juan and four members of the striking hotel staff the pinch and Juan said that he will soon be without any electricity at his home and has no means to feed his family. The members of staff have hung huge banners out of the windows of both sides of the three story hotel and two days before their interview with RTN the Managers contacted the owners to tell them that they were going on strike, only to be told where to go. In spite of all the money owed to them though, the staff will not resort to selling off the hotel property in order to recoup their money. Carlos said: “That would be stealing and would put us in the same category as the owners and we are not going to stoop to that

SATURDAY Jalon Valley with lunch SUNDAY Benidorm SUNDAY Alcala del Jucar + lunch/wine

AIR YOUR VIEWS What do you think of this story? Do you think that the workers should just throw in the towel and try to find alternative employment? Or do you think that they should stay put and see if the owners come to their senses? Let us know and send your views to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

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level. We will not resort to illegal activity.” A petition has been started and the staff would like as many people as possible to sign it to show their support; it is available in the majority of businesses in Catral.

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28 May - 03 june 2010

Ash cloud devastates hotel industry

Zapatero defends austerity plans By Louise Clarke

A NEW study has revealed that the Spanish hotel sector lost €192.5 million during the closure of European airspace in April. The study was carried out by the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (CEHAT). Associations related to CEHAT, which includes more than 10,000 hotels, report that 80 percent of losses were down to last-minute cancellations. Spanish airports weren’t closed for long, but the problem arose because airports in northern Europe were shut for an extended period of time, and that is where the majority of Spain’s tourists come from. The Canary Islands has been worst hit, followed by the Balearics and then by Valencia.

SPANISH PRIME MINISTER Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero was in Elche on Sunday to address the PSOE party faithful and ask them to stick by him as he attempts to steer the country through the worst economic crisis in eighty years. In front of an audience of more than 4,000, who made the trip to the city from all over Spain, the leader of the PSOE party and President of the Spanish Central Government said that the country has no other alternative but to fight back and breathe fresh air into the economy as well as the socialist party, which is in a state of shock following the announcement earlier this month of severe spending cuts. Zapatero chose Elche, the last socialist stronghold in the Valencian region, to make his first major public address since he was forced to reduce public sector workers pay, bite into benefits and slash infrastructure budgets. Despite announcing those cuts the Prime Minister was, understandably, warmly received by the audience; many of whom were waving flags and cheering enthusiastically as he entered the arena.

Hundreds of students play truant NEW FIGURES reveal that 3.5 percent of students are skipping school in Alicante. The Councillor for Education in the city, María del Carmen Román, has announced that of the 18,000 students, 639 don’t attend classes. The number of absentees in schools has increased by 372 from 267 cases in the 2008-2009 school year. The authorities say it is good news that they have now traced the truants and can try to get them back into school. Councillors also report that since the figures were compiled, more than 50 students have been returned to the classroom as part of a programme to prevent truancy in the city.


Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Before the ‘main man’ got onto the stage, the Secretary General for PSPV-PSOE in Valencia, Jorge Alarte, and the Federal Secretary for the PSOE Party, Leire Pajin, took to the stage to pledge their support for the central governments stance on tackling the economic crisis. They also praised the Prime Minister for his bravery in making the cuts, knowing that the majority of his supporters would be severely affected by them. When the Prime Minister eventually got to the stage, he was welcomed with a rapturous

applause and with a smile on his face he thanked the Mayor of Elche, Alejandro Soler, for hosting the event. The smile, however, soon faded as he began his speech talking of the country’s continuing fight with the terrorist group ETA, which he declared is in “terminal decline.” From there, he focused the majority of his speech on the economic crisis which grips his and his party’s political future and threatens to see major losses in next year’s municipal and regional elections if he doesn’t handle the situation correctly. He explained why he has had to take the tough measures that he has in recent weeks and told the party’s militants that they must explain to the people why his government has had to take these measures. HIGHER TAXES

In the packed auditorium, which was standing room only, Zapatero had the audience of socialist Mayors, Councillors and supporters from all over Spain in the palm of his hand. He said: “I want to explain that this is the most serious crisis we have suffered in the past eighty years and that the measures we have taken will ensure a healthy and productive economy in twenty years.” He then went into detail about the cuts that are being made to unemployment benefits, pensions and civil servants salaries and explained why there will be a full review of social spending. He insisted there would be higher taxes for the very wealthy but still did not clarify when or how they will apply. His speech finally reached a crescendo as, with a fist in the air, he told the cheering audience that he has “...chartered the course to get Spain out of the crisis and that although the hard adjustment was necessary, it is in the general interest of each and every citizen of this country.”

28 May - 03 june 2010

New town hall representative

John Reynolds accepts his new position

THE MAYOR of Orihuela, Monica Lorente, accompanied by the Councillor for the Districts, Antonio Rodriguez; Councillor for Infrastructure, Manolo Abadía and Jose Antonio Aniorte, Councillor for the Coast, visited the Entre Naranjos urbanisation last week to oversee the official nomination of local resident John Reynolds, as PP representative for this area of Orihuela.

As a result of this nomination, John will be in charge of passing on residents’ concerns to the Town Hall as well as giving petitions and claims from the residents of Entre Naranjos to the city council at their monthly ‘pleno’ meetings. John Reynolds, who is a British national, will represent all the residents from Entre Naranjos and nearby Laguna Green and at the official nomination more

than one hundred people from the large urbanisation, which is situated just off the CV95, the Torrevieja–Orihuela road, witnessed the ceremony. John, who received a riotous applause as he accepted his new position, told RTN: “I am delighted to have been given this opportunity to represent the residents of Entre Naranjos and Laguna Green and will the job to the very best of my ability.”

Cruise ship evacuates 5,400 passengers AN OUTBREAK of gastroenteritis on a cruise liner resulted in all 5,400 passengers and crew being evacuated from the boat last Tuesday. The captain decided to dock the ship, Independ-

ence of the Seas, at Cádiz, after setting off from Southampton on 15th May. The decision came after 22 passengers and three of the crew were taken ill with the

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bug, and the captain wanted to prevent it spreading. Those affected were kept in isolation and did not require hospital treatment. An official team of cleaners

entered the boat and disinfected it while the passengers were away. Subsequently, everyone was allowed back on board and the luxury liner continued on its voyage to Lisbon.

San Miguel helps the needy By Louise Clarke THE NEWS that a popular resident from San Miguel de Salinas committed suicide last week as a result of his inability to find work and be able to feed his family, has shocked the small town community. The man, who had children at the local primary school, was so desperate that he felt his only option was to take his own life. It is a sad indictment of the current ‘crisis’ and it has brought home to everyone in the town just how these times of economic uncertainty are severely affecting others. Already many local bars are collecting dried food stuffs, tins and cleaning products in order to pass them on to their needy neighbours and next week San Miguel’s Arcángel Neighbours Association are organising a food bank at their offices on Calle 19 de Abril. Manuel Gomez from the association told RTN: “The purpose of this act is to support our local families who have been struck hard by the effects of the harsh economic crisis. We will pass the collected items on to needy families periodically and ask that if people would like to donate anything to these families, to drop them off at the association’s offices in San Miguel de Salinas.” This initiative has been made possible with the collaboration of the Federation of Food Banks and other neighbouring towns are also starting similar projects for their affected residents. The association is also planning a fundraising event at the town’s Casa de Cultura next Saturday, 5th June, with various local artists taking part. If you would like to attend the event, it starts at 20:00.

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28 May - 03 june 2010

continued from front page She explained since the family business JRB Foods closed, money had been tight, she was forced to renew a loan she could not afford and her car, which was needed to reach her home outside Finestrat, faced repossession.

She said she wanted the father to have “open access rights” to the children and would ensure they spent every other Christmas with him and saw him in school holidays – and allow him to visit Hampshire.


Laura said all parties were British but their lives were being controlled by a Spanish court. “I can live in England if I wish but have to return every two weeks for the two hours supervised visits: that’s just impossible. “The children have no life here. All we do is ‘school and home’ – I have no money to take them out and my support network has gone,” she said. “This is not about him; it is about our children’s lifestyle.” Laura hopes a second judge will find her human rights have been infringed and a lawyer has advised she should seek ‘permission’ to remove the children under the Hague Convention. And she invites people to support the Facebook petition “Let Laura Go Home’ or email her at lolarob@hotmail.co.uk or call her on 689 308 942.

“I had to renew the loan from the bank to keep a roof over our heads and when I was in court in April we had been without electricity for 10 days,” said Laura – who said the court announced its decision a week ago. She said she was finding the stress unbearable and the situation was beginning to take its toll on the children. “The kids were brought up by their grandparents – my mother was their main carer and my daughter asks every night when she can see Nana and Granddad,” she said. “My mother is beside herself with worry.” Laura said she had presented a firm UK job offer to the judge and a fixed Isle of Wight address – even offering to move closer to the Birmingham area so the youngsters would see her former partner’s family.

Last orders


A Javea chiringuito

by Jack Troughton Opening hours at the popular summer beach bars along the Costa Blanca has been marred by a fresh controversy at one resort. Drinkers feared bars would not be built this season in a hangover from Madrid calling for a strict enforcement of the Law of the Coasts. However, keen to boost local economies and summer job prospects, the government in Valencia supported the

attractions. Now Javea Town Hall has warned ‘chiringuito’ owners the town risks losing its licence to operate the bars if they again spill over to enclose more of the beach. Over the last six years it was reported the starting tender to run a concession has risen from 6,000€ to 18,000€. And in a bid to boost business during the tourist season in recent summers, some owners expanded the area covered by their tables, chairs and umbrel-

las – and accepted a financial penalty. But the town hall has said local police will carefully monitor the six bars along the front between Javea port and the Arenal and report any bar seizing excess space. It maintains failure to comply could bring an unwanted period of prohibition and the local authority is keen to reach an agreement with the businesses over the maximum size of their bars.

Only 18,675 new immigrants accepted in 2009 Ten years ago Spain had hardly any immigrants from the third world but in the years of the crazy boom 5.7 million were accepted or “legalised.” As late as in 2008, 790,205 immigrants were issued with work permits. Reality has at last dawned on Spanish politicians and the number of immigrants was reduced by 56%

from 2008 to 2009. Of the 343,774 immigrants accepted in 2009, 70% or 240,000 were renewals of permits for immigrants already working in the country; only 18,675 new permits were issued that year. 30% of immigrants are unemployed and now living on assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

28 May - 03 june 2010


28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

A bit of a mess by Louise Clarke

THE TOWN Hall of San Fulgencio has introduced a new initiative to help keep the municipality clean. In the La Marina Urbanisation, the council has installed new specific green waste collection points which must now be utilised by all residents. All garden prunings and non perishable household goods must be placed at these collection points and not on the streets. Anyone found to be depositing waste on the streets will receive a fine of up to €600, according to the council by-law; chapter III, article 19, paragraph five. Residents of La Marina have on the whole welcomed this new initiative wholeheartedly. However some, especially those living close to one of the sites of the new collection points in Calle Placido Domingo, are concerned that the large blue containers are not being emptied often enough. WORRIES

RTN went along to see for itself the situation with the large blue container and discovered that residents were right to be concerned as the skip was overflowing and rubbish was strewn all over the road. However, shortly after our arrival, a group of municipal workers promptly began a mob-handed clean-up operation and soon everything was looking spic and span again. What worries neighbours the most is that although the area was cleaned up, it would only be a matter of hours before

The container on Calle Placido Domingo is causing concern for residents

it reverted back to looking like a rubbish tip. One resident told RTN: “What concerns me is that they are just shoving all the rubbish to the back. They are not emptying it and what they have taken away is minimal because they only have small vans.” EXPENSIVE

Keen to ‘clear’ this matter up, RTN contacted the Town Hall and spoke to Deputy Mayor Mark Lewis and Councillor for the Environment Juan Antonio Gonsalez. They told us: “The contract for green waste removal is up for renewal. The previous company were collecting one and a half times what they were contracted to collect and as a result, the Town Hall had to pay extra and it all became very expensive. “More than ten different companies have applied to take over the contract for the green waste removal in the municipality and currently their proposals are being studied by the technical engineer at the Town Hall. It isn’t just a

UNESCO recognises Spain

A UNESCO Biosphere the Baixa Limia-Serra do Reserve Diploma was Xurés Natural Park while awarded to Gerês-Xurdés the rest (205,580 hectares) in Lobios (Ourense) coincides with the Penedalast Saturday. The Geren National Park in Spanish Minister for the northern Portugal. Environment, Rural and The Reserve includes 11 Marine Affairs and the complete municipal areas, Portuguese Minister for six in Galicia (Lobios, Environment Affairs and Entrimo, Muiños, Lobeira, Regional Planning received Calvos de Randín and the honour from the Bande) and five in Portugal UNESCO Biosphere Division (Melga, Arcos de Valdeve, Director, Miguel ClusenerPonte da Barca, Terra de Godt. The Gerês-Xurdés Bouro and Montalegre). Biosphere Reserve is located These areas and the local in a unique mountain populations share similar region half way between customs and practices, north-east Portugal and the agriculture and farming, south-west of the Province question of who is cheaper; there are a of Orense. ethnography, traditions lot of factors to consider including man- The Reserve covers a total and legends, archaeological power and use of technical equipment.” area of 259,496 hectares, and historical heritage, ecosystems, animal and 24 percent of which (62,916 BEAR WITH US plant species and in both hectares) lie within Spain, The Councillors continued: “In the partly coinciding with regions they are protected. meantime, the municipal workers for the Town Hall have been instructed to collect the prunings in their small vehicles. Unfortunately, their larger vehicle has broken down and will not be available for two weeks.” Ryanair has announced that its ‘assault’ on Barcelona airport They added: “The problem is that will take place in the autumn. It follows a decision by the airmany people are still continuing to line not to take up slots it had applied for over this summer, dump green waste by the side of the preferring instead to attack the city from September 1 for the roads, so where as it would usually take winter season. a week to get around the whole urbaniTwenty initial routes will link the city to ten national and ten sation, it is now taking two.” They coninternational destinations, in what amounts to a direct chalcluded: “We acknowledge the fact that lenge to Vueling and Spanair. it’s a bit of a mess, but we are working It remains to be confirmed whether the lucrative Madridhard to sort the situation and will be Barcelona puente is included in Ryanair’s plans, but the anawarding the new contract as soon as nouncement means it takes a step ahead of Easyjet which has no national services from the Catalan capital. possible. These things take time and It is reported that Ryanair will not be using the gate fingers it won’t be done overnight, but we ask as this represents an additional cost of between 50€ and residents to bear with us and we will 108 € an hour. resolve this as soon as we can.”

Ryanair plans its assault on Barcelona

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28 May - 03 june 2010


28 May - 03 june

She’s done it again... SARAH FERGUSON, Duchess of York and the Royal Family’s personal Armageddon, was caught this week trading introductions to ex-hubby Prince Andrew, Duke of York; Earl of Inverness; Baron Killyleagh; Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter – yawn – where were we? Ah yes - Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order; Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty; British Special Representative for International Trade and Investment – oh, and you can add Rear Admiral to the list. (At £500,000 per handshake, Princey Poo’s credentials are all important...) Fergie walked straight into a financial honey trap set up by The News of the World (owned by the parent company of The Times) and was filmed accepting a cash deposit of £27,600 against a total of £500,000 in exchange for Prince Andrew ‘opening doors’ in a shady, palm-greasing deal guaranteed by Sarah to return an investment “ten fold”. “Look after me and he’ll look after you”, she said... In recent years the Dodgy Duchess has redeemed her image somewhat, following her disgrace over lurid topless press pics and toesucking incidents that caused many a British aristocrats’ hair stand on end - earning begrudged respect from her fellow citizens. ‘At least’, they thought geerously, ‘she is doing a fine job of raising and supporting her girls – she works hard, budgets sensibly and gets on with it’... As an ambassador for good parenting, hard work and sensible eating, she was the sink es-

tate’s answer to Mother Teresa. However, it would now seem that all was not as it should have been, as is so often the case whenever Fergie’s antics come under the spotlight. The revelations of Sarah’s latest Get Rich Again Quick scheme could not have come at a worse time for his royal loftiness, who has spent three years trying to hush up a whole raft of alleged naughtiness’s over the sale of his ex marital home, Sunninghill, nicknamed ‘South York’, to supposed ‘unknown’ buyers in Kazakhstan who turned out to be – well – not quite as unknown to Andrew as he claimed and the £3,000,000 purchase was suspected to be supported with laundered cash...! Prince Andrew’s role as British trade envoy, crucial at the dawn of the new coalition government (we are told), is now widely thought to be fatally compromised by his ex-wife’s actions. Her Majesty is understandably not amused and the Prince is expected to keep his head well below the parapet for the next few weeks. In the meantime he has supposedly ‘forgiven’ Sarah! AIR YOUR VIEWS Is the Duke of York as innocent and ‘Whiter than White’ as Sarah claims? Is the Duke’s role as Trade Envoy really necessary? Should taxpayers ‘bail out’ the Duchess and help with her overdraft? Should the Royal Family be more closely audited? Send your views to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and we’ll print the best replies next week.

Population explosion

RISING NUMBERS of seagulls populating a Marina Alta town are a growing concern for the authorities. Calpe Town Hall, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, and the custodians of the Penyon de Ifach natural park – the resort’s imposing mountain – are taking urgent action against the yellow-legged gull. Mounting complaints and concerns over noise, health, and the mess created by the birds has prompted the launch of a public information campaign aimed at cutting numbers.

A booklet warns not leaving food waste where it can be scavenged by the birds and asking people to notify the police of nesting sites on Calpe’s high-rise apartment blocks. The gulls have begun to flock inland from the more tradition sites on the rock itself. The large seagulls are easily recognisable from their white, grey and black feathers but also the striking yellow feet and a yellow beak with its distinctive red spot. They nest in May and June when they can become aggressive. Simple guidance was not to feed the birds.

The large seagulls

Alicante forest burned to the ground A FOREST fire raged for four hours between Xixona and Ibi in Alicante province last Sunday. The fire is the first of the season and more than 15 hectares of pine forest were destroyed. The fire began around 14.00 but firemen are not sure whether it was started deliberately or by negligence. By 19.00 the flames were under control and planes carrying water to douse the fire were withdrawn, although ground crews of firemen remained in the area overnight in case the fire took hold again.

New sports facilities will be ready for June inauguration THE ARTIFICIAL grass has been laid, the stands have been constructed, the changing rooms are equipped and even the lights have been tested; everything is ready for Torrevieja’s new Sports City’s scheduled June inauguration. From 5th to 12th June, the city’s new sports development will open its doors to the public so that they can see first hand the exciting new sporting installation. Last week, the Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, was accompanied by the Councillor of Sports, Daniel Plaza Montero and the architect of the project, Adolfo Rodríguez, during a visit to the various stadiums to witness the testing of

the facility’s lighting before the official inauguration. The Mayor is delighted with the Sports City and told reporters that he will be very excited to officially open the facility for the municipality’s residents. He said: “This spectacular new sports development will prove how dedicated the Torrevieja Town Hall is to its sports and how important sport is to us and our residents. Sports City is, without doubt, the best of its kind in the Valencia Community and we are proud to have it here in Torrevieja.” STATE OF THE ART Sporting teams from all over Spain will be visiting the facilities during the coming

months to try them out and the Town Hall hopes that these new facilities will increase the numbers of tourists to the city. The new Sports City boasts two full sized artificially turfed football pitches with state of the art changing rooms, spectacular racketball courts and ten tennis courts with a central court that can accommodate 700 spectators. There are also eight padel courts and a building containing an office for the Councillor of Sports, a cafeteria and a large 400m2 gymnasium. Finally, the 3,000m2 rugby pitch will hold 3,000 spectators and will be the venue for national and international rugby tournaments and competitions.

The Mayor witnesses the lights being tested

Pink Ladies unite for Maria Maria (centre) and her pink ladies

MARIA WILSON has breast cancer, diagnosed after a routine mammogram detected two lumps that Maria couldn’t even feel herself. Ironically, Maria had that mammogram almost by accident. While attending Torrevieja Hospital to have a cortisone injection in her wrist, she decided to take advantage of the AECC’s breast cancer check, returning to the hospital for her mammogram and again six days later for further tests. Biopsies and a subsequent MRI revealed Maria’s worse nightmare; that she had cancer and needed a full mastectomy of the left breast. TREATMENT PLAN

Maria was devastated. The operation was carried out and after two weeks of convalescing at home with the support of her husband Carl and all her friends, Maria arranged a meeting with them all and collectively they decided to form a group dedicated to raising money for the cancer charity, AECC. A five kilometre walk has now been arranged for Saturday 19th June, called the ‘Maria and her Pink Ladies’ Charity Walk. Open to everyone; women, men and even dogs, the walk will set out from the Hombre del Mar to Los Locas in Torrevieja and back again. Lst Monday, Maria started her first session of chemo; a six hour dose, once a week for three weeks then one week off. She will have to do this for four months and then will start her radiotherapy treatment.

The walk is giving Maria and all her friends something to focus on. She told RTN: “I am so glad to have all my friends supporting me. This has been a wake up call to all of them and they are now having mammograms and regularly checking for lumps. Early detection is vital: I implore every woman from the age of 40 to have a mammogram. The AECC charge just €60 to have one and it really could save your life.” Maria and Carl, married for 26 years, have three grown up children and seven grandchildren between them. She concluded: “I have fantastic friends who have all been unbelievable. They are taking it turns to look after me. I am feeling very tired at the moment and a bit emotional, but my fantastic man and wonderful friends will help me through this. I am very lucky.” If you would like to join Maria and her pink ladies, meet at the Hombre del Mar in Torrevieja on Saturday 19th June at 10:00 for a 10:30 start. Registration is €5 and there are sponsorship forms available so that even more money can be raised for the charity. For more information please contact 646 099 092; 660 233 972; 648 966 078 or 664 041 088. You can also e-mail spanishpinkladies@hotmail.co.uk or visit their Facebook page. RTN will keep you posted on Maria’s progress throughout her treatment and wishes her the very best of luck in fighting the disease.

Spending cuts hit town halls

TOWN HALLS across Spain are to be prohibited from asking for further credit until 2012. The move comes as part of the government’s spending cut plan, which was approved

by the cabinet last week. The combined debt accumulated by Spanish town halls currently stands at €34,954 billion. Neither public nor private credit will be available to

the town halls. The authorities running town halls have asked how they are going to pay their staff. However, the ban does not take effect until 1 January 2011.

28 May - 03 june


Europe day 12

28 May - 03 june 2010

Mayor inspects resurfacing work THE MAYOR of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, accompanied by the Councillor for Works and Services, Javier Montoro, was in La Mata earlier this week to inspect the near completion of the city’s road re-asphalting project, which was announced by the Town Hall in March. Many of the roads in La

Mata have been resurfaced and the final layer of tarmac was laid on Tuesday on roads adjacent to the new district Town Hall. A total of 126,000 metre squared of roads in the municipality will have been resurfaced by the end of the project, which is expected to be early next month.

The San Miguel contingent got a coach to the event courtesy of the Diputacion

by Louise Clarke THE EUROPEAN Residents Department at the Alicante Diputacion organised an event to celebrate ‘Europe Day’ last Thursday in Daya Vieja. The event was billed as a ‘day of fellowship between European residents of different nationalities living in the province’ and nearly a thousand people attended; 800 of whom were bussed in from various municipalities in the south of the Alicante province. The Diputada in charge of the European Residents Department, Maria Asunción Prieto, was joined by the Mayors of eleven Vega Baja municipalities and three of her colleagues from the Diputacion. Ms Prieto told the gathered audience that the event was a “... time for friendship, for sharing traditions and food; a day for integration; a day for getting to know each other bet-

ter and achieving mutual understanding between neighbours.” BEST DISPLAY OF INTEGRATION

It was very fitting that the first ever European Residents Day was held at the European Square in the small village of Daya Vieja and it was also appropriate that it was the first event of its kind as this year is the 60th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, which officially formed the European Union. The opening ceremony to inaugurate the event involved all the Mayors making their way onto the stage with a European flag. The Diputada then thanked everyone for attending and announced that her department hopes to repeat the event every year in each of the towns in the area. Finally, the ceremony drew to a close with what has to be the best display of integration that RTN has ever seen; the Spanish national anthem played by two

Scottish pipers from the Torrevieja Pipe Band. It was then time to open up the free bar and with tapas and a giant paella also provided free of charge, everyone was in high spirits by the end of the afternoon. VOCAL TALENT

Entertainment was provided by the Torrevieja Pipe Band, the Rojales Pantomime Group, who re-enacted a short scene from their last panto, ‘Robinson Crusoe’ and the New Alliance Group, who wowed the audience with their vocal talent. There was also a selection of traditional craftspeople with stalls displaying their wares including fishing net and lace makers and a potter. The European Residents Department aims to organise a further two fellowship events over the coming months to give all European residents in the province a chance to participate, planned for residents in Marina Alta and for those in Orihuela and Torrevieja.

The resurfaced roads

La Siesta and El Chaparral NHW and Residents Group THE NEXT meeting of the group will take place on Tuesday 1st June starting at 16:00 in the New York Bar, Washington Square, La Siesta. Although the meeting will initially address Neighbourhood Watch Issues, the main focus will be to discuss the actions that have been taken by the Town Hall after last month’s meeting with some of the Councillors. Additionally, it will give individuals the opportunity of putting forward any ideas that the residents themselves may get involved in to improve the Urbanisations. Please come along.

28FEB MAY26- -03 JUNE4 2010 MARCH 2010

How I have taken responsibility LAST WEEK I wrote about taking responsibility for understanding your policy fully by reading the General Conditions book and, if in doubt on any aspect to please contact us. It is far better to know exactly what your insurance covers, than to be angry and disappointed to discover at a later date, when making a claim, that you are not covered for what you thought you were. It is no good blaming me for mis-selling; the documentation presented to you is paramount in law, therefore the insurer will not budge and rules are rules, which of course must be abided by. Running a company in Spain can be extremely daunting as none of the rules in the UK apply and unless you surround yourself with very knowledgeable and honest personnel, you could find yourself constantly in trouble. The amount of paper work required, for example, permissions, contracts, tax returns etc, can sometimes be formidable. I have been known to get it wrong, through either being too busy, or being let down and God forbid you should ever have to deal with a Hacienda office for anything more serious than a tax return; you will just want to run away! The extraordinary powers they have are both intrusive and frightening. They do not have to go to court to seize everything and they can freeze or take money out of any bank accounts you may have, and also can slap an embargo on any property in your name. And believe it or not nowadays, with the computer set up,

they are in constant touch with the UK. You try to discuss your problem rationally with them and come out with a headache and in total fear and despair; never forgetting that they do not speak a word of English. I personally never want to experience anything as worrying as the tax man in Spain or any other authority, for either my company or the PCN charity. I wish to save time, money and energy for all of us by getting it right in the first instance. Ignorance is no excuse when dealing with any legal Spanish body. I am often accused of exploiting the ex pat by frightening people into taking out the correct policies or, for example using the associates to draw up a will in both Spanish or English, obtain a residencia or driving licence. There is always so much to do when moving to Spain, and not understanding the rules and regulations can get you into trouble, especially with the police if you haven’t got car insurance or all the correct paper work. Our services are getting busier and when a wonderful Spanish solicitor arrived in Benijofar with a CV, I interviewed her and I am delighted to say she is now starting to work in a private office in JCC at La Marina. She will be able to visit the Benijofar office as well as Los Alcazares. She is fluent in English and can be of assistance to you in conveyancing, mortgage documents, wills, inheritance tax etc. We will also continue working with Glyn Moran, our English Associate, as I respect that some prefer dealing

with an English person on legal matters. I am delighted that I can now offer a full Expats Services, to include professional financial advisors, who are rightfully earning an excellent reputation from their advice on QROPS. The company, despite the recession and the very demanding competition, is enjoying a small growth but all the legal requirements of running a business and dealing with quite a large number of staff can land one in trouble without the administrator even being aware. I hope therefore, this very smart lady will not only keep me in check but will help in many ways. In Spain you should make quite sure who you are dealing with, as many who have purchased property here and who have decided not to have an independent solicitor, or even no legal representative at all, have discovered to their cost. It is necessary to check that the property is legally registered and not just a plot of land without the house declared, and that it has no debts on it and that the actual deeds match the property description. If not and it is not noticed at the time of purchase, then when you come to sell, it may well be picked up and you would be liable for all the costs concerned with the declaration of the new build including the architects certificate and all the Notary and Registry fees, before you can sell. It is a very varied culture and the Spanish are very different from us. I now live in


by Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

the port in Javea, surrounded by the Spanish and yes, whilst a few acknowledge me because I have been in an office in the port now for a long time, it has taken years for me and my company to be accepted. I am delighted that I can now offer a full Expats Services to all my valued clients, which includes professional financial advisors, who are rightfully earning an excellent reputation from their advice on QROPS. Jackie (Joaqui in Spanish) will be joining us next week and after spending several days reviewing the company and introducing herself to PCN nurses, she will be available for appointments. Please contact your local JCC office. Sat 5th June, PCN are delighted to advise you that Hotel Corazon on Quesada Golf is holding a Fun Day from 11.00 - 18.00 with TKO and lots of wonderful things for families to do. From 19.00 till 24.00 there will be a BBQ and dance, outside by the pool. And at the same time the very splendid curry restaurant Real India in Los Dolses, Villamartin, are having a wonderful afternoon for the charity. For more information on these two events and many others, contact PCN direct on 966 790 363 or via the Charity Shop at Quesada. For a full update of all the forthcoming events, please check the PCN website www.paulcunninghamnurses.com

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net


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28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

National disgust I felt I just had to say something about Monday night’s friendly against Mexico and register my disgust at some of the behaviour during the National Anthem presentations. All the Mexico team showed due respect by singing along to their National anthem and all of the England players did the same for England with the exception of Wayne Rooney (as always, like his Club Captain/mentor Gary Neville at previous games) and James Milner who pointedly refused to join in with their TEAM members. Considering that this game was also to highlight support for our Servicemen and women they could at least have made the effort? I’m sure over the next few years they both will make loads of Her Majesty’s money whilst playing for our National Team but I sincerely hope that any awards Committee considering these big kids for MBE, OBE or Knighthoods in the future will remember their petulant, arrogant attitude regarding the singing of our National anthem and give any awards nominations for them the Grand Order of the Boot! Ron Kerry, Ciudad Quesada


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Devalue the Euro Isn’t it time to devalue the Euro? I’m no economist and don’t pretend to understand all the nuances of international finance, but it seems to me that the Euro is greatly overvalued against other world currencies. Devaluation is always looked upon as a bit of a failure by politicians to get their sums right. Well let’s face it; the sums at the moment are not right, are they? If the Euro were to be devalued by, say, fifty percent it would boost exports and reduce imports, thereby benefitting each European country’s balance of payments. It would also give a boost to manufacturing industries. Here in Spain it would kick – start the building industry, do wonders for tourism and get us back

on our feet again, and reduce the size of our national debt, just think what it would do for our pensions! While I’m sure there must be downsides to devaluation, such as future inflation, others are not apparent to me; although I feel sure some of your other correspondents will be able to put me right! Incidentally, why is it that highly – paid economists never see financial crises approaching, and when they’re upon us why can’t you find said economists for love or money? They disappear like rats deserting a sinking ship! Yours, sinking back behind the barricade, Oliver J. West. (No relation to Fred West or even O.J.Simpson!)

International bankers are fraudsters Who will stand up for us against the banksters and super wealthy who together plunged the World into financial crisis? We must learn to stand up for ourselves by demanding action on a number of pertinent issues. Every adult and every new born child in the UK owes an estimated £15,000 in government debt; exactly to what institutions is this money owed? As the United Kingdom is bankrupt, along with the US and virtually the whole of the Western World, where do lenders get their inexhaustible supply of money from? Why, if the Bank of England is a wholly national institution, has it been

protected by Royal Charter and the Official Secrets Act so we, the owners, can discover virtually nothing about the people pulling its strings? The money the government borrowed never existed. It was created on computer screens by the centralised World banks because the banks have no money either… Along with creating this money, they charge interest on it, which means they have to create even more money in order to finance the interest; their profit on the money they never had. The product of this pyramid scheme is called inflation, and its collapse is not a matter of how, it is a matter of when. The Bank of England is

only partly nationalized; at least 50% of its profits are taken by ‘unknown’ private entities ... ‘Never, in the field of human apathy, have so many been fleeced for so much, by so few’. However, if governments created their own money they could lend it interest free, avoiding the need to print even more money to inflate the sum already borrowed. FACT: The international bankers are fraudsters, rotten to the core, who have collaborated over centuries with key personnel in government to keep the world in permanent, irredeemable debt … slavery, if you like. Regards, the reverend Harry Southgate

The price of ketchup! Everyone in the Albir area must have noticed the increase of Dutch owned restaurants and I think in the main they are very good BUT I have noticed a trend creeping in to some of them which I think is disgraceful. What is it I hear you say? Well it’s that some are now charging 50 centimos for ketchup! I can’t believe it - one also charges for mustard! What is going on? These items are condiments, surely! I was in a Dutch place in Altea and they charged me 90 - yes 90 cents for ketchup! I have complained to these places but to no avail. If it continues I might start giving the names to warn everyone else. Brian Clarance

A PUMA22 puzzle PUMA22 campaigns for the restoration of access to healthcare as promised in Law 3/2003 of 6th February, Health Management of Valencia. Therefore I feel sympathetic towards the organisation and wish to see its endeavours meet with success. Consequently, the alliance with Claro puzzles me: health matters are dealt with by Valencia. Claro, an ex-patriot led independent party, aims (so it says) to represent the inhabitants of Orihuela Costa. Every single ill which afflicts the Costa can be attributed to the PP which has been in power in Orihuela for donkeys’ years. Therefore, to me at least, the alliance between PUMA 22 which has a dispute with Valencia and Claro involved with Orihuela Costa makes no sense. Nobody needs anything to do with that crowd (Claro) except the Partido Popular in Orihuela. Indeed the PP

in Orihuela must be so pleased with Claro that had the party not existed they would have had to invent it. In fact rumour has it they did just that. Evidence points in that direction. Local Election, 2007 and Claro centred its efforts in la Costa, split the opposition vote thus enabling the PP to continue in power with a slim overall majority. In the process, Claro failed to gain even a single seat. Never mind, better luck next time. If Claro wins a seat or two in 2011 it will be in bed with the PP before the sheets have been drawn back; anything to keep the Partido Popular in control of Orihuela. However, in order to keep things straight, it occurs to me that anybody wishing to see a continuation of the present set up ought to vote PP and those that wish for a change go for any of the other parties except Claro. Genoveva Cassar

288-14 MAYJANUARY - 03 JUNE2010 2010


One of the lucky ones I have just read your article regarding pedestrians having problems crossing the N332 and I agree with what was said. I am one of the lucky ones who use the road by car although this is not without its hazards with the speeding traffic; it’s a wonder there are not more accidents. There are 70km signs but this seems to be the minimum speed not the maximum! There was a piece in your paper some time ago about cameras but this has never

A World gone mad

The World has surely gone mad when we are not allowed to safeguard are homes and families without falling foul of the law and pathetic ‘PC’ brigade. I declare here and now that if someone entered or attempted to enter my home with a view to robbery (in most cases with violence) I would have no hesitation in dealing with them in a stringent manner! Steve Allen, Denia

happened. Has the idea been scrapped? I would like to know if Pedro from the CLR said anything about the stretch of road in Cabo Roig, where the mesh has been removed from on top of the central concrete wall and several others have been dislodged so that people can cross instead of going to the bridge. One day some motorist will no doubt cop it for someone’s stupidity, as I am sure the work will be way down the council’s list of repairs. L Wright

Proper people have rights too With reference to your comments in last week’s paper regarding the gentleman who shot and killed a burglar, and has now been ordered to pay €300,000 compensation to the burglar’s family - this is absurd. Would the burglar’s family pay €300,000 to the gentleman’s family who was protecting his own property and family if the burglar had broken in and caused harm to the owner’s family? Or in fact to the owner himself? I don’t think so.

I believe that any one should be allowed to protect his property and family in whatever way he wishes on his own land, and I think that any property owner should be allowed to own a gun or whatever form of protection he wishes to own, without a licence, on his own property, and if someone gets hurt or killed trespassing on private property, that’s his or her bad luck: they should not have been there without permission from the owners. I feel the same about guard

dogs: if a dog is guarding his owner’s property and is within fenced property belonging to his owner, he is quite within his right to attack trespassers and defend his owner without reproach. There are far too many ‘do-gooders’ in the World today protecting layabouts; thieves; robbers; killers and drug addicts. It’s time man could stand up for his right to protect his property and his family. Proper people have rights too, you know. Regards, MTG

Ship Embarkation Departs Duration Details

MSC Orchester Alicante 14/22/30 Sept. 8 Oct 9 Nights 8 Days Alicante, Barcelona Malaga, Cadiz, Gibraltar Brochure Price Prices subject to Selena’s Price availability

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We need intelligent judges This decision by a Judge to award €300,000 to the children of a career criminal is ridiculous. If the home owner had been killed, would there have been compensation for his family? I guess not. I suggest in future we don’t tackle burglars as some of us could end up bankrupt! When will the justice system realise the safety of law abiding citizens is paramount? We have the law and justice, now what we need are judges who have the intelligence and the will to combine both. Jorge



28 May - 03 june 2010

Mangosteen’s message in a bottle BUSINESSMEN AND women from across the Costa Blanca were introduced to the money-spinning opportunities offered by Xango – by the company’s most successful salesman. The vitamin rich mangosteen health drink has been a global success story

ever since the company was launched in Salt Lake City in 2002; shower and shower gels followed. And now the purple peel and white pulp of the ‘Queen of Fruits’ – grown in the Far East – is being used in the production of the Glimpse skin care

range. More than 120 people attended a Xango presentation at the Marriott Hotel, Denia, last Friday, and met Sherman Unkefer – who earns a six figure sum every month from his multi level marketing network. He told an international audience he strongly believed Xango and its mangosteen-based products was the best company the multi level marketing industry had ever seen, with its proven system for “massive success.” Sherman said it was not too late to enjoy success as a company distributor. “It is really just the beginning. The company is still only eight years old. SUCCESS

“And there will be a second wave of success with the new skin care range, which is going to have a massive impact.” He said by talking to people “in the field” Xango appreciated the mangosteen juice drink had seen spectacular sales “...and there is still much more to be accomplished.” However, he said: “Skin care is attracting more people to the company who were no interested in the mangosteen juice and there is so very much more to be accomplished over the coming years. “Especially when you consider there is a worldwide market worth billions of dollars in the cosmetic skin care industry.” Sherman said Xango was “...on the cusp of a massive period of growth and we see our company growing hugely in a very short period of time.” To discover more, call the Xango hotline on 902 906 008 or visit Meet mangosteen www.xango.com

A medieval market in a medieval castle THE CASTLE of Lorca, ‘Fortaleza del Sol’, is located along the A7 motorway to Granada, visible from the tunnel. An ‘Amata’ medieval market will be held there on 8th and 9th June, with entry €1 instead of the usual €6: Wednesday 9th June is a day of celebration for the region of Murcia. The Castle boasts tremendous views over the surrounding countryside necessary in times gone past to watch out for approaching enemies. An electronic audio guide conducts a tour and although most of the original buildings have fallen down, there are some interesting exhibitions in the remaining towers and former dungeons. A delightful garden offers a children’s playground complete with its own wooden fortress. Some 40 stands of good quality craftwork are found at Amata markets, with something for everybody - leather handbags; semi-precious stones set in cunning macramé; wooden toys, puppets and dolls; silver jewelry, soaps and unguents; hand-made

individually designed work from the potter and a host of items to brighten your home; everything original and hand-made. Drive along the A7 to Lorca and follow the signs ‘castillo’ - the route is clearly marked, with ample parking space. Or stop at the ‘Centro de Visitantes’ and take the tourist train to the Castle gates: leaflets are available. For more information on Amata markets, visit www.amata.es or ‘phone 639 979 678. For information on the castle or the town, ring 968 477 437 (Ext. 6) or visit www.lorcatallerdeltiempo.com.

Medieval market

28 May - 03 june 2010



28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

A solution for humans and nature HAVING REPORTED on the illegal home situation in Catral for many years, RTN can safely say that not many things in that town are certain. One thing is for certain though and that is the majority of homes in the municipality will need to upgrade their septic tanks to a new wastewater treatment system. By July 1st this year, all new tanks that are fitted must have a CE certificate, stating that they comply to all the required European regulations. Bioviana SL is one of the only fully registered companies in Spain to offer these EU regulated water treatment systems and can fit individual domestic treatment plants that are designed for household wastewater from washing machines, toilets, dishwashers and bathtubs and are guaranteed to last longer than a lifetime. The polypropylene units are ideally designed for households, factories, offices and buildings that are located in places where public sewage infrastructure is missing; meaning that these units are essential for all homeowners in rural areas. CLEAN WATER

The water treatment systems are manufactured by world leading bio-clean company August and

work by using biological sludge to clean the waste water. The technology is based on a continually operated and modified sludge process and the biological reactor comprises of a non-aerated chamber, an aerated chamber and an integrated retention chamber, which efficiently treats the water making it clean enough to use again. It can be used for watering your plants in the garden and the water will not harm the ecological system. RTN visited Bill Metcalf, who four months ago had one of these water treatment plants fitted at his home in Catral. He told us: “This is our third and last septic tank. The first one was fitted in the house originally and was very inadequate. We then contacted a British company of plumbers to fit another one. Eighteen months later it was spewing out black goo and stank, so we were forced into getting another tank, so we found out more about Bioviana SL’s water treatment unit and we are so glad that we chose them.” NO SMELL

Within two days, Bill had his new water treatment systems fitted and he hasn’t looked back since. He explained what happened: “There were some pipe work adjustments

but only because the other tank hadn’t been fitted properly in the first place, but the disruption was kept to a minimum. We spent €2300 on the second tank with the British company that shall remain nameless but we may as well have set alight to that money; it was a total waste.” The unit has been installed at Bill’s home for four months and RTN can honestly say that it has never seen someone quite as enthusiastic about their waste water as Bill! He said: “It runs on the equivalent of a low amp light bulb and is so quiet. You can’t hear it outside the house, let alone inside and it doesn’t smell at all. The water that is eventually filtered out is cleaner than the water that comes out of my taps. RTN was impressed with the unit which will outlive Bill, such is the quality and endurance of the plastic that is used and it really is totally odour free. Bill concluded: “As far as I am concerned it was money well spent and I would recommend Bioviana S.L. and their water treatment plants to everyone. I am over the moon!” For more information, visit www.bioviana.es or call 966 867 178 or 699 248 231.

Bill and the Bioviana S.L. team with his water treatment unit

Athletics tournament

The athletics tournament was announced at a Town Hall press conference

A TOTAL of 38 schools from all over Spain will be taking part in this weekend’s San Javier Athletics Tournament. The event will be attended by more than 200 children between the ages of 11 and 12 years of age and will be held over two days. The participants will compete in 18 events and the region of Murcia will be represented by four schools including the municipal primary school of San Javier. The event has been organised in conjunction with the San Javier Town Hall and the Councillor for Sports, Jose Angel Noguera, as well as the Chief of the Sports Directorate in the town, Antonio Peñalver,

are both delighted to be holding the event in the municipality. The President of the Murcian Federation of Athletics, Rosendo Berengui, and the Technical Director of the Royal Spanish Federation of Athletics, José García Grossocordón, both attended a recent press conference at the Town Hall to announce the event, which takes place at the town’s polideportivo, close to the Iceland supermarket. The qualifying stages start at 10:30 until 13:30 on Saturday and the finals will take place the following evening from 16:30.

British Consulate team visit the Costa “INFORMATIVE AND entertaining” was how Bob Hill Chairman of Torrevieja U3A described the talk by Martyn Standing, Advisor to the Pensions, Benefits and Healthcare team at the British Consulate in Alicante, at last week’s U3A meeting. Speaking to a full room at Los Arcos Restaurant, Martyn and the Consulate staff, pictured with U3A Chairman Bob Hill and Deputy Speakers Secretary, Barbara Hill, spoke for over an hour and included an entertaining quiz on the audiences understanding (or lack of understanding) of the various pension and healthcare benefits entitlements when living in Spain. Before taking questions from the floor, Martyn stated that a large part of his job was to dispel some of the myths about benefit eligibility that seem to circulate around the bars and cafes, and are usually inaccurate. He recommended always checking out the website www. ukinspain.fco.gov.uk for up to date and accurate information and advice. Some statistics were given on the Alicante Consulate office workload. For example, last year over 500 families were helped with bereavement

Help needed THE VILLA de Catral crisis has also affected local business JPS Fitness, which uses the hotel gym and spa as one of their main venues. Health and Rehab Personal Trainer, Jason Scawthorn

Consulate staff, pictured with U3A Chairman Bob Hill and Deputy Speakers Secretary, Barbara Hill

matters and 1,355 emergency passport applications were dealt with. In total 5,000 visits were made to the Alicante Consulate office by people requiring assistance. The team concluded their visit to the U3A meeting by holding a “one on one” clinic for U3A members who wished a little more privacy to discuss their queries.

told RTN: “We have had to put our specialised fitness classes on hold until further notice due to the strike and possible closure of the hotel.” The classes put on by JPS Fitness are for all nationalities, various ages and people with health problems. Classes held in the studio

The next U3A meeting will be on Thursday 24th June at Los Arcos Restaurant, Torrevieja. Commencing at 10.30 am this will be an open social meeting and all are welcome to come along and discover all about the unique worldwide U3A self help learning co-operative, run by volunteers. For further information visit www.u3atorrevieja.com

were Spinning, Boxercise, Nifty 50’s and Body Blast. Aquacise took place in the indoor heated pool. The people of Catral need a fitness venue. If the hotel is forced to close, Catral will not have any fitness centres at all. JPS Fitness is now currently looking for alternate

venues for their classes within the Catral area, to enable everyone to carry on with their healthy life styles which they find enjoyable and beneficial. If you have a venue or want more information on the classes please ring Jason on 693 596 533, or email jason@jpsfitness.net

28 May - 03 june 2010


Spectacular success for Afghan Heroes Show THE SUMMER Spectacular at Pizzeria Asturias in Punta Prima, organised over two days by Barry and Mary Manock of The Sambarina Dance Club, raised €2,100 for the Afghan Heroes Charity. With a talented line up including Cathy Carson, The Iceni Dancers, The Sambarina Dancers and Shirley from TAABS, there was a full house on both nights. All artists kindly performed free of charge. Jackie Lawson, the Regional Coordinator in Spain for Afghan Heroes, and who runs Expats 4 Afghan Heroes, attended both evenings and presented Cathy Carson, The Iceni Dancers and a representative of TAABS, ‘Afghan Heroes Certificates’ for raising over €1,200 at previous events. “We all had a fabulous time on both evenings and everyone’s hard work has been worthwhile,” said Jackie, whose website www. expats4afghanheroes.com details upcoming events and fundraising with information on where to buy Afghan Heroes/ Expats 4 Afghan Heroes merchandise. Jackie’s yearly fund raising target of €20,000 has already passed the half way mark. UPCOMING EVENTS June 18th – Pinada Golf Street Party: From 19.30. Tickets, including entertainment and refreshments are €12 (adults): €6 for children. Please call 966 774 069 or 966 774 078 to book. To help Expats 4 Afghan Heroes in any way, or order Afghan Heroes wristbands or t-shirts, call Jackie on 697 501 992 or email her on expats4afghanheroes@hotmail.com

All artists performed for free!

Javea bulls run 20

28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

by Jack Troughton ENERGETIC YOUNGSTERS enjoyed a taste of rugby as Javea Bulls ran out its first ‘come and try it day’ on the beach. More than 60 boys and girls aged from six to 16 were guests of the club on the sand at Arenal Beach to be introduced to the funny shaped ball. The emphasis was on having fun but the aim over four more Sunday mornings is to raise skill levels, get kids involved – and to recruit players to join the Mini Bulls youth section. Alan Price, leading a team of club players coaching the children, told RTN: “Youth rugby is unique. It allows any person of any shape or size to play an

integral part in the game – and there are, of course, many ladies’ teams now.” The ambitious club has a new ground and is preparing for a second season – with plans for a successful youth section. Alan said: “We have 60 youngsters turning up for this first ‘come and try it’ session. They will tell their friends how everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and next week I anticipate there will be 80, and it will grow every week. SKILL

“The skill level is structured. This first day was all about enjoyment and now it will move away a little from just enjoyment to incorporating a little coaching as well and encouraging improvement of skill levels.” Sponsored by Hamiltons


R E T U O R !

0 5 € h t r wo

Mayor inaugurates new wine route

By Louise Clarke THE MAYOR of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernandez Mateo, along with the Councillor of Environment, Water, Urbanism and Houses, Ramón Rizo, the Councillor of Tourism, Tomás Arenas Bueno and the Conservation Director of the Natural Parks of La Mata and Torrevieja, Concepción Torres, as well as the President of the Association of Agriculturists of La Mata, Simón Pérez officially inaugurated a new wine route earlier this week. The wine route takes in the various vineyards located in the area and has been launched in collaboration with the Young bulls run Torrevieja Town Hall’s Department of Tourism. of London, youngsters will be awarded The decision to start the a free t-shirt at the end of the fifth Sun- new route was reached day. And later in the year, children will after reports suggested that have another chance to try rugby when the vineyards of La Mata a second series of tasting sessions is would be a potential tourist run at the club itself in Javea. Alan said the youth section of Javea Bulls was run by Xavier Montfort. “We have players helping out and by getting kids involved we will eventually interest parents in the game.” Out on the sand children were burning off energy with a variety of games, bouncing tackle bags and tackle The shields. “We have got everything here Mayor is to get children used to playing with the shown a funny shaped rugby ball.” map of For more information call Stacy on the wine route 650 231 013 or visit www.javeabulls.com

attraction. The route, which is almost a mile long, will not only allow walkers to see the 47 hectares of vineyards, it will also be an opportunity to discover the history of the area, learn about the bio diversity of the vineyards and witness the transformation from grape to wine. They haven’t said whether there will be any tasting opportunities, but we can live in hope! They did say, however, that the wine produced at these vineyards, which will be 100% organic, will be bottled showing its origin and will be available to purchase in seven bodegas in the Torrevieja locality. For more information on the route and directions to it, please contact the Torrevieja Tourist Information Centre at Plaza de Capdepont, s/n, Torrevieja, tel: 96 570 34 33.

28 May - 03 june 2010



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28 May - 03 june 2010

28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010


Celebrating Success at Castelar College We at Castelar College wish to share with everyone the fact that we have recently been celebrating success with our many levels of Spanish students. We have a wide a varied clientele who have been learning English to complete Cambridge exams, Business English, in order to improve their overall career prospects within their chosen profession, Toefl (Teaching overseas foreign language), with a view to travelling abroad, not to mention our 1st year secondary school students who took their recent PET exam with Merit passes of 35%.

The academy offers all students the opportunity to enrol for the language & level of their choice and can include internationally recognised Cambridge & DELE exams

We are currently completing registration for our Spanish classes within the College in order to replicate that success for English speakers who want to improve their level of Spanish, again whether for business purposes, Exam (DELE) or purely to help them integrate with the local society. “I am currently a student of U.C.A.M. University in Murcia. I came to Castelar College in order to get some more help with passing the TOEFL exam, because Universities in the U.S.A. ask for this qualification as a requirement of entry. My Teacher at Castelar taught me all that I needed in order to get a pass mark in this difficult exam and the class also helped me to develop my English level to a very good standard. Now thanks to Castelar College I will be continuing my studies next year in Chicago�

Jorge Escudero For more information contact Castelar Academy on 968 178 276 or , or e-mail info@Castelar.org where our friendly staff will be only to happy to help you.

28 May - 03 june 2010


Doing the Edward-Cokey, now that’s what it’s all about...

HAVE YOU heard the saying, ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle?’ It’s the derivation of Sir Edward Coke’s: “The house of everyone is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defence against injury and violence, as for his repose.” I actually prefer Sir Ed’s 1604 original By quotation to our modern take of it. And Watts this week, the new Cameron/Clegg ConLib, Lib-Con administration started the long process of reinstating that very concept as they began unpicking some of the 1,043 hideous Blair/Brown laws that allow state inspectors to enter our homes. Do you know that inspectors can breach the sanctity of your ‘castle and fortress’ and upset your ‘repose’ if they have a sneaky feeling that you may be hoarding ‘undeclared carbon dioxide’? I kid you not. “Oh, do come this way, officer - I think it’s just my brother over from Australia - he had a rather spicy curry last night…” The clipboard-brigade currently has ‘powers of entry’ to check for such outrages as housing unlicensed kangaroos; or they can burst in at a moment’s notice and seize any wayward fridges without the correct energy rating. “’Ere Burt, this Electrolux looks woefully overrated.” I wonder if they get upset if you’re using a 13 tog bedcover in the summertime? “Come along quietly Madam, your duvet tog ain’t the correct rating...” The faceless state inspectors can spoil your ‘repose’ at any time to check that accommodation given to asylum seekers isn’t being used by non-asylum seekers and they can march in and survey your home and garden to see if your hedge is too high. If you have a bunch of mates around one night for a session of Texas Holdem, don’t be surprised if

Watts In Britain Paul

a bunch of jobsworths from city hall come calling; they can raid your house to check if unlicensed gambling is taking place. Did you know that under the Plant Health England Order 2005, inspectors can invade your home to see if your pot plants have pests or do not have a ‘plant passport’? Plant passport… hmmm… I wonder if you have to have a photograph in a plant-passport? “Sorry, mate, this photo ain’t no good, yer plant appears to be grinning.” Other pretexts for state-invaders include checking for unlicensed hypnotism and to see if dancing bears are present. Oh gawd, I better tell Cathy down at the Brewer’s Arms to hide Yogi and Boo Boo out in the backyard! Since 1997, or Year One of Tony’s New Era (remember that), hundreds of new laws over and above those that allow these state-sponsored intruders into your house have been introduced. At a conservative estimate (or should that be a con-lib estimate) at least one new law was introduced every day by New Labour during its thirteen years of office. Every day! That’s one times thirteen times three hundred and sixty five (and a couple of extra for leap years for the pedants). Gosh, quite a lot… To begin just looking at repealing some of those laws is going to be a massive task. Hopefully, many of the surveillance and nanny-state laws will be reversed. In the course of going about my lawful business yesterday, I could, near as damn, be sure of having my image recorded at least two hundred and fifty times. I know, not a pretty thought. Already, plans for the odious identity card have been scrapped and

Sir Edward Coke

I guess there will be a pruning back of the many tax payer sponsored quangos. But undoubtedly, there will be fraught times ahead and we must gird ourselves for the upcoming and probably painful ‘emergency budget’. The initial round of savings were announced on Monday; and today (Tuesday) is the Queen’s Speech. Hopefully, the Tax Payers’ Alliance ‘debt-clock’ that we featured two weeks ago will slowly start to show a winding down. The Economist wrote last week that Cameron and Clegg “… are both sensible, pragmatic types; if anyone can make this work, they can.” Let’s hope they’re right. The trouble with any government with a massive majority, like the one ole Tony had, is that balance is lost and almost any loony plan can get passed. Simplistic thinking? Probably, but I refer again to the Economist’s leader

which opined: “The best possible outcome given the ropey electoral numbers has emerged: a formal coalition to implement an agreed agenda containing much of the best in each party’s manifesto. We welcome it.” Hmmm, couldn’t have put it better myself. What I also welcome too, hopefully, is the gradual return to the concept of common-sense and the end of such stories as the Mad Mid Sussex Council dustbin spies; and their over-expensive university study into which foods people waste. The end of the likes of Exeter Council peering over high walls and frightening old ladies and of spying on their communities with cameras hidden in tin cans etc. And perhaps a return to the sentiment of Sir Eddie Coke, where everyone’s home is their castle. Watts in Britain, happy repose, folks.

28 May - 03 june 2010



28 May - 03 june 2010

How does your garden grow? WITH THE return of the sun (hopefully) our thoughts return once more to our gardens. But where can we get inspiration - where can we get some new ideas? On the week-end of Friday 11th June and Saturday 12th June, you will be able to explore the wonderful gardens of Patricia and Geoff Weaver, in Campoverde’s Calle Nispero. Pat and Geoff are opening their gardens to the public each day between 10.00 and 20.00. On display will be a well established cactus garden, an Italian garden with a fish pond terrace, a succulent garden and many interesting corners, all surrounded by mature pine trees. In addition there will be various stalls: bric-a-brac, books, plants and refreshments. All proceeds will go to charity. More details from 966 762 266.

Explore the wonderful gardens of Patricia and Geoff Weaver

Canine capers

By Jack Troughton A CHARITY dog show with fun classes for pets is being staged in the Marina Alta on Sunday 6th June to raise money for LAPS. Entrance to the event – doors open at 09.30 - is free and visitors will get the chance to meet some of the animals LAPS puppies cared for by LAPS – the Lo-

100% excellent! Lots of stock

cal Animal Protection Society – and in need of new homes. The show is being staged at Hipica La Sort and there are five classes in the dog show, each costing €5 to enter: waggiest tail; agility; best trick; cutest; and dog and owner ‘lookalike’. The venue, on the CV-678 ‘marshes road’ leaving Pego,

100% PLUMBING and Constructions is a family run business, built up since 1993 on it’s excellent reputation and as a result of customer referrals. 100% have a fully manned office open between 08.30 and 17.00 with Zara, Lizzie and Tracy available to attend to your queries in person. After closing their emergency number: 607 415 520 is available 24hrs. They can attend to the most minor plumbing problem or the most catastrophic! Resolve any small building issues or carry out a new build, complete with infrastructure and finished to exceptional standard: ask to see their portfolio. With 10 members of staff all contracted to 100 Plumbing and Constructions SL, each with their own area of expertise, you are assured a fast and efficient service from Finestrat to Gandia and inland, including Pego and Murla. In addition to their many private clients, they also work for several rental agencies, providing a fast, reliable service with minimum fuss. As well as a full range of building and plumbing services (including Heating, Aircon etc.) 100% is authorised to issue five yearly gas certificates and licence small and large propane installations. They are the only British run company on the Costa Blanca legally able to install and certify large and small gas tanks and work with Cepsa, Repsol and BP. So, if you have a query regarding your existing gas installation or a new installation, give them a call on 965 835 939. What really sets them apart is that 100% will manage projects for their clients in their absence; clients who, despite not being in Spain, can be confident of quality work com-

also offers pony rides, a raffle, children’s lucky dip and other stalls – including a book stall run by LAPS founder Chrissie Edwards. Visitors are also invited to bring a tin – a tin or packet of dog food which can be left with Chrissie at the book stall and help feed rescued animals. For more information call Carole on 661 025 039 and to enter a show class call Tash on 687 694 038

pleted to agreed specifications and timescales, whether liaising with surveyors, architects and town halls or even service technicians for faults with Air conditioning, Boilers etc. For your peace of mind, their friendly and efficient staff keep you informed with regular progress updates. If you have any building or plumbing project in mind and you’re looking for hassle free solutions, call 100% now. You can be assured of competitive prices and an after sales service second to none! Call 965 835 939 or visit www.100percentplumbing.com or www.100percentconstructions.com CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS Thank you so much: you went the extra mile! Cherine Zehdner, Lliber. The service I have received from your company from our initial meeting has been nothing but first class. The products are excellent and of good value... Your staff have all been hard working, courteous and professional. Fred Williamson, Calpe We are really VERY, VERY pleased with the way the house is shaping up...its all looking great! Robert Harris Jones, Senija You were a great team..will recommend you wholeheartedly. Rose Gray, Orba Many thanks for fast efficient service. Sandra Pollock, Benissa

28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

Happy valley supported us and to all the local businesses that put up great raffle prizes,” she said. “And a big thank you too to our team of CROWDS ENJOYED the May sunshine and helped raise more than €4,000 for Jalon volunteers for all their hard work, before, Jalon during and after the event. The results and Valley HELP last Sunday. valley the good use that these funds can be put Popular as ever, the annual May Fayre HELP attracted hundreds of people to browse over towards make it all worthwhile.” stall Special prizes were scooped in the 50 stalls and few could resist the charity’s own stall and its selection of homemade children’s fancy dress competition. Helped by cakes. Sheila Skinner, of the charity, said Candy Wright in her clown’s outfit, the happy a “magnificent” €4,150 was raised for winners were ‘princesses’ Judith, seven, and Jalon Valley HELP and thanked sponsors Sarah, four, along with Spiderman Ysrael, By Jack Troughton Hamiltons of London. two-and-a-half, and 11-month-old Calvin as CARERS AND patients at a Marina Alta centre for “A big thanks to all that came, who ‘Baby Beckham’. people suffering mental health disorders are enjoying the benefits of a special touch screen THE SOMETHING RED May for 450 further hours of Nurs- donations and some wondercomputer and educational Ball was a sell out with 142 ing Care! The dance floor was ful words written especially for software. A cheque for friends of Paul Cunningham jumping all night long thanks the charity. The tombola was the €2,650 machine was Nurses lighting up the Marjal to music provided by the a great success, thanks to all presented to AMADEM in a sea of red on 21st May. fabulous duo, Linda and Paul, the local businesses and indistaff by members of PCN thanks everyone who at- who donated their time free viduals who provided prizes. Javea’s Original Charity tended and supported them: of charge. On the night, PCN ‘Working together to make Shop and Library. Based in Pedregeur, AMADEM this generosity raised enough received generous personal the Community better’.


by Jack Troughton

The human touch

Something Red – PCN thanks

The 100% Plumbing Team

Zara, Lizzie and Tracy in the office

Mike and Tracy - planning, organising and doing it all for you

is dedicated to helping people suffering from schizophrenia and other mental health disorders and has been assisted by the charity over the last

two years. The charity shop and library are open from 10.00 until 13.00 Monday to Saturday and offer a huge selection of goods at bargain prices.


28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

El Corazon: The Heart of Rojales

SET UPON the top of a hill, over looking the Vega Baja in all its glory, the El Corazon Hotel in Rojales is the perfect place to get away from it all; whether it be just for the afternoon, overnight or for a few days, with or without the kids, for a meal, a swim or a game of mini golf or ten pin bowling. The El Corazon is the venue that has it all and the best thing about this hotel is that it’s right here on our doorstep. The hotel boasts a beautiful terrace area, a fabulous swimming pool and sunbathing area and a delightful restaurant as well as a fully equipped gymnasium, sauna, Jacuzzi and its own mini golf course. The El Corazon is one of the best hotels in the area and is a great place for all the family; a place where you can while away the hours whilst the children have somewhere safe to play and enjoy good food and a friendly atmosphere in perfect surroundings. SIESTA GYM TRAINING

morning between 10.00 and 13.00, with a pitch fee of just 5€, but if you can get hold of a Cricket Club Newsletter, there is a one Euro discount voucher in there. You can get a newsletter from MIX Bar and Iceland. There will be face painting, a foam pit, temporary tattoos and fun and games for the children,

FORTHCOMING EVENTS El Corazon works very closely with the area’s local charities and it is regularly the venue for many fundraising events. The hotel has a large function room which comfortably holds between 100 and 120 people and as it is separate from the main hotel, you can party all night! On June 5th, the hotel is the venue for Paul Cunningham Nurses’ Fun Day, so please go along and support the charity and at the same time enjoy some of the fantastic facilities that El Corazon offers. The hotel is also the venue for great entertainment and every other Friday you can enjoy the broad repertoire of the Jose West and Roberto musical duo. They will be performing on Friday 4th June and again on 18th June. On 11th June, the hotel will be hosting its very own World Cup launch along with local celebrity Max Bacon. The hotel also has several large screens in their bar area, so you won’t miss a match. Finally, on 26th June, the five piece Big Band, Timeless will be performing at El Corazon. This classic rock and roll band is one not to be missed. For more information on the hotel, gym and Saphia’s Beauty Salon see their advert on page 25.

El Corazon is much more than just a hotel. It has a professionally run gym, complete with an expert and fully qualified fitness instrucThe tor. Frank, also has a full schedule of spinning, fabulous swimming aerobics and zumba classes as well as circuit training, yoga, boxing and Tae Kwando and pool and sunbathing offers amazing prices for siesta gym training area from 14:00 until 17:00. Call in to see him and find out what he can do for you! If working out is not your type of thing, then El Corazon has the perfect answer to rest and relaxation with Saphia’s Beauty with food and drink served Salon. Saphia offers a wide range of beauty all day. There is a cricket treatments including manicures, pedicures, match in the afternoon and various tombolas and raffles. facials and massages. And as an introducAnyone wishing to take part tory offer to her delightful salon, Saphia is offering all new clients a free foot massage, in the car boot please set up a free hand scrub and massage or a free fabetween 09.00 and 09.45. Go along and join in the fun. The event is being fully supported by the San Fulgencio Town Hall. LEGS & CO’s new premises low prices starting at only open in the Port of Mazarron five Euros! on 29th May. A superb new location, with extensive floor COMPETITION space and two level parking, At the new Mazarron shop, conveniently situated above customers will receive a raffle the Mercadona supermarket. ticket with a purchase; an opThe Fuente Alamo store portunity to win a €50 store closes, bringing custom- voucher in a prize draw. An ers a fantastic opportunity exciting new range of lingerie to visit the clearance sale is available, including the ‘Saon 28th and 29th May, with ress’ sarong-dress; swimwear hundreds of items at low, and clothing ranges from Bal-

La Marina Fun Day 29th May THE SAN FULGENCIO Cricket Club is holding their 2nd Annual Fun Day on Saturday 29th May at the Market Square, Urb. La Marina. Hosted by and with entertainment from TKO FM, there will also be various displays and singers doing a ‘turn’ during the day. There is a car boot sale in the

cial cleanse using the Japanese Kiri method and finishing with a hot towel treatment. Go in and see Saphia, discuss your beauty treatment needs and book your free treatment. The salon is open every day except Wednesday and Sunday from 10:00 until 14:00 and again from 16:00 until 19:00. Saphia also has gift vouchers and pampering packages available and offers spray tans and foot detox treatments too.

Legs & Co new store opens let, Per Una and M&S. From 31st May, Legs & Co shops in Los Alcazares and Port of Mazarron will open Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 16.00 and Saturdays from 10.00 to 15.00, the shops remaining open during busier evenings. Owners Peter and Donna Clarke welcome customers’ suggestions on opening times: ring 660 170 355 for more information.

Horse whisperer a huge success MORE THAN 100 people flocked to the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre in Rojales on Saturday 15th May to see UK horse whisperer Adam Shereston. Adam spent the whole day working with a number of the centre’s rescue horses, while explaining his techniques to a fascinated crowd. First, Adam put two of the centre’s youngest horses, Spirit and Zak, through their paces. He showed how he could, through body language and working with the horse’s natural instincts, get the horses to walk, trot and stop while he moved alongside them. Adam then moved on to Luceiro, the centre’s first rescue horse, who only has one eye. Working with a one-eyed horse was particularly challenging for Adam, as he had to adapt his techniques to take account of Luceiro’s blind side. At first, Luceiro was nervous of Adam and bucked, reared, kicked and charged around the arena. But very soon, as Adam used his body language and position to communicate, Luceiro relaxed and began to respond to Adam. RAPPORT With the last horse of the day, Malibu, Adam demonstrated techniques for teaching a horse to go and turn without using any force or pressure. Sue Weeding, founder of Easy Horse Care, told RTN: “It was a fascinating day. Adam was working with

horses he had never worked with before and very quickly built up a rapport with them. It was lovely to see some of our rescue horses responding so well.” Adam got on so well at the centre that he extended his stay to spend more time helping and working with the rescue horses. If you missed Adam, there will be further chances to see him as he plans to make the rescue centre his Spanish base. He will try to visit a couple of times a year to work with the rescue horses, do demonstrations and hold courses to teach his techniques. For more information on the centre visit www.easyhorsecare.net, e-mail info@easyhorsecare.net or call 652 021 980.

UK horse whisperer Adam Shereston

28 May - 03 june 2010

Hi curry lovers, the sheriff here again for latest update on Punjabi Palace... I called in recently for my curry fix and was delighted to see the restaurant was as busy as usual. On this occasion, I spoke to a regular, Steve Cook, who visits the restaurant so much that he actually held his wedding reception at Punjabi Palace. I asked him what his favourite dish was and why he visited on such a regular basis. Steve said, “The restaurant is so clean. The guys who run it are first class, as is their food. My current favourite is Chillie Paneer, or a nice Chicken Shaslik. I must admit I am a huge Punjabi Fan.” As you see from the photos in the advert, the restaurant is busy. Remember, its location is also ideal for families, as directly across the road there is a play park. So if you choose to dine ‘al fresco’ the


children can enjoy themselves. If you are a parent you know the rules: “If The Kids Are Happy Life Is So Much Easier!” I have sampled the food in most of the Indian Restaurants here on Costa Blanca but Punjabi Palace is still my firm favourite. Recent business commitments have meant that I have to make do with a take-away menu but still worth the drive to appreciate the fine Indian Cuisine produced at Punjabi Palace. I am still hooked on The Lamb Jalfrezi, but now have curry sauce to accompany my starter and a little portion of Pasanda Sauce with my main. I try as hard as possible to resist the coconut and mango ice cream - diet starts next week (perhaps)… Cliff Roberts (The Sheriff) Sales & Marketing Director RTN Costa Blanca/Calida



28 May - 03 june 2010

SIP cards - are you affected? ‘BUYING-IN’ EX-PATS WHO have chosen early retirement in Spain and are not yet in receipt of a retirement pension from their country of origin are now able to ‘buy-in’ to Spanish NHS cover in the Valencian region via a contribution scheme of €270 per quarter (equivalent to €90 per month.) Applications require that you have been registered for a minimum of 6 months on your local padron and the charge is strictly per person. A successful application results in fully comprehensive Spanish healthcare cover and a corresponding SIP card. PRIVATE HEALTHCARE Private Healthcare insurance is also well worth considering. Even those in possession of a SIP card may choose to ‘top-up’ their cover for some of the benefits of private sector care. Private healthcare providers such as ASSSA work side by side with the Spanish NHS, helping to relieve the burden on over stretched public resources and avoid lengthening public sector waiting lists by channelling patients through private facilities. What you pay is dependant on the level of private cover you require. SIP card ‘top-up’ services cost from around €39 per

month while fully comprehensive cover with annual preventative checks, from around €70 per month – favourably comparable with the Spanish NHS “buy-in” fee but with more flexible payment options. SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS Private healthcare can offer many additional benefits. Unlimited access to local GP’s and specialists in private clinics and hospitals where your native language is spoken saves on translator fees. Waiting lists for scheduled treatment are avoidable and ASSSA can arrange appointments for your annual preventative checks in one place and on the same day, given sufficient notice. ASSSA’s unique customer service offices along the coast refer clients to reputable local medical facilities and specialists, based not only on their own local expertise and knowledge but also on client experiences and recommendations. Another distinct benefit is that, aside from their annual premium and service vouchers, ASSSA clients experience no further annual outlay and therefore suffer no unexpected debits from their bank account. Premiums do not increase due to age or global claims within the company. ASSSA also give a written guarantee that they will

not discontinue a policy due to either age or an expensive claims year. HEALTH ASSSA celebrate 75 years of experience as healthcare specialists in Spain this year. Our services are based on ethics of honesty, transparency and integrity, so why not call in and see us to discuss potential solutions for peace of mind surrounding your own personal circumstances. Ask about our 75th anniversary lifetime discounts during 2010 of between 10 to 30% - 50% for children up to 16 if joining with both parents. FUNERAL Funerals take place swiftly in Spain compared with some other countries. It is therefore sensible to provide peace of mind for your loved ones by taking steps to ensure that you do not leave them to face having to arrange your funeral. Your family would be dealing not only with their grief but also with foreign legislation and a language barrier. ASSSA can take care of all this for them – all they need do is call our 24hour English speaking help line and we take over the whole process on their behalf. If you don’t want to pay a large cash lump sum for your funeral, then ASSSA’s small

annual premiums are the answer for you! (age-based - around €200 per year aged 60) Cover is immediate and ASSSA take on the risk of full funeral cost, legalities and all the arrangements after payment of just one annual premium. Once again – quotations involve full information and no obligation to purchase. If you would like to discuss your personal requirements with an ASSSA customer services representative, call now for an appointment or home visit. ASSSA PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE JUST FROM 39 € MONTH For more information see our advert on page 31 or visit www.asssa.es


28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

Cancelling a property contract by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

Question: We signed a contract to buy a property offplan and no longer want to complete as its market value is less than the amount stated on the contract. We are behind with the stage payments and have avoided contact with the developer. Now some two years later, the developer is asking us to complete and pay the balance owing - if not they are threatening to take us to court. I understand that in the worst scenario we will just lose the deposit, is this correct? FIRST OF all, it needs to be made clear that it is not possible to provide you with legal advice specific to your case without seeing the contract signed, studying all the

circumstances of your case, checking if the developer has fulfilled the contract and checking if the property is legally finished, etc. The starting point is the legal principle PACTA SUNT SERVANDA, (the agreements must be observed) and also that, as per Article 1124 of the Spanish Civil Code, if one of the parties is in breach of contract, the other party will be able enforce the fulfilment of the agreement or ask for the termination of the contract with compensation for the damages. Therefore, if your developer has fulfilled the contract then you can be forced to keep your side of the bargain and complete in accordance with the purchase agreement signed by you, and pay the balance due. The developer therefore could sue you here in Spain in order to ask the court to force you to complete and pay the rest of the agreed price. Also, depending upon the wording of your contract and your address as stated on it, the developer could claim against you in the UK. Even if the developer claims against you in Spain, do not forget that a Spanish Court Order could be implemented and executed in UK, as there are numerous European

Council Regulations for the enforcement of Court Orders: in Family Law, Compensation-Maintenance for children but also for this kind of Civil and Commercial matters. You must not think that a Spanish developer is powerless to place a charge against your UK assets as it is not like that. As said, each case should be checked individually. We will be in a completely different scenario if on your contract the deposit that you paid is defined as an arras of the article 1454 of the Spanish Civil Code also known as arras penitenciales. This kind of “arras” allows the parties to discontinue (rescind) the contract. In this scenario where the purchaser is the one that decides pull out he will lose the arras paid, and if it is the vendor who wishes to rescind the contract, he must pay back to the purchasers twice the arras paid. A court will normally insist that if the payments are to be treated as arras penitenciales, then this should be expressly mentioned on the contract, being advisable to make reference also to Article 1454 to distinguish this kind of arras from a general penalty clause. As seen each case will be different and determined by a number of factors including the wording of the contract. It is not safe to do nothing at all, and it can be dangerous to assume that the issue will simply disappear. There will be occasions where a developer cannot force you to complete, due to late completion for example, and advantage should be taken of these circumstances where possible. Should this be your case, or the case of someone you know, we will be more than pleased to assist you. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

New traffic law

SINCE 25th MAY, a new set of rules have been brought in to apply to traffic. The Ley de Tráfico states that drivers who are fined will be offered between a 30 and 50 percent discount if they pay up within the first 20 days of receiving the fine. But if an appeal against the fine is made, the discount will be lost. Fines can be paid at the post office, at Banco Santander, or the traffic website www.dgt.es, which also has more information about the new law. Police now have the power to embargo money or belongings if a fine is unpaid after 30 days.

Corrupt priest accused of stealing A PRIEST has been accused of stealing the stained glass windows from a church in Antequera (Málaga). Police arrested the man last week after the windows of the San Pedro parish church were

found for sale in an antiques shop. Reports say that four people were involved in the robbery, including the local heritage society director, the antique shop dealer and another person.




28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

Tips and tricks of the DIY website trade by

Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

LEARNING TO build your own website is easy! However, knowing all of the points that make a website work for you isn’t so easy. So, here are a few pointers to know and remember when creating or cleaning up your website. Testimonials: Because the website is a weird place for most people, trusting a website’s products or services is very hard for most people. However, unlike a magazine, your website can link viewers to a page full of satisfied customers who have given you qualified testimonials about you, your products and services. If there is someone they recognize in your list of testimonials – it works like ‘word-of-mouth’ – which as everyone in business know is the best form of marketing. Spell Check and Grammar: There is nothing worst than a website full of mistyped or misspelled words. It shouts ‘unprofessional’ or worse: ‘idiot’. There is no excuse for spelling mistakes, since most word processors and website development software comes with spell checkers. The other thing that really

looks bad is when your text has no space after your comma (,) or full-stop (.) Commas and full-stops allow the reader to breath before going on with the paragraph, so make sure you give your readers some air! Alt Tags on your Photos: Alt tags provide text to non-textual elements such as photos. They are useful in many ways and many sites large and small commonly omit them. An alt tag can give a large or short description of the photo. It will just appear when you move your cursor over the photo. They also provide much-needed information for those who surf the Web with their graphics turnedoff, or for people who use text-only browsers. For users still on a dial-up, the alt tags can enable a site visitor to make a navigation choice before the photo is totally downloaded and rendered on their screen. Most importantly, alt tags help with search engine ranking. Properly Sized Graphics and Photos: Before you stick a photo into your website, make sure that you size and

calibrate the pixels and resolutions to meet the demands of your webpage properly. Web pages will load a lot quicker if you do this job beforehand. It saves the web browser a lot of work and time if it doesn’t have to do this job and your surfing speed is much more enjoyable. No one likes to wait for a big photo to appear on their screens; most just surf away. If you have a one photo or a batch of photos that need to be resized – here is a FREE cool programme for all website DIYers that is easy to use and has some super extras. Download and install a Multiple Image Resizer onto your computer. It not only allows you to resize a batch of photos but you can put watermarks, logos and text onto you photos all in one step. This is good for people like professional photographers who like to showcase their photos and don’t

want people to steal them. It is also just good business practice to brand name your photos. It also has a function to put frames around your photos, which can be a nice touch photos if you want to make them look like greeting cards or fine art photos – and again, you can put text into the framed part of the photo. Remember: Website development isn’t a regulated industry and there are no consumer protection facilities to report to if you get caught up in a scandal or mistrust issues with a website designer. It is like crying in the wind and money down the drain if your website goes sideways. The only way to protect yourself is by learning to do-it-yourself – like the old proverb says, “If you want something done right – do it yourself.” Check back next time for some more tip and tricks of the trade.

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

Spain sinks deeper, IMF calls for urgent reforms THE INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund (IMF) has produced a report on Spain’s economic situation stating that: Spain’s economy needs far-reaching and comprehensive reforms.” Last week it came to light that the Spanish savings bank CajaSur had to be bailed out by the Bank of Spain, a move which could cost up to €2.7 billion according to the Spanish press. The IMF report says that Spain needs to make “urgent” banking and labour reforms, and lists Spain’s challenges as: “a dysfunctional labour market, the deflating property bubble, a large fiscal deficit, heavy private-sector and external indebtedness, anemic productivity growth, weak competitiveness, and a banking sector with pockets of weakness.”

PM announces new tax PRIME MINISTER Zapatero has announced that there is to be a new tax on “citizens with a high economic capacity” which will be enforced “in a few weeks”. The leader of the opposition, Mariano Rajoy, pressured the PM for more details of the tax, but as of yet there have been no announcements as to whether the tax will be an income, patrimonial or succession tax, only that it will affect about 4,600 people living in Spain. The opposition PP party are also calling for the abolition of the plan to freeze pensions, saying that if the freeze goes ahead, the PP will not vote for any of the government’s planned spending cuts, which are designed to help reduce the state deficit.

Savings bank merger CAJA MEDITERRÁNEO (CAM), Cajastur, Caja Extremadura and Caja Cantabria are merging to form the third-largest savings bank in Spain after La Caixa and Caja Madrid. The new bank will have €135 billion in assets, 2,300 offices and 14,000

employees, making it the fifth largest financial institution in the country. It will be divided up as: CAM and Cajastur holding 40 percent each, Caja Extremadura 11 percent and Caja Cantabria 9 percent. Each bank will keep their boards of management

and office networks, but the duties of risk control and credit assessment will be shared.

28 May - 03 june 2010




2815-21 MAYJANUARY - 03 JUNE 2010

Tendonitis by

Gordon Wheatley BA. Face of Beauty, La Marina

TENDONS ARE tough, rubbery cords that link muscles to bones and transmit the contraction of muscles to joints to produce movement: Tendonitis is an inflammation, or swelling, of a tendon, which can cause pain in the affected area. It commonly affects tendons around the shoulder; elbow; wrist; fingers; thigh; knee or back of the heel. Tendonitis is caused by overusing a tendon or injuring it, particularly during sport or due to repetitive strain: RSI. It is quite common and can affect anyone but the 40 to 60 year age group tends to be most prone as tendons lose their elasticity and become weaker over time. If the sheath surrounding the tendon (rather than the tendon itself) becomes inflamed, the condition is known as Tenosynovitis; both conditions can occur at the same time and for this article will be treated as much the same thing.

SYMPTOMS OF TENDONITIS ARE • Pain which worsens with movement • A grating or cracking as the tendon moves • Swelling or a lump along the tendon • Weakness in the affected area due to pain Usually stopping the activity which caused the problem, such as sport or typing, pain killers and an ice pack will relieve symptoms until the tendonitis goes away after a few days. More persistent cases may need physiotherapy, shock wave therapy, or even surgery. Tendonitis is usually diagnosed by your GP or specialist, based upon an examination and your symptoms. Sometimes an X-ray or MRI scan may be necessary to rule out things like a fracture or calcification around the tendon.

COMMON TENDONITIS CONDITIONS INCLUDE • Achilles tendonitis • Tennis elbow • Golfers elbow • Trigger finger / thumb • Rotor cuff tendonitis (shoulder) • Patellar (knee cap) tendonitis (jumpers knee) • Wrist tendonitis When treating this condition, rest the area to prevent further damage or inflammation. This will allow the inflammation to settle; using a support to reduce movement may be helpful. The pain and swelling can be eased by applying an ice pack and / or heat pad to the area. The ice is used to reduce swelling and the heat is used to aid healing, increasing blood flow, oxygen and nutrients in the area. Both of these should be wrapped in a towel and used on a ‘10 minutes on, 10 minutes off’ basis. Mild painkillers containing anti inflammatories such as Ibuprofen, will also help to ease the pain. If there is swelling and evidence of inflammation, a steroid injection into the

Tendons are tough, rubbery cords that link muscles to bones

tendon or tendon sheath may be effective Physiotherapy consisting of manipulation, massage, thermotherapy or ultrasound treatment can be helpful. Ultrasound treatment can be used to treat a number of deep tissue issues. It uses High - Frequency sound waves (above our hearing range) to stimulate blood circulation and cell

Written by Gordon Wheatley BA, Face of Beauty, La Marina, 966 797 759 or 616 110 514, and physio to San Fulgencio football club.

activity, helps to reduce pain and muscle spasm and speeds up the healing process, as it works on a much deeper level than manual massage and the patient generally does not feel anything during treatment so it can be useful for very painful areas. Your physio can also help you develop an exercise and stretching routine to help prevent recurrence.

28 May - 03 june 2010



15-21 28 MAYJANUARY - 03 JUNE 2010



Watch all England’s group matches live on BBC1 and ITV, there’s still time to get set up in time for Watch on a real TV with a real Set Top Box and use a real Remote Control, there’s nothing virtual kick off... about it. Tried, tested, and constantly monitored to ensure your viewing pleasure.




28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010



WATCH IT FREE ON EUROPA TV FEW WILL have failed to notice the launch of the Free UK TV service from Europa Network. In recent weeks, the well-known and highly respected telecom and Internet provider has dominated the newspapers and radio waves with the introduction of their FREE TV service. What’s the difference between EUROPA’s IPTV and Internet TV? The primary difference is the way in which the content is delivered. While Internet TV travels over the open, public, global Internet with “best effort” - IPTV uses a private, managed network where TV content is transmitted in the form of IP-data packages over a closed secure network. Carrying TV channels over a proprietary network allows protection and control of viewing quality without worrying about the privacy and quality issues inherent to the public Internet. Internet TV is a “best effort” solution with no management or quality control. UK channel Internet TV gets content direct from the UK (from standard Internet) and as such TV channel streams have to travel +/- 2,500km


Ref: NTR100

with up to 16-20 hops before delivery to the viewer. UK channel IPTV gets content straight to Spain in Madrid and is then delivered direct to the viewer with +/- 400km distance and 3-4 hops. The time taken for content to arrive to the viewer via Internet TV is +/- 300 - 400ms (milliseconds) and with IPTV the time taken is +/- 50ms – 60ms (i.e. 6 - 7 times quicker, as it travels less distance and has priority over other IP traffic). What makes Europa TV UNIQUE? From the ADSL router, Europa has a Multicast Addressing connection to their CISCO Gateway Router in Madrid that divides all ADSL traffic as either IPTV with priority or universal traffic (website browsing, downloading, emailing, messaging etc). Because there will be Multicast Addressing from the ADSL router to Europa’s Headend in Madrid (where all the IPTV equipment is located) they can offer you SUPERB QUALITY! The Europa Network IPTV service comes complete with a Set Top Box (STB), Remote Control and Electronic Programming Guide (EPG) that displays all programs available 7 days in advance, so that your TV viewing experience is 2nd to

none. View programmes from a Television (in the standard way) or via a PC. What can you watch? This is not the scrapings from the bottom of the freeview channel list, Europa has all of the favourites BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, ITV2, Channel 4, Channel 5, and SKY News and for the children there’s CITV and Tiny Pop and for music lovers there’s the Chart Show plus 4 radio stations. This means that if you already have a Europa ADSL connection, then you’re ready to go. If not just give them a call and get connected within the next few days in time to watch all of your favourite channels and the World Cup for FREE! Delivery is fast, secure, reliable, consistent, and controlled, without requiring the user to install any software. We deliver the experience “end to end” with no third party software needed. It just works!





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28 MAYJANUARY - 03 JUNE2010 2010 15-21

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Phoenix Hypnotherapy I AM Mark Phoenix Murphy, Dhp MIAPH MNRAH, registered consultant Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Pure HypnoAnalyst and HypnoBand Practitioner, and columnist for RTN. Read my articles on the benefits of Hypnotherapy and HypnoAnalysis right here, every fortnight. My articles are non-biased and factual. by My profession enables me to help people through difficult times and lead them to positively change their lives. Dhp MIAPH Survival in the toughest of recessions MNRAH means harsh economies to aggravate anxiety issues: phobias; depression; pain and weight control issues. My therapies are the most modern, successful, rapid, thorough and empowering of any available in the World today, increasing your chances of reducing anxiety and solving other issues within a few sessions; no other form of therapy offers these assurances. I am the leading, permanently-based Pure HypnoAnalyst in Spain. Initially employed by the British government in 1990, I earned my Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and in October 1996 was elected a member of the International Association of Pure HypnoAnalysts, Europe’s largest professional association of Analytical Hypnotherapists; later placed on the National Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists. I moved to the Costa Blanca six years ago, leaving a successful practice in the UK to establish a clinic in Playa Flamenca, and later the Physical Therapy Clinic, Villamartin. Within three years, I had clients from Barcelona and Gibraltar. In early 2007,

Mark Phoenix Murphy

my second clinic in Consultas Medicas ICA Camposol, Costa Calida drew further interest from the Northern Costa Blanca, prompting me to open a third clinic in Clinica Tarraula, Javea, and soon after my fourth in the English Medical Clinic, Albir. CHANGING YOUR LIFE I specialise in Pure HypnoAnalysis and Suggestion Hypnotherapy. Suggestion Therapy can help change your life within a few sessions, ideal for stopping smoking; exam nerves; flying phobias etc. HypnoAnalysis, however, is no quick fix. You´ll see amazing results within eight to ten sessions, totally resolving anxiety; depression; weight issues; sexual problems; IBS and obsessions. The HypnoAnalyst governing body, IAPH, insists upon maintaining Continual Professional Development; updates in the latest research and training. No matter how many patients I treat successfully, the IAPH do not allow me to rest on my laurels. I am also covered by Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurances.

28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

HypnoBand™ in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. I now operate the flagship clinic. Other courses include: IAPH Surviving Sexual Abuse; Relaxed Stress Management Course; Pain Relief Course and the Road to Health; Cancer Care Programme; Changing Limited Beliefs; Advanced Suggestion, Relaxed Eating programme. Please note there is a free 30 minute suitability consultation with every course, no matter which. I want to help you improve your life; offering false hope won’t do that. Testimonials from past patients endorse this.

SOME OF MY ADVANCED COURSES INCLUDE: Stop Smoking Easily - you really can stop smoking within thirty minutes of treatment, with tried and tested methods. The HypnoBand™ is a non-invasive, non-surgical Gastric Band, leaving you feeling fuller for longer and on smaller portions. The Hypnoband™ has been widely publicised in Spain and in the Daily Mail - I am the only licensed practitioner of the

To change your life, pick up the phone. For a free initial consultation, call Mark direct on 654 202 996 or visit www.HypnoSpain.com, www.HypnosisSpain.com or www.Hypnotherapygastricband.com for more details. NB: Every other week you will find the Phoenix Hypnotherapy advert on page 2.


Carnation charity challenge PAUL CUNNINGHAM Nurses have carnations for Carnation Day almost everywhere BUT they have 500 left: can YOU help? Can you take just six carnations and ‘sell’ them to your friends and neighbours for a donation of just €1 for each carnation? You can collect six or more from Sunley’s Bar in Formentera, Tylers Bar in Rojales or The PCN Charity Shop Quesada or the PCN office in La Marina. Or you can call or email Susan sueinthesun@terra.es to find the nearest collection point to you! Call 966 713 503 or 629 869 959. There is a prize of a meal for two for the individual who collects the most money!

King leaves hospital after op KING JUAN Carlos has been released from hospital following an operation to remove a benign lump from his lung last month. The king had been in recovery at Clinica Planas in Barcelona. Surgeons say that he should return to the same level of fitness that he had before the operation. However, he has been advised to stop smoking, which reports say he is keen to do. The king has already returned to work and has attended a meeting with Prime Minister Zapatero to discuss the economic crisis.

tv Friday


28 May - 03 june 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Cash in the Attic 12:45 Bargain Hunt 13:30 Chelsea Flower Show 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 Big Babies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Tracy Beaker Returns 17:35 Junior MasterChef: The Final 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Bruce Almighty 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 24:35 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Charlie and Lola 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 dirtgirlworld 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:05 The Flintstones 12:30 Castle in the Country 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Car Booty 14:30 A Stitch in Time 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 The Genius of Design 21:00 Mastermind 21:55 Chelsea Flower Show 23:00 TOTP 2 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show 24:45 Later... with Jools Holland

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 The David Dickinson Show 17:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Marco’s Kitchen Burnout 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Play Misty for Me

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:30 Will and Grace 10:00 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Relocation, Relocation 14:05 Ten Tall Men 15:55 Coach Trip 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Glee 22:00 Embarrassing Bodies 23:00 The Million Pound Drop Live 24:05 The Ricky Gervais Show 24:40 8 Out of 10 Cats

08:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:45 Castle Farm 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Paul Merton in Europe 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Vernie 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 Sea Patrol UK 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Grey’s Anatomy 24:55 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Breakfast 10:30 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:00 Formula 1 14:25 BBC News 14:35 Regional News and Weather 14:40 Inside Sport 15:10 Rugby League 17:40 Junior Apprentice 18:40 BBC News 18:50 Regional News and Weather 19:00 The Weakest Link 20:00 Doctor Who 20:50 National Lottery Saturday Draws 21:00 Eurovision Song Contest 2010 24:15 BBC News 24:35 The Football League Show

08:00 Childrens TV 11:30 Da Dick and Dom Dairies 12:00 BAMZOOKi 12:30 Hai! Karate: Journey to Japan 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 The Cut 13:50 No Hats, No Trainers 14:15 The 5.19 Show: BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend Special 14:45 Off the Hook 15:15 Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner 17:00 Flog It! 17:30 Coast 17:35 Mastermind 18:30 Escape to the Country 19:30 Dad’s Army 20:00 The Boats That Built Britain 20:30 Coast 21:30 Chelsea Flower Show 22:30 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:10 I’m in a Rock ‘n’ Roll Band! 24:10 Imagine

08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:30 The Secret Saturdays 08:55 Ben 10 09:20 Horrid Henry 09:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 The Lakes 11:55 Monk 12:50 ITV News 13:10 This Morning: Saturday 14:10 Britain’s Got Talent 15:10 Midsomer Murders 16:40 Twins 18:35 Granada News 18:45 ITV News 19:00 Totally You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 The Whole 19 Yards 21:00 Britain’s Got Talent 22:30 I Dreamed a Dream: The Susan Boyle Story 23:30 ITV News 23:45 The Last Samurai

08:30 World Sport 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 Friends 10:25 Friends 10:55 90210 11:55 Gary Barlow: Real Stories 12:55 Frock Me 13:30 Hollyoaks Music Show 14:00 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:25 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:55 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 18:25 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:15 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 22:30 The Million Pound Drop Live 23:35 Lee Evans: Big: Live at the O2 24:40 8 Out of 10 Cats

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Hana’s Helpline 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 The Gadget Show 12:00 Britain’s Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie 13:00 Tutankhamun: The Mystery Revealed 14:00 Paul Merton in Europe 14:50 Santa Fe 16:35 The Shootist 18:25 Stuart Little 20:10 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 Police Interceptors 21:30 NCIS 22:30 CSI: NY 23:30 Law & Order 24:25 CSI: Miami

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 The Politics Show 13:10 Formula 1 16:20 EastEnders 18:15 Points of View 18:30 Songs of Praise 19:05 Chelsea Flower Show 19:35 BBC News 19:50 Regional News 20:00 Halcyon River Diaries 21:00 Countryfile 22:00 The Big Personality Test: A Child of Our Time Special 23:00 BBC News 23:15 Regional News 23:25 Blackadder Rides Again 24:25 The Football League Show

08:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Prank Patrol 10:00 Big Babies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 BBC News Special 13:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 14:00 The Red Shoes 16:10 Rugby League 18:30 Coast 18:40 Porridge 19:10 Earth: The Power of the Planet 20:10 Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 An African Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby 23:00 Lost: The Mystery of Flight 447 24:00 The Visitor

08:00 Special Agent Oso 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:30 Supernormal 08:45 Back at the Barnyard 09:10 Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue 09:30 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:45 This Morning: Sunday 13:45 ITV News & 13:50 International Football 16:35 Britain’s Got Talent 18:05 Garfield 19:35 Soccer Aid 19:40 Granada News 19:45 ITV News 20:00 The Seasons with Alan Titchmarsh 21:00 Lewis 23:00 ITV News 23:15 The South Bank Show Revisited 24:15 International Football Highlights

08:00 The Grid 08:30 Cooper Tyres British F3 International Series 08:55 The McCain Track and Field Show 09:25 Freesports on 4 09:55 The Hills 10:20 Running in Heels 11:20 Hollyoaks Omnibus 14:00 Frock Me 14:30 Glee 15:30 Jay-Z Live from Madison Square Garden: Answer the Call 16:30 Sex and the City 2: Premiere Special 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 The Simpsons 18:00 Deal or No Deal 18:50 The Jewel of the Nile 20:45 Channel 4 News 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 Genius of Britain 23:00 Clear and Present Danger

08:00 Childrens TV 09:05 Hana’s Helpline 09:20 Little Princess 09:35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:05 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Zoo Days 12:20 Animal Rescue Squad 12:35 Family Food Fight with Flora 13:05 Sex and the City Movie Special 13:35 Dial M for Murder 15:40 Last of the Dogmen 17:50 Stealth 20:10 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 Spider-Man 23:25 Replicant

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 The Real A & E 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Bones 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Catwalk 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 20:00 Lost: The Final Journey 22:00 Lost 23:00 Lost 24:30 Lost: Top 10 Greatest Scenes

08:30 Eurosport Flash 08:45 Live Table Tennis 10:30 Game, Set and Mats 11:00 Live French Open Tennis 15:30 Live Cycling 17:30 Football 17:40 Live French Open Tennis 20:30 Live Game, Set and Mats 21:00 Fight Club 23:45 French Open Tennis

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Ghost Hunters 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Football’s Next Star 11:00 Road Wars 12:00 Oops TV 13:00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker 2 14:00 Futurama 14:30 Futurama 15:00 The Real A & E 16:00 UK Border Force 17:00 Futurama 17:30 Futurama 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Futurama 19:30 Futurama 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Lie to Me 22:00 Gladiator 24:55 Classic Albums

08:30 Eurosport Flash 08:45 Live Table Tennis 10:30 Game, Set and Mats 11:00 Live French Open Tennis 15:30 Live Cycling 17:30 Live French Open Tennis 20:30 Live Game, Set and Mats 21:00 Table Tennis 23:00 Football 24:00 Fight Club

08:00 Maury 08:45 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 13:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 15:30 Four Weddings 16:00 Four Weddings 17:00 Nancy Drew 19:00 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

I Dreamed a Dream: The Susan Boyle Story ITV 1, 22.30

08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 08:30 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Futurama 10:30 Futurama 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 Futurama 13:30 Futurama 14:00 Fat Families 15:00 Body Language Secrets 16:00 Modern Family 16:30 Modern Family 17:00 Futurama 17:30 Futurama 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal 21:00 The Simpsons 21:30 The Simpsons 22:00 24 23:00 Kiefer Sutherland on Alex Zane’s Guest List 23:30 Bones 24:30 Bones

08:35 Eurosport Flash 08:45 Cycling 09:30 International Football 10:30 Game, Set and Mats 11:00 Live French Open Tennis 15:30 Live Cycling 18:00 Live French Open Tennis 20:30 Live Game, Set and Mats 21:00 International Football 22:00 UEFA U17 Championships 23:00 Table Tennis 24:00 Motorsports Weekend 24:15 French Open Tennis SlumdogSutherland Kiefer Millionaire on Alex4,Zane’s Channel 10.00pmList Guest

Sky 1, 23.00

08:00 Maury 08:45 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 09:30 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 10:30 My Wife and Kids 11:00 Nancy Drew 13:00 Four Weddings 14:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 16:00 Four Weddings 17:00 Four Weddings 18:00 Nothing to Declare 18:30 Nothing to Declare 19:00 Grey’s Anatomy 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Cougar Town 21:30 Cougar Town 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 CSI: Miami

tv Monday

28FEB MAY JUNE4 2010 2010 26--03 MARCH

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 The Real A & E 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Bones 15:30 Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow 15:45 George and the Dragon 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal 21:00 U2 360 Live from the Rose Bowl 22:00 A League of Their Own: Unseen 23:00 NCIS: LA 24:00 Lost: The Final Journey

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 10:45 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 11:45 Cowboy Trap 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:00 Bargain Hunt 13:45 BBC News at One 14:00 Regional News 14:05 Mary Poppins 16:20 Underdog 17:35 National Treasure: Book of Secrets 19:30 BBC News at Six 19:50 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 DIY SOS 21:00 EastEnders 22:00 The Big Personality Test: A Child of Our Time Special 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:10 Regional News 23:15 The Graham Norton Show 24:00 The Peacemaker

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Dennis & Gnasher 09:15 OOglies 09:30 What’s New, Scooby-Doo? 09:50 TMi: Are You Scareder Than a 10 Year Old? 10:00 Gastronuts 10:30 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 11:00 Deadly 60 11:30 Relic: Guardians of the Museum 12:00 The Flintstones 12:25 Son of Paleface 13:55 Rowing World Cup Highlights 15:00 Paralympic World Cup 17:00 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Great British Menu 20:00 Queens of Country 21:00 Springwatch 2010 22:00 The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister 23:30 Revealing Anne Lister 24:30 Chicago

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 60 Minute Makeover 12:30 Dickinson’s Real Deal 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Rosemary and Thyme 16:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:15 ITV News 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Coronation Street 20:30 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 Coronation Street 22:30 Britain’s Got Talent - The Results 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:15 American Dreamz

08:20 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:45 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:15 Frasier 09:45 Will and Grace 10:10 Will and Grace 10:40 Deal or No Deal 11:25 Andre 13:15 The Green Berets 15:55 Coach Trip 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:05 My Daughter Amy 20:30 Building Britain’s Ultimate Warship 22:00 Genius of Britain 23:00 Derren Brown Investigates 24:05 Sex and the City 2: Premiere Special 24:35 Little Miss Sunshine

08:00 Childrens TV 09:05 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 The Family Recipe 12:50 Zoo Days 13:10 CSI: NY 14:05 Neighbours 14:35 Home and Away 15:05 7th Cavalry 16:35 Cockleshell Heroes 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 Extraordinary Animals 20:00 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 Rush Hour 23:00 FlashForward 24:00 Thir13en Ghosts

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 OOglies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Natural Born Hunters 17:35 Gruesome Great Britain: A Blue Peter Special 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Luther 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Children’s Emergency

08:00 Childrens TV 09:50 TMi: Are You Scareder Than a 10 Year Old? 10:00 Gastronuts 10:30 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 11:00 Deadly 60 11:30 Relic: Guardians of the Museum 11:55 League of Super Evil 12:10 Robin Hood 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Open Gardens 14:30 My Favorite Brunette 15:55 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Great British Menu 20:00 Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape 21:00 Springwatch 2010 22:00 The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion 23:00 Have I Got News for You 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Dunkirk

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 Coronation Street 22:30 Britain’s Got Talent - The Results 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Shaun of the Dead

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:45 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Will and Grace 12:05 Wife Swap 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Gone Fishing 13:20 North by Northwest 15:55 Coach Trip 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Gok’s Fashion Fix 22:00 Genius of Britain 23:00 I’m Turning Into a Giant 24:05 The Good Wife

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Paul Merton in Europe 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 What I Did for Love 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Family Food Fight with Flora 21:00 The Hunt for Red October: The True Story 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 CSI: NY

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 The Real A & E 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Bones 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Catwalk 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Stargate Universe 22:00 UK Border Force 23:00 Fringe 24:00 Lost

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 OOglies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Dani’s House 17:35 Gruesome Great Britain: A Blue Peter Special 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Jimmy’s Food Factory 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Junior Apprentice 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The National Lottery Draws 23:45 The Matador

08:00 Childrens TV 09:50 TMi: Are You Scareder Than a 10 Year Old? 10:00 Gastronuts 10:30 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 11:00 Deadly 60 11:30 Gruesome Great Britain: A Blue Peter Special 12:00 Diddy Dick and Dom 12:05 The Flintstones 12:30 The Daily Politics 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Working Lunch 15:00 Coast 15:05 Animal Park 16:05 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Great British Menu 20:00 Timewatch 20:50 Coast 21:00 Springwatch 2010 22:00 Atlantis: The Evidence - A Timewatch Special 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Dunkirk

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 Coronation Street 22:30 Britain’s Got Talent - The Results 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Walking Tall

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:45 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Will and Grace 12:05 Supernanny US 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie at Home 13:35 Darby’s Rangers 15:55 Coach Trip 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Three in a Bed 22:00 Genius of Britain 23:00 Desperate Housewives 24:00 Big Bang Theory 24:30 My Name Is Earl 24:55 My Name Is Earl

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Paul Merton in Europe 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:00 Cheating Fate 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Daring Raids of World War II 21:00 Tutankhamun: The Mystery Revealed 22:00 NCIS 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 CSI: NY 24:55 PartyPoker.com Women’s World Open IV

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 The Real A & E 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Bones 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Catwalk 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 UK Border Force 22:00 Gladiator 24:55 Oops TV

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

08:35 Eurosport Flash 08:45 Beach Soccer 09:30 International Football 10:30 Game, Set and Mats 11:00 Live French Open Tennis 19:00 Football 19:10 Live French Open Tennis 20:30 Live Game, Set and Mats 21:00 All Sports 21:05 Pro Wrestling 21:30 Pro Wrestling 22:30 WATTS 22:40 All Sports 22:50 World Superbikes 23:30 Live World Superbikes 24:30 Supersport


08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Four Weddings 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 16:00 Four Weddings 17:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 22:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 23:00 Cougar Town 23:30 Cougar Town 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for FREE with Europa call 902 050 999

08:30 Eurosport Flash 08:45 Marathon des Sables 09:15 World Superbikes 10:00 Football 10:15 Motorsports Weekend 10:30 French Open Tennis 13:30 Game, Set and Mats 14:00 Live French Open Tennis 19:00 Football 19:10 Live French Open Tennis 20:00 Live Game, Set and Mats 20:30 Eurogoals: One to One 20:45 WATTS 21:00 Boxing 23:00 World Superbikes 23:30 Historic Grand Prix of Monaco 24:00 French Open

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 22:00 Cougar Town 23:00 Drop Dead Diva 24:00 Criminal Minds

Britain’s Got Talent ITV1, 20.30

08:30 Eurosport Flash 08:45 Football 09:00 Inside World Touring Cars 09:30 French Open Tennis 13:30 Game, Set and Mats 14:00 Live French Open Tennis 19:00 Football 19:10 Live French Open Tennis 20:00 Live Game, Set and Mats 20:30 Olympic Games 21:00 Wednesday Selection 21:05 Show Jumping 22:05 Riders Club 22:10 Wednesday Selection Guest 22:20 US PGA Golf 23:15 European PGA Golf 23:45 Golf Club 23:50 Yacht Club

Springwatch 2010 BBC 2, 21.00

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Supernatural 23:00 Most Haunted 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Thursday

48 42

28 MAY 03 JUNE 2010 FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 OOglies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Safari 8 17:35 Gruesome Great Britain: A Blue Peter Special 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Would I Lie to You? 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

08:00 The Large Family 08:10 Zigby 08:25 Big Barn Farm 08:35 ZingZillas 09:00 Dennis & Gnasher 09:15 OOglies 09:30 What’s New, Scooby-Doo? 09:50 TMi: Are You Scareder Than a 10 Year Old? 10:00 Gastronuts 10:30 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 11:00 Deadly 60 11:30 Gruesome Great Britain: A Blue Peter Special 11:55 League of Super Evil 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Open Gardens 14:30 Here Comes Mr Jordan 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Great British Menu 20:00 The Culture Show 21:00 Springwatch 2010 22:00 Springwatch Unsprung 22:30 Little Ships 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Dunkirk

What’s playing local Cinemas COLCI Benidorm

Av. Zamora, Rincón de Loix T: 965 853 859 Green Zone Mon – Fri: 6.30pm – 8.45pm Weekends and holidays 6.30 only

IMF Torrevieja Pol San Jose S/10, T: 965 705 414

5pm – 6pm – 7.30pm 8.30pm - 10pm - 11pm Legion 5pm - 7pm – 9pm – 11pm The 5pm showing is only for Saturday, Sunday, Monday and holidays Robin Hood

IMF Ondara

CC Portal de La Marina, T: 966 477 464 Same as IMF Torrevieja

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 Coronation Street 22:30 Britain’s Got Talent - The Results 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Balls of Fury

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:45 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Will and Grace 12:05 Supernanny US 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Science Scams 13:15 Jamie at Home 13:45 Operation Crossbow 15:55 Coach Trip 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Genius of Britain 23:00 You Have Been Watching 23:45 Lee Evans: XL Tour 24:50 Dirty Sexy Money

08:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Paul Merton in Europe 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Amber’s Story 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Fifth Gear 21:00 Britain’s Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie 22:00 Desperado 24:05 America’s Toughest Prisons

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 The Real A & E 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Bones 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Catwalk 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Modern Family 21:30 Modern Family 22:00 A League of Their Own 22:30 A League of Their Own 23:00 Bones 24:00 NCIS: LA

08:30 Eurosport Flash 08:45 Show Jumping 09:45 French Open Tennis 13:30 Game, Set and Mats 14:00 Live French Open Tennis 18:00 Live Game, Set and Mats 18:30 Football 18:40 UEFA U19 Women’s Football 19:30 Bowling 20:30 Fight Club 22:30 International Football 23:30 French Open Tennis

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 553

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Midnight oil; 9 Observe; 10 Watch; 11 Extra; 12 Curtain; 13 Ogress; 15 Tissue; 18 In force; 20 Clara; 22 Hoard; 23 Castled; 24 Intemperate. Down: 2 Inset; 3 Normans; 4 Greece; 5 Tower; 6 In tears; 7 Come to light; 8 Change hands; 14 Refrain; 16 Incisor; 17 Tea-cup; 19 Ridge; 21 Allot. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Promiscuous; 9 Plunged; 10 Prior; 11 Opera; 12 Termite; 13 Treaty; 15 Effete; 18 Neglect; 20 Dodge; 22 Trait; 23 Islamic; 24 Belligerent. Down: 2 Rouse; 3 Migrant; 4 Sedate; 5 Upper; 6 Utilise; 7 Opportunity; 8 Irreverence; 14 Engrave; 16 Fiddler; 17 String; 19 Extol; 21 Demon.

Green Zone

A FEATURE adaptation of author Rajiv Chandrasekaran’s literary exposé Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone. A onetime Baghdad bureau chief of the Washington Post, Chandrasekaran was present as American forces attempted to set up a provisional government on the grounds surrounding former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s opulent palace. The resulting governing body, according to critics, existed in a bubble so far-removed from the grim realities of the Iraq War that it failed to properly assess the needs of the people. In this fictional thriller set during the U.S.-led occupation of Baghdad, director Greengrass and screenwriter Brian Helgeland

use Chandrasekaran’s journalistic account as the foundation for the story of an officer who joins forces with a senior CIA officer to unearth evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Legion AN OUT-OF-THE-WAY diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in humankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity’s only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner with the Archangel Michael (Bettany).

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Drop Dead Diva 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Got a story? 902 118 999


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28 MAYJANUARY - 03 JUNE2010 2010 15-21

A framework for using past simple tense LAST WEEK I promised you a translation of a short text. I hope you’re not expecting too much as it isn’t very exciting. I will translate it first and make a few comments at the end.

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 109

“Ayer me desperté a las siete como siempre. Era un día de trabajo y tuve que levantarme para llevar a mis hijos al instituto. No pude despertar a la menor enseguida porque dormía muy profundamente y no quiso levantarse. Mi otra hija se levantó más fácilmente y se fue a la cocina para desayunar. Yo me duché, me vestí y desayuné también y después fuimos en coche al instituto, llegando justo a tiempo. Al volver a casa leí mi correo electrónico y los titulares de los periódicos en internet. Hablé con dos o tres personas por teléfono y tomé un té con leche al estilo inglés. Después de varias otras tareas domesticas y profesionales, como poner la lavadora y preparar fotocopias, cogí mis cosas y me fui a trabajar en Torrevieja. Después del trabajo comí también en Torrevieja y me relajé un poco. Por la tarde hice las compras y al volver a casa guardé todo en la cocina. Mi hija me llamó para decirme donde estaba y luego me senté otra vez con el ordenador a trabajar. Más tarde salí para hacer algunos recados y después de cenar en casa vi mi programa favorito en la tele. Me acosté sobre las doce y me dormí enseguida.” Yesterday I woke up at seven o’clock as usual. It was a working day and I had to get up to take my children to (secondary) school. I couldn’t wake the younger one up straightaway because she was sleeping deeply and didn’t want to get up. My other daughter got up more easily and went off to the kitchen to have breakfast. I had a shower, got

Painting classes

DO YOU want to learn to paint? Or do you already paint and wish to meet other artists? Marian Nobbs from Los Alcazares is holding painting classes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00 until 12.15. The classes for beginners are just €10 per session and for experienced painters it is just €7 per session. For more information, please call Marion on 968 583 606.

dressed and had breakfast as well and then we went to school by car, arriving just on time. When I got back home I read my e-mails and the newspaper headlines on the Internet. I spoke to two or three people on the phone and had an English-style cup of tea with milk. After various other domestic and professional tasks, like putting on the washing machine and preparing photocopies, I picked up my things and went to work in Torrevieja. After work I had lunch, also in Torrevieja, and relaxed a bit. In the afternoon I did the shopping and when I got home, put it all away in the kitchen. My daughter phoned me to tell me where she was and then I sat down again at my computer to work. Later I went out on a few errands and after supper at home I watched my favourite programme on television. I went to bed about twelve o’clock and fell asleep straightaway. Well I hope you managed to overcome the excitement and get to the end. The main reason for the text is to provide a framework for the use of the past simple tense, which also contrasts with the past continuous tense, and the use of the infinitive as I mentioned last week. You might be interested to notice how many reflexive verbs there are, and also how they work in various sentences. When the reflexive verb has an ending change the reflexive pronoun goes in front (“me desperté”, “me duché”, “se levantó” etc.), but when the reflexive verb is in the infinitive form, it is usual (although not obligatory) to tack the reflexive pronoun on to the end of the verb (“tuve que levantarme”, “no quiso levantarse” etc.) It is also possible to separate the reflexive pronoun

from the infinitive (“me tuve que levantar”, “no se quiso levantar”). This is perhaps slightly less common but equally valid. You often find this word order in songs if it fits it better with the rhythm. The songs are usually about more interesting things than getting up in the morning, although, believe it or not, an emblematic song of the eighties in Spain is entitled “Hoy no me puedo levantar” – honestly! See you next week.

Art exhibition opened Demos THERE IS a new art exhibition at the Sala de Exposicions, the Aljibes Exhibition Centre, in the Torrevieja Park of Nations. The exhibition, entitled ‘Impressions of Spain’, features works of art by local non-Spanish artists from countries such as the UK, Germany, Sweden and Ireland. The exhibition, which will be held at the centre until 13th June, has been organised by the Office for the Attention of International Residents (OAIR) and will feature paintings in oil, watercolour and acrylic. Graham Knight from the OAIR told RTN: “The exhibition is the work of a cultural circle of art lovers from various European countries who are resident in Torrevieja and their impressions of Spain. These paintings express many aspects of Spain, as

in oils

IF YOU have always fancied trying oils why not pop along to Hanka’s Open House demos?

Maurice Thacker with one of his paintings

perceived through the eyes of various European artists, exploring paint characteristics from traditional Spanish dances, bulls, panoramic views, still life and through to abstract forms.” Graham continued: “Most of the artists are retired, some

with previous experience of painting, for others it is a dream come true as they have the time to devote to an art form that they love.” Artists exhibiting include Helen Fuller; Melanie Newman; TJ Miles; Maurice Thacker and Graham Edden.

THERE ARE 3 VENUES FOR THESE EVENTS Tuesdays from 15.30, Casa de Cultura in Sanet et Negrals Wednesdays from 14.00, Orange Grove Denia Thursdays from 14.00, Nuevo Javea offices opposite Correos in Javea. For further information about painting with oils please call Hanka on 669 624 949 or bofli@telefonica.net

28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

Tattoos in a gallery? by

Julia Evans

BA (hons). Artist & owner of ArtHouse Gallery

THERE HAVE been quite a few changes at ArtHouse gallery of late. For those of you that don’t already know, I have teamed up with fellow RTN writer and owner of cobra tattoo and piercing studio, Darren Whiting - Darren has opened a second tattoo studio downstairs at ArtHouse in Gata de Gorgos. Darren Whiting is a tattooist with over eighteen years experience. He is also a highly talented artist holding a Masters Degree in fine art painting. The new studio at ArtHouse, Gata de Gorgos is far more than your average tattoo parlour: as well as carrying out high quality tattoos and piercings on site, Darren will also be producing and exhibiting his own paintings, illustrations and sculptures, allowing you to experience an eclectic mix of artwork inspired by both fine art and tattoo art. I think a word that best describes

Tattoo by Darren Whiting

Whiting’s art and the man himself is diverse. He has a contrasting range of skills producing work that varies from large, expressive paintings to highly intricate ink pieces, to effortlessly simplistic line drawings. Do not think for a second that Darren’s work is solely based on body art; if anything his fine art background enriches his tattoos. In my opinion, both his work on skin and on paper is truly beautiful. You can imagine the skill necessary for tattoos - after all tattooists do not have the luxury of an eraser! But very rarely do we get the chance to see such artists drawing and painting. In Darren’s new studio you will be able to see paintings and illustrations as well as work in progress; an interesting insight into the process of making art and the design work and draftsmanship behind tattooing. Darren will also be teaching, sharing his vast expertise by holding weekly workshops in different techniques including mono-printing, life drawing and wet-on-wet ink practice. Both the adult’s and children’s classes at ArtHouse are booming at the moment. I take students of all levels of ability, including complete beginners with the ‘so you think you can’t draw’ course. This is aimed at those who may have never even picked up a pencil. My aim is to show that everybody has the capability to draw and enjoy art; they just need to be shown how. I promise that after one lesson, the


Darren Whiting working in oil on canvas

student will leave with a finished (classes are normally €15 for three drawing that they are happy with. I am hours), including all materials. so confident of this that if the student You can find all information on is not content with the end result, classes and workshops on the Arthouse they will get the lesson completely for website or contact me directly (see free! I have been doing this for a year details below) For all enquiries on now and so far have never had to give tattoos and piercings please contact away a free lesson. I break down the Darren on 966 811 813. principles of drawing into a simple step by step process, allowing you a basic understanding of line, tone and form. After that you will learn about colour, other drawing and painting techniques and have the opportunity to try different mediums. Honestly drawing is easy; you just need to be shown how! As with all our classes, you can book Mixed in a time that suits you, paying per media on class with no commitment. If you sign board by up between now and the end of June, Darren you will pay only €10 for your first class Whiting

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 286 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www.arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com


28 May - 03 june 2010

Costa Blanca performing arts championships 2010 E VERY YEAR up and down the coast, pubs hold local talent, singing and dancing competitions, but for the very first time on 25th July, Torrevieja will be hosting an accredited performing arts awards competition. The regional Costa Blanca festival has been organized by the Ghost Academy of Performing arts in collaboration with the World’s leading assessment and examination board for rock and pop music - Rockschool. The competition also has the full support of professional UK entertainment agents. This annual event is designed to identify and award outstanding children with a talent in dance, music, singing or acting. Professional training scholarships will be offered to selected winners to enable them to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. These pupils will be offered the chance to achieve college and University qualifications as well as receive management and guidance Anyone into professional working contracts. One of the major under 18 can enter


pleasures for the annual event organizers will be to watch the winning contestant’s progress through their training and mature into professional performers. Anyone under the age of 18 with a talent in dance, drama, music or singing can enter to compete for the chance to win one of the prestigious championship titles. Along with medals, trophies and publicity, winners will be presented with amazing prizes sponsored by two of the World’s largest and reputable dance and music distributors - Bloch and Roland. As well as popular titles such as ‘Young Musician of the Year’ and ‘Dance Champion’ titles, there are categories for dance troupes and bands. The judging panel will be made up of UK specialist examiners in each discipline, along with representatives of the sponsoring companies and professional entertainment agents. For further information and an application form please telephone 966 765 607: Mob: 679 531 737 or email info@ghostpromotions.com

A triumph for Raquel Peña The show was another sell out. Photo courtesy of Ken Taylor

By Jean Orellana RAQUEL PEÑA’S Flamenco Company disappoints only those who leave their ticket buying too late. When in May 2006 her show was a sell-out, she eased the frustration of those unable to get tickets by putting on an unscheduled extra performance in the autumn of the same year. Four years on and Sunday’s performance at the 700 seat Teatro Capital in Rojales was a repeat on a familiar theme. Again the show was a sell-out and the queues of flamenco aficionados needed to be shoe-horned

in. They were not disappointed; the thunderous applause threatened to lift the magnificent hall’s roof several centimetres. The colourful blend of extravagant costumes complemented a rhythmic staccato of hand-clapping, heel-tapping kaleidoscope of vivacity. One theatre goer said it made the hair on his neck stand up. Themes varied between a near religious experience and a castanet accompaniment to Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nacht Music, which thrilled more than the Germans in the audience. Jay Markwick, the youthful ‘El Greco’ recently awarded initiation to the

exclusive Ballet de Murcia, mesmerised the audience with a sparkling departing performance. Raquel says, “We will all miss Jay very much,” but as the show must go on, she already has plans to bring in top male guest artistes for future shows. The show was a triumph of choreography; a tribute to the agility of feminine form, which left the audience begging for more. If there is one person, with her youthful troupe, who can fill Rojales’s Teatro Capital, it is Raquel Peña. A major beneficiary was the Alzheimer’s Association of Torrevieja.

Saturday Night Fever hits Torrevieja


AST NIGHT (Thursday) saw the first performance of the stage production of the film which made John Travolta a household name. Saturday Night Fever is now on at the Torrevieja Municipal Theatre

Saturday Night Fever comes to Torrevieja

and shows take place today (Friday) at 18:30 and 22:00, tomorrow (Saturday) at 18:30 and 22:00 and Sunday (30th) at 17:00 and 20:00. Tickets are priced from €40 and are available by contacting the theatre on 966 706 838.

Campoverde music success THE SECOND monthly ‘Music in a Quiet Place’ in Campoverde was held on Wednesday, May 19th, in the village church. The programme ranged from traditional American songs performed by Mike Brainsby to solos from Patricia Flint. Accompaniment and instrumental pieces were performed by Christine Eames, with husband Roger on double-bass. Organiser Jill Dorsett thanked all who took part, whether listening or performing: “These occasions let us hear music that is neither Karaoke nor opera, nor Rock ‘n’ Roll, providing a new dimension to the cultural life of the community and a new platform for singers and musicians. I’d like to thank the performers for their time to come to Campoverde for these unique musical concerts. We are always pleased to welcome new visitors to the church.” The next ‘Music in a Quiet Place’ will be 16th June. More information from 966 762 715.

28 May - 03 june 2010


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28 MAY 03 JUNE 2010 FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

music scene

96.7 (TKO GOLD) - 91.9 - 89.9 - 87.7 - 87.5 • STUDIO SMS: 661 049 309 • STUDIO@TKOFM.COM



Music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column should email music@tkofm.com with details and photo...

Shadoogie Off Ya Head G

OODTIME BAND Shadoogie play the sound of The Shadows and the best of rock and roll, drawing large audiences of all ages on the southern Costa Blanca. Bob, Irving and Tim are in demand for much of the year and usually end gigs with everyone dancing. Each member has at least forty years experience. Bob started playing at 14, eventually performing as a session musician. In 2003 he moved to Spain, playing with the popular ‘Freeway’ before forming Shadoogie. Irving, bass guitar and singer, started his musical career with 50s rock ‘n’ roll. Irving built his own bass guitar, playing rock n roll and later playing in a resident band in Barcelona. In the UK he backed stars including Bert Weedon and Des O’Connor. In 2005, Irving joined Shadoogie in order to scratch the itch that never went away. Tim is rhythm guitarist and keyboard player, a popular member of the

northern music scene in a variety of bands. Tim learned classical guitar, studied music theory and gained his qualifications; a skilled musician. Shadoogie are very much in demand, earning a well deserved fan base. If you would like to book Shadoogie for your venue or private party, call 677 103 609 to chat about your requirements. GIGS Fri 4th June The Tavern, Torremendo Sat 12th June Las Naciones, Quesada Sat 3rd July The Club, Quesada Sat 10th July Langdons Bar, Catral Fri 16th July Hillside Country Club, La Marina Sat 13th July Picassos Restaurant, La Marina

Keyword Pop Quiz Don´t forget, any Groups with “The” as the first word will be the main name only.. (i.e. The Rolling Stones will be Rolling Stones). First names will be used for answers (i.e. Billy Idol). 1. Who had a hit with Don´t Stand So Close To Me? 2. Who sang What Do You Want (If You Don’t Want Money)? 3. What band do The Edge & Adam Clayton perform with? 4. Which Clash album featured Rudie Can’t Fail & Train In Vain? 5. Which song contains the lyric “I used

Find the keyword and win win two tickets to Terra Natura. Just listen to Davy Jones between 2 -5pm on TKO FM on Monday 31st May to enter.

to think maybe you loved me, now baby I’m sure..”? 6. Which superstar was Christened Reginald Dwight? 7. What Jazz musician had the nickname “Satchmo”? 8. What was the title of the Beatle’s final studio album? 9. Who was lead singer with 70s group The Raspberries? 10. Who sings the recent former TKO Power Play “Te Amo”?

Listen to Davy Jones on TKO FM, Monday between 14.00 and 17.00. Davy will ask you to text the keyword to 661 049 309. The winner and this week’s answers will then be announced.

The first letter of each answer will give you this week´s ´keyword´.


FOUR KIDS under the age of sixteen playing rock n roll? That can’t be right, surely? Well, anyone who has seen this band of youngsters live will tell you that they really are that young and, what´s more, they are skilled musicians and excellent entertainers! What will shock most people is that they only formed earlier this year and are all self taught. For a band so young, the level of musicianship is that of a group which has been together for years and playing a blend of rock and indie covers, they have filled a large gap in the market. Influences range from Green Day, Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon, Black Sabbath and White Stripes and they cover both contemporary and classic hits. One of the things that strike you when watching this band is the rapport they have with their audiences, encouraging crowd participation and creating an atmosphere that makes each gig a night to remember. So far, Off Ya Head have played only covers but that is about to change, as they have been writing their own material, which they are hoping to showcase in the next few weeks. This is a natural progression, as they have fine tuned their act to a point where they feel they can confidently play their own songs, as well as crowd favourites. If you haven’t yet seen the boys perform and you like guitar driven indie music, keep an eye out for them in your area and treat yourself to an evening getting Off Ya Head!

SATURDAY 29TH May the TKO FM and Gold DJs will be providing music and fun all day at the LA MARINA FUN DAY. The fun starts at 10am with a car boot sale, live music, dance displays, games, loads for the kids to do, bar and food stalls. This takes place at the market place, La Marina Urb´. Come down and join us, it´s going to be fun in the sun! Saturday 5th June TKO will be at

the Paul Cunningham Nurses Fun Day at El Corazon Hotel complex, at the top of Quesada. We´ll be providing music and commentary and you can join in with sumo wrestling, 10 pin bowling, punch bag, mini golf plus stalls, food and bar. Plus the kids will be well catered for with bouncy castle, inflatable slide, face painting, colouring competition and loads more. If you want any information on directions or events call Sue 629 869 959 or email sueinthesun@terra.es

GIGS: Thurs 3rd June The Tavern, Torremendo Fri 11th June Restaurant La Castilla, Lemon Tree Rd Tues 15th June La Bodega, Urb La Marina

28Feb May june 2010 26 - 03 March 4 2010

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28 MAYFEBRUARY - 03 JUNE 2010 2010 19-25

Rising sax star

at San Javier Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

IN THE lead up to this summer’s San Javier International Jazz Festival, I’ll be giving you the run down on the artistes appearing throughout July. Here is rising star Marcus Strickland, who impressed me greatly with his CD Marcus Strickland - Of Song (Criss Cross Jazz 1314). At only 30 years of age, Marcus has a mature tone whilst displaying a lyrical sensibility that belies his youth, evident in the choice of material ranging from James Brown’s ‘It’s Man’s, Man’s World’ to Bob Marley’s ‘Is It Love’ to Wayne Shorter’s ballad ‘Pinnocchio’. Its music very much in the tradition of the ballads played by sax greats John Coltrane and Ben Webster. His debut appearance at San Javier promises to be a delight for sax lovers. Marcus Strickland is a jazz tenor and soprano saxophonist originally from Miami, Florida, who currently lives in New York. He considers his father an early inspiration as he had been a drummer in jazz and rhythm and blues. Marcus’ identical twin brother, EJ Strickland, became a drummer, like their father, and is currently a member of Marcus’ quartet. Although Marcus works with Jeff ‘Tain’ Watts, Dave Douglas and Will Calhoun, he is perhaps best known for his quartet. He recently ended a five-year stint with legendary drummer

Roy Haynes. Marcus was named ‘Rising Star, Soprano Saxophone’ in Downbeat Magazine’s Critic’s Poll ‘08 and ‘Best New Artist’ in JazzTimes Magazine’s Reader’s Poll ‘06. The aspiring saxophonist has been on two Grammy-nominated recordings (‘Fountain of Youth’ with Roy Haynes and ‘Keystone’ with Dave Douglas). His own record label, Strick Muzik, was launched in 2006 with an adventurous double CD project featuring two bands of his, and appropriately titled with a play on words: ‘Twi-Life’. He has two releases on Fresh Sound New Talent Records as a leader (‘At Last’ and ‘Brotherhood’). In 2007, the highly acclaimed Twi-Life Group released a live album entitled ‘Open Reel Deck’ off Strick Muzik. The album features Lage Lund on guitar, Carlos Henderson on electric bass and EJ Strickland on drums as well as trumpeter Keyon Harrold, the hip-hop-tinged poetry of Malachi, and one track with pianist Jon Cowherd. Throughout the electrically charged atmosphere of ‘Open Reel Deck’, the Twi-Life Group displays the curious side of Marcus’ compositional skills through funk, hip-hop, afro-beat, rock, ska and jungle grooves, while also showcasing the versatility of his twin brother EJ on drums. Marcus has gained professional and artistic integrity through experiences

Marcus Strickland

with Roy Haynes, Mos Def, Dave Douglas, Nicholas Payton, Jeff ‘Tain’ Watts, Christian McBride, Charles Tolliver Big Band, Tom Harrell, Will Calhoun, Lonnie Plaxico, The Carnegie Hall Big Band, The Mingus Band, the Village Vanguard Band, Milt Jackson Big Band, and The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, just to name a few. The Marcus Strickland Quartet is appearing at the San Javier International on a double bill together with the Avishai Cohen Quintet on Friday 9th July. Tickets are €12 and showtime is 21:30. More info at www.jazz.sanjavier.es American jazz pianist, bandleader

and composer Hank Jones sadly passed away in New York on Sunday 16th May. This legend in jazz performed at the IX edition of the San Javier International Jazz Festival and left an indelible memory, as a musician and as a person. Critics and musicians described Jones as eloquent, lyrical and impeccable. He recorded over 60 albums under his own name and countless others as a sideman. This year’s festival will be dedicated to his memory along with singer, songwriter and guitarist Willy DeVille, who died of pancreatic cancer in August last year. Willy performed at the X edition in 2007.

Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

New Spangles concert Swingdance festival

BRITISH SINGER, pianist and guitarist Mike Sanchez is an exciting and charismatic performer of Rhythm & Blues and Rock ‘n’ Roll, a frenetic front man pumping powerful boogie-woogie from the piano in a soaking suit, spending four years as a full-time member of Bill Wyman’s Rhythm Kings and performing in 2007 at the final Led Zeppelin Reunion at the O2 Arena.

Spangles next concert is on June 24th

SPANGLES IS staging another concert on Thursday, 24th June at 19.00 at CISSMU, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares. A guest appearance will be made by a brilliant, young cappella group from Torrevieja. They sing rock, pop and doo-wop and should appeal to young and old alike. Tickets at just €8 are limited, so early booking is advised.

BIG JACK’S RHYTHM AND BLUES BAND BIG JACK is constantly in the press; a famous name all over the Coast. HR Hieser studied clarinet and saxophone in his New Orleans Band, learning a’Hony Tonk‘ style that became his signature on the Costa Blanca: left side a rolling Black-Bass-Hand - right side faster, either Fats Domino or Jerry Lee Lewis. These artists plus many more will be appearing at the Swingdace Festival starting Thursday June 3rd, each evening 20.00 till late, through to Sunday 6th June, to benefit the José Carreras Leukaemia Foundation.

Big Jack’s Rhythm and Blues Band

Tickets may be purchased in the CBN-Office in Benissa and also the Calper Wochenblatt office in Calpe at the bargain price of €8 – tickets at the event will priced at €10. Please help spread the word! Donation to the José Carreras Leukaemia Foundation may be made via: Bancaja, Calpe Nr: 200077-0304-73-73-3601511795: Susanne and Stefanie Huber.

28 May - 03 june 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.


Euromillions Draw Friday 21ST May

Answers & Winner

One Belgian ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£13,072,500) jackpot prize

Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 51. Crossword winner for issue 553: Matthew Mitchell, SAN LUIS

7 19 30 38 50 4


Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



1. Profound (4)

1. Undeceive (8)

3. Ready (8)

2. Authorise (7)

8. Tastes (4)

4. Duty list (6)

9. Star (8)

5. Excelling (3-7)

11. Confusion (12)

6. Rule (5)

13. Wanders (6)

7. Ditch (4)

14. Grab (6)

10. Skip school (4,6)

17. Incarceration (12)

12. Movable possessions (8)

20. Mitigated (8)

15. Treachery (7)

21. Eyot (4)

16. Climb (6)

22. Pause (8)

18. Hebrew leader (5)

23. Burden (4)

19. Reckless (4)

Across 1. Select tool (4) 3. The bird is heather after the chief actor (8) 8. The only sound spirit (4) 9. Worthless stuff from tricky cardplayers? (8) 11. The reason for the command is a matter of formal procedure (5,2,5) 13. Charge for hire could have been learnt (6) 14. Allow mischievous child to be included - he’s a sticker! (6) 17. Does nobody take the chair in the chamber? (8-4) 20. Tore tape up to make short musical drama (8) 21. The sort of performance one would expect from a recluse (4) 22. Freedom from restraint on the map, perhaps (8) 23. Abandoned socialism, perhaps (4)


Down 1. Travel document shows father’s a good fellow! (8) 2. Warning; confused education deal is out (7) 4. Economy in the garden? (6) 5. Coupling made again? (10) 6. She figures in their energetic display (5) 7. The artist should leave yawning at first (4) 10. The taint meant an accomplishment (10) 12. Completely get rid of the latest philatelic issue? (5,3) 15. Suggest work in writing other than poetry (7) 16. Dismissed from the prospect of becoming the better half (6) 18. Pilfering article 12 in. long (5) 19. Fathead, the wise bird is a bird! (4)

52 40

28 MAY 03 JUNE 2010 FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Summer plantings

for your apartment by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

PLANTS DON’T get any less expensive nor the summers any cooler so ensure that you don’t waste money on unsuitable plants or lose plants due to poor positioning, planting and care, especially if living in an apartment or town house. Last month we introduced you to our latest book ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’, the fourth in our series published by Santana Books. In this book we purposely listed the best plants for apartment terraces, balconies and windowsills with photographs and descriptions under the following headings: 1. Plants that love the sun and are not thirsty – these include an interesting collection of succulents, cacti and aloes. 2. Plants that can tolerate continuous sun but are thirsty so considerably more care is required – these include the easiest annuals for Spain and collections of perennials, climbers and bulbs.

3. Plants that are best grown in semi shade - and there are many such plants to choose from such as hydrangeas, fuchsias and stephanotis. 4. Plants that can live in more shaded positions most of the time if there is reflected light such aspidistras, Christmas cacti and Cinerias. 5. Northern European house plants such as the Peacock plant and Peace lily that can be coaxed to survive in semi shaded terrace positions. Each description includes a clear indication of the plants’ thirstiness, salt tolerance in case you are near the sea or salt pans, frost resistance if in the inland towns and villages and whether perfumed such as the Lady of the Night, Carnations or French Marigolds. By the way, plants are listed in the descriptions by botanical names but there is also a plant list by English names with the page numbers of the descriptions. So experienced and beginner gardeners will be able to trace plants speedily. Veer away from these lists and your investments in plants are immediately at risk. And there are other risks to be taken into account: Firstly the compost in which

Do your bit to re-green the Med

plants are supplied is often good for growing plants under mass production conditions in hothouses but dries out too quickly under typical home garden and terrace conditions. Secondly many composts for re-potting plants are not ideal so it is best to make your own blends using mixes of a peat based compost, worm compost and sand. A good garden centre will be able to advice on the best brands to use. As we said last month, many apartment

blocks could do with more colourful balconies for the enjoyment of residents and passers by. Please do your bit to re-green the Med. Our new book can be obtained from high street bookshops such as Bookworld and Carrefour and if more convenient by mail order from www.bookworld.com or www.santabooks.com. The latter also take telephone orders on 952 485 838. If you wish for autographed copies for presents contact us via www.gardeninginspain.com.

CLODAGH AND DICK HANDSCOMBE are practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed living, gardening and writing in Spain for twenty five years. Their latest quartet of best selling gardening books are ‘Your Garden in Spain’, ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’, ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’. They are available from high street and internet book shops including www.santanabooks.com. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com May 2009

A Palatial Paradise THE JAIPUR PALACE is located in La Herrada Urbanisation in Los Montesinos and earlier this week, RTN visited the delightful restaurant, situated within the Monte La Herrada Commercial Centre. The Jaipur Palace boasts indoor seating as well as a fabulous outside terrace, owned by the same people who own the Jaipur Palace and Alhambra Palace in Balsicas. The experienced restaurateurs

also own the Cash and Curry Indian wholesalers, supplying most of the Costa Blanca’s Indian restaurants with their ingredients and situated next to the two restaurants. In Spain since 1999, the family has over ten years experience in running successful restaurants and as soon as you walk into the restaurant, that experience and attention to detail shines through; right down to the stunning table

settings, friendly atmosphere and background music.

ENTERTAINMENT The restaurant offers an extensive menu which includes two lunchtime menus (priced at either €5.95 or €9.95) and an evening menu (€12.95). And with Bollywood weekends, with authentic Punjabi dance shows as well as flamenco dancing every Friday and Saturday

evening, the Jaipur Palace doesn’t just offer excellent Indian food; their entertainment is also second to none. The restaurant specialises in tandoori style cuisine as well as balti, curry, muglai and handi dishes and their Indian chef has years of experience cooking traditional Indian food. Their menu is in English and well set out and there are more than ten different naan breads and 11 different rice dishes to accompany their varied and delicious main courses, which also include a selection of vegetarian dishes. There is an extensive children’s menu which includes non Indian dishes for fussy youngsters.

DELICIOUS RTN started with a tandoori mixed grill which included chicken mint tikka, traditional chicken tikka, chicken malai tikka and lamb tikka and arrived at the table on a sizzling hotplate. The succulent chicken was placed on top of sautéed onions and peppers and was accompanied by a garnish of carrots and cucumbers. The whole dish was simply mouth watering and it is no wonder that the It’s simply Jaipur Palace boasts that it specialises delicious in tandoori style cooking! at The For the main course, RTN had Jaipur the chicken muglai, a coconut and Palace!

almond based dish that has a bit of a kick yet not too spicy. The dish was garnished with coriander, almonds, sesame seeds and sultanas and instead of rice came with several pieces of naan bread, light and fluffy and so unlike the usual doughy and stodgy naan bread that you get in other Indian restaurants. The curry itself can only be described as deliciously tasty and RTN had to resist the urge to lick the plate!

TAPAS MENU The restaurant is open from 10:00 until 23:30 Monday to Sunday and offers 10% discount for take away. They also offer free delivery to areas in the near vicinity including Quesada, Vista Bella and Los Montesinos. A fantastic Indian tapas menu is available between 10:00 and 17:00 and priced at just €4.25 for four dishes and a glass of wine or beer, is an absolute bargain! It is also a great idea for families with picky children or for people not familiar with Indian food as they can try a selection of tapas to see which they prefer. Dishes in the tapas menu include onion bhajis, chicken and vegetable pakoras, channa chaat and potato patties. For more information on the Jaipur Palace please call 966 720 519.


28 03 JUNE 2010 FEBMAY 26 - -MARCH 4 2010

53 53

Diced tuna with tomatoes and pistachios, marmalade and bearnaise TAPAS FOR 4 PERSONS 500 gr fresh tuna fish Some olive oil

FOR THE MARMALADE 200g red tomatoes 75g green peeled pistachios 50g sugar 5cl water


RTN AND RESTAURANT Casa ‘Mola Mola’ are proud to present a series of recipes. We will take a closer look at the Spanish tradition of eating, in particular the fabulous world of TAPAS. Eating tapas is typical to Spain and entertaining. It is a way to enjoy the company of friends or family whilst sampling several different flavours in small portions. OVER THE NEXT 10 WEEKS, CHEF SASSEN WILL BE PREPARING THE FOLLOWING TAPAS: 1. Patatas Bravas ‘New Style’ 2. Goat’s Cheese with Lavander and Vanilla Syrup 3. Dices of Tuna with Tomato-Pistache Marmalade 4. Fish Cakes Thai Style 5. Chicken Sticks with Mango-Teryake Sauce 6. Smoked Salmon filled with fresh Goat’s Cheese and Herbs 7. Boquerones with Sundried Tomato and Quail Egg 8. Shrimps with Papaya and Moscatel sauce 9. Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon and Caviar 10. Bavarois of Horchata and Granizado of Moscatel

PROCOMOBEL and Iron Art Factory Outlets support PCN THIS SUNDAY at Procomobel Sunday Market there will be a raffle and a free gift for everyone who buys a raffle ticket and next Sunday, 6th June, there will be food tasting and a restoration craft demonstration. Full story by Susan Reader next week.

K9 crazy golf competition A CRAZY Golf Competition is to be held on Wednesday 16th June at Mini Golf, Calle Los Arcos, Quesada (Nr Quesada Arches), with procedes to the K9 animal charity. Teams are to consist of four players at €7 per

person (to include breakfast or lunch) and there will be many prizes presented to the lucky winners. To register your team contact Brenda on 966 796 436 or email brendaandsteve@lamarina.info

3 egg yolks 125g butter 2 tbsp fresh tarragon, chopped 1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped gastrique: 300ml white wine; 150ml vinegar; 1 shallot chopped; 6 to 10 sprigs tarragon; some parsley some thyme and 1 tsp peppercorns.


For the marmalade, boil the water and the sugar for five to 10 minutes until reduced to syrup. Make a cross with a knife in the top part of the tomatos and boil them for about 30 seconds so the skin is coming loose from the meat. Cool in icewater and peel them. Cut in small, equal pieces after disposing of the seeds and hearts. Place the pieces of tomato and the green pistachios in the syrup and boil for two minutes. Set aside to cool. For the béarnaise, put the ingredients for the gastrique in a saucer and boil to reduce to half quantity. Keep only the liquid and put aside to cool. Whip the egg yolks with a dash of gastrique on a small flame until it foams. Mix the cleared butter little by little until the bearnaise thickens. Season and add some chopped tarragon and parsley. Take the tuna and cut into 16 equal cubes. Fry them on the grill. The tuna needs to stay pink inside! Place the dices of tuna on a plate and top them with the marmalade. Finish by adding some bearnaise.

Restaurant Casa ‘Mola Mola’ in the old town of Calpe is a must for every food lover! For reservations call 965 839 554 / 628 057 138 Casa ‘Mola Mola’ C/la justicia 6 C/campanarie 5 03710 Calpe


28 MAY - 03 JUNE2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY

Cobblers THIS CRISIS is teaching us all something; if nothing else we are learning to save money! Making do, and economising, is a way through and most of us have learned to live with less income and have tightened our belts somewhat as a result. Recently I went into a shoe repair shop to have some keys cut, and I couldn’t help but to notice the racks full of shoes there waiting to be repaired. Maybe in the past we threw away shoes, but now, if it doesn’t cost a lot, we are repairing them to get that extra bit of wear, and why not? There were shoes in this repair shop from all walks of life. Orange stilettos rubbed shoulders with sole peeling Nike trainers, whilst some official looking black lace-ups teamed up with a pair of golf shoes, Barbie boots and some slave girl sandals completed the scene. This rather odd assortment of footwear made me wonder the history behind each and every pair. I asked myself about the owners, wondered where the shoes came from and what journeys they had affected during their lifespan so far. Different stories from different footwear from different people and all wrapped up in a history lesson from the past. My adopted father had both his legs amputated. He had no need for shoes at all after that. Until he told me one day what it really felt like I never realised the concept that our connection with the World relies on putting both feet on the ground; something my Dad couldn’t do anymore. After his radical surgery he felt that he no longer could make connection to this Planet, and he suffered a lot of distress because of it. Now, however tired I am, I never moan about the fact that I can walk the face of this Earth, with my two fully working legs. We make our journey each and every day. Sometimes we plan where we are going, or it

is part of our routine, and then we experience the unknown and the different when we walk through pastures new, or experience a twist to our journey of life. Wherever we go then, our feet and our shoes go with us. Sometimes we walk over old ground and sometimes we have the chance to walk in the new. We may travel, or choose to stay at home, and in so doing we travel as we walk the face of this Earth, and, as we do so it is our feet that have attached us to the living source of energy; constantly connecting us to the pathway. The Spiritual pathway opens up for those who require it. We have only to step on to it with good intention, and then somehow trust the twists and turns that will see us travel onwards, throughout a life dedicated to the energy of Spirit. Sometimes we will feel so confident, out there walking; and other times we may feel a bit hesitant, maybe more needy and deserving. We may also trip and fall along the way, but we will also have the energy and the choice to pick ourselves up, and continue, or choose to start again. We will thus walk in the comfort of love each and every day, but above all, consider one thing that is unique to walking the Spiritual pathway: you are never, ever alone on it! Your journey is one that you make with Spirit as a friend, as you are guided, and supported, and comforted each and every step of the way. Sounds too good to be true? Try it, and you will see it works. Walk out of the shadow and the darkness and despair of loneliness and make your decision to put your best foot forward. Walk in the light of the love of Spirit. They will be there on your darkest night, and be with you on your sunniest day. As you walk your World, there is no matter what type of shoe you decide to wear, but you can heal that soul as you heel that sole!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny, my husband passed away a year ago. He didn’t believe in the Spirit World, but I always have. I have recently begun to feel him around me, and to pick up smells, like his pipe, and strong peppermints around the house. If I came to you for a reading would he come through to me? MST Well, he just might come through for you. I think he was very set in his ways about spiritual matters, but if he has survived in the Spirit World then he is a testimony to the process. The delay in his contact would show to me that he has had to make some definite changes in his beliefs and it has taken time for him to come to terms with death and soul survival. Now he appears to be ready to let you know that he is okay, that he really has survived, and that he is now an active part of the Spirit World he didn’t want to believe in! Tobacco and mint, very common smells of spiritual contact, are two very prevailing smells, and they were obviously smells that surrounded his Earthly life too, so he’s ready to communicate I’d say!

Kenny’s Diary Monday May 31st and Wednesday June 2nd: Afternoon Readings at Maya Bistro, Albir. Please call: 966 868 213 for details. Tuesday June 1st at 15.00: ‘Audience with Kenny Corris’ at Castalla Meeting Centre, Calle Pedro Juan Leal 2. Info: Sarah on 630 142 442 Saturday June 5th: Readings at Hotel Corazon, Quesada Golf, Fun Day from 10.30. In aid of Paul Cunningham Nurses.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris You will spend most of this week waiting for something to happen, as for sure it will. As you go about your week and your specific routines with your usual openness and motivation, you will feel that change is on its way. It is hard to imagine the control of Uranus currently monitoring your ninth house of love and compassion, but en route to you is the luck and wisdom and premonition of the wild card, planet Jupiter at the end of the week, and not before time. The Neptune retrograde brings the chance to start something new and it heralds a new beginning, particularly a new way of working. Though your ideals remain the same, there is an added dimension to just what it is you take on this week, and calm and patience are required to sooth your bullish reaction and stubborn ways. There is a lot at stake, and if you can keep your temper, even if others decide to lose theirs, there will be a chance to put your foot forward. Planet Chiron retrogrades in opposition to Jupiter, and this brings a re-birth of your hidden skills and shows you a way forward to use them for the benefit of all concerned. There is work to do, and your hesitation isn’t laziness; you need to be sure that you can follow this through, and you undoubtedly can. As you doubt yourself, know that you have been selected to do what you have to do, and that nobody else could or would do it better. The long term effect of Venus brings you the chance to make hay while the sun shines. You often miss the very best opportunities, trying to be sure of your actions, and then, often it is too late to make a difference. This does nothing for your ego, and better planning may well be the solution. This week, timing is very important, and of the optimum: if you play your cards right then you will gain a little leeway into something interesting that will shortly come your way. Mars resides in your third house, and is all set to oppose Neptune at the end of what will be, for you, a very busy week. As things seem to drop into place you will feel that a burden of responsibility is taken away from you, and this not before time. As you examine pastures new, remember that there is no smoke without fire, and that a backlash from Mars brings you a need to keep your defences open just a little while longer to fully assure your next move. The Saturnal Direct this weekend will have some strong influence on you and you must rest and contemplate your actions, putting things into place long before you issue judgements and make what could be inappropriate decisions. Hold back on any plans, especially for travel, and read the small print before you add your signature to any document. As appointments change and your scope widens, you’ll be grateful for time on your side. Venus passes fleetingly, bringing Cancerian airs into play and this establishes a focus to work towards. Keeping your balance means examining both sides of the coin before you flip it, and then to have an ability to demand the justice of the fate and destiny that you so deserve to have. Pull out all of the stops and make sure that something comes back to you; you deserve so much more, and it is high time that you asked, once and for all, for what you truly deserve. A strong financial warning will mean a re structure of finances as a new way of making savings seems appropriate and necessary right now. You cannot work any harder than you do, but tightening your belt and making adjustments goes towards a general trend which others will have to adhere to. Someone isn’t paying their way, and needs to be told once and for all that now a joint effort is needed to balance the books and take financial control of the situation. You have been subject to the Saturn retrograde, and it may have made you take actions that you will regret. When the going gets tough then the tough get going and what you have done is an adequate and just reaction to just what is going on right now. In time you may find that your intervention at this time wasn’t the best thing to do, however just sitting and waiting for things to get better by themselves isn’t a justifiable alternative either. A great time for rest and relaxation this week as there is time on your hands and work can and will take second place for a while. See that you take time to make the connection between your heart and soul, as you need to explore your inner self on every level, whatever that means. The power of balance and the peace of your inner wisdom will be shown to you as you open your psychic senses to do what you should have done long ago, but have held back on. The mighty power of the Neptune retrograde takes rightful preference this week as the mighty planet travels back on its axis, to reach new heavenly midpoints. A healthy nostalgia from the past is destined to reach you midweek, and may bring you some surprises as serendipity calls and a message is sent. This is a great time to catch up with social events and those people that you haven’t connected with for a long time. You’ll be aware of something rather wonderful afoot! As host to the Chiron retrograde, you’ll benefit from taking things calmly and in your stride this week; especially as a storm in a teacup develops midweek and makes a mountain out of a molehill. Someone is pulling the strings this week, but the highly positive response that you take on board is the very best way of dealing with all this and to make it known that you, above all, are not to be messed with. You have some larger fish to fry!

If it’s your birthday this week... Love and romance buds this spring, blooms in the summer and the fruits of the autumn will be the very best. Take time to tell the truth within your heart, and regret nothing on the way!

Eclipse Book Review by

Danny Collins


ECLIPSE IS the third book in a series about a teenage college freshman – well woman, actually, but that’s the way they talk over there – who falls in love with a male fellow student – as things are today, it’s important to make that clear – whose complexion is pale, whose body is as cold as marble and whose temperature hovers around 0ºC. A bit off-putting you’d think, but not to Bella Swann who herself sounds as batty as Arthur Scargill. Why? Because she’s also attracted to a Red Indian youth called Jacob who has the disconcerting habit of turning into a werewolf whenever he

loses his rag, which he does frequently around Bella’s oddlooking boyfriend Edward, the cold, white one, who really can’t help his looks because he’s a vampire and has been dead for over 1,000 years, as most vampires are. As a commercially published author myself, I can’t help but admire the chutzpah of Ms Meyer, who decided the plot of her first attempt at a published novel would be about a vampire, werewolf, human love triangle. Not a plot that comes easily to mind, one would think, but hers did and is now the basis of two Hollywood films and, I suspect, more to come.

28 MAY - 03 JUNE2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY I’d recommend that anyone unfamiliar with the author’s work should read the first two books in the series, ‘Twilight’ and ‘New Moon’, the latter was reviewed in this column in February of this year, as one needs to slip into the required state of suspended belief gradually, but once in, the book excites. This is a showdown between a vengeful, beautiful vampire, who blames Bella for the death of her vampire lover – yes, they can die, apparently. Edward and Jacob call in their clans under a truce to protect her and the battle rages and I enjoyed it immensely. Stephenie Meyer has struck gold and good luck to her. And for those out there who’ve been papering their walls with rejection slips for years, how about a storyline of a leprechaun who falls in love with a talking cat called Cyril…..? Expand.


Author: Stephenie Meyer Publisher: atom (paperback) Price: €9.10 ISBN: 978 1 904233 91 6

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Round the World in a Wheelchair Party in the park ‘ROUND THE World in a Wheelchair’ by Doreen Webster is a travel book with a difference. Noel, her husband, is in the wheelchair and she is the ‘pusher’. Together they have visited a large part of the World in the 13 years since he was disabled by a stroke. This is their story. Doreen wrote the book for several reasons: she wanted to share their wonderful experiences and she wanted people in a similar situation to realise how much can be achieved. There is background information to the many places they visited and

MABS Murcia/Mar Menor

helpful hints for disabled travelers. Many readers will remember Doreen and Noel: they lived in Benissa until they sold their home there two years ago. Doreen was the secretary of the Calpe Rotary Fellowship Luncheon Club. Noel was the Charity Steward of the Armonia de Ifach Masonic Lodge and Doreen’s annual quiz exercised a lot of brains in the area. She also worked in the Charity Shop in Moraira. They were members of U3A. Noel ran a painting group and Doreen was one of the ‘creative writers’. One chapter

Doreen and Noel

The Sevillanas Club Flamenco Dancers

of the book tells of a U3A trip to Figueres and Barcelona. As well as occasional far-flung journeys, they now divide their year between England and France but still remember their happy times in Spain. The book is available from www.amazon.co.uk, www.waterstones.co.uk, and the English bookshop in Calpe. ISBN 978-1-907172-66-3

Its official - summer has arrived! GET YOUR flipflops out, shorts and shades on and come and join us for an afternoon of browsing and buying round the gorgeous pool at Mariano’s Restaurant, Camposol Sector A, at 14.00 on Saturday 29th May, at the MABS Annual Summer Fayre. Bring friends and family and enjoy a coffee or beer or even a late lunch in the sun. For confidential help or support call our Helpline number: 620 422 410. For General Enquiries: 620 582 418 11.00 to 16.00, Monday to Friday.

Email mazmabs@hotmail.com Web site www.mabsmazarron.com www.mabscancersupport.org FORTHCOMING EVENTS 26th/27th June - Camposol Fiesta 30th July- BBQ at the Golf Club 24th October - Race for Life 2010 on Camposol 27th November - Xmas Fayre at Sensol Golf Hotel (all stalls already booked). For further details call Sue on 634 338 189

Age Concern summer fayre SATURDAY JUNE 5th at 11.00am. At the centre in C/Paganini, Urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja. Prize draw tickets are on sale at €1.00 each, available now from the centre and from the charity shops. Donations for the raffle, tombola and all the usual stalls will be gratefully accepted. Please telephone 96 678 6887.

SUNDAY JUNE 13th at 4pm until late at CISSMU, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares. Remember how good last years party was? This years promises to be even better, so book your ticket now. Tickets just 10€, includes buffet and sangria, call 968 582 535 or 654 135 412 or order online at www.mabsmurcia.com

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28FEB MAY JUNE 2010 26 - 03 MARCH 4 2010

Computing Telefonica download speed with aunty virus

Red wavy underscore

Archie via email asks: Hi Aunty, Can you please advise me on my download speed as I think Telefonica are restricting it. I have been told that my line will give me 1Mb of download and I am paying for 3Mb. I have done a speed test and I am getting 0.04 download speed and 0.25 upload. I have asked them to check the line and they said it’s okay, and that it is my computer, but if I go to a bar with a free WIFI

Ray via email asks: Hello Aunty, I am getting a red wavy underscore on some words sometimes. What have I done? Can you please advise. Aunty says: This is normally to indicate spelling errors Ray, and the solution depends on what software you are using when they appear. If you are using Open Office or Word etc, and these squiggles are appearing when you know for certain the spelling is correct then you need to check your spell checker and language options. It may be that your spell checker is set to look for Spanish words and therefore sees any English words as misspelt. You can usually find this from the ‘tools’ menu option but it will differ depending on what program you are using.

zone it works fine. So why is it just my line that seems to be slow or could it be my router, could you advise please?

Aunty says: Hello Archie. If you’re only getting 0.04Mbps download when you have nothing else running on your computer then that is appalling. You’ve proved it’s not your computer by successfully testing it in a public Wi-Fi zone so it’s almost certainly

your router or line that is at fault. Unfortunately it can be very difficult to persuade Telefonica that this is the case, but if you save and print out the test results from three consecutive days of speedtest.net at both locations, you may be able to persuade one of the shop staff to escalate it to the technical department. If this fails do as I did and sack them.

Can I reduce a movie file size?

What exactly is SKYPE?

Aunty says: Hi Harry. This is your email provider (hotmail in your case) limiting the size of attachments you can send and you can do one of two things here: you could use a program such as Gsplit from download.com which will let you break any kind of file into smaller chunks, or you could do as I do and use Dropbox. Dropbox is a fantastic free internet based file sharing tool that allows you to share your photos and documents etc. with anyone you choose. You get over 2GB of space to begin with, but this increases as you invite more friends to join. If any of you want an invite then send me your email address and I will get you started.

Aunty says: No need to feel embarrassed Mr G, there are a lot of areas of computers that can be a bit of a mystery until they are explained in plain and simple

Harry via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have a Fujitu Siemens laptop which will only send movies in 10mb lumps. As all the movies on my computer are more than this, is their any way I can reduce them to bite sized lumps? Many thanks.

Mr G from Formentera asks: Hi Aunty. I’m a bit embarrassed asking (hence the anonymity) but what exactly is Skype? I keep hearing it mentioned and how good and cheap it is but I’m not sure how I go about getting it, or whether it is better than the phone tariff I have with my current ADSL package.

terms. Skype is basically a way of using your existing ADSL line as a telephone service without having to use the normal public phone network; essentially you are replacing your old style telephone with your computer. To be free it relies on both ends having an ADSL connection and can also broadcast webcam video and conference calls. You don’t need a telephone to use it as a set of headphones and microphone are the best way, and once you have all your contacts

and numbers set up on your computer/laptop you can use it wherever you have an ADSL connection (WiFi hotspot and Internet café etc).

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

26 - 03 MARCH 4 2010 28FEB MAY JUNE 2010

57 45

SuperFast Internet!

Firefox regional settings Joan via email asks: Dear Aunty, I’ve just started using Firefox Instead of Internet Explorer and it seems much faster but whenever I click on the icon it takes me straight into Google in Spanish. Is this just because it knows that I am located in Spain? And is it to change into English? I’m not brilliant with computers so could you explain it simply for me?

Aunty says: Hi Joan, You are quite right in assuming

that Firefox is checking your regional settings and decides you want Google in Spanish instead of English. Google is set as your ‘homepage’ which is basically a fancy name for the webpage you first connect to when you go on the internet. You need to set your browser (Firefox or Internet Explorer) to use www.google.co.uk as your home page and not www. google.com. You will find this under ‘tools’ ’options’ ‘homepage’ from the menu at the top of Firefox.

Apple iPad set for international debut

APPLE’S IPAD finally goes on sale outside the United States this week after heavy US demand for the multi-media gadget forced a one-month delay of its international release. The touchscreen tablet device from the maker of the Macintosh computer, the iPod and the iPhone will be available on Friday in stores in Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain and Switzerland. The Cupertino, California-based Apple plans to bring the iPad to Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore in July. The company co-founded by Steve Jobs had planned to begin selling the iPad internationally in late April but was forced to delay the global debut of the device because of what it said was “surprisingly strong US demand.” Apple said earlier this month that it sold

one million iPads in the first 28 days it was available in the United States, less than half the time it took for the company to sell the same number of iPhones. More than 5000 applications have been developed for the iPad, according to an Apple spokesman, in addition to the 200,000 programs already available for the iPhone or the iPod Touch, most of which run on the iPad.


28 May - 03 june 2010

28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

Electrical safety in the home Electrics in your home by

Tony Poole

from Sparks Electrical Services

IN 2002, the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents reported 27 people died from electric shocks and there were 2,788 electrical accidents in the home. Health and Safety in Spain seems non-existent, so expect the numbers to read like the Euro Millions lottery draw. How can you – ‘Mr & Mrs “I’m too frightened of electricity”’, safely and quickly check the electrics in your home? HERE ARE THE BASICS There are 3 safety features in a Consumer Unit (that’s a ‘fuseboard’ in old money). The RCD (Residual Current Device) and CB (Circuit Breaker) are

A circuit breaker

mechanical switching devices, while ‘earthing’ is a means of connecting exposed-conductive parts to a main earthing terminal. You don’t really need to understand what all that means, however, you do need to know how to periodically check them without getting fried alive. Here’s what to do... Find your CU, (the box in the wall behind the front door; the thing the cover keeps falling off). Every CU must be fitted with an RCD; its job is to protect against ‘leaking’ electricity and prevent electric shocks. The slightest leak and the device ‘trips-out’. The RCD is labeled Interruptor Diferencial - it’s the only switch fitted with a small ‘Test Button’. Press the Test Button: if you hear a scream - “Iberdrola, have just cut us off!” then the power has automatically switched off and the RCD has done the job, first √. Flick the switch back up to restore the power. If the power stayed on, then the RCD is faulty. Contact an Approved Electrician and replace immediately. Manufacturers recommend you perform this simple test once a month. Numero dos: the CB’s are for shortcircuit and overloading protection. Start by checking the condition of the CB’s, look for signs of burning, have the CB’s been changed? There may be a mixture of different brands - a CB that has been refitted with a higher rating than permitted is a fire hazard


A consumer unit

- that’s the same as replacing a fuse with a steel nail. Every RCD should control no more than 5 CB’s. CB’s can stick, sometimes tripping but they still appear to be switched on. Give them a good wiggle occasionally - this should prevent that: second √. That’s it – easypeasy-Japaneasy. CB’s are 99% fail safe; correctly fitted they either ‘make’ or ‘break’ and require no maintenance. Finally: earthing. Visually inspecting the main earth terminal will give a good indication to the standard of workmanship and whether further testing is needed. The main earth terminal is located inside the CU. Switch off the Main Isolator (General Interruptor) and remove the cover (warning – do not presume the electricity supply is off, use a mains voltage tester). Earth cables are colourcoded green and yellow. There should be one larger incoming earth cable

(which is connected to terra firma outside of the property) connected to several smaller earth cables into the main earth terminal block. Taped joints, bare strands, loose cables and untidy wiring, indicates bad workmanship. A thorough earthing test requires special electrical instruments and should be carried out by an Approved Electrician. Finally, multi-adapters can cause sockets to burn out. Do not use travel adapters permanently; they designed for your holidays! Do not allow DIY’ers or unqualified people near your electrics: in life you normally get what you pay for – ‘pay monkeys, get peanuts’. Use these safety check tips as a guide only. The checks listed form part of a full test and inspection. The recommended frequency for a full test and inspection is every 10 years. If in doubt about electrical safety in your home, contact a qualified Approved Electrician.

Article written by Tony Poole, Sparks Electrical Services. Tel. 626 693 440 www.sparksinspain.es Plus we’re on Facebook for free advice

El Limonar International School holds its U3A Denia astronomy first Round Table for education experts group invitation ON TUESDAY 11th May, El Limonar international School held its first round table talk for professionals from the field of education based in the south of Alicante. The theme of the talk was ‘Education in Values’, the fundamental principle on which to base future success at all educational levels. The speakers from El Limonar International School were José Lorite, Educational Advisor, the Deputy Headteacher, Soledad Pina, and the Infant and Primary Heads, María Dios and Danielle Reggiori. Each contributed to the discussion with their personal vision of education in values and emphasised the need

for respect, dignity and equality, respect for others and self-esteem. The speakers and nursery heads and employees invited to the talk all agreed that established routines and the learning of a second language helped pupils to open their minds to new experiences as well as to respect others and achieve a sense of responsibility. The central idea was to educate pupils to be more tolerant and therefore have a greater capacity for future change. An educational model based on the enjoyment of the learning process, discipline and feelings leads to better academic results. Pupils

value what they learn as a reward or as a new adventure and are keen to continue learning. The pupils’ reward is not only recognition of their success from parents and teachers but also the self-satisfaction they experience through their own successes in learning. This exchange of opinions and ideas was an enriching experience, as the fundamental aim of all the participants is to offer quality education. The Round Table was the the first of many that El Limonar International School will host through the year. www.ellimonarinternational.com

U3A DENIA Astronomy Group is offering a talk by UK astronomer, Professor Ian Morison, entitled: ‘The search for extra terrestrial intelligence in the 21st Century’, on Saturday 12th June at 19.00 in the 1st floor auditorium, the Casa Cultura, Denia, to last approximately an hour and a half. Ian Morrison said the talk will...“Describe our attempts to detect the presence of other advanced civilisations, explain why we should not be too disheartened by our failure so far and how a giant radio telescope, due for completion in 2020, would give us a realistic chance of searching the whole Galaxy.”

Charity golf day in aid of HELP of Denia THE COSTA Blanca Business Association, in association with Campbell Lamont Golf, is sponsoring a charity golf competition on Sunday 27th June at Oliva Nova Golf Course to raise money for HELP of Denia. HELP is a volunteer group providing support in emergencies with illness, accidents etc, when medical services are involved. Amongst other things, they provide hospital visiting teams, transport for hospital appointments, an interpreting service at Denia hospital and provide medical equipment on loan. The format of the competition is a four ball better ball Stableford and the course can accommodate 64 teams of two with a shotgun start. There will be trophies for the overall winners plus prizes for sponsored holes on the course. The cost of the competition is €60, which includes the green fees and a three course meal with wine, after the golf. There will also be an auction and raffle of many valuable prizes donated by local companies which will raise much needed funds for the charity to continue its work on the Costa Blanca. The CBBA is a group of professional businesses based

on the Costa Blanca that offer a wide variety of trades and services. From architect to web site design, all of the members work hard to achieve their aim of providing high quality goods and services at competitive prices. For more information on the CBBA, visit their website www.cbba.es. If you would like to play in this competition or can help in any way by donating a prize or sponsoring a hole, please get in touch with Campbell Lamont on 608 123 253 or Julia Gilburt on 616 451 635.

Professor Ian Morison

There is no charge for the talk, but a voluntary donation would be appreciated to cover some of Ian’s travel costs. (suggested - €1 per person). For further information contact Christine Ord on 671 152 686.


14 MAY 28 - 20 MAY - 03 JUNE 20102010

61 60

Having lived in Spain for four years and been grateful for the help in your books, and articles in the paper, I wonder if you could help us. Unfortunately, we are returning to the UK with a Spanish registered car, ITV’d until March 2012 and with insurance until March 2011. Have you any hints or tips as to what we would have to do on our return? Tony by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

THE SAME regulations apply in the UK as in Spain (all under EU rules) where if you are not tax resident there you can use it for not more than 6 months in any calendar year on foreign plates: the rest of the time it is supposed to be ‘sealed’ by Customs so it cannot be used. But you may encounter some difficulties as the police are very much more active at stopping and checking foreign-plated cars in the UK and I have had emails from expats here where they have naturally given a UK address where they are visiting there in a Spanish plated car as the contact address when stopped, and then they have been fined and given 30 days to get the car onto UK plates (see below). Also, make sure that your insurance company is aware of what you are doing so any claims cannot be refused. You will have to get it insured in the UK under these circumstances - four years there. So you see you have choices. Take the car and risk driving it for over the allowed time periods or leave it here (sell it?) and buy a ‘run-around’ there. One email I received a few months

ago about being stopped in the UK involved the son of an expat here who was loaned the car owned by his father, both of them resident here in Spain, so he could visit the UK with his family. The roadside stop by the police occurred, according to the email, in the Manchester area and the vehicle documents showed the car was owned by someone other than the driver, who had a legal UK driving licence, (a Spanish one would have saved him a lot of trouble) and he did not have a letter (notarised) from his father giving his son permission to take the car to the UK. The son gave a UK address where he was staying, so the police promptly issued a fine and gave the son 30 days to get it re-registered onto UK plates, then to go to the police station with the proof. It was sorted out of course and I advised obtaining quickly the above documents by post and taking them to the police station. But with my tongue in cheek, I reckon that the hundreds/thousands of resident expats here who break the law on re-registering their UK cars onto

The same regulations in Spain apply to the UK

Spanish plates may have been lulled into a false sense of security, having perhaps got away with it here for a long time. I can also almost hear the comments from some about the UK police chasing motorists and not the real criminals now, but they are under a lot of pressure with foreign vehicles apparently causing many serious

accidents there and a reported 1.4 million UK drivers without licences or insurance etc. Finally, if applicable, make sure that the ITV is up to date before you go, and I would ask a local policeman what to do about the other ITVs in the 4-year period, for legally you are supposed to have them in Spain.

No more space: more next week. Email your questions to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com and 666 888 870


British & Spanish used car sales


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28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

WRC Portugal 2010 Rally Preview by

Andy Stephenson Citroen, Benijofar

THIS WEEKEND, Portugal plays host to the 6th round of the World Rally Championship. Based around the Algarve and heading north in to the Alentejo region, almost all of the stages will consist of loose gravel surfaces. Between Thursday 27th and Sunday 30th May, Portuguese rally fans will be going mad to see the action and tension building between Citroen’s Sebastian Loeb and Ford driver Jari-Matti Latvala. One of the most exciting rounds of the 2009 season, the event returns this year with the largest number of entries of the season so far, featuring 75 crews from 33 countries. In past years, Portugal has been a country with a long rallying history. Its first taste of the WRC was in 1973 and since it has become a rally which sorts the men from the boys due to its difficult and sometimes dangerous stages. HOW DOES THE WRC TITLE CHASE LOOK NOW? Rally New Zealand, held just three weeks ago, was a rollercoaster for all of the top teams. When Latvala finished the last stage in Rally New Zealand, his

joy of winning was clear to see. Seb Loeb had a comfortable lead at the half way point but lost time with a few ‘off’s’! On the Last two stages, Loeb showed the rally world his metal by clawing back several positions to finish 3rd overall. Again, Loeb starts in Portugal on the back foot as Ford drivers seem to have the edge on gravel while Loeb, Ogier and Spain’s Danni Sordo always scorch their way to victory on tarmac. Some of the stages in this weekend’s rally are complex, consisting of long curves with loose surfaces, tight twisting sections on hard gravel and some very fast water splashes which always draw the crowds and TV crews. Naturally my money is on Sebastian Loeb to win as I have a passion for Citroen. But on this event its hard to say who will finish, never mind win!! WHO IS GOING TO WIN? We’d like to hear your views and comments about WRC and all of the rallies featured in the 2010 calendar. In the next WRC preview we will give you details of future reader competitions and new features for next year’s WRC. Feel free to email me at wrcrallynuts@gmail.com

Hirvonen is currently third in the driver standings


Will Citroen win this weekend in Portugal?

MANUFACTURERS STANDINGS AFTER 5 ROUNDS 1. Citroen Total 156 World Rally Team 2. BP Ford Abu Dhabi 151 World Rally Team 3. Citroen Junior Team 75 4. Stobart M-Sport 74 Ford Rally Team 5. Munchi’s Ford 32 World Rally Team

Interesting views will be mentioned in WRC Rally preview in Friday 9th July’s RTN, when we will be previewing Rally Bulgaria. For latest details of WRC events and more news on Rally Portugal, visit www.wrc.com DRIVER STANDINGS AFTER 5 ROUNDS 1. Sebastien Loeb 2. Jari-Matti Latvala 3. Mikko Hirvonen 4. Sebastien Ogier 5. Petter Solberg 6. Dani Sordo 7. Matthew Wilson 8. Henning Solberg 9. Federico Villagra 10. Kimi Raikkonen 11. Xavi Pons 12. Mads Ostberg 13. Jari Ketomaa 14. Martin Prokop 15. Dennis Kuipers 16. P-G Andersson 17. Armindo Araujo 18. Aaron Burkart

108 72 64 63 53 34 30 24 22 14 6 4 4 2 2 1 1 1

RALLY SCHEDULE Vodafone Rally de Portugal 28th - 30th May Rally Bulgaria 9th - 11th July Neste Oil Rally Finland 29th - 31st July ADAC Rally Deutschland 20th - 22nd July Rally Japan 10th - 12th September Rallye de France 1st - 3rd October RACC Rally de Espana 22nd - 24th October Wales Rally GB 11th - 14th November

Sponsered by Citroen Benijofar, Par Motor Benijofar, 105 Avenida Frederico Garcia Lorca, Benijofar. Call 966 713 429 or 966 714 497 for more information We Buy, Sell & Part Exchange Quality British & Spanish Cars Transfer Documents Completed Competitive Insurance Quotes All cars Fully serviced and valeted


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28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010


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28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010


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28 May - 03 june 2010

WOODEN CHALET, EL REALENGO rural site, furnished, 2 bedrooms, large plot, must sell, reasonable offers considered. 664-760-428

JALON VALLEY RENTALS is looking for properties in the Jalon area for the 2010 holiday season. By placing your property with us you receive excellent coverage in the highest ranking websites and publications. Call us now for more information on our complete, low-commission service for short term rentals. Tel: 619642035 TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE, electrical, household goods and bricabrac into cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965-319-220/ 618-165-877

2 NEW EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENTS on the wirral. Luxury lodges and park homes for sale 12 month occupancy px considered call 0044-1516-332-321 or email alan@hill-brothers.com FOR SALE OR RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs toilet, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Separate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ or 450€ per month.Tel: 609-177-032. MOBILE/ PARK HOMES Ready to move into on permanent site. Carol. 968192-425 Mob. 626-055-622. Web. www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA D’EN SARRIA. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite

bathroom), master bath, downstairs loo, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Seperate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel: 609-177-032. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, Pools mainmatined, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772-418 email: rosaliamews@live. co.uk STRUCTURAL SURVEYS Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. Free 15pg buyer’s guide via website www.surveysspain. com Tel 962807247 / 653733066

3 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN PEDREGUER Modern, clean & spacious furnished or unfurnished 3 bedroomed, 2 bathroom apartment with air con close to town centre.

500€ per month incl bills. For more info call 638-207-343 2 BED 1 BATH DETACH VILLA with a nice garden for rent in quiet area of San Luis 550€ or ONO for details please call 650-379-342 or 966-785-901 3 BED, 2 BATH PENTHOUSE APARTMENT with sea view, long term let for only 450€ per month. Call 634-322-902 VILLA TO SHARE in La Nucia, large garden with pool, rent 325€ a month plus bills (must like dogs). Call ALISON: 619-569-805. CUMBRE DEL SOL - BENITACHELL Two bedroomed, semi furnished apartment (beds needed). Panoramic views, available now. 350€ per month, plus bills. Tlf: 620-106-231. CABO ROIG AREA detached house, 2/3 bed, 1.5 bath, F/F garden, close shops & beach. 500€ PCM + bills. 966-760-201/ 628-478-313 ALTEA - CAP NEGRET two double bedroomed apartment, glazed terraces, beautiful views, private beach and parking, walking distance to town. tlf:686-535-154. ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 250€ per month. Ring 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com FOR SALE OR RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 450€ per month. Tel: 609-177-032. (See main advert description under For Sale - General)

For Rent Luxury 2 & 3 Bedroom (2 Bathroom) apartments in the centre of San Miguel de Salinas, video entry, marble entrance,lift to all floors – underfloor heating, roof top pool,next to supermarket, stunning views From: 385€ per month Call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487


Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€200,000 Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com


Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. T 0034 962 807 247 M 0034 653 733 066

BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966-180-168/ 655-479-753 BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966-180-168/ 655-479-753

RECESSION Proof Business. Vending machines with locations. Nett. 40,000€ P.Aa One day P.W to service. 965326-442/ 659-696-455 LUXURY VILLA For sale on the Costa Blanca North. A luxury 9 bedroom villa, set in a quiet area, 15mins walk to the blue flag beaches of Calpe. Currently operating as a small bed and breakfast accomodation. The property could be used for many other activities. This property must be viewed to be appreciated. This is an opportunity not to be missed! For further details contact 628-499-448 or 965-837-948.

BUSINESS FOR SALE PRETTY BISTRO/BAR AGUAS NUEVAS Fully Equipped with some new equipment. Ready to Trade Including Stock Selling due to family committment

18,000€ Call 672538492

CONTAINER OF PINE FURNITURE Large quantity of flat pack solid pine furniture for sale, includes double and treble wardrobes, bedside cabinets, chest of draws, mirrors, tall boys, side boards, dressing tables, single beds, double beds, king size beds, bookcases, etc. Too much to list, for details tel 628-499-448.

SUN BLINDS - AWNINGS Established in 1992 and still offering a reliable service for: Installation of all types of sun blind, manual or electric. Material replacement and repairs. Mosquito blinds for doors and windows. Roller shutter blind repairs. Contact Tony Bowers on 659-464-992 or 965-831-272. www.toldosalchemy.com email info@toldosalchemy. com English/Spanish spoken.

28 May - 03 june 2010


LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839 MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535 DRAGON REFORMS PROPERTY RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE. Tel 966807-098. Mob 639-917-798. Property Renovations/Shop/ Bar Refits. New extentions, patios, underbuilds, tiling. Complete new Kitchens/ Bathrooms refits, all electrical, plumbing, carpentary work undertaken. References given, free quotes, work guaranteed. Benidorm and Surrounding areas. www. dragonreforms.com CONSTRUCCIONES PASTOR Building and maintenance without complications. Call 96-584-7284 Mobile. 627-706-405. www. construccionesaltea.com

MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van.man@hotmail.co.uk GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UK- Spain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 0044-7733-329-305 SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www.spanishlinks. co.uk Telephone UK office 0044-1172-303-138 BMC REMOVALS High volume new luton vehicle. We have over 15 yrs of experience covering all of Europe and the UK providing a professional and reliable service with a personal touch. If you want the best removal company then call Sue on 620-044-983 or email bmctransport@live.com

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@ serviceair.biz

INTERIOR PAINTER One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

Villamartin Hot Tub Centre 120sq m Unit for rent within our very very busy shop and showroom Please call the office on 966 764 878 or mobile 685 442 656 for more info

ONLINE SPANISH LESSONS ON SKYPE. Improve your speaking ability and gain confidence. Call Martin 600400668 www. howtospeakspanish.es BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

WILLS & Elimination of Spanish Inheritance tax. By UK qualified member of Society of Will Writers. UK & Spanish wills. Home call service. Trusts. Probate, Powers of Attorney, etc. Tel David Richardson 966-188-941

FORGET THE REST GO TO THE BEST for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186-505 Ros 965-584097 www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90€. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926 SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satalite Dishes, Trade prices from 395€. Sky Sports, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965-070-458/ 618-585-051


28 May - 03 june 2010 WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/662-570-702.

DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www. digitalsatsystems.com 965852-251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools. com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com

INTERPRETER cheap rates, I can help out with: Medical, Police, Schools, Admin. Call Olivia 605-778-559 TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine

DRAIN SOLUTIONS Problems with constantly blocked drains? Need to trace the direction of your drains runs? Our drain camera gives you DVD evidence of your problems and above ground locators pinpoint the position. Tel Graham 626-570-121

ANY REFORMS, MAINTENANCE, GENERAL REPAIRS. No job to big or small. Pices cannot be beaten. Free estimates. Call Hrista 667-339-588/ 965-709-203 PRINTING SPECIALIST in brochures and magazines. Unbeatable prices! 616-493-487 or 965-720-817 DEBTS COLLECTED Europe or Worldwide. Investigations and attorney service. 965-326-442/ 659-696-455 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966-490-338 Mobile 638-479-467 Email iwanegan@hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based)

WOODWORM, BORING BEETLE, OR TERMITE problems? Call Woodtech now on 625-160-325 COCKROACHES, RATS, MICE, WASPS OR HORNET problems? Call Pestkill now on 625-160-325

GARDEN SERVICES private or community gardens. Cut costs not quality. 619-336-762 PALM & TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL all gardening maintenance. 619-336-762

ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, e-business consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas - info@Darocas.com or 648 156 066

PONTIAC TRANSPORT 3.1 1990, 7 seats, English Reg. Good Condition. 1,600€. 650-291-404 RENAULT MEGAN II COMFORT EXP 1.9DCI 2004, 5dr, L/H/D, 87,000klms, 2yrs ITV, SILVER. Climate Control. Trip comp, E/W, E/M, Remote C/L, Keyless start. CD Stereo player, 6 Air Bags, Censor lights/mirror Alarm & Imob. Recent tyres, battery, front disks& pads. Very economical, VGC, genuine reason for sale, 5495 euros ono. Tel: 680-159-391. VOLVO S40 T4 1.9 100km, alloy wheels, A/C, C/Control, C/D, 4 new tyres, new brakes, ex. condition, long ITV, 3695€. 634-326-051. BMW 325TD 1992 E36 BLACK LHD, UK reg, 200km, screen cracked, spares or repair 350€. 965-744-708. RENAULT BOX VAN 2.5 diesel, Spanish Reg, Year 2007, New Condtition.

Cost 26.000euros, except 13.000euros. Tlf:628-499-448 VAN FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE English plated Fiat Ducato 2.ltr JTD 2005, SWB. 2,995€ or may swap for Spanish reg. Smaller van or estate car. Dave 693-211-542 HYUNDAI GETZ 1.2 2004, 75,000kms, CD, aircon, 5 door, white, 4,500€ ono. Call 661-938-806 OPEL CORSA 1.4 - YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver. A few “dings” in the bodywork but well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 995€ ONO tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm) WANTED I buy any car, van, Caravan, 4x4 Etc. British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail.com

WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687-434-950 or 966-462-089

SUZUKI GRX 600 gorgeous bike, good condition. 3,000€. Tel Allan 625-985-491 REPAIR & SOLD & BUY pickup from your home second hand motorbikes and scooter for reasonable price and quick service open 7 days. Tel: 680-644-010 TRIUMPH 955I English Reg. 2000 plate, speed triple 43000 miles, reluctant sale, recent service and new parts. 2,000€ ONO. Dave 693-211-542

MOBILE/ PARK HOMES From 15.000€ TV, A/C, TEL, some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, tennis, new lounge bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier, all amenities, 3KM beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Carol 968-192-425/ 626055-622. Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

WESTERLEY WAYFARER DINGHY fibre glass 4.80m X 1.80m, full paint job in & out, road trailer & launching trailer. Excellent condition. 1,400€. 610-971-590

28 May - 03 june 2010




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occasional evenings. Details: EMail -horces@gmail.com AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 EXPERIENCD OFFICE BASED TELESALES PERSON required for the Benitachell, Javea, Moraira area. Quality leads given with excellent commissions. If you are a none smoker and smart in appearance with a proven track record in appointment making then please ring Rose. 966-493-857 EXTRA INCOME MONTHLY Tax Free. Would 200€ + Per Week Help? Then try the HRC Daily Sports System. Working from Home with Computer & ADSL for 1-2 hrs per day, afternoons/

EXPERIENCED & ENTHUSIASTIC CHEF required to join our team at La Pista Restaurant in Jalon. Tel Michael on 966-480-125 FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

LINE DANCING every Friday, absolute beginers 11.00AM- 12noon. Improver intermediate 12Noon 1.30PM. Bar Patricia’s, Torreta’s Torrevieja. New classes commencing 30th March @ Vistabella Gold Club 10,00am-12.00. Call John or Amanda 606-783-989/ 688-611-789 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7pm10pm: TUITION: Beginners Monday 10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm; Thursday 11.30am; Intermediates Friday 11am. Tel: Andrea 616-478-157 SINGLE IN SPAIN? DON’T BE! www.iwant2meetyou. com Spain’s No1 online dating site. Bringing Ex-Pats and other English speakers together

LOVELY GIRLS TO PAMPER YOU 24HRS, Free Drinks. Great Time Guaranteed. Playa Flamenca. 660-308993/ 619-229-217 ENGLISH LADY 42 provides various services for mature gentlemen. Torrevieja 685-436-065

DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apatment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja

NATACHA divorced very sexy erotic complete massage. Private apartment. Discreet and hygenic. 50€ half hour. Call La Loma 97, near Avda. Habaneras. Torrevieja centre. 677-676-554 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. MISTRESS ITALIA IS BACK! New fully equipped studio. BDSM, Feminisation, Sissy Maid/slave training etc, TV Mistress/submissive also available. Nr Denia 655-475-907 NEW SWINGING PARTY VENUE for couples. Near Guardamar. Call 676-133-507 for info & website SEXY COUPLE OR SEPERATE offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl. Relaxed, discreet. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/ Sebastian 663-478-337


28 May - 03 june 2010


Karen is organizing a fashion show for the LIONS Charity and is still looking for models who are interested to show on the catwalk. Unfortunately this is not paid, as it’s for a charity. But certainly good exposure and experience for yourself. Pictures will also be taken for free which you can use in your portfolio. This will happen JUNE 12TH. Call Karen for all details 669 030 892 Costa Blanca Models

We Want You Enthusiastic and commited sales people wantedto work on commission only basis, must have own transport, if you can close adeal and have a desire to work for an established company call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487

POOL TABLES, SNOOKER TABLES Table Tennis Tables Tel; 666-933-726


Fully Qualified Nail Technican, working with Acrylic and Gel nails, required for well established Hair and Beauty Salon in Moraira. Must be competent in all aspects of the business. Telephone Angie at: Shop 96 574 5357 or Mobile 659 921 877.

References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

TORREVIEJA, ALICANTE Brazilian, loving, sexy lady, silk hands. Best massage, relax- erotic. Escort service. 664-664-390 JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034261 Hotel & Home visits GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€ also Kamagra oral jellies effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966499204 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY GIRL! Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

MOBILITY PASSENGER SWIVEL SEATS adapts all cars, swivels and pulls out. All certificates. 1,000€ new. 450€ ONO. 966-875-850/ 679-358-494

PERSONAL TRAINER/ Exworld kickboxing champion. All martial arts taught, weight

loss, all ages, private gym. 965-326-442/ 659-696-455 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794 CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome. co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1172-303-138 HOME FROM HOME caring dog boarding (max 4) with experienced owner in my rural home near La Marina. No kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel 616-459-599 SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them.

TURN YOUR UNWANTED furniture, electrical, household goods and brica-brac into cah. Anything! Anywhere! 965-319-220/ 618-165-887 WANTED BASS PLYER/ SINGER or Keyboard player/ Singer. to join working band playing general covers from the 60\’s to present day music, any age group considered, must be enthusiastic and willing to gig. 661-350-963 HOUSE/ PET SITTER AVAILABLE July & August, UK - Spain. Call Gail 6 69-126-281. WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-33-1962 or visit website: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

LOOSE COVERS Curtains etc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827 PINE FURNITURE SALE www.gata-discount-pine. com PINE FURNITURE SALE King size bed + under-bed drawers 285€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double bed + under-bed drawers 270€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double wardrobe 180€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE CD stand 80€. Tel: 628499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Hall mirror 85€. Tel: 628499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Gate leg table 60€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Bookcase 57€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Wine table 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Treble robe 200eurosTel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Dressing table mirror 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE 2 drawer bedside 23€. Tel: 628-499-448. RECORDS AND CDS WANTED Pop, Rock, Jazz, Etc. Specially collections and lots. Top cash paid. 630-665-363 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.

MANY ITEMS FOR SALE PANASONIC full high definition video camera 3CCD/AVCHD HDC-SD5, as new. 299€. CANON EOS 350D CAMERA, fantastis bargain. 299€. COMPUTER. LCD screen, web camera etc. Unwanted gift. 149€. PORT AIR CON UNIT cost

149€. 60€ OVNO. ELECTRIC CEMENT MIXER, perfect woking order 150€. Tel: 966-772-380/ 688-611-466 PRECISION ENGINEERING METALWORKING MACHINES. Myford 7 Lathe and Floorstanding Milling Machine, all cutters/ Heads/accesories in Metal, Drawer Unit. Both Machines, 300euros. Altea Tlf 686-513-510 PERGOLA 5MX3M Never erected. High quality solid timber, Treated. Ideal for Garden or Carport. 385€ Will Delivery Free. 622-024-539 si.whitworth@gmail.com GENTS PETROL MOTOR BICYCLE price 230euros. Altea area, tlf 686-513-510 WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 135.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

2nd Hand Furniture bought for cash 966 723 437 or 965 720 817


Classifieds Agents

Now it’s even easier to place a classified advert with the RTN by using our official agents listed below! Cars, Houses, Boats, Computers find them all in the classifieds section. Or maybe you have unwanted items to sell or something to offer? Our classified agents will be happy to help you whatever your needs.


ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRIPS, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com ALBIR PROMINENT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu MILLIE MUNRO INSURANCE, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com MICHAEL’S FURNITURE SHOP, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net EASYBUY, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969



BARGAIN BOOKS, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com SAN MIGUEL JOHNSONS EL LIMONAR,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 TORREVIEJA JOHNSONS QUESADA, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 QUESADA JOHNSONS ALGORFA, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

ALGORFA THE POST ROOM, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com ORIHUELA PENNYS SUPERMARKET, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com ORIHUELA PRINT SOLUTIONS, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO INTERPOST, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com


VILLAMARTIN SATELLITE CENTRE, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk VILLAMARTIN BEST WISHES, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com MURCIA ONONIX MAR SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR

www.roundtownnews.co.uk ANIMAL AID TEL: 965725794 WWW.ANIMALAIDCOSTABLANCA.ORG FRANKIE is just 12 weeks old. He’s so very young to be homeless & he has such a very sweet nature too! He’s a really well-behaved little sweetheart and he will be small to medium in size when fully grown. If interested please call Linda, Animal Aid tel: 965725794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org

OZ KENNELS 968 431 265 OR 968 431 590 This mum and her pup are to be sent

APAH CONTACT YVONNE ON 630 422 563 Aurea is a beautiful, young long haired tri-colour female cat with blue

to the pound if they cannot be homed

eyes. She loves people, but is nervous around other cats, so we need

or fostered could someone please help

to find a loving home for her on her own. To arrange to meet Aurea or


any other APAH cat, please contact Yvonne on 630 422 563.


A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 WWW.APASA-JAVEA.ORG


ALDEA FELINA-DENIA LYNDA - 648 100 629 Inigo & his brother Idris are desperate for a home. If you would like to adopt them or any of our other cats/kittens please call Lynda or visit our website http://aldea-felina. blogspot.com. LYNDA - 648100629



K9 Club 676 447 682 k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info K9 Club Dog Of the Week Alex is a small dog and he has a microchip and passport. He is approx 1 year old and very friendly. For more information please call 676 447 682. Email: k9club@lamarina.info. To view more animals for adoption please go to: www.petsinspain.info

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980

JOE THE CATMAN 96 671 9272

PAWS LINDA ON 646 645 035

WWW.GIVEADOGAHOME.ES 619 938 955 Ebony Beautiful female Podenco mix 14 weeks old Found in a dumpster. Now recovered from ordeal and a delight to be with ! for more info on any of our dogs call 619938955 or visit our website www.giveadogahome.es


Heather is a great little dog with a huge personality, who recently gave birth to a litter of puppies, after being thrown pregnant from a car. All Heather’s puppies have found loving homes, and APAH are looking for a new and loving home for this very deserving mother. To arrange to meet APAH’s dogs, please contact Natasha on 616 210 850.

Jo is a beautiful boy of around 6 months. His owners have to move back to the UK and can´t take him with them so he needs someone to love and look after him. He is a sweetheart and will make a loving companion. If you are interested in Jo, or any of the cats or kittens that we have, please contact Linda on 646 645 035

DESIREA, female, Shelter since 14.10.2007 Spaniel Cross, DOB approx. Oct. 2006 – 45 cm She’s rather like a jack-in-thebox and is continually ready for affection and a game. Desirea would like to have a sportive family who would have a lot of action with her. She walks well on the lead and she is very fond of water Billy was born mid April, he was left at the bins in an old shoe box when he was just a few days old. He is now weaned and is a thriving, adventurous and confident boy. Billy is black with the most beautiful bright blue eyes. For more information please telephone P.E.P.A. on 650304746 www.pepaspain.com Ginger was found in foal and starving. We were just in time. Any longer and she’d have been dead; her unborn foal inside her. A few months later, Ginger gave birth to Linda-May. Today, both are flourishing. Open days Wednesday & Sunday 1-4pm.

Urgent! Baños de Fortuna. Female dog, German Shephard type, 9 years old, ca. 25kgs, 21 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all her vaccinations, shy and loving. Male dog, large mix-breed, 4 years old, ca. 25 - 30 kgs, 28 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all his vaccinations, friendly and loving. Owners must return to England for assisted living and cannot take the dogs with them. Call Ayisha or Michael at 968 685 837

CECIL is a cute small 9 year old dog who was found on the Elche road in June. He is a very friendly dog who has a lovely disposition and gets on well with other dogs. Cecil enjoys his walks and is good on the lead. He has had all his vaccinations and is micro chipped so if you´re looking for a slightly older dog Cecil could be the one for you!

Dixie has been in our pen for over two months, she is very friendly and loves to sit on your lap. She gets along well with the other cats in the pen and will make a very loving addition to any family. Please call Joe (The Cat Man) on 966719272 Luna is a 20 month old miniature Poodle and was left with a neighbour when he moved away. She has a microchip and full record of vaccinations. She has a lovely appealing nature and loves to sit on your lap. or more information please call 676 447 682


28 MAY - 03 JUNE 2010

The final whistle Deano and consult-gate

With Andy Kay

Dean Richards SPORTS GOVERNING bodies: don’t you just love them? The latest group to make complete fools of themselves are RFU and the IRB. Nine months ago, they slapped a 3 year ban on Harlequins’ head coach Dean Richards after the blood gate scandal, where a Quins’ player faked an injury so the club could make a tactical substitution at the climax of a Heineken Cup match. Now we learn that Richards is back in the game, acting as a consultant for Worcester. Indeed, it’s understood that he had a big say in the appointment of former World Cup winner Richard Hill. Both the RFU and the IRB insist that this arrangement is perfectly fine and Richard’s ban only applies to coaching or a day to day role such as Director of Rugby. What a load of poppycock. If you are banned from the game then you are banned: end of story. It’s a scandal that Richards has been able to recover an involvement, at whatever level, so quickly.

Florentino Perez PEREZ THE MONEY MAN Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has a simple answer to any problems he comes across: money. Trouble is, his approach doesn’t seem to work all that well. Madrid fans won’t need reminding that his first spell in charge of the club, certainly between 2003 and 2006, wasn’t overly successful and now in his second term as the boss, he’s failed to land a trophy in his first season despite an outlay of around €230 million. Now it’s widely believed that he’ll have to compensate Inter Milan with between €15 and €20 million to secure the services of Jose Mourinho. Let’s hope for Perez that his latest investment turns out to be worth it. TOULON GET THE BLUES Last week, Cardiff Blues became the first Welsh side to lift a European Trophy when they beat Toulon 28 – 21 in the final of the Amlin Challenge Cup. They did so in the back yard of a French side made up of highly paid stars playing just 30 miles down the coast from their home stadium. Watching the game, I couldn’t help but think that it was the bond between the Cardiff players that proved to be the decisive factor; that the Blues boys were as one while Toulon were a bunch of well rewarded individuals. Not unlike Real Madrid, come to think of it... WHAT PLANET IS VENUS FROM? Can someone please have a word with the weirdly attired Venus Williams and tell her that the venue for the French Open is Roland Garros and not the Moulin Rouge! Thank you.

International Rugby Sevens THIS WEEKEND, La Vila Rugby Club hosts its 24th annual International Benidorm Sevens Tournament. On Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th May, the tournament welcomes some of the World’s top rugby sevens athletes. Twenty teams will meet at the New Villajoyosa Stadium, to compete for the event title and the €3,000 purse. Defending international champions the Welsh Wizards will return, hoping to secure their second consecutive win. The excitement will be captured by event broadcasters Canal 9, Canal Plus and Teledeporte. Besides the International Selections competition, traditionally included in the tournament, this will be the first year that the Spanish National Sevens Series has been incorporated. Twelve Spanish teams will take part, from Madrid;


Valladolid; Malaga; and of course La Vila’s own local team. Officially, the tournament consists of two categories: the Spanish National Sevens Series and the International Selections Section. Both will consist of a first round of pool games, followed by semi finals and finals, from 10.00 to 20.00 on both days. Games consist of two halves of seven minutes – short, exciting and fast: Sevens is a great spectators’ sport attracting interest throughout the Province of Alicante. Tickets are available online at www.servicam.es For information, contact Ignacio Davila 608 068 208 or Louise Neave at the Rugby La Vila offices 965 890 376. La Vila Rugby Club is at Carratera Pantano, Villajoyosa. Take AP-7 exit N 66 (Villajoyosa). At the first roundabout,

Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279 RODS AND REELS THE MATCH this week was the 6th in the Summer Championship series. (Series of 9 matches: best 6 to count). The match was fished on the Rio Segura at the Eden Canal stretch. After a grim day’s practice on Monday, it was expected to be a hard day’s fishing on the Wednesday. Well how fortunes change: the venue fished probably the best it has ever done, with 4 anglers breaking the 10 kilo barrier. This was not without its price: I broke a top section on a big fish (another lost big fish); Mick Hill lost his top section and was going to return the next day to go in and retrieve it (maybe). Best of luck, Mick, as most anglers had commented there are more snakes showing there now than there are in London Zoo! If Mick´s not at the match this week it could be an epitaph in next week’s column… 1st Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole using corn with 16.600 kilos 2nd Lenny (Ex Cultural Attachee) Bolton, fishing the pole using maggot and paste with 13.800 kilos 3rd Paul (Poco Loco) Baxte,r fishing the pole using maggot with 10.260 kilos ACCUMULATIVE POINTS AFTER 6 MATCHES 1st Paul Baxter with 19 points 2nd Dave Hoare with 32 points 3rd H Clarke with 34 points NO LICENCE: A WORD OF WARNING There has been a report in a local paper of an angler who was fishing towards the end of La Manga strip being asked by police officers for his fishing licence. As he did not have a licence, he was fined €230. So ensure you have appropriate licences to avoid a fine or perhaps lose all your fishing gear. ANGLERS TOGETHER IMPORTANT NEW MESSAGE: The

Friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Marys Bar / Restaurant. Taking the CV 925 from Pillar de la Horadada, turn right at the 1st roundabout into Pinar de Campoverde, first left and follow the slip road (past Fibber Mcgees and Lounge Bar 6) until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s bar is the 3rd / 4th unit up. The next meeting will be held on Friday 4th June at 12.00 o clock. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos Bar / Restaurant on the paseo adjacent to the beach. Next meeting will be Saturday 5th June at 12.00. Subs will be due at these meetings for the forth coming year. Work is still continuing on the Rio Segura at Murcia but is still fishable and fishing well. Embalse de Pedrera: the water level appears to be still rising as there is more going in and very little being taken out. Sweetwater: the final dredging has taken place and the works personnel have cleared the surrounding road of all the silt that was deposited there. However there are still workmen there. The banks are now angled and swims need cutting in! Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with many friendships formed over the past 3 years. Many members fish together regularly and say they are pleased that they have taken up a sport that they once followed in their youth. We have the occasional organized outings but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding fishing venues. The joining fee is €10 for new members; €5 for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, then either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave. It has now been confirmed that Alan has been sighted in Spain, so he will be at the next meeting. anglerstogether@gonuts4free. com or telephone Dave Hoare on 968 199 279. Tight Lines… Dave Hoare

head for the mountain - the club is km from Motorway exit N 66. Via the Villajoyosa by-pass, take the middle exit. At the first roundabout bear right towards the motorway entrance and at the second roundabout bear left towards the mountain.

Lack of discipline proves costly FC CARTAGENA 3 LEVANTE UD 5 By Steve Hibberd

HANG YOUR head in shame, Cristian Urbistando Lopez (better known a Txiki). For, when inside the opening minute of the 2nd half, ref Jose Vitienes (who eventually issued a total of 13 yellow and 2 red cards!!) awarded a goal kick to Cartagena, Txiki inexplicably said something untoward and was promptly shown his 2nd yellow of the match (his 13th of the season - unlucky for everyone connected with FC Cartagena). The game had started brightly for the home side, when after only 2 minutes, Vigil should have scored when through on goal, but instead shot straight at the keeper. Levante took the lead on 5 minutes, when a free kick eventually found Robuste on the edge of the area. His shot squeezed under the diving body of keeper Ruben. One thousand or so travelling fans packed behind the non-clock end went loopy, but were soon silenced. Cartegena took the game by the scruff of the neck, and it was only a matter of time before they equalised. On the half hour mark, an in swinging corner was met at the near post by a firm Mariano header - game on!! Only 5 minutes had elapsed before they had taken the lead, courtesy of a fine individualist goal by Lafuente. Ruben scored the equaliser after 56 minutes, when he slammed home a loose ball through a crowd of players. Less than 2 minutes later, a free kick was bundled over the line by Robuste. Goal number 4 (68 minutes) was controversial, in as much as it appeared that Guerra had controlled the ball with his arm before striking a fierce drive past Ruben. The humiliation was complete a minute later, when a well placed cross found an unmarked Guerra at the far post, converting the simplest of headers.

A trip to mid table Cordoba awaits Cartagena. This vital div 2a match is on Sat 29th May, KO 20.00. Visit www.futbolclubcartagena.com or www.gotocartago.com for further information.



FAMILY FUN DAY Saturday 29th May 2010

14:00hrs to 20:00hrs At the new Javea Bulls ´Bull Ring´ behind the CD Javea Football ground (same parking facilities) – follow the signs!

Family fun, live music, games, bring your own picnic and drinks! BBQ food available! All welcome See you there!

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

28 May - 03 june 2010


Handicaps: will we ever agree?

IN LAST week’s RTN I spoke about a conversation I had with a golfer from the leagues Noel’s world in the south of our area. In the last few days of golf had a long conversation with some golfers who played in the north area league meetBy Noel Eastwell ing at one of our local golf courses. The Professional coach conversation went along in a very similar and RTN golf expert way to many others I have had with play639 730 891 ers from both of the leagues: it revolved entirely around handicaps. I bet you are not a bit surprised. This single figure golfer was giving his opponent sixteen shots over the eighteen holes of matchplay golf. The higher handicap golfer proceeded to win his match easily, dropping only twelve shots along the way. Needless to say, the lower handicap golfer was not amused. Many will say this was just sour grapes: this was definitely not the case - this particular golfer is well known to me and he would not behave like that. Now we all know that every now and again a handicap golfer can have a day when everything goes well and he or she holes a putt every time they are on the green or chips in from places only the greenkeeper and his staff go. In this case, the golfer was hitting par fives in two and just missing eagles; not something that anyone would expect when giving your opponent sixteen shots. Once again, the handicap system being operated by his golf society came into question. This situation will never change until all golf societies have a system that is one hundred percent the same as all the others. This is where very big decisions need to be made. The golf societies that play in competitions against other societies must surely decide that they are indeed highly competitive golf societies and need to have a handicap system in place that uses the approved Real Federacion Espaniola de Golf system that was drawn up by the Eu-

ropean Golf Association; this is the system approved all over Europe outside of Great Britain. The system is the best available and easy to understand and implement. Full information and a chart of exactly how to calculate handicaps can be obtained from www.ega-golf.ch or if you wish contact us at RTN we will forward you a copy of the document in PDF format for you to use. Contact me at golf@roundtownnews. com and I will send the document directly to you as soon as I can. Such things as the amount of time preferred lies are allowed to be used are important factors in calculating correct handicaps. As we all know, many of our local golf courses allow preferred lies all year round, not a true reflection of a player’s ability. Picking and placing the ball when on the fairway gives players a big advantage and does not give a true score because you always get the perfect lie that you require; that does not happen in the real World. This will have a huge effect on the player’s score and will almost certainly make him or her look better than they really are. The exact length of the course can vary only by a maximum of only two hundred and fifty metres - something that will have a serious effect on a player’s score. This is particularly relevant at busy times of the year here on The Costa Blanca when we sometimes see the tee markers moved way forward to speed up play because of the large numbers of golfers on the course at peak times. At times this sees the length of the course reduced by as much as one thousand metres. Unless the slope and handicap is altered accordingly, the player’s scores will be incredibly better than they can really produce when it matters. These are just a very few of the reasons why all golf societies should implement

the correct handicap system. Then we will see fair competition amongst the societies and maybe even get our local golf societies recognised by the Real Federacion Espaniola de Golf. Should recognition come from RFEG, think how easy it would be to all have handicaps that were accurate and easily checked. We could even see handicaps altered after each game as long as 8 or more people played. Uniformity in the handicapping system is a must if we are to see societies compete against one another fairly, it must not be a case of ‘if we get uniformity’; it should be a case of ‘when’ we get it. With enough enthusiasm we can get things the way the majority of golfers want them perseverance will be need in buckets loads though! Let us all encourage the societies to talk about this as it is surely in everyone’s best interests. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The PGA Championship at Wentworth is one of the highlights of The European Tour season and this year’s event was more eagerly anticipated than normal because of the changes made to The West Course. For many, myself included, the wait was worth it. The course is the best it has ever been and provided a stern test for the golfers who played it. Throughout the championship there were some fantastic rounds including the new course record of 26 set by Robert Karlsson on Saturday. Karlsson went home on Friday afternoon thinking he had missed to the cut. He returned to put in a performance that saw him out in the final group on Sunday alongside Chris Wood. The final round produced some golf that many are familiar with, bogeys and double bogeys were racked up by many as they struggled with the test put before them. Simon

Khan is not one of the big names on tour but is was he who showed the rest of the field how to play on Sunday with a superb final round that saw him finish nearly 1 hour ahead of the final group. As he enjoyed his lunch, his pursuers on the course continued to struggle and left him to pick up his second tour victory and a five year exemption.

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 28TH MAY 2010: Who is the current US Open Champion? A. Lee Westwood B. Lucas Glover C. Steve Stricker All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 30th May 2010 to be entered into May’s draw, to be made on 1st June. The winner will be announced in RTN on 4th June 2010. GOLF LESSONS Noel is a member of The World Golf Teachers Federation and has been nominated for inclusion in the list of the World’s Top 100 coaches. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

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