2023 Fall Program Guide

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2023 Fall Program Guide

Getting Started......................................................................3 August Programs...............................................................4-5 Jaguars Give & Go..................................................................6 September Programs........................................................7-17 Girl Scouts Love State Parks..................................................18 October Programs .........................................................19-28 Girl Scout Day with the Jaguars ........................................29 November Programs .....................................................30-36 Happy Birthday, Juliette Gordon Low...............................37 December Programs......................................................38-40 Become a Super Trooper ...................................................41 January Programs .........................................................42-44 Gateway Destinations .........................................................45 Save the Date - Cookie Kickoff ..........................................46 QUESTIONS? Call: (877)-764-5237 Email: customercare@girlscouts-gateway.org Visit us online: girlscouts-gateway.org What's Inside 2

Getting Started

Using the Guide

In the guide, you’ll find information about programs designed for girls, families, and adults. We offer opportunities across North Florida, from Jacksonville to Pensacola and everywhere in between!

Let girls take the lead! Help her find the experiences that are just right for her.

Once you pick the programs she wants to attend, register online at girlscouts-gateway.org/events.

Remember: Girl Scouts is about progression! If your Junior Girl Scout sees a program she’d love but it’s only available to Seniors and Ambassadors, remind her that if she sticks with Girl Scouting, she’ll be able to do that program soon — and more!

Girls can attend events as a troop, on their own, or with their whole family. You’ll see which events are open to different groups throughout the guide.

Important Note: You must register for events to attend, unless otherwise noted. If you need assistance with the registration process, call us at (877) 764-5237.

Symbols for the Program Guide

d Daisies, Grades K-1

b Brownies, Grades 2-3

j Juniors, Grades 4-5

c Cadettes, Grades 6-8

s Seniors, Grades 9-10

a Ambassadors, Grades 11-12

v Volunteers


Program Patch Service Pin Award

Cancellation and Refund Policy

For events:

• All requests must be in writing.

• Unless otherwise stated, the last day to request a refund is the closing date for registration of the specific event.

For properties:

• Initial deposit is nonrefundable unless there is an extenuating circumstance, such as weather.

• Cancellations need to be received 30 days prior to the property reservation date in order to not be responsible for the entire fee. Cancellations received within 30 days of property reservation date will be billed at 100 percent.

• In all cases of cancellation, we will attempt to reschedule the camping event to an alternative day or property as appropriate.

The process for refunds:

• Once written cancellation is received, the refund is processed within 1-2 business days and is credited to the payment card initially used.

• If a cash or check were used, a refund check will be issued and sent to the name and address on the original check.

• If the payment was made by credit card more than 120 days prior to the request, a refund check will be issued.

• A cancellation and refund confirmation will be sent to the person making the request. Once the refund has been processed, card refunds should be received within 2-3 business days. Refund checks should be received within 5 business days.

• If the cancellation period has passed, the request will be reviewed for consideration and a response of approval or denial will be sent.

• If funds for a community event have already been paid to the community, the community will receive all cancellation requests and provide any refunds.


August Programs

Gold Award Boot Camp

c s a Aug. 9

Virtual - Zoom

Cost: $0/Girl, $0/Adult

This Highest Awards training is highly recommended for girls interested in pursuing the Girl Scout Gold Award. You’ll get tools to develop your plan as you learn about the components of Highest Awards. Along the way, learn how to choose a project adviser, what is active leadership and how to build sustainability. Bring your thinking cap!

Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey –

Part 1

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Aug. 12

Keep Pensacola Beautiful - Pensacola

Cost: $10/Girl, $1/Adult

Learn about the dangers of marine debris, so we can take action to fight the litter problem in our environment! You will learn about the types of materials that become litter, their impacts on ocean ecosystems, and how to sort and collect data that can be used to advise international action groups on how we can make our earth


This program is an educational and interactive activity, to learn about litter data collection, in preparation for two public litter cleanups where scouts will participate and sort the litter to be recorded and submitted to the Ocean Conservancy on 8/26/2023 and for the International Coastal Cleanup on 9/16/2023. CSA Girls MUST register for and attend ALL 3 programs (8/12, 8/26, 9/16) to earn their Journey Award.

Race to the MOSH!

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Aug. 19

MOSH - Jacksonville

Cost: $30/Girl, $17/Adult

Join MOSH in learning what it takes to be an engineer! Girl Scouts will gain insight into the engineering design process through the building and testing of a race car. While girls conduct tests and gather data, they will explore concepts such as friction, kinetic, and potential energy. Purchase of this workshop includes admission to the museum.

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Aug. 19

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class.


August Programs

Gateway Camp Train the Trainer Event

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Aug. 25 -27

Camp Kugelman

Cost: $40/Girl, $40/Adults

This training will certify you to become a Gateway Camp Trainer. Gateway camp trainers hold training classes for other registered volunteers, troop leaders, and communities. The council will work alongside you to schedule classes and provide training materials for each session.

Finding Common Ground


Aug. 26

Jacksonville Urban League Young Professionals – Jacksonville

Cost: $5/Girl, $0/Adult

Learn about current events affecting Book Bans in Florida, formulate an argument and engage in a debate. Cadettes will get to know someone different from themselves, make decisions in a group, explore civil debate and find common ground through mediation.

Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey –

Part 2

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Aug. 26

Keep Pensacola Beautiful – Pensacola Beach

Cost: $10/Girl, $1/Adult

Participate in a litter cleanup, and help sort, categorize, and record litter that is collected during the cleanup. This cleanup is a practice session for the BIG International Coastal Cleanup on Sept 16 where Keep Pensacola Beautiful will partner with Girl Scouts who attended the first classroom program, and this practice cleanup. CSA Girls MUST Register for and attend all 3 Programs (8/12, 8/26, and 9/16) to earn the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Live in Concert

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Aug. 27

Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts

Cost: $38/Girl, $38/Adult

Featuring a soundtrack that blends symphonic orchestral music with hip-hop, SpiderMan: Into The Spider-Verse Live in Concert pairs a screening of the Academy Award®winning animated film with live musicians and turntables featuring a DJ scratcher live on stage. Emmy® winner Daniel Pemberton composed a sprawling score of boundarypushing original music that is complimented with song contributions by Post Malone, Lil Wayne, Jaden Smith, and Nicki Minaj. The hip-hop based score results in a sonic universe that is woven throughout the fabric of the film, supporting its themes of resilience and universal heroism.

Looking for affordable, single-game tickets to support the Jaguars and Girl Scouts this season? Purchase tickets through the Nonprofit Center Give & Go program. Visit www.giveandgo.nonprofitctr. org and select Girl Scouts of Gateway Council in the drop-down box before you purchase! 6

September Programs

Girl Scouts Love State Parks

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Sept. 9

Maclay Gardens State Park - Tallahassee

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Join us at Maclay Gardens State Park for our annual Girl Scouts Love State Parks event! Activities include a guided ranger walk through our beautiful historic gardens, nature bingo, and more! Admission per vehicle is NOT included in the registration cost –$4 / single occupant vehicle, $6 / vehicle with 2-8 occupants.

Between Earth & Sky Journey in a Day


Sept. 9

Tallahassee Museum - Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $7/Adult

Daisies will learn the importance of nature and how it makes them feel. They will learn about plants and animals of Florida. Their final project will be learning how to protect longleaf pine forests.

Bugs Eco Adventure with UNF

Sept. 9

UNF - Jacksonville

Cost: $11/Girl, $8/Adult

Take a hike through the UNF Wildlife Sanctuary, during which girls will observe the habitats of aquatic and terrestrial insects and their relatives. After the hike, they will participate in the outdoor lab where they will get hands on experience observing the different insects and creatures found in the lake, naming the different resin preserved insects, and solving insect themed riddles!

Animal Habitats with Santa Fe Teaching Zoo


Sept. 9

Santa Fe Teaching Zoo - Gainesville

Cost: $20/Girl, $20/Adult

Learn all about animals and their homes with the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo! In this workshop you will explore endangered habitats and learn how to protect animals and their homes. This program also includes an animal encounter!

Girl Scout Day with UF Football

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Sept. 9

Ben Hill Griffin Stadium – Gainesville

Cost: $23/Girl*, $23/Adult*

Come cheer on the Florida Gators with Girl Scout Day with UF Football!

*Price is subject to change


September Programs

Girl Scouts Love State Parks

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Sept. 9

Little Talbot Island - Jacksonville

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Learn about Stewardship at Fort George Islands with the Girl Scouts Love The State Parks event! Join us for a hands on seine net demonstration and critter identification at the Ribault Club. Lets discover what animals and plants live in our tidal estuaries. Then a short hike to Mount Cornelia. Girls participating will earn a Girl Scouts Love the State Park patch!

Girl Scouts Love State Parks

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Sept. 10

Blackwater River State Park - Holt

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Environmental stewardship promotes the health of our ecosystem in many ways, including regeneration of seeding plants. Explore the vast world of seeds in the natural communities of Blackwater River Stat Park. Investigate where they grow and where they go, to find out how stewardship of seeds help our native ecosystems! Admission per vehicle is NOT included in the registration cost –$4.

Girl Scouts Love State Parks

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Sept. 10

Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park –Micanopy

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Come learn about native plants and animals vs nonnative. Afterwards Girl Scouts will help the state park replant native grass seed and earn your Girl Scouts Love the State Parks patch!

Nailed It!

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Sept. 10

Nailed It DIY Studio - Jacksonville

Cost: $26/Girl, $1/Adult

Earn your woodworking badge while learning new skills and having a blast. Using raw wood materials, power tools, and paint you will build a wood project with your own two hands! A Cadette Woodworker Badge or Fun Patch will be provided for each registered Girl Scout girl at the conclusion of the program.


September Programs

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Sept. 12

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class.

Triple Badge Coding for Good Workshop

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Sept. 13

KCC - Virtual

Cost: $30/Girl

Learn with Kids Can Code! Earn three badges using the CodeSpark platform. Girl Scouts will learn how to write and manipulate a blockbased coding language Blockly. Girl Scouts will practice coding in a fun and laid-back learning environment that will allow the ability to explore and expand on coding capabilities!

OTEX Gateway Council Kayak Instructor

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Sept. 15-17

Camp Kateri

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Sept. 13

VyStar Tower-Jacksonville

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Join us to learn more about saving money and spending in a smart way. We’ll discuss wants versus needs and how a savings account can help you reach your goal.

Cost: $70/Girl, $70/Adult

Participants will learn basic kayaking skills for water safety, paddle strokes, self-rescue, and assisted rescue skills as well as effective teaching techniques. Adult Volunteers certified as Gateway Instructors can take girls (B, J, C, S, A) kayaking on Gateway council-owned properties and use council's kayaks. Seniors and Ambassadors who complete the course may serve as qualified assistants.

My Money Plans & Budgeting with VyStar Credit Union

September Programs

OTEX ACA Paddle Sport Facilitator

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Sept. 15-17

Camp Kateri

Cost: $90/Girl, $90/Adult ($50 paid to GSGC and $40 paid to ACA for membership fees)

This certification builds on the same skills taught to Gateway Council Kayak Instructor's but provides a Nationally recognized certification listed in Safety Activity Checkpoints. Participants will learn basic kayaking skills for water safety, paddle strokes, self-rescue, and assisted rescue skills as well as effective teaching techniques. Participants musskills and6 years of age, and join the ACA ($40/ year), demonstrate the skills, and pass a written certification to be certified as Paddle Sport Facilitators (PSF) for Kayaking for 1 year. Seniors and Ambassadors who complete the course may serve as qualified assistants, but they do not need to be certified as PSF's to do so. Adult Volunteers certified as PSFs can take girls (B, J, C, S, A) kayaking on flat, calm, lakes near shore.

OTEX Canoe Instructor

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Sept. 15-17

Camp Kateri

Cost: $70/Girl, $70/Adult

We tell girls to step outside their comfort zone — so step outside of yours too and join us for OTEX to build your skills and help get more girls outdoors! The Outdoor Training Extravaganza is an annual weekend for volunteers and older Girl Scouts with the mission of all participants receiving training in an outdoor skill. Participants will grow in knowledge, skill and confidence to enhance Girl Scouts' outdoor experiences. Canoeing — Learn the basics of recreational canoe paddling including strokes, games, group safety and rescue skills. Successful completion of this class enables participants to facilitate canoe activities on Gateway properties only.

Educate and Inspire

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Sept. 15

Virtual - Zoom

Cost: $0/Girl, $0/Adult

All of Gateway Council is invited to attend this presentation where Gold Award Girl Scouts share their projects beyond their local communities and inspire others to take action!


September Programs

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

s a v Sept. 16

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class

Animal Encounter with EPIC Outreach


Sept. 16


Cost: $5/Girl, $5/Adult

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Sept. 17

Camp Kateri

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class.

Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey –Final Part

c s a Sept. 16

Keep Pensacola Beautiful – Pensacola Beach

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Participate in the 2022 International Coastal Cleanup, and help sort, categorize, and record litter that is collected during the cleanup. Girl Scouts will be instrumental in sorting litter brought to the pavilion, and counting the types of trash collected. This data will help advise on international policymaking to protect aquatic ecosystems from marine debris. This cleanup will put into action the lessons learned in the classroom section and at the practice cleanup. This is the final step towards the journey of becoming a citizen scientist with Keep Pensacola Beautiful. CSA Girls MUST Register for and attend all 3 Programs (8/12, 8/26, and 9/16) to earn the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey.

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September Programs

Reptile Rally

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Sept. 16

Alligator Farm – St. Augustine

Cost: $19/Girl, $24/Adult

Learn all about reptiles and their characteristics at the Alligator Farm! Several different reptiles will be presented during the program.

Hands On Special Agent Badge Workshop


Sept. 18

Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s OfficeMilton

Cost: $7/Girl, $1/Adult

The Cadette Girl Scouts will receive an inside look and hands on training with the Crime Scene Unit to earn their Special Agent Badge.

Cadette Budget Manager Badge Workshop with Tyndall Federal Credit Union


Sept. 19

Rivertown Community ChurchMarianna

Cost: $2/Girl, $1/Adult

Learn to make informed money decisions that reflect your values and learn how to track your spending.

Exploring Money Choices and Building a d b


Sept. 21

Navy Federal Credit Union – Fleming Island

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Learn what paper money and coins are, explore the difference between wants and needs, and discover how to build a budget with the experts at Navy Federal.

Aquatics Weekend 1 Aquatic Leader Aid

c s a

Sept. 22-24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl

Older girls gain confidence in their aquatic and leadership skills as they share their knowledge with younger girls. An assessment of skill level and proficiency each weekend allows ALAs to progress into an assistant instructor role. Girl’s progress through this leadership experience at their own pace, with the guidance and support of Aquatics instructors. Girls should expect to register for this event multiple times to enhance their leadership and small craft skills. Prerequisite: Completion of at least five Aquatics strips. Three strips must be from water sessions, at least one of which must be a Level 2.


September Programs

Aquatics Weekend 1 Archery 1

j c s a

Sept. 22-24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Spend the weekend aiming for the target! Use a bow and arrow as you learn proper technique, play games, and try tricks of the trade. Sunday morning, test your skills by participating in a tournament to earn the Archery training strip.

Aquatics Weekend 1 Canoe 1

j c s a

Sept. 22-24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Have fun learning basic canoe strokes and concepts of canoe safety, including how to get in and out safely and how to handle a capsized canoe. Enjoy beautiful Hankley Lake, while learning basic canoe skills and play Canoe Tag!

Aquatics Weekend 1 Canoe 2

j c s a

Sept. 22-24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Come back for round two as you become proficient in paddling strokes and maneuvers you learned in Canoing 1 (Intro to Canoing), then learn new strokes and sweeps to strengthen your skills. Eat lunch on the lake, in your canoe and take a nice refreshing swim in Hankley Lake!

Aquatics Weekend 1 & 2 Canoe 3 (two weekend class)

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Sept. 22-24 & Sept. 29- Oct 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $85/Girl, $85/Adult

Prepare for a day trip down a river by practicing new canoing strokes and deep-water entry maneuvers! The trip is during the second weekend of this two-weekend course. The river is chosen by aquatics instructors.

***Prerequisite: Canoe 1 & 2. Girls must also be in 8th grade or higher to participate in this session.

Aquatics Weekend 1 Chef Training

Sept. 22-24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Adult

Get hands on experience in operating kitchen equipment and meal preparation, as well as health and safety guidelines. Training also covers menu planning, budgeting, and ordering of supplies. This training does not provide an external certification, but successful completion does provide the knowledge and experience to operate the Camp Kateri kitchen.


September Programs

Aquatics Weekend 1 Kayak 1

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Sept. 22 -24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Learn basic kayaking strokes and safety: how to steady a kayak, how to get in and out of a kayak, and how to wet exit a kayak. Join in the fun as you take a tour of McCarthy Lake and find out what Dead Fish Polo is all about!

Aquatics Weekend 1 Sailing 2

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Sept. 22-24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Expand your sailing and teamwork skills as you guide a Laser through the water during this one weekend course. Learn how to rig a Laser on your own and join in a regatta as you solidify your skills.

Aquatics Weekend 1 & 2 Kayak 2 (two weekend class)

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Sept. 22-24 & Sept. 29 – Oct. 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $85/Girl, $85/Adult

Take your kayak skills to the next level during this two-weekend course. Refine your skills on weekend 1, then take a day trip to a river during the second weekend. The river is chosen by aquatics instructors.

Prerequisite: Kayak 1 (Beginning Kayaking).

Aquatics Weekend 1 Sailing 1

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Sept. 22-24

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Set sail on McCarthy Lake as you learn the basics of sailing. Find out how to read the wind, tack and jibe, and, most importantly, have fun! Run a course in our Optimus Prams and feel the wind in your sails.

Wonders of Water Journey in a Day


Sept. 23

Tallahassee Museum - Tallahassee $45/Girl, $7/Adult

Brownies will learn about the properties of water, the water cycle, and the importance of water for humans and animals. They will then teach guests about what they have learned.

Girls in Aviation Day

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Sept. 23

Sheltair Aviation – Panama City

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Women from the aviation industry come together for a day of fun and learning! Learn about all the jobs in the aviation industry and see that girls can do it too! This is an adventure you don’t want to miss!


September Programs

Swimming with Mermaids

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Sept. 23

St. Augustine Aquarium – St. Augustine

Cost: $40/Girl, $40/Participating Adult, $10/Non-participating Adult

Snorkel with mermaids amongst 200 colorful Reef Fish and Stingrays! They will give you a guided tour of the marine life in the Florida Reef Habitat. All gear is provided for your adventure, but participants need to bring a bathing suit and a towel. Adults may join in on the adventure or observe. An aquarium tour is included in this program.

Math in Nature – Double Badge Workshop

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Sept. 24

Pensacola MESS Hall – Pensacola

Cost: $25/Girl, $1/Adult

Come to the MESS Hall where Math is our “first” name and earn the first 2 badges in the Math in Nature journey. Daisies, Brownies and Juniors can earn their Shapes in Nature and Number in Nature badges while doing fun, hands on math activities such as Weave a Web, Seashell Guess Who, Tessellations, Moon Bear’s Shadow and many more.

Car Design Challenge Workshop

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Sept. 24

Mad Science CFL – Virtual Cost: $17/Girl

Join our Mad Scientist for a fun and HandsOn LIVE Badge Program through Zoom! Girl Scouts will learn about friction and motion as they brainstorm, build, and test model cars and tracks!

Land and Sky Adventure!

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Sept. 30

Santa Fe Zoo & Kika Silva Pla

Planetarium – Gainesville

Cost: $12/Girl, $12/Adult

Enjoy a fun morning at the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo and the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium! Discover animals and their habitats housed at the zoo. Explore the sun, moon, and stars as you fulfill your Space Science badge.


September Programs

Connecting Women With Water

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Sept. 30

Swivel Sisters – Port St, Joe

Cost: $100/Girl, $TBD/Adult

Come join Swivel Sisters for a full day of connecting women to water! Girls will learn about Fishing, knot tying, kayaking, snorkeling, aquatic plant and animal identification. Lunch and snacks are included in the cost and will be served after the morning sessions and then girls will get to practice and use what they learned! You do not want to miss this exciting full day event! Each girl will get to take home their own rod and reel combo, mask, snorkel, fin set, shirt, bag, and other great items!

Aquatics Weekend 2 Aquatic Leader Aid

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Sept. 29 – Oct. 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl

Older girls gain confidence in their aquatic and leadership skills as they share their knowledge with younger girls. An assessment of skill level and proficiency each weekend allows ALAs to progress into an assistant instructor role. Girl’s progress through this leadership experience at their own pace, with the guidance and support of Aquatics instructors. Girls should expect to register for this event multiple times to enhance their leadership and small craft skills.Prerequisite: Completion of at least five Aquatics strips. Three strips must be from water sessions, at least one of which must be a Level 2.

Aquatics Weekend 2 Archery 1

j c s a

Sept. 29 – Oct 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Spend the weekend aiming for the target! Use a bow and arrow as you learn proper technique, play games, and try tricks of the trade. Sunday morning, test your skills by participating in a tournament to earn the Archery training strip.

Aquatics Weekend 2 Canoe 1

j c s a

Sept. 29 – Oc.t 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Have fun learning basic canoe strokes and concepts of canoe safety, including how to get in and out safely and how to handle a capsized canoe. Enjoy beautiful Hankley Lake, while learning basic canoe skills and play Canoe Tag!

Aquatics Weekend 2 Canoe 2

j c s a

Sept. 29 – Oct. 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Come back for round two as you become proficient in paddling strokes and maneuvers you learned in Canoeing 1 (Intro to Canoeing), then learn new strokes and sweeps to strengthen your skills. Eat lunch on the lake, in your canoe and take a nice refreshing swim in Hankley Lake!


September Programs

Aquatics Weekend 2 Kayak 1

j c s a

Sept. 29 – Oct. 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Learn basic kayaking strokes and safety: how to steady a kayak, how to get in and out of a kayak, and how to wet exit a kayak. Join in the fun as you take a tour of McCarthy Lake and find out what Dead Fish Polo is all about!

Aquatics Weekend 2 Sailing 1

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Sept. 29 – Oct. 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Set sail on McCarthy Lake as you learn the basics of sailing. Find out how to read the wind, tack and jibe, and, most importantly, have fun! Run a course in our Optimus Prams and feel the wind in your sails.

Aquatics Weekend 2 Sailing 2

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Sept. 29 – Oct. 1

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Expand your sailing and teamwork skills as you guide a Laser through the water during this one weekend course. Learn how to rig a Laser on your own and join in a regatta as you solidify your skills.


Explore Outdoor Wonders

September 9-10

It’s time to lead the way at your favorite state parks and help create a better planet for all!

How? By heading out to explore your local state parks during this year’s Girls Scouts Love State Parks Weekend!

On September 9th and 10th, you can participate in self-guided tours, family hikes, water sports, stargazing, and more; all while fostering a clean environment for everyone to enjoy with Pick Up America.

Girl Scouts Love State Parks is offered in partnership with the National Association of State Park Directors and is made possible by THOR Industries.

Check out the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council events page to find programs at a state park near you or create your own adventure!

*Additional program events at state parks across the council will be added soon.


October Programs

Silver Award Boot Camp

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Oct. 4

Virtual - Zoom

Cost: $0/Girl, $0/Adult

This Highest Awards training is highly recommended for girls interested in pursuing the Girl Scout Silver Award. This boot camp will give you an overview of the updated requirements of the Silver Award.

Wilderness and Remote First Aid Course

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Oct. 6 -8

Camp Kateri

Cost: $125/Girl, $125/Adult

Training designed for girl scouts and girl scout leaders, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone who works or spends time in remote environments, this course teaches advanced skills to be used in emergencies when help from professional first responders may be far away.

Prerequisites: Must be at least 15 years old and hold current adult CPR/AED certification.

aMUSE Journey in a Day


Oct. 7

Tallahassee Museum - Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $7/Adult

Juniors will learn about different roles they play in their own lives and in others. They willl learn about future leadership opportunities!

Amazing Animals and their Abodes!

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Oct. 7

St. Augustine Aquarium – St. Augustine

Cost: $12/Girl, $10/Adult

Come observe animals and their habitats at the St. Augustine Aquarium! Girls will investigate three animals and even create their own birdhouse.

Automotive Badges with Hyundai

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Oct. 7

Allen Turner Hyundai – Pensacola

Cost: $8/Girl, $1/Adult

Find out how automotive designers come up with ideas for new vehicles. Then, take the wheel and design your own! Girl Scouts will earn their Auto 1 and 2 badges with the help of our friends at Allen Turner Hyundai!

Nailed It!

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Oct. 8

Nailed It DIY Studio- Jacksonville

Cost: $26/Girl, $1/Adult

Earn your woodworking badge while learning new skills and having a blast. Using raw wood materials, power tools, and paint you will build a wood project with your own two hands! A Cadette Woodworker Badge or Fun Patch will be provided for each registered Girl Scout girl at the conclusion of the program.


October Programs

Entertainment Technology Workshop


Oct. 8

Mad Science CFL – Virtual

Cost: $17/Girl

Join our Mad Scientist for a fun and HandsOn LIVE Badge Program through Zoom! Girl Scouts will build a catapult, learn about optical illusions of movie images, and become foley artists!

Animal Observer with Emerald Coast Science Center


Oct. 9

Emerald Coast Science Center – Fort Walton Beach

Cost: $25/Girl, $4/Adult

USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Training


Oct. 8

Camp Kateri

Cost: $25/Adult

We tell girls to step outside of their comfort zone – so step outside of yours too and join us at Camp Kateri to build your archery skills and gain your USA Archery Level 1 certification. This certification allows you to rent and use the archery equipment at both Camp Kateri and Camp Kugelman. Certification requires the completion of both the USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Certification Online course within the USA Archery Online Education HUB and the Level 1 Instructor Practical Exam with Gateway Council.

*This registration is for the practical course only. You will register and pay ($40.00) for the USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Certification Online course directly with USA Archery.

Learning about animals using our senses is a super fun way to explore and understand the amazing creatures around us. By using all our senses, we can discover so much about animals’ appearances, behaviors, and how they live in their habitats. This fun hands-on Program will allow you to connect with nature and appreciate the incredible creatures we share our world with.

Senior Savvy Saver Badge Workshop with Tyndall Federal Credit Union


Oct. 10

Rivertown Community ChurchMarianna

$2/Girl, $1/Adult

Learn the financial skills and know-how to prepare to make a big purchase and learn about borrowing money.


October Programs

Creating Affirming Spaces for LGBTQ+ Youth


Oct. 10


In this session, we will discus the LGBTQ+ youth experience, basic definitions and terminology, how to create a safe space for LGBTQ youth and review local and national resources. This session will be facilitated by JASMYN, a nonprofit in Jacksonville.

My Financial Power


Oct. 11

Bank of America – Virtual

Cost: $5/Girl

LEAD for Women group at Bank of America will help Seniors discover all the ways they can create financial stability, such as building wealth, making wise career choices, and being aware of investment risks. Seniors will earn their My Financial Power Badge.

Triple Badge Coding for Good Workshop

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Oct. 11

KCC - Virtual

Cost: $30/Girl

Learn with Kids Can Code! Earn three badges writing JavaScript code using the VidCode platform. Girl Scouts will practice coding in a fun and laid-back learning environment that will allow the ability to explore and expand on coding capabilities!

Gateway Camp Training

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Oct. 13 -15

Camp Kugelman

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

You'll learn about important safety procedures and council policies involved with making your trip a success. This exciting overnight session will compete your GSGC Camp Training enabling you to guide girls on day, overnight, or multi-night outdoor experiences beyond the council properties, such as at state parks, established campgrounds, or back-country camping.


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October 13-15

Cost: $150/Girl

Girls who have completed the 9th grade12th grade have an opportunity to earn their Counselor in Training. This week is designed for those who have a desire to mentor and work with younger girls in a camp/outdoor environment. This training is designed to help you learn basic leadership skills and techniques that you will be able to apply in a summer camp setting. Girls must apply online and have a short interview with the Camp Director, as well as attend one week of training during Summer Camp. Once the training week has been completed, they will return for another week of resident camp where they will be able to apply their newly learned skills with younger campers.


October Programs

Trailblazer 1

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Oct. 14

Losco Park

Cost: $20/Girl, $20/Adult

This one-day class is the first step for individuals or troops of Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Scouts and adults into wilderness adventure! With an experienced hiker discover the elements of planning, preparing and packing your gear to leave the campground and head into the wilderness. Topics include - Leave No Trace, hiking clothing, appropriate food & nutrition, personal care items & safety, plus how to organize a pack for hiking. In the afternoon, students take a 2-3 hour hike, with discussions about keeping the group together, caring for themselves and travel safely in the outdoors.

Volunteer Day at the Arboretum!

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Oct. 14


Cost: $0/Girl, $0/Adult

Interested in earning your Community Service

Pin? Learn and socialize with botanical enthusiasts at the Jacksonville Arboretum! Weed, water, prune, mulch, and complete other basic outdoor gardening tasks under the supervision of experienced horticulturists.

Animal Helper with Santa Fe Teaching



Oct. 14

Santa Fe Teaching Zoo - Gainesville

Cost: $20/Girl, $20/Adult

In this workshop, you will explore how animals help people and how people can help animals in return! The Santa Fe Teaching Zoo will help you discover how animals help keep people safe and happy. This program also includes an animal encounter.

Animal Encounter with EPIC Outreach

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Oct. 14

Cost: $5/Girl, $5/Adult

Visit One EPIC Farm to meet rescued farm animals like horses, pigs, and chickens. Enjoy a farm tour, meet and greet with the animals, and a themed art activity.


October Programs

Girl Kickoff Rally

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Oct. 14

Washington County School District & Field – Chipley

Cost: $15/Girl Scout, $5/Adult, $35/Non Girl Scout

Welcome Back to Another Girl Scout Year of Adventure and Fun! Staff and community partners will host fun activities to help you kick start your Girl Scout year! With activities in STEM, Life Skills, Outdoors, and Financial Literacy/Entrepreneurship. There will be games, fun, and lunch will be provided (All beef or vegan hot dog, chips, drink and even decorate your own cupcake)! You do not want to miss it as we bring back this annual tradition for the new Girl Scout year! Come Join with your sister Girl Scouts and start the year off FUN! Bring a Non Girl Scout friend with you and receive a surprise grab bag!

Coke Florida Global Action Award Program

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Oct. 14


Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Join Coke Florida in a 2-hour workshop learning about sustainability! In this workshop we will explore Coke Florida’s sustainability goals and initiatives, Sustainable Development Goals, and how you can be a responsible consumer or producer. This workshop will provide you with the knowledge to take action in your communities and share what it means to be a sustainable consumer.

Coke Florida Global Action Award Program

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Oct. 14


Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Join Coke Florida in a 2-hour workshop learning about sustainability! In this workshop we will explore Coke Florida’s sustainability goals and initiatives, Sustainable Development Goals, and how you can be a responsible consumer or producer. This workshop will provide you with the knowledge to take action in your communities and share what it means to be a sustainable consumer.

Trailblazer 1

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Oct. 15

Losco Park

Cost: $20/Girl, $20/Adult

This one-day class is the first step for individuals or troops of Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Scouts and adults into wilderness adventure! With an experienced hiker discover the elements of planning, preparing and packing your gear to leave the campground and head into the wilderness. Topics include - Leave No Trace, hiking clothing, appropriate food & nutrition, personal care items & safety, plus how to organize a pack for hiking. In the afternoon, students take a 2-3 hour hike, with discussions about keeping the group together, caring for themselves and travel safely in the outdoors.


October Programs

Kidz Tough

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Oct. 15

Women’s Defense Co - Jacksonville

Cost: $45/Girl, $1/Adult

This fun and empowering children’s selfdefense program will teach your child how to recognize and respond to dangerous situations as well as realistic techniques to escape from an attempted abduction. Participants should wear comfortable clothes and socks.

Girl Scouts in Government

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Oct. 16

St. Johns County

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Fight Like a Girl

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Oct. 15

Women’s Defense Co - Jacksonville

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Participating Female Adult, $1/Adult

Your journey in self-defense starts here! This empowering hands-on, self-defense course will bring out your inner warrior and teach you how powerful you can be in avoiding or stopping an attack. Female adults may also sign up and participate.

Girls will learn about what it means to be an active citizen, as well as learn about running for and serving in student government. Girl Scouts can ask questions to a panel, which will include a member of the County School Board and a local student government representative. During this program girls will have the opportunity to consider their own potential campaigns and design campaign materials.

Soaring for STEM with iFLY

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Oct. 16

iFLY – Jacksonville

Cost: $55/Girl, $55/Participating Adult, $1/Non-participating Adult

Come explore STEM at Jacksonville’s premiere indoor skydiving facility! There will be an interactive STEM presentation delivered by an iFLY STEM Educator that includes a physics demo in the wind tunnel. Then, after flying instruction and safety training, gear up for your own chance to fly in the vertical wind tunnel.


October Programs

My Dream Budget with VyStar Credit Union

Oct. 18

VyStar Tower-Jacksonville

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

How do you think your lifestyle choices will impact your future budget? Let’s talk about your day-to-day life, your plan to give back to the community, and how it can impact your future.

Trailblazer 1

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Oct. 21

Losco Park

Cost: $20/Girl, $20/Adult

Triple Badge Robotics Workshop

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Oct. 18

Shiva Robotics Academy - Jacksonville

Cost: $85/Girl, $8/Adult

Girl Scouts learn to design, build, code, troubleshoot, and showcase a fully functional LEGO Robotic Racecar. Students will explore race car features, create and program a race car to investigate what factors would make it go faster, and document and present ways to make your car go the fastest.

From Budget Maker to Manager

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Oct. 19

Navy Federal Credit Union – Fleming Island

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Create a budget to help you plan to meet your goals and learn smart ways to spend, save, and share money and explore what it means to be a good budget manager with the experts at Navy Federal.

This one-day class is the first step for individuals or troops of Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Scouts and adults into wilderness adventure! With an experienced hiker discover the elements of planning, preparing and packing your gear to leave the campground and head into the wilderness. Topics include - Leave No Trace, hiking clothing, appropriate food & nutrition, personal care items & safety, plus how to organize a pack for hiking. In the afternoon, students take a 2-3 hour hike, with discussions about keeping the group together, caring for themselves and travel safely in the outdoors.

Animation Academy at the MOSH!

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Oct. 21

MOSH - Jacksonville

Cost: $30/Girl, $17/Adult

Join the MOSH in the wonders of exploring art and design! Experiment with materials, elements, and composition while creating your very own masterpiece. After completing this workshop, you will earn the NEW Art and Design badge.


October Programs

Howl at the Moon

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Oct. 21

Hanna Park - Jacksonville

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Join us for International Observe the Moon Night! There will be moon-based activities, Girl Scouts will receive a patch to commemorate the event, and (of course) observe the moon! Members of the Northeast Florida Astronomical Society will be there with their telescopes so you can see stars, planets, the Moon, and interesting sky objects until 10:30 PM.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together


Oct. 21

North Florida Wildlife Center – Lamont

Cost: $20/Girl, $12/Adult

For this BRAND NEW Animal Observe Badge, girls will participate in a bird feather identification workshop that includes matching bird feathers to species that are on property. They will also learn the importance of the structure and coloration of bird feathers.

Eco Learner Badge Workshop with Keep Pensacola Beautiful

Oct. 21

Keep Pensacola Beautiful – Pensacola

Cost: $10/Girl, $1/Adult

Complete all 3 steps of the Eco Learner badge with KPB. Activities will include a “Be Prepared” trivia game, making a nature circle, and creating art with litter!

Democracy & You

Oct. 21

League of Women Voters of Bay County

Panama City

Cost: $5/Girl, $0/Adult

Learn about local, state and national government and the way the branches work

Breathe Journey in a Day

Oct. 21

Tallahassee Museum - Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $7/Adult

Cadettes will explore the air around them and learn why clean air is important. They will then teach guests about what they have learned.


October Programs

Poetry, Plants, and Design: A Tour of the Fair Flower Show “Poetic Impressions”

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Oct. 22

Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs

Cost: $3/Girl, $1/Adult

Participants will be admitted to Bldg 7 (only) of the Pensacola Interstate Fair to view the PFGC flower show, “Poetic Impressions.” They’ll be able to see hundreds of horticultural specimens, combination plantings including fairy gardens and window boxes, and artistic floral designs. Chaperones are required to attend and stay their Girl Scouts. Drivers will be given a coupon from the Fair for free parking. Eah Girl Scout youth will be given a garden club patch.

Ambassador Financial Planner Badge Workshop with Tyndall Federal Credit Union


Oct 24

Rivertown Community ChurchMarianna

Cost: $2/Girl, $1/Adult

Learn how to pay attention to your credit and how to plan for a big financial goal, investigate loans and how to commit to financial responsibility.

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Oct. 26

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Oct. 28

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class.


October Programs

Annual Founder’s Day Haunted Spooktacular

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Oct. 28

Camp Kugelman – Lillian, AL

Cost: Event only $15/Girl, $5/Adult

Cost: Event & Overnight Stay $25/Girl, $15/Adult

Come join us once again for another Founder’s Day Haunted Spooktacular you don’t want to miss! This year we are adding a thrilling new way to visit the haunted house of Kugelman –see it in the dark as you will have to feel your way through the corridor! There will be lots of activities to celebrate this Founder’s Day including Pick your pumpkin and pumpkin decorating, SWAPS, a hayride, songs and s’mores by the campfire, a concession stand to buy food and snacks, and of course the haunted house and so much more!

Home Scientist Workshop


Oct. 29

Mad Science CFL – Virtual Cost: $17/Girl

Join our Mad Scientist for a fun and Hands-On LIVE Badge Program through Zoom! Whip up some fun experiments using things you find in your own kitchen! We’ll even make our own ice cream!


November 19, 2023

Pre-Game Party: 11 AM to 12:30 PM

Kickoff: 1 PM

Girl Scouts will takeover the Bank as the Jaguars take on the Tennessee Titans! Prior to the game, join us for a pregame party where we will have games and fun for the whole family!

*Purchase tickets for Girl Scout Day with the Jaguars on Nov. 19 directly through the GSGC Events Page

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November Programs

My First Cookie Business with Bank of America

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Nov. 4

Jacksonville University - Jacksonville

Cost: $0/Girl, $0/Adult

Come explore the ins and outs of your very first cookie business with the LEAD Women of Bank of America. During this event you will discover more about Girl Scout Cookies, decide how to use your cookie money, present your pitch, and bling your booth all in time for cookie season.

Man Enough to be a Girl Scout!!


Nov. 4-5

Camp Kugelman

Cost: $25/Adults

Calling all male girl scout role models! Have you ever wondered how you could be more involved with Girl Scouts; well this is the event for you. Join us at Camp Kugelman as we explore all the programs you can be part of, take some time to fish on Perdido Bay then round out the night gathering around the campfire to enjoy a shrimp boil cook by our very own Ranger Carl!

Trailblazer 2

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Nov. 4 & Nov. 10 – 12

Losco Park

Cost: $30/Girl, $30/Adults

An experienced backpacker will guide scouts through the ‘Plan and Prepare’ and ‘Gather

Your Gear’ elements. Topics included are a review of the 10 Essentials, Trail Safety for remote areas, backpacks, tents, stoves, sleeping systems, cooking methods and menu planning, water purification, how to pack, weighing and navigation using a compass. The planning meeting is Nov. 4, the overnight part will be Nov. 10 – 12. The trail is generally just a few miles of moderate walking to a local primitive campsite. Once at the campsite, participants will practice making rain shelters, caching food, cooking dehydrated foods as well as exploring the wilderness. Trailblazer 1 is a prerequisite to this course.

Animal Habitats with Lubee Bat


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Nov. 4


Cost: $17/Girl, $5/Adult

Bats are amazing creatures and an essential part of our ecosystem! Join the experts at Lubee Bat Conservancy where you will have the unique opportunity to view some of the largest and most endangered species of bats in the world up close!


November Programs

What’s a Habitat?


Nov. 4

North Florida Wildlife Center – Lamont

Cost: $20/Girl, $12/Adult

Junior Girl Scouts will earn their Junior Animal Habitat Badge and observe an animal care specialist cleaning and collecting feathers from an enclosure and assist the group members with an enrichment activity for some species on property. There will be a short presentation on what molting is and how/why birds do this and discuss the importance of enrichment activities for animals in captivity.

Math in Nature Workshop

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Nov. 4

St. Augustine Aquarium – St. Augustine

Cost: $12/Girl, $10/Adult

Observe and use what you know about the outdoors to make and do things in nature!

Cookie Goal Setter


Nov. 4

UWF Maygarden Center for Financial Literacy - Pensacola

Cost: $10/Girl, $1/Adult

When you sell Girl Scout cookies, you are running your own business. You get to work with your Girl Scout troop to decide how you will use your money. Together, you set goals and share them with real customers! Join Maygarden Center for Financial Literacy as they help you earn your Cookie Goal Setter Badge!

Cookie Decision Maker


Nov. 4

UWF Maygarden Center for Financial Literacy - Pensacola

Cost: $10/Girl, $1/Adult

Being a decision maker is one of the ways you learn to think like an entrepreneur! To make a decision, you find out what your options are, learn about them, and work with your team to choose what to do. Then you make it happen!

Space Science Workshop

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Nov. 4

MOSH - Jacksonville

Cost: $30/Girl, $17/Adult

Earn your Space Science Badge with the experts at the MOSH! We will kick off the program with a show in the Bryan-Gooding Planetarium followed up by an interactive hands-on portion tailored to your Girl Scout’s level.

Animal Observer with Santa Fe Teaching Zoo


Nov. 4

Santa Fe Teaching Zoo - Gainesville

Cost: $20/Girl, $20/Adult

Daisies, come earn the NEW Animal Observer badge with the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo! Girls will have the chance to complete an ethogram and observe an animal’s behaviors the same way zookeepers do. This workshop also includes an animal encounter!


November Programs

Nailed It!

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Nov. 5

Nailed It DIY Studio- Jacksonville

Cost: $26/Girl, $1/Adult

Earn your woodworking badge while learning new skills and having a blast. Using raw wood materials, power tools, and paint you will build a wood project with your own two hands! A Cadette Woodworker Badge or Fun Patch will be provided for each registered Girl Scout girl at the conclusion.

Mean Girls

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Nov. 8

University of Florida Performing Arts


Cost: TBD

Triple Badge Cybersecurity Workshop

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Nov. 8

KCC - Virtual

Cost: $30/Girl

Earn the 3 Cybersecurity badges the Kids Can Code way! Girls should use 2 devices (a laptop/desktop for website work & a mobile device for Zoom) to participate in interactive cybersecurity activities.

Triple Badge Robotics Workshop

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Nov. 8

Shiva Robotics Academy - Jacksonville

Cost: $85/Girl, $8/Adult

Girl Scouts learn to design, build, code, troubleshoot, and showcase a fully functional LEGO Robotic Rover. Students will explore rover features, create and program a race car to investigate what factors would make it go on all terrain, and document and present ways to make the rover efficient.

Direct from Broadway, MEAN GIRLS is the hilarious hit musical from book writer TINA FEY (30 Rock), composer JEFF RICHMOND (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), lyricist NELL BENJAMIN (Legally Blonde), and original director and choreographer CASEY NICHOLAW (The Book of Mormon). The story of a naïve newbie who falls prey to a trio of lionized frenemies, MEAN GIRLS “delivers with immense energy, a wicked sense of humor and joyful inside-jokery.”

Animal Encounter with EPIC Outreach

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Nov. 11


Cost: $5/Girl, $5/Adult

Visit One EPIC Farm to meet rescued farm animals like horses, pigs, and chickens. Enjoy a farm tour, meet and greet with the animals, and a themed art activity.


November Programs

Manatee Kayak Tour

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Nov. 12

TNT Hide-A-Way - Crawfordville

Cost: $55/Girl, $55/Adult

Paddle the Wakulla river with professional guides for a m mile trip to observe the Manatee and wildlife in the Wakulla River. Cost includes kayak rental, guide and shuttle. You will select single or tandem kayak.

Space Science Badge Workshop

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Nov. 12

Mad Science CFL – Virtual

Cost: $17/Girl

Join our Mad Scientist for a fun and Hands-On LIVE Badge Program through Zoom! Girl Scouts will learn about the solar system, telescopes, and all the wonders of space!

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Nov. 16

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class.

My Financial Future

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Nov. 16

Navy Federal Credit Union – Fleming Island

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

This older girl program is all about how to plan for financial success with the experts at Navy Federal. You’ll learn strategies for financial stability and how to pay attention to your credit to plan for a big financial goal.

Educate and Inspire

Nov. 17

Virtual - Zoom

Cost: $0/Girl, $0/Adult

All of Gateway Council is invited to attend this presentation where Gold Award Girl Scouts share their projects beyond their local communities and inspire others to take action!

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November Programs

Gateway Camp Training

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Nov. 18 - 19

Camp Kateri

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

You'll learn about important safety procedures and council policies involved with making your trip a success. This exciting overnight session will compete your GSGC Camp Training enabling you to guide girls on day, overnight, or multi-night outdoor experiences beyond the council properties, such as at state parks, established campgrounds, or back-country camping. Any registered volunteers 18 plus years old within a troop may be designated as the Troop Outdoor Coordinator and complete this training.

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Nov. 18

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class.

First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

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Nov. 18

Gretchen Everhart School – Tallahassee

Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This course will prepare you to recognize and provide care in a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children, and infants; the course meets OSHA/ workplace requirements. Online components need to be completed prior to attending the skills session. Please bring a copy of your successful completion with you to the in-person portion of the class.

Tree to Tree Adventure Day

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Nov. 18

Tree to Tree Adventures @ Tallahassee Museum - Tallahassee

Cost: Under 54” $25/Girl, $5/NonParticipating Adult

Cost: Over 54” $45/Girl, $45/Adult

This Ziplining experience is sure to be a blast! Join your Girl Scout sisters as you take to the treetops for a thrilling experience of fun and adventure!


November Programs

How did they do that?


Nov. 18

North Florida Wildlife Center – Lamont

Cost: $20/Girl, $12/Adult

Cadette girls will earn their Animal Helper badge as they participate in an activity that includes a short presentation on some of the training behaviors used with resident animals. This workshop also includes observing an animal care specialist perform a short training activity with one of the animals, and playing a game that teaches you how to train a behavior in others in your group!

Cookie Collaborator


Nov. 18

UWF Maygarden Center for Financial Literacy - Pensacola

Cost: $10/ Girl, $1/Adult

The saying “Two heads are better than one” means it’s better to have more people to help come up with ideas and solve problems. When you work with different people, such as your troop, community, and network, you can grow your cookie business. That’s what collaboration is!

Cookie Innovator


Nov. 18

UWF Maygarden Center for Financial Literacy - Pensacola

Cost: $10/Girl, $1/Adult

As an innovator, you are open to change and opportunities. You’re empowered to grow, not just personally, but also with your Girl Scout CookieTM business. To earn this badge, you will innovate in two ways: One is by coming up with fresh ideas for your goals, something bolder and bigger than before. The other is by finding unique ways to reach your goals, connect with your customers, and sell cookies.

Peppa Pig Sing-Along Party

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Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts

Nov. 26

Cost: TBD

Peppa, George, Mummy Pig, and Daddy Pig are throwing a Sing-Along Party and you are invited!

In this new show you can join in the fun as Peppa and friends teach some of their favorite songs. Dance, clap, and sing with Peppa and her family along with Pedro Pony, Suzy Sheep, and Gerald Giraffe. Blow up those balloons and get the disco ball ready as you and your family party along with Peppa in this 60-minute interactive musical adventure!


November Programs

No-Bake “Gingerbread” House Workshop

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Nov. 30

Eastside Branch Library - Tallahassee

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Learn how to create a no-bake gingerbread house using Pop-Tarts in this fun, hands-on workshop. All materials will be provided for this workshop!


Happy Birthday, Juliette Gordon Low!

For Girl Scouts, Halloween is much more than costumes and candy – it’s also our founder’s birthday! Girl Scouts across the country celebrate October 31 each year as Founder’s Day.

The date was chosen to celebrate our Founder, Juliette Gordon Low, because it’s the anniversary of her birthday. In 1860, Juliette Gordon Low was born in Savannah and began a life that would ultimately lead to the creation of our beloved organization!

Here are 6 Fun Facts about Juliette that you might not yet know:

1. She was born on October 31, 1860 in Savannah, Georgia.

2. Her childhood nickname was Daisy which serves as inspiration for the first two years of Girl Scout membership (K-1 grades).

3. She was nearly deaf – but she didn't let it stop her from being the life of the party!

4. Juliette loved to tell stories and rescue stray animals.

5. She would do a headstand every year on her birthday.

6. She sold her prized pearls to raise money for Girl Scouting. To celebrate, many of our troops celebrate through birthday parties, costume parties, service projects, and more!

In celebration of Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday, participate in Gateway’s Council’s Great Give Back. Participate in a service project with your troop and receive our Great Give Back patch.


December Programs

Outdoor Skills Day

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Dec. 2

Camp Kateri

Cost: $15/Girl, $15/Adults

By attending outdoor skills sessions, girls will get a sense of empowerment in the outdoors, use natural resources wisely and respect wildlife, and help them become lifelong stewards of the land and our natural resources. At this session of Outdoor Skills, we will focus on all traditional things we love so much about camp. Every group will rotate between 3 sessions: campfire cooking, archery, and fishing. Don't forget to bring your bag lunch and relax while having a picnic under one of the many shade trees by the lakes.

Science of S’mores

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Dec. 02

MOSH - Jacksonville

Cost: $30/Girl, $17/Adult

Girl Scouts will dive into the science, history and magic of marshmallows, the physics of chocolate, what graham crackers are made of, and all things s’mores! From melting points to cooking methods and even using the marshmallow roasting scale to determine the texture of your treat, this workshop will be one bringing you back to MOSH for s’more! You’ll even get an ingredient kit to take home with you to try everything for yourself!

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

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Dec. 2

Virtual - Zoom

Cost: $0/Girl, $0/Adult

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders

Car Care 101

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Dec. 2

Merecedes Benz - Jacksonville

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

Girl Scouts will learn about basic car maintenance, vehicle safety, and what to do in case of an emergency in this fun and hands-on workshop!


December Programs

Kidz Tough

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Dec. 3

Women’s Defense Co - Jacksonville

Cost: $45/Girl, $1/Adult

This fun and empowering children’s self-defense program will teach your child how to recognize and respond to dangerous situations as well as realistic techniques to escape from an attempted abduction. Participants should wear comfortable clothes and socks.

Winter Wonderland at Camp Kateri

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Dec. 8 -10

Camp Kateri

Cost: $50/Girl, $50/Adult

Grab your family and friends and head to the 3rd annual Winter Wonderland Camp Out at Kateri. Celebrate the holiday season with Girl Scouts! You will not want to miss out on all the holiday crafts and the amazing, sweet treats in Mrs. Claus’s bakery!

Fight Like a Girl

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Dec. 3

Women’s Defense Co - Jacksonville Cost: $45/Girl, $45/Participating Female Adult, $1/Adult

Your journey in self-defense starts here! This empowering hands-on, self-defense course will bring out your inner warrior and teach you how powerful you can be in avoiding or stopping an attack. Female adults may also sign up and participate.

Triple Badge Cybersecurity Workshop

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Dec. 6

KCC - Virtual

Cost: $30/Girl

Earn the 3 Cybersecurity badges the Kids Can Code way! Girls should use 2 devices (a laptop/ desktop for website work & a mobile device for Zoom) to participate in interactive cybersecurity activities.

Detective and Special Agent Badge Workshop

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Dec. 10

Mad Science CFL – Virtual Cost: $17/Girl

Join our Mad Scientist for a fun and HandsOn LIVE Badge Program through Zoom! Learn about the science of crime science investigation. Girl Scouts will investigate fingerprinting, blood splatter, and shoe prints!

Animal Encounter with EPIC Outreach

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Dec. 16


Cost: $5/Girl, $5/Adult

Visit One EPIC Farm to meet rescued farm animals like horses, pigs, and chickens. Enjoy a farm tour, meet and greet with the animals, and a themed art activity.


December Programs

Creating Art at Maclay Gardens State Park


Dec. 17

Maclay Gardens State Park - Tallahassee

Cost: $7/Girl, $1/Adult

Join us at Maclay Gardens for a day of creative outdoor fun! Create art projects inspired by nature. Learn about the plants and animals that live around us and earn your Brownie Outdoor Art Creator Badge!


Become a Super Troop!

What is a Super Troop?

The Super Troop Program recognizes troops who have successfully incorporated all facets of the Girl Scout Movement into their troop activities. The emphasis is on programming and integrating the four pillars and several other aspects of the Girl Scout experience.

How do you become a Super Troop?

Troops earn the Super Troop award by completing activities listed in the program within one Girl Scout year (October 1 – September 30). Each application will need to be verified and approved by the Girl Experience Staff at Girl Scouts of Gateway Council.

Check out the future Troop Scoop newsletter for more information!


January Programs

Program Aide Training – Camp Kugelman

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Jan 12- 14

Cost: $45/Girl, $25/Adult

Program Aides, also known as PAs, are Girl Scouts who plan and lead activities and events for younger girls. This training weekend enables girls to explore their leadership through participation in hands-on activities, skill building, and reflection. We ask that you please attend the entire weekend in order to become certified and participate as a Program Aide. If you cannot attend the complete weekend, which includes overnight camping from Friday to Sunday, please choose a different weekend


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Jan 12- 14


Cost: $150/Girl

Girls who have completed the 9th grade12th grade have an opportunity to earn their Counselor in Training. This week is designed for those who have a desire to mentor and work with younger girls in a camp/outdoor environment. This training is designed to help you learn basic leadership skills and techniques that you will be able to apply in a summer camp setting. Girls must apply online and have a short interview with the Camp Director, as well as attend one week of training during Summer Camp. Once the training week has been completed, they will return for another week of resident camp where they will be able to apply their newly learned skills with younger campers.

Exploring Art at Maclay Gardens State Park

Jan 13

Maclay Gardens State Park - Tallahassee

Cost: $7/Girl, $1/Adult

Join our park rangers at Maclay Gardens State Park for a day of outdoor fun! use nature as your inspiration to create art projects and earn your Junior Outdoor Art Explorer Badge!


January Programs

Triple Badge Robotics Workshop

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Jan. 17

Shiva Robotics Academy - Jacksonville

Cost: $85/Girl, $8/Adult

Girl Scouts learn to design, build, code, troubleshoot, and showcase a fully functional LEGO Robotic Racecar. Students will explore race car features, create and program a race car to investigate what factors would make it go faster, and document and present ways to make your car go the fastest.

Growing Fun Skills For Life


Jan 20

Pensacola federation of Garden ClubsPensacola

Cost: $5/Girl, $1/Adult

The Garden Center Building will be set up with learning and play stations for the girls to rotate and enjoy. Offering opportunities for hands-on gardening, designs, life skills, crafts, etc. The event will end by attending a tree planting in the campus garden.

Automotive Engineering with Brumos

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Jan 20

The Brumos Collection - Jacksonville

Cost: $20/Girl, $5/Adult

Girl Scouts, join us for a unique and exciting experience with The Brumos Collection! Girl Scouts will be immersed in interactive exhibits that take you on a journey through time experiencing three centuries of automotive design. Automotive experts will guide you through all three Automotive badges where you will explore the history of the vehicle, learn about automotive design criteria, and sketch and sculpt your own vehicle model! Together we will: explore, learn, build, test and share your vehicle prototype! Girl Scouts will dig into the process of manufacturing and create our very own production line!


More to Come



Are you ready for the ultimate adventure?

Girl Scout destinations are the ultimate adventure for individual Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts. There’s a unique, life-changing experience for everyone.

Be on the lookout for more information about Gateway Destinations in Membership Year 2024!


Save the Date

Cookie Kickoff

January 20, 2024

Two locations to be announced

Kick off the 2024 Cookie Program with friendship, fun, and a little bit of Girl Scout magic!

More details to come.


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Articles inside

January Programs

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January Programs

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Become a Super Troop!

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December Programs

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December Programs

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Happy Birthday, Juliette Gordon Low!

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November Programs

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November Programs

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November Programs

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November Programs

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November Programs

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November Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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October Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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September Programs

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August Programs

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August Programs

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Getting Started Using the Guide

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