4 minute read
Take the Lead Berks County
Desha Dickson
Virginia Dodge, CMM
Virginia T. Rush
Adelle L. Schade, MS, M.Ed.
Let’s take on tomorrow
Dear Friends of Girl Scouting,
There are so many things to celebrate this year, as we come together to mark the 28th anniversary of Take the Lead. Among them is the fact that, after the “down” years of COVID, Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania (GSEP) membership was up 12% last year, and we are on pace to grow between 12% and 15% this coming year!
Girl Scouts provides a supportive and inclusive environment for girls to develop their leadership skills, build self-confidence, and explore their interests and passions...something that is more important now than ever before. Through an ever-wider variety of experiences and activities, GSEP girls are learning important life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. And they are developing a genuine sense of connection and community.
Speaking of which, the four amazing women being honored this year are shining examples of courage, confidence, and character in their own right. Each honoree is committed to bettering the Berks County community in diverse ways. It is a true privilege to acknowledge and celebrate them.
We hope this evening’s event will give you an inside glimpse of the ways in which girls spring to life with excitement and optimism when they immerse themselves in Girl Scout activities, projects, and events. As our theme suggests, at the end of the day, Girl Scouts is all about leadership and empowerment: girls knowing right from wrong, trusting their internal compasses, and using their instincts and energies to advocate for themselves and others and better their worlds. We empower girls to do exactly that—and it is arguably the most important thing we can do for this country’s future.
Please accept our thanks for your generosity tonight. You are helping us cultivate a generation of young women who, when confronted with life’s challenges and injustices of any kind, big or small, will know how to step in, not step aside. Girl Scouts take action which builds their self-esteem and contributes to defining their purpose, and simultaneously makes the world a better place.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Kim E. Fraites-Dow Chief Executive Officer Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Deborah Hassan Retired Partner Deloitte & Touche, LLP Chair, Board of Directors Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania

Dear Friends,
The only thing that could give us more pleasure than serving as co-chairs of this year’s Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania (GSEP) Take the Lead event is the opportunity to salute the four remarkable women who are tonight’s honorees.
We cannot think of better examples of commitment to values and service to the community than Desha Dickson, Virginia Dodge, Virginia Rush, and Adelle Schade. Four exceptional high school aged Girl Scouts had the opportunity to get to know and learn from these women. They saw how the honorees utilize their talents, inspiration, and achievement to mentor others and have a sustainable positive impact on the community.
The term “role model” is perhaps overused. But one cannot overstate the importance of providing girls with real-life examples of what is possible when you successfully navigate life’s challenges to create lives of accomplishment and giving back to others.
You know, outdoor adventures and camping trips—timeless elements of Girl Scouts—are fantastic, fun, and crucial. When you support GSEP, you are also underwriting a full range of educational and developmental programs, including leadership training, community service opportunities, and hands-on skill building in areas such as science and technology, the arts, and entrepreneurship.
Thank you for spending time with us this evening, and for your generosity to young women for whom Girl Scouts is a place of friendship, learning, bright futures, and shining possibilities.
We offer enormous, heartfelt thanks to all our supporters past, present, and future who are making possible our mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.

Susan Fromm Community Advocate Co-Chair, 2023 Take the Lead
Co-Chair, 2023 Take the Lead

Susan Fromm Community Advocate
Deborah Hassan Deloitte & Touche, LLP, Retired Partner; Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, Chair, Board of Directors
Kim E. Fraites-Dow Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, Chief Executive Officer, ex-officio
Margaret Atwell, MD Retired, Tower Health Reading Hospital
Carey Babczak Truist
Heather Boyer Reading Recreation Commission
Andrea Dragonette Forbright Bank
Michael A. Duff Penske Transportation Solutions
Pat Giles
The Wyomissing Foundation
Crystal Gilmore-Harris Reading School District
Mary Lou Kline Security First, Inc.
Andi Funk Enersys
Mary Ann Moffitt First National Bank
Colleen Mordan Boscov’s
Alison Snyder
East Penn Manufacturing
Joanna Sockel Customers Bank
Laurie Waxler Jewish Federation of Reading
Ruthann Woll RKL LLP
2023 Awards Selection Committee
Carolyn M. Bazik Co-County Wellness Services
Carey Babczak
Michelle Dech
LGBT Center for Greater Reading
Susan Denaro
Georgeadis Setley
Vicki Ebner
East Penn Manufacturing
Kristin Boyd Edwards CEL Marketing PR Communications
Jacquelyn Fetrow Albright College
Susan Fromm Community Advocate
Pat Giles
The Wyomissing Foundation
Mary Kargbo
Berks Community Health Center
Susan Looney Reading Area Community College
Sharon Mast Sparks Solutions & Support, Training and Facilitation
Debra L. Powell, MD Tower Health—Reading Hospital
Vinti Shah, DO Tower Health
Board Member
Past Honoree

2023 Take the Lead Event Program
Girl Scout Welcome
Girl Scout Flag Ceremony, Pledge of Allegiance, and Girl Scout Promise and Law
Girl Scout Color Guard
CEO Thank You
Kim E. Fraites-Dow | Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Event Committee Co-Chair Remarks
Susan Fromm | Community Advocate
Andi Funk | Enersys
Award Presentations
“Boom Chicka Boom”
Girl Scout Chorus
Campership Presentation & Paddle Raise
Michael A. Duff | Penske Transportation Solutions
Award Presentations
Closing Remarks
Olubunmi K. Ojikutu, MD | Tower Health
Gold Award Girl Scout & Girl Scout Alum
Girl Scout Closing Song
“Make New Friends”
Girl Scout Chorus