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2023 TAKE THE LEAD Girl Co-Chairs
Srsti N. Girl Co-Chair
Troop 41950
Downingtown West High School
11th Grade
Srsti is a Junior at Downingtown West High School where she is involved in Student Council and Mental Health Awareness. She is also a DEI Representative to the school district. Srsti has been involved in Take the Lead for several years and she is proud to be in the Co-Chair role this year. Srsti is most proud of her Girl Scout Volunteer in Training pin. Achievement of her VIT has enabled her to be a co-leader for her little sister’s troop. Srsti is still weighing her options after graduating high school and is strongly considering the field of Psychology.

Katherine R. Girl Co-Chair
Troop 1400
Twin Valley High School
12th Grade
Katie is a veteran to Take the Lead. In her ten years at TTL events she has been a Host, in the Chorus, Campership Lead, Presenter, Emcee, and now Girl Co-Chair! She is a 12th grade student at Twin Valley High School where she is in National Honors Society, Select Choir, High School Hero’s, Theater Arts Club, Art Club, and History Club. As a member of Troop 1400 Katie enjoys being a positive influence for younger Girl Scouts through various volunteer opportunities and working at summer camp. After high school, Katie plans to attend a school for Biomedical Engineering, as she starts her journey into a career in the same field.