2018/2019 AUSGABE 1
Hallo, GISSV!
Hello, GISSV!
Das ist die neue Schulzeitschrift: “Today in the Bay”. Wir arbeiten Montags von 3-4 pm. Wir Redakteur*innen wählen unsere Themen selbst aus und schreiben dazu Artikel, erschaffen Comics und machen Fotos. “Today in the Bay” ist eine Zeitschrift, in der jeder etwas schreiben oder erzählen kann! Es ist eine Zeitschrift für die Schüler*innen der GISSV. Ihr könnt uns gerne ansprechen, wenn ihr mitmachen möchtet! Wir hoffen, dass ihr aus unserer Zeitschrift etwas lernt oder Spaß dabei habt, lustige Umfragen auszufüllen. Danke, dass ihr die neue GISSV Zeitschrift lest!
This is the new school magazine: “Today in the Bay”. We work on Mondays from 3-4 pm. We choose something to write about and create either comics, talk about gossip or take photos. “Today in the Bay” is where everyone can share their ideas and thoughts with the school. This is a magazine for the students of GISSV. Please share your thoughts with the members of “Today in the Bay” so you can have a voice in this magazine. We hope you learn something from the texts or have fun filling out funny questions! Thank you for reading the new GISSV magazine!
Die Redaktion
The editorial staff
Wer ist Greta? > Seiten 6&7
Luca schreibt über Nelson Mandela. > Seiten 12&13
Amelie zeichnet Cherry Blossom Trees. > Seiten 8&9
Noel schreibt über Harriet Tubman. > Seiten 14&15 Ole schreibt über Martin Luther King. > Seiten 10&11
Like/Dislike: Eine Umfrage > Seiten 16&17
Sophia zeigt Dir, wie Du zeichnen lernst. > Seite 18
Zoey malt einen Comic > Seiten 20&21
Alexandra und Sophia machen einen Witz. > Seite 19
Zoey & Ellie: Would you rather...? > Seiten 28&29
Markus schreibt über Graffiti > Seiten 30-33 Abril schreibt über Mashashi Ishimoto > Seiten 26&27 Alexandra backt Kürbisbrot > Seiten 34&35
Mats & Markus: Fortnite News > Seiten 22-25
Zoë & Ellie schreiben über die Top 10 > Seiten 36&37
17 Yun-Yun schreibt über Characters > Seiten 40&43
Was ist schön? > Seiten 46&47
Klasse 1c: Saul-Steinberg > Seite 44
Klasse 2c: Seerosen > Seite 45
“Greta ist ein 16-jähriges Mädchen, das Asperger hat. Jeden Freitag protestiert sie gegen den Klimawandel, anstatt in die Schule zu gehen.”
“Greta ist eine Schülerin. Jeden Freitag protestiert sie für das Klima, anstatt zur Schule zu gehen.”
“Greta ist ein Mädchen. Sie möchte das Klima ändern.”
“Greta ist ein Schulkind, das freitags nicht zur Schule geht. Sie sagt: Wieso soll man zur Schule gehen, wenn wir es nicht gebrauchen?”
“Greta geht am Freitag nicht zur Schule, um zu protestieren.”
“Greta ist eine 16 Jahre alte Schülerin, die gegen den Klimawandel protestiert. Sie geht am Freitag nicht zur Schule, weil sie für das Klima streikt.”
“Greta ist ein 16 Jahre altes Kind, das jeden Freitag nicht zur Schule geht und für das Klima protestiert.”
“Greta ist eine Schülerin, die sehr schlau ist. Jeden Freitag geht Greta auf die Strasse und protestiert mit anderen für das Klima,”
“Greta ist ein Schulkind, das jeden Freitag protestieren geht. Sie ist 16 Jahre alt.”
“Greta ist eine Schülerin aus Schweden. Sie protestiert gegen den Klimawandel und viele helfen ihr dabei.”
“Sie ist ein Mädchen mit Asperger-Syndrom, das sich für den Klimawandel einsetzt.”
“Greta geht freitags nicht zur Schule. Sie protestiert, weil der Wasserspiegel der Ozeane steigt und die Luft wärmer wird. Die Welt braucht Greta.”
„Ich bin Realistin. Ich sehe Fakten.“
Ein Comic von Amelie
Ein Artikel von Ole
Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King was an incredible man. He was the seminal leader of civil rights movement and a key figure in the march on Washington for jobs and freedom in 1963. Therefore, he won the Nobel peace prize in 1964. In the march on Washington, he delivered his famous speech, “I have a dream”. In 1965, he helped organize the Selma to Montgomery marches. The following year, he and the SCLC took the movement north to Chicago to work on segregated housing. On April 4, 1968 at 6:01 pm, he was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray and was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, where he died at 7:05 pm. He was only 39 years old.
“I have a dream!”
Ein Artikel von Luca
Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela wurde am 18. Juli 1918 geboren. Nelson Mandela war eine sehr berühmte Person: Er war ein Anwalt, Politiker, Präsident und Friedensaktivist. Er setzte sich dafür ein, daß Schwarze dasselbe machen können wie weiße Menschen, zum Beispiel: In denselben Bus gehen oder auf derselben Straßenseite laufen. Und er wurde im Jahre 1962 von einem weißen Polizisten für 27 Jahre ins Gefängnis gesetzt. Ich finde es ganz ungerecht, dass er für 27 Jahre ins Gefängnis gesetzt wurde, obwohl er etwas Gutes getan hat. Nelson Mandela starb am 3. Dezember 2013.
Ein Artikel von Noel
Harriet Tubman Araminta Ross, also known as Harriet Tubman was called Minti by her friends. She was born on January 29th, in 1822 and died on March 10th, 1913. She was 91 years old. > Early years Harriet Tubman was a brave child. As a slave tried escaping, Harriet Tubman jumped in front of a piece of metal that was meant for her friend. The metal hit her head and caused her to have headaches her whole life. > Saving Slaves For 19 years, Harriet Tubman went two times per year to save slaves. She saved 300 Slaves. > How she saved Slaves She saved slaves by telling them to go in the water so that the dogs wouldn’t smell them. They were scared to go so she sang a song that would make them brave to go in the water.
Eine Umfrage von Noel & Luca Mats likes... ... making newspapers and Fortnite.
Mats dislikes... ... pranks made on me.
Noel likes... ... skiing, gymnastics and drawing.
Noel dislikes... ... soccer.
Ole likes... ...soccer, Wiener Schnitzel and skiing.
Ole dislikes... ... spinach and blue cheese.
Markus likes... ... video games, soccer, family and graffiti.
Markus dislikes... ... mean people.
AmĂŠlie likes... ... iceskating and nature. She loves cats,
AmĂŠlie dislikes... ... high heels and biking.
Abril likes... ... cats, Japan and art.
Abril dislikes... ...resses and cake.
Zoey likes... ... dodgeball, capture the flag and dumplings.
Zoey dislikes... ... Brokkoli and spinach.
Zoë likes... ... ice cream, animals and amusement parks.
Zoë dislikes... ... mosquitoes and doesn’t like waiting for a long time.
Alexandra likes... ... Paris, shopping and playing with cats.
Alexandra dislikes... ... when people have a bad attitude.
Luca likes... ...cookies, basketball and sushi.
Luca dislikes... ... mushrooms and baseball.
Yun-Yun likes... ... Harry Potter, Mikaela Shiffrin, fruits and skiing.
Yun-Yun dislikes... ... mushrooms and Brussels sprouts.
Sophia likes... ... snakes, ice cream, nature and traveling.
Sophia dislikes... ... eggplant.
Ellie likes... ... animals, exploring and desserts.
Ellie dislikes... ... raw fish and Brussels sprouts.
Ein Anleitung von Sophia
to draw a little white circle on the top for some lighting.
1) First, you want to draw the beak. You’ll draw a line that is kind of curved and is not in the middle but a little more towards the bottom. You will also draw a small line on the upper part.
5) After that, you can start drawing the fur, I think it always looks more interesting when you make everything a little different. You can make spots darker than others, make the fur go in different directions, or maybe you can think of something yourself!
2) Then you draw the outline of the body. I recommend to draw it gently so you can erase it easily if you want to change something.
6) Now you can draw the feet. The way I drew it is, I drew three triangles (don’t need to be perfect) and then I connected them to the rest of the body. After that, you can draw round lines on it, just for a little detail.
3) After that, cover the outline with fur.
Have fun drawing!
4) Then, you draw the eye, You don’t need to make it a perfect almond shape. Make sure 18
Hey Josh, want to hear a joke?
What is a very popular perfume that everyone buys?
How would I know, I don’t even like perfume.
A best smeller!
Ha ha. Nice one!
Ein Comic von Zoey
Ein Artikel von Mats & Markus
Season 8 is coming out soon! Fortnite will add a new season, a new free pass, a new battle pass, map changes and maybe even a new weapon. 22
> What will be the theme of season 8? Fortnite season 8 theme will be pirates.
> Season 8: Fortnite season 8 has been in the game for 3 days so far. The Battle pass is pirate themed. The first 2 skins are legendary. The Pirate skin is called Blackheart and the red Ninja skin is called Hybrid. The tier 100 skin is called Luxe. It has 4 stages. Fortnite also added a Banana skin (epic rarity) , that turned dark in Matches. Luxes pants turn gold at stage 4. A Volcano and Water geysers have been added. You can use the geysers to glide. The Lava does 1 damage to you. Make sure to go to an air base if you’re trying to find a Driftboard. You will find 2 there and 2 chests. You will not find an Airplane there. There are over 60 reward items in the Season 8 battlepass. A cannon has been added to Fortnite, you are able to launch yourself out of it and you won’t take damage when you land!
> Challenges Overtime challenges have been added to fortnite. By completing 13 of any of the challenges you will receive the season 8 battle pass for free and other rewards! Complete them soon! Overtime challenges will end soon. > New skins! Fortnite has added some new skins to the shop that are robot themed. They also added a new emote called Overdrive. > More amazing news: - Drift boards have been added to fortnite. Think of it as a floating skateboard.
> 3.11.19 Fortnite has added a legendary item in the game, so called a treasure map. You can use it to find rare supplies in the game. It leads you to a chest with legendary supplies. Of course though, it’s hard to find. You don’t find it in Chests, its ground loot. - Earthquakes have been added to fortnite. It made a big crack near dusty divot and loot lake.
> Fortnite tips: -The RV park is located in paradise palms and the motel is located near lazy lynx. -Chug Jugs take too long to use, try using mini shields, big pots and slurp juices. 23
> 1.4.19 The poison trap has been recently added to fortnite. It’s basically like a normal damage trap and a stink bomb combined. When you place it against an enemy, it will do 10 damage per second. The poison trap will shoot out poison once placed against an enemy. So as you see, the poison trap does 10 damage per second, unlike the stink bomb which only does 5 damage per second.
News Fortnite has added a hamster ball which has a grappler equipped to it. You can use the grappler to hold on to things. It also has a boost which reloads very fast. You are basically in a bubble so no one can snipe you. Fortnite also made it, so that when you take a med kit and use it (or any healing items not counting apples and mushrooms), it looks more realistic and instead of just drinking from a chug jug (or minis…) or meddling from a med kit, you will open the lids from them. Using the med kit looks the most realistic now.
> New update! Fortnite also recently added a new update. In the update they added Bananas, Coconuts and Chili Peppers. You have to knock down a few palm trees to get 1 coconut. Using the Coconut will give you 5 hp. Same with a Bananas. When using Chilli peppers, it will make steam come out of your Characters ears, it will also make you run and jump faster. The Chilli Pepper last for about 8 seconds. In the starting, when you consume the Chilli pepper, you will hear a bell ring. Your Character will also be surrounded with red when consuming a Chilli Pepper. Fortnite has also added a new Lava Legends pack. In this pack you can receive the 2 following skins: Molten Battle Hound and Molten Valkyrie, there is also 2 backblings and a glider, all of which are Legendary. This Bundle costs actual money and you can’t purchase it with V-bucks.
> Today, the 25, Fortnite has added a new emote called Spring Loaded. Rarity: Blue / Rare (500 V-Bucks) In this Emote, you are basically doing a bunch of backflips over and over again. Fortnite will be adding a Poison trap.
Season 8 is coming out soon! Only about 3 more days from today tell fortnite will add a new season, a new free pass, a new battle pass, map changes and maybe even a new weapon.
Fortnite recently added in the item shop a Lava wrap, it’s epic (purple) and costs 700 V-bucks. The best thing about this wrap is, that it’s active meaning the lava is moving. 24
Fortnite also added a new fire spinner emote. It’s epic (purple) and costs 800 V-bucks.
> Overtime Challenges! Like last season, Fortnite is giving players a chance to get the upcoming battle pass for free by completing some overtime challenges. Here are the challenges: > Reach battle pass tier 23 > Complete free overtime challenges > Reach battle pass tier 71 > Reach battle pass tier 87 > Collect coins in featured creative islands place top 10 in squads with a friend > Deal damage to opponents > Placee top 15 in duos with a friend > Outlast opponents > Place top 25 in solo
The last thing I’m going to talk about today is the Floor is Lava LTM. In this Game Mode (or LTM) you try not to touch the lava. During a match of the Floor is lava, the whole entire map will be steamy. In this Game Mode, you can only do Duos, if you want to solo the Floor is lava, you’ll just have to do Duos no fill. While the Storm eye is shrinking, the lava is rising. The last man standing, wins! > 4.7.19 In the next Update, fortnite is going to add a rebote van, it’s an item that you can pick up. When you activate the rebote van, which takes a while to open (about as long as drinking a chug jug) , once activated, your teammates will revive and be in a game with you.
> New game Mode: Fortnites new gamemode is called Endgame, it’s based on the new Avengers movie which is also called Endgame. In this game mode there are 2 teams, the Avengers and the Chitauri and Thanos. It’s just luck to become Thanos, Fortnite will just choose a random player to be Thanos for each mach. Once Thanos dies, a new player (not from the Avenger team) will be chosen. There are 6 Infinity Stones, once all of the 6 stones are collected, you will not be able to revive in the Game mode Endgame (Avengers are not able to pick up Infinity Stones). There are also challenges, that you can complete to earn rewards. For example, once you have completed 8 of the 12 challenges, you will receive a Avengers glider, it’s basically a jet, that has flames coming out of the exhaust fumes in the back of the glider. Fortnite has also added new skins, pickaxes, gliders and emotes to the item shop that are Marvel based. 25
Ein Artikel von Abril
-—::::::::::::::::::::::Masashi Kishimoto::::::::::::::::::::::—-
the name. Thanks to all of the partial money he gets from merchandise, Masashi Kishimoto earns around 10-20 million a -Businessyear. I believe he represents the fact that comMasashi Kishimoto is a Japanese artic book illustrators can earn quite a lot ist that is famous for his ‘manga’ comic of money if the book becomes popular books. His most famous work is the comenough. ic ‘Naruto’ which is still on going, has had multiple games released in it‘s name and -Lifean on going animated series. Every time a game, or merchandise is created in Naruto’s name, Masashi gains Masashi Kishimoto was born in the some of the money since he is the creator Okayama Prefecture, Japan on November of the original comic and has copyrighted 8,1974 as the older identical twin of Seishi 26
Kishimoto. Throughout his childhood, he would often draw Characters from anime he would watch, for example Dr. Slump’s Arale and Doraemon‘s protagonist. As he went to elementary school, Kishimoto started watching Kinnikuman and Dragon Ball with his brother. As the years passed, he started spent time drawing manga and went to idolizing the original creator of Dragon an art college with high hopes that he Ball, Akira Toriyama. As he could not af- would become a manga artist. ford Weekly *Shōnen Jump he followed -Some of his Mangathe series thanks to a friend at school -Karakuri one-shot (1996; Hop Step Award winner ) who had subscribed to Shōnen Jump. By -Naruto one-shot (1997 ) (September 21, 1999 – November 10, 2014 ) the time he went to high school he start- -Naruto -Karakuri (December 21, 1997 ) ed losing interest in manga as he started -Bench one-shot (October 11, 2010 ) one-shot (May 2, 2013 ) playing baseball and basketball. Howev- -Mario -Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring (April er when seeing a poster of the animated 27, 2015 – July 6, 2015 )
film Akira, he became fascinated with the way the illustration was made and so he wished to imitate the films‘ creator Katsuhiro Otomo‘s style. During his last years of school, Kishimoto
-Naruto: The Path Lit by the Full Moon (April 25, 2016 ) -Boruto: Naruto Next Generations – editorial supervisor (May 9, 2016 – ongoing)
Ein Fragebogen von Zoey & Ellie
Would you rather... ... eat vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Which hairstyle would you rather have?
Which house would you rather have?
Where would you rather go?
Would you rather have an ipad or a phone?
Would you rather have 10 brothers or 10 sisters?
Would you rather have a broken leg or a broken arm?
These are our answers: 1. chocolate 2. pony tail 3. modern house 4. cozy cottage 5. iphone 6. 10 brothers 7. broken leg 8. dog
Would you rather have a dog or a cat?
Ein Artikel von Markus
> Graffiti, also known as street art, is a very common type of art. > Graffiti artists use spray paint to do Graffiti. 30
> Graffiti artists will usually sketch a drawing of what they want to spray paint on a wall. > Graffitiing a wall (or an object) is called a tag (plural is tagging). > Graffiti artists will use different caps for spraying. The caps spray paint in different sizes, for example a cone. > Spray paint brands: Montana Gold Kobra Liquitex Loop Ironlak > Make sure to shake the spray paint can before use (shake for about 15 seconds). > When done, spray will look better. You can use a glossy white to make an effect of shining for your tag. > Make sure to have a Signature for your Graffiti, for example your name. You don’t want to have your signature look normal, you want to make it look cool. A way of doing this is by making it look 3D or putting a halo over one of the letters. It’s usually hard to read people’s tags. 31
Here are some pictures of Graffiti I took in the Mission:
Ingedients: ½ canola oil 2 eggs 2 cups of flour ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 1 can pureed pumpkin ½ can coconut cream
½ cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla1 tsp pumpkin spice ½ ginger powder 2 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp nutmeg
TOP 10 Songs
Sweet but Psycho
Dancing with a stranger
Bad liar
7 rings
Oct. 10
Sep. 9
Sep. 15
Sep. 10
Sep. 21
Aug. 15
Sep. 23
Aug. 8
Sep. 17
Oct. 1
Guinea pigs
American Eagle
Forever 21
Ralph Lauren
Urben Outfitters
Blueberry Tart
2 3
Coconut macaroon Lemon Crepes
Spice Cookies
Lemon Pie
6 8
Pumpkin Cupcakes Glazed Lemon Pound cake Peach or Raspberry Parfait
Lemon Bars
Berry Shortcake
- 17 Thesen -
Denmark: Cirkeline
USA: Disney princesses
Ein Artikel von Yun-Yun
Italy: Calimero
Sweden: Pipi Longstocking
Poland: Pszczolka Maja
Australia: Conny Wolf
South Korea: Line Friends
England: Harry Potter
Canada: Clarence
Spain: Pocoyo
Finland: Moomin
Russia: Chebuashka
France: Asterix und Obelix China: Pucca
Unser Saul-Steinberg-Kunstprojekt 2019 Unser Saul-Steinberg-Kunstprojekt 2019
Unser Saul-Steinberg-Kunstprojekt
Eine Collage der Klasse 2 fĂźr die Spring-Gala der GISSV 2019
to all the GISSV students for a successful school year. Job well done!!
We appreciate your hard work and dedication that you have given all year long. You are amazing at what you do! Thank you for helping the kids be the best they can be. It’s so sad to say goodbye as we have loved our time at GISSV, but hope to stay part of this wonderful community. Thank you to all the families for making us feel at home. Auf Wiedersehen!!
The Wasem-Klementz Family
w as i st schön? Tiere. Musik. Kunst.
Graffiti. iphone. iPad. Games.
Katzen sind schön.
Katzen, Japanisch, Ramen, Sushi, die Sonne, Kunst. Die Kreationen der Natur sind immer anders, aber immer schön.
Graffiti. Italien. Österreich.
Katzen sind schön. Natur ist schön. Ökologie ist schön. Lieder und Musik sind schön.
Kleider sind schön. Blumen sind schön.
Natur ist schรถn! Schule ist schรถn!
Ich bin schรถn!
Ich finde tropische Inseln und Ski fahren schรถn.
Das Presidio.
Die Natur.
Blumen. Kunst. Welpen.
Dear Mr. Gordon, My class is doing a school newspaper. May we please use one of your amazing comics for our article? The comic that we would like to use is below. Thank you very much for your help! Sincerely, Alexandra
I’m flattered! What newspaper/school? Brian Dear Mr. Gordon, The comic is for our school newspaper. I’m a student at the German International School of Silicon Valley (GISSV). Thank You! Alexandra That sounds great! Feel free! Brian
Dear Mr. Gordon, Thank you very much! Sincerely, Alexandra
Impressum: ”Today in the Bay” Die Schulzeitschrift der German International School of Silicon Valley Ausgabe 1 Schuljahr 2018/2019 1. Auflage: 70 Exemplare Redaktion: Abril Inez Straumann Ehrenberg Alexandra Christina Anja Freyinger Amélie Stechert-Nicolau Ellie Barbara Wasem-Klementz Luca Leonardo Van de Wiel Markus Alexander Johannes Freyinger Mats Arens Noel Stefano Van de Wiel Ole Arens Sophia Zaide Weissenberg Yun-Yun Wong Zoë Elise Mandl Cashman Zoey Lena Markus Beratungslehrer und Gestaltung: Philippe Zwick Eby Beratung & Korrekturen: Daniela Gibson Raquel Holyoak Katrin McManus Wir bedanken uns für die finanzielle Unterstützung bei Katharina Schmidt & The North Face The Wasem-Klementz Family
Danke fürs Lesen!