2019/2020 AUSGABE 3
Hallo, GISSV! Das ist die neue Ausgabe unserer Schulzeitschrift “Today in the Bay”. Eigentlich treffen wir uns immer montagnachmittags. Doch seitdem wir “distant learning” haben, arbeiten wir in unserem “Today in the Bay” Google Classroom.
Wir Redakteur*innen wählen unsere Themen selbst aus und schreiben dazu Artikel und Geschichten, zeichnen Comics, und machen Umfragen. “Today in the Bay” ist eine Zeitschrift, in der jeder etwas schreiben oder erzählen kann! Es ist eine Zeitschrift für die Schüler*innen, Lehrer*innen und Eltern der GISSV. Ihr könnt uns gerne ansprechen, wenn Ihr mitmachen möchtet! Für diese Ausgabe haben wir uns ein besonderes Leitthema ausgesucht: Wir möchten an ein geschichtliches Ereignis erinnern, das Amerika bedeutsam geprägt hat. Denn vor 400 Jahren, im Jahr 1619, wurden die ersten afrikanischen Menschen in einem Schiff nach Amerika verschleppt und dort zu Sklaven gemacht. Aber es gibt auch Beiträge zum 20. Geburtstag der GISSV, ein Interview mit unserer neuen Schulleiterin, Frau Roeschel, und natürlich haben wir uns auch mit dem Corona-Virus beschäftigt. Wir hoffen, dass Euch unsere neue Zeitschrift gefällt! Viel Spaß beim Lesen! Die Redaktion
Titelthema: Was passierte im Jahr 1619? > Seiten 6 und 7
Ben: Black lives matter in school! > Seiten 18 und 19
Alexandra: Katherine Johnson > Seiten 18 und 19
Stuart, Raphael & Markus: Black Heroes > Seiten 20 bis 25
Ella: Black lives matter! > Seiten 12 bis 15
Harry und Noah: Interview mit Mr. Mister > Seiten 26 bis 29
Markus: Was ist Freiheit? > Seiten 30 und 31
Interview mit unserer neuen Schulleiterin! > Seiten 40 bis 45
Would you rather... 20 Jahre GISSV! > Seiten 38 und 39
Kaya’s Tortilla Sandwich recipe > Seite 62 Sonia: The boy as a ghost > Seite 52
Leyna: Billie Eilish > Seite 67
Emma: Ozender Magical Planet > Seiten 48 bis 50
Harry: Fortnite, Chapter 2 season 2 > Seiten 68 bis 69 Owen: Neymar > Seite 73
Ben: Battlefront 2 > Seiten 70 bis 72
Amelie: Virus! > Seiten 76 und 77
Coronavirus! > Seiten 78 und 79
Elise Gravel: What’s up with this Coronavirus? > Seite 81
kaya 3c Warum sind wir auf einem Schiff?
Warum haben sie mich gefesselt?
Warum haben sie so viele Kleider an?
Warum muss ich in dieses Schiff hinein gehen?
Diese Menschen wurden in Afrika gefangen und zu Sklaven gemacht. Im Jahr 1619 sind sie das erste Mal mit einem Schiff nach Amerika gekommen. Und dort mussten sie arbeiten und sie haben kein Geld bekommen! Die Kinder durften nicht in die Schule gehen, deshalb konnten sie nicht lesen und schreiben!
Warum sind diese Menschen so bĂśse?
Wann werde ich meine Freunde und meine Familie wiedersehen?
Warum haben sie mir meine Kinder weggenommen?
Ich habe mir Ăźberlegt, was die versklavten Menschen gedacht haben. 7
Das ist Jesus. In der Bibel wird erzählt, dass ihm römische Soldaten einen Kranz aus Dornen aufsetzten, bevor er ans Kreuz geschlagen wurde. Eigentlich ist eine Krone eine Auszeichnung und ist Ausdruck von Macht und Würde. Im Unterschied hierzu wurde die Dornenkrone von den Soldaten in ihr Gegenteil verkehrt und so als Instrument der Herabsetzung, Verspottung und Schande genutzt. Da ist ein weißer Mensch mit versklavten Menschen und da ist eine Skelett mit einer Krone. Basquiat will zeigen, wie schlimm es für die Sklaven war. Der afroamerikanische Künstler Jean-Michel Basquiat malte 1982 das Bild “Slave Auction”. Was hat er auf seinem Bild dargestellt? Warum hat er dieses Bild gemalt?
Das sind Sklaven. Sie sind auf dem Sklavenmarkt und werden verkauft. Sie fühlen sich schlecht, weil sie für andere arbeiten müssen.
die Krone
der Markt
the crown
the market
JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT: “Slave auction” (1982) David D. „Deacon“ Jones war ein AmericanFootball-Spieler auf der Position des Defensive Ends. Er spielte in der National Football League für die Los Angeles Rams, die San Diego Chargers und die Washington Redskins. Er starb am 3. Juni 2013 in Anaheim, Kalifornien. 9
Sklavenversteigerung (1865)
Heute gibt es in den USA keine Sklaverei mehr. Ist das Problem damit gelöst? Oder hat die Sklaverei immer noch Auswirkungen auf unsere heutige Gesellschaft?
Sklaverei ist glücklicherweise verboten, aber es gibt noch ein paar Weiße, die Rassisten sind. Die ganze Sklaverei entstand, weil weiße Leute dachten, sie seien besser als die Schwarzen und sie zu Sklaven machten. Auch wenn Sklaverei verboten ist, können Menschen immer noch rassistisch sein. Bis es keine Rassisten mehr gibt, dann glaube ich, dass es gelöst ist. Deswegen finde ich, dass das Problem immer noch gibt. I see way more black homeless people on the street. I think life is sometimes harder for them, and that some white people still think that they are better. There is no more slavery anymore but I believe that there are still problems.
Es gibt zwar keine Sklaverei mehr, aber Menschen, die eine andere Hautfarbe haben, werden immer noch schlecht behandelt. Also denke ich, dass Sklaverei immer noch Auswirkungen auf unsere heutige Gesellschaft hat.
Ich glaube, dass das Problem immer noch nicht gelöst ist. Weiße Menschen werden öfter reich als schwarze Menschen. Es stand auch irgendwo, dass schwarze Menschen weniger Covid-19 Tests bekommen. Black people are still not treated well. A lot of them don’t have a home. After slavery, black people didn’t have money. They didn’t have a house. If you are homeless, it’s difficult to get a job. And if you don’t get a job you can’t get money. That’s why today there are still more black people on the streets.
“The Last Black Man in San Francisco” ist ein Film aus dem Jahr 2019. Er wurde von Joe Talbot und Rob Richert geschrieben. Regie führte Joe Talbot. Der Film wurde für zahlreiche Filmpreise nominiert. Der Film erzählt die wahre Lebensgeschichte von Jimmy Fails. Derselbe Jimmie Fails ist der Hauptdarsteller des Films, spielt sich also selbst. Der junge Jimmy ist Afroamerikaner. Er fährt gerne Skateboard und wohnt bei einem Freund in San Francisco. Jimmy träumt davon, ein Haus zu kaufen. Das alte, viktorianische Haus wurde von Jimmys Großvater gebaut. Doch leider wohnt in dem Haus ein altes Ehepaar. Und Jimmy hat auch gar nicht genug Geld, um solch ein Haus zu kaufen. Doch plötzlich stirbt der Eigentünmer des Hauses und das Ehepaar muss das Haus verlassen. Jimmy zieht in das leere Haus ein. Schließlich gehörte es früher seinem Großvater, sagt er.
Hey Google! Was ist Gentrifizierung?
“Gentrifizierung ist die Veränderung eines Stadtteils durch dessen Sanierung oder Umbau mit der Folge, dass die dort ansässige Bevölkerung durch reichere Bevölkerungsschichten verdrängt wird.”
their power through their job. n April 9, 1865 General For example, one AfricanLee surrendered the last major American girl was arrested, Confederate army, indicating that fingerprinted and handcuffed just the Union soldiers had won the for throwing a tantrum. And this war and all American slaves were was only a first grader! freed. Later, in the year 1964 segregation was outlawed by the Even in school books racism Civil Rights Act, followed by can be found. In one version of a other voting and housing acts. McGraw-Hill textbook, all of the references to the AfricanStill today we face the same American slaves were replaced problems of racism. Some people with “worker� implying that these refer to the long ago victory for people were paid fairly and every African-American as the treated normally, the exact Lincoln-freed-the-slaves myth. opposite of the truth and of what In the magazine Rethinking children should be learning in Schools the editors bluntly school. To put this racism against explain that black children are children in perspective, black not safe at school. It goes on to students are suspended at four list countless times black children times the rate of white students, have been unfairly prosecuted and there is no way that that can and punished by officers abusing be a coincidence.
to surrender aufgeben the segregation die Trennung to outlaw verbieten to prosecute verfolgen the coincidence der Zufall
ella 8c
the participants, and resulted in something much bigger. Now the BLM is demanding a four key solution be placed in every school: 1. End “zero tolerance” discipline, and implement restorative justice 2. Hire more black teachers 3. Mandate black history and ethnic studies in K-12 curriculum 4. Fund counselors, not cops. In addition, the BLM is striving to ignite even more communities to oppose educational racism, and prohibit and stop this problem. In supporting this, they have built a website featuring lesson plans for everyone.
to implement umsetzen to hire einstellen to fund finanzieren to strive sich bemühen the knowledge das Wissen
These racist behaviors towards African-American students should have ended long ago, and of course should not have been there in the first place. Luckily, many people have also noticed this major issue and have started the well known Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. A Black Lives Matter group started in John Muir Elementary School in Seattle, but instead of being welcomed, this peaceful group was threatened with bombing by a white supremacist. Although this could have taken away many lives, in fact it strengthened the resolve of
I believe that each school should cover these issues, and support this movement. We need more fully educated children on issues relating to racism. Students who know what is appropriate to say and do can positively influence parents and other adults who may not have been properly educated. In other words, I hope that the Black History month can turn into a lifelong learning experience.
Lade Dir das “Black lives matter! coloring book” herunter!
BEn 8c In unserer Welt wird viel über Diskriminierung und Gleichberechtigung diskutiert. Hierbei steht auch oft das Thema Rassismus im Mittelpunkt, welches ein sehr sensibles und sehr wichtiges Thema ist. In den letzten Jahren wurde das Problem der Ungleichheit und rassistischen Äußerungen immer größer und sorgte für Aufruhr und Proteste. Das Problem äußerte sich auch in verbalen Angriffen auf Schüler*innen und in Mobbing wegen ihres Aussehens oder ihrer Herkunft. Das Thema ist auch richtigerweise in den Medien (wie z.B. in Nachrichten und Shows) präsent und es wird viel darüber berichtet und geschrieben. Trotzdem bleibt das Problem bestehen. Es gab mehrere bekannte Fälle, wo Schüler*innen ungerecht behandelt und rassistisch beleidigt oder sogar schlimme Witze über sie gemacht wurden. Ein anderes Beispiel und Grund für viele Protesten ist die ungerechte Behandlung von afroamerikanischen Jugendlichen und Kindern durch weiße Polizist*innen. Im September letzten Jahres in Orlando, Florida, hat ein Polizist ein sechsjähriges afroamerikanisches Mädchen auf den Boden gedrängt, in Handschellen gelegt und Fingerabdrücke entnommen, weil sie einen Wutanfall auf dem Schulgelände hatte.
Die John Muir Elementary School hat eine Organisation mit dem Namen “Black Lives Matter in School” gegründet, um auf das Thema Rassismus aufmerksam zu machen. Die Kinder der Grundschule trugen T-Shirts mit dem Aufdruck “BLACK LIVES MATTER / WE STAND TOGETHER / JOHN MUIR ELEMENTARY”. Dieser Protest ging auch bis nach Philadelphia und New York. Philadelphias “Racial Justice” Organisation griff das Thema auf und förderte es durch Spenden und Sponsoren. Immer mehr Schulen schlossen sich der Organisation an und es scheint immer mehr in die Öffentlichkeit zu dringen. Abgesehen von den aktuellen Protesten von “Black Lives Matter” gibt es auch viele Menschen, die sich gegen Rassismus und für Gleichberechtigung einsetzen. Ein Beispiel ist “Promise Sawyers”, ein afroamerikanisches Mädchen, welches sich selbst filmte, wie sie über Mobbing und Probleme in der Schule spricht. Das Video verbreitete sich rasend schnell und bekam eine Menge Aufmerksamkeit. Es ist sehr wichtig, das Thema Rassismus offen anzusprechen und Position zu beziehen und man sollte mit dem Thema sehr achtsam umgehen. Es ist toll, dass es so viele Menschen gibt, gegen Rassismus protestieren und Diskriminierung offen ansprechen. 16
Mr. giesen
Watch out! Though the coelacanth emerged from the depths (dredged in a net), Most animals have only fossil ancestors rubbed the right way By the changing circumstances of life, and will never breathe again. I have a hunch that power, as an animus, will endure, Though sure particular kings won’t, their names, perhaps, excepted (in place names) By the changing circumstances of life, and will never breathe again.
der Mittelpunkt
die Herkunft
sich verbreiten
the centre
the origin
to spread
to offend
die Ungleichheit
to emerge
the inequality
to establish
die Aufruhr
die Ă–ffentlichkeit
to morph
the turmoil
the public
sich verwandeln
And neither will the particular subjects they terrorized. All will morph or end altogether, gone ad infinitum except, perhaps, their tiny spinning molecules, which recollecting in another being spring to life and breathe. But whether they breathe power or hope, domination or resistance is no matter of course, till justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.
the lumberman der Holzfäller the handyman der Heimwerker to commute pendeln to mistreat misshandeln the credit der Dank
Katherine Johnson was born in 1918 in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. She was the youngest of four children. Her mother was a teacher and her father a lumberman, farmer, handyman, and employee at the Greenbrier Hotel. She had two older brothers whose names were Horace and Charles. Katherine showed strong mathematical abilities at an early age. Greenbrier County did not offer public schooling for AfricanAmerican students after 8th grade, and therefore the Colemans arranged for their children to attend high school in Institute, West Virginia. This school was on the campus of West Virginia State.
Katherine Gobel Johnson became a mathematician. She was an employee at NASA. She began working as a number cruncher, known as a “computer,” in 1952. Katherine worked far from the other employees at NASA due to her color. That made it very challenging for her to commute. It took her about 30 minutes just to get to the bathroom because it was half a mile away!
alexandra 6c But she wasn’t the only one that got mistreated. In fact, there were hundreds of other blacks who were mistreated solely due to their color! Later on in life, Katherine helped calculate the equations that sent Neil Armstrong to the moon, but since the other employees at NASA could not accept that Katherine was black and a woman only the men at NASA got the credit.
my role model
The reason why I chose to write about Katherine Johnson is because she inspired me. For example, despite being strongly discriminated against, she powered through and made a change. Her rights were very important to her, and I think that she had a great attitude. Katherine Johnson passed away recently on February 24, 2020. She lived a very long life, which is good, but it’s sad that she is no longer amongst us.
stuart 7c
raphael 7c
markus 7c
Before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, there was a brave 15-year-old who chose not to sit at the back of the bus. That young girl was Claudette Colvin. Touting her constitutional rights to remain seated near the middle of the vehicle, Colvin challenged the driver and was arrested. She was the first woman to be detained for her resistance. However, her story isn’t nearly as well-known as Parks’. Colvin sat in jail for hours and was scared. At the time all this was happening, Colvin was pregnant, and this fact helped dissuade the The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) from using Colvin’s case to challenge the segregation laws.
Annie Lee Cooper fought to restore and protect voting rights.
Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks, was a pioneering poet who captured the joys and pains of the African-American experience in her work.
Annie Lee Wilkerson Cooper (June 2, 1910 – November 24, 2010) was an African-American civil rights activist in the 1965 Selma Voting Rights Movement who is best known for punching Dallas County, Alabama Sheriff Jim Clark.
Today, Brooks is considered to be one of the most revered poets of the 20th century. In 1950 she was the first black author to win the Pulitzer Prize for “Annie Allen,” and she served as poetry consultant to the Library of Congress, becoming the first black woman to hold that position. She was also the Illinois Poet Laureate (a person honored for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement).
Three other protest marches took place in the year 1965, which were organized by nonviolent activists. But it wasn’t until Oprah played her in the 2014 Oscar-nominated film “Selma” that people really took notice of Cooper’s activism.
Many of her works reflect the political and social landscape of the 1960s, including the civil rights movement and the economic climate.
Annie Lee Cooper deserves to be celebrated for fighting to restore and protect voting rights. 22
These days Congress is more diverse than it’s ever been. But it hasn’t always been that way. During the late 60s, Shirley Chisholm was the first black woman elected to Congress.
Dr. Martin Luther King is usually credited for the March on Washington in August 1963. But it was Bayard Rustin who organized and stood behind the scene. As a gay man who had controversial ties to communism, he was considered too much of a liability to be on the front lines of the movement. Nonetheless, he was considered to be one of the most brilliant minds, and served his community while pushing for more jobs and better wages.
She was an author and served as the director of two daycare centers until 1959. She represented New York’s 12th District from 1969 to 1983, and in 1972 she became the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Her campaign slogan was “Unbought and Unbossed.”
In his early years, Bayard Rustin sang professionally with blues singer Josh White and his band.
Alice Coachman, who grew up in Albany, Georgia, was the first black woman from any country to win an Olympic Gold Medal. That was at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London. She set the record for the high jump, leaping 5 feet, 6 1/8 inches.
Owens was a track-and-field athlete who set a world record in the long jump at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin — a record which went unrivaled for 25 years. He won four gold medals at those Olympics, in the 100 and 200 meter dashes, in the 100 meter relay and in the long jump.
Throughout her athletic career, she won 34 national titles — 10 of which were in the high jump.
In 1976, Owens received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 1990.
She was officially inducted into the National Track-and-Field Hall of Fame in 1975, and into the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame in 2004.
Bessie Coleman was the first licensed black/Native-American pilot in the world, but only recognized as a pioneer in aviation after her death. She was born in Texas to a family of sharecroppers, and worked in the fields at a young age. She had a youthful interest in flight, but knew that because of segregation there were no flight schools for AfricanAmericans. She had to save money and get scholarships to go to flight school in France. She became a high profile pilot and put on dangerous air shows in the USA. She was popularly known as Queen Bess and Brave Bessie. She hoped to start a flight school for African-American fliers, but she died in a plane crash while testing a new aircraft. Coleman inaugurated a new generation of diverse fliers such as the Tuskegee airmen, the Blackbirds, and the Flying Hobos.
Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961 and served as the 44th president of the United States. He is a member of the Democratic Party, and was the first AfricanAmerican president of the USA. He was in office from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017. Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, and the Profile in Courage Award in 2017.
James Mister hat uns auf dem SF Campus besucht. Harry und Noah haben ein Interview mit ihm geführt. What’s your favorite food?
My favorite food is pasta.
What do you do for a living?
I work for the German state of Bavaria.
Was arbeitest du?
Ich arbeite als Repräsentant für den Freistaat Bayern in den USA. Was machst du bei deiner Arbeit?
Bei meiner Arbeit vertrete ich den Freistaat Bayern in den USA und ich berate USamerikanischen Unternehmen, die in Europa ansiedeln möchten. 26
harry 4c
noah 3c
Warum hast du den Job ausgesucht?
Der Job kam auf mich zu! Ich habe ihn gefunden, weil es Spaß macht, Deutsch zu sprechen und ich gerne Amerikanern Deutschland erkläre. Do you regularly live in the USA?
Yes, I do live in the USA. I am American.
What’s your favorite ice cream?
My favorite ice cream is dark chocolate.
Hast du Kinder?
Ich habe null Kinder, aber dafür drei Nichten und Neffen. What’s your favorite superhero?
James Bond. If that counts.
Was machst du gerne?
Ich gehe gerne wandern, mache Sport, Fitness und gehe gerne Skifahren. Warum machst du das gerne?
Weil Fitness wichtig ist, um gesund zu bleiben und weil ich sehr lange leben will. What’s your favorite color?
My favorite color is olive green.
Warum kommst du zu uns?
Durch eine Familie in meiner Nachbarschaft. Diese Familie hat zwei Kinder an dieser Schule. Sie haben mich eingeladen, um über mein Leben, meinen Beruf und meine Ansichten über die Repräsentation von Minderheiten in Amerika und Europa zu sprechen. Herzlichen Dank für das Interview!
Markus 7c
“What is this kid thinking?” Der französische Künstler JR hat das Bild des Kindes an der Grenze zwischen Mexiko und den USA aufgebaut.
Freiheit bedeutet für mich persönlich, dass sich alle frei bewegen können und dass alle dieselben Lebensmöglichkeiten wie wir haben (man kann in andere Länder reisen, ohne Ärger zu bekommen). Freiheit bedeutet auch, dass man seine Meinung sagen darf und dass man machen kann, was man will. Für mich hat Freiheit aber auch Grenzen. Menschen sollten nicht einfach das Eigentum anderer Leute stehlen. Außerdem sollte man nicht alles sagen dürfen, zumindest dann nicht, wenn es andere Menschen verletzt. Ich finde auch, dass nicht alles machen kann, was man will, denn man kann nicht einfach Menschen töten und das Freiheit nennen. Das hier ist ein Bild von der mexikanischen Grenzmauer. Zu sehen sind zwei Menschen, die auf den mexikanischen Grenzzaun
die Meinung the opinion die Grenze the border das Eigentum the property verletzen to hurt
geklettert sind und versuchen, auf die andere Seite zu gelangen. Ich habe dieses Bild ausgewählt, weil ich denke, dass es ein sehr gutes Beispiel dafür ist, wie Menschen Grenzen überwinden, um in Freiheit leben zu können. Ein Beispiel dafür könnte sein, dass diese Menschen in den USA eine bessere Arbeit bekommen und dass sie somit mehr Geld verdienen könnten. Ein anderer Grund könnte sein, dass es in ihrem Land Krieg gibt und die Menschen in Freiheit leben wollen. Denn wenn Menschen bedroht und erpresst werden, leben sie in Angst und können somit nicht frei leben.
Höre Dir die Komposition “The Great Train Race” von Ian Clarke an!
“If it hadn’t been for the damn power surge, I would have had the data analysis done!” growled Tim Dawkins. He paced back and forth, from chair to corridor, and at each approach to his desk and its mute screen he slapped the back of the chair in profound irritation. Fourteen cumulative hours had been spent putting the final touches on two month’s collating, categorizing, and extrapolating meal-in buying trends by the full range of demographics. Old white people ordering Doordash and GrubHub entrees. Old black people ordering Doordash and Grubhub entrees. Twenty-three year-old Indians ordering Belly-Delhi entrees. Etcetera. At what moment in the day did saliva in the mouth prompt office workers and stay-athomes and pneumatic hammer wielding carpenters on suburban job-sites to dial-in a repast app on their phones to request ensalada coq-de-vin with pommes-frites Reginald be delivered at 6:30 that evening at the second floor back porch door of 1038 Hayes? Tim Dawkins could tell you. Or could have. With a click of keyboard keys (like a long-nailed poodle crossing a hardwood floor to the stainless steel water bowl), Tim could summon the logarithms on the order-in gustatory purchases of such minute consumer segments as 19 year-old black church-going lesbians without cats living within two blocks of Rosamonde’s on Telegraph in Oakland’s Temescal neighborhood. But now he couldn’t. Every scrap of ones and zeros binary data had fused into nothingness when the goddam power had surged, oblivious to the power-surge protector, and rammed too many electrons up his desk top PC’s CPU. That was in early March, 2020. In April of the same year a kayaker two hundred yards off Pier 4 warily hove-to by simply pausing his paddle stroke, poising
the instrument of locomotion at chest level as though to defend himself from some unidentified land creature while on a forest hike, and calculated the risk of approaching the white sphere bobbing in the slow, gentle swells. He supposed it was indeed a baseball. And thrilled by the prospect of having discovered an insignificant treasure that would make this outing significant, the kayaker persuaded himself that the salt water rendered the object safe to touch. He approached and retrieved the object. Gave it a squeeze. As he thought, it was slightly too big to be a regulation major league baseball. But also too small for a softball. And it had some squeeze to it unrelated to floating on the tide. He turned the ball about with his fingers, turned it about like an axel spinning on ball bearings . Ah, there! He saw some factoryapplied lettering: T-Ball. It was a little kid’s ball, which were it placed on a two-foot high cone could be reliably hit when swung at by limbs not long used to the emergent necessity of labor to get a meal. And there below the factory stenciled crisp “T-Ball,” in slightly blurred red print, could be read the name Oreo Dawkins, and below that, in teeny letters, 1038 Hayes. The counter plague “Shelter in Place” edict, directing all but “essential services” providers—grocery store folk, gas station personnel, and a few other professional sorts of people—to stay indoors most of the day and night, with short-range outdoor exercise and forays to essential services permissible, went into effect on Tuesday, March 17. Jim Dawkins boiled. “I’ve got to put that portfolio back together and out to clients or we’re dead as silver coins, Alex,” he shrilled at his friend and employer. “If we lose that account, you’re out every dime of your life. And me? Maybe the house. You know as much as I do what it’s like to run month to month.” Alex Biggest, on the other end of the call, sat in silence, too numb to join Jim’s rage. At last, apoplectic at the prospect of financial disaster, and uncomprehending of Alex’s speechlessness, Jim swore again,
then snarled—not at Alex, but at fate and government—”This is an essential service, Alex. Food delivery is essential, and marketing efficiency is essential to the bottom line of delivery. Ergo . . . ergo . . . I’m driving to Mountain View and gonna work there non-stop till we’ve got something to sell!” Yet it didn’t happen. Oh, Jim thumb-thrusted an end to the call with Alex, and drove to the small start-up’s equipment share-space office in Mountain View. And indeed he worked 19 hours straight, feverishly searching the data-link interfaces for the original raw information he had begun with three months before. But by the 20th hour he fell asleep as he sat, mashing his nose so it bled on the keyboard. And missing, too, the emotional comfort his wife and young daughter provided him, he drove home to San Francisco, where he kissed and hugged his family, then slept deeply. When he arrived the next day in Mountain View, he found the building’s door sealed shut with a loudly printed flyer: “By Order of the Mayor of Mountain View these premises are forbidden space. No one may enter without the express written authorization of the San Clara County Sheriff.” He sped building to building to see if the order was ubiquitous. It was. “Iniquitous,” he thought, red with rage. Then drove home. Seething. Desperate. Hopeless. In July of 2020, half a year after the plague had snotted its way around the world, and two months since the Shelter in Place order had really and truly been supplanted by mere cautionary admonitions to sanitize hands throughout the day (both while home and when out and about), Oreo Dawkins, seven and a half years old, whapped the ball off the cone at Homeplate inside The San Francisco Giants ballpark. The city was celebrating the end of plague with a “Children’s Day in the Park.” Oreo raised her little arms so high she didn’t hear the umpire and catcher urging her to run to first base where her daddy stood, mirroring her triumphal “Touchdown” sort of gesture. He didn’t bid her come, but gloried in her staying put right where she stood, arms reaching for the sky.
Since mid-April, Jim Dawkins had stayed put. Somehow, after two weeks of scary depression marked by his never leaving the bedroom, Jim had been drawn to the apartment building’s shared backyard by Oreo. She knew instinctively, as little folks often do, what the antidote to her father’s madness was. “Come play.” And she had held out a ball to him. “Daddy, come play with this ball that swam back from the sea.” Of course it was the ball which the kayaker had fetched from off the waterfront, and which, in a kind-hearted gesture amidst the fear and troubles of the plaque times, the kayaker had returned to its little owner. Jim managed to pull on his Daddy skin when he heard how the ball had been found and returned. The marvel of a ball accidentally knocked into the bay in February being found in April by a kayaker quickened the soul. Jim had taken Oreo to the stadium on a February Sunday outing, anticipating the opening of Spring Training. Though the stadium was closed, it’s high brick exterior wowed the little girl, especially as she sensed her father’s own boyish excitement. They had strolled to the green sward where a huge bow and arrow sculpture widened Oreo’s eyes still further. “It’s like a ship and mast,” she had squealed. “Let’s play!” And so they had, with the “can’t miss”-sized plastic bat and the ball stationary on the cone. Indeed, she hadn’t missed, and on the third swing and hit, the ball went sailing to the water’s edge, then rolled a little bit, and disappeared, like a golf ball into its hole. Father and daughter had run over to the park’s edge stone coaming. Sure enough, beyond reach, but swimmingly alive, the buoyant T-Ball below jounced against the seawall. But after that day, Jim Dawkins had gone back to his usual way. Long hours away from home, little time for Oreo, obsession with data and logarithms. Those were the dark days for Oreo. Then had come the Shelter in Place. And then had come the T-Ball’s return. And with it, out of the darkness born of his hurry and scurry to make a million, had come the return of Daddy. Sometimes it’s good to just plop.
Have you ever thought about animals and their rights? Like how they are being treated by humans? My first topic about animal rights is their homes (which can also be temporary). Animals, such as chickens, are sometimes mistreated and put into uncomfortable and extremely tiny cages made of metal. Their future is either to be eaten or used as egg layers. As you can imagine, this is not really fair. Here, you can see a picture of chickens being put into small, uncomfortable, prison-like cages. Now of course, chickens aren’t the only animals that have small living spaces and are mistreated. For example, cows, fish and even elephants are mistreated. I don’t even think that it’s right to keep fish in a plastic cup, pour water in it, and leave that as their home. Even if you are feeding the fish, it’s just not a nice habitat for the fish. You might see examples of this at pet stores, where they will put fish in plastic cups and then stack the cups. If an earthquake were to happen, it’s likely the cups would fall, ending
with the water spilling out of them and the fish dying. This is (again) often as said, not fair to the fish (which can also be any animal).
So what can you do to help? Well, my suggestion is that humans (who are giving animals a home) should give them a big enough habitat to live in, and not the crap quarters, such as the chickens in the picture must endure.
Markus 7c
the right das Recht the cage der Käfig mistreat Hey Google! What are animal rights?
misshandeln the habitat
“Animal rights are rights believed to belong to animals to live free from use in medical research, hunting, and other services to humans.�
der Lebensraum the suggestion der Vorschlag
AmĂŠlie 6c
alexandra 6c
Sophia 6c
zoey 6c
Would you rather have a cupcake or a brownie?
Would you rather have a slumber party or a pool party?
Would you rather have ten small gifts or five large gifts?
Would you rather have pizza or tacos at your party?
Would you rather get clothing or books for your birthday?
Would you rather get your dream pet or dream vacation?
Would you rather have your birthday party at the beach or in a forest?
Would you rather have chips or ice cream at your party?
Would you rather arrive late to a party or leave early?
Ein GISSV-Geburtstags-Fragebogen
Would you rather have a red velvet cake or a chocolate cake?
Frau RĂśschel ist unsere neue Schulleiterin! Wir haben sie getroffen und ihr einige Fragen gestellt.
When were you born?
I was born on February 5th. And I came here on February 6th. This was my birthday present! Wo bist Du geboren?
Ich bin in Magdeburg geboren. This is about 80 miles from Berlin in Germany. Warst Du schon immer Lehrerin?
Ja, eigentlich wollte ich schon immer Lehrerin sein. Schon als ich selbst noch in der Schule war! Später war ich Schwimmtrainerin und habe ein Team trainiert. Und dann wollte ich unbedingt Physik und Mathematik und auch Kunst studieren. Und wie passt das alles zusammen? Ich bin also Lehrerin geworden. Als Lehrerin kann ich ganz viel gestalten. Die 40
Schulen sind in Deutschland jedoch sehr groß, da kann man als Lehrerin gar nicht so viel an der Schule mitgestalten, sondern immer nur in der Klasse. Und deshalb dachte ich mir: Wenn ich Schule verändern will, dann muss ich auch noch Schulleiterin werden. Und deshalb bin ich Schulleiterin geworden. Do you speak English?
Ja. With an accent, as you can hear. But I’m working on it! Warum kamen sie nach Amerika? Warum haben sich nicht eine deutsche Schule in Deutschland ausgesucht? Da kann ich ein ganzes Buch darüber schreiben! Ich glaube, dass Deutschland und Amerika eine ganz besondere Freundschaft haben. Manchmal ist es nicht so leicht mit unserer Freundschaft - so wie das mit guten Freunden auch ist – und manchmal ist es ganz leicht! Ich bin gespannt, welche die schönen, wertvollen Seiten unserer Freundschaft sind, die wir an der GISSV am besten zusammenkriegen. Warum wolltest Du an der GISSV arbeiten?
die Trainerin the trainer gestalten to design verändern to change
Ich bin richtig doll gerne Lehrerin. Und überlege mir immer, wie ich meine Fächer, Mathe und Physik, am besten Kindern beibringen kann. Und mich interessiert auch, wie Kinder Mathematik und Physik sehen, wie also euer Blick auf die Welt der Zahlen ist. Und deswegen möchte ich unbedingt mit Kindern arbeiten. Und jetzt eine Schule zu haben, die K to 12 ist, das finde ich super interessant! Und noch dazu an so einem schönen Ort, hier in Kalifornien! Besser gehts nicht, oder? 41
Warum wollten Sie genau an der GISSV arbeiten? Ich habe schon in Deutschland gelebt und dann in Amerika und dann wieder in Deutschland. Und egal, wo ich war, hatte ich immer etwas Sehnsucht nach dem anderen Ort. Und deswegen habe ich jetzt geguckt, welche Schulen in Amerika eine Schulleiterin suchen. Und da ich schon sehr oft an der Ostküste war, dachte ich mir: Jetzt ist es Zeit für die Westküste! Ich habe schon vor etwa 20 Jahren, als die Schule noch ganz klein war, nach einer Stelle hier an der GISSV geguckt. Aber damals gab es noch keine Oberstufe. Ich bin jedoch Oberstufenlehrerin. Und jetzt habt ihr schon eine Weile eine highschool. Und deshalb bin ich hergekommen. Weil es wirklich eine gute Schule ist, weil ich die deutsche und die amerikanische Sprache und Kultur gut finde, weil ihr hier beides habt und weil es an so einem tollen Ort wie Kalifornien ist. Was findest Du besonders an der GISSV?
Für mich ist es ein echtes Geschenk, dass ihr alle Lust habt, mit mir zu sprechen und sagt, was euch wichtig ist an unserer Schule. Und man merkt, dass es euch hier gut geht. Und das finde ich ganz toll. Was ist Ihr Ziel für die GISSV?
Die GISSV ist eine ganz besondere und auch ganz besonders schöne Schule und ich möchte mit euch und der GISSV-Gemeinde zusammen gucken: Wie können wir diese gute Schule noch besser machen?
War es ihr Traumjob, an der GISSV zu arbeiten?
die Sehnsucht the desire die Küste to coast
Absolut! Das habe ich mir schon ganz lange gewünscht. Und ich habe immer geguckt: Wann ist die Principal-Stelle available? Und jetzt hat es gut gepasst für mich. Ich dachte mir, nachdem ich so in Berlin und in New York gearbeitet habe, in zwei großen, lauten Städten, wollte ich jetzt in eine coole Stadt, die eine Großstadt ist und trotzdem so besonders charmant wie San Francisco.
gucken to look charmant charming
Warst Du schon an einer anderen Schule Schulleiterin? Ja, in Berlin. Das ist eigentlich lustig: Ich war an der amerikanischen Schule in Berlin Schulleiterin und jetzt bin ich an der deutschen Schule in Kalifornien Schulleiterin.
Arbeitest Du noch an einer anderen Schule?
Jetzt arbeite ich nur noch an der GISSV. Aber ich bin meistens nicht hier bei euch in San Francisco, sondern in Mountain View. Ich habe euch ja schon erzählt, dass meine Fächer Mathematik und Physik sind. Das sind Fächer für die älteren Kinder. Sind Sie oft gestresst?
Ich habe ganz gerne Stress! Stress hört sich so negativ an. Manchmal bedeutet Stress aber nur, dass ganz viel los ist. Und wenn ganz viel los ist, das mag ich gerne! So gesehen: Ja, vielleicht bin ich gestresst. Aber nicht im Sinne von “Es nervt mich!”, sondern ich finde es eher gut, wenn ganz viel los ist! What is your favorite color?
That’s red. I know, it sounds boring. But it’s red. Like the Golden Gate Bridge.
Haben Sie auch Kinder?
Ja, ich habe drei Kinder! Mein jüngstes Kind, Max, ist an der GISSV in der 11. Klasse. Mein ältestes Kind heißt Tom. Er ist Arzt in Berlin. Und dazwischen ist meine Tochter, Lina. Sie ist Geografin. Sie hat für die UN gearbeitet und arbeitet jetzt für eine Umweltschutzorganisation. Und ich habe drei Enkelkinder! Sie heißen Karla, Emma und Lore.
What’s your favorite food?
Ich esse gerne thailändisch. Denn ich koche gerne für meine Familie. Und in meiner Familie sind manche vegan und andere sind vegetarisch. Und manche essen gerne Fisch und andere essen gerne Fleisch. Und beim thailändischen Essen kann man alles gut miteinander kombinieren und Spaß haben beim Kochen und Essen. Vielen Dank für das Interview! Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie gekommen sind! Euch vielen Dank, dass ihr euch so schöne und interessante Fragen für mich überlegt habt.
der Stress the stress die Tochter the daughter dazwischen between das Enkelkind the grandchild kombinieren to combine
silvia 2c 20 years of GISSV 20 years of GISSV Years Educated school Awesome Rocking awesome! Safe Obviously the best school ever Fun Games Interesting School Special VSSIG (backwards for GISSV)
kaya 3c
elena 3b
rebeca 3b
swantje 3c GISSV DANCE SONG the Eagles take GISSV come and dance with me. Let’s all learn and be polite to help cool! flight! HEY! GISSV is a good school because everyone there is very Eagles take flight! the help to fight to not learn all Let’s me. with GISSV come and dance g along! HEY! Dance to the beat of this song everyone at GISSV is dancin to help the Eagles night all ork homew our do all Let’s me. with GISSV come and dance take flight! HEY! GISSV hey! GISSV hey! GISSV hey! GISSV hey! light to help the GISSV come and dance with me. Let’s all learn and sleep thru the will play for the fame! Eagles take flight! HEY! Watch the Eagles in a soccer game. They tight to help the Eagles GISSV come and dance with me. Let’s all learn to rap rap rap rap you’ve been take flight! HEY! This is the last verse of our song. I hope at the chorus singing along! YAY!
abigail 3a
emma 3B
“What is the ‘dreagocrystal’?” asked Paloma. “You mean the dragocrystal,” I repeated. “That’s what I said!” “The dragocrystal is the thing that controls all of Ozender and has the power to defeat the evil.” “Okay, so what are we Pow! Bang! Demons! waiting for? Let’s go!” It always has to be demons! We are having said Sonya. a rather rough time fighting. 14 monsters “Hold on a second. We against more than 20 demons. don’t even know where it is!” said Sophie. I am Emma Rolufs, leader of the monster “Oh yeah. I forgot. team. Being the leader of the monsters is So how do we get this not as easy as you might think. I have to dragocrystal?” deal with explosions and elves and “We’re going to have to do dragons. But worst of all: demons. research. When all of you get home, look on your And these are my friends: Paloma, Emma monster computer and try D, Aoife, Wiebke, Vicki, Myra, Anastasia, to figure out where it is,” Myrta, Abby, Sophie, Sofie, Sonya and I said. Emily. I can’t really show them to you right Read the first 2 chapters of now because they don’t really have time… After school we all went Emma’s book “OZENDER because we’re in the middle of a fight. home and tried to figure Magical Planet”! out where the dragoAnyway back to the battle. We almost got crystal was hidden. killed, but we won. “I wish we could defeat the demons once The next day I came running to the class and for all,” said Aoife. because I knew where we had to go to get “That’s impossible!” said Paloma. the dragocrystal. I showed all my friends a “The demons are controlled by the Black map that I made. Cloud, Gray Cloud, and Brown Cloud. The “So when are we going to get the Black Cloud is almost the strongest and dragocrystal?” asked Myra. most powerful thing in Ozender.” “We can start the journey today if you guys want,” I said. Apparently, my friends didn’t know what I “Yes! let’s start today! I’m getting bored out know: a way to defeat the evil clouds and of my mind!” said Sonya. the demons. “Oh Sonya. You’re such a little fire monster. “I know a way!” I said. We should probably go home and pack “Really?” asked Sofiie. supplies first,” said Myrta. “Yes. To defeat the demons and the evil “Booooooriiiing! When can we see some clouds, we must get the Dragocrystal.” action?” Sonya moaned.
Chapter 1 The Adventure Begins
“Soon. I’ll go get my lightning sword. You all get your weapons and some food….”
the guardian der Wächter the leader der Anführer the elf der Elf to defeat verteidigen the journey die Reise the supply die Versorgung the sword das Schwert the portal das Portal the lightning der Blitz the thunder der Donner
After school, we went home to do our packing and met again at the playground. “Finally!” said Anastasia. “Can we go now?” asked Sonya. “Yes, we can go.” “Woohoo!” “Hold hands, everyone, we are going to go through the portal now. E KU MI!” And with these words, the portal opened. Just when we were about to go in, Sofie said it was going to be so hard to find the dragocrystal. and she was right: it was going to be hard, but not impossible.
Chapter 2 Mudworm in Steel Hills “Ew! get it off! It’s all over me! Help! Help!” shouted Sonya. “What’s wrong?” Wiebke asked. “Water!” Of course. Sonya is the fire monster and we went through the water portal! “I’ll dry you off,” said Emma D. “Where are we?” asked Abby. “In Portal Field! Just where we need to be.” I replied. “Where do we go from here?” asked Myrta. “Let’s look at the map. We are here now. We have to go East. Come on gang!” “I’m still wet!” cried Sonya. “Stop complaining! You’ll be dry by the time we get to Steel Hills,” I said. 5 hours later… “When are we there?” asked Myra. “In about 38 minutes,” said Wiebke. “Hey guys! I can see Steel Hills from here!” shouted Aoife, pointing into the distance. Sure enough, we could see Steel Hills on the horizon. We were just getting happy that we were so close when - Drip Drop Drip Drop - it started raining.
“More water! Nooooo!” screamed Sonya, holding her tail flame close to keep it dry. Then it got worse - ZAP! Lightning and thunder! Since I am a lightning monster, I kind of liked it, but all of my friends, especially Sonya, were suffering in the storm. In Ozender, lightning is more dangerous than on Earth because it’s stronger and it usually hits the ground. I jumped up on a rock next to the trail. “I’ll make sure none of you get hit! Quick, run to Steel Hills. I’ll catch up.” All of my friends went running down the trail to safety. I opened my arms wide and yelled, “E SU TE!” Bolts of blue lightning hit me again and again. It felt great! When I caught up to my friends it was still raining and Sonya was miserable. Eventually we managed to get to Steel Hills and we needed to find shelter. Suddenly Myrta yelled, “I found a cave!” We all ran in quickly. “It’s a good thing we brought towels!” said Vicky. “Give me! I want the first one!” said Sonya. “Here you go... and next time say ‘please’!” answered Vicky. “Whatever,” said Sonya, who was focused on drying her tail off. “When you’re done, can you make a fire…. Please?” asked Vicky. “We’ll gather sticks.” “Sure thing!” Sonya cupped her hands and - POOF - flames jumped up from them and we gathered around the fire for warmth. “It’s getting late. We should go to sleep,” I said, and we all unpacked our sleeping bags and spread them out on the floor of the cave. Wiebke and Anastasia didn’t go to sleep, of course. They’re nocturnal. Wiebke is a Night Monster and Anastasia is a Sound Monster - her spirit animal is a bat. Just when everyone was cuddled up, Anastasia heard a growl. GRRRRRR….. GRRRRRRRRR!
“What was that!” she called. “I don’t know!” yelled Weibke. The ground started to rumble. We all woke up. A deep hole appeared in the floor of the cave. We looked down into it and saw the flash of yellow scales slithering at the bottom of the hole. “Ahhhhh! What is it?!” yelled Paloma. The scaley creature disappeared then slithered by again and we saw a large spike at the end of its tail. The growling stopped and the yellow scales disappeared into the darkness again. Suddenly the growling got louder and the whole creature rose quickly out of the hole. We could see that it had red spikes, no feet, razor sharp teeth, and a blue, poisonous spike at the end of its tail. I knew what it was. “It’s a MUDWORM!”
Read the next chapters of Emma’s book in our next “TODAY IN THE BAY”!
Read Emma’s graphic novel “EMMA AND THE LIGH TNING” in “TODAY IN THE BAY” No. 4!
Bob Once upon a time there was a boy named Bob. His family was looking for a home. After three years of traveling they had to cross the Grand Canyon. When they jumped over the Grand Canyon Bob fell off in the middle of the Grand Canyon. He fell on a pack of mountain lions. The lions raised him, and Bob grew longer and longer teeth, just like his adoptive family. In fact, they grew so long he could bite a person in half! Then one day from a little town not far from the Grand Canyon, a man named Jasper set out for day’s long hike to the world’s mightiest river cut. His friends expected him back by nine pm that fresh spring day. When Jasper went to the grand canyon Bob ate him and all that was left was little shreds of bones. When Jasper failed to return, his friends set out to find him, but they also got eaten. So no one ever dared to go there again, because whoever went there never came back.
noel 5c
sonia 5c Prologue
Chapter 1 One night in winter time I awoke. I had been awoken by a call - not a telephone call, but something else. It sounded more like a cry than a call. It frightened me but I remained calm. As if I was being controlled by the voice, I walked down stairs, pulled on my boots and continued, out the door. Down the road. Up the hill.
Once there was a boy, who was always waiting at the window. He appeared to be waiting for something or someone (what he was waiting for we’ll never find out). But, like I was saying, every morning when the kids made their way to school, I froze, for a second my heart stopped there he was looking in a different beating, when I saw him. direction every day, sitting at the These piercing blue eyes, this blonde window staring. hair, and this innocent smile. “Come here,” said he, I saw every Until one day. morning but did not know. There was a terrible storm; the wind “Come here,” said the boy… shook the trees furiously, thunder growled so that many thought “this is the end!”. And it was for some and not Chapter 2 for others. But the boy at the window, he was “Come here,” he repeated a third time. unlucky, for lightning struck the house So I did. Cautiously I came closer, step of the window he was sitting in. And a by step, breath by breath. couple of hours later he was nothing “What - what d-do you want?” I asked, but a pile of ashes and dust. my breath shaky. How could someone who was long dead talk to me? Was a Noone knew him so they buried his ashes on a hill, somewhere out of town. hallucinating or was it just a dream? I But till this day, I am the only one going pinched myself in the cheek. “Ow!” to his grave. And as I sit there in despair “Why did you do that?” he asked. His voice was deep and scratchy like I still wonder what he was waiting for, nails on a chalkboard. Though I had and I realize it was… never heard it, it seemed familiar. “Who are you?” I asked, knowing that death. that would not be easy for him to answer, even though it seemed like the easiest question ever. - to be continued -
the window das Fenster the storm der Sturm the thunder der Donner the lightning der Blitz the pile das Häufchen the ashes die Asche the grave das Grab the dispair die Verzweiflung the smile das Lächeln
sophie 1c
carmen 2c
yasmina 2c
Mia 2c
Eines Morgens öffnete Peter die Gartentür und ging hinaus auf die große grüne Wiese.
Peters Instrument ist die Geige.
Das Instrument des Vogels ist die Flöte. Auf einem hohen Baum saß Peters Freund, ein kleiner Vogel. “Wie still es ist!”, so zwitscherte der Vogel voller Fröhlichkeit. 54
das Märchen the tale die Gartentür the garden door die Geige the violin die Flöte the flute die Oboe the oboe die Klarinette the clarinet
Aus dem Gebüsch am Zaun kam eine Ente angewatschelt.
Das Instrument der Ente ist die Oboe.
Sie freute sich, dass Peter die Gartentür offen gelassen hatte, und beschloss, in dem tiefen Teich auf der Wiese zu baden. Als der kleine Vogel die Ente sah, flog er hinunter, setzte sich neben sie ins Gras und plusterte sich auf. “Was bist du für ein Vogel, wenn du nicht fliegen kannst”, sagte er. Und die Ente erwiderte: “Was bist du für ein Vogel, wenn du nicht schwimmen kannst”, und stieg ins Wasser. So stritten sie miteinander. Die Ente schwamm auf dem Teich, und der kleine Vogel hüpfte am Ufer hin und her.
Das Instrument der Katze ist die Klarinette.
Plötzlich machte Peter große Augen: Er sah die Katze durch das Gras schleichen. 55
Die Katze dachte: “Der Vogel streitet sich herum und passt nicht auf. Den werde ich mir fangen.“ Und lautlos schlich sie auf Samtpfoten heran. “Gib Acht!“ rief Peter und der Vogel flog auf den Baum. Die Ente quakte die Katze von der Mitte des Teiches böse an. Die Katze ging um den Baum herum und dachte: “Lohnt es sich, so hoch hinauf zu klettern? Wenn ich oben bin, ist der Vogel weggeflogen!“
Der Großvater kam aus dem Haus. Er war böse, weil Peter auf die Wiese gegangen war und die Gartentüre offen gelassen hatte. “Das ist gefährlich!“ sagte er. “Wenn nun der Wolf aus dem Walde kommt - was dann?“
Das Instrument des Großvaters ist das Fagott.
Peter nahm des Großvaters Worte nicht ernst. Jungs wie er haben doch keine Angst vor dem Wolf! Aber der Großvater nahm Peter bei der Hand, machte die Gartentür fest zu und ging mit ihm ins Haus.
die Pfoten
Das Instrument der Ente ist das Horn.
the paws der Großvater the grandpa das Fagott the bassoon das Waldhorn the french horn der Wolf the wolf der Ast the branch
Und wahrhaftig: Kaum war Peter fort, da kam aus dem Wald der große graue Wolf. Flink kletterte die Katze auf den Baum. Die Ente quakte und in ihrer Aufregung sprang sie aus dem Wasser heraus. Aber so schnell sie auch lief - der Wolf war schneller! Er kam näher und näher, er erreichte sie und dann packte er sie und verschlang sie auf ein Mal! Und so sah es nun aus: Die Katze saß auf einem Ast. Und der Vogel auf einem anderen Ast. Nicht zu nahe bei der Katze! Und der Wolf lief immer um den Baum herum und starrte mit gierigen Blicken hinauf. Peter stand hinter der geschlossenen Gartentür. Er sah alles, was da vorging und hatte überhaupt keine Angst! Er lief ins Haus, holte ein starkes Seil und kletterte auf die hohe Gartenmauer. Ein Ast des Baumes, um den der Wolf herumlief, reichte über die Mauer. Den Ast ergriff Peter und kletterte so in den Baum hinüber. „Flieg hinab!“, sagte Peter zu dem kleinen Vogel, „und dem Wolf immer um den Kopf herum. Aber gib Acht, dass er dich nicht fängt!“ Mit den Flügeln berührte der Vogel fast die Nase des Wolfes, während der Wolf wütend nach ihm schnappte. Wie der kleine Vogel den Wolf ärgerte! Und wie der Wolf ihn zu fangen versuchte! Aber der Vogel war geschickter und der Wolf schnappte ins Leere.
die Schlinge the loop die Pauke to timpani der Jäger the hunter die Flinte
Inzwischen hatte Peter eine Schlinge gemacht und ließ das Seil vorsichtig hinunter. Er fing den Wolf am Schwanz und zug die Schlinge zu!
the shotgun der Triumphzug the procession
Als der Wolf merkte, dass er gefangen war, sprang er wild umher und versuchte, sich loszureissen. Aber Peter machte das andere Ende des Seils am Baum fest und je wilder der Wolf herumsprang, umso fester zog sich die Schlinge.
Das Instrument der Jäger ist die Pauke.
Nun aber! Nun kamen die Jäger aus dem Wald!
der Geselle the journezman
Sie waren dem Wolf auf der Spur und als sie näher kamen, schossen sie mit ihren Flinten. Aber Peter rief von dem Baum herab: „Ihr sollt nicht schiessen! Der kleine Vogel und ich haben den Wolf doch gefangen! Helft uns nun, ihn in den Zoo zu bringen!“
Und nun, nun stellt Euch den Triumphzug vor! Peter vorneweg! Und hinter ihm die Jäger mit dem großen, grauen Wolf! Und am Schluss des Zuges: Der Großvater und die Katze. Der Großvater schüttelte den Kopf und sagte: „Naja, aber wenn nun Peter den Wolf nicht gefangen hätte, was dann?“ Über ihnen flog der kleine Vogel und zwitscherte: „Was wir beide, Peter und ich, für tapfere Gesellen sind! Seht, was wir gefangen haben!“
Und wenn man ganz genau hinhört, kann man die Ente im Bauch des Wolfes quaken hören. Denn der Wolf hatte sie in der Eile lebendig hinuntergeschluckt!
sophia 6c
Roll of Thunder Pitter patter. That is the sound of the rain, in which Cassie, her family, her friends and the whole black community have to walk through in the novel “Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry” by Mildred D. Taylor. This story takes place in Mississippi, and is narrated to us through the eyes of a young black girl, named Cassie Logan. There are many horrible people in this book, such as a greedy white farmer, a mean bus driver, even a murderous family that run a grocery shop - but the Logan family pulls together through all of it. Still, the Logans have a few wonderful people on their side, such as Jeremy Simms. I believe Jeremy is one of the most poised people in this novel. Jeremy is very unprejudiced, and kind towards Blacks and is quite brave for being this way. Even though he is a white boy from a white family, he is one of only a few whites who choose to do the right thing by Blacks, and he has decided this at a very young age. An example of when Jeremy is friendly to the Logans occurs when he comes to the Logan’s house during Christmas to bring them gifts. ”‘I-I brung them for y’all.’ Mama took the bag. As she opened it, I peered over her shoulder; the bag was full of nuts” (117). A few moments later in the book, Jeremy gives out something else. “‘M-made it myself.’ Stacey slid his fingers down the smooth, sanded back of a wooden flute” (118). Here you can see that Jeremy has made a big effort to do something nice for
the Logans, despite the weight of white prejudice and the meanness of some of his other family members. And he REALLY made an effort: he did walk alone, in the dark, and on Christmas too, to do something thoughtful. Although Jeremy wasn’t given the warmest welcome by everyone who was there--and in fact some in the family probably didn’t want him there at all-- I think everyone should have been grateful for Jeremy’s intentions. I also think Jeremy is quite brave for associating with blacks. As you have read in the quote above, he isn’t exactly appreciated. Certainly his own family doesn’t smile upon what Jeremy does. We see this defiance of custom again when Cassie accidentally bumps into Lillian Jean in Strawberry, Jeremy is being very brave when he stands up for her.” ‘ She d-did, Pa. R-right now, ‘fore y’all com e, she did-” (86). I think Jeremy was very brave for defending Cassie in front of his father like that, especially since the rest of his family doesn’t like blacks. Jeremy could have easily gotten whipped by his father for doing that, but he still decided to help Cassie. The final reason why I think Jeremy is poised is that he is very lonely for doing the right thing. We learn about that, right here: “ He was often ridiculed by the other children at his school and had shown up more than once with wide red welts on his arms which Lillian Jean, his older sister, had revealed with satisfaction were the result of him associating with us” (9). This is where we notice that Jeremy doesn’t really have anyone. His family doesn’t support him and he also doesn’t have any friends. But all this doesn’t seem to bother him, for he still meets up with the Logans, even though that is the reason why Jeremy is all alone. I believe Jeremy is such a warm hearted character and he proves this to us time and time again. I also think the Logans would be making a HUGE mistake by pushing Jeremy away.
Stacey Logan Do you know who is altruistic in the book “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” by Mildred D. Taylor? Well, that’s Stacey Logan, who lives with his black family (Mary is the mom, the siblings Cassie, Christopher John and Clayton Chester, and their dad), and must deal with the segregation of white and black people. I think that Stacey is a great sibling and friend. Stacey is a great sibling and friend because he acts altruistically toward his friend T.J., he’s a good leader and team worker, and he is respectful even when he thinks he isn’t being treated right. My first reason for saying that Stacey is a great sibling and friend is because he lets himself get into trouble even if it’s not his fault. Stacey and T.J. (Stacey’s friend/ classmate) are writing a history test. Stacey sees T.J. cheating with a cheat sheet, so Stacey takes his cheat sheet away, but the teacher (also Stacey’s mom) sees Stacey holding the cheat sheet and thinks he’s the one that’s cheating (Pg. 61). Even though Stacey gets in trouble when it was not his fault, he does not tell on T.J. Avery, but instead wrestles him. In the end T.J. ends up with a black eye. Another reason why Stacey is a great sibling and friend is because he is a good leader and team worker. Some evidence for this comes when Stacey wants to dig a trench in the road so that when the white kids’ school bus passes by, it will get stuck in the trench and the white kids will have
Amélie 6c
to walk. Stacey plans everything out and gives orders where his siblings will dig (including himself) (Pg. 38). As you can see Stacey is a good leader and team worker and can organize things well. My final reason for promoting Stacey as a great friend and sibling is that he is respectful, even if he doesn’t agree with what he is saying. My proof for this is when Stacey, Cassie, T.J., and Big Ma (Stacey’s grandma) go to the town of Strawberry and shop in a store owned by Mr. Barnett. In the store, Mr. Barnett starts helping them, but when white people, including kids on their own come in, he goes to them even though he was not finished with the order Cassie had. Cassie gets angry and Stacey must take Cassie politely out of the store without having to talk further with Mr. Barnett (Pg. 84-85). As you can see Stacey is respectful and does not talk to Mr. Barnett. Stacey stays polite and leaves, because he does not want the situation to escalate into violence. In the end you can see that Stacey is a great sibling and friend, and is altruistic, a good leader and team worker, and is wisely respectful.
“Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a 1976 novel by Mildred D. Taylor, sequel to her 1975 novella Song of the Trees. It is a book about racism in America during the Great Depression and Jim Crow era. The novel won the 1977 Newbery Medal.”
kaya 3c
What you need: - one tortilla (do not microwave it) - as many tomatoes as you like - mayonnaise - one piece of lettuce - a slice of ham or turkey - one plate - a knife
1. Take the tortilla and put it on a plate.
Squirt mayonnaise on the tortilla and spread with a knife.
Put lettuce on it.
Put the ham or turkey on.
Put on the tomatoes.
6. Fold as shown in pictures.
7. Guten Appetit!
LeckereS OmelettE
Für zwei Personen
Zutaten: - 4 Eier
1. Brich die Eier mit dem Messer auf und schütte das Innere der Eier in die Schüssel. 2. Nimm den Schneebesen und rühre kräftig um. 3. Nimm die Pfanne und stell sie auf den Herd. 4. Mach den Herd an. 5. Nimm die Schüssel mit den Eiern und kippe sie in die Pfanne. 6. Warte 1-2 Minuten und dann ist das Omelette fertig.
Küchengeräte: - Schneebesen - Pfanne - Messer - Schüssel
Guten Appetit!
PeanuT butter Jelly SandwicH
Zutaten für eine Person:
- Peanut-Butter - 2 Scheiben Toast - Erdbeer-Jelly
1. Als erstes toastest Du das Brot 2 Minuten lang. 2. Danach schmierst Du auf eine Brotscheibe Erdbeer-Jelly und auf die andere Brotscheibe Peanut-Butter. 3. Lege die beiden Brotscheiben aufeinander. Guten Appetit!
Küchengeräte: - Messer
Für zwei Personen
Du brauchst: - 2 Bananen (ca. 230g) - 15 Erdbeeren (ca. 180g) - 150g Naturjoghurt - 50ml Milch - 200ml Sahne
1. Kippe die Bananen, die Erdbeeren, den Joghurt und die Milch in den Mixer. 2. Mixe die Zutaten, bis eine dünnflüssige Masse entsteht. 3. Schlage die Sahne. 4. Fülle den Smoothie in die Gläser. 5. Kippe die Sahne oben drauf.
Von zu Hause: - 1 Mixer - zwei Gläser
Guten Appetit!
Ingredients: - lettuce - spinach - lemon - coconut milk - carrots - ice - love
veggiE SmOothie
Equipment: - chopping board - blender - knife, big spoon - cups
1. Wash the lettuce leaves well. 2. Wash the spinach well. 3. Put the greens into the blender. 4. Squeeze juice from half a lemon into the blender. 5. Add half a cup of coconut milk to blender. 6. Peel and cut the carrots into big pieces. 7. Put ice in the blender. 8. Turn the blender on (make sure the lid is on tight!) 9. Pour the smoothie into cups. 10. Enjoy!
Für 2-4 Personen
Zutaten: - 1-2 Zucchini - 1 Zwiebel - 1-2 Süsskartoffeln - 2 EL Öl - ein grosses Stück Lachs - 1 Zitrone - eine halbe Avocado
1. Heize den Ofen vor. 2. Während es heiß wird, schneide das Gemüse in kleine Stücke. 3. Dann tust Du es in die Auflaufform. 4. Würze mit italienischen Gewürzen, Salz und Öl. 5. Schiebe es in den Ofen. Stelle den Timer auf 20 min. 6. Jetzt bereitest Du den Lachs zu: Lege den Lachs auf eine Alufolie und dann aufs Backblech. 7. Schneide die Zitrone in Scheiben. Lege sie auf den Lachs. 8. Schiebe den Lachs in den Ofen und stelle den Timer wieder auf 20 min. Aber ACHTUNG! Lass das Gemüse noch im Ofen! Rühre es aber einmal um! 9. Lege das Gemüse, den Lachs und die Avocado auf einen Teller. Guten Appetit!
Küchengeräte: - Schneidebrett - Messer - Auflaufform - Backblech - Alufolie
Ingredients: - 2 large eggs - 1 tablespoon olive oil - 4 cloves garlic minced - 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger - 4 cups reduced sodium chicken broth - 4 ounces shiitake mushrooms - 1 tablespoon reduced sodium soy sauce - 3 (5.6 ounce) packages refrigerated Yaki soba noodles, or other fresh noodles - 3 cups baby spinach - 1 carrot, grated - 2 tablespoons chopped chives
1. Pour one inch of cold water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Then place eggs in saucepan and cook for one minute. Cover saucepan with a lid and remove from heat, and set aside for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain water and allow eggs to cool. After the eggs are cool, peel and slice in half. 2. Heat olive oil in large pot, and add garlic and ginger. Cook and stir for 1 or 2 minutes. Add chicken broth, mushrooms, soy sauce and 3 cups of water. 3. Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in yaki soba noodles until cooked, for 2 or 3 minutes. Stir in spinach, carrot and chives until the spinach wilts, for about 2 min. 4. Serve immediately with eggs on top. Enjoy!
So kannst Du Dein RezeptBuch basteln: 1. Schneide die Seiten an den gepunkteten Linien aus.
AvocadO Brot
Zutaten: - Brot - 1 Avocado - Pfeffer und Salz - etwas Zitronensaft - Eingelegte rote Zwiebelscheiben - Koriander - Lachs Küchen geräte: - 1 Messer, 1 Gabel - 1 Schneidebrett - 1 Toaster - 1 Löffel - 1 Schüssel
1. Schneide das Brot in Scheiben. 2. Stecke das Brot in den Toaster. 3. Schneide dann die Avocado in zwei Hälften. 4. Löse den Kern aus der Avocado heraus. 5. Nimm die Frucht heraus und gib sie in ein Schüssel. 6. Zerkleinere die Avocado mit einer Gabel. 7. Gib Zitronensaft, Salz und Pfeffer dazu. 8. Vermische sanft. 9. Schmiere die Avocadocreme auf das getoastete Brot. 10. Mit Lachs und ein paar eingelegten, roten Zwiebelscheiben belegen. 11. Auf Wunsch etwas Zitronensaft auf den Lachs tropfen. Guten Appetit!
leckerE TacoS
Zutaten: - 1 kleine Tortilla - 1 Avocado - 1 Dose Bohnen - 3 Löffel Salsa - 1 Handvoll Käse - 2 Löffel Joghurt - 1 Limette - 1 Schüssel Reis
Küchengeräte: - 1 Pfanne - 1 Topf - 1 Limettenpresse - 1 Löffel, 1 Gabel - 1 Reiskocher
Zubereitung: 1. Schütte den Reis in den Reiskocher und koche ihn. 2. Nimm eine Dose Bohnen und schütte die Bohnen in den Topf. Koche die Bohnen 3 bis 4 Minuten lang. 3. Schneide eine Avocado und kippe sie in die Schüssel. 4. Zermatsche die Avocado mit einer Gabel. 5. Hole die Limettenpresse und presse die Limette über der Schüssel aus. Wirf die Schale in den Kompost. 6. Nimm die Tortilla und lege sie in die Pfanne. 7. Wenn die Tortilla heiss ist, verteile den Käse darauf. 8. Wenn der Käse geschmolzen ist, lege die Tortilla auf einen Teller. 9. Gib den Reis, die Bohnen und die Guacamole auf Deine Tortilla. Streiche zwei Löffel Joghurt auf dein Taco. 10. Als letztes schütte drei Löffel Salsa auf Dein Taco. Guten Appetit!
2. Falte die Seiten in der Mitte.
3. Lege alle gefalteten Seiten ineinander.
Du kannst die Seiten mit einem Tacker zusammenheften. Fertig!
Thun salAt SandwicH
Zutaten für 2 Sandwichs:
- 1 Büchse Thunfisch (ca. 110g) im Wasser - 1/6 Tasse geschnittener Sellerie - 1/12 Tasse geschnittene Zwiebel - 1/6 Tasse Mayonnaise oder Salatsoße - 1/3 Teelöffel Zitronensaft - 1/3 Teelöffel Salz - 1/12 Teelöffel Pfeffer - 4 Scheiben Brot
1. Mische den Thunfisch (das Wasser abgießen!), Sellerie, Zwiebeln, Mayonnaise, Zitronensaft, Salz und Pfeffer in einer mittelgrossen Schüssel. 2. Verteile die Thunfisch-Mischung auf 2 Brotschreiben und lege die anderen 2 Brotscheiben oben drauf.
Du brauchst: - Marmelade - Ernussbutter - Brot - Messer
Guten Appetit!
ErdnusSbutter marmelade Brot Zubereitung:
1. Hole zwei Stück Brot. 2. Dann streiche die Erdnussbutter auf ein Stück Brot. 3. Jetzt streiche die Marmelade auf das andere Stück Brot. 4. Klappe die zwei Brotscheiben zusammen. Guten Appetit!
kaya Ingredients:
delicious HummuS
- ¼ cup water - 2 tablespoons lemon juice, squeezed from 1 lemon - 2 tablespoons tahini (stirred well before measuring) - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil - 1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas - 1 garlic clove, peeled - ½ teaspoon salt - ¼ teaspoon ground cumin
dominique Zutaten:
- Pfanne - Schneebesen
- Liquid measuring cup - Spoon - Colander - Can opener - Food processor - Rubber spatula - Small bowl
Instructions: 1. In a liquid measuring cup, stir together water, lemon juice, tahini, and oil. 2. Open can of chickpeas and pour into colander. Rinse with cold water and drain well. 3. Transfer chickpeas into food processor. Add garlic, salt and cumin and lock lid into place. Chop for 10 seconds. Scrape down sides with spatula, then grind for 5 seconds.. 4. With food processor running, slowly pour water mixture through feed tube until mixture is smooth; about 1 minute. 5. Stop and unplug food processor. Carefully remove blade with help of an adult. Transfer hummus to a small bowl. Serve.
leckere CrepeS
- 150 g Mehl - 400 ml Milch - 2 Eier - 2 Scheiben Butter Küchengeräte:
Cooking equipment:
1. Schütte 150 g Mehl in die Schüssel. 2. Schütte 400 ml Milch in die Schüssel. 3. Öffne die Eier und gib sie in die Schüssel. Wirf die Schalen in den Kompost. 4. Gib zwei Scheiben Butter in die Pfanne. 5. Zuletzt schütte den Teig in die Pfanne. Warte, bis beide Seiten braun sind. Guten Appetit!
noah Du brauchst:
Marmor kucheN
- 125 g Butter - 125 g Zucker - zwei Eier - 1 Packung Vanillinzucker - eine Messerspitze Zimt - eine Prise Salz - 250 g Mehl - 3-4 Esslöffel Milch - 2,5 Teelöffel Backpulver - 1 gestr. EL Kakao - 1 EL Milch - ½ Tafel Schokolade, in Stückchen gebrochen - 1 Becher Schokoladenglasur Küchengeräte: - Schüssel - elektrischer Handrührer - Esslöffel, Messer - Kuchenform
Zubereitung: 1. Gib die Butter, den Zucker und die Gewürze in eine tiefe Schüssel und rühre alles mit dem Handrührer so lange, bis daraus eine cremige Masse geworden ist. 2. Jetzt rührst du die Eier nacheinander hinein. 3. Das Mehl mischt du mit dem Backpulver und rührst es esslöffelweise dazu. 4. Genauso die Milch. 5. Die Hälfte des Teigs gibst du jetzt in eine andere Schüssel und rührst den Kakao, die Milch und die Schokoladenstückchen darunter. 6. Jetzt füllst du abwechselnd 1 EL hellen und dunklen Teig in die Form. Dann nimmst du ein Messer und ziehst damit 2-3 mal durch den Teig, damit schwarz und weiß sich “streifig” mischen. 7. Stell den Kuchen auf ein Gitter und schiebe es auf die mittlere Schiene im Backofen. Schalte auf 200° und backe den Kuchen etwa 40 Minuten. 8. Erwärme die Schokoladenglasur im Wasserbad (wie man das macht, steht auf dem Becher). 9. Wenn der Kuchen 10 Minuten abgekühlt ist, stürze ihn aus der Form und bestreiche ihn rasch mit dem Guss. Guten Appetit!
Original brazilian BrigadeiroS
Ingredients: - 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa - 1 tablespoon butter - 14 ounces of condensed sweetened milk - a bowl of sprinkles You need from home: - a saucepan - a stove - 1 spoon
1. First thing in a saucepan over medium heat, combine the cocoa, butter, and sweetened milk. 2. Next stir it until it thickens, about 10 minutes. 3. Now remove it from the heat and let it cool. 4. Then form the dough in tiny balls. 5. Lastly roll the tiny balls in the bowl of sprinkles. 6. Now dig in. Enjoy!
Für eine Portion
Du brauchst:
1. Schütte die 16 Marshmallows in die Schüssel. 2. Dann stelle die Schüssel mit den Marshmallows für eine Minute und 42 Sekunden in die Mikrowelle. 3. Hole die Marshmallows heraus. Wenn sie noch nicht weich genug sind, stelle sie noch einmal 22 Sek. hinein. 4. Schütte das warme Kokosnussöl und einen Esslöffel Mehl hinein. Dann alles verrühren. 5. Wenn du willst, kannst du Farbstoff hinzufügen.
- 16 Marshmallows - 1 Esslöffel Kokosnussöl - Mehl - Farbstoff - eine Schüssel
Guten Appetit und viel Spaß beim Spielen!
leyna 3c Name: Billie Eilish Geburtstag: 18. Dezember 2001 Haarfarbe: Blond (aber sie färbt sie sich schwarz und bunt) Augenfarbe: Blau Geboren in: Los Angeles, CA Billie Eilish ist eine amerikanische Sängerin und Songwriterin. Ihre Mutter hat sie zu Hause unterrichtet (homeschooling). Ihren ersten Song schrieb sie mit 11 Jahren in der songwriting class ihrer Mutter. Ihr erster Hit war “Ocean Eyes” in 2015, da war sie erst 13 Jahre alt. Sie hat schon viele Preise für ihre Lieder gewonnen. Sie sagt, sie habe ihren Erfolg ihrer Mutter zu verdanken, weil sie ihr beigebracht hat, an sich zu glauben und kreativ zu sein. Meine Lieblingssongs von Billie Eilish sind: Copy Cat Bad Guy I love you Bury a friend Everything I wanted
Now the map. The map has brand new locations and items. Here are some of the new places: The Shark, the Rig, the Grotto, the Agency and the Yacht. Each of these places have spy bots that you have to fight to get good weapons But be careful! There’s also a boss that drops a mythical weapon. If it is in the Rig it gives you the Boom Bow. If it’s in the Shark it gives you the Grappler, and the assault rifle. If it’s in the Grotto it gives you the the mini gun. If it’s in the Agency it gives you the drum gun. If it’s in the Yacht it gives you the pew pew rifle. But when you kill them you get a key card for a vault that’s below where you are.
Welcome back to another Fortnite article! This time a lot has changed with this new season: Everything is spy themed! Let’s start with the Battle Pass: There are brand new skins and back blings plus 1500 v-bucks. One of the skins is agent Peale, a cute banana that is dressed like a spy. But wait: There are more skins where that came from. There’s also Meowsceles, Midas, Mia, and more. All have cool styles and extra stuff.
Ein Artikel von Harry
harry 4c
Now the new items and nerfed items, and vehicles. Fortnite has brought back a lot and nerfed a lot. Let’s go through the new weapons and the weapons they brought back. Here is a list: The boom bow The drum gun The grappler The mini gun The silenced scar The silenced pistol The silence smg The black smg New vehicle: The Helicopter The new extra stuff on the map: There are now porta potties that you can jump into. You can travel to different places on the map. And there is the phone booth: You can jump into one and disguise yourself as an agent so no spy bots will attack you. And last but not least the cardboard box: hide in it to Avoid players.
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Everything that you need to know about:
ben 6c
ABOUT THE GAME Battlefront 2 is made by: DICE, Lucasfilm, Criterion, Motive, and EA. It is a first / third person shooter game taking place in the world of STAR-WARS. Parents should also check this game out before letting their kids play it, because it’s rated TEEN (on PC) and rated Mature (on console).
GAME MODES You can choose from multiple game modes in Battlefront 2 (multiplayer, arcade, co-op and campaign (campaign is a single-player story mode)). CHARACTERS Another feature about Battlefront 2 is that it has characters that can be selected from many STAR-WARS movies. For example, you can choose
Here’s the official Battlefront II trailer!
Kylo-Ren as your avatar/character, as well as Luke Skywalker from the original movies. Characters can also come with one
or more skin(s) or can be bought with credits (a currency in Battlefront 2 and STAR-WARS). Another feature about Battlefront 2 is that there is a character specially made for the game. Her name is Iden Versio. She leads a special forces squad for the Empire called the Inferno Squad. You can select her as one of the online Villains, but she is mainly an important character (and avatar) in both campaigns.
the feature die Funktion the skin das Aussehen the squad die Gruppe the hero der Held the villain der Bösewicht
WHAT IS BATTLEFRONT 2 COMPATIBLE ON? Battlefront 2 is compatible on PS4, XBox one (x), and PC (computers). You cannot get Battlefront 2 on the Nintendo Switch. BATTLEFRONT 2 ONLINE In Battlefront 2 you can select lots of special online modes from the “Multiplayer” section, all of which are somewhat different. In order to access these modes you need to go from the main menu to the “Play” tab. Once your there you’ll have 3 choices: Multiplayer, Co-op and Single Player. Once you click on Multiplayer you can select “Supremacy”, which is a battle-royal kind of thing with 40
online players (random). In the “Heroes vs Villains” section (also accessible through multiplayer) you can play on the dark or light side (random), and fight against the enemy in an online battle where all characters are available no matter whether they’re unlocked or not. This mode has further specific game options, most of which require less than 40 players, meaning that the loading/Matchmaking should go faster. In the “More” section you can view a selection of further awesome modes which can be viewed by selecting the “More” option after clicking on the Multiplayer setting. CO-OP Co-op is different on console than it is on PC. On console it’s a splitscreen kinda thing were you can choose where the map is and all of the details of gameplay that are normally randomized. For example, you can decide whether you want to play for the Galactic Republic, Separatist Alliance, Rebellion, Galactic Empire, Resistance, or First Order. It is similar on PC, but instead of it being split-screen it’s an online squad of four players. Because Co-op is online when it comes to PC you cannot select the exact map that you want to use, but you can still select whether you want to play for the Galactic Republic, Separatist Alliance, Rebellion, Galactic Empire, Resistance, or First Order. And because Co-op is online on PC you do require Battle points for Heroes just like in any other online mode, but don’t worry, because they are much easier to earn in Co-op. HOW TO EARN WEAPONS In order to earn weapons in Battlefront 2 for any of the infantry classes (assault, heavy, officer, and specialist), you will need to get eliminations (kills) in the class
containing the weapon that you’re after. You don’t earn weapons for Heroes as much because they already have special weapons assigned to themselves. There are four main weapons in each class. The fifth one was recently added and it is kind of its own thing (we won’t be going over it). The first of the four weapons in each class is free, you don’t have to earn it. In order to get the second weapon for each class you need to get 50 kills, for the third 200 kills, and for the fourth 400 kills. But don’t worry, that does not mean in a single match. You can take your time at this as much as you like, but there are a few things that you definitely should know. The first thing is that Arcade kills do not count towards the kills required to get these weapons, and the second thing is that Co-op kills do count, or at least they do for Online Co-op (on PC), but I would assume that they would count on console if they count on PC (but I would google that to be 100% sure). You can also get weapon attachments by getting kills with that weapon (for example getting 100 kills with one weapon will earn no attachments on another weapon), which modifies the effect or use of the weapon (each weapon has its own attachments).
may have enough battle points to use a character, but the game says “max number in play” on that character. This means that someone else in that match is already
the battle der Kampf using that character, and you can either spend your points on another character or you can wait until that character is available and then spend your points on the original character that you wanted to use. For example, if I wanted to use Boba Fett or Bossk, but Boba Fett was already being used, then I could wait until the player using Boba Fet dies or I could go straight to Bossk and use him. HELPFUL TIPS AND STRATEGIES In Battlefront 2 it can be difficult playing online with only the default blaster for each infantry class against other players with more experience and better weapons. One solution to this (option “A”) is to play Co-op against AI opponents to get quick kills to unlock all of the better weapons fast, and to upgrade Heroes in the process (unlocking weapons through Co-op against AI opponents is much easier than getting all of your kills through actual online players). Another solution (option “B”) is to grow your skills by playing arcade (also against AI) or one of the two/ both campaigns (you need to complete the first campaign before proceeding to the next). Doing this should make you better over time, but I would still strongly recommend getting all of the good weapons through Co-op afterwards. Although by doing this (option B) you may be better by then than you were before, it’s still not easy to kill enemies with better equipment than you.
EARNING BATTLE POINTS When playing any online match in any online game mode for Battlefront 2 (except a game mode like “Heroes vs Villains,” where all the characters are free to use) you start out as one of the four infantry classes (assault, heavy, officer or specialist) of your choice. But by using your chosen infantry class avatar you earn what is called “Battle points”, which can be exchanged for the use of heroes. I know it may sound disappointing that you do work just to use heroes, but when it comes to online, it kind of needs to be that way, otherwise no one would ever have a turn with the character that they want to use. Plus, battle points aren’t even that hard to earn, it’s just important to understand how to use them and what to use them on when it comes to playing Battlefront 2 online. And with all of that said: And one more thing is that sometimes you MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU. Always.
the assault der Angriff available verfügbar to unlock freischalten the opponent der Gegner the equipment die Ausrüstung the force die Kraft
owen 3c
1. What was his early life? Neymar’s full name is Neymar da Silva Santos Junior. “Neymar” means “son of Mary”. He was born on February 5th, 1992. Both his parents are from the suburbs of Sao Paulo and married very young at ages 18 and 16. His father’s name is Neymar de Silva and his mom’s name is Nadine Santos. Neymar was discovered on the beach at age six years old in Sao Paulo while his dad was playing in a soccer match. Neymar was found by a scout named Betinho, who was on the beach looking for talented young players for Santos, a professional team. Betinho also discovered Robinho, another famous player for Santos. When Neymar was 7 years old, he began training with a team called Portuguesa Santista. Then he joined the famous team called Santos at age 11. Santos is the team that the legendary Pele played for.
2. What is his career? Neymar played his first competitive match with Santos’ first team on March 7th, 2009 when he just turned seventeen years old. He quickly became a top goal scorer. When he was fourteen he almost signed a contract with Real Madrid, but at the last minute Santos made him a great offer so he decided to stay. Neymar attracted attention with his hair styles ever since he entered the spotlight. On July 30th, 2013 Neymar played his first match with FC Barcelona.
3. When did Neymar Jr. get chosen for the Brazilian national team? Neymar was chosen for the Brazilian national team in August of 2012, right after Brazil did not do well in the 2012 World Cup in South Africa. Neymar played his first match with Paris Saint Germain on September 14, 2019.
mila 3c
“The adjective cute describes something that’s attractive in a pleasing, nonthreatening way. Things that are small or young are often described as cute, like babies, puppies, or toy fire engines. Something that’s cute is easy to like.” 75
AmĂŠlie 6c What is a virus? Viruses are tiny organisms that cause humans, other animals and plants to get a disease, but they cannot reproduce themselves without a cell. Different viruses inflict different diseases. Some examples are the common cold, influenza (the flu), chicken pox, measles, polio, SARS [1], AIDS [2], MERS [3], as well as COVID-19 [4]. What does a virus look like and how is it built? There are different forms of viruses, for example helical, icosahedral, envelope, and complex. Viruses are very small, so if you want to see them you will need to use a microscope.
[1] Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Coronavirus family) [2] Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV) [3] Middle East Respiratory syndrome (Coronavirus family) [4] Coronavirus Disease 2019
A virus consists of a core of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid. The nucleic-acid core is the most important part of the virus, because it contains either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA). Some viruses also have an outer envelope made of fatty materials and proteins and also receptors (the spikes on the envelope). How does a virus reproduce itself? Viruses reproduce themselves differently than other living systems. To reproduce itself they need a cell from their host (the host is the living organism that the virus tries to take over). When a virus gets into the body of the host, the immune system might not recognize it, if you never got the disease before, and will not attack the virus. To reproduce itself it needs to get into a cell. Cells are surrounded by a layer that is called membrane. Within the membrane are proteins that stick out and act like a docking station. Think of it like this: the cell has a door with a lock, in order for an organism to come inside, it
the disease die Krankheit the measles die Masern the cold die Erkältung the core der Kern to reproduce sich vermehren the cell die Zelle the host der Wirt the layer die Schicht
the key der Schlüssel to infect infizieren the enemy der Feind the antibody der Antikörper to dock andocken the vaccine der Impfstoff respiratory die Atemwege the droplet das Tröpfchen the crown die Krone to prevent verhindern the cough der Husten
must have the right key to come in. The virus uses their receptors (spikes/keys) to enter the cell. Once the virus enters the cell, the virus puts it’s DNA or RNA into the cell and the cell will be making new viruses. At some point the cell will be full of viruses and the cell will explode and the viruses will infect other cells and so on. How does your immune system fight a virus? Your immune system fights the virus, once it realizes that it is an enemy. After some time the body will build specific antibodies for that virus. These antibodies then dock on the receptors of the virus and mark it, so killer cells (type of white blood cells) can deactivate them. How does a vaccine work? A vaccine is a non-functioning virus that has been injected into your body. The vaccine will be in your body, but it won’t be able to make you sick. However, the immune system will be triggered to produce specific antibodies. These antibodies remain within the immune system and can be rapidly mobilized once the real virus attacks your body. What is CoViD19? COVID-19 stands for (CO) corona (VI) virus (D) disease of (19) 2019. Corona viruses are RNA viruses that attack primarily the respiratory system. It was first discovered in Wuhan, China in 2019. COVID-19 is thought to stem from an animal source (bat to pangolin to human). It can be
transmitted by droplets (tiny drops) when you sneeze or cough. Therefore you can acquire the disease when you are too close to a sick person or touch things that were contaminated recently. Fun Fact: Coronavirus is called Corona, because in Spanish/Latin it means crown and the Coronavirus looks like it’s wearing a crown.
How can you prevent getting COVID-19? You can prevent getting COVID-19, if you - wash your hands often - do social distancing - don’t visit elderly people or people at risk of getting COVID-19 - cover your cough with your elbow - wear a mask - staying at home
References https://morgridge.org/outreach/teaching-resources/virology-immunology/what-is-a-virus/ https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/virus/390098 https://theconversation.com/what-is-a-virushow-do-they-spread-how-do-they-make-ussick-133437 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KXHwhTghWI https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/2019-ncov-factsheet.pdf https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq. html#Coronavirus-Disease-2019-Basics https://www.newscientist.com/term/coronavirus/
It is a dangerous life-threatening virus that has ended many people’s lives. It is changing our lives by forcing us to stay indoors to remain safe from it, and to stop it from spreading. Being inside all of the time means less exercise, less social interaction, and often leads to more screen-time. School is now proceeding virtually, with the elementary grades starting later and ending earlier, and with the middle school functioning with normal hours, but with no homework. At least it isn’t just like weeks of independent study days, because we still get to be taught by our teachers and see our friends.
The Corona virus has an impact on our lives because in order to get it under control people all over the world have to be in quarintine. Being inside a lot makes it harder to get exercise, visit friends or even get some fresh air. Since we have to stay home it means that students have to do school from home too. There are multiple ways of doing this for example starting a video call or getting work assigned that is due by a certain time frame. Most of them are equally challenging, but if we all work together we can accomplish it and we will all be very proud of ourselves. Something like that stays with you forever!
We cannot go outside anymore, almost all stores are closed and we can’t see our friends. I like that the streets are quiet now. I think the animals like that, too. Being inside all the time means you can”t do many fun things anymore. School has changed because mostly everything is online and you can’t see your friends in real life. It’s less fun.
“Der CoViD19 verändert unser Leben, weil er Menschen und vielleicht andere Tiere krank macht. Wenn der Virus sehr viele Menschen krank macht und sie sogar daran sterben, hat jeder Angst. Deswegen bleiben wir zu Hause und dürfen andere Menschen nur mit Abstand sehen und müssen irgendeine Art Maske tragen. Wenn wir unsere Freunde nicht sehen, werden wir traurig und einsam und sehnen uns nach den Großeltern, Freunden, usw. Jetzt müssen wir Schule zu Hause machen. Wir müssen unsere Klasse jeden Schultag anrufen und Aufgaben bearbeiten.”
The coronavirus changes our lives because we are only allowed to leave our house for exercise or grocery shopping and we must wear a mask at all times to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Since we are only allowed to leave our house for our most important needs, we are not able to go to school anymore. Instead we call each other over Google Hangouts and do online-school. It is important that we follow the rules and stay positive. That we still keep in touch with our friends and relatives. Because if we work together we can stop Covid-19.
Wir können nicht viel nach draussen gehen. Es ist nicht so gut, weil wir können uns nicht viel bewegen. Jetzt ist die Schule auf dem Computer.
Wir machen distance learning!
elise gravel
Dear Ms. Gravel, My name is Alexandra and I go to the GISSV (German International School of Silicon Valley) in San Francisco. I am 11 years old and I am in 6th grade. We are writing a school newspaper and would like to use one of your amazing illustrations in an article. The illustration that we would like to use is attached. Thank you so much for your help! Sincerely, Alexandra Hi Alexandra! It will be an honor for me to see my illustration in your school newspaper. I think that spreading information is very important and that we all should do that instead of spreading germs ;) It’s great that you guys are working on educating others in these difficult times. Keep up the good work! Elise Gravel Dear Ms. Gravel, Thank you so much for your email. I really appreciate you letting me know. You are such a kind person and I think that your work is amazing! Hopefully we can keep in touch. Love, Alexandra
Impressum: ”Today in the Bay” Die Schulzeitschrift der German International School of Silicon Valley Ausgabe 3 Schuljahr 2019/2020 1. Auflage: 70 Exemplare Redaktion: Alexandra Christina Anja Freyinger Amélie Stechert-Nicolau Ben Gupner Harry Haddad Kaya Marcus Leyna Blair Mila Antonich Owen Gupner Sloane Wingeier Swantje Westermann Zoey Marcus Beratungslehrer und Gestaltung: Philippe Zwick Eby Elementary Creative Writing Club MV Chloe Kilbane Danke fur Eure Unterstützung, Beratung & Korrekturen: Daniela Gibson David Giesen Stefanie Hintze Hannah Wexler