International Ambassador Award and Award of Excellence
REFAM Argan Predictive Model WSP and Cowater International
s part of the Renforcement Économique des Femmes de la Filière Arganière au Maroc (REFAM) project developed by Cowater International, WSP Canada was mandated to design and develop a predictive model of argan tree production and integrate it into a collaborative web platform to help assess the annual yield of this fruit, using deep learning algorithms. This geoportal allows stakeholders in Morocco’s general population to access relevant information and, thus, promotes the economic empowerment of women working in this key sector.
management and forecasting of argan trees in Morocco’s Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve, listed by UNESCO as the first of its kind. To generate the GIS portal, WSP’s project team—based in Quebec— co-ordinated two field operations in collaboration with Moroccan experts. Observations and measurements were collected from 300 plots, representing more than 900 sample trees. The data was then associated with satellite images, making it possible to estimate the density and defoliation of trees and many other forest health indicators in the territory under study. These characteristics were coupled with field observations, climatic observations and other vari-
ables via deep learning algorithms, so the team could generate an annual yield forecasting model. The GIS portal was made available in both French and Arabic, so local entrepreneurs could more easily take ownership of it. WSP anticipates the portal will become an invaluable tool for 20,000 Moroccans whose livelihoods depend on argan oil. The industry generates a turnover of $150 million annually and an export value of $36 million for communities living mainly in desert areas. Built for the long term The GIS portal was custom-developed over three years in collaboration with its main beneficiary, the September/October 2023
An invaluable tool Produced from the kernels of trees endemic to Morocco, argan oil represents traditional Moroccan agriculture. The fruits of the tree are harvested and processed by local Berber pickers, mostly women, and then distributed by co-operatives. Given an increase in global demand, players in the argan sector wanted better visibility of the probable volume of fruit harvests, so they could better manage the resource and negotiate a fair price. The REFAM project is a five-year initiative, designed by Cowater with the financial support of Canada’s federal government (specifically, Global Affairs Canada). Within this context, WSP designed a geographic information system (GIS), predictive model and portal for production
“They successfully adapted Quebec technology from one industry to another specific context.” – Jury