The state of HVAC/R Research
20th Annual
Service Vehicle Report
Fuel efficiency rules the day
Automation In Residential Markets
may 2014 PM 40069240
Radiant Ceilings: Expanding the possibilities
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MAY 2014
VOL. 88 NO. 3
AUTOMATION New Technology Enters The Residential Mix Does this present an opportunity or a threat for contractors? By Ian Mcteer
GEOTHERMAL Expanding Piping Options Revised CSA C448 Standard recognizes PEX. By Lance MacNevin
HVAC/R Reduce Doorway Energy Losses Air curtains may be a niche for commercial contractors. By Stephen Benes
Sleeping With The Enemy To Save The World By Robert Bean
PRODUCTS 36 Hydronic 44 Cooling Showcase 60 Plumbing 62 Showcase: Faucet Trends For 2014 By Patrick Callan
Putting Good Design into Practice What is structured plumbing? By Rod Yeoh
28 REFRIGERATION Cover photo: Š GM Corp, 2014 GMC Sierra
The Quest for The Smoking Gun The lost art of leak detection. By Dave Demma
RADIANT COOLING I Need This Controller Merging the best attributes of hydronics technology with airside subsystems. By John Siegenthaler
Digital Controls Optimize Performance Changes to airside economizers warrant a look.
14 52 56 68 69 69
Upfront Industry News News Feature: Learning Model A Good Fit For Skilled Trades By Patrick Callan
MPX: Show Roundup C Mechanical Supply News People Calendar Training The Source
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By Adrienne Thomle
@hpacmag HPACMAG.COM
MAY 2014 | HPAC
opened Hot Docs, which is the Canadian International Documentary Festival. I learned that Aaron Swartz was a shining star in the Internet world. In his teens he developed or was involved in the development of technologies and companies, including RSS and Reddit, that revolutionized the online world. Known as a hacktivist, Swartz was a believer in the sharing of information and crusaded tirelessly for causes that sprang from that conviction. He is perhaps best known for his activism around the U.S.'s Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Both Internet censorship bills were shelved in January 2012 following an online protest driven by Swartz, which was as remarkable as its success was. With his notoriety came attention from all fronts. It was the earlier bulk-downloading of academic journal articles from JSTOR, a digital library accessed for the most part by subscription, that would be Swartz's undoing. The U.S. authorities heaped the charges on Swartz until he was looking at possibly spending 35 years in prison and paying a substantial fine. He took his own life in January 2013. Swartz was 26. Interestingly, JSTOR did make some content available to the public for free in the period following the bulk-downloading. The issue of access to publicly-funded research is a complex one to some and a straightforward one to others. If we pay, even indirectly for the development of information, should we not have free access to it? See As I See It on p70, for Robert Bean's take on this subject. Many Canadian institutions are involved in the international open access movement. There is even an open access week (October 20-26, 2014) and a web site devoted to sharing completed or in-process research (http://wesharescience. com). Where does the Canadian government stand on the issue? Publicly it is on the open access bandwagon. For example, in the federal government's Digital Canada 150 (an initiative with a completion target date of 2017) one of stated the commitments is: "We will develop Open Science to facilitate open access to the publications and related data resulting from federally funded research." In fact, the government is so into "openness" that it had an event in March 2014 called the Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE), which organizers described as the first nationwide Open Data Hackathon in Canada. The 48-hour coding sprint involved developers competing to build the best app utilizing federal government data from the Canadian Open Data Portal ( Who knew? I checked out – it is worth a look, particularly the links to open data sites in Canada.
Back to the movie – the impetus for my interest in all of this. It takes a courageous person to challenge absolute authority. Unfortunately, the true impact of efforts to pursue the greater good may take years to unfold. Aaron Swartz's story is worth knowing. Editor
HPAC MAGAZINE 80 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto, ON M3B 2S9 TEL: 416.442.5600 FAX: 416.510.5140 EDITOR Kerry Turner (416) 510-5218 ASSISTANT Patrick Callan (416) 442-5600, ext. 3524 EDITOR SALES & MARKETING Kim Rossiter (416) 510-6794 COORDINATOR ASSOCIATE David Skene (416) 510-6884 PUBLISHER ACCOUNT Stephen Kranabetter (416) 510-6791 MANAGER ART DIRECTOR Sandy MacIsaac (416) 442-5600, ext. 3242 MARKET PRODUCTION Barb Vowles (416) 510-5103 MANAGER 800-268-7742, ext. 5103 CIRCULATION MANAGER Selina Rahaman (416) 442-5600, ext. 3528 PUBLISHER Peter Leonard (416) 510-6847
PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40069240, REGISTRATION NO. 10815 Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning (established 1925) is published 7 times per year by BIG Magazines LP, a division of Glacier BIG Holdings Company Ltd. HPAC Magazine is the leading Canadian business publication for the owner/manager of mechanical contracting businesses and their supply partners. ISSN: 0017-9418 Contents Copyright © 2014 by BIG Magazines LP, a division of Glacier BIG Holdings Company Ltd., may not be reprinted without permission. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: To subscribe, renew your subscription or to change your address or information please visit us at Subscription Price per year: $40.00 CDN; Outside Canada per year: $80.00 US; Single copy Canada: $5.00 CDN. Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning is published 7 times per year except for occasional combined, expanded or premium issues, which count as two subscription issues. MAIL PREFERENCES: From time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interest you. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: Tel: 800.387.0273, Fax: 416.442.2191; E-mail: jhunter@; or by mail: Privacy Office, 80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto, ON M3B 2S9. HPAC Magazine receives unsolicited materials (including letters to the editor, press releases, promotional items and images) from time to time. HPAC Magazine, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, re-publish, distribute, store and archive such unsolicited submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensation of any sort. NOTICE: HPAC Magazine, BIG Magazines LP, a division of Glacier BIG Holdings Company Ltd., their staff, officers, directors and shareholders (hence known as the “Publisher”) assume no liability, obligations, or responsibility for claims arising from advertised products. The Publisher also reserves the right to limit liability for editorial errors, omissions and oversights to a printed correction in a subsequent issue. HPAC Magazine’s editorial is written for management level mechanical industry personnel who have documented training in the mechanical fields in which they work. Manufacturers’ printed instructions, datasheets and notices always take precedence to published editorial statements.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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HPAC | MAY 2014
Making the world more comfortable every day Navien leads the industry in condensing technology with high efficiency tankless water heaters and combi‑boilers. Navien not only keeps customers comfortable with an endless supply of heating and DHW. We also help keep contractors comfortable with easier and faster installations, convenient, lower cost PVC venting options, ½" gas connections and a strong warranty. Plus the ultimate in comfort for everyone — reliability. Discover how Navien can make your world more comfortable for retrofit, commercial or new construction at
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Learning Model A Good Fit For Skilled Trades
Masters Challenge winner instrumental in partnering of institutions. News Feature by Patrick Callan
For high school teacher Phil Gagnon, his career as a skilled tradesman has come full circle. The Woodstock, ON native participated in a coop program at College Avenue Secondary School (CASS) as a student in the mid- to late-1980s before going on to earn his gas fitter level 1, red seal plumber and red seal millwright certifications. Seven years ago he returned to the familiar classrooms at CASS where he first plied the trades, and ever since, has been helping the next generation of students earn their gas fitter level three licences. Gagnon teaches a 110-hr gas technician course at CASS: the only Ontario high school certified as a training provider by Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA). His course is part of CASS’s Specialist High Skills Major program, which is available to Thames Valley District School Board (southwestern Ontario) students under the age of 21. The High Skills program certifies students in Fall Arrest, Confined
Practise What You Teach
4 The gas fitting course teaches students how to understand a codebook and gives them a hands on experience with the equipment. To date, 27 students have gone on to get their G3 licence. Shown here are current students. Justin Guertin (1), Austin Giles (2), Aaron Laybolt (3), and Bailey Fitch (4). 6
HPAC | MAY 2014
Spaces Awareness, Lock Out Tag Out, First Aid/CPR, Elevated Platform Training, Propane in Construction, Electrical Safety and WHMIS. Gagnon also brings in local contractors and representatives from Union Gas, Gastite and TSSA as guest speakers and to provide specialized training. “It’s a bit of a hidden gem,” he says, emphasizing the biggest advantage for students is that the course is based on a codebook – B149-10 CSA Natural Gas And Propane Installation. Being able to decipher a codebook is an important skill to learn, even if students never use their gas licence again, he says. “You’ve gained an understanding as to how these things are read, how they’re written and what they mean,” he explains. After completing his course, students can go on to write the TSSA gas fitter level 3 exam right in the comfort of their own classroom. Gagnon says the course material is on par with col-
Phil Gagnon in his CASS lab.
Phil Gagnon won the Master’s Challenge at the 2014 HRAI Heating System Technician Skills Competition, held during the CMPX trade show in Toronto from March 19 to 21. In a timed and judged event, Gagnon worked quickly to wire a furnace from scratch using a ladder diagram, and for a piping mock-up he had to make a flare on a piece of copper pipe. Gagnon and a busload of students, both those currently in the program and others considering enrolling in the program next school year, visited the trade show on the final day of the event. “They were very impressed with just how tech everything is, and the variety too, that they wouldn’t have seen otherwise,” he says. HPACMAG.COM
lege-level courses – except in one area. “Ours is free,” he chuckles. The only fee CASS students would have to pay is to the TSSA to write the exam, about $100. Before CASS, Gagnon taught a similar course part-time at nearby Fanshawe College for three years. He was instrumental in bringing the gas technician course to CASS and, through a partnership with Fanshawe, CASS provides the classroom and the shop while Fanshawe provides the equipment. CASS runs its courses during the morning, Fanshawe in the afternoon and evening. Many local contractors have donated old equipment for the students to train on as well. “It’s nice to have all the latest new stuff, but when you’re out in the field you are going to be working on older equipment so it’s nice to have older equipment donated,” he says. A key component of the High Skills program is a double-credit 220-hour coop placement with a local contractor, which students can take in either Grade 11 or Grade 12. An added bonus: students can register under the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, which guarantees their hours will count towards their apprenticeship. Some students have been fortunate enough to be hired on as an apprentice after their coop placements, such as two recent hires at Oxford Plumbing Inc. Oxford’s purchaser, Pierre Trudel, says although the company brings in coop students from different schools, they use CASS students the most. “The nice thing about CASS’s program is their knowledge is more in-depth,” he says. “A couple of the guys from CASS had their gas licence, so you know that when you’re sending them out to help a technician that they know a bit about it.” At Oxford, coop students typically work from about 9 to 11/11:30 a.m., helping with shipping and receiving in order to gain product knowledge. If they are able to, some start earlier and HPACMAG.COM
join journeymen on jobsites to help out as needed. “I think it’s good to get the hands on stuff to see if it’s a good interest for them. A lot of times you’ll get kids who go to school, take all the courses and then they get on the jobsite in the real world and it’s totally different,” he says.
Gagnon adds the coop placements are a “win-win” situation. “Students are volunteering and learning the trade and the employer gets a sense as to what the young adult is like,” he says. “Occasionally they get hired on by that contractor and then they are off to the races.” Industry News continues on p8
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MAY 2014 | HPAC
continued from p7
ALBERTA’S FIRST NET ZERO COMMERCIAL BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION Construction of Alberta’s first net zero commercial building, the Mosaic Centre, is underway in Edmonton. The goal is for the building to operate completely off the city’s energy grid by generating as much power as it consumes. Architects plan to use a high-performance building envelope and minimal mechanical and electrical systems. Photovoltaic panels covering the majority of the roof will provide much of the electricity for the Mosaic Centre, while a geothermal system will provide heat and cooling. Heat from the computer’s server room will be distributed throughout the building by a heat recovery system. Designed by Edmonton-based Manasc Isaac Architects, construction of the 30 000 sq. ft. facility began in March and is slated for completion in May 2015. When finished, the Mosaic Centre at 91st and Savaryn Drive in Edmonton will include offices, a childcare facility, wellness centre, lounge areas, game rooms and a restaurant. The
Mosaic Family of Companies is sharing concepts, best practices and lessons learned in an effort to educate and inspire anyone interested in sustainable building practices.
ONTARIO TSSA ESTABLISHES OMBUDS OFFICE The Ontario Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) has established an ombudsman function to support communications between the industry and regulated parties. In addition to addressing employee concerns, the office will seek to offer an independent, neutral, informal and confidential means to promptly address concerns and issues brought forward by regulated parties, including heating contractors. Sarah Cooke will oversee the office. She previously served with TSSA as manager of the Quality Assessed Program and in several other management roles in the fuel safety area, including operations, business development, fuels safety engineering and compliance. continued on p10
SIGN UP TODAY FOR MUST ATTEND INDUSTRY EVENTS Oilheat professionals will be heading to the nation's capital for Cleaner Heat, the annual conference of the Canadian Oil Heat Association (COHA), on June 18 to 19, 2014. Educational sessions will address insurance issues, system inspections, bio fuels and more. Highlights include a golf tournament, dinner at the Canadian War Museum and superb entertainment. The venue is the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, which apropos of the conference theme, Elect To Make A Difference, is located next to the Parliament Buildings.
The Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating's (CIPH) 2014 Annual Business Conference (ABC) will be held June 22 to 24 in Kelowna, BC at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort & Conference Centre. The conference program offers many opportunities for networking and includes business sessions dealing with the issues members face today. Speakers include business analyst Michael Campbell who is best known as the host of Money Talks on the CORUS radio network; Guy Blissett, who leads IBM’s research of wholesale distribution industry issues, drivers, and challenges; and brand innovation and sustainability specialist Marc Stoiber. Sean Giberson and HPAC contribu8
HPAC | MAY 2014
tor Mike Miller will speak at the Canadian Hydronics Council luncheon. Delegates will be able to enjoy biking, walking, wine tours and golfing, and in keeping with CIPH's social initiatives, delegates and companions will have the opportunity to volunteer at the Kelowna Food Bank.
Building the Industry Brand is the theme for the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute's (HRAI) 46th annual general meeting (AGM) and conference, which will be held August 20-23, 2014, at Le Westin Montreal in Montreal, QC. The AGM kickoff breakfast will feature keynote speaker, branding and creativity expert Ron Tite. Industry sessions will include: net zero homes, HVAC zoning systems, combo systems, and piping and controls strategies for radiant systems. Business sessions address marketing, extended service plans, anti-spam legislation and advances in the geothermal marketplace and future refrigerant options. Manufacturer and wholesaler product section meetings are also scheduled. The “HRAI Industry Briefing Session” is on August 20 at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Welcome Reception–organizers suggest delegates keep that in mind when booking travel. HPACMAG.COM
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continued from p9
She is a professional engineer with a master’s and bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Toronto. Cooke has also been engaged with industry stakeholders on many of the technical and regulatory issues over the past 15 years.
TACO CANADA WELCOMES HYDRONICS EXPERT HPAC contributor Mike Miller has been appointed director of commercial sales for Taco Canada. Miller began his career as an HVAC contractor and has since accumulated 21 years of industry experience, including sales, management, training and hydronics. He is a member of the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada and vice chairman of the Canadian Hydronics Council. Miller also presented last September at HPAC’s inaugural industry event “Modern Hydronics: The Summit,” held in Mississauga, ON.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS FOR NEBB CONFERENCE The National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) is looking for speaking proposals for the 2015 NEBB Annual Conference. Organizers are interested in receiving abstracts on technical and information sessions with a focus on presentations by industry experts on various topics related to NEBB disciplines. Those interested are asked to submit a presentation abstract and speaker bio by July 31 to Mandy Kaur, director of marketing and communications for NEBB, at The 2015 NEBB conference runs from April 16 to 18 at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort & Spa in Honolulu, HI.
ONTARIO’S CONSTRUCTION LIEN ACT TO BE REVIEWED An independent third party will review the Construction Lien Act following feedback the Ontario government received from public hearings on Bill 69, the Prompt Payment Act. The bill identifies a need to close gaps in Ontario’s construction laws to protect large and small members of the construction sector. The review process will look at concerns raised by the construction industry, including reducing the financial risks companies face when they are not paid for services on time, making sure payment risk is distributed fairly among all industry participants, and finding ways to ensure that companies pay for services and supplies on time. Enacted in 1983, the Construction Lien Act prescribes a complex system of rights and trust provisions to provide financial protection to construction suppliers and landowners, while working to balance the interests of all parties involved in a construction project. It does not deal with pay10
HPAC | MAY 2014
ment of money owed from one party to another, or what to do when payments are late. The review of the Act will engage with a broad range of participants in the construction industry, including owners from the private and public sectors, architects, engineers, legal and other building professionals, the financial sector, the National Trade Contractors Coalition of Canada, the Ontario General Contractors Association, large general contractors, the Council of Ontario Construction Associations, the Ontario Road Builders Association, Infrastructure Ontario and the Provincial Building Trades.
TORONTO HYDRO OFFERING HEATING, COOLING INCENTIVES FOR 2014 Toronto Hydro is offering a heating and cooling incentive program that could save customers up to $650 for replacing their furnaces and central air conditioners with high-efficiency units. A $250 incentive is available for replacing an existing furnace with a high-efficiency furnace equipped with an electronically commutated motor (ECM). A $250 incentive is offered for replacing an existing central air conditioner (CAC) with an ENERGY STAR qualified CAC system (minimum 14.5 SEER and 12 EER). And a $400 incentive is available for replacing an existing CAC with a stand-alone CEE “Tier 2” level central air conditioning system (minimum 15 SEER and 12.5 EER). The incentive program, which is open to individuals and businesses (with residential-type systems), runs until December 31.
SASKENERGY RENEWS POPULAR ENERGY-EFFICIENT COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS Based on industry demand, two Saskatchewan energy efficiency programs – commercial boiler and commercial HVAC – offered through participating SaskEnergy network members have been renewed and enhanced. The previous programs ended in November 2013. The commercial boiler program is designed to encourage the use of high-efficiency natural gas boilers in commercial new construction and retrofits. Available through SaskEnergy commercial network members located across Saskatchewan, the program provides incentives to help offset the incremental price of a high-efficiency natural gas condensing boiler over the purchase price of a standard-efficiency boiler. The program ends this November. The commercial HVAC program is designed to encourage the use of high-efficiency natural gas furnaces, boilers, rooftop units, unit heaters and infrared radiant heaters in commercial new construction and retrofit applications. Available through participating SaskEnergy commercial and residencontinued on p12 HPACMAG.COM
continued from p11
tial network members, incentives are based on the type, size and number of units installed. To qualify for the program, a boiler plant must have an input rating of less than 400 000 Btuh. The program ends November 2015.
CGC LAUNCHES NATIONAL PROGRAM TO ENCOURAGE GEOTHERMAL HEATING The Canadian GeoExchange Coalition (CGC) has launched the GeoCity program to recognize municipalities across the country who actively promote quality ground source heat pump design and installation. The initiative is based on the CGC Global Quality GeoExchange Program, which includes training, accreditation, qualification for companies, residential system certification and commercial system registration. Municipalities can become a GeoCity by adopting bylaws referring directly or indirectly to one or several of the CGC Global Quality GeoExchange Program components. They can also offer incentives to speed up the adoption of quality ground source heat pump systems by their citizens, developers and business owners. Incentives can be cash, tax breaks, financing via local improvement charges, adapted regulation, or a streamlined permitting process. The CGC will offer technical, training and marketing support to all participating GeoCities. In other news, CGC has redesigned its website with improved user navigation, layout and updated information about the geothermal industry.
HRVS TO BECOME MANDATORY IN SB-12 BY 2017 The Ontario Building Code 2012 has introduced new prescriptive compliance options for buildings governed by Supplementary Standard SB-12 “Energy Efficiency for Housing” (Part 9 residential buildings). Under the compliance packages, heat recovery ventilators (HRVs) have become mandatory for all new house construction in both Zone 1 and Zone 2. Sample prescriptive compliance packages are included in chapter 3 of supplementary standard SB 12. The packages reflect different conditions based on energy types used for space heating and regional climatic variations. Under all options, HRVs are required to meet the compliance package requirements. This change applies to all new house construction for which a permit is applied after December 31, 2016, and is part of the building code’s plan to increase energy efficiency for Part 9 residential buildings by 15 per cent in 2017. For more information contact the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing or Ahmed Mian at HRAI, or tel. 800.267.2231, ext. 223. 12
HPAC | MAY 2014
Conestoga College environmental engineering post-graduate students took first place in CIPH’s inaugural Canada’s Most Water Wise School Competition. (From left) Dan Marshall, Andrew Joseph, Kristina Taylor, Zeshan Anjum, Numair Khan Uppal, Santina Alagia.
CONESTOGA COLLEGE WINS CIPH WATER WISE COMPETITION A team of six students from Conestoga College’s environmental engineering post- graduate program in Kitchener, ON won the Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating’s (CIPH) first-ever Canada’s Most Water Wise School Competition. CIPH announced the winners on March 11– World Plumbing Day. The competition challenged students to come up with a plan to reduce their school’s water footprint. Led by faculty advisors Dave Farish and Coby Lamarche, the Conestoga team consisted of Santina Alagia, Zeshan Anjum, Andrew Joseph, Dan Marshall, Kristina Taylor and Numair Khan Uppal. Their submission stood out for its analysis of data, historical relevance, recognition of gaps and assumptions, considerations of added value components such as public perception, and breakdown of costs including demolition and reinstallation. They received $3,000 for finishing first, while the runners up from the University of Ottawa received $1,000. A total of seven teams of college and university students from across the country participated in the competition. “CIPH was extremely impressed with all of the submissions, in particular the attention to detail given to analyzing the technical and financial aspects of water conservation and the creative ideas presented to help their school reduce water consumption,” said Ralph Suppa, CIPH’s president and general manager. “Given the positive response to this competition by students from across the country, CIPH is proud to commit to sponsoring an interdisciplinary case study competition on an annual basis.” HPACMAG.COM
The Skills Canada National Competition will celebrate its 20th anniversary this summer. The annual competition is the only national, multi-trade and technology competition for Canadian students and apprentices. Each year, more than 550 young people from across the country compete in over 40 skilled trades and technology competitions. This year’s event is being held at the International Centre in Toronto from June 4 to 7. With more than 500 000 sq. ft of competition space, organizers expect over 15 000 people to attend. Admission to the competition is free and open to the general public.
Built Green Canada has launched an online training module called Built Green Program Fundamentals, Module 1. Now the mandatory training course for builder members, the program introduces participants to administrative and technical requirements, prepares them to navigate quality assurance processes, and offers resources for building Built Green certified homes. It costs $150 and participants have 90 days to complete it. This initiative follows Built Green’s recent expansion into Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Since being founded in 2003, the industry-driven organization has enrolled and completed more than 20 500 Built Green certified homes in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario.
RIDE FOR HABITAT ON THE RADAR Following a long and cold winter, riders across southern Ontario are gearing up for the 2014 Ride for Habitat on July 12 in support of Habitat for Humanity Canada, a nonprofit organization that makes homeownership possible for low-income families. The ride is organized by Habitat for Humanity Canada and the Huronia affiliate, with support from volunteers of the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada and the Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating. Registration is $50 per bike (rider and passenger) or $75 if you register on the day of the ride. Riders will receive a Ride for Habitat T-shirt, lunch and prizes. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available.
FEDERAL BUDGET EARMARKS $100M FOR RED SEAL APPRENTICESHIP LOANS Unprecedented shortages in the skilled trades across Canada have prompted the Government of Canada to announce plans to expand the Canada Student Loans Program in this year’s federal budget. A new program called the Canada Apprentice Loan will allow apprentices registered in their first-year Red Seal Trade apprenticeship to apply for interest-free loans of up to $4,000 per period of technical training. Interest charges and repayment of the loan will not begin until after apprentices complete or terminate their training program. More than 26 000 apprentices each year are expected to apply for over $100 million in loans. HPACMAG.COM
GTA CHAPTER SERVES UP SMORGASBORD OF INFO It was an engaged crowd at the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada’s (HRAI) GTA chapter meeting on March 25. Representatives from Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, (MTCU), Ontario College of Trades (OCOT) and Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) explained that the long-awaited Ontario gas technician apprenticeship program has not been put in place because of overlapping jurisdictional issues between OCOT and TSSA. The MTCU, with the assistance of TSSA (which issues gas technician certificates of qualification) established the gas technician apprentice program two years ago. However, OCOT came into existence in April 2013 and apprenticeship programs, both compulsory and voluntary, now fall under its jurisdiction. If OCOT were to assume responsibility of the gas technician apprenticeship the college would then also have to issue a certificate of qualification – creating a duplicate of the one issued by TSSA. HRAI has been leading a charge for the program to be implemented. Martin Luymes, HRAI’s director of programs and regulations, has suggested OCOT and MTCU make a regulatory change or reinterpret regulations to recognize pre-existing certifications, such as those issued by TSSA. OCOT could issue certificates of apprenticeship for those who opt into the gas technician program and the TSSA could continue issuing the certificate of qualification, he argued. Luymes went on to advise those in attendance to keep applying pressure to OCOT to keep the issue at the top of the agenda. A new TSSA ombuds office (see p8), Toronto Hydro’s heating and cooling incentive program and Canada’s AntiSpam Legislation (CASL) were hot topics at a more recent HRAI GTA chapter meeting – see for a meeting report. continued on p14 MAY 2014 | HPAC
continued from p13
CMPX 2014 SHOW ROUNDUP CMPX, Canada’s national trade show for the air conditioning, heating (forced air and hydronics) hearth, plumbing, piping, refrigeration and ventilation industries, wrapped up on Friday, March 21. More than 13 562 attendees passed through Metro Toronto Convention Centre’s North Building over the course of the three-day show.
Mike Miller (HPAC columnist, now with Taco), Dave Hughes (Associate Chair Pipe Trades NAIT) and Barry Cunningham (Triangle Supply) pose following the panel presentation on CSA B214.
were Brady Erb, Brodie Altman and Cole Burkhart–all of Elmira District Secondary School. In the Post-Secondary category Sean Nolan of North American Trade School-London Campus took first, while George Brown College student Tamas Suveg was second followed by Jason Reaman of Algonquin College in third. Finally, the winner in the Master’s Challenge (a similar competition held for industry professionals) was Phil Gagnon (see p6 for more information). Second place went to Jason Malloy, with Matthew Prince taking third.
CMPX Win A Van winner Ron Van Brenk happily accepts the keys to the 2014 GMC Savana 2500 from Will Bachewich, commercial dealer operations manager-Ontario, GM Canada. Van Brenk is project manager at Hobbs Welding & Boiler Service in London, ON. HPAC’s Tremendous Tool Take-Away contest winner was Gerry Myers of Myers Refrigeration Service in Stittsville, ON. He took home an inspection camera, distance meter, combustion analyzer, CO monitor, dual readout thermometer, portable torch kit and electronic charging scale.
Steve Brown (l) of Rescom Rads chats with HPAC columnist Steve Goldie following his presentation on Navigating the Hydronics Waters.
SPEAKERS' CORNER The Learning Forum offered timely information on changing standards, codes and technology. The following is a snapshot of sessions. Presentations are available online at
Two hydronics workshops, featuring HPAC columnist John Siegenthaler, were sold-out sessions.
WINNERS CIRCLE The 2014 HRAI Heating System Technician Skills Competition in the Skills Centre focused on maintenance and installation. Students from across Ontario competed for the title of “Best in the Province.” Winners in the Secondary School category
>> Gerry Fitzsimmons, general manager of VSC Group Inc., spoke about intelligent control systems for contractors, as well as the interconnectivity between suppliers and data users. He advised attendees that it is not about HVAC anymore; it is about intelligent buildings and systems that are watching the equipment around the clock and warned attendees that competitors will undercut those who do not embrace new technology. continued on p16
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>> Kaveesh Padiachy, central Canada business development manager for Uponor, discussed the growth of radiant heating and cooling in commercial buildings across North America. >> Gord Cooke, president of Air Solutions and Building Knowledge Canada, provided an update on the newly published CSA F280 heat loss/gain standard, which will significantly change the sizing calculation of heating and cooling systems in homes built after 1995. The recent changes to the standard were published in April 2012 and include three key improvements based on HOT 2000: air leakage to follow AIM-2 model, foundation model improved and window selection updated. >> David Villareal, standards engineer for the Office of Energy Efficiency at Natural Resources Canada, discussed the latest development of the CSAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s C191 Electric Water Heater Performance standard and the status of federal regulations and programs. He also provided an update on the high efficiency gas water heating study.
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>> HPAC contributor Ian McTeer, air conditioning mechanic training manager and field service representative for Trane, shared his expertise about home automation and the benefits it has in the HVAC industry. See McTeerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s article on p48, which discusses home automation in detail. >> Walter Langille, sales engineer for National Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Canada Corp., provided technical information on why head pressure control is required. He compared the efficiency and energy payback between common methods of control, discussed lab data on floating head pressure options and explained how system components play a role in energy efficiency. <> The next edition of CMPX will take place from March 16 to 18, 2016 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Fuel economy is the new mantra for new and upcoming full-size pickup trucks. BY BILL ROEBUCK
his year, there are newly redesigned or refreshed work trucks from every manufacturer. Whether it is full-size pickups or full-size cargo vans (see p21 for cargo van report), new 2014 versions have already arrived and more are just around the corner carrying a 2015 nameplate. In fact, the number of new and refreshed vehicles this year is unprecedented. The major focus of all the updates has been fuel efficiency. After all, with work trucks, function leads form. Practical designs generally can't compete with cars in areas of weight, aerodynamics, or fresh style on the exterior, but that has not kept the manufacturers from trying. On the inside, most are becoming more car-like, with quieter interiors and additional comfort and convenience features. Proof of that is seen in the 2014 Ram 1500 pickup. It garnered a Wardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 10 Best Interior Award, which is pretty impressive for any pickup truck. The Ram is the only full-size truck ever to get that award. There is at least something new from every work truck maker this year. Some of the changes are major game changers such as Ford's 2015 F-150 body made almost entirely of aluminum, and Ram's push for fuel economy with its eightspeed automatic transmission. Other noteworthy innovations you will see in the latest pickups are dampened tailgates that do not crash down when you open them; step-assists to make it easier to climb into the cargo bed; and safety features including backup 18
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cameras, and forward collision and lane departure warning technology. In addition, you will find the latest Bluetooth audio, as well as advanced radio and navigation systems. Our focus is on half-ton versions (usually designated as 150 or 1500 models), which make up 70 per cent of the fullsize pickup truck market in Canada. The heavy-duty threequarter-ton and one-ton models (250/350 or 2500/3500) make up the remaining 30 per cent. Heavy-duties come into play when you need to regularly tow more than 10â&#x20AC;&#x2030;000 lb.
GENERAL MOTORS General Motors has all-new designs in its near-twin 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 and GMC Sierra 1500 half-ton models. The redesign will be applied to the heavy-duty 2500 three-quarter-ton models next year. General Motors has made many improvements to its 2014 pickups. Among them are: a trio of all-new EcoTec3 engines, a V6 and two V8s; a stronger, quieter and more comfortable cab; a new interior with features and connectivity tailored to truck customers; revised steering, suspension and brakes; and enhanced solutions for managing cargo in the bed. The trucks also offer optional safety features such as Forward Collision Alert, Lane Departure Warning with an Active Safety Seat, and Front and Rear Park Assist. StabiliTrak with Trailer Sway Control and Hill Start Assist are standard. Models include a crew cab, regular cab model and double cab, in seven trim levels. The crew cabs are available with a HPACMAG.COM
6'6" box, in addition to a 5'8" box, enabling crews to carry more cargo while still being able to park in many garages. Focussing on function, GM added step-in assist depressions in the corners of the rear bumper to make it easier to climb into the bed. The tailgate is damped too, so it can be lowered and raised using just one hand. Improving fuel economy was another focus of GM’s 2014 redesign. Although GM does not offer diesel or turbo engines in its current lineup, the existing EcoTec3 V8 gasoline engines can use cylinder deactivation to switch to a four-cylinder mode under light loads to boost fuel economy. High-strength steel is used in the frames for strength with less weight. Aluminum alloys also have been used to reduce the weight of engines, front suspension components, hoods and other parts. GM is reported to be developing aluminumbody pickups for its next-generation 2019 models.
Chevrolet Silverado
FORD Ford's F-150 has been Canada's best-selling pickup for 48 years, a status the company certainly does not want to mess with. So to keep its vehicles fresh, it is introducing an all-new design for the 2015 model year. This one will tackle the weight issue of pickups directly as it will have a mostly aluminum body instead of steel. While Ford and other manufacturers have used aluminum components in the past – such as for hoods – this will be the first comprehensive use of the metal in a pickup body. By combining the use of aluminum in the body structure and highstrength steel in the frame, Ford has reduced the weight of the F-150 by about 320 kg. It is not just the body Ford is changing, as the F-150 has undergone a full redesign for 2015. Updates to the heavy duty F-250 and F-350 will follow. Ford has even done a minor refresh on its current model. The 2014 F-150 has added an optional fold-out tailgate step and side bed steps so it is easy to climb into the bed. Optional running boards are available too, handy for any height-challenged work crew members.
Ford F150
Nissan Titan
NISSAN For 2014, Nissan's Titan full-size half-ton pickup is available in King Cab and Crew Cab body styles with a choice of 4x4 and 4x2 drive configurations, along with two wheelbases and three bed lengths. The long-wheelbase model features a range-topping 7’ bed with the Crew Cab body configuration. New for 2014 is an updated tailgate design with an aerodynamic rear spoiler and integrated rear view camera that is standard on all but the base S model. The Titan has wideopen rear doors in the King Cab that open nearly 180 degrees, and an optional high-utility bed that includes a factory-applied spray-on bedliner, a Utili-track tie-down system and an integrated, lockable double-sealed bedContinued on p20 HPACMAG.COM
Toyota Tundra MAY 2014 | HPAC
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side storage compartment. The truck bed also features a 120-V outlet, standard on SV, PRO-4X and SL models. The pickup continues with an all-aluminum 5.6-litre V8 engine that has been in use since 2007. The company says its five-speed automatic transmission was designed with an emphasis on serious towing. Nissan has reported plans to introduce an updated Titan, including an optional engine from a new partnership with Cummins diesel, which you should see for the 2015 model year.
RAM TRUCK Chrysler’s Ram pickup was redesigned for the 2013 model year, with a highlight being its eight-speed automatic transmission (compared to five- or six-speed versions on the competitors). Ram is the only model in Canada that offers a diesel engine in a half-ton pickup. The EcoDiesel V6 produces 420 lb.-ft of torque, yet Chrysler claims it can achieve a highway fuel economy rating of 7.1 l/100 km (40 mpg) and a city rating of 10.7 l/100 km (28 mpg) when equipped rearwheel drive and the eight-speed tranny. The Ram was named Motor Trend Truck of the Year for 2014 for the second year in a row, and received the Ward’s
Automotive 10 Best Engines for 2014 for the EcoDiesel. It is also the only full-size pickup that offers an eight-speed automatic transmission, and an optional Active-Level FourCorner Air Suspension.
TOYOTA Although the Toyota Tundra full-size pickup was refreshed for 2014, you won’t see a major redesign of it until the 2016 model year. This year's all-new front design integrates the hood and grille for a chiselled, modern image. The grille is taller, visually connecting the upper intake to the lower bumper. The front lower bumpers are now a three-piece design, allowing for lower replacement costs. In addition, the fenders and wheel wells have been squared-off. There is a new bed and tailgate with an integrated spoiler that helps with fuel efficiency. The rear bumper also changes from one piece to three. Suspension enhancements were made to improve ride quality over harsh surfaces. Several interior upgrades were also done that improve seating and storage, and reduce cabin noise. Safety upgrades give the 2014 Tundra a standard backup camera on all grades, and an optional Blind Spot Monitor with Rear Cross Traffic Alert.
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What’s new in cargo vans?
Options now include office-like features in these high-roof and “old-style” vehicles. CHRYSLER Chrysler's 2014 Ram ProMaster, which is based on a Fiat Ducato, is the only full-size van with front-wheel drive. Ram says the benefit of this is fewer mechanical parts, reduced overall weight, increased payload, more cargo capacity, improved traction and a lower step-in height. A wide door width with 260-degree rear hinges makes it easier to load cargo with a forklift from any of three sides. The ProMaster is also equipped with four-wheel-disc brakes featuring two-piston Brembo front callipers. Configurations include the Cargo Van or Chassis Cab versions in three model series: 1500, 2500 and 3500. Short-, regular- and long-wheelbase models are available, with lowand high-roof designs and, for the 3500-series models, there is the option of an extended-length body. Powertrain options include a 3.6-litre Pentastar V6 gas engine with 280 hp and 260 lb.-ft. of torque or a 3.0-litre four-cylinder EcoDiesel generating 174 hp and 295 lb.-ft. of torque, both paired with a six-speed automated manual transmission.
FORD The 2015 Ford Transit offers a broad lineup of configurations in tallformat full-size cargo vans, with several variations available, including two wheelbases; three body lengths; three roof heights; and van, wagon, chassis cab and cutaway styles. Compared to Ford's E-Series standard-size cargo vans, the Transit gets 25 per cent better fuel economy and can haul at least 300 lb. more cargo. The Transit will eventually replace the E-Series nameplate. Engine options in the Transit include standard 3.7-litre V6, a 3.5-litre EcoBoost V6, and an all-new 3.2-litre 5-cylinder Power Stroke diesel. The 3.7-litre V6 can run on E85 flex fuel or can be upgraded to run on natural gas/liquid propane gas. Each engine is paired with a six-speed automatic transmission. All models are rear-wheel drive. The high-roof Transit features 81" of interior cargo height, HPACMAG.COM
enough headroom for a person 6' 5" tall to stand upright in the cargo area. The medium roof can accommodate up to 72" of cargo height and the low roof model has 56" of cargo height. Cargo volume ranges from 256 cu. ft. to more than 550 cu. ft.
GENERAL MOTORS GM’s twin cargo vans, the Chevrolet Express and GMC Savana, are mostly carryovers from the previous model year for 2014. These oldstyle vans (compared to the latest high-roof versions), however, they offer many up-to-date options like navigation radio, Bluetooth technology, a rear vision camera and ultrasonic rear park assist. An innovative option is AutoNet Mobile Wi-Fi, which turn the trucks into a mobile hotspot covering a 150' area. Modern safety features include standard StabiliTrak electronic stability control and optional head curtain side air bags. A range of configurations is available and includes sixspeed automatic transmissions, driver-side cargo doors (swing-out 60/40-split passenger-side doors are standard), all-wheel drive, optional locking rear differential, and a trailer rating of up to 10 000 lb. on 2500 and 3500 models. The vans are available in regular (135") and extended (155") wheelbase lengths. The 1500 Series includes lightduty models rated at 7 300 lb. GVWR. The 2500 Series includes heavy-duty models rated at 8 600 lb. GVWR. The heavy-duty 3500 Series includes full-bodied models rated at 9 600 lb. GVWR with a 6.0-litre gas V8, and 9 900 lb. with a Duramax 6.6-litre V8 turbodiesel. Dedicated compressed natural gas packages are available too. The base engine for light-duty model is the 4.3-litre V6, producing 195 hp and 260 lb.-ft. of torque. A 4.8-litre V8 offers 280 hp and 295 lb.-ft. of torque, and a Flex Fuel E85capable 5.3-litre V8 delivers 310 hp and 334 lb.-ft. of torque. A Duramax diesel V-8 is rated at 260 hp and 525 lb.-ft. of torque. Also available is a 6.0-litre V8 that delivers 324 hp and 373 lb.-ft. of torque. It has a fast-idle option that makes it easier to run accessories at a work site. Four-speed automatic transmissions are standard and a six-speed automatic is optional. An all-wheel-drive system is available for 1500 models equipped with the 5.3-litre engine.
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MERCEDES-BENZ The Sprinter cargo van from Mercedes-Benz has been updated for the 2014 model year. The chassis was lowered for easier loading and accessibility, and to reduce wind resistance and fuel consumption. A larger grille and headlights with LED turn signals enhanced the exterior, while the interior received new seat upholstery, a thicker steering wheel rim, chrome highlights on the fresh air vents and a new shift lever knob. The Sprinter comes in two wheelbase sizes and three overall lengths, as well as two heights. It has a maximum cargo capacity of 547 cu. ft. in its largest configuration. The 3.0-litre V6 produces 188 hp and 325-lb.-ft. of torque and is mated to a five-speed automatic transmission. New is a 2.1-litre turbodiesel I4 engine that produces 161 hp and 265 lb-ft of torque. It is mated to a new seven-speed automatic transmission.
Also, the 2014 Sprinter has five new assistance systems â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Crosswind Assist, part of the Electronic Stability Program, is standard, with optional upgrades. Other new options include iPod integration, a navigation system, and air suspension for the top-end 3500-series models.
NISSAN The 2014 Nissan NV Cargo is offered in three models, the V6-equipped NV1500; the NV2500 HD, which is available with 4.0-litre V6 and 5.6-litre V8 engines; and the NV3500 HD with the V8 engine. Both engines are matched to a five-speed automatic. All three vans are available with the Standard Roof, while the High Roof is offered in the NV2500 HD and NV3500 HD models. NV Cargo Standard Roof models offer a maximum 55.8 in. of cargo-area height, while the High Roof boosts that to 76.9 in. For those who use their vans as their office, there Is an optional lockable centre console that fits hanging files and laptop computers, and includes a computer or cell phone charging point. The lid slides forward to provide a usable work surface. As well, there Is a drawer under the driver's seat. A folddown passenger seat adds worktable functionality. High Roof models offer an available overhead console for work gloves, legal size binders, safety glasses or system books. The Nissan NV Cargo uses a conventional truck engine layout with an out-front engine design. This not only frees up space under the instrument panel and between the seats, it also provides easy under-hood access. Safety systems include dual-stage supplemental front air bags, three-point front seat belts with pretensioners and load limiters. Also standard is a tirepressure monitoring system and Vehicle Dynamic Control. <>
Many Options. One Choice. With so many options in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commercial van market, we strive to make one choice easy: your cargo management solutions! Adrian Steel is the industry leader providing cargo management solutions that optimize the value of the commercial van you drive today, and the one you will be driving tomorrow. 22
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Bill Roebuck is a voting member of the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC), which produces the annual Canadian Car of the Year and Utility Vehicle of the Year awards. HPACMAG.COM
Putting Good Design Into Practice
ven though it sounds like a system where the pipes are also holding up the building â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which is never a good idea â&#x20AC;&#x201C; structured plumbing is actually a term used to describe a domestic hot water system designed to minimize pipe size and the length of runs of pipe to fixtures. Structured plumbing systems incorporate some form of recirculation, all with the goal of ensuring that the amount of water wasted while waiting for hot water at a fix24
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ture is very small. In fact, Gary Klein, who is often credited with pioneering the concept while he was with the California Energy Commission, has said that the goal is to limit the water that is wasted to one cup. Structured plumbing systems are typically used in residential buildings, specifically single family residences, but the concepts can be applied to any type of building. While the term "structured plumbing" is fairly new, the ideas behind it are just HPACMAG.COM
Photo: Istockphoto
what should be considered good design practice. The main difference between a structured plumbing system and a traditional hot water recirculation system in a commercial building is the amount of time or wasted water that is deemed "acceptable" from a design point of view. But more on that later; let's begin by discussing a typical single-family residence. In this case, the domestic cold and hot water distribution is installed in the most cost effective layout from a first-cost perspective. This usually means that single runs of hot water piping are installed from the domestic hot water tank out to the fixtures. Alternatively, some kind of manifold system is installed at the hot water tank and single "home runs" of piping are installed out to each fixture or group of fixtures. Sometimes in a larger residence a small recirculation system is installed on the main lines, but usually the branch lines are not recirculated. Typically these installations result in fairly long runs of hot water pipe to the fixtures, where the water sits in the pipe and gets cold when fixtures are not in use. When a fixture is finally used, the cold water in the pipe must be completely discharged (and wasted) before the hot water from the hot water tank finally makes it to the fixture. Structured plumbing systems are designed to reduce the amount of cold water "sitting" in the pipes. This is done by
reducing the size of the pipes so less water is in the stagnant pipe sections, and by installing a recirculation system so that on a call for hot water, the system pumps the cold water in the pipe back to the domestic water heater and hot water is supplied as close to the fixture as possible. This is where a structured plumbing system differs from a typical commercial recirculating hot water system. In the past, the "acceptable" length of piping that was not recirculated was up to 50 feet. This was back in the days when no one had ever heard of a low-flow faucet, let alone faucets with a flow rate of 0.5 gpm. Recirculation systems today are designed with much shorter lengths of non-recirculating piping, but there could still be up to 20 feet of stagnant piping. Structured plumbing systems are designed to reduce this length of un-recirculated piping even further, down to a length where only one cup of water is stored in the stagnant "twig" lines. Another difference in a structured plumbing system is the way the recirculation pump is controlled. In a typical system, an aquastat or a temperature sensor on the hot water system controls the recirculation pump. If the water temperature in the loop drops below a certain level, the pump starts to circulate the system and keep the loop temperature at design. Continued on p26
One Choice. One Zurn. Innovative solutions for new construction and retrofit applications. Commercial buildings today require more than just a handful of products. Zurn total building solutions provide proven results. We focus on delivering innovative products that offer savings in time, cost and labour. The breadth of our offering provides products to meet every objective. So when it comes to retrofitting plumbing products for your entire facility, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only one choice. Zurn. ZS880
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9:01 AM MAY 2014 |4/8/14 HPAC 25
Continued from p25
“The tricky part is how to sense when a fixture needs hot water and start the pump just prior to the fixture actually being used.” Some recirculation systems may also run continuously to keep water circulating at all times, or on a time clock to keep hot water circulating only during occupied periods. The downside is that this recirculation of water can use a lot of energy, both from running the pump and from heat loss from the pipe while pumping hot water around the loop. In Vancouver, where the water is very soft, this constant recirculation has also resulted in wearing of the pipe and premature failure and pinhole leaks.
Structured plumbing systems attempt to mitigate these issues by controlling the pumps with an "on demand" system. The theory is to only circulate the hot water when it is required. The tricky part is how to sense when a fixture needs hot water and start the pump just prior to the fixture actually being used. Some options for this pump activation include occupancy sensors, door switches or manual push-buttons. The occupancy sensors or door switches detect when
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HPAC | MAY 2014
someone enters the washroom and starts the pump or the user pushes the manual push-button and turns the pump on. By the time the fixture that requires hot water is used, the pump has been running for a little while and there should be hot water available at the fixture. Several pump manufacturers now have these on-demand systems available as a packaged system. While structured plumbing systems are mostly used in residential applications, and specifically, single-family residential, the theory and application can be applied to commercial systems. It is just good design to ensure that the length of un-circulated piping is as short as possible; that the piping is not oversized; and that the recirculating pumps are only run when they are required. The use of occupancy sensors, door switches or manual pushbuttons to activate these pumps in a commercial setting may not be practical right now, but in theory, these strategies could reduce the amount of water and energy wasted to ensure we all get hot water when we need it. <> Rod Yeoh, P.Eng., P.E., is a LEED accredited professional and a principal, mechanical engineering, with DIALOG in Vancouver, BC. As a sought after thought-leader, Yeoh has presented on sustainable mechanical systems integration to the Building Owners and Managers Association, BC Hydro, Terasen, Light House Sustainable Building Centre, ASHRAE, APEGBC and Buildex Vancouver. HPACMAG.COM
The Quest For The Smoking Gun Performing a complete and thorough leak check of all potential leak paths is an art.
n my near 25 years employed as a sales/application engineer at a valve manufacturer I had many opportunities to visit the manufacturing plant. The manufacturing process is amazing to behold. It is a constant flow of product, which means there is a ongoing stream of processes, repeated over and over with great accuracy by all who are part of the functioning team at the plant. It’s that fact that always amazed me…that you could have a workforce of hundreds, with each individual doing mostly the same thing for the entirety of their eight-hour (or longer) workday without losing momentum or focus, all the while maintaining the highest standards of efficiency and accuracy. Now, what does this have to do with anything? During the time when I was a refrigeration technician, there was one task that gave me a small feeling for what it might be like to work in a manufacturing plant performing the same task all day long. That task is leak checking a large multi-evaporator system, such as a supermarket refrigeration system. There are many equipment designs that might be employed in a supermarket, as such there is no typical system. The store design could call for any of the following designs: (1) Individual condensing units piped to individual evaporator systems (for example: one compressor for four to 12 ft. meat display cases, etc.) (2) Small multi-compressor racks of small/medium capacity, each piped to four to eight evaporator systems operating in a similar temperature range. (3) Larger multi-compressor racks piped to 10 to 12 evaporator systems operating in a similar temperature range. (4) Large split suction multi-compressor racks piped to 15 to 20 evaporator systems operating in two different temperature ranges. (5) A single central plant, operating in several different temperature ranges, with every evaporator system in the store piped to it. Typically, the larger the system is, the larger the refrigerant charge is. Given the price of refrigerants, along with the environmental impact of refrigerant leaks, there has been a movement towards smaller systems with shorter piping runs to reduce the total overall refrigerant charge. However, there are still many larger multi-compressor rack systems in use. The fact is, research has shown that the average supermarket will experience an annual leak rate of approximately 20 per cent. Even if it is a smaller multi-compressor rack system with a charge in the 400 lb to 500 lb range, 20 per cent of that amount per year along with the leak check and repairs is a fairly large expense to incur. 28
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Now, as to my previous contention that leak checking a multi-compressor rack is similar to the repetitive tasks performed in a manufacturing facility, why do I make this comparison? Let me illustrate using the following example: Several years ago I was asked to visit a few “trouble” jobsites, at a major supermarket chain. The problem was thought to be leaking gaskets on some valves. As it was reported, these leaks were amounting to refrigerant losses in the hundreds of pounds per month and they were occurring at multiple store locations. I arrived at the store and the technician got his gear out and we went straight to the alleged leaking valve. Now, the technician was using his state of the art electronic leak detector, which was capable of detecting a leak in the range of 0.5 oz/year. Within a matter of moments the detector was making its alarming sound indicating the detection of a leak. I like to use the electronic detector to locate leaks and then verify those leaks with soap bubbles, so I asked the technician to get his bubbles. This alleged several hundred lbs/ month leaking valve generated about one bubble the size of a pin head approximately every minute. While the technician had already dutifully replaced the gaskets in this valve twice, this was definitely a false alarm. Just for perspective, with a leak rate of 0.5 oz/year it would take over three years to leak one pound of refrigerant. Today’s leak detectors can locate miniscule leaks, but those leaks are not likely responsible for large repetitive refrigerant loss issues. Not to say that they shouldn’t be repaired (smaller leaks can always become larger leaks) but this valve was clearly not the smoking gun we were looking for. It was at this point if I asked the technician if he had done a complete leak check of every fixture, component, and visible piping on this system. Sheepishly, he said “No.” Now, you have to realize that leak checking the multi-compressor rack in the machine is a task in and of itself. A sample rack legend is shown in Table 1. This is a split suction rack, so there are medium temperature and low temperature fixtures piped to the rack. At the rack, there are five or more compressors with over 20 evaporator systems piped to it. Some of
WORTH NOTING The same research project that found the average supermarket annual leak rate in the 20 per cent range, also found that the common culprits for leaks were loose/missing Schrader valve caps and loose/missing TEV adjustment caps. These are easily preventable. HPACMAG.COM
those systems are comprised of multiple evaporators. Each compressor has several pressure control connections, an oil level control connected to the compressor body, but also with a sight glass (both neoprene seals), a Schrader valve or two, suction and discharge service valves, and maybe a suction filter-drier shell at the compressor inlet. Then there is a liquid solenoid valve, liquid ball valve, suction regulator, suction ball valve, possible hot gas solenoid valve, more Schrader valves, liquid filter-drier shell, receiver level gauge, receiver valves, possible subcooler circuit with TEVs and solenoid valves, heat reclaim valve, possible discharge/liquid pressure regulating valve for defrost; oh, and more Schrader valves, oil separator, oil reservoir, oil filter, access valves on the oil reservoir, oil piping to each compressor, multiple pressure transducers, relief valves, and a multitude of locations where piping is sitting on strut with clamps that should be tight, but may not be. And that is just the machine room. There is a condenser, along with the piping lines going to and from the condenser. It is best to turn the system off and shut the condenser fans off, so a leak detector can properly pick up any hint of refrigerant in the tube bundle, the return bends, access valves, etc. While it might not seem to be a
high priority to check the piping, it is not unheard of for a pipe clamp to loosen and vibrate against the strut, wearing a hole in the pipe. I will come back to this in a moment. Then there is a heat reclaim coil, with the piping going to and from it. The same procedure applies as stated for the condenser. Now, move out to the sales floor and various W/I boxes to check the low side of the system. If it is a gas defrost system, running the system through a defrost cycle will elevate the pressure and make leak detection easier. If not, then shut the entire system down and allow the low side pressure to rise to higher than operational levels. For display cases, running the electronic leak detector probe in the discharge air will sense any refrigerant that might be present. If this proves positive, it is necessary to remove any product from the display case and inspect the TEV, check valves if it is a gas defrost system, solenoid valves if present, and yes, Schrader valve for checking pressure to determine superheat and use soap bubbles to precisely locate the leak. This procedure needs to be repeated for each display case. A similar procedure needs to be repeated for each W/I box evaporator. Continued on p30
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MAY 2014 | HPAC
Continued from p29
Table 1 Sample Rack Legend SYS #
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
10X18x9 10X22x9 8' 8' Produce 2 Dr 9X12x9+ 4 dr 8' 10X12x9 28 (2) 59" (2) 90" (2) 90" 28 640 Sq ft 20' 36' 20 32' 48' 12X33x9 10X14x9 (2) 90"
Hc4p-099ab Hc4p-133ab F2xle F2xle 1300Rl Rl Gl46180a Ddef Hc6a-090ab M2expz Shvs-5rlm Cw2uge Cw2uxge Negch Gl56225a C2e D5e M3 D5e M3 3)Hc8a-186ab Hc6a-111ab Cw2uge
bakery freezer deli freezer mtg dualtemp mtg dualtemp ice machine frozen bakery floral cooler floral bakery cooler cake decorating bakery meals to go island cheeese salad/cold cuts produce prep prod. fresh cut prewrap prod. produce smoke meat produce produce cooler deli cooler island produce
If the store piping is routed underground, then it is recommended to locate the point of penetration and “sniff” with a detector there too. While underground leaks are not a common location of refrigerant leaks, they are always a possibility. Given that the piping is inside a “blanket” of insulation, any refrigerant leak in an underground line will travel through the insulation and will typically allow for detection above ground. Back to the example: The technician and I had a short, but important conversation. The essence of the conversation
Epilogue I called the technician a day later to learn what he had found. He reported one expansion valve leaking, one solenoid valve leaking at a W/I box, a few leaking Schrader valves and a leaking pipe (caused from a lose clamp that had vibrated and rubbed on the strut that it was sitting on). This was actually the largest of the leaks that were found. After repairing these major leaks, and more importantly, knowing that he had performed a thorough and complete leak check of the system, the technician left the jobsite with the confidence that can only come from doing the job right. I checked with this technician a few months later to see if there had been any additional leak issues at this store. He reported that there had not been any refrigerant loss issues. The grocery chain in question used this issue to change the policy regarding leak detection, and mysteriously the leaking valve issue became a non-issue. 30
HPAC | MAY 2014
DIS AIR TMP 0 0 -2 -2
-5 38 32 36 27 30 28 27 26 60 33 32 32 32 32 38 34 29
REQ'D CAP (MBH) 12.45 14.50 16.40 16.40 10.00 3.12 12.76 13.00 9.11 32.20 5.65 21.04 21.04 11.81 41.60 23.30 48.78 22.40 43.36 53.76 54.38 9.70 21.04
-13 -13 -16 -16 -5 -11 30 18 26 19 22 21 19 22 40 27 24 22 24 22 30 25 23
was this: Locating one leak in a system that has hundreds of potential leak paths does not mean squat. Unless the technician is willing to perform a 100 per cent complete leak check on the system, including the machine room, high side, low side and all accessible piping, then he is just wasting his time and his customer’s money. Really, what good is it to find and repair one leak, only to return the following month and try to sell your customer on why you did not get it right the previous month. Yes, it is time consuming. Yes, it is absolute drudgery akin to a worker in a manufacturing plant performing the same operation over and over all day long. You cannot lose determination or focus. You cannot afford to assume that “this one leak” is all there is. And you certainly cannot perform leak detection with any less urgency and exactness the closer you get to the end of the job. If you have not done a complete and thorough leak check of all potential leak paths, then you have not done the job right. <> Dave Demma holds a degree in refrigeration engineering and worked as a journeyman refrigeration technician before moving into the manufacturing sector where he regularly trains contractor and engineering groups. He can be reached at
Check out our archives at for more articles by Dave Demma. HPACMAG.COM
IExpanding Need This Controller... the possibilities for radiant ceilings with a “year round” controller. BY JOHN SIEGENTHALER
ydronic heating has long been known for providing superior cold weather comfort. Even so, potential clients – even those who are convinced about the benefits of hydronic heating – often ask: “What about cooling?” There is a range of solutions depending on budgets, zoning preferences and the equipment used for the heating portion of the system. One of the lesser-known possibilities, at least at present, is using a radiant panel as a “heat absorber” for sensible cooling.
LOOKING UP The term radiant heating makes most people think about warm floors. Although it is certainly true that there are many excellent applications for radiant floor heating, it is not the only type of radiant panel that can deliver comfort. A hydronic radiant ceiling, when properly applied, serves as an excellent low-temperature heat emitter. Some designs, like the panel shown in Figure 1, can deliver a heat flux of 28 Btuh/ft.2 when operating at an average circuit water temperature of 110F. This makes them well suited for use with heat sources such as mod/con boilers, solar thermal collectors and heat pumps. 32
HPAC | MAY 2014
Installation of radiant ceiling system illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1 Radiant ceiling system design top side insulation
ceiling framing
tube aluminum heat transfer plate 7/16" oriented strand board 3/4" foil-faced polyisocyanurate foam strips 1/2" drywall 2.5" drywall screws
vent condensation on or within the panel, the temperature of the chilled water supplied to it must be maintained at about 3F above the current dewpoint temperature of the room. The dewpoint temperature depends on the dry bulb temperature of the room air and its relative humidity. It can be determined from a graph such as Figure 2, or referenced from a psychometric chart. BEYOND HEATING A change in either the dry bulb temperature or relative huRadiant ceilings have another benefit. They are an ideal surmidity will change the dewpoint temperature and require a face for absorbing heat from living spaces when their surchange in the chilled water temperature supplied to the radiface temperature is maintained slightly lower than the air ant ceiling panel. Furthermore, different areas of a building and objects in those spaces. This is called radiant cooling. I can have different dewpoint temperatures at the same time. think it has the potential to become a viable (and even highly For example, a vestibule in which the exterior door is fredesirable) option in residential and light commercial building quently opened on a hot humid day will likely have a higher applications. dewpoint temperature compared to an interior space with minRadiant ceiling cooling is not as simple as circulating imal sources of moisture. Buildings with such spaces should chilled water through tubing embedded in the ceiling. To prebe divided into zones and the chilled water temperature to Figure 2 Calculating dewpoint temperature each of those zones needs to be independently controlled. One of the simplest ways to maintain the chilled water tem110 perature supplied to a radiant panel above dewpoint tempera100 % RH 90 % RH 100 ture is by using a three-way motorized mixing valve; the same 80 % RH type of valve that would regulate the temperature of warm wa70 % RH 90 60 % RH ter supplied to the panel during heating mode. In cooling oper50 % RH 80 ation, the valve mixes chilled water, supplied from some source, 40 % RH with slightly warmer water returning from the radiant panel. 70 30 % RH The controller operating the three-way valve would continu60 ously sense the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity 20 % RH within a space. It would use this information to determine 50 the current dewpoint temperature. It would then compare 40 this temperature to that of the water being supplied to the 10 % RH panel. Its objective would be to maintain the supply water 30 temperature about 3F above the dewpoint temperature. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 dry bulb air temperature (ÂşF) Figure 3 shows how this controller would connect with the mixing valve and associated chilled water distribution piping. This is the same piping arrangement Figure 3 Piping arrangement with dewpoint control one might use to control the temperature of warm water supplied to the radiant controller panel circuits for heating. The only differindoor air temperature ence is the control logic used to regulate relative humidity motorized! the mixing valve. For cooling, it would be 3-way! supply temperature sensor the previously discussed dewpoint conmixing valve trol; for heating it would be outdoor reset control where the water temperature motorized! mixing! supplied to the panel increases as the valve outdoor temperature decreases. source of So, wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it make sense to have a chilled water single electronic controller that includes radiant panel circuits both of these operating algorithms? purge valve This would allow the panel that provides hydraulic separation excellent thermal comfort in winter to dewpoint temperature (ÂşF)
Its low thermal mass allows it to quickly respond to changes in factors such as internal heat gain and changes in thermostat settings. When properly constructed, this type of panel should last for decades, probably outliving the several heat sources that will supply it.
continued on p34 HPACMAG.COM
MAY 2014 | HPAC
continued from p33
also provide sensible cooling in summer. The concept is shown in Figure 4.
MORE SMARTS Because condensation must be avoided, radiant panels can only provide sensible cooling (lowering the air’s dry bulb temperature). Proper design must also address latent cooling (lowering the moisture content of the air). The latent cooling load can only be handled by a device that allows condensation to form within it and then properly disposes of that condensate. Most systems use an air handler for this purpose. The volume of air passing through the air handler is often determined by the ventilation load of the space. Figure 4 Single electronic controller providing both operating algorithms
Figure 5 shows the concept for such an air handler. It includes a heat recovery unit that scavenges some of the cooling effect of the exhaust air stream and uses it to precondition the incoming ventilation air. This assembly also includes a multiple tube row chilled water coil that is very effective in dehumidifying the air passing through it. The goal is to dry the air supplied to the space to a condition that allows it to absorb sufficient moisture from the space to maintain a comfortable relative humidity. The cooling capacity and rate of moisture removal of the air handler shown in Figure 5 is controlled by the flow rate of chilled water through the coil. In this case, that flow is regulated by a variable speed circulator, which responds to a controller that measures the relative humidity of the supply air stream and compares it to a setpoint value, such as 50 per cent. The controller outputs a signal, such as 2-10 VDC or 4-20 milliamp, which is compatible with the speed controller driving the circulator. When the relative humidity starts to rise above setpoint, the circulator speeds up to increase the capacity of the coil and vice versa. The air handler system could also be used for ventilation in winter. In cold climates, the circuit through the cooling coil, which could be used to warm incoming ventilation air in winter, would need to be protected by antifreeze.
THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG? I would love to see some manufacturers offer this combination of functionality (dewpoint and relative humidity control in summer, along with outdoor reset and ventilation air warming in winter) into a simple, stand-alone,
Best of Siggy – Canadian style!
Order your Best of John Siegenthaler CD while supplies last. Own John’s hand-picked favourite HPAC articles from the last 10 years. The CD also contains information on a variety of current hydronic products and links to their manufacturers’ websites.
There is a limited supply so don’t delay – order today! Only $19.95 plus tax (includes postage) To place your order visit 34
HPAC | MAY 2014
“plug and play” controller. I believe having such a controller would enable those who already install radiant heating systems to easily expand into radiant cooling. It is really the only piece missing from the “puzzle” at present. One long-standing criticism of residential hydronics has been its perceived inability to provide cooling. Here is an opportunity to help end that perception by offering not only the Figure 5 System incorporating air handler indoor air temperature relative humidity
outdoor! temperature
motorized! mixing! valve
balancing! valve
ability to provide cooling, but to do it using state-of-the-art methods that improve comfort, leverage modern devices (such as heat pumps), and significantly reduce the distribution energy required to cool the building. It is also a great way to merge the best attributes of modern hydronics technology with air-side subsystems for ventilation and latent cooling. So, for the manufacturers reading this, please consider building this controller. It is an opportunity to deliver a truly unique product – one that could significantly expand the possibilities of modern hydronics technology. <>
radiant cooling circuits balancing! valve
purge valve
hydraulic separation crossover bridge piping
zone valve
chilled water mains
zone! valve
relative humidity controller! 2-10 VDC output
variable! speed! circulator
chilled water coil
exhaust air
cool! dehumidified! air to building
warm / moist! outside air
heat exchanger core
exhaust! air from! building
graduate Institute emeritus Mohawk Utica, NY.
John Siegenthaler, P.E., has over 34 years experience in designing modern hydronic heating systems. He is a mechanical engineering of Rensselaer Polytechnic and an associate professor of engineering technology at Valley Community College in
Your Condensing Boiler Partner
w Ne
Introducing the new Vitodens 222-F and the new generation Vitodens 200-W – featuring advanced Viessmann technology and performance in a small footprint. *Based on a temperature rise of 70 °F (50 °F to 120 °F). Information subject to change.
Both gas-fired condensing boilers feature a new easy-to-use Vitotronic control. VITODENS 200-W Extended application range with increased capacity up to 530 MBH 9 models with input ranges from 67 to 530 MBH Combine up to eight boilers in single prefabricated cascade system VITODENS 222-F Floor standing configuration and zero side clearance requirement 2 models with input ranges from 12 to 125 MBH DHW heating system comprised of plate heat exchanger and storage tank DHW 10-minute peak flow of 60 gallons with continuous draw of 3.3 GPM* (model B2TA-35 only). 1-800-387-7373
MAY 2014 | HPAC
HYDRONIC PRODUCTS The Endura boiler is the latest addition to Fulton’s product line for the commercial heating market. It is a vertical firetube boiler with a compact footprint, featuring a duplex stainless steel three-pass heat exchanger and enhanced fireside surfaces. It offers less than 20 parts per million NOx emissions, full input with 4 in. wc incoming natural gas pressure, 120V single phase power supply, and up to 10:1 turndown capabilities. The boiler is equipped with a colour touchscreen display, building management system communication and integrated sequencing for up to eight boilers.
Navien’s NCB Series condensing combination boilers deliver hydronic heat and domestic hot water for large homes, including those in cold Tour & Andersson’s (TA) Series TCP Pressure Independent
climates. These combi-boilers are designed for
Balancing and Control Valve (PIBCV) allows contractors to
ease of installation, reliable performance and
take direct flow measurements. Available through Victau-
energy cost savings. They also take up less
lic, the valves feature separate balancing and control valve
space than a traditional floor-standing boiler
functions with full stroke EQM modulation and are avail-
and water heater. NCB Series combi-boilers are
able in ½ in., ¾ in., and 1 in. with or without an actuator.
offered in three models; maximum heating
Larger sizes are also available within the FUS1ON Balanc-
input for hydronic heating is 80 000 Btuh,
ing line for 1 ¼ in. through 6 in.
100 000 Btuh and 120 000 Btuh.
Watts Radiant has released the SmartTrac, a Viega has introduced four new products for hy-
single-panel modular system for simplifying
dronic and HVAC applications. The 0-10V DC
and speeding up radiant heating and cooling
Powerhead self-calibrates every 24 hours and
installations in floor, wall and ceiling applica-
features a plug-in connection cable and
tions. SmartTrac is up to 80 per cent lighter
360-degree installation position. The 0-10V DC
The Jaga Mini radiator is designed to fit be-
than thin slabs and is designed to eliminate
actuator provides short response times for im-
neath large windows and for situations where
the need for silicone and curing. It is best suit-
proved control response for radiant systems.
sub-floor trench or in-floor slab heating are not
ed for use with Watts Radiant’s 3/8 in. Radi-
The Zone Valve features easy installation with
ideal. With two 0.5 in. water lines running to
antPERT tubing using standard 8 in. spacing,
Viega ProPress and PEX Press adapters sup-
the heating element, the Mini allows for extra
and is also compatible with other SDR-9 PEX/
plied. The thermostat is designed with intui-
space. It has several ways to connect the heat-
PERT tubing. The system works underneath
tive, menu-driving programming and icons for
ing element (central control collector, manual
hardwood, tile, stone, laminate, vinyl and car-
easy use. It integrates with a variety of HVAC
valve in the duct or a thermostatic valve in the
pet. It can be installed over wood sub-floor or
equipment and mounts to drywall or junction
duct), which helps eliminate ductwork and
concrete and on walls or ceilings.
box with colour-coded wire connections.
makes extra ceiling space available.
HPAC | MAY 2014
See more Hydronic products on p38 HPACMAG.COM
HYDRONIC PRODUCTS The Hot Dawg H2O hydronic unit heater from Modine is an extension of its gas/propane Hot Dawg line. The unit’s design and low profile allow it to be rotated for either horizontal or vertical air discharge, giving users multiple installation options. Hot Dawg H2O comes in two models: HHD30, which operates at a range of 23 700 to 39 200 Btuh, and HHD45, which operates at a range of 23 900 to 56 800 Btuh at 180 degrees of entering water temperature. The HHD45 also includes a speed control, which allows for a range of 425 to 710 cfm. The WAV-0100 from HBX Controls is a wireless outdoor sensor that is able to connect to any control that uses a thermistor input for its outdoor sensing. This technology allows the WAV-0100 to connect to boilers, reset controls, thermostats and other devices, making it suitable for both retrofits and new installs. Features include a temperature range of -20F to +225F and a 2000' open-air range (2.4 GHz frequency).
Caleffi’s ZVR Series of controls is designed for zoning using zone valves. Up to six valves (model dependent), along with a system pump, secondary pump(s) and primary pump can be operated. Zone priority is selectable with a one-hour time out feature. System pump status (on/off) during priority is also selectable. A replaceable snap-fit 40 VA transformer is standard for three and four zone models, and expandable to 80 VA with a second transformer. The six zone model has two 40 VA (80 VA) transformers. The Buderus GB142 condensing boiler is available in four models, all of which have an AFUE efficiency rating of 95 per cent and meet ENERGY STAR certifications. With these mod-
Bosch Thermotechnology’s Buderus brand
els supplying from 84 800 to 214 800 Btuh,
GB162 gas condensing boiler combines con-
and cascades of up to 16 units, the GB142
densing and cascade technologies in a com-
can provide sufficient heating comfort for
pact and lightweight design. With performance
single family residential or small- to medium-
efficiencies of up to 93 per cent AFUE and the
business. The “whisper quiet” modulating op-
ability to fit multiple boiler units into tight spac-
eration, with output modulations from 30 to
es, the GB162 is best suited for wall or rack-
100 per cent, is matched to actual heat de-
mounted applications for multi-boiler cascades
mand to save energy. The GB142 includes ad-
– up to eight units can now be cascaded. The
vanced and integrated EMS controls for out-
GB162 is designed for applications such as
door reset and control of an optional indirect
smaller commercial buildings and larger
domestic hot water tank.
HPAC | MAY 2014
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Digital Controls Optimize Performance Airside economizers yesterday and today.
n the 1970s, the concept of airside economizers was introduced to the HVAC industry. The first economizers included two remote bulb temperature changeover controllers with a minimum position potentiometer for adjustment of the outdoor air (OA) dampers. One temperature changeover controller was placed in the outdoor air and the other in the mixed air. They were usually set for 70F and 55F, respectively. As the outdoor air temperature rose above 70F, the OA damper would close to a minimum position that provided ventilation for the occupants. The controller would modulate the dampers to maintain 55F in the mixed air (MA) section of a rooftop unit. Why the specific temperature, you might ask? Fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit was chosen as the best air temperature to deliver to the occupied space. Though the concept of using cooler outside air for “free cooling” started decades ago, the idea did not take off until the oil crisis of the mid-seventies. Due to the oil embargo, building owners, like everyone else at that time, needed to cut down on their energy use. Using cool outdoor air for cooling buildings achieved that. The accuracy of the humidity sensors used with the old systems would not even be considered in today’s world of
digital technology. But in their time, they worked well to cool buildings without using mechanical cooling when the outdoor conditions were right. They were not controlled with a space thermostat and were not considered “integrated economizers,” meaning they were not integrated with the space thermostats’ demands for cooling. A reliable and popular stand-alone non-demand control ventilation economizer in the HVAC industry was introduced in 1985 and is still being used in many applications where DCV is not used. This analog logic module was the base for all current economizer logic in the HVAC industry. It is used with a two-stage thermostat and has output for two-stage mechanical cooling. There were a few basic requirements for an airside analog economizer controller in a commercial building: • 24 Vac power. • Input for an OA sensor. • Input for a return air (RA) sensor (optional). • Selection of the changeover control point for when to economize or not. •S election of the minimum position for the damper for ventilation when the space requiring cooling is occupied.
HPAC | MAY 2014
• Input from Y1 call for cooling from the thermostat. • Input from Y2 call for cooling from the thermostat. • Output to drive the damper actuators. • Output to stages of mechanical cooling. Analog economizers were designed to be integrated economizers with a two-stage cooling thermostat required in the space being cooled. When the OA is good for free cooling the LED on the logic module will light. On a call for Y1 from the stat, the economizer will open the OA damper and close the RA damper to maintain a MA temperature between 50F and 55F. On a second call for cooling (Y2) the logic will turn on one stage of the mechanical cooling. The economizing continues to boost the mechanical cooling. When the OA air is not good for free cooling, two stages of mechanical cooling will be used. A common misapplication for the economizer is not using a two-stage thermostat. A one-stage cooling thermostat will not allow the mechanical cooling to supplement the economizing and the space may not be satisfied causing occupant complaints and the economizer being disconnected. All analog controllers used the A, B, C, D and E curves for single enthalpy changeover. Due to the analog design of the controllers and sensors, the “curves” were fairly approximate and are based on a simple psychrometric chart. The curves are only used for referential (single) enthalpy changeover where the reported conditions from the OA sensor are compared to the position relative to the selected curve. Outdoor air conditions that are warmer and higher in humidity than the selected “curve” are not good for economizing and the economizer will not allow for “free cooling.” For differential enthalpy, the economizer controller determines the “best” air to use based on the OA and RA conditions reported by the sensors and the changeover curve is not used. In the late 1990s, the first analog economizers using demand control ventilation were introduced. These economizers were more complex and required longer setup time. The limits of an analog device created complexity for the technician. As more features and control functions are added, the analog controllers are becoming more difficult to use and do not provide fault detection or simple diagnostics for the HVAC service technicians. The challenge is to keep the economizers operating to satisfy the ever rising demand for more energy savings in buildings and to achieve the goal of net zero buildings. The need for product innovation and sensor accuracy never ends. There will always be a desire for reduced energy costs and improved control with low payback period. Continued on p42 HPACMAG.COM
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Easier to install* • • • •
Self-configures for optimized airflows Less opportunity for errors No dip switches to set No need to refer to wiring diagrams
*When installed as part of a complete Observer® Communicating System, including the Observer Wall Control.
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© 2014 International Comfort Products
MAY 2014 | HPAC
Continued from p41
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The reality is it takes more time than the technician has to properly diagnose a non-working analog control system.â&#x20AC;?
The industry has changed from the analog controls of the 20th century to digital controls that will allow technicians to save time in set up and troubleshooting. 42
HPAC | MAY 2014
Using technology developed in the 1980s is like using a block cell phone versus your smartphone today. Technology has advanced and so have economizer controls. The first step in the continued innovation of economizer controls is achieving the energy goals at an affordable cost to the small building owner. Reports suggest that 40 to 80 per cent of the existing economizers in the field do not work. There are a number of reasons for this: technicians do not understand the economizer operation and disconnect it, economizer controls are misapplied, many applications are using a one-stage thermostat, and/or the sensors are wrong for the application or out of calibration. We have all seen a block of wood in damper or a disconnected actuator so the dampers cannot open or close. But the reality is it takes more time than the technician has to properly diagnose a non-working analog control system. The industry has changed from the analog controls of the 20th century to digital controls that will allow technicians to save time in set up and troubleshooting. These new economizer controllers use state of the art LCD displays to tell the operator the status of the device. Are the conditions good for economizing? Is the system in the economizing mode? What are the conditions being reported to the controller by the sensors and actuators? The systems can be easily set for the proper amount of ventilation based on the cfm required by the occupants, meaning there is no more guessing for minimum damper position with one finger or three fingers to set the dampers. Menus on the displays save time for the technician by walking them step-by-step through the set up and confirming their changes have been made in the controller. Troubleshooting is now easier. The controllers will tell the operator that there is an alarm or the information can be displayed using a thermostat in the space to alert the occupants to call for service. The fault detection and diagnostics of the controls make it easy for the operators to tell the system status and correct any issues that may be increasing energy use by the building. Incorporation of demand control ventilation in the control reduces the cost of extra modules and wiring in an attempt to make the controls simple. The digital economizers of today are easy to install, use, maintain and troubleshoot. Soon the issues raised regarding airside economizers will no longer exist. Sensor accuracy has vastly improved so more control features are available to save the most energy possible in every climate zone. <> Adrienne Thomle is global product manager with Honeywell. A recognized expert in airside economizer controls, Thomle holds six patents and has several pending patents related to economizer control in commercial buildings. HPACMAG.COM
COOLING PRODUCTS Johnson Controls recently introduced the Luxaire Ovation ultra high efficiency packaged unit. A combination of the unit’s two-stage compressor, variable-frequency drive, high efficiency indoor/outdoor coil and premium efficiency indoor/outdoor motor delivers efficiencies up to 18.1 SEER and 14.35 EER. A common footprint allows for installation on a curb, slab, frame or roof rack. The unit is available in cooling and electric/gas heat configurations, and features a slide out blower and motor.
Belimo Americas has extended its Energy Valve range and now offers ½ in. to 2 in., the complete range offering is now ½ in. to 6 in. valve sizes. This two-way pressure independent control valve optimizes, documents and proves water coil performance. These valves improve low delta T syndrome by monitoring the differential temperature across the coil and adjusting the flow to maintain design delta T set point keeping the heat transfer of the coil optimized while maintaining comfort. The valve allows for continuous control, monitoring of energy use, and the development of energy savings strate-
The City Multi water source system from Mit-
gies through BAS.
subishi Electric is now available as a 575V unit, in addition to 208V and 460V. This new voltage option allows the downsizing of building electrical infrastructure primarily on am-
CTB tubular inline belt driven fans by S&P Can-
pacities of system conductors, protective and
ada Ventilation Products Inc. offer a range of
isolation devices. The VRF technology system
sizes and horsepower. The fans can handle
moves energy on both the refrigerant and wa-
static pressures up to 2.5 in. w.g. and provide
ter side of the system to deliver simultaneous
air performances up to 20 000 cfm. They fea-
heating and cooling. Condensing units can be
ture continuously welded and epoxy painted
installed in spaces as small as 34.5" x 45.5"
steel housing, aluminum centrifugal wheels
and the compact 2-pipe systems allows com-
and extended lubrication lines. CTB fans carry
ponents to be transported via an elevator. City
a UL705 listing for general exhaust and have a
Multi indoor units operate as low as 22dB(A)
UL762 listing for restaurant applications. They
at low speed while water source condensing
are suited to moving air in applications where
units operate as low as 47dB(A).
space is limited.
AirEase, an Allied Air Enterprises brand, has
Lennox’s Landmark high-efficiency rooftop units can reach
introduced the 4SCU14LE159 single-stage,
up to 12.7 EER, and up to 14.5 IEER with optional multi-
5-ton air conditioner capable of efficiency lev-
stage air volume supply fan technology. The addition of the
els ranging from 14 to 16 SEER. This air condi-
environ coil system on all 7.5 to 25 ton gas/electric and
tioner offers high and low pressure switches to
electric/electric units provides increased reliability and
help protect against adverse system pres-
sustainability, while the BACnet option ensures easy inte-
sures. It is designed with a single stage scroll
gration with the most popular building automation system
compressor, an upgraded contactor to reduce
protocol. The Landmark flexible design offers more than
nuisance failures, and a heavy-duty sound
100 field customizable options and over 30 features de-
blanket for quieter operation.
signed to reduce installation and service time.
HPAC | MAY 2014
Easy installation and energy-efficient performance from a world-leading HVAC manufacturer
COMFORT FOR LIFE Daikin is a global innovator and provider of energy-efficient indoor comfort solutions. As the world’s largest manufacturer of HVAC systems and refrigerants, Daikin offers a complete line of ductless heating and cooling systems. n
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Our continuing commitment to quality products may mean a change in specifications without notice. © 2014
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Time for a Spring Tune Up! Your Lennox PartsPlus® store has what you need for spring service calls. • Get a free whip and disconnect with an Aire-Flo® air conditioner • Get up to 10% off select Lennox® and Honeywell thermostats • 10% off select Healthy Climate® replacement filters, germicidal replacement lights, and more • Up to 10% off select chemicals and other seasonal items
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The Copeland X-Ref version 3.0 by Emerson Cli-
Our spring specials last through June 20th, so visit your nearest Lennox PartsPlus® store today!
mate Technologies Inc. is an updated version of its mobile application. The app provides improved functionality for easy and convenient ac-
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cess to Emerson’s online compressor cross-reference database for air conditioning products. In addition to pulling up information using the first three digits of a compressor model number, contractors can use the label bar code scanning feature to search Emerson’s online database for
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replacement product information.
WINNIPEG, MB 1653 Saint James St 204-633-0345 VILLE SAINT LAURENT, QC 3540 Boulevard Poirier 514-336-6090 REGINA, SK 2110 7th Avenue 306-757-7678
Daikin Magnitude WME chillers with RapidRestore make it possible for the chiller to restart 35 seconds after a power failure and reach 80 per
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cent of full-load in 75 seconds. In the event of momentary power loss, Daikin’s RideThrough capability will maintain compressor rotation during the power failure. This allows the chiller to re-synchronize with the spin-
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ning magnetic bearing rotor and return to its pre-power loss capacity within as low as five seconds of power being restored.
HPAC | MAY 2014
35085-lenpp-Canada-May.indd 1
4/7/14 1:21 PM
New Technology Enters The Residential Mix
Are you ready for home automation and its implications
he Internet of Everything (IoE) is a worldwide phenomenon; in fact, a research report released by Raymond James and Associates earlier this year concluded that every day at least 80 “things” connect to the Internet for the first time every second. James reports that by 2020 the number of connecting devices will increase to 250 every second. In the last couple of years the once lowly thermostat has become a prime IoE target because, we are told, many consumers want to be directly connected to their HVAC systems. HVAC control manufacturers are producing lines of residential thermostats that can talk to the internet, the socalled smart thermostat. Seemingly ubiquitous wireless network access means homeowners can monitor their HVAC systems from anywhere in the world. The idea is to help householders manage energy consumption by allowing almost unlimited management opportunities. However, I noted this disclaimer published by one DIY thermostat manufacturer: “Usage reduction and savings are not guaranteed and are contingent upon, among other factors, customers taking action on proposed opportunities for optimization.” I would argue that only a professionally designed, installed, commissioned and maintained system will provide not just a comfortable home, but the energy savings consumers want. System design is crucial, especially when you consider a document such as ASHRAE’s Standard 55, which states that “The comfort of a given individual is affected by many vari48
HPAC | MAY 2014
ables: health, age, gender, clothing, activity, and so on. None of which will be identical for all occupants, thus room conditions throughout the building must be provided that will satisfy so that the majority of occupants will feel comfortable.” While everyone knows that turning the thermostat down a few degrees at the appropriate time will save some energy, many homeowners have come to accept second-rate heating systems that waste energy during every cycle. No heat distribution system is perfect. Striving for near perfection should be our goal; remember, providing comfort is the primary job of HVAC. Only a properly designed, properly installed, and correctly commissioned system will provide the energy savings all of us want. The day we got away from a centralized heating plant in favour of convoluted distribution systems is the day comfort and efficiency died. It is ridiculous to me that a residence with a forced warm air heating system might require a mini split in the second floor master bedroom to overcome a massive temperature difference between the first and second floor. Even a thermostat with the brain of Watson the supercomputer cannot be expected to save energy in such a situation, of which there are many. In a near perfect situation, room occupants will not be aware of equipment noise, heat level or air motion. Thus, assuming the residential building was designed with a focus on an efficient central heating system, then it is a great candidate for wireless automated technology. A very successful man who made his fortune in the smart HPACMAG.COM
Photo: Istockphoto
for your business? BY IAN MCTEER
“Traditional HVAC controls just are not sexy enough: lesson to be learned, we need to better market our products to the end user.” hand-held devices business decided to build himself a home. As the story goes, Mr. Smart Handset developer was appalled that the entire HVAC controls industry had absolutely no thermostat good enough to grace the walls of his new home; he set out by himself to revolutionize the lowly thermostat. And revolutionize it he did: you can now buy it from for $249.00 (gift wrap available). Did he miss the point? I think yes, I have already argued that any thermostat simply controls a system that itself needs to be near perfect. A poorly performing HVAC system will not provide adequate comfort or energy savings so even a thermostat as smart as IBM’s Watson supercomputer will not make a difference. But, the handset maker’s device has achieved a place in thermostat history: it has sharply focused the public’s eye on wireless and remote control technology. But, we have been doing wireless and remote control long before Mr. Smart Handset developer came along. Honeywell, Canada’s own Ecobee, and Trane’s SchlageLink (now Nexia) to name just a few had wireless offerings featuring internet portals several years before this third party device came along. Traditional HVAC controls just are not sexy enough: lesson to be learned, we need to better market our products to the end user. If you have not been paying attention, a new industry called Wireless Home Automation is quickly developing. The question is this: “will wireless automation be
good for HVAC or will DIY self-monitored devices simply disrupt and cause chaos in the residential HVAC industry? See the sidebar to learn how the savvy residential HVAC contractor could benefit from the wireless automation trend.
WIRELESS NETWORKS Canadians are among the highest users of digital media in the world. Many Canadian homes have wireless routers currently used for high speed internet access required by smart phones, computers, and entertainment systems. The wireless router is the key ingredient in any home automation system. All these connected homeowners are prime candidates for automation devices that you, the HVAC contractor can sell to them, or, more importantly, a horde of third party automation orientated businesses you have never heard of before are gearing up to sell to them. Let’s take a look at the three most commonly used wireless network protocols: Wi-Fi, ZigBee, and Z-Wave. Wi-Fi Network – Wireless networks utilize radio frequencies that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio frequencies are longer wavelengths compared to light waves for example. Radio frequencies (like light waves) are ubiquitous; radio engineers (IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) focus low energy radio waves into discrete freContinued on p50
WHAT SHOULD RESIDENTIAL HVAC CONTRACTORS DO? As I see it, they have two choices: Ignore or Embrace. Choose to IGNORE Home Automation: • Your business will likely continue on normally for a while as home automation (at this writing) is not exactly “flying off the shelf.” • But remember, the 3rd party DIY devices are out there and may cause some of your installations to breakdown: expect service calls. • Your automation savvy competitors may start reaching out to your customers: expect fewer service calls • Your sales could suffer if your company is a “latecomer” and has nothing to offer • You could lose sales staff looking for better opportunities • You may have trouble recruiting younger installers and technicians who see automation as an attractive job function Choose to EMBRACE Home Automation: • Select an automation vendor that suits you and your HVAC product (does your provider offer a contractor portal/consumer portal? Does the vendor provide product support and website support?) • Learn about the automation devices and what can and can’t be done with them HPACMAG.COM
• Train your sales/installation/service staff • Include a statement like: “your HVAC home automation experts” in your marketing • Offer an automated thermostat on every installation; be sure to check for an existing ZigBee or Z Wave hub. • Be prepared to partner with other trades: electricians, plumbers, and locksmiths if you intend to go full steam ahead in home automation. Consider partnering with cable companies and other 3rd parties I have mentioned: sometimes the old expression, “if you can’t beat them, join them” will work for you. If you employ an electrician, consider offering a basic automation package consisting of: 1. Thermostat 2. Wi-Fi camera facing the front door 3. Electronic door lock (installed by you or local locksmith/partner) 4. Automated light switch controlling front hall light (electrician only) 5. Automated receptacle controlling living room light (electrician only) 6. Consider making it a “turnkey” package in which you enroll all the devices and help the customer set-up their web portal, which is time consuming. MAY 2014 | HPAC
Continued from p49
quencies so that data and voice information can travel safely between devices. Wi-Fi is everywhere; in your home, office and public places transmitting data back and forth between millions of smart phones, tablet computers, cameras, routers, and so on. A network is multiple computing devices that can “talk” to each other. Wireless devices have the ability to “talk” to each other on a certain frequency. Wi-Fi is an alliance that runs on the 802.11 network. Wi-Fi, is a mechanism that allows electronic devices to exchange data wirelessly over a computer network. Originally named “IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence”, the bulky moniker was changed in 1999 to Wi-Fi meaning Wireless Fidelity. The Wi-Fi signal occupies several channels in the 2.4 GHz band. Currently, a broad range of manufacturers have begun making smart home devices that work with it. Wi-Fi is seen by some to have a key drawback: interference and bandwidth issues. Too many existing Wi-Fi-connected gadgets (TVs, game consoles, speaker docks, laptops, phones, tablets, etc.) means smart devices will have to compete for bandwidth and will potentially be slower to respond. Wi-Fi also consumes a lot of power, so it’s not ideal for battery-based smart devices like moisture sensors and door locks. ZigBee Network – The ZigBee network operates on IEEE. 802.15.4 utilizing frequencies on the 2.4 GHz band. ZigBee is an alliance of device manufacturers producing automated smart components like light switches, wall receptacles, thermostats; to date some 600 certified devices. ZigBee has been around for more than 10 years and is becoming more influential every year. ZigBee is an “open” network making it easy for network savvy programmers to leverage other devices to talk ZigBee. For example, Ecobee’s SI thermostat has an optional ZigBee plug-in module allowing the SI to become a hub for other smart Zigbee devices. Ecobee’s Application Programming Interface (API) allows users to integrate Ecobee into their own platforms or to create new useful wireless solutions. Devices with ZigBee radios installed in a home (such as moisture detectors or garage door openers) are battery operated and are aware of each other. Once enough devices are activated in a building, they form a “mesh network” allowing signals to pass to and fro and ensuring the network will continue to operate in the event one device goes down for some reason. ZigBee devices conserve battery power by going to “sleep” periodically, waking up to pass information along to the ZigBee hub. Thus, the remote devices speak ZigBee to the hub (which could be the thermostat) and the hub speaks Wi-Fi to the customer’s wireless router. Z Wave Network – A few years ago a group of diverse manufacturers decided to start building automated devices using a different radio protocol. ZigBee devices can suffer from interference caused by the IoE equipment already using the overcrowded 2.4 GHz frequency. Z-Wave uses a sub-gigahertz frequency: 908.42 MHz thought to be somewhat more immune from radio interference. Unlike ZigBee, Z Wave devices use proprietary software so
AUTOMATION MUST DO’S Most automated thermostats typically require hard wiring to the furnace transformer. If so, use LVT/18 colour coded wire with the appropriate number of conductors. Remember: if a wired outdoor temperature sensor is required for a hybrid heat pump system or enthalpy reference, it MUST be run separate from thermostat wiring (use 18/2 LVT). Be sure to do a wireless site survey: it is important to know where the Wi-Fi router is located because you may need to sell extra “repeater” modules to help extend the signal throughout the building. Sales people should ask potential automation customers if they already have a Wi-Fi thermostat. Who is going to get the service calls and maintenance reminders? Make sure that company is yours. You should develop a coded e-mail message system for identifying customer locations when the automated device sends an e-mail message. Instead of getting a message from Charles Jones at 15 Main Street, create a code recognizable only to your service department so that your customer’s identity is protected from hackers. 50
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you must purchase Z Wave devices and set them up as prescribed. Z Wave devices never sleep; they are always ready to receive information from another device. Like ZigBee, Z Wave devices form a self-healing mesh network, and very low power consumption means battery life is conserved. Z Wave/ ZigBee can be easily embedded in consumer products such as: smoke detectors, entertainment systems, remote controls, laundry equipment and any other appliance ready to adapt to the IoE. Trane’s Nexia™ uses the Z Wave protocol. A Nexia™ hub (or bridge) can handle 232 Z Wave devices.
THIRD PARTY DEVICES There is a tsunami of automated devices and services out there. Many are meant for self-monitored do-it-yourself (DIY) installation while other devices will be packaged offerings from cable companies and utilities. All residential HVAC contractors will be participating in home automation in one way or another within the next year; IoE is unstoppable in my view. Here’s just a very brief look at what is coming: • General Electric (GE) partnered with a company called “Quirky” to start turning out automated devices. Quirky devices are being sold by Home Depot (among others) in the U.S. and is probably coming to Canada soon. No Quirky devices, so far, control HVAC systems but are capable of sending alerts when seasonal temperatures are out of range. Question: who gets the service and failure alerts? If your customer installs a Quirky device, he could easily assign your competitor as the service provider. • Lowes (U.S. currently) is selling a DIY Z Wave thermostat called IRIS. This could be coming to Canada soon. What if a customer attempts to install an IRIS system on your installation and causes a failure? • Internet stores and retailers such as Staples, Tiger Direct, and SmartHome are selling DIY devices; again, will the DIY installer make a mess out of your HVAC installation? • A Canadian company called Blacksumac was recently purchased by iControl Networks. The Blacksumac Piper is a self-contained Z Wave hub that includes a panoramic true IR camera (tilt/pan/zoom), temperature sensor, accelerometer, ear piercing siren, and microphone. If you sell a Z Wave thermostat, it could talk to the internet using the customers Piper device. • Prodea Systems has developed a “protocol agnostic” platform called the Residential Operating System (ROS) that can talk to all wireless devices regardless of wireless protocol. Prodea’s platform also connects to home health care and telemedicine devices. Prodea is targeting emerging service providers and retailers including those who would prefer to private label home automation products. Prodea has been in talks with cable companies, wireless carriers and other service providers. HPACMAG.COM
• i Control Networks and Universal Remote Control (URC) have partnered to bring a complete home automation system including audio visual integration targeted at large service providers like Comcast Xfinity, Time Warner Cable and Rogers Smart Home Monitoring among others. Their platform can be set-up for either professional monitoring (fee based) or self-monitoring by the end user (typically no fee or low monthly fee for internet portal use). • Centralite, an electrical components manufacturer, recently introduced a thermostat meeting the latest power consumption standard for a battery operated Zigbee device. The Centralite “Pearl” thermostat runs off four AA batteries and requires only four wires (or hardwire) to operate the HVAC system. And, it pings the electrical circuits telling the installer which wire goes where. I cannot wait to see how well that works. The Pearl has similar features to the Nest and is, apparently, $100 cheaper. Did I mention this device is aimed at cable companies and utilities? Since most homeowners are very conscious of energy consumption these days, one common thread of all these third party manufacturers marketing programs is the potential for energy savings by continual user management of home heating and cooling systems. While I agree with the central theory, I cannot help but go back to my original argument that only properly designed/installed/commissioned/maintained systems by HVAC professionals will provide the energy savings that consumers want. But the IoE is out there making itself known to our industry in a big way every day. The question is how do you feel about cable companies, utilities, and other service providers monkeying with your HVAC installations, and, in the process, potentially sucking up your customers? Let’s see how it goes from here. <> Ian McTeer is with Trane Supply and has worked in the HVAC industry for 35 years. He was recently named Training Manager and is also a Field Service Rep. McTeer is a refrigeration mechanic and Class 1 Gas technician. MAY 2014 | HPAC
MOEN celebrates 75th anniversary of single-handle faucet Moen’s single-handle faucet recently marked its 75th year with company associates around the world celebrating the achievement. Al Moen came up with the idea for a single-handle faucet in 1937 after burning himself at a sink with traditional single taps Al Moen for hot and cold water. Two years later he finalized his invention. By 1959, Moen products could be found in homes across the U.S. That same year, a survey of the world’s leading designers published by Fortune magazine named the Moen single-handle faucet one of the best designed, mass-produced products of modern times. In 1991, Fortune published another list that included Moen faucets as a part of the “100 of America’s Best.” Al Moen continued to lead Moen’s research and development group until his retirement in 1982. “His work inspired many around him, helping the company earn 75 patents, including the replaceable cartridge, the screen aerator and pressure-balancing shower valves,” said Tim McDonough, vice president, global brand marketing, Moen Inc. “His genius is perhaps best summed up by the simple title that appeared on his business card – Al Moen, Inventor.”
ecobee achieves OpenADR 2.0b certification ecobee has received OpenADR 2.0b certification from the OpenADR Alliance, a non-profit corporation that furthers the development, adoption and compliance of the OpenADR smart grid standard. According to the smart thermostat manufacturer, it is also the first company to have a 2.0b certified thermostat that provides standard-based communication between utilities and its customers. The thermostat is designed to ease participation in demand response (DR) programs. Designed for sophisticated devices, OpenADR 2.0b supports most DR services and markets including commercial, industrial and residential environments which enables broadbased and completely automated participation in DR events. It includes flexible reporting capabilities for past, current and future data reports. ecobee’s certification of OpenADR 2.0b was sponsored by the Ministry of Energy and funded in part through the Ontario Smart Grid Fund initiative. Editor's Note: For more on home automation and smart thermostats, see Ian McTeer's feature on p48. 52
HPAC | MAY 2014
Johnson Controls expands building efficiency platform with acquisition of Air Distribution Technologies Johnson Controls has reached an agreement with the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board to acquire its Air Distribution Technologies business for about $1.6 billion. Air Distribution Technologies produces a range of air distribution products under brands such as Ruskin, Titus, Hart & Cooley, Krueger, PennBarry, Tuttle & Bailey and many others delivered through independent distribution channels. Specific product lines include grilles, registers and diffusers (GRDs); terminal units; fire and smoke dampers and fans. Within the Johnson Controls' portfolio, Air Distribution Technologies will be aligned under the Building Efficiency platform where it will operate with its own brands, distribution channels and employees. The deal is expected to close by the end of July.
Watts Radiant offers radiant floor cooling design services Watts Radiant has released its newest service for commercial applications: radiant floor cooling system design. Using these services, Watts Radiant will provide assistance to HVAC engineers and contractors with floor cooling system calculations, as well as layouts for piping and manifold design.
Trane launches North American tour Trane is hitting the road to showcase its commercial HVAC products across North America. Trane’s Acceleration Now tour is visiting 70 locations in 39 weeks, featuring two semi-trucks full of the newest Trane equipment. The tour began in Miami, FL on March 31 and ends in Raleigh, NC on December 10. Canadian stops include Toronto, ON from June 12 to 13 and Edmonton, AB from August 20 to 21. Each location visited will feature an event showcasing many of the products, systems and services Trane has launched over the past two years.
Bonomi moves headquarters to North Carolina Bonomi North America, Inc., a subsidiary of Italian-based valve and actuator manufacturer Bonomi Group, recently relocated its corporate office to 750 Imperial Court in Charlotte, NC. The company plans to expand its newly-acquired facility in the near future to add assembly operations and support staff. Bonomi North America (formerly Bonomi USA) launched in Rock Hill, SC in 2003 to market the Bonomi Group’s RB, Valpres and Valbia product lines to commercial, institutional and industrial markets in the U.S. as a singular source for HPACMAG.COM
valves and actuators. The company also operates a warehouse and office in Oakville, ON and the company maintains a distribution network throughout Canada and the U.S.
will spend more money on energy in the next 40 years than it has in the previous 400. “This massive increase in demand creates challenges with generation, distribution and CO2 emissions,” he wrote in a Cisco Canada blog post. “In order to address this dilemma we need to eliminate waste and reduce demand, while managing to improve profitability and resource productivity.” Schneider and Cisco believe conservation efforts will build a route to a sustainable future. “Schneider Electric has developed solutions to address this growing demand, while we’ve been working hard at Cisco to develop sustainable technologies to show people that technology can work for the environment, and not against it,” he said. “Like us, Schneider believes cities hold the key to energy sustainability and it’s our job to make sure they become smarter through technology. This shared vision of sustainable development and innovation forms the cornerstone of our new Canadian partnership.”
Master Group acquires distributor, sells majority ownership
Security Chimneys unveils rebranded designs Security Chimneys recently revealed its new brand identity complete with a revitalized company logo, redesigned website and corporate literature. The changes are designed to reflect Security Chimneys’ move towards more pronounced technological advancements in the ventilation industry. The redesigned website serves as part of Security Chimneys’ initiative to improve its overall customer service experience. Corporate literature has also been revamped.
The Master Group has signed an agreement to acquire all assets of the distribution component of Eastern Refrigeration Supply Co. Ltd. This agreement includes the workforce of Eastern Refrigeration Supply’s headquarters, distribution centre and Markham branch. All Eastern employees will stay in place. Doug Merkel will facilitate the transition and ensure liaison with customers and suppliers. George Merkel and David Merkel will ensure the continuity of Eastern, whose activities are now focused on redistribution operations to wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers. The company intends to implement several projects during the year, including the opening of a new branch in Mississauga this June. In other Master Group news, the company recently signed a transaction to sell 65 per cent of the company to Novacap, a Quebec-based firm in the field of private investment in Canada. Master Group will continue to operate without interruption with the current management team remaining in place.
Cisco Canada, Schneider Electric begin smart partnership Cisco Canada and Schneider Electric have embarked on a partnership to create new opportunities in the development of smart buildings and smart communities across Canada. The partnership was announced on the first day of spring at the Earth Rangers Centre for Sustainable Technology in Woodbridge, ON. Rick Huijbregts, Cisco Canada’s vice president and general manager of Smart + Connected Communities, said the world HPACMAG.COM
Wolseley is running a promotion until July 31 where for every $100 spent on their products through Wolseley Express channels (website, mobile app) participants will receive a ballot for a draw to win one of 16 iPhones. Participants will receive one free ballot the first time they log onto the website during the contest period. Rinnai America Corp.’s “Boot It. Loot It. Like It.” incentive program is offering dealers and installers $200 in cash for every traditional tank-style water heater they replace with the Rinnai RH180 hybrid tank-tankless water heater until July 31.
DISTRIBUTION NEWS SPX Cooling Technologies launches Ontario sales office SPX Cooling Technologies Inc. opened a Canadian regional sales office in Mississauga to serve the province of Ontario. The office supports cooling tower and OEM parts selection for Marley and Recold brands. Managed by Tim Muldoon, the office provides cooling tower products, parts and service for HVAC, light industrial, heavy industrial and power generation customers. Muldoon most recently served as northeast regional sales manager, HVAC and light industrial, for SPX Cooling Technologies Inc. continued on p54 MAY 2014 | HPAC
continued from p53
HTS Engineering joins forces with Dectron Internationale HTS Engineering Ltd. is now the official representative of Dectron and Eco-tron brands in the Greater Toronto Area. HTS Engineering, an independent HVAC representation agency, has continued to expand over the past 21 years, growing from 12 employees in Toronto to 470 employees with seven locations across Ontario and nine in the U.S. HTS operates a fleet of more than 60 trucks and is known for its expertise in green HVAC systems.
2000 showed again their focus on technical support – we train them and they make it happen – rarely do we get a tech call from their market.” In other news, Equipco recently announced it will be the sales representative for Caleffi in Ontario. Panasonic wins EPA energy-efficiency award The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized Panasonic Eco Solutions North America with a 2014 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year, Sustained Excellence Award for energy efficiency in the technology behind their ventilation fans. These EPA awards recognize organizations who contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through superior energy efficiency. Panasonic was honoured for its long-term commitment to innovation and sustainability on April 29 in Washington, DC. With the highest efficiency (up to 23.3 cfm/watt) of any ENERGY STAR rated ventilation fan, Panasonic surpasses standards with its entire product line for residential and light commercial applications.
> Weil-McLain Canada appointed Westcan Mechanical Sales as its new agent in Saskatchewan. Westcan can be reached at tel. 306-347-2700. > Grundfos is offering an updated quarterly newsletter –
Top photo from left to right: Mark Olson, Caleffi general manager, North America, Dale Cikaluk, sales manager, Jason MacKenzie, Equipco Ltd., Marco Caleffi, COB and Fabio Rossi, area manager. Bottom photo: Al Zanidean (third from left), Mechanical Systems 2000, and Kim Butts (second from right), Mechanical Systems 2000. Western Canada reps steal the show at Caleffi meeting in NYC Caleffi Hydronic Solutions recognized three manufacturer’s representatives at a recent meeting in New York City. The Pinnacle Award for excellence in sales, service and support was given to Jason MacKenzie of Equipco Ltd. in Coquitlam, BC. The Technical Support Rep of the Year was given to Kim Butts and Al Zanidean of Mechanical Systems 2000 Inc. in Calgary, AB. “This was Equipco’s first full year as a Caleffi rep and to win our top award is a testament to their aggressive work promoting our line,” said Mark Olson, general manager, North America, Caleffi Hydronic Solutions. “Mechanical Systems 54
HPAC | MAY 2014
Grundfos NEWS – featuring improved design, content and ease of use. The newsletter provides information about case studies, products, market trends and technical expertise. Subscribers can sign up for stories from Grundfos Industry, Building Services, Water Utility or Water Treatment OEM.
> Bardon Supplies' St. Catharines branch has relocated to 24 Seapark Dr. The telephone (905-687-3583) and fax. (905-687-3534) numbers remain the same.
> Redmond Hearth has opened a distribution centre in Dartmouth, at 67 Wright Ave., Dartmouth, NS B3B 1H2, tel. 902-877-5564.
> Next Plumbing Hydronics has announced it will open its sixth Toronto-area location on June 1. The newest 20 000 sq. ft. warehouse will be located at 120 Industry St., near Eglinton Ave. and Black Creek Dr. Dave Kellar will manage the midtown location.
see people on p56 HPACMAG.COM
With saveONenergy incentives, we installed energy-efficient equipment in the building to save energy and money for our tenants Vladimir Niderman Property Manager, 212 King West Holdings Inc.
Saving energy makes sense â&#x20AC;&#x201C; business sense. Receive incentives of up to 50% of the cost of your energy efficiency projects including high efficiency lighting and HVAC system upgrades. Learn more about available incentives at
Subject to additional terms and conditions found at Subject to change without notice. OM Official Mark of the Ontario Power Authority.
< PEOPLE Franklin Electric’s chairman and chief executive officer, R. Scott Trumbull, retired on May 2. Gregg Sengstack has been appointed as his successor. Trumbull will remain non-executive chairman of Franklin Electric. His replacement, Sengstack the 55-year-old Sengstack, started with Franklin Electric in 1988 and has been president and chief operating officer since 2011. He also held a number of senior positions with the company’s finance organization before becoming chief financial officer in 1999.
years of experience in strategic planning and budgeting, sales and operations management, and customer and employee satisfaction to the position. Chris Swartz has been named vice-president of the Wolseley Canada’s supply chain. Swartz joins Wolseley from Maple Leaf Foods where he was director of supply chain operations, North America. Prior to that, Swartz served as director of logistics for Walmart Canada. He reports to Andy Wighton, Wolseley Canada CEO. Both Caranci and Swartz work out of the company's head office at 880 Laurentian Drive, Burlington, ON.
Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc. has hired Terry Sutherland as vice president of sales and marketing. Prior to joining Danfoss, Sutherland was executive director, CES Services at CES Group. He has extensive experience in the Sutherland commercial air conditioning and energy/building controls industry, and has held numerous global leadership positions within Trane, Johnson Controls and York International. Sutherland is based out of Danfoss Turbocor’s headquarters in Tallahassee, FL.
Distech Controls has announced a number of changes to its leadership team. Jean-Lou Paquet is vice president of corporate development and will be responsible Gill Paquet for all aspects of mergers and acquisitions for the business. David Gill has been appointed vice-president, Asia; Carl Barnard was recently named director of Barnard French sales, Americas; and Jim French has taken on the new role of vice president of product development and technical support. As global R&D and projects director, Sen Lupien Steve Lupien will now be managing the departments globally, and Ryan Sen has been assigned to the role of director of sales support.
Panasonic Corp. of North America has appointed Dan Silver as president of Panasonic Eco Solutions North America. He will concurrently serve as president of Panasonic Appliances AirConditioning North America. Silver has been an Silver employee of Panasonic for 29 years. Brent Noonan accepted the position of vice president of sales for Uponor North America, effective March 10. Noonan has served as vice president of U.S. sales since May 2012. Previously he was Uponor’s south regional sales director, where he Noonan was responsible for providing leadership for the heating, plumbing and fire sprinkler businesses in the southern U.S. market. ProLon, a manufacturer of HVAC control systems, has hired Angie Jarvis as the company’s U.S. territory sales representative. Angie brings extensive customer service experience to the Laval, QC company and gained experience in Jarvis controls over the last 10 years while working at Functional Devices Inc. and local controls distributors. Wolseley Canada appointed Joseph Caranci as director of strategy and business development of the company’s HVAC/R business. He reports to Akbar Caranci Swartz Makalai, vice president, plumbing and HVAC/R. Caranci joins Wolseley from Siemens Canada Ltd. He brings more than 20 56
HPAC | MAY 2014
Viega has promoted Derek Bower to product director, metal press systems. Bower joined Viega in 2010 as a senior product engineer. In 2011 he was promoted to associate product manager for Viega ProPress systems. Before Bower joining Viega, he was project manager and sales engineer at Atomatic Mechanical Services, a design-build commercial mechanical contractor. He is a professional engineer and LEED AP. Patrick Decker is the new president and CEO of Xylem Inc. and was appointed a member of the board of directors on March 17. He succeeds Steven Loranger, who will remain a member of the Xylem board. Decker, joins the company Decker from Harsco Corp., where he was president and CEO since 2012. Prior to that, he held a number of leadership roles at Tyco International’s Flow Control business, ultimately serving as president of Tyco Flow Control.
Keep us posted with changes at your company. E-mail with your news. HPACMAG.COM
May 2014
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Expanding Piping Options
Crosslinked PolyEthylene accepted in revised CSA C448 Standard. BY LANCE MACNEVIN
ver the past several years, geothermal industry experts from across Canada collaborated to develop a new edition of Standard CSA C448 Design and Installation of Earth Energy Systems. The revised C448/13 standard, which was released last July, recognizes crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) piping for use in earth energy heat pump and thermal energy storage systems throughout Canada. The goal of the revised standard is to ensure customers receive heating and cooling systems that perform to design efficiency expectations and deliver long-term value. The standard incorporates significant experience acquired through installation practices in Canada over several decades, and adopts the latest technological advances and best practices in the industry. Among these advances is recognition of a wider range of piping materials.
EXPANDED SELECTION OF PIPING MATERIALS One of the most significant changes in Section 5 Equipment, Materials, Handling and Installation is Clause 5.3, "Underground and Underwater piping system requirements (closed loop)." This section specifies the range of piping and fitting choices now available to designers and installers for the ground heat exchanger, which is the closed-loop piping through which a heat-transfer fluid travels to and from a heat pump. Under the previous version of C448 only one type of polyethylene piping was allowed. C448/13 expands the options to include polyethylene "PE" piping (Clause 5.3.2) and crosslinked polyethylene "peroxide method" piping (Clause 5.3.3) for open- and closed-loop systems.
Just now coming into its own in geothermal applications, PEX has been used as geothermal ground loop piping in Europe for more than a decade. 58
HPAC | MAY 2014
To ensure that the standard covers further innovations in piping, an alternative piping system not listed directly in the standard may now be specified by an engineer if it meets or exceeds specified performance criteria. These obligatory performance requirements include corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, flexibility, impact resistance, pressure capability and temperature resistance. The minimum requirements for polyethylene (PE) pipes have increased. C448/13 requires that PE pipe for ground heat exchangers shall be "manufactured from PE compound with the minimum cell classification of 345464C or 345464E..." This ensures that the latest PE pipe technology, which offers improved resistance to slow crack growth, is specified. PE fittings are also specified. The inclusion of PEX as an approved piping material allows engineers, designers and installers to take advantage of this pipe's properties and capabilities, as demonstrated in radiant, snow melting, plumbing and other hydronic applications across Canada since the 1980s.
CROSSLINKING AND GEOTHERMAL PERFORMANCE In 2008, PEX piping (produced using the peroxide extrusion method, known as PEXa) was accepted for use as geothermal ground loop piping in the U.S. when it was added to the 2008 IGSHPA Design and Installation Standards.
WHAT IS PEX? The formal definition of crosslinked (X) PolyEthylene is "a polyethylene product which has undergone a change in molecular structure using a chemical or a physical process whereby the polymer chains are chemically linked with each other to increase molecular weight and form a three-dimensional network." â&#x20AC;&#x201C; C448 According to publication TN-17 from the Plastic Pipe Institute, "Crosslinking of polyethylene into PEX for pipes results in improved properties such as elevated temperature strength and performance, chemical resistance and resistance to slow crack growth." These are some of the most important criteria for ground heat exchangers. Pioneered in Germany more than 40 years ago, PEX piping has been used in radiant heating/cooling, snow and ice melting, water service and plumbing applications in Canada for more than 25 years. HPACMAG.COM
PEXa pipes were approved for this demanding application due to a high degree of crosslinking, which provides benefits such as: • Suitability for very low and elevated temperature applications; • Improved flexibility to ease installation; • Resistance to slow crack growth (abrasion), crucial for buried pipes in rocky soils; • Impact resistance and toughness; • Chemical resistance equal to or better than HDPE pipes; and • Proven hydrostatic strength and long-term stability. The high degree of crosslinking improves the resistance of PEXa to slow crack growth and notches. With outstanding notch resistance, PEXa pipes are typically approved for direct burial in rocky soil, as found in horizontal heat exchanger trenches in many regions of Canada. This may allow engineers to forego the normal sand backfill, required for other heat exchange pipes, thereby improving system thermal efficiency, since native soil is usually a better conductor than dry sand backfill. PEXa's notch resistance also provides increased security for horizontal directional drilling applications where pipes are
DOUBLE U-BENDS EXTRACT MORE ENERGY One feature of peroxide PEX is its ability to be heat-formed to produce tight-radius bends without kinking. PEXa piping systems for vertical borehole applications can be factory-fabricated with the 180-degree U-bend in the middle of the coil length without joints or connections. This eliminates joints at the bottom of the borehole. Some PEXa U-bends are encased in special thermoset polymer "probe tips" that allow for nesting one U-bend inside another. This makes the use of double U-bends possible, allowing designers to place twice as much pipe inside a vertical borehole. Field thermal conductivity testing has shown that the double U-bends can increase borehole thermal conductivity (and reduce borehole thermal resistance), generating more energy potential per borehole. With double U-bends, designers may be able to reduce the amount of borehole footage by 10 to 30 per cent, depending on thermal conductivity of the borehole, grout type and soil conditions. This helps to reduce drilling and grouting costs, and can result in a more compact borehole field. By taking advantage of the unique properties of peroxide PEX, system designers can often achieve a given amount of heat exchange with reduced costs for the outside ground loop piping work. The high flexibility of PEXa pipes and the use of engineered pipe spacers, which allow installation of the tremie pipe (for grouting) with the double U-bends, make the system practical and economical. HPACMAG.COM
pulled through the earth, or certain inclined drilling applications where pipes are pushed into the earth. All PEX pipes intended for C448 applications must comply with CSA B137.5 Crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) tubing systems for pressure applications and be produced with special markings on the print line.
PEX FITTING OPTIONS CSA C448 also allows two choices of fittings for PEX piping: electro fusion fittings, which comply with ASTM F1055, and brass cold-expansion compression-sleeve fittings, which comply with ASTM F2080 and CSA B137.5. The preferred option is F2080-style fittings that have been used with PEXa piping in North America for more than 20 years in high-temperature applications, and are approved for use even in the ground, when fittings are necessary. This fast joining method can be performed under any weather conditions with manually powered tools. In contrast, socket- and butt-fusion fittings used to join PE piping require specialized electrically powered fusion equipment that requires clean and dry conditions where the joints are being made. The second option for PEX fittings is electro fusion fittings, made of polyethylene with embedded resistance wiring that generates heat when connected to a special machine. These fittings can be compatible with PEX pipes, even in cold installation temperatures, and are another option for field joints.
DEMAND FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS Rising fuel costs and supply challenges of traditional energy sources, along with various incentives through governments and utilities, have elevated interest in renewable energy technologies and made earth energy heating and cooling a popular choice for residential and commercial building owners. CSA C448/13 creates uniform design and installation requirements to provide a strong regulatory foundation for increased market penetration of these technologies. The inclusion of PEX piping systems into C448/13 increases the material choices for specifiers and installers, with reliable high-performance options, which are already popular for indoor hydronic applications with mechanical contractors across Canada. <> Lance MacNevin manages REHAU Academy and is the company’s senior codes and standards specialist. MacNevin was instrumental in development of the CSA Group’s new Standard C448/2013 Design and Installation of Earth Energy Systems as a member of the technical subcommittee. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of New Brunswick and an engineering diploma from the University of Prince Edward Island. MAY 2014 | HPAC
Carved from a solid mass of onyx, Stone For-
General Pipe Cleaners’ redesigned Speedroot-
est’s Old World Bathtub in pearlescent onyx
er 92 cable-feed drain cleaning tool blends rug-
features sculptural lines and natural colours of
ged reliability with ease of use. The inner drum
the translucent stone. The tub weighs 1500
is molded to surround and contain the flexi-
lb., can hold up to 500 lb. of water and it is 17
tube distributor tube to prevent cable tangling,
in. deep when filled to the rim.
while still allowing the operator to see how
much cable is left in the drum. The flexitube
Laufen’s Palomba Menhir, which means “tall
allows the cable to smoothly feed and retract,
stone” in Breton, is a floor-standing ceramic
even if the frame has been damaged or
washbasin made by the Italian design team of
abused. A grease fitting was added to the hub
Ludovica and Roberto Palomba. It features
to make it easier to grease and maintain the
smooth contours and soft lines, and is avail-
able in a freestanding or wall-hung version. The PalmScope DCS950 from General Tools & Instruments is a full-featured pocket-sized video inspection system built for the harsh environments of HVACR
plumbing. It is designed with five control buttons which help
The T03828 from Turbo is a fully assembled ⅓
users detect leaks and cracks in ducts and pip-
Bosch has designed the Greentherm C 950 ES
HP cast iron sump with 12V sump backup
ing, inspect for corrosion and deposit buildup,
condensing gas-fired tankless water heater for
package. The system can be installed in a 14-
and read hidden part and serial numbers.
domestic hot water on demand applications.
in. or larger diameter sump basin. The system
This ENERGY STAR rated model features con-
comes preassembled with a 9-ft. independent
densing technology for up to 10 per cent im-
piggyback vertical switch and preinstalled
Sioux Chief’s Finish-
proved energy efficiency over non-condensing
check valves with 1.5 in. ABS discharge pipe.
Line drain is a flexi-
models. It also comes with an automated and
The T03828 comes equipped with battery
ble and time-saving
fully modulating bypass for temperature stabil-
charger and case for a 12V deep cycle battery.
drainage system to
common and
Matco-Norca’s 759PLF lead free press ball valves are quick
floor cleanouts. The floor drain models are
and easy to install. Full port 759PLF press ball valves are
available in on-grade and flashing style, and
available in sizes ranging from ¼ in. up to 2 in. Made from
with round or square strainers. The floor clea-
lead free brass bonnets, stems and bodies with either lead
nouts are available in 3 to 6 in. sizes in cast
free brass (½ in. up to 1 in. sizes) or stainless steel balls
iron, ABS, PVC and stainless steel bodies, with
(1-¼ in. up to 2 in. sizes), the 759PLF valves are UPC, NSF-
nickel bronze covers, stainless covers, and
61, AB 195 and NSF-372 compliant.
ductile iron covers.
HPAC | MAY 2014
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1.28 GPF
s many of our readers will remember, in our last edition we looked at kitchens trends for 2014 in the article Contemporary Design to ‘Steel’ Top Spot. As the title suggests, contemporary design is predicted to be the biggest trend this year. Shifting our focus to bathroom and kitchen faucets this time around, it appears that once again contemporary rules the day, based on the survey responses of 420 kitchen and bath professionals from the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA). The trend towards contemporary represents a major design shift. Only a few years ago traditional styles accounted for 75 per cent of bathrooms designed by NKBA members. That number has dropped to 62 per cent, with contemporary now six percentage points ahead. The experts agree that spa-like, accessible and easy to maintain features will reign supreme in the bathroom this year; while simple lines, good storage and special areas for electronics and pets will rank highest in the kitchen. And you can add functionality, single levers and pull down sprays to the mix, says Natalia Pierce, an accredited kitchen and bath designer. Pierce owns the Ottawa-based business Detail by Design and is also the chapter representative for NKBA’s Ottawa chapter.
HPAC | MAY 2014
“I would have to say the pull down spray is almost essential in any kitchen. It seems to be a must-have in 99 per cent of homes I’ve replaced faucets in,” she says. “Showers are definitely more multi-function. It’s not just a simple on/off valve anymore.” And just like everywhere else in our ever-connected lives, technology continues to show no concern for boundaries – this time invading our showers. Product options now include built-in wireless speakers that can stream music, news or talk radio. Using Bluetooth technology, those same speakers can pair with smartphones, tablets, MP3 players and laptops. Technological advances are also making their way into contemporary kitchen design. In addition to docking stations for mobile devices, several companies have introduced handsfree faucets, which can be turned on by touching certain parts of the handle or faucet. Pierce notes that although handsfree faucets are gaining in popularity, the kinks are still being worked out. She has seen some cases where it did not matter where you touched it or when – you could be wiping with a cloth nearby – and the faucet would come on. Some companies are now incorporating more motion sensitive faucets that still go on with a touch, but it is a matter of intentionally moving your hand in a specific area, she explains. “They are perfecting it,” she says. “It’s definitely up and coming.” As for other trending characteristics of faucets, such as material and colour, stainless steel is the product of choice, while grey – the third most popular colour scheme in 2013 –
Continued on p64 Left: Brizo’s Vuelo kitchen faucet with cocoa bronze/stainless steel split finish features high-rise pull out design and optional smart touch technology. A: KWC’s Zoe kitchen faucet combines an elegantly curved shape with functionality. It is designed to complement a range of decors, from traditional to contemporary.
B: Available in chrome or brushed steel, InSinkErator’s 3N1 All-In-One kitchen tap provides the convenience of near-boiling water from the same faucet that delivers cold and hot water. C: Moen’s Delaney pulldown kitchen faucet with MotionSense responds to hand movements to activate water flow, allowing users to wash, clean dishes or prepare meals with greater convenience. D: This carbon bronze Victorian kitchen faucet from American Standard has a maximum flow rate of 1.8 gallons per minute. It is available with or without all medal side spray, and in chrome and ultra steel finishes. E: Grohe’s Minta is designed as a simple faucet that turns on and off with one touch from the back of your hand or wrist. HPACMAG.COM
MAY 2014 | HPAC
Continued from p63
is expected to be the fastest growing this year, according to 58 per cent of NKBA respondents. When asked what type of material she uses most often for faucets, Pierce responds without hesitation: stainless steel. “It’s not your typical chrome anymore,” she says. “Not at all. I mean you still see it, but I would have to say 90 per cent of what I’ve done in the last two to three years has all been stainless steel or brushed finishes.” Pierce suggests there are a number of reasons why most consumers are choosing stainless steel. It does not show water stains as quickly and easily as a shiny surface (like chrome) does, it matches the appliances better, and when you are looking at a kitchen it fits in with your other fixtures, she says. Once again, it all comes back functionality, she adds. Despite stainless steel’s higher price tag, most customers are willing to spend the extra cash for added value. “If they’re going through a renovation or a new home construction process, they’re going to do it for the right reasons, and they’re going to put the products in that are going to make the biggest difference.” <> H
F: Elan Vital custom faucets by Watermark Designs allow customers to specify height, width and length, as well as choose from 39 finishes (including the new aged brass shown in image). G: Kohler’s Rainhead showerhead and speaker combo features 90 angled nozzles and uses air induction technology to maximize the combination of air and water to deliver a generous spray.
K H: Made from solid brass and shaped like a swan, the Cygne faucet from THG Paris is designed to add glamour to the bathroom. It is available in 35 polished finishes and as a complete bathroom suite. I: The MiniMe by Aquabrass is one of the smallest single-hole lavatory faucets on the market at 5 in. in height by 1.75 in. in diameter. This sleek design is Italian-made in polished chrome and features a smooth aerated water flow. J: Delta’s Compel Bath Collection offers a clean and minimalist design. Each showerhead contains an internal system that controls water droplet size, speed and movement.
J K: Phase is Graff’s newest contemporary bath collection, which features 25 new products including a lavatory faucet, wall-mounted faucet and Roman tub set. 64
HPAC | MAY 2014
Reduce Doorway Energy Losses The air curtain may offer a profitable niche for enterprising commercial contractors.
s recently as 15 years ago, the use of air curtains– also known as air doors–was typically reserved for industrial settings or backdoor foodservice applications. Today air curtains are seen in retail stores, hotels, hospitals and office lobbies where they help to conserve energy, minimize flying insect control and enhance occupant comfort. In foodservice, air curtains are used to conserve energy at drive-through windows and walk-in coolers. Air curtains are typically mounted inside a doorway and continually discharge a steady stream of air to separate indoor and outdoor conditions to reduce open doorway energy losses. They offer an alternative solution to forced-air cabinet heaters or the construction of an air-lock vestibule. Many contractors and engineers have the misconception that air doors are useful only in winter to minimize energy losses and to add comfort with internal hot water or steam coils and electric heating elements. In fact, energy losses through open doorways in summer air conditioning months are typically more costly than during winter operation.
HOW AIR CURTAINS WORK Air curtain technology draws interior air from the facility and discharges it through field-adjustable (+/-20 degree) linear nozzles that "seal" the doorway with a non-turbulent air stream that meets the floor approximately at the threshold of
the door opening. A properly-sized and Air Movement & Control Association (AMCA) International certified air curtain can contain approximately 70 to 80 per cent of that air and return it to the space. Because the air curtain discharges air at velocities generally in the range from 1000 to 3000 ft/ min., it effectively prevents outside air and flying insect infiltration. Volume, velocity and uniformity (VVU) of the air stream are critical factors in an air curtain's effectiveness. Air curtains are typically activated by a limit switch that is triggered when the door opens and deactivated when closed.
TREND: AIR CURTAINS AS VESTIBULE SUBSTITUTE Recent updates to the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), which is published by the International Code Council (ICC), will allow certified air curtains as a vestibule alternative. In provinces and cities where the IECC's provisions are adopted, contractors have the opportunity to spec air curtains in new construction and retrofit applications. The suggestion of substituting a proposed vestibule with an alternative such as an air curtain can bring value engineering to a project. Studies, such as the computer-modeled research study, “Air Curtains: A Proven Alternative to Vestibule Design,” used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to prove an air curtain/automatic door combination is more efficient than a
SITES TO SEE Air curtains are important features in other recent building and retrofit projects across Canada. Check them out if you are in the neighbourhood. • T he Gateway Mail Processing Plant of Canada Post Corp., Mississauga, ON, has five air curtains with photo sensor activation. Installed for environmental protection and employee air comfort by Hawraz Mechanical System Inc. of Mississauga, ON, the air curtains were sold through the western provinces office of manufacturer's representative, Square-M Group, Burnaby, BC. •C algary International Airport recently had 37 10-foot-long and two eight-foot-long air curtains installed for environmental protection and baggage handling, respectively, by contractor, Trotter and Morton Building Technologies Inc. in In-ceiling mount air curtain at Salle André-Mathieu in Laval, QC. Calgary, AB. • Salle André-Mathieu theatre at the College of Mont Morency, Laval, QC uses six-foot-long, in-ceiling mounted air curtains to keep people warm who fill the lobby and to counter the effect propped open entrance doors before productions begin. Designed by Marcel Provost, ing, principal at MLC Associés Inc. in Laval, QC, and installed by Serge Chabot & Fils Inc. of Marieville, QC, the air curtains also have thermostatically-controlled 20-kW heating coils with modulating 66
HPAC | MAY 2014
FIGURE 1 Interior Environment Temperature Loss
Source: Berner International & Blue Ridge Numerics
vestibule. The study compared conventional automatic twodoor vestibules to an air curtain/automatic door entrance combination. It confirmed the latter was up to 10 per cent more energy-efficient in environmental separation performance, cost up to 75 per cent less in labour/materials and conserved anywhere from 4.6 to 186 m2 (50 to 2000 sq. ft.) of entryway floor space typically consumed by vestibules (see Figure 1). In design/build situations, a vestibule could range from 2.3 to 26 m2 (25 to 250 sq. ft.) and larger in size. Using a general retail store construction cost of $150/ sq. ft., for example, a vestibule may be utilizing anywhere from $3,750 to $37,500 worth of space that could be used for product display. The IECC-2015 code also stipulates air curtains must be tested in accordance to standard ANSI/AMCA-220 and certified by the Air Movement and Control AssociationInternational (AMCA), Arlington Heights, IL, a not-for-profit organization that tests and certifies manufacturer's stated performance of fans, blowers, air curtains and other air movement devices.
devices. These solutions call for the heating coil's full 20-kW capacity when the lobby temperature drops 1.1C (2F) or more below the set point. â&#x20AC;˘ T he Calgary location of trucking company Coastal Pacific Xpress needed 16-foot-long air curtains in a tractor and trailer wash stall entrance to keep equipment from wintertime freeze-ups. Luckily, 16-foot-long single-construction air curtain designs had been developed to surpass the former standard of 12-footlong lengths. The length was the difference that helped score a sale for Bill Myles, president of the eastern provinces office of Square M Systems, a Richmond Hill, Ontario-based manufacturer's representative for IAQ and energy-saving products. Shorter modular units bolted together in tandem wouldn't have been possible for the installation and also would have obstructed the required perfect airstream needed for environmental separation. HPACMAG.COM
For retrofits, air curtains can make a vestibule re-use possible by retiring the space from traffic and using it for merchandising.
FOODSERVICE AIR CURTAIN INNOVATIONS HVAC/R contractors with refrigeration and/or HVAC foodservice customers can help save them energy, increase sanitation and provide more employee air comfort with air curtains designed specifically for drive-through windows, walk-in coolers and front entrances. Air curtains are not foreign to foodservice. For decades they were typically used only on foodservice back entrances to eliminate flying insects and improve overall sanitation near the shipping and kitchen areas. Walk-in cooler air curtains have been proven to surpass the energy-saving potential of alternatives, such as swinging hinged doors and strip curtains, and they produce a quick payback of less than two years, depending on the amount of door cycles. While they are now predominantly appearing as options on new models from walk-in cooler manufacturers, several air curtain suppliers make retrofitting easy with a kit that includes an air curtain designed specifically for the unique size and configuration of walk-in coolers. Included in some kits are a pre-wired 24V control/load centre in a small enclosure and a magnetic reed on/off door switch. Once 120V power is extended to the area, the pre-wired kit can be installed in as little as 15 minutes with conventional tools and basic electric knowledge. Besides walk-in coolers, another trend in the foodservice and restaurant industries is the new drive-thru window air curtains, which are being used for a variety of purposes in some locations of restaurant chains such as Tim Hortons and McDonalds in Ontario; and Harvey's in Alberta. They minimize flying insect and outdoor air infiltration, protect the indoor drive-thru station employee from idling vehicle fumes as well as cold air in winter climates, which are health and employee comfort issues, respectively. The U.S.'s Occupational Safety and Health Administration specifically recommends a "reverse-flow fan system" at the website's, "Teen Worker Safety in Restaurants" page. <> Stephen Benes is a regional sales manager at Berner International Corp. He can be reached at MAY 2014 | HPAC
CSA Annual Conference June 15-17
CASA Annual Conference June 15-17
Canada’s only multi-trade and technology competition for students and apprentices will be held at The International Centre in Mississauga, ON.
CSA Groups’ Annual Conference and Committee Week will take place in Charlottetown, PE at the Delta Prince Edward. Committee meetings end June 20.
The Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association’s 53rd annual conference is being held at The Algonquin Resort in St. Andrews, NB.
COHA Annual Conference June 18-19
CIPH ABC June 22-24
ASHRAE Annual Conference June 28-July 2
The Canadian Oil Heat Association’s annual conference will take place in Ottawa, ON at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier.
The Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating will hold its 82nd annual business conference in Kelowna, BC at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort & Conference Centre.
This year’s ASHRAE conference in Seattle, WA will address topics ranging from the application of technology to practice, to new reports on worldwide research.
Ride For Habitat July 12
HRAI AGM August 20-23
Comfortech September 9-11
The 4th Ride for Habitat for Humanity, in partnership with CIPH and HRAI, will have four starting points: Vaughan, Kitchener/Waterloo, Hamilton/Milton and Belleville/Peterborough. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
The Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada will hold its 46th annual meeting and conference in Montreal, QC at Le Westin Montreal.
Comfortech offers a product showcase and several HVAC/R, hydronics and plumbing seminars. It is taking place in Nashville, TN at the Nashville Convention Center.
ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Building Simulation Conference September 10-12
MCAC National Conference September 24-27
ASHRAE’s conference in Atlanta, GA will focus on making better decisions through the application of simulation and modeling over the entire building life cycle.
Canadian Electrical Safety Conference October 7-8 Toronto, October 15-16 Calgary, November 3-4 Halifax
The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada will hold its 73rd national conference in St. John’s, NL at the Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre.
The tri-annual Canadian Electrical Safety Conference will review the changes and updates to the 2015 Canadian Electrical Code and the latest version of CSA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety.
PHCC CONNECT 2014 October 8-10
SMACNA Annual Convention October 12-15
CIPHEX West November 5-6
The annual convention of the PlumbingHeating-Cooling Contractors Association will take place in New Orleans, LA at the New Orleans Marriott.
The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association will hold its annual convention in San Antonio, TX at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa.
Western Canada’s expo and conference for plumbing, HVAC/R and water treatment will take place in Calgary, AB at the BMO Centre.
Construct Canada December 3-5 Canada’s construction exposition and conference will take place in Toronto, ON at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building.
AHR Expo January 26-28 The 67th International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition will take place in Chicago, IL at McCormick Place.
ASHRAE Winter Conference January 24-28 ASHRAE’s winter conference will be held in Chicago, IL. Location TBA.
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Patrick Callan, Assistant Editor
@hpacmag 68
HPAC | MAY 2014
GeoExchange Training
The RETScreen Training Institute is delivered in collaboration with the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto. The Institute offers intensive instruction on how to properly assess the viability and performance of clean energy projects using RETScreen software. A certificate is awarded upon successful course completion.
The Canadian GeoExchange Coalition is offering a national accreditation program for geothermal loop installers that is valid for commercial and residential installations. An updated CGC training calendar is available.
CMCEF National Seminar Program The Canadian Mechanical Contracting Education Foundation’s National Seminar Program Catalogue & Calendar is available online. It contains more than 100 programs available for on-site training for companies and associations. Programs range from half-day to two days. To request a seminar contact your local association or the CMCEF office at tel. 613.232.5169.
TECA Quality First Training To register for the Quality First training course offered by the Thermal Environmental Comfort Association, tel. 604.594.5956.
CSA Learning Institute
HRAI SkillTech Academy The SkillTech Academy course teaches participants the technical competence to design and install HVAC systems for residential and small commercial applications. For more information contact Dorothy Allen by e-mail:
Canadian Hydronics Council CHC’s course descriptions and training schedules are available online. Introduction to Hydronic Heating Installations is a starting point for anyone interested in the professional installation of hydronic heating systems. The Essentials of Hydronic System Design intermediate level program is geared to helping practitioners understand key design principles and the different options and solutions required to meet client needs. Participants must have completed CHC’s Introductory course.
CSA Learning Institute’s course calendar is available online.
LEED Canada Training
Dollars to $ense Energy Management Workshops Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency is offering workshops focused on improving efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lowering operation costs. A workshop schedule is available online.
Workshops by the Canada Green Building Council include: LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation, Introduction to Passive Housing Design and Construction, and Overview of the LEED-ND Rating System for Canada, tel. 613.241.1184.
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Sleeping With The Enemy To Save The World
"Information is power, and like all power there are those who want to keep it for themselves." Guerilla Open Access Manifesto, Aaron Swartz
few years ago at the Building Envelope Conference in Winnipeg, I sat in on a class on sustainability in architecture delivered by Terri Meyer Boake, LEED AP Professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo in Cambridge, ON. Afterwards we talked about access to information. She passionately expressed how irritated she was with some institutes who in my opinion essentially hold research ransom to the general public. Many of these tax dollar subsidized papers are served up to publishers who continue to make a small fortune selling access and copyrights. In her words, “Don’t you know we’re trying to save the world – release your @#$%% information.” Thinking to myself that I, as a good citizen of the construction industry, had always made my presentations available for free; but she however was trying to save the world! I felt humbled in only a way a Canadian could. I stared at my feet through the bottom of my beer and pondered my own ethos in light of her global ambitions. In the world of those trying to save the world, Canada used to be among the best. We had the NRC Institute For Research In Construction with its campuses and researchers publishing free software and legendary books like Hutcheon and Handegord’s “Building Science for a Cold Climate.” We launched world class initiatives such as the R2000 and EQuilibrium programs, together with CMHC publishing (likely one of the best online building research libraries anywhere on the worldwide web – now a monstrous mess). Canada was also the training ground for some international stars such as Lstiburek who rose out from the R2000 program. He went on to launch Building Science Corporation – the über online resource for building professionals. Lstiburek & Co., with fellow Canadian Straub and Co. from Waterloo, ran a marathon of research projects out of its U.S. office for the Building America Program and various other blue chip clients. 70
HPAC | MAY 2014
They then made them all available online for the whopping price of FREE. In fact, all the überness in building research is readily available at the click of a mouse. This is with the exception of the snobbish stuff exclusively available from closed shop publishing houses. These publishers harvest the work off researchers and make gobs of money selling it to whomever is willing to pay. I am all about operating businesses for profit but I pinch my nose when having to deal with companies profiting off the backs of publicly-funded research. Consider that the “product” was developed through the hard work of researchers who paid for their education with a combination of self-funded resources, along with publicly-subsidized student loans. One would think that if our tax dollars go to support education, the education ought to be accessible by the taxpayers. It does not seem to be an unreasonable request. So rather than make a list of all the bad, evil, money hungry publishers of research I have taken a page out of the Dragons’ Den book. The only way to get affordable access is to exploit the system. I have put those publishing companies in my stock portfolio. Hopefully, the financial gains will fund my purchases of research done by those who unfortunately have been reduced to getting published by any one of the greedy corporations sitting in my stock portfolio. I am all for the good but I am not stupid - sometimes saving the world means sleeping with the enemy. Kevin O'Leary – Mr. Wonderful – would be proud. <> Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.) is president of Indoor Climate Consultants Inc. and a director of He serves on ASHRAE Committees: T.C.61. (CM), T.C.6.5 (VM), T.C. 7.04 (VM), SSPC 55 (VM). HPACMAG.COM
Photo: Istockpho
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