HPAC August 2015

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RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS: Common sense and commerce


How to achieve optimum relative humidity

SIMPLE SOPHISTICATION: Systems offer performance and longevity





Distribution Piping Strategies

Big Loads, Good Building



Strategies to make it work


How to simplify system design



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VOL. 89 NO. 5



SIMPLIFICATION Systems do not have to be complex to be sophisticated. By John Siegenthaler


HOW TO DEAL WITH RAMPED UP LOADS Jevons’ paradox is alive and well in high performance houses. By Robert Bean


A SHOT IN THE ARM Point-of-use energy consumption measurement removes bias against hydronic systems. By Mark Evans


14 HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH Making sense of relative humidity. BY IAN MCTEER

TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATIONS How to integrate SIM into almost any outdoor surface. By Lance MacNevin


WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS? Knowledge is power when it comes to distribution piping design By Mike Miller


ACCURACY, RELIABILITY AND REPEATABILITY What steps are necessary to achieve optimum valve performance? By Dave Demma


YOUR NEW DRUG PLAN Medicinal weed is moving into the mainstream and employers must have a strategy in place to manage the inevitable issues.


HELLO BOILER, IT’S WI-FI CALLING A wireless future for the mechanical industry. By Curtis Bennett


I CAN’T SEE ANY AIR But it is likely still there. By John Siegenthaler

DEPARTMENTS 4 Upfront 6 N ews Feature

By Joe Terrett


THE CASE FOR RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS There is a dual benefit to adding fire protection installation to your service offering. By Steve Goldie



Apprentices compete for five national titles. By Patricia Williams Industry News

78 Mechanical Supply News 86 People 89 Training 93 The Source 94 Calendar


MH24 Modern Hydronics-Summit 2015 Product Showcase 76 HVAC/R 90 Plumbing



< UPFRONT THE CHEQUE IS NOT IN THE MAIL AT PRESS TIME WE ARE IN THE THROES OF AN ELECTION CAMPAIGN. BY THE TIME THIS MAGAZINE arrives on your desk, the current prime minister will likely have spent billions (of our money) in an attempt to buy votes. So far, there is no money specifically promised to energy efficiency or equipment upgrades, but if you want to renovate your kitchen or build a deck you may be able to lay your hands on a few hundred dollars from the Conservatives. That is if they are successful in this election. And, Prime Minister Harper says if, and that is a very big if, they have the money in their coffers in mid-mandate. Subsidizing renovations with taxpayer money is questionable when, according to the economists and statisticians, the market is outperforming the general economy with growth of three per cent expected annually in 2015 and 2016 (Altus Group). But it worked for the party in the past so why not hit replay? If they want to bribe people, I would suggest they use our money (we will call it the IF money) to encourage property owners to bring their mechanical systems up to date. Taxpayers would then see the environmental benefits that energy and water conservation bring. That would certainly be more palatable than subsidizing granite counter tops and monster-sized kitchen exhausts (a nod to Robert Bean, see pMH10). Apropos of that, enjoy this issue. HPAC’s columnists have tackled the issues of efficiency and conservation with their usual practical and easy to implement approaches.

HPAC MAGAZINE 80 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto, ON M3B 2S9 TEL: 416.442.5600 FAX: 416.510.5140 www.hpacmag.com EDITOR Kerry Turner (416) 510-5218 KTurner@hpacmag.com ASSISTANT EDITOR Beth McKay (416) 510-5215 BMckay@hpacmag.com SALES & MARKETING Kim Rossiter (416) 510-6794 COORDINATOR KRossiter@hpacmag.com ASSOCIATE David Skene (416) 510-6884 PUBLISHER DSkene@hpacmag.com ACCOUNT Stephen Kranabetter (416) 510-6791 MANAGER skranabetter@hpacmag.com ART DIRECTOR Sandy MacIsaac (416) 442-5600, ext. 3242 SMacisaac@annexnewcom.ca MARKET PRODUCTION Steve Hofmann (416) 510-6757 MANAGER SHofmann@annexnewcom.ca CIRCULATION MANAGER Selina Rahaman (416) 442-5600, ext. 3528 SRahaman@annexnewcom.ca PUBLISHER Peter Leonard (416) 510-6847 PLeonard@hpacmag.com

ANNEX PUBLISHING & PRINTING INC. VICE PRESIDENT Tim Dimopoulos (416) 510-5100 tdimopoulos@annexweb.com PRESIDENT & CEO Mike Fredericks mfredericks@annexweb.com PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40065710, REGISTRATION NO. 10815 Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning (established 1925) is published 7 times per year by Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. HPAC Magazine is the leading Canadian business publication for the owner/manager of mechanical contracting businesses and their supply partners. ISSN: 0017-9418 Contents Copyright © 2015 by Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. may not be reprinted without permission. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: To subscribe, renew your subscription or to change your address or information please visit us at www.hpacmag.com.


Meet the newest member of the HPAC/PCC team Beth McKay has joined HPAC and PCC magazines in the position of assistant editor. A University of Toronto graduate, Beth also holds a post grad bachelor of journalism from the University of King’s College in Halifax, NS. She interned at Global News and was a contributing editor with the Annex & Liberty Gleaner Community Press in Toronto, ON. An avid volunteer, Beth spearheaded a fundraising effort in London, ON with a local jazz band that generated over $20K for Habitat for Humanity efforts and later developed a model for a post-Hurricane Katrina rebuild in New Orleans, LA. Please keep Beth informed about any changes or developments at your company. She can be reached at 416-510-5215 or by e-mail: bmckay@hpacmag.com. Beth is looking forward to meeting HPAC readers at industry events. Be sure to say hello when you see her out and about! 4


Subscription Price per year: $40.00 CDN; Outside Canada per year: $80.00 US; Single copy Canada: $5.00 CDN. Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning is published 7 times per year except for occasional combined, expanded or premium issues, which count as two subscription issues. MAIL PREFERENCES: From time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interest you. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: Tel: 800.387.0273, Fax: 416.442.2191; E-mail: vmoore@ annexnewcom.ca; or by mail: Privacy Office, 80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto, ON M3B 2S9. HPAC Magazine receives unsolicited materials (including letters to the editor, press releases, promotional items and images) from time to time. HPAC Magazine, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, re-publish, distribute, store and archive such unsolicited submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensation of any sort. NOTICE: HPAC Magazine, Annex Publishing & Printing Inc., their staff, officers, directors and shareholders (hence known as the “Publisher”) assume no liability, obligations, or responsibility for claims arising from advertised products. The Publisher also reserves the right to limit liability for editorial errors, omissions and oversights to a printed correction in a subsequent issue. HPAC Magazine’s editorial is written for management level mechanical industry personnel who have documented training in the mechanical fields in which they work. Manufacturers’ printed instructions, datasheets and notices always take precedence to published editorial statements. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Apprentices compete for five national titles News Feature by Patricia Williams


ome of the top apprentices in the pipefitting trades from across Canada converged in Toronto in June for the United Association’s national apprentice competition. Hosted by Toronto Local 46, which is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year, the June 8 to 12 event brought together 15 apprentices from UA locals in plumbing, steamfitting, welding, sprinkler fitting and HVAC/R to be tested on their skills and theoretical understanding of their trade. Regional finalists competed for five national titles. The competition involved a mix of both theory and blueprint examinations, along with practical, real-world-based assignments. Competition winners were: Cody Beck of Local 67 (plumbing); Mike Malloy of Local 527 (steamfitting); Alanna Marklund of Local 488 (welding); Lyle Beliveau of Local 853 (sprinkler fitting); and Brandon Ness of Local 787 (HVAC/R). Matthew Vandevyvere of Local 254 took home the winning attitude award. By all accounts, the apprentices found the competition both challenging and enlightening. Beck, who took the silver medal in

Competitor and winner in the plumbing trade, Cody Beck of Local 67 verifies that his supply piping is level prior to soldering it for one of his practical assignments. 6


the plumbing category in the 2014 Skills Canada national competition in Toronto, said this year’s practical assignments were “spot on” for the trade. “They were exactly what we do (on a day-to-day basis),” he said. For his part, Vandevyvere was surprised to receive the winning attitude award. The recipient was selected by the competitors at the end of the week. “Everybody’s attitude was fantastic – from giving high fives, to offering congratulations, to asking ‘how are you doing’ and saying ‘you’ll do better on the next one’,” he said. UA training co-ordinators from across the country were involved in planning the event. Locals 787 and 853 were responsible for organizing the HVAC/R and sprinkler fitting competition challenges. Vince Kacaba, director of training at Local 46, said the competition has proven to be a great success, stimulating interest in the trades from both inside and outside the UA, as well as acting as a tool in promoting the skills and abilities of the industry’s future leaders.

The five national winners competed in the international UA apprentice competition held August 8 to 13 in Ann Arbor, MI (results unavailable at press time-look for more information in HPAC October). Next year’s competition will be held in Edmonton, AB. Patricia Williams is a Toronto-based freelance writer.

Brandon Ness of Local 787 was the national winner in the HVAC/R category. He is flanked by the UA’s Larry Slaney (left) and John Telford.

Mike Malloy of Local 527 was the national winner in the steamfitting category. He is flanked by the UA’s Larry Slaney (left) and John Telford.

Lyle Beliveau of Local 853 was the national winner in the sprinkler fitter category.

Alanna Marklund of Local 488 was the national winner in the welding category. She is flanked by the UA’s Larry Slaney (left) and John Telford. HPACMAG.COM

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CANADA TOPS LEED RANKING OUTSIDE OF THE U.S. The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) recently announced its international rankings of the Top 10 Countries for LEED. The Top 10 list highlights countries outside of the U.S. that are making significant strides in sustainable building design, construction and transformation. Canada ranks number one as the largest user of LEED outside of the U.S. with 26.63 million gross square meters (GSM) of LEED space. There are now over 4814 LEEDregistered and LEED-certified projects representing 63.31 million GSM of LEED space in Canada. The 10 countries that made the list for 2015 represent seven of the world’s 20 largest single-nation economies by gross domestic product (China, Germany, Brazil, India, Canada, South Korea and Turkey). While Canada tops the list, Brazil and the Republic of Korea have moved up in the rankings and Turkey and Sweden are new to the Top 10 this year. Germany (4.01 million GSM) and Sweden (2.54 million GSM) represent Europe on the list, with Germany finishing sixth and Sweden making the list for the first time in tenth place. This is the second year that the USGBC has provided rankings on the Top 10 Countries for LEED outside of the U.S. The analysis used to develop the list ranks countries in terms of GSM and numbers of LEED projects to date. The U.S., the birthplace of LEED, is not included in this list but remains the world’s largest market for LEED. www.usgbc.org

MEET ORGANIZERS SET 2016 SHOW DATES The 22nd MEET (Mechanical Electrical Electronic Technology) will be held May 18 and 19, 2016 at the Moncton Coliseum Complex in Moncton, NB. The biennial show is the largest trade event east of Montreal. “With more than 6200 buyers at the last edition, MEET had its highest attendance in over two decades and we’re expecting an even bigger crowd this time around,” said show manager Shawn Murphy. “The centralized location in the hub of the Maritimes means visitors come from throughout the Atlantic region and beyond. It’s a great opportunity for the end user to be able to talk with manufacturers to find out everything there is to know about existing and brand new products. MEET is where connections happen.” In addition to the trade show, the sponsoring associations, Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH), ElectroFederation Canada, Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) – 8


Maritime Sections and Atlantic Canada Mechanical Exhibitors (ACME), put together a seminar program. The event will also feature an industry dinner, as well as recognition of innovative products with the fourth MEET Innovation Awards. MEET is produced by Master Promotions Ltd. www.meetshow.ca


Epp Siepman Engineering is the mechanical engineering firm for the project.

A new Skilled Trades and Technology Centre (STTC) at Red River College (RRC) will house new laboratory and shop space and classrooms for up to 1000 students per year in high demand trades and technologies, including HVAC and sheet metal. Funded by Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT) and operated by RRC, the Skilled Trades and Technology Centre is a $60-million investment that will boost skilled trades training at RRC’s Notre Dame Campus by 30 per cent. Totalling approximately 100 000 square feet, the STTC will also support technology and innovation in other related industrial sectors. The STTC will also work in conjunction with the Centre for Applied Research in Sustainable Infrastructure (CARSI). The new building is expected to exceed the requirements of the Manitoba Green Building Policy. STTC, which will be built by Akman Construction, is expected to support the equivalent of 566 jobs during construction. Construction is scheduled for completion by the end of 2017. Red River College has also been awarded $1.75 million over five years from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), to establish the Centre for Building Envelope Performance (CBEP) at its Notre Dame Campus. www.rrc.ca HPACMAG.COM

COHA ON THE MOVE The Canadian Oil Heat Association (COHA) has relocated its office to 22 Peel St., Suite 2, Lindsay, ON K9V 3L8. Administrative staff can be reached at: tel. 905.946.0264 or 800.257.1593, fax. 866.946.0316. www.cleanerheat.ca

REGISTRATION OPEN FOR MCA CANADA 74TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE The Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA) of Canada is holding its 74th National Conference in Palm Springs, CA on November 16 to 19. Appropriately themed “The Heat Is On,” the event will be held at the Omni Ranchos Las Palmas Resort and Spa. Highlights include a “California Dreaming” party, the Victaulic opening breakfast with former NHL All Star Clint Malarchuk, the annual John Bradshaw Memorial Golf Tournament at Desert Willow Golf Resort and MCA’s all new Awards Gala Event. Education sessions include Construction Technology Forecast: Collaboration, Integration and Cloud Computing; Practical Applications of ‘Lean Six Sigma’ Concepts to Improve Efficiency and Organizational Productivity; FMI in any business process; Tech Toys Test Drive; The Changing Face of Mechanical Contracting; and Top Ten Tips on Getting Paid. Register online at www.mcac.ca.

WHMIS PHASING IN CHANGES TO ADOPT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS The Canada-wide Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is changing to adopt new, international standards for classifying hazardous chemicals and providing information on labels and safety data sheets. These new international standards are part of the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) and are being phased in across Canada between February 2015 and December 2018. WHMIS has been Canada’s hazard communication system for workplace chemicals since 1988. It is a national system implemented through interlocking federal, provincial and territorial legislation and regulations. On February 11, 2015, amendments to federal WHMIS legislation came into force. These amendments incorporate GHS standards in Canada’s Hazardous Products Act (HPA) and new Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR). All provinces and territories HPACMAG.COM

are in the process of amending their WHMIS requirements to reflect the federal changes. Under WHMIS, information on hazardous materials is provided through labels on the containers of hazardous materials; material safety data sheets to supplement the label with detailed hazard and precautionary information, and worker education programs. The supplier of the hazardous material provides the labels and material safety data sheets to the employer. The employer then passes the information on to the worker and provides education programs. www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/faqs/whmis2015.php

UNDERWOOD BECOMES THIRD CANADIAN TO LEAD ASHRAE T. David Underwood, P.Eng., Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member, CPMP of Oakville, ON is the new president of ASHRAE. New officers and directors for 2015-16 were installed at ASHRAE’s annual meeting, which was held June 27 to July 1 in Atlanta, GA. His theme, Making Connections, focuses on the first goal in ASHRAE’s Strategic Plan, which calls for connecting as a way to foster vibrant, informed and engaged ASHRAE and industry communities. The theme focuses not only on the connections of ASHRAE membership but extends to connecting with industry, communities, governments and globally. At the 2015 annual conference President’s Luncheon, Underwood said, “My presidential theme will focus on an important goal of the ASHRAE strategic plan: Making Connections. “As Nietzsche observed, human connections are the ‘invisible threads that are the strongest ties.’ Forging stronger connections amongst ASHRAE’s 54 000 members is a priority for me…especially when it comes to our volunteers and new members,” said Underwood. Underwood has served ASHRAE for many years at the chapter, region and society and is a Fellow in ASHRAE and has received the Distinguished and Outstanding Service awards and the William J. Collins Award. A graduate of the University of Manitoba, Underwood is the founder of Isotherm Engineering Ltd. and Evaporative Tower Services Inc. In his role on the Ontario Provincial Advisory Committee for the certified refrigeration trade, he developed the trade examination and courses for refrigeration apprentices and coauthored a safety manual for refrigeration mechanics. For many years Underwood was an active participant on the B-52 Mechanical Refrigerant Code committee for Canada. He also actively participated in developing the Refrigerant Management regulation for Ontario and serves on the Model National Building Code Committee. continued on p10 AUGUST 2015 | HPAC



continued from p9

Other Canadians installed to the board are: Region II Director and Region Chair: Douglas Cochrane, P.Eng., engineering sales manager, Carrier Enterprise Canada, Mississauga, ON and Director-at-Large: Erich Binder, president, Erich Binder Consulting, Calgary, AB. Cochrane and Binder will serve a three-year term from 2015-2018. www.ashrae.org

ENERCARE HOME SERVICES IS THE NEW DIRECT ENERGY HOME SERVICES IN ONTARIO EnerCare Inc. recently unveiled its new brand identity with the launch of a new logo, a new website, a redesigned fleet of vehicles and new workforce uniforms. The rebrand follows the October 2014 acquisition of Direct Energy Marketing Limited’s home and small commercial services business in Ontario. In Ontario, Direct Energy Home Services now operates as EnerCare Home Services. The rebrand applies to EnerCare Home Services, which provides water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners and other HVAC rental products, protection plans and related services in Ontario to over 1.1 million customers.

Screw Compressor Overhauls AT IRSI our factory-trained technicians overhaul all major manufacturer screw compressors used for refrigeration with quality OEM parts. Our fast pricing and quick turnaround limit costly downtime. You can rely on our 50 years of rebuilding and repairing expertise to provide you with the best service in the industry. We also supply refrigeration plant operators for your shift coverage needs. Industrial Refrigeration Parts, Equipment & System Sales and Service PHONE 905-702-8802 WEBSITE www.indref.ca EMAIL irsi@indref.ca

This fall, EnerCare will launch a fully-integrated mass marketing campaign, introducing customers to the new brand. The Direct Energy Centre at Exhibition Place in Toronto will rebrand as the EnerCare Centre in August. Headquartered in Toronto, EnerCare employs more than 900 people across the country. EnerCare also owns EnerCare Connections Inc., a sub-meter provider, with metering contracts for condominium and apartment suites in Ontario, Alberta and elsewhere in Canada. www.enercare.ca


Carrier representatives with the winners, left to right, Chris Nelson, president, North America HVAC Systems, Brent Garrioch, Rob and Tracy Dill of Provincial Heating & Cooling Inc., Paul Davignon and David Meyers vice president residential sales, RES Systems.

Provincial Heating & Cooling Inc. of Winnipeg, MB has the distinction of being the first Canadian Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer to claim Carrier’s President’s Award. The annual award recognizes dealers who exemplify the brand’s model for operational excellence, business effectiveness and delivering the best in cutting-edge technology to consumers. Provincial Heating & Cooling Inc. has been a Carrier dealer in the Winnipeg area for 19 years. At its Factory Authorized Dealer 2015 National Meeting, Carrier cited the contractor’s standard of customer service and its robust website, both of which have been key to its competitive position. Carrier also noted that Robert and Tracey Dill, owners of Provincial Heating & Cooling Inc., are committed to training and are supporters of NATE (North American Technical Excellence) certification for their staff. “Robert and Tracey have exemplified what it means to be passionate about delivering the highest standards when it comes to customer service and in home comfort. They have dedicated themselves to becoming the best of the best of our Carrier Factory Authorized Dealers in Canada with the most advanced training and latest diagnostic tools. They continue to differentiate themselves in the marketplace with their passion for excellence and the highest levels of continued on p12





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continued from p10

customer service,” said Paul Davignon, president and general manager for Carrier Enterprise Canada. www.carrier.ca www.provincialheating.ca

APP BRINGS ESSENTIAL SKILLS TO THE FOREFRONT OF TRADES AND TECHNOLOGY CAREERS Skills/Competences Canada (SCC) has introduced a new mobile app to help bridge the skills gap between the classroom and the workplace. It helps students and teachers evaluate proficiency in the nine essential skills identified by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) as they relate to today’s trades and technology careers. The skills are: numeracy, oral communications, working with others, continuous learning, reading text, writing, thinking, document use and digital skills. The app incorporates profiles of over 40 different trade and technology careers and correlates the levels of complexity required in the essential skills to specific skilled trade careers. Students and teachers are then able to evaluate strength across all nine essential skills and determine which careers they are best suited for, as well as where there may be a need for additional training. The Essential Skills Mobile App will be highlighted as part of the Essential Skills Zone at the Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC), which takes place May 28 to 29 at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon, SK. Students and guests will engage in hands-on skills challenges, career sessions, presentations and interactive activities intended to increase awareness of essential skills as they relate to careers in trades and technology. Designed for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and android devices, the Essential Skills Mobile App is available free for download from the App Store and Google Play. www.skillscanada.com

CIPHEX is back on the road with the 2015 travelling expo for plumbing, HVAC/R, hydronics, water treatment, tools, equipment, software and services.

Dates are as follows: • October 15, Burnaby, BC • October 20, Edmonton, AB • October 22, Regina, SK • October 28, Brandon, MB • November 18, St. John’s, NL www.ciphexroadshow.ca



SEPTEMBER SEMINARS CLARIFY ALBERTA CODES AND NATIONAL ENERGY CODE The new Alberta Building Code 2014 and Alberta Fire Code 2014 are now in effect. The 2011 National Energy Code for Buildings, as well as the energy efficiency requirements for housing and small buildings (Section 9.36 of the Building Code), will follow in the coming year. The National Research Council (NRC) is offering seminars on the technical changes in the 2014 Alberta Building and Fire Codes and the National Energy Code. Seminars are slated for Calgary on September 2 and 3, 2015 and in Edmonton on September 17 and 18, 2015. The seminars are designed to help code users familiarize themselves with the new code features and technical updates. Technical advisors from the NRC will: address changes to the 2010 National Code provisions including those specific to Alberta; explain why they were created; illustrate their impact; and introduce the new energy requirements in the National Codes. The seminars will offer clarification on technical changes affecting: care occupancy; fire safety updates; six-storey wood construction; structural updates; radon gas protection; new energy requirements (commercial, small buildings and housing); and use and egress of stairs, ramps, handrails and guards. For more information e-mail NRC.CodesSeminars-Séminairessurlescodes.CNRC@nrccnrc.gc.ca.

UPDATE ON THE NATIONAL SURVEY OF COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ENERGY USE The national Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use (SCIEU) 2014, as conducted by Statistics Canada on behalf of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), is at its mid-point in data collection. The current SCIEU was launched in the second week of February 2015 and is gathering data for the 2014 calendar year. The survey is conducted every five years to collect detailed information on the energy demand and consumption patterns of Canadian organizations and institutions. The last one was conducted in 2010 and collected data for calendar year 2009. The results of this survey, which will be completed by September 2015, will be released in 2016. They will be used by utilities, as well as provincial and federal governments, to develop programs and policies to improve the energy efficiency of commercial and institutional buildings in Canada. The results of the survey will also provide current energy use data to NRCan to update existing ENERGY STAR performance scores, as well as to develop new scores for building types that do not yet have them. www.statcan.ca <> HPACMAG.COM

JAN 25-27







How Much Is Enough?

Making sense of relative humidity, wet bulb and grains of moisture. BY IAN MCTEER


caller once said to me on a frosty winter’s morning "The humidifier your dealer installed is not working.” I was expecting to hear a litany of complaints about how long it runs and how much expensive water it was flushing down her expensive municipal drain, and how the static shocks were upsetting the cat. “What’s the matter with it?” I asked. “I had hardwood flooring installed during the summer and the installer told me I must have 70 per cent RH during the winter or the floor will be ruined. Right now I only have 35 per cent!” she responded. Wow, that was a new one for me. It was -11F (-24C) that morning. I mentioned to the caller that the use and care guide for the humidifier recommended that the RH setting for such a low outdoor temperature was 20 per cent. “It’s working too well, you must adjust the setting to 20 per cent,” I said. Unfazed, the caller insisted on having the product removed. Apparently the hardwood flooring installer’s opinion carries a lot of weight. I checked with Armstrong, the flooring products manufacturer. They recommend keeping the RH in the range of 35 per cent to 55 per cent for their hardwood flooring products. Mattamy Homes recommends 35 per cent to 45 per cent for hardwood flooring. I have had hardwood flooring for 20 years and even though I allow the RH to drop into the 20 per cent range for short periods of time on the coldest days, my flooring has not shrunk or cracked. A good quality humidifier equipped with an automatic controller with access to outdoor air temperature that has been set-up properly should be able to do an adequate job of keeping occupants comfortable.

WHAT IS HUMIDITY? Water can be anything from a nasty chemical (dihydrogen oxide) to the mainstay of all life. Water exists as a solid (ice), liquid and vapour. We all know the perils of ice in certain circumstances. Liquid water is essential to all life but too much can result in flooding and other issues. Water in the vapour phase can be extremely dangerous. Despite the fact that steam is enormously useful for a variety of tasks, exposure 14


to steam that is not even superheated can ruin your day. So we live, carefully, with water every day. Dry air is a mixture of gases: nitrogen (78 per cent), oxygen (20.9 per cent), aragon (1 per cent) and other gases (.1 per cent). Rarely do we ever encounter 100 per cent dry air; thus, moist air contains all these gases and water vapour. Humidity, then, is the amount of water vapour in the air. Moist air reaches its saturation point when it contains all the moisture it can hold.

RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND ENTHALPY When it comes to determining human comfort, relative humidity is probably one of the most misunderstood terms in the HVAC lexicon. When you set out to measure relative humidity, you are measuring the amount of moisture in the air HPACMAG.COM

Heat. Thus, Sensible Heat + Latent Heat = Enthalpy. Enthalpy can be measured using a wet bulb thermometer. The wet bulb temperature (enthalpy) is the measurement of the total heat in one pound of dry air.


relative to (or compared to) the amount of moisture the air could hold at the time you are taking your measurement. This is where people get confused. If the air temperature is currently 85F and the RH is 50 per cent, then the air could hold 50 per cent more moisture. However, if the air temperature is 50F and the RH measurement is 50 per cent, the air could also hold 50 per cent more moisture. But how much moisture is 50 per cent more in each case? It is time to think about grains. In order to sell, install or service humidification equipment, you must also measure wet bulb temperature. Sensible heat is the amount of heat added to air without affecting moisture content. Since there is almost always moisture in the air, it takes a certain amount of heat energy to keep water in its vapour state in the air. We refer to this hidden heat as Latent HPACMAG.COM

Once the wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures are known, plotting those values on a psychrometric chart will reveal a lot of detail about the current condition of the air in any given application. The most useful measurement for the “humidity technician” is Specific Humidity or the grains of moisture per pound of air. There are 7000 grains of moisture per pound of water. A psychrometric chart (or several good apps) will tell the technician how many grains of moisture are present. This is much more useful than knowing just the relative humidity. Technicians should appreciate that heating air is a sensible process: the moisture content of the air is not affected by adding heat. However, the relative humidity changes dramatically. Consider that air entering a furnace at 70F with 42 grains of moisture per pound will have a relative humidity of 39 per cent. When heated to 125F, the air will leave the heat exchanger with 42 grains of moisture, but the RH will now be at seven per cent. It is not so much that the air has been dried out. It has more to do with the fact that the leaving air can now hold a lot more moisture. This heated air will rapidly mix with all the other air in the building, and, depending on the conditions of mixture, the grains per pound will likely drop while the RH will increase somewhat. This air will be “looking” to increase its moisture content and it is going to get it from anything containing moisture in the building: occupants, furniture, hardwood flooring, pets, etc. Just like in a poor cooling performance investigation, a technician needs to know the conditions of the air entering and leaving the system, especially when the tech is trying to determine if a humidifier is doing anything. During the winter, outdoor air cannot hold as much moisture and when it infilContinued on p16

WHICH CONDITION OF THE AIR HAS HIGHER HUMIDITY? House #1: 73F DB and 57F WB House #2: 70F DB and 62F WB Answer: House #1 = 43.8 Grains @ 36.7 per cent RH House #2 = 71.1 Grains @ 64.1 per cent RH Thus, House #2 has considerably more moisture in the air than House #1. Under any winter condition, House #2 requires serious remediation; an RH this high means trouble.




continued from p15

trates a building, the RH and grains will drop. Infiltration caused by air exhausting appliances such as bathroom fans, a kitchen fan, water heater, clothes dryer or a central vacuum system, must be considered. Building construction problems like air leakage around fixtures, improper sealing, and damaged or missing door and window seals should be checked.

MOISTURE MIGRATION Moisture, like heat, can migrate depending on the difference between indoor and outdoor conditions. Consider the examples shown in Figure 1: Moisture moves outdoors because the outdoor grains are lower than the indoor grains. In the depths of winter, moisture will rapidly escape the loosely constructed or “well ventilated” house as shown in Figure 2. This house will require a properly-sized humidifier to offset excessive moisture migration. As shown in Figure 3, moisture can migrate into the building. Windy conditions create considerable leakage (see Figure 4). Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

HUMIDIFIERS Forced warm-air heating systems do a good job of providing an adequate level of human comfort and that includes humidity control. There are several types of humidifiers available: bypass, fan forced and steam humidifiers that can be installed on a central heating system. As long as the unit is properly specified/installed/maintained (PSIM), all of them are capable of doing a decent job. It is better to install an automatic controller, which has an outside temperature reference that helps to prevent over-humidification. Each kind of humidifier will have specific characteristics that need to be addressed or poor performance is guaranteed. For example, one humidifier manufacturer has the following installation requirements (among others): 1. Do not install humidifier or bypass connection on the furnace jacket. 2. Do not install humidifier or bypass connection on a plenum face where the blanked off ends of the cooling coil will restrict air movement through the humidifier. 3. Do not install humidifier on systems with greater than 0.4 inch w.g. pressure differential between supply and return plenums. (Note: 0.4 inch differential is still way too high). 4. Humidifier body must be level. Steam humidifiers have critical installation and maintenance requirements. One brand I am familiar with has an installation, operation and maintenance manual (IOM) that runs to 22 pages. The manufacturer says, “90 per cent of all operation problems are created by improper steam piping from the humidifier unit to the duct distribution pipes.” A great tip there, installers. Remember that steam humidifiers continued on p18




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continued from p16

need a separate electrical circuit (some use 230 VAC) so an electrical permit and inspection will be required too.

Figure 6

SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT BYPASS HUMIDIFIERS Because a bypass humidifier “steals” a small amount of heated air from the supply plenum to evaporate water trickling through the wetted panel, it is possible that under some conditions too much air will bypass. Typically, the culprit is a non-PSIM air handling system. Why wouldn’t air take the path of least resistance through the bypass duct when given the chance? If heated air bypasses in significant quantity, the return air temperature will climb beyond 80F putting the furnace at risk of tripping on the limit control. The constant volume effect of an ECM motor ramping up to maintain temperature rise only makes the problem worse. Figure 5

Figure 6 shows an ECM blower that when set to the factory “normal” position will deliver 1400 cfm of air at 0.5 inch w.g, total ESP on a call for second stage heating. Temperature rise should be 49F and the motor will use 500 watts of power. A non-PSIM system will cause the blower to ramp up in an attempt to maintain a constant volume. As Figure 6 shows, this ECM does its best work at 0.5 inch (normal). In a nightmare duct system expect the pressure differential to reach 0.5 inch in the bypass duct. By then, close to 260 cfm of air will bypass at high velocity approaching 1300 fpm causing water to blow-off the evaporation panel. It might be noisy as well. It is important to know when not to use a bypass humidifier.


The pressure difference between Point “R” and Point “S” should not exceed 0.15 inch w.g. as shown in Figure 5. While a PSC blower is capable of creating excessive bypass, probably the best thing about a PSC blower is its characteristic tendency to unload when airflow is partially restricted by a dirty filter, for example. On the other hand, the ECM blower will understand that it is unloaded and ramp up in order to keep to its programmed temperature rise.

Be sure to read and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions about PSIM. It is not a good idea to offer a “free” humidifier as a sales hook. If it does not work properly, as it probably will not since no one will bother doing a study of the situation, you will have an irritated customer on your hands. As a contractor, sales person, or technician, endeavor to become a humidity expert because it is always a potential problem. Summer or winter, there can be too much or too little–only a professional can make it just right. <> Ian McTeer is an HVAC consultant with 35 years experience in the industry. Most recently he was a Field Rep for Trane Canada DSO. McTeer is a refrigeration mechanic and Class 1 Gas technician.

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free subscription to HPAC Magazine. 18




Accuracy, Reliability and Repeatability What steps are necessary to achieve optimum valve performance? BY DAVE DEMMA


everal years ago I submitted an article (see Sept/ Oct 2010 in the archives) on electric expansion valves (EEVs), entitled “Repeatability…that is what it is all about.” The foundation for the article was how the expansion valve played a very key role in determining the relative efficiency (or inefficiency, as the case may be) in the total system performance. As the original title suggested, it is all about repeatability. Repeatability of what? The answer is to repeatedly provide a constant amount of superheat at the evaporator outlet with a minimum of variation and under the extremes of varying ambient and load conditions. And, to do so will allow the system to maintain maximum efficiency and consistency in performance. A good comparison of the EEV’s ability versus that of a thermostatic expansion valve (TEV) is shown in Figure 1. The EEV's superheat characteristics are contrasted with those of a mechanical TEV, on the same refrigerated display case operated under constant conditions in a laboratory conFigure 1 Superheat characteristics of an EEV and TEV

Figure 2 Per cent time within superheat swing 100 90

Percent of Time

80 70 60


50 40 30 20 10 0






+/- ºF Superheat Swing





trolled environment. Figure 2 shows the comparative results of what percentage of run-time the EEV and TEV were each within a certain +/- value of set-point. Contrast the EEV being within +/- 1º superheat nearly 90 per cent of the time, whereas the mechanical TEV was within +/- 1º superheat a meager 35 per cent of the time. There are two keys to the accuracy, reliability and repeatability of the EEV. 1. The most effective variety of EEVs will employ a step motor to drive the valve open or closed. Unlike common induction or commutated motors, which are designed to rotate continuously, a step motor has the ability to rotate a small fraction of a revolution as it receives the step signal sent by its controller. As applied in EEVs, the step motor transforms its rotation into linear movement by employing a digital linear actuator (DLA); a simple gear train, which then turns a threaded shaft, accomplishing valve opening/closing. An added benefit of the DLA is the available increased linear force required to close the valve’s piston against the typical pressure differential present across the valve’s port. 2. While the EEV has the potential to provide a much more stable superheat than its mechanical counterpart, it only operates in response to the controller’s signal. In a sense it is a “stupid” component. It must have a controller outfitted with a well conceived algorithm (program), which has been properly fine tuned in the field for its particular application. It is all about the expertise and experience of the person/persons creating the algorithm, and the field personnel’s ability to fine tune the adjustable parameters. Given that the function of an expansion valve is to maintain superheat at the evaporator outlet, temperature and pressure from that location is supplied to the EEV controller via a temperature sensor and pressure transducer. The controller is outfitted with a sophisticated PID (proportional, integral, derivative) algorithm, which has been designed to calculate the superheat from the temperature and pressure data supplied to it, and then drive step motor to the position required to maintain the superheat set point. Without going into a lot of technical jargon to describe the function of the PID, let’s simply state this: The 'P' function is to allow the controller to change the outContinued on p22 HPACMAG.COM








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continued from p20

put (valve position) in proportion to the input (superheat). The I function will sense the average deviation from the set point and apply an offset to compensate for this deviation, which is continually changing in response to the system load and system condition changes. The 'D' function will sense the superheat’s rate of change, and uses this to attempt a prediction of future valve position. It is this complex set of instructions that will constantly monitor the superheat and minutely drive the EEV open or closed in either small or large increments, to meet constantly changing conditions. For example, a large tonnage EEV applied on a chiller would have approximately 6400 steps of stoke, from fully open to fully closed. That is a linear distance of .0000783 inches per step of resolution. If an EEV can provide superior performance in maintaining superheat at the evaporator outlet, could the same technology be used in other system applications to provide similar results? Absolutely. The following are some of the more common regulating valve applications that can be replaced by state of the art electric valves/controllers.

EVAPORATOR DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE CONTROL 1. Discharge Bypass Valve (HGB): used in comfort cooling applications that experience low load conditions, resulting in periods when the SST might fall below 26F. This is normally the range when frost/ice will start to form on the evaporator fin-tube surface. If allowed to operate at this condition, the evaporator’s ability to transfer heat will be reduced, resulting in an inability to maintain the desired space temperature. If the frost/ice buildup becomes severe, it could result in an inability to maintain the superheat setpoint, allowing liquid refrigerant to flow to the compressor and damage it. Bypassing discharge vapour to the system’s low side will artificially raise the low side pressure to the required SST. 2. Hot Gas Bypass Valve (HGB): used in air conditioning or refrigeration single compressor applications that require very precise temperature (a tolerance of +/- 1F). Applications Figure 3 EHGB Application



such as this might utilize a HGB, with a thermostat controlled solenoid valve connected upstream of the HGB to vary the frequency of the bypassed discharge vapour. While a little cumbersome with the solenoid valve cycling several times per minute and the resulting maintenance issues that can occur with a valve that is so frequently cycled, this can result in very good temperature control. 3. Evaporator Pressure Regulator (EPR): typically used in a refrigeration application with multiple compressors and multiple evaporator systems (common supermarket application). A slightly different application than utilizing discharge bypass to maintain the evaporator discharge air temperature, but practical due to multiple evaporator systems operating at varying temperatures and multiple compressors operating at a relatively constant SST. Whereas the discharge bypass valve will maintain a constant system low side pressure, preventing it from falling below a predetermined setpoint, the evaporator pressure regulator will only maintain a constant evaporator pressure, preventing it from falling below a predetermined set-point. The evaporator pressure regulating valve would be located between the evaporator outlet and the compressor inlet. The first problem with all of these applications is that the mechanical pressure regulating valve is not actually controlling the system parameter that the specifications are requiring. It is controlling pressure, which in turn has an influence on discharge air temperature. There are other system conditions such as product/space load, amount and condition of infiltrating air, ambient temperature, system operating conditions, which will influence what that discharge air temperature will be. Reacting to those conditions is completely outside of the ability of the mechanical pressure regulating valve. Note: While example two will cycle the hot gas bypass valve in response to temperature, the control strategy of using a thermostat to cycle the solenoid valve supplying discharge gas to the HGB is at best a little archaic. Using an electric valve in either of these applications will proContinued on p24 Figure 4 Electric evaporator pressure regulator




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continued from p22

vide a valve that responds to the system parameter whose control is desired– temperature. Pairing the appropriate electric valve with the corresponding electronic controller and sensors will allow the valve to respond to discharge air temperature. The electric hot gas bypass valve (EHGB) application would be configured as shown in Figure 3, with discharge air sensor providing the digital signal to the controller, which will determine when the EHGB is required to throttle open or closed. The mechanical DBV is designed to maintain a constant pressure in the low side of the system, resulting in a fairly constant system SST. The EHGB is an application where the controller/bypass valve is responding to the parameter whose control is desired–evaporator discharge air temperature. As such, this is a temperature responsive application, and

not a pressure regulating application. The mechanical EPR valve is designed to maintain a constant pressure in the evaporator, resulting in a fairly constant evaporator SST. This will yield a fairly constant discharge air temperature. The EEPR application shown in Figure 4 is configured similarly to the EHGB application, with the difference being that discharge air temperature is maintained by modulating the evaporator SST. Again, the conventional pressure regulating valve, in this case a mechanical EPR valve, maintains a constant pressure in the evaporator, which in turn will maintain a somewhat constant evaporator discharge air temperature. The EEPR application will throttle the valve open/ closed, varying the evaporator SST as needed, to maintain a constant evaporator discharge air temperature.

While Figure 4 shows a typical stand alone EEPR application, the more common application would be on a multi compressor rack, with multiple evaporator systems operating a varying temperature set-points. Given the electric valve’s range of steps between fully open and fully closed (somewhere between 2500 and 6386, depending on the valve model) and the fact that as a step motor it is able to throttle in either direction a relatively few number of steps at a time, these applications yield precise control in the range of +/- 0.5F. The beauty of electric valves and electronic controllers is that they are typically able to compensate for changes in system load, operating conditions and other system parameters that will have an effect on temperature control. Because they do not require springs and diaphragms to facilitate valve opening/ closing, they are not subject to the inefficiencies in operation that hysteresis causes in mechanical valves. While computers and their controlling algorithms may be complex in nature, they do exactly what they are designed to do without variation. You can rely on the fact that their control will be reliable and repeatable too. The final upside is that there is no time consuming mystery in the setup. You simply set the controller for the desired temperature and that is it. <> Dave Demma holds a degree in refrigeration engineering and worked as a journeyman refrigeration technician before moving into the manufacturing sector where he regularly trains contractor and engineering groups. He can be reached at ddemma@uri.com.






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Modern Hydronics



Systems do not have to be complex to be sophisticated. By John Siegenthaler



Jevons’ paradox is alive and well in high performance houses. By Robert Bean


Point-of-use energy consumption measurement. By Mark Evans


TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATIONS How to integrate SIM into almost any outdoor surface. By Lance Macnevin



Knowledge is power when it comes to distribution piping design. By Mike Miller




HELLO BOILER, IT'S WI-FI CALLING A wireless future for the mechanical industry.

By Curtis Bennett


But it is likely still there. By John Siegenthaler

MODERN HYDRONICS a supplement of Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning Magazine

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Kerry Turner (416) 510-5218 KTurner@hpacmag.com


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| MH3

>> Design

Simplification Systems do not have to be complex to be sophisticated.


Image courtesy Harvey Youker

o you ever feel that there are just too many pipes, circulators, controls and other gadgets in the hydronic systems you install? Why is it that many well-organized two-dimensional schematics – systems that look so good on paper – turn into a dizzying array of hardware when installed?

At times the finished product presents much differently than the schematic it originated from.

Many of us have seen “prize winning” hydronic systems displayed in trade journals and other publications over the years. Most of these systems are one-of-a-kind installations. With proper design, documentation and scheduled maintenance, they can serve their owners well. Take away any of these requisites and you have a very expensive collection of hardware that nobody seems to understand, or is willing to service. The latter scenario is a serious issue. The last thing the industry needs is for the average consumer to think that hydronic heating has to be complex to be correct. Or, that hydronic systems that go beyond a boiler, a circulator and a series loop of fin-tube baseboard cannot be easily maintained by a reasonably competent HVAC technician. To help avoid such situations it is important to look at ways MH4 | AUTUMN 2015

of simplifying residential hydronic heating systems. The goal is to trim away at design concepts, as well as hardware that in many cases do not need to be included in the system for it to deliver efficient operation and superior comfort. LESS MULTI-TEMPERATURE SYSTEMS A recurring situation in planning radiant panel heating systems is the need for multiple supply water temperatures. An example would be a system that heats the basement slab, as well as the wood-framed floor areas of a house. The latter type of floor heating is often accomplished using a tube and plate system installed above or below the subflooring. A common approach is to set up a separate mixing assembly for each type of radiant panel construction. Some designers will specify separate mixing assemblies for every area with different types of floor covering (e.g. ceramic tile versus padded carpet). Sometimes a separate mixing assembly is also specified on a floor level basis, even when the water temperature requirements of the panels being supplied are the same. I have designed residential systems with three different mixing assemblies and I have seen systems having at least five independent mixing assemblies. Do these systems work? Yes. Is this complexity necessary? Not necessarily. The following is a procedure that can be used during the design process to help decide if multiple water temperatures are needed: 1. Add up all of the circuit supply water temperatures calculated for design load conditions. 2. Calculate the average of these supply temperatures. 3. If the supply temperature for a given circuit is more than 10F above or below this average temperature identify that circuit. 4. Consider modifying any of these identified circuits through changes in tube spacing to increase or decrease their required supply water temperature at design load conditions. Try to bring that temperature within +/- 10F of the average temperature of all circuits. Remember to calculate a new average each time a circuit supply water temperature changes. In basements consider tube spacings of up to 18-inches, or even 24-inches if the basement is infrequently occupied and floor surface temperature variations are not deemed to be a problem. AN EXAMPLE Suppose you are planning tubing for a bare concrete slab and need 20 Btu/hr/ft2 of heat output at design load conditions. The space is to be maintained at 70F under these conditions. Figure 1 shows that if 12-inch tube spacing is used,



Modern Hydronics

the average circuit water temperature needs to be about 27F above the room air temperature (e.g. 27+70=97F). Assume the same building has a gypsum thin-slab with embedded tubing for heating the upper floor, and at design load those circuits need 115F average water temperature. Increasing the tube spacing in the concrete slab portion of the system to 18 inches increases the average water temperature to about 104F. Assuming a nominal 20F circuit temperature drop, the supply temperatures for these circuits would be about 97+20/2=107F, and 104+20/2=114F respectively. These supply temperatures are within 10F of each other and thus could very likely be supplied from the same system. In this case the controls could be set to produce a supply temperature midway between these two values (around 110F). In this situation, one could also argue that it is better to decrease the tube spacing on the higher temperature circuits and thus bring the average system water temperature down to promote efficiency gains at the heat source. This is a valid Figure 1 Tube spacing and circuit water temperature

Figure 2 Homerun distribution system

proposition for systems using mod/con boilers, geothermal heat pumps or solar collectors as heat sources. Only a life cycle cost comparison that factors in the changes in heat source efficiency versus the higher installation cost of more tubing can provide a substantiated answer to this point. When a conventional (non-condensing) boiler is used, the changes in boiler efficiency are likely to be minimal and the cost savings are largely derived by not installing multiple mixing assemblies. 5. If variations in tube spacing are not enough, discuss the possibility of different finish flooring with the client before giving up on use of a single supply temperature. I have found it possible to combine slab-on-grade systems with both thin-slabs and even underfloor tube and plate systems in certain circumstances. Eliminating the need for multiple mixing assemblies in these situations can reduce installation cost by hundreds of dollars. When a single supply water temperature is possible consider zoning manifolds using zone valves, or individual circuits using valve actuators. Another possibility is to mix in non-electric thermostatic valves for zone control. This approach sets the stage for a simple delivery system using a single variable speed pressure regulated circulator. An example of such a “homerun� distribution system supplied by a mod/con boiler is shown in Figure 2. LESS ZONES The ability to divide a system in several independently controlled zones is one of the most cited benefits of hydronic heating. There are several techniques for providing multiple zones in almost any modern hydronic system. In most cases, zoning can be accomplished at a significantly lower cost than an equal number of zones in a forced air system. However, just because you can set up every room in a building as a separate heating zone does not mean you should. This is especially true when installing wired zone controls. By the time all the transformers, valve actuators, relay centres and thermostats are connected you may have installed a couple miles of thermostat cable, as shown in Figure 3. It is tedious Continued on pMH6 Figure 3 Lots of thermostat cable adds to cost




| MH5

>> Design continued from pMH5 Figure 4a System utilizing parallel primary loop

Figure 4b System with a hydraulic separator

work that can easily add a couple thousand dollars to installed cost. Even when money is not an issue, all those thermostats may only be used to balance heat flow within the building rather than for continuous readjustment of temperature. In keeping with the theme of simplification I think it is important to not get carried away with “over-zoning.” Look for open areas in a building when selecting zones. Such areas “communicate” as far as heating is concerned and seldom need to be on separate zones. Also, look for areas that receive significant solar heat gain and put them on separate zones from non-solar gain areas. If you really like the idea of room-by-room zone control take a good look at thermostatic control valves. They are available for use in baseboard and panel radiator systems, as well as in wall-mounted boxes for site-built radiant panel systems and offer the benefits of no wires and fully modulating control. LESS PRIMARY/SECONDARY (P/S) SYSTEMS Primary/secondary (P/S) piping does work. We have designed many systems around this piping method. However, there are simpler and less expensive ways to achieve the benefits offered by P/S piping. Two approaches for achieving hydraulic separation of all circulators and equal supply water temperature to each load are contrasted in Figure 4a and b. The system shown in Figure 4a uses a parallel primary loop to connect the boiler with each load. A dedicated primary circulator is required to move flow through the primary loop. Figure 4b shows a system with a hydraulic separator replacing the primary loop. This eliminates the need of a primary circulator. It also eliminates the need for dedicated air and dirt separators, since these functions are handled by the internal coalescing media in the hydraulic separator. LESS TRANSFORMERS Have you ever been in a mechanical room where there is a half dozen or more transformers mounted on 4x4 J-boxes and buzzing away 24/7? The photo below shows an example of Each of the red clouds indicates a transformer.

MH6 | AUTUMN 2015



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>> Design continued from pMH6 such a situation. There is a transformer located within each of those red clouds. Put your hand on any active transformer and it feels warm. That is because they are sitting there converting electricity into heat through their primary windings, regardless of whether there is an active load on their secondary winding. The installed cost of multiple transformers is certainly more than the transformers themselves. Each needs a J-box and associated wiring. Multiple transformers also set the stage for problems if connected in parallel without proper “phasing.” Consider using a single larger transformer, such as one with a 100 VA rating, rather than several smaller transformers. Also, strive for control arrangements that turn off transformers when the portion of the system they serve is not needed. Why let the transformer(s) in a cooling system operate during the heating season and vice versa? The electrical energy you save through reductions in control transformers is probably not going to be huge, but every little bit helps. FEWER FITTINGS Years ago, I thought of a box full of fittings and shut-off valves as incidental to the overall cost for a hydronic system. That has changed since copper fittings started being delivered in Brinks’ trucks. A recently published cost estimating manual puts the installed cost of a one-inch copper x male adapter fitting at $13.25. That adds $26.50 to the cost of

Image courtesy REMS

Figure 5 Fabricated bends

installing a one-inch valve you might have nonchalantly purchased with FPT connections. My advice is to get away from installing threaded adapter fittings whenever possible. You might also want to consider buying a quality tube bender and fabricating bends in tubing rather than installing elbows, as shown in Figure 5. LESS ANTIFREEZE I have a saying about antifreeze: “The only good thing about antifreeze is that it doesn’t freeze.” Glycol-based antifreeze deMH8 | AUTUMN 2015

creases the heat capacity of the fluid relative to water. This requires increased flow rate for the same heat conveyence. The higher viscosity of glycol-based antifreeze also adds significantly to head loss. At 120F a 50 per cent solution of propylene glycol increases head loss (at the same flow rate) by about 24 per cent. When the flow rate is increased to compensate for reduced heat capacitance, the head loss goes up by 47 per cent. That translates to more pumping power and higher operating cost. As many of you have discovered, glycol-based antifreeze also has a propensity to weep through threaded fitting joints and create surface oxidation where water would either not leak or would quickly evaporate without scaling. Last, but not least, filling a system with a 50 per cent glycol solution can easily add a few hundred bucks to the installed cost. So, where should antifreeze be used? Snowmelting systems and closed loop solar collectors obviously need the protection it offers. In Northern climates we also specify glycol in residential garage heating circuits and in homes that will be unoccupied for several consecutive winter days. We used to specify antifreeze for floor heating systems in large slab-on-grade facilities such as highway garages. However, many of these buildings now have emergency generators that can keep running during a prolonged power outage. With constant circulation “stirring” heat around in a large concrete slab, it could take several cold days before water in the slab circuits would be in danger of freezing, even if the boiler was not operating. Given these favourable odds, we now avoid antifreeze in this type of facility. WHY LESS IS MORE Writing about hardware being removed from systems is always a bit precarious. That hardware produces income for individuals from the manufacturer right down to the professional who installs it. What prompts this discussion is to help ensure that average consumers view hydronic heating as an affordable, efficient and understandable technology; something that they want in their home or place of business. That goal requires periodic “self-examination” of what we do as individual professionals and as an industry. We want to build market share, not parts count. Why build the space shuttle when our clients need a Cessna? <> - JOHN SIEGENTHALER John Siegenthaler, P.E., is a mechanical engineering graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a licensed professional engineer. He has over 34 years experience in designing modern hydronic heating systems. He is also an associate professor emeritus of engineering technology at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica, NY. See John at Modern HydronicsSummit 2015 (for more information see p42) on September 10 at the International Centre in Mississauga, ON.



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>> Design

How To Deal With Ramped Up Loads Jevons' paradox is alive and well in high performance homes.


he industry's public relations and marketing campaign to push higher performing homes appears to be working, at least for a percentage of the population, but even consumers adopting “green” and sustainability are proof that W.S. Jevons was right–at least on some scale. Jevons was an economist and philosopher who foreshadowed several developments of the 20th century. He argued that technological progress was not to be counted on to reduce society’s energy consumption. There are many examples of Jevons’ paradox at work in housing, including disproportionate floor areas (relative to needs), inaccurate or no load calculations,1 oversized equipment/components and the increasingly common monstersized kitchen range hoods.2 Well thought out energy paths are frequently trumped by ramped up cooling and dehumidification loads, heating of make up air for kitchen exhaust or unique potable water heating demands. The following is an example of a project where comfort, durability and low maintenance objectives were a top priority, and where the philosophy of sustainability was headed in the right direction until it took a slight detour. The 4500 ft.2 (418 m2) home and carriage house, which is located in the Great Lakes area, is constructed with insulated concrete block with an additional layer of exterior insulation. Accounting for the windows and doors, the vertical enclosure is a weighted R=18 hr■ft2■F Btu (RSI=3.17 K■m2/W), the slab is insulted to R=10 hr■ft2■F Btu (RSI=1.76 K■m2/W) and the attic to R=60 hr■ft2■F Btu (RSI=10.57 K■m2/W). Working with the client, we were able to base our loads for east, south and west windows on triple pane, argon filled with a Cardinal glass coating configuration of LoE‐366/clear/ LoE‐180, U value=0.14 Btu/hr■ft2■F (0.79 W/m2■K), solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC)=0.24 and visible transmittance (VT)=0.54. North side windows had LoE‐180/clear/LoE‐180 glass to allow for greater visible light transmission of a VT=0.67, U=0.15 Btu/hr■ft2■F (0.85 W/m2■K) and SHGC=0.51. In similar buildings the builder has demonstrated leakage rates of 1.5 ACH50 (approximately 0.1 ach) or lower. Sensible heating flux from the radiant panel averaged approximately 11 Btu/hr■ft2 (35W/m2) and cooling sensible flux was at approximately 7 Btu/hr■ft2 (22 W/m2). Additional sensible cooling is provided by the ventilation system (see Figure 1). The flooring is to be light carpet in the basement, tile for all wet areas and wide wood plank flooring in all other areas. The occupant conditioning system is embedded radiant either in concrete or subfloor/wall panel systems. From the first run of calculations, the weighted return fluid temperature MH10 | AUTUMN 2015

Figure 1 Air System (Mechanical Room One)

for outdoor heating design conditions at 6F (‐14C) was set to 94F (34C) and at minimum load to 76F (24C) to enable higher boiler efficiencies and minimize VOC emissions from subflooring.3 Flow velocity was established based on conservative delta ts and pipe diameter selections for the cooling approach so that the circulator saw similar head losses in either the heating or cooling mode. The cooling system was set for mean fluid temperatures of approximately 53F (12C) for dehumidification at outdoor design conditions of 87F (31C) and 72F (22C) WBT and then mixed up to 66F (19C) for the radiant floors. Wherever rogue zones needed higher or lower temperatures radiant walls were added to increase the surface area. This prevented the system from operating unnecessarily at higher or cooler temperatures and eliminated the need for additional control systems. A 118 MBH (34.6kW) wall hung high efficiency boiler (B‐1 in Figure 2) connected to a 25 USg (97L) buffer tank (Tk‐2), will deliver heated fluid for the radiant floors and heating coil (HC‐1) for the kitchen exhaust and make up air (F‐1 and F‐2 in Figure 1). Likewise a five-ton (17.6kW) reverse cycle air cooled chiller (CH‐1, Figure 2) will be used to maintain 50F (10C) in a 50USg (189L) buffer tank (Tk‐1) to feed the radiant floors and walls and for the cooling coil (CC‐1, Figure 1) for the kitchen make up air. Due to the deliberate low operating fluid temperatures in heating and somewhat higher temperatures in cooling, both of the coils in the kitchen make up air system are ‘oversized’ relative to traditional coil selection procedures. This oversize is a one‐time capital cost with the lifetime benefit of lower operating costs. As a result of HVAC configurations and building geometries, mechanical room one, which contains the boiler, is located in the main house. It is approximately 75 ft. (15 m.) away from mechanical room two in the carriage house, which holds the cooling equipment. The two pipe changeover system uses a four way reversing valve (RV‐1) to flow a 40 per cent propylene mix either from the boiler and buffer tank to mechanical room


Continued on pMH12 WWW.HPACMAG.COM




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>> Design continued from pMH10 two in heating or from the chiller and buffer tank to mechanical room one in cooling. The space ventilation system is a three speed HRV (HRV‐1) that pulls its outdoor air (O/A) through the heated and chilled water coils (HC‐1, CC‐1), which are installed as part of the kitchen make up air system. In the normal space cooling and ventilation mode, the cooling coil provides dehumidification of 150 cfm (71 L/s) of OA. The cooled, lean and filtered (MERV 11) supply air (S/A) is reheated via the exhaust air (E/A) passing through the heat recovery core in HRV‐1 before being distributed directly to each space. EA is extracted either directly from each room or via undercut doorways or jump ducts depending on design flow rates and room use. Timers in the bathrooms and kitchen/dining room engage the HRV's high speed capacity (400 cfm [189L/s]). A few items to note: as the home is to be very tight, the infiltration load and thus the latent load is essentially limited to the incoming ventilation air plus moisture released to the space from the occupants (two adults, two children), plus moisture released during meal preparation, home cleaning and bathing. Since the cooling coil’s primary purpose is to dehumidify make up air for the 900 cfm (425 L/s) kitchen exhaust fan, space cooling and ventilation air passing over the coil even at high speed will be at a low velocity of approx. 150 fps (46 m/s) and even lower during normal operation. Because of the chosen fluid temperatures and wide operational band on the coils, constant fluid flow with a modulating two way injection control valve with actuator having a wide rangeability were selected. A linear valve is preferred for heating due to the low mean fluid temperature and larger delta t; and an equal percentage valve for the cooling coil due to the somewhat higher mean fluid temperature and smaller delta t. The design challenge of significance was integrating the 900 cfm (4256 L/s) kitchen exhaust into the system. There were two approaches. The first was for separate heating and cooling coils in a make up air unit independent from the HRV. The second, and chosen method, was to size the make‐up air coils for the kitchen exhaust system and use the same coils for the space ventilation systems. In the latter application the cooling coil provides dehumidified air to both systems. If necessary, the heating coil can provide wintertime pre‐heat for the HRV. Additionally, if aggressive dehumidification is required when the occupants are entertaining or during unusually extended wet outdoor conditions, the HRV can be switched from its 150 cfm (71 L/s) to 400 cfm (189 L/s) capacity with 250 cfm (118 L/s) air bypassed (R/A Bypass), and recirculated across the cooling coil. The analysis of three air flow rates over a single coil is necessary to understand the space ventilation supply air and kitchen make up air conditions and the necessary valve/ damper/control strategy to achieve the designed performance. After it was all said and done, the make‐up air heating coil MH12 | AUTUMN 2015

Figure 2 Hydronic System (Mechanical Room One and Two)

load was 83 MBH (24.3kW) and the cooling coil was 48 MBH (14.1kW) compared to the 48 MBH (14.1kW) space heating load and 39 MBH (11.4kW) space cooling load (figures are approximates). As is the case with many modern projects, it is not the space load driving the plant size but rather the make up air for the kitchen. Why would the client not drop the big gas fired range and its required monster exhaust hood, which would allow for a smaller induction unit with a smaller hood at about a third of the load? We asked the same question. The family frequently entertains large groups of people. They struggled in their previous home to prepare meals for large gatherings and their hearts were set on gas. C'est la vie. On other projects we have been able to convince clients to drop the big gas ranges, which tightens up the entire mechanical system. As they say, some days you are the pigeon and other days the statue. More often than not we are finding we have to set aside our personal objectives for sustainability and meet the subjective needs of our customers. But given the choice between a poor building with extraordinary loads and a good building with extraordinary loads – we will always take the latter over the former. <> - ROBERT BEAN Robert Bean, who is president of Indoor Climate Consultants Inc., is a Registered Engineering Technologist in building construction through the ASET and a Professional Licensee in mechanical engineering through APEGA. See Robert at the Modern Hydronics-Summit 2015 on September 10, 2015. For more information visit www.modernhydronicssummit.com 1 See HPAC Feb, 2015 (www.hpacmag.com, archives), Heat loss/heat gain considerations. 2 See HPAC June, 2013 (www.hpacmag.com, archives), The unintended consequences of monster-size range hoods. 3 See HPAC January 2012 (www.hpacmag.com, archives), VOC Emissions Modelling



>> Technology

A Shot In The Arm Point-of-use energy consumption measurement removes bias against hydronic systems.


he terms BTU metering and energy metering are used interchangeably in the context of buildings with central production of hydronic heating or hydronic heating/cooling energy. Effectively, BTU metering is the downstream measurement of energy consumption at pointof-use, functioning as a sub-set measurement for the purpose of user-pay billing (pay per use) in private, closed-loop mechanical systems. This is opposed to the traditional arrangement where total energy consumptive costs as billed by the public utility (gas or electric), are apportioned based on a per cent of the total square footage, or some other equal cost sharing formula. HOW IS THE MARKET EVOLVING IN CANADA? Recent BTU metering projects in British Columbia were carried out on the authority of the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC). Fortis Energy (FEI), along with other industry stakeholders, made application to BCUC to permit the use of BTU meters for billing purposes. This was necessary as private companies providing billing services are acting as “Private Utilities” and must operate under exemption from the Provincial Utilities Commission. On June 14, 2007, the Commission issued Order No. G-6507, which approved amendments to the FEI general terms and conditions to include definitions to allow for thermal metering. This opened the door for non-utility energy consultants to supply and monitor BTU meters for billing purposes. Further to this, Commission Order No. G-65-07 directed FEI to file reports annually on the Thermal Metering Pilot project by July 15 each year starting in 2008 and each year thereafter through 2012 inclusive. Subsequent to that, on November 5, 2012 the Commission received an application- Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the TELUS Garden Thermal Energy System and for Approval of the Rate Design and Rates to Provide Thermal Energy Services to Customers at TELUS Garden Development. This was the first of what are now many projects that include the use of BTU meters for billing purposes. It should be noted that an application was made to BCUC and the initial pilot project received an extension through 2017. WHAT IS DRIVING THIS TECHNOLOGY IN CANADA? Design knowledge and the product supply chain have both evolved and these functions are no longer concentrated solely within the traditional plumbing and heating or HVAC supply chain. This has opened the door for new companies to enter into the design and supply of heating/cooling products and MH14 | AUTUMN 2015

systems. Further, a new emphasis on evolved green building methods (more efficient building envelopes as an example) and design Standards such as LEED are contributing to this trend. The drive to conserve energy and penalize over-consumption or waste was motivated by rising energy costs. Those factors now bear significant influence in making life-style choices or purchasing decisions. The next evolution in this is an awareness of the capability to facilitate equity in billing for consumers, homeowners and tenants who share common spaces in public and private buildings. The development community see this as an opportunity to increase the profitability of their projects. Energy utilities see it as an opportunity to encourage conservation, increase system (especially distribution) efficiencies and manage demand. Fortis Energy noted the following in its 2011-2012 Thermal Metering Annual Report dated July 13, 2012: “Through consultations with developers and property managers, the Company has discerned that the use of central hydronic systems is often discouraged by property managers and developers of vertical subdivisions in favour of electric baseboard heating, to more easily allow for the individual metering and billing of heating costs. The bias is driven by consumer demand to manage and control their own energy use (and discourage free-ridership within a complex), as well as the perceived competitive advantage that comes through reducing the costs that must be included in monthly strata/condo fees. Many complaints and disputes brought to property managers are a result of the inability to individually meter each suite’s energy usage. The introduction of thermal metering to strata developments provides the Company and consumers with a natural gas solution for individual metering within strata units. Further, providing sustainable energy management and encouraging conservation and demand side management continue to be key values for FEI. Thermal metering will provide British Columbians with a sustainable and conservationist approach to residential development by providing them with an option to take control of their energy use." These observations point to a great opportunity for hydronic heating, including combined radiant heating and radiant cooling to move into the popular lexicon. The challenge for our industry is to ensure that we have a seat at the table as new regulations and requirements are developed to bring this technology into the mainstream. To date, this has not been the case.



Modern Hydronics

REGULATORY AND PRODUCT APPROVAL LANDSCAPE What is new here is that BTU meters are moving from the realm of simple measurement into use as billing devices. That raises some regulatory questions on the municipal, provincial and federal levels. The issue is analogous to a gas pump that is measured and calibrated in accordance with the prescriptive requirements governed by Industry Canada - Measurement Canada under the mandate of the Weights and Measures Act. There is no specific legislation or guideline in place from Measurement Canada to govern the suitability or certification of BTU meters in Canada, thus these devices are not currently regulated under the Weights and Measures Act. To help clarify, Carl Cotton, manager–weighing and measuring division, Measurement Canada, explained: “Regulation of trade measurement is a federal jurisdiction set out in section 91 of the Constitution Act. Consequently, Measurement Canada will not be required to enact new legislation in order to implement the recommendations that came out of the trade sector review for the Steam and Thermal Energy Sector. Some regulatory amendments (specifications related to this type of technology which will likely be based on existing international requirements like OIML or EN) will need to be put into place. Many of the provinces may have legislation/requirements related to utilities and metering. It is possible

REFERENCE PROJECTS IN THE GREATER VANCOUVER AREA: MC2 Towers 443 Units • Designed to meet LEED GOLD equivalency • Energy efficient, European-style heating throughout homes. European designed JAGA Briza passive cooling units in all bedrooms • Individual suite energy metering •M otion sensor lighting in parkade and common area hallways • High water efficiency plumbing fixtures • High energy efficiency lighting • ENERGY STAR appliances • Low emitting materials, adhesives, sealants and paints • ‘Green’ podium roof in North Tower TELUS Garden 428 units • LEED Platinum encompasses combined radiant heating/cooling First Avenue Athlete’s Village Housing Co-operative • LEED Gold family-oriented co-op is part of a vibrant community designed to be sustainable with buildings that include features like green roofs, individual energy monitoring and a passive building design.


Figure 1 CSA C900 Standard for Heat/Energy/Thermal meters C900.1-13 General Requirements C900.2-13 Construction Requirements C900.3-13 Data Exchange and Interfaces C900.4-13 Pattern Approval Tests C900.5-13 Initial Verification Tests C900.6-13 Installation, Commissioning, Operational Monitoring and Maintenance

that some of these requirements are more stringent than Measurement Canada’s. Our position has been not to interfere with the provincial authorities in these instances, so long as their requirements do not contradict Measurement Canada’s or attempt to set laxer requirements. It looks like BC is using the notion of pilot projects in order to allow the introduction of thermal energy metering. I am not familiar with the British Columbia Utilities Commission Act and regulations so I couldn’t comment on whether this is within the commission’s purview. Part of what we will need to look at when we begin our work on implementing the trade sector review recommendations will be what each province is doing to allow/prohibit the use of this type of device and ensure that our requirements do not conflict with provincial approaches." It should be noted that CSA has published the C900 Standard for Heat/Energy/Thermal Meters (see Figure 1), which is based on the European CEN-1434 2007 standard. There are six major components to the Standard. C900.1-13 and C900.6-13 appear to be relevant to the involvement of our industry, most likely represented by the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating through the Canadian Hydronics Council. We have a long way to go before BTU metering becomes ubiquitous and hydronic heating/cooling are mainstream. A fully-vetted, consensus Standard, along with guidelines requiring manufacturers meet a single stated accuracy level to ensure ongoing “in service” accuracy (to protect consumers from erroneous billing) are what is needed to advance this technology. Engineers, contractors and ultimately consumers would trust that they have a reliable range of products to choose from and can choose what best suits their needs. <> - MARK EVANS Mark Evans has held positions of increasing responsibility at the regional and national level of the wholesale supply, rep agency and manufacturing sectors of the plumbing and heating industry. See Mark at the Modern Hydronics-Summit 2015 on September 10, 2015. For more information, see www.modernhydronicssummit.com



| MH15

>> Snow and Ice Melting

Tips For Successful Installations How to integrate SIM into almost any outdoor surface.


pplying radiant heating technology to outdoor surfaces, (hydronic snow and ice melting (SIM) systems) provides a safe and reliable way to keep surfaces clear of snow and ice. With proper design and installation, these systems offer long-term performance and reliability as well as saving the time and energy spent on traditional snow and ice removal using mechanical equipment. SIM systems operate in a variety of outdoor areas such as sidewalks, steps, driveways, ramps, parking lots, loading docks, carwashes, roadways, bridges, and even helicopter landing pads. INSULATION Whether the system is always on or uses a moisture sensor, a significant amount of heat can be conducted to the frozen earth below the SIM surface if appropriate insulation is not installed. In some cases, downward losses can exceed 50 per cent of all the energy supplied to the SIM area. CSA B214 requires at least R-5 insulation below SIM areas, but many designers specify R-10, since insulation also improves response time. The type of insulation may be extruded polystyrene (XPS), polyurethane (PU) or even expanding foam that is sprayed onto existing concrete or the earth to Outdoor concrete surface with embedded PEX tubing.

MH16 | AUTUMN 2015

follow contours. Be sure the insulation is rated for outdoor use and meets the expected compressive loading from vehicles, or settling can occur. TUBING SIZE AND SPACING SIM systems require high flow rates to deliver lots of heat in demanding winter conditions, so ¾ in. nominal PEX tubing is the most popular size. Larger projects may even require one-inch tubing, while ½- and ⅝-in. tubing are used when tighter spacing or low profile is a consideration. To help with rapid and even melting most designs use 20 to 23 cm. (eight to nine inch) tube spacing. While some special cases use tighter spacing, going wider than 23 cm. runs the risk of snow strips between tubes.

(four to six inches) of structural concrete. A great technique is to pour the structural slab first, cover it with insulation, then install the SIM tubing within a 7.5 cm. (three inch) concrete overpour. By placing the tubing closer to the surface, the heated slab thickness is reduced, making the system more responsive.

POURED CONCRETE In poured concrete the PEX tubing is simply embedded within the concrete, strongly resembling slab-on-grade radiant heating installations. This is very popular in stained concrete. It is recommended that the tubing be located five to 7.5 cm. (two to three inches) below the surface for faster response time, but this is not always practical. Tubing is often stapled directly onto the insulation board or tied to rebar or wire mesh within the 10 to 15 cm.

INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVERS The most common technique for installing SIM with pavers is to embed the tubing in the sand bed above well-supported insulation. The sand bed should be laid approximately 40-mm. (1 ½-in.) thick, or 28-mm. (1 ⅛-in.) after compaction. More sand than this will slow down heat transfer and may allow too much movement of the pavers. According to Robert Bowers, P. Eng., director of engineering with the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI), insulation used under pavers must be very rigid to prevent movement under load. ICPI does not recommend stone dust media under pavers, as it interferes with drainage, loses strength as it holds water, and can refreeze when wet, potentially heaving. Technical specifications and drawings of SIM systems with pavers can be found at www.icpi.org.

Pavers installed over sand bed with embedded heating tubing.

Tubing within stone dust below asphalt.



Modern Hydronics

ASPHALT When heated above 120C (250F) most PEX tubing will soften and flatten if compressed. This would surely happen if hot asphalt, which can be more than 175C (350F), is placed directly around the tubing. The tubing must be protected in two ways: 1. Tubing is installed within a 7.5 cm. (three inch) thick compacted bed of stone dust below the asphalt to prevent direct contact with the asphalt. Tubing is usually stapled to insulation laid beneath the stone dust. The stone dust conducts heat well and allows paving equipment to drive above it. 2. Cold water is flushed through the distribution manifold and all tubing circuits to carry the heat away from the tubing until the asphalt cools. The flow of fresh water is regulated to be below 65C (150F) at the manifold outlet. If it is hotter than that the flow rate must be increased and the water just goes to a drain. On a hot, sunny day, this flushing may take more than 12 hours to cool the asphalt. STAIRS Obviously, outdoor stairs are dangerous in winter, so well-installed SIM systems increase pedestrian safety. Just as there are different Tubing fastened to concrete stairs and insulation before an overpour.

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| MH17

>> Snow and Ice Melting continued from pMH17 ways of building outdoor stairs, there are different installation techniques for the tubing. It is important that the tubing is within five cm. (two inches) of the surface and the nose of each step, and that it is not buried deep inside concrete, as this could lead to icy spots. Tight tube spacing is also crucial for even melting and rapid response. Due to the low profile and tight spacing requirements, ½-in. PEX tubing is often

used in steps. When concrete stairs are poured in place, the tubing needs to be held in place using rails or other fasteners so it is properly positioned after the concrete is poured. It is even possible to retrofit SIM tubing above existing stairs. When concrete steps are pre-existing or pre-cast, tubing can be anchored on top of the structural concrete and embedded within an overpour. Insulation is sometimes sprayed onto existing steps before the tubing is placed, for better efficiency and response. DRAINAGE When snow and ice melt, the resulting water must drain. Otherwise, the SIM system must also evaporate the moisture, which requires more energy than simply melting snow. Allowing gravity to carry the water away to landscaping or a drain will improve safety and reduce

Above, remote manifold in an outdoor vault with warm glycol supplied by pre-insulated flexible piping (below).

operating costs. Drains are especially important at the bottoms of steps or ramps. Water left standing can refreeze, so be sure that any installed drains have heating tubes nearby and direct the run-off to avoid creating hazards or ice dams on unheated areas. Drains may be connected to drain tile piping or storm sewers, where regulations allow, or even to a ditch or pond, if there is one nearby. MANIFOLD PLACEMENT The location of distribution manifolds for supplying warm glycol to the SIM piping circuits may be a conundrum, since the designers want the manifolds close to the SIM area, yet the SIM area is often far from the heat source location or mechanical room. Therefore, SIM manifolds are often installed in remote cabinets or vaults designed to protect the manifold and pipes from sun, vandalism and accidental damage, while allowing good drainage through an open bottom. Various styles of utility boxes have successfully been used. Warm glycol may be transferred to the manifolds through buried pre-insulated PEX pipes, to deliver the heat with minimal heat loss and high reliability. SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATIONS Hydronic snow and ice melting systems are effective, efficient and reliable. There are many situations where public and private buildings require this level of protection outdoors. Being aware of the tips presented here and working with an experienced designer will help to ensure that installations go smoothly. <> - LANCE MACNEVIN Lance MacNevin, P.Eng., is manager of REHAU Academy where he is responsible for training across North America. With over 20 years of hydronic experience, he is on the technical committee for CSA B214.

MH18 | AUTUMN 2015




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>> Piping

What Are Your Options? Knowledge is power when it comes to distribution piping design.


everal options are available when approaching residential and commercial distribution piping design. The options are generally: direct return, reverse return or one pipe primary/secondary. Understanding each of them will help you determine which one will provide the best overall results in specific circumstances.

DIRECT RETURN A direct return, two pipe system is the most commonly deployed piping strategy. It has direct piping for supply and return lines to and from the heating terminal unit or zones as shown in Figure 1. The supply and return lines are usually of equal distance. Each branch or terminal unit or zone uses a two-way control or zone valve as a means of enabling or disabling flow to that heating or cooling load. A proper means of flow balancing should be installed per load in order to achieve adequate flow to each. Fluid will otherwise flow through the shortest distance or the zone offering the least resistance. Flow balancing can be achieved with balancing or globe valves, or better yet, flow setters. If two-way control valves are used, the primary pump is sized for the full building requirement. A proper means of pressure bypass must be installed to allow for flow to be bypassed when any terminal unit is not calling. If zone pumps are used, each one provides the necessary flow to each load along with the associated pressure drop, therefore balancing may not be needed. The primary piping size is dependant on the loads downstream, so the further down the primary loop you get, the smaller the remaining pipe sizing will be. Benefits: • Same supply fluid temperature across all loads • Easy to follow Compromises: • Improper balancing can cause compromised efficiency • System needs to be balanced (if using two-way control valves) • Close attention needs to be given during the installation on reduced piping sizes REVERSE RETURN A reverse return, two (or three) pipe system is one that has separate piping for supply and return lines to and from the heating terminal unit or zones as shown in Figure 2. Depending on the building structure, this may require a longer return line than that of the supply, as the ultimate requirement being that the first load's supply is the last return in the system (see MH20 | AUTUMN 2015

Figure 1 Direct return, two pipe system

Figure 2 Reverse return, 2 or 3 pipe system

Example A, three pipe). Unless, of course, the primary supply and return come in at opposite sides of the building (see Example B, two pipe). This piping strategy, however, is inherently self-balancing if all loads are equal, or the piping is sized adequately throughout based on the loads. The additional piping can result in savings on mechanical hardware such as balancing and globe valves. The primary piping size is dependant on the loads downstream, meaning that the further down the primary loop you get, the smaller the remaining pipe sizing will be. Note that the inverse is true on the return piping. Benefits: • Same supply fluid temperature across all loads • Self-balancing • Less mechanical components needed due to self-balancing Compromises: • Typically requires more primary loop piping • Close attention needs to be given during the installation on reduced piping sizes ONE PIPE PRIMARY/SECONDARY A one pipe primary/secondary distribution system consists of just a single pipe primary loop as shown in Figure 3. All heating terminal units or zones come off through a means of hydraulic



Modern Hydronics



Figure 3 One pipe P/S system


separation. Hydraulic separation can be achieved via closely spaced Tees or specially designed fittings. Every load would have a zone pump on it, and its return fluid mixed with the primary loop, causing a cascading of supply fluid temperature throughout the primary loop. The cascading of the primary supply temperature can and should be calculated in order to properly size the zone pumps and terminal units downstream. Note: Upsizing the terminal units downstream is not necessarily required, as the deltaT across the terminal unit can be accommodated for in order to keep the terminal unit size the same (GPM = Btuh/deltaT x 500). This system is also inherently self-balancing as the primary loop is hydraulically separated from the secondary or load loop. Benefits: • Self-Balancing; • One pipe distribution (less pipe) • Same pipe size throughout primary loop • Cascading of fluid temperature can improve high efficient heating source by creating larger differential (i.e. condensing boilers) • Labour/installation savings • Reduction on primary pump horsepower Compromise: • May not be ideal in all applications Note: Closely spaced Tees require the centre-to-centre measurements to be a maximum of four times the primary pipe diameter. CASE IN POINT The goal in a project involving a five-storey multi-family dwelling with four units per floor was to eliminate any surface piping with the terminal units located inside the closet spaces. Unit layouts from floor to floor were identical, therefore the closet spaces in each unit provided the most ideal location for the installation of the riser distribution piping. Figure 4 shows this design using the direct return distribution piping method. This particular design would have the supply and return lines brought to the top of the building where they would split into the four risers, one per wing, picking up all apartments in that part of the building in parallel. The primary pump is sized to accommodate the flow for the entire building. Not shown in this drawing is a pressure bypass valve that would be required if the primary pump was constant volume. DeltaT or deltaP pumps, as well as self sensing pumps, could be used instead to

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Continued on pMH22 WWW.HPACMAG.COM



| MH21

>> Piping continued from pMH21

Pipe, hydronic, Quantity steel, standard weight


0.75" x 21'


630 ft

1" x 21'


84 ft

1.25" x 21'


231 ft

1.5" x 21'


42 ft

2" x 21'


252 ft

primary pump


1.5 Hp

regulate flow when not all zones are calling. Please refer to Figure 4's table for the make-up of distribution piping needed based on line sizes. Also, note the need for individual balancing valves per zone in order to balance each load. Figure 5 shows this design using the reverse return distribution piping method. This particular design would only have to supply the top of the building where it would then split into the four risers, one per wing, picking up apartments in that part of the building in parallel. The returns are fed down back into the basement or mechanical room level in order to eliminate the need for a third pipe and to still achieve self balancing of the system by essentially making the fluid travel distance equal for all loads (first supply – last return). The primary pump is sized to accommodate the flow for the entire building. A pressure bypass valve (not shown) would be required if the primary pump was constant volume. DeltaT or deltaP pumps, as well as self sensing pumps could be used instead to regulate flow when not all zones are calling. Refer to Figure 5 for the make-up of distribution piping needed based on line sizes. Offsetting the supply and return on opposite sides of the building allowed for less two-inch piping as shown in Figure 5. Note the need for individual balancing valves per zone in order to balance each load.

zone valves


20 EA

Figure 6 Primary/secondary distribution

balancing valves


20 EA

Figure 4 Direct return distribution

1239 ft

Figure 5 Reverse return distribution

Pipe, hydronic, steel, standard weight



Pipe, hydronic, steel, standard weight



0.75" x 21'


630 ft

0.75" x 21'


420 ft

1" x 21'


84 ft

1" x 21'


252 ft

1.25" x 21'


273 ft

1.25" x 21'


42 ft

1.5" x 21'


84 ft

1.5" x 21'


42 ft

2" x 21'


210 ft

2" x 21'


84 ft

primary pump


1.5 Hp

primary pump


2/3 Hp

zone valves


20 EA

zone pumps


20 EA

balancing valves


0 EA

balancing valves


20 EA

MH22 | AUTUMN 2015

1281 ft


840 ft

1/25 HP ea


Modern Hydronics

Figure 6 shows this design using the primary/secondary distribution piping method. This particular design is similar to Figure 5 but picks up all apartments in that part of the building with a form of hydraulic separation. The returns are fed down back into the basement or mechanical room level also. The primary pump is sized to accommodate the flow only with very little resistance in the primary loop. Each load, being hydraulically separated from the primary loop, now has its transformers and zone valves replaced by a small wet rotor circulator. As a result, the primary pump can be significantly smaller than those needed in Figures 4 or 5. DeltaT pumps would be ideal for the primary pump as it would modulate its flow based on the overall load in the building. In that scenario, a two-way balancing valve is used per riser in order to set the required flow based on full design conditions at the commissioning stage. Constant volume pumps can also be used. Taking this a step further, a two-way modulating valve operated by a deltaT controller could modulate the flow through each riser based on riser deltaT instead of fixed balanced flow. Self sensing pumps could increase system operating efficiency by reducing the primary pump's power consumption when the riser modulates down due to reduced building load. Figure 6 shows the piping needed based on line sizes. Through the slightly larger deltaT (30F) in the distribution piping, additional savings could be picked up by us-

ing smaller pipe sizes for the majority of the building. Even if the deltaT per riser were to be kept at 20F, each riser size would go from the current one- to 1Âź inch. No single option will be the best fit for all applications but in either of those two scenarios, the primary/secondary distribution piping option could provide not only material but also labour savings. Determine the best piping option for each project based on the desired overall system design, installation and efficiency outcome. You may find a scenario where it is advantageous to combine a couple of those options within one system. <> - MIKE MILLER

SNOW AND ICE MELTING SYSTEMS Increase Safety and Control Over the Elements

Mike Miller is director of commercial sales, Canada with Taco Canada Ltd., and chair of the Canadian Hydronics Council (CHC). He can be reached at hydronicsmike@ taco-hvac.com. See Mike at Modern Hydronics-Summit 2015 where he and Steve Goldie will present on this topic. For more information, see www.modernhydronicssummit.com. WWW.HPACMAG.COM

Melting t 1st begins a ow sn sign of or ice


Using the latest controls technology, hydronic SIM systems are more capable and cost effective than you might think. We answer your questions about controls, installation and operating costs at na.rehau.com/sim Š REHAU 2015 | MH23 7/20/15 2:13 PM


>> Modern Hydronics-Summit 2015 Product Showcase

Puropal 300, 500 and 1000 disposable cartridges





demineralize fill water for closed loop hydronic Aquatherm Blue Pipe features a faser-

systems. Demineralized water meets water

composite layer and heat stabilization. During

quality requirements from boiler and glycol

the manufacturing process the pipes are

manufacturers. Aggressive salts, such as

extruded with a middle layer where glass fibres

chlorides, sulphates and nitrates, which

are blended with the PP-R to reinforce the pipe

specifically attack stainless steel, copper and



aluminum, are removed. Scale producing

Designed to be safe to use in applications




ions, such as calcium and magnesium that

from -5F to 200F, based on pressure rating,

damage components and block heat transfer,

the pipe is available in ½ in. to 24 in. sizes.

are also removed. The media in the Puropal

There is an option of flexible 100m coils for

300 changes from blue to beige when spent.

sizes one-inch and smaller. The lightweight

Maximum pressure is 58 psi at 140F.

pipes are in accordance with CSA.

Accessories include a flow and conductivity


meter, and hose kit. www.axiomind.com

Extrol ASME commercial expansion tanks are suited for use in closed, non-potable hydronic heating and chilled water systems. Featuring a replaceable, full acceptance heavy-duty butyl bladder, the tanks are freestanding on integral welded ring base. They are factory pre-charged to 12 psig and have a maximum operating temperature of 240F. www.amtrol.com

Lochinvar’s Knight wall mount heating boiler models are available with 55 000 to 399 999 Btu/Hr. They operate on natural or L.P. gas and are capable of full modulation, firing down to 20 per cent of rated input with a turndown

Compass high-efficiency wet rotor circulators

ratio of 5:1. The fire tube design boilers

from Armstrong Fluid Technology have an

feature an automated weld heat exchanger

“auto” algorithm that adapts to system

assembly and a 439 stainless steel self

demand to simplify setup. Features include a

cleaning combustion chamber. A built-in

broad operating range, producing up to 20 ft.



of head and 20 USgpm flow, variable speed

condensation to drain from the heat exchanger

operation, an easy to read display and eight

assembly into the external condensate trap.

different modes of operation. The circulators

The control system has an electronic display

have a large wiring chamber and front-

for boiler set-up, boiler status and boiler

mounted terminal block, and are available in

diagnostics. All components can be accessed

cast iron (Compass 20 -20ci) and stainless

and serviced from the front and top of the

steel (Compass 20-20ss).

jacket. www.lochinvar.com



MH24 | AUTUMN 2015





Modern Hydronics

dahl’s globe style radiator valves in sizes from ½ in. to 1 ¼ in. have Bosch’s 95 AFUE Greenstar FS Series is

the same rough-in dimensions they have had for 50 years and the

geared to the replacement boiler market. The

current replacement assemblies (cartridges) still fit, meaning

low loss header is pre-piped and connection

contractors do not have to modify the rough-in. Replacement

boxes (both high and low voltage) are located

assemblies feature a unique spring-loaded self-adjusting packing

on the back of the boiler for quick and easy

system and a heat resistant handle. Heavy pattern models now come

connection. Venting options include two-inch

standard with a Hi-Temp Disc for low-pressure steam.

polypropylene (PP), flexible PP chimney liner,


concentric PP kit, PVC or CPVC. The boilers offer floor and wall models with up to 5:1 modulation in five heat-only and three combi

Olsen’s OLSSV Series of gas-fired, wall hung modulating

sizes. An integral pump is standard on all

condensing boilers has vertically mounted helical fin tube heat

models. Other features include a simplified

exchangers, which are made of 316L/444 stainless steel. A top

control with no programming required, coated

pipe connection with a built-in drip leg saves material and time.

heat exchanger, DHW output of up to four

The 95 per cent AFUE boilers are approved for PVC, CPVC and

GPM DHW output on combi models based on

polypropylene venting. A smooth coil design eliminates sediment

ΔT at 72F. A large flat-plate heat exchanger


allows for lower operating temperatures and

programming with text display, outdoor temperature sensor and

larger ΔT in DHW mode.

an easy access, protected terminal strip. www.olsenhvac.com








Amvic’s AmPEX insulated radiant PEX panels are designed for interior and exterior use in residential and commercial applications. Jaga’s Clima Canal and Clima Canal Hybrid

They are available in R10, R12 and R14.

pre-assembled low water temperature infloor

Usable size is 48 by 24 in., with the overall

heating units can be topped with one of seven

The RedZone air handler features a Grundfos

size being 49¼ by 25¼ in. The thickness

wood-grain or aluminum grills to match the

circulator, advanced four-row copper tube, a

ranges from 3⅜ to 4⅜ in. PEX pipe

floor design. They are comprised of a 0.39 in.

heating coil with aluminum fins, one-inch

accommodation is ⅜-, ½-, ⅝-, ¾- and one-

thick duct of Sendzimir galvanized steel plate

insulation and an ECM motor. For cooling, this

inch. The panel nubs form a “mushroom”

and a telescopic height adjustment with

made in Canada product is designed to

shape to lock the PEX piping in place. The

stainless steel grille holder, coated with a

accept most brands of evaporator coils.

PEX piping is inserted into the panel by

scratchproof lacquer. Fans are tangential 24

Suited to new construction or retrofit, the unit

walking on the tube. Once inserted the pipe

VDC. Units can be installed as a continuous

has an electronic control board and a knock

will be properly positioned and seated into

product with open spaces filled with empty

out on both sides and the bottom. It requires

the panel. The patented panel design ensures

ducts. The Hybrid model, which has a build-in

no venting or gas lines so it can be placed in

that the tube will be completely encased in

height of 3.94 in. > 5.71 in., also offers

a closet, crawl space, attic or basement.

concrete and not pushed to the bottom.

cooling. http://jaga-usa.com



continued on pMH26 WWW.HPACMAG.COM



| MH25

>> Products continued from pMH25

Eco-Con low temp radiators from Hydronic Heating


Technologies Inc. offer low mass, fast acting heat

X-PERT S5 hydronic tubing

transfer along with low-pressure drop in the

is a five-layer polyethylene



convector. Standard measurements are from two

of raised temperature (PE-

to eight feet, a depth of three to 3¾ in. and a

RT) oxygen barrier tubing. The pipe consists

height of 8 to 8.1 in. Cover accessories allow the

of an oxygen barrier layer of ethylene vinyl

units to be joined to accommodate different space



configurations. The radiators are offered in white



and white with black grille and sides. Other colours

Polyethylene Copolymer Resin and two layers

are available at a surcharge. www.hhtsystems.com

of adhesive. www.roth-america.com




encapsulated DOWLEX


The Grundfos Comfort PM pump range has a low noise, permanent magnet motor for reduced energy consumption. It is available with constant operation mode. Maximum head pressure is 3.9 ft. and maximum flow rate is 2.2 GPM. Features include an integrated external sensor cable, insulation shells for faster installations, lead free brass housing and a compact design. www.grundfos.ca

The V-10 touch screen boiler controller from IBC is available on the VFC and SL series. It allows for quick setup and has built-in internet connectivity. Features include an intuitive alert system


with plain English warnings and error messages, the ability to

radiators offer decorative styling with finished





manage up to four different loads and five pumps, and pre

top grille and side covers. The radiators are

programmed values for all load types.

packaged with EZ fit wall brackets, air-vent,


blind plugs, an internal valve with control cover and ½ in. male BSP to ½ in. sweat fittings. www.mysoncomfort.com

continued on pMH28

Online Learning – from the masters Integrated HVAC Engineering Expert Instructor: Robert Bean • Online: September 14 - December 18 INTEGRATED HVAC ENGINEERING

Run thermal comfort calculations, submit designs for a radiant-based HVAC system with DOAS, and make recommendations to improve IEQ and energy efficiency through architectural, building, and interior systems. During Integrated HVAC Engineering, you will study the complex interaction of room air temperature, humidity, mean radiant temperature, ventilation rate, lighting, sound, and even odours that determine the true quality of an interior environment. Numerous calculation and modeling exercises will allow you to immediately apply what you’ve learned. The course includes a variety of Excel tools for performing critical calculations, such as: the inside surface temperature of walls, ventilation rates for the current and previous version of ASHRAE Standard 62.2, exergy, and much more.

For more information and to register visit www.hpacmag.com/bean MH26 | AUTUMN 2015


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simply radiant

Systems for life.

It’s all about you. Smart comfort, pre-programmed by you to meet your individual heating and cooling needs…this is HeatLink’s radiant hydronic system. In-tune with your schedule, and yet flexible enough to go with the flow, it would almost seem as if there was a genius…or genie, in your mechanical room. Effortless, efficient, and understated…literally! HeatLink’s radiant hydronic heating and cooling systems are engineered to create a comfortable, affordable and energy efficient environment for living. Designed for peace of mind, they are easy to use and have a full warranty. For more information please visit: www.heatlink.com

>> Products continued from pMH26

Spirovent from Spirotherm is a line of air eliminators and dirt separators with the Spirotube at their core. Designed to trap the smallest micro bubble, it offers little resistance to flow. Threaded (¾ in. to 4 in.) or flanged (2 in. and up) connections are available. The drain plug is also suitable for connecting a valve or temperature sensor. The automatic air vent is guaranteed not to leak and can only be closed by the installer for a pressure test. It is constructed of welded steel for longevity. www.spirotherm.com

The Prestige Solo condensing high efficiency gas boiler from Triangle Tube offers multiple venting and termination options. Five models from 60 to 399 MBH are available. A Next Generation Fire Tube Heat Exchanger is designed to provide maximum reliability with low thermal stress and improved water flow for maximum heat transfer. The boilers incorporate TriMax Control, which manages two separate reset curves for high and low

The Wilo Stratus GIGA high efficiency inline

Navien’s NHB condensing boilers are available

temperature zones, controls up to four

circulator has a temperature range of -4F to

in 55, 80, 110 and 150 Btu/Hr sizes. They

circulators and manages two space heating

284F. Maximum ambient temperature is 104F

feature an advanced burner system, turndown

zones and one DHW zone without an external

and maximum operating pressure is 232 psi.

rations of up to 15:1, adjustable Delta T

zone control panel. www.triangletube.com

It has maximum flows of 275 USgpm and

ranges, two inch PVC venting up to 60 ft. and

maximum head of 167 ft. Multiple control

three inch PVC venting up to 150 ft. An

modules are available for the compact pump.

integrated smart control provides a timed

It is constructed of cast iron with a high-temp,


high-pressure engineered composite impeller


and stainless steel pump shaft.

adjustable minimum burner time setting.



supply turn

water down

boost ratio




HeatLink has released a line of preengineered hydronic control panels designed for use with Weil McLain’s ECO, Viessmann’s Vitodens 100, and Creatherm interlocking radiant floor panels

Lochinvar’s Cadet series of high



efficiency wall mounted boilers. The

polystyrene (EPS) and Neopor. The floor




panels are complete with 24V (ac)

panels are two by four feet and they are

plug-in transformer and simple wiring

available in 1.8 in., 2.8 in. and 3.3 in.

connections. No assembly is required

thicknesses. A staggered snap-tight grid

and there is a single warranty for all

allows optimal tube spacing. On-centre points

components. www.heatlink.com

exist every three inches. www.creatherm.com MH28 | AUTUMN 2015

continued on pMH30 MODERN HYDRONICS


>> Products continued from pMH28

Models of the bth ULTRA electric boilers from Thermo 2000 are available from seven kW to 36 kW with multiple voltage options. Suited to single and multi-family as well as commercial, the compact boilers may be installed in new or retrofit applications. The boiler may be combined with an auxiliary heater for a dual-energy system. Temperatures are adjustable between 50F and 190F and a safety control limits excessively high temperatures. www.thermo2000.com Uponor code-listed, commercial-grade, PEX-to-PEX, fullHamilton Engineering Inc.’s 3VO water heater

port ball valves are available in ½-in. to 2-in. sizes and

or heating boiler features a 316L stainless

are appropriate for non-potable PEX piping applications.

steel heat exchanger, modulating stainless

They are listed to ANSI/NSF 14 and cNSFus-rfh and

steel burner (6:1 turndown), self-diagnostic

tested to ASTM F877, ASTM F1960, CSA B137.5 and NSF

microprocessor controls and externally and

359. The valves, which are compatible with systems

remotely adjustable settings. Available in

containing up to 50 per cent propylene glycol, feature

sealed combustion or room air; venting

blow-out-proof stems and are available with stem

options for the 3VO are AL 29-4C stainless, PP, CPVC, or PVC. Capacity ranges from

extension kits to accommodate up to 2 in. of insulation in

79 000 to 8 000 000 Btu/Hr. www.hamiltonengineering.com

insulated piping applications. www.uponor.ca

continued on pMH32











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P L U M B I N G ,






>> Products continued from pMH30

Webstone and Aquatherm have developed a line






connections for PP-R pipe, compatible for use with Aquatherm PP-R piping systems. PP-R Pro products include lead free ball valves, The Isolator, with multi-function drain

The HBX Wi-Fi zoning system allows your

and the Pro-Pal ball drain. Available in

clients to control multiple zones within their

nominal sizes of ½ in. to 2 in., the valves are

living space. It incorporates a new ZON-0550

NTI’s Vmax vertical firetube boiler has a

guaranteed for life.

along with a two-wire THM-0300 thermostat



and Wi-Fi communication module. Each zone






maximum operating pressure of 30 psi. It is

can be viewed and configured from a

available in floor standing and wall mount

smartphone. ZON-0550 has the capability to

models. There is a built-in primary loop, three-

have up to four THM-0300s connected, with



the possibility of expansion. Designed for

ignition. The fully modulating burner has 6.5

quick and simple installation, the ZON-0550

turndown ratio. Integrated control provides

connects to a two-wire HBX thermostat

low water pressure cut-off and an easily

making it suitable for retrofits, as well as new

programmable display. www.nythermal.com

installs. www.hbxcontrols.com




Suited to retrofit or new installations in The Eco-King Supreme offers up to 95 per

residential and small commercial applications,

cent AFUE and has a fully modulating,

Viessmann’s Vitocrossal 300 gas condensing

condensing 6-1 turn down ratio and stainless

boiler offers high temperature capability, high

steel heat exchanger. Three boiler sizes are

mass and stainless steel construction. A

The ManaBloc plumbing manifold system from

offered: 100, 140 and 200  000 Btu. The

vertical stainless steel Inox-Crossal heat

Viega is suited to commercial applications. It is

boiler is available in two models, one of which

exchanger with wide water passageways

a high-efficiency, parallel water distribution

provides heating and DHW via indirect tank

allows for simplified system piping with full

system with a range of ports from 14 to 36.

with priority, and a combi unit, which provides

system flow. This eliminates the need for a

The fully assembled system incorporates

priority on-demand hot water with hydronic

dedicated boiler pump or primary/secondary

integrated quarter-turn shutoff valves for each

heating. Features include an adaptive gas

piping. The Vitotronic 200, KW6B control

fixture, offering centralized control over the

valve and separate CH and DHW connections



entire plumbing system. Available with ⅜-in. or

to simplify piping. An outdoor sensor, variable

include control of up to three heating circuits,

½-in. connections, the system features a 1

speed Grundfos pump and 12L expansion

intelligent DHW control, a variable speed

¼-in. internal reservoir to maintain constant

tank are included with all boilers.

pump output (0-10V) and multiple setback

temperature and pressure.


timers. www.viessmann.ca





continued on pMH34 MH32 |




>> Products continued from pMH32

Taco’s ECM, wet rotor high efficiency Viridian commercial line includes VR1816 (18 ft. of head and up to 16 gpm flow), VT2218 (22 ft. of head and up to 18 gpm flow) and the VR3452 (34 ft. of head and up to 52 gpm flow). The VR1816 is available in infinitely variable fixed speed, constant pressure or proportional pressure operating modes. The Viridian VT2218 comes with two temperature sensors, a LCD screen and push button navigation. The VR3452 variable speed wet rotor ECM circulator offers up to 34 ft. of shut-off head and 52-gpm flow. www.taco-hvac.com The Mascot FT from Laars is available as a wall hung heating only boiler or as a wall hung or floor


standing combi model. The fire tube heat exchanger

is a lightweight plywood

is stainless steel with aluminum core fire tubes,

panel designed for above-

rated for 30 psi (207 kPa) working pressure. The

floor installations. Installed

boiler has a fully condensing design with built-in

between the finished floor

condensate drain and trap. At 77F (25C)

and the subfloor or on walls

temperature rise, domestic hot water flow rates

under gypsum board, the

through an integral stainless steel domestic water

plywood panel features a

indirect tank are 140 MBH = 3.5 gpm or 199 MBH

0.5-in. profile. These low-

= 4.7 gpm. An integral DHW indirect tank holds a

profile panels are offered in

minimum of three gallons of DHW. www.laars.com





groove panels and expand the applications for radiant to include retrofitting options, as well as new construction. www.na.rehau.com

Security Chimney’s Secure Seal single wall,

Low Temperature Convector




insulated gas vents feature laser buttwelding, built in lock systems, AL29-4C stainless steel and standard adjustable

Ideal for Modulating Condensing Boilers, Geothermal, Heat Pumps and Solar Heat Sources

vent length. The Secure Seal double-wall system is fully interchangeable with the Secure Seal single-wall system. www.securitychimneys.com






separator from Caleffi continuously removes ferrous and nonferrous impurities. The dirt separating action uses the internal element with

Also as free standing radiator available





surfaces. The element offers little resistance to the medium flow. Dirt particles are collected Made in Canada

www.hhtsystems.com Phone 519-624-6623

in a large collection chamber where they can be flushed, even while the system is in operation. The connector on top of the dirt separator can be used for installation of an automatic air vent valve. www.caleffi.us

continued on pMH36 MH34 | AUTUMN 2015



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>> Products continued from pMH34

Z-Dens polypropylene vent systems from Z-Flex

Schluter-BEKOTEC products

are for use with high efficiency boilers and




water heaters. Z-Dens does not require

systems that are used to

glue and catalyst and is available in

create continuous screed

diameters of 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 8- and


10-in. It is fully compatible with

















flooring assemblies that are

pressure tested to 20 in. W.C. and

free from internal stresses by confining the shrinkage and curing

are ULC S636 certified for flue

stresses to smaller modules. The floating systems can be

temperatures up to 230F.

customized. The products are suited for use with ceramic tile, natural


stone, or other surface coverings. www.schluter.com

December 2014

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Weil McLain’s Evergreen 95 per cent AFUE

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◻ Plumbing (i.e DHW, Piping etc.) ◻ Ventilation ◻ Refrigeration ◻ Forced Air Heating ◻ Electric Heating ◻ Air Conditioning

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MH36 | AUTUMN 2015



Our new 3D i-see Sensor gives you

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Introducing another brilliant advancement from the leader in comfort innovation. The 3D i-see Sensor from Mitsubishi Electric analyzes the temperature profile of a living space to identify human presence and deliver optimal comfort. By dividing the entire room into 752 zones, the 3D i-see Sensor locates people based on their unique body temperature. With this thermal data, the MSZ-FH then directs the perfect amount of heating or cooling towards those who need it. That’s comfort innovation in action.

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>> Controls

Hello Boiler, It’s Wi-Fi Calling


A wireless future for the mechanical industry. ires have historically connected our lives. Power wires, cable wires and telephone wires are everywhere but a less restrictive communication technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in people’s day-to-day lives. And they are understandably embracing it. Think back to when you got your first “cordless phone.” I bought mine in grade 12 and I remember every detail about that phone. The reason I bought it was freedom. Not the “Braveheart” kind, but the freedom from that pesky telephone cord. I did it so I could wander from room to room while talking to my girlfriend and avoid having my mom overhear the conversation. Back then I did not see the big picture and would not have guessed how far the technology would advance in a short period or time. I, along with most people, did not envision the world we now know as “cordless.” At least the term “cordless” has evolved into a far better one known as wireless. TERMINOLOGY TUTORIAL What does wireless really mean and what do people think when they hear it? Many people confuse the term wireless with Wi-Fi and they do it with good reason. It is similar to when you ask for a Kleenex. Because they are very good at branding, everyone calls tissue paper Kleenex. When was the last time you heard someone say, “Can you pass me a Puffs?" A similar scenario has happened with Wi-Fi and wireless. Wireless is a term for something without wires. Wi-Fi is a protocol designed to work on wireless networks that connect us to the internet. Wi-Fi is not the only wireless protocol out there but like the Kleenex scenario, it is what we think of. Protocol basically means the structure something takes when communicating but not the communication itself. Wireless protocols are just different ways to structure the information going back and forth. Some might be very small with no error checking and some, such as Wi-Fi, can be very big and have many layers to them. Both have advantages and disadvantages in certain situations. There are many things out there without wires such as radios or walkie-talkies, or even satellites. But the term wireless as we know it now, really has to do with the wireless communication. Exchanging data without wires. We are in the information age and data exchange is at the very heart of that. Where is the most data? It is on the internet and to get there almost all computers, cell phones, cars and fridges have Wi-Fi. The term is everywhere, hence the reason people intertwine the terms Wi-Fi with wireless. MH38 | AUTUMN 2015

OTHER PLAYERS Wi-Fi is not the only protocol out there but by far the most well known. Bluetooth is also a very popular protocol that you probably know running on the same frequency as Wi-Fi, at least for the most part. There is also mesh and star network protocols. These networks run on small protocols like Zigbee or chopped up “Zigbee like” protocols and are designed to connect many devices together in a relatively small space. Devices like these could connect temperature sensors to thermostats and thermostats to boilers or zone controls. There are also some very large associations out there for wireless protocols in our industry. EnOcean is one company that is trying to make a push to be at the front of our industry. They offer a good protocol, as well as power saving features for remote devices. Many companies have signed on and are making their devices EnOcean compatible by licensing its technology. Honeywell is another big company that uses a proprietary protocol called RedLink for its wireless devices. Everyone has a phone, not just at home but literally with them at all times. Apple knows it, Samsung knows it and that is why they are making more and more devices to connect our world. We are heading toward a time when everything will be connected to something else with Wi-Fi. The Internet of Things or IoE as it is called, is coming.



Modern Hydronics

ried to its devices. Apps give us ease of use, which is my favourite part. The hardest part of consumer devices is to put all the information on a display and make it easy to use. But with apps we can put more of that information, settings and features in a format that we are very used to using. If you cannot navigate through it all, being connected and having all the information at your fingertips means nothing. Making an app where people can understand the information they are seeing is key. It is not just techie guys that want this stuff in their house, it is everyone. You have probably stumbled upon end users that get a little too deep into the control and mess up the settings. I have certainly seen my fair share. We have a task to figure out – how much information is enough? Luckily, with connected devices we can actually get more information in their hands and more easily. It is easier to make an interface on a device such as a telephone for end users as it is very familiar to them and they will use it. It is our job to make it simple and comfortable for them. Or else why are we doing it? Wi-Fi connects devices together and allows us to see what

WHERE DO WE COME IN How and where does all this fit with the HVAC industry? Well, in one word: NEST! While there are other similar products, this thermostat was the one that really opened our eyes and changed our world. Nest Labs, Inc. proved that people would pay a premium for connectivity to the internet. The increasing number of devices that can be connected to the internet has created more terminology confusion. People do associate “wireless” with Wi-Fi but they are starting to also do something else. Wi-Fi is being associated with Apps. It is becoming more and more common for people in our industry to talk about Wi-Fi when they really mean the device can be controlled by an App. We have all heard “there’s an app for that.” People want to see everything on their telephone, from their alarm system, to the amount of steps they take in a day, to the current temperature in their house. It is all about information at their fingertips. So, I say give it to them. Wi-Fi offers convenience. As much as it pains me to say this, I am among those who would rather get up and get their telephone to change the temperature on their thermostat rather than just walk to the thermostat. We are a society that is mar-

Continued on PMH40

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| MH39

>> Controls Continued from PMH39 is going on all the time. We live in a world where things are instant and our industry is no different; except that we are just entering this world. Companies are rushing to get connected products to market and many are coming out with great ideas. What it comes down to at the end of the day is that boilers, pumps, controls, thermostats and other devices in our world are “coming on line.” This will really change everything. Our customers are expecting this because even their fridges are Wi-Fi connected so why can’t they see their boiler or thermostat? We need to give it to them. Thermostats have been relatively the first HVAC devices to be Wi-Fi enabled. We are starting to now see boilers and pumps be connected. The next step in the controls world is to try to connect it all together. Having a central device that talks to everything is something that needs to happen. People do not want 14 different apps for each item in their system, they want one or two. So the natural progression is to have Wi-Fi enabled systems coming out. Wi-Fi allows for the possibility of literally keeping us up to date. When devices, such as thermostats, are connected to the internet they can be updated remotely. This would keep

the thermostat or connected device always up to date with the latest software without you even knowing it. Another big positive of having devices connected to Wi-Fi is it allows contractors to peer into these devices from anywhere and solve problems then and there. This will save travel time and add a big value added service for customers. Wouldn’t it be good as a contractor to know ahead of time that your customer’s boiler needs servicing because of something failing inside? Of course it would. What about being able to let customers know they have a problem before they even know they have a problem? These are just a few of the possibilities when we connect these devices to the internet using Wi-Fi. The evolution is apparent. The question is, do we play catch-up or is the mechanical industry a leader in this whole new world? <> - CURTIS BENNETT A graduate of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), Curtis Bennett, C.E.T., is operations manager and a product developer at HBX Control Systems in Calgary, AB. He can be reached at curtis@hbxcontrols.com.


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>> Air Separation

I Can’t See Any Air But it is likely still there...

MH44 | AUTUMN 2015

due to their small size and rather infrequent use once the system has been initially purged. Float-type vents are ideal at the top of thermal storage tanks or central air separators. ALONG FOR THE RIDE Entrained air bubbles are simply bubbles moved along by water flowing through the piping. Experience has shown that piping with average flow velocities as low as two feet per second can entrain air bubbles, even in vertical piping with downward flow. Entrainment can be helpful in dislodging air from remote portions of the system and then bringing it back to a central air separating device. This assumes ample water circulation in the system to provide the conveyor belt. Again, a good forced-water purging driven by a pressure source other than the system’s circulator(s) is the best way to entrain air and eventually route it out of the system. PRESENT THOUGH UNSEEN Perhaps the least understood form in which air can exist in a hydronic system is as dissolved air. Molecules of the gases that make up air including oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) can exist “in solution” with water molecules (H2O). These molecules cannot be seen, even under a microscope. Although water may appear perfectly clear and free of bubbles, it can still contain a significant quantity of air in solution. The amount of dissolved air that water can hold depends on Figure 1 Air gases in water

Gauge pressure 5.5 30 psi

45 psi

60 psi

75 psi

90 psi

105 psi

5.0 4.5 4.0

15 psi

3.5 3.0 2.5

0 psi

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0












Water temperature ( !)

Courtesy Caleffi North America

Max amount in gallons of dissolved air per 100 gallons of water


ir bubbles in water are as common as clouds in the sky, or waves on a lake. Most people take them for granted. However, those working with hydronic systems quickly learn that air in their systems is undesirable and seek ways to get rid of it. My “attitude” on air in hydronic systems has changed over the years. I used to fear situations where air could get trapped in system piping and create problems such as loss of flow, noise and the (justified) complaints that would follow. Part of that fear was based on my inadequate understanding of how air behaves in hydronic systems. Today, I know that proper system design, including provisions for forced water purging in combination with residual methods of air elimination, can quickly rid just about any hydronic system of air and keep it that way. Air in hydronic systems can be categorized into three groups: • Stationary air pockets • Entrained air bubbles • Air dissolved with the fluid Since air is lighter than water, it migrates toward the high points of the system. These points are not necessarily just at the top of the system. Stationary air pockets can form at the top of heat emitters such as radiators, even those located low in the building. They can also form in horizontal piping runs that turn downward following a horizontal run. A common example is where a pipe is offset upward to cross over a beam, and then dropped back to its previous level. Stationary air pockets within piping can usually be eliminated through forced-water purging. A stream of water flowing at a high velocity through the piping will push air along much like a piston moving through a cylinder. The air is eventually pushed out through an open valve near the end of the circuit. Forced water purging is best driven by water pressure from the building’s domestic water supply system, that is water main pressure or pressure from a well pump. The high velocity flow needed can also be created using a swimming pool pump rated for at least one horsepower and supplied from a large/ clean plastic trash barrel filled with water. Do not count on the flow created by a properly-sized hydronic circulator to displace stationary air pockets, especially when that circulator has a mixture of air and water passing through it. Stationary air pockets within radiators, or at the top of components such as thermal storage tanks and heat exchangers, are best eliminated through a vent. Hardware choices range from manually operated vents, to fully automatic float-operated vents. Manually operated vents are suited to radiators


Modern Hydronics

the water's temperature and pressure. At higher temperatures, the ability of water to contain dissolved gases decreases, and vice versa. As the pressure of the water increases, so does its ability to hold dissolved gases in solution. Have you ever popped the cap on a bottle of beer and instantly seen the bubble forming and rising? It happens because the pressure on the liquid was reduced, which allows some of the carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules that were dissolved in the beer to merge together into tiny bubbles. LIKE SQUEEZING A SPONGE Think of water as a “sponge” for dissolved gases such as those in air (mostly O2 and N2). Certain conditions allow that sponge to soak up additional molecules, while other conditions effectively “squeeze” the sponge and thus rid the water of some of these molecules. This “sponge” effect is driven by temperature and pressure. The contours in Figure 1 show the maximum amount of dissolved air gases contained in water over a range of temperatures and pressures (expressed as a percentage of total volume). For example, at 15 psi gauge pressure and a temperature of 65F, up to 3.6 per cent of the molecules in a container of water can be dissolved gases (oxygen, nitrogen and other trace gases). Water in this condition can be thought of as a sponge that has soaked up a significant amount of air molecules. If the temperature of this water is raised to 170F while the pressure remains constant, its ability to hold dissolved gas is reduced to 1.8 per cent of its volume, half the previous level. This change in air solubility is typical when cold water is first heated to a relatively high temperature in a boiler. The “sponge” has just been squeezed. As the pressure of the water is reduced, so is its ability to Figure 2 Piping arrangement with air separator close to heat source

hold dissolved gases in solution. For example, Figure 1 shows that reducing the pressure of 170F water from 15 psi to 0 psi reduces the amount of dissolved gas it can contain from 1.8 per cent to about 0.6 per cent of its volume. This is another way to squeeze the “sponge.” GROUND ZERO The best location for capturing air bubbles is where the ability of water to hold dissolved air is lowest. This is where the combination of temperature and corresponding pressure produce the lowest point on the graph in Figure 1. The piping arrangement shown in Figure 2 places a central air separator close to the heat source where the water temperature is at or close to its highest value within the system. The expansion tank is connected to the bottom of the air separator. This establishes the point of no pressure change (PONPC) in the system. When the circulator is operating, the pressure at this location will not change. It may not be the lowest pressure in the system (based upon the elevation changes in the piping), but the combination of temperature and pressure at this location is likely to produce a point on the graph in Figure 1 that is either the lowest, or very close to the lowest point. This is where the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen in the water join together to form very tiny “microbubbles.” This process is called coalescence. Individually, microbubbles are too small to be seen by the human eye. However, dense collections of microbubbles can make otherwise clear water appear cloudy. A common place to see temporary clouds of microbubbles is in a drinking glass just filled with water from a faucet having an aerator device as seen in Figure 3. Continued on pMH46

Figure 3 Temporary clouds

Figure 4 Cross section of a modern air separator and the coalescing media insert cap, (sealed when closed)

microbubble! air separator

air outlet ports

spring-loaded stem valve seat & O-ring linkage

point of no pressure change

make-up water


float continued on pMH6 guide pin baffle plate upper! chamber

exp.! tank

Courtesy Caleffi North America

coalescing! media (insert)




lower bowl

expansion tank connection! (or drain valve)


| MH45

>> Air Separation continued from pMH45 If you watch the glass of water carefully, you will see the cloud of microbubbles slowly rise and disappear from the surface of the water. At that point the water might look air free, but it is not. There are still molecules of O2 and N2 mixed in with the water molecules. Fortunately we have modern devices to coax them out of hiding. Modern air separating devices contain a mesh-like insert made of engineered polymers or metal. This insert is called a coalescing media. Figure 4 shows the cross section of a modern air separator and the coalescing media insert. The coalescing media contains thousands of small sharp surfaces throughout its three-dimensional structure. These surfaces create tiny vortices; that is regions of reduced pressure, as water passes by them. The reduced pressure encourages molecules to coalesce into microbubbles. This is the first step toward the goal of capturing this dissolved air and ejecting it from the system. Microbubbles are very easily entrained by moving fluids. This characteristic makes them more difficult to capture compared to larger bubbles. However, the surfaces of the coalescing media provide shielded vertical pathways along which microbubbles can rise above the active flow stream moving through the separator. Once they are above this region it is almost “game over.” The microbubbles merge into larger bubbles that eventually form an air pocket in the upper chamber of the separator. When sufficient air has accumulated, the float in the upper portion of the separator drops down and a small linkage attached to it opens a valve. This allows the accumulated air to be ejected from the system. The pressure difference between the inside of the separator and the surrounding air is what pushes the air out as this valve opens. As the air leaves, the float rises and the valve closes to prevent all but a tiny loss of water. The automatic make-up water subsystem responds by adding a small amount of water to replace the ejected air.

The water stream exiting the air separator and heading into the circuit is said to be in an “unsaturated” state. This means it is capable of absorbing more molecules of oxygen and nitrogen as it passes through the circuit. Thus, whenever the water is moving through the circuit, there is an ongoing process whereby air molecules are absorbed into the water stream, conveyed back to the air separator, scrubbed out of the water by the coalescing media, ejected from the system and replaced by equivalent volumes of water. This process can eventually reduce the dissolved air content of the system’s water to less than 0.4 per cent. This small residual air content does not adversely affect system operation. PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS For optimal performance it is best to keep the flow velocity of water entering an air separator no higher than four feet per second. Placement of the air separator as shown in Figure 2 provides the air separator with an excellent hunting ground for capturing dissolved air. Be sure to place purging valves near the end of branch circuits so that each of these circuits can benefit from a forced water purging when the system is commissioned. Follow these details and it is easy to rid even complex piping systems of air and keep them that way. <> - JOHN SIEGENTHALER John Siegenthaler, P.E., is a mechanical engineering graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a licensed professional engineer. He has over 34 years experience in designing modern hydronic heating systems. He is also an associate professor emeritus of engineering technology at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica, NY. See John at Modern HydronicsSummit 2015 (for more information see p42) on September 10 at the International Centre in Mississauga, ON.

Online Learning – from the masters Mastering Hydronic System Design

Expert Instructor: John Siegenthaler • Online: October 6 - December 12, 2015 MASTERING HYDRONIC SYSTEM DESIGN

Learn how to design state-of-the-art systems for residential and light commercial buildings that deliver unsurpassed comfort, efficiency and reliability. During Mastering Hydronic System Design, John Siegenthaler provides a detailed discussion of the design elements underlying modern hydronic heating systems. It presents both design concepts and design tools for optimizing hydronic heating systems in a variety of contemporary applications. For more information and to register visit www.hpacmag.com/siggy

MH46 | AUTUMN 2015


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Medicinal weed is moving into the mainstream and employers must have a strategy in place to manage the inevitable issues. BY JOE TERRETT


ho would have believed the time would come when employers would have to find ways to accommodate weed (aka marijuana) in the workplace? You better believe it. Now that marijuana is considered legitimate for “medicinal” purposes and is prescribed by doctors to treat a variety of maladies from anxiety disorders to acute, chronic pain, it is something employers will have to deal with. Set aside the image of a slacker listening to Dark Side of the Moon while digging into a bag of Cheetos to satisfy post-toking munchies. “We have this imagery in our heads of a stoner, but medical marijuana can be beneficial to some patients,” said Dr. Barry Kurtzer, medical director and chief medical review officer of DriverCheck Inc., a provider of workplace medical testing and assessments based in Ayr, ON. Kurtzer, heading up a session on medical marijuana at the recent Partners in Prevention safety conference held in Toronto, ON, stressed medical marijuana is now like any other prescription medicine.


When developing policy, get legal advice, consider these issues: develop a statement of purpose; self declaration of use; change of strength and side effects reporting requirements; monitoring for safety sensitive workers; adherence to human rights and privacy laws; accommodation for those not fit for safety sensitive work; means of identifying authenticity of marijuana use; and the state of the problem being treated. Experienced occupational medicine physicians, who are provided with detailed job descriptions, should conduct evaluations and a physical demands analysis, plus identification of all safety related functions. Do a detailed review of the health condition being treated and evaluate its impact on health and safety. Review all medications being used, evaluate the risk of addictive behaviour, review potential alternate treatments, conduct a full medical exam and validate the need for medical marijuana. Review work and non-work safety issues, detail them and provide recommendations, and determine fitness for safety sensitive work. Generate a detailed report covering key issues and fitness for work recommendations. Advice for both employer and patient should be made regarding follow-up care and assessments. Make sure the appropriate authorizations are signed for the release of information to stakeholders. A final note: medical marijuana as a reimbursable prescription will impact company drug benefits. Employers decide what to put on their plans, but be prepared for blowback if medicinal marijuana is excluded. HPACMAG.COM

Since the “Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (2013/2014)” were implemented a year ago, patients no longer have to go to Health Canada for their medicine, but they are not allowed to grow their own either. It can only come through licensed producers (LPs), of which there are currently 17 who grow and sell. Eight others just grow. Prescriptions come from doctors or nurse practitioners. Health Canada estimates there will be 450 000 authorized patients by 2024 (currently there are 40 000) and there are as many as 1000 LPs under review. Patients can only possess 30 times the daily dose of the dried plant material up to a maximum of 150 grams (the equivalent of 10 joints). The therapeutic ingredients – tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, and cannabidiol or CBD (this one lacks the high) – are activated by heat, either by lighting up or using a vapourizer (which heats but does not ignite). An employment and labour bulletin from McMillan LLP, a Toronto law firm, observes that employers have a duty to accommodate employees’ disabilities to the point of undue hardship. A court would look at the cost, whether there is outside funding to subsidize the cost, and the health and safety issues that may be involved. If second hand smoke is the issue, an employer would have to demonstrate the user could not be isolated or a vapourizer would be a problem. So far, no employer has been able to make the undue hardship case. “In Canada, automatic job termination without case-bycase review could result in human rights complaints or other legal consequences,” Kurtzer warned. He recommended employers put a marijuana policy (see sidebar) in place and offer employee education as well as supervisor training; ensure the user is okay for safety sensitive work; conduct periodic drug tests; monitor outcomes of physician follow-ups; and find other work for those not fit for safety sensitive activities. <> Joe Terrett is editor of Plant, a publication of Annex Business Media East. He can be reached at jterrett@plant.ca. AUGUST 2015 | HPAC



The redesigned Daikin MXS two-, three- and four-port multi-zone heat pumps have a maxi-

LG Electronics has produced an air-cooled, re-

mum connected capacity that is expected to

gion-specific VRF unit (LG VRF 575V) that has

allow indoor units of higher capacity to be con-

matching voltage for the Canadian market. Re-

nected. The units offer a maximum efficiency

The Setra model MRC is a multi-range, differen-

moving the need for additional equipment and

of up to 12.5 HSPF, cooling performance rated

tial pressure transducer designed for use in

heavier gauge cables that are required for the

up to 18.9 SEER and up to 12.7 EER. Coming

critical environments. It has six selectable

lower voltage reduces costs. The 575V unit can

with a hand-held, LCD display remote, they are

ranges and three selectable outputs. The MRC

be incorporated into new buildings or retrofits

designed for entire homes or floors of homes,

comes with an optional duct probe, an inte-

and is available in capacities ranging from six to

multiple zones, new construction, primary

grated DINrail mount and IP65-rated housing.

30 tons. These heat pump systems can provide

living areas and basements.

It is available down to 0.1-in W.C.

cooling or heating in multiple zones.



www.LGVRF.ca The Blue Diamond Fit and Forget range of condensate removal pumps uses the principle named Rotary Diaphragm, meaning the pumps are designed, developed, tooled and assembled in house. The condensate is drawn into the pump by vacuum and mechanically driven by an elastomer diaphragm to the outlet under pressure. The range is UL plenum rated and offers flow from 2.1 to 13.2 g/hr. www.aspencanada.org

The Greenheck Model RV (E)-120 is a pre-engineered system featuring capabilities for larger dedicated outdoor air systems, multi-zone VAV systems and single-zone VAV systems. It features a two-in. R13 foam panel construction and thermally broken design. Four independent cooling circuits are designed to allow for cooling turndown and control. The unit has performance capacities of up to 12 000 cfm, up to 45 tons of cooling and up to 800 Mbh heating. www.greenheck.com

continued on p76 74



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HVAC/R PRODUCTS continued from p74 Voyager Wi-Fi thermostats from Venstar offer wireless connectivity and come in three different models, all of which are Title 24 compliant and include Automated Demand Response (ADR) and Equipment Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD), plus random-start functionality. Model T4700 is non-programmable and features two-heat and two-cool functionality with setpoint limiting. Model T4800 features a choice of seven-day, 5+1+1 day or one-day programming with up to three occupied periods per day. Model T4900 includes all of the T4800 features, plus the ability to control or

Emerson’s Life Cycle Climate Performance

monitor a second temperature sensor, humidification/dehumidification and Energy Watch function-

(LCCP) online calculator is a web-based tool

ality. The thermostats are compatible with gas, electric or heat pump HVAC systems, including

that allows users to compare different super-

multi-stage systems. www.venstar.com

market system architectures with various refrigerants. It calculates annual power, total annual CO2 emissions and peak power. It is also August December 2015 2014

designed to provide recommendations. Users compare operating conditions through the configuration tool. Systems such as centralized

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direct expansion, distributed, cascade, secondary and booster CO2 can be analyzed. Refrigerant comparison can be made among R404A, R407A, R410A, R134a and CO2.


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The 7 Series geothermal heat pump from WaterFurnace uses a soft-start, variable-capacity

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◻ Commercial ◻ Residential ◻ Industrial ◻ Institutional

compressor in conjunction with a variable4. Number of employees at this location?

◻1-4 ◻5-9 ◻ 10 - 19

◻ 20 - 49 ◻ 50 - 99 ◻ 100 - 199

◻ 200 - 499 ◻ 500 - 999 ◻ 1000 - 2499

◻ 2500 + ◻ Unknown

pump. It is designed to scale output to the exact level needed rather than “high” or “low”

5. Company Job Activities? (Check ALL that apply)

◻ Plumbing (i.e DHW, Piping etc.) ◻ Ventilation ◻ Refrigeration ◻ Forced Air Heating ◻ Electric Heating ◻ Air Conditioning

HPAC Magazine

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speed, ECM blower and variable speed-loop

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speeds. Aurora controls continuously monitor operation and provide two-way communication between components, troubleshooting capabilities and communication protocols. www.waterfurnace.com






















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Blanco celebrates 20 years of manufacturing in Canada

Taco expands into plumbing, VRF and geothermal markets Taco president and CEO John Hazen White Jr. (r) with Wil VandeWiel president and COO of Taco.

The 90-year-old company opened its first Canadian manufacturing facility in Toronto in 1995.

Blanco Canada, which is headquartered in Brampton, ON, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. In 1995 the 90-year-old company opened its first Canadian manufacturing facility in Toronto. The Canadian location is one of only two granite composite sink productions worldwide, along with the company’s manufacturing facility in Germany. Blanco expanded its Canadian facility in 2001 and started another expansion in 2014 to support product demand in North America. www.blanco-germany.com/en_ca/en_ca/home.html

Powerhouse merger creates new Canadian buying group AD, a North American contractor and industrial products wholesale buying/marketing group, has announced that it has established AD Canada Plumbing & Heating through a merger with Canaplus Limited Partnership. Canaplus is a buying group in Canada for independent Canadian wholesale distributors of plumbing and heating supplies and related products. Effective January 1, 2016, the 23 current members of Canaplus will become the founding members of AD’s new division. These members operate more than 250 branches coast to coast across Canada and have substantial market share. This is AD’s seventh merger since the group’s founding in 1981 and its third within Canada. AD completed mergers with Canadian electrical groups in 1993 and 2012. The individuals forming the General Partner of Canaplus, François Deschênes, Eric Findlay and Brian Findlay, sent out the following statement regarding the merger, “During our discussions with AD, it became clear that many of the best practices our Members have enjoyed within Canaplus, also exist within AD. Furthermore, our Members should enjoy a number of additional benefits and opportunities through AD. We look forward to winning together.” AD has over 570 independently owned members spanning seven industries and three countries with annual sales in excess of $31 billion. AD served industries now include electrical, industrial, plumbing, PVF, HVAC, bearings and power transmission, and building materials. www.canaplus.com www.adhq.com 78


Taco, Inc. has announced a reorganization of the company and its marketing direction in order to facilitate entry into plumbing, VRF and geothermal markets. In addition, it will expand its OEM and overseas businesses, and enter the hospitality market. It will also develop the capability to provide non-hydronic product solutions to the HVAC industry, as well as deliver product applications aimed at selected markets outside HVAC entirely. In addition to restructuring and rebranding itself, Taco will pursue growth and diversification through new partnerships and acquisitions. In recent years the company acquired Hydroflo, a manufacturer of vertical and submersible turbine pumps used in such industries as irrigation, mining and agriculture. Last year Taco entered into a strategic collaboration with Askoll, a manufacturer of electric motor pumps. “It’s not so much of an expansion at this point as a restructuring and putting a lot more focus on sales and marketing, from a company standpoint,” said Jim Garrett, general manager for Taco Canada. “This is more to prepare us to go through the expected growth from the acquisitions and new markets that we intend to penetrate.” Taco has manufacturing facilities in Cranston, RI and Fall River, MA, a sales and distribution facility in Canada, and sales offices in Central America, the Middle East and Asia. www.taco-hvac.com

Uponor targets 2015 completion of Twin Cities expansion Political and community leaders celebrate the groundbreaking for Uponor's new facility in Apple Valley, MN. Bill Gray, president, Uponor North America is third from the left.

Uponor North America recently held an official groundbreaking ceremony to commemorate the company’s seventh expansion in the greater Twin Cities area. The $18 million expansion project will add an additional 88 000 sq. ft. for lean manufacturing, office space and additional manufacturcontinued on p80 HPACMAG.COM

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continued from p78

ing equipment for PEX pipe. The new facility, which is pursuing LEED-Silver certification, is expected to be complete at the end of this year. “While this is our latest expansion, it is certainly not our last,” said Bill Gray, president, Uponor North America. “This year marks our 25th anniversary in Apple Valley and we are grateful to the leaders of this local community as well as the state of Minnesota for their support as we continue to grow.” www.uponor.ca

Big Ass Solutions opens Canadian headquarters Big Ass Solutions (BAS) has opened a Mississauga, ON office that enables the company to sell its fans and lighting products in Canada directly. “Up until this point, we were really functioning as an arm of the U.S. office,” BAS Canada general manager Paul Reeves said in an interview with HPAC. “We were doing everything in U.S. dollars. It was very much an extension of the U.S. company.” Sales, logistics and warehousing operate out of the Canadian headquarters. The opening is expected to strengthen communication with Canadian customers and specially-trained install teams. “Even selling through distributors, we always felt there were things we could be doing better – whether it’s from a customer service standpoint, an after-market standpoint (or) whether it’s from a direct sales standpoint," added Reeves. There are currently 10 employees from the Greater Toronto Area with BAS Canada, though there are plans to increase that number. By the end of 2015, BAS Canada plans to have 20 employees. www.bigassfans.com

Noble exec to chair CIPH CIPH 2015/2016 chair Siân Smith (l) with immediate past chair Paul McDonald of Bradford White.

Siân Smith, senior director of strategic procurement with Noble Corporation in Concord, ON, is the 2015/2016 chair of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH). The announcement was made at the 83rd annual general meeting, held in Quebec City in June. The youngest chair in the organization's history, Smith is also the first woman to hold the position. She began her career in the plumbing and heating industry with Emco Corporation in 1999. In 2007, Smith was named vice president, procurement. She joined Noble, which had been acquired by the Talisker Plumbing Corporation, a subsidiary of Emco Ltd., in her current role in 2013. Smith was elected to the CIPH board in 2009. www.ciph.com 80


Riobel announces a new head office expansion Mario Bélisle, president and founder of Riobel Inc. recently announced that the company’s St-Jérôme head office will undergo a 34 000-sq. ft. expansion, bringing its total floor space to more than 100 000 sq. ft. “We are investing in our head office expansion to keep up with an ever-increasing demand, both in Canada and in the U.S. Over the past 20 years, Riobel products have become an increasing force in the marketplace. We are constantly growing and innovating, and this extra space had become a necessity in order to continue offering effective and highquality service to our growing customer base,” said Bélisle. Last March marked an all-time high for Riobel sales. www.riobel.ca

Modern look trending up in North American bathrooms Moen's director of global design Steven Ward (l) and Garry Scott, vice president of marketing, Moen Canada.

Moen's new director of global design, Steven Ward shared his insights into design trends at a recent media roundtable. In his role, Ward will oversee the global industrial design team located both in North America and abroad in categories, including faucets, showerheads, accessories and bath safety. "It is in the details that you find the difference between really good design and mediocre design," said Ward. He identified filtered water, hands-free and the at-home digital spa as incoming trends, along with a move to a more modern look. "Why do we have this trend where everyone is choosing modern?" asked Ward. He went on to name space efficiency, immigration and modern's popularity among architects and designers as factors. As for other trends, he said, "white is hot. White with anything is what we saw big-time in Europe." Garry Scott, vice president of marketing, Moen Canada, added that there is "huge trend to freestanding tubs, particularly in retrofit." He noted that this can present installation challenges and that the freestanding tub filler must be leak free and wobble free. Both Scott and Ward remained mum on the influence of smart homes on product design and how that might infiltrate the faucet market. “That is an area we are keeping an eye on - we can't comment on it today,” said Scott. Prior to joining Moen, Ward served as director of industrial design for the Life Fitness division of Brunswick, a manufacturer of sporting and fitness equipment. Ward also was an continued on p82 HPACMAG.COM


The Pit+Plus Basin features a separate pump and ECM™ (External Control Module) switch access cover, simplifying service and installation. This innovative package incorporates molded-in discharge and vent ports, allowing contractors to access the pump or switch independently without disrupting the plumbing connections – saving time, money, and mess. For more information on Little Giant products, contact your local plumbing distributor.

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continued from p78

Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University, McCormick School of Engineering/Segal Design Institute in Evanston, IL. He has worked in a variety of industries in both corporate and consulting design studios including automotive, aircraft, marine, furniture, electronics, fitness, soft goods, as well as exhibit and user interface design. www.moen.ca

Viessmann unveils mobile learning centre at Noble event Robert Zwicker, Viessmann's territory manager, residential products, GTA, beside the InfoMobile at Noble's Duncan Mill Branch.

Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc. introduced its new state-of-the-art mobile showroom unit at a Noble drop-in event and barbeque on July 9, 2015. The InfoMobile features the latest condensing high efficiency technology. Visitors to the mobile showroom at Noble’s Duncan Mill branch in North York, ON, learnt about start and preventive maintenance; how to program boiler and room temperature controls; how boilers are piped to the system; and how low loss headers are piped through a multiboiler racking system. www.noble.ca www.viessmann.ca

Radiant shines as REHAU and Uponor tie for first in PPI awards Lance MacNevin of REHAU accepts the project of the year award from PPI's Randy Knapp, director of engineering, building and construction division (left) and Tony Radoszewski, president (right). Kate Olinger of Uponor North America receives the PPI Project of the Year Award from PPI's Randy Knapp, director of engineering, building and construction division (left) and Tony Radoszewski, president (right).

REHAU and Uponor have tied for first, winning the Project of the Year by the Building and Construction Division of the Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI) award. The winners were announced at PPI's annual meeting in May. REHAU received the award for École Secondaire Jeunes 82


sans Frontiers (Secondary School for Youth Without Frontiers), in Brampton, ON. The school, which has earned the Canada Green Building Council’s LEED Silver certification, was the first secondary school building in Ontario to have achieved this status. This project is also the first project in Canada to receive a PPI project award. Designed by Robertson Simmons Architects, the 91 000 ft.2 high school includes indoor spaces integrated with outdoor landscapes, a green roof, expansive day lighting, waterconserving plumbing fixtures, lighting with occupancy sensors and displacement ventilation. The design features a REHAU radiant slab heating and cooling system, which enables the school to meet indoor environmental criteria related to air quality, noise reduction and occupant comfort, while also maximizing space efficiency by eliminating bulky convectors and ductwork. “To help the school recognize the benefits of a combined radiant heating and cooling system, we supplied a finite element analysis to model the floor heating and cooling output,” explained Mark Euteneier, president of Klimatrol Environmental Systems, the project’s designer and supplier. “The results predicted a significant energy savings due to reduced heating and cooling loads and increased efficiencies of the heated and chilled water sources,” he said. “Coupled with the comfortable, even method of heating and cooling, this analysis made the REHAU radiant system a must-have for the project.” Uponor was recognized for its role in the design and construction of the LEED-Platinum San Diego State University Aztec Center, a 202 200 sq.-ft., sustainable, three-storey building designed to house student offices, a recreation center and an intercultural relations center; including a 1200-seat lecture hall and a 300-seat theatre. An in-slab radiant heating and cooling system was designed for the building, coupled with a dedicated outside air system (DOAS) to reduce energy and improve indoor air quality. PPI, which represents all segments of the plastic pipe industry, promotes plastics as the material of choice for pipe applications. It also collaborates with industry organizations that set standards for manufacturing practices and installation methods. www.plasticpipe.org www.rehau.com www.uponor.ca

Distech Controls recognized for export success Distech Controls was recently named the Provincial Laureate, SME Exporter category, at the 21st edition of National Bank’s SME Awards. Distech Controls is a two-time SME Award recipient, having been named Bronze Laureate in the same category in 2014. The award is presented to companies who have contribcontinued on p82 HPACMAG.COM

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continued from p78

uted to Quebec’s economic growth and prosperity. Seven criteria were used to determine the top candidates in the SME Exporter category, including the management of quality, operations, finances and human resources. www.distech-controls.com

VRF training facility offers hands-on curriculum and technology demonstrations The 12 600 sq.-ft. education centre offers contractors and sales professionals from across North America a multi-day training program.

Johnson Controls has unveiled its new variable refrigerant flow training facility in Dallas, TX. Training centre participants will learn how to design, install and service the Johnson Controls VRF systems, which were unveiled at the 2015 International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating (AHR) Expo. “An exceptional VRF product is only as good as the education and support provided to those that design and install VRF in buildings around the world,” said Justin Patrick, vice president and general manager of VRF and ductless solutions, Johnson Controls “Even the best contractors in the industry know that heating and cooling strategies are not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we developed a robust VRF curriculum that’s delivered in a world-class learning environment by proven industry experts.” www.johnsoncontrols.com/vrf

Wolseley Industrial acquires QIP Equipment, sells off engineered pipe group QIP Equipment Ltd. (QIP) of Montreal has been acquired by Wolseley Industrial Canada. Established in Montreal, QC, and operational since 1976, QIP is a wholesale distributor of manual and actuated valves, fittings, control products, and instrumentation products. QIP’s three locations – one each in the provinces of New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec – are now part of Wolseley Industrial. With the acquisition, 29 QIP employees have joined the Wolseley Canada team. The QIP team will report to Don Ziesman, general manager, Wolseley Industrial. Henry Hulshof, integration manager, Wolseley Industrial, will assist with the transition. QIP’s President, Cosmo Pace, will retire from the business, but will remain for a short time to coach and mentor staff, and assist with the transition. Key management members from QIP will remain to continue to run the operations. “We are excited to have the team at QIP join us at Wolseley Canada,” said Murray. “The employees at QIP have been instrumental in establishing QIP as a top-tier industrial 84


wholesaler, and we’re looking forward to having them provide that same level of value, customer service and dedication to Wolseley. In addition, the acquisition of QIP strengthens our business in three key provinces, adding products, capabilities and an experienced team.” The purchase of QIP enables Wolseley Industrial to expand its offerings and customer base in three strategic geographic regions, and allows Wolseley to provide greater service to companies requiring industrial products and expertise in these areas. In other news, Wolseley Industrial Canada sold its Engineered Pipe Group (EPG) to Emco Corporation in July. With the purchase, Emco acquires Wolseley Industrial’s high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, fittings and flanges, and fabricated vessels business, and welcomes all EPG employees. Wolseley retains the remainder of its industrial business, which includes industrial valves, specific application valves, valve actuation, pipe, flange and fitting products. www.wolseleyindustrial.ca

The Master Group acquires Frivent, opens new branch

Located in a newly-built building, the 12 000 sq. ft. facility includes a 4000 sq. ft. showroom

The Master Group Inc. has acquired Frivent Inc., a Québec supplier of ventilation and energy saving equipment, effective May 19, 2015. The acquisition allows The Master Group to strengthen its position in the ventilation sector. “In recent years, Master has invested in the development of this sector in order to become a leading player, either through acquisitions or even opening a branch entirely dedicated to ventilation," said Louis St. Laurent, president of The Master Group Inc. “All of these efforts have been successful and we see in the acquisition of Frivent, a dynamic, respected company recognized for its expertise, a natural and promising continuity in the development of this field of activity." “Over the years, Frivent has earned a reputation and a place in the ventilation sector thanks to its expertise and the quality of its services and facilities,” said Daniel Thivierge, a partner with Frivent Inc. “We are very pleased to be joining an organization as respected as Master because HPACMAG.COM

this transaction also represents for our company a natural continuation and a stepping stone towards improved competitiveness, greater flexibility and access to a large range of renowned products. Daniel Thivierge and Luc Bérubé, partners in Frivent, will remain at the Léger Street office in Sherbrooke, as will three other staff members. In other Master news, the wholesaler has opened a new branch in Lévis, which is situated in the southern region of Québec City close to the Trans-Canada Highway. Located in a newly built building, the 12 000 sq. ft. facility includes a 4000 sq. ft. showroom. “Given the increasing traffic in our Québec branch and the growing needs of customers, we have been planning for over a year to add a point of sale in the capital region,” said St-Laurent. “In this context, Lévis quickly emerged as

the most strategic location: Québec City’s South Shore is experiencing a significant growth in population and isn’t currently being served by an HVAC/R equipment distributor. Implementing a branch in this area allows us to get closer to these customers and those in the surroundings, particularly in the Beauce region.” Customers will be served by a team of four, including: Annie Whittom, branch director, who has over 30 years experience in the HVAC/R industry; Mathieu Belletête, warehouseman; Joey Heinz, branch representative; and Samuel Chabot-Nadeau, branch representative. The branch is located at 1984, 5th Street, Unit 190, tel. 418.834.5565. Master operates over 24 branches and has three distribution centres spanning from Southwestern Ontario to the Atlantic Provinces. www.master.ca


>> Noble has opened a second location in London, ON. It is located at 1540 Fanshawe Park Rd. W., Units 1 & 2, tel: 519.472.7294, fax: 519.472.7340. www.noble.ca

>> Ontor Limited has been named distributor for AquaMotion Inc., a manufacturer of patented single, multi speed and variable speed circulators and recirculation systems. Incorporated in 2002, AquaMotion developed the Green ECO-Cartridge Design, which is a field replaceable and field serviceable cartridge. Ontor Limited is located in Toronto with regional representation across Canada. http://aquamotionhvac.com www.ontor.com >> Watermark Designs, the Brooklyn-based designers and manufacturers of bathroom faucets and fixtures for commercial and residential projects, has unveiled its redesigned website. Watermark’s new website offers a gallery of product images; both as silo shots and installed in room settings to act as inspiration. The site also offers MSRP pricing for anyone who registers. Technical data, spec sheets and installation instructions are downloadable. Users can search for products by collection name, product style or fixture type and they can save their results to folders or share it with others. www.watermark-designs.com >> Sean Clifford of Integrity Sales in Verner, ON is now handling drains, water products, Powers, BRAE, ORION and BLÜCHER for Watts Water Technologies (Canada) Inc. in Northern Ontario. Clifford can be reached at 877.638.1919. www.wattscanada.ca >> Thermo 2000 has appointed G.S. Equipco Ontario Ltd. as its provincial manufacturer rep. Equipco has operated in Ontario and the western provinces for more than 30 years. Thermo 2000 manufactures heating systems for domestic hot water and hydronic heating systems. www.thermo2000.com HPACMAG.COM

>> Wolseley Canada has added its full suite of HVAC/R products to its plumbing branch in Halifax, N.S. The branch, which is located at 6300 Lady Hammond Rd., has been renovated to feature Wolseley’s updated branding. The renovation is part of a broader initiative by Wolseley to upgrade existing locations and open new branches across Canada throughout 2015 and 2016. Robert Boutilier continues as the branch supervisor for the Halifax location. www.wolseleyinc.ca >> Flow Design, Inc. is now a brand of IMI Hydronic Engineering known as IMI Flow Design (FDI). IMI Hydronic Engineering, which is part of IMI plc., is a global provider of hydronic distribution systems and room temperature control. www.imi-hydronic.com >> FF Systems recently opened a facility in Kitchener, ON. A leading producer of access panels, FF Systems does business in over 20 countries and has production and offices in the U.S., Canada and subsidiaries throughout Europe. It is also the exclusive distributor of Howe Green products in the U.S. and Canada. FF Systems is located at 545 Trillium Dr., Unit 2, tel. 519-896-0888. www.ffsystems.ca >> DuPont completed the separation of its Performance Chemicals segment on July 1, 2015, through the spin-off of The Chemours Company. http://investors.dupont.com < > AUGUST 2015 | HPAC


< PEOPLE Al Mejia was recently named vice president and general manager of Hart & Cooley. Mejia has held global leadership and business development roles at Actuant, Rexnord and Pentair, and engineering management positions with General Cable and Mejia Andrew Corporation. He earned his MS in industrial engineering from the University of Illinois and his BS in industrial engineering from the Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla Colombia. Danfoss has appointed Andrew McWeeney as regional sales trainer for the New England region and eastern Canada. In this role, McWeeney will provide training and educational support on Danfoss technologies for HVAC/R contractors, McWeeney wholesalers, and technical schools in the region. He comes to Danfoss with an extensive background in engineering and business – most recently working as service manager for a large residential HVAC contracting firm in New Hampshire. Claudia St-Denis has joined Les agences Lambert & Bégin inc. as an outside sales representative. She will cover the Kingston east towards Cornwall, ON and the Ottawa Gatineau area. St-Denis has over 10 years of experience as a professional sales person in different fields. American Standard Brands Canada has named a new director of marketing for the company's Canadian division based in Mississauga, ON. Michael Del Guidice joined American Standard in 2014 as a product marketing manager. In his Del Guidice new role, Del Guidice will be responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies and programs for key brands including American Standard and DXV. He has also become part of the American Standard Brands Canada Leadership Team.

Darcy Curran, senior vice-president of Wolseley Canada, recently announced the appointment of Andy Schoepke to the newly created role of director, strategic sourcing and product management. Schoepke will lead all strategic sourcing, procureSchoepke ment and vendor management activities in support of Wolseley’s branch network and overall business and growth objectives. Both Wolseley’s sourcing and product management teams will report to Schoepke. Schoepke was most recently with Molson Coors as the senior director, logistics and distribution transformation and PMO, and senior director, supply chain strategy, cost and network optimization. Shaun Desroches has been appointed senior vice president, sales and marketing with Franke Kindred Canada Limited (FKC). Desroches, who succeeds Case de Desroches McNamara Jong, has a 19-year career with the company. He joined FKC in 1996 and left in 2006 to open his own sales agency. Desroches was one of the principal owners of Great Lakes Marketing Inc., which represented FKC’s product in the Ontario market place from 2006 until 2012 when he returned to FKC as director of sales and marketing. In addition to leading the FKC senior management team, Desroches will focus on developing the company's sales and marketing initiatives. In other FKC personnel news, David McNamara succeeds Rick Brown as product development manager. Brown retired effective May 1.

Nelson Menezes has joined Ontor Limited as a sales representative and hydronics specialist. He brings over 20 years of experience as a mechanical engineer in the HVAC industry with national and international experience in commercial and resiMenezes dential HVAC environments. Part of Nelson’s duties at Ontor will be to translate customer needs into customized HVAC solutions.

Taco’s restructuring (see MSN news, p78) has resulted in management adjustments and promotions, two of which directly impact operations in Canada. Bryan Payne Lee Payne, senior vice president, engineered products and systems, is now responsible for engineered products and systems sales applications engineering, sales support, field sales, Taco University, Taco Canada and international sales. Robert Lee, executive vice president, operations, is responsible for operational activities for Taco’s circulator, commercial pump, controls and electronics and Fall River divisions, as well as U.S. and Canada facilities and warehouse operations.

Thermo 2000 has appointed Nico Pellegrino as its technical sales specialist for Canada. Pellegrino has more than 30 years experience as a master plumber and steamfitter and will be responsible for sales support and training.

ThermaSol has appointed Katie McKinney to the position of CEU trainer and trade coordinator for North America. McKinney’s role will be to deliver and present ASID, IIDA and IDC approved CEU courses related to wellness, sauna and steam throughout Canada and the U.S.





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The case for residential sprinkler systems There is a dual benefit to adding fire protection system installation to your service offering. BY STEVE GOLDIE


et me state right out of the gate that I have never been known as Mr. Safety. I am not the parent who wants to bubble wrap his kids to prevent any and every possible bumped head or scraped elbow. I am more like the guy who tests for gas leaks with a cigarette lighter. So when I was asked to do an article on residential fire protection sprinkler systems, I was more than a little bit surprised to find myself thinking that maybe it is time we made such things mandatory in single-family new home construction. Code requirements vary across the country and as far as I understand, Vancouver, BC, is the only jurisdiction that mandates sprinkler systems in single-family residential construction. In Ontario, the latest Ontario Building Code update mandated sprinklers in multi-family residential construction units over three storeys. That seems to be pretty much in line with most of the country. The average number of fire deaths in Canada is about 400 annually. Not a huge number statistically speaking out of a country of 36 million, however if just one of those 400 happens to be your family member then “statistically speaking� just sounds cold and hurtful. The pertinent question should really be; could this death have been avoided? For this question, the statistics have quite a lot to say. Here is the first statistical fact that caught my attention; of those 400 annual fire deaths in Canada, 85 per cent of them occurred in single-family residences. Eighty-five per cent of anything sounds like a pretty big number to me. The second statistic is even more attention grabbing, especially in light of the first one; no fire fatalities have occurred in a residential property protected by a sprinkler system installed to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13D standards.



NFPA 13D is a residential sprinkler design standard focused on one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured homes. The NFPA is a global, nonprofit organization founded in 1896 and devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. The association delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards. On one hand we have 85 per cent of all fire deaths occurring in singlefamily dwellings, on the other we have a 100 per cent success rate in preventing fire deaths in single-family dwellings in which approved sprinkler systems have been installed. Statistically speaking that is a fairly compelling argument. These numbers are compiled from a significant sample size, coming from reviews of the effectiveness of residential fire sprinklers in two large North American jurisdictions, one in the U.S. and the other in Canada. Scottsdale, AZ has had a sprinkler mandate in place since 1986, and previously mentioned Vancouver has had a by-law since 1990. Both require all new residential developments to be built with sprinklers. Since the regulations in each jurisdiction came into effect, there have been zero fire deaths in homes built to these standards. Zero deaths. As I said, this is a very compelling argument. Almost a no brainer one might say. Who could argue against such common sense and effective initiatives? The main opposing voice has been that of the home building lobby, citing higher building costs that could dampen the market and cost jobs. Considering the average cost in new home construction is about $1.35 per square foot of sprinklered space, or put another way, about one to 1.5 per cent of the total cost, it seems to me to be a pretty good value. Amortized over a 25-year mortgage it would be far less than HPACMAG.COM

“…if just one of those 400 happens to be your family member, then “statistically speaking” just sounds cold and hurtful.” most people’s monthly cable bill. To date however, the opposition has won the day in most jurisdictions, and have even convinced some municipalities to pass legislation outlawing forced sprinkler bylaws. Legislated or not, sprinkler systems in single-family homes should be an option that more people ought to consider when building or purchasing a new home. Progressive mechanical contractors should also be offering their customers this life saving option. Two common types of home sprinkler systems are acceptable under the NFPA sprinkler installation standard; stand alone systems and multi-use systems. Stand-alone sprinkler systems use a dedicated sprinkler piping supply, so that water flows only when a sprinkler is activated. The water in these systems would, over time, become stagnant which means they would require the installation of a testable back flow device where they are connected to the potable water system. Multipurpose systems combine plumbing and sprinklers into one plumbing network, sharing the home’s plumbing

pipes so that every time water is run anywhere in the home, fresh water moves through the lines. This type of system ensures the water never becomes stagnant, eliminating the need for the cross contamination protection of a back flow protector. If this sounds like it makes sense to you, talk to your wholesaler and learn if this could become another part in the basket of goods you offer your customer, not only can it add to your revenue stream, it may just help save a life. <> Steve Goldie learned his trade from his father while working as a plumber in the family business. After 21 years in the field, he joined the wholesale side of the business in 2002. His expertise is frequently called on to troubleshoot systems and advise contractors. He can be reached at sgoldie@nextsupply.ca. See Steve at the Modern Hydronics-Summit 2015 on September 10, 2015. For more information, see www.modernhydronicssummit.com.


EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ACROSS CANADA Construction Education Council courses

LEED Canada

The Construction Education Council offers a number of management and supervisory courses across Canada through webinars and classroom settings. For more information, e-mail education@mcac.ca.

Canada Green Building Council workshops include LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation, Net Positive Energy Buildings, and Introduction to the LEED-v4 Rating System, tel. 866.941.1184.

TECA Quality First Training


TECA’s respected Quality First training programs are developed by the industry, for the industry, setting minimum standards for the residential and light commercial heating, ventilating and cooling trade in British Columbia. Courses provide contractors the information they need to install equipment that operates safely and comfortably at rated efficiencies.

The North Alberta Institute of Technology is offering a Hydronic Designer Core I (HDRO370) continuous intake distance learning course. Students have nine months to complete six modules: heat, boilers, heat loss, blueprint reading, building construction and system design factors.



Canadian Hydronics Council The Art of Hydronic Fundamentals course is a starting point for those interested in installing hydronic-heating systems. The Essentials of Hydronic System Design intermediate level program helps practitioners understand key design principles and the different options and solutions required to meet client needs. Course descriptions and training schedules are available online. www.ultimatecomfort.ca



HRAI SkillTech Academy SkillTech Academy, the Education Division of the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) offers a variety of residential and commercial courses for the advancement of its members’ business and technical excellence. For more information, contact Dorothy Allen by e-mail: dallen@hrai.ca.


Energy Management The Office of Energy Efficiency at Natural Resources Canada has workshops in cooperation with Langara College in BC, some of which lead to an energy management certificate.

www.langara.bc.ca HPACMAG.COM





PLUMBING PRODUCTS Bringing architectural influences to the bath, the MB507 semi-exposed floor mounted tub filler offers high flow-rate valves and large curved filler spout, knurled unions, braided stainless hose






mounting hardware unit. www.mgstaps.com

The model MHK720-35 Apron Front Fireclay sink from Franke measures

SharkBite Tee Stops from Cash Acme al-

31 ¾ in. by 19 ¾ in. by 8 ⅝ in., including the apron. Sinks in the line

low the user to tap into existing supply

come in various sizes and in single- and double-bowl models. They can

lines to add fixtures and appliances with

be installed flush with the counter or below as an undermount.

the speed and convenience of push-fit


connections. The SharkBite Tee can be used on Copper, CPVC, PEX. www.cashacme.com

The hilmor Compact Bender includes a ratcheting lever designed to execute 90-degree bends with one hand. It also

Offered by Franklin Electric Co., Inc., the

features a quick-release button, colour-

Little Giant Pit+Plus basin features a

coded mandrels and universal cross-

monolithic top, with pump, switch and

-, ⅜-, ½-, ⅝-, and

plumbing connections that can be ac-

⅞-in. tubing and comes in two different

cessed independently. Still offered with

kits. The 1926598 kit comes with a

the common float switch, the system

reverse-bending attachment.

was redesigned to incorporate the ECM


(External Control Module) switch op-

bar. It can bend ¼-,


tion. It contains a “bell” inside the baThe DWH exchange controllers

sin to monitor liquid level for switch op-

from RESOL are available for dif-

eration outside the basin, isolated from

ferent system sizes. Features

the liquid. Also incorporated are mould-

include integrated data logging,

ed-in discharge and vent ports, in addi-

remote access over a network or

tion to the moulded inlet hub, moulded

the Internet and pre-configured

anti-torque stops, a 360-degree mould-

functions. They also come with

ed handle, an integrated anti-floatation

customized control for systems

collar, stainless steel fasteners, and

with or without circulation, a cir-

optional alarm versions from the previous model. It comes in senior (24

culation function for different

in. x 30 in.) and junior (24 in. x 24 in.) sizes with a 44-gallon total capac-

user profiles, a commissioning menu and a bypass control.

ity, equipped with a Little Giant 9SN or 10SN Series ejector pump.



The 149-153 Quantum One toilet from

The Hockey faucet from Aquabrass was

Mansfield Plumbing has an elongated front

designed by Remi Theberge. It features

and outlet floor-mount combination. It fea-

a single lever and spout that come in the

tures a pressure-assist, Sloan Flushmate

shape of a hockey stick. The faucet can

IV flushing system and is WaterSense cer-

be engraved with a team or player’s

tified. The toilet, which comes in whites

name. It is available in polished chrome

standard biscuit and bone colours, meets

and 21 custom finishes.

the testing requirements for MaP Premium


rating. www.mansfieldplumbing.com 90


continued on p92 HPACMAG.COM


Each year the majority of fire related deaths in Canada take place where we feel the most secure, in the home. In light of such tragedies, Flocor is proud to be an authorized distributor of the life-saving family of fire protection products from RAPID RESPONSE ™ Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems, a brand of Tyco Fire Protection Products. To learn more about the comprehensive industrial, commercial, fire protection, and municipal piping solutions offered by Flocor, call 905-664-1459 or visit www.flocor.ca.

PLUMBING PRODUCTS continued from p90 The RIDGID Basin Wrench includes a light that illuminates dark work spaces and automatically shuts off after five minutes of inactivity to preserve battery life, as well as a removable T-handle that pivots 180 degrees to provide easier access to tight under-sink spaces during repair or installation. The removable T-handle also provides the option to use a standard 3/8-in. ratchet or breaker bar for additional leverage. The Basin Wrench has an ergonomic handle and an improved easy-to-use telescoping design, extending its reach up to 17 in. The jaw has been upgraded with a heavy-duty, rust-

The in-line Testrite DWV Testing System can be

resistant spring and travel limiter to provide a

installed in no-hub cast iron, ABS and PVC (2-,

tighter grip and longer lifetime.

3-, 4- and 6-in.) systems. After insertion, three


seals located on the Test Wedge create a seal within the test tee. A waterway at the middle of

The Flood Buzz Blue from Archetype Ltd. is designed to fit in water-

the Test Wedge is controlled by a test stem,

heater drip pans to alert homeowners to small leaks. It sounds an alert

which is rotated clockwise to close the water-

of up to 110 dB when water comes in contact with the two prongs on the

way for DWV testing. The system can then be

bottom of the unit. It contains an internal, non-serviceable battery and

filled conventionally from above or a hose can

has a label location for contractors’ contact information. No program-

be attached to the optional ¾ in. valve at the

ming is required. www.floodbuzzpro.com

point of the test stem. www.holdrite.com

The VY16 tub-filler from Riobel’s Venty collection features a ½-in. inlet male NPT, ceramic cartridge and balancing spool with check valves, and a one-jet hand shower. Available in chrome and coming with a limited lifetime warranty, its flow rate is 23 lpm at up to 60 psi. The VY16 meets CSA B125.1, ASME A112.18.1 Matco-Norca’s faucet collection now includes





4 in. single-handle lavatory faucets in chrome (CL-550CJP) and brushed nickel (CL-550BNJP) finishes. These lavatory faucets have a metal lever handle, washerless cartridge, and fea-

Using Carbon Dioxide in dip-tube cylinders,

ture a heavy duty, professional grade 50/50

the Cold-Shot from General Pipe Cleaners

pop-up. All CL-550JP lavatory faucets are EPA

freezes liquids in steel, copper, iron, alumi-

WaterSense certified and Safe Drinking Water

num or plastic pipes with 1/8-in. to two-in.

Act complaint. They have a maximum flow rate

diameters. To use, place the freeze head

of 1.5 GPM at 60 PSI and meet ANSI/ASME

around the pipe, attach the hose and open

A112.18M/A112.18.1, NSF/ANSI 61 – Sec.

the CO2 cylinder valve. Liquid CO2 flows into

9, NSF/ANSI 372, and IAPMO/cUPC stan-

the unit’s freeze head, forming an ice pack in

dards. The CL-550JP lavatory faucets come in

the pipe. Kits include 10 sets of freeze

job pack configurations designed specifically

heads, two high pressure spiral hoses with

for plumbing professionals.

injectors, rubber gloves, goggles and a carry-


ing case. www.drainbrain.com/coldshot





PLUMBINGINPRODUCTS ADVERTISERS THIS ISSUE Adrian Steel................................................... www.adriansteel.com ........................................................... page 73 AHR Expo....................................................... www.ahrexpo.com ................................................................ page 13 Amvic............................................................ www.amvicsystem.com .......................................................page MH3 Axiom............................................................ www.axiomind.com ...........................................................page MH15 Bardon Supplies............................................. www.bardonsupplies.com .................................................page MH33 Caleffi............................................................ www.caleffi.com .................................................................page MH7 CMPX............................................................ www.cmpxshow.ca ...........................................................page MH43 Flocor............................................................ www.flocor.ca ....................................................................... page 91 Ford...............................................................www.ford.ca ......................................................................... page 95 Franklin Electric.............................................www.littlegiant.com .............................................................. page 81 GM................................................................ www.gmbusinesschoice.ca ................................................... page 77 Goodman........................................................ www.goodmanmfg.com ........................................................... page 2 HBX Controls................................................. www.hbxcontrols.com .......................................................page MH13 Heatlink......................................................... www.heatlink.com ............................................................page MH27 Heatspring..................................................... www.heatspring.com .............................................page MH26, MH46 Hilmor............................................................ www.hilmor.com/flare ............................................................. page 5 Hood Chemical............................................... www.hoodchemical.com ...................................................page MH40 Hydronic Heating Technologies....................... www.hhtsystems.com .......................................................page MH36 IBC................................................................ www.ibcboiler.com ............................................................page MH47 IESO.............................................................. www.saveonenergy.ca/business ............................................ page 75 Industrial Refrigerated Systems...................... www.indref.ca ...................................................................... page 10 Insulation Solutions........................................ www.insulationsolutions.com ............................................page MH40 IPEX.............................................................. www.ipexinc.com .................................................................. page 83 Jaga............................................................... www.jaga-canada.com ......................................................page MH11 Liberty Pumps................................................ www.libertypumps.com ......................................................... page 87 Lochinvar.......................................................www.Lochinvar.com ..........................................................page MH41 Master Group................................................. www.master.ca .................................................................... page 21 Mitsubishi Electric.........................................www.SmartHVAC.ca ..........................................................page MH37 Napoleon........................................................ www.napoleonheatingandcooling.com .................................... page 11 Navien............................................................www.Navien.com ................................................................page MH9 Nissan...........................................................http://ncv.nissan.ca ............................................................ page 17 NTI................................................................www.ntiboilers.com ..........................................................page MH19 Powrmatic...................................................... www.myruud.com/360furnace .............................................. page 19 Rehau............................................................ www.na.rehau.com/sim ....................................................page MH22 Saniflo........................................................... www.saniflo.ca ..................................................................... page 79 Security Chimneys..........................................www.securitychimneys.com ...............................................page MH21 Sprinter.......................................................... www.Mercedes-Benz-Vans.ca .................................................. page 7 Switch the 'Stat............................................. www.switchthestat.ca .......................................................... page 74 Taco..............................................................www.tacocomfortsolutions.com .........................................page MH48 Tamas Hydronic Systems................................ www.tamashydronic.com ...................................................page MH29 Thermo 2000................................................. www.thermo2000.com .....................................................page MH39 Uponor........................................................... www.uponor.ca .................................................................page MH35 Victaulic........................................................ www.victaulic.com ................................................................ page 23 Viega............................................................. www.viega.us ...................................................................page MH31 Viessmann..................................................... www.viessmann.ca .............................................................page MH2 Watts.............................................................www.Watts.ca/drainage ........................................................ page 96 Z-Flex............................................................ www.z-flex.com .................................................................page MH30 HPACMAG.COM




Modern Hydronics-Summit 2015 September 10

SMACNA Annual Convention September 27-30

Green Building Festival October 1

The second hydronics-only event will be held at the International Centre at 6900 Airport Rd. in Mississauga, ON.

The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association will host its 72nd annual convention at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, CO. www.smacna.org

The Green Building Festival, presented by Sustainable Buildings Canada, will take place at Daniels Spectrum in Toronto, ON.


CIPHEX Roadshow October 15-November 18

RSES Canada November 6-7

The CIPHEX Roadshow will make stops in Burnaby, BC on October 15; Edmonton, AB on October 20; Regina, SK on October 22; Brandon, MB on October 28; and St. Johns, NL on November 18.

Note: Date and location change. RSES Canada will take place in Toronto, ON. Venue TBA.




MCA Canada’s 74th Annual National Conference November 16-19 The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada will hold its 74th Annual National Conference at the Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa in Palm Springs, CA. www.mcac.ca

Construct Canada December 2-4

Greenbuild International Conference & Expo November 18-22




Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) January 19-21

Greenbuild, the world’s largest annual conference and expo dedicated to green building, will take place in Washington, DC. Venue TBA. www.greenbuildexpo.org

The 27th annual event will be held concurrently with PM Expo, HomeBuilder & Renovator Expo and Concrete Canada in the South Building, and Construct International and IIDEXCanada in the North Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

ASHRAE Winter Conference January 23-27

AHR Expo January 25-27

CMPX March 16-18

The 2016 Winter ASHRAE Conference will take place at the Hilton Orlando, FL.

The International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition is being held at Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL. www.ahrexpo.com

The Canadian Mechanical & Plumbing Exposition (CMPX), Canada’s national show for the mechanical industry, will take place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, ON.


The 2016 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, in conjunction with the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), will take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center.




National HVAC/R Educators and Trainers Conference March 21-23 The 2016 National HVAC/R Educators and Trainers Conference will be held at the South Point Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. www.hvacexcellence.org/nhetc

The Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating will hold its annual business conference at the Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, AB.


Cleanerheat June 16-18

MEET - Mechanical Electrical Electronic Technology 2016 will take place at the Moncton Coliseum Complex in Moncton, NB. www.meetshow.ca

The Canadian Oil Heat Association's 33rd annual Symposium is being held in Charlottetown, PE, at the Delta Prince Edward. www.cleanerheat.ca

HRAI Annual Meeting & Conference August 24-26


CIPH ABC June 26-28

MEET 2016 May 18-19

The Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute will hold its 48th annual meeting and conference at the Hyatt Regency in Calgary, AB.

ISH March 14-18 The world’s biggest showcase for innovative bathroom design, energy efficient heating and air-conditioning technology will be held at Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


Planning an event? Send the details to Beth McKay, Assistant Editor BMckay@hpacmag.com 94












Vehicle may be shown with optional features. *With F-450, when properly equipp equipped. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR vs 2015 competitors. **440 HP with 6.7L V8 Diesel. Class is Full-Size pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR vs 2015 competitors. †F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 49 years in a row based on CCanadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report up to 2014 year end and YTD May 2015. ^860 LB.-FT. of torque with 6.7L V8 Diesel. Class is Full-Size pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR vs 2015 competitors. ‡The 2016 Super Duty with 6.7L Power Stroke diesel has best-in-class fuel consumption. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 3 856 kg (8 500 lbs) GVWR. Diesel fuel efficiency claim based on Ford -simulated city-suburban drive-cycle tests of comparably equipped 2016 Ford and 2015 competitive models, consistent with SAE Standard J1321. Actual fuel consumption will vary. ©2015 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. Based on the Vincentric 2015 Canadian Fleet awards analysis, Full-Size Heavy Duty ¾-Ton Pickup and Full-Size Heavy Duty 1-Ton Pickup segments and the F-250 Super Duty XL Reg Cab 2WD and F-350 Super Duty XL Reg Cab SRW 2WD.

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