Glass Hat Mag
Art & Entertainment
Glass Hat Magazine is an Art and Entertainment publication to shine light on the emerging artists, designers, and entertainers too often over-shadowed.
Glass Hat Mag Art & Entertainment
We’re obsessed with Art and Entainment Its the creative artists, the ground breaking musicians, innovative artists, and the visual designers that set the magazine’s course. Each month, Glass Hat Mag tracks the trends to release a cultural guidepost, marked by an unmistakeable passion for the artist. In researching the art and entertainment industry before building this magazine, we noticed there was little to no coverage given to upcoming artists, photographers, models, crafters, entertainers, designers and other emerging talent. We found that existing magazines were not providing editorial space for these artists before they are known. Glass Hat Magazine has envisioned bringing this exposure to the artist and focusing on the personalities and characters behind these creative minds. Glass Hat Magazine is unique in that it assists these artists in expanding their exposure to the public eye. Successful advertisers present campaigns in the right places, in the right way, to an audience that matters. Glass Hat Mag provides the perfect vehicle to be more deeply engaged with influential media consumers who expect great content on multiple platforms.
Glass Hat Mag Art & Entertainment
LIFESTYLE 46% attended live music concerts multiple times per month 41% attended live theater, opera, dance or classical music performance in the last month 46% dined out multiple times per week 47% Visited bar or nightclub 1+ times per week 64% spent money on clothing in last month 62% Purchased a book in the last month 50% Purchased music in store /online 1+ times per week Media – Music and arts coverage 71% do not turn to weekly newspapers 96% do not turn to regional monthly magazines 2011 survey results based on third party research conducted.
Age: 18-52
Gender: Female 65% Male 35% Education: Some College 72% College Grads 56% Pursuing PHD 16% Avg Income
$25-$60k $60-$100k $100-$200k
28% 38% 18%
Lifestyle: Use Name Brands 95% Use Credit Cards 90% Own a Home 34% Have investments %40 Collect Fine Art 28% Purchased Clothing in last 12 Mos 80%
ONLINE MAGAZINE Everything we do at Glass Hat Magazine is tailored to help you sell more of your work. Each issue is emailed in digital format to our subscribers. All advertisers are included in this Online Magazine with live links to their websites.
* Your advertisements in the online magazine will have live links that send collectors, fans, and clients to your website.
* The Online Magazine helps bring new collectors and clients straight to your website to help you sell more of your services and work.
* Eager collectors can view your work online and determine their purchasing strategies at any time.
PRICES Normal Positions Per Issue
Two Page Spread
1/2 PAGE
1/4 PAGE
* New advertisers will be required to prepay for their first two ads to receive frequency discounts. * Ad creation services available DIMENSIONS Double Page H: 270mm x W: 430mm + add 2mm bleed around entire ad One page H: 270mm x W: 213mm + add 2mm bleed around entire ad Half Page Horizontal H: 135mm x W: 213mm + add 2mm bleed around entire ad Half Page Vertical H: 270mm x W: 105mm +add 2mm bleed around entire ad Quarter Page H: 105mm x W: 135mm +add 2mm bleed around entire ad
Glass Hat Mag Art & Entertainment
Premium Position Per Issue
Inside Front Cover
Inside Back Cover
Back Cover
* All premium positions are on a first-come, first-served basis. Specific page placement within the magazine is also available at a premium. Contact Glass Hat Magazine LLC advertising sales department for details. • Ad creation services available
Contact Nickoli Jean - Editor Website:
Glass Hat Magazine LLC is funded through advertisements by our members. Deadline for submission to our designers is the 15th of each month. Final approved proofs must be returned by the 25th of each month. This form is a contract between you and Glass Hat Magazine.
Glass Hat Mag Art & Entertainment
Advertising insertion order form Publication Specifications
Files supplied in Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or any similiar word processing program MAY NOT be usable in their own format and will be reformatted on your proof at additional cost to you. Please telephone us if you have any questions or need assistance preparing an ad for publication.
Please supply electronic files in: Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator and Adopbe Photoshop, minimum resolution is 300dpi. It is preferable that files are Macintosh based, however PC files can usually be used. Please include all fonts and support files including photos, logos, graphics, illustrations, etc.
Subscriptions Glass Hat Magazine is a solely online publication. Copies of the magazine may be purchased through our office.
Submit Ads E-mail electronic ad file to as a high resolution .jpg, .eps, .tif, or .pdf file. Please do not use any compression programs such as ZIP, STUFFIT, etc.
Company Name: ______________________________ Web Address: ____________________ Street Address: _______________________________ Contact Person: __________________ City: ____________________________
State: __________________
Telephone: _______________________
Fax: ______________ E-mail: _____________
Ad Size: 2-page spread
Frequency: 1-month
Position: IFC
Zip: ___________
Amount enclosed: __________________(Make checks payable to “Glass Hat Magazine LLC�) Signature: ______________________________
Premium Position Per Issue
Inside Front Cover
Inside Back Cover
Back Cover
Normal Positions Per Issue
Two Page Spread
1/2 PAGE
1/4 PAGE
Discounts and Payment
• New advertisers will be required to prepay for their first two ads. • Ad creation services available
General Rate Policy Frequency discounts are available and are based on the number of insertions run within a 12-month period from the date of first insertion. Any advertiser who does not fulfill a contract will be subject to normal rates. Ad contracts may be cancelled provided notice is given before the closing date. Orders subject to rate change upon 90 days’ notice from publisher. • Publisher reserves the right to hold the advertising agency and the advertiser jointly and separately liable for payments due to Glass Hat Magazine. In the event that an advertiser has paid the agency, the advertiser is fully responsible for paying all invoices due to Glass Hat Magazine LLC. • Neither the advertiser nor its agency may cancel advertising after the issue closing date. When change of copy is not received by closing date, copy furnished or run in previous issue will be printed. • In the event of an error in the display advertisement, the publisher will re-run the correct version of the same ad material in the next available issue published. • Publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of the advertisement’s space. • Publisher reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” to or reject advertising that simulates editorial.