Glass Hat
July 2012
Photography by Robert Henry
GLAM 2012
Mr. Oklahoma 2011 Tells how to succeed as a Freelance Model Basic Modeling 101
Glass Hat
Nickoli Jean Letter from the editor -in-Chief
July is a huge month for us at the Glass Hat Mag. Launching our first issue, finally being able to share what we’ve been working on so hard with all of you; the buzzing excitment has electrified the air and we are eager to spread that. Though the Glass Hat is still fresh on it’s feet, we aren’t taking any baby steps. I’ve always felt that the only way to get something done is to go big and give it your all. So we are jumping straight into the deep end to give you only the best.
Of course, there are plenty of other entertainment magazines out here, but what makes us stand out, what makes us the best, is that we are bringing you the fresh-blood of the art world, straight from your home town. We are giving the spotlight to the artists who haven’t received the recognition that they have earned, local artists who are far too often overlooked by the media for already famous names. Every month we will be featuring new artists, putting them on the pedestal to share with the world and to give them as much exposure as possible. We are seeking out phenominal artists so that every issue is packed with up-and-coming talent, as well as tips and advice from artists who are in the biz, and articles filled with tidbits and factoids to keep you reading. So a sincere thank you from me to you, for creating an even greater audience for these amazing artists. Happy reading, Nickoli
Editor Nickoli Jean
Contributing Writers Nickoli Jean, Nathaniel Goodwin, Traci Lacek, Melissa Wheeler
Contributing Photographers Allan Cich ( Robert Henry ( Marketing & Sales Larry Jacobs (
Glass Hat
Features Freedom By Melissa Wheeler
Your First Photo Shoot By Nathaniel Goodwin
Importance of a Properly Fitted Bra
Biting the Apple: Glam 2012 By Nickoli Jean
Nathaniel Goodwin: Mr. Oklahoma 2011 By Nickoli Jean
Print Numbering
Basics For the Beginner Model By Traci Lacek Modeling 101 By Nathaniel Goodwin
Written By Melissa Wheeler
The 2012 Oxford dictionary defines freedom as “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Being a military veteran, I feel privileged to be able to write for the Glass Hat. If it were not for the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines who protect us, we would not have this freedom. Father Denis O’Brien, USMC, wrote a poem that gives an excellent portrayal of what freedom is. “It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us
freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protestor to burn the flag.” By: Father Denis Edward O’Brien M.M. USMC Let’s remember why we have our freedoms and thank those who have served to protect them.
Your First Photo Shoot
drenaline can be a new model’s best friend or worst enemy. The exhilaration new models feel when they connect with a photographer for the first time is immeasurable. Preparation for the first photo shoot should start immediately after the model gets off the phone or receives the confirmation email from the photographer. Once the theme and location have been established, the model should start practicing. he old saying ‘practice makes perfect’ is applicable to a model’s success in the industry. Practice means getting in front of a mirror and mastering unique looks. A great model has many looks and can set the flow of the photo shoot. Many new models tend to make easily avoidable errors because they assume that modeling is something that comes naturally for everyone and dive in, unpre-
photographer’s camera will pick up every emotion that a model feels, which is why practicing is so important. Practicing is as simple as standing at a mirror and taking a good look at facial expressions while showing different emotions, paying attention to eyes, mouth, cheeks and other facial features. The next step is to do it again, but with a buddy. The buddy can give instant feed back from an external source, so that the model can be prepared for the first photo shoot.
ne of the worst things a model can do is show up late to a photo shoot, or not be ready to work. Behavior like that will hinder model’s career before they begin. A bad review from a photographer can travel to other photographers and a model can gain a reputation of being “unprofessional”.
he goal that a new model should have for the first photo shoot is to impress the photographer, so the photographer will refer them to others. A model should ask for a photographer to critique their performance, so that they can use it in the future to become a better model. The first step is often the hardest one but if it’s done right the model will build a foundation that will last a lifetime. Written By: Nathaniel Goodwin
Pr i n t 1
is print numbering? What does it mean, and how do they relate to the value of the print?
To begin, lets go back to el-
ementary school art class, where students trim a raw potato to make a design. Then, by gently placing the potato into some paint or ink, the potato made a stamp that could be applied to a piece of paper.
The ited
result: a limedition work of art.
potato would begin to deteriorate after a few such stampings, making following prints lose the clarity of the first few strikings.
3 Today, nearly all limited editions that are produced can be run in editions of hundreds of thousands before any deterioration occurs. Therefor, a collector should be assured that all prints from a run are identical, even the proofs.
During the process, the pa-
per or canvas is printed on big presses and stacked to dry in numerous piles. The paper or canvas is trimmed and packed for shipment to the publisher where they are curated, signed and numbered. The various steps make it impossible to tell which prints were printed first.
Why why number at all? Think of the print as a serial
4 or registration number to keep everyone honest. If a print is numbered 152/1200, that is simply the 152nd one numbered. While artist’s proofs, publishers proofs, etc. may cost the collector more, they too are from that identical run. Etchings and woodblock prints are clearer and sharper at the beginning of the run. Usually such prints are numbered sequentially as they are produced, and early strikings may be more desired than later strikings.
in ind that the artist seldom does their own numbering, and that most valuable limited editions are those in mind condition, regardless of the print number.
N u mb e ri ng
The Importance of a Properly Fitted Bra
ith summer already here, you’re breaking out the old summerstash of clothes, and probably picking up new pieces here and there. Tops and dresses adorn the mannequins in the store fronts, shoes and sandals and hairpieces taking the spotlight. But what many people forget is the importance of a correctly fitting bra. Not only is it important to make your clothes fit properly and to flatter your figure, an illfitting bra can have long-term negative effects on your body. When was the last size you had yourself measured for the correct bra size? Many people continue to buy the same size for years, and often times get the wrong size over and over again.
Some simple questions to tell if your bra is not the correct size: - Do your bra straps dig into your shoulders or rib cage? - Do the cups feel too empty or too full? - Is the front of the band too tight, or can you get more than one finger between it and y o u ? - Is the back higher than the front?
You can take rough measurements at home to give you an idea of what size you should be, but being measured by a lingerie specialist will ensure the correct size. It might seem intimidating or embarrassing to go get measured by a stranger, but just remember: it’s their job to get you a properly fitting bra!
Answering yes to any of these questions means there is a chance you are not wearing the right size. It isn’t wise to assume you are the same size you were two or three years ago. Our bodies are constantly changing, and that doesn’t exclude your bust!
The ideal bra should hold the entire breast in each cup with no bulging or ‘spillage’, as well as not having excess space in the front of the cups or near the straps. The band should rest evenly against the ribcage and you should be able to fit two fingers in at the back. Your breasts should be supported totally, and stay in place even if the straps are moved off the shoulders.
A properly fitting bra is important for both comfort as well as posture, and is especially important during teen years. A badly fitting bra can lead to muscle tension and back problems, and can lead to life-long posture and back troubles. You should be fitted for a new bra yearly, to avoid these problems.
The bra is something that many people don’t think twice about. It’s an every day, mundane thing. But taking a few minutes out of your day to get properly sized will make your whole body thank you!
Biting The Apple: GLAM! 2012 10
he Individual Artists of Oklahoma, the IAO, hosts an annual multimedia art show featuring Oklahoma artists, but with an unusual, provocative flare. An adult-only event on it’s 21st year, and still going strong. 2012’s event was held Friday, April 13th and Saturday, April 14th at
the IAO in downtown Oklahoma City. With a theme of “Glam”, not only was the art on display glamorous, surreal and magical, but many patrons dressed to the nines. A smartly decorated gallery with the art center-stage, the evenings were sprinkled with outstanding live performanc-
es, eclectic live music, and flashy fashion shows.
rt on display was judged by Mike Wimmer, Marilyn Artus, and J Michelle Martin Coyne, three distinguished artists from across Oklahoma.
ver the course of two nights, there were live
performances by TNT Burlesque, Jabee Williams, Balthaazar, Perpetual Motion Dance, The Ladies Of The Boom, 7 Deadly Sins, and 2XLP. Marcus Muse & Co. painted live during the event, and a hair and makeup event was held by Hair Lounge by Miranda and Velvet Monkey. Pun-
ish Petal had hand-made, slightly naughty, accessories on sale both nights, and music was provided by Sir Martin. Biting the Apple is the perfect art event for those with a lust for greater-than-reality art, wild imaginations, and a thirst for something different.
Glass Hat
Nathaniel Goodwin Mr. Oklahoma 2011 GHM: from?
Where are you
NG: I was born in Panorama City, Los Angeles and I was raised in Austin, Texas for most of my childhood. I have lived in Brownwood, Texas and also in Lubbock, Texas. I have been very fortunate to be able to reside in different states in the US. GHM: How long have you been modeling? NG: I have been modeling for three years now. Every year, I have noticed that my perspective and my attitude for modeling has changed. I now circumspect all photographers’ abilities and I also evaluate my own strengths and weaknesses before an upcoming photo shoot. The reason why I do this is because I want to become the best male model in the US. GHM: What got you inspired to model? NG: My first photoshoot was ironically with a man named Robert Henry [the photographer of this month’s images]. I was very curious about modeling and I had no direc-
tion that I wanted to move at that time. After years of contemplating, I decided to take a step forward, and I called up Robert Henry and I set up a photo shoot with him. I researched Robert Henry’s work beforehand and I was im-
pressed by his work. I still remember scrolling through all of his images at Site Key Studios and reciting to my friends that he is a brilliant photographer. Robert told me after the photoshoot that I should consider
trying to get into modeling and join a modeling website called Model Mayhem. I was skeptical at first, but I signed up for the site and the rest is history.
GHM: You were Mr. Oklahoma 2011, what other accomplishments have you reached through modeling? Travel, agencies? NG: The title of Mr. Oklahoma 2011 has opened
up many doors for me as a model. I have cohosted KSBI OK52 “All About You� with JaNiece Cranmer and Kealey McIntire. I have my own website now where I can connect with fans (http://www.nathaniel(Continue on pg 33)
Photography by: Robert Henry
Traci Lacek
Mother, married, professional model A little about myself as the author. I am a 34 year old mother of 5 beautiful angels. I have been married to the love of my life going on 14 years this July. When I started out in modeling, I thought all the odds were against me. Age, body shape and my confidence level were, I thought, major downfalls to making it in the glamor modeling industry. I never thought I would make it as a model, until I made the choice to simply follow my passion, regardless of the obstacles. That is what brought me to the where I am today.
Basics For The Beginner Model Professional modeling is a make-it-or-break-it industry that requires a lot of work and time if you want to be successful. A lot of people have the misconception when they see a professional photograph that it is simply an image, but it is far more than just another picture of a pretty face. It is a work of art that takes collaboration both on the model’s side as well as the photographer’s.
Tip! “In order to be successful, you have to know what you want to do in the modeling industry by picking out a genre that you want to focus on.”
In order to be successful, you have to know what you want to do in the modeling industry by picking out a genre that you want to focus on.
Tip! “Time and research is needed to find a photographer...”
Time and research is needed to find a photographer that can produce a quality image, as well
“Simply researching a photographer’s portfolio is not good enough.”
as have the skills to pull off the discussed concept. For example, a pin-up model would not
go to a photographer whose main focus is fitness, unless the photographer in question
has the proven skills for both. A pin-up model would seek out a photographer with a portfolio that
mainly focuses on pin-up models, because this means that they have spent time perfecting that look. However, this does not mean every photographer that does pin-up would be good for the job. Quality and experience are important in finding the right photographer. There are a lot of photographers that are versatile, but that is not the case for every photographer. Simply researching a photographer’s portfolio is not good enough. Personal safety and comfort with the photographer is just as important. Talk to several different people who have worked with the photographer in the past to get character reference; check to see if they have ever been blacklisted and the reasons why, and by how many people. Knowing
how to pose is just as important as the photographer you choose. Posing is like acting, it gives you a chance to escape into a different world and be someone else, if only for a moment. It’s important to make the pose your own by keeping a little bit of your own personality. Poses, if done correctly, help to elongate the body, add strength to the image, define the muscles, and bring out the perfect work of art. A successful model also knows how to style themselves for a shoot. Using the right kinds of makeup are important; you get what you put into the image. Some high quality, recommended brands are Sephora, Mac, Smashbox, and PhotoReady. The use of fake eyelashes can also help to avoid clumpy eyelashes
“A pin-up model would seek out a photographer with a portfolio that mainly focuses on pin-up models...”
caused by mascara. Your face is one of the main focuses in most images, and perfecting it as much as you can before Photoshop helps the photographer to enhance the image even more. Keeping your nails done is part of this process. Remember, once an image is out there, its hard to get it back, so if it is not what you want circulating for all to see, stick to what you are comfortable with others viewing. Presentation is very important, so be on time, if not 5 to 10 minutes early, and be completely ready to shoot when you arrive. The photographer’s time is just as valuable as your own, so you need to treat it as such. No call or no show is unacceptable and will end you up blacklisted. If, Continue on pg.
The first question that usually pops into a model’s head is ‘how do I meet photographers and get pictures to put in my portfolio?’
A model should join modeling network sites, such as Model Mayhem, Ujena Network, or Models.Com. Once a model joins a site, they will be able to connect with local photographers, make up artists, other models, and even agencies, and will be able to view casting calls that can be beneficial to their career.
The second question that often emerges is ‘how do I become a successful model and gain exposure?’
A model can do numerous things to become successful and get local and global attention. For example, a model can spend time cultivating a portfolio by setting up diverse photo shoots, experimenting with commercial, editorial, glamour, pinup, runway, fitness, bridal, and other various categories, in order to become more marketable. A model that is willing to try many areas of modeling will have more opportunities to gain exposure in the industry. A model should take some time to explore all the avenues, so they can become a versatile model.
Modeling 101 Common First Questions Modeling is a profession that changes every day, so there are never any definite answers. New models have many challenges that they face in the industry, before even becoming recognized. A successful model must develop the ability to adapt to any situation and have a professional, friendly disposition. The path that a model takes is full of ambiguity and a model should expect some form of adversity along the way. As a new model, many questions will arise and this column will address the fundamental concerns that an aspiring model will face in their career. The best advice to all new models is to be patient and to not get discouraged when things do not go their way. The modeling industry can be as big or as small as they want it to be.
Modeling is a first impression occupation, so a model’s portfolio should be professional and instantly reflect what type of model they are. It can be compared to the preparation that is put into applying for any job.
A person that takes the time to research the company, have an organized resume, and have interpersonal proficiency will have a better chance at getting the job.
Written By: Nathaniel Goodwin
Interested in Exposure, cotact us at
“When the Quality of the Images Matters!”
(Continue from pg. 25)
N a t h a n i e l G o o d w i n I have traveled to Madrid, Spain, San Jose Del Cabo, Negril Jamaica and got signed as a model for an international agency in Madrid, Spain called “The Creator”, or, in Spanish “La Criatura.” I been featured in a new Oklahoma Bridalifestyle magazine and have been in a calendar for GW Exotic Memorial Animal Park; where I was able to shoot with a white tiger. I have participated in many bridal, fitness and fashion shows this year because of Cosmopolitan 2011 Bachelor of the year contest last year. I have been in a hip-hop video for Clear Pictures Production for a song titled ‘DJ Play a Love Song’ that was staring a local artist called Ms. Mecchie. I am a model that has signed multiple non-exclusive contracts with Mahogany Brides & Flash Models International. Mahogany Brides is launching their first bridal issue in July and this will be a milestone event because it will be the first time an African American Bridal magazine has been released in the United States of America. I will be in the magazine and I am
proud of the accomplishment of this historic event. The last thing that is outstanding is that I have the privilege of representing the USA this year for Mr. Caribbean International 2012 in Negril Jamaica in October (1st through 8th). GHM: What has been the most memorable photo shoot so far? NG: The best photo shoot that I had has been with Allan Cich ( at Oklahoma City University. The theme was basketball and we both had chemistry and slam-dunked it. The best part was looking at the final basketball image and telling Allan that this is how modeling should be done. I felt like that photo should be on the cover of ESPN. GHM: Where do you think your modeling will take you in the future? NG: I am not sure where modeling will take me in the future. If I spentmy time worrying about the future, I would not be able to concentrate on living my life today. I am hoping that modeling will allow me to travel to more countries and springboard me into a career of acting. I am fascinated by actors/actress
and I would love to be a guy that is in a premier theater movie someday. GHM: If you could give aspiring models one piece of advice, what? NG: My advice to all the aspiring models is to ‘dare to be different’. Don’t get caught up with trying to be someone that you are not. If you stick to roots and work hard you can do anything that you put your mind too. GHM: What inspires you on a daily basis? NG: What inspires me on a daily basis is to create a path for all models here in Oklahoma. Oklahoma has many talented models, actors, etc. but we are often overlooked because when most people think mainstream talent, they think of LA, New York, and Miami models. I want to be a model that closes the gap and show everyone that models from Oklahoma are very talented. The notion that Oklahoma models are primitive is dead, and if people still think in this manner, I have no problem showing them personally that they are wrong. “Thunder Up”. GHM: Are there any people
who inspire you to be a better artist, or even a better person? Any famous idols, or even someone closer to home? NG: My parents are my inspiration to become a better person. My mom is a registered nurse supervisor and my dad is computer engineer. My parents have always told me that if you want to reach your goals, you must work hard and deal with adversity. I am thankful that my parents are still married today (25 years), and they taught me that education is the key to my future. I am very proud of my parents and they provided motivation for me to get my BA in business management at Texas Tech University, and to obtain my masters of business administration at Southern Nazarene University. I have been blessed by god to be a college dean at Wright Career College, a writer, and an adjunct instructor at the University of Central Oklahoma; who teaches success strategies to undergraduates. GHM: Have there been any obstacles you’ve come across in your career? What were they and how did you overcome them? NG: I have faced many obstacles in my modeling career. I was told by a family member that I could not
Start Small
Build Your Dreams
be a great male model because I lack the dedication and I did not have the experience to make it in the industry. I realized early in my career that in order to become a great male model, I must believe in myself and work hard to be successful in the industry. So, in essence, I started buying modeling magazines. I exercised daily, and I practiced mastering many facial expressions in a mirror. I knew that in order to maintain a competitive advantage in the industry, I must do things that the average model does not think about. I was able to overcome my lack of experience through hard work and my ability to network with people. A photographer told me that I am too big to be a model. I knew in my heart that I was never going to be a 160-pound fashion model, so I needed to find a way to balance my size with my modeling ability. After trial and error, I found that I can be myself and that the most important value is how I feel when I model. I realized that I can show people that size, shape, and facial expressions are standard factors that people use to judge models, but the most important factors are confidence and integrity. GHM: When you aren’t in front of a camera, what do you like to do? Any class-
es, peculiar hobbies? NG: I enjoy reading books, playing video games, writing, learning, eating, and watching DVD movies. I just recently started watching NBC’s 2008 hit T.V. series titled Heroes and I love it. The plot is surreal and the acting is superb. The reason why I am enamored with this show is because I secretly wish that I could become a superhero and have superpowers to save the world. If I ever get superpowers in my second life, I am going to use them and become a superhero. GHM: What’s the biggest thing you’ve taken away from modeling? NG: The biggest thing that I have taken away from modeling is the desire to get better after each photo shoot. Modeling is a process and the only way that a person is going to get better is to experiment, and to have a positive outlook on life.
Basics for the Beginner Model (Continue from pg. 27) for any reason something comes up that causes you to cancel, it is vital that you contact the photographer and let them know the
circumstances as much in advance as possible. It’s common courtesy in business, the same way you would not miss work without contacting your boss,that would get you fired. Most importantly, remember to always have fun and be yourself, because in the long run that is what creates masterpieces. Know what you want out of the industry and never stop aiming for the stars. You are the one in control of the outcome as long as you stay focused and keep the passion in the art you want created.
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