Glass Hat Mag Nov 2012

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Glass Hat

NOV 2012, Issue #5

Puggerfest Desiree Steele:

Paving Her Way

Agencies Part 4 The Fall

By Michael Franks



Always looking for pretty faces! Contact us now to get recognized!

Model - Krystal Willis (Facebook/krystal.willis.391) Make up - Kimberly Chapman ( Photographer - Larry Jacobs (


Nickoli Jean

Letter from the Editor -in-Chief

Dearest Reader, The holiday season is upon us! Halloween has come and gone, bringing with it prime artistic opportunities for young and old alike. Now, the weather is getting colder, the nights are getting longer, and it is up to us to keep our hearts and minds

warm by keeping the creative juices flowing. Art is a natural heater for the soul! This fall, we hope to capture glimpses of the geniuses inspired by the changing season, and share their visions with the world. Creativity begets creativity, and we at the Glass Hat hope to fuel the ever-spiraling cycle of imagination. Warmest wishes from the Glass Hat family to yours,

Nickoli Editor-in-Chief Glass Hat Magazine



Glass Hat Editor Nickoli Jean

Contributing Writers Nathaniel Goodwin ( Michael Franks ( Janettee LaValle McCrary (

Contributing Photographers Allan Cich ( Larry Jacobs ( Michael Franks ( Janettee Lavalle McCrary (

Sales & Marketing Larry Jacobs ( Janettee McCrary (


Model: Kylie MUA: Stefanie Davila ( Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography


Features 8. How to Care for Lingerie 10. Discover Michael Franks 12. Selling Your Art Online 18. Desiree Steele: Nickoli Jean Paving Her Way 26. Tashia Poore Nickoli Jean 34. The Fall Michael Franks 36. How To Frame Your Art 38. Part 3 of a 4-Part Series Nathaniel Goodwin Modeling with an Agency 40. A Short History of Gloves 44. Puggerfest a Success Janettee McCrary 48. Upcoming Events Janettee McCrary




Glass Hat

How to Care for Lingerie


Fine lingerie is an investment that can last - while not a lifetime - at least for a long time.

By caring for your lingerie

properly, you will extend its life and enjoy it for many years to come.

Always check the label sewn into

If you wish to wash your lingerie in

the washing machine, use the gentle cycle on cold. It is recommended that you wash your lingerie in a lingerie wash bag. These bags ensure your fine lingerie does not become twisted and stretched in the wash. You can purchase wash bags from most lingerie and drug stores.

Caring for Silk - Special Instructions

your lingerie.

Manufacturers understand their

product and how to care for it. The label is always right. If the label indicates dry clean only, please take this advice seriously. Machine or hand washing a dry clean only garment can ruin it.

If you have removed the label from your garment, follow these general guidelines:

Most lingerie may be hand washed

in cold water using a mild detergent. Be sure to rinse completely. Always drip dry lingerie or dry on a flat towel. Never put lingerie in the dryer. You may use gentle steaming to remove wrinkles.

Silk lingerie is strong but very

delicate - so extra care must be taken when washing it. Use only a mild soap or silk wash. Never use detergent on silk. Soak the lingerie in warm water for about five minutes. Agitate gently, but do not twist it. Rinse well using cold water (you may add a teaspoon of vinegar to the rinse to remove all traces of soap). Roll the lingerie in a towel and lay flat to dry. Iron while slightly damp or you can hang the lingerie in a steamy bathroom to remove wrinkles.

Silk Don’ts * Don’t expose silk lingerie to direct sunlight as it will fade * Don’t attempt to clean a spot on silk lingerie with water * Don’t spray perfume on silk



The sun shines through

branches upon the gold, red, and orange hues of fall’s arrival. The air is crisp and heav y as the chill of mornings gives way to the warmth of afternoon sun. The artist is in place, ready to transform vision into reality upon their medium as they compliment or contrast with natures glittering palette.

O n any day the artist puts

brush to canvas as the photographer closes their f inger upon the shutter. The Beginning. The moment in which all things come together, all seems possible, and you hope that luck smiles upon you. While the blooms


By Michael Franks

of Spring and the greens of Summer have their attractions the season of Fall is unmatched with its radiant splendor.

S urrounded by the awe of

nature, we are challenged to interpret that which we perceive with every sense, and to create a physical manifestation of it, or use it as the point from which we embark upon a path to something never before seen. For it is in our own imagination that art is born and in our expression we seek to connect to others in ways that mere words cannot imply.


If you plan to sell your art

online with your own unique website, my advice is simple: Be Different! There are hundreds of artist websites online today that are all making the same mistakes.

The first problem is

the use of long multimedia presentations that artists are incorporating into their websites. There is little more frustrating then arriving at a website and waiting for this huge multimedia presentation to download and play. The artist may think it’s cool or adds something to their work, but in all actuality, it only frustrates impatient surfers. Not all internet users have fast cable or DSL connections. Many are still using dial up modems and if they have to wait for something to download, they will simply leave and visit your competition.

There are also

sites that insist on putting unrelated banner ads or other unrelated advertising on their websites. Just the other day I was doing a search for original watercolor art. The first website I arrived at had a big banner at the top of the website advertising a dating site. I am not sure how dating is related to watercolors. This


is simply a distraction, and you are immediately sending visitors off your website. If you are going to advertise on your website, make sure it’s related to the theme of your website and is helpful to your visitors. Do not make it the very first thing they see when they arrive at your home page.

You need to catch your

visitor’s attention right away. This means putting your most important information near the top of your website in plain view. Your goal is to draw your visitor into your site immediately with a compelling headline so that they stay long enough to check out what you have to offer. Once you draw them in with a good headline, you must then direct them to take an action. That could be to subscribe to your newsletter, or to check out your latest product(s).


your site navigation consistent throughout your entire site. This means having the same navigation links in the same order on every page of your website. Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to get from one place to the next, not to confuse them.

Selling Your Art Online


Make sure your

visitors can easily contact you. Put a link to a contact page on every page of your site.

If you have

testimonials, use them. Testimonials are awesome sales tools. People love to hear good reviews about a product or products they are about to purchase. It really does boost sales. If you have ever received testimonials from customers, highlight a few of them on your home page in clear view. If you do not have testimonials yet, contact people that have purchased from you in the past and ask if they could provide feedback on the product they purchased for inclusion on your website. Make sure they know how you plan to use their testimonial, and ask if you can site their name with the testimonial.

Start an opt-in

newsletter. If you do not already have a method for collecting your visitors email addresses, then you may be losing sales. Many people who first come to your site will usually leave without


making a purchase. It is important therefore to collect as many email addresses as possible so that you can follow up with your visitors. You could send out an announcement to your list of subscribers whenever you have a new piece for sale. If you regularly attend art or craft shows, you could send out an email and let your subscribers know when and where. You could also send out surveys or questionnaires to your list to get a better idea as to the type of products they are interested in purchasing.


certain that you have a variety of different payment options for your customers, especially payment by credit card. Use a service like PayPal to accept credit cards from your website. It’s free and easy to setup.

Make sure

you have detailed purchasing and shipping instructions in place.

Have a good

refund policy. When your customer receives your product, it may not be exactly what they anticipated. By having a good refund policy upfront, you will gain your customers trust and they will be more comfortable making a purchase, especially if they are parting with a lot of money.


a “Privacy Policy”. Internet users are a paranoid bunch. People are still somewhat reluctant to part with personal information, so it is your job to make them feel at ease when they use your website. In a nutshell, a privacy policy clearly states what you do with users personal information. What kind of information do you collect from your visitors? What do you do with that information? Do you share it with anyone?


a “Terms of Use” section. This section outlines the terms and conditions for using your website. For instance, you probably want to restrict visitors

from copying or reproducing the images on your website. You would put that in your Terms of Use section.


adding images of your products, always use thumbnails that can be clicked to show a larger image, so that your pages download quickly. If the larger image is a big file, let the visitor know that they may have to wait for the picture to load.

Avoid putting

traffic counters on your site. Counters make your site appear amateurish. If your site is fairly new, and your traffic is not yet established, you are broadcasting this to everyone that arrives at your site. If you need to track your website statistics, check with your hosting company. You may already have a good website statistics program included.


a basic color scheme and only one or two different fonts. If you go overboard on color and use too many different fonts, your site

will look out of balance and amateurish. Your website does not have to be a work of art. You are trying to sell your art, not your website.

Use a light

background, preferably white, with dark text, preferably black. Don’t use images or textures for your background. This makes it difficult for your visitor to read the text on your site.

Avoid adding

music to your site. You may think it sounds nice to include your favorite songs when your page loads, but not everyone will agree. If they find the music annoying, they will leave.

Don’t make your

visitor have to scroll horizontally to view information on your website. Web surfers are lazy. Most hate to even scroll up and down let alone left and right.

Put prices on all

of your products. If people have to contact you to find out the price of something, they will more often than not leave and look elsewhere.

Make sure your

site works in all the major browsers. The most popular browser today is Internet Explorer, but there are a good amount of surfers who use Netscape, Opera, and Firefox.

Lastly, make

your website personal. Speak to your visitors. Let them know who you are and what your art or craft is all about. Educate and enlighten. Include a step-by-step article or demonstration on how your work is created. If people have more of a connection with you and your art, they will be more comfortable buying from you.

Avoid animated

graphics and scrolling or flashing text. This only distracts your visitors.


Model - Krystal Willis (Facebook/krystal.willis.391) Make up - Kimberly Chapman ( Photographer - Larry Jacobs (





Glass Hat

Desiree Steele: Paving Her Way By Nickoli Jean

She may be young, but Desiree

Steele is already climbing her way to the top of the modeling world. She graduated from Barbizon Modeling and Acting school in October of 2011, and is one of their spokesmodels. Desiree has modeled for Mahogany Bridal for the January 2012 photoshoot, as well as being in the June 2012 Bridal Show. In March, Desiree was in Sak’s 5th Avenue Fashion show, as well as a shoot for a Prom Dress company.

When not in front of the camera, Desiree attends Yukon High


School. A good student, she is also involved in her school’s drama department; both acting and making all the costumes for the plays. Though she is a hard worker, Desiree enjoys shopping, singing, fashion, and just hanging out with friends. She attends Lifechurch in Yukon.

Desiree is the perfect example that no matter your age, you can achieve your dreams. Her hard work is sure to continue to pay off throughout her modeling career, as well all other aspects of life!

Model: Wendy Teague MUA/HS: Model Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography



Model: Desiree Steele Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography



Model: Desiree Steele Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography


Model: Marine DeVachon Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography Location: Turner Falls, OK


Featured Model



Glass Hat

MUA/HS: Kara Lang ( Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography


Name: Tashia Dee’Ann Poore Birthday: June 2, 1983 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde Weight: 127lbs Height: 5’8” Born: Mooreland Oklahoma Current City: Edmond Oklahoma

Tashia Poore I have always been intrigued with

the modeling industry. As a child in school, the teachers would ask the students what they wanted to be when they grew up. I always replied by saying I wanted to be an actress and a model. The other students would laugh at me as if it was something I could never accomplish. I understand why all the students reacted that way, though, because I was what you would call the “ugly duckling”. It was not the fact that I could not be pretty, but the fact that I did not wear makeup and curl my hair like all the other girls.

It was not until I started doing

pageants that I learned to be a “girl” like the others. I remember crying my eyes out the first time I got my makeup done for a princess pageant I was elected to be in for school. I thought I looked ridiculous, and felt that I would be made fun of because of the way I looked. Come to find out, I did not look bad at all. In fact, I won that pageant and was Miss Garber Princess for the year. It was an amazing feeling, and after that I was addicted to being on a stage. I did several other pageants throughout my childhood and was a finalist in most.


Model: Tashia Dee’Ann Poore MUA/HS: Kara Lang ( Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography



I did not start modeling until I

was 24 years old. I was working as a cocktail waitress when a local radio station came in to promote an upcoming calendar they were trying to find girls for. They took my picture and the next day I got the phone call saying I was chosen to be on the calendar. The surprising thing was that I was the only person on this poster calendar. It was special for this calendar, they had never just had one model on it. I was the 2007 Budweiser “Girls of Sports� calendar girl for WWLS the Sports Animal. It was an honor to be a part of that and I cherish every moment of it, because I felt like I accomplished something huge in my life. After that I did several bikini contests for Hawaiian Tropics and worked as a promo model.

I had stopped modeling for a long

time and I am just now getting back into it. I jumped right in by being one of the models for the Exquisite Fitness Fashion Show put on by Darrell Terrell. I am working on my degrees for Sports Psychology and want to work with a professional basketball team, hopefully the OKC Thunder. I have always had a passion for basketball and have played since I can even remember. It would be another dream come true and a proud accomplishment to work with profession team such as the OKC Thunder.


Other than modeling, I love

singing, dancing, working out, playing sports, going out with friends and family, and working with my hands. I am the oldest of three sisters. I have a big family of all women. All the men have been married-in, so that was very interesting going up. I would not change it for the world, though. I was taught to be a strong, tough, and level-headed woman and to always push for and fight for what I wanted. I feel I am doing this by accomplishing my dreams and goals every day.

With modeling being a striving

career of mine, I take it very seriously on a professional level. My favorite part of modeling is the photo shoots, and everything you can do with them. I absolutely love being able to play a role for a photo shoot; putting on fun and crazy makeup and having my hair everywhere, just to get that photo that intrigues viewers.

I do not want to just be another

pretty face in cute clothes. I want to be unique and noticed for being versatile. I have the passion to throw myself into a photo shoot and get lost in the camera. I hope that one day I can make a difference in the modeling industry. Some of my favorite shots have been candid and the beauty is breathtaking and real. We will see how far I can go with passion leading me.

Model: Tashia Dee’Ann Poore MUA/HS: Kara Lang ( Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography



Model: Tashia Dee’Ann Poore MUA/HS: Kara Lang ( Photographer: Subtle Shades Photography


The Fall

By Michael Franks As opposed to spring with

its promise of renewal, the fall represents a time of darkness that eventually transforms into the white of winter’s grasp. While some may find that they prefer the time before fall as the inspiration for their art, others prefer the fall with its gold and orange hues as the force behind their creative mettle.

It is a time of unique contrasts. The use of color juxtaposed against this tableau can create some visually striking art while winter itself, with its feeling of desolation, lends itself


more readily to black and white photography.

As a photographer I look at each

season as a fresh challenge to improve upon my craft, and the fall is no exception. It speaks to me of fashion themes as well as steampunk and horror. Until the first snow we have a short window in which to capture the colors of fall as they present an almost endless plethora of ideas upon which to embark. The challenge to you, the artist, is to explore those ideas and create a work of art which promotes your vision.


How to Frame Your Art A rt is fairly simple to frame and is relatively

inexpensive. Many art frames can be purchased to match your decor and/or other artwork adjacent. There are endless amounts of choices when it comes to finding the right frame online or offline.

If you can find the artwork with a frame you enjoy

then that is a bonus. If you are purchasing an unframed work directly from the artist, it never hurts to ask if they have a connection to get you a good priced frame. Artists that sell a lot will not purchase frames at a premium price. Many have a friend or a good business connection that deals with frames, so talk to him or her and see if you can get you a discount. It never hurts to ask.

If you prefer to look for yourself, you should look

into local professional framers. As with any service or profession, some are good and some are not so good. Shop around for the best service, best price, and look for value as you would for any other product or service.


Below are just a few tips to help you choose your frame:

Size - Making any sized frame “work� with a piece,

one must ultimately control the proportions with matting. A wide frame requires more matting than a narrow frame.

Style - By looking at your artwork you will see how

the coloring, theme and medium will most often direct you toward an appropriate selection of frames. Generally the frame should go with the theme, medium and style of the artwork. If you are still having a hard time with choosing your frame you can also use the decor of your room in which the piece will hang as your guide.

Type - Wood frames will look good on almost any

piece of art. Walnut, cherry, oak, ash, basswood, poplar, and pine - all domestic woods - are commonly used. Stained wood can be plain, carved, simple or ornate. And, many wood frames are available in lacquer finishes, faux finishes, and gold or sliver leaf. Metal frames, which work well with certain decor, or with modern pieces and posters is often a good choice.


??? Non-Exclusimve Contracts vs. Exclusive Contracts Part 4 of a 4-Part Series on Modeling with an Agency

This final article summarizes

how a model should utilize an agency and also examines the connection between an agent and a newly signed model. The relationship is very similar to the nurturing bond that a mother has with their new born child. A mother loves their new baby and will devote all of their time to make sure that the baby’s needs are satisfied day and night. That being said, the affiliation is delicate and a model should not take the association lightly. A model must keep in contact with an agent rather than sitting around waiting for an agent to call and it is very important to be proactive and responsive.

Established agencies have

many models that are signed and agents manage more than


one model at any point in time. A new model must find a way to gain the trust of an agent quick, so that booked jobs will not be hard to acquire in the future. The easiest way to accomplish this is for a model to take the initiative and call the agent each week. The conversation does not need to be long, nor a discussion that divulges personal information, but by making contact each week, a model communicates with the agent to make sure that the agent is finding work for the model. Never assume that an agent will do everything. Agents are incredibly busy trying to book models, so a new model needs to develop rapport with an agent as soon as possible in order to get more paid modeling jobs.

The purpose of these articles

is to educate a model, so that a model can be properly prepared before a modeling contract is signed. The key factors that directly impact the success of a model are attitude, determination, and work ethic. By embodying these factors, modeling can be a very rewarding experience if the model is willing to cultivate the proper skills needed to thrive in the industry. It is possible

for a model to travel around the world, meet new people, make extra money, and also build a portfolio that can be shared with friends and family members; but the modeling industry is brutal, especially if a model is unprepared. So, make the commitment now, be practical and become the model you most want to be.

Nathaniel Goodwin Model

& Writer


A Short History of Gloves An old and reclusive art, glove making has been intertwined with human culture since the days of the caveman. The first gloves resembled crude mittens. As the years passed, glove making became more of a refined art. Articulated fingers were stitched in to provide more dexterity and ease of movement. While glove makers’ guilds once dominated in a society obsessed with a covered hand, today very few remain. Fewer


still are the patterns available for hand-made gloves. Machine sewn and hand-finished gloves are mostly what you’ll find in the market.

Gloves are seen in ancient writings, such as Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’, in which Laertes is said to wear gloves in his garden so as to avoid the brambles. There is some debate over the translation of this text. In The History of Herodotus,

written in 440 BC, Herodotus

opera, determined women would sit

describes how Leotychides was

for hours, coaxing their hands down

given a bribe in the form of a

into tight gloves.

gauntlet overflowing with silver, which later incriminated him.

As years passed, the

Few tomes remain that give us real insight of early gloves. One of the more revered in existence today

complexity and versatility of gloves

is Le Gant. The book, while entirely

grew. Plated gauntlets are dated

in French, reveals many patterns

back as far as the early 14th century.

and divulges a brief development

Before that, chainmail gloves were

and history of the glove. Also

worn. Some knights were cited as

included are passages telling us of

wearing chainmail gloves under

the period’s social relevance and

their plated gauntlets for added

sexual significance pertaining to the



Now if we look to the fashion

Insulation from the heat or cold.

world, we see a marvelous array of

Protection from scratches and cuts.

styles. Cloth and leather gauntlets

The instigation of duels. Bold or

displayed intricate embroideries.

minute fashion statements. Gloves

Ladies in the 19th century adored

have worn many hats, so to speak,

opera gloves. One peculiarity is

throughout history. They continue

that they tried to fit their hands into

to be a wholly integral part of many

gloves a size too small! This forced

jobs today. Conversely, there has

one’s hand to rest in a half cupped

been a sharp decline in the use of

position - perfect for greeting, but

gloves as fashion accessories over

not for kissing. If you have ever

the past several decades. Fewer and

attempted to don a glove you are too

fewer girls attend their proms with

big for, you realize what a task these

gloves. Fashion is a fickle thing, and

women undertook! Buttonhook

only time will tell the future of the

and powdered alum provided some


lubrication, but still, before an






Glass Hat

Photographer: Story’s Ink

Puggerfest: A Success Despite Cold & Rainy Day By Janettee McCrary Puggerfest, an annual event that

celebrates pugs, took place on Saturday, September 15th at Stars & Stripes Park in Oklahoma City. The theme this year was Puggeritaville, A Tropugal Adventure, and the décor, including the tiki bar, was amazingly accurate. Proceeds from admission to the event, as well as raffles and silent auctions, benefitted Homeward Bound Pug Rescue & Adoption of Oklahoma. This event included costume contests, raffles, silent auctions, an animal communicator, pug races, multiple contests such as best kisser,


best trick, etc, and the most exciting contest of all – the contest to win the coveted title of King and Queen of Puggerfest. There were also several things for the littlest pug lovers to do, such as a coloring contest, face painting, bandana making, and plenty of delicious hamburgers and hot dogs on hand for all to enjoy.

Despite a very rainy and cold

day, the event was still packed, and attendees came from even as far away as Denton, Texas! Everyone seemed to be having a grand old time despite the weather – especially

the four-legged attendees, who were free to roam about After all, this event was for THEM, right? Everywhere you looked, you saw pugs in Hawaiian shirts, hula skirts, leis, costumes… A couple of dogs of other breeds snuck in – or perhaps they were pugs in REALLY good costumes?

At the end of the event, the King

and Queen, Noah and Juju, were crowned by actress/musician Pat Becker, the host of radio show SPEAK! and television show Dog Talk. The King appeared to be a reluctant leader, although Juju seemed resigned to her duties, but after a while they warmed up to their roles.

Photographer: Story’s Ink



Photographer: Story’s Ink


Upcoming Events By Janettee McCrary Tuttle PTO Annual Fall Market November 1 from 3:30 PM – 8 PM Tuttle Elementary Cafeteria in Tuttle

Edmond 5K Run November 3 from 9 AM – 1 PM

Includes vendor booths, a silent auction, a children’s area, and more. For more information, please send an email to

Mitch Park in Edmond A run to fundraise and raise awareness for needy children in Africa. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit

Camp on the Catwalk at the Myriad Gardens November 2 from 7 PM – 8 AM

Walk for Wishes November 3 OKC Zoo in Oklahoma City

Myriad Gardens in Oklahoma City An overnight camping event that will feature a lizard hunt, making chocolate from scratch, making gum from scratch, making plant fossils, pizza, snacks, and breakfast. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit


A run to fundraise for Make-A-Wish Oklahoma that will also include food, entertainment, and a chance for attendees to spend the day at the zoo after the walk. For more information, please visit

Monster Dash November 3 at 8 AM

Journey Church (3801 Journey Parkway) in Norman Features activities for the whole family, including music, booths, a costume contest, and more. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit

Red Feather Gala November 3 from 7 PM – 12 AM Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City A fundraising event that will include live Native American music, painting, dancing, and an Awards ceremony for Former Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins. Funds raised will go to the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic for construction of a new pharmacy. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit

Pumpkin Harvest Fest Craft Festival November 3 from 9 AM – 4 PM Robertson Activity Center (Hwy 66 and Mustang Rd.) in Yukon Will include arts and craft booths and concessions. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

Ultimate Mud Warrior November 3 at 9 AM

2 miles from Downtown/Bricktown in Oklahoma City A walk/run for all ages and fitness levels. All proceeds benefit Warriors for Freedom. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit

Race With the Stars November 3 at 8 AM

Oklahoma City University - Freede Wellness & Activity Center (1700 NW St) in Oklahoma City Promotes health and wellness in the community, while supporting scholarships for graduate nursing students at Oklahoma City University’s Kramer School of Nursing. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit racewiththestars/2012.

Central DASH 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk November 3 at 8:30 AM

Yukon Middle School Track (801 Garth Brooks Blvd) in Yukon A healthy and fun way to raise money for Central Elementary School. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit

Trolley Track Run November 3 at 6:30 PM

NW 19 & Drexel in Oklahoma City A run to raise awareness, education, and appreciation for blood donation in Oklahoma City. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit

Teen & Youth Etiquette Classes November 6 from 4 PM – 5 PM

Edmond MAC (2733 Marilyn Williams Dr.) in Edmond A class that teaches children and teens ages 6-17 basic manners and communication skills through games and roleplaying. This class is $48/ student. For more information, please visit


Quail Springs Mall Family Night Out November 6 from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Quail Springs Mall in Oklahoma City A monthly family entertainment event that occurs on the first Tuesday of each month from February – November. Activities/themes are different each month. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

The Healthy Woman November 8 Deaconess Medical Office Building North – Basement Conference Room (5701 N. Portland Ave) in Oklahoma City A monthly event that occurs on the second Thursday of each month, and includes seminars, health information, a meal, and door prizes for women ages 25-64. Registration is required in advance. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

Alpaca Blast-Off Starting November 9 Lazy E Arena (9600 Lazy E Dr) in Guthrie

Will feature Alpaca photos, a holiday market, spinning, weaving, and felting demonstrations, and interactions with Alpacas. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

Ready, Set, Hut! Family Program November 10 from 10 AM – 12 PM

OKC Zoo-Rosser Conservation Education Center (2101 NE 50 St) in Oklahoma City A football themed, zoo-wide scavenger safari on the grounds. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit


The BIG Senior Event November 10 from 10 AM – 4 PM Animal Resource Center in Oklahoma City

An event to celebrate all seniors (in honor of National Adopt a Senior Pet Month). There will be senior friendly and senior pet friendly vendors in attendance. For more information, please visit TheBigSeniorEvent.

FREE Admission for Veterans at National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum November 11 from 10 AM – 5 PM National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City

Will allow all active duty, active reserve, Ready Reserve Service members, National Guardsmen, Coalition Forces members and retirees, American Legion members, and VFW members (and up to five of their guests) FREE admission to the museum. Military ID required. For more information, please visit

Veteran’s Day Special at the OKC Zoo November 11 from 9 AM – 5 PM Oklahoma City Zoo in Oklahoma City Will allow all active duty, active reserves and retirees (and up to five of their guests) FREE admission to the museum. For more information, please visit

Veteran’s Day Parade & Memorial Ceremony November 11 at 2 PM Reeves Park in Norman

Will begin with the parade at Eufaula and James Garner and end with a

memorial ceremony (starting at 4 PM) in Reeves Park that will feature Brigadier General James Richardson. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

Veteran’s Day Parade November 12 at 10 AM Midwest City

Will begin at Century Blvd and SE 15 before continuing east to Douglas, north to Reno, and west to Morris McGee. For more information about this FREE event, please visit mwc-veterans-day-parade.

Chill Your Cheeks 5K Run November 17 at 4:30 PM Chisholm Trail Park (500 W. Vandament) in Yukon

A certified and sanctioned run through the Christmas in the Park lights display. For more information, including ticket prices, please visit

Christmas in the Park Starting November 17 Yukon

A Christmas light display that spans three parks and 100 acres and includes more than 125 visual displays and 4 million twinkling lights. Visitors may drive, walk, or ride a train through the lights display. For more information, please visit

Tree Lighting November 20 at 7 PM Outlet Shoppes in Oklahoma City

Features Santa lighting the 25foot tree. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

FREE Day November 21 from 9 AM – 5 PM OKC Zoo in Oklahoma City

Offers FREE admission for guests of all ages. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

Turkey Trot November 22 from 8 AM – 9:30 AM Downtown Edmond Community Center in Edmond A run that will include a 5K run or 1 Mile Family Wobble. Costumes, strollers, and friendly dogs on a leash welcome. For more information including pricing, please visit

Turkey Tracks 5K & 1 Mile Run November 22 at 8:30 AM Downtown Oklahoma City

A run that will include a 5K run or 1 Mile Run. Bring a new, unwrapped toy for the toy drive. For more information including pricing, please visit

All Night Madness November 22 at 10 PM The Outlet Shoppes in Oklahoma City

A Black Friday shopping event that includes hot chocolate and pumpkin pie (while supplies last). For more information about this FREE event, please visit

Scuba Santa Starting November 23 at 3:30 PM Oklahoma Aquarium in Jenks

A bit of a different Christmas event. Come see Santa among the fish in the


65,000 gallon saltwater tank, and take pictures with him. For more information, including pricing, please visit

Holiday River Parade November 23 at 6 PM Oklahoma River in Oklahoma City

Will feature as many as 20 decorated boats and fireworks with several viewing areas opening at 4 PM. For more information about this FREE event, including locations, please visit

Express Ice Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink Starting November 23 from 12 PM – 10 PM Festival Market (1st & Broadway) in Edmond Features concessions, a shelter, indoor restrooms, WiFi, and FREE public transportation in Edmond and to/from OKC. For more information, including pricing, please visit edmondok.

Christmas Lights up the Farm Starting November 24 from 6 PM – 8:30 PM


Orr Family Farm in Oklahoma City A light display that includes a train ride, hot chocolate and homemade fudge. For more information, please visit

North Pole Winter Wonderland Holiday Exhibit Starting November 25 Myriad Gardens in Oklahoma City

Features holiday lights, poinsettias, an official North Pole mailbox for letters to Santa, and a model train. Each Sunday through December 23 from 6 PM – 9 PM, admission to the Crystal Bridge is FREE and there will be FREE hot

cocoa and entertainment. For more information about this FREE event, please visit

Hobbit Party November 29 from 6 PM – 7:30 PM Southern Oaks Library in Oklahoma City Will feature fun, food (including elevensies & second breakfast), games, crafts, and prizes. Preregistration required. For more information about this FREE event, please visit



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